HomeMy WebLinkAboutDredging Workshop Proceedings 1985 D ~--- . ,"I ~."j I , /.1 }, ,- ~I- or: 1; [ '----"- Proceedings .' IJ-~-,~A41 ~:~~1U.::-d Dredging Workshop Point Lookout, New York September 10-11, 1985 Sponsored by the New York State Department of State Coastal Management Program with assistance from: New York District Corps of Engineers New York State Department of Environmental Conservation New York State Sea Grant Extension Program Mario M. Cuomo Governor Gail S. Shaffer Secretary of Slate " i . ., r . ~ ", '- DREDGING WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS Point Lookout, NY Septemher 10-11 1985 Table of Contents Welcoming Remarks Thomas Doheney, Town of Paqe Hempstead. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .1 Opening Remarks Janes Morton, New York State Departnent of State.......3 .TC'~r_ ZarlJ'lit, P.S. Army COr-f'R of Engineers, Session r A. Session A. Session A. N.. Y.. DiEt.t. ict.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. 5 Technical Considerations in the Design ~f a Dredging Project - IHIJiam F. Slezak, U.S. Arm~' Corps of Engineers IN.. Y.. District.................................................... 7 B. Technical Considerations in the Design of ~ Dredginq Project or l,hi:t !"lrecqing Cor-tractors l"ished EVery Regulator Knel'! About Dredging: Private Dredging Projects - Brion Lindholm, Great r,akes Dredge,. Cind Dock Compc.r..y...................................................... ~-:~. 10 .. .. .11 C. Questions and Answers. IO.......... . . IO..... . IO............... .15 II Overview of Potential Impacts of Dredged Material - Richard Engineer Waterways Experiment of Open Water Disposal Peddicord, U.S. Ar~y Station.............17 B. Effects of Disposal of Fine Grained Sediments on Benthos - John D. Lunz and Douglas G. Clarke, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station........21 C. Questions and Answers................................. 27 III Corps' Requlatory Application of Test Results - John Tavolaro, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, N. Y. Di!=;trict..................................... 29 B. Questions and Answers.............................33 Session A. IV Introduction: tVindows: Are James Morton, Panel Discussion on Dredging They an Effective Tool - New York State Department of State................................. . . . . . . . . .35 B. Contractor's Perspective - Charles Pound, Aqua Dredge, Inc.................................. 37 C. Municipal Perspective - Jeffrey Kassner, Town 0 f Brookhaven................................ 39 D. Session V A. Session A. State Perspective - David Fallon, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 , E. State Perspectiv~ - James W. Morton and ~'hc""'r:c: P.art, NE'v Yc-rk Std'LL DeF'a.rt!tle;J~ c.; State...f:5 r \ F. Seasonal restrictions on Bucket Dredginq Operations - John D. Lunz, Douglas G. Clarke, and Thomas J. Fredette, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station......................47 G. Questions and Ans\-1ers.............................49 Introduction: Drceging and Disposal in Low-Energy Environment!' (Protect~(i Bays, Canals, Harinasl- Aram Terct,unian, Nev' York State Department of State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 B. Dredging Impacts on Benthic Intertidal. COJ1'.l!'l1nities, Shellfisl1 and Habitats - Carmela CUC'ffiO, Marine Sciences Pese~rch Center, SUNY at Stony Rrook.....53 C. New York State Department of EnvironmAntal Conservation Perspective on Dredqinq in Ne~! York's Tidal Wetlands - Charle s E<.mil ton, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation........................57 ... D. Consultant's Perspective- Charles Bowman, Land Use Company..................... .0........... .61 E. Questions and Answer.............................. 63 VI Introduction: Dredging and Disposal in Moderate and High Energy Environment!' - Jay Tanski, New York State Sec_ Grant E::tc::r,sion Prograrr................. (5 B. Coastal Procpsses to be Considered For Dredging Design At Tidal Inlets - Gary A. Zarillo, Marine Sciences Research Center...................67 " C. Problems and Comments for Small Dredging Projects - John R. GuIdi, Suffolk County Department of Public works, Waterways Division................~........73 D. Dredging Jones Inlet: Municipal Perspective - Thomas Doheney, Town of Hempstead, Department of Conservation and waterways..................:.....75 . E. Coast.al ~!anagement Issues in Inlet Dredging - Ararn Terchunian, New York State Department of State.. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 71 . ... F. rLnsideratlor~ Tn the Dp~ign of Large ~ale, Corps Dr~cglng Proje~ts - Gilbert. K. Nersesi~n, U.S. CorpE o~ Engineer~, New York District........81 G. Questions And Answers.............................89 H. ~orkshop Atter~dance Li~~..........................91 .,. . . ~ ~. . \ ~ ~l" ,. r - 1 - WELCOMING REMARKS by T. Doheney Good morning ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the presiding Supervisor Tom Gulotta, and Commissioner Gino Aiello, I would like tQ welcome you to our Town and our Depart~ent for this most important workshop on dredging. Commissioner Aiello regrets that he cannot attend today's session since today is also Town Board Day and his attendance there is both necessary and mandatory. He will however be with us tomorrow. " Before we begin, I would like to offer, if I may, a few comments on having such a workshop as this since there can be a tremendous amount of good and knowledge to come out of it for everyone. We should approach each session with an open mind,~ attempt to examine. and learn each others problems, try to be ' practical, and examine the issues of dredging relative to each., project area as that area exists today, in order to make a determin2tion whether dredgi~g i~ cood, bad or necessa.y. Above all let's try to ke8~ things light since it is one of those rare occasions when all parties to dredging are represented in the same rocw together. I would like to express my personal appreciation to Jim Morte:. of the Department of State for organizing thi!' Iwrkshop and choosing us tc host it. Thank you. - 3 - OPENING RE~mRKS by James Morton New York State Department of State 'Coastal Management Program '- . " Thank you Tom for your kind introduction and very valuable assistance in providing this meeting room. Before getting into my remarks I woUld also like to extend my thanks to members of the Planning Group who worked with me in organizing this workshop. They include Bill Slezak, Jim Mansky, John Tavalaro and Debbie Freeman from the New York District Corps Office; Ken Koetzner, Barbara Rinaldi and Joe Pane from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Jay Tanski from New' York State Sea Grant and Aram Terchunian from the New York State Coastal Management Program. , I bec~~ve We hav~ ar. impre5~iv~ cast of speakers, panelists and workshop participan~s. We have representatives from dredging contractors, co~s~ltants, ane the scientific community as well as federal, state and municipal regulatory agencies. All of you have considerable understanding about dredging. Some of you have known differences of opinion on the subject of dredging, In fact, when I was telling John GuIdi who ~le were inviting to the workshop, he asked if we would be setting up a gun check at the door. 1 answ~red no, but we purposely invited represen~dLives from both sides of the issue. { One of the basic premises of this Workshop is tha~-there is not one of us here toda~l \\'ho fully understands all the _. complexi ties of the dredsing issue. ~\ore than oncE' we've heard dredging contractors exclaim, "Why don't you regulators get yourself out on a dredge and see the real world?" Or a regulator complain I "Why don't those dredgers realize that their project will knock out an important shellfif,h bed?" ." Through my invol Ver.lent with New York's Coastal Management Program I I've had the opportnni ty to wi ~ness much of t.his crossfire. WE' in fact have made a few shots as well. It's time that we sat down in a room together, shut the door, roll up our shirtsleeves, listen to one another's concerns, and then start developing guidelines for designing a dredging project that not only reduces env1ronmental risks but also is economically and technically practical. Collectively, there is much wisdom and e:{perience in this room. We are the experts. But we each only have a piece of the answer and we must share our information. Yes, we expect some heat in our discussions over the next two days; that is one of the reasons many of you were invited. Rut we cannot let this opportunity to share ideas degenerate intc simply a gripe session. , . There is a second prerase to this ~Iorkshop upon which I hope we can all agree, and t~at iM: dredging is not in and of itself a bad thing. Dredging is integral to harbor management, the marina industry and public access. Tte challenge we face is designing our dredging projects so they do not encroach on other - 4 - user groups such as the commercial fish~rman, or on the environment. However, we must also realize that when wp dredge, we are, in a very real sense, tinkering with Mother Nature. And ",hen we make a mistake, she can punish us cruelly. We need the scientists here today to help us better understand how dredging and disposal of dredged material does, and does not affect the environment. Our agenda is full and we need to get started. But first I would like to introduce John Zammit, Director of the Operations Division for the New York District Army Corps of Engineers. Without the help of John and others, we would not be having this workshop. Since nearly everyone in this room knows John, he needs no further introduction, so won't you please welcome John ZaJT1r.'.it. . . " . - 5- OPENING RE~~RKS by John ZamMit Chief, Operations Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District Office " ,.' Thank you, Jim. I just want to share a few words of welcome. I am very pleased we are having this workshop today ann that we have a chance for those of us with differing views to exchange our ideas. We in the Corps are concerned about some of the special conditions being placed on dredging projects. We need to determine if the anticipated benefits of these .special conditions are worth the extra cost of their being implemented. We h2ve a mission to accomp]i~h: to keep our channels open to allow for safe navigation and access to our ports while in compli2nce with Federal environmental regulations anc laws. ~t is time that wa all started werking together and sharing in tha eff<,'r~ to ge: tt.:r r.issie:". 6.cconplishl'c. .. And now I wculd like to 1ntroduce the first speaker for this Session: Bill Slezak, Chief of the Navigation Branch of the Corps will discuss t~chnical considerations that must h~ taken into account when ae~igning a dredging project. "'hank you. '. ,. . " '. c' .'" I' - 7 - TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DESIGN OF A DREDGING PROJECT by William F. Slezak, Chief, Navigation Branch U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District ' INTRODUCTION - What I plan to do during thiE talk is to discuss: a) where, why, what, and how we dredger b) the environmental considerations that enter into planning for a federal projectr and c) present Corps policies regarding the maintenance of federal projects. Following my talk, Mr. Brian Lindholm will be discussing some of the technical and economic aspects of dredging from a dredging contractor's perspective. . The New York District's area of jurisdiction extends over the drainage basins of Lake Champlain, the Hudson River, the Hackensack Riv~r, the FaES[ic Fiver, the Raritan piver and all of Long Island. Within this jurisdiction there are some 550 miles of Federally authorized navigation channels. The ty~e5 of navigation projects we are responsible for include: ~) the deer draft navigation channels in and around the Port of Ne\~ York which vary from 14 to 45 ft. in depth. Sediments in these channels are generally fine-grained and the dredged materials have historically been disposed in the ocean. The sediments generally are contaMinated as a result 0; their location in a highly industrialized area. Nevertheless, the sediments in general d~ not appear to be toxic to marine life. The Matter of seciMent toxicity will be addressed in g!"_eater detail 10 the next two sessions. . b) the Hudson River tc 1'.lbany and Lake Champlain ~'hich includes a 32 ft. channel to the Port of Albany and 12 ft. through the Barge Canal and the Narrows to Lake Champlain. Sediments vary frOM coarse grained to fine grained. Sediments are relatively uncontaminated excep~ for occasional minor levelE of PCR's in the Hudson River. '" c) shallow draft harbors in New Jersey, in these locations are commercial allo recreational channels and Long Island and Lake Champlain. Sediments generally not contaminated. As to why we dredge, the obvious answer is to allO\~ the safe movement of vessel traffic. Dredging is accomplished either mechanically or hydraulically. The most common mechanical device used in the Harbor is a bucket or clamshell dredge which essentially scoops up the shoaled material and places it into a scow which is subsequently towed to the designated dumpsite. 8 - Hydraulic dredges include cutterhead or pipeline dred9~s which have suction lines extending to the bottom. The shoaled sediment is then pumped in a slurry through a pipeline to the disposal site. The ADCO, owned by American Dredging Company, is a 27 inch diameter pipeline dredge, which is presently working in Jones Inlet and is pumping the dredge material onto Point Lookout Beach. There it is serving to restore that beach which has been eroded. Another type of hydraulic dredge is the hopper dredge, in which the material dredged is pumped into hoppers aboard the vessel. The hopper dredge, NORTHERLY ISLAND, owned by the North Atlantic Trailing Co., is presently working in Fire Island Inlet. One of the advantages of using a hopper dredge, as opposed to a hydraulic dredqe, is tha+ this dredge is mobile and can work in rough seas, such as those experienced i~ inlets and entrance channels. EN\:~ONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS THA'f E!;'!'ER INTO PLAK!\ING A FEDERAL DREDGING PROJECT. We in the Corps are in a unique position in 'Il\~t \~e not 0nly do dredging either with our mm equipl'1ent or by contract, but also regula t.e dredginq by others. Rather than constituting a conflict of interest, I believe this dual respnnsibility has worked out well. As dredgers we are subject to the same env:;'rcr.mental review process as .....ould be flny private d~edging operators. . , This responsibility includes sa.ds=ying the criteria and guidelines established by EFA pursunn~ to the Clean ~aters Act, and the Ocean Dumping Act, as wlol] [. S satis fying other related environmental laws and executive orders such as NEPA, the Endangered Species Act, the Fish S Wildlife Coordination Act and the Coastal Zone Mpnagement Act. In addition, a considerable research effort has taken place and is continuing to take place which h~s investioated all facets of disposal alternatives for dredged material, including beneficial uses and state-of-the-art evaluative procedures for contaminated sediments. Particularly noteworthy among these research efforts was the 5-year $33 million Dredaed Material Research Program (DMRP) which was managed by the-Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WES). J We are fortunate in having here two gentlemen from WE E who were involved in the DMRP, which was essentially conpleted in 1979, and who are now involved in a successor program known as the Dre~ging Operations Technology Support Program or DOTS. Through this program, Corps Districts are provided technical support in dealing wi~h dredging problems. We in the New York District have been actively involvF.d in a Dredged Material Management Program in which various d1sposal alternatives are being investigated for possihle implementation. 9 - CORPS OF ENGINEERS POLICIES REGARDING MAINTENANCE DREDGING. I "l'Oula now like to discuss current Corps policies regarding "- dredging projects. . t It is the Corps of Engineers' policy to regulate the discharge of dredged material from its projects to assure that dredged material disposal occurs in the least costly, most environmentally acceptable manner, consistent with engineering constraints established for the project. The EA or EIS for the project, in conjunction with the 404 (bl (1) Guidelines and the public notice coordination process, are utili7ed in formulating environmentally acceptable alternatives. The-least costly, environmentally acceptable alternative or alternatives selected through this information _, process is the Federal Standard for the project. In other words, the Federal Standard is the IFast costly disposal alternative, among those which satisfy all applicable Federal laws and regulations. . The policy further states that Corps Districts will cooperate to the maximum extent practicable to comply \Ii th State Water Quality Standards, and CZM Programs, and to minimize impacts on fish and wildlife resources. However, if a Federal or state agency imposes beneficial uses as a special condition, any additional expense associated with such provisions will not be a Corps responsibility_.unless specifically authorized by Congress. 1/\ SUM~1\RY: 1) Considerable knowledae has heen gained during the past 10 years regarding the impacts of dredging and disposal through research efforts such as the Dredged Material Research Program and successor research programs carried out at WES. . . 2) We in the Corps are very sensitive to the environmental issues associated \lith dredging and disposal, and are also required to abide by federal environmental laws and regulations. '. 3) We will also cooperate to the maximum extent practicable to comply with State Water Quality Standards, and CZM programs, and to minimize impacts on fish and wildlife resources. 4) special expense If, however, a state agency imposes beneficial uses as a condition, the Corps may not pick-up the additional unless specifically authorized by Congress. 