HomeMy WebLinkAboutCedar Beach Harbor Inlet 1980 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS . . ~- l,~~'~;.(~\ OFFICE OF TO\VN' cLk'RK '\~, ,- \~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD , '-;-".;1 . " ~, ~ SUFFOLK COUNTY f':,';,).:;/ ,','C /' TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 10, 1980: WHEREAS, the Town of Southold has requested the County of Suffolk to dredge a navigation channel in Cedar Beach Harbor Inlet, Town of Southald, and WHEREAS, the County of Suffolk proposes to do said dredging of Cedar Beach Harbor Inlet in the Town of Southold at a nominal cost to the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish said dredging, plans, specifications, agreements and other documents must be executed on behalf of the Town of Southold, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute, on behalf of the Town of Southold, all necessary plans and specifications, spoil area agreements, assurances to the County of Suffolk, license and/or dredging permit applications to Federal and State Agencies and all other documents that may be required .to accomplish said dredging work, and update the resolution and assurances previously executed by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on April 11, 1978. STATE OF NEW YORK I COU.'HY OF SUFFOLK ss: Office of the Clerk of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD / r ( , , . I ' (~_EI~{.) >) " , ! " , ' / \ ",' /' ;', \' -,/ \ \ This is to certify thot I, Judith T. Terry, Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the soid County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Boord of the town of Sauthold in said County of Suffolk, on the .JQ~.~.... day of ..........~.'!p;~................. 1~9...., and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ..P.th..... day of .........JMn.~...................... l~Q.... ~&~L~~~ Clerk of the Town Boord, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,4:J. y '. Y-C:!fj ':,:UHlIt:Ci:S. FCfI DHF.~JG! r~c, (>v .a1' DC,1Ch I1arbor Inlet . ,'J'e'I'il'; Cr- Southolc1 . " i ; I.T l -I I I 1 ! I 1 i ! I J CCclZtJ: nC~l)c:h NE\1 YI)RK. . vlllEHEI,S. tll!,:.'. 'rown of Southold hits 7.'cqucsf~cd th., r.,-..,,..,I-...,. 'L" _ -- ...,,1. ~~ S-:f::o!;-: ~.. ..1. ..... ,2....... .~... ..... .. . ~ .... '.1 ~ .... ...t __. .. ....l..'>;t.L .r . .. - '-. ~ t -- .. .L ,;.) ,. \~If' ~..' ~ ..\.... L at Cedar Beach Harbor Inlet Town of Southold " at! shown on t.lle aecolilp.:.nylng Ir.aps and vlHEl<E.AS. t.lle C'0uuty Qf Suffolk proposes t;O do said dJ:'cdglng and , WlEREl\S. the supervisor (; E t.he 'rown of Southold by resolution d>11y adopted bi' 'Lh., 'l'own DCiilru 0'[ :>"I:l.d Town of Southold has b",en , authorized i 1 I 1 , a!~d di te:.:ted to s Lgn Eo:' "-lId on. behalf of 't.:'!e Town of: Southold 'a5.s\:in'.;,,~:es to u.;,~ Cc...:w.t:y of S'~.ffolk. t.hat. t.he said Town of southold will p~::.~f(~rm c~l) h<:;Ls req';l::Ccdt.o be pe.fcL'JJ:sd by said ToWIl in connection .....i ~~, the pr"'pd.!'a.t.ion for th0 dr'edging cP")4'"i'l:lcm as afor'esaid and ohi;aird.r:g of all nrecessoc..:"y NtSen',ents and rights of way fOl" said dredglr.g 1 I I operation and us,:, cfax'('<l$ indi,'~a'tcd on Ute ai:.tc.cheu Inap for spoil areas I t:ogether \'li.th all l1(3.ces8::t.:ty right.v i.~1.crdf!th~:al tn s~;:d.d drt~d9'i:rl:.g. opera,t.icn8 j NO\'l THERF~FOI-~EQ in c.(,i:n~~~de;r.?,:~,:icr~ l')f the be:rte!:it.s t..o t.l).t'; Town I Oo"'hold I t:he COUYd:..y of Suffolk t~Ea.t il, "lil1z I I ! I I ciisement"Q r1ghtt; of w'I'I dltd ~po.i.l. ::liSFb"~l a r'e<>.s' necessary for the 1';0\' \....oJ:'k I I"no) suh;; ec:;" ",r.t. Ir",11):";';i).1''''::c 1I'\;en and if' requi red for t:he dredgi.ng opcrat.f.cns I Jat j Cedar Beach Harbor Inlet i . , I I ~(l.:1n'...1~lC$ l"'e~)u}~.j:'.9 i:('(.