HomeMy WebLinkAboutRuland, William P ; . GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY ~UfFO~ . ~/~.\~ ~ ~& ~ ~ ~. ~ ~O./ + i-~<:S . JEAN W. COCHRAN Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1889 Fax (516) 765-1823 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK FROM: GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI, ESQ., TOWN ATTORNEY MARY C. WILSON, ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY DATE: JUNE 21, 1999 Attached for filing, please find the following documents: i) The original recorded Deed of Development Rights purchased from William Ruland; SCTM#1000-107-11-010, 1000-115-02-003 and 1000-115-02-002.001 and the Town's Title Policy issued by Commonwealth, Title Policy No. 70983208. These are the only copies. 2) The original recorded Deed of Development Rights purchased from the Estate of Sophie Kaloski; SCTM#1 000-1 09-01.00-024.001 and 1000-102-04.00-006.001 and the Town's Title Policy issued by Commonwealth, Title Policy No. 70983209. These are the only copies. 3) The original recorded Deed of Development Rights purchased from Raphael Vineyards; SCTM#1000-085.00-03.00-011.002. When we receive the final Title Report it will be forwarded to your office. No copies have been kept in our office. GFY:ck Att. cc: Supv. Cochran & Town Board Land Preservation Committee Melissa Spiro John Cushman John Sepenoski ICCQ Icn - i \ - ~ ~r~I1<J"~ (t/o,0lIl) 02- ~ ~ 02- .- (jJ2..cq t '. .~ ~? ~ ~CO'Oo203 DEED OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS THIS INDENTURE, made this 12th..day of January, 1999 BETWEEN William P. Ruland, residing at Mill Lane Farm, P.O. Box 164, Mattituck, NY 11952, party of the first part, AND the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation having its office ,Ii",>>, and principal place of business at Main Road, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of lawful money of the United States and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, DOES HEREBY GRANT AND RELEASE unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, THE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS, by which is meant the permanent legal interest and right, as authorized by section 247 of the New York State General Municipal Law, as amended, to permit, require or restrict the use of the premises exclusively for agricultural production as that term is presently defined in Chapter 25 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold, and the right to prohibit or restrict the use of the premises for any purpose other than agricultural production, to the property described as follows: TIJ)~mtt..~ ~ O--D In C1UO\. In L', Il~l ~ 2:nC1 f ~ ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: PARCEL I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the corner fOrlneg by the intersection of the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) and the Westerly side of MillL.ane; '-- RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of MIII~he following two (2) courses and distances: 1) North 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds West 361.94 feet; 2) North 17 degrees 52 minutes 31 seconds West 1424.17 feet to the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along the southerly side of the Long Islal}C(l Railroad South 61 degrees 02 minutes 21 seconds West 433.59 feet to land now or formerly of Varlgt!en; and the map of Village Manor, map number 3669; RUNNING THENCE along said map the following four (4) courses and distances: 1) South 17 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds East 462.92 feet; 2) South 15 degrees 01 minutes 39 seconds East 225.09 feet; 3) South 14 degrees 27 minutes 29 seconds East 246.47 feet; "1 4) South 16 degrees 01 minutes 29 seconds East 283.96 feet to lands now or formerly of Wines; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 72 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds East 74.50 feet to land now or formerly of Rutkowski; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 73 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds East 75.70 feet to land now or formerly of Horton; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 72 degrees 58 minutes 31 seconds East 75.00 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 16 minutes 09 seconds East 93.84 feet to land now or formerly of Stewart; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 73 degrees 37 minutes 29 seconds East 103.36 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 13 minutes 57 seconds East 329.26 feet to the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Main ROAd (N.Y.s. Route 25)$Outh~5d~ree:512 minutes 02 seconds East 149.27 feet to the Westerly side of Mill}t the point or place cfe,e,9,nnili/6: PAP[.:EL. II ; . ~ ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, BEGINNING at a point at the northwesterly corner of the premises to be described; said point also being the Intersection of the easterly side of Mill Lane with the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Mill ~ the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) South 17 degrees 52 minutes 31 seconds East 1426.28 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds East 1.86 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 73 degrees 27 minutes 24 seconds East 222.65 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds East 437.70 feet to the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25); RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 87 degrees 59 minutes 05 seconds East 425.46 feet; 2) South 87 degrees 39 minutes 01 seconds East 149.86 feet to land now or formerly of Graeb; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 03 degrees 59 minutes 01 seconds West 102.00 feet; 2) North 80 degrees 26 minutes 58 seconds East 130.00 feet to land now or formerly of Gowing; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 07 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West.:2~~ j 2) North 85 degrees 43 minutes 28 seconds Eastl(')b;1b feet actual (203.46 feet deed) to land now or formerly of Dickerson; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 18 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds West 2185.76 feet to the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following three (3) courses and distances; 1) South 61 degrees 02 minutes 21 seconds West 373.33 feet; 2) South 6~agr<'f'S 37 minutes 15 seconds West 298.~et; ~ 3) South 6 minutesJo2 minutes 21 seconds West 441~eet to the easterly side of Mill~ at the point or place of BEGINNING. , TOGETHER with the non-exclusive right, if any, of the party of the first part as to the use for ingress and egress of any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, insofar as the rights granted hereunder are concerned. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Development Rights in the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever; AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. The party of the first part, as a covenant running with the land in perpetuity, further covenants and agrees for the party of the first part, and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part, to use the premises on and after the date of this instrument solely for the purpose of agricultural production. AND The party of the first part, as a covenant running with the land in perpetuity, further covenants and agrees for the party of the first part, and the 3 . heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part, that the parcels of real property described herein are open agricultural lands actually used in bona fide agricultural production as defined in GML section 247 and shall remain open lands actually used in bona fide agricultural production. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. AND the party of the first part, covenants in all aspects to comply with Section 13 of the Lien Law, as same applies with said conveyance. The definition of "Agricultural Production: as defined in Section 25-30 of Chapter 25 of the South old Town Code is as follows: " Agricultural Production- shall mean the production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock and livestock products, but not land or portions thereof used for processing or retail merchandising of such crops, livestock or livestock products. Land used in "agricultural production" shall also include fences, equipment storage buildings, livestock barns, irrigation systems, and any other structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes." THE party of the first part and the party of the second part do hereby convenant and agree in perpetuity that either of them or their respective heirs, successors, legal representatives or assigns, shall only use the premises on and 4 .' after this date for the purpose of such agricultural production and the grantor covenants and agrees that the underlying fee title may not be subdivided into plots by the filing of a subdivision map pursuant to Sections 265, 276 and 277 of the Town Law and Section 335 of the Real Property Law, or any of such sections of the Town or Real Property Law or any laws replacing or in furtherance of them. The underlying fee may be divided by conveyance of parts thereof to heirs and next of kin, by will or by operation of law, or with the written recordable consent of the Purchaser. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the sale of the underlying fee or any portion thereof. THE word "party" shall be construed as if it reads "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. THE party of the first part, the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part covenants and agrees that it will (a) not generate, store or dispose of hazardous substances on the premises, nor allow others to do so; (b) comply with all of the Environmental Laws; allow party of the second part and its agents reasonable access to the premises for purposes of ascertaining site conditions and for inspection of the premises for compliance with this agreement. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. 5 ~ THE party of the first part, its heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and hold party of th~ second part and any of its officers, agents, employees, and, their respective successors and assigns, harmless from and against any and all damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses, including, without limitation, responsibility for legal, consulting, engineering and other costs and expenses which may arise out of (1) any inaccuracy or misrepresentation in any representation or warranty made by seller in this agreement; (2) the breach or non-performance of any convenants required by this agreement to be performed by the party of the first part, either prior to or subsequent to the closing of title herein; or (3) any action, suit, claim, or proceeding seeking money damages, injunctive relief, remedial action, or other remedy by reason of a violation or non-compliance with any environmental law; or the disposal, discharge or release of solid wastes, pollutants or hazardous substances; or exposure to any chemical substances, noises or vibrations to the extent they arise from the ownership, operation, and/or condition of the premises prior to or subsequent to the execution of the deed of Development Rights. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. AS set forth in Chapter 25 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS acquired by the Town pursuant to the provisions of that chapter shall not thereafter be alienated, except upon the affirmative vote of 6 .. a majority of the Town Board after a public hearing and upon the approval of the electors of the Town voting on a proposition submitted at a special or biennial town election. No subsequent amendment of the provisions of this subsection shall alter the limitations imposed upon the alienation of development rights acquired by the Town prior to any such amendment. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first written above. b~ll.~ II Ii!tJ William P. Ruland Seller: Purchaser: To of Southolch By: ~ L<>c...-~ Je W. Cochran, Supervisor 7 .> UNWORM FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of New York ) ss.: County of SL/F~ lie ) On the / l_ fh day of :r an - in the year / '7 '17 before me, the underyigned, a notary public in and for said state, personally appeared MI/irtH!. P. A'tt/<f11JerSOnaIly known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged tome that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individua1(s), or the person "PM"""" ofwhkh lb, fudj""",,(,) -. J. tlre ~~~ . K/~PEN J. }l/\C~N NO~Jf'\I Public. Sl''-''~ of NowYo:k No. 4(':22029 qua.Hfi;::~. i,~,_~~.t;~l;'< ~o~nty 2- 00 Cornrnl~Slon f..,;-.., -.,.' ,.,,;,.r~.ll.l,"_ 0 , 11941rC60Q UNIFORM FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of New York ) ss.: County of ~fFo / k ) On the /2-1-/, day of J <:V'> in the year /1''11 before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said state, personally appeared J? <V? tv. L'c~_t~'phSOna1ly known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individUaI(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged tome that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individuaI(s), or the person 'pon """'f 'f whi<h tire lndi"d""(,) "to!, ~]to! tire "" ~ .. Kf;r:::ij J. t--;,"-.(?'7lJ No" "ry ~l'~"ic ;~-..-'-~, of NGwYork ~" . ~N~!. 4'.,.:: ";, l)29 . Qu:::;Hk:~-11~.:: :'1:(:1"'; ::?~nty Z&'OV Comn~j':.Gjon L. ;-_~:'_::,: ~".~:f(_;1 .:'.1,.H,._ . 25305 ) o RECErYED $ 0 REAL Es'rATE JAM 2 6 1999 o RECti.BQS) 11941rL60Q Number of pages 1 \ TORRENS 9Q r"o.J"V ""11'20 ..J ......" '-0 ,.l t . . Serial # ~ERT-'X SIJIIFOIJ(, COUNTY 25305 EO:j'//',;~" ? (/.;i,\;: :-: CLEhr\ l~,~'l - DC GI ",... .,., ',- j',~ ::,ri(J;!, [H S~JFFni~! r'~~;::~:T'Y ..... ". \) ~. \ '.,.~ '-.1 I Certificate # Prior Clf. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording / Filing Stamps S 0'::;> ill( MA~; :!':-'~r TOWN ATTORNEY'" or.",i-':,~ TOWN OF SOUn-:2!i.i- S .Q':; Sub Total Lf 5( . 0 ,.:::> I. Basic Tax Page / Filing Fee Handling J3 =::::> Mortgage Amt. TP-584 .> .0..:> 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Total Comm.ofEd. 5.~ Spec./Assit. or Spec. /Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Apportionment _ EA-5217 (County) EA-52l7 (State) R.P.T.S.A. ~s .00 ~I .-=- Affidavit Transfer Tax .kr GRAND TOTAL Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES_orNO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrument. Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other Sub Total fa ( IOC( .' Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Dist. Section Block Title Company Information Lot (c>tnmern. wt'.Lt.lI-J, {~r! 17f& Company Name 1t71832t:Jg /6'/JO /t7CJO //)'1,Ot!J /LJ,02J 1/5,ot> 02,O{} OIO,.f)(}() t?03,OlJZ) /lq;IOO oZ.,CD t!7c7;Z,t?/J1 ~E PAID BY: Commonwealth Land Cash Check v Charge Title Insurance Company Payer same as R & R M . I H' h r (orift1iff~rent)./ .-::'IJ 1777 - 6 Veterans emona Ig way : Lt:Jmn?C)')",J~f'L, I A/U({ 7i'ru?.. Islandia, New York 11722 ESS: /777 t/L+-ra.-'1~ (r7e'Y?b..-l///irO) RECORD & RETURN TO :;:t!s: J~ 'c--l-/ tt"f j / 72- 2 (ADDRESS) "- Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page fonns part of the attached /Y-'P ~ Dr: be u e /ot>rnvd-- /2;'4 his (SPECIFY TYPE OF I~STRUMENT) 7 E I rr7 e-r- b, ;;? (...VI C~/I ~Jr. /otYo Title Number made by: The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO r~ of >t?u!JvDU In the Township of 50l>jL,rJ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 12.ct104..2ft5Mc. utvOU COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 1777-6 Veterans Memorial Hwy. ISlandia, NY 117:<2 '''hone: 516-232-3503 Fax: 516-232-3617 o Commonwealth A L\NDAMEIUCA COMPANY May 21, 1999 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 ATTN: GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI Re: Title No. 70983208 Premises: District: Cou nty: , NY 1000 Section: SUFFOLK 107.00 Block: 11.00 Lot: 010.000 Premises: District : County: , NY 1000 Section: SUFFOLK 115.00 Block: 02.00 Lot: 003.000 Premises: District: Cou nty: , NY 1000 Section: SUFFOLK 115.00 Block: 02.00 Lot: 002.001 Dear Mr. Yakaboski: Enclosed please find your client's deed of development rights policy and original recorded deed. Since title insurance rates allow substantial discounts on future title transactions such as refinances, we ask that the homeowners safeguard the enclosed items. '--- We appreciate your choosing Commonwealth Land Title and look forward to serving your future title needs. Very truly yours, COMMOffT~ LA::-IT~~t~UJAN=E COMPANY /' /, .' /,.. ".vl <. '_ 'J (/;'-,(./1'1---..