HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12489 P 516QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, made between Henrey Rienecker a/Ida Henry Rlenecker and Camille Rienecker,'both of 600 Harbor Lane, Southold, County of ~uffolk, State oi New York, the party of the first part and He. nry Rienecker and Camille.Flteftekeer-,"-husband and wife, both of 600 Harbor Lane, Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, the party of the second part. W ITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar, lawful money of the United States. paid by the party of the second part, does hereby release and quit-claim unto the party of the second part, the heirs, successors and assigns of the party of the second part, with QUITCLAIM COVENANTS: SEE EXHIBIT "A" A'I'rACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN Witness our hands this 'ro: I 3sr= &ACj'Fiserv /-r..~._U ~ 5401 Gamble Drive, #300 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Henry Rienecker 70-01847856 ALL THAT C~KTA/M PLOT; PZ'eCE OP. P, ARC~T- OF LAliD, W?TH THE UU:[LDTHG8 .AHD ~MTst THEI~0M ERECTED, 8'rTUATE, TYING AND BE'FNG TH THE TOM~ OF SOUTHO~D, AT CUTCHOQUZ, COU'RTY AL~) STATE OF ~"d REGZNHZ'HG AT A HOHi]P~b,'T 8,ET AT THE WESTERLY S?DE OF ~ LAHE DISTANT 525.00 F~ET SOUTI~RLY AS ~iA,gURED AX,C~G THE ~ESTERLY EXgE OF HAiR ~ F~CM THK ~ ~g BY THE IHTEREECTT0~ OF TEE 80~RL¥ 8ZDE OF ~ ROAD W~'TH THE MEST~RLY STDE OLP HARBO~ LA.qB; IU,,t'~qlHG THEHCE 80~1~H 33 DEG. 45' 10" EAST A.T. OHG THE WESTERLY STDE OF HARBOR ~ 150.00 FEET TO A NOMT. I~/EFt'; THKHCE $ODTH 56 D'eG. 14' S0" bEET ALONG O~-I~R LANDS OF DALCI~T COR..-oORATZOH 305.74 FEET TO A NOHIA'4EHT; THENCE NORTH 34 DEG. 44' 00" bEST ALONG ~ OF LUGLZO, NOW OR FOI~MERLY, ARD OTHERE 150.02 FEET TO A M01q~HT; THZNCE HORTH 56 DEG. 14' 50" EAST ALONG OTHER ,[,AMD OF DALCI~T COP. EORATTO~ At~ LAHD OF AUETZN 308,31 FEET TO OF HARBOi LANE AT TH~ 90XNT 0~. ~ OF REGIS;lING. SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, I~ESTRICTZOHS A~ RESERVATTONE OF RK~ORD WHICH ~ EXIST AFi~CTIN~ THE SUBJECT RZEHEC~F.~RUSB,M~ ~ W'J[FE BY DEED ~ 01/02/2003 IN DEED BOOK 12229 PAGE 86, REC4:~IDED IN THE SUFFOLK TJ~X ID9 DZETRICT 1000, SECTION 097.00, BLOCK 06.00, LOT 016.000 ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of _ ,/~/t~ ~,Jo~ k_ cou,,,yof O1'1 I~l~rvAr~/?, O/,,bel'ore me, __ UAIE ~,J - /~.I E OF NO'IARY PURl.lC personally appeared ...z'J..-f,J:Uc.~/.~Z/'/'¢~'. NAME(S) OF mGNER(S) J'-] personally known to hie OR L~proved to me on Ihe basis of satis[actory evidence to be the · person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the witll!n insbument and acknowledged to me that helslie/they executed the same In his/her/their authorized capacity(les), an that by Ms/her/their signature(s) orl the il~strument the person(s), or Ihe' enUty upon behalf of wldch Ihe person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS Iny ha,d and orlicial seal. A'rrEN'rlON NOTARY: AIU~ough II1., hdOml.,lkal requesled below l$ OPTIONAL, I( may pray., valuable Io persoos mlyi,g o, this Acknowledgment arid could pravmll fraudulmll reallachmelff of this ce[Uric, ate !o another docunlefff. DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE A'I-TACIJED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT lilLE 01! lYrE or DOCUMENI tIUMI:IER OF PAGES ...... I)A1E OF DOCUMEN r SIGNER(S) OILIER '~IAN flAMED ABOVE Number of pnges Serial # Certificnm # Prior Ctf. # Deed. Mo.'rtpge lnsmunent 3 Pngc / Filing Fee Hnndling TP-584 Notation E,A-$2 t7 (County) F.A-$2 i 7 (State) R.PoT. S.A. Conun. o1' Ed. A[l~d~vit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Othe~ st lked / Mo~age Tax Stump PBES 1.¢'-' 200? Jan 26 02."51:52 PM Judz~ A. Pa~cale L ~0~24~9 P 516 OT~ ~=21179 R_~:~rddng 11Rling Stamps Mort?ge Amt. !. Basic Tax 9.. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. / AssR. OF Spec. / Add. _ -- TOT. MTG. TAX . _. · Dual Town Deal County · ran~r~r ~ax The propm~, covered ~ this motpge is or will 'be hnp~oved by a ouc or two Renl 06036802 1000 09700 0600 016000 IC°nsldemti°nAmount 61 t / ' BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIIwi~t) IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) SUFFOLK C0Ulv&'~ Cr. ERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDE/DDD ~her Of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 07-0009739 TRANSFER TAX h0~BER= 06-21179 District: 1000 Deed Amount~ Recorded: At: LIBER= PAGEz Section: Block: 097.00 06.00 EXAMINED ANDCHA~GEDAS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Ftlln~ $12.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYE ERCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co~--.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-21179 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County 01/26/2007 02:51z52 PM D00012489 516 Lot: 016.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0,00 NO $0.00 NO $152.00 ..... PLEASE TYPE OR' PRES. S FIR~L.Y WHEN WRITING ON FORM ' INSTRUCTION~: http:# www:drps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Pfopirty I 4A. PbnnV, G Bo~d with Subdivision ~JJt hm'iEy ExMJ [] 4~. Sabo'id&~n Al~Om~ll v~s Req~i~ed for Trundler [] 4C. IM~eel Appn~ed ~ Subdivilion u~lh Mw Provided [] 12. Dm d 9m~ I TrOAdM ',, lq Is.r-.usd~P.i~ I . . ~ . , ~ . .~[.L~;O. 0 I ,i~'"~, O , 0 i property i~ b ~ i ~ ~ ~ · I ~SESSMENT IN~flMA~ON - ~ ~ould ~e~ ~ b~ Final ~m~m ~l and Tax Bill I , l O- Oq'7. oO' O(o. wO-' , I J I I J ~f.tlry Ibat MI d dte items d'k~feemntloa ~ oa dib fo~n m~B trm mid ~ (to the bed d' my ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~t ~ ~ er sn.v ~llrtd hLu dmtmem rd' mledld bet he.in ~ill subJed me ~ the im~L~Nu d' Ibe peapI bw rebtll~le m the mlkrmR and flJb~ d' fdNe bLf4numntq. BUYER'8 ATTORNEY NEW YORK STATE COPY