HomeMy WebLinkAbout86.-7-1 . . James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 24, 2007 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Beaney 6200 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, NY 11958 RE: 6200 INDIAN NECK LANE, PECONIC SCTM#86-7 -1 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Beaney: The following action was taken at the South old Town Board of Trustees regular meeting held on Wednesday, January 24, 2007: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the request for a Transfer of Permit #86-7-1 from Cecelia Kempler & Ellen Cropper to Bruce & Barbara Beaney, to replace the existing wood deck and steps, in-kind and in-place. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (631) 765-1892. Sincerely, Q.,---- G:Z Jamesl'~ . President, Board of Tru ees JFK:lms etA \ .' ":l'~- .~ i .\ "',.} .~. .... ..Jt. . ;v ,11 ry p~;>~ljl.f FRANKA.KUJ,4.WSKl.JR.,"'OSident ...' ALBERT J.KRupsKl. JR:.Vi~Presid~ JOHN 1.1. BREDEMEYER. ill JOIll'! L. ~1'D!iOSKl, JR. .' 1lE.lffl:YP. SMITH . TEq;I'HONE (516)765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOurnOLD ToWn. Hall, 53095 Main Road 'P.O; Box 728 . Southold. New York 119?! .August 30, 1988 Mr..RC;>Y L,.Haje,1?ras:Lq.ant En~Consultants,Inc~ 1329 North pea ROad . sduthamptori;'NewYork 11968 Re: 1000~86-7-1 Dear Mr. Haje:. ThefollolYing actionwa:$ taken by the Board of ToWn Trustees during their regular meeting held on Augupt 25, 1988 regarding the above matter: ,Whereas gn-consultant$, Inc.' on behlaf ofCecHa. Kempler appliedtothe~rustees to construct (2) timber decks, 6' x 6' and'10'z 10'plus.4' w:Lde steps and retractable stairway from the top of the bluff to the beach, and . Whereas,the, Town Trus!:ees conducted an on site inspection of .the property,. and Whereas," the Board determineathat the project as proposed will not. adversely affe<::t the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town, Now Therefore Be it RESOLVED that the Town Trustees approve a waiver as reguesteq. by En'-ConsultahtS, Inc.on behalf of CecHa Kempler .to const;ruct (2ltimber decks, 6.' x 8' and 10' z .10' pluS 4' wide -steps and retractable stairway from the top of the bluff to the beach. Property is located on a r.o.w. .off of Indian Neck Lane, pEiconic. Very truly yours, ~:~~~~e". Board Of~~~ Trustees '/ FAK:ip cc: 'Bldg. Dept.!Z.B.A file _._._,...__~.__.____.."_....>.,_.....".,._~.-"., ...__,;__."...u_...._.._...._._ - -tJ ,.~. ,I';' .:. . """I . . 8 ~o.f'J . . '#-..f: ':"c-.._ . ..... .~. ....... .... ~ .. .. A> '". . to . ~ - . . .:...e. ~ , '~,;,.~ . ... ..... ... - ... ~ . .Je> - ... . . James F. King, President .Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Board of Trustees Field InspectionIW orksession Report Date/Time: 1~1:; -61 \] rU\ c.e <An./.. !?,urbc,('l:; Be.aQ~'-; Name of Applicant: Name of Agent: '-;Loa J),J"ovJ jJ~c Ie- ~ I Property Location: SCTM# & Street PCGsn,c ';) Brief Description of proposed action: J en-n..t T ~s -0-- -h verl"UI. e'f.- '5-1-1-:; WboA ~, V~.,! d~ cl<j Ovlol.fkrf I" lc,,..j cv...( in r 1,,<.<. . TYI)f' of area to be impacted: ~altwater Wetland _Freshwater Wetland _Sound Front _Bay Front Distance of proposed work to edge of above: Pal} of Town Code proposed work falls under: _~hap!.W _Chap!. 37 _other ;)...% Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency """:::'-\Yz,nS~ - Info needed: () \t- Modifications: Conditions: Present Were: <vtKing JDoherty _P.Dickerson vb. Bergen Other: Bob Ghosio, Jr. MailedIFaxed to: Date: Comments of Environmental Technician: .~ \....., !. '7 " .\-( HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. B~EMEYER; Vice-Pres. PIIILUP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN TELEPHONE (5161765-.1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 5309SMain Road P.O. 130x 728 Southold, New York 11971 August 20, 1987 Mr. John Bertani 1380 Oakwood Drive Southold, New York 11971 Re, Cecelia Kempler & Virginia Ellen Cropper P!lconic - 1000-86-7-1 . Dear Mr. Bertal!i: Pursuant to your request for an on site inspection of the above referenced property for a determination of Trustee jurisdiction, please be advised that the Trustees have visit!ld the site on August 19, 1987 and have determined that they have no jurisdiction in this matter. After construction, it is recommended that you stabilize the bluff area to prevent erosio.n of your property. We recommend Red fescue seed. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, . '1~~'.p ~~ Henry P. "-Smith. President Board of Town Trustees . HPS'ip cc: Bldg. Dept. -~,... ~ - ;91<>-Y/?7 .e;>. '. r"\, \.,.J . .? TtttJSfEEs . lobltM. tltedelit6yeti m. ~dbiit' , Berny P. Stllitli; VIce ffisideiit . . AIWt 1. Xtupskl, Ir. 10M 1. ~kil It. JclMfirtu!hlll, ". ;. ;" Telep~<5,W:1~.i89i FH(Sf6j16S.ill23 ':":.."''.' ,"""'" \.-1 SUl'ERVISOR SCOl1't. HARRIS' . Town Hall . . .' . S309S Main Road PJ}:Box1179 . ,.$oul,hold, New York 11971. :":.":.-':'.'-V"':":' ':"'," .' ,; '-':.--"'-:' .,'::'-',: -'-' .' - .', -, .:.,' .'.' ,. . cQASTA~~~A~~ U11:2A~n'P;Q.TI9N ";;;"'101 1 't,; <\imU~S'Mm)S,~Im.rt.1f;~~J&W~.. . :';,_, _ '''. '/,' (. .' .l'" . '" . .... '."._~;,."~.,, ..:, " . ..:, . ...i""..Pf:f:.it:!il,lJS(\Qn> jt ,cda~l:!I~fj;lH{lhJ;it!!ti!i,i, t:~tl.!:;l.t:ibh' , . WIHilaIil'tl:peilifi!1tit-e]l~11~a~ion';::' ..' ii ; ~~~jt:~~~4s~~~~~pp~lQatiort qpn\p~et~1pps , ,bate: Vafia~9@~equ.ii'~dj. . . Nel~Qbb~~ notified Date: SEQW\.\~e. ; .' ','.' ",", " . cootd'~n&Vi~w-bpt'lmand. '" Date Rec. py Office . ~~~I~"~f~;7~i~il j., . p~~~I;i~~tlg/4~t;~: P~fffl!