HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Suffolk Drainage Improvements .LI[i\\i\ L. K. McLean Associates, P.e. 437 South Country Road . Brookhaven . New Yark . 11719 CONSULTING ENGINEERS (631) 286-8668 . FAX (631) 286-6314 EUGENE F. DALY, P.E., p.T.O.E.™, PRESIDENT and C.E.O. RAYMOND G. DiBIASE, P.E., P.T.O.E.™, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT JOSEPH F. CLINE. P.E., VICE PRESIDENT ROY R FULKERSON, P.l.S., VICE PRESIDENT ALBERT T. DAWSON, P,E., VICE PRESIDENT Associates CHRISTOPHER F. DWYER JAMES L DeKONING, P.E. ROBERT A. STEELE, P.E February 2, 2007 Town of South old 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Attn: James Richter R.A., Town Engineer Re: Town of Sonthold - New Suffolk Drainage Improvements (Jackson Street) Cost Proposal for Surveying Services to Evaluate Drainage Improvements Dear Jamie: L.K. McLean Associates, P.c. (LKMA) is pleased to submit a proposal for professional services relative to the scope of work discussed with yourself and Jim McMahon at a meeting held on February 1,2007. Based upon our conversation and the attached plot plans we understand our scope of services is to include the following: y Obtain all existing features within the Town's right-of-way on First & Second Street between New Suffolk Avcnue and Jackson Street. Features shall include centerline of road, edge of pavement, utility polcs, obvious underground utilities, valve covers, existing drainage structures, proposed drainage area off Jackson Street and any other features that would be affected by a vertical alteration to the above referenced roadways. This task includes all data processing, establishing vertical and honzontal control and mapping associated with the topographic survey. The estimated cost for these surveying services would be $2,500.00. y Prepare Site Plan using the survey data collected from the topography of the site to identify. The plan shall include existing features, proposed grades, section, details and profiles. The plan shall quantify all proposed materials for the drainage improvements to be performed by the Town's Highway Department. The estimated cost for these engineering design and drafting services would be $1,850.00. Our total fee for the above referenced professional services is $4,350.00 and is based upon our existing Annual Professional Services Contract with the Town of South old. An appropriation of $4,350.00 would be required for the estimated engineering, surveying and drafting serviccs associated with the execution of all items identified above. The appropriation would be a cost not to exceed and shall include all out of pocket expenses associated with travel, materials and reproduction costs. Any tasks not identi fied in this proposal or listed as "optional" shall be considered unauthorized additional work. No additional work shall be performed by our office without proper authorization from the Town of Southold. . Founded in 1950. LI[j\\j\ L. K. McLean Associates, P.c. Should this proposal be acceptable, please sign both copies of same and retnrn one copy to this office. This shall constitnte our Notice to Proceed. Thank you for the opportunity to provide these professional services. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal please do not hesitate to call me. Very tmly yours, ~;f)~ CFD:cfd Enc. (2) Town Furnished Plans Christopher F. Dwyer, Associate L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. Approved: ~AP'd Scott Russell, Supervisor '2-('2-'[09 Dated CC: LKMA Copy (to be signed and returned) LKMA File Copy w/enc. \,'1-. ._" - ..:11'. ..-.- ..- \' "\ \ \ _-----J---- I _-------- ,', J..-...-.... ark-Sea-en '- -~ "":"} + '. ',-~~"~~ "'; '\"'~' --, ::~.': - "---"<c',,- '-"s' ~~ ,<"I:..", ,} -~_. ---'i.< . . ,. .- - , Ziz.,;, ' ~;!., ~~, Scale: 1" = 80.0' J COffCOln'll ROAp UCTlDtl l ... w ::! ... III J Q Z 0 u L w III l ..~.. ~ POST OFFICE , J JACKSON STREET I "LL.~Q"LDERTo""',;I~H ~---~------~~------------------------------------- ...------------------- -..... :. -= =~Tl~~~A"E....."!!Ci!:. -= -=:. I , cu...n......LOWN>'HT ~ '--~-~--~-~-~-.I 'oaT...LL...WOIlAl..""....LD 00000: 1# II PUBL.C BEAcH --======- H~~'1'l:!!';=.-~ , Ii ! l ; i Ii ... w w lII: ... III ... III lII: ... \\ L I I . EXISTING FLO L --~- I PECON'C BAY , \ ~.- ~" I I} I I i i SCTM #. 1000-117-08_19 l III I/! 1,[ Ii 111,[ "'I iill II:: liili '11\ II II ----. ~ ~ TOWN OF S UNDERWA TEORUTHOLD LAND ill 11111 "1' I,' ',' i:! I1I11 IIIII! III' ,II illl ,I" ili L SCTM #. 1 1000-117_08_20 ---- ~ ~ I, I' II II I I .~. II ,I I'i II I I[ill :!I:I RESOLUTION 2007-172 ADOPTED DOC ill: 2590 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-172 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 13,2007: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby accepts the proposal of L.K. McLean Associates, P.c. for survevine: services for the New Suffolk Drainae:e Improvements (Jackson Street) in the amount of$ 4,350 and authorizes Supervisor Scott Russell to sign the proposal, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. arU:lCl~(Y;J.. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr.