HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12488 P 821i~ARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAILrTION: Tll I~ AC, RE F.~4 I'~.'T SIIOULD BE PREPARED BY AN AI'TOI~NKV AND REVIEWED B%' ATI'ORNE~ FOil. SEU,ER AND PI IRCIL4~ L~ B~X-'(MIE SIGNING. THIS INDENTI]RE, made the ~ ~dey of January, two thousand and seven, between JEANINE A. MONSELL, residing at 514 First Street, Greeaport, New York, 11944 (as surviving spouse of John H. Monsell, Sr. deceased March 26, 20~S) party of the first pail, and Robert G. Monsell, residing at 162 Easy Street, Catsldll, New York 12414 pan'y of thc second pan. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first pa~L in consideration of lawful money ofthe United States, paid by the party ofthe second purl does hereby grsnt and relcese unto the party ofthe second part, the heirs or st~_Ae_-_c_~_~ and nssigns ofthe party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, pieco or parcel of land, with the buildings and impmvemun~s thercon erected, situale, lying and heing in Vi I I ago of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of First Steer where same is intersected by the southerly side of premises herein described and land now or formerly of Clark, RUNNING THENCE North 6 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds West along the easterly side of First Street 45.88 feet to land now or formerly of Shenvond, THENCE North 83 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds East along said last mentioned land 135.92 feet to land now or formerly of Bauer, THENCE South 6 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds East along said last mentioned land 44.53 feet to land now or formerly of Clnrk, THENCE South 82 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds West along said last mentioned land 136.02 feet to the easterly side of First Street to the point or place of beginning. The Grantor herein reserves a legal life estate in the premises for the term of the Grantor's life. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE SAME PREMISES CONVEYED TO THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART BY deed dated May 6, 196$, resurded on May 10, 196S in the Suffolk County Clerk's Offw. e in Liber .~r/43, Page 71. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of'the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to tho center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and ali thc estate and fights of the party of the first p~rt in and to said premises, TO HA YE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto thc pm, ty of the second part. thc hcirs or succe~rs and assigns of tho puny of the second part fmever. A~VD the pa~ of the first part, covenants that the pan*y of'the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the sam premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, execpt ns afot~suid. ,,IND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lion Law, covenants that the party ofthe first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of psying the cost oftha improvement and will apply the snme first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be constmcd as if it ~ad 'parties" whenever the sense of this indcoture so requires. IN WITHE~ WHEREOF, the party of the first pm~ hu duly executed this deed the day and y~r first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: Acknowledgment by a Persun Within New York State (RPL § 309-n) STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK )) s~.: On the2'l day of Janunry in the year 2007 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared JEANINE A. MONSELL personally known m me or proved to me on the basis of satisfncto~ evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknewied~,,-d to me that he/she/they executed the .