HomeMy WebLinkAboutWickham Creek 1972 ~ . . . ASSURANCES FOR DREDGING or WICKHAM CREEK AT SOUTHOLD , 'i'm'IN C? SOUTHOLD NE.W Y":.'RK. WHEREAS, the Town of Southold has :t'eq~c:j/;.cd t;il.~ County of Suffolk 'Co dL'edge .'i navigat.ion dl<Ulncl in Wickham Creek Town of Southold , a:> shown on the o\ccompanying rroaps and WHEREAS, the County of Suffolk proposes 'to do said dredgin9 and WHEREAS, the Supervisor of the Town of Southold by resolut i.or., duly adopted by 'Che Town Board of said Town of Southold has been authorized and directed to sign for and 011 behalf of 't~'l.e Town of Southold assurances to the County of Suffolk, that the said Town of Southold will perform all acts required to be performed by said Town in connection with the prepara,tion for the dredging operation as afo't'l:l.<;aid and obtaining of all necessary easements and rights of way for said dredging operation and use of areas indicated on the attached map for spoil area.s together with all necessary rights incidental to said dredging operations NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to the Town of Southold , as aforesaid, the Town of Southold hereby assures the County of Suffolk that it will3 (a) Furnish, free of cost to the County of Suffolk', all lands, easements, rights of way and spoil clispo,sal ar'auf>' necessary for the new work and subsequent maintenance when and if required for the dredging opero\tions at Wickham Creek , all as shown on the attached map, and (b) Hold and save the County of Suffolk iree from any claims or damages resulting' from said improvement or resul1:.ing in any way from the said jredging opera,tio" or the use of equipment at t;he 1I.11d Wickham Creek , or use of any spoil area or arllY other area affected by said 1redging opera 'Cion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal of the Town of Southold on 'Chis 7th day of March , 19 72 . ,TTEST I Town O/,' Southold, NEW YORK , /s/ Albert W. Richmond (ClerlU. (Seal) I.tt<lched 1;0 abc,vO' ,;:;.suranCGS shall he a c,n;:;.i,fed coov Town -, ., , ., . ., . \. "upervisor tioara au :-~h.Ot'l.zl.ng ana dl.'l.CC:,::.~,hg t..a~ to nd to sign the attached plans ana l>pccificat:.iol1s.) By^_ /s/ Albert M. Martocchia of a resolution of the execute this instrument . lIIoo.- , . . .,.,11> _~ . . At a meeting of the Town held on March 7, 1972 Board of the Town of Southold , offered by Rich Justice Suter , the follow.ing resolu.t;il'lll was who moved its adoption, seconded b~ouncilman T I\'HEREAS, the Town of Southold has requ~sted the County of Suffol,k to dredq~ a navJ,qirt.ion channel in Wickham Creek Town of Southold , and h~REAS, the County of Suffolk proposes to do said dredging of Wickham Creek , in the Town of Southold at a nominal cost to the Town of Southold ,and ~mEREAS, in order to accomplish said dredging, plans, specifications, agreements and other documents must be executed on behalf of the Town of Southold , now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute, on behalf of the Town of Southold , all necessary plans and specifications, spoil area agreements, assurances to the County of:Suffolk, license and/or dredging permit applications to Federal and State Agencies and all other documents that may be required to accomplish said dredging .work. . . Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Super~isor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Just~ce Suter, Justice Demarest. , , . .L