-:,../- /Gi~-'~'~ Vincent Sette VICE PRESIDENT AND BRANCH MANAGER VS:jac Encl. o ISSUED By COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Commonwealth A LANOAMER1CA COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE. THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE BAND THE CONDITIONS AND STlPULA TIONS, COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. a Pennsylvania corporation, herein called the Company, insures. as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: I. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other than as staled therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack of a right of access to and from the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in defense of the title, as in:.ured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused it~ corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers, the Policy to become valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Secretary ~~ 1\TLE /..,., .",~" J'? ~ ' ~ % ~ - ~ ~ f? "~". ..' ~ If OJ . ~~~ By: ?t~ a. ~eSident Attest: // /J/ /) 'I.~ i-v/-. 1.AtM:w,~ ~ EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: I. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improve- ment now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the affect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regula- tions, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. 4. Any claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the Insured the estate or interest insured by this policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: (a) the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (b) the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure: (i) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or (ii) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor. NM 1 PAW AL TA Owner's Policy (10-17.92) Form 1190-1 Face Paqe Valid Only If Schedules A and B and Cover Are Attached '0 Commonwealth A lANOAMaOCA OONPANY SCHEDULE A Amount of Insurance: $449,449.00 Policy IFile No.: 70983208 Date of Policy: 12/12/99 1. Name of Insured: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 2. The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is encumbered by the insured mortgage is: Development Rights 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: Deed made by WILLIAM P. RULAND to the INSURED dated 01/12/99 and recorded 01/26/99 in Liber 11941 Page 600 In the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk. 4. The land referred to in this policy is described on the annexed schedule. // - 1/ ,1 ,..:' //~, . " "J _ -;.:' /; . 1,..../ ,v/'~'Le../"'V ~;C":"'-""~(! Countersigned: Authorized Officer or Agent ALTA Owner's Policy . Policy/File No. 70983208 SCHEDULE B Exceptions from Coverage This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of the following: 1. The assessed valuation on the premises herein is listed as partially exempt for taxation at the present time, but will be subject to the discontinuance of such exemption and the imposition of an additional tax as of the date of death, transfer of title, or possession from the exempt owner. 2. Survey made by Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. dated 2-27-98 shows: PARCEL I - vacant land, plowed field, pond and planted field; PARCEL II - frame structure, barn and frame shed; planted areas; barn/garage encroaches 0.8 feet north of the southerly record line, plowed field encroached 3 feet more or less west of the westerly record line planted field from premises adjacent east encroaches an undetermined distance west of the easterly record line. No other variations or encroachments. Company excepts any changes since the date of the survey used herein. 3. No title is insured to any land now or formerly lying in the bed of the pond, its arms, branches or tributaries by whatever name called. 4. Riparian Rights and Easements of others to and over the pond, but policy does not insure any Riparian Rights or Easements in favor of the owner of the premises herein. 5. Rights of Tenants or persons in possession. 6. Subject to 1998/99 Town and School Taxes. AL T A Owner's Policy Schedule B . Policy/File No. 70983208 SCHEDULE A AMENDED 12/28/98 PARCEL I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.s. Route 25) and the Westerly side of Mill Lane; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Mill road the following two (2) courses and distances: 1) North 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds West 361.94 feet; 2) North 17 degrees 52 minutes 31 seconds West 1424.17 feet to the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along the southerly sid!! Ilf the Long Island Railroad South 61 degrees 02 minutes 21 seconds West 433.59 feet to land now or formerly of var~en; and the map of Village Manor, map number 3669; RUNNING THENCE along said map the following four (4) courses and distances: 1) South 17 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds East 462.92 feet; 2) South 15 degrees 01 minutes 39 seconds East 225.09 feet; 3) South 14 degrees 27 minutes 29 seconds East 246.47 feet; 4) South 16 degrees 01 minutes 29 seconds East 283.96 feet to lands now or formerly of Wines; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 72 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds East 74.50 feet to land now or formerly of Rutkowski; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 73 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds East 75.70 feet to land now or formerly of Horton; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 72 degrees 58 minutes 31 seconds East 75.00 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 16 minutes 09 seconds East 93.84 feet to land now or formerly of Stewart; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 73 degrees 37 minutes 29 seconds East 103.36 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 13 minutes 57 seconds East 329.26 feet to the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) South 85 degrees 12 minutes 02 seconds East 149.27 feet to the Westerly side of Mill at the point or place of BEGINNING. PARCEL II ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, ALTA Owner's Policy Schedule A - Description . Policy/File No: 70983208 BEGINNING at a point at the northwesterly corner of the premises to be described; said point also being the intersection of the easterly side of Mill Lane with the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Mill lane the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) South 17 degrees 52 minutes 31 seconds East 1426.28 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds East 1.86 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 73 degrees 27 minutes 24 seconds East 222.65 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds East 437.70 feet to the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.s. Route 25); RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 87 degrees 59 minutes 05 seconds East 425.46 feet; 2) South 87 degrees 39 minutes 01 seconds East 149.86 feet to land now or formerly of Graeb; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 03 degrees 59 minutes 01 seconds West 102.00 feet; 2) North 80 degrees 26 minutes 58 seconds East 130.00 feet to land now or formerly of Gowing; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 07 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West 28.0 feet; 2) North 85 degrees 43 minutes 28 seconds East 206.36 feet actual (203.46 feet deed) to land now or formeriy of Dickerson; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 18 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds West 2185.76 feet to the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following three (3) courses and distances; 1) South 61 degrees 02 minutes 21 seconds West 373.33 feet; 2) South 62 degrees 37 minutes 15 seconds West 298.73 feet; 3) South 61 minutes ~2 minutes 21 seconds West 44~ feet to the easterly side of Mill, I~e at the point or place of BEGINNING. .. l' . ALTA Owner's Policy Schedule A - Description Date Printed May 21, 1999 ~ IIP-qs put! A:)!Iod S!q1 jO J<lqwou ;141 ;lpnpu! 1lt!4s ,(ut!dwoJ d41 pd4s!wnj aq 01 _, p;u!nlr.u 7W!1!-1M U! lUdWJ1UlS,(UU put! ,(ut!dwoJ dlfJ UdAfa aq 01 JY.U!Ob;U Sd;)!10U 11'1 '.LN3S 3113HM 'S3::>I.LON 'H .1:xljpl pue :nJOj 1I0j U! U!eWdJ [I1HIS SUO!S!AOJd Jdql0 lie pue UO!S -!WJd 1Eq1 dPOPU! 01 IOU PdWddP dq lIP.qs ,(J!!od dql 'Mel :llq~!(ddp. JdpUn dlqEdJJOJUdun JO P!lp'r\U! Pldq S! ,(J!lod :lql jO UO!S!r\OJd ,(ut! lUdr\d dq1 ul 'UI1IBYII3^3S '9~ .,(uedwoJ :lql jO ,(J01P-u3!s p;)Z!Joq1ne JO Jd:>WO 3U!1l~P!11M JO ',(lP-ldJJdS 1UP-1S!SSV ue ',(J1!1dJ:>;JS dq1 '1UdP!SdJd dJ!A e '1UdPTSdJd d4J Jd41!d ,(q pdu3!s 01:1J:l4 p:lqJelle JO UOdJd4 P:;)5JOPUd 3U!1!JM e ,(q 1ddJXd dPEW aq ueJ .(J!lod S!41 01 1U:lW:;)5JOPUd JO jO 1U:lWpUdWe ON (;)) ',(J!(OO S!q1 01 P;)1:>!lIS:lJ ;lq lIeqs 'w!ep qJns 3u!p:lsse uo!pe ,(ue ,(q JO ,(qdJdq PdJdr\OJ ISdJ:l1U! JO dlelSd :lq1 01 :I\1!l dq1 JO sn1e1S :lql JO }nO s:ls!Je qJ!qM pue ':I:>UdiJ!lilO1U UO pdSP.q 10U JO Jdq1;l4M ':liJp.wep JO SSOI jO w!ep ,(UV (q) ':lIOqM e se pdnJ1SUO;) aq llRqs .(;)!!od S!ql 'AJ!lod S!ql JO UO!S!r\OJd ,\ue iJU!l<1JdJo1lU! uI ',(uedwoJ o1q1 pUP. p;)Jnsu! ;)q1 U<1;)Ml;)q PP.J1UO:> pue ,(J!Jod ;)J!lU;) ;)q1 S! ,(uedwoJ d41 Aq 01;)J;)1.I p;)q:>e}1p. ',(ue j! 'SlU;)WdSJOpUd IIR 1.Il!M Jdqldjol AJ!lOO S!lll ("e) '.L::>YII.LNO::> 3111.LN3 A::>110d :A::>110d SIH.L O.L 03.LIl"II1 UI1IBYI1 'S ~ IS;mb;)J uodn AuedwoJ dql WOlJ pdU!elqo dq ARW so1[n):l O1q1 JO '(doJ 'I .s;)[n):l UO!leJ1!qJV dJup.JnsuI dl1!.! :141 JdpUn UO!lRJ1!qJR ue 01 ,(\ddp. Heqs PUll\ o1ql JO Snl!S o1q1 JO MRI dq.1 "]OdJ:lql UO!P!pS!Jnf 3U!r\P.4 unoJ ,(up. U! P;)J;)1Ud dq ,(llW (s)JO}P.Jl!qJY dq1 Aq pdJo1pU:lJ pJP.MR ;)41 uodn lUdwlipnf .,(lJv.u liU!I!Rr\dJd V. 01 S;;klJ .sAdUJOHP. pJP.MP. 01 unO::l E l!wJdd Po1leJol S! puel dql 4::l!4M U! :l1ElS d41 JO SMe[ d41 J! ,(IUO S;h)J ,S,(dUJOlle dpnpU! ,(ew pJeMe ;)4.1 .sd!Ued :141 uodn liu!pu!q dq [lP.qs ,(::l!lod JO :Ilea le l:xlJj;) U! s;)ln):l ;)41 'p:lJOSUl d41 JO UOlldo :141 le 'JO dpllW 51 UOI1P.JI!qJtl JOJ puewo1p o1ql dlllp dlf1 UO j;)o1JJd U! sdln):l 0141 J:lpUnpUR A::II[od S!41 01 )ullnsJnd UO!leJl!qJV .pdJOSU! ;)lf1 pue .{ulldwoJ Jlfl qloq Aq 01 pdo1Jie ud4"" ,(Iuo P;)1el1!qJP. d<\ ll-e4s 000'000'1 $ JO SS:I;))(;) U! S! dJUP.JOsuI JO 1unowV :llf1 ud4M SJdlleW d!qP.Jl!qJP. IIV 'PdJOSU! dll} JO AuedwoJ ;)41 Jd41!d JO uO!ldo ;)1I11P. P;)leJI!qJe dq HellS SS;)I JO oo(rOOO' I $ S! ;I;)ueJOsul jO 1unowy J41 u;llI"" SJ<1l1ew J[qeJl!qJP. 11'1 .UO!I-eli!lqo J;}410 JO UO!s!AOJd A;)!lOd R JO 4:re~:lJq dlfl JO d:)uRnSS! SI! 41!M UO!j;)JUUOJ U! ,(ulldwo:) J41 JO J:J!AJJS ,(Ull ',(:>Hod S!41 01 iJUl1P.ldJ JO JO 1no iJU!S!JP. P;)JOSU! :llfl pUP. Auedwo:) :llfl U:hlMIJq W!P.p JO ASJJr\OJ1UOJ AUP. '01 P;)l!W!1 10U dJR 109 ';)pnpu! Aew SJdll-eW dlqRJ1!qJY .UO!IR!JOSSY UO!leJl!qJY URJ!JdWY Jljl JO sJln):l UO!lRJ1!qJY :lJUlunsul dO!.1 ;)lfl 01 luensJOd UO!1P.JI!qJR PURW:lP ,(RW PdJOSU! ;)If) JO AURdwo:) :l1I1 l:l41!:I '^"P.[ :I]qp.J!ldd-e Aq P:ll!q!40Jd SS:I[Un NOIJ.YIIJ.ISlIY '~I . A.::I!lod S!41 jO UOSRdJ Aq sllfiJ!J UO!1v.3OJqns JOJ o1P!^OJd 4J!4^" sjU;)WnJ1SU! ;)S041 U! P;lU!-elUOJ suo!l!PUO;) JO SWJ:l1 AUR ilU!PU-elS41!M)OU 'spuoq JO JJu-eJOSU! )0 S:I!J!!od JJ410 'S:I!1URJRniJ 'Sd!l!UW;)PU! Ol P:lJOSU! J4l JO Sllfi!J 0141 'UO!lR1!W![ !n041!^" 'dpnpU! 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U! 1UP.W!RjJ p~JOSU! ::141 jO JWp.u ::IlJ1 Jsn 01 pUP. lURW!RP P;)JOSU! ;:'llJ1 JO JlUP.U Jlfl U! JI11;)S JO ;)S!WOJdwo;) '::Ins 01 Aup-dwo:) J41 1!wJdd 1lP.4s lUlllUlP.p pdJnSU! Jq.1 'UO!lr.iJOJqns JO IlJli!J S!lfl j;)~jJad Ol J:lpJO U! \JP.SSJJ;)U All:.-ldoJd JO UOSJ:ld ,(uP. Isu!Rilp. SJ!P::lW;)J pUR Sllj'3p liP. AURdwo:) JlJ1 Ol J;)JSUllJ) IIRqs 1URlU!ep p~JOSU! :141 'AuRdwo:) dlll Aq pd1s:lnbJJ jl .pdnss! u:I:lq lOU A:J!lod S!4l pRlj W!EjJ Jql 01 PJdS;)J U! APddOJd JO 1l0SJdd AtlP. lsu!p.ip. pP.q ;)^eq p[nOM lUelU!p,p p;)Jnsu! :lljl lIJ!ljM S;)!pJWJJ pUR S1lJ'3lJ [[P. Ol P;)Jl!IU:I dq pUP. 01 p011eiJOJqns dq 1IP.4S AURdruo;:) ;)If.1 .1URW!RP PdJOSU! dlll JO PR ,(UR Aq P:lj;);)lIp.un Aup.dwo:) Jljl U! )SJr\ 1IP.4S uO!leSOJqns JO llj8!J lie ',\;)!lod S!4l Jdpun W!RP e p!p.d pUP. pJ[llJS :I^P.q IIR4S ,(uRdwoJ Jljl J:lr\:lU;)4M .UO!lp.iJOJqns JO IlJi!):I s,,(uedwo;:) 014.1 (-e) '.LN3l"131U3S 110 .LN3l"1AYd NOdn NOI.LY~OIlBnS .t1 'JdlJEJJd41 s,(ep Ot U!lIl!M J!qe,(ed Jq lIeqs :I'ilewep JO SSOI ;:I4l 'Suo!lelnd!lS pue SUO!1!PUOJ ;)S;)41 41!M ;).::IuepJoJJp. U! P;}lr.:!J ,([JI!lIIpP UdJq SP.4 ;)S-eWBP JO ssol JO lUdl'Xd d41 pun Al!l!qR!1 U;)4M (q) JV~U'" '-'H,,' 4.I!Y,~' U! fJ"^\)JI'''fJ J\I "HI U""Y '~4 i'U!llJU "41 ""IUlIIU.lUlM';U .l41Ju JUdWJSJOPU;) JOJ AJ![od S!41 ~u!:lnpoJd Jno41!M Jpew dq IIR4s IUdWAEdoN (e) 'SS01 :10 .LN3l"1AYd 'U 'JdUMO p~JnSU! ~l.{l Ol AJ!lod S!l.{l J~pun lU~WAt!d t! P;)WddP dq Hel.{s p~ed os lUnOWe ~l.{l pur: 'V ;)lnp~l.{:JS U! Ol p~JJ;)J~J JO p~q!1:JS~p lS;)J;)lU! JO ;)lelS~;)lfl uo U~H JO ;)ibt!l.{:J e S! q:>!l.{M pue pamSU! Ut! Aq pJlO:JJ'XJ JJljP.JJJl.{ S! lP!l.{M JO 'pJfqns UJ)fRl JO 'pJwnSSp. 'pJJJiie sel.{ pJJnsu! Jl.{l q:>!l.{M. Ol JO a ;)InpJl{.JS U! UJ)f1:!l S! UO!ldJ.Jx~ qJ!l.{M Ol Jiieiil10w e iiu!Jnsu! A:J!1od AUR J;Jpun A-ed ARUJ AuedUJo;) Jl.{llunoUJp. AUP. Aq p;J:>npdJ ;Jq lIeqs A:J!lod S~l.{l JJpun J:JueJnsu! JO lunOUJR ;Jl.{llRql pOOlSJ;JpUn ^ISS~Jdxd S! H 3^u.Y1nl"ln:JNON UnJByn 'n 'OlU8) OJd JJuemsu! dlfl )0 1unowR :llfl :nnpJJ [JellS 's:lsuddx:I PUE SdJJ ,S,{dUJOlle 'SIS0',) JO) dpew SlUJw.(Ed ld:lJ)(:I ',(J!lod S!1I1 JdpUn SlUo1WAEd 11'1 'UI1IBYI1 :10 NOI.LYNIl"III3.L 110 NOI.L::>n0311 :3::>NYllnSNI :10 NOI.L::>n0311 'O~ ',(uedwo:J o1ql JO )UdSUO:> U;)l1!J"" JO!1d Jql }n041!M l!nS JO W!EP hUR liu!lll:;)5 U! po1Jnsu! Jql ,(q p:lWnSSR '\I!JelunlOA ,(l!1!qe!( JOj pJJnsu! Aue 01 JSewep JO SSO! JOj :I!qR!I :>q 10U 1IP.4s Aup.dwoJ d4.1 (J) 'pdJnSU! SP. JIl!l :141 01 o1SJOJr\pe 'WOJJdJdlj1 Sleddde lie JO uO!1!sods!p pup. 'UO!P!pS!Jnf lU:lJadWOJ )0 lmOJ P. ,(q UO!lP.U!lUJdldP !P.UU e UJaq SR4 :lJJ1I1 !!lUn o18llW-ep JO SSO! JO) ,(1!l!qP.!I OU :lAelj lIP.qs. Aut!dwoJ :141 'lU~UO:J S.hUEdwoJ dql 1I1!"" JO AuedwoJ o1ql Aq UO!It:iJ!I!I Su!pnpu! 'uoneS!1!! AUe)O )U:lr\:I :141 ul (q) . AqdJJ41 P~" e:> :l3ewep JO ssol hUP. JO) ;:Ilqll!! aq 10U IIllljs pUP. J;1ueW lelll 01 I:xlrlS;1J lfl!M Suopp.li!Jqo S1! p;1WJoJJJd .(nnJ dARq lIe4s 1! 'WOJjdJ:lql slR:x:Idp. .\ue )0 UO!lo1ldWOJ :llf1 pUR UO!le3!1!1 3u!pnpu! 'poql:1W AU'P. Aq J:lUuew )Ud3!l!p h!qRUOSEdJ R U! 'p:lJnSU! SP. liP. ';1J1!1 jO .\l!J!qV.)d~JRWUn JO w!ep :llf) S:lJn:J JO 'puel Jlfl WOJj JO 01 SSd;):)R JO 14iJ!J e JO }(Jel dlfl S;1Jn:> JO ':lJup.JqwnJU;1 JO U~!I 'l:xlJ;)P P;)iJJIIR dlfl S:I^OW;)J JO ':l1l!1 Jljl s:llfs!lqels:I ,(u-edwoJ d41 JI (v.) 'UnlByn:lO NOl.LY.Lll"Il1 '6 '.\;)!IOO S!ql 0) pd4Jlllle lU;)WJSJOpU:I u-e ,(q JO 1U:lWJ}R1S SSdJdXd UP' hq UMOllS pue AJ!lod S!l(l jO :lJup.nss! ;)41 JO dW!l :141 1R p:lJOSU! dlfl pu-e AuedwoJ Jlfl Aq !d:lJRd 4JR:I 01 SR uodn PddJiv. U:ldq :;)5!MJo1410 self In!er\ JO A1!I!qe!1 P. sS;)lun ',(J!lod )0 Jlea 01 lu:)nb:lsqns JpRW SlU;)W;)r\OJdw! ,(UR JO dA!SnpXo1 'o1!OllM ;)41 01 IJJJp.d :l1P.J-eddS 4JR:J JO ,(J!lOd JO :l1lla uo dnlRr\ ;1lfJ 01 SR RlRJ OJd PdP!A!P SllM .\:J!,!od S!ljl JdpUn o1JueJOsu! )0 lUnOWp. ;)1I1 j! SR S!SP.q P.}EJ OJd R uo Pd[H;JS pue p;nndwoJ :lq IlR4s ssol :141 'IlR IOU lnq SldJJp.d :llf1 JO JJOW JO JUO iJU!P;)JjP. pJ4S!lqP.1S;) S! SSO[ R pUR ';;Il!S ;)liJU!S R SR pdsn 10U :lJe q:J!qM S!dJJp.d dJOW JO OMl jO SlS!SUOJ Y :I!npo1ljJS U! pdq!l:>SJp puel <1lfl )1 '.LN3l"1NOI.LIIOddY 'S 'SUO!lelnd!lS pue SUO!I!PUOJ :ls:lql jO r UO!1JJS 41!M :I;)URpJOJ;)e U! p:lJJnJU! s:lSudd)(J pUR Sd:lJ .sA;)U10np. 'SlS0J :lS041 ,(Iuo Ap.d II!"" ,(uRdwo:.) ;;14.1 (J) .'1 JI"P:llj:>S U! pJIP.1S :I;)ut!JnsuI JO lunowy Jql)O IUJJldd 01 ':I)E~JJiJiJ-e ;)41 U! 'Sp:l:Y.J)(;) 4J!ljM SSO! hUE JO uO!)Jod 1Rql 01 ,(Idde ,(IUO IIRqs pUR ',(J!lod S!41 J:lpun d!qR!! S! ,(ulldwo:.) J41 4J!4M JOj s;JSudd)(:I pUR So1;1j ,Sho1UJOHR 'SIS0J 01 A!dde IOU IlE4s lfdRJ3-eJRd S!lfl JO SUO!S!AOJd d4.1 'lU;;IW;)r\OJdw! :llIl JO) p:lpU:ld)(:I lunowe ;)lfl pUR Y :I[nIXl4JS U! P;11-elS :lJURJOsul JO )unowy ;)41 JO wns ::141 01 SJE:>q 'I J\npJ4JS U! pdlRls :lJURJOsuI JO lunowy :)41 JO lU:lJJdd 0'2:! lR41 uO!)JodoJd :141 U! lllllJ Old ssol ;)41 Av,d A!UO lIP.lfs ,(uRdwoJ ;)4) 'ssol !RpJed AUP. Ol SR 'dpRW U:ldq SRlj lU:lWJr\oJdUl! lUdnbdSqns 1': dJ;)4M (!!) JO :.