HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12490 P 103CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNiNGTHiS INSTRUMEtlT--THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. TIIl,'i 4Ntii,:N"l'!lltl~, made ,he ~ d.y ,,r November , i. thc ye.r 2005 IlIC'[N¥1tItN PATRICK II)N1ESKT. resldtng at 315 Greeuway, Cutchogue, New York I~[llyoftl~firstlmtl,al,[ SCOTT NUNZINCEE and VERONICA RUNZINCER, his wt£e, both redLdlng at 190 Vllla Avenue, Deer Park, New York IL729 die SeColid peri,.. wrI'NI?.qSF.'I'II, th;il ]l~ I~trly o1' fi~ firsl pan. in c~msidcr~liun of TEN DOT.~RS and other va Zuable considerations ($10.00) &dh; ~ally fir thc ~ctin(I p.fl. ti.cs [~lcby ~lit and ~lc;,~ ii.t. dec ptmy ol' iht Sk~Olld [~lfl. tl~ lici~ or successes tend al` thc pluly o[` dig ~ccoml part [tiNv~, ALI. Ihal t'elUiill I,k,I, piece .t It;ilo'ti t,l' liind, willi Ihe Imil,li.gs nmi ililllrOW:lllCItl.K ihcrt'(fl~ crl."ch'd..'iilgmtu, lying ami bei,i Hi(ll~ at the Hamlet of Cutchogue. Town of Southold. County of Suf£olk and State o~ ~ev York, known and deeLEna£ed aa l,or No, 23 as shown and laid our on a c~rtain etttlt].ed. "Hap of Fait-say Farms. Cutchosue, Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York" and'lfilud la the S,ffolk County Clerk's Office on February 15. 1974 as No. 6066. "said lot being more partlculirly bounded and described as follovs: aSEE Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof BEING AND TNTE~I)ED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by Deed dated October 14, 1999, and ftled in the Office of the Clerk of the County o~ Suffolk on October 22, 1999 in Ltber oE Deeds 1~996 at Page 381. TOOI~'I lEI[ with all t iBhl. lille and inlcre.'d, if`rely, o[`llv:.lt.ny of II~e first pi,fl in arid tn a[ty si;eels attd m;~(Is ahullil:§ Ibc ;thttvc tlc.,~cl'il)ctl prctiliSes Its IIH~ o:tiler lilies Ihcrc(d';'l'OOl'."l't lEE wilb the a pIT, U fie I'..~l )(.'e s and ali thc estate nlel righln ed' ibc pnrty ti[' Ihe firsl i~;i[ I in and h~ sttid I~r~.ti~c.';; TO I]^¥1i^HD TO I101.1') die premiss hcrei)t BGiilled iiill() die pm ly ibc Iteir.~ .r ~tlt~'cn~,rs fl,d ;msiG,s of Ib~ pally o[' Iht St~C(HIL[ Imrl AND gte pally .[' Ili~ I~tsI It;lll cttvcltniils IlmI Ilil! ])ally O[' die first pall h;t.~ llOl (~llW tN' sulTcr~l ;uiylhi,g Wl~l~hy thc snid ' wlmlc~r, exccpl a~ ,ro~suid. ANI) thc I~U'ly t~f IIw fi~l pnrl.'ih C~)ltqdim~c with Scclitm 13 .[ lite lice I~sw, t~JVClU;lllS Ihnl thc p;u ly iff lite fi~l ]~11 will ICCCi~ Ihc c(msi~L[alio[I Ibr IhiM c, mvcyan~ ;lAid will ImM II~ [ighl lo sct~ivc SilCII c,)flside~,liflfl ns a Irusl ~tlJIt[ lo I~ .iqdictl firxt for Iht pi~rl~N~ ~ lm~it~G Ibc c;k~l u[` thc iml~mV~lllC.t mid will s;i)l]t~ Iltl ~tm~ fi~t lo tl~ I)a~n~flt of Ih~ ct~t of Ibc improvcu~.t I~ft~e usiflB anX Im[t oF Iht Iol;d t)r lira safl~ ret an~ oiler ptlq)t~e. ']]ic wflft[ "~rl~" ~[I;111 I~ ~)lT~llt~tl a~ if il .