~JV~~~n,IWN) : Sp~~$:M'.e:Mq.i:'t:~PQS ; (~t~o~i!!i,f rile) Application Fee: "'>'.,""',,..0. ,,:. ,;,..";~!=,, . . , ,; : ~_:' ,:,: .:..;" - ,-' , APp~;e~~q~.!~~:e~kSC~.UO()O"Co g'l,,~ .91-01 Pt..i1.~"'N""'I1t"'?r .~ .~ ~""""" .... r.DQuu ('~_n,n'. ..Oj~":":'~~~;:!.i(:~n,O .. .' .. " . . 1I'f-.' A,. y,. . ~ -rr'" Date}~~?~r.~d,!.:j~I'1_q.3.. .'. .' ." '. ;:;...l...~.~.'i;;;~ ..~. ,~r~~~~. '_..' '..1 , . ";""';'.":' ...... . ..... ". . ,. Phon (.) '. ~ lriteres~!(OWfier" consultant,lessee,etc,l ownE!l:. at ,i?,topei;-tyj..., ' AddtesJ!l ..; r, ;.l?hone sub3~blli~i6~h~"t6bafj.clU; , , '. ',. . .." .<, <"0 . ~.Ql;;AA'~~~~.. \,:;",,",.l,~..'~.~;,-,i,i:~~~'-:' ~ . . . THIS IS'Nb'r'APERMIT ) ~"'J> . . " r". Yds.A~i'pe'eicavated: ';fgS. to be filled: CoC> ,,,[)jJ Mafil:t,~lf;:~fi\i;1l:l1bh illate ~al.~~}(~Ye!l otdepcri!\ited:. ' W. ~dth '. o. f<;:an.... a... 1 '.' creek of. baY. '.f. to.'. kiting property: Depth"iiJF18w tide: JJ J.Ll==Ave'r. rise in tide: ~it~~~~~~~~~~~a~:Il~~an~~i;ct~ in' a/~kf-D~nce project Ai'Elazdi1:lng :'" '~. . l:<i.rici area in' aCres: -:3 r'l,r. M,(J Is project for pr vate or 'business USe: .1'",;.....1-0- Intended :Ulile of property: . A UJ J.. ~j: . .'. Describe knd~n prior operation~ conducted ori premises: LJ,.;.', ',,,)~,.' . Has.ariy prior license. or permit been il?sued' to.erect structures, d~e:ge.or#~t, ~~ pr,emises: Has'<inylicertse or permit ever been revoked or suspended by a Governmental Agency: jII.o, ' Project Description The'prl;ljf1ctd~s?rip~i?n must.alsoincl~de pla~s.fo7 reclaniation of. ian!;iYdlsti\l;rbeddur1.ng construction ,Of t4e pr~nc~pl.eand acc~ssory Sttuotures and underground. structures (Le., pipeline arid ,septic system; make additional attachments if necessary). I ~ ,.......,...:., ,'-',..-'." ,"'v,..:_', ;,;,,;':"- " .' ~.,......II.{.)' ~ Authoriiation (Where tM applicant is not the. owner) I, ,.....',.. ,. ".'. '." . . '.residl1l9 at. , (Priht~o~ner of subject property), (Mailing address~pho~e) dOh~rtl,b.1:'~Utl;iCl1:~2;e' '.. . tQ apply for Cl;jaS,J:al.L~J;o~ldnJ;lermit(S) frOIt\t~e .SQuth(Jld TOwn Trustees f/\- ~f,-;~ i ' . Signature THIS IS NOT "~PEw.lIT . .' . . ("''\ \.-/ .<""'\ \...! county of suffolk J state of #ew York ) )\r~;~~~~;s~0J.+fAkAi>~'C~tJ*~U~Es~~t~~~~i~B~ ~tt!MIl'(S) .'AAD.'fitJl,!t'ALL .STATEMENtS CCltr.t'lIINED ItEREINlIRE TRUE TO Tttg nggt t>~ tttl;l/iI$RKNOw:t:.l;:OGEAND BEL1m:-'1\ND THl\T WORK WILL BE tlpNEht.'fil.~.~Sl>T:FonTH IN THIS. -?tl>PLICNnOlf MiD liS MAY BE '~f~liEp:tJt '..fftE ..SQt1Tll:Ot,D T(}WNBOARD ot. TR.UlilTj;:ES.. THE ll-Pl'LICANT A~AAe~,'1'd,ttqr..q;rttE't8~. 9F.soU'l'11oLb AttDT1\E. ~OWN TR.USTEES . _~;;~~~~~~.r~~r$~~~~~~:",I~SAAI~Il~G :t~ ..' .. ...I~TID;S~l'tJr~'J?:r014 i I. t;i~Y.AUTHORIZE . 