HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12488 P 686'I~HI$ INDENTUI~E, n'~de on n BETWEEN Richard M. Roserm and Lira Rosen 725 Bennetts Pond Lane Mattltuck, NY 11952 party of the tirol pan, and Liza Coppola and James Gorman 725 Bennetts Pond Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 part), of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. in conaidetation of Ten dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, docs hereby grant and release unto the IVOry of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the part)' of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the building~ and improvements thereon erected, situate. lying and bring in the see "Schedule A" attached. TOGErrHER u4th all right, title and interest, if any, of thc party of the flint part in and of any streets and roads abufing the above described pren~es to the center lines thc=eof, TOGETHER with thc appurtenances and all something and right of the pa_,xy of the first part in and to s,'fid premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the part)' of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of' the party of the second part forever. AND the para.' of the first part conveoants that the party of thc first part has not done or suffe~"d anthing whereby the said premises been incumbered in any way whatever, except ns aforesaid. AND the party, of the tint patx, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien La,],,. covenants that the party of thc first part will receive thc considesation for Otis conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying thc cost ofimprovcmeot and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same fo£ any other purpose. The word "pan)." shah be construed as il' it rend "parties# u, heoever the sense of this indenture so requires. 1 of 2 Commitment # NAM.-06-2299 SCHEDULE "A" RE: 725 Bennetts Pond Lane; Mauituck, NY 11952 ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Soffolk and Slate of New York, known as and by the lot number 4, as shown and designated on a cerlain map entitled, "Map of Bennett's Pond at Mattituck' filed in the Offico of thc Clerk of thc County of Suffolk on June 12, 1970, as Map No. 5483, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:. BEGINNING at a point on Ihe northeasterly sido of Bennett's Pond Lane distant 674.71 feet southerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the northeasterly side of Bennett's Pond Lane and the southeasterly aide of Wcslphalla Road; RUNNING THENCE North 59 degrees 49' 50" East 209.00 feet to land now or formerly of Raacke; RUNNING THENCE South 29 degrees 22' 50' East along the Inst mentioned lands and land now or formerly of Harrison and lund now or formerly of Haines 121.66 feet to land now or fon~erly of Bennett; RUNNING THENCE South 58 degrees 54' 50" West along the Inst mentioned land 209.08 feet to the northeasterly side of Bennett's Pond Lane; RUNNING THENCE North 29 degrees 22' 50" West along the northeasterly aide of Bennett;s Pond Lane 124.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH an u~divided one tenth (l/10th) intere~ in two strips of land shown and designnted as "Pnrk' on the "Map of Bennett's Pond" filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Soffolk on June 12, 1970, as Map. No. 5483. S/B/L: i000-113.00-13.00-011.000 I.N WIT~. ESS WHEREOF, Ihe psrn.' of the firsl pan has duly execuled this deed Ihe d~y and ycaz itt'st Ibovc written. IN PRESENCE OF: State of New York, County of se.: / , On ~Z2 & ~3605'before me, the undersigned, personally appeared JRichard M. Rosena and LiT~ Rosen personally known to me or proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) ia (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. (Stamp) BRL~ PAT R ~ Y.. BUTLER NOTARY PugLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK NO. 0291'6069595 OLIALIRED IN S,UFf%K COUNTY CO&IMISSION EXPirE -'": ;' :.,'t,'J~Y 11.20. Notary Public ar ain aha with Covenant Against Grantor's Act~ T~oNo. SECTION: 113 BLOCK: 13 LOT: 11 COUNTY or TOWN: Suffolk Richard M. Roscna and Liza Rosen 725 Bennetts Pond Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 TO Liza Coppola and James Gorman 725 Bennetts Pond Lane Mat~tuck, NY 11952 RETURN BY MAIL TO: Liza Coppola and James Gorman 725 Bennetts Pond Lane MattJtuck, NY 11952 2of2 Nuh~her ~J' p~s. TORRENS Serial # Ceffificalc # Prk~r Cfi. # Deed I Mortgage Inslrument Page / Filing Fee Handling 5. 