HomeMy WebLinkAboutLittle Creek 1980 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CllRK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS . .,,.-r'.:1Y.rx::-LZQ;,. (V'S, ''-\' C, nU~ _..'~A r" ,. " 'f. )'~ (- '. ,'. """)..> -_.....~_::-:.,:~"'" ...{/::.... I .... "-) '-" v' -~_ O,WSt OF.To\VNg~ERK ",._., ...'....,. H h ~, - "'"; ,\ ~.?:: }~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD \\::'~;':;' '<'.- --_.~.//,.:,:,.t'l 'SUFFOLK.COON'feY ,.\.. " :'..0 .., 'l"JiY .......~ ".;' ',' \ ~. -";:~""""':" J.'- (I; .C~:::'ZD.i':::~' " . TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAH MEETING HELD ON MAY 20, 1980: WHEREAS, the Town of Southold has requested the County of Suffolk to dredge a navigation channel in Little Creek, Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, the County of Suffolk proposed to do said dredging of Little Creek, in the Town of Southold at a nominal cost to the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish said dredging, plans, specifications, agreements and other documents must be executed on behalf of the Town, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute on behalf of the Town of Southold, all necessary plans and specifications and/or dredging permit applications to Federal and State Agencies and all other documents that may be required to accomplish said dredging work, and update the resolution and assurances previously executed by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on April 11, 1978. STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: Office of the Clerk of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (SEAL) This is to certify that I, Judith T. Terry, Clerk of the Town of South old, in the said County of Suffolk, hove compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Boord of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on the ......~.?~~? day of .............!:~~y................. 19...~.?, and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixEld the seal of said Town this ...??~~.... day of ..........M.:~:Y........................ 19.~~... ~~~~~... Clerk of the Town Boord, Town of Southold, County of Suffgk, N. Y ;.-" __.,.s.., (,' () . ). .. .oSUHANCES FOH DH~:DaING or Littl,l""C:rec:k \T I. L'~'l~ t.,:' East Cutchogue 'Southold WIlEHEAS, the Town \)f Southold I;as ,,'eqc:c:;',ed lh"" NEI'i \,rH 1\ . ~ounty of Suffolk to dtedge ~ naul9atf~n ch~nnel at Little Creek Town of Southold {t a~'i sl.o'vl.'n (:n t.})!:! accoJp.pai'!.'l1.ng JI.i;lPS !nd \'li"JEREAS. the County of Suffolk P,oFos('6 to do sa! d dredging and WHEREAS. the Supervisor. (.,f Lhe Town of southold l'y r(:sch:,:ic~l 1uly adopted by the Town Board c..f ~,;:dd Town of South old ba~ been ..uthorized and di.rected t.(; sign f(';r .~H,;j 0:; be)',al f 01. ',:',0 Town c,f i i , i \ l \ . , ! I , i i , i Southold assurances too t.ht-1 CClunty of S"}ff(~lk.. ~.'tld_t. Lh~ ~"?_IJ.d Town of Southold will perform all acts reqQired CD be per!ctncj l~ Bdi6 Town :in connection with the prepiH'at'ion fur th€- d: ~d,!:r,q (T",ratic:, ;Cd afore.~3~.d and obtaining of all neee,,",,:::y E'd$elT\eat.$ and dgh'.:." .:it \Oay (or ,,,aid dredglrcg operation and use of a:reas indic;at'.fuj on, u;(~ Clr:.t<<d,,,,,j Wap f<)t" "T-=.ll at" {<C>.:. together with all necessaty right>.! i:i1,r.::;'d"'lx'~dl :,,', :::.'l.~ d dn'.:l,d:,.g cpera.::.I.c.JH NOW THEREFORE. in congi;j"'n,~.ich of th<'.' hn,"~ its to ,J,~' Town of Southould . as afor~5aid, the Town e,iSouthold rlt.