HomeMy WebLinkAboutH.J.S. Land Development Corp . REGINALD C. SMITH ROBERT W. '!:ASKER PIERRE G. LUNDBERG HOWARD N. FINKELSTEIN SMITH, TASKER, FINKELSTEIN AND LUNDBERG ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 42~ MAIN STREET GREENPORT. N. Y. GR:e:ENPORT 7-1400 ARTHUR X. LUND:BERG COUNSEL January 11, 1966 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southo1d Town Clerk Soiithold, New York Re: Eastern Shores Subdivision Dear Albert: I enclose herewith deed dated December 14, 1965, from H. J. S. Land and Develop- ment Corporation to the Town of Southold which conveys a parcel containing 1. 1 acres adjacent to land of the Village of Greenport on LOn.g Island Sound with a frontage of 250 feet on Long Island Sound. The deed was recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 24, 1965, in Liber 5883 of Deeds at page 400. Also enclosed herewith is a release of part of mortgaged premises dated December 14, 1965, from the North Fork Bank and Trust Company which releases the premises described in the foregoing deed from the mortgage of the North Fork Bank and Trust Company which release was recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 24, 1965, in Liber 5883 of Mortgages at page 396. Also enclosed herewith is agreement between Eastern Shores, Inc., J. M. S. Land and Development Corporation, H. J. S. Land and Development Corporation, F. H. S. Land and Development Corporation and the Planning Board of the Town of Southold with reference to the above described premises which agreement is dated December 14, 1965, and recorded in the Suffolk County €:lerk's Office on December 20, 1965, in Liber 5880 of Deeds at page 235. These instruments should be filed in, your office. Will you please acknowledge receipt'of the same by signing and returning to me the blue copy of this letter enclosed for that purpose. Yours very truly, ~uJ &t~ ROBERT W. TASKER V RWT:MY Enclosures 1i~~'.- '~.< ty~ . . ~) \ ~.., \ . <:J\ Y, \- \ ~ : ..1 ,. " t 0 ~I 1, '0 ~ '>. ~talJuald N.i.1!,'l.U. l'oi1ll8007-101\HJ-lIJ-lJargalll a1t~ ~ale lJetJ. \'illill,ovenant against Grantor 8 Acts-lndlvidupl Of L-orporation. ..- ... ~ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SI&NIN& THIS INSTRUMENT. THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULd BE USED BY LAWYERS O. 11~f.ll5883 0 l'Atf 400 (/. J? GO C . ; THIS INDENTURE, made the / r dayof ):!b*'ember , nineteen hundred and sixty-five BETWEEN . ....... '..... H.J.S. LAND & DEVELOPMENT CORP., a corporation organized under and existing by virtue of the business corporation law of the State of New York, having its principal office at Middle Road (no number) , Greenport, New York, party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a legally constituted township located within the County of Suffolk, state of New York, having its principal office at 16 South street, Greenport, New York, " part)' of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten ($10. 