HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoldsmith Inlet 1976 . . . OF GOLDSMITH INLET , TOI'IN OF SOUTHOLD NEH YOJcK. AS~:()Rl\.NCEi; FOR DRlWGING M, VILLl'.GE OF PECONIC 1'1IlE HEl\..S, the Town 0 f Southold has req\.1e~tcd the County of Suffolk to dredge a navigation channel in Goldsmith Inlet, Town of southold , as S11O\.;n on the accompanying maps; and WlillREZ\S, the county' of Suffolk proposes to do said dredging; and WlIEREAS, the Supervisor of tlle TOI'l!1 of Southold by resolution duly adopted by the 'I'own Board of said '1'own of Southold has been authorizeu and directed' to sign for and on behalf of the '1'own of Southold assUr<l,nC8S to the County of Suffolk, that the said Town of southold will perform all acts required to be performed by said TOI-ll1 in connection with the preparation for the dredging op,cration as aforesaid and obtaininq of all necessary easements and righ'l:s-of-way for said drc,dging operation and use of areas indicated on the attached map fo\: spoil areas together with all necessary rights incidental to said dredging operation: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to the ~'O\rn of Southold , as aforesaid, tl1e Town of southold hereby assure;3 the County of Suffolk that it will: ,,,' \a/ I'urnisl1, fxee of cost: ,J.. _' L.U '.."1. _ L..J.!~ CO"li.nLX ur Suffolk, all ldn(1~3f (~dsewe{d~u t J:.Lgh l::.S-c:e-vlay and spoil disposal areas necessary~ tor the nevI "lOrk and subsequent maintenance when and if required for the'dredging operations at Goldsmith Inlet , all as shOlm on 'I:ho attached mCl.p i anlJ (b) Hold and save the County of Suffolk free from any claims or uamclges :r::Cci3\11 Ling fx:om said improverllunt. or resulting in any \\ray frarn the said dred'Jing operation or the use of equipment at the said Goldsmith lnlet , or use of any spoil area 01." any 0.l:h8r area a:f.fec'[:cd by said dredqing operiltion. . IN WI'J'l'JESS \'iHF.REOF, I have sel: my hand and seal of the '1'O\'.7n of on this 25th day of March , 1976. ]\.:l'TEST: '1'OHN OF , NEW yc!r;~,- fl;A4~~A~_- Clerk ny:a;4t~~5;$;A:;~ , (Seal) (httachcc1 to above l\r,;r.UJ;anc(, 1.1,,,11 bu "I cCI:tifiod copy of cl rcsolut:'jnn of tlJr~ 'rOhTn nO(ll',I a'Jt:hol~:i.>~inq ,)l1C] c.li~~....~ctjn(} tho Gupc:rvi;;o:r. to execute l:hif; inctrluncnt tlnd to Gi~Jn t.he att~1c:1l(;c1 plQnf3 l.lnd f;pccifica.cions..) . . .. At a meeting of the 'rown Board of the Town of Southold , held on March 23, 1976 , the following resolution was offered by Justice Suter who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman Rich l',HEREAS, t.he Town of southold has requested the County of Suffolk to dredge a navigation channel in Goldsmith Inlet , Town of Southold 1 and 'vHBREAS, .the County of Suffolk proposes to do said dredging of Goldsmith Inlet , in the Town of Southold 'at a nOmil1"l.l eost to the Town of Southold : and '~mREAS, in order to accomplish said dredging, plans, specifications, agre8men.ts and other documents must b8 execu.ted on be11alf of the Town of Southold : now therefore be it . RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and (s)he hereby is authorized to. execu'te, on behalf of the Town of Southold , all necessary plans and specifications, spoil area agreements, assurances to the County of Suffolk,' license and/or dredging permit applications to Federal and S-ta.te Agencies and all ()tJv~r documents t.hat may be reQUired TO ~c~OT'~""'lJ'.('"11 - 0. -'- ~"l."'" _oV" said dredging wo:ck. h T B d Ayes'. Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Vote of t.e own oar: J:ustice Suter:, . JusEice Demarest,. Justice Doyen. This resolution was declared duly adopted. * * * * * , . .