'mlE TRUSTEES, :Ilij;l1;t~. .t~J:.q~.~l;!Iti;is~T)i.tj;'\'ill1 s)., Tb..~. o~ ....MY. .'PROPERTY ~O.':gptimttSts :rNCONJVNCT!ONW~THRHVIEW OF THIS ~1\" ...... . '.. . ~~ ~D ~...L. Gf~ATURE . SWORN 1'0 BEFORE ME TflIS /0.11-. -r '=t DAY OF VQlI\.UCl' '1-' 19..1.;3 Nota SUSA.N E. LONG , ry Public, Stau':!Jot New York ' No. 0110 '1958343 Colnm=:1ed i.n Suffolk County &pires NOVember 6, fsj,3 Suggested space for location Map THIS IS Not II PERMIT " Rol'lAtli. 40:1/)$ '<:i:MIJ FILL AllO li!.AfJ'l";CAt>.E A~~ 1~1l~ 'l'!iAl!JI(;t.~S.5 tiiSfl,u " 13\lL~It~I'rJl . . 1""'\, , . .....~ I I ~~\)S IS 1b _____~...4........~.",:,.",....,,,_.........,.~_.._.__.,._ "."_'...C=-,--C.,,,,.,"_,,_,,,,,,,____, ,/"",\ ~J PR.6P6seD: SI0RM. OAMM.E REMI"'S: #. i\EPo'S'TiO>J EJ'.isT.", <;, 1'3'''''1. UlSC\(, -I.. Rit Pi.AeE "'..'St"IN"'i>iJi,I.R:SO KIlt..V"" :.... ',....'.. '._.:' " ':". .. .. .,:-...'.. ..'- "R.ESTC,lt.E vPPt;k.ltEtl\i>lI>l,- WA!..!...I"") 1C Rt",-lItE.G.<> 'IDS L.~tF ILl,.. A,,1!) ~ VE~ET!oitalOlt"I-lu<jiE A ..It.. KAIJ lIeAe~~~h~, ..It:l;t\J"t!'lt..L3'jq'Mt."ss ",rAt."s T" ali:Adl. ~ AI'Pl..lt,l.lJl.' .J (!.E-t~lIA !<f::}J\\lLM ) ~, .E~l.e: IJ' CRt>I'f'C ~ "'Zoo. ;I:1\l.bIA-IIl!\lE.C.t::. L>1:l\I.E rt;.eo", Il.. I ~ Y Il'lS$" pt ePlI-fl!J)!> '/ : COS'rELLo tlA-1I11 Nl!. (ONTe. f'.6, e<>)l ~1a.'1 G~n.up.filT. 10,,\ lI'ltj'-j (110 [Ct1~ Ii'i'f 1"= 4Dl ::r^tJVM~ Is, I Yi'l3 . (1 . ,~ ~, j "'~ ~J.?'cI9" JtJt4~ 4l:" 77...,..~~.&40 :S"~~"., ~.n::>A ~a- ~ A~~ '#~ ~....,,., -- ~ ~AN' C'4r,..,,~ Vf'?E~t{E'tAIN 1)Je;. wALL .tflJ~ ,__~Ailt"'A!:>~"'~~ ";"(.WM'~;:$:~~ ~~ M'I".;_t~jft~.e'#~ ~_r ~~~',Jj/f.~"""~e ~4:',&!Jy ~~W/P~R4 ~7?#6 ~~ "'_,~ 1!/~Q>'4'$V~yV-Y./,h!'# ... iN ~,,#/.w M!!Pr ~~ c.Et...\") ^ I<EM Pk ~ ~ 4 n~E '" C.Rb~Pl'_1<:. ",,-00 :r:o.;C''''\l IVE"-'" t""'f l'''lteofVI', N'1 II'IS',%, ,,()f?;l;: ;JJ\'-l~'H:.'l 7, 19'L3 _"'~~"<..c,.,.."._."",..,_..~.~.".~..,~_.~"~,,;.,u.,_.~"-~-_."--_.'."""'''''",,=~~.=.,._'-r-.'~'__'~_~'_' ,_ -:J ~11~(fB" '4 ~ ,,,,",,, v r sO'" 0, -- I 8~ { TELEPHONE (516)765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OFSOtrrHOLD Town Hall, 5309.5 MairlRoad P.O. Box 728 Southold,New'Yorkll971 APP~ICATION IS H~R~BY MAb~ TO TH~ TOWN TRUST~~S OF TH~ TOWN OF $OU.tHOI..O.~:SUF,F~LK_c:::OU1'lry f _ NEVi: YORK: FOR, :!HE I SSUANC,EOF A-'PE:RM I T PURSUANT TO TH~ l-AWS. ,ORDINANC~S AND REGUl-AT I ONli; GOV~RNING TH~ COAsTAl- J!o.JIlDI NT~R[ "R W~TLAJIlDS., Fl-QQD. Pl-AINSAND DRAINAGE AR~AS QF iUE T.QWN OF SOUTHOl-D, AND TH~ n.SUJ!o.NCE QF P~RM I TS PURSUANT TO' CHAP-'T'E::,R 3..2 OF THE COOe:S OF-'THE: T'OWN OF SOUTHOLD'. APPLICATION NQ.