00) ------------------------------------------------- dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other good and val uabl e consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece ,or parcel of land, 1dIIxibl!Xmi:ldillgll:JGXdc:lmpfll\lellllmUC1tN~~Hlij, situate, lying and being iK* near Greenport in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound at the northwesterly corner of land of the party of the first part and running thence along said ordinary high water mark, N. 350 33' 30" E. 250.00 feet 1 thence along other land of the party of the first part, four courses as follows: (1) S. 540 26' 30" E. 155.39 feet; thence (2) S. 300 17' 40" W. 190.49 feet; thence (3) S. 50 19' 50" W. 65.00 feet; thence (4) N. 840 40' 10" W. 175.00 feet to land of the Village of Greenport; thence along last described land, N. 20 37' 00" E. 100.00 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Containing 1.1 acre, more or less. TOGETHER with a right of way running from Middle Road (C.R. 27) 30 feet in width to the northeasterly corner of the premises above described, the westerly line of which said right of way shall be located approximately 150 feet easterly of the westerly line of property. of the grantor herein as said property is described in deed made.py Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York to H.J.S. Land & De~~o~ent Corp. dated December 19, 1963 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on December 27, 1963 in Liber 5474 at Page 61. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE part of the premises conveyed by Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York to H.J.S. Land & Development Corp. by deed hereinabove mentioned. AN AGREEMENT made between Eastern Shores, Inc., J.M.S. Land & Development Corp., H.J.S. Land & Development Corp.,F.H.S. Land & Development Corp. and the planning board of the Town of Southold of even date herewith and intended to be recorded simultaneously herewith, among other things recites circumstances under which the above described right of way may be replaced by a different right of way for access to the above described parcel. Ii! H, - 1 .-' LlBrR 5883 ;~M[ilOl . , . TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and , . roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and' rigHts of the party of the first part in and to said premises, " .."" TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forev,er: . AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except :is aforesaid. ':. ,.' '," " '-,' . ' . ANO th~ party of the 'first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, :oovenants that the, party of , the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive 'such consirl" . . eration as a trlrst fnnrl to be applied first for the purpose of paying the oost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the paYment of ti)e cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for , . . .'" l' L' any other purpose. ,: ' The ;ord "pa~" 'sru;I1 b'- oonstru'-d a~ i~. it read ,"parties" 'whenever the. sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above " -, . ,. , '., '-, ft ~'l' l '--':. .... "' ... . written. ':";;/-;"":':\.\1.- .> .,:1~r{:'.': .y~~/:/ ':?,r. ~(~.'1~>" ,,',,",(.SlilML, ....",...' \,III\'''I/'''lh'''' ,":" . "~"'!;::S:':';":~:_': ..1 (': ,. 'I,/ rr' ;;~lfX . '. ,..".. , \,). -4 ~)iJ ~': ','.:'.:" // ~~::t: ~~~';'~ "'~~\~.