5) Similarly if agency imposed testing or monitoring exceeds that needed to meet the Federal standard, that agency or the local sponsor ~ill be asked to pay the increased costs. - 11 - TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DEITGN OF A DREDGING PROJECT OR WHAT DREDGING CONTRACTORS WISHED EVERY REGULATOR KNEW ABOUT DREDGING: PRIVATE DREDGING PROJECTS by Brion Lindholm Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company " f' I have been asked to le~ you know what we, as dredging contractors, wish every regulator would understand about dredging. Our greatest wish would be that every regulator would be more familiar with the actual dredging process from an . operational viewpoint. With this in mind, I will first run through some slides that show typical dredging equipmcnt and techniques. . Some of you may anticipatE: that, bei.r.g a typiCal cor.tractor, I will tell you about the ineptness of Government officials in regulatory capdcitie~, and about the inequities and ahsurdities of many environmental regulations. I am not here fo:- this purpos~, nor do I believe such to be the truth. I would like, however, to talk about some regulations and environmental concerns that we, as contractors, have difficulties understaLcing, and that maybe are not in the overall public benefit. · . We all understand that some of us here are professjonal people ",ith the pr:;.mary funct iOll to protect the enviror.ment. Others here are professional people mandated to mail1tain channels, waterways, beaches, etc. as well as having responsibility for environmental considerations. Those of us who are contracto:-s do what We are told without always understanding or appreciating the reasons why. The amount of difficulty placed on the dredging process by environmental regulations is reflected in the dredging cost. The onus of responsibility is on you, the regulators, to determine what any given regulation is worth. l'lork shops like this should be more co=on. We must not waste public mone~' vlhile performing a necessary, and oft..n desirable public service and at the same time we must assure this service is carried out in a manner compatible with our environment. The opening of the Western Long Island Sound disposal area will save the marina industry and its users a lot of money as th.. distance to the disposal area is in direct proportion to the cost of dispcsal. While this move was unpopular with some of the public, the recreational use of boats is very popular and this necessitates dredging. The first subject I would like to ~alk about may not be considered, by strict interpretation, to be an environmental regulation at all. For many years the upland disposal of dredqed materials h8s been mandated as the most desirable method of disposal, with few exceptions. Upland disposal provides ~ 5ense of s6cur:.ty. We knm' ",here the material is, vlE' can look at it, we car. manage it. - 12 - The strings attached to upland disposal are getting difficult tc live with. Land, especially waterfront property, is at a premium in many metropolitan areas; setting aside hundreds of acres to contain a sea of mud is not very attractive. The media, often mislabeling dredged materials, force local citizen groups into an "anywhere but here coalition". "' We must build more facilities such as Craney Island and Hart Miller Island for dredged materials that are unsuitable for ocean disposal and we must ocean dispose all materials suitable for such. We also must use more dredged materials to nourish our beaches and to supply sand to our building materials inQustry. The word "turbidity" is always associated with dredging in a contrary manner. It's probably true, however, that a vessel moving through shoaled water creates more turbidity than the dredging proces5 required to remove the shoal. The fear of turbidity manifests itself in several environmental restrictions. Effluent cont~ol in upland disposal areas, overflow restrictions on hopper and bucket operations, al1d turbidity curtains e:re a few. . , ~ Some of these restrictions work much better in design than they do in practice and their utilization is very costly. For example, as yeu may kno\o.', a turbidity curtain consists of a f10atino tUDe that SUppOTts a curtain, weighted at the bottom. This configuration attempts to cr~ate an underwater dam in the hope of ha-ltino turbidity. This may work fine in a lab,tenl: ~lith negligible current, but on mest projects with any current, the curtains are usually destroyed \lithin da;'s of placement. What's probably ~lorse, m.,ar:inc::r1ess <.r.6 ineffective restrictions-; stubbornly maintained as these turMidity curtains often are, have the effect of eroding credibility between the owner, contractor and regulatory bodies. Let us be sure that industry has input in the regulations needed to meet certa~n parameters. Maybe it would be best to set the criteria and let owners and contractors decide the best way to meet these criteria. One of the important factors in determining dredging cost is the timing of the project. Are environmental ,...indows worth the costs, and do they perform their designed function well enough to compensate for hundreds of thousands of dollars in downtime for weather and the increased risk of sinking of equipment? These costs are passed on to the owner and in most cases, the taxpayer. Let's be sure about the relative value of environmental windows before assigning them to contract5. . Most dredging contractors and owners will tell you the permit process is an infuriating, t~dious and potentially expensive nuisance. One essential ingredient in improving this necessary process is to have the Corps of Engineers and other State and Local ac::rEncies get together and work out a timEtRhle for o~ting on permits, and to allow private parties to "piggy-back" when adjace~t to federal projects. , . ~ cr w I' - 13 - There is much knowledge regarding the regulation of dredging and the environmental effects of dredging. We believe these regulations and effects should be closely evaluated as to actual effectiveness and cost. The moving of materials from one place to another place will always be a reality. Whether or not certain regulations in this process are effective or cost effective is something that we must not overlook as responsive users of public monies. Our company, and I believe, most others in the dredging industry, is willing to assist at any time those who have the burden of this responsibility. I believe that if we all work together, we ~7ill more easily achieve the best results with the least cost and effort. \' - 15 - SESSION 1 Questions and Answers Question 1 David Fallon, (DEC) : Would you please expand your thoughts on turbidity and silt curtains? Response: Bill Slezak, (COE): Regarding silt curtains, I think Brion Lindholm spoke accurately about their poor performance in open waters. If there are currents of more than 1 or 2 knots, silt curtains become useless. . ~ Dick Peddicord, (vffiS): Silt curtains are not filtersl they are barriers. They do not extend to the bottom of the water and so water passes under the silt curtain. This process concentrates turbidity near the bottom where benthic communities exist. without the curtains, the turbity would spread out, become dilutec to concentrations less biologically significant. , Question 2 Jeff Kassner, (Town of Brookhaven): Which creates more of a regulatory he2dache, dredging or disposal? Response: Bill Slezak, (COE): Environmental laws are generally geared more to disposal than dredging. Question 3 Aram Terchunian, (DOS): What levels of turbidity sh0uld we be concerned abcut? Response: John Lunz,(WES): In the lab, turbidity levels of 1,000 mg/l have been shown to caDse adverse impacts although biological co~munities in the mid and north Atlantic are more tolerant of turbidity. Onp exception 1E shellfish larvae. Comment 4 Frank Januzzi, (Weeks Dredging): Recently a zilt curtain was requ1red and adc80 $250,000 to the project cost and it accomplished nothing. '. Comment 5 Charles Pound, (Aqua Dredge): We were recertly prohibited from completing a dredging project unless we used a silt curtain. Meanwhile the Corps was doing a sidecasting dredgins project nearby. ," Question 6 Roberta Weisbrod, (DEC): Are containment Islands hurricane resistant? Response: Bill Slezak, (COE): Hurricanes would be taken into account while designing the island. Brion Lindholm (GLD & D Ce.): The island in BaltiMore was designed to withstand weather conditions that have occurred over the past 100 years. Question 7 Al Bauder, (OGS): Would users pav to use the containment isltif,d in on'er to offset the cost?- WhRt :5 "the future use of the land? - 16 - Response Brion Lindholm (GLD & D Co.): The states have to provide disposal area~ for federally maintained channels. Baltimore charges $2/cubic yard for private dredgers. Hart Miller now has a private beach; when it is filled it will be a state park and half a wildlife refuge. Question 8 Chris Zeppie,(PA): The Corps is looking at the most economical disposal options. How does this objective dovetail with current policy of ocean disposal being th~ option of last resort? " half Res~onse Bill SlezakICOE): Most economical is not a formal POllCY yet; it may be in the future. In the future, ocean disposal may be changed to be considered on an equal footing with other options. '., Question 9 relaxir.g its Larry Pen~y. (Town cf East Hampton) : regulil-::io;l.s on 6umping on wetlal1ds? Is th~ Corps Responses Bill Slezak(COE): No. Sensitive environmental areas are safe. If there is a beneficial use like beach nourishment, the local sponsor must pay the increased costs of placing the materia 1 on thE" beach rather than shipping it to ar. offshore site. Comment 10 Norm Rubinsteln, (EPA) : dredged material as a resource, nOt a { We should consider clean nuisance. Responses Jim Morton, (DOS): Clean sand dredged from navigation channels should be placed on a beach. But to do so would cost extra noney and this money must be provided by a cooperating agency. New York State has no established fund to provide this money. Jean Gilman, (DEC): DEC is not authorized to provide this money. Bill Slezak, (COE): Every pro4ect is required by la~1 to have a local sponsor. For example NYS DOT i~ the sponsor for the Hudson River Navigation Project. . Comment 11 Dan Natchez, (Consultant): You as regulators will tell applicants to spend more for a preferred environmental reason, while the Corps goes for the cheapest alternative. This is very hypocritical. Bill Slezak,leOE): Remember, it's not just the cheapest alternative, but the cheapest and environmentally acceptable alternative we try to use. - 17 - OVERVIEW OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF OPEN WATER DISPOSAL OF DREDGED MATERIAL by Richard Peddicord Environmental Laboratory U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station ,. The Environmental Laboratory of the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has been involved in research on environmental impacts of dredged material disposal for approximately 10 years. This effort began with the five-year, 32 million dollar Dredged Material Research Program in 1975 and has continued with several multi-million dollar research programs since that time. We al~o have the Dredging Operation Technical Support (DOTS) Program which provides the scientific e~pertise of ~FS to Corps Dlstrict! or a short-term response basis to address immediate specific problems. This effort has kept us very much in touch with the needs of the Corps Districts and those with whom they work. We have also conducted a variety of jointly funded researct, efforts with the Environmental Protection Agency and other Federal envi ronmental groups, some of which ha"e been supported in part or in whole by the New York District. " A perspect.ive on the volume of oceiin-dumped dredged materiCtl is provided by the fact that from 1973 through 1981 a low of 41.3 million cubic yards and a high of 99.7 million cubic yards of dredged material were dispused annual17 in the oceiin. The average ocean disposal volun~ per year is approximately-65 million cubic yards around th~ country. The New York District annually disposes something in the neighborhood of 10 million cubic yards depending on the amount of sediment deposition and dredging during a particular year. Dredged material consists of a soil fraction which is the mineral constituents eroded from the lane plus interstitial water surrounding those particles in the sediment, a few percent of or~anic matter and anv contaminants which mav be associated with that organic matter or the soil fraction. Contaminants can be associated with dredged material in five major kinds of geochemical association. It is the nature of the geochemical association of the contaminant with the dredged material that determines the environmental activity of the contaminant and, therefore, the potential impact of the dredged ~aterial. In order of increasing tightness of association and, there~ore, decreasing potential for environmental impact, contaminants may be associated with the dredged material as: II) dissolved in the interstitial water between sediment particles; (2) ionically or exchangeably bound to the surface of the individual mineral particles; (3) in a reducible coatina around those !\",ineral particlR~; (4) in associa~ion with organic matter in the seoiment; and (5) metal may b~ part of the crystallin~ G~trix of the mineral particles themselves. Although biological and environmental activity decreases in the iibove order, the - 18 - abundance of contaminants in each of the fractions increases_in the above order. That is, the most available fractions contain the smallest percentages of the contaminants and the greatest percentages of the conta~inants are in the lesser available fractions. ContaMinants can shift between fractions depending upon geochemical conditions at the disposal site. This becomes very important because it means that a sediment which might cause acceptahly low environmental iMpacts if disposed Oil land, could pose a risk if disposed in the water: and conversely, some sediMents which may pose little environmental concern at an aquatic disposal site may pose serious problems at an upland site. For instance, in aquatic sites the dredged material will remain water saturated, anoxic, reduced, and near neutral in pH. In upland sites as the material dries, it oxidizes and may become highly acidic. These differences in conditions greatly influence the availability of conta~inants from the dredged material. It is for this reaS0n that most scientists familiar with dredged materi~l believE th~t it must bE evaluat~d on a case-bv-case basis in order to select and identify the disposal alternative that poses the least environmental threat. Therefore, the Environmental Laboratory has developed a management strategy which suggests that both aquatic disposal and upland disposal be considered on an equal basis when disposal alternatives are being evaluated. Comprehensive environmental protection cannot be achieved unless the environment is viewed as an entity and it is recognized that disposal on land may influence the water. Environmental impacts are not necessarily avoided by simply avoiding aquatic disposal, but rather the impacts may si~ply be shifted, and perhaps in a more adverse form, to a different portion of the environment. Thcl'"efore, a comprehensive~look at all alternatives is necess~ry for real environmental protection. When dredged mate~i~l is discharged in ~he open water, most of it goes to the bottom, and in depositional environments, remains there. Both field and laborator~' experience in this country, Japan, and the Netherlands over the past l'leveral years have demonstrated that under cer~ain conditions it is possible to cover or cap the deposi~ of contaminated sediMent with a cle.aner sediment, thereby isolating it from the aquatic environment. This is proving to be an acceptable management technique for contaminated sediments in aquatic disposal sites. When looking at the potential for environmental impacts around an aquatic disposal site, one must consider not only the biological activity of contaminants but also the time-concentration relationships under which animals will be exposed to those contaminants. For instance, around open water discharges of dredged material, suspended solids concentrations tend to return to background levels within 1000 to 2000 yards of the discharge point. When hopper dredge discharges take place eleva~ions may reach perhaps 1000 to 2000 mg/l suspended solids at the point of discharge and return to background ccncentrations within approximately lODe yards of the site and within 10 to 30 min. Therefore, both the concentration of suspended solids and the time during which organisms May be exposed to them must be " ," '., . r . . < r ," , . . - 19 - considered in evaluating the potential for environmental impact. One must also recognize the variability inherent in sampling data in order to assess impacts. The influences of geochemical conditions on con~aminant availability are such that contaminant mobility tends to be greater at acid pH and oxidized conditions. This holds true for a variety of contaminants associated with dredged materials in several different geochemical fractions. Rather weak statistical correlations exist between total or bulk chemical concentrations of any individual contaminant in sediment, and toxicity of that sediment. This has been shown in a number of cases and holds true for both toxicity and bio-accumulation. Techniques have been developed and are continually being refined for biological examination of individual sediments on a case-by-case basis to predict th~ actual potential for environmental impact of both upland and anu~tic discharges of that particular sediment. Using these techniques and recognizing the time/space concentration distribution relationships of the contaminants from the discharge, it is possible to make accurate genera~ statements about potential for impacts at a particular site and to identify the disposal environ~ent which poses the least potential for overall impact ~ith a giverl sediment. . . " . . . . - 21 - EFFECTS OF DISPOSAL OF FINE GRAINED SEDIMENTS ON BENTHOS A Point of View John D. Lunz*, and Douqlas G. Clarke** U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station A clearer understanding of the potential biological effects, or if you prefer, the impacts, of disposal of fine grained sediments is possible if one considers impacts in the following framework: Activity In this instance the activity is the placement of fine textured sediments (mud) into the aquatic environment. A better definition of the activity would include information about the type of dredge and disposal equipment used during the projec~. A mechanical bucket or clamshell dredge will pick-up sediment from the bottom in nearly the same consister,cy as the material occurs on the bG'c'coD r.aturally. to/hen this material is transferred to a barge or scow, which transports it and dumps it at the disposal site, the material consists of a relatively large percentage of solids and small percentage of water mixed with it 1n comparison with material handled using other dredging and disposal methcc5. Hydraulic hopper or cutterhead pipeline dredges tend to mix the material on the bottom with water. This causes the dredaed n'i:terial to be lower in solids and hiqher in liquid content.' The solid:liquid ratio influences the w~v material descends to the bOttOffi anc affects the thickness' and spread of the deposit on the bottOM. Alteration This refers to the physical or chemical alteration of the environment that is affected by the activitv. Environmental alterations can be described in Qualitative or in quantitative terms. For examplb, the frequently heard statement that the aauatic disposal of dred9cd material increases the turbidity of the water is a qualitative statement. A qliantitative statement would include information about the levels of turbidity without the disposal activity and the levels with the disposal activity. Effect In biological language, the effect or impact is the result of the biological response to the environmental alteration. The effect is not always undesirable or "bad". A determination about whether an effect is desirable or undesirable must be made in relation to society's goals for a particular waterbody. For example, hard clams and scallops are nct typically harvested from the same Long Island embayments. While hard clams are the most important commercial shellfish resource in the Great South Bay, bay scallops are the most important shellfish harvested in the Great Peconic Bay. These two types of shellfish have different environmental requirements. If it were possible to devise a scheme that modified environmental conditions in the Great South Bay which led to the displacement of hard clams by bay scallops, that effect would probably be "bad" in the minds of persons who preferred clams to scallops. * Research Mari~e Biolcqi~t ** Oceano9rapher - 22 - Systems of Biological Classification Used for Studying Disposal Impacts Biological science is loaded with technical terminology and different classification systems. Aquatio organisms are often classified according to where they live in the vertical dimension between the water surface and the bottom sediment. Interwoven in this classification are terms that describe an organism's mobility. Terms of particular relevance to this discussion are: plankton, which are organisms or life stages of organisms with very weak swimming ability whose movements are influenced to a greater degree by the direction of water currents than by their ability to swim across or ag&inst a current; nekton, which are organisms capable of swimning against or across a current and;. benthos, ~lhich means bottom and refers to organisms that live at or below the '~ater-H:)cliInent boundary. " Dredged material disposal operations in aquatic environments tend to alter bottom sedi~er.t conditions more than any other aquatic environmental conditions. Because of this, studies about the bioloqicul effects of disposal operations frequently emphasize the henthos. There are other reasons for focusin~ on the benthos: they do not move around as much as plankton and nekton; they are relatively long-lived, especially wher; compared ,~ith plankccn and; a lot of informat~on is known about the~r biology. , Benthic biological responses, ie. responses of the benthos, are usually measured at one or more of three different -levels of biological organization. The individual organism represents one level. When the individual is the focus of attention, responses observed include altered patterns of feedinq, respiration, and chemical composition. Other observations are sometimes made on individual organisms, but the three mentioned above are the most common. A second level of organization is the population. A population is a collection of individuals of the same species. The striped bass population of the Hudson River is an example. Population measures include observations of growth in numbers and growth in the average size of population members which provide information on reproductive health and general condition. Population studies are more coronon than individual organism studies and probably more meaningful because the condition of a population is the long term basis for knowing the impact of a fishery on that population. A third level of biological organization is the community. Different species living together comprise a community. A relevant example is a shallow-water mud-bottom benthic community dominated by a variety of different species of marine worms and clams. Community studies of benthos are most common among types of benthic impact investigations. Characteristics examined include total number of different species, total number of individuals, total weight (biomass), relative propor~ions of different species, feed ins types and others. The value of some species comprising a benthic community is obvious when those species are commercially or recreationally - 23 - important like hard clams, scallops, mussels, blue crabs, lobsters or blood worms. But for