____~~______DAT~ QF APPLICATION___8/9/8~___________ IDENTITY OF APPLICANT Cec1ia Kempler PHONE NO ADDR~SS QF APPLICANT___467 West 22nd Street 212-702-1604 New York, N.Y. 10022 TA:l<;MAp, JIlO. '1000..,-8.6-7-1 AG~NT__J.!!:"Consultants-,_Inc'-L..1329 North Sea Rd. PHONE NO. Southampton, N. Y, 11968 516-283-6360 P~RMI T REQ.U~ST~D TO Construct J1.L ti....mbeE- deck~ 6' x 8' and 10'..x 10 '-,_ _-1'.lllii 4' beach. LOCATION wide steps and retractable stairway A waiver isrequellted, OF PRQP~RTy FOR WHICH P~RMIT WANT~D for to..E.._QLpluff__~_____ R.O.W. off Indian Ne~k Lane, Peconic. HOME ADDRE$SOF PERMIT APPLICANT IF DIFFERENT FROM AFORESAID LOCATION ___4.2LlI----n.nd SJ:.li'et, New York, N.Y. 10022 CR~EK. BAY OR HARBOR FRONTING PROP~RTY_-Y~con~~. SIZE OF PROPOSED WORK See Above LENGTH_ " " WIDTH " ." " _IGHT ABOV~ HIGH WATEll 6+ ee.,' "2 ~ If ~ I3W~. IJp~t.>C.4 e })!7C- . . DEPTH BELOW LOW WATER N/A YARDS TO BE EXCAVATED N/A YARDS TO BE FILLED NL1L-___________________. WIDTH OF CANAL. CREEK OR BAY FRONTING PROPERTY___~~ile~_______ DEPTH AT LOW TIDE N/A AVERAGE RISE IN TIDE__~- 6" JS THIS FOR PRIVATE OR BUSINESS USE? .Private AREA ZONING Residential A MANNER IN WHICH MATERIAL. W'J'LL BE REMOVED OR DEPOSITED N.J-A JNTENDED USE OF PROPERTY ReSidential - no change DESCRIBE ANY KNOWN PRIOR OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE Bulkhead replaoed. House now under oonstruotibn. PREMISE .---------------------_. ';ND WHETHER ANY PRIOR LICENSE OR PERM I TS HAVE .BEliN ISSUED TOERRECT STRUCTURES OR TO DREDGE OR DEPOS.l T FILL, .ON SA! P PREMISE"A,ND "'I:I7.1;t\E,l'I ANY PERMITS, OR LICENSES WERE EVER SUSPENDED OR REvoKE'O_BY A GOYERNMENTAL AGENCY Work done with. rermits but numbers not available. DESCRIBE FULLY THE REHABI L I T;AT I ON Al)IDp,R.OPOSE:Q. CO",Dl:rI9N OF}',HE PREMISES AFTER THE WORK IS COMPLETED IN~LUDE AN ADDITIONAL SURVEY OF THE PROJECT SITE I F NECESSARY ______________________________ __~Q&h grass will be planted following completion_of 9on~tr~Gtion.__ WRITTEN CONSENT OF TH~ 9WNER OF THE PROpERTY. IF NOT THE ~AME AS TH~ APPLICANT. See attached. ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS .IN YOU:!:, DEED THAT WOULD " PROHIBIT THIS PROJECT? .None known. -: . -;-"'\ . .\ . ~.v .' ~ , .~ '. ~ ; # COUN1Y OF SUFFOLK STATE OF. NEWYO:RK ) )SS: BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND.SAYS'I'HAT> HE IS TJiE~PLICANT. FOR.THE ABOVE t)E5CRIBED PE.RMITS, AND'. THATA~~S:rATEMEil'lTSCONTAINED HE~ I NARETR[.JE T!)THE . BEST OF HISKNOW~EDGE ANDBE;~I"F. THAT 'I'HE WORK Wl~~BE DONE IN THE MANNE.R . sEtF.ORTH IN TH'I SAPP~ I CAT! 01\1 At/D AS MAY EJE . APPROVED BY THE TOWN.BOARD<lF 'l'HE TOWN.OF.SOU:T110l.D. 'l'HEAPPLICANT'AGREES TO HC)~D THE TOWN PF SOUTH()LD AND THE T!)WN TRUS'I'EES.HARI<lLESS AND FREE FROM ANY A"'DALL DAMAGE;S AND CI.AIMS. AioISIN<> UNDER OR BY YIRTUE!)F .SAIDPERMIT. '.F GRANTED. In qomp.leting thi,sapplica:t:i,on.I hereby authorize the,Trustees~ age.ntor representatJ.ve to.enter. onto my op~e. r.....y....t.o. ~nspect tne premises in conjunction with review oft s ap~Wation. . . ~ J<ic- SIGNATURE OF ApPLI NT SWO.RN TO DAY OF ~~ , ",.t-.!:f!i1f!:::i^,:;::~~:~'.:;';' ~ ,"..-,....,. -, ".'m h ;', J.. ..-: I(AV M, IlOUGHERlV ofNOWYil<k No. OlD049OI601,SuffolkCountJ Term Expires July 20. /'11'7' ~ t' i': _.__',:>.~~~".;-..r,,~,~., ..". EXAM I NE.D APPROVED J'WET~ANDS" I"ERMIT (CHAPTER 97) AP'PROVED "BOAT. D!)CKS, WHARVES'" PERI<lI T (CHAPTER .2) DISAPPROVED "WETLANDS PERMIT" (CHAPTER 97) DI.SAPI"ROVED "BOATS ,DOCKS, WHARVES" PERMIT (CHAPTER 32) CONDITIONS. IF ANY EXAM I'N.. NG BODY SIGNATURE Q-F- CHAlRMAN COMPUTATION OF FEES .; Approved 2/27/85 ~ ,- I I ...1- 1. i! :~ ~ ~ 0'" :tZ' '1' P'I,C',.:" '6 ,,-,', il '. ..-.,',. i ...l" ..l obi' - , ~ i ~ iEtl_ ,il! ill"'> t -.w. s,Q!' &iif "Ii!.. ill%'~' ~IB "~~' :t :iii tft; ,~ Stjl.<g' ,.1 't> ~!:i J-'" ... :.;. " ~,;I,i;t, "'~_'_'z ,1;0.' It .. c't !!... , eg"l!tg)S u , 'ldi&f~U~;1 I ,~-a:~,;; < :fn! ' '~I ~I' ~ t~1 ,0..11; ,iJ ~1,~I~j ,Z', :.~~j ~~., II 19 l ,"- I', '" '" ~' '. '~ j~- il~ ; 'i ' " ~ a f<: J; ~ Q.. "~' i-J't' AVIs ,'~ ; --<:: ,0-""':""": ,; 'I:/{f~c.-.~~'"Qs,' r,~'-~" !J d I ! I / 1:_/ ,'it: /~. '.~>j-~'~ . , , ;j / " ,/Q....~.:r'/ / l.f ',.JJ!!:<-f "I, ' "- i:' ' -.!B- ,'$~2-! "0' i;,'of ;'~<:.f t:: -. " ,,' ) ",./ ,'-' , J-{ , ~~~t..~. Ii'" -----' ~ ..,! ~t, c.{1i. ~i: " ",,: ..' ~' fl' , }, .",i! m '1' "1' "m~'l,>' 'w L l:l!I ~~. " ~ ../,-t-f il ;/.,J , ,/,,,..fi ," ~' i - 1il '" ~ ~' p. :;;:, l .... i i o . o . i . I ! ~ HODINSON ~~"- ~ .........", ~,. "'" 'L'~'.::::- ~OAO . ~ :-;:.:- ~ ~ .q ......'.."w ...........,.""1.. . ."' ('+ --... ~ ~.._- .,:";)",,.""'1t"'.--'.l /-----~._- " ... ~,/ i .--' ..---/.----- e.... P.~~ " ' """" :.~.}.,::..:::=_:_:;; ~...h~\'dn' ~~--- ~ I t;.- "... II ii ~;;. ".",.",~".~ .. : ':!i;n':__ ~ ~l ~t . ~_.J i '\l,~ \ I~ ~ " \~ u: ,.,_. 'I ~ .\I~ I h, 1 ,> ~1~gj<l>(L1= rURVEY Of PRO~ . l.I4'J\l!.nrl#l I AT r(RTV TO:",[OONIO SUffOl~fCSg~~L~ . 00. '.' ,X 'Co" ,".0' M....I....." g) sa",II{AI - . . i~1"O" ",.-,,,,, ~ ~ r; ~. ~ ~ ; I .. :,~ - " -'" ,> ;1 ":'''". ~ 'I' " , , ')..". 4'9 -kJ~ I / e I' ;;,'" t :~~ I I ~ I I ", I ~~, '['I, n~ i ! rr " in ., ~ l':~ g ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ,r i'!: ';i I " ' , , ,! 1 , + : I ' _ i~",,, HOlmr ~!i! ri ~~ ~ !Bi!l z en o 00 o 'I' ~; ; ~!. ~ I l~ H~!' g e:i~i t~ o!1 ~ j ~ ~' h~!i u Ii IJ .~ t.~; 1:!j'j"1"i " ..' ~ I ~, Ii l,l.l!1 ii III.., iiril' ~ d;i Iq'll H. I I iiii ~". H i iiii ~ d!l " ill UIU i II Ie,! I II ~ i b II jJ l j';::'15 .- ! d ~ 1I!l : If!! . d'l 'I' ! II Ii -''''''''''Z"', . . x Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephoue (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only _Coastal Erosion Pennit Application Wetland Pe ication Administrative Pennit .........