\~!;'" : "' : "I ,_ C.:", -: : ':. C1.J> ;,;,: - : 'I -; ... ",_..- obI:!!: ~ ".. - b t "-_': 7~ .1 .~ (... p ~r... ~ S '" " "."~"" _ ....":l..C) $' . '. '''''':;'. \11.,,,:- . - ) " . ~ ,;,,' , --,." By: / / IN PRESENCE OF: .' . ,- . \ -, .'~ , .~- ; , , '-~ '-'1..,:, 1.-'._.,' -4..1"" .' '....' ".. --~, .,. STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OP On the day of 19 , before me personallycamf. .;:, .."". "' -' .~. ~~~.' :.~.~... ~~~.:;.~;.~1;~~~ to me'!<itown:tuJle' the'J!!~ividual described in and who execute"d',the"fQregoi~g: IPstrument, and acknowledged that . elCectit~' the~:c ~ ' " <~~. ;--:;:= , 7 '" ~,:;,'E':~~~~'~~",~~_, , .' "..",,' ',', l,' ~ : STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF Suffolk ss: On the /.I/d~y ~tf~~b~~' .19. 65, bef~~~~~' personally cah.e Josep 'M.' SchneJ.der' ... . to me known, who, b~ng by )lle duty sworn, did depose and say that he resides at ~ Middle Rd. (no numbe . . Greenport; New York . , ~at he IS the Pr,e.~ident "" "f. " .., : H.J. S. . Land & DeV~lJi>.ffi~}~tf6Rfi.g~ibed in and which executed the'foregoing instrument; that. he' knows the seal. of said corporatiop; that tjle seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that. he signed h i sname thereto by like order. ~. '.,' >0.. . ,.' ')d.' '..'. . '.. :oO' ~"". /7 . (,) ~ _ t<J.n.-- .- E EDsoN fER-1'S PA\N t l'te'H "(orle. \,!.f State 0 t'i tlo1.>J'.;2~~~~~;S - ~~~ ~9l't ,,",,0, .~ot\ 'f..J<pHei """"" SS: STATE O' NEW YORK. COUNTY OF On the day of personally came SS: 19 , before me to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same, . STATE O' NEW. YORK. CqUNTY .0' . ," ,-,' !' .,,;: SS: .1'9. .)"before me Qnthe .' dayof ,,"" personally came ' the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with )whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that. . he resides at No, . that . ;he kn~ws ' .' ., .. to betheindividual described in and who executed the forell'oin~ instrument; 'that he: said subscribing witness, was present .and saw execute the same i and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h '. name as witness thereto,' . P< ~ " !5 '" Ii oS tl ~ a () 1.:1< ~ ~ ~ '" "' ~ . r.;r~ ,S ..-I tJt ~ " o'CJ [j tIl :s 'H..-I riI ~ i:I .~ 'H 0 .. S ';!t:l ::l,r:: 13 . ~ " -g CJl .jJ p s:: ~ t&tt oS ::l 9 0 0 z >>i'ii - 0 tIl :>< [ii 0 ~ 1a~ .c 0 CJl 'CJ Q Eo< 'tl.s P'H !< riI ~ @ tlS< ~ &:: 0 o.ll \j l5 !i1 . z g ::; ~ P< ~ !j:I u~ l;l 'CJ " " ..... ~ 'tl .c 8 tIl III 'CJ CJl tlS !:! ~ " ~ 0 "' .jJ 0 ..-I ~8 ..... .2 'E 8 ~ H P:; 0 ~ " ti "- OJ s:::5 0 . R" " 'H Z CJl ~~ Ul;:;l 'H .,.j ::l ~ . ~ .= "'d " -~ OJ III 0 I') ~ H::E:CJl . "' " 1II E-t :l:i..':l )., 0_ f- (1- I -. ;:; 1'_ :J ->-(_\, . {Ii,.r '\ .:._ 'u , : I. ~ : J ,,', L ~-~;~ rc ,,-J h. o .~c Z ;~U) ; :i.:' ~ . J . ~ RECORDED DEe 241963. ~" @ ",.. 'f t rr. III. HORMAN E. KLIPP _. o!, SuIloIIl CoIIMy .. ... ti!: .. ... ~ ~ .. ! ~~~ ... .. ... Z 0 '" 1Ie~~ ! ~ .:- ~~8 .. 1 Ii! j:: ... l ~Oli1 .. 0 ::!.. os ~~~ .. ::! .= Zo Cl ~lIei ~.. .. Wllll;j 8 l~1 .. i! c ~ Z III lie ."'" .../ " .' '. ~ . )i)',; ""- ~ '.,' . ,;' ~ : , \, ~:..