(J!lod )0 :Ilea IP. IS:lJ:llU! JO :llR1S:I pJJOSU! ;)41 JO .;1nler\ IP.101 ::I1I1 01 sJnd<.l. .\;)!!Od JO ;:IlEa 1E ;):lUEJnSU! )0 lunowR ::I4l Je4l uo!uodoJd ;)41 U! p.)eJ OJd SSO[ d41 Aed A[UO [[elfs .\uedwo.) :141 'ss01 [p.!lJp.d AUR 01 SR ';)pew U;);)q sll4 1U;)w;)r\OJdw! lU;lnbJsqns OU :lJ;)lfM (!) :iJU!MO[[Oj ;)4J 01 pJfqns S! AJ!lOd S!41 UdlJl 'V ;)!np;)4JS U! pdlR1S .)JuRmsuI JO Iunowy J4l J;)AO lU:lJJ;x:! 0'2: 1SP.;)1 1P. Aq lS;)JdIU! JO OJIP.1S;) P;)JOSU! ;)41 )0 ::InlTI.\ J4! S;)SE;)JJU! lj:J!4!V\ PUR! ;)41 uo P;)j;);)Jd S! lUdW;)AOJdw! UR AJ!Jod JO ;)jRa J4l Ol lu;)nbJsqns J! JO 'S5J[ S! JJAJ4J!4M 'PURl dlJ1 JOJ Pled UO!lRJ;)P!SUOJ llnJ Jlf1 JO ISJJ:llU! JO ;}}P.1SJ pJJnsu! :l4} jO ;)nIRA ;)41 JO 1U;1JJdd 08 ue41 SS:I! S! ,(J![Od JO ;)IP.Q Jlj1 lR 'I Jlnp:llfJS U! P;)lR1S ;;IJuRJnsul JO lunowy Jljl lU:lr\:I :llf1 ul (q) . A::l!lod S!41 Aq ISUleiJR pJJOSU! dJURJqwn:lUd JO U;)!! 'j;)JJdP ;)lfl OJ j;);)!qns IS;)J;11U! JO ;)lRISJ p:lJnsu! J41 JO ;)nreA Jlfl pUR P;:lJOSU! SR 1SdJdIU! JO d)R1S;) PdJOSU! :141 JO JnlRA ;)41 U;;klMIJq :lJUdJ;:IJj!P J41 (!!) 'JO :y dlnpdqJS U! p;;l)e1S JJuEJnsul )0 1unowV :141 (!) :Jo lSP.;)! J41 PJdJ)(:I lOU IIRlfs .\J!lod S!41 JJpun .\uedwoJ :14) jO ,(Ul!qR!I ;)4.1 (E) .PJq!JJSdP UPJdlj lU:llXd ;)lfl 01 ,(IUO pUll AJ!lod S!41 Aq JSU!P.iJP. pJJnSU! SJJIIRW JO UOSRJJ Aq :liRWEP JO SSOI p;)JdJJns SRq 04M lURW!RP p:lJnsu! ;)41 Aq P:lJJIl;)U! JO PdU!P.1SnS ;1iJ-eWRP JO ssol ,(JR1;)UQW IllnPR lSU!R3e AI!UWJpU! JO 1JP.J1UOJ P. S! A;)!Iod S!4.1 '3:JNYllnSNIO:l ONY A.LI1IBYI1 :10 .LN3.LX3 'NOI.LYNll"III3.L30 'L SNOUY'lfldUS aNY SNOI.LIaNO:J (paOU!IDO:)) f7 ,.~.- n 8 c.v. , Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Suuthold, New Y urk 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Greg Yakaboski, Town Attorney FROM: Dick Ryan, Chairman SUBJECT: Status Report - Contracts/Closings for Land Preservation Projects. DATE: November 13, 1998 The next meeting of the Committee is set for November 16th @ 7:30 P.M. . 1 would appreciate it if you were able to put together a brief update of the status of the respective transaction for the following Projects, so that I can share the information with Committee members. Ruland Development Rights Kaloski Development Rights Raphael Development Rights Fitzgerald Open Space I would also appreciate receiving a copy of your respective model contract for a development rights easement purchase, pursuant to Chapter 25 and an open space fee purchase, pursuant to Chapter 59. Lastly, can you advise when you will be able to provide a model contract for a conservation/scenic easement purchase, pursuant to Chapter 59. I note the need for similar model..contracts to be made pursuant to the provisions of the Chapter 6. Cc: LPC members ,"". B. Murphy, Councilman ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK T' / fra72?_:q iii~}\' ~ ~ ~. ~j ~QI ....~r:sv ..+~" 'Y-,;>-:,-. . -< .-7Ta/I.- . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N ew York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL ST ATISTlCS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS WERE ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 6, 1998: RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review Act, and 6NYCRR, Part 617,10, and Chapter Illl of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, in conducting an uncoordinated review of this unliested action, has determined that there will be no significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Acquisition of the development rights in the agricultural lands of William p, Ruland, Mill Lane and Main Road, Mattituck, N.Y., Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-107-11-010 and 1000-115-02-002 & 003, comprising 65,5 acres, at $7,000.00 per acre. The proposal has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment because an Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and the Town Boa'rd has concluded that no significant adverse effect to the environment is likely to occur should the proposal be implemented as planned. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase the development rights in the agricultural land.s of William P. Ruland; and WHEREAS, the Town Board held a public hearing with respect to said acquisition on the 6th day of January, 1998,. pursuant to the provisions of the Southold Town Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest that the Town of Southold acquire the development rights in the agricultural lands set forth in the proposed acquisition between the Town and William P. Ruland, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board elects to purchase the development rights in the aforesaid agricultural lands owned by William P. Ruland, comprising 66.5 acres, at a sale price of $7,000.00 per acre; said property located at Mill Lane and Main Road, Mattituck, N. Y., Suffolk County Tax Map No, 1000-107-11-010 and 1000-115-02-002 & 003; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town be and she hereby is authorized and directed to give notice of such acceptance to William P. Ruland; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any and all required documents for the acquisition of said development rights. ,rYL:"LuA r2~~ 'Ei'i~~ Nev-m;r -- Southold Town Clerk January 21, 1998 PUBLIC HEARINC SOUTHOlD TOWN BOARD JANUARY G, 19'Jf: 8:02 r.M 'LN_ I!J!i......!lIJX 5 ! I''> N l) r OF THE DEVELOPMENT P. RULAND. I , " 1\ t I J II' '. I 1 I \ I f\J 11" I III , 1'\\ N j '/ ,~,' I j 1 f f \' l t"' RIGHTS IN 11Il: /1(>I(lUJLI U1UII L/INlJ 01 WilLIAM Present: Supervisor Jean W. Coch,-an Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman John M. Romanelli Councilman Brian G. Murphy * * * Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Town Attorney Laury l. * * Neville Dowd * Absent: Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Councilman William D, Moore SlJPEHVISOH COCIIH^N: lid" IIP!Hl.1l1 i., I'" Illl' .1111'11,;111,1" IIY 1111' lOWll of Southold of the development rights '" the "uricullu,.al I""ds ul William P. Ruland. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: "Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the Agricultural lands Prese,'vation law of the Town of Southold, constituting Chapter 35 of the Southold Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold public hearings on the 6th day of January, 1998, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main road, Southold, New York, on the question of the acquisition by the Town of Southold of the development rights in the agricultu,-al lands of the following individuals: 8:00 p.m. - Reynold Blum, Main Road and Peconic Lane, Peconic, N.Y., Tax Map #1000-075-01-015.1, 23 acres, $7,800.00 per acre. 8:02 p.m. William P. Ruland, Mill Lane and Main Mattituck, N.Y., Tax Map #1000-107-11-010 and $1000-115-02-002 approximately 66.5 acres, $7.000.00 per acre. NOTICE IS FURTHER CIVEN that the files containing a more detailed description of the aforementioned parcels are available in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, N. Y., and may be examined by an interested person during normal business hours. Dated December 9, 1997. Judith T. Terry, Southold Town Clerk." Road, & 003, SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: You have hea,'c! 11)(' ,'eading of the public notice. Is there anyone that would like to acldl"('s~ tlH' HOfll'd 011 this ac.quisition? pg 2 - PH DICK RYAN: My name is Dick Ryan. I am your Chairman of the Town of Southold Land Preservation Committee. I have an aerial photograph here, which outlines the subject parcel under consideration located in Mattituck. The property has been farmed by the Wines and Ruland families for generation, going back as far as 1736. It is .known as Mill Lane Farm and has received designations as a Empire State bi-centennial farm in 1976 from the NYS Agricultural Society, and a national centennial farm in 1988 from the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The entire property is within Suffolk County Agricultural District #1. The property totals approximately ('(',5 acres In size, subject to survey, with ove, 770 feet of fronta<Je on the north side of Main Road and from lLIOO-l1100 leet of Irontaye alony the sides of Mill Lane. The northern boundary fronts along the Long Island Railroad. The entire property is offered for the purchase of development rights. This represents the largest-sized proposed purchase by the Town of Southold, in the history of it's farmland preservation program. The purchase price is $7000/acres, totally about $1165,500 , again subject to survey. The market value of the proposed purchase was determined by an August, 1997 appraisal, commissioned by the Town Board from Andrew Stype. The zoning for the parcel is Low-Density Residential R-80 and Agricultural-Conservation, minimum lot size of 80,000 square feet. The soils are mostly in the Haven Loan classification, one of the prime agricultural soils of Long Island. The farm contains a small freshwater pond and woodland corners, which are considered important enhancing components to uses of the entire property and adjacent areas. The property has historically been in agricultural production as a potato and vegetable farm, more recently expanded to include grain crops. It is located across Main Road from open space lands fronting on Maratooka Lake, which were recently gifted to the Town by The Nature Conservancy. The property is in close proximity to the Mattituck-Cutchogue High School. This farm-sit is looked upon as a book-end to the developed portion of the Hamlet of Mattituck. Because of the enhancing factors of agricultural use, size and prosimity to and perservation of ope-space vistas, on both the norht and south side of Main Road, the Land Preservation Committee is unanimous in recommending the purchase of these development rights. The purchase will do much to preserve important agricultur.al lands and further assure the country-like environment enjoyed by the Hamlet of Mattituck in particular and the Town of Southold generally. I urge the Town Board to accept the offer of development rights to the 66.5 acres of Mill Lane Farm, owned by William P. ruland, pursuant to the provsions of Chapter 25 of the Town Code, entitled, Agricultural Land Preservation. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you. to address the Board? (No response.) Is there anyone else that would like I will close the public hearing. * * * r~O~ ~ Erfzabeth- A. Neville Southold Town Clerk ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK ~~~FOL:t~ '~.~.'" ~ ~\\ c::> -~' <I> ::0: ~ ~ ~. ~"< ~~. + "+;~}Y! ~.?"-Zr:u(jJ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 1179 South old, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL ST ATISTlCS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOllOWING RESOLUTIONS WERE ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOlD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 6, 1998: RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review Act, and 6NYCRR, Part 617.10, and Chapter ~~ of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, in conducting an uncoordinated review of this unliested action, has determined that there will be no significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Acquisition of the development rights in the agricultural lands of William P. Ruland, Mill Lane and Main Road, Mattituck, N.Y., Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-107-11-010 and 1000-115-02-002 & 003, comprising 65.5 acres, at $7,000.00 per acre. The proposal has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment because an Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and the Town Board has concluded that no significant adverse effect to the environment is likely to occur should the proposal be implemented as planned. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase the development rights In the agricultural land,s of William P. Ruland; and WHEREAS, the Town Board held a public hearing with respect to said acquisition on the 6th day of January, 1998" pursuant to the provisions of the Southold Town Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest that the Town of Southold acquire the development rights in the agricultural lands set forth in the proposed acquisition between the Town and William P. Ruland, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board elects to purchase the development rights in the aforesaid agricultural lands owned by William P. Ruland, comprising 66.5 acres, at a sale price of $7,000,00 per acre; said property located at Mill Lane and Main Road, Mattituck, N. Y., Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-107-11-010 and 1000-115-02-002 & 003; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town be and she hereby is authorized and directed to give notice of such acceptance to William P. Ruland; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any and all requ.ired documents for the acquisition of said development rights. ,f' ~~'_/rd;'O l)~ ~~: Ne~- Southold Town Clerk January 21, 1998 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK ~mFOt.ti0~ ~....-~~ ~ ~\\ :::. ,-,," ~ -y" ~ ~ ~. ~'<: ~~~~~~i' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 Southold, N ew York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWl.'T CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS WERE ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 6, 1998: RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review Act, and 6NYCRR, Part 617.10, and Chapter ~~ of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, in conducting an uncoordinated review of this unliested action, has determined that there will be no significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Acquisition of the development rights in the agricultural lands of William P. Ruland, Mill Lane and Main Road, Mattituck, N. Y., Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-107-11-010 and 1000-115-02-002 & 003, comprising 65.5 acres, at $7,000.00 per acre. The proposal has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment because an Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and the Town Board has concluded that no significant adverse effect to the environment is likely to occur should the proposal be implemented as planned. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase the development rights in the agricultural land,s of William p, Ruland; and WHEREAS, the Town Board held a public hearing with respect to said acquisition on the 6th day of January, 1998" pursuant to the provisions of the Southold Town Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest that the Town of Southold acquire the development, rights in the agricultural lands set forth in the proposed acquisition between the Town and William P. Ruland, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board elects to purchase the development rights in the aforesaid agricultural lands owned by William P. Ruland, comprising 66.5 acres, at a sale price of $7,000.00 per acre; said property located at Mill Lane and Main Road, Mattituck, N. Y., Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000-107-11-010 and 1000-115-02-002 & 003; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town be and she hereby is authorized and directed to give notice of such acceptance to William P. Ruland; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any and all required documents for the acquisition of said development rights. ce:~~W1'a~ Eli abeth A. Nevil;~ Southold Town Clerk January 21, 1998 , PUBLIC HEARING SOUTH OLD TOWN BOARD JANUARY 6, 1998 8:02 P.M. ON THE QUESTION OF THE ACQUISITION BY THE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD OF THE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS IN THE AGRICULTURAL LAND OF WILLIAM P. RULAND. Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman John M. Romanelli Councilman Brian G. Murphy * * * Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Laury L. Dowd * * * Absent: Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Councilman William D. Moore SlJPERVISon COCIIHAN: Ihl'i hPIII'lllCl III 1111 IIH\ IUll'1i1dlluIl I,y tlw Tit......," of Southold of the development rights in the agricultural lands ut William P. Ruland. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: "Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the Agricultural Lands Preservation Law of the Town of Southold, constituting Chapter 35 of the Southold Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold public hearings, on the 6th day of January, 1998, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main road, Southold, New York, on the question of the acquisition by the Town of Southold of the development rights in the agricultural lands of the following individuals: 8:00 p.m. - Reynold Blum, Main Road and Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y ., Tax Map #1000-075-01-015.1, 23 acres, $7,800.00 per acre. 8:02 p.m. William P. Ruland, Mill Lane and Main Road, Mattituck, N.Y., Tax Map #1000-107-11-010 and $1000-115-02-002 & 003, approximately 66.5 acres, $7,000.00 per acre. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the files containing a more detailed description of the aforementioned parcels are available in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, N. Y., and may be examined by an interested person during normal business hours. Dated December 9, 1997. Judith T. Terry. Southold Town Clerk." SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: You have heard the reading of the public notice. Is there anyone that would like to address the Board 011 this aC'luisition? , . pg 2 - PH DICK RYAN: My name is Dick Ryan. I am your Chairman of the Town of Southold Land Preservation Committee. I have an aerial photograph here, which outlines the subject parcel under consideration located in Mattituck. The property has been farmed by the Wines and Ruland families for generation, going back as far as 1736. It is ,known as Mill Lane Farm and has received designations as a Empire State bi-centennial farm in 1976 from the NYS Agricultural Society, and a national centennial farm in 1988 from the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The entire property is within Suffolk County Agricultural District #1. The property totals approximately 66.5 acres in size, subject to survey, with over 720 feet of frontage on the north side of Main Road and from 1ll00-1800 feet of frontage along the sides of Mill Lane. The northern boundary fronts along the Long Island Railroad. The entire property is offered for the purchase of development rights. This represents the largest-sized proposed purchase by the Town of Southold, in the history of it's farmland preservation program. The purchase price is $7000/acres, totally about $ll65,500 , again subject to survey. The market value of the proposed purchase was determined by an August, 1997 appraisal, commissioned by the Town Board from Andrew Stype. The zoning for the parcel is Low-Density Residential R-80 and Agricultural-Conservation, minimum lot size of 80,000 square feet. The soils are mostly in the Haven Loan classification, one of the prime agricultural soils of Long Island. The farm contains a small freshwater pond and woodland corners, which are considered important enhancing components to uses of the entire property and adjacent areas. The property has historically been in agricultural production as a potato and vegetable farm, more recently expanded to include grain crops. It is located across Main Road from open space lands fronting on Maratooka Lake, which were recently gifted to the Town by The Nature Conservancy. The property is in close proximity to the Mattituck-Cutchogue High School. This farm-sit is looked upon as a book-end to the developed portion of the Hamlet of Mattituck. Because of the enhancing factors of agricultural use, size and prosimity to and perservation of ope-space vistas, on both the norht and south side of Main Road, the Land Preservation Committee is unanimous in recommending the purchase of these development rights. The purchase will do much to preserve important agricultur.al lands and further assure the country-like environment enjoyed by the Hamlet of Mattituck in particular and the Town of Southold generally. I urge the Town Board to accept the offer of development rights to the 66.5 acres of Mill Lane Farm, owned by William P. ruland, pursuant to the provsions of Chapter 25 of the Town Code, entitled, Agricultural Land Preservation. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you. to address the Board? (No response.) Is there anyone else that would like I will close the public hearing. * * * ~Oj(te,/1le- - Efz~beth- A. N vi/Ie Southold Town Clerk . Rt: r/t!tff d ?:aJr M~a William P. Ruland (Mill Lane Farm) - Development Rights Purchase. SCTM #1000-107-11-010, 1000-115-02-002 & 003 My name is Dick Ryan, I am your Chairman of the Town of Southold Land Preservation Conunittee I have an aerial photograph here, which outlines the subject parcels under consideration, located in Mattituck. The property has been farmed by the Wines and Ruland families for generations, going back as far as 1736, It is known as Mill Lane Farm and has received designations as a Empire State-bi-centennial farm in 1976 from the NYS Agricultural Society, and a national centennial farm in 1988 from the US Department of Agriculture. The entire property is within Suffolk County Agricultural District # 1, . The property totals approximately 66.5 acres in size (subject to survey), with over 720 feet of frontage on the north side of Main Road and from1400-1800 feet of frontage along the sides of Mill Lane, The northern boundary fronts along the Long Island Railroad. The entire property is offered for the purchase of development rights, This represents the largest-sized proposed purchase by the Town of Southold, in the history of it's fannland preservation program, The purchase price is $7000/acre, totally about $465,500 (again subject to survey), The market value of the proposed purchase was determined by an August, 1997 appraisal, conunissioned by the Town Board from Andrew Stype, The zoning for the parcel is Low-Density Residential R-80 and Agricultural-Conservation (minimum lot siz~ of 80,000SF), The soils are mostly in the Haven Loam classification, one of the prime agricultural soils of Long Island. The farm contains a small freshwater pond and woodland corners, which are considered important enhancing components to uses of the entire property and adjacent areas, The property has historically been in agricultural production as a potato and vegetable farm, more recently expanded to include grain crops. It is located across Main Road from open space lands fronting on Maratooka Lake, which were recently gifted to the Town by The Nature Conservancy, The property is in close proximity to the Mattituck-Cutchogue High School. This farm-site is looked upon as a "book-end" to the developed portion of the Hamlet of Matti tuck. Because of the enhancing factors of agricultural use, size and proximity to and preservation of open-space vistas, on both the north and south sides of Main Road, the Land Preservation Conunittee is unanimous in recommending the purchase of these development rights. The purchase will do much to preserve important agricultural lands ~ .. and further-assure the country-like environment enjoyed by the Hamlet of Matti tuck in particular and the Town of Southold, generally, I urge the Town Board to accept the offer of development rights to the 66.5 acres of Mill Lane Farm, owned by William p, Ruland, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 25 of the Town Code, entitled "Agricultural Lands Preservation", Thank you, January, 1998 ~4_:~ '9/9~)_7<!Xl ~2 .="=lC"':E.:7 I..J. ,'lUMBE::l SEQR a~ 7.20 Append::::: C State E..1vironmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM F~r UNLlST"D ACTIONS Only PART i-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be :emcl.ted by '>'cplicant or P,oject 5ponsor) i To~'-'~At~~O~t~old Land Preserv. Commjv.f:'~i'tfar1-a\iEDev. Rights Easement Purch~~ , 3. ?RCJECT Lee:.. nON: \i"nie'c.lIty Town of Southold County Suffolk 4. ,::IREC:SE LeGATION {Street accre~s ~d rcao intersections, ;:lrominent JanamarlU, lttc., :lr ;:lro\'iCtl macl Mill Lane Farm, north side of Main Road, east and west sides of Mill Lane, Mattituck. 5. !S ?ROpCSED ACTION: ~ New U :.xoansion n MocllflcaUorv'a!teratlon :3. DESCRIBE ?ROJEC7 3RIE.-...y: Purchase of development rights to approx. 66.5 acres of agricultural land. 7. AMCUNT OF LAND AFFECi:::D: :niU.Uy 66. 5 .e"", !JIu........., 66. 5 .",es 3. WILL ?ROPCS@ AC':'10N COMPlY WITH ;;xISilNG ZONING OR OT':-iE.::; :xJST1NG L.,:.,NO USE. :=\b~IC7lCNS7 !"X ~ e5 [J No If No, ;jescnbe brlefly '3. 'NHA T 15 ?RESE."'IT LANO USE IN 'I1C:NIT'f OF ?ROJEC77 ~ nesidential I t Inal.lstrtal ~ C:lmmerc:aJ Oese:lbe: rx AQriC:-.lltUt1t '-.: ?amF-JrestJOpen .$cace OOU'l8r A neighborhood of mixed residential and agricultural uses. ~a. aCES AC7iCN INVOLVE;.. ?~:;'Mrr APPROVAL- OR FUNDING. New OR UL:1MAI =:..': .=::;'CM ANY 0 I HE.=! GOVE..~NME.)"jTAl AGENCY ;/"'~E.;;"L- 57 A. n OR LCCAl,J1 ~ Yes 0 No If yes. 1m 3Q1fJCY(sl ana permJUapprovats Approval of Southold Town Board, " 11. OOES ANY )SP'iC7 OF !HE AC7l0N HAVE A c:JRRENTI.Y VAL.:O ?'=-:;MIT OR AP\=lRCVAL1 IX! '(as U No If yes., list .aoancy name .and permjU~ Southold Town Board approval to obtain appraisal negotiate potential purchase. ~2. ,~s A A:ESUL7 OF ?ROPOSEl AC710N WIll. ::<lSi1NG ?5.::;MrTlAPPROVAL aECUIRE MOOIFc.:.iiON1 f"iYes ~No of easement value i andi I i I CSTlFf !HAT lHE !NFORMATION pA.aVIOEl ASOVe IS 7~uE 70 7HE 3ES"i OF MY KNCWLS:lGE AOClic.3nU.sccnsor Ryan Jate: 12/08/97 Sl~mlttue.: If the action is in the C asIa I Area, and you are a state ac;ency, complete the CQastaJ Assessment F-orm Jetcre proceeding with this assessment OVE? STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that on the 18th day of December 1997, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. '. Legal Notice, Notice of Public Hearing on the question of the acquisition ,! of development rights in the agricultural lands of Reynold Blum and William . P. Ruland, 8:00 p.m. & 8:02 p.m.. Tuesday, January 6, 1998, Southold Town Hall. ~~~~ / Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 1Mb- day of December, 1997. ~~ ~I~ No ary Pub ic LINDA J. COOPER Notary P\'lhlic, State .Jf NAW York Nn~ 4822:;-03, f;~~fln!k.t:.(.u.n.ty og .... >. ", "',..,- :'"1 l.r:_2~ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of the Agricultural Lands Preservation Law of the Town of Southold, constituting Chapter 35 of the Southold Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold public hearings on the 6th day of January, 1998, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the question of the acquisition by the Town of Southold of the development rights in the agricultural lands of the following individuals: 8:00 p.m. - Reynold Blum, Main Road and Peconic Lane, Peconic, N.Y., Tax Map #1000-075-01-015.1, 23 acres, $7,800.00 per acre. 8:02 p.m. - William P. Ruland, Mill Lane and Main Road, Mattituck, N. Y., Tax Map #1000-107-11-010 and #1000-115-02-002 & 003, approximately 66.5 acres, $7poO,QO per acre. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the files containing a more d,.tailed description of the aforementioned parcels are available in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, N.Y., and may be Dated: examined by any interested December 9, 1997. person during normal business hours. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON DECEMBER 211, 1997, AND FORWARD TWO (2) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Land Preservation Committee Reynold Blum William P. Ruland Town Clerk's Bulletin Board .!!,8 ",S'I:l'51' 11 S .111; '~:a f.!i ~'C> ~"'IJ ... ::l,<:l~B~'a~'5.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u Il 8 u :~O~i=~J8~~ ...", O~JlloO ... :: ~ ~ ~ S ~ u ..- . i;HHJ~ ~~~ i;~]~1;8... .... 0 ~~ll~"'l:lo::fl!o ~ug.O"'aI ...~ u......fI)~...!!u.! ~ ~ ; 'a IJ ~ 'I:l ~qw t>l:loUIl~tl,8 8-a1i!:~"",u. 8 ,S ~ ~ 0 a ~- 'I:l&:uu~ul:lo..u l.!~-s~.gb.s.g -- ~ !:l iii ~ t; ll- lS'" ~?:=;g: 0", . >-:::>.... "'~8~ "'''':5:::> ~~ot.:) o ~:::> ~Wu..< ce.!<::::lcn z......(I)~ <.tn -0:: - .No:: oS:'!~x >.....U')UJ O::COU")z i~~9 >-N'" a::!.n~ "" '::0; b~~ '" 0 Co> ~ u o 1 'll E ~~ ~~~ a . ff ,<{ e 'a~ !t r y: H.H'~'SIl~'~~~..jA'~~!:l J1iH nH~:i~l ~~ ~~ a<'l~!I.=::ll~#l"O z..: ,~o 8 ~".g~~-s>> "'~. Os':: ~ .. OO,l_<i"o "U' ~8'" -8co"O=.c E-oU ~~~~,a8i~j!~~~~1 ~~8-~ ~~~~~ ~e~~]a~lo ~Z~ !....OE:: ..u.cl....tI')o,oc. = . - '" r-: ......ou--"'!....= ::z:: ~ "w ""O_.cI'U. ..V)~ c: o'S ~o-l" -a....., ""'" S~" ="O's d '.t:: '~ h~n~iW~rUj ls~ ~I~;'d { ! :.:~~~ g.r ~@~ c ~ ~a...~ ru,~ O&.~_N =.-si~-2. ~ 0 ii~.s.~~~j!:S ~~:~~i I'~,~~I ~;~~ ~'~~'!~:i ~~ I ~' ~!:l: ~ ~~ ~!-i:l~l~~ ~~ g.~~:~:::] !:l ~.g ~~~~!-~~ 5lS ~~~~kO~~~ g~=~gi~~~!~~~!l gU~~~~~8o ~ z~,o,gdlF<~~~l-~~~.~l. i~P~8~~'z~1IeJ~~~1 ~ . ~ ~o~o 8~ ~ ~ ~ ,_~ Yu.~~ ,-u= ~ CL. 0 ....rn':lcn 0'0.51.6 F ,oi!iZ,., c. 1:2'1:1 o.Fi:r::Z.= cO _ JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ~A- OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLER. ::-7:'--;:.1.--;6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD /)7f'/~ h1.~ 'b-~ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIC ~ I. -. d ~, ~ 50UTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HEU -/ \C..i ~ ' , ~~" , RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of 50 p.m., Tuesday, January 6, 1998, Southold Town 50uthold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the question of the acquisition of development rights in the agricultural lands of Reynold Blum, Main Road and Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y., Tax Map 111000-075- 01-015.1,23 acres, $7,800.00 per acre; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:02 p.m., Tuesday, January 6, 1998, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, 50uthold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the question of the acquisition of development rights in the agricultural lands of William P. Ruland, Mill Lane and Main Road, Mattituck, N.Y., Tax Map 111000-107-11-010, and 111000-115- 02-002 & 003, approximately 66.5 acres, $7,000.00 per acre. d _ p7,;:/ ~~ ~?~~ Southold Town Clerk December 10, 1997 / () : (}-1) /i.. .rJ1, /~!q William P. Ruland (Mill Lane Farm) - Development Rights Purchase, SCTM #1000-107-11-010, 1000-115-02-002 & 003 My name is Dick Ryan. I am your Chairman of the Town of Southold Land Preservation Committee, I have an aerial photograph here, which outlines the subject parcels under consideration, located-in Mattituck. The property has been farmed by the Ruland family for generations, It is known as Mill Lane Farm and has received a national centenniaJ..farm designation, The entire property is within Suffolk County Agricultural District # 1, The property totals approximately 66,5 acres in size (subject to survey), with over 720 feet of frontage on the north side of Main Road and from1400-1800 feet of frontage along the sides of Mill Lane. The northern boundary fronts along the Long Island Railroad, The entire property is offered for the purchase of development rights, This represents the largest-sized proposed purchase by the Town of Southold, in the history of it's farmland preservation program. The purchase price is $7000/acre, totally about $465,500 (again subject to survey), The market value of the proposed purchase was determined by an August, 1997 appraisal, commissioned by the Town Board from Andrew Stype. The zoning for the parcel is Low-Density Residential R-80 and Agricultural-Conservation (minimum lot size of80,000SF), The soils are mostly in the Haven Loam classification, one of the prime agricultural soils of Long Island. The farm contains a small freshwater pond and woodland corners, which are considered important enhancing components to uses of the entire property and adjacent areas. The parcel is currently in agricultural production as a potato and vegetable farm_ It is across Main Road from open space lands fronting on Maratooka Lake, which were recently gifted to the Town by The Nature Conservancy, The property is in close proximity to the Mattituck-Cutchogue High School. This farm-site is looked upon as a "book-end" to the developed portion of the Hamlet of Matti tuck, Because of the factors of agricultural use, size, proximity to and preservation of other open-space vistas, on both the north and south sides of Main Road, the Land Preservation Committee is unanimous in recommending the purchase ofthese development rights, The purchase will do much to enhance and preserve important agricultural lands and the country-like environment between the hamlets of the Town of Southold, I urge the Town Board to accept the offer of development rights to the 66.5 acres of Mill Lane Farm, owned by William p, Ruland, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 25 of the Town Code, entitled "Agricultural Lands Preservation", Thank you, December, 1997 .: ._..,......._.'