HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty of Suffolk 1000-27.-5-7.2 '1 DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 027.00 aLaCK 05.00 LOT 007.002 -~ 3hh.~ " "'-~ .'J,"'F "~ tI.j9' . .."~...'4!fJ :;'-..,~I.'" 3 ,~~ ~\{:f01C'iiS ,,, , .p) ,S ,~S U '" \,~\'~ (Ii') I <h I r- -- ',.' 'n', ~:~, I.,IBE~ 9152 fAtE454 , [ 2?lmj SUFFOLK BARGAIN AND . ----J' COUNTY SALE DEED THIS INDENTURE, made the If, +-'n day of .::::f O-~"" "~1 ' 1986 iBETWEEN the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, a municipal corporation . of:the State of New York, having its principal office at the . Suffolk County Center, Center Drive, Riverhead, New York 11901, party of the first part, AND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ TOWN HALL, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, party or the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first partr pursuant to Resolution Number 99l-l9H4 adopteu oy the Suffo k County Legislature on October 23, 1984 and, thereafter, approved by the County Executive on November 5, 1984, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and'release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party ot the second part forever, i . I ALL, that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with any buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold County of Suffolk and State of New York, ~nd acquIred by Tax Deed on.Decemb~r 10,1973, from *Jean H. Tuthill, the County Treasurer of Suffolk County, New York, and recorded on December 12, 1973, in Liber 755U, Page 206, and otherwise known as and by Town of Southold, Orient N, E, S, & W-Luke Irace & Ano"\~ fi',l!' (,:,l,\;J,j,JI'r:: ,; I " '. l. ! J ';.1 ..' / l \ ':: i',. i, ) *Jean H. Tuthill! as successor in interest to Chester F. Jacobs, as Suffo k County Treasurer. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-aescribed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; I ~. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. SUBJECT to all covenants, restrictions and easements of record, if any. . ' . AND the party of the first part, in'd~~'~ff~~ce..I';;it'h ~l!J&T~ or: 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost-of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. THE WORD "PARTY" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. ;~., ..)....,.., ......, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK In Presence16'f: .. .. -l ;"':""~'" ... ."".. "'nY;R~ li:-, .,.,..8;._ ~T'.':;';" Commis s ioper n 'I~"K Department of Real Estate ~.- MAR 1 41985 lR.~N!'$.ITR TAX ~.!';~~~ ".flU WV 2'71~}8 ....:- '<", '.. lIBER ~ ,~t PACE 400 ( L';" t.,...; " .~ ( \,A \,. ,~,' ) , 1, STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~" ' On the I (p day of ';:J...V'ov- ax-'I 1984, before me personally came Robert E. Sgroi to me knowri, who, being by me duly sworn, did depo,se a.nd say that ne, resides at No.:>l ~lm ::;treet, Sayville, NY 11782'; 't'1:lat"h.eis,thtl:, Commissioner of the Department of Real Estate of the County of Suffolk, New York, the municipal corp9F~t~oni q~~c~iR~d in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by Resolution of the Suffolk County Legislature and that he signed his name thereto by like order being Resolution 991-1984 thereof. ~ , , Q)~~. 1~'""",~ ota Public , ' " I ,t, i.;' ;"/.\1;/ I,; ,J.) i,h' J DOHOTHY M, KtEWlCKI NOTARY PUBLIC, St.te of New V"" No, 4707154 . Suffolk County Commission Expires Merch 30,1884'" ",..J,;' :.J,L,'; 1_,' ),_ 1 .' r. , ~.> BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Without Covenant SUFFOLK COUNTY RECORD AND RETURN TO: TO Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall, Main' Road SouthoJd, New York 11971 VI" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Tmm HALL ,ILi, ; l ).'J- ,) ,"'..',,!,!! -- --- i;.!:) .------------ ~ ~ _ I:: L, \l~;;; 1 ~ .; I. ('. ,,: ;,', ,; i 1 ',' ! ',.!' f,~ 1 ;/1.)" i,I,; J > ) ..... I," I .i-- ,..~.. It", .~.t... / . - . HOC HlIf\O:) 'A;9'Q . , ~o )\~I 31.1311 ': ',:~113Sll\~ ' '",,\ ",.~~ ll:. \\ ~\ \1.\. ~~~ ~. , ~ -!,' .: / I , i i.: :. )'1" -,'I, . i : i 'F ~ "",."..", 1"1 ,. ' , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNT'(, N.Y 'j t~.. word '....~I'IE...AS'. '. .......IleC, typec 0' pnnlll'<l In ,II.. o g~~.n~Ot~~i.;O~::.:::."",;.~. l.U '","per'l>cuI."SMalIlOCounty I- f'...........NOliC..o"'......".... 0.. Uj o w '" Z w ~ 3: >- -' Z C- O ::J <: > -- BILL NO. 2"l!9 FUNDS-- PAYABLE TO' MON. TO FR!. 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. CLOSED ALL LEGAL HOLIDAYS CLOSeo SAT. 516-765-1803 1984 - 1985 TAX LEVV TAXES BEeOf;.tE A LIEN ON DEC. 1~ TAXES RECEIVER OF TAXES GEORGE MELLAS SWIS : 473~89 POll ClS: 323 Hiles: GIllS "'AT TAlI-COllE: SEe . 1 TAXABLE VALUE . .75 COl,..JNTY 100 TOWN 100 SCHOOL 100 $P. DISTRICT 100 OTHER SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER 27.-C-7.2 LAND VALUE ASSESSED VALUATION H10 100 TOTAL TAX 10e VET. EXEMPT AGED EXEMPT OTH. EXEMPT PENALTY 47'3802 RECEIVED PAYMENT SECOND HALF OR TOTAL TAX RECEIPT NO. DATE PAlO AMOUNT PAID C DE SCHOOL DISTAICT TOTAL RECEIVEO PAYMENT FIRST HALF TAX RECEIPT NO. DATE PAID 25.05 NOTE. TAxes ARE PAYABLE BY CHeCK. CASH OR MONEY ORDeR; CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTeD SUBJECT TO COLLECTION FOR WHICH THIS'OFFICfASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY. NO CASH BY MAIL NO 3RD PARTY CHECK.. POSTAGE STAMPS NOT ACCEPTED. NO POST DATED CHECKS ACCEPTED. PLEASE READ THE REVERSE SIDE 5137 03-04-85 - - --~- ,.!'" 6. , .- '1 .1 . 1.c <4.> . ,.,.If ~ .- AMOUNT PAID NOTICE; SECOND HALF TAX MAY BE PAID AT THE SAME TIME THE FIRST HALF IS DUE AND PAYABl SECOND HALF CAN BE PAID AT ANY TIME UNTIL MAY 31st. WITHQUTPENALTY. DUPLlCAT -~-~ ~" ..-..__._----~. C:-----, JUDITH T, TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Or: VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 1, .1985: Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Honorable Juliette Kinsella Suffolk County Clerk Suffolk County Center Riverhead, New York 1-1901 Dear Mrs. Kinsella: Transmitted herewith for recording in your office are two Bargain' and Sale Deeds between the County of Suffolk and the Town of southold. Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $42.00 to cover the recording fees of both deeds. Very truly yours, ;/' ~ ' /' ~~ ~~J'''';/~ Judith T. Terry southold Town Clerk Enclosures " DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 027.00 llLOCK 05.00 LOT 007.002 ~ 3hh~ " r.-~ 'I~~~. ;,~~""C!. ');'Wl ,!::.-:~~t;:~- 3 /1S B\1':f,t;'3S \' , C") . ,S,~.\ U "\ ;'\I~ 'fJ11J' I 1 (I) ./ r- --- .... ) , \ ) lIBER 9752 FACE 454 [ 2'71~m SUFFOLK COUNTY BARGAIN AND SALE DEED r !THIS INDENTURE, made the If, ~ day of :::s o-.....~ ......'