~r I '~;I I , i } , , ""ulLdL..1Lld I,\C'......'" , Saltaal1l.'lf.m.u. Form a034-3Jl-2.63-Releaae of Part of Mortgaged Premises CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT. THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USE" BY LAWYERS ONL THIS INDENTURE, made the 14th day of December nineteen hundred and sixty-five "-""", BETWEEN THE NORTH FORK BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, a corporation organized under and existing by virtue of the banking law of the State of New York, having its principal office at Love Lane (no number), Mattituck, New York, ,-. party of the first part, and H,J.S. LAND & DEVELOPMENT CORP., a corporation organized under and existing by virtue of the business corporation law of the State of New York, having its principal office at Middle Road (no number), Greenport, New York, "' ... ~ .... ill party of the second part, ill (J ill .. ... ttl WHEREAS, the party of the first part is the holder of the following mortgage and of the bond or note secured thereby: Mortgage dated the 20th day of December ,1963 ,made by H.J.S. Land & Development Corp. to The North Fork Bank and Trust Company / in the principal sum of $ 59,058.00 and recorded in Iiber.k78 lGXSIXU of mortgages, page 391 in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on December 27, 1963, ~(. .....,. ". .1 ..I.., ,'" -... , , " '.' :' coveting certain \andsand tenements, of which the lands hereinafter described are part, and WHE1U:AS, 'the party "of the first part, at" the request' of fhe' p..rty of thlf seCond . piift~ 'haS agreed to give up and surl'ender the lands hereinafter described unto the party of the second part, and to Iiold' and retain the residue of the mortgaged lands as security for the money remaining due on said mortgage NOW THiS" INDJ::NTURE WITNESSETH, that the party of the first Qllrt, in p~rsua'1ce of said agree- ment and in consideration of " ' ,. . ,~ . Ten ($lO.00)--~-~_2_----------------------______~______~_____ "'''.. ....' Dollars, lawful money of the United States, and ,other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the'second part, does.grant, release and quitelaim unto the party of the second part, all that pa;t of said mortgaged !ands described as follo,ws: ALL that certain plot, piece or parc~l of land, situate, lying and being near Greenport 'Village, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: " J \. " \. . '.."." " .' '.~.h'.\". ;-:""":'. ," ~ (. ;, \ o/I~, l~ ::; . \ :, ':~ ? . . J _ . " " c!; -po. '.-t. " ,~ I I".; :'". ~ t. t. . .~~ ~J I' ... I.) ~..'i ..: ."" ..' ,::: 10. ": <,., !.' , ~ ;,l;' t '~ d ., " r~. 'T9 aDEd +E vLvS ~aqT~ uT E96T 'LZ ~aqwa~aa uo ~ToJJns JO A+UnO~ aq+ JO ~~aT~ aq+ JO a~TJJo aq+ uT pap~o~a~ PUE E96T '6T ~aqwa~aa pa+Ep 'd~o~ +uawdoTaAaa ~ pUE~ 'S'~'H 0+ ~~OA ~aN JO AUEdwo~ +sn~~ A+UE~EnD uED~OW Aq apEW paap U, paq,~~sap s, A+~ado~d p,ES SE u,a~aq ~o+uE~D aq+ JO A+~ado~d JO au,T AT~a+sa~ aq+ JO AT~a+SEa +aaJ OST ATa+EW,Xo~ddE pa+E~oT aq TTEqS AE~ JO +qDT~ PTES q~Tq~.Jo,aUnAl~a+sa~ aq+ ~paq,~~~ap aAoqE sasTwa~d aq+ JO. ~aU':IO~ Al~a+sEaq+~ou aq+ 0+ q+PT~ u,+aaJ OE (LZ .~.