HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-52.-5-29.5 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ACQUISITION MAP PIN 0042.28 MATTITUCK-GREENPORT PARTS 1&3 SH 8229 MAP REFERENCE INFORMATION: r _] (. C '-- ' ~ ?'" ;>' :;;':;J.::; MAP NO. 104 PARCEL NO. 112,113,117&118 SHEET 1 OF 5 SHEETS CCD L.11727 P.524 TRN 8 PARCEL SUMMARY: Type: P' 113 : FEE Type: P' 112.117&118 : PE Portion of 2006 Tax Map Ref. No. 1000-052.00-05.00-059.005 DATUM: NYSPCS L.I. ZONE NAD 83/96 CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( REPUTED OWNER ) Parcel Locator Points: Parcel No: 112 N: 103204.494 E: 435036.456 Parcel No: 113 N: 103264.851 E: 435046.415 Parcel No: 117 N: 103422.463 E: 435076.483 Parcel No: 118 N: 103278.154 E: 435035.109 MATCH NJOf1'O~E 11 601JJ7!m (/96911) I , -I- I I C) ::D - o z (:) ::D -; :r: I I I I I 16+249.993t ----/-. -21.206tm FN4.6fJO'.../TI (41.9()()!1) ~\. L-BJZl!m (ZlJ2t) 16+242.111t ~ -18.895+m ~ N 0 - \ 6.466!m (21211) CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( REPUTED OWNER ) 16+236.668t -15.404:!-m :::J:: QJ I Town of SOUTHOLD County of SUFFOLK State of New York LINE i &: ~9 1 :I:z (/)0 Q IV") I- ~C5 - _ ct: o ~~ 2002 CONT OL LINE o (/)1- f- a::iJ) '" lLJ I- ::J o Q: o ~ r I ~ ...... Q I~ I~ I: I! I~ - >< lLJ P1JB. PARCEL NO. 1/2 PT STA 15+920.762 10 I ~ '" ~ N i ~ l ,. ~ ~ i ,. ~ CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( REPUTED OWNER ) 5 I SCALE 1 :250 ONE METER EQUALS 3.28083333333 FEET. ONE :;QUARE METER EQUALS 10.7638673611 SQUARE FEET. 5 0 ~~ PREPARED BY DECKED BY 15 m I ~ ~ FINAL DECK BY MATTITUCK-GREENPORT PARTS 1&3 SH 8229 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ACQUISITION MAP PIN 0042.28 MAP REFERENCE INFORMATION: DATUM: NYSPCS L.I. ZONE NAD 83/96 CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( REPUTED OWNER ) Parcel Locator Points: Parcel No: 112 N: 103204.494 E: 435036.456 Parcel No: 113 N: 103264.851 E: 435046.415 Parcel No: 117 N: 103422.463 E: 435076.483 Parcel No: 118 N: 103278.154 E: 435035.109 CCD L.11727 P.524 TRN 8 MATCH / / ~' ~ ~~ fS fS ~ ~""olH ~~ ~ /l3 ~ / PE 248. 720:tm 2 (2,677 .18tSQ.FTJ c;-, ::0 - CJ :z: o ::0 -I :c 16+321.395t -17.975tm 16+320.201 + -15.315tm N50002'53"E 9.B(f1!m (J2J8tJ 16+314.759t -24.950:!-m 16+313.614t N50l0'5ClE -22.217+m 4.B2fP.m (J5.BItJ 16+309.972+ -25.023:!-m N86042'58W 2J52tm (9lJJ!'J 16+310.020t -22.272tm ---, ~ , , , , , , PE / , 515.969:tm 2 (5,553.83tSQ.FT.) ~ ~ Sfl1' , fJi 9 ! 1~ CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( REPUTED OWNER ) NJOfl'OI!E 60lJJltITI (J96!J!() MATCH CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( REPUTED OWNER ) 5 0 L.-~ 10 I 15 m I 5 I SCALE 1:250 ONE METER EQUALS 3.28083333333 FEET. ONE SQUARE METER EQUALS 10.7638673611 SQUARE FEET. PREPARED BY DECKED BY + \D ,- i ~ FINAL DECK BY MAP NO. 104 PARCEL NO. 112.113.117&118 SHEET 2 OF 5 SHEETS PARCEL SUMMARY: Type: p. 113 : FEE Type: p. 112,117&118 : PE Portion of 2006 Tax Map Ref. No. 1000-052.00-05.00-059.005 Town of SOUTHOLD County of SUFFOLK State of New York LINE :r V) IV') ~ C> _ f- V) I- 0:;;:; ,<'" a..