( , 198& iBETWEEN the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, a munici?al corporation of the State of New York, having its princ1pal ottice at the Suffolk County Center, Center Drive, Riverhead, New York 11901" party of the first part, ' AND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, party ot the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part pursuant to Resolution Number 99l-l9~4 adopteu oy the Suffoik County Legislature on October 23, 1984 and, thereafter, approved by the County Executive on November 5, 1984, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and 'release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, I ALL, that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with any buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold County of Suffolk and State of New York, and acquired by Tax Deed on .Dec;ember 10, 1973, from *Jean H. Tuthill, the County Treasurer of Suffolk 'County, New York, and recorded on December 12, 1973, in Liber 755U, Page 206, and otherwise known as and,byT9wn.of gouthold, Orient N, E, S, & W-Luke Irace & Ano..4.f.i-.J ,I. ~,"')'~"",J.JJJI- ,;/;._;.,,.: (,i 'O/:'!) '>i'l'.-~ i,';,;'J) *Jean H. Tuthilli as successor in interest to Chester F. Jacobs, as Suffo k County Treasurer. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-aescribed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; I '~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. SUBJECT to all covenants, restrictions and easements of record, if any. , , . _. . _ . : AND the ?arty of the first part, in' d~:n~ff-;:nc~"~i~'h ~~6tT~ "'Ite~ 13 of the L1en Law, hereby covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right tb receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. THE WORD "PARTY" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. \ rt) In presen~e10f: . ,"j I..~i..-r; . . NEW YORK '......, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, :jB;Y):':~ '" RU . Commis s iOJler Departmerlt of Real Estate 't r";d.,,~ _.)!.. :,i<,;\ ~\..),~,'" l:,_}d~hL'\ :1!~ \, ) .,.c ,,' ',";',<,.., --1 ' . $...~-~..... R"".. "'<:;T'Tr ..f a. " ,-\ I Go ", 'I ....:,-. MAR 1 4 1985 1R. ~ N,'SnR TAX !'!~I_~ 2? l~)B lIBER ,;)~ PACE 4:J:.J , . 7.' ( , I,.... .... STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , ~" . On the l(p day of '5"'V'ov-ax-'1 1984, before me personally came Robert E. Sgroi to me knowtl, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that n~ resides at NO. ,)l ~lm ::;treet, Sayville, NY 1178-2'; 'tnat"he is' the' Commissioner of the Department of Real Estate of the County of Suffolk, New York, the municipal corporation; 4e~c,r:iped in and whtch executed the foregoing instrument; that he' knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by Resolution of the Suffolk County Legislature and that he signed his name thereto by like order being Resolution 991-1984 thereof. J .) Q)~~. 1.a........~ ota Public ). ," '.' I,j 1 "J'Lo ,,_,I I i;'''/,\1; '/d,) .1.J . i-.)L';j DOROTHY M. KI.EWlCKI NOTARY PUBLIC, Stala of Naw VOItc No. 4707154 . Suffolk County Commission Expires March 30.1984'"' "J.j\.~;';:;.r.; f.c;:: ,Ld~;,:J. L~.;;' BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Without Covenant SUFFOLK COUNTY 'il '.1' ~ TO RECORD AND RETURN TO: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of southold Town Hall, Main'Road southold, New York 11971 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Tmm HALL ",'" '. ')'J""( ,) . l.L ,I. J,,'.. f.. I,'.., 1. ~ I i ~i 1) ,1 ,_.'J"iL~l;;l \.: ,; i.., ~, ,', , j; ~, , ; j 1 ,,'. ,l .~ l ',-: ' ~ ~ 'J,':r,~ l~;i,-)._. i,r,!l;;.~) ..1'-, ~ 'r- ),...., -\ f\-""-,,~ .".