~) pEO~ alPPTW WO~J fiuTuun~ AE~ JO +qDT~ E H~IM ~~H~~DO~ 'ssaT ~o a~ow a~~E T'T DUTUTE+UO~ 'DNINNID~a 'Jo +uTod aq+ 0+ +aaJ OO'OOT '~ 0 ,,00 ,LE oZ 'N 'PUET paqT~~sap +sET DUOTE a~uaq+ l+~oduaa~D JO (" aDETHA aq+ JO pUET 0+ +aaJ OO'SLT 'M lOOT ,017 0178 'N (v) a~uaq+ l+aaJ 00'S9 'M "OS ,6T oS "S"(E) a~uaq+ l+aaJ 617'06T 'M ,,017 .LT oOE 's (Z) a:maq+ :+aaJ 6E'SST '~ "OE .9Z ovS' 's '(1) :'S~OTToJ SE sas~no~ ~noJ '+~Ed +s~TJ aq+ JO A+~Ed aq+ JO pUET ~aq+o DuoTE.a~uaq+ l+aaJ OO'OSZ ":3: "DE lEE oSE 'N '~~EW ~a+E~ qDTqA~EuTP~o PTES DUOTE a~uaq+-DuTuurr~ pUE'+~~ +s~TJ aq+ JO A+~Ed aq+ JO pUET JO ~au~o~ AT~a+sa~q+~ou aq+ +E punos pUETSI DUo~ JO ~~EW ~a+E~ qDTq A~EU,p~O aq+ +E DNINNID~a LGC JWJ C8~ml1 . , , .. ~ "" ~ ,. . i I, r. , , " I ~ -, UBEfi5883 fNLt 398 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any. of the party of the first part in and to any streets ar, roads abutting the above, described premis,;, to ,the ~enter Ii?es thereof ~nd in and to any fixture~ and articles' '-. of personal property whIch are now contarned rn saId premises and which may be covered by saId mortgage. _ TOGETHER with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all right, title and interest of the party of the first part, in and to the same, to the intent that the lands hereby released may be dis- charged from said mortgage , and that the rest of the lands in said mortgage specified may remain mortgaged to the party of the first part as heretofore, '.' ~. ,", ;. ~ '.' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the lands 'and 'p;emise~ her~by released and quitclaimed to the party of the second part, and to the heirs, successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, free, clear and discharged of and from all lien and claim under and by virtue of said mortgage aforesaid. ' IN WitNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has executed this release the day and year first above written. , I , ' IN f~F;Ifi:l' OFf ,.' III' -' Vtli'l;, I"~ ~ ~ " .I,;., " ..' "'.,. J, . ...a. ", ttt I '~ -'(stAT,) '," " . _(') lS,am ,.. " to - , ~ , .. 0 '..>'. I.o'l(;.l.v .:;':: O 0 .~ IJI " ..;. ~ .' . ~.., N ..... ..:..;...~~t;;:.:. t if' ...,,, ' t>')'t.I'~" H~lil.J~:"- .. I" ,: ."" r:...,'" . \\, \""~~f'ri: <,;" ~,/~~. 'U"jJ:~"'~'" ".'. "...;~. THE NORTH FORK BANK AND TRUST COMPANY By cp{~ . -r (/~ Helen E, Lintow, As~nt Vice Pres, - , , . " " STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of before me personally came aa.: , nineteen hundred and to me Imown to be acknowledged that the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF "~' ~. .... 1 On the day of before me personally came aa.: , nineteen hundred and , to me Imown to be the individual descri~M acknowledged that executed the same. ",' - -. i~<'and \vho executed the' foregoing instrument, and B STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the 14th day of December before me personally came Helen E. Linton Suffolk '1.: lIblh tJObJ fALl. ~ . nineteen hundred and .. sixty-five to me known, who, being by me doly sworn, did depose and say that :..:- lheresidesatlNo, :1.3eckwith Ave, (no #)" Soufhold, New York; that s he is the Assistant Vice President of The North Fork Bank & Trust Company