HomeMy WebLinkAboutL.I. Without Shoreham Power Plant - 1983 - Financial & Regulatory Conseq. LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY WITHOUT THE SHOREHAM POWER PLANT: 'FINANCIAL AND REGULATORY CONSEQUENCES SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Prepared for the County of Suffolk By Georgetown Consulting Group, Inc. JULY, 1983 Table of Contents page I. Introduction II. Summary of Conclusions III. Financial Consequences of the Abandonment IV. Regulatory Treatment of Abandonments - The National Experience V. Appendix 1 3 6 12 14 I. INTRODUCTION This report presents a summary of regulatory consequences to Long Island (LILCO) without the Shoreham Nuclear the financial and Lighting Company Power Plant. The findings included here rely in part on the work prepared by the Energy System~ Research Group for the County of Suffolk. Three specific scenarios are presented in this report to indicate the financial consequences that would follow in the event that LILCO was not permitted to place its Shoreham Nuclear Generating Station into commercial operation.* Each scenario assumes a different regulatory treatment for LILCO's investment in the abandoned Shoreham Nuclear Generating Station. These scenarios are: 1. The Rate Wash Scenario In this scenario, the revenues paid by LILCO's ratepayers assuming the Shoreham station is abandoned are the same as the revenues required were Shoreham to have been placed into commercial operation. * There are, of course, other scenarios which could be developed to deal with variations on the three scenarios presented here. For purposes of this summary report, however, the three scenarios provide a range of consequences adequate to demonstrate that the abandonment of Shoreham would not yield disastrous financial consequences for LILCO. 2. The ~i~h Return Scenario In this scenario, LILCO's ratepayers pay the full amortization of the abandoned investment and a return on the unamortized abandonment until the investment is fully recovered. 3. The Low Return Scenario In this scenario, LILCO's ratepayers pay for a portion of the costs related to the abandoned Shoreham station such that the Company can continue its dividend yield and maintain its bond coverages and internal generation of cash at an adequate level. This report also summarizes the national experience relating to the regulatory treatment of abandonments. It indicates the range of possible regulatory options that will be available to the New York Public Service Commission in reaching the appropriate decision with regard to the regulatory treatment to be afforded LILCO in the event of the abandonment of its Shoreham Nuclear Generating Station. II. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS Financial Consequences 1. The Rate Wash Scenario In this scenario, the revenues derived from LILCO's ratepayers assuming the Shoreham station is abandoned are equal to the revenues required were Shoreham to have been placed in commercial operation. In this case, LILCO would be a financially healthy Company, well able to provide safe and adequate service to the electric customers on Long Island. LILCO's financial indicators under this scenario would show a vast improvement from the poor levels achieved by the Company in the 1980-1982 time frame. These past poor financials, especially the low percent of internal cash generation, have contributed to LILCO's current BB+ rating. Under this Rate Wash scenario, LILCO will also achieve financial ratios comparable to those achieved by A and AA rated utilities (See Table 1). Thus, the Rate Wash scenario leaves LILCO in a significantly better financial condition than currently exists. 2. The High Return Scenario In this scenario, LILCO's ratepayers pay for the full carrying costs as well as a full return of the capital invested in the abandoned Shoreham station. In this scenario, 3 LILCO's financial health would be so goo~ as to be comparable to the financially highest rated electric utilities in the country (See Table 2). 