00 TP-$84 ~ Nolaliol! Deed I Mungage Tax Stamp FEES This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Se~t~ Numbers prior to recording. RECORE~.~ 200? Jan 2~ 02:26:02 PN Judith iq, Pascale CLERK OF ~UFFOLK COUttTV L IXlO012~ P 686 DT# 06-20587 Recording I Filing Stumps Mortgage Amt. I. Busic 'lax 2. Additional 'Fax. Snb Total EA-52 17 {Connty} EA-5217 (State! R.P. TS.A. Comm. or Ed. Affidavit Ccrlifk, d Copy · NYS Surcharge Other Re:d Prol'~ 'lhx Servic Agency Vefificqtin IS. oo su~'r,.a~ /~'~ Grand'Ii,la, /~ or Sp~c./Add. '1'13'1: MTG. TAX Dual Town __.. Dual Coumy .__ Ileld for Appointmem Tnmsfer Tax Mansion 'Fax T~ property cove~d by this monga~ or will ~ improved by a one or ~wo family dwelling nnly. . or NO If NO. ~e app~pfiule 07000643 looo llaoo {aoo o11ooo Consideration Amount $ C'~ ,--  CPI* T~x Duc m'proved 6 I Satisfacfion.'~Di.~harges/Relca.~a List Pro~nv Owners'lViailing Addm.~q RECORD & RETURN TO: /acunt Land · TD TD I ? I ~T, itle Com, i~ans'. Information R I Suffolk County Recording & Endorsemen,t Page This page forms pan of the attached ]~{~ ~. ........ made by: (SPI'iCIFY' tYPE- OF INSTRUMEIVT)~.:.;- ~...-;~,. -, ,~,r.~= ,-...,.,. ~. ---.. Thc premises herein is situalcd in . SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YOR .K,'i "'?,' '::',?. -"?- ~,~.3 ='-'. · ... ...... ' In lhe Township c,f In Ibc VILLAGE HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI .ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PAGE Type of Instrument: D~S/DDD l~,m~er of PS. gSBI 4 Receipt Number = 07-0007692 TP~NSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-20587 Distr~ct~ Z000 Deed Am~unt~ Recordeds AC= LIBER PAGE Sec tion ~ Block ~ 113.00 13.00 EXAMINED AND CHAR~ED A~ FOLLOWS $0.00 Received tM FolX~ing Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiee RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~.~.Pres Fees Paid TF~NSFER TAX NUMBER= 06-20587 THIS PA~E IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suffolk County 01/23/2007 02=26=02 PM D00012488 686 Lot = 011.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $152.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM · - .. - . · INSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COI~NTY USE ONLY Cl SWIS CQ(b ' ~ ~/, ~,, ~-~, ~, ([:~, 41 I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT PROF~RTY INFORKfATION CUlling I/Mheflhanbu~lreddress(atboRm~ofform) I WNAJ~ J 4,1Wt)IenUnlbMMAIMMmMIIC / #ofPlirC4JS OR N IonJYffPIrtdlPed)ChmzklltheyIl~l~' ~ [ I x I I on I. .. .,=,,. . . i 4c.P,,~^~,,~S~b,i~o,~h MopP,~d,d [] AI~/I 0he Family Rnddentlll E[~ AgKcullm'al I [] Comfw, Jnity S~co t Hew Censtmc~on on vKnm Land [] Fi [~; or 3 Fan~y Readen~MI F [~ Comma~al 3.[..~ fi~iM IOA. Prol~ty 1-- ~-~ w~hi. In A~i~uttmll ~ [] C [ ~ Re~JdentiaJ Vacant Lind C~[~ ApMtment K~ Public hwlce lot Buyer received · dlmdeeum nMic~ ifldk~tlflg [] [)1 I Nnn-RoiJdeptialVaca~ttJnd FI[~ Entertak~flonll,~x~usm'nent ]-I ] Fot'l~l that tho i~'OlWn'T, ilinenAoHoJitkKllDbtricf SALE INFORMATION I L~'/J 16. Chmlk erie or rome d rheim ogdic~kml iii appll.'*~l- to l/Inab~. r,,. F.U"-t,, P,P.. I , , ~ · , ~)-" ~ 0 , 0 I s... of B--,nml. V.d.ded ~ Sd,,P,~ 1,LIm~catethevalueofp,emond I [ ~ , [ , . . 0 . 0 [ ABSESEMENT INFORMATION - Dam shoeld reflect the br~st FInBt AutflBrneflt Roil and Tax Bill ] 16. year of~d.Ns'~mant ROIl from [ t I l'/.TmalAmeu~Vdu~(d dparmbiflt~m~') I . . a [ , [ [ [ , . , [ I I I I I CE F,C O. '1 I cwtl~ Ihat ail of h itenm d' inrommioe entH~] on [flI' ro~ imm IrUe end ca~[wt't Iio Ihe I~1 d my knewlt,.d~, and hdiL, fl nnd I undt, tstand thol Ih~ making M' nn~' ,~iln'ul.~JaMun~d rank. fbi hd hutin ,~ill M~Ct me to dt~ p~p'kl~m ~ b ~ ~ ~w m ~ ~ ~ ~n~ ~ f~ Im~ , I NEW YORK STATE COPY