~ :::J I-;? O:t/) 0>- 6" 6+ 14.058 - l.LJ l.LJ 0: ~ , ~ (J ::J I- I-t I- I-f- '<0: ~a: :z: lLJ lLJ 0: <.:> C> f- LINE ~ ~ :il m N N ~ ill " r > ~ m N oJ ~ .. .. > .. ~ "' ~ MATTITUCK-GREENPORT PARTS 1 &3 SH 8229 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ACQUISITION MAP PIN 0042.28 MAP NO. 104 PARCEL NO. 112.113.117&118 SHEET 3 OF 5 SHEETS PARCEL SUMMARY: Type: P' 113 : FEE Type: P' 112.117&118 : PE Portion of 2006 Tox Mop Ref. No. 1000-052.00-05.00-059.005 V) I- Q:liJ ~C"\J a./:::! ::J I-i? Q:VJ 0>- 0.2:; ~ lLI lLI Q: <=> , ~ (J ::J I- ..... l- I-- ~ri: ~a: z lLJ lLJ a: ~ o I--- MAP REFERENCE INFORMATION: DATUM: NYSPCS LJ. ZONE NAD 83/96 CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( REPUTED OWNER ) Parcel Locator Points: Parcel No: 112 N: 103204.494 E: 435036.456 Parcel No: 113 N: 103264.851 E: 435046.415 Parcel No: 117 N: 103422.463 16+400.056+ MATCH E: 435076.483 -15.98Itm- ~ Parcel No: 118 NfTo45'2J'E \/ N: 103278.154 6J9Jtm (20.3~) E: 435035.10916+394.062+ STlo2f5f!E -16.500tm 2.l67!m (9lJ8t) 16+394.062t N/8056'2ClE -19.267tm 3E6/Y1I (/21J/~) CCD L.1I727 P.524 TRN 8 Town of SOUTH OLD County of SUFFOLK State of New York N/3056'53'E 2O.41O!m (66.96!'J 16+390.531 + -16.914tm N/8056'2.O'E 45/5-..m (/4.B/~J 16+389.729t 19.780tm STlo2f5?E 6.5OO'...m (2/.33') N26044'/3'W 5lJ36!ffl (/6524') N26044'/3'W 4]80-...m (/5.68'! 16+385.926t -16.6301:m 16+386.9081: -13.917tm , , , N9035'Ol'E /1, 66536Y11 (2/8294') , , C) ::0 - CJ z: o ::0 -I :r: N9035'Ol'E 6B.452!ffl (22458') , , , , , CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC.,' ( REPUTED OWNER ) MATCH PE 248.720:tm2 (2,677 .18tSQ.FT.l CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( REPUTED OWNER ) 5 0 h-.J 10 I 15 m I 5 I SCALE 1 :250 ONE METER EQUALS 3.28083333333 FEET. ONr SQUARE METER EQUALS 10.7638673611 SQUARE FEET. PREPARED BY OEtXED BY FIIW. CIECK BY LINE ~i CO ~ o Q :J: I--- V) Z lLJ '-0 IV") g o?So - I--- LINE z '" g x c "1 w m m N N ~ ill '" z 0: ~ ,. ~ III N ~ ill ,. ~ t '" " ~ MATTITUCK-GREENPORT PARTS 1&3 SH 8229 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ACQUISITION MAP PIN 0042.28 MAP REFERENCE INFORMA nON: DA TUM: NYSPCS L.I. ZONE NAD 83/96 CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( REPUTED OWNER ) Parcel Locator Points: Parcel No: 112 N: 103204.494 E: 435036.456 Parcel No: 113 N: 103264.851 E: 435046.415 Parcel No: 117 N: 103422.463 E: 435076.483 Parcel No: 118 N: 103278.154 E: 435035.109 CCD L.11727 P.524 TRN 8 PT STA 16+601.342 16+458.737+ -14.419:tm N44024'43W 5.D35!1T1 (J652~J - , , 16+451.615:t -22.163:tm c M'\.- c.~.o'l) %r~\~) ~u~ ~J ~~fJ-~ - I I I I I r~-'I - i ,~ _" ~:~ "--j U -,~ ~I_ " ~ I ",' , 'I, ;:~ -:~ :::~ :::~I - ,I, I - - - ...::''- I 16+437.9 8+ -28.53 :tm c--->! ~~ 16+432.563:t litti8 -22.990:tm ';;it- 16+424.768! ~1l PE -22.609m~~'!::!J 659.074:trri (7,094.18:tSQ.FT.l %>~- ~~~ ~ ~- ~~ -0. ~- CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ./ ( REPUTED OWNER ) 16+419.888:t -16.10Hm I I 1" ~,lfj t1l~ ~"" ,riff ~/~ I~ MATCH MAP NO. 104 PARCEL NO. 112,113,117&118 SHEET 4 OF 5 SHEETS PARCEL SUMMARY: Type: p. 113 : FEE Type: p. 112,117&118. : PE Portion of 2006 Tax Mop Ref. No. 1000-052.00-05.00-059.005 Town of SOUTHOLD County of SUFFOLK State of New York 16+456.325:t -10.000:tm C) ;;0 ~ CJ z: o ;;0 -I :r: 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 16+450.654+ 0.389!m 0") ~i =r: ~-l V) <: !:!:! IV') ~ ol$ ..... ~ / 'f. T TA 16+435.6 2 , , ~ 0::':;:' ~C\j o../::! ::::J I--:? 0:: V) 0>- 0..2; ~ Ll.J Ll.J 0:: " 23,485.79tS .FT') I ~:; (Jo .::J~ ~ i~ I--~ ~ LINE 3!m (2896 !)tJ -35212!m (1/5 3~J >- Cl::: <:( a :::J <::) m >-= ~ :r: on z: ...... l- V) ...... >< lLJ FEE 2 ,181.910tm 16+415.737+ 6.039:tm 10 I z u ;1 c OJ M ~ m N N Ii u z ~ >: " c 5 m N oJ T III " ~ CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( REPUTED OWNER ) 5 I SCALE 1 :250 ONE METER EQUALS 3.28083333333 FEET. ONE SQUARE METER EQUALS 10.7638673611 SQUARE FEET. 5 0 ~ PREPARED BY Cl€CKEO BY 15 m I r 'j r;: FINAL CHECK BY MATTITUCK-GREENPORT PARTS 1&3 SH 8229 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ACQUISITION MAP PIN 0042.28 MAP NO. 104 