each commercially or recreationally important species there are literally hundreds of species of clams, worms, shrimp-like animals and other benthos that have no commercial or recreational value. These are, however, important for various ecological reasons. For example, they provide food for fish. Benthic Responses to the Disposal of Fine Grained Sediments . Individual organisms, populations and communities persist at a particular location because they are adapted to physical and chemical environmental conditions at that location. If an animal is capable of efficiently feeding, respiring, etc. within a particular range of environmental conditions, then its long-term survival, or the survival of other individuals of the same species is threatened when conditions extend outside of that range. A larq~ number 0: physical ane chemical environment~l conditions involving water and sediment o.uality are important to survival of benthos. This discussion will concern itself with those conditions most likely to be influenced by dredqed material disposal activities. ,'. , Let us begin the discussion by constructing a realistic scenario involving the disposal of fine-grained (muddy) sediments over the bottom of an estuarine or coastal marine disposal site located in the \Iaters of the State of Ne,,' York. The project would most likely involve the USe of a bucket or clamsh~ll dredge. The dredge would transfer the material at the dredging site into ~ barge or scow which wo~ld then be towed or pushee to the disposal site. At the disposal site, doors located at the botton of the barge would be opened. The fine-grained dredged sediments would descend through the water column, impact the bottom and be distributed in the form of a mound. The areal dimensions of the mound, and its height or thickness will obviously be affected by the volume of the material. These characteristics and the slope of the material between the tOp of the mound and its eages will also be influenced by the location of the barges over the site during disposal operations, the water current regime at the site, and the specific properties of the material that would cause it to behave more as a liquid and flow over the bottom or, more as a cohesive and plastic material with a resistance to flow and a tendency to mound higher on the bottom. . Next let us: (a) describe what happens to the estuarine or coastal marine benthos that live on or in the bottom within the boundary of the designated disposal site; and (b) dis~uss the conditions that seEm to influence the kind of benthos that recolonize the disposal site and the rate at which colonization proceeas. - 24 - Animals occurring within t.he area impacted by the dredged material immediately following its descent to the bottom are probably killed. Survival by animals covered by the dredged material as it spreads over the bottom from the impact area depends on the thickness of the blanket of matp.rial together with the physical similarity between the dredged material anc the sediments occurring naturally at the disposal site. Animals usually found in mud seem better adapted to survive burial when covered with mud than animals usually found in sand. The converse seems valid as well: animals usually found in sand seem to survive burial in sand better than mud animals. There are at least two reasonable explanations for this observation. First, animals whose bodies have evolved for burrowing in sediments of a particular physical character are to an extent specialized and unable to cope with too great a change in sediment type. Second, anatomical respiratory and feeding structures have evolved to allow efficient oxygen transfer and food gathering in a particular sedimentary environment. Of course this point does . '. not apply tee. animals whicr. have no bnn:owing ability. If an animal spends its life attached to a piece of broken shell or other firm substrate and feeds by filtering water (like a mussel) or trapping particles suspended in the water flowing over it (like a barnacle) I it is not. adapted to survive burial. The kinds of benthos that recolonize a dredged material deposit and the rate of recolonizati0n seem to be determined hy (a) the character of the dredged material relative to the character of th~ natural bottom sediments, (b) what I shall call the disturbance climate which refers to the magnitude, frequency and seasonality of physical or chemical d~sturbance to ~hich the benthic cOIlUllunit~' of an area is adapted ane'! (c) the availability of mobile propagules, ie. juvenil E: c.r adult forms of benthos capable of moving onto the dredged material deposit, in the vicinity of the dredged material deposit. If the drednpe material is similar in character to material occurring on the bottom naturally, if the general area is disturbancE adapted such as a shallow muddy-bottomed estuary stirred up by seasonal prevailing winds and, if the general area around the disposal site is characterized by benthic communities containing species that produce a nearly continuous supply of mobile juveniles and adults capable of drifting as plankton at night, possibly in search of more food-rich, recently disturbed bottoms, then colonization of the dredged material deposit will be very rapid. Under these circumstances it is also very likely that there would be only small differences between the benthos invading a new deposit and the natural bottom cOIlUllunity of the general area. A change in sediment type and/or a change to the natural disturbance climate will at least temporarily, and possibly permanently, alter the character of the benthos of an area. A fine sand bottom populated by an abundance of small shrimp-like animals living at or above the surface of the sediment might be displaced by a muddy bottom containing large numbers of marine worms and small clams living at and beneath the sediment surface. If the disposal site receives dredged material at a time that is incompatible with the seasonal reproduction cycles of some henthos or if the dredgE~ material deposit is isolated from a r - 25 - . source of propagules by distance, or by local water circulat_ion patterns, the period of recolonization will be prolonged. . Depositional environments, i.e. bottoms of estuaries and coastal waters which are relatively deep or protected in other ways from' bottom turbulence caused by wind-generated waves, tend to be inhabited by benthic communities that require extended periods of bottom stability for their establishment and persistence. When those areas are disturbed by dredged material disposal, the community that first develops on the bottom is usually different than the original community. This occurs even when the dredged material is similar to the original bottom material. With time the community condition changes, becomes more similar to the pre-disposal conditions, and may eventually be indistinguishable fron the conditions that preceded disposal. a- An important resource management auestion is: Has the estuarine, or coastal ~'ater botton area used for dredged material disposal ~eEn reduce6 in value by that disposal? Mnre specifically the ques~~on becomes: Do the benthos that first colonize dredged mater~al placed on a depositional botton, or the benthos that live on the dredged material during the period it is changing biologically and becoming more like the ore-disposal benthos, have the same fish-food value as the original bottom? The answer appears to depend on the type of fish and the size of fish whose food supply is involved, because even among bottom-feeding fishes, different types (species) of sinilar looking fishes eat different things and different sizedJagec'! fish of the same type (species) commonly eat different things. Fish feeding behavior is a complicated subject but the follQ~ing generalizations arc oefensible: (a) many estuarine anCtnearshore coastal marine fishes with recreational or cornrnelcialimportnnce are opportunistic or plastic in their feeding habits. Their survival and gro~th isn't deFendent on a single or several species of benthos, (b) the efficiency with which these opportunistic predators feed not only affects how long it takes them to fill their stomachs, but how hard they have to work to fill their stomachs, and influences how much food energy is used for bare maintenance of life and how much food energy IS ,. available for qrowth and reproduction; (c) feeding efficiency is determined by the anount and the distribution of available food. Food concentrated in patches is consumed more easily than the same amount of food that is more uniformly distributed over the bottom, and (d) the availability of food depends on the size of the potential food item in relation to the ability of the fish to capture and eat ~hat potential food item as well as on how deeply in the sediment the available sized food items are located. " '0 .- II These qeneralizations lead us to the conclusion that the fi~h-food value of a bottom affected by dredged material disposal depends on: (a) the total weight (amount) of benthos occurring on the bottom, (b) the area over which the total weight is distributed, (c) the sizes of the benthos comprising that ".eight; a~d (dl the way in wh~ch the individual sizes and w~ichts of the benthos are distributed both horizontally and vertically on and below the sediment surface. Different species of fishes and - 26 - sizes of fishes vary in their abilitv to efficiently detect, capture and eat certain sized food i~ems located at varions depths below the sediment surface. Eenthic communities naturally occurring on depositional bottoms are characterized by numbers, weights, sizes and distributions of benthos that are different when compared with communities of recently disturbed or recovering bottoms. The desirability of these altered fish-food conditions depends on the types of fisheries local resource managers wish to preserve or enhance. I stated above that many recreationally and commercially important fish species are opportunistic or plastic in their feeding habits. The intentional implication is that not all fishes feed this way. Some appear much more selective than others. Some flatfishes seem to prefer to feed upon the shrimp-like benthos living at or just above sandy bottoms. It would not be easy to aefend a statement that changing the bottOM from saD~to mud would have no effect on the food value of the bottom fo, these fishes. , Conclusion We obviously lack information about all the effects of fine grained sediments on benthos. Eut biologists specializina i~ the study of the benthvs and the interactions between the benthos and the sediment envircnment lhcnthic ecologists) have gathered an impressive and very useful information base. Eenthic ecologists working together viU. fishery biologists can educate one another to achieve a quantitative understanding about the influence that changes in the benthos have upon the fish-food value of an estuarine or nearshore marine bottom. This kind of knowledge is available and could be uSEful fer making d~edged material mangement deoision~. r - 27 - SESSION 2 Questions and Answers '- Question 1 Dave Fallon, (DEC): Is there a problem with dissolved contaminants migrating away from the aquatic disposal site? Responses: Richard Peddicord, (WES) : In an aquatic disposal site, movement of contaminants from the disposal site is measured in millimeters per year! Contaminant movement through- interstitial water is so small as to be negligible. However, the weight of the overlying sediment cap can induce some contamina~t movement, but we cannot measure this movement with precision. ~ " At the dredging site, suspended sediments dilute to acc~ptable levels within 1,000 meters of the dredge operation. Contaminant mobility is a function of the concentration of suspend~~ solids an~ duration of ~y.posur~. However the amount of suspended sed1ment induced by dr~dging is less than that caused by a working shrimF boat. Question 2 Hank Smith, (DEC): Can't you add colloids (e.g. lime) to the dredge slurry stored in a diked upland disposal site to lessen the potential for metals to leach from the disposal area? Response: Richard Peddicord, (WES): Yes, this process is usable but there ~s a question of cost. By physically manipulating the dredge materials during disposal, it may be possihle to achieve the same objective at a lesser cost. Question:3 Bob Teeters, (Connecticut): Does our knowledge of geoohemistry help us predict the uptake of arsenic by plants? Response: Richard Peddicord, (WES) : We could not predict the magnitude of uptake but we could have predicted that there would be a problem. 'i Question 4 Art Miller, (DEC) : Is the Corps consid~ring using EPA's acid ,soluahle techniques in elutriale tests for metals? Response: Norm Rubinstein, (EPA): This is one of the methods being considered, but it is not routinely being used for testing dredged materials. Question 5 Jeff Kasner, (To\o.'n of Brookhaven): Hav~ VOD considered integrating the results of biological comrr~nity and water quality impact assessments in order to determine overall impacts of a project? Responses: particularly are invclved John Lunz, (HES) : when people with a in the assessment. Yes, this is possible, good deqree of local knowledge - 28 - Comment 6 Ron Abrams,(DEC): Do not assume that because fish can shift th~ir diets when their feeding area is altered by dredge material disposal that there won't be other negative ecological consequences of changing their diet. Response: John Lunz,(WES): Some fish change their diets seaso~ally~ other cannot. If a particular fish species feeds on only epifauna of one type and we eliminate these, then we lose those fish. In other cases, some fish species can do well on a variety of foods and feed on whatever is most easily available. . - 29 - CORPS' REGULATORY APPLICATION OF TE 1T RE SJLTS by John Tavolaro U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District " The previous speakers have discussed impacts in the field and the technical aspects of dredging and disposal projects. My focus will be on how we use this information as regulators. The two basic questions are: (1) What tests are required.and why? and (2) How do we interpret the results? . " Originally I was going to describe the regulations but that began to get very complicated and almost exclusively a legal briefing. Regardless of the applicable regulation, testing is required to address the environmental concerns that are the basis :or the rEC:l:iaticllb, 'I'h' crm: of the mat.ter here is the environmental concern, rather than the regulations per se that dictated the recuire6 testillg. Regulations give an agency the legal authority to consider environmental aspects of dredging and disposal projects. So, in this discussion we will assume that the legal authorit:' is a given and not address applicable regulations. We as regulators must first look at the specifics for each project. Thcr~ is a biq difference in potential impac~s depending upon type of drecging, method of disposal, etc. Then ~le must determine ",hat thE, questions are (which aspect of project, if any, shows environmental concernsl. Finally we must determine the means to answer these questior,s. This does not always mean that testing is required. Existing information should be used \'lhenever pos sible. 'I'f'sting should bs speci fj c to the project and should only be used to fill in the gaps in our knowledge. " I will now discuss what ~esting is re~uired and why, in a very general way. Just as all dredging and disposal projects can be classifif'c by their potential impacts (physical, chemical and biOlogical, and the interactions among them), s1m11arly, environmental testing is also divided into physical/chemical/biological types. Physical t~sts are basically grain size analyses. Chemical tests include bulk chemical analysis, elutriate analysis and special tests designed for contained dredged material disposal facilities, i.e., the modified elutriate test. Biological tests consist of the bioassay test (liquid, suspended particulate and solid phase) and the bioaccumulation test. Each type of test tells a limited story and is designed to address specific elJVironmental questions. '. The grain size test tells you a lot immediately ahout overall pollutionpotent1al ana physical impact potential, The coarser the sediment grain size, the lower the potential for the sediment to be contaminated. - 30 - The bulk chemical test has a very limited usefulness by itself. It does not address mobility or bioavailability of contaminants and should never be used that way. It can be used if the degree of pollution is unknown, or in order to look for "hot spots" of a given contaminant. '- The elutriate test should be used if there is water quality impacts during dredging or disposal. address bioavailability of contaminants. Regarding the bioassays, the liquid and suspended particulate phase could be used if there is concern for water quality impacts causing mortality of water column organisms. the solid phase could be used if there is concern for mort~lity of benthic organisms at the disposal site. a concern for It does not The bioaccumulation test is usually done in conjunction with the solid pha~r tioassay. :t could be used if ther~ is concern for bioaccumulation of contaminants at the disposal site. Testing methods are relatively straightforward and are the responsibility of local Corps Districts, the EPA and local agencies. The trickier aspect is how we interpret the results of the testing. A lot of what follows is the result of the Corps expenditure for the Ocean Disposal program. The grain size anc bulk chemical analysis are used merely as inventories 1 environmental impacts cannot and should not'be int~rpreted with confidence from there tests. ThE elutriate enalysis should be done in triplicate to determine a mean and standard deviation. The site water test should also be done in triplicate. If you detect elevated contaminant levels in the elutriate and they are statistically significantly diffcr~nt from the site water, then you have to calculate the mixing zone to see what impact dredging will have on thp ~Iater qualJ. ty at the dredging site. Most of the methods for bioassays has been developed in response to Ocean Disposal requirements. Dredged material is prepared in a liquid form and in a suspended particulate form for testing purposes. Various concentrations are run for various water column species. We then calculate the LC 50, the Limiting Permissible Concentration (LPC) (1% of LC 50 as safety factor) and the mixing zone (modeling) to determine size of mixing zone once LPC is achieved. The material that settles out after mixing is the solid phase. Three species are exposed to the solid phase dredged material for 10 days and the percentage of mortality is determilled statistically. If there is a statistically significant difference in mortality and the difference is) 10% for anyone species or for the com~unity as a whole, then no ocean disposal is allowed. . - 31 - Bioaccumulation testing is done in conjunction with the solid phase bioassay. A tissue analysis of the survivors is done in triplicate and statistically compared to a reference sediment (clean sand). If there is statistically significant difference and the test value is greater than Interpretive Guidance Matrix Value, there is cause for concern. " The Interpretive Guidance b<latrix is similar to a "Water Quality Standard" for the area around the disposal site only in this case it is a "Bioaccumulation Standard" in the New York Bight. Bioaccumulation values below "ambient" levels of bioaccumulation in the disposal environment are not cause for concern. The matrix sets maximum ppm values for each species in the test, based upon analysis of organisms. The matrix has been agreed upon by all ocean disposal regulatory agencies; it is dynamic and can change as ambient conditions chang€. . . That in a nutshell is hov we determ10e what testinq is required and how we irt~rpret results. I want to emphasize that it is important to look at the specifics of dredging and disposal projects in order to define the appropriate environmental questions. Always keep in mind that specific tests were designed to address specific questions; no more and no less. If testing is needed, the proper test must be used; otherwise, any analysis of the data is misleaei~s. rinally, data interpretation o. the proper test is essential. Tests are not definitive; they are open to 1nterpretaticn an6 ob scientists, 88 well as regulators, our interpretation must be based on fact not on bias. . . \' <r .'" I; - 33 - SESSION 3 Questions and Answers '- Question 1 Holly Haff, (NYC Dept of Planning): How does the Corps interpret ,the sediment data? What percent of the permit applications received include test results showing unacceptable contaminant level? r Response: John Tavolaro,(COE) Guidelines for interpreting sediment test results are not laid out as precise as those for, conducting the test. The standards used for judging the relative acceptability of sediment to be dredged were derived from years of arguing and law suits. A 10% difference between reference and test data is generally considered a large enough difference