HomeMy WebLinkAboutGull Pond 1973 .. .> e/ . Ui/LL I~I\,':J H"-D C-P,c>JT I-t-J/~2<v:-: ASSURANCES FeR DREDG:KG Cf AT 6ree/Jf1-'!1!- WHEREAS. "the INLI/I , TCWN OF ~<;CLI'; /)'~ Icj NEW YORK 0 Of_c;.,':>L) ,1-/'0 ILl has req~e3ted the County of Suf::olk tu dte;],}'!: ,., r"av~g,J..ticn cho:,.nel /0 6~'ll /~'l.t.,)i) ,;9A-"'J ()?/KA-J/ !h9flfSL'J7r:own of L5CL-,(hclc/ " as shown on U>e accompanying maps and WclEREAS. 'the Cmmty of Suffolk proposes to do !laid dredging and WHEREAS. the' l..p-cc;'-'/~.:>r a,f the -!c>con of duly adopted by the kc,vn Beard of sai.d fc,<vn <;'rJ/j,o/c/ by resolution of 5oe,:fldc( hag been <-- authorized and directed ':cc: sign. fen' ared an behalf of -:c:':e / C' ~~'~J of _ <;.x: 'f J c lei assura::\ces to the COUf',t)/ of S'llffolk, that the said h\U-J;>f of ,C:;;c/I/'tk/ will pelfcrm all acts ri'!q'l:red to be perl'orl:ced by said in connection wi~,h t.he prepara,tion fur: the d~",dg;ng operation as aforesaid and obtaining of all nece"sary ~'d"eme:1,t;s and r1gh':.., of way for said dredging operation and llse of i'.:ea~ ind:.,:a':.td on thu aU:ached lI'ap for spol.l areas together with all neC'es,~,u:y riqht.>l h.c~d"n':al ";;0 said drt'-dgI:lg opera':.iong NOW THEREFORE. i.n Cl:msld~r"d.cn of th.e ber,ef1td~ te ~.he ~tc'/1 of _~?~'-1/)~/c! ,as afDl'esa:d, the - / c' l(. '1/ of cs.."i--11 i)~/d nt'-reby assures the County of Suffolk tha~ it will! (a) Furni5~, fr~e of cost to the County of Suffolk, all lands, easements, right<<, of way and spoi.l dispcr.al ar<:>as necessary fer t.he new work and subsequent IT',,,-int€nance .'her, arid if r<.:qui red for 6t.Lt. P~/I.'{) /'7ND On/ell,,'; IJ-JI{R/r'f,i as shown the dredging operations at cn the attached map, and (b) Holel clrcd save the Co.mty of Suffon: free from any claims or damages resulting [rem ~,did improvement. or result.i.ng .in d.ny way from the said IN WIT!\l"ESS l\11EREOF, I ha\"e set. my ha!',:; and seal of ~'i',e ! j at the saId ~>Li 1~.I-'/,),9A.//.){~?IFAjl-Jlir.?:X1.~ I i I i I ! I , Town o>f dredging operation or the use (:,f e>qu1pment q or use of any spccil area or a:cy other area affected by said dredging operatj,cno Southold on this 29th day c f May . 19 73 o ATTEST: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD !."'EW YOR}'; ..~~e~...,.(CIE;Llil. By!_~;;h;/ 5z~;:i~~ , eal) Albert M. Martocchia, Supervisor (Attached to a)z,ve aesurarh~"'; <-r;ii.l.; I::e a C"~t'~;,fed ccpy of a resolutior. of .che Board au..hc'rizing ar,d dl.te;;::ing t'~@upervisot:c execute this instrument and to sign the attached plans a,,{l spei:'ificat::!cnso) , ~ ~ Board of the ic.'V-;/J of S[)i./T/!c):...D , At a meeting of the /(t~'lI held on OJ; U};i'i, 19 7) , the following resolution was offered by Justice Demarest who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Rich . , - WHEREAS, the jC~.;,)n of ~~.:.->j/lOL ,'") has requested ~he County of Suffolk to dredge. a nav;igation channel in 0.i-L /Jft-D/9J1-/:J{;2/~"-';-/;');;>,3..V: 12'0--1"> of ,-SC'v71!C'L- D ,. and WHEREAS, the County of Suffolk n,VD r:1:?ICA."1 ;-hlttJ~ij in the /Cu/n the /C~;"l of ~S{)UIf/Dt.- [) / n proposes to do said dredging of {'1-'LL IOIL"-) of _~(..7;,1tlU') at a nominal cost. to ,and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish said dredging, plans, specification~, ----- agreements and other documents must be executed on behalf of the / CtC1') of ~<;c/<-'lll"l D , now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the.:>'t.'i'el?,,'/s.-J'-r be and he hereby is aut.horized to execu~e, behalf of the "Jc.,c,: '/) of ~ch.'? /lc'! D , all necessary plans and on specifications, spoil area agreements, assurances to the County of Suffolk, license and/or dredging permit applications to Federal. and State Agencies and all other documents that may be required to accomplish said dredging work. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Superw$sor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest, Justice Doyen. JTATE OF NEW YORK } OUNTY OF SUFFOLK ffice of the Clerk of the 55: OWN OF SOUTHOLD (SEALl This is to certify that I, Albert W. Richmond, Clerk of the town of Southold, in the said County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Board of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on the ...~.9.~~.... day of ..........!:!~x:.................. 19...7.}" and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ....4.t;~..... day of .........!~\~n~..,............... 19..7.J... I J ~~43~~~.. Clerk of the Town Board, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, N. y,