the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that she knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by .... Of:~~~~;ro:?;;~~r ~-:~fu"" r '_~ir..Mcrch30,.Ii67 ~ ~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of before me personally came , nineteen hundred and .a.: subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No, that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; tha~ he was present and saw execute the same, and that he, said witness, therenpon at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. '0 J:: ro '2 ro III ~ 'k :>'.' o J:: ~.~ i1 0 k U o ~t: (lJ ::l ~~ ! "" I()\. !L'f) ... U ii: ... o \I) ,C) z ,:J ' !fl ~ L.." iJ ,,('\ en 0,) ~, ld ',;. " \;'\' !i -=,.... ~ o () ..:t e:C) N :> I J W a=: t 1.J...J It ~,~ c::l L.'~' we> en ~ . 0. k o U .j.J J:: (lJ [ o rl <l.I I> (lJ A <<l '0 J:: ro, H jJ ~'tl i J , 11)' . 1-), . ,',. iIl .... e 0... i: n_ _.. "JLJ3 ::\: C:l i"") LJ- ~(") .>.. -...,. ",'.',-' ~~ t~l ~~ . :i ;-~ ;-~~ o..:.'-_J LI... o '::J z U) ...., i1 Jl ~ 8 ~ ,8 ~'O 0: rlrl :.a 0 0 .1;: 'H .c: '" 'H .j.J -'" ::l ::l " 'U II) 0 oS 0 ... II) ~ p:j 0 'H .S b 0 !( 1 !3 &l ~ ~ ~ ~ '" 8 :: Eo! ,- .~ 11 .~ 0 P'i ~ tJ " go ~ U1:;:iL.. . ,', .S "d -..._' ~ 3 RECORDED . DEC.24196!), , @ f,'s-g rr. t,t, NORMAN E. KLIPP Clerk of Suffolk County .. o ~ p Ol P2 , 0' !II M 5' ~ !II :>. '0 I'iI ~ , Z P< '0 ' !II ro '0, ,.j.J 0 rl k t>:: 0 Ql .c: 'H J:: .j.J 'H..-I ::l ~~~ ..:/ ! ; iii ...0 0[5 ~~ ..t' o!:: 1 ..... ,.. 0'" .: :;! 0 'S Q fa .~ ~ Cl 1:\, t; ..... I ~ .... . o >- if z 'i,; I. ., . EI f-tu J';I;l ~ =g r- " , ':1 ;.' " ~\ ~ 'lh ''l) ~ (r I'oig; . " lIBEfi 5880 pm 235 THIS AGREEMENT BETWEEN .. P- T' o.~ EASTERN SHORES, INC. J.M,S. LAND & DEVELOPMENT CORP" H,J,S. LAND & DEVELOPMENT CORP, F.H,S, LAND & DEVELOPMENT CORP., all said corporations organized under and' existing by virtue of the business corporation law of the State of New York, having their respective principal offices at Middle Road (no number), Greenport, New York, parties of the first part, and PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a legally constituted township located within the County of Suffolk, State of New York, having its principal office at 16 South Street, Green- port, New York, party of the second part, WHEREAS, EASTERN SHORES, INC. is the owner of premises near Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, as more fully described in deed made by MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK to EASTERN SHORES, INC., dated December 19, 1963iand recorded in the office of the ~k of the County in Liber 547~t Page 57, and of Suffolk on December 27, 1963 WHEREAS, J,M,S, LAND & DEVELOPMENT CORP, is the owner of premises near Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, as more fully described in deed made by MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK to J ,M. S, LAND & DEVELOPMENT CORP" dated December 19, 1963 and recorded in the office of th/ 1963 in Liber~74 Clerk of the County of Suffolk on December 27, at Page 59, and WHEREAS, H,J,S, LAND & DEVELOPMENT CORP, is the owner of premises near Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, as more fully described in deed made by MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK to H,J.S, LAND & DEVELOPMENT CORP" dated December 19, 1963 and recorded in the office of the .,-, ~ - l - ap~w SUOTsT^Tpqns 11~ pu~ AU~ q~TM uOT~~auuo~ uT s~uawa~Tnba~ 1~^0~dd~ uOT~~n~~suo~ p~o~ pu~ pUnO~6A~1d pu~ ~~~d aq~ A]ST~~S A11n] 11TM a~U~Aa^UO~ PT~s aq~ ~~q~ saa~6~ Aqa~aq ~~~d puo~as , aq~ ~o A~~~d aq~ 'paqT~~sap ~a~]~uTa~aq S~ PU~1 ]0 ~u~~6 aq~ ]0 pU~ sasTwa~d asaq~ ]0 uOT~~~aPTsuo~ uT 'a~Oaa~aH~ MON 'spaap pauoT~uaw a^oq~ aq~ uT paqT~~sap sasTwa~d aq~ ]0 11~ 6UTPT^Tpqns uT a1q~~ -T1dd~ s~uawa~Tnba~ 1~^0~dd~ uOT~~n~~suo~ p~o~ pu~ pUnO~6A~1d pu~ ~~~d aq~ ~o uOT~~~~sT~~s I1n~ uT ~~~d puo~as aq~ ~o A~~~d aq~ O~ ~~~d ~S~T] aq~ ]0 saT~~Ed PT~s aq~ Aq PU~1 ~O ~u~~6 ~ uo ~uawaa~6~ u~ o~ 6uTwo~ ~o sno~Tsap a~~ ~~~d puo~as aq~ ~o A~~~d aq~ pU~ ~~~d ~S~T] aq~ ~o saT~~~d aq~ q~oq 'SVa~aHM pu~ 'SUOTST^Tpqns q~ns ~o saT~T~oq~n~ 1~dT~Tunw a~~T~do~dd~ aq~ Aq 1~^0~dd~ uT~~qo o~ ~ap~o uT s~a~~ pUnO~6A~1d pu~ ~~Ed o~ s~ s~uailla~Tnba~ 6uT~sTxa aq~ A]ST~~S O~ ~~~d ~s~T~ aq~ ]0 saT~~~d PT~s aq~ ~O] A~~SSa~au sT ~T 'SVa~aHM pu~ 'SUOTsT^Tpqns q~ns ~O] paPT^o~d pu~ ap~ill sa~n~~~s aq~ q~TM a~u~T1dwo~ uT pu~ ~o]a~aq~ suoT~~ln6a~ 1EdT~Tunill q~TM a~u~p~o~~~ uT spaap pauoT~uaill a^oq~ aq~ uT paqT~~sap saT~~ado~d aq~ ]0 11~ 6uTpn1~uT Sd~ill UOTsT^Tpqns a1T~ o~ ~~Ed ~s~T~ aq~ ~o saT~~~d PT~s ~no~ aq~ ]0 uOT~ua~uT aq~ sT ~T 'SVa~aHM pu~ 'ss a6~d ~~ ~aqT~ uT E961 'Ll ~aqilla~aa UO ~10]]ns ~O ^~uno~ aq~ ~O ~~a1~ aq~ ~O a~T]~o aq~ uT pap~o~a~ pu~ E961 '61 ~aqilla~aa pa~~p "d~O~ , .LNawdo~aAaa ~ amn 's 'H' a o~ ')f~OX MaN ao XNVdWO~ ~SD~~ XJ,NliWDD NliD~OW Aq ap~ill paap uT paqT~~sap,A11n] a~Oill s~ '~~OX MaN ~o a~~~s pu~ ~10~]ns ]0 ^~uno~ 'P10q~nos ]0 UMOJ, '~~oduaa~D ~~au sasTwa~d ~o ~aUMO aq~ sT 'd~O~ .LNaWdO~aAaa ~ aNV~ 'S'H'a 'SVa~aHM pu~ '19 a6~d ~~ ~ ~aqT~ uT E961 'Ll ~aqilla~aa uo ~10]]ns ]0 A~uno~ aq~ ~o ~~a1~ 9C2 YIV.J 088~ M3gn , ,. .... L . . " L1BER5880 I'AGE237 on any and all of the properties described in the above mentioned deeds. The said grant is described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of vacant land, being near Greenport in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound at the northwesterly corner of the land of the party of the first part and running thence along said ordinary high water mark, N. 350 33" 30" E, 250.00 feet: thence along other land of the party of the first part, four courses as follows: (1) S, 540 26' 30" E. 155,39 feet: thence (2) S, 300 17' 40" W. 190,49 feet: thence (3) S, 5019' 50" W, 65.00 feet: thence (4) N. 840 40' 10" W. 175,00 feet to land of the Vill~ge of / Greenport: thence along last described land, N. 20 37' 00" 'E. 100.00 feet to the point of beginning. Together with a right of way running from Middle Road (C.R. 27) 30 feet in width to the northeasterly corner of the premises above described, the westerly line of which said right of way shall be located approximately 150 feet easterly of the westerly line of property of the grantor herein as said property is described in deed made by Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York to H.J,S, Land & Development Corp. dated December 19, 1963 