to trigger the Corp's copcern. Question 2 whether the cap or Id th Jim Morton, (DO ~: How does the Corps materinl coula b~ placed at the Mud Dump a cap. decide without a Response John Tavolaro, (COFl: Matrix values exist for some contaminants such as mercury, PCB's, cadmium and zinc. We do not have a matrix value for P~HS. When test results SDOW , contamination levels 10% greater than the matrix level, 'then we require capping. Question 3 Unkno,,,n Participant..: Are bioassays required only for projects involving more tJ'lan ~5,000 cubic yards of dredged seediment? o' Response John Tavolaro, (COE): It depends cn the location of the dredging project. If the project calls for disposal in Long Island Sound, then bioassays are required for projects involving 25,000 cu yds or more. When leesser amounts are involved, we still require bulk chemical analysis. If test results show a high degree of contamination, we would then require bioassays. .. Question 4 Unknown Part~cipant: Are the Corps and EPA phasing out acute toxicity tests? Response: Norman Rubinstein, (EPA): We're not phasing out any tests: we'll use a hierarchy of tests. Early tiers are cheap and simple, using predictive models. The new procedure will eliminate routine bioassay testing and the automatic $10,000 charge that goes with it. We may have to move to more complex tests, depending on the scope of the project and the effect on substrate colonization. Richard Peddicord, (UESl: All projects warrar.t some looking at. l'lith some it's readily evident that there's not a lot of problems. Grey areas take'more investigation than black or white. Only a few projects need the full array of testing. - 34 - Question 5 Unknown Participant: On mixing zone models: how do you determine what's an appropriate size of the mixing zone? Response John Tavolaro, (COE): There are two ways to establish mixing zones. In a narrow channel the mixing zone cannot exceed a set size. In the ocean you calculate what the mixing zone will be without constraints, and then determine if the size of the calculated impact area is acceptable. Question 6 Dave Fallon, (DEC) When I see the approval of ocean disposal of sediments dredged from the Arthur Kill, which is a pretty stressed area, I have to question the value of the bioassay test. Response Norm Rubinstein, (EPA): The test works in terms of the end points we have selected. Contaminants associated with sediment t~rn cut ta be l~s~ toxic than pure contaminants dissolved in water becau~E they are less biologically available. Sediments suck up the contaminants, functioning like a sink. In a cleaner environment, se6i~ents serve as a source of contaminants. Question 7 Dave Fallon (DEe): Isn't it easy to manipulate bioassay tests so as to obtain desired results? Responses: procedures agencies. Norman Rubinst;E~1l (EFA): No. ThE tEsting prescribed reflect a consensus of federal regulatory Jim Mansky, (COE): A lahoratory must go thro~ah a rigorous QA/QC before we'll allow them to conduct tests. The COL and EFA inspect all labs. eill Slezak, (COE): The Arthur Kill ~sn't pristine but the sediment is so coarse grained that it doesn't absorb much. Que~t ion B Larr'! Penny, ('rown of East Hampton): Hm.1 many project~ fail ocean disposal criteria? Response John Tavolaro, (COE): About 5% of the projects have failed the solid phase bioassay. - 35 - INTRODUCTION: PANEL DISCUSSION ON DREDGING WINDOWS:. ARE THEY AN EFFECTIVE TOOL by James Morton NYS Department of State , This afternoon's panel topic is dredging windows. It is our intent to take a candid view of this commonly used strategy to mitigate adverse environmental impacts of dredging projects. . . Very simply, dredging windows are time limits imposed by regula~ors within which a dredqing project must be completed in order to avoid interfering with some other important use of the project area such as fish spawning, waterfowl nesting or human recreational activities. Intuitively appealing, dr~dging windows set by different regulatory agencies sOfubtimes create an untenable situation: overlapping time restrictions can limit the allowable time for dredging such tDat there is insufficient time to complete a project. We have invited panelists representing both sides of the issue. I_trust we will have a lively discussion. Our first panelist is Charles Pound, of Aqua Dredge, Inc., and an articulate spokesman fer the cOIT~unity of dredgi~q contractors. . " - 37 - CONTRACTOR'S PERSPECTIVE by Charles Pond Aqua Dredge, Inc. Regulators are making it difficult for dredging firms to do their job. Some contractor concerns are: (1) Redundancy in forms and regulations. There should be a mechanism for adjusting the standards for reviewing a project to the size of a project. A project of 100 cubic yards should not undergo the same scrutiny as one for 1,000,000 cubic yards. . . (2) There should be a standard review process for small projects so that regulators can concentrate on important ones. (3) Re0u1ators ne~d to do a better job of screening objections t8 ~rniects tv ~~ke sure thc~ Bre valid. (4) CorrJrol' sense must be useci \lhen applying dredging windows. For instance, in Long'Island Sound once bad weather months and dredgina restriction months are subtracted frOM the year only three months are left for getting the work done. (5) Is there really an environMental basis for settinq dreeigi:,g \iindows QUI-' t.'"' turLJ.d,-t:., especi"lly for small projects? (6) When setting dredging windows regulators should take into account th~ specific type of equipment to be used as SOIT1e dredges produce little, if any. turbidity. '. r <T ." " - 39 - DREDGING WINDOWS-MUNICIPAL PERSPECTIVE by Jeffrey Kassner Town of Brookhaven Division of Environmental Protection INTRODUCTION Intuitively, dredging windows, the restriction of dredging to certain periods of the year, appear to be good environmental policy. Ecological theory holds that most organisms and ecosystems are more sensitive to environmental perturbations at certain times ("critical periods") than at others. In the marine environment, the critical period is thought to be durin~ the summer months when reproductiOIl anc" production are at their pe~ks. For this r6ason, dredging has been prohibited by many regulatory agencies during the warmer months of the year, typically ~i."ing a "dredg ir.g window" from September to May. The Town of Brookhaven is the largest of Long Island's 13 townships and has had a seasonal dredging window for over five, years. In considering dredging windows from a municipal perspective, using the Town of Brookhaven as an example, two questiolls_cre pertinent.. First, what is the jurisdictional basis that er.ab1es the TCt:n to establish a dredging window and by extension, why does the Town choose to exercise the option? Second, what is the ratior.ale for the dredging window? -.' THE TO\~"N OF BR00KHAVEh' S BASIS Fer. ;. DREDGING v;INDOlv .. The Tmm of Brookhaven was established in the mid-seventeenth century hy the Dongan Patent issued by the then colonial Governor of New York. It is the basis of the Town's regulatory authority and at the same time mandates that the Town trustees protect and preserve the environ~ent of the Town for the good of its citizens. Furthermore, most. underwater lands and wetlands were to b~ held in common by the Town, giving it a property interest as well. ," Brookhaven's trustees and subsequently the Tovm Board, Brookhaven's legislative bodies, have regulated usage and development of wetlands and waterways since the inception of the Town. Initially, this was done by Town resolution on a case-by-case basis. In 1976, the Tow~ formalrzcd its wetlands regulatory procedures with the adoption of it's wetlands ordinance. The regulations therein cover waterways, wetlands and adjacent areas. The Town has chosen to regulate wetlands, which includes the establishment of a dredging window, because it feels t.hat the Town carl be much more sensitive and responsive to local needs, concerns, and conditions. There is certainly adequate justification for this position. While some may argue that this - 40 - creates additional bureaucra~ic delays, with coordinated review with other regulatory agencies, it actually gives a flexibility to the regulatory process and better protects the environment because the Town is mor~ aware of the local nuances of a project. THE BAUS FOR THE DREDGING WINDOW Originally, the Town's position was that no dredging should be permitted from May to September. This was based on the concern that increasing the suspended sediment load during this period of the year would interfere with the reproduction and feeding of commercially and recreationally valuable fish and shellfish. A wide variety of laboratory studies confirm the lethal and sublethal effects of elevated suspended sediment concentrations. If one locks at ~he natural concentration of suspended sedim~nts, how~~pr, it is ouite apparent that meterological events (i.e. storms) routinely suspend considerable quantities of sediments which marine organisms are obviously able to withstand. For this reason, if the concentration of suspended sediments induced by dredging is of the same magnitude and length of time as storm generated concentrations, then dredging would, in effect, mimic a natural event. Therefore, the ecosvste~ should respond to th~ dredging as if it were a storm, permitting the dredging wincC\v to be rela::ed in certain instances. In the Great South Bay, for example, the average concentration of suspended sediments is about 10 mg/l. During storm events, susp~nded sedirn~nt concentrations routinely exceed 30 mg/l and can go as high 130 mg/l. The concentration of suspended sediments increases rapidly but returns to background levels in about a week. Although the information is l~rgely lacking, it is likely that most small scale dredging operations produce suspended sediments profiles similar to storms. Thus, under certain conditions, it appears that there may not be a need for a dredging window and'the Town has become more flexible in requiring a window. Unfortunately, predictive models that could provide suspended sediment concentration contours surrounding dredging operations have not yet been developed. Decision making therefore is based on available geophysical, and hydrological information, as well as the characteristics of adjacent areas. These are assessed for each application, tc determine if there is sufficient justification to waive the summer restriction. The creneral ~own policy is that when the impact cf the dredging is not clear cut, a window will be invoked with projects that take longer than two or three days to complete. The seasonal restriction is not required for coarse materials since they generate little suspended sediment. With medium to fine sediments, the \.]indow may be waived if the area iE' ~1f,11 flushea and no important natural resources will be impacted. Suspended sed~ment mitigation measures are usually required when the window is waived. - 41 - In addition to adverse suspended sediment impacts on the. ecosystem, there is concern that dredging operations will cause a significant decrease in dissolved oxygen, which is a particular problem in the warmer months. Where the sediments are highly organic or the area to be dredged is poorly flushed, this is a legitimate concern, and a seasonal dredging requirement is always applied to the project. '- .. There is one additional case in which a time requirement will be placed on a dredging project but is not necessarily seasonal. In many instances, an area will be used by wildlife or for recreation for a well defined time period. In these cases, a time restriction will be required, consistent with the usage. THE THIING OF DF-EDGING WINDOWS .. Give~ th2t seascnLl dredg1n~ restrictions are justified and necessary, the next ~uestiDn is wlilit are the appropriate time limits? In a few limit~d instances, the timing is obvious but in most cases, it is not. Further confusing the issue, the critical period is not the same for all organisms. It has also been accepted as fact that the marine environment is most sensitive to dredging in the summer months. This necds to be crit1cally evaluated. A case could be mace that dredging should not be permi~ted in winter because the ~ow water temperature slows biological processes such that organisms are less able to respond to the dre~ging stress. One thing that is certain in setting a dredgincr window, is that the timing must be consistent among the regulators. This has not always been the caSE. A difference of one or two weeks in setting the starting and ending dates is not likely to have a serious environmental imryact but will cause serious oonfusion with the public and hardship to contractors. This is an unfair burden to impose, particularly since the value of dredqing windows has net been conclusively proved or disap"roved. It is clear that regulators must become consistent. Dredging windows tend to be more qualitative than quantitative. They are also based on laboratory studies that may not be applicable to real world situations. The benefits derived from dredging windows are not likely to be insignificant, but one must keep in mind the scientific limitations behind dredging windows in setting and maintaining policy. FUTURE NEEDS Additional research into dredging windows is certainly justified and needed to validate and refine the dredging window concept. From a regulators perspective, it would be most useful if the distribution of suspendeel sediments around a dredcring project could be predicted. When the distribut~on shows a~ impingement upon valuable natural resources, then a dredginq window could be set. - 42 - Work is also needed to better define the timing of the dredging window. What is good for one organism may be harmful to another. It is clear that the objectives of dredging windows need to be better clarified. , In conclusion, the use of dredging windows is probably warranted. Their implementation needs to be refined, however, to ensure both environmental protection and the realization of other societal needs. - 43 - DREDGING WINDOWS: STATE PERSPECTIVE by David Fallon NYS Department of Environmental Conservation . . The Division of Marine Resources, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, is of the opinion that dredging windows do have a value but they must be implemented on a case by case basis and that blanket prohibitions against dredging in any particular time period are not necessary at this point in time. In the future, if generic EIS's demonstrate that there would be some value in placing dredging windows on specific areas to protect specific species this could be accomplished. But to do this at present would bp. premature. It is our opinion that the ma;or concern with drec~ing in enclosed environments is a possible prublem with lower disso~ved oxygen (DOl levels. I think a reasonable approach to the problem of 10~ler dissolved oxygen levels is to have the appropriate government agency generate a list of areAS based on their experience where they believe dissolved ol:ygen problems might result from credging activities. ThE NYSDEC has produced such a list for Suffolk County. Even in these cases it might not be necessary to prohibit the dredginc at this time but rather it would be advisable to have dissolved oxygen monitoring with perm~t restrictions that would a~tomatically stop dredging should the DO readings go below a certain point, for example 4 milligrams per liter for ten to twenty minutes. Generically, we advis~ that large dredging operations shculd be scheduled to occur between October 15th and ~ay 15th. ~ However, once a credging project has been initiated it should be allowed to go to completion even if it goes into this window. The reason for the time period chosen has to do not only with biology but with social and economic factors. In the New York areas most of the marine recreational and corr~ercial activities occur during the May 15 to October 15 period. This is ~ also the peak time for spawning activity of most but not all commercially and recreationally important species in New York waters. To summarize, the Division of Marine Resources in New York State has an advisory on the conduct of dredging activities in specifically identified areas in the warmer months when lower dissolved oxygen levels might occur. We do not have blanket prohibitions against dredging at any time. Such prohibitions may prove beneficial after the completion of generic environmental impact statements for specific areas. . . .. 4' - 45 - DREDGING WINDOWS PANEL DISCUSSION STATE COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PERSPECTIVE by James W. Morton and Thomas Hart NYS Departnent of State . . I am pinch-hitting for Tom Hart, our Habitats biologist on the Coastal Management Program Staff who was unable to make it to this Workshop. Torn has been directly involved in developing our Significant Coastal Fish and wildlife Habitats Program. He has asked me to briefly describe this Program, and to explain how we think it will prove useful in establishing appropriate dredging windo~ls . New York's Waterfrc~t Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act authorizer tIll: Secretary of State to designate discrete arNlS along our State's cOast that are vital to the survival of our coastal fish and ~lild~~fe resources. The Department of State has worked closely with the Department of Environmental Conservation in an effort to identify, describe and map each of these hahitat areas. In addition an attempt was made to identify the types of uses and activities likely to create an adverse impact on each habitat. This sitp specific information provided in the habitat narratives has already prc~en usefu: in our project reviews for federal consistency. . . As an illustration of to~ we have used the habitat narratives in our federal consistency reviews of dredgfrc projects, I will briefly discuss tre Fire Island Inlet Dredqing Project. One of the proposed disposal areas was to be a spit of land n~ar the Inlet known locally as the Sore Thumb. According to our habitat narrative a least tern colony had become established on the Sore Thumb. In order to avoid interfering with the least tern nesting activity, man-induced physical disturba~ces of this area should not occur between June 1 and August 1. The dredging project, however, had been scheduled to commence 011 July 15. . . Perceiving a problem, I decided to contact one of the biologists with first hand knowledge of the site, who was listed in the habitat narrative. I learned that the most critical period for the terns ended once the eggs hatched and that usually occurred the second or third week in July. I also learned that if the location of the proposed disposal could bc shifted far enough away from the least tern colony so there would be a 500' buffer area between the disposal site and nesting site, then the comnation caused by the disposal operation would"not create a problem for the terns. With this information, I contacted Bill Slezak in the Corps and learne6 that the ti~ing and location of the dredging project could be adjusted without unduly interfering with the dredging project. \'ie would be able to dredge the Inlet and not cEsturb the least tern nesting activity. - 46 - Such fine tuning of a project to mitigate adverse environmel,tal impacts is not possible without site specific information. We feel that the habitat narratives will serve as a useful tool for regulators and dredging contractors to obtain the specific information needed to identify effective mitigation techniques that will also allow a project to go forward. We feel that broad brush, regional dredging windows are not always sufficiently precise and may unnecessarily preempt a dredging project. We offer regulators in other state and federal agencies ready access to the habitat narratives for use in the permit process. We will also be trying to maintain a high degree of communication with other regulatory agencies and permit applicants so as to reach an agreement on an acceptable and effective dredging window for a given project. Thank you. - 47 - SBASONAL RESTRICTIONS ON BUCKET DREDGING OPERATIONS by John D. Lunz,* Douglas G. Clarke,** and Thomas J. Fredette+' U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Abstract " Seasonal restrictions are sometimes imposed on bucket dredging operations in response to concerns for potential impacts of sediment resuspension on various biological resources. Five broad categories of biological concern are identifiable: (I) survival and development of egg and larval stages of fishes; (II) survival and development of egg and larval stages of shellfishes; (III) survival and movements of juvenile fishes and shellfishes; ITV) survival and movements of sub-adult and adult shellfishes and, (V) survival and movements of sub-adult and adult fishes, The available published and unpublished literature relevant to these ccr,cerns is often contradictory, not always directly applicable to actual dredging operation conditions, and generally inadequate to either confirm or refute significant dredge-induced impacts. Resource managers, handicapped by inconsistencies within the technical data