3. The Low Return Scenario In this scenario, revenues received from LILCO's ratepayers associated with the abandonment of the Shoreham Nuclear Generating Station are approximately 65% of the revenues required were the plant to have been placed into commercial operation. The revenues provided under this scenario enable LILCO to maintain its dividend yield, achieve pre-tax mortgage indenture interest coverage and SEC interest coverage ratios of at least 2.4 times* and maintain its internal generation of cash construction requirements (See indicators projected in this improvement from the poor levels Company in the recent past. of at least 40% of its Table 3). The financial scenario are a substantial actually achieved by the * Interest coverages are measures of the extent to which pre-tax income exceeds a company's interest cost. LILCO's minimum indenture coverage requirement is 2.0 times, which is in general the figure most frequently seen as the minimum acceptable coverage figure. 4 Regulatory Consequences The ratemaking treatment afforded to LILCO resulting from not being permitted to place its Shoreham Nuclear Generating Station into commercial operation will depend upon the regulatory action taken by the New York Public Service Commission. We have presented in this report a summary of rate treatment for abandonment of plant based upon recent actual experience across the country. This national experience indicates that in the vast majority of cases the regulatory treatment afforded the utility resulted in a sharing of the full cost of abandonment between the utillty's investors and its ratepayers. Table 4 indicates that ratepayers provided to investors a return of the abandoned assets through amortization. However, in most cases ratepayers were not required to provide a return R~ the unamortized portion of the investment because the abandoned assets were excluded from the rate base. Therefore, LILCO's statement,* indicating that any regulatory treatment resulting in less than a full recovery of the investment in the abandoned Shoreham station has no precedent, is a statement without merit. *LILCO's "Preliminary Critique Suffolk-County Study of Shoreham Abandonment", May 1983, page 6. 5 III. FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE ABANDONMENT 1. The Rate Wash Scenario In this scenario, the financial consequences to LILCO are presented under conditions where the revenues paid by ratepayers under Shoreham abandonment are no greater than the revenues paid by ratepayers if the plant were to have been placed into commercial operation. In the Rate Wash scenario, the revenues paid by ratepayers under abandonment assume 91.5% of the Company's investment in the abandoned Shoreham Nuclear Generating Station is recognized for ratemaking purposes. Table 1 below compares key financial indicators for LILCO with industry financial performance under this rate wash scenario. TABLE 1' RATE WASH SCENARIO - SHOREHAM ABANDONED FINANCIAL INDICATORS LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY Actual 1980-1982 Target 1980 1981 1982 'A' 'AA' 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 2000 Coverages: Indenture 2.6 2.2 ~ Incl. AFC 3.0 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.5 S~C Excl. AFC 2.8 1.7 1.4 1.7 2.4 3.1 3.9 3.5 3.0 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.5 2.9 2.8 2.5 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.1 % Internal C~_neration 50 19 5 (5) ...38... 117 86 59 118 121 130 90 * For Sources, see Appendix 6 As indicated by this table, LILCO will be a financially healthy company, well able to provide safe and adequate service to its electric customers on Long Island. The interest coverages shown above are measures of the extent to which pre-tax income exceeds LILCO's interest cost. Interest coverages are deemed to be such an important indicator by the financial community, that certain minimum requirements are generally written into the Company's mortgage indenture. This indenture minimum for LILCO is 2.0 times. The averages shown above for both mortgage indenture and SEC coverages are comparable to those actually achieved by A and AA rated utilities. When compared with the poor coverages that the Company has exhibited in recent years, LILCO would be in excellent condition. Another widely watched indicator of a utility's financial health is the ratio between the amount of cash that the utility can generate internally compared to its construction requirements. As indicated by the table, LILCO's internal generation of cash ranges from a 59% to 130% of its construction needs under this scenario. This indicates that LILCO would be able to finance its future constructions predominantly out of internally generated funds, thereby lessening its dependence on the capital markets to obtain future financing. generation of cash of and AA utilities, it strong financial position with regard When compared to a range of internal 30% to 50% actually achieved by many A is clear that LILCO will be in a very to this key indicator. This rate departure from Shoreham station, scenario would actually achieved wash scenario represents only a minimal full recovery of investment in the abandoned and the financial health of LILCO under this be excellent - comparable to the results by A and AA utilities. 