._-:::-~--'._~..,\ I, ..- I i \ '. I 'v/ '\ / / /' /' "" / , '/~ -> -, - ~ /" . ) ..<rjjx', ~ A'" ~<-~'" ,'.,..'^' <<."-'CW />::' -~'" ,',' . .~-1( ~?fj<\~:"", "', / ;: " .",c("\~\:i'" )', '\ ',\ . 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" .. . ~':'.. ./-/ \ .7 \...' ..(' ~ Re~l Rstlte Appraisal Reqllesten By' Town of Southold Land Preservation Committee Property Ownen By: Wiliam P. Ruland Property Location' Main Road & Mill Lane, Mattituck, NY 11952 B)':. Andrew D. Stype SRA Indicated Vallie' $ 800,000. Fee Simple $ 430,000. Development Rights Value As Of: 8/1/97 RECEIVED AUG 1 4 1997 SO"f~ol..j Town CIeri( Stype Brothers Real Estate, Inc. 12985 MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 63, MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 -=:~~8760 FAX (5'6)298-5779 , <I ~IIII~S~ IIIill1 8/11197 Ms. Judith T. Terry - Town Clerk Town of Southold - Land Preservation Committee P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re:William P. Ruland 1000-107-11-10; 115-2-3; 115-2-2.1 Mill Lane & Main Rd., Mattituck, NY 11952 Dear Ms. Terry: In accordance with your request I am submitting a real estate appraisal regarding a real estate market valuation for the Town of Southold Land Preservation Committee regarding the William P. Ruland farm in Mattituck, NY The instructions are to indicate market value on a fee simple basis and development rights value. The appraisal is effective the inspection date of 8/1/97. This appraisal is a self-contained report and prepared in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and the Appraisal Foundation. Upon consideration for the three approaches to value and current market trends, the subject would indicate a fair market value of: Fee Simple ---------------------- $ 800,000. Development Rights Value --- $ 430,000. Thank you, please let me know if I can be of further assistance. ADS:rm ~nhl~ of Cont~nts Town of Southold William P. Ruland SCTM 1000-107-11-10; 115-2-3; 115-2-2.1 Transmittal page Pnrt 1: G~nera1 Informntion A. Certification of the Appraiser B. Summary of Salient Facts and Conclusions C. Purpose of the Appraisal D. Definition of Market Value E. Function of the Appraisal F. Use and Scope of the Appraisal G. Appraisal Problem H. Brief History - Suffolk County H. Neighborhood Analysis I. Economic Trends J. Ownership K. Occupancy L. Sale History Part 2.: Valuation of th~ Entire PrQperty A. Description of Site B. Present Use C. Zoning D. Taxes and Assessed Valuation E. Highest & Best Use F. Three Approaches to Value G. Valuation Process H. Sales Adjustments H. Sale #1 H. Sale #2 H. Sale #3 H. Sale #4 H. Sale #5 1_ Page Face 01,02 03 04 05 06 06 07 08 09-13 14 14 14 14 15 16 16 16 17 18 19 20 21,22 23,24 25,26 27,28 29,30 Table of Contents - continued I. Explanation of Adjustments J. Conclusion of Value Part 3: Property and Riohts Taken A. Description of Property Rights Taken B. Effect of Taking on Property Part 4: Valuation of Remainder Property A. Description of Land & Improvements B. Highest & Best Use C. Indicated Value by the Cost Approach D. Indicated Value by the Income Approach E. Indicated Value by Sales Comparison F. Sales Adjustments F. Sale #6 F. Sale #7 F. Sale #8 G. Correlation & Conclusion Part 5: Allocation of Damaoes A. Allocation of Before and After Values Part 6: Appraised Compensation A. Breakdown of Interest Part 7: Addendum A&B Limiting Conditions Location Map of Subject & Pictures Comparable Sale Map . Certification & Qualifications of Appraiser 31 31 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 34 35,36 37,38 39,40 41 42 43 44,45 46-50 51 52-58 PART l' GENERAL INFORMATION A Certification of the Appraiser CERTIFICATION OF THE APPRAISER I hereby certify that CONSULT ANT was employed to appraise the market value of property known as: Project Map Parcel - William P. Ruland - SCTM 1000-107-11-10; 115-2-3; 115-2-2.1 - 64.25 acres total ( 62 acres taking) Neither CONSULTANT'S company nor I have a present or contemplated future interest in the real estate that is the subject of this appraisal report. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements of fact contained in this appraisal report, upon which the analyses, opinions, and conclusions expressed therein are based, are true and correct. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, by the definition of market value, and by the specified real property interest appraised, and represent my personal, unbiased, professional analyses, opinions and conclusions. My compensation is not contingent on an action or event resulting from the analyses, opinions, or conclusions in, or in the use of, this report. I was not retained for the purpose of aiming at a preconceived conclusion of value. This appraisal report has been made in conformity with and is subject to the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice. I have personally inspected the property herein appraised and that I have afforded the property owner the opportunity to accompany me to inspect. I have also made a personal field inspection of the comparable sales relied upon in making said appraisal. I have verified each transaction with a party to, or a third person directly involved in, the transaction. The subject and the comparable sales were as represented by the photographs contained in said appraisal. 01 Certification of Appraiser - continued To the best of my knowledge no portion of the value assigned to the property that is the subject of this report consists of items which are noncompensable under the established law of the State of New York. I have not revealed the findings and results of this appraisal to anyone other than the proper officials of the Town of Southold. I will not do so until authorized by the Town on Southold officials, or until I am required by due process of law, or until I am released from this obligation by having publicly testified as to such findings. Based upon the factors developed in the body of this report and the exercise of my professional judgement, it is my opinion that the market value of the fee simple estate of the subject property is as follows: $ 800,000, Fee Simple $ 430,000. Development Rights Value Date: 8/11/97 Sig 02 Part 1 R Summary of Salient Facts Property Rights Appraised ---------------------------- Fee Simple & Development Rights Type of Property --------------------------------------- Farm Location ------------------------------------------------- Mill Lane & Main Road, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM --------------------------------------------------- 1000-107-11-10 1000-115-2-3 1000-115-2-2.1 ()vvner --------------------------------------------------- ~illilln1 P. RullUld Zoning --------------------------------------------------- R-80 & AC Highest & Best Use ------------------------------------ Current Zoning Site ------------------------------------------------------- 64.25 acres total 62 acres taking Indicated Value ----------------------------------------- $ 800,000. Fee Simple Indicated Value ----------------------------------------- $ 430,000. Development Rights 03 Part I C Purpme of the Appraisal This appraisal is made for the purpose of arriving at an opinion as to the indicated fair market value of the subject property for its highest and best value, if offered for sale on the open market under conditions prevailing as of 8/1/97, and is based on a physical inspection, induding wning, utility, location, topography, present and potential use and market data. 04 Part 1 D Definition of Market Value and Interest Appraised Market value means the most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby; 1) Buyer and seller are typically motivated; 2) Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their own best interests; 3) A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market; 4) Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto; 5) The price represents normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale. The interests to be appraised are fee simple, agricultural value and development rights value. 05 Part 1 E Function of the Appraisal To establish a potential market value for the subject property herein described as of 8/1197. F Use and Scope of the Appraisal This appraisal will be used by the client for internal personal and business use. The scope of my appraisal includes: 1) extensive research of the market; 2) collection and confirmation of the indicated data; 3) analysis of all data to arrive at an appropriate value estimate; 4) reporting my conclusions in a logical method. 06 G Appraisal Prohlem The subject property to be apprised consists of three parcel adjoining or adjacent to each other. A survey was not present to this firm. The acreage will be taken from the tax maps and Town of Southold. The tax maps state a total acreage of 35+- acres for farm 115-2-2.1, however, there is a barn and a shed to be taken out with approximately 2 acres. Parcel107-ll-1O is 13.2 acres - this parcel contains a irrigation pump, pond and woodlands with wetlands - approximately 2 acres will be taken according to the zoning due to the lack of farm use of this type of property. The third parcel is 18 acres. The total acreage for the taking by the Town of Southold will be 62 acres total. This figure may vary with other desired changes. The appraisal problem concerns a before and after appraisal of the market value in fee simple, to determine the agricultural value and finally the developments rights value. The highest and best use will be reviewed to determine the best potential utilization of the subject property. All three approaches to value will be examined to determine the final value estimate. 07 Part I H A BriefHistOI:Y of Suffolk County Suffolk County has been profoundly influenced by its proximity to New England and New York City, and by the sea which defines its borders on three sides. Occupying the eastern two-thirds of Long Island, which juts 120 miles into the Atlantic Ocean, the county covers over 900 square miles of territory, the north borders on Long Island Sound. It is 86 miles long and 20 miles at its widest point. The weather is temperate, the water abundant and the soil good. From the beginning there has existed a variety of conditions which have made this land for all manner ofliving things. The first small bands of settlers came from the New York and Connecticut areas. Dutch villagers sprang up on the western end of Long Island; English settlements in Suffolk. A power struggle between England and the Netherlands was settled in 1650 with a north-south line, an intemational boundary, dividing existing colonies in New England and Long Island. On Long Island the line ran approximately where the western border of Suffolk County now exists. Suffolk was English territory. Settlements of the period included Gardiner's Island, Southold, Southampton, Shelter Island, East Hampton and Huntington, Suffolk County is now a major industrial and business area. The average household size is approximately 3 persons. The mean household income is approximately $ 55,000. The unemployment rate is approximately 6% - these figures taken from Lilco 1990. It is serviced by adequate public transportation offering a major airport, highways and rail service. The county has a population of approximately 1.4 million residents with that figure swelling substantially in the summer months. 08 Neighborhood Analysis - continued H Neighborhood Analysis - Town of SOllthold & Hamlet of Matt it lick The Town of South old was settled in 1640 with the lands purchased subsequently from the Indians a little at a time. By 1646 the final borders were established as they exist today, Southold Town adjoins the Town of River head on its west border. The north border fronts on Long Island Sound, the south border on Great Peconic Bay and the eastern most point - Orient borders on the eastern most point of the North Fork at Plum Gut. The current population year-round is 21,858. This figure swells nearly triple during the summer months. The mean household income is approximately $ 45,806. according to US Census 1990. The North Fork area is well known for its excellent beaches, fannIands and fishing. There are three major school districts, volunteer fire departments, 80 bed hospital. The major industries are fanning, fishing and tourism. The current unemployment rate is approximately 7%, Mattitllck Mattituck is located in the western portion of South old Town. Long Island Sound borders to the north and Peconic Bay borders to the south. It was first surveyed in 166 I. The unemployment rate is approximately 5%. Mattituck is well known for its farmlands, open spaces, beaches, fishing and summer tourism. The year-round population is 4,442 and increases during the summer months. The major industries are farming, wineries, fishing, banking and tourism. Mattituck school system offers grades K-12. There is a volunteer fire department. The subject is located in a predominate fann area. There are mostly older 2 story farmhouses on adjoining parcels. Long Island Sound is to the north and the nearest business district is Mattituck Village approximately I mile east 09 NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS Between 1970 and 1980, the number of Nassau-Suffolk households increased by 16.1 percent from 696,643 to 809,120. In contrast, between 1980 and 1990 there was an increase of just 46,094 households or 5.7 percent. The estimated increase over the 1990 Census at January I, 1993 totals 8,256 households or 1 percent. Nassau County leads Suffolk County in the number of year-round households by a margin of about 2,000. Suffolk though, has a greater number of persons residing in households, During the summer months though, Suffolk with the large number of seasonal housing, has the greater number. Year-Round Households by Major Municipality Nassau County North Hempstead Hempstead Loog Beach City Oyster Bay Gleo Cove City Total 1980 Census 1990 Census 1993 Estimate 74,035 235,50 I 13,227 92,445 8,193 423,401 74,587 239,294 13,592 95,576 8,466 431,515 74,987 240,033 13,778 95,913 8,504 433,215 Suffolk County Huotington Babylon Islip Smithtown Brookhaven Riverhead Southampton Southold East Hampton Shelter Island Total 60,142 62,841 63,334 61,097 64,506 65,204 84,881 89,726 90,829 31,986 35,565 36,129 109,266 129,137 132,107 7,492 8,736 8,879 16,747 18,164 18,510 7,461 8,125 8,252 5,760 6,882 6,988 887 1,017 1,023 385,719 424,699 431,255 809,120 856,214 864,470 Nassau-Suffolk Total Queens County Rockaway Peninsula 32,553 34,005 34,240 10 HOUSEHOLD SIZE On January I, 1993, the average household size in the Nassau-Suffolk area is estimated to be 2.96,.03 less than the 2,99 persons per household reported for the bi-county area by the 1990 U.S. Census, This figure is still substantially above the national average, which was 2.63 in 1990. While the average size of households has declined in both counties, the number of households has continued to increase. Both the decrease in household size, and the increase in the number of households are attributed in part to the growing number of one person households. According to the Census Bureau the number of Nassau-Suffolk single person households has more than doubled since 1970. In 1970 there were 65,696 households in this catagory, in 1980 112,567 were reported, and 1990 revealed 141,640 one person households. The number of retirement housing units such as those found in Leisure Village and similar complexes also contribute to a smaller overall household size. It does so by retaining population with a smaller average household size that might otherwise be lost to other areas of the State or Country. Another contributing factor to smaller household sizes has been the long term trend of fewer children per family. Estimated Average Household Size by Major Municipality 1980 Census 1990 Census 1993 Estimate Nassau County 