~r~ Ldla Ll1'prov2n:e::~.. or t:e,s:-'Lt.::.!~CJ in a.ny way frem the sai.d Idl:e6gir~9 crt'r.~t.jc'. ('I' ~.h<: d'''''' c-i eqlJ.irr.;ent aL the IJnLd Cedar Beach Ilarbor cf i -a~ af0~(~~nldp the TO\'ll1 of Sou tho lc1 he L~eby. assures ( a) Furn,i_!:..h" [1"<"; of C:OS'"!:,. t:c~ the.Count:y of Suffolk, all lCl.nds. . all as &hown on the attached m-"p, and (1.-) Held e:~d savc~he CC\lnt.j-" cf Su.ffo:'}: f.Cl',t~ freIn any cl&.i.rns or Inlet ( or \;!:,(~ (;f any .brx...'~ i a~.~(i. ot" a.~;.y o".;.he-r- ar~a il.ffectt~u by ~jil.i.d 6r~dging cpcret.lcno j!': 'f:!'r!'-..2S~~ \':fF.'~F"Cfr r r'd\:'.::! !:el:. :r.'}" ha.c.:1 ;~,~d 5cdl c.f ~.bf.! Tm...n of I Southoldc'll thi::. ....f.rEST: TOWN 1"/ / /' IX'-- Uff..:'c, ....2::.;?z:r...f.t:.j,~. ~U!:.. l,:. '~.r.~ lJU Ir\tt~t(:hl.\'] to di..\:.!l.... Ll.J.~'lI(:,dl..r,~, .:..~:~\i~ )l':~ ,1. ('-"t":.i.!e,,} (,;,~.py , Helt') J ,--'11' },C:' i ::.~ ',\j .'1 ...i d i :.", : i ,'<' ',)1'" tc ! I1d t.o Bi:p, II~f~. _I' t""~},(.':) plau;. (1::,1 :"P(~,-.; I iC")~':"::~~I.) 11th (l.',y (. f April . 1978 . soU'rHOLD M;I-I n:m: 'i'y, &&d..W?L:;;?!f::)L~:k~;{J~ . (I:'" of R rc(o)ulJon of ~h~ (:"~l~\."'uf.(! t hlr. i l\r,ll,J111'-'Ht. . 1 l ... ,. ). (. n moeting or tho 'fawn nO/1rd of the 'l'own of: Southolu , held on April 11, 1978 , the following rC501ution wao offered by Counc i lman Homan who nIDvcd ita adoption, seconded by ....-....... ~si.lm"n Pell_, \IHlmEJ\S, tho .Town . of, Southold. haa requ~Btcd ~hc County of. Suffolk to drc<5go a' na",) gation chunnel. in Cedar Beach Ilarbor Inlet . 'l'own of Southold , and h~IEREAS. the County of Suffolk proposeD to do said dredging of .' , in the Town of southold at a nomir:al cost ~o the TO'Nn of Southold ,and \'nIEREAS, in order to accomplish said dredging, plans, specif:,c;l';::'Cr.::" agreement.s and other documents must be executed on be.half 0:: the TO','ln of SOllthold , now there~ore be it RESOLVED, that the supervisor be and he hereby is aut1:o:-ized to:. exec...,<,;~, on behalf of the 'I'own of SOllthold , all necessary plans <,.r.d specificat,ions, spoil area. agreements, assurances to the CounLy of SUffclk:, " license and/or dredgiIlg permit applications to FedcJ;'al an:l St.ate JI.g<:,."ci("" ~nd alJ. other doc'~m'~nts that may b~ rcquir~d to ~cco~'pli!:;.h said dl.~cdg:...ng \'lorko Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:. Councilman Pell, C.ouncilman Drum, Councilman. Homan, Justice Suter, Supervisor Mart6cchia. Absent: Ju?tice Doyen. This resolution wfls declared adopted. updated: Approced for period of existing required permits. si?Jned .. 6Ji)~A,,~ ..&;lM//}JT~ate ~..U'_" /0; Iffo . . '. . t7 STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss' Office of the Clerk of the . TOWN OF SOUTH OLD (SEAL) This is to certify that I, Judith T. Terry, Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the said County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution nOW on file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Board of the town of Southald in said County of Suffolk, on the ....H.t.':!... day of ...........~J?~.~.L........... 19.?~.... and that the same is o correct and true transcript of such original resolu~ion ond the whale thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ...1.~.t!}.... day of ............~.p.t.n............... 19}.~... . ~.ct.r..tL~..:2t",'~~-11f='- Clerk of th,~ Town Boord, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, N. Y