base, often resort to establishment of rigid dredging windows. Sufficient evidence exi~t~, however, to suggest that most life history stages of target biological resources are very tolerant of elevated suspended sediment concentrations, and that the logic which leads to n.gid dred9ing windows is contra-indicated. In place of dredging windows the suggest~0r. is offered for the use of a standardized list of questions to solicit specific information about the project and location. This information would be used to guide discussions and consequently decisions about the need for restrictions. The questions require information about contaminant and physical properties of the sediment at the dredging location, the size and shape of the water body to be dredged, prevalent local hydrodynamic conditions, the occurrence of nearby important benthic un~ planktonic resources, proximity to a natural or dredqed channel, and the natur~l turbidity characteristics of the water body. . , ., *Research Marine Biologist **Oceanographer +Marine Ecologist - 49 - SESSION 4 Questions and Answers Comment 1 Rob Green, (DEC): There are nine sewer outfalls in Westchpster county. Since pathogenic organisms reside in Westchester County Harbor sediments, dredging these areas has been restricted during the swimming season. Questl.on 2 turbidity they regulated? Response: John Lunz, (WES): There exist unregulated activities which may be creating impacts that are more adverse than dredging. Ed parthe, (Shoreline Consulting Corp): Given the generate, shouldn't shrimp trawlers in the Gulf be Question 3 Euge~iu Flatow: When it is necessary to halt a dre6g1ng project 2~ler it is s~arted tc avoid harming a resource, who suffers the ll~bi11ty7 Response: Charles Pound, (Aqua Dredge): The dredging contractor absorbs the loss. Question 4 Unknown Particlpant: Is there any monitcring going on to see if dredging windows are working? Response: Charles Pound, (Aqua Dredge): inspection. But if we aren't ~llowed to measurements. I've never had an dredge, we canout take Comment 5 Dan Natchez, (Ccnst;lu,:'.U: DB.ve Fallon suggests thi.it private industry prepare ~he Generic EIS. I thihk government agencies have expertl.se. The New York District should consider doing a harbor characterl.za~ion s~udy. This study should be a cooperative effort. . . \' cr . " - 51 - Introduction Dredging and Disposal in Low-Energy Enviror.ments - (Protected Bays, Canals, Marinas) by Aran Terchunian NYS Coastal Management Program " " In this morning's session we will examine small dredging projects that individually may seem insignificant, but cummulatively may be quite important. As a reviewer of. projects, I examine hundreds of minor dredging ((100 cubic yards) projects annuc.lly. I have noticed that a standard approach to project review can decreasf' processing time and increase protection of : coastal resourc~s, This n0rning we Kill hear fron several noted speakers representing academia, regulatory agencies and consultants. Thf' object of this session is tr. determine what are the most important parameters; how can they be best addressed in project review; and ho~ can applicants/consultants/contractors design and implement pro~ects to protect these inportant coastal resources. " " - 53 - DREDGING IMPACTS ON BENTHIC INTERTIDAL COMMUNITIES, SHELLFISH AND HABITATS by Dr. Carmela Cuomo Marine Sciences Research Center SUNY at Stony Brook Benthic intertidal communities are located, as their name implies, in areas of the marine environment subjected to tidal fluctuations, wave action, and sediment reworking. In a sense, they are "d1sturbance" communities. The effects of dredging - an artifical disturbance - ona natural disturbance community must be evaluated by examining the changes which are wrought by the dredging on the physical, chemical and biological components of the system. Th~ IcllOl,,'bc discussion ~.'ill center on the physical and chemical components of benthic intert1dal communitiGs and will only briefly allude to the biological components. The effects which dredging (both the area dredged and the area receiving the dredge spoil) would have on the physical, chemical and biolog1cal components of a seagrass community (Zostera marina) will bE presented as a case example. ThE EPdime~t type of an area is determined primarily hy the current re9ime of the region, the location of the region relative to wave action, and the prox1rnity of a sediment source. Sediments may vary from coarse clastics to extremely fine silt and clay part1cles. In general, for non-carbonate sediments, the finer the grain size the greater the organic content of the sediments. The amount of organic matter present in sediments is a main factor which affects the sediment pore water chemistry, which, in turn, "ffects the biclogical corr.position of the regie,n. The geochemistry of non-conservative constituents of the pore waters in marine soft sediments can be quite complex and vary temporarily and spatially. As mentioned above, the main compositional component of fine-grained. sediments influenced by '. both physical and biological factors is organic matter, This pool may consist of dead phytoplankton and zooplankton, dead benthos, vascular plant t1ssue, anthropogenic material, and fecal " pellets. For the purposes of this discussion, the simplified formula CH~O will be used to refer to this reservoir of organic matter. L. Organic matter falling through the water column or exposed at the sediment-water interface may be degraded aerobically through the actions of aerobic decomposing organisms provided the water is oxic. This reaction, assuming complete m:idation, is represented as: CH20 + O2 -+ CO2 + H20. - 54 - As dissolved oxygen is usually available only to those sediments directly in contact with the overlying oxic water column, aerobic decomposition is generally restricted to a zone near the sediment surface. Organic material not fully deco~posed aerobically by the time it is buried is subject to a decompositional regime dependent on the pore water redox conditions of the enclosing sediments. Organic matter associated with anoxic pore waters in fine-grained sediments in areas of minimal bioturbation, such as is normally found in disturbed regions, will undergo a sequential decomposition (nitrate reduction, manganese oxide reduction, iron oxide reduction, sulphate reduction, and methanogenesis) which represents the preferential utilization of electron acceptors by facultative and obligate anaerobic bacteria according to the maximum energy gains derivable. Of these reactions, the dominant one occurring in marine sediments is sulphate reduction: -. C" 0 + S()~ ~ ~ r 2 . 4 H2S + HCO 3' The dominant chemical species present in pore waters of reduced sediments, therefore, is sulphide. Thus, organisms prespnt in fine-grained sediments rich in organic matter must be able, in some manner, to tolerate the presence of H~S. .. Whether or not sulphl.de and other end-products of anaerobic organic matter decomposii.ion enter the water column deptmds er. both the amount of disturbance an area receives and whether or not a deeply bioturbating in fauna is present. Areas suhjected to much physical disturbance (eg. intertidal areas) usually contain an abundance of snaIl, oppor~unistic species (polychaetes and bivalves) which do not biot.urbate to a large exter.t (< 3 em): the RPD' in such sediments is located very near the sediment-water interface. Areas containing deeply hioturbating (>3cm) infauna have an RPD located several cm down in the sediments. The presence of deeply bioturbating infauna serve to continually bring oxygenated water in contact with reduced sediments, thus oxidizing the sediments. Communities o~ this type are generally located in shallow to deep subtidal regions: they may occasionally, however, be present nearshore. Should such communities experience a disturbance, the upper oxygenated layer of sediment would be removed, exposing the underlying organic-rich sediments and reduced pore waters to the sediment-water interface. Such changes would exert a strong influence on the benthos of an area. From the above discussion of sediment type and geochemistry it is possible to see the difficulties inherent in any attempt to eValuate the effects of dredging on an intertidal (disturbance! communi ty. The remainder of the paper ,.ill focus on an example of one shallow subtidal to intertidal benthic community - the ~05tera marina community - and the effects which dredginq might have on it. Eelgrass beds (Zostera marina) thrive in protected shallovl waters, especially along salt marsh creeks and channels, in are?s - 55 - where sandy sediments predol".inate. They are an important communit~' for sev~ral r~a30ns: (1) a substantial ~mount of . nutrients (eg. NO , PO ) are bound in the stand~ng crop of seagrasses; (2) m~ny sp~cies (eg. clams, scallops, lobsters) use, them as nursery grounds or as predator protection areas; and (3) organic-rich fine sediment particles are trapped by them, reducing turbidity in the local area. The sediments underlying eelgrass beds are generally reduced and rich in organics. The RPD, in these sediments, however, rises near to the sediment-water interface in some areas and is depressed in others, owing, among other things, to the presence of fine-grained sediments, of infauna (e.g. clams, juvenile lobsters), and of the plants themselves. The sediment chemistry underlying an eelgrass bed is even more complex than the simple end-members described in the preceding paragraphs. .. The dredgir,g of a seagrass community results in both physical and cheMical change~ ~hich, in turn, exert a strong influence on the b~vlogy of the area. If dredging occurred within or adjacent to an eelgrass community, the following alterations could be expected. First, Zostera marina itself and its accompanying benthos would be physically removed. Additionally, species which commonly live among the seagrass blades for protecticn would be exposed to predation. Secondly, the removal of sediment would alter the hydrography of the area, which could result in increased erosior, of underlyinc or adjacent sediments. This sediment erosion would manifest itself as increased water column turbidity which would liMit light ever adjacent eelqrass beds and affect their productivity. Increased turbidity also has, in general, a negative effect on filter-feeC!ers, such as clams, thus reducing the produc1:ivity of the benthos as .,ell. FurtJ.ermore, the removal of ~ostera _ 3 el!minates a large sink for many nutrients (e.g. NO 1 PO 4 ' NH 4); the area then becomes more susceptible to eutrothica~ion. Finally, the underlying reduced, organic-rich sediments ann their pore waters which are not USUally in contact with the water colul".n are now exposed at t.hE sediment-water interface. Colonization of these sediments is more likely to occur by small, pioneering, opportunistic polychaetes and bivalves, rather than V by the commercially import.ant species which previously occupied the eelgrass beds. Again, the benthic productivity, as well as the plant productivity of the area dredged, is reduced. <f" ,_ (I Areas receiving dredge spoil material would undergo similar alterations. The severity of these effects, however, would be mediated by the initial location of the site, the types of organisms present, the organic content of both the naturally occurring sediments at the site and the dredge spoil sediments, and the depth of the RPD in the site sediments. Ideally, the deposition of dredge materials in a region which normally contains a "d~sturbance" corrIDunity would be less severe than one which contains a deeply-bioturbating infauna. Dredge spoil deposition in such an area (ie. intertidal regions), however, would present the .difficult problems of containment and increased turbidity. - 56 - It is obvious that the location of the dredging operation is an extremely important condition which affects the long-term , recovery of a site. Generally, nearshore areas contain assemblages of organisms adapted to disturbances, and contain highly reduced sediments. Shallow subtidal sediments and sediments underlying eelgrass communities mayor may not possess physical, chemical, and biological components of disturbance systems. The degree to which they do not will have a strong determining effect on their ability to withstand and/or recover from the effects of dredging. . \ \ , 1 RPD (Redox Potential Discontinuity) - the chemical boundary laver above which oxidation reactions dominate and below which reduction reactions predominate. In sediments it often is manifested as a change in color from lighter colored oxidized sediments to dark gray to black reduced sediments. - 57 - NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PERSPECTIVE ON DREDGING IN NEW YORK'S TIDAL WETLANDS hy Charles Hamilton Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Regulatory Affairs INTRODUCTION . . Dredging Permits are required under two Environmental Conservation Laws: Art. 15, Protection of Waters and Art. 25, Tidal Wetlands Act. The magnitude of the project, location of the dredge project, and placement of dredge material will determine whether or not the project is a minor or major project in accordance with the Uniform Procedures Act regulations. If the project is considered minor, it is reviewed by the department only and a permit issued without public notice. All major projects are reviewed by the Department and public notice is issued at the commencement of the review period. Dredging projerts for Art. 25, Tidal ~letlands Act (TWA) are reviewed pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 661 Tidal Wetlands-Land Vse Regulatior.~ (TWLURI. ~hey are received by The Division of Regulatory Affa~rs (DRA) and sent for technical review to Bureau of Marine Habitats Protection (BP.HP), Fisr. and wildlife (F&W) and Coastal Engineering. Dredging of Intertidal Marsh (IM~; High Marsh (HN) formerly connected (FC), coastal fresh (FM) shoals and mudflats (SM) are presumptively incompatible (PIP) with the regulation which ~ean5 the burden of proof is upon the applicant to prove the dredge project will not adversely impact the benefits associated with the tide'] ",'etlands. Placement of dredged material on 1M, HM, FC, CF is incompatible (I), and PIP on SM, and LZ. VOLmlE OF APPLICAT:rONS AND STANDARDS .. In Nassau and Suffolk County, we currently receive 1500-2000 Tidal Wetland permit requests on an annual basis; 100-300 majur Tidal Wetlands dredging projects ranging from dredging of Intra-Coastal waterways, entrance to harbors and creeks, channels inside harbors, marinas, new docking areas, and,associated docks; and, 300-500 minor dredging projects for maintenance dredging, placement of dredge material on upland areas, and dredging less than 500 cubic yards. Dredging in small harbors such as Gull Pond which are mainly used by small outboard vessels (vessels less than 20'), has . usually been limited to maintenance of existing channels in their e::isting locations, or new dredging for new dock areas. In these small boat harbors we have issued per~its for dredging depths of 4' with a one foot overcut, channels 50' - 100' in width with 1:3 side slope and with no dredging within 25' of vegetated wetlands to minimize impacts of boat wakes, and sloughing off of wetlands - 58 - banks. Dredged material has been deposited in approved dredge spoil locations (upland), utilized for beach nourishment depending on sediment compositions, and placed in borrow areas. Outside channels found in the water of Great South Bay, Gardiners Bay, Little and Big Peconic Bays, South Oyster Bay, etc. are limited to 6' depths with an I' overcut and 100' width. :pcil is commonly utilized for beach nourishment on public bay beaches. '- The largest problem facing these major type of projects is locating acceptable spoil sites and means for placement of dredged material. Many of our dredge spoil areas on Great South Bay and Moriches Bay have been developed for residential use. Three to five hundred individual applications are received annually for dredging of canals. Most of these dredging requests accompany requests to construct bulkheads and docks, or reconstruct failed pocks or bulkheads. Dredging to depths of ~, to 6' is generally approved provided the area to he dredged does not include vegetated tidal wetlands such as 1M or significant 1M areas. Many landowners replacing or reconstructing their bulkheads require backfill for their new structures and since most of thc areas are fully developed as pool decks it is often impossible to bring in upland fill. Therefore, the canals are dredged wherever these bulkh~ads are replaced. Many new dock applications are submitted with dredge requests =or the area of the dock or for dredging of navigational channels to the docking are~. In most cases the Dep~rtment requests modification to lengths of docks so as to eliMinate need for dredging or mininize the area to dredged. In regards to Marina request~ for dredging it is COIT~Cr. to see up to three requests for small amounts of dredging at a marina in a given year. We are discouraging this type of application and are now requesting Master Plan dredging for the entire marina. The advantage of this policy is that it eliminates the need for the applicant to see the Department on a seasonal basis and allows the marina owner to schedule dredge projects well in advance. We will also know in advance the limitation of our dredge spoil location in certain harbors and creeks. The Department has issued approximately a dozen permits of this type and we hope in the future to issue them to all marinas for a minimum of 5 years and maximum of 10 years. Similar to the concept of one marina: one application, the Department is concerned that locating spoil sites will become more difficult. The DEe recommends using Master Dredging Plans by townships and/or counties, Generic Environmental Impact ttatements (GElS), and/or improved communication between regulators, interest groups, applicants consultants, contractors, and the public to solve this problem. - 59 - Mitiqation Factor Utilized Often a project will be modified to reduce the impact on tidal wetlands. In some projects, the Department will request that additional wetlands be created to replace wetlands lost during development. These measures and techniques are commonly referred to as "mitigation", and some of them are explained below. 1. Minimize area to be dredged: Alter length, width, depth of projects in sensitive areas, and construct docks in such a length so as to reach navigable depths. 2. Create buffer zoneR from dredge area and tidal wetlands: 1:3 slopes, no dredging within 25' of vegetated 1M. 3. Relocate area to be dredged from productive shellfish breas, t~dt} ~etlands, aL6 gras~ b~d~. Also, relocat~ areas where spuil is to be placed to lim~t impacts. 4. Transplant shellf~sh resource and tidal wetland vegetation when iI<pacted. A 2:1 replacement ratio is usually used in m~~or and minor projects. 5. Alter dredging techniques in areas adjace~t to tidal wetlands - (dragl~ne in canals, and mari~ns, hydraulic dredges ih small boat channels and in harbors and creeks). 