~me in his capacity, and thnt by his signature on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. dohn M. Judge OJ NOTARY PUBLIC, mate Of New Yolk ~unJifiod Iff ~lk ~ ~. No. 01J~O0 ~nt) ~ ~l~ May ~, ~ Number or pal~& S=rial #, Certificate/~ Prior Qf. fl Llecd / Mortgage I.sttumenl I'age / Filing Fee q" . NotatiOll EA-$2 17 (Coamy) 5 .- . Sub Total Comm. ur l~.l. Afl]davit Ce. ilicd (?opy ~.~ Reg. Copy adler I ~" SnbTmal GRAND TOTAL Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES ) 5¥-- . · 2007 Jan 24 10:4t-'~3 Judith R. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOLK C0iJiT¥ L D0001~488 P 821 DT# 06-20~93 Reconling I Filing Slm]lps Real PR)pedy 1'fix Service Agency Vcrificnlio, 07 2600 oo oo 0300 oo oo '"' Slamp · · /~T~ I~tc ~ , I Initials ) Satisfi~ctions/I)ischarges/Rcluases Lisl Properly Owners Mailiqg Addreu. · RECORI} & RETURN TO: ' JEANINE NONSELL 514 FIRST STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 I. Basic Tn.,( ' 2. AdditionLI Tax Sub Tolal Spec,lAssil. 0t Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Cum&t); ' I leld fur Apportionment 'rransfe~ 'Fax . Mansion Tax Tile properly covered by Ihis ntottgnga is or will be improved by a onc or Iwo family dwelling only. YES or NO~ fiND, sen approprJale lax clause on page # ., of this in~ument. Cmnnlunity Prescrv~ttioJt I:'tuld Con$ideratio. Amount DLle Imla'oved Vacant Land TD TD lCD. Name Sa.re Harbor Ttt,~e Agency, Ltd. Suffolk County Recording & ·Endorsement Page ]]tis {rage ITem ~ oftlw aIRv~llcd Batga i n and Sa le Deed Jeanin~ Nonsell 'FO Robert G. Manse1[ (SPECIFY TYI'E OF INS'FRUMI.~rI') 'lhe p'eqlises herein is sittmtcd iii SUFFOI.K COUNI~, NEW YORIC made i~y: ' In the 'lbw,tship o~ Itt thc VIL.L~GI'; or I.iAMI,E'F or Or~enporC · BOXI-:S 5 '!1 IRU 9 MUS'I' BI=. TYPED UR I'RINI'ED IN BLACK INk. ONLY PRIOI~, 'lO I~J.~C'ORDING OR FII.ING. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument~ DEEDS/DDD ~her of Passel 3 Receipt ~,mher ~ 07-0008111 TRANSFER TAX NDMBER~ 06-20693 Dtstrictl 1001 Deed Amount~ Recorded~ LIBER PAGE Sec tton ~ Block: 004.00 03.00 EXAMINED AND C~ARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo 01/24/2007 10z41~33 AM D00012488 821 Lots 007.000 Received the Followin~ Fees For ABove Instrument Page/Filin~ $9.00 NO Handlip~ COZ $5.00 NO NYe SRC~G EA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.copiee RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~nun. P=es Fees Paid T~ANSFER TAX NI~BER: 06-20693 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $5.00 $o.oo $0.00 $154.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:l! www.orps.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ! I ~,. ,-,...- ,.'-I, '7, ~'~, ~, ~ I ~ ..AL .,OP.. ',~s~,, RE.O,. "" ~ ~' '- . RP 5217 ~...~, ~. ~,,~, ~, ~',c.... ~ ~_<./._~ ,;~ RP.=,.?7..=...~ 5[4 I First St=eat I Grcenpor~ I Greenport (11944 I m.s~, [ Honsell I Robert G. I ~ DBnd t~. I Nonset I (OIdy II Flit d m H C311ck II they .~lJy: 4~. Planning Boa~ ruth Sul~ivisio~ Authon~ Exists [] ,l& Su~div~on ~.~pn)val ,,~m Roqub~ for Tmnsf4h- [] I Jeanine A. I I I I DE_] No~-Resldefltial Vacant Land I s~ ~.FO.~*T.O. I I. / N/A/ I Iot /"d-q ! o7 I 0 .... O,OI 13. Full bt. prL~ J [ ! ~ · IJ,.Indif, iMb'w~lwdpa~ond j , , , , O 0 , 0 I ~h~ p p · J ASSESSMENT IN~RMA~ON - Dm ~uM m~t the le~t Final ~meflt ~ll and Tax Bill J ~t~h I 2, 1, Oi.~ lt~'~Nml Greenpor~ Chadl tho bo~es bdow u lh~v f]~#~. 8. Oweeglhlp Type b Condominium [] J None I 1001-4-3-7 [ I I L I CE.~F,C*~ON I (d'nn.y v, illbl hke dmenum d' ureter/hi fnd ~ wm M]bje~ i' to the urodshm d b (mud Mw ~T W b m~ ~ flli~ d f~ WL~ BUY~ BUYER'S A~ 162 j Easy Street ~l~Cabski11 NY 12414 I I 8ELLm NEW YORK STATE COPY "-, IL