(... ~-_ . ' '~oHO," Ull()O~ ~3"Q ~O \ 31.1.'3\1 </~ ~:r'\3Sl\\'j. I , \,;J\~"W~ ZO \ \ ~\ \1,\. ~. ,~'l,_;,..:IJ ,1 .f.i;,~ '_~! I:.. :':,i)! \~ ,...-,'1 .-.;-"'.'1'" \ I - A f-Uf~ .t...UUN.l I U..:>t:. v.!.~l y . 1, SWls' Code' 2. Dale Oeed Recorded I / 3. Book I 4, Page B IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION *,.1, i1.' J ~'~~m~-"" STATE Of NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF EOUALlZATlON AND ASSESSMENT REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT EA.5217 Rev. 6/84 CONTROL NUMBER Town of southold City or Town Orient Village 1. Properly location !=; If:. N~rrow Rivp.r RO;::Jn Street Number approx. 50 ft. west of Orchard Street Street Name 11957 Zip Code 2. Buyer Name Town of ~nllthnkl Last Name First Name 3. Buyer Address 53095 Main Road southold New York Buyer Address 119114 STreet. Greenport. NY 11971 4,Buye,'sAllomey' Robert W. Tasker li25 Main Name (516) 477-1400 T etephana Number 5. Seller Name County of Suffolk Last Name [2g Same as Buyer Address D Same as Properly Location First Name OOther (Specify Below) 6. Tax Billing Address Street Name and Number City or Town Slale Zip Code 7. Deed Properly Size ilPprox. 100 ft. by Dimensions Orient 425 ftLo, lapprox Acres 01 8. School District Name C ASSESSMENT INFORMATION 1. Enter the year of the assessment roll from which the information was taken. IData should be laken from the lalest final assessment roll) ~ 2. Check the box indicating the number of parcels which sold. [i] One Parcel D More Than One Parcel (Specify)1 D Only Pari 01 a Parcel 3. Enter the lotal assessed value (of all parcels in the sale). $1 nn nn 4. Enter the lax map identifier of the parcel. 1000- (If more than one, list on a separate sheet) 027 Section 05 Block 007.002 Lot 5. Enter the roll identifier If different than lax map identifier 10 PROPERTY USE INfORMATION 1. Check the box in the Properly Use Table which most accurately describes the use of the properly at the lime of sale. Property Use Table 2. Is the sale of 8. condominium or a cooperative? DYes ogNO ~ Agncullmal 2 1,2,3 FamIly Residential 3A X ResIdential Vacanlland 38 Non~Res.denhal Vacant land 4A ~ Commercial 48 Apartment 5 Recreation/Entertainment 6 ~ Community Service 7 Industrial 8 Public Service 9 Forest I E SALE INFORMATION 1. Date 01 Sale 1 / 16 /85 5. Is this an arm's length sale? ~ Ves D No 2. Slale Ihe Full Sales Price. $ 533.24 6. Check all of the conditions below that apply to this sale. (Full Sales Price is Ihe total amount paid for the property, inctuding personal properly. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) A 8 C U F land Contract Sale (Specify Contract Date) Sale Between Relatives Sale Between Relaled Companies or Partners in Business / / 3. Was there personal property in excess D r:-:I of $500 included in this sale? Ves lX.J No Sate Contract executed more than one year prior to the Date 01 Sate Buyer or Seller is a Government Agency or a lending Institution R Deed Type is nol Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Deed Type) 4. If yes, indicate the value of the personal $ properly included in the sale. T G Interest conveyed is not a fee (Specify Interest) Other unusual factors allecllng sale price (Specify) I F CERTIFICATION I certify that all the items of information entered on this transfer form are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and' understand lhat the making of any willful false statement of material lact herein will subject me to the provisions of the penal law relative to the making and filing 01 false instruments. Name (Print or Type)] Francis J. Murphy Supervisor, Town of Telephone (516 )765-1800 I ~4.mber I Southola Signature Date L...l.