6. Create Least Tern Nes~ing Habitat utilizing clean dredge spoil - Accabonac Harbor - (EP. Tmm, SeDT'''!, NYSDEC!F [--1'1) Summary " In conclusio~ all our decisions are made on a case by case basis. The Department attempts to balance the type and magnitude of the project, the public need and the impacts likely to occur with the benefits associated with preserving tidal wetlands values. Through permit condit~ons and m~tigation techniques we can minimize many of the associated adverse impacts of dredaing and still achieve the objectives of the project. However, the success of this permit system is dependent upon communication and cooperation between the regulators, the applicants, and the contractors. " ~ '. \ e r " , - 61 - CONSULTANT'S PERSPECTIVE by Charles Bowman The Land Use Company , There are numerous ways in which consultants are helping prepare projects which are environmentally sensitive to the coastal environment. to (1) Bulkheading is not always the most effective way to control erosion. A fringe marsh can be very useful in erosion" control a~ a substantial savings. A properly designed slope w~th riprap can also be "an effective alternative. (2) Clean dredged material may be used for dune creation ~r to establish Least Tern habi~ats. Erosion control blankets can be used to keep the reaterial in place. (3) Specific plants can be used to establish vegetation in marsh enviror~ents. Weeping Alkali grass will grew under very salty conditions. Spartina patens will usually follow with time. (4) Most concerns are site specific. The consultant must balanc~ an applicant's objectives with the unique conditions uf the project site in order to develop an environmentally acceptable plan. - 63 - SESSION 5 Questions and Answers Question I Chris Zeppi, (PA): When dredge materials are to be placed upland, must the applicant apply for a N.Y. Solid Waste Permit? Response: Charles Hamitlon, (DEC): a wetland, a solid waste perMit is course, the sediments are clean. When it is placed adjacent to not needed, assuming, of Question 2 Roy Haje, (En-Consultants): One of the standard allowable water depths for dredging is four feet. Shouldn't the allowable depths be increased to six feet so as to avoid adverse environmental impacts by lessening the frequency of dredging? Responses: effects of parameters Aram Terchunian, (DOS): We would need to look at the increasing allm'Table depths considering such as hydrology, siltation rates, and light penetration. Dr. Cuomo, (MSRC): One of the scientists at MSRC, Bill Dennison has been studying this question. The degree of biological impact caused by dredging deeper varies ac~ording to the type of benthic community present. Some communities are more vulnerable than others. Impacts must be judged on a case by case basis. Question 3 John Lunz, (~IE $: Is the effect of dredging on depth of light penetration an issue in New York? Since fine grain material is being placed in upland sites, turbity becomes less of an issue. .. Response: Dr. Cuomo(MSRC): Turbidity may affect eel grass beds. A 10% redurtion in light penetratior. could affect an eel grass bed. More iMportantly, changes in circulation patterns induced by dredging could have a greater effect'on eel gross bens. .' Comment 4 Ed Parthe, (Shoreline Consultants): By dredging deeper channels we reduce the potential for chronic increased turbidity caused by boat wake. Question 5 Al Bauder, (OGS): plans involving local governments disposal sit.es? Does DEC or DOS have any future to develop new, regional Response: Charles Hamilton, (DEC): We have no programs with towns. We have worked with counties. DEC will not 00 out and prepare a generic EIS for dredging but we are willing to work with local governments. Question 6 Bill Slezak, (COE): I wish to again raise a question that has not been answered: is it better to dredge deeper less often or to dredge shallow more often? - 64 - Response: Charles Hamilton, (DEC): It depends on how close you are to a tidal wetland. If you dredge a deep cut too close to the wetland, you cause the face of the wetland to sl~p and erode. Maybe it would be better to dredge deeper in open waters but less deep in small harbors and creeks. This must be decided on a case by case basis. Question 7 Chris Zeppi, (PA): Why doesn't the State require all communities preparing local waterfront revitalization programs to set aside disposal sites? Response: Aram Terchunian, (DOS): We have not mandated local governments to do this but we'd be willing to help them do so. Question 8 Eugenia Flatow: Where should the responsibility lie for preparing dredging master plans. Respon~e: John GuIdi, (Suffolk County DPW): Dredging plan~ arc unrealistic since we do not know until spring what the previous winter storms have done in filling our channels or eroding our beaches. Also, there are very few new projects planned for Suffolk County so long range planning is not needed. - 65 - New York State MODERATE AND HIGH ENERGY ENVIRONMENTS by Jay Tanski Sea Grant Extension Program '- DREDGING AND DISPOSAL IN " In most dredging projects a great deal of attention is given to predicting and preventing possible adverse biological and chemical impacts. These considerations are especially .important in low energy environments characterized by fine-grain sediments and high biological productivity. However, in many higher energy environments, such as tidal inlets or open ocean sites, sediments are generally contaminant-free: and biological productivity is .' relatively low. Fere, the effects of dredging on the physical processes take on more importance. Dredging and dispos?l . operations in high energy l<INironme:-,t~ can significantly alter hydrodynamic processes which in turn can adversely affect sediment erosion and deposi1:ion patterns and water quality characteristics both at the s~te and in adjacent areas. Proper consideration of possible adverse physical impacts early in the planning stages is crucial to the success of most dredging projects. . . Ur.fcrtunatt'~Y, dred9ing in high energy areas is often done on a crisis basis. This is especially true of tidal in1ets where public safety and economic concerns necessitate the need for quick action. In many cases, the potential impacts of_a dredging project can not be adequately assessed in time because the necessary information is out-dated or non-existent. This lack of information frequently results in costly delays and mistakes despite the fact that modeling techniques and other methods have been developed that can provide managers with the information needed to more: accurately assess possible impacts associated with the various dredging options before the work is done. '. Presently, few dredging operations in high energy areas are based on long term management strategies. To effectively and efficiently manage these projects decision makers need a framework that will provide timely answers to questions regarding physical impacts on shoreline stability, sedimentation ann water quality. Comprehensive, integrated management plans that incorporate availahle historical information and predictive modeling methods that can be used to evaluate the effects of dredging and d~sposal options are needed. Development and use of such management plans can help decision makers maximize environmental, economic, and social benefits of dredging while minimizing adverse impacts. - 67 - COASTAL PROCESSES TO BE CONSIDERED FOR DREDGING DESIGN AT TIDAL INLETS by Gary A. Zarillo Marine Sciences Research Center Introduction The need for understanding the dynamics of tidal inlets can be traced back to early inlet stabilization projects in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. Some of these projects were monumental in scale, such as the stabilization of Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, and Grays Harbor, Washington, and resulted in dramatic changes in configuration of the inlet and adjacent shoreline. Numerouz other stabilization and navigation improvement projects too}; place at other inlets during this time period and all resulted in significant changes to inlet dynamics and shoreline stability. The results of many of these early projects were unpredictable and undesirable. Nevertheless, modif1cation of natural inlets has continued with economic growth and population 9rowth in coastal areas. Inlets promote commercial and recreational navigation between sheltered waters and the open ocean, provide for tidal flushing to enhance water quality, reduce flooding due to storm surge, and provide avenues for fish migration as well as serving many other r,eeds;-- " Modificat10ns to natural inlets span the range from dredging at the inlet entrance to complete stabilization with structures (jetties) designed to minimize the amount of sediment transported into the inlet and to control tidal currents. Even where natural inlets have not been significantly altered, understanding their influence on tidal flushing, shoreline stability and overall environmental and economic impact of a coastal region is no less important. \ , . , r Hydraulios and Sedimentary Processes at Tidal Inlets In any inlet/bay system, the inlet hydrodynamics, bay response and sediment transport patterns depend on a number of internal and external factors. These factors i~clude geometry of the inlet and bay, freshwater inflow, ocean-tide characteristics, ---- the local and nonlocal wind and atmospheric pressure fields, hydraulic resistance characteristics and the wave field at the inlet entrance. The exchange of relatively large volumes of water (tidal prism) between bay and ocean through an inlet can have a significant effect on the stability of the inlet and adjacent shorelines, as well as the water quality of the bay. c In their natural state, most inlets are shaped into an idealized form of a nozzle. Therefore, the ebb-flow patterns at an inlet are similar to those of a turhulent ;et of water issuinq from the n07.zle, whereas flood-flow patterns are similar to a - more streamlined flow into the bell-shaped entrance of the - 68 - nozzle. Sand transport patterns and the distribution of shoals around an inlet are a direct function of these flow patterns as modified by wave action and any man-made changes to the inlet. On ebb flow, the momentum of the existing water is confined to the deeper portions of the outer shoals (ebb-tidal delta) due to a lower water level. This forms a seaward-directed jet. High velocities in the central core of the jet can carry sand a considerable distance seaward. Lateral transfer of the jet's momentum causes an entrainment of adjacent waters and a consequent eddy formation. On flood tide, water converges towards an inlet from all sides, particularly in the lateral swash channels (or flood channels), which have a greater depth at this time. This idealized form leads to alongshore currents on both sides of the inlet, carrying, sand towards the inlet at all times where it can be distributed to the flood-tidal and ebb-tidal shoals. Navigational and beach erosion problems in the vicinity of inletE are closely related to this kind of circulation pat"ern and sedi~ent trapping mechanism. wav~\action and wave-driven circulation patterns in the vicinity of inlets can aggravate both beach erosion and shoaling problems. ~o~e refraction-diffraction patterns around the outer bar (ebb-tidal delta) can result in longshore currents directed toward the inlet on both sides of the inlet, thus working in concert with tid~l circulation patterns that cause 1nlet-directed sand transport. Again, sediment trapping at the inlet and build-up of flood-tidal and ebr.-tidal shoals is enhanced. In addition to supplying sediment for build-up of inlet shoals, wave action also plays a role in limiting maximum shoal volume. In areas of relatively high wave energy compared with tidal energy (such as Long Island's south shore), sand transported to the outer ebb-tidal delta will in part be returned onshore by waves. The result is that the outer shoal volume will tend to be relatively small and largely suotidal. In this case the inner shoal system (flood-tidal delta) will tend to be better developed and partly intertidal. Along the microtidal shoreline of Long Island, the pattern of inlet shoal development fits this model very well. Flood-tidal deltas associated with Shinnecock and Moriches Inlet are volumetrically larger than corresponding ebb-tidal deltas. Inlet migration is a significant process along wave-dominated microtidal shorelines, such as Long Island, where net longshore drift is particularly strong. As sand accumulates on the updrift side of an inlet, the inlet channel tends to become s~aller than the equilibrium size required by the ocean tidal range and tidal prism of the bay. Therefore, erosion of the inlet throat occurs on the downdrift side as sand accumulates on the updrift side. Before st~bilization, both Shinnecock and Moriches Inlets migrated westward and reworked several mile of barrier island. Some inlets tend to be quasi-stable and do not migratE cver large distances, but are subject to frequent shifting of their - 69 - outer channels. This tends to occur when ebb-tidal shoals extend far enough seaward that the existing main inlet channel becomes hydraulically "in~fficient". At this point, a storm or extremely high spring tide may break a new, shorter and more efficient channel through the inlet shoals. The older channel tends to fill in and the new channel becomes the dominant conduit of tidal flow. All of Long Island's stabilized larger inlets are subject to this kind of configuration change. ~aller inlets (such as Hecox Inlet) that can undergo only limited alongshore migration, because of the small size of their landward bays, are also subject to abrupt and frequent changes in outer-channel configuration. " All of the major inlets along the south shore of Long Island have been stabilized, and sections of shoreline formerly subject . to breaching in the migration zone have now become the sites of significant real estate development. Inlet stabilization, however, has resultec in a new set of problems related to shoreline changes. An example is the rapid growth cf flood-tidal shoals to relatively large volumes on the landward side of both Shinnecock and Moriches Inlets. This indicates effective trapping of sand from the littoral sediment supply, which nourishes south shore beaches. Possible evidence for this is the accelerated rate of erosion along the Westhampton barrier island that began in the early 1950's after Shinnecock Inlet was reopened and stcbilized. Another common problem associated with stabilized inlet& is severe erosion of the beach adjacent to the downdrift jetty. Wave refraction patterns around inlets stabilized with jetties commonly result in seaward-flowing rip-like currents that remuve sand fro~ the downdrift beach. Beach erosion problems just to the west of Shinnecock Inlet are probably related to this kind of process. . State-of-the-Art Methods for Studying Inlet Dvnarnic~ .' Much of the information that is available concerning the geomorphic variability of inlets, inlet-beach interaction and sediment transport patterns associated with inlets has been developed from observational and historical studies. Results of these studies clearly illustrate the complex nature of tidal inlet systems, but have not provided the quantitative predictive tools needed to plan effective management of inlets. In recent years physical and mathematical models have been used as predictive tools for assessing the response of inlets to proposed man-made modifications. Observational data from proto-type situations (real inlets) are generally used to calibrate these models. Models of natural phenomena are used primarily for gatherinCl essential data sets in greater numbers and at lower cost than would be possible in a prototype situation. Generally, this means a great acceleration of the time scale in associa~ion with an increased density in space. Models of tidal inlets have been constructed primarily for predicting tidal curents und water-level fluctuations in the vicinity of inlets. A model can lead to accurate predict10ns of the prototype situation if the - 70 - physical laws that govern both model and prototype are identical. One of the great strengths of modeling techniques is that models governed by simpler laws than the prototype can provide useful predictions if these laws are nearly identical to those governing the dominating processes. In many cases, processes of secondary importance can be eliminated without significantly changing predictions. In the case of tidal inlets, some modeling techniques eliminate several important terms that are not important in describing the overall hydrodynamics of an inlet, but can be of great significance in determining sediment transport patterns. For example, simple analytical models that provide an exact solution to simplified mathematical equations describing inlet dynamics do not account for harmonic overtides (shallow water tides) responsible for tidal asymmetries. Such asymmetries give rise to dominance of ebb or flood bedload transport in many inlet systems. Physical models of tidal inlets have the advantage of allowing the modeling of flow boundaries as accurately as desired without significantly increasing operating costs. Physical models of tidal flows are small-scale, geometrically similar repl~cas of prototype systems. As such, some terms in the equations of motion that govern hydrodynamics of inlets cannot be scaled in the laboratory (gravity, for instance). Other ter~s, such as Coriolis and wind shear, can be modeled, but only with difficulty and added expense. In addition to difficultIes in modeling techniques, physical models require space and significant cost for construction. Numerical modeling is the only technique that can be used to model complex hydrodynamics at inlets at reasonable cost. The ability to electronically or magnetically store a numerical Model gives it a distinct advantage over physical models in that it may be rapidly inexpensively applied to a number of prototype situations at low cost after initial development. Numerical models of tidal flows arE constructed by representing physical boundaries, free surface elevation, velocity vectors and other variables by their numerical values at a discrete set of computational points at discrete times. Accounting for the Coriolis effect, atmospheric pressure gradients and wind stress does not cause a great computational difficulty as in physical models. AppropriateObiectives for Tidal Inlet Studies Prior to a dredging project or other engineering activities at tidal inlets, predictive tools should be developed to ~eet the following goals: 1) assess the response of inlet navigational channels to natural forces, dredging activities and stabilization structures, (2) assess the influence of waves on inlet dynamics, (3) define mechanism~ of natural sand by-passing, (4) assess the effects of inlets on adjacent beaches, and (5) determine th~ impact of inlet modifications on the tidal range of associated - 71 - bays and lagoons. Most of these goals can be met using a combination of both observational studies and modeling studies. In addition to these specific objectives, which are geared toward engineering applications at stabilized inlets, it is particularly, important to develop study methods that reflect the present level of knowledge of the physical processes that operate at tidal inlets. Therefore, each new study conducted should be useful in identifying and weighing the need for further research on inlet processes and should ultimately advance the state-of-the art. p : - 73 - DREDGING WORKSHOP Problems and Comments for Small Dredging Projects by John R. Guldi Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works waterways Division . Suffolk County mai~tains approX..i.matelY two hU~~;Lq~~*~~ wh1ch are mostl v small~.r:!Jets~~nd chilJID.~s JrOM t.he_l.IUlt: . harbors and natural or man-made canals. The work is px~wari~v one of removingshoal~~g which occurs at the entrance inlets due to deposit of granular material from the adjacent beaches which is moved by littoral drift or storm action into the inlet. Since the frequency and severity of storm action is unpredictable, it is necessary for the COl;nty to have maintenance permits on hand and current so as to be able to respond with a minimum of delay. For this reason, seasonal restrictions on permits is undesirable and prevents us from reacting to a problem in a timely fashion. There are times when that anq other permit restrictions ~ preclud~JJ.;(....timely__~esEonse. and result in a loss ot t~e use of a particular inlet for -an enfire boating season. We believe that there exists no evig~n~~."~.~ i~~C3!~S a~v la~~petrimen~l .e.f.fa~5.