HomeMy WebLinkAboutLittle Creek 1973 . . . . 516 924-3451 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER. COMMISSIONER YAPHANK. NEW YORK, 11980 BARNEY ~ EVANS CHIEF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER WILLIAM S. MATSUNAYE, JR. CHIEF ENGINEER May 14, 1973 Mr. Albert M. Martocchia Supervisor, Town of Southold South Street Southold, New York 11944 Re: Proposed Dredging, Little Creek, Town of Southold Dear Supervisor Martocchia: I am enclosing herewith preliminary plans showing the proposed dredging in Little Creek. Before this project is started, we will need a resolution from your Town Board giving you the authority to approve the plans and to sign the necessary assurances that the town of Southold will pro- vide the necessary easements, rights-of-way, spoil area agreements, etc., and an assurance to hold the county of Suffolk free from all claims and damages which might result on account of said dredging. I am enclosing three sets of forms for the resolution and the agreement for the assurances. After these are executed, please forward two certified copies to this office for our records. --- very truly yours, R. M. Kammerer By: C (:!UH4~iHA-~O C. Eisenschmied Pr. Civil Engineer CE :ic Enclosures (6) r /Lv"V .(;:. "Cu ~".._-"".. /" Y /<JJ.J-"tv) ,.A--t:-( ... . .." .CESS Al-"D SFO!L AR.':A EAS~ >:;(1 /? 3 nus :r-.LJE!>-"7T:Rl: :rade th~ s rn:UITt:EI GFTHE. (OMMON-\t--:,D UN- bet\^/cenlDlVIDED lLIl\I.1::> ~ Ll~JD M E4 DO\v \ OF THE TL'\'JN [IF SOUnIOL\) party of the f~rst ~art and ~he TOw~ par~y of ~~e se=o~d part, day of 197 of (urtttOOUE . ! \ \ l ',') OF kimtl':%'D < ')\.\ l~ \ 0 , , ~-' U I T N E SSE T HI IJ1IEHEAS, t.he 'Y'c.:wn of JOUTHDlD in deGirc'ls of bving LITTLE. U:'tEJL nitllilte in the Town of SCUTrlM [) irnprov~d t~ro~gh toe u~jer~aking of ~erz~in dres~i~g opera- tion to be ccnj~c~ed by the Co~nty of Suffolk ~~th its 'dredging 6qu:;.pment, and liin::,<z.:'.S, S2.ld lrrorovements to LI TILE (j?[ ElL be nrC:::'ua::y be::ef~:::::.al to the ur.dersigned, \lJo~lr: lJC;'l THEREl'C'RE, in consideration of the premise::! herein [:;.::lntic~,ed, ':I-.e s;a!:"':y c f the f~rst. part does hereby grant unte t!~e par::.y of -:he second part and the Cou~ty of S>.:ffolk, the r~a~~. llc2~~e eaS2~2~~ and prlvileqe ~o ecter for the p'~=;:':)=", of L----'..___,_. :JTaying dr-edge pipelir.e Q~d/or hyjraulic f:ll U80n ~~e premiaes of the party of I:ho f~rst par';: \Joich is b:-::.efly described as~ SOurJi 6{ J61j~ ~ PWL6 <,LHEEL fA! T BY liTTLE Pf(DN:L S!J. Y NDl?nl bY MZI2D \\J t1 [f\ D Li.\ I\J E. IJE)r BY LI1TU~ LEEt Ie ()C~ '1'h50 ac;=eerr:2~~ ahall expire ;Jc(OM;UZ 51 1973 I~ H:;:r:'TES h"'~FEO?, the party of the first !,nrt has hand and seal the day and year first above ~r~tten, ) -:dj<lF'~ "~ii"~ It'_U '~"'ij ,( , ( (~I'l \\\_C'-n ; I ( . ~ (\ '\_ '-.l \. r I STATE OF NEW YOm<) DC: COUNrV OF SUFFOU<) \\' ...,;.k;l" !/ . ) '~'-'--'?-'~ (~-~- , .),4.\, l ((; (L L ________-- On ~hc Guy CQme ucscribed ir., a~d who and ackr.cwledged that of 197 before me to me known to be the icdividual executed the foregoing instrument, he executed the same. ~71/' -I J,l~ I 7t. f-'vt~v~~(, ic-r hvl.c/ C.A~') l 1 "i\ 6J\_~'\;7- ~~'B_"I \ , , ~ I , , , I , ctc ((,v~ ~-, ,(' Ac (~---(,~ ''-I i ~ '--- 7&~rt. / InL/l rr'(> \ (;\ 7L. ~ ! , I I 'I "- {. l-LJc" ?( "iL /AI! : ) 1))(' [,.,/,'\ &f-' eKe' {~ ITs ~1 ., , , f ~ , . . ASSURANCES AT East. Cu1:Clhogue . . FOR DREDGING OT! Lit.tle c:r.. , 'rOWN OF SoIIthold NEW Y')'RK 0 WHEREAS 0 the Town ()I{ Sout.hold .has reqce;~..ted the County of Suffolk to dredge a n,,'vIg,H,lun cha,mcel at Lit.tle creek Town of Southold , as shown on th", accompanying maps and WHER~S, th~ CC;lUnty of suffolk proposl!!s to do said dredging and WHEREAS. the Supervisor o,f the Town of Southold hy resolution Town of SOIIthold has been duly adopted by the Town Board c.f :s;,aid authorized and directed to" s i,gn 1'0: .,.nd l'll be-heal f (;If' ~"\e Town of Southold assurances to the COlUtt,y Df S,li:To: Ill:, that tn<!' !