HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12488 P 149Dbtflct 1000 O5O O07 ** NO CONSIDERATION ** BETWEEN DARIA M. CIAPUTA, as S,..~_c--~sor Tmst~ of the Stanl~ Ci~um Personal R~idance Trust and DARIA M. CIAPUTA. as S,_,c _~e*_sor Tms~e ofll~ Thalia Ciepum Qualifind P~sonsl sosiden~ Trust, 785 Fifth Avenue, New YodG NY 10022, as tenanls-in-~mmon, party oftha lust pm, and DARIA M. ClAPUTA ri:siding nt 203 W~t 90a Street, New York, NY 10023, I~ny of the s~ond pm. WITNI~qSETII~ that thc pa~y of the first pa~ i~ ~nnqi~..l}f Ten 1~11~ ~d other valuable conside~atin~ paid by thc perry of th~ ~ pm. do~.~hv'~,,. -n~.~u~..~,~p~omy of tim second pan, ~!~ heks or ALL that eemin plot, ~ or parcel~t aha vnth' ~'l~ik~"ou~d:i~?m'v~dents thereon er~ted, situate, lying and being at Town ofsouthold, County of soffolk taxi Sta~ of New York, bounded and dasen'had as follows: BEGINNING at a poiat ou th~ northerly side of Sound View Avenue, distain 470.12 fort easterly from the comer formed by ~lm intersection of the nonlxsrly sida of so,nd View Avenue and the eastr, rly sidu of Lighthouas Road; nmning than~ slnng land now or formerly of Feldman (1) No~h 16 degrees 52 minutes 40 m:onda Wast, 187.82 feet and (2) North 22 dagror~ '1'/minul~ 20 s~onda Wes~ 120.25 feet to tim ordina~ high water lin~ of Long Xsh,,d SO,,,,d: thence along said high water line of Long Island Sound on a tie lino of North 79 dagr~ 40 mlnu~s 00 ~:onds thrace South 16 degrees 30 mi~sJ[~l 10 ~ East 403 fort to the nm,~.4merly side of Sound. View Avenue thenoe along the nonhaasterly and no~herly side of Sound View Avenue (1) North 71 degrees 55 minutes 20 seconds West 200 feel oud (2) somh 83 degrorx 46 mlnm~ 40 seconds Wast 20 fort to Iha point or plebe of .~I .I~XANDER ClAPUTA t~o~___ _,~_ his appointmmt as Thiner of tl~ S~ley Ciapum Qualified Personal Rexidance Trust and as Trmtor of the Thalia Ciapata Oualifmd Perumal Re~idan~ Trmt by vinno of docoments dated Septemlxn' 3, 19~6. ~ M. Cieputa v~s appoin~l Successor Tnalor by ducom~nts dated September 1996. SAID PREMISES being known as~sound View Avcar, .~l~bold, N~v York ! 1971. BEING dm asme premieas conveyed to the party of tha fu~ part by dasd dated D~r, emhar 28, 19~4 and recordad in the Office of~ho Clo~k of d~ County of Suffolk on February 22, 1995 at Liber 11715 Page 689. TOGETIIER with all right, title and integra, if Shy, oflha pray of the first past in and to any ~ and roads slmtt~n8 ~'" above da~x~d premisas to the cenmr lines Iharnof; TOGETHER wilh tho appuflenan~ea, and also all th~ e~at~ which Ih~ mid der. Mere had at th~ lime of dm doredant's death in mid pr~mism, and siao ~ ~ thareln, which the pray oftha fuxt psrt has or has power to convey or a;%~,~e of, wl~thar indiv/dually, or by virtu~ of said v~ll or othmwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises her~in gran~d unto'the party of the ~ part, the dim.ibut~s or mcceas~s and assigns of ~lm party of tha second pm fearer. AND th~ party of the i'u~ pm cov~mnt,t Ihat tha IXmy of the flint part has not done or suffered anything whe~ the ~ pt~mises have been en~unhamt ;,, any way wha~ver, excoM as afor~mid. Subject to ~he mt fund provisiom of s~ction ~ of the Lien Law. Th~ word '~my" shall be ~ as if it mui "pa~i~" ,,vhanever th~ sms~ of this indenture ~o requiras. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~he party of ~ fu~ pm has duly ex~cuu:d this d~d the day and year fuat above IN PRESENCE STATE OF NEW YORK ') COUNTY OF A/~.