3.08 2.94 2.92 North Hempstead 2,93 2.80 2.79 Hempstead 3,10 2.99 2.97 Long Beach City 2,39 2.35 2.35 Oyster Bay 3,26 3.01 2.97 Glen Cove City 2.94 2.78 2.76 Suffolk County 3.25 3.04 3.01 Hun~ington 3,28 3,00 2.96 Babylon 3,29 3,10 3.07 Islip 3.42 3,26 3,25 Smithtown 3.53 3.10 3.04 Brookhaven 3,26 3,07 3.05 Riverhead 2,62 2.55 2.54 Southampton 2.51 2.41 2.39 Southold 2,54 2.42 2.40 East Hampton 2.41 2,32 2.31 Shelter Island 2,31 2,23 2.21 Queens County Rockaway Peninsula 3.02 2.88 2,87 11 AGE OF HOUSING UNITS Period of Construction Year Structure Built Nassau County Number Percent Suffolk County Number Percent 1989 - March 1990 1985 - 1988 1980 - 1984 1970 - 1979 1960 - 1969 1950 - 1959 1940-1949 1939 or earlier 1,832 9,189 9.933 25,050 62,461 159,849 83,055 94,923 0.4% 2.1% 2,2% 5,6% 14,0% 35.8% 18.6% 21.3% 6,039 30,705 23,181 98,944 127,509 105,721 32,699 56,519 Median Year of Construction by Major Municipality 1.3% 6.4% 4.8% 20.6% 26.5% 22.0% 6.8% 11.7% Major Municipality Nassau County North Hempstead Town Hempstead Town Long Beach City Oyster Bay Town Glen Cove City Suffolk County Huntington Town Babylon Town Islip Town Smithtown Town Brookhaven Town Riverhead Town Southampton Town Southold Town East Hampton Town Shelter Island Town Source: 1990 U.S. Census 12 Year 1953 1951 1951 1955 1956 1955 1964 1959 1959 1962 1965 1969 1964 1966 1960 1971 1963 Distribution of Household Income in 1989 Numbers of Households by Major Municipality Nassau County North Glen Cove Hempstead Long Beach Hempstead Oyster Bay Lower Limit City Town City Town Town $0 1,215 24,515 2,475 6,959 7,616 $15,000 1,498 34,661 2,286 9,384 11 ,037 $30,000 1,682 39,697 2,518 10,518 14,472 $45,000 1,085 41,020 2,004 10,120 15,271 $60,000 930 32,425 1,547 8,989 13,858 $75,000 956 33,066 1,338 9,646 15,081 $100,000 416 16,333 665 6,385 7,714 $125,000 206 7,034 231 3,391 3,528 $150,000 429 10,516 447 9,059 6,925 ':. ';">,:'-<~'~~~,'-,',~v:'r~"; Median $42,982 $52,286 $41,495 $60,320 $59,286 Mean $61,409 $62,934 $50,786 $86,331 $74,453 Suffolk County Huntington Babylon lslip Smithtown Brookhaven Lower Limit Town Town Town Town Town $0 5,068 7,424 8,596 2,738 15,486 $15,000 7,181 10,158 12,987 4,038 20,797 $30,000 9,245 12,521 17,256 4,941 25,767 $45,000 9,557 12,214 17,624 5,973 25,500 $60,000 8,249 9,307 13,357 5,744 17,747 $75,000 10,140 7,691 11,641 6,176 14,291 $100,000 5,689 3,075 4,723 3,066 5,786 $125,000 2,863 1,132 1,584 1,242 1,992 $150,000 4,858 915 1,799 1,532 1,970 '<'<~,;'<'r,"/\ '''''''''._'~'''t~ .,",. '-_"0'" J,',.,>, .. .^.' _, Median $60,530 $47,074 $50,212 $60,068 . .'. ~ . ".. ; 9 Mean $75,090 $52,135 $55,504 $68,184 $51,257 Riverhead Southampton Southold East Hampton Shelter Island Lower Limit . Town To~!! Town Town Town $0 1,935 3,476 1,534 1,108 146 $15,000 2,029 3,790 1,843 1,444 222 $30,000 1,390 3,510 1,734 1,344 216 $45,000 1,459 2,627 1,174 970 163 $60,000 778 1,762 819 636 81 $75,000 642 1,223 603 464 84 $100,000 305 531 199 306 28 $125,000 76 388 66 189 24 $150,000 73 756 204 381 51 ''i'-'--<~~''''':3lt-~''- $32,655 $36,859 $35,392 ,'." :~.,A,'" .... ".' ,.>.1',_,"', '.. " ..' <': .. Median $40,063 ., 60 Mean $40,613 $51,261 $45,806 $56,352 $55,214 Source: 1990 U ,S. Census 13 Part 1 I Economic Trends The beginning of 1984 indicated a increase in market activity. More buyers entered the marketplace and prices began to increase due to a lack of listings. This trend escalated real estate prices each year to the end of 1986. In the early part of 1987 we witnessed a peak in real estate market activity and prices. In 1988 thru 1990 we have seen a down trend in real estate market value mainly due to a oversupply of listings, lack of motivated sellers, few buyers and poor economic conditions. The end of 1990 and the early part of 1991 had indicated a bottoming out of prices and a slight increase in market activity. The early part of 1992 to the current time has continued to indicate more market activity mainly due to more realistic pricing of sellers and a increase of buyer interest. In 1993 the East End of Long Island generated its most sales since 1988. A combination of low bank interest rates and motivated sellers were the major reasons. 1994 was similar. In 1995 and 1996 in particular the market activity has increased and currently rated as good for low priced homes and homesites and fair to good for other price ranges depending on the offering prices. Vacant acreage and farms have indicated a increase in number of sales. Commercial properties currently have a similar trend based on asking prices. The overall marketplace is currently rated as "active market" and the active trend appears to continue into 1997. J Ownership According to records available through the Suffolk County Real Property Tax rolls for the Town of Southold, the ownership is recorded as follows: William p, Ruland K Occupancy The subject is occupied as vacant farmlands, L Sales Histol)' of the Subject The subject property has been in the same ownership since 12/29/92, Iiber 11597, page 379 for all three parcels. 14 Part 2 Valnlltion of the Entire Property A Description of the Snbjf"~t Site The subject consists of three parcels. Parcel # 107-11-10 is located on the west side of Mill Lane. The total acreage is 13.5 acre, however there is a pond, irrigation pump and woodlands with wetlands consisting of approximately 2+- acres - therefore the taking parcel will be II acres. The parcel is rectangular in shape. The north boundary of 438' is located on Long Island Railroad. The east boundary on Mill Lane is approximately 1,800'. The south boundary on Main Road is 149'. The parcel is rolling, vacant farmland. The second parcel - 115-2-2.1 is directly across Mill Lane. The total acreage is 35 + - acres however, there are two buildings on the property and will be taken out with 2 +- acres. The acreage offered to Town of Southold will be 33. The parcel is rectangular in shape. There is 743' N on Long Island Railroad. The west boundary on Mill Lane is approximately 1,443'. There is approximately 400'S on Main Road. The parcel is rolling, vacant farmland. The third parcel adjoins parcel #2. The total acreage is 18 acres. The north boundary on Long Island Railroad is approximately 355'. The east boundary is 2,193', the west boundary is 2,168'. The south boundary is 60' on Main Road. The public utilities to all parcels are electric and telephone, water is provided from private well and there are private cesspools. The soils are mostly HaA with HaB. The slopes are from 0-6%. The soil is well suited for agricultural operations and homesites. There are no current plans for subdivision approved. All roads are macadam type, publicly maintained. There are street lights and sidewalks. The subject parcels are located in a mostly farm area with residential subdivisions. Mattituck School is one block to the west. The shopping district of Mattituck is 1/2 mile west. 15 Part 2 R Present Use The subject farm is currently occupied as vacant farmland. C. Zoninf The subject is zoned R-80 & AC. The purpose is to reasonably control and prevent the unnecessary loss of open lands. The town desires to regulate subdivision while honoring the legitimate interests of farmers. The permitted uSeS are: one family dwellings, agricultural operations including wineries, buildings, structureS owned and operated by the Town of Southold. The minimum requirements are: 80,000. sq.' per homesite 175' lot width 250' lot depth 60' front yard 45' both side yards D Taxes According to the Town of Southold, the annual taxeS and assessed values for 1996-1997 are as follows: 115-2-2.1 $ 219.48 w/exemption $ 2,124.17 w/o 3300 total assessed value $ 337.17 w/exemption $ 2,896.63 w/o 1500 total assessed value $ 646.61 w/exemption $ 4,634.58 w/o 7200 total assessed value Taxes --------------------------------- 107-11-10 115-2-3 16 I ,------.--- Part 2 E Highest and Best Use of the Subject Property Highest & Best Use is defined as: - The reasonable and probable use that supports the highest present value of vacant land or improved property, as defined as of the date of the appraisal. - The reasonably probable and legal use ofland or sites as though vacant, found to be physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and that results in the highest present land use, - There are four stages of analysis: 1) Physically Possible Use 2) Permissible Use (legal) 3) Financially Feasible Use 4) Maximally Productive Use The subject's current zoning offers the highest and best use of the subject properties. The adjoining area is compatible with farm and residential neighborhoods. The subject could be subdivided into two acre homesites. The value of each homesite would be approximately $ 50,000 to $ 60,000. After expenses the net value would easily exceed the value of raw land at the current per acre values of$ 10,000 to $ 15,000 per acre. Sal.es. 1) Nikolas to Hartlieb, sold 11/19/96, Reeve Road, 1.35 acres for $ 54,000, 2) Raynor to Kretschmer, sold 6/3/96, Sound Ave., 2.79 acres for $ 55,000, 3) Adams to Talbot, sold 12/18/95, Cox Neck Rd., 2.07 acres for $ 65,000. 17 Part 2 F Indicated Value by the Cost Approach The Cost Approach is that approach in the appraisal analysis which is based on the supposition that the informed purchaser would pay no more than the cost of producing a substitute property with the same utility as the subject property. It is in this appraiser's opinion the Cost Approach is not considereda fair indicator of value due to the lack of improvements on the subject parcel. Indicated Value hy the Incnme Approach The Income Approach is that approach which converts anticipated benefits to be derived from the ownership of property into a value estimate widely used in appraising income producing properties. The Income Approach is not considered a valid indicator of value due to the lack offarms sold for their net income potential. Indicated Value hy The Market Data Sales Comparison Approach The market was searched for property sales in the Town of Southold. Recent sales of property that are most similar to the subject property have been considered in the market analysis, The analysis includes a dollar adjustment reflecting market reaction to those items of significant variation between the subject and comparable properties. If a significant item in the comparable property is superior to, or more favorable than, the subject property, a minus (-) adjustment is made, thus reducing the indicated value of the subject. If a significant item in the comparable is inferior to, or less favorable than, the subject property, a plus (+) adjustment is made, thus increasing the indicated value of the subject. The market data approach will be used as a valid indicator of value for the subject property. 18 Part 2 (j Valuation Process The valuation process is an orderly logical and concise method of reaching an estimate of value. The major steps include: I) Definition of the valuation problem 2) Preliminary study 3) Data collection and analysis 4) Application of the three approaches 5) Reconciliation of value indications 6) Final estimate of value Following this procedure assists the appraiser in reaching a sound value conclusion. During the process the appraiser is guided by his knowledge of real estate economics and conditions existing in the subject market. All available information concerning the subject property is considered in relationship to economic principles and of the three approaches which will provide the most accurate indicator of defined value. These value indications are reconciled by the appraiser and the final valuation indication is estimated. In the case of the subject property, the appraiser has relied on the market data sales approach. This approach takes the reaction of investors into consideration and available data has been reconciled for dissimilarities from other properties during the comparison process and derived a final estimate value. The income approach and cost approach will also be reviewed. 19 'tl " III 'U ~ n 0 I~ r H f: () ::! ~ en 'tl en If: r co Q. 0 5. a 0 co 0 ~ 0 3 ~ Il> <tl Il> 0 ... - ::l < g lil ::l m ... m lil " n' !!!. c: x 0 CD Il> > ~' <tl g Q. <tl C ... > 3' c. ~ 0 ~ - a ~. ~ ... o' "" Ul 0 " 'tl o' n > ~' 0 - < en 0' - Il> ... ... lil co .g, R C! ~ <tl 3 <tl - ~ (;. ~ ::l Q. !'! 3 c - ::l en 3 ~ c: ~ :T en !'! Il> <tl ~ < sa. <tl :;; :T " <tl III 3 ::l ~ fir - ::l ,.,. Ul - 2' <tl ~ ~ !'! !'! ::l ~ - !'! " < ~ 00 " ~ ~. ~ <tl Rl ~ " iil' (') ::l ::l Rl s: ~ III iil Il> 0 0 c: c: iil - &l "0 < 0 @ 3 ... Il> Il> C ~ Il> lil Il> = - g: ~ " " " C. ::l 0 !!!. !!!. !!!. " ::l or ::l (') "" r co - 0 lil lil c Il> is. - ::l - (') ::l n Ul c. Ul "" <tl - ll'> s: Il> S' ;0 0 Il> C. !!!. ~ ." f(:l ~ s: en ~ ~ ~ .... Il> 0 0' '" ~ 0 i.n = c: ii' ~ ~ u, '" "" ::l .... U, c c. 'It ." . Il> CD ~ 0 (') < ~ ... .. ::l '" 0 "" 0;' .. co , , c. ~ Cl ~ ~ ~ N 0 Cl 0 Cl 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 N ;j. ;j. > .. '" < .... Cl <tl ::l c: <tl Il> ~ ." ." ~ () CD I~I 3 '" ~ '" ~ c: '" m m - '" !2e :,.. '" ~ " ii' or CD "0 :T III 'It m ~ ". <It <It " .... 0 0 ~ N .. N C. 0 C '" '" , , <tl <tl ..... .. '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 '" 0 0 0 0 ... ~ ;j. ;j. !; .... '" ::l Cl <tl !!!. ~ ." ." ~ () s: III ~ ~ '" C Il> Il> ~ ~ '" ~ '" g: S' ii' U, '" or .... '" "0 ~ ~ 'It <It <It 0 0 ... ... " 0 .. .. c. c: Il> N N 0 <tl C. "en -.. ;j. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... Cl Cl Cl !!!. ~ ." ." '" s: s: I~ ~ ~ '" '" ~ III ~ - '" CD ii' ~ "0 CD S' ~ "0 - :: ... or CD c ~ <It ~ 0 " .. ... " .... 0 "" Il> .. .... , , c. c. ~ CD '" '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co Cl ;j. ;j. ... '" Cl Il> ~ ." f(:l ~ III III ~ 3 ~ .... 0 ~. '" '" m c: ii' W '" - or f "0 :T ~ '" 0 ~ <It <It " '" 0 c: .. N c. 0 .. , , > N .. ~ ~ ~ 0 0 Cl 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 < Cl "en ;j. ;j. <tl .... Cl 0 " .... Cl C c: Ul <tl <tl e- ll> 3 20 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P,O, Box 1179 Soulhold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk FROM: Dick Ryan, Chairman DATE: December 8, 1997 RE: Development Rights Easement Purchase - William P. Ruland SCTM #1000-107-11-010, 1000-115-02-002 & 003 On November 17, 1997 the committee MOVED a recommendation that the Town Board approve the purchase of an easement effecting the ag- ricultural lands of William P. Ruland, located on Mill Lane and Main Road in the hamlet of Mattituck; subject to the acceptance of a purchase offer. The offer and terms were fully accepted by the owner on December 3, 1997. Approximately 66.5 acres (subject to survey) are proposed to be purchased at a price of $7000.00 per acre, having a cost of about $465,500.00. The unit price is supported by an appraisal the Town Board commissioned from A. Stype, SRA. Will you please schedule and notice a public hearing before the Town Board relative to this recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 25 of the Town Code. I will be appearing before the Town Board at its December 9, 1997 work session to provide further explanation. Attached is the necessary "short EAF", which briefly details the pro- posal and concludes a "negative declaration", pursuant to SEQRA. The form needs the Supervisor's endorsement, followed I believe by a filing in your office. cc - Supervisor Cochran Town Board Members Land Preservation Committee Laury L. Dowd, Town Attorney Planning Department John Cushman Comparablp. Salp.s Information Sale No: L Date of Sale: 10/30/95 Selling Price: $202,500 Grantor: Hanauer Grantee: Shur Improvements: vacant farmland SCTM# : 1000-94-3-1.6 Parcel Size: 17.5 acres Location: 4050 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck, NY Condition: typical Price per acre: $11,571 Zoning: R-80 Liber/page: 11749-722 Data Source: grantor - 1/5/96 Utili ties: typical Highest/Best: current zoning ." , ^,'wh!,i;i~", " '\!tJ~~~~~;.~... ',~ . ,". .. 21 Ii,!! {II!' ~- flHI T , , if' U itl W-j " .1' !I fliFI " ~. . ~ J < . i 1 :jiB 0 ~ Ill!! J -.' ~ ! , 111 'I l;l!l \Il~ ~~V !l ill ~ -~< II' fii: y ,I ~d '1[" ~ I II 1i1"T' nin ;1 !Ill! ~ I,~! 1 [ II il ~ '11 d I~i. I II r .r ~ !!!i , , iftl ,.~li .1 H II I' PEII 11 I r II, , ~ U~'<i .1 I, " i ~ 01 '.f. · \1 '1 , mr.. ~i ~ e..@ 'l'n . & 0 . . c: irn:l Z i.r:~ ~"'e 0 ~i~Z; ~ ~ ~.~ -: ~ 0 ;;. :~ . ~ n'i .d. f" 11 ~ ! I vi",':., ,"" ~ /~ .' ~ ~ ,'" .<:/' A'~ .- J--...