=R- Rt; S8EA COPY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT-EA-5217 FILING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Before completing this form, read the detailed instructions on the reverse side. 2. A deed may not be accepted for recording unless this form is legible and complete. All entries must be typed or clearly printed in black ballpoint pen. Please press hard. Four copies are being made. 3. This form must be completed by the buyer or the seller or an agent with personal knowledge of the transaction. M" .S;,.;-;:::' OF ,~, ..~.... YORK ) ( ) ss',;.. ) c ::,,' , ' COL:;JY OF . I (:\(\0 -- 0 L I - 0 '5 - 00 I, ~ I. JOSEPH A. BESEMER perjury that I am the . being duly s",orn.. deposes and says under penalty of T,MS T of C.OllNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPT, OF REAL ESTATE Title Gove~~ental Entity . the (transferee)(transferor) of the real property listed below; .that it is true to the. i::no"'ledge'..of the affiant that the gain on each such tran.sfer is e>:ecpt froo the-Tax c~ Gains Derived From Certain Real Property Transfers imposed by Article 3l-B of the Tax La"'by.reason that each such transfer is a transfer of real property the consideration for vhich'is less than five hundred thousand dollars and ",hich is neither (A) pursuant to a cooperative or condominium plan, nor (B) a partial or successive transfer pursuant to a plan to effectuate by partial or successive transfers a transfer ",hich ",ould othervise be included in the coverage of Article 3l-B of the Tax La",. 1. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Consideration Address of Property or Amount . S /..C ~ ;\J lV\..tl.k.v' ~ ~"") _ A (Jfl';( ro \...J/O c...td\i~.s't for Transfer of Offer Name(s) of Grantor 5"33.<-4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. " 7. 8. . 9. 10. , .. Governmental EDtit~PT' OF REAL ESTATE CO NTY OF SUFFOLK DE: . : By (T(t e) JOSE subscribed and s"'orn before pe d. ' ) ,C'.,/'j (Jj~/f-.-f!..1k '- (-7'-) ,,11, NOT.L_,,<y ?UBLlC . . COlJl\TY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF l,EW YORK ~ , LMS I this l,s-'--tli day of ---', ,J Q'--1'__(k,v:,.,., I 19 h-:- Kl\TIl[!IINE UTe ~)fI\RY PUl!UC, St31fl ~~f ti'....u l'orf( No. 52, '1630\;i~ S!:~f;):!: t>i.:~V [! 1}umnti3S;:1'1 EYi':'''' " IJ These statements are made ",ith the kno"'lecge that a "'illfully false representation is unla",ful and is punishable as th~ crime of perjury under Article 210 of the renal Law. ,- This affidavit must be filed ,,-i;:h the recording officer of the county "herein the real prc~erty transferred is ,located. , "" / '. ____... ,H. .'_. I I I , J ;::~ ;!?a.:~ :~Q Z:oo 01-1:";.., o:i~~~ ::1:<00';' 5~~~:e 0"'.....0"" (/l .....1...._ .....ii:<u." "'0 ~2~ z 0 .'" OOU ~, ::l<ll~ <em. W2:<O 'l{:p-!- <.< , ~ 1 I I I I C ..J 0> :z: ' I- :0-. ;;) ~ o ~ '" 8 ~ ~ ~ . ;:: o ~ ~ ~ ~ > u > w W 0 ..J , )( ~ <( ~ ~ '" < CO w '" , ~ 0 u w .. m CO ~ '" w ~ ~ ~ '" Wrn )(<( <(..J ~..J u.W 0:;; a:W WC) >a: -0 Ww frlC) a: ~ w x < ~ ""'t"'''''' ""- ~ t..' G: 0. . . . ...,'I(.J~~ ... or W I ~ o ~ V, I\- '" ... a: w Z " o c ... . '4 " x < ~ ~ < ~ o ~ w ,~ II 1 i 03.ldI3:J3b: N3HM ^ lNO Oll'o'^ t.1 C::' ~1 c: OO~,c. .... ....