%~e~m: STATE OF NEW YORK ) GOUNTY OF )~l: On ~ day of' in die yem' 2006 before me, the known to me or provai m me on the besis of smisfsc~o~/evidence to be the iudiv/dml whoso name is subscribed m the w/d~in insmm~nt snd nclmowled~ to m~ thit exc~_~_~_' d~ stone in cqw:ity, md hl by --. sigmlu~ o~ the inWumm~ tho individmi, ~ ~he Ixnon upon bdulf of which lhe WARRANTY DF, F.D Titl~ No. DISTRICT 1000 DARIA M. ClAPUTA, u au~c~aor Tnmtee of d~e SMnley Ci~ptUn P..e~mml. Residence Trust ud DARIA M. CIAPUTA, as SECTION 050 SLEcessot' Trust~a ofthc'l]udh Chq~ta Q~lir~d Residence Tru~ BLOCK OO02 TO LOT · 007 DARIA M. CIAPUTA COUNTY SUFFOLK l~-i IJltN BY MAIL TO: Fatrcll Fritz., PC -- - .. 1320 RockMn Pla~a Uniondale., NY I 1 ~56-1320 TORRENS Serial # Cenir~e # ~ior Cir. # Deed I Mmlgnge ImUummt '1 Page I Filing Fee ~J. Handling TP-584 Notai, on F.A-.~ l? EA-$217 (Sine) I~P.T.~.A. Conu.. of F~ Affidavit ~L Cerlified Copy Deed I Moflgnie Tax Stamp FbF.~ R~I Pmpo'ty Tax Service A~.ncy Vorifimim Dist. -~mion B lock Lot 06044285 zooo osooo 0200 oo7boo-- 3Satisfactions/Di~har~es/Koleases Last rrop~&y RE~ORD & RETURN TO: RECORDED 2007 3~ 19 11:55:34 Sudi~h A. Pascale CLE~ OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L DOU0124J~ P 149 DT# 06-20150 Recording I Filinn Slamps I. Basic Tax 2. Additimml Tax Sub Tolnl Sl~e.lAssit Or Sim:./Add. TOT. MTG, TAX Dual Town Dual Coumy Held for Appmlionmenl ~ TnmsfJr Tax Mansion Tax The propmy ~ove~ed by this mortgage is o~ will be improvod by a one or Iwo famil dweilinll only. YES or NO If NO, see appropri~e lax clause on papte preservation Fupa Considcra'~ion Amount CPF Tax Dun .:. $ Impmv~ TO TD TD ~L' _ · .t II Is [ Title Company Information LL.O~,~.~L~, ~ ~o~c l l~~ ICo.'Nam, (~ JTide w · S olk Co ty do ement Page (S~tr~E O~ r~m~) Th~ prenises herein is sitmted in SUFFOLK ~, ~ YOR~ In Ihe VII JAGE o~ HAI~-h'T of made by: I{OXES 5 ]] IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINIFJ) IN BLACK INK ONlY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR Fll.ll~kq. I1! SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrumont~ DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number t 07-0006186 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-20180 'Dist=ict: 1000 Deed Amounts Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Sections' Block~-' o5o.oo ' ' ' ?:oo' EXAMINED A~D CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 "' Received.the F?llowing Fees For ABove I~st~m~nt".., Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 ~ Hm~:lling COB $5.00 NO HYH BR~HG EA-CTY . $5.00 NO FA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 HO Cer~.Copiee RPT $30.00 ~ SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co~.Pree Fees Paid TRANBFER TAX NUMBER~ 06-20180 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS KS NOT A BILL 01/19/2007 11:55~34 AK D00012488 149 Lot: 007.000 Exeml~t $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $149.00 Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWI$ ~ER~ INFOR~ON I ~.~1 635 I Soundv~ew Ave. I Southold z~ I Ciapu~a I PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING (~N ~0-RM ....... INSTRUCTIONS: h~p://w~v.orps.s~te.n¥.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ' ~'/. '~, ~, ~. ~. ~1 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF I~W YORK Dari~ H. Billing Eolhertl~nbulwadd~ssIMbet[amQ/bm! I C3~eputa ] 203 Vest 00th Street I l~ev York Deed RP - 521.7 Ciaputa: as Trustee Daria [4. I 111971 I I I I 1o / /~ /a6' I A S C D E F G H [ J 14. hdicatethevlluedpemang I I i i i i , , 0 , 0 I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dam ~ould mfleel Ihs lat. I Finn[ Assessment floll ami Tax Bill Othor Unusual r-ac~om A~ecdng hie Price (~pedfy Below) laPNIxftyb L~u_Li_OJ-~ lS. ScbodC~b~Nm~ I Sout:hold I 1000/050/0002/007 I I I I i I I I C~RTIFICATLON I BUYB~ D~-fiK-K~ Clapu~a / "- 203 I Nest 90th Street New Yo£k I I~Z I 10024 $UVEIrS ATTORNEY Eramer t Eric 516 I 227-0738 I NEW YORK STATF. COPY