2. The High Return Scenario In this scenario, the Company would be permitted a full return of its investment and a full return on its investment in the abandoned Shoreham Nuclear Generating Station. Table 2 below compares LILCO's key financial indicators under this scenario to industry performance. TABLE 2 RIGN RETURN SCENARIO - SHOREHAM ABANDONED FINANCIAL INDICATORS LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY Actual 1980-1982 LILCO LILfI) Patinq Target 1980 1981 1982 'A' 'AA' Pro~ected LIL~O 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 2000 Coverages: Indenture 2.6 2.2 4.3 3.8 3.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.3 S~C Incl. AFC 3.0 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 SEC Excl. AFC 2.8 1.7 1.4 1.7 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.0 2.7 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.1 % Internal Generation 50 19 5 (5) ...38... 150 117 91 129 102 112 92 As can be seen from the table above, the financial condition of LILCO under this scenario would place it amongst the strongest and healthiest electric utilities in the Country. LILCO's coverages, both mortgage indenture and SEC coverages, exceed those achieved by A and AA or better electric utilities. 9 LILCO's internal generation of cash in this scenario for the years shown above ranges from 91% to a high of 150%. The table indicates that there are several years when LILCO's entire construction requirements would be met through internally generated funds thereby eliminating the need for LILCO to seek external financing for its construction. In summary, LILCO's financial health under this scenario would be excellent and would vastly exceed its present condition. 3. The Low Return Scenario In this scenario, revenues required from LILCO's ratepayers associated with the abandoned Shoreham Nuclear Generating Station are sufficient to maintain the mortgage indenture coverage and the SEC coverage (including AFC) to a minimum of 2.4 times. In addition, in this scenario, LILCO's internal generation of cash does not fall below 40%. Finally, LILCO's dividend yield as a percent of its book equity was maintained. In this scenario revenues required from ratepayers associated with the abandoned Shoreham station are approximately 65% of the revenues required were the plant to have been placed in commercial operation. The results of the scenario are presented in Table 3 below: 10 TABLE 3 LOW RETURN SCENARIO - SHOREHAM ABANDONED FINANCIAL INDICATORS LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY Actual 1980-1982 ~ I~GO ~atinq Target ~980 1981 1982 'A' 'AA' 198~ 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 2000 .Ck~era~es: Indenture 2.6 SEC Incl. AFC 3.0 S~C Excl. AFC 2.8 % Internal Generation 50 2.2 2.8 2.4 2.4 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.5 2.4 2.4 2.7 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.7 1.4 1.7 2.4 3.1 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.1 1.9 19 5 (5) ...38... 111 80 67 77 52 59 60 As can be seen from the table above, indenture coverage ranges from 2.4 times to 2.8 SEC coverage, including AFC, ranges from 2.4 times. With regard to internal generation, LILCO exhibits an internal generation of between 52% and 111%. This level of internal generation must be characterized as healthy, and is an improvement over the poor levels of internal generation of (5)% to 19% that LILCO has experienced in the recent past. LILCO's mortgage times and the times to 2.7 11 IV. REGULATORY TREATMENT OF ABANDONMENT - THE NATIONAL EXPERIENCE The increasing number of abandonments of electric generating plants in recent years has caused regulatory agencies across the country to squarely face the issue of determining the appropriate regulatory treatment for these abandonments. Table 4 of this report summarizes the rate treatment for abandonment of plant afforded by numerous regulatory commissions across the country. This list is not intended to be exhaustive but it does provide a presentation of the treatment granted by regulatory agencies across the country. In