- .... w ~ ~ < > w ~ m < x < ~ ~ () a: >- ~ >- I- 0 ~ 3 ~ ~ 0 o 0 U Cl. U I- rn U) ... ..'" .... .... , ... v, -' ~ <:> .. ....., W ... ",.... "" .. ..... '" .... ... ..,,'" ,., c. c. .... .. >'" ..Q 0:.0 .... ", I ""... ... .. "'.... .. .. II> In --, :s.... 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Responsibilities for Payment of'Taxes - It is the taxpayers responsibility to pay taxes on property he owns and even though a tax bill is not received by him, it is his obligation to secure a tax bill and make payment. ..,..~......"",:.......;.:X<J'~_'c:'~';:""';~;~.;'~~"~.,,, \ J 1 REC::WEO ~. :~ ,- f) () "ID~C: . _-oJ ~..... ..........<t.J ION Town Clerk Southold Form No. 41-5M-2/13/75 JEAN H. TUTHIL.L COUNTY TR!:ASU ME February 15, 1985 Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Town of Southold TM* 1000-27-5-5.2 1000-27-5-7.2 Dear sir/madam: Enclosed olease find records indicate that the deeded to vou through the on 1/16/85' Bargain & Sale your 1984/85 tax bill. Our above captioned oronerty was Department of Real Estate by virtue of a deed. If there are any questions, concerninq t~is matter, olease contact us. Very truly yours, Jean R. Tuthill Suffolk County Treasurer by: ,;q~~ Ela~ne Glen ~ Principal ClerK EG/ dw Ene. SU......O...K COUI'tTY C::NT!!:R FlIVI!:RHEAD. L.ONG ISL.ANO. NEW YORK 11~01 151 '1'%7.4700 ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney OFFICE OF TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 RECEIVED 425 MAIN ST, GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 --- 1 '~8- I .~:J . 3 I::; :J February 11, 1985 Town Clerk Southold Hon. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Deeds from County of Suffolk to Town of southold Dear Judy: Relative to your request in your February 8, 1985 letter regarding the two deeds from the County of Suffolk to the Town of southold, I have reviewed the same and find that they are in order for recording. I have also reviewed the third deed, a copy of which was sent to me by the Super- visor. All three deeds should be recorded in the County Clerk's Office. Yours very truly, a;2/w <Zt~/ ROBERT W. TASKER RWT :aa ..-.-' 7 ---r-- LIP' c?" ~ g / ;:; ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Ci) r"'...-........ I ~. -~~-- ',~~'. FEB - 5 ,~_5 . " ~'. ; '-' l...... .----------: PETER F. COHALAN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE -'--"~"'.-"-~'- DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE February 4, 1985 ROBERT E. SGROI COMMISSIONER Ron. Frank Murphy Town of Southold Town RaIl 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Tax Map No. 1000-027.00-05.00-007.002 TOWN OF SOUTROLD Same as above Dear Supervisor Murphy: We a e pleased to enclose herewith a Bargain and Sale Deed, dated ~~___ ./.. - , 1985, and duly executed by the omm ss oner 0 ea ~s ate, thereby transferring t~tle to the named owner, together with the Transfer Gains Tax Affidavit and State Equal~zat~on form. For your protection, we suggest that you record this instrument immediately in order to give notice that you are the owner of record. To record this deed, the Transfer Gains Tax Affidavit and State Equalization form must be submitted together with the deed to the County Clerk's Office. JEM:CS:mt ;; ~oun, John E. McPartlin Property Management - (516)360-5438 Administrator Enclosure CERTIFIED MAIL/RR UP 525 076 879 pc w/Deed: Ron. Jean R. Tuthill, County Treasurer Paul Canalizo, Acting Director Real Property Tax Service Agency James Patterson, Insurance Manager Insurance & Risk Unit Charles C. Watts, Assessor, Town of Southold pc: Accounting Unit Pat Cano 61 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE. NEW YORK 11788 (~1 8) 3eo.l5434 JUDITH T, TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Or: VITAL STATISTICS ,.