-----L~ --..1------- -".1<~---':' ".. ....to .'.' -lIl~r;;r-.I/)"/I~-piII'"" I 7J.--c- I 22 ,,_,,'_-.__~1If~ .. Comparable Sales Information Sale No: L Date of Sale: Selling Price: Grantor: Grantee: Improvements: SCTM#: Parcel Size: Location: Condition: Price per acre: Zoning: Liber/page: Data Source: Utilities: Highest/Best: 2/28/97 $265,000 Eickhoff Pugliese vacant farmland 1000-97-1-16.1 16.1 acres Bridge Lane, Cutchogue, NY typical $16,460 R-80 11820/067 grantor typical current zoning 23 ';"'~::';:"'--"';'I'; -~-', fll~f Ifl~' r f! fl di \1m !HH [ !llll fill , ill!!. !'HiI'': 'II" ~ I II nH~ !!III 111ft 1"', I [I , [ !II@~~ !! III II . I Ill, , '~!, . ~ 0 i -w ~ -.j . ~ H~l:li 1:.5 . ", ~ ~@ 'l'n r ~ g f;~.7 ~ ::!i.~ ~~r;;: ;E'i!:ii t lil 0 ,.. ~;;;: . g < !" ~ I 1,1' .1....1 , , l.... --........ _~'~-i!---__c~~ f: " .1 I 7l.-=- I 24 CompClrahJe Sales Sale No: L Date of Sale: Selling Price: Grantor: Grantee: Improvements: SCTM#: Parcel Size: Location: Condition: Price per acre: Zoning: Liber/page: Data Source: Utilities: Highest/Best: Informa.'tion 5/13/97 $312,000 Cowan Blum vacant farmland 1000-75-1-15.1 24.9 acres Main Road, Peconic, NY typical $12,530 R-80 11832/262 grantee typical current zoning 25 ~" ;"-' \~-o;.. ~~ }" < ~'. .--' ". ."" _. ._.~ -'-' 1Ii'[if....,L;._~... ~ J.~ ~,..._n -~-_...:..~..:~~ , .. ""~,.;:. . ~., e ~ , !!.@ . .- 'l',., \\ ~ 8 g ;....! Z oO'<-l l; ....-< :~e ~ 'z;~tIl ( ~ :( !:;i : ~'o ;:,. :~ . . ~ [ I i . f ~ · ~ c 181 ~ " 0 . I Ib ~ I 0 I 26 " ~; '; "', "" " ~ 01 . " I I ,I. '1" f ~ /'~ rri!! lqrr d, if! \lit! liHf Pili i j II1I r!? . ! I I 1* Ii PHIl' i[ Ij'l !II!" ~, if Hf, il I" ~~i!~ lUil~1 I'I" ~l~iIJ pl!llfil~'I' j;: , " I!III.I .., '1- . I~ "\110 .. 'rT;/~llllri!~ I' f r , , . '. . I ! 0- I:' ! E" Iii [' 1 f . [ A I 1 ~ H~~I ~ & ,. e .. ., , ", ~i: Comparabl~ Sales Information Sale No: L Date of Sale: 11/17/94 Selling Price: $399,000 Grantor: Miska Grantee: Marratooka Co. Improvements: farmland w/dwelling, barns SCTM# : 1000-115-4-8.6,8.7 Parcel Size: 33 acres Location: Main Road, Mattituck, NY Condition: dwelling - poor; barns - poor Price per acre: $12,091 Zoning: R-80 Liber/page: 11704-14 Data Source: grantor 12/15/94 Utili ties: typical Highest/Best: current zoning ~ .~ 27 ., ,". ' ~:, '" , *;'''''-0:. ., ~ '" ", '...... ,., " .", fr,l, />. ,,/ , fi!!1 t ~ ~. '" ~ ,"" ".. yh .."'-., ~:. : ". 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'/g \. \l t \ - . r.. ~~.. \\ I 1 I~, I~ fJr~. ~~- \\'. \J\'Y'~. .. ~} \ '(71, ,lib 11: i. - '\~~ J~"A.\G'G'.iii \ -': . ," /.,.;1-..... ~" ~ - ;' 1,,_ ""V" ___'~' . / ~I VI ~" ,., "<',;. ~t~'_'_ :.-"~; .;~t -=*I:-! -1W- · '---........ " " tl " 1- ~ r <=9 f, I' . c \ J \ \! '. a ....1:0.,'0 .... _. ro n ! , - L.Q46 LD.4$ 1':g.7' P.O'f<'ll G It 'I I ! i , 1 7l.~ I -r- 28 c.ompnrable Snles Tnformation Sale No: .:L. Date of Sale: Selling Price: Grantor: Grantee: Improvements: SCTM#: Parcel Size: Location: Condition: 4/22/94 $235,000 Stepnoski Bayview Corp. old house - poor condition 1000-75-4-22.1 17.6 acres n/s Bayview Avenue, Southold, NY typical $13,352 R-80 11677/262 Price per acre: Zoning: Liber/page: Data Source: Utilities: Highest/Best: grantor typical current zoning 29 ,. .()b .0''',0'" ...-0 1,1 i' ~ ~ I /f ,/ I { ~ -. ~o , :. IE> " I , I! . ~ g ,! ~ ~ 01, 30 I Market Data Correlation Sales Comparables #1 to #5 are all farm sales in the Town of Southold. These sales were selected after a review of farm sales in the past three years. All comparables are farm type properties in residential/farm areas are of the same buyer preference. The adjustments will be on a per acre basis - a accepted measure of comparison for farmland. The comparables are smaller parcels than the total acreage of the subject but similar to each of the three parcels in size. There is very little difference in per acre values of farms from 16 to 65 acres. Sale #1 was adjusted due to the superior location. The sale is in a more desirable area for homesites. Sale #2 was adjusted slightly for the more desirable area for residential use. Sale #3 was not adjusted due to the similar location and home values. Sale #4 The sale has old house and barns in poor condition - the adjustment is 5%. Sale #5 was adjusted for superior location is a more desirable area of higher home prices. J Conclusion of Vallie After adjustments the sales indicated a range of value from $ 10,000. an acre to $ 15,600. The value indicated for the subject will be: $ 13,000. an acre x 62 acres = $ 806,000. $ 806,000. round off to: $ 800,000. Market Data Approach Value 31 PART 3' PROPERTY AND RIGHTS TAKEN A Description of Property Rig:hts Taken The Town of Southold authorizes the purchase of open space areas by the Land Preservation Committee Program. The primary purpose is to acquire property located on or near a farmlands in the township. The purchase of such property is to be in fee simple with all rights intact. The subject has 62 acres total to be offered. The subject is unimproved farmlands. There are 3 parcels adjoining to each other and located on Mill Lane and Main Road, Mattituck, NY. The acreage is zoned for agricultural and residential uses. B The Effect of Taking on Property It is in my opinion the resulting taking will not affect the entire property adversely. The taking would in all probability enhance the area by less development and offer more scenic area to be enjoyed by residents and visitors. 32 PART 4' VALlJATTON OF THE REMAINDER PROPERTY A Description of Land, Land Improvements, and Building Improvements The remaining property will be unchanged after the taking of the 62 acres. The amount of acreage will remain the same. Realty rights will change with the development rights being purchased and agricultural rights only will remain. B Highest & Best lJse The highest and best use of the property is defined as reasonable and probable use that supports the present value and that would be found physically possible and appropriately supported and financially feasible with consideration given for existing improvements, land use, competition and location. The entire acreage will remain the same. The zoning and the current topography will remain the same. After the taking only agricultural uses will be permitted and the highest and best use remaining will be that of farming, vineyards, nursery, etc. - all of which currently exists in the township. (> Indicated Value hy the Cost Approach This value method will not be used due to the lack of substantial improvements and buildings on the subject property. D' Indicated Value hy the Income Approach The Income Approach will not be used due to the lack of farms sold for their net income. E' Indicated Value hy the Market Data Sales Comparison Approach This is the appraisal procedure in which the Market Value estimate is predicated on prices paid in equal market transactions. The major categories are as follows: 1) condition of sale 2) date of sale 3) location plus the physical characteristics Plus and minus dollar adjustments are done on a percentage basis, If a significant item in the comparable property is superior to, or more favorable than, the subject property, a minus (-) adjustment is made, thus reducing the indicated value of the subject. If a significant item in the comparable is inferior to, or less favorable than, the subject property, a plus (+) adjustment is made, thus increasing the indicated value of the subject. The indicated value to be obtained will represent the fair market value. 33 'tl ::l ~ OJ l;' r -; I?;' () ::! ~ en "U en Ii!;' r lD c. .:J E- o @ 0 3 ..... '" <to '" 0 ~ ~ ::;) (') ~ ::;) CD ~ CD ~ (') o' !!!. 0: ::;' '" <to a. <to <:: <to '" ~ ~ ~ ~ a }> ~ ~ '" ~. ~ 0' "" III 0 "U (') ~ }> ~ o' 0 - < (') 0' ~ lD ::;) ~ <to - 3 <to '" ~ ~ a o' ~ ::;) c. !'! - ::;) en 3 ~ <:: en !'! lD <to ~ < !!l. R ::T '" ::l <to 2 ~ - ::;) .. 3 III ~ ;: <to ~ .:.:. !'! lD ::;) ~ ~ ~ !'! ::;) ::;) ;0 ~, <to Rl g (') '" (') ::;) ::;) IRl s: s: g' - 0 , <:: <:: - - '" ::;) 00 < 0 ~ 3 ~ '" '" '" - <to a ~ ~ a. Cil ~ :::: g: iU <to ~ r 3- 3- '" lD ::;) (') ::;) n a. ,.. <to - l1<> s: '" ::;' ;0 0 '" a. - U) '" '" ~ en s: l/l '" - ..... ~ 00 0 .. 3 '" w '" '" U) :,.. <:: ::;' n; - '" '" ~ iU U) 0 ::T 'It ..... 0 ;0 <It ::;) '" a -0 en <It ~ a. a a.'" .. w W '" a a a a a a a a. b <ft. a w .. CI CI '" I~ '" (fl '" s: OJ l/l 3 '" '" ~ .... '" ~ .. !2 -..... U) :::: n; '" iU U) '" 0 "" <to ::;) '" '" <:: ::;) 'It <It a (') .. <It ~ a. a ,.. }> '" CD a < ...... '" a a a a a a a <to w b <ft. ::l '" CI <:: CI <to '" ~ (fl (fl '" () ;0 l/l 3 '" U) '" '" <:: 0 .. i\3 0 a ~ <:: n; a (') ~ iU ~ U) 0 ::T <to - ~ 'It <It ::;) U) a ~ .... 00 <It N a. '" a 00 en N , , <:: Co '" '" a '" a a a a a <to '" '" ~ b ~ <ft. 00 CI 0 CI 34 Comparable Sales Information Sale No: ~ Date of Sale: Selling Price: Grantor: Grantee: Improvements: SCTM#: Parcel Size: Location: 8/29/96 $135,000 John Nierodzik Silver Nails Vineyard vacant farmland 1000-75-2-15.2 18.4 acres Condition: Price per acre: Zoning: Liber/page: Data Source: Utili ties: Highest/Best: Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 typical $7,336 Development Rights Sold 11792/304 grantor typical agriculture 35 ,,~. ,~,~. Ul!! fill' I , rqn ,f, 'F' \WI !li!f Pili [ IIIII !' .Ii [liII, 'I PI !l1l1. ,~. rrr f: ~I ". ' '.' '1'111' 1tlll ! i m;; ~f:~:lliJ Ii t"r. LII '0 . .1 1'''11 '"' ~ If d!' fll;F , '." ~l E"jl 3: _~@H Illi!! I Pili I 'j '!!II I !II:! !~ :ltlH~' p'll I I:I! I~ir;! I ! I l l:~1 ] ...~ I :j .'1 ! " i, ~-- f'[" H'~I " ~ l@ '1'" ~ 8 g 'rn! Z o. ~ :U'-l-< :~~ ~ fl~~ . '.'ll ~ lil g - lo" G ! ~ fill! J · . :s ~I ~ .III~ 01 . : o . . --J < 01 ! '-'-li ., :y ~:7- ~ I ii, ! , 'I'III! !I"II;.I il;! ! " " i '; ....... 00.0" O~__-i!-'___ '<, III I" 1 F . I A I { ~ :c 0 ~o .." '. !:' €I \\ 'i-\~.,:.. ':t \i. . ..... - ,," \\ .. \~~~ ~~ '. '. e 36 ComparabJp. Sales Information Sale No: L.. Date of Sale: Selling Price: Grantor: Grantee: Improvements: SCTM#: Parcel Size: Location: 4/30/96 $195,000 Thornton Smith Joseph Macari vacant farmland 1000-121-1-1.1 34 acres Condition: Price per acre: Zoning: Liber/page: Data Source: Utili ties: Highest/Best: Bergen Avenue, Mattituck, NY 11952 typical $5,735 Development Rights Sold 11774-057 grantor typical agricultural use 37 . .i1<I {.J -,~I 11,1 ! [f!~' I . If II 1[; iJ In III If 1"" . Hill PiI' Hili: ~l~r'l ~ "I I !!Ill ! " ~t1@Ll !! III!l r'lI, , fi'!lt;il ~ I. . Ii , , , , ; li!/I III, ;[c.liiDI .18 I~~ h!~ :~,~ ~ l~r~ , "::1 -: ~ 0 ~ )0.... ,,~ . , '~ ,', !~ i ! f 's ~ . p , 0 , o ~ N ~ : - . t -'~"'ll~.t 'l' ~ ~. '. . ~ "~t__ ... .... ~o. "0 ------~ --1'-'-'"' ~ -, ~.".": . -.+ I I I, /' 1 I " j I I 1/ '"."11' '/-1.1 I ~r~l! · I ill'i i Ii PHU~U lil!";'l] i= I I., - ~ i ; I , ~ ~ I I I Iii I" . I '\ 't,'. . 0 \" "0 , " ,. ::. I ,--,\ SE(" \,'\ If' \", ,,~ ' ~-_. . ' " I' e I , II I I ~ I I I :: "" , I 'Ii ~ P.. ~ i ';= I' ~ i I " 'I I 'I ~ !j. ", \.: II' " -. i' ,-~~~- ~ ... .... ....... I 71.~ I ----- -- -mn-,r--,! -- ',n,r--- - ........". 38 ;j , I i: , ( Comparabl~ Sales Information Sale No: L Date of Sale: Selling Price: Grantor: Grantee: Improvements: SCTM# : Parcel Size: Location: Condition: Price per acre: Zoning: Liber/page: Data Source: Utilities: Highest/Best: 12/21/95 $300,000 McGunnigle Dubner vacant farmland w/development rights sold 1000-84-1-7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4 33 acres total Rte. 48, Cutchogue, NY typical $9,091 R-80 with 2.5 acres buildable 11 7 56-537 grantor - 6/1/96 typical current zoning 39 \',.1 1'; , l.:!l ;.1~,. ~ t . 'I "I Il"l !f: iri \ 1\ t I !!m pr'i' i ~ II ! I !1111 TIT;! .."".." iHd.. i'iiPi i:lil ;,. .. /. i ~ \Iil! !l1,f! l' II I 'I . ' . it !"O~f It 11 III 11!l ' , H5r.il \i ""I if .,Ii , i'l.f M!l \11', '. p!~ ~:. :Iifii t - . ;'1; i " 11" '. ~ t@ 'l'n r ~ g ;......~ Z 00-<-1 l:.....-< "r-~e 0 _0 ~ ~;::Ul .!:....c . < ~ ;: ~'o ;:. :;( . , o < [~! Ii! f · I' ~ oj S .01 % , ~ I D ; , . ~ g i ; ~ . ~ I' l:"t'~.,:\:;.: ;.* . ~t H:h", ~:~I~L;"fi '~-i:lo~,' i!: ~:r.!~' ~ i-:,,,', I ..~~, ... ,<<. ~. l j l I ~ ~ ~ it I J 'I !' i a~ .I , . . . U,"_ 40 ~.-~ F Market Darn Correlation Comparables #6 to #8 are selected to compare to the subject farms that have sold development rights previously and have been recently resold with agricultural rights remaining. All sales are located in the Town of Southold of similar agricultural property. Adjustments will be made for value differences. The final value will be indicated on a per acre basis. Sale #6 was not adjusted due to the similar type of farmland. Sale #7 was not adjusted due to the same type of farmland property. Sale #8 was adjusted for a buildable parcel included in the sale. The adjustment will be 25%. G Conclu~ion of Value After adjustments the sales indicated a range of value from $ 5,737. per acre to $ 7,337. per acre. The value indicated for the subject will be: $ 6,000 per acre x 62 acres = $ 372,000. $ 372,000. round off to: $ 370,000. Agricultural Value Values are Indicated as Follows: Indicated Value in Fee Simple $ 800,000. Indicated Value of the Agricultural Rights $ 370,000. Indicated Value of Development Rights $ 430,000. 41 PART 5' ALLOCATION OF DAMAGR<; A Allocation of Before and After Val lies The value of the land acquisition in Fee Simple would be as follows: $ 800,000. Fee Simple The land value of the Agricultural Remainder would be as follows: $ 370,000. Agricultural Remainder The Development Rights Value would be as follows: $ 430,000. Development Rights Value B A lloeation of Direct Damages Value in Fee Simple $ 800,000. Value in Development Rights $ 430,000. C. Allocation of Severance Damages -- none D. Allocation of Other Damages ----- none E. Total Damages Value in Fee Simple $ 800,000. Value in Development Rights $430,000. 42 PART 6' APPRAISED COMPENSATION A. Brp",kdown of Interests Total value would be as follows: Value in Fee Simple $ 800,000. Value in Development Rights $ 430,000. 43 Part 7 A&B Stltement of Basic Assumptions & Limitltions Assumptions & T .imiting C.onditions 1. The appraiser will not be required to give testimony or appear in court because of having made this appraisal, unless arrangements have been previously made therefor. 2. Possession of this report, or a copy therefor, does not carry with it the right of publication. It may not be used for any purpose by any person other than the party to whom it is addressed, without the written consent of the appraiser; and in any event, only with proper written qualification, and only in its entirety. 3. The distribution of the total valuation in this report between land, and improvements, applies only under the reported highest and best use of the property. The allocations of value for land and improvements must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal, and are invalid if so used. 4. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report, or copy thereof, shall be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or any other media, without the written consent and approval of the appraiser. Nor shall the appraiser, firm, or professional organization of which the appraiser is a member be identified without written consent of the appraiser. 5. The legal description used in this report is assumed to be correct. 6. No survey of the property has been made by the appraiser, and no responsibility is assumed, and no responsibility is assumed in connection with such matters. Sketches in this report are included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property. 7. No responsibility is assumed for matters of a legal nature effecting title to the property, nor is an opinion of title rendered. The title is assumed to be good and marketable. 8. Information furnished by others is assumed to be true, correct, and reliable. A reasonable effort has been made to verify such information; however, no responsibility for its accuracy is assumed by the appraiser. 44 Part 7 continued 9. All mortgages, liens, encumbrances, leases, and servitudes have been disregarded, unless so specified, within the report. The property is appraised as though under responsible ownership and competent management 10. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures, which would render it more or less valuable. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for engineering which may be required to discover such factors. 