PARCEL NO. 112,113,117&118 SHEET 5 OF 5 SHEETS All that piece or parcel of property designated as Parcel No. 113, as shown on the accompanying map, to be acquired in fee. ALSO: PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE ACCESS A permanent easement to be exercised in, on and over the property above delineated for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing and maintaining thereon maintenance access, in and to all that piece or parcel of property designated as Parcel No. 118, as shown on the accompanying map. ALSO: PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR SLOPES A permanent easement to be exercised in, on and over the property above delineated for the purpose of constructing. reconstructing and maintaining slopes and appurtenances thereon as established for and by the construction or reconstruction of the project herein identified, and for the repair and maintenance of such slopes and appurtenances thereto. Such easement shall be excersised in, on and over all those pieces or parcels of property designated as Parcel Nos. 112 8. 11 7, as shown on the accompanying map. RESERVING, however, to the owner of any right, title or interest in and to the property above delineated, and such owner's successors or assigns, the right of using said property and such use shall not be further limited or restricted under this easement beyond that which is necessary to effectuate its purposes for, and as established by, the construction or reconstruction and as so constructed or reconstructed, the maintenance, of the herein identified project. [ hereby certify that the property mapped above is necessary for thiS project, and the acquisition thereof is recommended. "Unauthorized alteration of a survey map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a violation of the New York State Education Law." Date NOllll-t6ti 13 / I hereby certify that this map was prepared in accordance with current NYSDOT policies, standards and procedures. Dat Nov. 200(., 20~ Mar:t~,1.~2 Design Enginaer for the Regional Director of Transportation Region No.10 CSC ACQUISITION-NY INC. ( Reputed Owner ) Daniel P. Jed Icka, P.L.S. License No. 0 098 Total Area Fee=2,181.910tnf (23,485.79:!:SQ.FT .J Total Area PE=I,423.763:!:nf (15,325.19tSQ.FT .J Map of property showing (1 I Porcel No. 113 to be acquired in fee, and (2) Parcel Nos. 112,117 8. 118 in and to which on easement as herein above defined is to be acquired: each of which the Commissioner of Transportation deems necessary to be acquired by appropriation in the nome of the People of the State of New York for purposes connected with the highway system of the State of New York pursuant to Section 30 of the Highway Law and the Eminent Domain Procedure Law. There is excepted from this appropriation all the right, title and interest, if any. of the United States of America in or to said property. Pursuant to the statutelsl set forth above and the authority delegated to me by Official Order of the Commissioner of Transportation, this acquisition map is hereby approved and filed in the main office of the New Y rk State Department of Transportation. I have compared the foregoing copy of the map with the original thereof, as filed in the Office of the State Department of Transportation, and I do hereby certify the same to be a true and correct copy of the original and of the thOle ther~o~i:')!" !. ," , \.../l IfYY:W ',-, '!J'r~i') A' .___ ,. Real Estate Division . Mary E. MarocQo" Director of Real Estate Division PREPARED BY FINAL CHECK BY CHECKED BY ~ c "I w ~ m N N ~ ~ ~ c i!: ~ ~ ~ ,. c '" / ~ ~ 'l1 ~ " w :0: '" Z ~ "'