>J!i!.d Town of Southold will perform all a,ets l<."q'J;:n~(j to be petftj)nr',t,(j by sidd '!'own in connection with the prepi'ua,t.lon for: the drNiy;nq r'F,,,,,,,,tl.O,' "Iii tl',forellaid and obtaining of all necessary c'a5ements a!DId rights; of way fO'1" <-aid aredging operation and use of areas indi,:atl'!.d Ol'l: t-he al:tdJdv,\J map for sf'('l,f 1 areas together with all necessa.tY right" inc';'dent.al <<> "",l.d dredghlJg oper.u.i.ong NOW THEREFORE. in conslderilt.ion of the benefits t.o 'the '!'own of Sout.hold , as aforesaid, the Town (): i Southold herel!y assures the County of Suffolk that it w11 b (a) Furnish, free of cost. to t.he County of Suffolk, all l.ands, easements. rights of way and spei I ai sp(},sal art?as necessary for t:.he new work and subsequent maintenance when and if requIred for the dredging operations at Lit.tle Creek all as ShOWI1t1'11i tbe attached m.ap, and (b) Hold and save the County of Suffolk hee tram any claims or damages resulting from &aid improvement or resultl,.ttg in d.OY way from the said dredging operation or the use of equipment at the saLd Lit.tle Creek , or use of any spoil. aI''''", or ar:y other aTea affe,c,ted by said dredging operationo 2uGl~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha~~ set my haDj and seal of the I' .~~ of on this i.f;" day ("f J~ , 1.973 o Y' \., t" ( -1L~~~.L; NEW YORK By. U{^up/;/ . .o,"",~~",="",,-,,,,,,,.,_,,, (Seal) (Attached to bove assqrances shall boil a Gelt.if"ld copy of a resolution of the Board authorizing and directing the to execute this instrument and to sign the attached plans and specifications.) . I I I ,II II ]1 l I " ! At a meeting of the ~ held on June 5, 1973 Board of the Town of Southold , , the following resolution was offered by Justice Suter who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilmc Homan 1 I I I WHEREAS. the Town of ;outhold has requested the County of Suffolk to dredge a nav(gation channel in Little CreeK Town of :iouthold , and WHEREAS. the County of Suffolk proposes to do said dredging of Little Creek the . in the TO\'1tl of <>outhold at a nominal cost to 'fawn of 3outhold ,and WHEREAS. in order to accomplish said dredging, plans, specifications, agreements and other documents must be executed on behalf of the '~own of SDUtholtl , now therefore be it RESOLVED. that the,~upe~'vi.so.: be and he hereby is authorized to execute, on behalf of the r,L10\m of Southold , all necessary plans and specifications, spoil area agreements, assurances to the County of Suffolk, license and/or dredging permit applications to Federal and State Agencies I I I I , I 1 I I I ,I I I I I i , I , and all other documents that may be required to accomplish said dredging work. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. :j I I I I I t STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Office of the Clerk of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD } ss: This is to certify thot I, Albert W. Richmond, Clerk of the town of Southold, in the said County of Suffolk, have compa'red the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Board of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on the ..5!:h...... day of ...........o!.~.I!.~................ 19.D..., and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whale thereof. (SE AL) f In Witness Whereof, I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this .....9.);/:1..... day of ............y.~.J:;l.~............... 19..7.~... ~~-L Clerk of the Town Board, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, N. Y. I