[~;,tl "lmrlics" wile.ever II~ ~'11~: ()r Illin ifltlcltlllrc sit ~luires. IN 'WI;I~IC~q WIIERI,:~)I% tim iKldy ol' Iht first ptul ha5 d. ly cxccuted this tied Iht tiny alii ye.r fi~ ttbo~ written. IN PIO!SIiNCli Realty Ab~-act ~ervi¢~ Ltd. Title No.: SCHEDULE A - DESCR~PI'[ON OF PREI41'SES ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land s'~uate lying and being at the Hamlet of Cutchogue, Town of Southold, CourtLy of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lo~ NO. 2:3 as shown and laid out on a certain map entitled, "Hap of Fairway Farms, Cutchogue, Town of Suuthold, Suffolk County, New York" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on February 15, 1974 as.Hap No. 6066, said lot being mom particularly bounded and described according to said map as follows: BEGTNNING at a point on the northerly side of (;men Way said point being the extreme wesmrly end of a curve connecting the northerly side of Green Way with the westbay side of Cases' Lane Extension; RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of beginning along the northerly side of Green Way the following 2 courses and curves and distances: 1) South 80 degrees 20 minutes 50 seconds West, 64.17 feet; 2) Westedy along an arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 946.63 feet and a distance of 172.65 feet to the division line between Lot No. 22 and 23 according to aforementioned map; THENCE along said division line North 0 degrees 47 minutes 50 seconds East, 191.4! feet to the division line between Lol;. No. 23 and Lot No. 24; THENCE along said division line South 88 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds East, 260.93 feet to the westerly side of Cases' Lane ~slon; THENCE along the westedy side of Cases' Une Extension North ! degree 21 minutes 40 seconds West, !31.98 feet to the extreme northerly end of a curve connecting the westerly side of Cases' Lane Extension and the northerly side of Green Way; THENCE along said curve southwesterly bearing to the right having a radius of 30.34 feet and a distance of 41.83 feet to the northerly side of Green Way at the point or place of BEGINNING. STATE OF NEW YOnK, COUNTY OF (.)nilm~P) day.r November issllmyur 2006, PATRICK ~NXESKI thc I)n~is .[ sntisl~ ~ cvidcl~g h) Im Ihe individtml(s) wht~ .all~(S) is (mc) suh~ri~d tu the wiillifl i~;(~lIKili 01xl ~km~l- cdL~d Io lira lime I=lsl~l~y Cx~llt~l ibc ;Slim ill hiM~ll~ir c;qmcily{i~), m~ lime by hiMIcr~lwk si;mdur~s) tiff iuMlllll~ll. Ih; indivi~hmlts), or thc J~ml tm ~lml(l)~ which fig No~o~~ " ?" ~ ..... STATE OF , COU~Y OF ( 1, thc dny ~[ iff Iht yeas IW,~.mtty ItCl~mally acq,nifllcd, W[I~N [willJ I*y IIW ,hdy 5Wlql). (il I,be pL'.cc Ilia& lu~/st~'llhvy t. be lira ilulividzlal ~k.~cl'iiN~i in pud wilt) cxcculcd Iht i't~:c, ing illilrlllltClli; dial said sulu, crihiap. Willieii was itl&'l~fil .qlsd x,'tw ~mid cx~'utc lilt' same; nlkl IIGII sahl wih sc..~, tit I1~ sa.lc limc suhm:rihcd hL',;thcdlhcir ilatlJC(s) its a whig.Ks Ihelcl() la, hi sl~ r-lhm'i.g if' dm ;k'klmW~11~lllml iS laLrfl uul~.ide NY Skdc] STATE OF (In tlm (lily of ill tim yenr lite Ivads sd' snll~fachtry critic,ce m Ix] Ilia imllvid.al(s) wl~c imlfl~s) is (,lC) mil~ih~l Io lira within ImllUll~d ami .ckm~l- bL%lfllllWld. II10 imlividhfll(s), m IlK ~m ~m hcllnlf id wli~h Ibc imllv~bnKs) ncIld, ~ul~l III hl~lUlll~l I~ Il fdl~i~ If Ill I~ni~l~ Il Ilt~ liszt ~Y SMIII BIId IIII s~id [uh~zildllI wlII~M IIIId~ ifil'h Ipl~l~ll~ I~1~ STATE OF , COUNTY OF On the clay -f is1 d1¢ ycar m mt kmzw., wh., ~iug hy ,~ duly a~Kn. did t~l.~ and shy xcnl alfixtd I. suitl inKlm[nenl i~ stain LN~ flit ~cal; Illal il was st, a~xctl by m(k*r.