~rei~y aSS'Jres the County of Suffolk that it; wi.1l.8 (a) Furnish, free of car,f;. H'l the County of Suffolk, all lands. easements, rights of way and spoil dispc"al aI:"eilS r.ece9sary fc.r t.he ne\.' wark and subsequent maintenance when and if r"qulred for' the dredgi.r:9 operat.icns at Little Creek . all as shown on the at.t.ached lr.ap, and (b) Hold and save the County of Sufion' ft'e.e frcln an~' clailp5 or damages resultlng from !,aid inlprovemen'~ or resuit IT.g in dny way frern t.be said dredgi.ng operation or the use of equipment at {,he ".,Ld Little Creek , or use of any spoLl area or al'.}' other area affected by 5Cl.id dredging operation. IN WITNESS \vi!EREOF. I hdv'c set' my h1.\;'.:l ana sCdl of ~'he Town e.f Southol<<1r\ t.h!s 11th day ",f 1\pri 1. , 1978 . ;::~ ~~*~k'k)WWNn~:i~S~/~1'~;~~:;'CH . (At.tached to above assurancos <,hid! be a c"n.l.f~d ccpy of i.l:.t'e",olut.ton:'QL~he':', Board authorizing ahd dil"cct'i.ngLh(, to exec\t',L' tEir,i;;r;lrumclIt i nnd to sign the attached pIima ilnd .;;ped.flcat iens.) t~AY I 4 1980 . ;, . --. () ~). .. ,mooting of tho Town Board of tho 'I'own of Southold , J on April 11, 1978 , the following renolution waa .:ferod by'Counci lman Homan who moved ita adoption, oeconded by. Justice Suter , h~EREAS, the Town of Southold hae requosted tho County of Suffolk to dre<1go a- na\"J,gation channel- in -Little Creek Town of so~thold WHEREAS, the County of Suffolk proposes to do said dredging of , and , Little Creek , in the Town of southold at II nominal cost to the Town of Southold ,and tlliEREAS, in order to accomplish said dredging, plans, specific~tions, agreements and other documents must be executed on behalf of tho Town of Southold , now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the supervisorbe and he hereby is authorized to execu~e, on behalf of the Town of Southold , all necessary plans dr.d specifications, spoil area agreements, assurances to the County of Suffolk, , -, license and/or dredging permit applications to Federal. and Stat-e Agonei.,,,, (> and all other documents that may be required to accomplish said dredging work. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Pell, Councilman 1I0man, Councilman Drum, Justice Suter, Supervisor Martocchia. Absent: Justice Doyen. This resolution was declared adopted. I Updated: Approved for period of existing required permits. signed . , U';J; , v "', /.; t-e~-J..""''''-- Q. /Jj'jI1 .'?\. oJ --<--'C t. Date S-.,<'tJ-f'tJ I ! I I- I . I I I __."...."'.__.c.~,..._,..... ,...~.v"-:::.:,: fr;o r~;} r..:;3 ;':'.> p _ i n .~ 1\ ~ 11 \},' .~'"-:~;~"..~.. ~ ,,, , ~ ~ \ I; ,,)'}, \i:' MAY I 4 1980 :: I I I . ,TE-OF N[,W YORK 1 JNTY'OP"SU):FOLK ss: ice of tho Clerk of the NN OF SOUTH OLD (BEAL) . j 1 ~ .:J .~ ;1 . !Ii .... ! j I i ii 1 'ra lil H ~f j -Vi i} 3 "~ .~ .i1 I :il .. ~ l! 1 I ~ a ~ .~ "!Ji '.~ '1 1 i '8 II j i j j :1 l i 1 ..} .~ , } . This Is to certify thot I. Judith T. Terry.. Clerk of the Town of Southold. in tho said County of Suffolk. hovo compared the foregoing copy of rcsolution with tho original rcsolution now on file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Boord of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on tho ..g!:.~..... day of .........~p..J;,~.L............. 19.7..$.... and that the Some i. . a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereo!. In Witness Whereof, I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this .J~.~!:.... doy of ..........~.~~.~.~.................. 19.?~... . fi.A{.i.-t..!_~?.:..:'~;!.~;c.. Clerk of the Town Boord. Town of southold, County of Suffolk. N. Y ..._.~._~___,.__.., ._.~_._,_.~~,.c..+..._._--. ._-"..___._,_._....~_-',..,.....~_.,~,- . ..- ..,,,.-,.....,.-.." . t'> 10. ::j~"'I:l~ . ,,"_....._lU\ ~,:-~.-l;-~(~. \ tl"I'rJ~ LD ..:/ 'Ji '0,.'....."'./.1.. .A-_ ~_.___~_.--_.._..~ ~-