11. It is assumed that there is full compliance with all applicable regulations and laws, unless non-compliance is stated, defined, and considered in this appraisal report. 12. It is assumed that all applicable zoning and use regulations and restrictions have been complied with, unless a non-conformity has been stated, defined and considered in the appraisal report. 13. It is assumed that all required licenses, consents, or other legislative or administrative authority from any local, state or national governmental or private entity or organization have been, or can be obtained or renewed for any use on which the value estimate contained in this report is based. 14. It is assumed that the utilization of the land and improvements is within the boundaries or property lines of the property described, and that there is no encroachment or trespass unless noted within the report. Environmental Di~c1aimer The value estimated in this report is based on the assumption that the property is not negatively affected by the existence of hazardous substances or detrimental environmental conditions. The appraiser is not an expert in the identification of hazardous substances or detrimental environmental conditions. The appraiser's routine inspection of and inquiries about the subject property did not develop any information that indicated any apparent significant hazardous substances or detrimental environmental conditions which would affect the property negatively. It is possible that tests and inspections made by a qualified hazardous substance and environmental expert would reveal the existence of hazardous materials and environmental conditions on or around the property that would negatively affect its value. 45 3 84 ;; .. ... "" -'" .. ::: - ::: ... - ~ .... ...... .... -~ .~ .", ~ ... -! ..;,,' -,'! ,.... --I --' ~ ..... ~~ --' '-'! '... ... -l G REA T PECONIC .., =0 ,- .... A y ..... - .. , , \ , , , \ , , . , , ~ -0 - - ~ ~,; ILd 37 46 38 FOR A.OJ01NING AREA seE MAP NO.26 ______.._ ____ _.m__.___~_' ?,'.' .j-- .~ :' ~~/r ...'-S 'C3_e711 . ." z . ~ ~ ~ "" . "/' / -'';+'-- /;,,"'// /// / /" ./" /~. / /" /" ,/ 1" ,\ .., ,. 0_ " ..' j \" ( V' i , ! ~"C---\ ,. I ' \~..._ ,.)t-.]"~::;,,, .--; \ \ ~.'._llst'~ \ ~,,\ __~_\_s';.~\ ' \. \' - \ -\'t, \. " I, , " '" , ~ " , " .'. ~---:t:~r:"""-:;-~:--~ ' ~r"";",J".\.\. \. ,..'...- Ii-\i -cJ , \ \ ...\.,I.....j ......1 /' ,,/ ff /" / / ., '-" ";:" Q ..: ~\.\ :i \-'.T~y.- ,'~,... i I, i F /; \\ \; Ii. ' ~... <'t I ~ .\: ,II' ',- ;.\:-~-~; , ~fi.\\ir6.:\'~ ~ ~-~:;c'.';:~~~..,:';~:> .... . .,..1. ~ . _~~_.~.\_: ....... .. --'-"""-t;.,] ""Cr ./'~..~... ~ "" . ... ~- ~ \ ,..,.0"'-" .. I _* 1"",/ " . " ~ i.-, .....~ ..... 1 .., .~. ,I. 1C \ -\-;j,,! I \. ,'f;R1( '" "',' 'J ~ ,1, I. ,/ '. '-~ ...,/ /.. ;;.. 1< , 'l' ~,_!..,,,~-l,v //i'5':~'" ".~' ";-~'rn""""L L f.. '7'. "/~~ /'L'JU.-'~ ~. i., . f ,"'/./, ~" il. .. _ ~ ,I~;~~, -"";< -"0 Af ,~. ..,_ L_,O"._ : .0'....1 ':;' ~-::.:- '/0 . -;; i:-:.- / _,_>11/ " 0'):- ~--:'r\,l\';'l~:"'-.' . .-"''', . ""/ ' ...~'. ~ . f.. '. .. '.. ,/ '".,.._:;..-}\0\.-:.:~-.1.. ~ ",0 , .. Y.)l \ "'/ ~ "r ,;.~ \ " >> :1......'ll~1~'l-~("~/ Jt. -'... ~.... :, 1.~ \.-.;' : I '/~\' - \'t..~;:-""_ '~~J":;';:::r-~- '; .. f F " . ,', '( '(' ;,"" '.:::('~" 0 I' ,~ ; , \ \ \ ; i ' I ~ i .~ ,~. '~'---.J... -. }_-:" \ .. ,\. ~ \ ,;~-'-~'-'~. , , - ..:\l_,,~_~,_~~~~ct-, \ \ ./ / .' ,/ ,~., 01 ~ ~ . < ..~:" n , -:~I , .:r .,.~. :" ';./' Subject Look Parcel Ii I Subject Look Parcel #1 Pond, Woods Subject Street Mill Lane /,\) ~" .' "'11"" ,,'''~ r,~:."",,',:. :\;_~'J7:;~Jf-?{' i,-y.- ';;~',:_:,':.fJ,; Subject Look Parcel ii" Subject Look Parcel #2 Barns ~ , 4q ,,,,,., 'k;: :.~,.. ~\',1.\:::", ',,"~":';:'~:';,);;". .,~ . Subject Parcel #, )() Great Peconic Bay LEGEND o State Route . Town. Small City ... Park County Boundary Population Center _ Major Street/Road == State Route C=:J Land Moss C=:J Open Water ~ Scale 1 :125,000 (at center) I 2 Miles I Mag 12,00 Wed Aug 13 13:08:02 1997 2KM 51 C.ERTIFWATION BY THE APPRAISER I hereby certify that I have personally inspected the property that is the subject of this appraisal report. That to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in the appraisal herein set forth are true and the information upon which the opinions expressed therein are based is correct; subject to the limiting conditions therein set forth. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only to the reported assumptions and limiting conditions and are my personal, unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this appraisal report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. My compensation is not contingent on an action or event resulting from the analyses, opinions, or conclusions, in, or the use of, this report. My analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared in accordance with the standards and reporting requirements of the Federal Home Loan Board. As of the date of this report, Andrew D. Stype SRA, has completed the requirements of the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute. 52 QlJAI.TFICATIONS OF THE APPRAISER I, Andrew D. Stype SRA, age 46, certify that I have been in the appraisal business for fair market value since 1971. . Since that time I have completed over 1,500 real estate appraisals for residential properties, farm properties, lots and business properties. I am currently the president of Stype Brothers Real Estate, Inc. and I have been in this position since 1983. The business was purchased from my father, Val W. Stype, who had started the real estate and appraisal business back in 1964. I have personally engaged in the purchase and sale of real estate on the east end of Long Island for investment. This experience has helped me to determine market value. Currently, Stype Brothers Real Estate, Inc. is an active sales office involved in the sale of all types of residential properties, farm properties, vacant land and commercial property. We maintain a full-time sales office, and in addition offer consultation and management services. Currently our office covers Calverton to Orient for sales and the towns of Southold, Riverhead, Brookhaven, Southampton, East Hampton and Shelter Island for appraisals. 53 QUALIFJc.ATIONS - continued New York State Licenses, Designations, Memberships - New York State Certified Real Estate General Appraiser since 2/6/95. Identification # 46000022831. - New York State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser since 12/2/91. License # 0691. - Member of the Appraisal Institute SRA designation since 3/91 - Member Columbia Society of Real Estate Appraisers - Member of the New York State Association of Real Estate Appraisers - Member of the Suffolk County Board of Realtors - Member of the Eastern Suffolk Board of Realtors - Designated Approved Appraiser by Suffolk County Real Estate Department - Licensed Real Estate Broker 1980 - Licensed Insurance Broker 1972 - Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 1971 - Past Board of Director Eastern Suffolk Board of Realtors - Past Board of Director Suffolk Co. Board of Realtors - Designated Approved Appraiser Town of Southold 54 QTJAT.TFTCATTONS - continued - Education - Successfully completed course 420 Standard of Professional Practice Part B on 5/18/96 - Successfully completed course 410 Standard of Professional Practice Part A on 5/11/96 - Successfully completed 0-1 Introduction to Income Property Appraising 6/4/94 - Successfully completed 0-2 Principles to Income Appraising 6/11/94 - Successfully completed 0-3 Applied Income Property Valuation 6/18/94 - Attended New URAR Appraisal Report Seminar - 10 hours 12/21/93 - Completed seminar income approach sponsored by Appraisal Institute 1992 - Successfully completed N. Y.S. residential real estate appraiser certification requirements December 1991 - Successfully completed SPP professional practice course November 1990 - Successfully completed Society of Real Estate Appraisers SRA course 102 October 1988 - Successfully completed Society of Real Estate Appraisers SRA course 101 February 1988 - Completed seminar in real estate sales sponsored by N. Y.S. Assoc. of Realtors 1985 - Completed seminar real estate management sponsored by Eastern Suffolk Board of Realtors 1983 - Successfully completed Part I Appraising Real Estate at Southampton College 1981 - Successfully completed Part II Appraising Real Estate at Southampton College 1982 55 <ill A LTFICA TIONS - continued - Successfully completed Continuing Education Course in accordance with NYS license laws 1981 - Successfully completed Real Estate License Law Course 1979 - Graduated Burdett Business College - Degree in Accounting 1971 56 QUAT JFWATTONS - continued Consultation and Appraisal Work - Township of Southold - Township of Riverhead - Richard A. Winters Associates - New York Telephone - Suffolk Co. Water Authority - The North Fork Bank & Trust Co. - Southold Savings Bank - Suffolk Co. National Bank -EAB - Long Island Savings Bank - Household Finance Corp. - Lenders Service, Inc. - Suffolk Co. Dept. of Real Estate - Relocation Services - Residential Mortgage Bank, Inc. - Biltmore Mortgage Corp. - Wickham, Wickham & Bressler - Attorneys - Scheinberg, Scheps, DePetris and DePetris - Attorneys - Raffe & Corrigan - Attorneys - Caminiti & Gibbons - Attorneys - Village of Greenport 57 APPRATSAT. WORK - continued - Bridgehampton National Bank - Centerbank Mortgage Bank - Nature Conservancy 58 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK ..~ "_;-~ '1!UfFOl-t ~ -:. 5:sJlt>(2 '\ 1~ ~~ ,\::> ~) ,Q . " ~'" 2:~ ;~ ~.~ " "'" · ~"'<N' ~~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 12, 1997 Andrew D. Stype, SRA Stype Brothers Real Estate Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Andy: Enclosed is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board, adopted on June 10, 1997, engaging your services to conduct appraisals on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee, on the properties of Robert E. Van Nostrand and William P. Ruland. Very truly yours, ~~ Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure cc: Land Preservation Comm. ., JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE sOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 10, 1997: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of southold hereby engages the services of Andrew D. stype, Certified Real Estate Appraiser, at a total fee of $2,000.00, to conduct appraisals on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee on the following properties: Robert E. Van Nostrand Between Orchard & King Streets, Orient Tax Map #1000-25-4-11.4 Approximately 17.6 acres William P. Ruland Mill Lane, Mattituck Tax Map #1000-107-11-10 Approximately 13.25 acres William P. Ruland Main Road, Mattituck Tax Map #1000-115-2-3 Approximately 18 acres William P. Ruland Main Road & Mill Lane, Mattituck Tax Map #1000-115-2-2.1 Approximately 33 acres 4.",fJ~~ ~Ter~ Southold Town Clerk June 11, 1997 . Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 . LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE TOWN OF sOUTHOLD May 29, 1997 Mrs. Judith Terry southold Town Clerk P.O. Box 1179 southold, NY 11971 RECEIVED MAY 2 9 1997 Southold Town derk Dear Mrs. Terry: At the Land Preservation Committee meeting on May 27, 1997, a motion was made by Fred Lee and seconded by Jim Pim to recommend to the Town Board that Andy stype of stype Brothers Real Estate be contracted to appraise the following properties for a fee of $1000.00. All were in favor. William P. Ruland Mill Lane, Mattituck Tax Map #107-11-10 Acreage - Approx. 13.25 acres William P. Ruland Main Road, Mattituck Tax Map #115-2-3 Acreage - Approx. 18 acres William P. Ruland Main Rd. & Mill La., Mattituck Tax Map #1000-115-2-2.1 Acreage - Approx. 33 acres JMG:jw yours, A-~ Gold . . Phone: 765-1801 ieCI!IV!D NAR 2 0 1997 Southold Town C1er< LAND PRESERVATION PROGRAM I am the owner of property which I hereby submit for consideration by the Town of Southold under the Land Preservation Program. NAME 'A:Il:PYrI 1. KU)Afl d ADDRESS 1. 0, bl."-/.. JlotJ rf1 fl.Tr,'yvcK, f1JY, / /9S-)...... , PHONE NO. 570-:J,.9tf;-Cj/<.)9 PROPERTY LOCATION r.n,'11 j.A, (11m;;}UcK:, (\;1. TAX MAP NO. Y73'01j'l /D7, -//-/0 J3,as- TOTAL ACREAGE It is understood that this submission does not commit the Town of Soo<hold '0 <h. pmh.,. of my pro;;~. ? /21!,1 Please return this completed form to: Southold Town Land Preservation Committee Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179' Southold, NY 11971 . . (.; \ H;;; .~..~. I . i;~l; ...i;;." 0' j' .. . .'-."" ~. -.- :;:'~~l; -OJ' ;;~:Ul .., .! . "::'~~~.:n:..;::::::!H _ I '- ."...~; ;;~:.:~;;~..""-,,... . ~:::;:.:... 'i;;;. "'=". , no; . - J&i !7 .. I ~t' -1,-... ~~ - 1 i" ........- 1: ~. / ....... . , ..:..,.,c. z / ,,' j"iH!' ,-. ;1: ifi 'I:il ~ ; T I Fiifl difi! f'!!11 "''''\ 'lill: f ~ i. i jl ";.rl it!h;- ;iiii~ I I:" j!illl r~;n It! HI jf'H: ~ ~ i; , " C, !hl@'" - il .- ..' ,." ~ , ~H :~ f u~ ~ i .. .- i; \. ~ i. ~!.. !~~ ~t !! , ii \ ~\ .- ~': ;: I ~: i :; 'il'i: , ....,:\, Hr';! _.' ""it ..... e:sa;l! '"I ,:1" .j. , ~ill!fi" .1" I.... :' &::io ! 'I':~II,:.. ~ ~ ~ '!; '; ~i ~f"l, I;i-g , - go r !! ~ :-~:C ~ ;.!O' 0 " . ~ .-t'UlVI ii~ ~ ~ -..... . ~ 0 ,." ~ . " . . 51 :; I!'" .- " ~J 'i i ~ I" ~. ~ i " ~ .... i \\-"- ; "., ,.... "'/ ,. , , .- I ll-<>- I . " Phone: 765-1801 'I!CEIV!D MAR 2 U 1997 LAND PRESERVATION PROGRAM ~outhold Town Cleu --.-=:--" I am the owner of property which I hereby submit for consideration by the Town of Southold under the Land Preservation Program. NAME 'y./,'U "I'm ? Xu)pnJ ADDRESS ?C, /3c,!< Jbt7 mH---rJ:'r'Jd.:.., iVY (/qSd , PHONE NO. 5'/0 -3'1'7, - 9/s-9 PROPERTY LOCATION {J14,'(tj ~, flJpTJ,-,vcK, (VI ! TAX MAP NO. '173 'Df;1 JJS. - 01-3 TOTAL ACREAGE /V; It is understood that this submission does not commit the Town of Southold to the purchase of my property. IlL, f? /f2f11 '-- Please return this completed form to: Southold Town Land Preservation Committee Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179' Southold, NY 11971 .i ~nuil ~.... I '!j; f-;;- ~-~: '.~' i ~ ~ . :~: I ' Zl, '..,.~ d it I Hlj'! :: [! t ff !1~b,!S n ., - t ~ ~ '~rjo!l. i ~ 'j ! 'i : i': ~ '" 'i 1l(1:i, i'l I I ::. ~ ~ !; .~. 0{ I I ' ; ~ l' .:: Ii I : I' I' =j;: i~ , , I -I' .' I ~!i P . ~ ,HW:- ~I:;i Ii,: , ,," . I !: ,un.1 . 'Ii .'l,,~ = ... I; 1 j ! .... I .,~ s r ~ ~ ~ -:' .1ft; i. ~ : ~ ~i~~~ ImrH ~;~ i ",!? li*~ r ' ~ 141'~ . i !f ~;:;it I ~~I.= ~1I@~~1 . ~ ! I', PIl t iT Ii : P; I ii"'j I . iA4IJ. H~~ ~ i I ~ , : ,I I I-I:' I"..,",' ... '. ~:" I I I ~@) II ~ is : .. c ;:~.= I~~Q~ I' _.....x 0 . :11>'" I:;' :<! I' !.:::; I;' ~ a j"" :; , . " < If :~ .~ Ii !~:~ !i: " ;l-la:w!(Il If:o 's 1 ,c' .:::: ; iOJ ':a i i a i~I' c ... - !~ ~l - t ~l (J1 II ". ::~~1,b~~~~~" "i I" , i ..~.~ ..,-,~. I ,I ,...J I tdH~,':", ::'",--- b . cl '.i: t _.".1 I" \ ~ \ , .. -~ :~. :- \ \~ . , . . . , o o , . , , ... ! ~- ~ i i; ; 4 ~ ;:- :: \ \ 1 1\ I' , - , . ~. i - - i . , . 11 H ,} Ii h II :1 ,\1 ~ f: ,!. \; f ! , ,I ; I \ \. .- , ., \ G ,- , \ '. - " ;:s ~O,--lO ",:. .. " @) - I I~ I , if ....~ "'~ \ii '0' r , ' ""0:\"'" "...,10 1" . . 1 I I it ~ ~ i . . Phone: 765-1801 teCl:IV!D NAR 2 0 1997 SCl(Ithold Town Cler,; LAND PRESERVATION PROGRAM I am the owner of property which I hereby submit for consideration by the Town of Southold under the Land Preservation Program. vji) I'-ArT) ? KlJ)Pk0d ADDRESS 1. C. fycf. / ~ '-I In (f/T. f'-1 c.'< (^VI ) / <'6;;? , PHONE NO. sn-8.9(/'-CJiS9 NAME PROPERTY LOCATION j7'\A;rJ radd(J1~11 '-A, rYl All :)'-.Iei<( 1'-'-1 , TAX MAP NO. ~/73'5'O9 /15'", -a - ~./ TOT AL ACREAGE 33 It is understood that this submission does not commit the Town of Southold to the purchase of my pro.1~ ? ~ Please return this completed form to: Southold Town Land Preservation Committee Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179' Southold, NY 11971 . '.- ;. H~i { ll~: , . ,nfl'l 1",,1 , ~; ,1'1 . . !(i ,!!H .;:11 . , ~ . ~ l : i ~! ','. ~ i' i li!!l -r'" !,;111 ... i' ~p ; l, II!- 'i" j ; ~ i . . . I . n"1 I . ' , . :.. ~Iif- :-.. ~ ~ ~ I.iti !. l j j :i!~:1 qll-i :1:li~ I" I tn.h "', s-,. ~ t! l-I'! r f ~ ,.i~il ~~<.;~ U . i- .!I l!fllfl . rf!! . I i ~i ~ , II I I i ,--"- I l'd,1 ~ I : , ~@ I ~ ~8 . . c: !tr:.~ I :;,~ 0 I"~ ~:: . . < c: ~ _.'" It :; 0 : ~; '. < < I! i~ ! :j ,:o;! l;:, il-i,,;'(/I I' '0 g 0.;: :0" '~ o I i;:1 I~I ,:' - 1<1 - <I(J1 ~ ~I- ..::~~f;::~::;,~,' '.', . 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