[ Iht hm[d .f dil~h.s .f s. id CtUl~mali,m, wrrll ¢:tw i-'.f,d ^~r ^t'i ^ i N~r ( ~lt ^ N'l'¢ )l,t 'S '1'1 n i! Nfs. Patrick Lonl.e~ki and '1'() Scott Hunzinger and Veronica Ilunzinget s. ewart .: Insurance company s[!c[[.a i09,00 [.,i' 014.023 L~,]N'rYsmlin~ [000 Southold CutchoEue~ New York 11935 Itec. nk.d ;ti Ilel.eSl ts[ S'rliWA R*I' Trl'[.I. RI*:*I'IIIIN IIY MAII.'Illt Paul Hatches, Esq. 734 gait 1~httman Road SUite 302 ~elvilte, Ney Yo~k 11747 '1'0 I{I{IGN$ Sclinl fl Cc~ tilicate II ' I'1 Jul' Cfi. II Deed lMmlgagc Instlmhenl Lle~dlMuill~§e 'lhx Shunl~ RECO~)E~ ,2007 San 31 12-"16:01 Judith ~h P~cale -C ~l-E~ OF SUFFOLK COUNW L D00012490 P 103 DT# 06-21636 Rccm ding I Filing StunilXq I'al;C I I'ililig Fc~' . ........ ~<__ .. I huidliul~ '1'1'-58,1 '~"~ Nututimi F~A-52 I? [¢ou.tyJ I.':A - .qi217 (,~lale) It.l'.'l'.fi.A. Allidnvi! (.'ct tilted C.py Re§. Copy Olher $1a111I) ~tc hiilials ~ dls~lcl 0 IS/D schnr~'-,~l{clclLqcs List I'[upefl) Uwnc."s Win I § ItKCUIII! & RI~I'Ultfl TU: ~au! Hatthea, Esq. 734 Walt Wh/tman Road Suite 302 Melville, New York, [1747 I. 2. Addillmial *l'nx Sub Total $1~ec.lAs.~il. Ur Spuc./Add. 'I'L)T. bl'l'(i. TAX - __ IJmd *l'uwll__ _lAml C. unly__ 'Thc I'll'polly cl,,'elelJ ~'~J~s inut~t;~,r will bc iml. OVCd hy Ii nuc ot' IWII huJliJy dwdli,~ only. ~ Nt') II NU, ~ce nl)l]lepl lal~ lux clnu~ tm im~ I~ .... of this i,~h tlllmnl. C~nuuunily I)r~Scl'Vfltit)ll Flllttl hiililovcd V #ctllll I,alld 'I'L) '1'1) Suffolk County 'Recording & Ih clorsement 'Page 'l'hisi~qlcl},mlt~l~t~tofthculladicd __ Bhrsnt~.~nd Sale Deed lundch)': Patr/ck Lon/eskl and (SI'EO~ry'I'YIq~OF INS'I'ItUMENI') '11~ pmmi~ I~mi. is sltm~tcd in SUFF{~K C~NI'Y, HEW YORK. '1'~ In I1~ 'lbx~tship .1' sou ~hold ScoOt Hunzlnger and V ";' In linc II.,~GL jif )XER 5 '1'1 IRt 1 9 MT I~1' ITE'I%'I'I;J)OR I'RIN'I]:I) IN Itl Al'"' "*lK ( }1..11 Y I'plI'XI 'l'f ) I;I :FY illIcit,Ii l I tI; I:ll INIt SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDING PAGE Type of Znstrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages= 4 Receipt ~,mhez = 07-0011299 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 06-21636 DistrAct= 1000 Deed Amount= Recorded: LIBER PAGE Sec tion ~ Block ~ 109.00 05.00 ~r~,MINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $857,500.00 Ol/31/2oo7 12~16=01 PM D00012490 103 014.023 Received Re Foll~i~ Fees For Above Inerrant Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COS $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies RPT $30.00 NO BCT~ Transfer tax $3,430.00 NO C~m. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBIR~ 06-21636 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A SILL $5.00 NO $15 -00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $14,150 . 00 NO $17,732.00 Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk Count~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'J/www,orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 · I ' RP - 5217 ~'~1 315 I I Southold I Cut chosuc [ 11935 [ Run=luser I Veronica & Sdb, ] Lonieski I II so~P~ oR Pa~lofaPii~d4&Subdb~oft~lmReqobedforTnm~4A'PbmlngBomdwhhSubdMeim'4~t~F"x~ Patrick I SALE INFORMATION I g / 20 ! 06 I [ 11 / / 06 I A R C D SIg~fic~nt Ch~ng~ In Ptolemy ff~vmofl T~able Status and Belo ~ $OM of Busi~m is Mcludod in SiM J~ce Other Uaulual Faro A~tlng $do Pficl (Specify Below) Noel I Tax Map kbnllBet(ld I R~dl kknlMk~[d OIm Iha. k.~, ~ dmet ~ additional idsmF~(sJ) I LO00 I I109.00 I I 05.00 I I 014.023 I BUYER .~sm~ScotC Hunzznser /go ] Villa Avenue Deer Park NY 11729 I I SELLER _ I Ii- ,.06 Patrick Lonteski ~" BUYER'S ATFORNEY Hatches I Paul 631 I 761-0100 COPY