HomeMy WebLinkAboutRichmond Creek 1982 . , ASSUIU\HCES FOR DHEDGING OF l\'r Peconic WHEREAS, the Town of Richmond creek , TOWN OF southold Nm~ YORK. Sot:thold has requested the County of Suffolk to dredge a navigation channel in Richmond Creek , Town of southold , as shown on the accompanying maps; and WHEREAS, the County of Suffolk proposes to do said dredging; and WEEREAS, the Supervisor of the Town of Southold by resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town of Southold has been . authorized and directed to sign for and on behalf of the Town of " Southoldassurances to the County of Suffolk, that the said Town of Southold will perform all acts required to be performed by said Town in connection with the PFeparation for the dredging operation as aforesaid and obtaining of all necessary easements and rights"of-way for said dredging operation and use of areas indicated on the attached map for spoil areas together with all necessary rights incidental to said dredging operation: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to the TO\'ffi of Southold , as aforesaid, the Town of Southold hereby assures the County of Suffolk that it will: (n) F~rnish, free of cost to the County of Suffolk, all lunds, easements, rights-of-way and spoil disposal areas necessary for the new work and subsequent maintenance when and if required for the dredging operations at Richmond Craek , all as sho\'ffi on the attached map; and (b) Hold and save the County of Suffol], free from any claims or damages resulting from said improvement or resulting in any way from "", U1e said dredging operation or the use of equipment at the said Richmond Creek , or use of any spoil area or any other area affected by said dredging operation. IN WITNESS liHEfuC::OF, I have set my hand and seal of the To\'ffi of Southold A'I'~\\gST : TOliN OF , 1982- Southold '-- NEli YO PI( on this 18th day of May ~~~ .- ~--../- . Clerk ~ Judith T. Terry ny: 6liJ-,.//'~ ,4;!_dEYf;_~ ____ William R. Pell, III, Supervisor (SeRl) (^tt~chcd to above Assurance shull be a c8rtificd copy of a resolution of i-11("l. '.l'()v.J?l 110:1)""11 1111 U,()1''' i '-J;jnrr :'lllrl ni r,~r.t.inq the f:l1nerv; ~()r f'o ~Xt'rl,t.0 t~hi r; inf.;truwent. dJ"ld to sign the attached plans and C1Jocificatiol1s.) hI.: a meeting of I.:he Tc,;m Board of the Town of southold , held on May 18, 1982 , the follO\~ing resol\! tion was offered byC_ouncilman Lawrence Murdock, J~ho moved its adoption, seconded by ~q~~cilman John J. Nickles li}IE RE1',$ , th e 'l'OWn of Southold has requested t.he County of Suffolk to dredge a navigation channel in Richmond Creek , TO\1n of :>outhold ; and liHEP.EAS, the County of Suffolk proposes to do said dredging of Riclunond Creek , in the Town of SouthClld at a nominal cost to the (1"QWn of sou Lho lc : and WIIEH.E1\S, in order to nccowplish said dredging, plans, speciE iCiitions, agreements and other documents musl: be execut:ed on behalf of the Town of southold : now therefore be it RE:SOLVED, that the Supervisor be and (s)he hereby is authorized l:o execLlt.e, on behalf of the Town of southold , all necessary plc:.:.!lS and specificat,ions, spoil area agreements, assurances to the Cuunt:y of E;nffoIk F license and/or dredging perrrd.t. applications t.O Federal and Si.:;:d"c I:'.:J'C;17:'<~.S ::ind ulJ. ether documents th0.t :nay be rzql.:d_rcd to:) 2.C-::o~"Flis~l said dred~1 ing '--lork" Approved for period of existing required permits. (Expiration Do. te March, 1992) Signed Date \' STATE OF NEW YORK J COUNTY OF SUFFOLK " Office of the Clerk of the ss: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (SEAL) This is to certify that I, Judith T. Terry, Clerk of the Town of Southard in the said County of Suffolk, hove compared the foregoing copy of resolu;ion with the original resolution now on file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Boord of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on the ...J!:!.!;))... day of ...........M<\y.................. 19.~.~.., and that the some is o correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ....~.9.tl1... day of .............Mii.Y..................... 19.~.?.. I !( I " c~ubd...~~.~~~... Clerk of the Town Board, Town of Southard, County of Suffo~N. y _._____~-Ii":M.,s;JlI"...,.,..,.,'..__1...~"'~""-_r'"-..:.''^~.-..><Y>'}~'~----.,.:.,.,- "" \\ ! ! 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