-Amendme VTransfer xtension ----Jl.eceived Applicatio . IIIOliY) _...-Received Fee:$ 5'0- ~ompleted Application I! tlJ/lY) _Incomplete _SEQRA Classification: Type I_Type II_Unlisted~ _Coordination:(date sent) _LWRP Consistency Assessment Form CAC Referral Sent: --Date ofInspection: 111.'101 _Receipt ofCAC RepJrt: _Lead Agency Determination:_~_ --Technical Review: -Public Hearing Held: i I J,'I10f) _Resolution: . , JAN 1 Q 2C07 Name of Applicant~I2U.<.f~ ~ ],Y\Q..~iW" , Address " 2 IJ 0 ~ A t r\-t.J N fa:: 1)eA~Ei ti:J,Lh. -Pew IJ "L N.~-,--- 11~S"~ Phone Number:( ) l. 3 I 1 ~ + 7.-(.. 0 't Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - :7 J3C o I!J(." , btJ J 13Lk: t:J 7. dO !..q, MI. () 0 Property Location: '-2t>o ::h1AI A-~ kP..t:t.. u. '1>€:t-~nlC-- f'J.U I q S8 . (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: (If applicable) Address: Phone: BtlJd of Trustees APPlicatio~ GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning: Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: ^ Agency ./ l Daje ute.. ~ 1./( - 1- ~ I/tfll/3 EtLAAll III=-" So/'A'T1)oU Idut/~~) , 1)/'fI,2., _ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? )( No_ Yes If yes, provide explanation: ----.-- Project Description (use attachments ifneCeSsary):~Ll\{ ; (Ie". ~ i-LS-r, :~& tuJotl to.c.ks I be ~tl' 1 ~0 10' 'f... Ie) ( (l~ 4- I LJ0e- ~4"> )$''''\ -"'0<:> f.4~. ~"'" .'1,{AN\ W ~"W\t"t * 8~-1.- I . . Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HlSIHER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENT ATIVES(S), TO ENTE TO MY PERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION TH VIE OF T IS APPLICATION. Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS J o-ll,. DAYOF -:;A"'J"~7_,2007 ~c~M- John M. Judge NOTARY PUBLICA State of New York No. 01 JU605940u Qualified In Suffolk County Commission Expires May ~9, 20 Q.2 . . APPLlCANT/AGENTIREPRESEN'l'ATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of South old's Code of Ethics orohibits conflicts of interest on the Dart of town officers and emolovees. The Durnase of this form is to orovide information which can alert the town of oossible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: fAM~ '6el/,tE. (Last name, st name, -I1liddle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else Of other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name,) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Building Trustee Coastal Erosion Mooring Planning Tax grievance Variance Change of Zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other (If'''Other'', name the activity.) Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO y If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): _A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applic~nt (when the applicant is a corporation); _B) the legal or beneficial own~r of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); _C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or _D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP FOnTI TS I S~bmitted(il\is -11L "i-of -~ 200 l Signature ~A-t;.{ ~ ~ L. .A Print Name b~Juz. .~ ~ Si . o ~. 1281. 05' .~ '.~ ~'\ p~"~ ' . o.hl>,dM" \ ~~rb \ - . 'F LAND OF COHEN N.'t..T. POt.E , ,. /3/3,61' SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT PECONlC TOWN OF 'SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK 'COuNTY, NY. 1000 - 86.- 07 -' 01 " SCALE: 1" :: 40' JAN 8. 19ff8 --- \59'= J ~ 1,\ ' !-\J', I! / w",Q~ pht.I/t'I"t::': ( .5lo..If'5:,. . -. d ,,,\ 11(\ (1) '4: - - \1.0 en . ~ ~. J\~ ~\\\', )) ~ "\~\, t) ": . '!- Ul .\\'8 z !~\'~ , '" . . '" \\"' , l- ~ -~ \ u1 '& . . ~'. . ~. hg \1\ J: -- ,1,\ tIll (1) ':t. . ~.9 ~ , ~ tP. :l )1$ ~\\\j\ )) ~ '.'!\~\' U .. ..~. UJ ..'Ire "?: ~f~ ~0\R ~\l Wi' o IV> " \ z o '! . 1281.06' h - , Ill, ~, , '", ~ '~ \ccC~Je~~~na <=-,-,rl:> \ N't..t POLE . I. 1313. Ell' 1/ F LAN 0 OF COHEN SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT PECON/C TOWN OF SOU THOLD SUFFOLK 'COUNTY, NY. 1000 - 86 .- 07 - 01 SCALE: 1" := 40' JAN B, 199B ,I -- --- 159':! ~'.\ g 1\) :I: I . / W/!IoOt; phd;(.,f'J' f ,slc;vr"$:.t;- l ." d JAN 1 0 2em .~ . ,. . .88-'?1',I:A<1 N/O/F LAND OF KOZLOWSKY oL r v e ---------- b / u e 5 f ------~p/ (/ n e z o z ;. . I EATER N/O I F LAND OF AREA = 2.9323 Acres to tie line ANY 141. TERA TlON OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLA TION 9F SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW EXCE1'T AS ~R SECTION 7209-SUSOIVISION 2. ALL CE:RTIFICA'rIONS HE/ff:ON ARE VALli) FOR THIS MAP AND f;oPlE:S THf:REOF aNI. Y IF SAIl1 MAP OR COPIES SEAR 'T~ IMPRESSED SEAL OF T~ SURVE:YOR wHOSE: SIGNA TURE APPEARS HEREON. A9DITIQNALLYTO.C()MPLY WITH SAID LAW THE TERM 'ALTERED BY' MUST BE USED BY ANY AND ALL SURvEYORS UTILIZINliA COpy .OF' ANOTHEfl SUifV/iYOR'S MAP. TERMS SUCH 14$ 'INSf'ECTE:O' AND 'SftOUGHT-TO-OA TE' ARE: NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW. CEf'. BR BA Ch TI: " ~ o '>!/, o B 0,' 'l o ' 2 .~ '" 0- :;; ~. ':w J3 - C\l OJ 0) . "" it, i .,,,Z't '... ", d "t f '~t ~ "'~ (bE I , !O C oj ;:! I , , , . ROBINSON 496/8 STRar' lIg11 \ "'. N/O/F ROAD S. 24"42' 20" E. N, 24042' 20"W, LAN 0 OF oL r v e HEATER AREA = 2.932 ANY AL T~RA TION OR ADDITIO OF SECnON 7209 OF TH~ NE ~XCEPT AS ffR S~CTlON 72' Hf:R~ON AR~ VALia FOR THIS $A/f) MAP OR COPI~$ 8~AR 'To WH()~ SIGNA TURf: APP~ARS , AODlTloNALL Y TO COMPL Y III M4ST 8~ I/SE:O 8Y ANY AND OF ANOTHER SVRVE:YOR'S M~ 'SROUGHT" TO-OA T~' AR~ NO