the vast majority of these cases, the regulatory treatment has been to provide for a sharing of the cost of between the utility's investors and its abandonment ratepayers. One of accomp1 i shed the ways by which the regulatory agencies such sharing was to permit a utility to recover its investment through an appropriate amortization schedule, but not to permit the utility to recover a carrying charge on the unamortized balance over the period that the amortization schedule was set. It is important to note the Decisions of the New York Public Service Commission have in the past permitted the various utilities a full recovery of their investments, both 12 amortization and a return on the unamortized investment in the abandoned project. While this history is important to understanding the regulatory climate in New York, we believe the decisions made nationwide provide a range of possible regulatory treatments available in the case of the abandonment of the Shoreham Nuclear Generating Station. The specific rate treatment to be afforded to LILCO for the abandonment of the Shoreham Nuclear Generating Station will be determined by the New York Public Service Commission in a future proceeding. ~owever, based upon the overwhelming majority of cases experienced on the national level regarding rate treatment for abandonment of plant, we believe that LILCO's statement, that any treatment short of a full recovery associated with the abandonment of its Shor~ham investment is without precedent, is a statement without merit. 13 TABLE 4 RATE TREAT~iENT FOR ABANDONMENT OF PLANT THE NATIONAL EXPERIENCE Type Years to Rate Base State of Plant Write Off Treatment Atlantic City Electric Co. Bostu~ Edison Co. Central F~ine Po~_r Co. Electric Corp. Cc~su~_rs Power Co. Detroit Edison Co. Florida Power Co. Gulf States utilities Co. ~oust~ Lighting & Electric Co. Jersey Central Power & ~.ight Co. Louisiana Power & Light co. Electric Co. New England Po~r Co. Northern States Power Alabama Nuc:l,~ir 5 No Virginia Fossil 5 No West Virginia Fossil 10 No New Jersey Nuclear 30 Massachusetts Sc~ {-~er 10 ~a~i ne Nu~l-~r 5 New York Tran~nission 10 Illinois Transmission & 1 Nuclear & Fossil Michigan Nuc] ~ar · 10 Michigan Nuclear 10 Florida Nucl e~r 3 T~v~s Nuc lear 5 Te~-~s Nuclear 5 Indiana Fossil 3 New Jersey Hydro 10 ~'~a~2 Nu=l~r 20 Louisiana Nuclear 5 Wisoc~sin Nuclear 1 ~ Fossil-Oil 5 FEBC Nucl-~r 5 New York Nu~] ~r 5 Yes No NO No No No Yes RATE TREATMENT FOR ABANDONMENT OF PLANT Utility Potomac Electric Power Co. Public Service Elec. & Gas Co. San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Sterling Project Central Hudson Gas & Elec. Co. Niagra Mohawk Power Corp. Orange & Rock- land Util. Inc. Rochester Gas & Electric Corp. Southern Calif. Edison Co. The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. Tucson Electric Power Co. Union Electric Company Virginia Elec. & Power Co. Wisconsin Elec. Power Co. Wisconsin Power & Light Co. Type of Years to State Plant Wju~ Virginia) Total Maryland) Dist. of Co.) Nuclear 10 New Jersey Nuclear 20 California Various 5 New York Nuclear 5 New York Nuclear 3 New York Nuclear 10 New York Nuclear . 5 California Various 5 Ohio Nuclear Rate Base Arizona Missouri) Illinois)Total Iowa ) FERC ) Virginia) W. Virginia)Total N. Carolina) FERC ) No No Yes Wisconsin No No Yes Ye_S Yes Yes No 10 No SNG 10 No Fossil 5 No Nuclear 10 Nuclear 3 Wisconsin Nuclear 3 No Yes Yes PRIMARY SOURCE: EEI RATE RESEARCH COMM/TTEE SURVEY V. ~PPENDIX SOURCES FOR TABLES %1 - %3= Actual 1980-1982 LILCO LILCO Tarqet 1980 1981 1982 'A' 'AA' (A) Coverages: Indenture 2.6 2.2 SEC Incl. AFC 3.0 2.5 2.4 2.6 3.0 3.5 SEC Excl. AFC (C) 2.8 1.7 1.4 1.7 2.6 3.1 % Internal Generation (D) 50 19 5 (5) ...38... (A) LILCO Testimony, PSC Case 28252. (B) LILCO Testimony, PSC Case 28252, 1982 Annual Report. (C) Actuals from Electric Utility Quality Measurements, Average of Median Ratings, Salomon Brothers Inc., April, 1983. (D) LILCO 1980-1982 per LILCO Annual Report, Industry per Duff & Phelps 1980-1982 Industry Survey Average. Definitions: Mortgage Inden. Coverage = Oper. Income + Total Taxes + (Other Income up to 10% Pretax Operating Income) Bond Interest Charges SEC Int. Coy. Ratio (incl. AFC) Total Taxes + Net Income Bef. Preferred Dividends + Gross Interest Charges Gross Interest Charges SEC Int. Cov. Ratio (excl. AFC) Total Taxes + Net Income Bef. Preferred Dividends + Gross .Interest Charges - Total AFC Gross Interest Charge~-------- 14