-due__to_our!;mall_ hydra_ul.ic~...r.s~ging pr.qj~ and therefora time restrictions are unnecessary. .,. A major problem in our opinion is the duplication and multiplicity of required permits. Too many agencies and groups are involved which causes long delays in the permit process. We have found that it is difficult to obtain agreement on certain technical aspects between different sections of the same regulatory agency, much less between agencies. Many of the people making decisions are not familiar with the site and cannot find the time to make field inspections. It is felt that a majority of the questions asked and problems perceived would and should be resolved by a site inspection with the applicant. i Another problem which plagues us is that even after certain ; policies are set, they seem to change with every change of regulatory personnel. We cannot plan our projects when there exists no long term policies. It is further compounded when the different regulatory agencies overreact to every individual complaint from a citizen. If the policies were ,clean-cut, individual inquiries could be answered by indicating the provisions of pre-set and agreed-to policies. , c There must also be an understanding on the part of the regulators as to some of the real-world considerations which we have to live by as pertains to funding, scheduling, contractual legalities with contractors, homeowners legal releases, weather, pumping distances, equipment availability, local political considerations, and a myriad of public and individual considerations and opinions - ell of which we have to cope with in order to perform our task. Many times, unilateral and - 74 - arbitrary restrictions by the regulators make our job impossible due to all of the considerations not being compatible and therefore compromises must be made. We feel the regulators could help us by eliminating unnecessary "niceties" and assuming a posture of compromise when it will help us perform our work. In summary, it is believed that the regulatory permit system should be consolidated under one agency, and a more practical approach along with site visits with the applicant should be initiated. A positive approach with the idea of aiding us in obtaining permits rather than an attitude which seems to indicate that every obstacle to permit issuance should be utilized, would go a long way in solving the problem of keeping our waterways viable with a minimum of disturbance to the environment. , , . - 75 - DREDGING JONES INLET: MUNICIPAL PERSPECTIVE by Thomas Dohenev , Town of Hempstead Department of Conservation and Waterways Since authorized by Congress in the early 1950's, maintenance dredging of Jones Inlet has taken place over time by a number of methods: bucket dredge, sidecasting, hopper dredge and hydraulic dredging. It was 14 years ago that a cooperative agreement between the Town of Hempstead and the Army Corps of Engineers was made for the purpose of dredge spoil disposal and nourishment on a portion of the beach front designated as a feeder beach West of the Inlet. We in the Town considpr ourselves fortunate for the working relationship we have had, and continue to have, with the Corps and for the resultant beach nourishment from the navigational maintenance projects over the years. Without such projects, cur Town's beachfront would cease to be available to so many who enjoy its use over the summer season. Since the mid 1970's the realization that the Jones Inlet Jetty was filled to its capacity with sand became apparent to all of us. Sand was no longer trapped but was coming around through and over the jetty causing rapid shoaling in the designated navigation channel, and requiring repeated dredging projects. A recently completed study of the Jones Inlet channel maintenance alternatives indicated that frequent dredging projects.to maintain navigation could be reduced by widening the channel from its present authorized width of 250 ft to 750 ft based upon exhaustive benefit-cost determinations. While I may not agree in principle with the findings the economics cannot be argued when justifying the overriding need to provide navigation at the least cost and most benefit. , Although the study calls for the placement of the dredge spoil from the project on the beachfront west of the Inlet, yesterday's talk by Mr. William Slezak of the Corps, which highlighted that agency's new posture of selecting the least expensive, environmentally sound, disposal plan, is cause for concern on my part. We need the sand from these inlet projects desperately, since the very cause of our accelerated erosion stems from the migration of the navigational channel westerly, as a function of the sand by-passing the inlet jetty. In addition, no municipality could afford to nourish its beachfront as often as its necessary, nor could it make up the difference between hydraulic dredging and the least expensive and environmentally sound dredging operation, if the Corps selected that alternative through the bidding process. There is only one ent~ty which can afford hydraulic dredging of the magnitude required for Jones - 76 - Inlet and that entity is the Federal Government. What a local entity can do and, may well be required to do, is to demonstrate its appreciation for beach nourishment by doing everything in its power to preserve, protect and enhance that resource to the best of its ability for as long as possible. Since the first cubic yard of sand was placed on our beach front we in the Town of Hempstead have tried to protect it from loss and abuse through fencing and planting together with restriction on vehicle access and man made alterations. Our entire Beach Preservation Law which was adopted in 1976 was an out-growth of the beach nourishment projects by the Corps. Since that time we have built nearly two miles of new sand dunes for shoreline protection, established more than 20 acres of beach grass nursery areas, and each fall we erect more than 10 miles of sand fences on a 4 mile oceanfront to hold this precious resource until the next season. A demonstration such as this I hope would carry enough weight so that future consideration for beach nourishment from inlet dredginq projects could fill the economic void between the least economical type of dredge contract and hydraulic dredging contracts for Jones Inlet. The following slides will demonstrate severul aspects of the dredging of Jones Inlet past and present, especially the disposal of dredge spoil on downdrift beach fronts, and the management effort which annually is put forth by the Town to hold, ..protect, and enhance the fill placed on our beach. -77- COASTAL MANAGEMENT ISSUES IN INLET DREDGING by Aram Terchunian New York State Department of State '- INTRODUCTION The preceeding talks have highlighted some of the-technical, and social considerations of dredging in high energy environments. It is the job of the coastal manager to meld these considerations into a well balanced project. The objectives of an effective management program are: (1) adequate depth for safe navigation: (2) minimize channel maintenance, maximize flush1ng; (3) minimize erosion on adjacent shorelines; (4) minimize changes in tidal prism (i.e. salinity) and mixing; and, (5) minimize sand trapping on the bay side on inlets. In order to achieve these objectives, an understanding of natural and stabilized tidal inlets is necessary. Natural tidal inlets breach barrier islands, forming an unrestricted connection between the previously separated ocean and the bay. Most inlets are formed as the result of a storm cr other imbalance in the natural hydraulic flow of the bay or ocean. Inlets migrate in the direction of littoral tral1sport, and thus follow domina::t. wave direct ion. Inlets usually rr_1grate in the direction of net sediment transport until they close or stabilize. Often, an inlet will migrate thousands of feet, shoal up and close, and then breach again at the original location of breaching. This cyclical nature is common to Long Island south shore inlets. .. Tidal inlets are critical to the ffiaintenance of high water quality in the bays located landward of them. Tidal inlets provide for a mixing of fresh and salt water to create the unique estuarine conditions that produce exceptionally high biological productivity. Inlets also flush polluted water out of the bay, further improving water quality. A natural inlet balances these flushing and mixing benefits so that the highest water quality and biological productivity are maintained. Tidal inlets also provide significant flooding and erosion benefits in their role of helping to maintain the barrier island system. Barrier islands, which front most of New York's Atlantic Coast, provide flooding and erosion benefits to the bays and mainland located landward of them by absorbing the energy from elevated tides and waves associated with storms. An inlet maintains the barripr island's width in the face of constant erosion, by trapping sand on the bay side of the island after it flows through the inlet on an incoming tide. Therefore the breachinq and migration associated with natural tidal inlets is - 78 - necessary to maintain the natural protection which barrier islands provide. Tidal inlets also provide important navigation benefits. However, the meandering path of a natural inlet channel is not always amenable to high volume and high safety boat traffic. In order to improve an inlet's navigability for commercial and recreational craft, man has stabilized many inlets with one or two parallel stone jetties. This construction is usually accompanied by initial and maintenance dredging to maintain a navigation channel. Inlet stabilization creates an imbalance in the natural inlet function of estuarine mixing/flushing and the barrier island maintenance. Typically, stabilization has three principal impacts. First, the sand naturally moving along the beach is dammed up by the stone jetties. This causes the area up-current or updrift of the inlet to accrete and the area downdrift to erode. :econd, because the inlet no longer migrates " with the direction ct net sediment transport, large tidal deltas accrete on the ocean and bayside of the inlet. These ebb and flood tidal shoals, as they are called, are no longer ephemeral features moving with the inlet, but rather grow into large semi-perQanent features. This not only increases navigation hazards, but also limits the amount of sand available to downdrift beaches, causing more erosion. The third effect of stabilization is to change the natural balance of mixing and flushing. An increase of ocean water int.o the bay could change the biological diversity of the estuarine syst.em. More oceanic species would be able to survive, especially predatory species. Conversely, limiting the amount of ocean water could cause the bays to stagnate, and decrease water quality. Long term tidal inlet management involves the complex process of balancing navigation, flooding and erosion protection, and estuarine productivity benefits. Fortunately, the way that an inlet reacts to change offers unique opportunities to provide the needed balance. Navigation channels can be designed to minimize changes in the tidal prism, and thus changes in the natural mixing/flushing actions. The sand from dredging can be used to maintain the high level of natural flooding and erosion '. protection. The challenge of tidal inlet management is to maximize the economic, environmental, and social benefits associated with tidal inlets, while minimizing the adverse impacts on the barrier islands, bays, mainland. Effective tidal inlet management requires an historical perspective, a definitive model of the inlet's natural functions, operational procedures, and periodic review. REQUIREMENTS OF A LONG TER~~ INLET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Historical Perspective Bathymetric and topographic surveys of Long Island's south shore have been undertaken since 1838. The data from these surveys detail the movement of the tidal inlets, and give enormous input into how the sediment load is partitioned at the ,- " " " - 79 - inlets. Viewing the charts in time order sequence can point out the "before jetties" and "after jetties" hydrographic portrait of the inlets. From these time sequential charts, a hypothetical ' model of inlet dynamics can be developed. Of special significance are the longer term trends that are found in the historical charts. Measurements of the ebb and flood tidal deltas, the adjacent beaches, and the inlet channel and throat area can lead to. quantification of sand motion over an almost 150 year period. Results should be displayed in tabular or graphical form. Definitive Model of Inlet Hydrodynamics and Sand Flow A state-of-the-art computer-based hydrodynamic model is considered an integral part of any major inlet management program. A field verified model allows the various alternatives to be tested at mininal cost. A computer model for a tidal inlet could be based on the model that was used at Oregon Inlet, North Carolina. The model should cover sufficient geographic area to allow simulation several miles up and downdrift of the Inlet. Such a model should be coupled with existing models for south shore bays developed by Marine Science Research Center at Stony Brook, and the Long Island Regional Planning Board. These definitive models will be able to simulate the effects of changes in tidal inlets. Operational Procedures Standard operating procedures (SOP) for both short and long term actions at the inlets should be developed. These-procedures should reflect the informatioll gained from the historical charts, the predictive modeling, and dredging and disposal records, and observations. c c Variables, including bathymetry, salinity, wave data, and current data, should be monitored periodically to be used in the computer model of shoaling and erosion. In addition to before and after surveys of the dredging operation, periodic surveys \ should be taken every quarter. Special attention should be directed to the the dredge material. If deposited on the beach, these operations should be stabilized with beach fencing. If deposited offshore, profiles should determine the movement of the material. of ultimate fate the sand from grass and sand be taken to Periodic Review of Operations An Inlet Committee consisting of appropriate federal, state and local officials, as well as Inlet user groups, scientists, and parties of interest should be formed to periodically review the state of Fire Island Inlet. - 80 - Projects in the coastal environmental must be able to adapt to ever changing littoral conditions. Periodic review of the SOP is one method of addressing this issue. Personal experience of the Inlet users is another excellent source of information on Inlet changes. The information collected during the surveys should also be examined. SUMMARY The objectives of long term management of tidal inlets are: 1. Maximize navigational access and safety; 2. Maximize conservation of estuarine resources (salinity level, finfish, shellfish, vegetation, and wildlife) ; . 3. faximize conservation of sand sources (i.e., minimize losses of littoral material) ; \ 4. Maximize public access to shoreline; and, I 5. Remain responsive to changes in the physical environment, or social use, or environmental stress. To achieve these objectives, lor.g lerm management of tical inlets require~ in-depth knowledge of the past and present inlet processes, an interactive model to determine the impact-of various options, and identification and periodic review of standard operating procedures. Periodic synthesis and distribution of this information is also critical to effective inlet management. The following information sources may be helpful in producing such a report: -- FitzGerald, Duncan M., 19B1, Patterns of shorel~ne change along Atlantic City (New Jersey) beach caused by Absecon Inlet processe~, Technical Report *6, Department of Geology, Boston University, 02215 (see page 57 for hypothetical model of inlet processes) . -- FitzGerald, D. M., D. K. Hubbard, D. Nummendal, 1978, Shoreline changes associated with tidal inlets along the South Carolina coast, in Coastal Zone '78, pp. 1973-1974 (mechanisms of sand bypassing on page 1978 and use of historical charts). . -- Everts, Craig H., 1979(?), Perdido Pas dredged material disposal study, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center. .- 81 - CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DESIGN OF LARGE SCALE, CORPS DREDGING PROJECTS by Gilbert K. Nersesian District Coastal Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District , The design of large scale navigation projects involving dredging requires an understanding of the problems, assembly and evaluation of all pertinent facts, and development of rational. plans which meet the needs of navigation interests and users ~n the most economical and efficient manner. , The development and improvement of design considerations for a waterway include the amount and type of traffic that will be using the waterway, the commodities moved, safety, efficiency, reliability, and cost. Safety and efficiency should receive primary consideration before the project is optimized with respect to cost. Safety of the project will depend on the size and maneuverability of the vessels using the waterway, size anc type of channel and navigation aids provided, effects of current and wind, and experience and judgment of navigators. tince this judgment factor is involved and is, oftentimes, so diverse that it is difficult to evaluate, poteDtially harzardous conditions should be eliminated insofar as practicable. Therefore, optimum design of a specific waterway will require an evaluation of the physical environment, currents, weather conditions, and judgment of factors of safety depending OD navigator's response. Corps of Engineers projects in the New York Bight and Long Island shore areas which have exposure to high energy wave environments, include the Ambrose Channel entrance to New York Harbor and entrance channels at Rockaway Inlet, East Rockaway Inlet, Jones Inlet, Fire Island Inlet, Moriches Inlet and Shinnecock Inlet, all along the south shore of Long Island. Elsewhere on Long Island navigation channel entrances at Port Jefferson Harbor, Mattituck Inlet, Greenport Harbor and Lake Montauk Harbor are located in shore areas having a moderate wave energy environment. Typically, the navigation projects which provide these entrance channels also feature jetties which provide obstructions to littoral drift, control entrance currents, prevent or reduce shoaling in the entrance channel, maintain channel alignment, and/or provide protection from wind and waves. Interior channels connect the entrance with other channels, marinas, piers or docks. These channels are usually semiprotected in a bay, estuary or river. Some projects provide anchorage areas for vessels to stand by, moor, load or unload. In addition, turning basins may be provided for radical change of vessel direction. They are usually located at or near the upper end of the interior channel and possibly at one or more intermediate points. - 82 - PRELIMINARY PLANNING , Prior to undertaking design of a navigation project, there is an extensive preliminary planning effort which needs to be accomplished. During the preliminary planning, the amount and type of traffic that would be using the waterway should be considered. Info~ation on the type of traffic is used to select the design vessel. The amount of traffic could determine whether one-way or two-way traffic should be provided. Layouts.should be prepared using various channel alignments and dimensions and each layout should be evaluated on the basis of the number of trips, trip time, commodities transported, safety, environmental and social impacts, and construction and maintenance cost. Comparisons of project costs with benefits indicate the most economically feasible layout for the specific project. Planning for the project will require an understanding of the problems that can be encountered, anc the assembly and evaluation of all pertinent information that could affect development and operation of the facilities. The U. ~ Coast Guard should be consulted in both the preliminary and final design process. Their views on channels and bridges, vessel maneuverability, traffic management, operational restrictions, and optimum aids to naviga~ion should be incorporated in the d~sign and presented in appropriate reports and design memoranda. It is important, therefore, that the following steps be undertaken during the early planning stage: , Review appropriate planning and design publicati~ns. Consult with local authorities, gover~ent agencie&, and select and list ~he design cQnditions that have to be met. data. Collect and analyze pertinent physical and environmental Determine amount and type of traffic and largest vessel to be accomodated. Determine type of commodities that will be moved. Select layout and alternatives that should be considered and determine advantages and disadvantages of each with annual cost. . Assess any adverse environmental and other impact~. Determine amount, type, and frequency of harzardous cargo (LNG, ammunition, etc.) movement and evaluate any special provisions or requirements. DATA EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS Physical data to be evaluated for design of a navigation project will require an analysis and evaluation of information on the following factors: - 83 - Design Vessel and Other Vessels Using Waterways Dimensions (length, beam, draft). Maneuverability and speed. Number and frequency of use (congestion). Type of cargo handled. Other Traffic Using Waterway Types of smaller vessels and congestion. Cross traffic. Weather Wind (velocity, direction and duration). Waves (heights, period, direction and duration). Visibility (rain, smog, fog and snow). Ice (frequency, dur~tion and thickness). Abnormal waters levels (high and low). Characteristics of Channel Curreuts, tidal anc / or ri '!er (velocity, direction and duration) . Sediment sizes and areal distribution, movement, and serious scour and shoal areas. Type of bed and bank (soft or hard). . Alignment and configuration. ~ Freshwater inflow. Tides. Salinity. Dredge disposal areas. Water quality. Biological population (type, density, distribution, and migration) . Obstruction (sunken vessels, abandoned structures, etc.) - 84 - Existing bridge and powerline crossings (location, type and clearances). The aforementioned factors will have to be evaluated in order to determine the requirements to be met with each alternative layout. This evaluation should indicate traffic pattern, weather conditions, and channel characteristics that will affect navigation. The channel design should permit safe passage of the design vessel under most weather conditions with a competent navigator. Extreme weather and/or flow conditions should be analyzed for their effects on the design vessel and smaller vessels, and the frequency of occurrence of unsafe periods should be indicated. The probability of unsafe conditions for a design vessel that might use the channel only a few times a year could have some effect on channel design. Weather conditions that exceed those which produce unsafe conditions at sea should not be considered. For example, hurricane winds and waves would not normally be selected as the design conditions for a navigation channel. . ENGINEERING STUDIES A number of engineerinq studies will have to be conducted to establish project design. The following studies are normal for navigation project design: Design vessel. Water levels. Waves (naturally occurring and vessel generated). Currents. Sedimentation (sediment budget and channel shoaling). Channel depth. Channel width. Channel alignment. Dredging and disposal. Turning basins. Jetty and entrance channel layout. Jetty type. Environmental iMpacts. Accident record (channel enlargement study) . Interviews with navigators and Coast Guard views. - 85 - Model study. Datum. , Operation and maintenance plan. PLAN FORMULATION : Selection of the final dimensions of any navigation project is made only after undertaking a vast number of engineering, environmental and economic studies. These studies initially may result in consideration and development of several plan alternatives, each of which may have particular attributes such as being the least costly, the most economical, the one which has the least possible-impact on environmental resources or the one which is most desired by users of the waterway. The selected plan generally will be the one which be~t satisfies the concerns of economics, rninimize< eDvironmental impacts and meets the navigation needs. CHANNEL DREDGING Channel dredging is performed for initial construction of navigable waterways and for subsequent maintenance after construction. The initial construction provides the design depth witq provlsions for adva~ce mainteuance dredging and dr~dging tolerance. Maintenance dredging provides for removal of sediments deposited on the channel bottom. The type of material to be dredged and the location of disposal areas are important factors that influence channel cost estimates. Also, cost estimates should be prepared for various channel alignments and dimensions for project optimization. Deep-draft channel locations which are exposed to wave action or where disposal is in exposed areas, are usually dredged by hopper dredges. Where channels are in protected or semiprotected areas, pipeline dredges usually are more economical with greater production. c < \ DREDGING METHODS Dredging methods employed by the Corps vary considerably based on the channels and materials to be dredged. The principal types of dredges in the New York Bight and Long Island area include hydraulic pipeline types (cutterhead, plain suction and sidecaster), hopper dredges, and clamshell dredges. Other dredges include dipper and special purpose dredges. There are basically only three mechanisms by which dredging is actually accomplished: . ~ Suction Dredging. Removal of loose materials by dustpans, hoppers, hydraulic pipeline, plain suction, and sidecaster dredges, usually for maintenance dredging projects. Mechanical Dredging. Removal of loose or hard cCffipacted materials by clamshell or dipper dredges, either for maintenance or new work projects. - 86 .. Combination of Suction and Mechanical Dredqinq. Removal of loose or hard, compacted materials by cutterhead, either for maintenance or new projects. '- SELECTION OF DREDGING EQUPIMENT Selection of dredging equipment and methods used to perform the dredging will. depend on the following factors: Physical characteristics of material to be dredged. Quantities of material to be dredged. Dredging depth. . Distance to disposal area. . - Physical environment of and between the dredging and disposal ,reas. Cont~ination level of sediments. \ Method of disposal. Production required. Type of dredges available. DISPOSAL SITES Disposal sites can be located in the ocean, an estuary, intertidal strea~s, a lake, or on upland areas. Ocean disposal remote from the channel assures that the material will not reenter the channel; however, costs will generally be higher. Disposal in estuaries should be in areas where tidal currents will not move the material into the channel being developed or adversely affect the environment. Intertidal disposal (between low-tide and high-tide levels) might be feasible where creation of marshes for fish and ~ildlife habitat or beach restoration is desired. Upland disposal will usually require dikes and weirs to control the solids content of runoff water returning to the waterway and temporary restraining structures might be required for marsh creation. The effects of disposal in streams on channel maintenance and development and the environment must be considered. USE OF DREDGED MATERIAL A study of beneficial use of the dredged material might indicate an increase to project benefits. Some beneficial uses of dredged material would be: Landfill for industrial or park development. Construction materials. - 87 - TOp soil. Marsh creation. Beach restoration or nourishment. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Studies must consider all positive and negative environmental effects of the alternative plans considered. Some of the environmental effects may be changes in: Water levels. Erosion. Shoaling patterns. Water circulation. Flushing rates. Salinity intrusion. ~ Any plan recommended must have an environmental assessment. This assessment will indicate whether a Statem~nt of Findings or an Environmental Impact Statement will be required, including a comprehensive mitigation plan with cost for any adverse effects. In the development or improvement of deep-draft navigation projects, the effects of dredging and dredge disposal on fish and wildlife resources and possible productive use of dredged material have to be considered. Special consideration will be re~uired for both dredging method and disposal wh~n dealing with contaminated materials. The possible impact of erosion and/or accretion that may result along shores on either side of an improvement of the entrance at the mouth of any river or inlet, ha~ to be carefully assessed. Project limits sho~ld be extended beyond the project features to allow future mitigation work, if needed. Model studies should be used to predict project-caused changes in salinity, shoaling patterns, current velocities, tidal flushing, and dispersion rates. Project limits should be extended beyond the project features to allow future miti~ation work, if needed. Model studies should be used to predict project-caused changes in salinity, shoaling patterns, current velocities, tidal flushing, and dispersion rateS. Prototype verification data for mod~l studies are essential and should cover a wide range of conditions. Quantitative biological 85sessment of project impact to the aquotic life is needed to plan mitigation measures. 89 SESSION 6 Questions anc Answers '- Question 1 Chris Zeppie, (PA): Should the Dept. of State be playing a lead role in developing inlet management plans? Response: Aram Terchunian, (DOS): Florida has a successful plan at the state level being done by their Coastal Management Program. We at DOS need to consider this futher. Question permanent Larry Tuthill, (Southold): Have you considered a by-pass system at the Inlet? Response: Gil Nersesian, (COE): That's come up on shore. Fire Island is the only project where this it combines naviaation and beach erosion control. part of Jones Beach need& nourishment there's natural hypassing there. the south , is built in: The western., net sufficient Question 2 Carol Coch, (COE): regional dispGsal sites, have you or a large-s~ale wetland project? Since Suffolk County needs considered a containment island Response: John GulcilSC row): We'rr aware of the prohlerr bet most of our jobs are maintenance dredging and are disposed of with beach nourishment, so a regional disposal site isn!t that important to us. The land simply isn't there and islands are too expensive. Comment 3 Ed Parthe (fuoreline Consultants): If channels aren't deep enough, we'll have to truck goods in and thus pollute the air. If you close marinas, condominiums will he built in their place. There's no legislative mandate for comprehensive planning, but you should keep in mind the balance. Response: Aram Terchunian, (DOS): If you want a deeper dredging depth, tell us why and how. We're willing to listen. , ., Question 4 permits has coordil1ated Eugenia Flatow: An applicant needing three to deal with three levels of governments. Has these, perhaps with computers? anyone Responses: John Guldi(SC DPW): joint permit proce&sing, they ~o judgment. When the COE and the state have for the most conservative Jay Tansky, (Se~ Grant): There is no formal agreement for joint permit processing. Jim ~orton, (DOS): Sequential review of permits is a problem but we didn't address the issue of h0\" to improve re<;ulatory procedures at this workshop. Coordination has heen done in Buffalo District that I would like to duplicate in NYC. - 90 - Comment 5 Janet Dietrich, (Town of Huntington): People go to the federal government and the state, and no one comes to us. How could we get the word out to the public that they have to see us too? , . . . - 91 ~ DREDGING WORKSHOP ATTENDANCE LIST Mr. Ronald Abrams NY5 Department of Environwental Conservation Region 2 2 World Trade Center New York, New York 10047 . Mr. Vichit Aramsombatdee NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Region 2 2 World Trade Center New York, New York 10047 Mr. William Atlas New York District, US Army Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza, 19th Floor New York, NY 10278 Mr. Ranc~ll Austin NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Region 2 2 World Trade Center New York, NY 10047 , Mr. Alan Bauder Division of Land Utilization NYS Office of General Services \TOWer Building Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12242 < r Mr. William Barton NYS Coastal Management Proqram Mr. Norman Berger Director of Navigation Projects NYC Department of Ports & Terminals Battery Maritime Building New York, NY 10004 - 92 - Mr. Charles Bowman The Land Use COMpany P.O. Box 361 Wading River, NY 11792 " Dr. Henry Bokuniewicz Marine Sciences Research Center SUNY @ Stony Brook Building H Stony Brook, NY 11794 Mr. Robert Bowne Sidney B. Bowne & Son 235 E. Jericho Turnpike PO Box 189 Mineola, N~ 11501 \ . . . Paul Buzash NYS Office of General Tower B\1ildina Empire State Plaza Albar.y, NY 12242 " Services Ms. Karen Chytalo Division of Regulatory Affairs N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation State University of New York ~ Stony Brook Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 Ms. Carol Coch Water Quality Compliance Section New York District, US Army Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza, 19th Floor New York, New York 10278 , . ~1r. Dennis Cole Division of Requlatorv Affairs NYS Department-of Environmental Conservation State l1niversity of New York @ Stony Brook Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 1179C - 93 - Ms. Mindy Berger 52 Derby Place Smithtown, NY 11787 Mr. Brian Zitani Environmental Control Town of Babylon 190 Farmer's Avenue Lindenhurst, NY 11757 . ~ .. - 94 - MICHAEL COREY N.Y.S. COASTAL MGMT PROGRAH Dr. Carmela Cuomo Marine Sciences Research Center, South Campus, Building H SUNY @ Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794 Mr. Dewitt Davies Regional Marine Resource Council Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY 11788 ~ . Mr. Robert DeBruin Civil Engineer & Land Surveyor 2468 North Jerusalem Road North Bellevore, ~Y 11710-1198 Mr. Gregor~ DeBruin Civil Engineer & Land Surveyor 2468 North Jerusalem Road North Bellevore, NY 11710-1198 Ms. Janet Deiterich Department of Environmental Control Town of Huntington 100 Main St. Huntington, NY 11743 , Mr. Charles De Quil1feldt NYS Department of Environmental Conservation State University of New York @ Stony Brook Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 Mr. Thomas Dohenev Director of Conservation Town of Hempstead Department of Conservation and Waterways Lida Boulevard, P.O. Box J Point Lookout, NY 11569 - 95 - SALVATORE ERVOLINA N.Y.S. D.E.C. '- Mr. David Fallon New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Bureau of Marine Habitats Building 1140 SUNY @ Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794 . . . Mr. Thomas Farrell Director Planning & Deve1opme~t Village of Fort Chester Port Chester, NY 10513 Mr. Jeffrey Rabkir. NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Region 2 2 World Trade Center New York, NY 1004, Mr. Kenneth Feustel Environmental Control Town of Bahy10n 190 Farmer's Avenue Lindenhurst, NY 11757 , Ms. Eugenia Flatow 456 Riverside Drive New York, NY 10027 Mr. Allen E. Francis Recording - Corresponding Secretary I.U.O.E., Local 25 M.D. 675 Fourth Aver.ue Brooklyn, NY 11232 - 96 - Ms. Deborah Freeman Water Quality Compliance New York District, US Army Corp of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza, 19th Floor New York, NY 10278 '- Dr. Joseph Germano Marine Surveys, Inc. 5 Science Park New Haven, CT 06511 . Mr. George Gaige Nassau County Department of Health 240 Old Country Road Mineola, NY 11501 . . Ms. Edwina Gilbert NYS. Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Empire State Plaza Agency Bui~ding #1 Albar.y, NY 12235 Ms. Karen Gustina U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NY District Environmental Branch 26 Federal Plaza, 19th Floor New York, NY 10278 Mr. Rob Greene Regional Permit Administrator NYS Department of Environmental Conservation State University of New York @ Stony Brook Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 > . .' Mr. John Guildi, P.E., L.S. Principal Engineer Division of Waterways Suffolk County Department of Public Works Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, NY 11980 - 97 - Ms. Holly B. Haff Deputy Director Environmental Management Division NYC Department of City Planning Two Lafayette Street, Room 2208 New York, NY 10007 Mr. Roy Haje En-Consultants, Inc. 64 North Main Street Southampton, NY 11968 . . Mr. Charles Hamilton NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Region 1, Division of Regulatory Affairs SUNY @ Stony Brook, BuildinG ICO Stony Brook, NY 11794 " Ms. Louise Harrison NYS Department of Environmental Conservation State University of New York @ Stony Brook Buildin<; 4C Stony Brook, NY 11790 Mr. F. L. Jannuzzi Contracts Manager Weeks Dredging & Contracting, Inc. 216 N. Avenue, East Cranford, NY 07016 .. Mr. Edward Johannemann \~/o Sidney B. Bowne & Son '235 E. Jericho Turnpike Mineola, NY 11501 < c : Ns. Eileen Jones National Resources Management Specialist Division of Professional Services US Department of Interior Gateway National Recreation Area Headquarters Building 9 Floyd Bennett Field Brooklyn, NY 11234 - 98 - Mr. John Kahabuka NYS Power Authority 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Mr. Jeffrey Kassner Department of Environmental Protection Town of Brookhaven 205 S. Ocean Avenue Patchogue, NY 11772 . Mr. Kenneth Kimidy New York District, US Army Ccrps of Engineers 26 Federa\ Plaza, 19th Floor New York, ~Y 10-278 . . Mr. J. Glynn Kinq King Terra Marine Contracting 10 Burn Road Shelter Island, Nl 11964 Ms. Susan King Nassau County Department of Health 240 Old Country Road Mineo1a, NY 11501 Mr. Ken Koetzner Bureau of Marine Habitats NYS Department of Environmental Conservation State University of New York @ Stony Brook Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 . . . . Mr. Richard Krauser Water Quality Compliance Section New York District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza, 19th Floor New York, NY 10278 - 99 - Ms. Ellen Larsen Costallo Marine Contracting Corp. Box AK Greenport, NY 11944 " Ms. Marion G. Latham Costello Marine Contracting Corp. Box AK Greenport, NY 11944 . Ms. Kathy Lester Town of Easthampton 159 pantigo Road East Hampton, NY 11937 . . Mr. Brion Lindhol~ Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. PO Dra\\"er K Staten Island, NY 10303 Mr. Simon Litten Research Scientist Division of Water NYS Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road Albany, NY 12233 -'-. * Mr. Michael Litwa NYS Department of Environmental Conservation State University of New York @ Stony Brook Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 . . Mr. John Lunz U.S. Army Corps 0= Engineers Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, MS 39108 - 100 - Mr. Soon Loo New York District, US Army Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza, 19th Floor New York, NY 10278 " Mr. Dennis Lynch Commissioner Environmental Control Town of Babylon 190 Farmer's AVenue Lindenhurst, NY 11757 . . Mr. James ~ansky, Chief Permits Branch New York District, US Army Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Pla?a, 19th Floor New York, NY 10278 Mr. Joseph Martino Civil Engineers I Hand Surveyor 2468 North Jerusalem Road North Eel1evore, NY 11710-11ge JAMES MORTON N.Y.S. COASTAL MGMT. PROGRAM Mr. Fred Mushacke NYS Department of Environmental Conservation State University of New York @ Stony Brook Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 .. . . . Mr. Daniel Natchez Daniel S. Natchez & Associates 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Mr. Gilbert Nersesian NY District, US ArMY Corps 0= Engineers 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 - 101 - Mr. Arthur Newell Bureau of Environmental Protection New York District, US Army Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza, 19th Floor New York, NY 10278 . , Ms. Linda O'Leary NY!NJ Port Authority 1 World Trade Center Room 74 E New York, NY 10048 . . Mr. Thomas Ouellett~ State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Water Resources Unit 165 Capital Avenue Hart:orc, CT 061n6 l>"r. ,"Joseph Pane NYS !)E~lll"':::r"L.:.~ G..... LL'._~nr.rr.€:-~'_, Region 2 2 World Trade Center New York, NY 10047 ... ~~. Sf~l".;C -....: C:f - Mr. Edward Panarello President. New York-New Jersey Port Promotion Association 343 Court St. Brooklyn, NY 11231 . . Dr. Richard Peddicord U.S. Army corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, MS 39108 Mr. Edward G. parthe Shoreline Consulting Co. P.O. Box 479 Lindenhurst, NY 11757 - 102 - Mr. Mario Paula Water Quality Compliance Section New York District, US Army Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza, 19th Floor New York, NY 10~78 Mr. Larry Penny Town of Easthampton 159 Pantigo Road East Hampton, NY 11937 JANICE ROLLWAGEN U.S. E.P.A. Mr.Charles E. Pound President Aqua Dredge, Inc 70 Bryram Ridge Roac Armonk, NY 10504 Mr. Michael Ritchie Village l'.anarrer Village of Port Chester Port Ch~ster, NY 10513 Mr. Hal Rose NYC Dept. of City Planning Two Lafayette Street, Room 2208 New York, NY 10007 Mr. Richard RosaMilia Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. 2747 Richmond Terrace PO Drawer K Staten Island, NY 10303 Mr. Quintin Ross NYS Pover Authority 123 Main St, ,:hite Plains, NY 10601 , '. . . . .. . : . .. - 103 - Mr. Norman Rubinstein U.S. Environmental ProtectiJn Agency Environmental Research Laboratory South Ferry Road Narragausett, RI 02882 " . . Mr. Steven Sanford Division of Wildlife NYS Department of Environmental Conservation State University of New York @ Stony Brook Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 . . Mr. Peter Sanko Peter Sanko Associates, Jnc. 64 N. Main St. Southampton, NY 11968 Mr. Peter L. Sattler Senior Er!vironmenta~ rlan~E~ Interst<:t(. Sanitat~cr. Corc.r..issicr: 311 West 43rd St New York, NY 10036 . . C Mr. Donald Scanlon Nassau County Department cf Health Bureau of Water Pollution Control 240 Old Country Road Mineola, NY 11501 " . . , , Mr. Lawrence Schmidt Acting Director, Planning Group Department of Environmental Protection State of New Jersey CN 40? Trenton, NJ 08625 Mr. William Slaoe NYS Power Author~ty 12:: Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 - 104 ~. Mr. William Slezak, Chief Navigation Branch US Army Corps of Engineers, New York District 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 " Mr. Tom Sperry U.S. Fish and wildlife Service US Department of the Interior Brookhaven National Laboratorv Upton, NY 11973 - .. , . << Mr. Mark Tauro~ina Daniel s.\~atchez and Associates, Inc 555 AIda Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543 I, Mr. Jay Tanski Regional Extension Specialist Sea Grant ~xtensicn Program Marinp Sciences ~esearch C~r-ter SUNY @ Stony Brook, Building H Stony Brook, NY 11794 Mr. John Tavolaro, Chief Water Quality Compliance Section U.S. Army Corps of Engineers NY District 26 Federal Plaza, 19th Floor New York, NY 10278 ,. . Mr. Robert D. Teeters 243 Willowbrook Ave Stamford, CT 06902 . . . . ARAM TERCHUNIAN N.Y.S. COASTAL MGMT PROGRN1 Mr. Lawrence Tuthill 12l~, Inlet Lane Greenpcrt, NY 11944 - 105 - Mr. Pieter Van Volkenberg Bureau of Shellfish NYS Department of Environmental Conservation State University of New York @ Stony Brook Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 a . Mr. John Vanderveer Superintendent of Environmental Control Town of Oyster Bay 150 Miller Place Syosset, NY 11791 . . . Ms. Roberta Weisbrod NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Region 2 2 World Trade Center New York, NY 10047 Mr. Rotert Wi1~ Envirocmentol Branc~ New York District, US Army Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza, 19th F1eor New York, NY 10278 Mr. John Zammit, Chief Operations Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New York District 26 Federal Plaza, 19th Floor New York, NY 10278 . Dr. Gary Zarillo Marine Sciences Research Center SUNY @ Stony Brook, Building H Stony Brook, NY 11794 ~ . . Mr. Christopher Zeppie NYS Power Authority 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601