~ i ~~~::~-,..~L~~ '-" ",', ~H' .... .... -",. ,Lr /' - y~ "~... .. "'W~"c" ,l;. ....;:).___ ", "';:~~ fJ,<;-'S., ?: ~ '>>i,---':: .;:,;.--' ~';:J "'-" . " ~~ 25 ,,,j.!:',, ~ ~ _...~'1'~:,~ _t:J ~ ~,\.;~,...~';J ,...... ,;,F _, ,,>. .",\ ~,; ~,~~ ~ /,~" '. ..:;,-....,;'.1 ~~<.":.;I ~-::a j~~;V ", .,r ~-",y , --~?JY- Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 30, 1984 Mr. Joseph A. Besemer, Sales Unit Suffolk County Department of Real Estate Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Dear Mr. Besemer: This is to certify that the southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on August 28, 1984 relative to a request for 72h sale of County owned real estate: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of southold is desirous of pl,lrchasing three parcels of land from the Suffolk County Department of Real Estate: Tax Maps Nos. 1000-027-05-007.002, 1000-027-05-005.002, and 1000-028-01-001, all south of Narrow River (Hog Pond) Road, Odent, New York, and . WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Department of Planning requires certain assurances from the Town of southold concerning the future use of the aforementioned parcels, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of southold hereby gives assurance to the Suffolk County Department of Planning that the Parcels 1000-027-05-007.002, 1000-027-05-005.002, and 1000-028-01-001, when sold to the Town of southold, will remain tidal wetlands as shown on New York State Tidal Wetlands Map 726-556 and 728-556, and remain in public 'ownership and not be developed for any purpose, includ- ing active public recreation facilities such as a marina or playground, and be it further RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he .hereby is 'authorized and directed to send the following sums to the Department of Real Estate, County of Suffolk for the purchase of the aforementioned parcels: 72h Sale of County Owned Real Estate, 72h Sale of County Owned Real Estate, 72h Sale of County Owned Real Estate, Tax Map No. Tax Map No. Tax Map No. 1000-027-05-007.002 - $533.24 1000-027-05-005.002 - $533.24 1000-028-01-001 - $834.23. Very truly yours, Adl;-/-~d7- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk _.~. P-4~ 5~~~;re- COUNTY OF sUF;Oi.ke~ L . ~~ (i)~'~" ~ Ji,~ ~ PETER F. COHAL.AN SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE ROBERT E. SGROI COMMISSIONER July 16, 1984 " Supervisor Frank Murphy Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 . Re: Tax Map Nos. 1000-027-05-007.002 1000-027-05-005.002 1000-028-01-001 ...--. Dear Supervisor Murphy: In reference to the above matter, we have a release from the Planning Department to sell these parcels. Planning will require that the County has some assurance that these parcels will remain tidal wetlands as shown on New York State Tidal Wetlands Map 726- 556 and 728-556 and remain in public ownership and not be developed for any purpose, including active public recreation facilities such as a marina or playground. .Upon response to this letter, we will send you the total price of the Treasurer's Computation which the County would require to prepare a resolution to transfer title to your town. If you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned. "._ Very truly yours, -~ ;.. fb~ Copies T.C, Joseph A. Besemer Sales Unit (516)360-5169 w.