HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoldsmith Inlet 1980 'j . JUDITH T. TERRY T OWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS . . "i'- >~ .;/ ,,'" '~< "" ,f>.r,;--\;y'r . ,""\ .<<~\J-' , :-<-5~-~;\~ OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK " ::: ,'~ 'y-,~ "\ '1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .' ".-~, -'" if SUFFOLK COUNTY , ,':"-:,(Y TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 Southo1d, L. I., N. Y. 11971 THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 10, 1980: WHEREAS, the Town of Southold has requested the County of Suffolk to dredge a navigation channel in Goldsmith Inlet, Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, the County of Suffolk proposes to do said dredging of Goldsmith Inlet, in the Town of Southold at a nominal cost to the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish said dredging, plans, specifications, agreements and other documents must be executed on behalf of the Town of Southold, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute, on behalf of the Town of Southold, all necessary plans and specifications, spoil area agreements, assurances to the County of Suffolk, license and/or dredging permit applications to Federal and State agencies and all other documents that may be required to accomplish said dredging work, and update the resolution and assurances previously executed by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on March 23, 1976. STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Office of the Clerk of the ss: TOWN OF SOUTH OLD /SEA,Yl(, "~ ( () \" \ ( ',: \ ./ I I \ //); .,\\-\'/ ,I , ".' " This is to certify that I, Judith T. Terry, Clerk of the Town of South old in the said County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy of resolu:ion with the original resolution now an file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Board of the town of South old in said County of Suffolk, on the ...Y?"!:~... day of .........~)!,~~.................. l~g....., and that the same is o correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this .~.~.~.~...... day of ...........J~.~~.................. 1~?..... ~6t'~~~.~. Clerk of the Town Board, Town of Sauthald, County of Suffollf,"N. Y . , " . . f_A .1\SSlJl"".l~CES FOR DREDGH,(. O~"OLDSMITH INI,E'I' l\'r YILLAGE OF PECONIC , TOi'iN OF ( . SOUTI!OLD 5C'@ NEH YORK. 11HEREAS, the Town of Sout11Old has requested the County of SLlffoJ.k to dredge a navigation channel in Goldsmith Inlet, Town of Southold , as shm.m on the accompanying maps; and 1'lHEREAS, the Counti of Suffolk proposes to do said dn~dging; and HHEIlliAS, the Supervisor of the 'fo\'ll1 of Southold by resolution . duly adopted by the 'I'own Board of said 'I'own of Southold has been authorized and directed to sign for and on behalf of the TO\'ll1 of Southold assurances to the County of Suffolk, that the said Town of Southold will perform all acts required to be performed by said 'fo\'m in connection wit:h the preparation for the dredging oper2:tion as aforesaid and obtaining of all necessary easements and rights-of-way for said dredging operation and use 'of areas indicated on the attached map for spoil areas together with all necessary rights incidental to said dredging operation: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to the Town of Southold , as aforesaid, the TOI'1n of Southold hereby assures the County of Suffolk Ulat it will: (n) rurnisl-J., f:cee of cos.t to' t'l-le Cuunty of Suffolk,' all lands, ease{L1E:~ntsr rig'hts-of-way and spoil disposa.'l ar0as necessary for the nevI wo:ck and subseq1.1ent maintenance \'Ihen and if requ.ired for the dr:edging opeJ.:'ations at Goldsmith Inlet , all as shown on the attached rea.p ; and (b) Hold and save the County of Suffolk free from any claims or damages r:esul ting from said impro\Temen.t Or resulting in any \'lay from the s,dd dredging operation or the use of equipment at the said Goldsmi th lnlet , or use of any spoil area or any other arca affected by said dredging operation. IN W'I'l'NESS \VHEHEOF, J have f3Ct my hand and seal of the To\-/n of on t:his 25th day of March , 1976. AtrTE:::;T' : TOHN OF , l."EI'l YOFK . -*'_.~ /':--;~~~/ BY:~~l. .'t/AL',r(~~ u.#../~~ ~lcrk , " (Seal) (111:tacho(1 to above 1\ssurancc efJillJ. be it cOl:'tified copy of a l:csoluti on o[ 1:11c 'l'o\\1n Board authorizing and (1i):ocl;in~l the Suporvi:;or to execute this inr:t):l1ll1C'nt ,md to [;ign the al:t"c:1w(\ plilllS ,md spoc..i.fications.) , r '" ~ ( .. ( . " At a meeting of the Town Doard of the Town of Southold . held on March 23, 1976 , the following resolution was offered by Uust-rce.Suter who nlovec1 its ac1option, seconded by , . _________~ouncilman Rich . , VllmnBAS, the Town of Southold has requested the County of Suffolk to dredge a navigation channel in Goldsmith Inlet , Town of Southold 1 and l'l'HEREAS, .the County of Suffolk proposes to do said d):edging of Goldsmith Inlet . in the Town of Southold at a nominal cost to the Town of Southold ; and l'i'IlliRE:AS t in order to accomplish said dredging t pluns t specif icatio'ns, agreements and other documents must be executed on be111llf of the Town of Southold ; now therefore be it .IlliSOLVED, that the Supervisor be and (!?)he hel.'cby is authorized to. execu'te, on behalf of the Town of Southold , all necessary plans.and specifications, spoil area agreemen"!=s, assurances to the County of Suffolk,' iicense and/or dredging permit applicat.ions to Federal and Si:a.te llgenc:ies and all oi:11er nOC1Jments that may 1)e rc(,'Uir(,c1 to "cr'-r....T';"\Y',1 ;.....h ..... .............~...I:'................. L said dreug :i:ng work. Vote of t~e Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia; Councilman Rich, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest," Justice Doyen. This resolution was declared duiy'"adopted. oJ; * * * * updated: Approved for pe~iod of existing required permits. Signed:' 0J'dJ~oA:" I Al...i8,tt'.iST " . Date ;(ucJ~ / CJ. If .to {/ .' , ,