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on December 27, 1963 in Liber 5474 at Page 61, the above described parcel of land also being part of said conveyed property. AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED by the parties hereto that the right of way hereinabove described for access to the said parcel is not intended to be permanent: that it may be replaced and re- leased by the grant of another right of way in the future by a right of way or road created in connection with the development of another subdivision, and that when this occurs, the said right of way above described will cease and terminate on the granting of a new right of way to the party of the second part, which said right of way shall run from the premises hereinabove described to Middle Road (C.R. 27) through lands of the parties of the first part: Mm 1'1' 10 FURTWER ACRI3l3D Ll.~t if jf- h"'C'am~,;, necessary in ~/~ the f'tit.l:1r!: fe.~ Lh" Luwu Lv .i.uet!l.ll <..:Ulll[U.L L cLatio~es-e 1-'.1. ,,- "/~f(:f .'1; . miS913, that i:iliEl QQ)';lc:d-rnction wi 11 ""'Q eanfine:e1 t.Q t.hL ouuLl.lwes'&eJ:ly aOrRGL vI Ul~ property; ~hat nn nther coni>tructieR -'1,;\11 bp nnne on. '\ \ st:a te of Ll." ],',{operty sha.l.l,. tM rr,::.mi C!98, Ll.laL Ll1t: present natural. - 3 - , . - v - -n~~su1 P1ES o~ pex1JJE 1EeS eq~ ~Eq~ :u01~E~od~0~ 1Ed1~lunw P1ES JO 1EeS eq~ SMOU~ eq ~Eq~ :~uewn~~su1 oU10oe~oJ eq~ pe~n~exe q~lqM pUE U1 peq1~~sep U01~E~od~0~ 1ed1~lunw eq~ 'P1oq~nos JO UMO~ eq~ JO p~EOg OU1UUE1d eq~ JO UEw~lEq~ Sl eq ~Eq~ '~~OX MeN 'enooq~~n~ (~eqwnu ou) 'pEO~ U1EW ~E seP1se~ eq ~Eq~ AES pUE esodep P1P 'U~OMS A1np ew Aq oU1eq 'OqM 'UMOU~ ew O~ 'wEq~~lM uqor eWE~ ew e~oJeq 'eA1J-A~xT!l pUE pe~punq uee~eu1u ' ~eqwe~ JO AEP"j. I eq~ uo ..xa<[ : 'SS }i'Io.a:.a:ns.a:o X~NJ10::> ':ID:lOX M:!lN .a:O :!l~V~S 7// ~~ ~('OE 4~JDW ~Jld~ UO!~!W~ ~ ~~ _ -' '."1 '06 lf~DW, UJ!dK3 UOInj1.UUleJSl ,(~uno') >lloHnS - !;89LLOI-Z!i 'oN ;r" J --.----0..... ----y' ," /.~, ' A.JUr'lOj >1I0U"S - S89LLor-z5 'ON )jJOA It\eN JO a~D"S ',nend A'tIVl.ON - - lfJO.... 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CI'IOH~nOS .a:O NMO~ IDI~ .a:O aWOg ~NINNIt'Id /:: - "; 'd~O~ ~N:!lWdO'I:!lA:!la ~ aNlt'I 'S'r'H 'd~O~ ~N:!lWdO'I:!lA:!la ~ aNlt'I 's'w'r ,?-c~ -C) . , " .' eq~ o~ e~nue pUE uodn DUTpuTq eq 11Eqs ~Naw:;r:!l~~V SIH~ A ''''''slwe~d eseq~ uo pe:l~nVlJ()~ eq LLt::\{ii:) ,AQAdUoJ"Sl"9Tf:M :::l.T't"'llTT:::l.A E:1l3e\A~l:ILlq ou -=l-'El{':}. pUt:' l-'~:H.lt-1a~a1''9n'1 =at'"{ 882 m.J 088~ ~3gl1 , . t:::88) USER;) 0 I'^GE239 ment is such corporation sea11 that it was so affixed by order of the Planning Board of said corporation 1 and that he signed his name thereto by like order. LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON OTARY PUBl.IC, Stote of New York N No. 52-1071685 . Suffolk County Commission ExPires March 30. 1961 =.;i#4jl~ "- RECORDED' , DEe 20 1965 @ /tf -17 a....-M. NfJRMA'N' {, KLIPp Clerk of Suffolk Coun" - 5 - r - . /) II '}..... '--- I~I~ - I~ ~ gj z I u 0 M (II t: -0 0 ~ E-t c~ ~~ ~ E-t Ol Z l1Jj ~ I ~ "" l1J.... c . r>l O~ r>l < >- -A A A :!:<l: c . Ul ~fil ::<: <(>- ~ z .<: f;.J.'" 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