~~ 7- 3/ Y JAB:ma Orig. VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE. NEW YORK 11788 (!S, 451 360-S..304 Mg. Date file CtJ..-- 1';'" (), ,,199. 177, " " .-.....~ ~.,.;. . ,~- i~"!;. ,,~" :~t --~.:~~, "'~:~~, "~~',," <iI', '>) .. ~oJli'. ~"'jO'" . ' :;.:..'~.~:,;.~:~~ ~...;...'lt::~.. ";""l,._"'~.._I...;.~~",~ cs '''/.;,~~..~~.,~ "w,,~_~ 7',j~~',' I.,~ ~ _"'" !4<~ I ',...: ....~:';r~ldf.-k<I"'t.,.~. ,,':t ~';''':;d'l ,....._ ^"':'~"'''''''f'''''''.,;l~' ~', ':"''i.r:.-~ ;;t:'""""r.: H{ "'{.I?~'jI.r ~.~);. r;ro J ~Aft'!t .!l"~";'~:~1:~ ~ ~ \''!~'*\:'t1~~~.. . ~~~ ~J.~~.:;t"I:~j",.. -< ''':~~1.;,::' :\~';:-f'~,. 5' '~~~~:::~:;;:f;;;!)~,;;';L:-c' .-"- "4!"~"1';~,,~,,\:,..' .",. ,-,-J1 "''', _'.'~,~ _. ~ . ,..t>,.r:1I~~ "'"~~'...,.., ",. .~, ........_,..~1<;:~~'-.",.~ ''''. ' 'r-p.... ~. r. 1.-, ,;'.\. _~" ':T~.~,.,. " 2;';(i~~~~iJi~~~ ,~;ti~;i.!.~f~~~~?.!::U~~;Y;;;?5:"';; ,i. '." '_ ,;;,i~f-.' ~~$.", "'~ "::~~::](~.uJi?1 "{~ ';:'~;"f."'''m2~...~tti''.;tr.: :~:f." ~'-':;:~T:,..."~,~~_ ..~,...~'__::- (F~ ;n~u-;;ion ,,~,,~~:.;,t~~.~l Sf!. t"..rf bf!IClwJ ~'''.l~._~ > ~ -f':j- ~ : ([) c.. , &7.0Alcl '" T03atc! /" ,? \ \ \ , \. , " \ \ \. \ \:" \, \ " \ /f . \, \ ) , , O' z; "0 Oz 'v 'N ::;;:: lI"'<O :::::;:: ...--; ~ \ , , \ A"'" ' ~ . --~ -' <. . 92"'''! ... ... ...., , \~.'.' "'" , ~t( - '--1 '~;'~:';~::"'-~."~ I . .:"-.~, : ,.::. J "lh...J So; ",.1 ";~l " < \.'.:.:.. // t9 4 r .....-..--... ....-;.. '\./ 1~7:' "to T~" , 'Olt .u~'r.. SEt U' NO 0 , , ' , /' , \, / " '-".' , , ,-' \ . ''\'c: ~ .-.........:..~~ .................--~ ~ SEE ... o " . , ..,- ./ - .. " -. ( {. I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK (i PETER F, COHALAN SUFFOL.K COUNTY EXECUTIVE July 16, 1984 ROBERT E. SGROI COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF REAL. ESTATE Supervisor Frank Murphy Town of Southold Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: REQUEST FOR 72h SALE OF COUNTY OWNED REAL ESTATE Tax Map No. 1000-027-05-007.002 .- Dear Supervisor Murphy: Your request to purchase County owned General Municipal Law Section 72h has Department. Upon receipt of the amount of $533.24, made payable to the DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, a recommendation to the County Legislature for appropriate resolution will be made. Breakdown of the required amount follows: .. real estate pursuant to been approved by this Treasurer's Computation $ 410.46 Current Taxes - 1983/84 22.78 Administration Fee 100.00 TOTAL $ 533.24 If this sale is not completed before December 1, 1984, you will be obligated to pay the taxes that are due at that time. Very truly yours, ~ ;..~ Joseph A. Besemer DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE (516) 360-5169 JAB:ma Enclosure: Form 42 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE. NEW YORK 11788 15 t 6) 3150-5434 ." '~ , . ' / u r, '-'0' -O~'l-O e:- >.:I -0-0 7. o-n.;l;-- 2 G7.0 A (e) I rv' ""- .,~'C/ :1/) ~:",:. / '/ "- ./ ,,':- :...:Y" v 3 12.5 A \' (3) 1.\ ....& ~~\ // . /'." ,. , .i,/ ,I I ~ \ ~ '( 5 14. e :. t~) / ! ' /'/-'.// \." / ' ' '. . ~!!2~,,~ , \ \ 5.. iI:A: .. , , \ " ~ '0 le,sAte) ) <: ~ .....\ roF.: p;.;:;.::rl.. ~o SEE $':C r,OO!.(: -(.;.0 ~ , , \~./ - -~< '-" I Ii. f. ~ ~.... ~ " " '\ ., :--..; ; . .':. ';~. ,". '-1:": 6> -7 .~. , , ~~ :: l '.'. ....' . .' - . '-