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HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecreation Center Roof RESOLUTION 2007-171 ADOPTED DOC ID: 2589 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-171 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTH OLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 13,2007: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal of L.K. McLean Associates. P.c. for enl!ineerinl! services to prepare a bid packal!e for a roof svstem and buildinl! improvements for the Town of South old Recreation Center (Peconic Lane. Peconic. NY) in the amount of$ 6,560 and authorizes Supervisor Scott Russell to sign the proposal, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney Pta~~a~,",/~ Elizabeth A. Neville South old Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. , '.Llt!\\!\ L. K. McLean Associates, P.c. 437 South Country Road . Bronkhaven. New York .11719 (631)286-8668. FAX (631)286-6314 CONSULTING ENGINEERS EUGENE F. DALY, P.E., p.T.O.E.™, PRESIDENT and CEO. RAYMOND G. DiBIASE, P.E, P.T.O.E."', EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT JOSEPH F. CLINE, P.E., VICE PRESIDENT ROY R. FULKERSON, P.L.S., VICE PRESIDENT ALBERT T. DAWSON. P.E., VICE PRESIDENT Associates CHRISTOPHER F, DWYER JAMES L. DeKONING, P.E. ROBERT A. STEELE, P.E. Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 February 2, 2007 L1 COP'\~ Attn: James McMahon, Director of Public Works Re: Town of Southold - Recreation Center (Peconic Lane) Revised Cost Proposal for Engineering Services to Prepare Bid Package for Roof System & Building Improvements Dear Mr. McMahon: L.K. McLean Associates, P.c. (LKMA) is pleased to submit a revised cost proposal for professional services relative to the scope of work recently discussed with your office on February 1, 2007. It is our understanding that the Town wishes to replace the existing faulty metal roof system with either a conventional rolled roof system or metal roof system as proposed by Morton Buildings. Pursuant to our meeting, LKMA understands that the Town would also include the following improvements; · replace all existing windows and provide opaque panes on bathroom windows. All windows are to meet all appropriate building codes. · remove and replace front double door complete with new door frame. · reside the exterior walls of the metal building. · all light fixtures would be removed and replaced by Town forces. Task #1 - Prepare Bid Package (Plans & Specs) for Public Letting & Cost Estimate ~ Obtain existing conditions of building for the purpose of preparing a proposed roof plan, window and door schedule, siding plan, roofing details, siding details and construction details. Our office will work closely with a certified roofing material manufacturer to produce the bid package. ~ The bid package will consist of contract drawings, technical specifications and Southold Town boilerplate sections (conditions of contract, instructions to bidders, notice to bidders, itemized proposal forms, form of contract pages, general conditions) ~ A detailed construction cost estimate shall be prepared by our office for the purpose of appropriating funds for the project. . Founded in 1950. .LI[i\\i\ L. K. McLean Associates, P.c. ~ Provide support to perspective bidders during the bid period. ~ Perform all contract procurement activities upon the receipt of all bids. Contract procurement activities include preparing a bid breakdown spreadsheet, evaluation of all bid proposals received by the Town, checking of references and recommendation of award letter. Our fee for the above referenced professional services is based upon our existing Annual Professional Services Contracts with other local municipalities and past projects performed for the Town of South old. Task # 1 - 48 hours by Office Engineer! Architect @ $95!hr. 16 hours by Project Manager @ 125!hr. = $4,560.00 ~ $2,000.00 Total Estimated Cost of Professional Services = $6.560.00 An appropnatlOn of $6,560.00 would be required for the estimated engineering services associated with the execution of all items identified under Task #1. The appropriation would be a cost not to exceed and shall include all out of pocket expenses associated with travel, materials and reproduction costs. Any tasks not identified in this proposal or listed as "optional" shall be considered unauthorized additional work. No additional work shall be performed by our office without proper authorization from the Town of Southold. Should this proposal be acceptable, please sign both copies of same and return one copy to this office. This shall constitute our Notice to Proceed. Thank you for the opportunity to provide these professional services. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, ~AfJ~ CFD:cfd Christopher F. Dwyer Associate Approved: ~@/l.,.pJI Scott Russell, Supervisor z./zel0'7 I , Dated CC: LKMA Comptroller Copy LKMA File