HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeconic Estuary Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM FINAL SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION STUDY Prepared For: VITO MINEI, P.E. Program Manager, Peconic Estuary Program (PEP) Suffolk County Department of Health Services Division of Environmental Quality County Center Riverhead, New York 11901o3397 Prepared By: CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. Engineers and Architects 1200 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 (516) 348-76OO 50 Tice Boulevard Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey 07675 (201) 930-1600 601 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 606 Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 579-2006 January 1996 Although the information in this document has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement number CE992002-02-0 to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, it may not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred. PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION STUDY TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page # EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 1.1 Study Objectives 1.2 Geographic Description of Study Area 1.3 Project Background 1.4 Overview of Investigative Approach 1 8 8 10 13 14 2.0 REVIEW OF EXISTING DATA AND LITERATURE 2.1 Ecological Importance of SAV 2.2 Historical Patterns of SAV Abundance and Distribution 16 16 21 3.0 STUDY METHODOLOGY 3.1 Field Survey Procedures 3.2 Aerial Photography Review 3.3 Mapping 3.4 Data Analysis 3.5 Laboratory Analysis 35 35 4O 41 44 46 4.0 STUDY FINDINGS 4.1 Primary SAV Species Present 4.2 Present SAV Distribution, Abundance and Density 4.3 Historical Changes in SAV Distribution 4.4 Observations Regarding Bay Scallop Populations 4.5 Observations Regarding Environmental/Water Parameters 4.6 Results of Sediment Analyses 4.7 Dry Weight Determinations for SAV Samples 4.8 Comparison with SAV Data from South Shore Bays 48 48 67 73 77 78 80 80 81 Section 5.0 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS 5.1 Trends in SAY Distribution, Abundance and Density 5.2 Relative Ecological Importance of Primary SA¥ Species 5.3 Effectiveness of SA¥ Mapping using Aerial Photographs Page # 82 83 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 SAV as an Indicator of Overall Estuary Health 6.2 Recommended Management Objectives for Restoring SAV 6.3 Potential Sites and Recommended Methods for Future SAV Restoration 6.4 Recommendations Regarding Future SAV Monitoring 88 88 90 97 103 BIBLIOGRAPHY 106 LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED DURING THIS INVESTIGATION KEY PROJECT PERSONNEL 114 116 MAPPING (All maps are located after list of persons contacted) I Regional Context 2 Geographic Location Map 3 Station Location Map 4 Distribution of Eelgrass Beds 5 Distribution of Dominant Macroalgae Types 6 Stations with Observed Scallop Populations TABLES # Description Follows Pa~e · 1 SAV Identified During Cashin Associate's Field Sampling 48 2 Field Data Summary - All Stations 67 3 Relative Abundance of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the 67 Peconic Estuary 4 Spatial Distribution of Dominant SAV Types in the Peconic 67 Estuary 5 Summary of Dry Weight Biomass Values within the Peconic 72 Estuary 6 Summary of Total Biomass Values within the Peconic Estuary 73 7 Historical Patterns of SAV Abundance and Distribution in the 75 Peconic Estuary 8 Field Data Summary - Stations at which Scallops were Observed 77 9 Analysis of Environmental/Water Parameters in the Peconic 78 Estuary 10 Occurrence of Dominant SAV Types versus Sediment Type in the 80 Peconic Estuary 11 Grain Size Analysis for Peconic Estuary Sediments 80 12 Dry Weight Analysis 80 FIGURES # Description Follows Page I Historical Comparison of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Beds - Key Map lA Southold Bay 1 B Shelter Island 1C Shelter Island 1D Shelter Island 1E Orient Harbor 1F Napeaque Harbor 1G Gardiners Island 2 Suggested Eelgrass Restoration Sites 3 Recommended Locations for Future SAV Monitoring 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 97 103 EXHIBITS A Silhouettes of Preserved SAV Specimens B Underwater Photography of Representative SAV Beds C Site Data Sheets - Biological/Physical Data for Each Site D Aerial Photographs peconic Estuary Pro&ram Submerged Aquatic Ve&etation Study - Final Repor~ This investigation was conducted as one component of the Peconic Estuary Program, which is part of the National Estuary Program administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Local coordination and oversight was provided by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. This study reports on the status of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the Peconic Estuary, which is situated between the two "forks" at the east end of Long Island, New York. SAY, as defined in this study, includes rooted aquatic plants and macroalgae. The importance of these plants to aquatic ecosystems is well-documented in the scientific literature, and includes: a high level of primary production that forms the base of a rich food chain; provision of nursery areas, shelter and protection for various species of finfish and invertebrates, many of which are of recreational or commercial importance; provision of a multi-level habitat, which increases species diversity and abundance compared to areas that lack vegetation; cycling of nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus) from the surrounding environment, and re-release of those nutrients through organic decay; stabilization of bottom sediments (for rooted SAV species, such as eelgrass, Zostera marina), even through the enormous stresses of hurricanes and northeast storms; and moderation of currents and waves in the near-bottom zone, which promotes sedimentation of particles from the water column, inhibits resuspension of previously settled particles, and moderates water column turbidity. Eelgrass beds serve as an especially important habitat for the bay scallop ~ ~, which historically has been an important commercial resource in the Peconic Estuary. The primary objectives of this investJgalJon were to: · determine the current abundance, distribution and density of SAV in the Peconic Estuary; · determine whether the distribution of SAY beds in the Estuary has undergone significant historical changes in the past two to three decades; · identify physical factors that may affect the abundance, distribution and density of SAV in the Estuary; January 1996 Pa&e, 1 Peconic Estumy Proem Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report develop a series of management recommendations, including actions for mitigating both natural and human-induced factors that can cause adverse impacts to SAV; · outline feasible programs for enhancing and restoring SAV beds; and · develop a series of recommendations for future SAV investigations. The main methodologies used in this investigation were: 1) review of existing scientific literature and consultaUon with knowledgeable individuals regarding SAY, both within the Peconic Estuary and in other areas; 2) field survey of 214 stations throughout the Peconic Estuary conducted between September 14 and October 25, 1994, which involved the identification of SAV spedes present, and the measurement of SAY density and various physical parameters (e.g., water depth, sediment characteristics, water temperature, salinity, clarity, etc.); 3) review of recent aerial photography of the Estuary to assist in delineating the current distribution of SAV; and 4) examination of a series of historic aerial photographs to determine whether any trends in the distribution of SAV in the Estuary could be detected. The main findings of this ievesfigation are summarized as follows. A. Species Composition, Distribution and Abundance The field survey identified 2 species of seagrasses (Phylum Spermatophyta), 22 types of red algae (Phylum Rhodophyta), 9 types of green algae (Phylum Chlorophyta), and 10 types of brown algae (Phylum Phaeophyta). In most cases, identification of macroalgae was down to the species level, although some were identified to the genus level or as miscellaneous specimens within the given phylum. Codium fragile (green fleece) is presently the dominant SAV species in the Peconic Estuary and has achieved this status by actively or passively displacing native SAY (particularly Zostera marina, eelgrass) in large areas. Janus/1996 peconic Estuaxy Program Submerged Aquatic V~on Study - Final Report No Z. marina was found in the waters to the west of Shelter Island. The most abundant Z. marina beds were found in Gardiners Bay and Block Island Sound, in the outer Estuary. The deepest Z. marina beds were found in western Block Island Sound, along the east shore of Gardiners Island. Ulva lactuca (sea lettuce) was clustered in the inner and north central portions of the Estuary, and was confined to the relatively quiet waters of smaller tidal creeks and the shallows of adjoining embayments. U. lactuca was not observed east of Shelter Island, and was found only at very Iow densities at a few scattered stations in the waters to the east of Uttle Peconic Bay. Euthora cristata (lacy redweed) and Cystoclonium ~ (brushy redweed) were found in slightly higher abundance than the rest of the red macroalgae. Rockweed (Fucus spp.) was found to be the most abundant brown seaweed in the Peconic Estuary system. The estimated bottom area covered by SAV beds is 37 km2 for the inner Estuary, 31 km2 for the middle Estuary, and 30 km2 for the outer Estuary. It is estimated that Z. marina coverage was approximately 2.5 km= in the middle Estuary and 6.0 km= in the outer Estuary. SAV Density · Overall, Z. marina had the highest unit dry weight biomass (DWB) of the five dominant SAV types within the Estuary, at 370 g/mZ. The average DWB was 435 g/m= for eelgrass areas in the outer Estuary, 315 g/m2 in the middle Estuary, and 0 (no occurrences) in the inner Estuary. Despite recent declines in eelgrass populations on a local and regional level, these density values compare favorably with values given historically for other areas. The mixed brown algae category was second to Z. marina in overall average DWB at 294 g/m2, but was presented at only 7 stations in the entire Estuary. January 1996 Pag~ 3 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report The remaining three dominant SAV types (i.e., ~ U. lactuca, and mixed red algae) had average DWB values of 92 g/m~, 22 g/m2, 70 g/m2, respectively. The total dry weight biomass of SAV within the study area is estimated at 10,445 metric tons, of which slightly less than 50 percent is accounted for by beds dominated by C. fragile. Z. marina-dominated areas comprise approximately 22 percent of the total SAV DWB, while mixed brown algae- dominated areas comprise approximately 18 percent. Areas dominated by U. lactuca and mixed red algae, combined, contribute less than one percent of the total SAV DWB biomass in the Estuary. The estimated average SAV dry weight biomass increases from 38.5 MT/km2 (1433 MT total in 37.23 km2) in the inner Estuary, to 128.0 MT/km~ (4005 MT total in 31.29 km~) in the middle Estuary, and 166.0 MT/km: (5007 MT total in 30.16 km2) in the outer Estuary. The estimated average SAV dry weight biomass in Z. marina-dominated areas increases from 0 in the inner Estuary, to 315.1 MT/km2 (772 MT total in 2.45 km~) in the middle Estuary, and 435.1 MT/km= (1562 MT total in 3.59 km~) in the outer Estuary. Eelgrass-dominated areas account for almost one-third of the total SAY dry weight biomass to the east of Shelter Island. C. Histori~'=l SAV Distribution Several locations at which Z. marina was expected to be found, based upon conversations with knowledgeable individuals and analysis of pertinent charts and maps, were found upon field reconnaissance to be either entirely devoid of SAV or were dominated by macroalgae, especially C. fragile. Overall, the historical analysis undertaken for this invesUgation could not identify a consistent trend for the 1969 to 1980s and 1980s to 1994 time frames examined. Any overall decline in eelgrass abundance that may have been induced by brown tide episodes in the 1980s could not be detected in the analysis of historical photographs at the selected study locations (which included Southold Bay, the northeast comer of Shelter Island, the east side of Ram Island, the southerly tip of Shelter Island, the ( Peconic Estuary Program Submer~ed Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Long Beach Bay/Orient Harbor Area of the North Fork, Napeague Harbor, and the southeasterly shoreline of Gardiners Island). Review of recent aerial photography seems to bear out the anecdotal reports of an ongoing eelgrass decline in the Peconic Estuary. In reviewing aerial photography dated March 1994 and October 1994, the investigators noticed a general disappearance of the SAV beds along the eastern shoreline of the North Haven peninsula and in the Sag Harbor area during that seven month period. Thus, the sampling performed as part of this investigation may have recorded a distribution of eelgrass at a time when it is experiencing a significant decline in the Peconic Estuary. D. Correlation to Physical/~Vater Parameters Z. marina-dominated stations were characterized by the highest salinity and underwater visibility, and the lowest water temperature. U. lactuca-dominated stations were characterized by the lowest salinity and underwater visibility, and the highest water temperature. C. fragile-dominated stations were associated with intermediate values of salinity, water temperature, and visibility. The main recommendations of this study are summarized below. Although standard black and white aerial photography was found to provide useful supplemental information for delineating SAV distribution around and between field observation stations, this investigation revealed that there are significant pitfalls that can be encountered if SAV mapping were to be undertaken without adequate ground truthing. The mapping of marine vegetation strictly through the use of standard black and white aerial photographs is not advisable. Further investigation should be undertaken to define more clearly the site- specific consequences that nitrogen inputs have on SAY in the Peconic Estuary. Projects should be conducted under controlled conditions to establish eelgrass meadows artificially in carefully selected areas in the Peconic Janus/1996 Pa~e S Peconic Es~ua~/Pro,ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Estuary. It is recommended that the three-tiered approach that has been developed for Chesapeake Bay be applied for the Peconic system, with the first priority §iven to restoring areas currently or previously inhabited by SAV as mapped through regional aerial surveys in the last 20 to 25 years and which meet the habitat requirements of the species with respect to key water quality parameters (i.e., total suspended solids, chlorophyll a_, light attenuation coefficient, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and dissolved inorganic phosphorus). Consideration should be given to projects in the following four areas: a) the southerly spit off Gardiners Island; b) Napeague Harbor; c) the western shoreline of Hog Neck Bay; and d) the eastern shoreline of Robins Island. Additional field surveys should be undertaken in the future to better define short-term and long-term trends in the distribution, abundance, and density of SAV in the Peconic Estuary. Besides the four areas listed above as potential sites for artificial eelgrass restoration, eleven areas have been identified for consideration for follow-up monitoring, as follows: a) northem portion of Southold Bay; b) the northerly, easterly and southerly shorelines of Shelter Island; c) the northern and eastern portion of Orient Harbor; d) Hallock Bay; e) Long Beach, about midway on the south side of the spit; t) the central, southern and eastern portions of Northwest Harbor; the northerly shoreline of Cedar Point; ( Janua~ 1996 Pag~ 6 Peconic Estuah, Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report h) the shoreline in Gardiners Bay north from the mouth of Accabonac Harbor to Uon's Head Rock; i) the easterly shoreline of Gardiners Island; j) Lake Montauk; and k) the Sag Harbor Cove complex, West Neck Harbor, Coecles Harbor, Three Mile Harbor, and Accabonac Harbor, which have reportedly experienced recent eelgrass die-off. Studies should be undertaken to determine the habitat requirements for eelgrass in the Peconic Estuary, in terms of quantifiable water quality parameters, similar to investigations that have been performed in the Chesapeake Bay with respect to total suspended solids, chlorophyll a_, light attenuation coefficient, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and dissolved inorganic phosphorus. Investigations should be undertaken to determine whether the spread of C. fragile has had or is having a significant adverse effect on the Peconic Estuary ecosystem. Although the causative agent (the slime-mold-like protozoan, Labyrinthula zosterae) has been identified, investigations should be undertaken to identify the trigger mechanism that activates this organism and initiates relapses of eelgrass "wasting disease". In addition, although anecdotal reports suggest that some recent eelgrass die-offs in the Peconic Estuary have been caused by wasting disease, further scientific investigation is needed to determine the degree to which this disease affects thelocal population dynamics of eelgrass. Janua~/lg96 Pa~e 7 Peconic Estua~ Pro~-am Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIL:Iaf SECTION 1.1 - Study Ob_iectives Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), as applied to this study, pertains to all types of multicellular plant species found within the Peconic Estuary. This includes not only rooted aquatic vegetation (e.g., eelgrass and widgeon grass), but also attached and unattached macroalgae (e.g., green fl:::e, rock weed, brushy redweed, lacy redweed, sea lettuce, kelp, etc.). Intertidal marsh grasses (e.g., Spartina alterniflora) are not considered to be SAV and were not surveyed in this study. It is important to note that this investigation uses the term "SAV" differently than a number of previous investigations. For example, in recent studies of the Chesapeake Bay system (Orth, et.al., 1992; The Ecologically Valuable Species Workgroup, 1993), the Pamlico/Albemarle Sound complex in North Carolina (North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, 1990), and Tampa Bay (King Engineedng~ 1994) only rooted vascular plants, including freshwater species found in the upper reaches of tributary streams, were considered to be SAY; macroalgae were not included in those surveys. However, similar to the present study, the recent estuarine resource inventory of the Fire Island National Seashore and vicinity (New York State Sea Grant Program, 1993) included macroalgae in the submerged aquatic vegetation category. Given the wide range of plant species that fall into the category of submerged aquatic vegetation, it is clear that SAV beds constitute one of the most important habitats in the Peconic Estuary. More specifically, this vegetation (especially eelgrass meadows) provides the following essential habitat functions for the Estuary~s biot~ · SAV beds are responsible for a large portion of the primary production that forms the base of the Estua~/s food chain. SAV provides nursery areas, and shelter and protection for various species of finfish and invertebrates, many of which are of recreational or commercial importance. ( Januan/~996 Pace 8 Peconic Estuan/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - final Report · SAV provides surfaces for the attachment of various epiphytes and epifauna, which increases species diversity and abundance compared to areas that lack vegetation. · Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is an especially important habitat for the bay scallop (Argooecten irradians), which historically has been an important commercial resource in the Peconic Estuary. For the reasons enumerated above, the status of SAV beds serves as an indicator of the overall health of the Estuary. Additionally, SAY has a strong, generally positive effect on certain physical and chemical processes in the estuary, including the following (Phillips and Me~ez, 1988). All SAV is involved in nutrient cycling, since these plants absorb nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus) from the surrounding environment, and re-release those nutrients through organic decay. · Rooted SAV stabilizes bottom sediments, even through the enormous stresses of hurricanes and northeast storms. SAV slows currents and waves in the near-bottom zone and, thereby, promotes sedimentation of particles from the water column, inhibits resuspension of previously settled particles, and moderates water column turbidity. Prior to the initiation of new investigations under the Peconic Estuary Program (PEP), the technical data base was deficient with respect to the abundance, distribution and density of SAY in the Peconic Estuary. This information gap has hampered planning and management efforts for those ecological resources that are dependent upon SAV (particularly bay scallops, which are closely associated with eelgrass beds). The present investigation was developed to enhance and augment the existing information base by providing a more detailed picture of the current and historical status of SAV in the study area, which will aid in formulating a comprehensive management plan for the PEP. In concise terms, the objectives of the Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study are as follows: · to conduct a technical review of historical information regarding SAV in the Peconic Estuary, including scientific reports, maps, and aerial photography; January 1996 Pab~ 9 Peconic Estuary Pro,ram Submerged AquatJc Vegetation Study - Final Report · to create a complete, new set of aerial photographs of the Estuary, developed under conditions that are optimal for the depiction of SAY; · to assess the usefulness of aerial photography in delineating the distribution of SAV beds in the Estuary; to conduct a detailed field program to determine the current abundance, distribution and density of SAV in the Estuary, which will serve as a vital baseline fur future investigations; · to compile the field survey data into a set of digitized maps, in a furmat compatible with the Suffolk County data management system; · to determine whether the distribution of SAV beds in the Estuary has undergone significant historical changes in the past two to three decades; · to identify physical factors that may affect the abundance, distribution and density of SAY in the Estuary; to develop a series of management recommendations, including actions for mitigating both natural and human-induced factors that can cause adverse impacts to SAV; · to outline feasible programs for the enhancement and restoration of SAV beds; and · to develop a series of recommendations for future investigations of SAV in the Estuary. The primary focus is placed on rooted vascular plants, particularly eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds, which are generally regarded as more ecologically important than macmalgae in estuarine environments. SECTION 1.2 - GeoL~ra_ phic Descrip§on of Study_ Area The Peconic Estuary system comprises the coastal waters between the North and South Forks of eastern Long Island (Map 1). Although the study area for the overall Peconic ( January 1996 pa&e .10 Peconic Estuary Pro&ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Repot: Estuary Program includes adjacent uplands within the groundwater and surface water- contributing area, this SAV investigation is concerned only with the system's tidal waters eastward as far as the line between Orient Point and Montauk Point. These coastal waters are divided among Suffolk County's five eastern Towns: Riverhead and Southold on the North Fork; Southampton and East Hampton on the South Fork; and Shelter Island between the Forks. The Peconic Estuary comprises a total of approximately 100,000 acres of water area (156 square miles or 404 square kilometers - SCDHS, 1992), which is naturally divided by peninsulas (necks) and islands into a series of interconnected embayments. These include: 1) the inner Estuary (west of Robins Island) - Flanders Bay (including Reeves Bay) and Great Peconic Bay; 2) the middle Estuary- Little Peconic Bay (including Cutchogue Harbor and Hog Neck Bay), West Neck Harbor, Noyack Bay, Sag Harbor Bay, Sag Harbor Cove, Northwest Harbor, Southold Bay, Shelter Island Sound, and Orient Harbor (including Long Beach Bay and Hallock Bay); and 3) the outer Estuary (east of Shelter Island) - Gardiners Bay (including Coecles Inlet and Three Mile Harbor), Napeague Bay (including Accabonac Harbor and Napeague Harbor), and western Block Island Sound (including Lake Montauk). Numerous additional small bays, harbors, inlets, and creeks extend from the major embayments listed above. These are shown on the Geographic Location Map (Map 2). Non-point discharges from groundwater seepage and runoff constitute the greatest source of freshwater received by the Estuary. The Peconic River is the primary point source of fresh surface water input to the Estuary, discharging into Flanders Bay at the western end of the system. The headwaters of the Peconic River are located in the Town of Brookhaven, near the intersection of William Floyd Parkway (Suffolk County Road 46) and Middle Country Road (State Route 25). The River and its tributary streams are about 15 miles in total length. More than 60 freshwater creeks flow into the Estuary at various points along the shoreline of both the North and South Forks and Shelter Island (SCDHS, BTCAMP, 1992). These creeks are generally short in length, and have a discharge derived primarily from groundwater underflow. Januan/1996 p~ge J1 Peconic Estuan/Program Submerged Aquatic Ve&etation Study - Final Report The Peconic Estuary is characterized as a shallow, vertically well-mixed estuary which has little or no seasonal stratification. Circulation is horizontal and is caused almost entirely by tidal flow, which greatly exceeds freshwater input (SCDHS, BTCAMP, 1992). Salinity generally increases from west to east, as one travels further from the major freshwater input from the Peconic River and closer to the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean off Block Island Sound. Water depths in the Peconic Estuary vary greatly among the major embayments, as described below (Hardy, 1976). · Flanders Bay - the shallowest major bay, with an average depth of 1.5 meters (5 feet), and a 4.6-meter (15-foot) maximum depth · Great Peconic Bay - average depth of 4.6 meters (15 feet); deepest point at 10.4 meters (34 feet), within the South Race off Robins Island Uttle Peconic Bay - average depth of 6.4 meters (21 feet); deepest point at 21 meters (68 feet) in the channel between Hog Neck and Jessups Neck, and 19 meters (61 feet) just east of the southerly tip of Uttle Hog Neck Waters around Shelter Island - average depth of 4.9 meters (16 feet); deepest points at 29 meters (95 feet) in the channel south of Greenport, and 24 meters (78 feet) in Shelter Island Sound, west of Great Hog Neck Gardiners Bay and Block Island Sound - depths generally range from 8 meters (25 feet) to 12 meters (40 feet) to the east of Gardiners Island, with a maximum of 58 meters (190 feet) in Plum Gut (between Orient Point and Plum Island); depths to the east of Gardiners Island are highly variable, ranging from shoal areas near the shore to almost 90 meters (300 feet) in The Race (to the west of Fishers Island) The mean tidal range in the Peconic Estuary generally decreases slightly from west to east, as follows: 0.82 meter (2.7 feet) in Flanders Bay, 0.76 meter (2.5 feet) in Great Peconic Bay, 0.73 meter (2.4 feet) in Little Peconic Bay and around Shelter Island, 0.76 meter (2.5 feet) in Gardiners Bay, 0.67 meter (2.2 feet) at Uttle Gull Island (east of Plum Island), and 0.61 meter (2.0 feet) at Montauk Point. It takes approximately three hours for the tidal wave to travel from Orient Point to Riverhead. { January 1~J6 Pac. 12 Peconic Estua~' P~ogram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report .SECtqON 1.3 - Pro~_'ect Back=~ro_ und The National Estuary Program (NEP) was established in 1987 as part of the Clean Water Act Amendments to develop management plans to protect the ecological integrity of nationally significant estuaries that are threatened by pollution, development, or overuse. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency manages the overall Program, and local agencies oversee each individual NEP project. The original, Tier One list for the NEP consisted of six projects, including the Long Island Sound Study. Eleven more estuaries were subsequently added to the Program during Tiers Two and Three. The Peconic Estuary was admitted into the NEP in the Fall of 1992. The Peconic Estuary Program (PEP) is overseen by the Suffolk County Department of Health Sendces (SCDHS). Each estuary in the NEP is subject to a four-phase process that ultimately leads to the development and implementation of a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP). The four phases of the NEP, as they apply to the Peconic Estuary, are described below. During Phase 1, a Management Conference is established to identify the particular problems that pertain to the estuary under investigation. The Management Conference, which is the decision-making framework that carries out the NEP process, involves all interested parties, including citizen and user groups, scientific and technical institutions, and relevant government agencies and resources managers at the federal, state and local levels. The PEP Management Conference was established in April 1993, and work plans were developed throughout 1993 by members of the management team, thereby completing Phase 1 of the process. Phase 2 entails characterizing the specific problems that apply to the estuary under investigation. This phase of the NEP process relies mainly on existing scientific information, with additional technical studies conducted to fill in the most critical information gaps. Estuary characterization focuses on known facts about the current status of estuary health, estuary problems and their likely causes and sources, and any historical or spatial trends that are apparent. The initial work to be performed under Phase 2 for the PEP was outlined in a Request for Proposals issued by the SCDHS in December 1993. In addition to the present SAV investigation, the inventory and technical assessment studies that were initiated for the Peconic Estuary in 1994 include: surface water quality modeling; sediment and nutrient fluxes; estuarine use and economic value assessment; toxic substances and sediment characterization; and January 19~6 Pa~e.13 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report identification of rare, endangered, threatened, and special concern wildlife species, and critical habitat areas. Based on the information gathered during Phase 2, the CCMP is designed, developed, and adopted during Phase 3. The CCMP is a "blueprint for restoring the estuary' (USEPA, April 1992), which establishes specific goals and objectives for solving the identified problems and restoring the estuary. To help ensure success, the CCMP requires a detailed plan for implementation, which includes a funding pregrar~, monitoring strategy, and ongoing public participation component. During Phase 4, the mitigation actions prescribed in the CCMP are implemented under the auspices of the 1987 Water Quality Act Amendments of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and other State and local regulations. SECTION 1.4 - Ovendew of Investigative Approach The methodology used in this submerged aquatic vegetation investigation consisted of four primary components, summarized as follows. 1) A thorough review was conducted of existing scientific literature regarding SAV in terms of its ecological significance, as well as its historic abundance and importance to the Peconic System. This review included consultation with informed individuals regarding their knowledge of SAV abundance, as well as their knowledge of data and information sources concerning SAV in this region. 2) An extensive field survey was conducted to: determine the SAV species present in the Estuary, measure the density of SAV throughout the Estuary, map current distribution and abundance of SAY beds, and identify physical parameters (e.g., sediment characteristics, water clarity, depth, salinity, temperature) that may affect the distribution, abundance and density of SAY. 3) New aerial photography of the Estuary was obtained to assist in delineating the current distribution of SAV. As noted previously, the photographic flight was conducted under conditions optimal for seagrass detection. ( JaJluary 1996 Page .'14 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report 4) Historic aerial photographs were examined and compared to the current aerial photographs to determine whether any trends in the distribution of SAV in the Estua~/could be detected. Based on the information gathered during the tasks outlined above, a series of management recommendations were developed for long-term SAV protection and restoration. These recommendations include: actions for mitigating factors, both natural and human-induced, that can cause adverse impacts to SAV; programs for the enhancement and restoration of SAV beds; and future research and monitoring requirements. Janua~/1996 Pa&e,lS Peconic Estuan/program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report SECTION 2 REViI_:~ OF EXISTING DATA AND UTERATURE SECTION 2.1 - Ecologi_'cal Im_oodance of SAV The ecological importance of SAV was briefly discussed in the introduction in Section 1, and is described in additional detail here. A. Primas7 Production Primary production refers to the process by which green plants utilize solar energy (via photosynthesis) to convert basic compounds available in the environment into biomass. This vegetative biomass forms the base of the food chain that sUpports herbivores, which graze on the plants, and predators, which feed upon the herbivores and each other. The daily primary production rates in eelgrass meadows rank among the highest in marine plant ecosystems (Thayer, et.al., 1984). The direct consumption of SAV by herbivores is not the only way that the primary production of these plants becomes available to organisms higher in the food chain. Much of the energy produced in SAV beds is released to higher trophic levels through the detritus generated when the plants die (where detritus is defined as the decaying plant matter, as well as the associated microorganisms). In fact, generally no more than 10 percent of the net production of vascular marine plants in temperate ecosystems is consumed directly; the remaining 90 percent of net production is made available to higher tropic levels through detrital matter. It is generally assumed that detritus is enriched through microbial growth, and that detritivores derive their nutrition mainly from the resident microbial meiofaunal community (Thayer, eLal., 1985). The relative importance of detritus as a source of energy in a given community can vary greatly, however, and depends largely upon the decay rate of the plants (which determines how readily this material becomes available to detritus feeders), the ability of grazers to directly utilize the SAV present in the community, and the rate at which detritus is exported via waves and currents. In general, few organisms graze directly on living eelgrass blades, due possibly to the relatively high fraction of cellulose in eelgrass blades, which is not ( J ~nu~ 1~ Pa~e,16 Peconic ~stua~y Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Fina~ Report digestible by most herbivores, and/or the presence of chemicals which inhibit grazing. Additionally, eelgrass tends to decay at a faster rate than other rooted aquatic species such as marsh grasses and, therefore, becomes more quickly available to detrital feeders. As a result, the detritus generated from the decaying leaves provides the nutritional foundation of the complex food web that exists in eelgrass communities (Thayer, et.al., 1984 and 1985). One notable species that does utilize living eelgrass plants directly as a food source is the Atlantic brant (Branta bernicla), a small goose that winters in many Long Island bays. The total primary production of an SAV community can be greatly augmented by epiphytic algae that affix to the SAV surfaces. In some well-structured seagrass communities, it is possible that the contribution of the seagrass component may be only one-half of the overall primary productivity of the community (Phillips and MeRez, 1988). B. Nutrient Cy. dine All organisms require certain nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, to function and grow. Aquatic plants absorb nutrients directly from the overlying water and (for rooted plants) from the interstitial waters in bottom sediments, thereby making the essential nutrients available to herbivores, which in turn provide these substances to predatory animals. Elemental nitrogen (N2) is not directly usable by most green plants, including the majority of SAV species. Instead, these plants rely on nitrate (NO~), nitrite (NO2), and ammonia (NH3) to satisfy their nitrogen requirements. In a process called nitrogen fixation, blue-green algae, which exist as epiphytes on certain SAV species, convert N~ to a chemical form that is usable by the host plants. Some studies have shown that nitrogen fixation can supply one-half or more of the nitrogen requirements of a seagrass meadow (Phillips and Me~ez, 1988). Therefore, the SAY species which harbor nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae serve an important ecological function because nitrogen is generally the nutrient that limits the overall productivity of a marine community. Nutrient cycles in the marine environment are typically very complex. However, it is clear that fully developed eelgrass meadows are an important sink for nutrients. For example, a study conducted by Greene, et.al. (1977) concluded that the quantity of nitrogen stored in the standing stock of eelgrass in eastern Janua/y 1996 Pa~e.17 Peconic Estuan/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Great South Bay in the spring and summer of 1977 was approximately five times the total annual external input of nitrogen via streamflow, subsurface flow, and rainfall; the quantity of phosphorus in the eelgrass was calculated to be approximately ten times the total annual external input of that element. A healthy eelgrass community in a given water body absorbs nutrients that may otherwise have the potential to spur phytoplankton blooms (Elder, 1976). Extreme phytoplankton blooms can have a negative overall effect on the estuarine ecosystem, by increasing the turbidity of the water column and, thereby, diminishing the degree of light penetration, which can reduce the rate of primary production of benthic vegetation. Additional problems can occur when the bloom organisms die, and subsequent organic decay consumes oxygen in the water column, especially in the near-bottom layer. Epiphytes that grow on eelgrass also contribute to the cycling of nutrients. As noted previously, epiphytes can account for a large fraction of the plant biomass in a seagrass community, which would absorb a proportionately large amount of dissolved nutrients from the water column. Many herbivores that dwell in seagrass communities feed upon epiphytes and, in turn, are fed upon by predators, resulting in the nutrients passing to higher trophic levels. However, nutrient enrichment can lead to excessive growth ofepiphytes which exceeds the feeding ability of the grazers (U.S. EPA, 1992). In cases of excessive epiphyte growth, the underlying leaves are shaded, which can cause a decline in the eelgrass. Thus, a delicate balance exists between the nutrient requirements of eelgrass, and the potential for blooms of both phytoPlankton and epiphytes to adversely affect eelgrass under conditions of nutrient enrichment. Macroalgae also play an important role in the nutrient cycle in marine ecosystems. In fact, certain, rapidly-growing macroalgae may actually benefit eelgrass by acting as a "nutrient sponge", thereby mitigating the adverse effects of nutrient enrichment on Z. marina. (Harlin, 1978). Habitat One of the most important ecological roles played by SAV, especially eeigrass, involves its role as the foundation of a productive marine ecosystem (similar to coral reefs), which provides habitat to a large variety of organisms. Besides the Janua~/1996 Page.18 Peconic Eseda~y program Submerged Aquatic Ve&etation S~udy - Final Report food energy produced by SAV, these plants serve the following essential habitat functions. SAV increases the complexity of the habitat, creating more ecological niches and, thereby, increases the diversity and abundance of both species and individuals within the community, compared to unvegetated areas in similar physical environments. In particular, the blades and roots/rhizomes of an eelgrass community create additional habitat above and below the sediment-water interface, respectively. This creates three primary habitat layers: epiphytes, consisting mostly of diatoms and macroalgae, and epifauna, consisting mostly of worms, snails, crustaceans, and various larval forms; infauna, consisting mostly of worms, bivalves and crustaceans; and demersal and water column dwellers, consisting mostly of fish and crustaceans (Ware,-1993). Macroalgae also increase habitat diversity, but only above the sediment-water interface, since these plants lack roots and rhizomes. SAV provides shelter for prey organisms seeking refuge from predators. This habitat function is especially important to bivalve species (scallops, oysters, and clams), as well as baitfish and juvenile finfish. SAV provides surfaces for the attachment of a large number of epiphytes (including macroalgae, micmalgae, fungi, and bacteria), which are extensively grazed, thereby increasing the total biomass of herbivores and higher trophic levels that can be supported within the community. The epiphyte-dependent fauna (especially gastropods and amphipods) serves as an important food for a number of fish species (Thayer, et.al., 1984). SAV provides primary nursery areas for various life history stages of organisms that are important both ecologically, and to commercial and recreational fisheries. This nursery function is related mainly to three essential criteria (i.e., the availability of plentiful food, places to hide from predators, and substrate for attachment by sessile stages) which are fulfilled by SAV beds. SAV creates drag forces that retard water currents, which results in more stable physical environmental conditions than would otherwise exist at a given location. For example, the hydrodynamic conditions created by eelgrass beds are known to be important for the recruitment of benthic January 1996 Page~ 19 Peconic ~$tua~y Pro~'am Submerged Aquatic Ve§etation Study - Final Report organisms that have planktonic larval stages, especially the bay scallop. The decreased water velocity caused by eelgrass blades creates a quiet aqueous environment from which the larvae can settle. The slow currents in an eelgrass meadow are also believed to be important to the growth and survival of the scallops; increased currents may cause newly set scallops to become dislodged from their byssal attachment to the substrate (Eckman, 1987). The decreased current energy in SAV beds also reduces the rate at which detritus is exported from the area, maintaining a larger fraction of this important food source within the community. The root-rhizome system of vascular aquatic plants provides additional cohesiveness to the substrate, thereby increasing the overall stability of the habitat. The decay of the roots and rhizomes of seagrasses provides a significant direct in-situ input of detritus to the sediments, which becomes available to benthic organisms within the seagrass community. Despite the role of SAV in redudng currents and retaining detritus, a significant amount of organic matter (both particulate and dissolved fractions) generated by SAY communities is still exported by currents, thereby augmenting the productivity of adjacent areas. The rate of export of detritus from eelgrass beds is dependent on the physical properties of the beds and the water movement characteristics at a given location (Thayer, et.al., 1985). Another way in which energy produced within an SAV community is exported is by means of mobile organisms (particularly fish) that feed within the SAY beds and are then themselves consumed by other organisms at other locations. Thayer, et.al. (1984) indicate that the amount of biomass removed from eelgrass meadows in this manner is considerable. One of the most important habitat associations that occurs with respect to SAV in the Peconic system is the relationship between the bay scallop (~_o.oecten irradians) and eel§rass (Zostera marina). Numerous studies have shown that bay scallops depend on the grass blades for attachment of the postlarvae. ( Janua,'y 1996 Page,20 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation study - Final Repo;t Additionally, phytoplankton which may become concentrated within eelgrass beds due to the baffling effect of the grass blades, serve as the primary food source for these filter feeding animals. Small-particle detritus generated from the eelgrass meadows may also be utilized as food by bay scallops (Thayer, et.al., 1984). A well-documented crash in bay scallop populations following the near- total demise of eastern United States eelgrass beds in the early 1930s clearly demonstrates in qualitative terms the large degree to which this commercially and recreationally important shellfish species relies upon eelgrass (see Section 2.2~ for further discussion). However, the value of eelgrass to the life cycle of the bay scallop in the Peconic system has not been quantified (SCDHS, 1992). SECTION 2.2 - Hi~;tnrical p=ttams of SAV Abundance and Distribution Prior investigations of SAY in the Peconic Estuary have focused mostly on eelgrass because of the previously discussed association of the commercially important shellfish ~ irradians (bay scallop) with this vegetative species. Studies that have been conducted in adjacent water bodies, particularly Long Island's south shore estuary complex, are briefly discussed to supplement the site-specific information that is available for the Peconic Estuary. I~_~onal and C. Inlal Historical Trends in Eel_erass Disl~ibution The entire eelgrass stock suffered a catastrophic decline throughout its range in North America and Europe during 1931 and 1932. This so-called %vasting disease" led to the destruction of an estimated 90 percent of the eelgrass along the Atlantic coast. However, eelgrass beds in waters with a salinity less than 12 to 15 parts per thousand apparently were immune to the effects of the wasting disease, and provided seed stocks for the subsequent recolonization that eventually took place in more saline areas which were decimated by the disease (Thayer, et.al., 1984). Recovery throughout Great South Bay and other south shore bays on Long Island was also reported to have occurred based on remnant eelgrass populations in up-estuary, Iow-salinity areas, and full recovery apparently required more than several decades (Burkholder and Doheny, 1968). The eelgrass wasting disease characteristically begins as small black lesions on the healthy growing leaves. The necrotic spots quickly spread along the leaves Page Janua~ Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aqua~ic Vegetation Study - Final Report and coalesce, eventually turning the entire leaf black (Short, et.al., 1993). With the photosynthetic apparatus of the leaves destroyed in this manner, the entire plant (including roots and rhizomes) will quickly succumb. Although the early 1930s demise of the eelgrass beds resulted in a dramatic upsurge in ecological research in the marine environment in both North America and Europe, the cause of the wasting disease was not pinpointed until recently. The responsible organism is a slime-mold-like protozoan, Labyrinthula zosterae, that is worldwide in distribution and has infected eelgrass plants where no actual population declines have yet been observed (Short, et.al., 1991; Short, et.al., 1993). The combined effect of environmental factors conducive to the growth of Lab_vrinthula and which induce stress in eelgrass appears to be responsible for episodes of the disease (Burkholder and Doheny, 1968). The widespread loss of eelgrass beds in the early 1930s had both geomorphic and biological consequences. The most obvious physical effects were those associated with the interaction between hydrology and sediment characteristics. After the eelgrass disappeared, the substrate within the former bed areas generally became coarser, and long, permanent sand bars built up. Sandy beaches that had once been protected by the eelgrass became rocky slopes (Thayer, et.al., 1984). The early 1930s wasting disease epidemic also resulted in changes to the biological communities within and adjacent to the former eelgrass beds, although not to the overall degree that was initially anticipated. Some studies showed that certain species which had lived on or among the grass blades disappeared completely and that overall species abundance decreased. However, the populations of most major commercial and recreational species generally did not experience large declines, at least within the detection capabilities of the harvest statistics of that time. As a notable exception, a crash of both the bay scallop Leu~_opecten irradians) and Atlantic brant ~Branta bemida hrota) populations was documented immediately after the eelgrass meadows disappeared. The Canada goose ~Branta canadensis), black duck (Anas rubri_oes), scaup ~Avth_va spp.), redhead ~Avthva americana), and other waterfowl species suffered less dramatic population declines (Thayer, et.al., 1984; Wilson and Brenowitz, 1966). The North Carolina bay scallop harvest (in terms of the weight of shucked meats) showed a dramatic decline from a high of 1.4 million pounds in 1928 to 91,000 pounds in 1932, followed by 13 more years of fairly steady decline to a Iow of Janumy 1996 Pa~e,22 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report just 22,000 pounds in 1945; this scallop fishery did not return to pre-wasting disease levels until the 1960s. The harvest from the Delmarva peninsula area of Chesapeake Bay declined precipitously from 56,000 pounds in 1930 to 38,000 pounds in 1931, 20,000 pounds in 1932, and zero during the period between 1933 and 1981 (Thayer, et. al., 1984). Some scientists have noted that eelgrass and other submerged vascular plant communities at certain locations exhibited oscillations in abundance prior to the 1930s, including declines in 1854, 1894 and 1913 (Burkholder and Doheny, 1968; Wilson and Brenowitz, 1966) and followed by periods of recovery. It is possible that these variations were in response to environmental changes, both natural and man-induced. The 1970s is cited as another period of general decline of eelgrass in Chesapeake Bay, which was more severe than the episode during the 1930s and with a less successful recovery. A similar oscillation during the 1970s was not noted for North Carolina's eelgrass beds 0rhayer, et.al., 1984); however, a general eelgrass decline recurred along the entire east coast of the U.S. in the 1980s (Short, et.al., 1991; Short, et.al., 1993). A study conducted by Short, eLal. (1993) showed that eelgrass distribution in several embayments on the eastern coast of the U.S. underwent dramatic shifts in distribution during the 1980s. For example, eel§rass meadows in the Great Bay reserve in Massachusetts (north of Boston) are reported to have expanded after 1981 until they covered most of the bay bottom, except deep channel areas, in July 1984. The eelgrass coverage in the bay gradually declined due to wasting disease during the subsequent five years, and by July 1989 only remnant beds remained. By October 1989, eel§rass beds had dramatically expanded again, although not nearly to the extent that was documented in 1984. In addition to the historical role played by disease, human activities recently have also exhibited a strong intluence on the patterns of eelgrass distribution and abundance. Nutrient loading to surface waters derived primarily from stormwater runoff and sewage effluent can spur phytoplankton growth. Excessive concentrations (i.e., "blooms") of phytoplankton decrease water column transparency, and can thereby decrease the degree of sunlight penetration to the point that eelgrass beds no longer receive sufficient solar energy to survive. Recent research (Burkholder, 1993; and Burkholder, et.aL, 1992) suggests that elevated nitrate concentrations in the water column may also have a direct, adverse affect on eelgrass physiological function - see Section 4,a~1 .a for further discussion. Jaml~y 1996 Page.23 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation study - Final Repo~ Enhanced growth of epiphytes on eelgrass blades is another potential consequence of elevated nutrient levels which can diminish the amount of light absorption by the eelgrass plants. For example, sewage discharges and agricultural drainage in a Danish estuary created a nitrate gradient that resulted in a 100-fold increase in epiphyte growth during the summer at the most enriched locations; this algal growth was implicated in the decline of the host plants (Borom, 1985). Elevated nutrient levels can also accelerate the growth of fr=c living green or red macroalgae, which absorb nutrients more rapidly than eelgrass, and can crowd out the eelgrass beds. In quiet embayments and sheltered lagoons having reduced tidal flushing, epiphytes and macroalgae can respond so quickly to water column nitrate enrichment that they may seasonally outgrow grazing pressure (Burkholder 1993). The three scenarios of an eelgrass community's response to nutrient enrichment (i.e., phytoplankten domination, macroalgae domination, and excessive epiphyte growth, as described above) have all been observed in the field. All three of these effects promote a reduction in eelgrass density that can ultimately lead to the elimination of an eelgrass population altogether. Areas that have experienced identifiable eelgrass declines resulting from human-induced pollution include: Chesapeake Bay (U.S. EPA, 1992); Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts; and Indian River, Florida (Short, et.al., 1991; Short, et.al., 1993). Importantly, the area most affected by human influences is the upper portion of an estuary. As previously noted, however, these lower salinity reaches of the estuary are least susceptible to wasting disease. Thus, pollution derived from human activities is reducing eelgrass populations in the very areas that provide the surviving seed stocks that are essential to the recovery of portions of the estuary that are typically decimated by episodes of wasting disease (Short, et.al., 1991). Furthermore, reduced light penetration caused by nutrient enrichment may increase the severity of eelgrass losses during an episode of wasting disease (Short, et.al., 1993). In addition to the long-term trends in abundance discussed above, eelgrass populations are also known to undergo shorter-term variations associated with climatic factors. Typical seasonal trends in eelgrass growth include periods of die-back of the upper part of the leaves and the older part of the rhizomes during the hottest part of the summer and the coldest part of the winter (Burkholder and Doheny, 1968). Periods of prolonged high or Iow water temperatures can cause a decline in the eelgrass beds that are not fully compensated by the Janua~ 19~ pa&e Peconic ~stuazy Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Stud~ - Final Report growing season during the following spring or fall. For example, an observed decrease in the abundance of the eelgrass beds in eastern Great South Bay during 1977 was attributed to the combined impact of a record-breaking heat wave during the summer of that year and a preceding winter that was unusually cold; ice scouring of the beds in shallow waters during the winter of 1976-77 may also have contributed to the reduction in eelgrass abundance (Greene, et.al., 1977). Individual storm events can also cause a significant loss of plant material from SAV beds, which may or may not be recovered by subsequent recruitment, depending on whether the storm also altered other critical environmental conditions (especially with respect to water depth, and wave and current regime). Burial by sediments transported by storms may also cause important changes in SAV distribution. Besides the temperature stress-induced variations described above, eelgrass beds also undergo growth variation in response to normal seasonal changes in water temperature and incident solar light. This seasonal variation generally includes growth in the spring, reproductive growth and seed production during the summer (possibly with a marked die-back in the hottest part of the summer), additional vegetative growth in the fall, and winter die-back (Burkholder and Doheny, 1968). See Section 4.1 ~(1)(a) for further discussion of the life history of eelgrass. B. Eel_erass Investigations within the Peconic Estuary_ Eelgrass studies were conducted within the Peconic Estuary in association with the Brown Tide Comprehensive Assessment and Management Pro~ram (SCDHS, BTCAMP, 1992), which incorporated the findings of a report to the SCDHS by Dennison (1990) titled "Brown Tide Algae Blooms: Possible Long-Term Impacts on Eelgrass Distribution and Abundance". That work was also discussed in a 1989 report by Dennison, et.al. 'Brown tidem is the common name given to an extensive bloom of a single species of the rapidly reproducing phytoplankton Aureococcus Lngi~~. Brown tides were first identified in the Peconic Estuary in 1985, and have been observed in the Estuary during subsequent years. Certain portions of the Peconic system, particularly Flanders Bay and West Neck Bay, have generally experienced more intense blooms, although in some years brown tides occurred throughout the Estuary (SCDHS, 1992). Brown tides are unusual due to the extreme dominance J anus/1996 Page.25 Peconic Estu~ Pro,ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report of a single species. Typically, phytoplankton blooms are characterized by a wide diversity of forms and species (Cosper, et.al, 1987). The causes for the onset of a brown tide bloom are presently unknown, although some researchers have theorized that the availability of certain micronutrients, which enter the bays through freshwater inputs and groundwater flow, is important. Other researchers have hypothesized that seasonal changes in the pattern of flushing and tidal, exchange within the Peconic system may be responsible for initiating and sustaining brown tides to some degree. Precipitation levels may also influence the onset of brown tides. Further research is needed in all of these areas (SCDHS, 1992). Enrichment of coastal bays with the more traditional inorganic nutrients does not appear to be a major factor in brown tide development. Field surveys revealed that the concentrations of nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate were not elevated prior to and during recent brown tide episodes in the Peconic Estuary (SCDHS, 1992). Anecdotal reports of large-scale eelgrass wash-ups on local beaches during the mid 1980s suggested that the on-going brown tides were having a direct, adverse effect on eelgrass populations in the Peconic Estuary. Some scientific field investigations supported this conclusion. For example, based on limited in-situ observations in the Peconic Estuary and Great South Bay Cosper, et.al. (1987) concluded that the brown tides of 1985 and 1986 caused significant de~eases in the depth range, spatial extent, and leaf biomass of eelgrass beds in those two water bodies. Dennison and co-investigators (1989 and 1990) used black and white aerial photography to define the distribution of eelgrass in the Peconic Estuary during the brown tide period. Based on their analysis, Dennison, et.al. (1989) concluded that in 1988 there was no eelgrass in the inner and middle Peconic Estuary, while 13.5 square kilometers in Gardiners Bay were occupied by eelgrass beds. However, pre-brown tide aerial photographs were not analyzed as part of that investigation. In order to assess historic trends in eelgrass distribution that may be related to the effects of brown tides, Dennison, et.al. (1989) conducted interviews with marina operators and fisherman. Those verbal accounts indicated that eelgrass was previously present in a number of areas in the outer Estuary which were reportedly devoid of eelgrass in the 1988 survey, including: Accabonac Harbor, Three Mile Harbor, Northwest Harbor, and the Estuary to the west of Shelter Janualy 1996 peconic Estuary Pro,-am Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Island. It should be noted, however, that the absence of eelgrass beds in Northwest Harbor as reported by Dennison, et.al. (1989) is disputed by some local investigators, who found fairly thick and lush beds down to six feet during extensive studies conducted in that water body in 1988 (Christopher Smith, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, telephone communication, September 22, 1995). The reported decline of eelgrass beds during brown tide events in the outer Peconic Estuary since 1985 has been tied to the shading effect of high concentrations of Aureococcus in the water column (Dennison, et.al., 1989). As described in Section 2.1 .B, this relationship is logical on the basis of fundamental physical laws, since the presence of large numbers of microscopic phytoplankton would increase the scattering of sunlight and decrease the depth of light penetration. Cosper, et.al. (lg87) found that Secchi depths at their Peconic Estuary study locations were less than one meter throughout the bloom periods, in contrast to several meters during pre-bloom summer months. Plants that are at the species' depth 'limit for clear water conditions would be expected to decline due to the lack of sufficient light energy in turbid waters created by the brown tide, thereby diminishing the plant's distribution in the affected water body. In-situ manipulation experiments and transplant studies (Dennison and Alberte, 1985 and 1986) demonstrate that light availability controls the maximum depth penetration of eelgrass and controls eelgrass growth in deeper parts of its distribution. No definitive conclusion was drawn by Dennison, et.al. (1989) regarding the underlying cause for the reported historical decline in eelgraSs beds in the middle and inner Peconic Estuary. However, it was suggested that nutrient enrichment, combined with a slow water turnover rate in the portion of the Estuary to the west of Shelter Island, may have caused blooms of phytoplankton and/or epiphytes which diminished the amount of light received by former eelgrass stands. Brown tides have also had a well-documented, dramatic effect on bay scallop populations in the study area. Data provided in the BTCAMP study (SCDHS, 1992) show a decline in the Peconic Estuary scallop harvest between 1974 (683,000 pounds of shucked meats, under the pre-brown tide condition) and lg88 (250 pounds, after several years of recurrent brown tides). It is possible that this trend may be due in part to the reported loss of eelgrass beds caused by the brown tides. As discussed in Section 2.1.C, eelgrass beds are an pa&e,27 January 1996 Peconic Estunry Progr~n Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report especially important habitat for juvenile bay scallops. However, the crash of the bay scallop fishery in the Peconic Estuary was also due in large part to the direct, physiological effect of Aureococcus on filter feeding organisms (which include oysters and clams, as well as scallops). During a bloom, this phytoplankter is the dominant component of suspended matter in the water column. However, it is believed that Aureococcus has a relatively Iow nutritional value, is too small to be efficiently retained by the filter feeding apparatus of shellfish, produces a toxin that inhibits feeding by shellfish, and possesses structural features which impair digestion. Due to these factors, it is hypothesized that bay scallops are unable to take in a suffident quantity of food during brown tides to fully support their biological activities, resulting in retarded growth and higher mortality (SCDHS, 1992). A similar, downward trend occurred with respect to landings of the American oyster {Crassostrea virg_inica} during brown tide years. The harvest of oysters from the Peconic system declined from more than 1.5 million pounds in 1976 to less than 900 pounds in 1989. Since oysters are not dependent on eelgrass beds for habitat to the same degree as bay scallops, the direct physiological effects of Aureococcus are probably the primary cause of the documented decline in the Peconic Estuary oyster population. Reported decreases in the distribution of' eelgrass in the Estuary during brown tide years were probably not a major factor in the crash of the oyster fishery. An investigation of the northern portion of Lake Montauk was undertaken by Flagg and Greene (1981), primarily to assess the impacts of shoreline development on shellfish resources; however, related parameters, such as the abundance and distribution of eelgrass, were also examined. During their field storey, conducted in December 1980, those investigators observed eelgrass at varying densities throughout their study area, except for a single station in the middle of the channel. The densest beds were generally found in sheltered areas adjacent to the shore. Eelgrass was present in a wide range of sediment types, from mud to gravelly sand. The observed distribution was attributed to water depth and its affect on light attenuaUon; eelgrass was found to be most abundant in waters less than I meter deep, moderately abundant in waters 1 to 2 meters (3.3 to 6.6 feet) deep, and sparse or absent at depths over 2 meters. Eelgrass was found growing to a maximum depth of 3.4 meters (11.2 feet) in areas closest to the inlet, where water clarity was greatest. Green fleece (Codium fragile) was found among a moderately dense bed of eelgrass, in one small area covered by ( January 1996 Pi~e 28 Peconic Estua~/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report two stations. Common southern kelp (Laminaria a_eardhi) was found at the single station at which eelgrass was absent. Flagg and Greene (1981) observed Iow abundances of adult bay scallops throughout their study area, a condition that was apparently caused primarily by harvesting pressure. In contrast, juvenile scallops were observed to be fairly abundant, with an abundance pattern that correlated strongly with the distribution of eelgrass. Hard clams were also found throughout the study area, but the observed pattern of abundance did not correlate with any of the measured parameters. In May and June of 1995, the Town of East Hampton conducted a survey of aquatic vegetation in six harbors and embayments that are within the Peconic Estuary System: Northwest Creek, Three Mile Harbor, Hog Creek, Accabonac Harbor, Napeogue Harbor, and Lake Montauk (East Hampton Town Natural Resources Department, 1995). The results of the survey are shown in a series of tables and charts. The findings of that investigation with respect to eelgrass are summarized as follows. Hog Creek had the highest relative abundance of eelgrass and the highest frequency of eelgrass occurrence (12 or the 14 of the stations surveyed) of the six water bodies investigated by the Town. This small water body was not surveyed as part of the present SAV study. Lake Montauk also had a high coverage of eelgrass; 10 of 23 stations surveyed by the Town. In comparison, the present SAY study found eelgrass at 3 of 5 stations surveyed. Northwest Creek and Three Mile Harbor had the sparsest coverage of eelgrass of the six water bodies surveyed by the Town. Eelgrass was observed in Northwest Creek at only 2 of the 23 stations with SAV (there were 44 stations at which no SAV was observed) and in Three Mile Harbor at only 1 of 19 stations. In the present SAY study, no widespread coverage of eelgrass was found in either embayment. January 1996 Pa~e .29 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Stud)' - Final Report Macr,.~laaa Investigations within the Peconic Estuary_ No previous investigations are known to have been conducted to characterize the distribution and abundance of macroalgae throughout the Peconic Estuary. A study performed by Fuller (1973) described the algal flora in three depth zones at two stations in Lake Montauk inlet and at eastern Gardiners Island, which are situated at the eastern end of the PEP study area. A total of 84 species of algae were identified and catalogued during monthly collection surveys over the course of ten months during 1971-72, including 45 species of red algae, 23 species of brown algae, and 16 species of green algae. A planned biomass and community structure analysis was precluded by a variety of logistical problems that limited diving time. Fuller's (1973) study recorded more species of macroalgae than were observed during the present SAV investigation (38, including several specimens that were identified only to genus or phylum level) mainly because of significant differences in study objectives and methodologies. Whereas Fuller's study was directed specifically at collecting and identifying macmalgae, the present SAV study was focused primarily on seagrasses; macroalgae were an important, though secondary, consideration. Furthermore, Fuller's study involved monitoring at only two stations, which allowed a more detailed analysis of the floral communities present. The field investigation for the SAV study included a survey at 214 stations throughout the entire Estuary, which somewhat limited the level of detail that could be provided at any given location. Fuller returned to each of his two monitoring locations ten times over the course of almost an entire year, which increased the opportunity of encountering rarer species. The SAV study entailed a single visit to each station over the course of the approximately six-week field survey. Because of the differences enumerated above, the comparisons that can be made between the two studies are limited, especially with respect to species distribution and diversity. However, it is interesting to note that the three most prevalent species observed in the present SAV investigation (i.e., green fleece, sea lettuce, and rockweed) were also among the most common species encountered by Fuller. Although eelgrass and its associated fauna (especially bay scallops) have been the primary focus of research into the effects of the brown tide, macroalgae were probably also affected to some degree (SCDHS, 1992). During their survey of januan/ 1996 page.30 ( peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report eelgrass on Long Island, Dennison, et.al. (1989) observed that free floating and loosely attached green fleece (Codium spp.) occurred in areas of eelgrass die- back. In addition, this macroalgae species was found throughout Long Island embayments that did not then (in 1988) harbor eelgrass populations. It was concluded that Codium has a lower light compensation point for growth than eelgrass and can better survive reductions in light availability. The red macroalgae Gracilaria was also found in abundance in eelgrass die-back areas. As discussed previously, the Town of East Hampton conducted a survey of aquatic vegetation in six harbors and embayments that are within the Peconic Estuary System (East Hampton Town Natural Resources Department, 1995). The findings of that investigation with respect to macmalgae are summarized as follows. · Green and red algae were dominant in Accabonac Harbor, occurring (respectively) at 18 and 14 of the 20 stations. In comparison, green and brown algae were observed at the single station in Accabonac Harbor surveyed under the present SAY study. · All three types of macroalgae were represented in Hog Creek, but each was present at fewer than 50 percent of the stations. This compares to eelgrass, which was present at 86 percent of the stations. As noted previously, this small water body was not surveyed under the present SAV study. · Lake 66ontauk had a high representation of all three types of macroalgae, each of which was observed at 19 of the 23 stations surveyed. The green algae Codium fragile was common, having been sighted at 15 (65 percent) of the stations. In the present SAY study, ~ was observed at 4 of the 5 stations in Lake Montauk. · Napeague Harbor had a high representation of all three types of macroalgae; of the 25 stations, green algae appeared at 14 stations, red algae at 12, and brown algae at 10 stations. No major beds of macmalgae were recorded in Napeague Harbor under the present SAY study. · As noted previously, most of the stations surveyed by the Town in Northwest Creek were devoid of SAV. Of the 23 stations with SAV, green algae appeared at 12 stations, red algae at 13, and brown algae at 9 Pabre.31 January 1996 Peconic Estua~/Fro~'am 5ubmer&ed Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report stations. In the present SAV study, the green algae Ulva lactuca was observed at 1 of the 2 stations surveyed in Northwest Creek, and no other substantial coverage by macroalgae was recorded. Brown and red algae were dominant in Three Mile Harbor, occurring (respectively) at 14 and 13 of the 19 stations, while green algae was observed at 8 stations. In comparison, of the 4 stations in Three Mile Harbor surveyed under the present SAY study, all 4 contained green algae, 3 contained brown algae, and 2 contained red algae. Based on the findings summarized above, with respect to both eelgrass and macroalgae, the authors of the Town's study concluded that Lake Montauk appeared at the present time to be the most suitable SAV habitat of the six water bodies investigated. E). _Eel~rass Investi_~ations in Adiacent Areas Shinnecock Bay is one of the few areas on the east coast of the U.S. that escaped a major decimation of its eelgrass communities during the wasting disease in the early 1930s. In comparison, the shallow areas in Moriches Bay and Quantuck Bay, to the west of and interconnected with Shinnecock Bay, were entirely free of growing grass in 1936 (Burkholder and Doheny, 1968). This trend can be tied directly to the relatively Iow salinity of the waters in Shinnecock Bay in the time before Shinnecock Inlet was opened during the great hurricane of 1938. MorJches Bay and Quantuck Bay, in contrast, were more saline in the early 1930s due to the tidal exchange with the Atlantic Ocean that was established by the opening of Moriches Inlet in 1931. The effect of the early 1930s wasting disease on the flats in Great South Bay was a uniformly scattered distribution of older eelgrass plants (i.e., not newly seeded specimens) with some small clumps. The shallow areas in the back-barrier lagoon to the west of Fire Island Inlet to Jones Beach (i.e., western Great South Bay, South Oyster Bay, and Hempstead Bay) appeared to be essentially devoid of intact eelgrass. In the years through 1968, eelgrass beds became re- established progressively further to the west along the south shore of Long Island, even into areas in western Nassau County that had been almost completely denuded during the 1930s. Ironically, the recovery of the eelgrass January 19c~ Pa&e ,32 { peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report meadows in some heavily developed areas was viewed mostly as a nuisance, due to impacts on recreational activities including the fouling of boat propellers and the stranding of large quantities of dead eelgrass blades on beaches (Burkholder and Doheny, 1968). Although the timing of the blooms varied somewhat among the different embayments (and in comparison to the Peconic Estuary), brown tide events occurred throughout a large portion of Long Island's South Shore Estuary during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Based on an analysis of recent and historical aerial photography, as supplemented by field surveys, Dennison, et.al. (1989) reported that both the distribution and density of eelgrass in embayments on the south shore of Long Island (i.e., Hempstead Bay, South Oyster Bay, and Great South Bay) showed a marked decline following the years in which the blooms occurred. However, those investigators concluded that the eelgrass decline in Hempstead Bay occurred independent of the brown tide, since that area was unaffected by these algae blooms. Additionally, it is important to note that both South Oyster Bay and Great South Bay were also determined to have experienced a significant decrease in eelgrass coverage between 1967 and 1978, prior to the onset of the brown tide. This indicates that factors other than the brown tide have been involved in the trend of declining eelgrass abundance in those two bays through the 1960s and 1970s, and possibly even to some degree during the period after 1985 when the brown tides occurred. The eastern half of South Oyster Bay was affected by the brown tide organism, and approximately 24 percent of the total acreage of eelgrass lost in this water body between 1967 and 1988 could have been due to brown tide events (Dennison, et.aL, 1989). Dennison, et.al. (1989) determined that eelgrass distribution and density increased significantly in Shinnecock Bay and Moriches Bay between 1967 and 1988. Thus, for reasons that are not yet fully understood, these eelgrass populations experienced an overall resurgence, despite the occurrence of successive brown tide episodes. Dennison, et. al. (1989) hypothesized that this trend may have reflected the continued recovery of the Shinnecock/Moriches eelgrass beds following the 1930s wasting disease, with the deleterious effects of recent brown tides ameliorated by a high degree of tidal flushing in these bays. Janua~ 1996 Peconic Estuary Pra&~am Submerged Aquatic Vegeta~on Study - Final Report Two additional studies performed in Great South Bay were aimed at evaluating and documenting the distribution and abundance of seagrass beds. The findings of a seagrass bed mapping project involving 186 stations was summarized in a report Utled "Surficial Sediments and Seagrasses of Eastern Great South Bay, N.Y." (Greene, et.al., 1977). Sea§rass. Seagrass beds were also mapped, along with extensive biological and physical data, in a report titled "EstuarJne Impact Assessment (Shellfish Resources) for the Nassau-Suffolk Streamflow Augmentation Alternatives: Report on ExisUng Conditions~ (WAPORA, Inc., 1981). That study involved detailed field sampling at approximately 410 stations throughout Long Island's south shore bay system from Hempstead to Smith Point. Janua~ 1996 Pa~e .34 ( Peconic Estuar/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report SECT1ON 3 STUDY METHODOLOGY SECTION 3.1 - field Sun~? Procedures The station grid for this field survey was developed in the office on a 1 inch -- _+4,200 foot-scale base map (i.e., International Sailing Supply Waterproof Chart #67, Peconic and Gardiners Bays). Initial station locations were distributed to provide representative coverage of all areas within the Peoonic Estuary that had the highest potential for containing SAV beds, which was generally defined as: (a) areas with a water depth of less than ten feet; and (b) areas where either important shellfish growing areas or eelgrass beds may have occurred in the past, based on qualitative and anecdotal information provided by knowledgeable individuals (such as marine scientists, harbor masters, bay constables, and other local government officials). These stations were spaced at an average distance of about one-half mile apart. ^ slightly denser station grid was used in the larger, shallow water embayments within the study area (e.g., North Sea Harbor and Three Mile Harbor on the South Fork, West Neck Harbor on Shelter Island, and Long Beach Bay on the North Fork). A wider grid was used in areas with a water depth of greater than ten feet. Waters deeper than 30 feet were not directly observed during the field reconnaissance for this investigation, due to the Iow probability of finding significant stands of SAV at those depths. The station locations used in this study are depicted on Map 3. The October 1994 aerial photography was used to refine the placement of the stations in the eastern portion of the Estuary, where apparent SAV beds were visible in the photographs. Supplemental stations were added in the waters around Shelter Island and to the east, to provide field verification of the information compiled through interpretation of the aerial photographs. The following describes the field sampling and observation program that was utilized during this investigation. final Station Locations The grid positions depicted on the preliminary station map were adjusted, as appropriate, in the field so that each sample would be representative of the SAV Januar/199~ Peconic Estua~ Program Submer&ed Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report beds in the immediate area of the given sampling location. In addition, some minor field adjustment of station locations was necessary to ensure that the entire Estuary was adequately sampled for SAV. Three stations in eastern Great South Bay were surveyed on September 12, 1994 to fine-tune the field methods and to provide comparative SAV data. The field survey of the Peconic Estuary comprised 214 stations that were sampled between September 14 and October 25, 1994. Two supplemental stations, one each in Shinnecock Bay and Moriches Bay, were sampled on October 12, 1994, again to provide comparative data. B. t~tualifK;atJons of field Sunmy Crew The field survey work was performed by a team that COnsisted of two members, both of whom were qualified scuba divers (per American Sodety of Underwater Scientist guidelines) experienced in conducting underwater scientific investigations similar to the SAV study; scuba experience was necessary to undertake the underwater observations and sampling required for the study. One team member was also a licenSed boat captain, familiar with navigation procedures and the operation of the electronic equipment utilized (i.e., depth recorder, electronic positioning equipment, etc.). The same two-person field crew was utilized thmu§hout the entire survey, to ensure consistency of the results. Periodic, in-field quality checks were made by management personnel during the course of the study. C. Equipment Used in the F'~eld In-field positioning was accomplished, depending on the boat used on a given day, with a Sitex or Eagle Loran, or an Apelco Loran/GPS system. All of these systems automatically converted to latitude/longitude coordinates. The electronic positioning equipment was calibrated at the start of each work day to ensure proper functioning. This initial daily check involved readings taken at a position with known coordinates (typically at the dockside location at which the previous day's work ended). In addition, continuous checks of this equipment were made by referring to shoreline landmarks. Peconic Estuary ProD-am Submer§ed Aquatic Ve~tation S~udy - Final Report Water depth was recorded at all 214 field stations using a digital fathometer (Apelco or Eagle brand), with an accuracy of 0.1 foot. The depth sounding instrument was calibrated at the start of each work day, using a calibrated measuring rod or line. SAV sample collection was accomplished by means of a 12-inch diameter aluminum cylinder (sampling area = 113 square inches). The sampling cylinder provided a sturdy sampling frame which facilitated insertion into the full range of substrate types encountered. This study utilized a set of Homs tubular scales for weighing SAV samples. Three separate scales, with varying capacity and accuracy values as listed below, were necessary to accommodate the full weight range of samples: capadty = 2 Ih. (0.907 kg); accuracy = ½ oz. (14 g) capadty = 4 lb. (1.814 kg); accuracy = I oz. (28 g) capadty = 10 lb. (4.536 kg); accuracy = 2 oz. (57 g) The scales were zeroed at the start of each sampling day in the field, and random calibration checks were also performed during the day to ensure accuracy. The same set of scales was used for all in-field wet weight measurements. Dry weight measurements were performed in the laboratory using an Ohaus balance (310-gram capacity and 0.1-gram accuracy), which was periodically calibrated with an Ohaus metric weight set (model no. 241). D. F'~ld Sampling of SAV Densities (Wet Weight) Wet-weight biomass was measured in the field at all of the sampling stations at which SAV was present in a sufficient quantity. To collect an SAY sample, the sampling device was inserted to a depth of approximately six inches into the substrate. All SAY material (including roots and rhizomes) contained within the 12-inch diameter sampling area was removed and placed in a steel mesh basket with approximate one-quarter-inch mesh size. The sieve was agitated underwater to remove all sediment. After the sediment was removed, the full sieve was allowed to drain on-board the research vessel until the dripping ceased, and was then immediately weighed. January 1996 pa&e.37 Peconic Estuan/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report The tare weight of the empty sample basket was subtracted from the weight of the full sieve to obtain the wet-weight of the sample. To ensure statistical validity of the data, duplicate samples were collected for wet-weight measurements at approximately 50 percent of the sampling stations. Triplicate samples were collected at approximately 17 percent of the sampling stations. Overall, a total of 1.35 samples were submitted to wet weight analysis during this study. E. SAV Species Identification C)n the field data sheets, the field crew listed all SAV species that could be identified with certainty. This generally pertained only to the most common species (e.g., eelgrass, sea lettuce, green fleece, rock weed, etc.). SAV specimens that were not conclusively identifiable by the field team were stored in a cooler and returned to the laboratory each night for subsequent identification by a qualified biologist. These samples were stored in a refrigerator at the lab prior to their examination. The identity of unknown specimens was determined in the laboratory using standard keys contained in a variety of references (i.e., Brinkhuis, 1983; Dawson, 1956; Gosner, 1979; Hillson, 1977; Major, 1977; Schneider and Seades, 1991; Taylor and Villalard, 1985; Taylor, 1940 and 1957). A binocular dissecting microscope was used, as necessary, to provide the required level of detail for classification. Some macroalgae samples that were particularly difficult to classify were brought to the marine laboratory at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in Stony Brook. Mr. Ken Koetzner provided valuable assistance in completing the identification of these specimens. Samples of each different SAV species were preserved and mounted. Exhibit A contains photographic reproductions of the preserved SAV specimens collected during this investigation. January 1996 Pa~e.38 peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Fo Determination of SAV Coverage In general, SAV in the Peconic Estuary does not comprise large, continuous beds. Rather, the beds have a patchy distribution, with areas of relatively or fully barren bottom interspersed with vegetated areas. Therefore, accurate biomass estimates for the study area require quantitative information regarding the percent coverage of SAV, in addition to the SAV density data derived from the wet weight and dry weight measurements. In order to account for the patchiness of SAV beds in the Peconic Estuary, it was necessary to determine the "coverage" of SAY in the vicinity of sampling stations. To this end, the percent of bottom area covered by SAV beds within a 100-foot radius of each sampling station was estimated by means of visual surveys. If water visibility permitted, these surveys were conducted from the boat. In most cases, due to high turbidity,the surveys were conducted by underwater reconnaissance by the diver within a 100-foot radius of the boat. G. J~ti~e41aneous StaUon Data The substrate material at each of the 214 survey stations was classified into the following standard' qualitative categories, based on visual and textural characteristics: gravelly sand, sand, muddy sand, sandy mud, and mud. Sediment samples collected at each of the stations were returned to the lab each night, where the qualitative classification was double checked. Representative sediment samples collected at stations containing SAV were subsequently submitted to quantitative laboratory analysis for grain size distribution. A series of general physical observations was made at each field station to characterize each site for future reference. Information recorded on the data sheets include: · verbal description of station location, in reference to upland features and water sub-bodies within the Estuary; · marine life present, with special focus on bay scallops; and · water temperature (measured with a hand-held scientific thermometer, and checked against a Sitex digital water temperature gauge or a Scuba- Janua~ 1996 Pa&e~39 Peco~ic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Pro DC-11 dive computer), salinity (measured with a hand-held refractometer, with automatic temperature compensation, to an accuracy of one part per thousand), and underwater visibility (estimated by direct visual observation by the diver). Exhibit B contains underwater photography of typical SAV beds found in the Peconic Estuary. SECTION 3.2 - Aerial Ph _oto~. h_v Review A new set of aerial photographs was generated in October 1994 to assist in mapping the distribution of SAV in the Estuary. The specific criteria that were applied to the aerial photography flight are summarized as follows. Flight lines were set to ensure that all known areas of historic SAV beds were covered, as well as all areas which potentially may contain SAV. In essence, the photographic survey included all waters with depth of less than 10 feet, which is the typical limit of distribution of the most common SAY species (especially eelgrass) in the Estuary. Additionally, 10 feet is the approximate depth range within which aerial photography is typically useful. · All flight lines included appropriate land features to serve as landmarks to ensure accurate mapping. · Aerial photography flights were undertaken only under optimal physical conditions. Full consideration was given to factors of meteorology, solar angle, tidal stage, water clarity, and related parameters prior to initiating a flight to ensure optimal conditions for seagrass detection. In general, flights were conducted only under conditions of clear and calm weather, morning or afternoon sun, Iow tide, and non-turbid waters. · Flight altitude was selected on the basis of the photographic scale chosen for the mapping to ensure optimal resolution. This project utilized a 1:12000 scale, instead of the 1:24000 scale that is typically used for this type of work, to reduce atmospheric interferences and increase photographic resolution. ( January 1996 Pab'e.40 Peconic Estuanf Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Stu~ - Final Report Only high quality equipment and supplies were used for the aerial photography. Flights were made by Aerographics Corporation of Bohemia, New York, using a Cessna 310 twin engine aircraft. Photographs were shot using a state-of-the-art Wild P,C-30 camera and Kodak double-X film. As discussed in Section 3.3.B, historical black and white aerial photography was acquired and reviewed to determine the prior distribution and abundance of SAV. Historic infrared satellite photography on file at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation office in Stony Brook was also reviewed for this investigation. In many areas, those infrared photographs contained images of what appeared to be dense phytoplankton growth and/or floating masses of macroalgae which masked the underlying bottom areas. Although valuable for assessing intertidal wetland vegetation, that particular set of photographs was not useful to this study. SECTION 3.3 - Ma.opine A. Current SAV Dist~bufion Maps A series of two maps was developed to depict the distribution of SAV species observed in the Peconic Estuary during the field reconnaissance program conducted by Cashin Associates, P.C. (CA). For clarity, eelgrass distribution (Map 4) is shown separately from the distribution of the dominant macroalgae types (Map S), since there is some degree of spatial overlap between the two; four sampling stations had eelgrass as a secondary species, with green or brown algae dominating. Since the field investigation revealed that the distribution of eelgrass was very patchy in the Peconic Estuary, the interpretation of recent aerial photographs (October 1994 for most of the study area, and March 1994 for some embayments along the Estuary's south shore) served a vital role in determining the overall spatial extent of eelgrass beds in areas between the sampling stations. To develop the eelgrass distribution map for this study, station locations at which eelgrass was observed in the field were plotted onto a base map, and the information provided by the aerial photographs was used to sketch the full extent of these beds around the observation points. January lg96 Pa~e ,4.1 Peconic Estuan/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Macroalgae mapping for this project was based on four main categories of dominant vegetation: Codium fra_eile. Ulva lactuca, mixed red algae, and mixed brown algae. Unlike the eelgrass distribution map (which, as discussed above, depicts the actual extent of the beds), the macroalgae map shows general areas in which certain types of plants were observed to be present. The offshore extent of these areas was delineated to a large extent on the basis of the general depth range of the species present, correlated with bathymetric information provided on the nautical charts. This less precise level of mapping was necessary because macroalgae beds were generally less dense than eelgrass beds, and therefore were not as easily distinguishable on the aerial photographs. Additionally, macroalgae-dominated SAY beds were more common in the inner and middle portions of the Estuary, where increased water turbidity further diminished the extent of bottom discernable on the aerial photographs. A third data map (Map 6) was generated for this report, to show the distribution of stations at which bay scallops were observed during the field sampling program. The presence or absence of eelgrass at the scallop stations is also noted. B. Mapping of Historical Changes in SAV Distribution ( To track historical changes in eelgrass distribution, CA compared aerial photographs taken in 1969 and the 1980s (1980 or 1984, depending on availability) with known occurrences identified through field reconnaissance and 1994 aerial photographs. These historic flight dates were selected because 1969 is the earliest good quality, County-wide aerial photograph coverage available, while the early 1980s flights represent pre-brown tide conditions. In general, the quality of pre-1960s aerial photographs is relatively poor and is not adequate for the interpretation of SAV distribution; therefore, those older photographs were not used in this analysis. The following eight locations were selected for a detailed analysis of historic SAV distribution (as depicted in Figures lA through 1G and Table 7 in Section 5.3): 1) Robins Island; 2) Hog Neck Bay; 3) Southold Bay; JamJary 1~J6 Pa~eo42 Peconic Estuan/program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report 4) three separate sites on Shelter Island, including the northeast comer, the mouth of Coecles Harbor, and Mashomack Point at the southern tip; 5) Pipes Cove; 6) eastern Orient Harbor; 7) Napeague Harbor; and 8) Gardiners Island. The above-listed locations were chosen for the historical analysis on the basis of meeting one or more of the following criteria: a) the site currently supports eelgrass beds that are clearly discernable in 1994 aerial photographs; b) the SAY beds at the site were known from CA's field survey work to be monocultures of eelgrass, or nearly so, as distinguished from beds dominated by macroalgae which might lend confusion to photo- interpretation; c) the site is believed to have supported eelgrass beds historically; and d) although no eelgrass beds may presently exist at the site, physical conditions (e.g., bathymetry, coastal geography, etc.) appear favorable to support such growth. Contacts were made with knowledgeable individuals in all five East End Towns to obtain information regarding the distribution of eelgrass beds. Those individuals were provided with maps, onto which they sketched the known location of eelgrass beds. These maps served as a helpful information source for the historical analysis of eelgrass distribution, as well as for identifying areas that should be included in the field sampling program. Eelgrass currently occurs in northern Lake Montauk, and it was known to have been present in the 1980s based on a study conducted by Flagg and Greene (1981). However, Lake Ntontauk was not selected for the historical analysis due to the co-occurrence at the present time of dense beds of Codium ~ (green fleece), which would be nearly impossible to distinguish from eelgrass beds using the medium of black and white aerial photographs. Janua~, 1996 Pa~e.43 Pec~nic ~stuary Pro,ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report SECTION 3.4 - Data Analysis Most of the data analysis performed for this investigation was completed using a series of Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets. The Lotus "sort" function was used to arrange the data table based on such parameters as the observed presence or absence of scallops, dominant SAV species present, sub-area within the Estuary, sediment type, salinity, temperature, water depth, and estimated water visibility. Sorting the database facilitated the computation of averages and the total number of stations with each possible value of the various parameters analyzed. As described below, a number of different parameters were used to represent SAV "densitlP for the purpose of the data analysis undertaken for this study. wet wei_~ht (represented in grams) - the field-measured weight of a fresh sample. SAV was present at 153 of the 214 field stations used for this investigation, and wet weights were recorded at a total of 90 stations. Duplicate wet weight measurements were recorded at 45 stations, and triplicate sampling was performed at 15 stations. At stations where more than one sample was weighed, the average wet weight was used for all subsequent computations. b) bed density (kg/m2) - average wet weight value at a sampling staUon extrapolated to a unit square meter area. The sampling area was a 12-inch diameter circle (i.e., 113.1 in2, or 729.7 cm2). A "bed" is considered to be a contiguous patch of SAV. wet weight biomass (kg/m~) - calculated unit wet weight of SAV in the vicinity of the sampling station. This value is calculated by simply multiplying the bed density by the estimated percent coverage within 100-feet of the sampling station, thereby accounting for the patchy distribution of SAV in the study area (see Section 3.1 .F for further discussion of the percent coverage factor). d) dry. weight (grams) - the laboratory-measured weight of a sample dried in accordance with standard protocols (see Section 3.5~). A total of 28 samples were submitted to dry-weight analysis. An average ratio of dry weight/wet weight was calculated for the five dominant SAY categories (i.e., Z. marina, LJ. la~uca, C. fragile, mixed red algae, and mixed brown algae), and these ratios were used to convert wet weight measurements to corresponding dry weight values. ( January ~9o~6 Page,44 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - ~:inal Report e) d wei ht biomass (g/m2) - calculated unit dry weight of SAV in the vicinity of the sampling station. This value is computed for each SAV sampling station by multiplying the wet weight biomass and the dry/wet conversion factor for the respective dominant SAY category. This parameter serves as the basis of biomass comparison within the study area, and in relation to other water bodies and other studies. As highlighted in Section 4.2.E, direct measurements of SAV density were recorded at a total of 90 field stations in terms of wet weight per unit area and percent coverage, and these data values were converted to corresponding dry weight biomass (DWB) values (see Table 2). However, an additional 62 stations with SAV were not submitted to wet weight analysis, because of a very Iow abundance of vegetation (typically one percent or less) which would have made an accurate determination of density difficult. Accounting for the unsampled SAV stations in the calculation of average biomass values was essential to the overall accuracy of the data analysis, since excluding those mostly sparsely vegetated locations would have skewed the results in favor of the generally more densely vegetated stations that were sampled. In order to resolve this problem, it was necessary to develop DWB estimates for the unsampled SAV stations. This was accomplished by means of the following method. 1) Each dominant SAY type was addressed separately. Additionally, individual calculations were performed for each of the three main segments of the Estuary (inner, middle, and outer), as well as the Estuary as a whole. Thus, in theory, 20 series of calculations were necessary (i.e., 5 SAY types x 4 Estuary reaches); although the actual level of effort was somewhat less, because certain SAY types were absent from some of the Estuary segments. 2) 3) 4) The average bed density was calculated for each SAY type and within .each geographic region (this applies to stations that were actually sampled for SAV). It is assumed that the resulting average bed density is representative of the unsampled beds within that same Estuary reach. For each dominant SAV type and within each Estuary reach, the average percent coverage was calculated for those stations that were not sampled for SAV. The average bed density from step (2) was multiplied by the average percent coverage from step (3) to obtain an average estimated wet weight biomass for the unsampled SAV stations. This calculation is identical to that which was J~'lu~ry 1996 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report performed for the sampled SAV stations, except that the bed density was actually measured at each sampled station, whereas an average value for this variable (based on the data collected at the sampled stations) was used for the unsampled stations. 5) The average wet biomass values from step (4) were each multiplied by the proper dry/wet conversion factor to obtain an average DWB value for the unsampled stations. Once the average estimated DWB values were derived for the unsampled stations, a weighted composite average DWB was calculated for all stations (sampled and unsampled) within each given Estuary reach and having each given dominant SAY type. The weighting factor used in this calculation was based on the relative number of sampled versus unsampled stations for the respective reach and SAV type. SECTION 3.5 - Laboratory Aha ~sis A. SAV Dry Wei_~ht Densities At approximately 28 percent of the sampling stations, the SAV specimens were retained for laboratory analysis of dry weight biomass, using procedures described in "Surficial Sediment and Seagrasses of Eastern Great South Bay, New York" (Greene, et.al., 1977, Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Special Report 12). Dry weights were measured in order to allow the wet weight data from this investigation to be directly compared to other SAY studies, which often report dry weight values, and to make SAY biomass estimates. SAV samples collected for dry weight determination were transported to the laboratory at the completion of each day in the field. These samples were refrigerated until the dry weight analysis commenced. Jarma~/1996 pa&e.46 ( peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation study - Final Report B. ~R~iment Grain Size Analysis Sediment samples collected at 33 field survey stations were analyzed for grain size distribution at the laboratory facilities associated with G.M. Selby & Associates, Inc. in Miami, Florida. A wet sieve analysis was conducted to determine the weight fraction of each sample in the following four U.S. Standard Sieve categories: gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Seven additional sediment samples were submitted for grain size analysis to the laboratory facilities associated with Arthur D. little, Inc. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, using the same four standard categories. C. _~d_ iment O~anic Content Analysis Sediment samples collected at 12 field survey stations were submitted to analysis for total organic content at the laboratory facilities associated with Arthur D. Little, Inc. in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Janua~/lgg6 Pa~e.47 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report SECTION 4 STUDY FINDINGS SECTION 4.1 - Primaw SAV Species Present Table I presents a list of the types of SAV observed during the field survey undertaken for this investigation. These included: 2 species of seagrasses (Phylum Spermatophyta) 14 species of md algae (Phylum Rhodophyta) 5 types of red algae identified to the genus level 3 specimens of unidentified red algae 8 species of green algae (Phylum Chlorophyta) I type of green algae identified to the genus level 7 species of brown algae (Phylum Phaeophyta) 1 type of brown algae identified to the genus level 2 specimens of unidentified brown algae A summary description of the general biology and habitat requirements of each SAY type is given below. It should be noted that the SAV species distribution reported here represents a "snapshot" of the six-week sampling period and the 214 observation stations applying to this study. Surveys undertaken at different times of the year may yield significantly different results. For example, information provided by Mr. Christopher Smith of the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County (telephone communication, September 22, 1995) indicates that a brown algae that is locally known by the common name "slip gut" occurs in expansive slimy mats during the winter and spring months. This algae, which would require laboratory identification when samples become available to determine species level classification (Dr. Larry Uddle, telephone communication, October 3, 1995, Long Island University, Southampton College), was not detected during the current survey due to the seasonality of its occurrence. Slip gut is often drawn in large quantities into scallop dredges and can cover experimental cages and Jallua~ 1996 Pa~e .48 ( TABLE ! SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION IDENTIFIED DURING CASHIN ASSOCIATE'S FIELD SAMPLING IN THE PECONtC ESTUARY Botanical Name I Common Name PHYLUM SPERMATOPHYTA (Sea Grasses) Zostera marina Eelgrass Ruppia maritima Widgeon Grass PHYLUM RHODOPHYTA (Red Algae) Euthora cristata Lacy Redweed Cystoclonium purpureum Brushy Redweed Polysiphonia denudata Tubed Weeds Polysiphonia subtilissima Tubed Weeds Polysiphonia spp. Tubed Weeds Ceramium diaphanum Banded Weeds Ceramium spp. Banded Weeds Chondrus crispus Irish moss Lomentaria baileyana Dasya pediceilata Chenille Seaweed Chondria spp. Pod Weed Agardhiella sublata Antithamnion spp. Grinnellia americana Grinnell's Pink Leaf Phycodrys rubens Sea Oak Gracilaria tikvahiae Spermothamnion spp. Champia parvula Barrel Weed Ahnfeltia plicata Wire Weed Miscellaneous (unidentified) TABLE I (CONTINUED) Botanical Name I Common Name PHYLUM CHLOROPHYTA (Green Algae) Codium fragile Green Fleece Ulva lactuca Sea Lettuce Enteromorpha linza Hollow Green Weeds Enteromorpha compressa Hollow Green Weeds Enteromorpha clathrata Hollow Green Weeds Enteromorpha intestinalis Hollow Green Weeds Enteromorpha spp. Hollow Green Weeds Chaetomorpha melagonium Chaetomorpha linum PHYLUM PHAEOPHYTA (Brown Algae) Fucus spp. Rockwc~d Ascophyllum nodosum Knotted Wrack Sargassum filipendula Gulfweed Laminaria saccharina Broad-leaf Kelp Chorda filum Smooth Cord Weed i Stilophora rhizodes Sphaerotrichia divaricata Slippery Tangle Weed Acrothrix novae-angliae Miscellaneous (unidentified) Note 1. Note 2. Wherever "spp." is indicated, the plant was identified to genus level only. The species is likely to be different than other species listed in the same genus. Where "Miscellaneous" is indicated, the plant could not be identified beyond the broad classification of Phylum, using the botanical keys available. Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report nets that are deployed in the winter, which may indicate a large biomass that possibly plays an important role in the winter ecology of the Estuary. General Biology and Habitat Requirements of the Seagrass Species Sampled in this stu The descriptions given here of the biology and habitat requirements of Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima were taken primarily from the following references: Britton and Brown. 1970. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States and Canada. Burkholder and Doheny. 1968. The Biolo_L~. of Eel_erass. Gosner. 1979. A Field Guide to the Atlantic Seashore: Invertebrates and Seaweeds of the Atlantic Coast from the Bay of Fundy to Cape Hatteras. McRoy and Helfferich. 1977. Perspective. Seagrass Ecosystems: ,~ Scientific Phillips and.MeRez. 1988. Seagrasses. Thayer, et.al. 1984. Ecology of Eelgrass Meadows of the Atlantic Coast: A Community Profile. Other documents were used for additional specific items of information, as referenced below. 1. Phylum Spermatophyta - Sea Grasses a. Zostera marina - Eelgrass Zostera marina, eelgrass, is one of about 47 species of flowering plants known to occur in the sea. All seagrasses belong to the Phylum Spermatophyta, Division Anthophyta, Class Monocotyledonae, Order Helobiae. Zostera is a genus within the Family Potamogetonaceae. Zostera marina is one of ten known species within the genus Zostera. January 1996 Pa~e Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Ve§etation Study - Final Report Z. marina has a wide geographic distribution, occurring on the coasts of North America, Europe, Asia Minor, and eastern Asia. The range of eelgrass along the Atlantic coast of North America extends from southwestern Greenland and Hudson Bay, southward to the Carolinas. This regional distribution is controlled primarily bywater temperature. In the northern part of the range, where water temperature never exceeds 15 ° C, seed formation cannot occur, and growth occurs entirely through vegetative activity. Eelgrass is unable to survive in tropical and sub-tropical waters where the temperature never falls below 20°C. To the south of Z. marina's range, the ecological role of this species appears to be assumed by other marine flowering plants (e.g., Thallasia testudinum, turtle grass) which are adapted to warmer waters. Eelgrass exhibits a variety of forms, especially with respect to the width of the leaves. It is now thought that the form variants of Z. marina may represent adaptations to environmental conditions, with water temperature being a key factor affecting morphology. Z. marina experiences two types of growth: vegetative growth and reproductive growth. Vegetative growth consists of the development of a given plant from a seed, up to and including the production of flowering shoots with buds. An important part of vegetative growth is the sub-bottom network of' rhizomes, which are characteristic structures of submerged marine plants. New shoots and roots sprout from nodes in the spreading rhizomes, allowing the eelgrass bed to expand through asexual means. In addition to their vegetative propagation function, the rhizomes also serve to anchor the plants to the substrate. Reproductive growth in Z. marina includes the maturation of pollen grains and ovaries, the shedding of pollen into the water, and the pollination and fertilization of the ovaries to form mature fruits with seeds. Eelgrass pollination is very effective, as the filamentous pollen remains in suspension for days and is carried about by currents. Cross pollination is used exclusively in this species. A study conducted by Phillips, et.al (1983) on the Pacific coast of North America indicates that the relative importance of asexual Janua~ 1996 Peconic Estua~/pro&ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report versus sexual reproduction to the eelgrass population in a given area can be strongly influenced by environmental conditions. For example, eelgrass beds in the southern part of the study range suffer 100 percent mortality due to elevated summer water temperatures, and reproduction occurs entirely by flowering, which ensures the plant survival from year to year. In the central part of the range, two reproductive strategies are evident. For plants in subtidal areas, which are physically and biologically relatively undisturbed, population maintenance and expansion is through asexual growth of rhizomes. Plants in intertidal areas, which experience drastic fluctuations in physical conditions and are exposed to grazing pressure, engage in flowering to a greater extent than subtidal plants. Eelgrass seeds can germinate in either light or darkness at suitable temperatures between 9°C and 16°C. Germination is best in seawater of salinity about 18 parts per thousand. Germination typically occurs three to four months after seed release (Churchill, 1983). Z. marina germination on Long Island generally occurs during the fall, beginning in November, and continues through the early winter (Bodnar, 1985). Seeds released in nature by the end of August probably can germinate and grow into well-rooted seedlings before the onset of winter. Evidence exists that a high percentage of Z. marina seeds germinate under natural conditions (Churchill 1983). However, according to Bodnar (1985), seedling survival is poor. Seedling loss can occur through grazing and because of poor anchorage to the substrate. Bodnar (1985) also found that a Iow percentage of the seeds produced by an eelgrass meadow are found within meadow sediments. This finding is consistent with other studies, and may be the result of a high rate of seed exportation and/or a high rate of seed predation within the eelgrass meadows. Thayer, et.al. (1985) report that in quiescent embayments where there are relatively persistent seagrass beds, which provide abundant seed stock such that seeds are retained and buried, seedling recruitment can make a substantial contribution to Janua~, 1996 Pa~eo51 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report maintaining meadows. In contrast, in relatively high energy open- water areas, annual recruitment by natural seeding is negligible, because waves and currents carry seeds off-site. As a result, grass beds in these areas generally have discontinuous distributions, with interspersed patches of unvegetated bottom. The activities of vegetative and reproductive growth in eelgrass occur chiefly during the period in the spring when the water temperature is rising from 10°C to 20°C. In the Long Island region, vegetative growth of Z. marina occurs during March through May (while the temperature rises to 15°C), and sexual reproduction occurs during May through June (while the temperature rises from 15oC to 20°C). When the water temperature rises above 20°C in the mid to late summer, heat 'rigor" typically sets in and erect flowering segments die and float away. During this period, the rhizomes and leaves cease to grow, and the older portions of these structures die and decay. Vegetative growth typically resumes in young plants during the early fall when water temperature is decreasing from 20°C to 10°C. Below 10°C, the plants generally become quiescent, although vegetative growth may occur slo.wly through most of the winter. Plants may suffer ice damage in winter, when ice sheets shifting with the changing tides can uproot the rhizomes or tear off leaves. Z. marina is fairly tolerant of a wide variety of substrates, ranging from soft mud to gravel mixed with coarse sand. Overall, mixed mud and sand is the most common substrate for eelgrass beds. There appears to be a tendency for the beds to accumulate sediments due to the baffling effect of the leaves, which causes the bottom within the bed area to gradually become raised above the surrounding bottom. The maximum water depth to which Z. marina may grow depends upon the water column transparency, which determines the depth of sunlight penetration. Three meters (10 feet) is the deepest that this species will generally grow in turbid waters. Ught requirements also come into play with regard to the presence of epiphyte growth on the grass leaves, which will further decrease the depth tolerance of eelgrass. January 1996 Pa~e ,52 ( Pecanic Estuar~ Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report In a study that involved the manipulation of light regimes for in-situ eelgrass beds, Dennison and Alberte (1985) found that the growth rate of eelgrass is most strongly influenced by variations in the daily light period, rather than the maximum light intensity transmitted. Thus, on the basis of those findings, it was concluded that the depth limit of eelgrass growth occurs where illumination is provided at (or above) a critical light level for the minimum daily time period necessary for the plant's survival. The shoots of .Z. marina are very susceptible to drought, and are nearly intolerant of exposure to the air. This limitation sets the upper limit of the water depth range in which this species will grow. Although eelgrass has been found to grow in the intertidal zone at some locations, as occurs in the northerly portion of the species' range along the North American Pacific coast (Phillips, et. aL, 1983), eelgrass generally does not grow well in areas exposed by the tide and is not a significant intertidal plant in the Peconic Estuary system. The root system of 7. marina is not very well developed, and it is believed that mineral salt uptake occurs mostly by means of absorption through the leaves. The leaves are specially designed for this function, with adaptations including thin cellulose walls and an extensive system of air spaces. The general vigor of 7. marina is lessened under conditions of reduced salinity. Salinities at the higher end of the range found in local coastal waters do not appear to have any appreciable deleterious effect on eelgrass. Z. marina is highly efficient at taking up nitrate from the water column, but lacks any apparent "shut-off' mechanism. It is hypothesized that this physiological strategy was evolved under conditions of nitrogen limitation. However, in the nitrate enriched environment that often characterizes coastal waters adjacent to human land uses, this formerly advantageous strategy of maximizing nitrate uptake may directly result in adverse effects on eelgrass. In fact, recent studies (Burkholder, 1993; and Burkholder, et.al., 1992) suggest that the direct effects of excess water column Janua.,y 1996 page .53 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aqua~c Vegetation Study - Final Repo~ nitrate may be a major underlying factor in the disappearance of Z. marina from many quiet upper embayments and poorly flushed coastal lagoons throughout the world. This effect is in addition to the widely documented indirect impact that nitrogen enrichment has on eelgrass through decreased light penetration caused by algal blooms. It is believed that excess nitrate impairs the carbohydrate metaholism of Z. marina and, thereby, results in a decline in the production of new shoots and weakens the plants; this may increase susceptibility to opportunistic pathogens, such as Labyrinthula zosterae, the protozoan that causes "wasting disease". The occurrence of high temperatures appears magnify the adverse effects on eelgrass caused by elevated water column nitrate levels. This synergistic effect is most pronounced where eelgrass is already heat-stressed, such as at the southernmost extent of the species' range along the North Carolina coast, and in certain poorly flushed embayments during the summer. Conversely, Iow water temperatures appear to increase eelgrass' tolerance to elevated nitrate concentrations. The adverse effect of elevated nitrate enrichment may also be compounded by high turbidity levels, since the resulting decrease in light penetration through the water column reduces carbon production in the plants (Burkholder, 1993; Burkholder, et.al., 1992). b. Rup0ia maritima - ~qdgeon Grass The leaves of widgeon grass, in contrast to the relatively broader blades of eelgrass, are narrow and needle-like in appearance and grow from a slender stem. Widgeon grass is not considered a true seagrass, but rather a freshwater species with a wide range of salinity tolerance. Widgeon grass can complete its life cycle over a salinity range of 0 to 45 parts per thousand. Widgeon grass occurs along the entire Atlantic and Gulf coasts to Texas, as well as inland west of the Mississippi River in alkaline waters. This species grows almost exclusively in brackish water and frequently in lower salinity pools and salt marshes. In contrast, eelgrass typically dominates the middle to high salinity ranges. Januav/1996 Pag~ 54 Peconic Estua~/Program Submerged Aqua'dc Vegetation Sludy - Final Report Widgeon grass and eelgrass are generally found growing in mutually exclusive populations, although some mixed beds have been reported in the lower Chesapeake Bay. Similar to eelgrass, the depth distribution of widgeon grass is reportedly controlled by available light. In an Australian estuary study, the reduction of ambient light levels directly paralleled a reduction in Ruooia biomass. The flowers of widgeon grass are borne in small clusters of 4 to 6 on the end of a slender stalk. Fruiting generally occurs between the middle and late summer. Bo Ge~e,-~ B-io!-_n~- and Habitat Req. uirements of the Ma~ I~ae Species Sampled The identification, mapping and analysis of sea grass occurrences was the primary focus of this study. The presence of macroalgae (seaweeds) were also noted, but no attempt was made to produce an exhaustive botanical survey of the entire Peconic Estuary system. Over 36 different species of macroaigae were observed growing within the Peconic Estuary System during the course of CA's field investigations conducted in the fall of lgg4. Many of these species were collected, identified and preserved for future reference. Silhouettes of the preserved specimens are included in Exhibit A of this report. The macroalgae observed during this study were generally classified down to species level, and to genus level in some cases, utilizing both gross and microscopic examination. As shown in Table 1, the observed macroalgae flora consisted of 19 species or genera of red algae (Phylum Rhodophyta), 9 green algae (Phylum chlorophyta), and 8 brown algae (Phylum Phaeophyta). Five specimens could not be classified beyond the level of Phylum due to the condition of the plant material and limitations imposed by the botanical keys available for identification. These specimens consisted of three different types of red algae and two different brown algae which, for mapping purposes, were labeled as "miscellaneeus" within their respective phyla. Table I presents a summary of the macroalgae identified during CA's field sampling program. pace.55 Janu~ l~J6 Peconic Estuary Pro~r=m Submer&ed Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Several references were widely used for identification of the macroalgae collected during CA's field sampling, as well as for the biological and habitat synopses which follow. These references include: Brinkhuis. 1983. Seaweeds in New York Waters; A Primer. Dawson. 1956. How to Know the Seaweeds. Gosner. 1979. A Field Guide to the Atlantic Seashore: Invertebrates and Seaweeds of the Atlantic Coast from the Ba_v of Fundy to Cape Hatteras. Hillson. 1977. Seaweeds: A Color Coded, Illustrated Guide to Common Marine Plants of the East Coast of the United States. Major. 1977. The Book of Seaweed. Schneider, et al. 1991. Seaweeds of the Southeastern United States: Cape Hal;teras to Cape Canaveral. Taylor, et al. 1985. Seaweeds of the Connecticut Shore - A Waders Guide. Taylor. 1957. Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America. Where additional references were used for specific items ef information, a citation is included below. A complete bibliography is provided at the end of this report. 1. Phylum Chlorophyta - Green Al_eae Green seaweeds, when considered as an overall group, generally require ample light for growth and reproduction, and are typically associated with higher intertidal zones or subtidal areas in shallow water. a. Codium fragile - Green Fleece This coarsely bushy, thick green seaweed is commonly found in temperate waters throughout the world attached to shells, pilings, rocks and ropes in depths up to 15 feet. The introduction of this alien species to the northeastern United States is fairly recent. The ( Janua~ lgg6 Fa~e.56 Peconic Estuary Pro~ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - FinaJ Report first specimens were found in 1957 in the waters of the outer Peconic Estuary off East Marion in the Town of Southold. It has since extended its range from Maine to New Jersey. Although the origin and exact method of introduction are uncertain, it is conjectured that Codium fragile was initially introduced with oyster transplants that came from Europe. Green fleece grows and reproduces at a rapid rate in our local waters, outcompeting native seaweeds. Overabundance of ~ is believed to have an adverse impact on productive shellfish beds. From September through November, large adult plants release asexual biflagellated zoospores or "swarmers". The swarmers germinate after settling onto a suitable substrate and produce a mat of prostrate filaments or ~holdfast". The holdfast over-winters, then grows an erect thallus in the spring. Reproductive organs are developed on fronds over 10 centimeters in length, and spore development begins when water temperatures reach 12° to 15° C. Larger plants can accumulate enough oxygen interstitially to become buoyant, thereby pulling the shellfish to which they are attached out of the bed and become adrift (Wassman & Ramus, 1973; Churchill & Moeller, 1972). b. Ulva lactuca - Sea Lettuce This thin, sheet-like green seaweed is commonly found worldwide in shallow brackish to salt water, initially attached to rocks, stones and mudflats, but later drifting free. The holdfast is perennial, while the blade is annual. Sea lettuce grows in a variety of environments ranging from exposed rocks to quiet, semi-stagnant brackish pools, where huge detached sheets carpet the muddy bottoms. Sea lettuce is tolerant of pollutants, and may proliferate to nuisance proportions in brackish waters that receive sewage effluent or other nutrient-rich discharges. ~ spp. - Hollow Green Weeds These slender green seaweeds occur in a variety of habitats. They are commonly found attached to rocks, dead shells, mudflats or wood in the intertidal zone, but may also be found drifting free or Janumy 1996 pa~e. 57 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report growing as epiphytes on other seaweeds. Some species tolerate a wide range of salinities and can be found growing in pools fed by freshwater seepage or deep into estuaries. Reproduction is by asexual zoospores or by gametes formed on similar plants. As listed in Table 1, four species in the genus Enteromorpha were found in the Peconic Estuary during this study. E. linza is primarily found in late spring and summer growing on rocks and wood in the upper intertidal zone, and often in quiet exposed situations. E. comoressa can be found in all shore zones, growing on rocks, stones, derelict boat hulls, piers and other wood structures. In brackish water and pools, E. compressa can form a prolific green carpet, and may also be found in estuary mudbanks and muddy sandflats. E. intestinalis can be found throughout the year in brackish to ocean waters, but it most commonly occurs in tide pools and protected areas attached to shells, stones and woodwork. In early stages, E. clathrata can be found attached to rocks, woodwork, other algae and eelgrass, but by summer E. clathrata is often found floating in masses in warm, quiet (and often brackish) waters. d. Chaetomorpha linum and Chaetomorpha mela_eonium These thin filamentous green seaweeds are typically found in tide pools or the lower intertidal zone. C. linum drifts in large entangled masses, while C. melagonium is typically attached to rocks or pebbles. C. linum is common along the entire eastern coast of the United States. C. melagonium is found from New Jersey north to the St. Lawrence River, but is fairly uncommon south of Cape Cod. Reproduction is accomplished asexually by the production of zoospores, and sexually by isogametes. 2. Phylum Rhodo_ohyta- Red Al_cae Red seaweeds are highly variable in color, ranging from the typical pink or purple to almost black or brown, and some are strongly tinged with green or yellow. Positive identification of species within this group is often very difficult for even the experienced phycologist. Red seaweeds are generally Janua~ 1996 Pae~ Sa Feconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report smaller is size than the browns and vary greatly in form. In general terms, red seaweeds need less light than other types and are commonly found at lower intertidal levels and deeper water. Most red algae have complex reproductive cycles, primarily sexual in nature, although asexual reproduction does occur in some species. a. Euthora cristata - Lacy Redweed This fan-shaped red seaweed is commonly found north of Cape Cod attached to rocks in tide pools and exposed intertidal areas. Further south to New Jersey, however, it is less common and found in deeper waters attached to submerged debris or kelp. Reproduction in the genus Euthora is accomplished through a fairly complex sexual cycle, typical of most red algae. E. cristata fruits in the summer. b. Cystoclonium purpureum - Brushy Redweed This relatively large bushy red seaweed is commonly found from Long Island north to Newfoundland. It typically grows attached to shells and rocks in sandy subtidal areas, in both protected and exposed locations. Young plants first attach by a coarse fibrous holdfast. Plants mature eady in the summer, and the bushy upper portions often become detached and wash ashore by fall. Co Polysiphonia spp. - Tubed Weeds The genus PolysJphonia is one of the most commonly encountered small, delicate red seaweeds, with over 150 species occurring worldwide adapted to nearly every different type of marine habitat. Approximately 25 species are known to occur along the Atlantic coast. Some species are found only in deep water, others in tidal pools or quiet shallows. Many species are epiphytic on other seaweeds or eelgrass, and others are found attached to rocks, shells, and wood structures. The name Polysiphonia refers to the "many tubes" or "siphons" which support the structure of the plant. Upon microscopic Janua~ 1996 Pa,~e ~9 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report examination, the plant appears to consist of a central filament of cells arranged butt end to end, with each central cell surrounded by four or more lateral pericentral cells. On younger branch tips, the plant may appear ribbed or tubular. As listed in Table 1, two species in the genus Polysiphonia were found in the Peconic Estuary during this study. P. denudata occurs along the entire Atlantic coast, but is most common south of Cape Cod. P. denudata typically grows in warm, shallow bays and inlets attached to rocks, shells, wharfs and other submerged objects. It is also frequently found growing as an epiphyte on eelgrass. P. denudata fruits in late summer. P. subtilissima can be found in salt marshes and mosquito ditches, and muddy coastal shoreline areas often extending up large tidal rivers into the fresh portion of the estuary. d. Ceramium spp. - Banded Weeds Similar to the genus Polysiphonia, the genus Ceramium (which includes approximately 14 species) consists of relatively small, red seaweeds that are commonly encountered along the Atlantic coast. The younger branches appear segmented due to the presence of cortical bands (hence the name "banded weed") and the branch tips characteristically cur~e inward giving them a pincher-like appearance. C. diaphanum commonly occurs in shallow (less than 10 foot depth) quiet bays of southern New England. This seaweed typically attaches to stones, shells, other seaweeds and eelgrass. C. diaphanum can be found from spring through fall, and fruits in late summer. e. Chondrus crispus - Irish Moss This fan-shaped red seaweed is commonly found growing in the lower intertidal zone, often in exposed locations, attached to rocks, shells or woodwork. The range for C. crispus extends from New Janua~ 1~6 Pa&e.60 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Jersey north to Newfoundland. Irish moss is a perennial seaweed, and fruits from summer through fall. C. cris0us is a commercially important seaweed. The literature indicates that Irish moss has been collected for nearly 150 years as a source of carrageenin, which has wide application as a gel in industry and pharmacy, and used nutritionally as a thickener and stabilizing agent. Carrageenin is an important ingredient in such products as chocolate milk, salad dressings, toothpaste, lotions, syrups, etc. f. Lomentaria baileyana This relatively small, densely branched red seaweed can be found in sheltered shallow waters (to depths of approximately 25 feet) attached to stones and shells. L. baileyana fruits in the summer and is probably an annual plant, according to the literature. This would account for the retrieval of only the upper branching portions of the plant during the fall sampling program for this investigation. g. ~ pedicellata - Chenille Seaweed This distinctive, slender, feathery-appearing red seaweed can be found growing on shells and stones in protected shallow waters (from 3 to 12 feet in depth) which are subject to free tidal exchange. On occasion, D. pedicellata may be found growing attached to other coarse seaweeds or eelgrass, or fragments may be found adrift in bays and inlets. Chenille seaweed ranges from the tropical Caribbean waters northward to New Hampshire. Fruiting occurs briefly sometime between mid-summer to late fall. h. Chondria spp.- Pod Weed These bushy, relatively small red seaweeds are often found associated with banded weeds (Ceramium spp.) and tubed weeds CPolvsiphonia spp.) in the lower intertidal to subtidal zones. Pod weeds are typically attached to rocks, wood, and shells, with some species epiphytic on eelgrass and coarse seaweeds. Chondria January 1996 pab, e.61 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aqua~c Vegetation Study - Final Repor~ occurs from Nova Scotia south to the tropics. All four species in this genus occurring on the Atlantic coast fruit in the summer. i. Agardhiella s..ubulata A. subulata is one of the most common species of warm bays and sounds found south of Cape Cod to the tropics, where it grows attached to shells and small stones. This coarsely bushy red seaweed typically grows in shallow protected estuarine waters, from just below the Iow tide line to a depth of about 12 feet. A. subulata is a perennial seaweed in local waters, where it develops in spring, fruits in the summer and fades in late fall. j. Antithamnion spp. These filamentous, branched or tufted small red seaweeds are common along the entire Atlantic coast. Antithamnion is typically found growing on rocks or epiphytic on other seaweeds in shallow water or intertidal pools. k. Grinellia americana - Grinnell's Pink Leaf This distinctive, delicate, leafy red seaweed is an attractive but short-lived species common to the northeastern and middle Atlantic coast. Within the course of about one month, it suddenly appears, grows rapidly, fruits in early to mid-summer and quickly fades. Grinnell's pink leaf is typically found attached to wharves, stones, or shells in warm quiet waters to depths of about three feet below Iow tide. Sometimes masses of this seaweed can be found adrift in late summer. I. Phycodrys rubens - Sea Oak This distinctive, leafy, veined, red seaweed bears a strong resemblance to upland oak leaves. Sea oak is a deep-water algae which typically grows attached to stones and shells, occurring from Now Jersey north through Newfoundland. Sea oak also commonly grows as an epiphyte on other coarse seaweeds such as kelp. Sea Janua~ 19g~ pa~e .62 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegelation Sbzdy - Final Report oak is considered a biennial or perennial, and may produce fruits throughout the year, but particularly in the fall to winter. m. Gracilaria tikvahiae Oo This coarsely bushy medium red seaweed is commonly found in very shallow water of bays and sounds south of Cape Cod to the tropics. G. tikvahiae grows attached to rocks, small stones, pilings, ropes, shells, and firm bottom substrates. Local abundance of this seaweed may be Iow due to a lack of rocky or stable substrates. G. tikvahiae may reproduce asexually through fragmentation, although it primarily follows a complex sexual cycle. Plants grow rapidly during the summer months when water temperatures exceed 15°C, and mature from late summer to fall. Gracilaria is a commercially important seaweed. Many species are harvested worldwide for the extraction of agar compounds which are used in biological culture media and for gelling and stabilizing agents in foods. Spermothamnion spp. These filamentous branched and tufted small red seaweeds are fairly common along the Atlantic coast south of Cape Cod. S. turneri is a common species found locally which grows as an epiphyte on Irish moss (Chondrus crisous) and leaf weeds ~Phyllophora spp.) in shallow subtidal waters. Champia parvula - Barrel Weed This coarsely segmented, bushy red seaweed can be found in protected coves and bays along the Atlantic coast from Cape Cod south to the tropics. C. parvula grows in quiet subtidal waters, often as an epiphyte on other seaweeds. C. parvula fruits primarily in the summer. Janua~ 1996 pa~e.63 Peconic Estuary Program S~Jbmer§ed Aquatic Vegetation S~dy - Final Report p. Ahnfeltia plicata - Wire Weed As the name "wire weed" implies, this red seaweed resembles coarse steel wool, growing in stiff bushy tufts attached to stones and mdc crevices in the lower intertidal and subtidal zones. It is also often found washed ashore in tangles. Wire weed is a perennial seaweed which occurs from New Jersey northward to the Arctic. A. plicata fruits Jn the winter. 3. Phylum Phaeophyta - Brown Algae Brown seaweeds va~/in color from yellow and golden-brown through dark brown and black. Brown seaweeds are classically associated with rocky intertidal shorelines, but the larger forms also occupy deeper subtidal zones. Although there are a few species of small, filamentous or crustose forms, when considered as a group, the browns consist of some of the largest seaweeds. a. Fucus spp.- Rockweeds These conspicuous, coarse brown seaweeds are commonly found attached to rocks, pilings, and shells in the lower intertidal zone, often in highly exposed locations. Rockweeds also grow around the bases of salt marsh vegetation and float free in ditches and pools. Rockweeds which are exposed during Iow tide provide protective cover from sun, heat and desiccation for the various faunal and floral species which grow on or beneath them in the intertidal zone. Of the seven species which occupy the northeastern coast, only one species (Fucus vesiculosus) has distinctive air bladders along the blade, while all of the species develop swollen receptacles at the ends of mature branches. Reproduction is accomplished strictly by sexual means, through the production of eggs and sperm cells from different receptacles often on the same plant. Fruiting may occur year-round, but is least likely to occur during the winter months. There are some references in the literature which suggest that exposure to sun, and changes in hydrostatic pressure due to daily tidal cycles on plants January 1996 pase'64 ( Peconic Estuan/Program Submerged Aquatic Ve§etation Study - Final Report in the intertidal zone promotes release of gametes, while light intensity may control reproduction in subtidal plants. ~ nodosum - Knotted Wrack This narrow brown seaweed bears distinctive single air bladders and short branchlets. The ends of mature branches develop swollen receptacles, which are similar in appearance and function to those of Fucus spp. A. nodosum is one of the most common brown seaweeds occurring from Long Island north to the Arctic. Knotted wrack typically grows attached to rocks in the lower intertidal zone and often forms a distinct band just below rockweeds (Fucus spp.). A. nodosum is a perennial seaweed, which fruits in the winter and sheds the reproductive receptacles by late spring. Knotted wrack is often collected in the northeast and used as packing material for bait worms and lobsters. c. ~ ~ - Gulfweed This slender "leafy" brown seaweed bears numerous berry-like air bladders along the main axis and branches. ~ is the only northeast species which grows attached within the genus ~ (which is generally associated with pelagic frcc floating forms). ~ is commonly found growing on shells or stones in relatively quiet waters at depths ranging from just below the lowest tide to 90 feet or more. The range of ~ extends from Florida to southern Massachusetts, with findings in Long Island Sound reported to be rare within this century (Gosner, 1979). Fruiting occurs in late summer and fall from receptacles that are clustered at the terminal ends of the plant. ~ is believed to be a perennial seaweed. Laminaria saccharina - Broad-Leaf Kelp This large, simple bladed brown seaweed is typically found attached to rocks, pilings, wharves, ropes and shells in the sublittoral zone, often in areas of strong surf. L. saccharina is among the largest of pa&e.65 J anua~y 1996 Peconic Estuary Program Submer&ed Aquatic Vegeta~on Study - Final Report the local seaweeds, and may grow up to 15 feet or more in length. L. saccharina is more commonly associated with deep coastal waters north of Cape Cod, and may be considered unusual locally. Reproduction in kelps is accomplished through a two-phased sexual process; the first phase entails production of zoospores which germinate into microscopic gametophytes - which only become fertile under exposure to white or blue light; the second phase entails the producUon and fusion of gametes which eventually develop and germinate into the adult plant. Most of the L. saccharina plants found in local waters are annuals. The adult plant dies back after release of the zoospores in summer. e. Chorda ilium - Smooth Cord Weed This slender, whip-like brown seaweed is commonly found growing in clumps attached to stones and shells in the lower intertidal and subUdal zones in sheltered waters. The range for C. ilium extends from New Jersey northward to the Arctic. Smooth Cord weed is an annual seaweed that fruits from late summer through fall. f. Stilophora rhizodes - Rough Tangle Weed This sUff, brittle, bushy brown seaweed is typically found in warm protected bays and shallow waters, loosely attached to the bases of eelgrass plants or other objects, and epiphytic on seaweeds or drifting free. S. rhizodes ranges from North Carolina northwards to Prince Edward Island. VesetaUve growth and fruiting occur primarily in late summer. g. Sphaerotrichia divaricata - Slippery Tangle Weed This slender, bushy brown seaweed closely resembles SUIophera rhizodes. It can be found growing as an epiphyte on other coarse seaweeds in protected coves, and tolerates somewhat polluted waters. S. divaricata ranges from New Jersey north to Labrador. h. Acrothrix novae-an_eliae Janua~ 1996 Page.66 ( Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report This loosely tufted brown seaweed is typically found growing as an epiphyte on knotted wrack ~c(~___Cqp_~llum spp.) and eelgrass (Zostera marina) or growing on stones in relatively protected subtidal areas. This species ranges from Long Island to Cope Cod. Fruiting occurs in spring and early summer. SECTION 4.2 - P ~r~-~n. t SAV Distr~b,~dion, Abundance and Density As discussed in Section 3.4, the data collected during this investigation were compiled into a Lotus 1-2-3 data base to facilitate analysis. Table 2 displays all station summary data, arranged by station number. The field data sheets which provided the information that is summarized in Table 2 are included in Exhibit C. Table 3 lists all of the species of submerged aquatic vegetation observed during CA's field sampling program, and the number of stations at which each species was encountered. This provides an overall picture of the relative abundance of each species found. Table 4 presents a quantitative summary of the spatial distribution of the five dominant SAY types (i.e., Zostera marina, Codium fra_eile, Ulva lactuca, mixed red algae, and mixed brown algae) within the 13 sub-areas in the Peconic Estuary, and thereby shows the overall pattern of the vegetative communities within the study area. Maps 4 and 5, respectively, show the distribution of eelgrass and dominant macroalgae. These data are examined further below under the discussion of each respective dominant SAV type. The maps presented in this report depict the instantaneous, system-wide distribution of SAY in the Estuary at the time of the survey. The information in these maps was derived from 214 observation stations throughout the entire Peconic Estuary, as supplemented by the interpretation of black and white aerial photographs. Due to the broad scale of the survey and limitations imposed by the resolution of the aerial photography, detailed mapping of SAV on a local scale was not possible, nor was such an undertaking feasible within the time and budgetary constraints of this project. Therefore, it is possible that small scattered patches of SAV that locally are known to exist may not be represented on the maps, especially in embayments and tributaries off the main body of the Estuary. Based on these considerations, readers are cautioned that Maps 4 and 5 should not be used in site-specific, regulatory decision-making. The evaluation of proposed development projects requires a much more detailed mapping January 1996 page .67 Peconic Estuan/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report scale, which necessitates the completion of field studies as part of the site-spedfic environmental review process. As part of this study, anecdotal information regarding eelgrass distribution was collected from agency and government officials and other knowledgeable individuals. This information was used in designing the field surveillance program, with stations located to provide direct observations of all reported eelgrass beds as well as other areas of suspected SAV. However, in some areas where eelgrass was reported to be present (e.g., Coecles Harbor and West Neck Harbor on Shelter Island, and the Sag Harbor Cove Complex), no eelgrass was found during CA's field sampling program, perhaps due to recent rapid die-offs in those areas. Because of such discrepancies, the actual mapping of eelgrass beds for this study relied strictly on CA's field observations of SAY distributions, as supplemented by the review of the aerial photographs. Anecdotal information that could not be independently verified by CA was not incorporated into the distribution maps. Sea Grass Distribution and Abundance As discussed in Section 4.1 .A, only two seagrasses were found growing within the Peconic Estuary system, namely eelgrass (Z0stera marina) and widgeon grass ~Ruopia maritima). 7. marina was by far the most abundant of the two seagrass species, occurring at a total of 34 of the 214 stations (or 22 percent of the 152 stations at which SAY was observed to be present), and achieving dominance at 30 of those stations. In contrast, IL maritima was observed at only two stations, and was a secondary component of the vegetative community at both locations. Map 4 and Table 4 indicate the current extent of eelgrass beds as identified through CA's field sampling and aerial photograph interpretation. No eelgrass was found in the waters to the west of Shelter Island. The farthest west that eelgrass was recorded was an isolated patch situated approximately 50 yards off the shoreline just south and east of Mill Creek (at the north end of Southold Bay) in Southold Town. CA observed that this bed appears to have been damaged by scallop harvesting operations which had removed all plant parts except the roots and rhizomes in some areas. Dense, healthy beds of eelgrass were present on the southeastern side of Shelter Island, and extended eastward through Northwest Harbor and just past Cedar Point in East Hampton Town. Moderately dense beds of eelgrass mixed with January 1996 # # (fi) I 2 3 Avg. (kg/sqm) C~ge ryp~ Type I (ppt) (F) (It) ;(Iq~fsqm) (g/sqm) 48 03 2.0 312 312 427 5 sm UI Ut 22~ I 68 2 0.21 9 B2 09 7,5 NS NS NS NS 2 s C~ I C~ C~ 30 66 5I NS NS 84 09 2.9 652 794 723 991 10 gs C~ C~ Fa 30 66 6I 0.99 56 SAVEXELXLS 1119/96 # # (fi) 1 I 2 3 Avg (kg/sqm) Cvrge Type Type (p~ot) (R (fi) (kgfs~m) (gJsqm) # # (fi) I 2 $ Avg. Ik~=~m) Cvl~e T~/pe Present TABLE 3 RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION IDENTIFIED DURING CASHIN ASSOCIATES' FIELD SAMPLING IN THE PECONIC ESTUARY No. of Botanical Name Common Name Code Stations Encountered PHYLUM SPERMATOPHYTA (Sea Grasses) 34 Zostera marina Eel§rass Zm 2 Ruppia maritima Widgeon Grass Rm PHYLUM RHODOPHYTA (Red Algae) 16 £uthora cristata Lacy Redweed Ec 12 Cystoclonium purpureum Brushy Redweed Cp 3 Polysiphonia denudata Tubed Weeds Pp I Polysiphonia subtilissima Tubed Weeds Ps 4 Polysiphonia sl~p. Tubed Weeds Po 1 Ceramium diaphanum Banded Weeds Cd 6 Ceramium spp. Banded Weeds ~ Ce 4 i Chondrus crispus Irish moss Cc 3 Lomentaria baileyana Lb 3 Dasya pedicellata Chenille Seaweed Dp 2 Chondria spp. Pod Weed Co 2 ,~gardhiella sublata As 2 Antithamnion spp. An 1 Grinnellia americana Grinnell's Pink Leaf Ga I Phycodrys rubens Sea Oak Pr 1 Gracilaria tikvahiae Gt I Spermothamnion spp. Sp I Champia parvula Barrel Weed Ch I Ahnfeltia plicata Wire Weed Ah 3 Miscellaneous (unidentified) Mr TABLE 3 (CONTINUED) Stations Encountered PHYLUM CHLOROPHYTA (Green Algae) 88 Codium fragile Green Fleece Cf 37 Ulva lactuca Sea Lettuce UI 3 Enteromorpha linza Hollow Green Weeds El 2 Enteromorpha compressa Hollow Green Weeds Em I Hollow Green Weeds Et 1 Enteromorpha clathrata Enteromorpha intestinalis Hollow Green Weeds Ei 1 Enteromorpha spp. Hollow Green Weeds En 2 Chaetomorpha melagonium Cm I Chaetomorpha linum CI PHYLUM PHAEOPHYTA (Brown Algae) 27 Fucus spp. Rockweed Fu 9 Ascophyllum nodosum Knotted Wrack Ap 4 Sargassum filipendula Sf 2 2 2 Note 1. Laminaria saccharina Gulfweed Broad-leaf Kelp Smooth Cord Weed Chorda ilium Miscellaneous (unidentified) Note 2. Es Ca Stilophora rhizodes Sr I Sphaerotrichia divaricata Slippery Tangle Weed Sd 1 Acrothrix novae-angliae Ac 2 Mp Wherever "spp." is indicated, the plant was identified to genus level only. The species is likely to be different than other species listed in the same genus. Where "Miscellaneous" is indicated, the plant could not be identified beyond the broad classification of Phylum, using the botanical keys available. TABLE 4 SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF DOMINANT SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION TYPES IN THE PECONIC ESTUARY NUMBER OF STATIONS WITH EACH DOMINANT SAV TYPE SUB- Zm Cf UI MR MB NONE ALL SAV ^LL STATIONS STATIONS AREA I 0 6 10 6 0 4 22 26 2 0 17 5 6 0 8 28 36 3 0 11 9 2 I 11 23 34 4 0 6 0 0 1 8 7 15 5 2 6 I I 0 5 10 15 6 7 2 0 0 0 2 9 11 7 8 3 1 2 0 7 14 21 8 6 4 0 1 2 7 13 20 9 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 10 I 3 0 1 I 5 6 11 11 2 I 0 5 2 2 10 12 11A I .0 0 0 0 3 1 4 11B 3 2 0 0 0 0 5 5 INNER 0(0) 23(35) 15(58) 12(50) 0(0) 12(19) 50(33) 62(29) ESTUARY MIDDLE 17(57) 28(43) 11(42) 5(21) 2(29) 33(53) 63(41) 96(45) ESTUARY OUTER 13(43) 14(22) 0(0) 7(29) 5(71) 17(28) 39(26) 56(26) ESTUARY TOTAL 30 165 126 124 I 7 162 152 214 Notes Dominant SAV types: Zm-- Zostera marina; Cf= Codium fragile; UI= UIva lactuca: MR = mixed red algae; MB-- mixed brown algae Inner Estuary = Sub-areas 1 and 2; Middle Estuary = Sub-areas 3,4,5,6 and 7; Outer Estuary = sub-areas 8, 9, 10, 1 lA, and 11 B. (#) = percent of total for each dominant SAV type. peconic Estuan/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report green fleece (Codium fra_eile) were found bordering the southeastern shoreline of Shelter Island near Mashomack Point. Rockweed (Fucus spp.) replaced green fleece in mixed stands further north off Ram Island. Dense solid stands of eelgrass were again found at the extreme northern end of Shelter Island between Hay Beach Point and Cornelius Point, throughout Orient Harbor and the mouth of Hallock Bay in 5outhold Town. At the northern extreme of Orient Harbor and the inner reach of Hallock Bay green fleece became more dominant. Further east, eelgrass appeared in spot locations, just northeast of Accabonac Harbor in Gardiners Bay, and along the southeastern shoreline of Gardiners Island. Eastward of those locations on the South Fork, eelgrass appeared only inside protected harbors such as Napeague Harbor and Lake k4ontauk. Within Lake Montauk, eelgrass was represented in beds mixed with green fleece on the northern end, in a monoculture towards the middle, and was replaced by solid beds of green fleece towards the southern end. This represents a shift in the SAV species present in Lake Montauk since the survey conducted by Flagg and Greene in 1980 (see Section 2.2.B for further discussion). Ruooia maritima (widgeon grass) was found at only two isolated sampling stations wi{l~in the Peconic Estuary. These occurred at a three foot depth in Goose Creek off Flanders Bay (Town of Southampton) and at a depth of slightly more than one foot in Broadwater Cove off Cutchogue Harbor Crown of Southold). At both locations, widgeon grass was represented as a secondary species in a mixed bed with sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca) and various red and brown seaweeds. The bed of widgeon grass was moderately dense in Goose Creek and relatively sparse in Broadwater Cove. B. Green Algae Distribution and Abundance The distribution of dominant macroalgae types within the Peconic Estuary system is presented graphically in Map 5. As discussed in Section 3.3~, this map represents a compilation of actual field observations, aerial photograph interpretation and map interpolation based on the habitat requirements of each macroalgae species identified. Refer also to Table 4 for a quantitative summary of the distribution of the dominant macroalgae throughout the Estuary. Two species of green seaweeds, namely green fleece (Codium fragile) and sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca), were each found at more sampling stations than other January 1996 Page.69 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report individual algae species. In fact, the 125 occurrences of these two species were just slightly less than the 129 total occurrences of all other macroalgae types combined (see Table 3). As shown in Table 3, green fleece was found at 88 field stations (which is 58 percent of the 152 stations at which SAV was present). As shown in Table 4, green fleece was the dominant SAV type at 65 stations. Green flccce was found to be well distributed throughout the entire Peconic Estuary system, occupying the transition zones between the shallows and deeper waters, with two notable exceptions: green fleece was not found within the quieter waters of smaller tidal creeks, and appeared to avoid more fully exposed locations, such as the open waters of Gardiners Bay and western Block Island Sound. However, green fleece did appear on the extreme eastern end of the South Fork, on the lee side of Goff Point and Hicks Island at the mouth of NapeagUe Harbor, and inside the protected waters of Lake Aaontauk. Compared to green fleece, sea lettuce was found to be far less abundant in the Peconic Estuary overall. Sea lettuce was present at 37 stations (which is 24 percent of the 152 stations at which SAV was present), and was the dominant SAV type at 26 stations. Sea lettuce was also found to be far less ubiquitous in distribution compared to green fleece. Sea lettuce was clustered in the inner and north central portions of the Estuary, and was confined to the relatively quiet waters of smaller tidal creeks and the shallows of adjoining embayments. Sea lettuce was not observed in the outer portion of the Estuary (i.e., east of Shelter Island), and was found only at very Iow densities at a few scattered stations in the waters to the east of Little Peconic Bay. This is similar to the distribution of LJ. lactuca noted by Harlin and Rines (1993) in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, where this species was also fou nd concentrated near the major sou rces of freshwater and nutrients, especially in sheltered areas. C. Red Algae Distribution and Abundance Of the red seaweeds identified, two species were found in slightly higher abundance than the rest of the reds. Lacy redweed ~ ~ was found at 16 stations (representing about 11 percent of the 152 stations at which SAY Janua~ 1996 Pa~e .70 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Ve~e~ation Study - Final Report was present), and brushy redweed (CystoclonJum ~ was found at 12 stations (representing about 8 percent of the SAY stations). Occurrences of these two species appeared to be clustered in the inner and middle portions of the Peconic Estuary, with lacy redweed appearing more westerly and brushy redweed appearing more easterly within that area. These two species were often represented in mixed stands along with green fleece, possibly occupying slightly deeper positions near the same sampling location. Towards the eastern end of the Peconic Estuary, the species composition of red macroalgae shifted to mixed beds containing Irish moss (Chondrus crispus) in rocky exposed locations, and scattered occurrences of Chenille seaweed (Dasya pedicellata) and various other larger red seaweeds. Since the red seaweeds were represented throughout the Peconic Estuary system, and no one spedes attained a level of dominance comparable to the two most prevalent green algae, red algae are classified as a single composite group on the distribution map (Map 5) and the accompanying data table (Table 4). Areas mapped as dominated by red. seaweeds had a variety of vegetative community compositions, such as: a single red algae present with no other species represented; or several red algae spedes occurring alone; or several red seaweeds in a mixed bed with one or two spedes of less abundant green or brown algae. D. Brown Algae Distribution and Abundance Rockweed (Fucus spp.) was found to be the most abundant brown seaweed in the Peconic Estuary system, occurring at 27 stations (representing 18 percent of the stations at which SAV was present). Rockweed was found throughout the Peconic Estuary system occupying suitable habitats ranging from protected tidal creeks, along the shorelines of the larger embayments, to the rocky exposed interfaces off Gardiners Island. This widespread distribution may not be immediately apparent when referring to Map 5 and Table 4, because at several locations in the inner portion of the Estuary other macroalgae types (particularly sea lettuce) were dominant in mixed stands, thereby masking the occurrence of rockweed. Similar to the treatment for red seaweeds, brown seaweeds were mapped as a single composite category in Ntap 5. This is due to the fact that although rockweed was well represented throughout the Estuary, other less abundant species of brown algae occurred as co-dominants at some sampling stations in Jant~ 1996 Pa~e ,71 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Find Report close association with rockweed, while in other cases, similar to the situation that applied to rockweed, certain other species of brown algae present in the inner portion of the estuary were masked by more dominant beds of sea lettuce. Most notably: knotted wrack (Ascophyllum nodosum) occurred within protected coves and embayments often associated with green fleece or sea lettuce; gulfweed ¢Sarg_assum fllipendula) was observed east of North Haven Peninsula (Southampton Town) and east of Cedar Point (East Hampton Town); and broad- leaf kelp (Laminaria saccharina) was collected from the extreme eastern end of the Estuary near Gardiners Point and offCulloden Point near Montauk Lake where rockier substrates prevailed. E. SAV Density Observations SAV density measurements were made at a total of 90 field stations. Following procedures detailed in Section 3.4, these data were used to derive dry weight biomass estimates for each of the five dominant SAV types, and within each of the three reaches of the Estuary and the entire study area. The average dry weight biomass (DWB) results are summarized in Table 5 and are discussed below. Overall, Z__ostera marina had the highest unit DWB within the Estuary, at 370 g/m2. The average DWB was 435 g/m2 for eelgrass areas in the outer Estuary, and 315 g/m2 in the middle Estuary; eelgrass was absent from the inner Estuary. The maximum DWB for a single sampling location was 1146 g/m= at a station off the southern tip of Shelter Island (Mashomack Point). Eelgrass DWB was 988 g/m= at a station at the north end of Napeegue Harbor and 895 g/m= at a station in southern Gardiners Bay just north of Accabonac Harbor. In general, the remaining Z. marina stations had DWB values ranging from 200 to 500 g/m2, with a Iow of 2b-~nd ~'~ ~/m2 at a pair of stations in Orient Harbor and 84 g/m~ in the adjacent waters of Long Beach Bay. The mixed brown algae (MB) category was second to eelgrass in overall average DWB at 294 g/m2, but was only represented by 7 stations in the entire Estuary. The maximum recorded brown algae DWB was 1174 g/m2 at a station on the west side of the North Haven peninsula; Fucus was the dominant form present. Due to the Iow number of MB stations in the Estuary, this single high value had a great effect on the overall average DWB; the other two stations at which data were recorded had DWB values of 80 and 84 g/m2. Janualy 1996 Pa~le ,7'2 ( TABLE 5 SUMMARY OF UNIT DRY WEIGHT BIOMASS VALUES WITHIN THE PECONIC ESTUARY AVERAGE DRY WEIGHT BIOMASS (g/m2) FOR EACH DOMINANT SAV TYPE Zm Cf UI MR MB INNER N/A 43 21 35 N/A ESTUARY MIDDLE 315 111 24 4 588 ESTUARY OUTER 435 135 N/A 174 102 ESTUARY ENTIRE 370 92 22 70 294 STUDY AREA Notes Dominant SAV types: Zm: Zostera marina: Cf: Codium fragile: UI= Ulva~ lactuca: MR ~ mixed red algae; MB~ mixed brown algae Inner Estuary: Sub-areas I and 2; Middle Estuary -- Sub-areas 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7; Outer Estuary: Sub-areas 8, 9, 10, 11A, and 11B. N/A - not applicable (dominant SAV type not present) The dry weight biomass values here are based on simple numeric averages, where each station is given equal weighting. Peconic Estua~f Pro,ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation study. Final Report The remaining three dominant SAV types (i.e., Codium ~ Ulva I_actuca, .an=d mixed red algae) had average DWB values of 92 g/m~, 22 g/m~, 70 g/m , respectively. These Iow biomass values were the result of a number of factors, including generally Iow values for percent coverage (typically less than 10 percent) and Iow dry/wet weight ratios (especially for C. fra_eile and U. lactuca. at 0.057 and 0.044, respectively - see Section 4.7). Total dry weight biomaSs within the three reaches of the Estuary was calculated by multiplying the unit DWB by the area covered by each dominant SAY type. Those values, which are summarized in Table 6, are discussed below. The total dry weight biomass of submerged aquatic vegetation within the study area during the September-October 1994 survey period is estimated at 10,445 metric tons (haT), of which slightly less than 50 percent was accounted for by beds dominated by Codium fragile. Eelgrass-dominated areas comprised approximately 22 percent of the total SAV dry weight biomass, while mixed brown algae-dominated areas comprised approximately 18 percent. Areas dominated by Ulva lactuca and mixed red algae, combined, contributed less than one percent of the total SAV dry weight biomass in the Estuary. Table 6 also indicates a clear trend of increasing SAV biomass in a west-to-east direction. Whereas the estimated bottom area cov.ered by SAY beds is fairly consistent within the three study area segments (,.e., 37 km2 for the inner Estuary, 31 km2 for the middle Estuary, and 30 km= for the outer Estuary), the total SAV dry weight biomass increased from 1433 hat in the inner Estuary, to 4005 MT in the middle Estuary, and 5007 MT in the outer Estuary. The SAV dry weight biomass in eelgrass-dominated areas mirrored this trend, increasing from 0 in the inner Estuary, to 772 MT in the middle Estuary, and 1562 haT in the outer Estuary. Eelgrass-dominated areas accounted for almost one-third of the total SAY dry weight biomass to the east of Shelter Island. SECTION 4.3 - Historical C'han_~es in SAV Distribution The analysis of historical changes in SAV distribution was performed using two primary methodologies, as described in Section 3.3.B. Information regarding the location of eelgrass beds on sketch maps provided by knowledgeable individuals in the East End Towns was used as a baseline for comparison to the actual distribution observed during January 1996 Page ,73 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation study - Final Report the field survey. Where the sketch maps indicated the existence of significant eelgrass meadows that were not observed by CA's field survey team, it was concluded that a real change in distribution was evidenced. The second method entailed a direct comparison of SAY beds depicted on historical aerial photographs with recent aerial photographs. Several locations at which CA expected to find eelgrass, as based upon conversations with knowledgeable individuals and analysis of pertinent charts and maps, were revealed upon field reconnaissance to be either entirely devoid of SAY or were dominated by macroalgae, especially green fleece (C0dium fra_~ile). The findings at these locations are summarized as follows. · west side of Jessups Neck (Southampton Town)- no eelgrass present; SAV comprised of macroalgae (primarily green fleece) · Fort Pond Bay (East Hampton Town) - no SAV present northeast corner and eastern shoreline of Robins Island (Southold Town) - no eelgrass present; SAV comprised of various macroalgae (primarily green flccce and mixed red algae) found along almost the entire shoreline · Hog Neck Bay (Southold Town) - no eelgrass present; SAV comprised of thin beds of various macroalgae · Southold Bay - despite expectations of extensive eelgrass beds, only narrow, sparsely vegetated eelgrass beds were present Pipes Cove (Southold Town) - no SAV present; a thick growth of bryozoans were found during the field survey, which was very similar in appearance to eelgrass beds on the aerial photographs Coecles Harbor and West Neck Harbor (Shelter Island) - information provided by the Town indicated that eelgrass beds were present in these areas; SAV beds observed during CA's field survey consisted entirely of macroalgee, with green fleece and mixed red algae dominating Sag Harbor Cove complex- no eelgrass was found in these waters, despite historical accounts of eelgrass beds here; CA's field survey indicates that mixed red algae were the dominant SAY type in the fall of 1994 January 1996 Page .74 ( TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF TOTAL BIOMASS WITHIN THE PECONIC ESTUARY TOTAL DRY WEIGHT BIOMASS (METRIC) FOR EACH DOMINANT SAV TYPE Zm Cf UI MR MB TOTAL INNER ESTUARY 0 1106 114 213 0 1433 (25.71) (5.43) (6.09) (37.23) MIDDLE 772 2112 86 18 1017 4005 ESTUARY (2.45) (19.03) (3.58) (4.50) (1.73) (31.29) OUTER ESTUARY 1562 1974 0 609 862 5007 (3.59) (14.62) (3.50) (8.45) (30.16) ENTIRE STU DY 2334 5192 200 840 1879 10,445 AREA (6.04) (59.36) (9.01) (14.09) (10.18) (98.68) Notes Dominant SAV types: Zm= Zostera ~ Cf: Codium fragile: UI= Ulva lactuca: MR ~ mixed red algae; MB. mixed brown algae Inner Estuary = Sub-areas I and 2; Middle Estuary = Sub-areas 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7; Outer Estuary = Sub-areas 8, 9, 10, 11A, and 11 B. (#) ~ area, in km2, occupied by each dominanat SAV type. Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Stud~ - Final Report Based upon a review of historic aerial photography, coupled with field reconnaissance for this study, it does not appear that there has been any single factor affecting the observed trends in the historical distribution of eelgrass within the Peconic Estuary system during the period between 1965 and the present. Rather, it is probably a multitude of factors working in concert on a more localized level which determine the spatial extent of a specific eelgrass bed at any given time, its expansion, recession, density and species composition. As discussed in Section 4.2, field sampling and 1994 aerial photograph interpretation revealed no evidence of living eelgrass beds to the west of Shelter Island. As a follow- up, CA took a closer look at three locations (Robins Island, Hog Neck Bay, and Pipes Cove, all in the Town of Southold) that were determined to be devoid of eelgrass in 1994, but which are believed to have supported eelgrass in the past. No eelgrass beds were discernable in the 1969 or 1980s aerial photographs for any of these locations. However, it is possible that eelgrass beds may have occupied these locations prior to 1969. Anecdotal information indicates that extensive eelgrass meadows once occupied Southold Bay. However, this is not supported by CA's 1994 field reconnais_sance and review of current and historic aerial photographs (at least as far back as 1969). Although Southold Bay contained the westernmost eelgrass beds identified during the field survey, CA's divers observed that these beds appeared to have been damaged by scallop harvesting operations. As presented in Table 7 and depicted in Figure lA, there have not been drastic changes in these eelgrass beds over the past 25 years. The central and easternmost beds were wider in 1980 as compared with 1969, but slightly less extensive in 1994. The overall coverage of the beds (with respect to the infilling of barren patches) appears to have increased slightly over the past 25 years. The historical variations in the distribution and coverage of eelgrass beds bordering the eastern shoreline of Shelter Island show a much greater contrast than could be discerned in Southold Bay. Referring to Figures lB through 1D, eelgrass beds on the northernmost and southernmost tip of Shelter Island were much more extensive in 1969 than the other years examined. There appeared to be a drastic recession between 1969 and 1984, and then a more gradual decline over the subsequent decade. However, the percent coverage within the remaining eelgrass meadows appears to be greater in 1994 than the other years examined. Eelgrass beds within Orient Harbor (Figure 1 E) did not appear to change significantly over the 25 year period studied. However, the extent of the beds located south of Long January lg96 Page.75 Peco~ic Estuary Pro&ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation S~udy - Final Report Beach (in Gardiners Bay) appears to have increased dramatically since 1969. It is interesting to note that this general increase in the extent of beds bordering Long Beach occurred concurrently with a general decline in the extent of beds located directly south, off the northeastern tip of Shelter Island. Perhaps this change was due to shifts in the pattern of tidal exchange, depositional areas or other factors. Whatever the causal agents, these two areas were affected oppositely. Referring to Figure 1 F, eelgrass beds at the mouth of Napeague Harbor appeared to shift over time in response to changes in the geomorphology of Goff Point and Hicks Island. It is also conceivable that maintenance dredging may have affected the location of eelgrass beds near the mouth of the harbor. Eelgrass beds located along the eastern shoreline of Napeague Harbor do not appear to have changed significantly over the 25- year period studied. It was surprising to find a relative lack of SAV throughout the harbor, especially on the southern end throughout the same 25-year period. In contrast to all other locations studied, the extent of the eelgrass beds along the southeastern shore of Gardiners Island appears to have been greatest in 1980, as compared with 1964 and 1994. This change (which can be seen in Figure 1G) is not likely due to brown tide because these waters are relatively well circulated and were less affected by brown tide events. However, the eastern side of Gardiners Island is highly exposed to rougher seas, especially during northeast and east winds. Storm or ice damase is a possible factor in the regression of beds from 1980 to 1994, particularly considering the intense northeast storms that struck the area in those years. Overall, the historical analysis described above could not identify a consistent trend for the 1969 to 1980s and 1980s to 1994 time frames examined. Any overall decline in eelgrass abundance that may have been induced by brown tide episodes in the 1980s could not be detected in the analysis of historical photographs at the selected study locations. Information obtained through personal communications with a number of informed sources, including Mr. Jon Semlear of the Town of Southampton Board of Trustees and Mr. Chris Pickerell of the Suffolk County Cornell Cooperative Extension, indicate that a substantial die-off of eelgrass may be ongoing in the middle and outer Estuary at the present time. Water bodies that have reportedly been affected by this eelgrass decline include: Sag Harbor Cove (in Southampton Town); West Neck Harbor and Coecles Harbor (on Shelter Island); and Three Mile Harbor and possibly Accabonac Harbor (in East Hampton Town). Descriptions of the die-backs are consistent: the affected areas formerly supported thick, healthy (natural or transplanted) beds of eelgrass through the January 1996 pa&e.76 TABLE 7 HISTORICAL PATTERNS OF LAV ABUNDANCE AND DISTRIBUTION IN THE PECONIC ESTUARY LOCATION 1969 1980's 1994 Robins Island No eelgrass beds. No eelsrass bedi. Rockweed and Codium on west side. Macroalgae on norlh and east sides. Macroalgae on norlh and easl sides; only Codium on eastern si~oreline. Isolaled patches on west side. No eelgtass. Pholo Nos. 23-42, 24-17 Photo Nos. 70-377,70-378, 70-379 (Flight Dale: 4-1-69) (Flight Date: 4-12-84) Photo Nos. 3-43, 3-44 Hog Neck Bay I No SAV evidenl from tltlle C~eek to Cedar No SAV evident from Little Creek ID Cedar Nd) eelgrass beds - only macroalgae east o1 Beach Point. Beach Point. Corey Creek. Photo Nos. 26-1~1, 27-7, 27-8, 27-9, 27-11 Photo Nos. 70-0548, 71-0589, 72-0603, 73- Photo Nos. 7-1 I1, 7-112, 2-19, 2-18, 2-17 (Flighl Date: 4-t-69) 0641 (Flight Dales: 9-15-94 & 9-28-94) (Flight Date: 3-24-80) Southold Bay EelLrass beds bordering channel at Mill Creek Eelgrass beds bordering channel at Mill Creek Abundanl eelgrass bordering Mill Creek very patchy. - beds more exlensive Ihan 1994, but similar channel. coverage. Abundant eelgrass ol1 Beixedon. Abundanl eelgrass oil Beixedon. Abundant eelgrass off Beixedon. Patchiest eelgrass beds, al compared wllb 1980 and 1994. Eelgrass beds also extending east of Hashamomuck Pond, not visible in 1969 or 1994. Photo Nos. 28-8, 29-6, 29-7,, Photo Nos. 72-0601, 72-0599, 29-8 I73-0646 Photo Nos. 7-115, 7-116, 7-117 ~FIIl~ht Date: 4-1-69}I (Flil~ht Date: 3-24-80) (Flip, bt Date: 9-2B-g4~ LOCATION 1969 19B0's 1994 5belier Island Exlenslve eel8ras$ beds ea$1 of Hay Beach EelBras$ beds east of Hay Beach Poiul extend Felgrass beds east of Hay Beach Point less Point and south beyond Cornelius Poinl, bul south 1o Cornelius Point. Patchiness patchy than 1969 & 19B4, and not as beds are patchy. More e~lensive than 1984 intermediale belween 1969 and 1994. exlensive as eilher year. or 1994. Difficult Io discern beds east of Ram Island Extensive eelgrass beds east nI Ram Island Extensive eel8rass beds easl ot Ram Island and from available aerial pholoBraphs, and SunBic Point, L~asl palchy as compared SunBic Point, palchier than in 1994. wilh 1984 and 1969. Difficult lo ~iscern limils o[ beds east ot Exlensive eelBrass beds east of Mashomack Mashomack Poinl from available aerial EelBrass beds east and soullt ot Mashnmack Polnl, palchler than in 1994. photographs. Poinl, k~s palchy lban 1969, and slightly less extensive. (Hi,hi Dale: 4- I ?-84) Pipes Cove Mollling in nearshore area jusl south of 8roln /Vlottling in nearshore area jusl south of 8~oin No SAV observed. field of! Shore Drive indicales polefttial field oil Shore D~,ive iudicales potential hryozoans and rocks as identified by sampling hryozoans and r~cks as idenllfled by sampling (Flight Date: 9-28-94) (Fliuht Date: 4-7-69} (F#~ht Date: 4-1 ?-g4} (Flight Date: 9-28-94) Source: 1969 Aerial Photography from Michael Baker, Ir., Inc., Beaver, PA 1980, 1984 and 1994 Aerial Photography Irom Aerosraphics Corp., Bohemia, NY SUBI~W. RGED AQUATIC VEGETATION STUDY - PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM Figure 1 KEY MAP TO HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EELGRASS BEDS Be.ixedo. n..' NOT TO SCALE Southold 1994 ~ ~ 1980 ~ 1969 -------'--'--"----- BOUNDARY LINES ARE APPROXIMATE, BASED ON PHOTO IN II-RPRETATION, NOT EXACT BOUNDS FOR GIS. HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EELGRASS BEDS (ZOSTERA MARINA l.) Conkling Point Cashln Assoclltes, P.C. Figure lA SOUTHOLD BAY Dering Harbor Shelter Island Cornelius Poin~ NOT TO SCALE 1994 1984 1969 BOUNDARY UNES ARE APPROXIMATE, BASED ON PHOTO INTERPRETATION, NOT EXACT BOUNDS FOR GIS. HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EELGRASS BEDS (ZOSTERA MARINA L.) Cishln &ssoclitis, P.e. Figure lB SHELTER ISLAND NOT TO SCALE Shelter Island '..:--'- OUTER UMIT OF 1984 BEDS NOT DISCERNABLE FROM AVAILABLE PHOTOGRAPHY, 1994 1984 1969 BOUNDARY LINES ARE APPROXIMATE, BASED ON PHOTO INTERPRETATION, NOT EXACT BO~JNDS FO~ Gl~ ~*~ i Sun i<;- ""~'-"~ii''?'" Shelter Island ::.~"}"'" HISTORICAL Cashln COMPARISON OF EELGRASS BEDS (ZOSTERA MARINA L.) Figure lC Associates, P.e. SHELTER ISLAND SCARF Shelter Island · .-. Mashomac -': · ; -' '-'~Point-~ - ', - OUTER UMIT OF 1984 BEDS NOT DISCERNABLE FROM AVAILABLE PHOTOGRAPHY. 1994 1984 1969 BOUNDARY LINES ARE APPROXIMATE, BASED ON PHOTO INTERPRETAllON, NOT EXACT BOUNDS FOR GIS. HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EELGRASS BEDS (ZOSTERA MARINA L.) Cashln Associates. P.e. Figure 1D SHELTER ISLAND / NOT TO SCALE LIMITS OF EELGRASS BEDS IN t984 NOT CLEARLY DISCERNABLE FROM AVAILABLE PHOTOGRAPHY. 1994 ----'--- ~ 1984 ~ ~ 1969 ~ ~ BOUNDARY LINES ARE APPROXIMATE, BASED ON PHOTO INTERPRETA~ON, NOT EXACT BOUNDS FOR GIS. Orient HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EELGRASS BEDS (ZOSTERA MARINA L.) Clshln Associates. P.C. Figure 1E ORIENT HARBOR /' · Po.i.n. t NOT TO SCALE 1994 .-'----- '- ~ 1984 ~- ~ 1969 ~ ~ 1969 SHOREUNE LOCA~ON --'-'----- ~ - BOUNDARY LINES ARE APPROXIMATE, BASED ON PHOTO INTERPRETA~ON, NOT EXACT BOUNDS FOR ~S. HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EELGRASS BEDS (ZOSTERA MARINA L.) Csshln Associates, P.C. Figure IF NAPEAGUE HARBOR NOT TO SCALE Tobacco Lot -' Bay Point . ::L. Gardiners :' '" Island - ~ '~ :. 1994 ~ -- -- ::~'" 1980 ~ ~ ": 1969 ~ ' -- BOUNDARY UNES ARE APPROXIMATE, BASED ON PHOTO INTERPRETATION, NOT EXACT BOUNDS FOR GIS. HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF EELGRASS BEDS (ZOSTERA MARINA L.) Cashln Associates. P.C. Figure 1G GARDINERS ISLAND 130 si 06 50 85 14 50 068 80 ms Zm Zm 31 62 3 0.54 66 137 si 06 50 78 78 1.07 75 s Zm Zm 31.5 58 4 080 ~8 TABLE 9 ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL/¥VATER PARAMETERS IN THE PECONIC ESTUARY PARAMETER DOMINANT SAV TYPE ALL SAV ' ALL Zm Cf UI MR MB NONE STATIONS STATIONS SALINITY (ppt) 31.77 (079) 30.11 (1.41) 27.56 (2.10) 29.52 (2.49) 31.64 (1.57) 30.81 (1.52) 29.98 (2.15) 30.22 (2.02) TEMPERATURE (°F) 60.47 (1.59) 64.08 (4.37) 67.69 (4.53) 64.46 (5.18), 60.71 (3.10) 62.35 (4.37) 63.89 (4.71) 63.44 (4.66) VISIBILITY (fi) 8.54 (4.74) 5.04 (2.41) 2.96 (1.52) 4.21 (2.01) 9.29 (2.55) 5.47 (3.08) 5.45 (3.50) 5.45 (3.38) WATER DEPTH (ft) 5.66 (2.12) 6.16 (2.62) 3.40 (2.00) 5.71 (1.78) 5.24 (1.78) 9.58 (5.23) 5.48 (2.61) 6.67 (4.03) NOTES: Dominant SAV types: Zm ~ Zl~stera marina; Cf: (:odium fraeile: U! ~ Ulva lactuca: MR ~ mixed red algae; MB ~ mixed brown algae Inner Esluary -- Sub-areas 1 and 2; Middle Estuary ~ Sub-areas 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7; Outer Estuary -~ Sub-areas 8, 9, 10, 11A, and 11B. # (#) I average value (standard deviation) TABLE 10 OCCURRENCE OF DOMINANT SAV TYPES VERSUS SEDIMENT TYPE IN PECONIC ESTUARY SEDIMENT DOMINANT SAV TYPE TYPE ALL SAV ALL Zm Cf UI MR MB NONE STATIONS STATIONS (COARSE) GS 9 10 3 3 4 4 29 33 (30) (15) (12) (13) (57) (7) (18) (15) S 12 44 10 14 3 40 83 123 (40) (68) (39) (58) (43) (73) (52) (58) MS 7 5 4 3 6 19 25 (23) (8) (15) (13) (0) (11) (12) (12) SM 6 4 2 5 12 17 (0) (9) (15) I' (8) (0) (9) (8) (8) M 2 5 2 16 16 (7) (0) (19) (8) (0) (0) (10) (7) (FINE) TOTAL 30 65 26 24 7 55 159 214 (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) NOTES: Dominant SAV types: Zm: Zostera marina: Cf: Codium fragilg; UI = Ulva lactuca: MR - mixed red algae; MB -- mixed brown algae Inner Estuary = Sub-areas I and 2; Middle Estuary = Sub-areas 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7; Outer Estuary = Sub-areas 8, 9, 10, 11A, and 11B. # = # stations in given sediment type (#) = (% stations of dominant SAV type in given sediment type) Sediment Types: GS = gravelly sand; S = sand; MS = muddy sand; SM -- sandy mud; M = mud TABLE 1 1 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS FOR PECONIC ESTUARY SEDIMENTS STATION NUMBER % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % CLAY 11 0.26 1.78 60.51 37.45 17 20.25 76.28 2.91 0.55 48 0.11 90.76 5.92 3.20 85 0.47 98.37 1.16 0.00 86 2.55 87.15 4.62 5.69 87 0.80 88.71 4.79 5.70 88 1.18 93.33 3.59 1.90 91 0.36 97.36 2.27 0.00 92 5.59 88.50 4.80 1.10 93 0.00 98.81 1.19 0.00 94 0.26 93.65 1.90 4.18 96 6.64 77.29 9.27 6.80 99 26.08 72.42 1.51 0.00 102 0.30 96.88 2.82 0.00 103 0.17 97.22 2.61 0.00 106 13.47 85.84 0.69 0.00 107 52.14 46.99 0.87 0.00 111 5.13 88.63 4.74 1.50 112 51.61 46.64 1.74 0.00 113 62.64 36.65 0.71 0.00 126 85.41 13.17 1.42 0.00 127 1.23 96.02 1.75 1.00 129 15.79 77.59 5.22 1.40 130 3.45 84.33 6.12 6.10 TABLE 11 (Cont.) STATION NUMBER % GRAVEL % SAND % SILT % CLAY 132 1.80 96.35 1.85 0.00 134 39.89 58.21 1.91 0.00 137 3.02 93.58 2.20 1.20 162 11.30 81.49 4.63 2.58 174 3.44 95.51 1.05 0.00 178 7.00 79.27 6.93 6.80 179 25.29 73.66 1.05 0.00 181 6.54 91.04 2.41 0.00 182 0.26 9.38 67.76 22.60 185 0.33 13.07 41.40 45.20 186 40.03 58.26 1.45 0.26 187 0.38 97.34 2.03 0.24 188 16.18 81.67 2.15 0.00 198 7.29 91.69 1.02 0.00 201 10.30 80.47 4.64 4.60 207 0.40 89.07 4.24 6.30 Table 12 Pecomc Estuary Submerge(3 Aouat]c Vegetation Study Field Data Summary D~ Wei.~ht Analysis WETW~IGHT READINGS (g) DRYWE[GHT READINGS i I Sta Sarape NumBer Samble I Weight SAV soecies OrwYVet # I 1 I 2 ! 3 t Avo. # useclt lot I Present Ratio 86 I 142 113 t 128 1 12.2 ~ 7m 0.086 ~3 i 283 255 { 269 I 31 Zm 0.109 100 i 142 198 i 170 1 20 Zrn 0.141 107 369 142 i 255 2 15 Zm 0.106 114 482 454 I 468 1 42.8 ! Zm 0.089 t27 113 I 113 I t2 I Zm 0.106 135 ~ 269 22.7 ! 241 246 2 25.2I~ Zm 0.111 ~175 I 99 269 I 936 435 2 33 I Zm 0.123 179 I 269 248 i 680 399 2 35I 7m 0141 182 567 454 I 312 444 2 83 Zm 0.183 186 213 227I 220 1 24 Zm 0.113 189 I 269 t84 t 241 232 1 39 Zrn 0.145 208 I 610 624I 617 1 89 Zm 0146 1 I 227 I ~Z7 1 12 Ul 0.053 32 I 105 113 I 109 t 2.8 I UI 0027 4~ i 567 i 567 1 16.5 [ UI 0.029 48 ~ 312 ! 312 1 21I UI 0.087 113 113 1 8.1 i mx 0.071 22 ! 113 198i~.7 180 I 3.5,i ma 0031 167 255 i 255 , 21.4 I ma 0.084 188 283I 283 1 46 j ma 0.162 191 184 I 184 I 24I ma 0.130 212 269 269 1 43.9 ma 0.163 192 425 425 1 53.6 Ls 0.126 78 142 142 I 24 Fu 0.169 66 425 879 652 I 22.4 Cf 0.053 84 652 794 t 7'23 2 48 Cf 0.060 117 227~ 227 1 13 Cf 0.057 NOTES SAV use¢l for clry wt. Zm -- Zostera leelgrassl Fu = Fucus (rock(wee~i) UI = Ulva (sea le~{uce) Ls = Laminana (DroadAeaf kelp) Cf = Codium igraen fleece) mx = mixture {widgeon grass and ma = m~(ed macroalgae sea le~tucel Zm data summary Mean 0.123 for Dry/Wet Std 0.026 # samples 13 UI data summary Mean 0.044 for Dry/Wet Std 0.017 # samples 4 rna data summary Mean 0.114 for Dry/Wet Std 0.051 # samples 5 C[' data summary Mean 0.057 for DryNVet Std 0.003 # samples 3 TOTAL # SAMPLES 28 PECONICX.WK1 ?./?./95 Peconic Estua~ Pro.am Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report mid-summer of 1994; but by late August or early September, the majority of the eelgrass blades had disappeared, with only brittle blackened rhizomes and occasional remnant rooted plants remaining. Review of recent aerial photography seems to bear out the anecdotal reports of an ongoing eelgrass decline in the Peconic Estuary. In reviewing aerial photography dated March 1994 and October 1994, CA noticed a general disappearance of the SAV beds along the eastern shoreline of the North Haven peninsula and in the Sag Harbor area during that seven month period. Thus, the sampling performed as part of this investigation may have recorded a distribution of eelgrass at a time when it is experiencing a significant decline in the Peconic Estuary. The apparent local eelgrass die-off described above may parallel the regional decline that was recently reported along the northeastern Atlantic coast by Short, et.al. (1993), as discussed further in Section 2.2~ The observed symptoms may be indicative of another wasting disease epidemic; however, this has not be substantiated. This die- back does not appear to be attributable to normal seasonal variation because of its apparent severity. SECTION 4.4 - o~h_~ervations R~ardin_e Bay Scallop Populations Particularly close attention was paid during the field survey to determine the presence of bay scallops CAr_eopecten irradians) at the observation stations (i.e., within a 100-foot radius of the sampling locations). Although a qualitative assessment was made of scallop abundance, this study did not attempt to estimate the scallop densities. Scallops were observed at 51 (24 percent) of the 214 survey stations throughout the entire Estuary (see Map 6 and Table B). However, almost all of the scallops were present in the waters to the east of Jessups Neck. Only a single station in Flanders Bay and a single station in Little Peconic Bay contained scallops. No scallops were observed in Great Peconic Bay. The isolated occurrence in Flanders Bay was likely to due to an ongoing scallop transplant program undertaken by the Cornell Cooperative Extension. Scallops were observed at 49 of the 11B stations (42 percent) east of Uttle Peconic Bay. The most frequent occurrences were in Orient Harbor, Long Beach Bay, West Neck Harbor, Coecles Inlet, Lake Montauk, and the Sag Harbor/Northwest Harbor area. No -scallops were observed at the stations in Three Mile Harbor or Napeague Bay, and Janua~ 1996 pa&e.77 Pecanic ~ Pro~m Submerged Aquatic Ve§et~tion S~dy - Final Report scallops were observed at only 6 of the 37 stations in Gardiners Bay and western Block Island Sound. Eelgrass was the predominant vegetation at 22 of the 51 stations (43 percent) at which scallops were observed. Green fleece was the predominant vegetation at 14 (27 percent) of those 51 stations, while SAV was absent at 11 stations (22 percent). Of the remaining four stations, three stations were predominated by brushy redweed and one station by sea lettuce. SECT1ON 4.5 - Observations Pa~_arding Envimnmental/~Vater Parameters Table 9 summarizes data collected during the field reconnaissance program with respect to certain environmental and water parameters (i.e.,' salinity, temperature, estimated underwater visibility, and water depth). The average value and standard deviation for each parameter was computed with respect to each of the dominant SAY types present, and within each of the three Estuary reaches and for the Estuary as a whole. Caution is necessary in attempting to interpret the data trends displayed in Table 9. It is particularly important to recognize that there is a strong correlation among the various parameters; compared to the inner Estuary, the outer Estuary is generally characterized by lower temperatures, higher salinities, and increased underwater vislbility. Therefore, the existence of a discernable trend between a given parameter and the SAY type present does not necessarily indicate a direct cause and effect relationship. For example, an SAV species that grows best in clearer waters would typically occur in highest concentrations in the outer portion of the Estuary, where average water temperature is lower and average salinity is higher. In this case it might appear that the SAV distribution is influenced by temperature and salinity when, in fact, this trend is only a secondary consequence of the geographic distribution pattern for which water transparency is the driving factor. It is also important to note that the water temperature measurement was subject to variation because the field work took place over a six-week period, when the waters were undergoing a seasonal cooling. It is difficult to determine conclusively which of the environmental and water parameters may be influencing the SAY distribution in the Peconic Estuary, and which parameters may vary as a result of secondary effects. Certainly, water transparency is an important overall factor controlling the distribution of marine plants. However, the distribution of certain SAV species is also strongly influenced by other variables; for example, spedes Jarm~ry 1996 pa~e.78 Peconic Estua~/Pro&ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study. Final Report of rooted aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay have separate habitat requirements based on salinity regime (U.S. EPA, 1992). Additionally, under certain circumstances, a given SAV species may be driven into higher turbidity areas. For example, as discussed in Section 2.2~,, the wasting disease caused a general retreat of eelgrass meadows into the lower salinity regions of estuaries (where turbidity is generally higher), whereas prior to the epidemic eelgrass thrived mostly in the high salinity, Iow turbidity areas in the outer estuaries. The trends that are noted in Table 9 are consistent with the observed geographic distribution of the various SAY species. The stations at which Zostera marina and mixed brown algae dominated were characterized by the highest salinity and underwater visibility, and the lowest water temperature; these SAV types were found exclusively in the middle and outer portions of the Estuary, and were absent from the inner Estuary. The stations at which Ulva lactuca dominated were characterized by the lowest salinity and underwater visibility, and the highest water temperature; this species was found exclusively in the inner and middle portions of the Estuary and was absent from the outer Estuary. Codium fragile and mixed red algae, which were distributed throughout all three reaches of the Estuary, were associated with intermediate values of salinity, water temperature, and visibility. The overall finding of this investigation that eelgrass tended to be more abundant the portion of the Estuary characterized by waters of higher salinity, higher transparenCY` and a higher degree of circulation nearer to the open ocean is consistent with the findings of other studies. For example, in a study of Long island's south shore bays, the thickest and most extensive beds of eelgrass were found in areas relatively close to inlets (WAPORA, Inc., 1981). It was hypothesized that the eelgrass thrived in waters near the inlets because the plant benefits from greater water transparenCY, as well as the moderation in water temperatures brought about by greater mixing with ocean waters. In particular, poorly mixed waters typically experience a higher summer water temperature extreme, which is detrimental to eelgrass growth, while the increased tidal flushing in areas adjacent to inlets buffers this effect. CA noted that salinities recorded by the refractometer in certain areas of the inner Estuary seemed higher than expected. The accuracy of the refractometer was tested using standardized solutions during the course of the study, and follow-up testing with solutions of 0 parts per thousand (ppt), 15 ppt and 30 ppt was performed after completion of the study to confirm that the instrument was reading accurately. All standard testing indicated that the refractometer was functioning properly. Ja~ma~ *]996 Page .79 peconic Estuary program Submef§ed Aquatic Vegeta~on Study - Final Report CA has no explanation of why some of the salinity measurements appeared to be higher than expected. However, it was noted that the salinity measurements in question were all recorded in the inner Estuary, which coincidentally was also the area that was generally characterized by the highest level of water column turbidity. The presence of large amounts of impurities (e.g., suspended sediment and phytoplankton) in the water samples collected in the inner Estuary could have blurred the reading on the refractometer, which can make the instrument more difficult to read. SECTION 4.6 - Results of Sediment Analyses Sediment characteristics within the study area were defined on the basis of two sets of observations. The sediment at each of the 214 field stations was characterized according to a qualitative classification based on five categories; the results of that analysis are presented in Table 10. A quantitative analysis of grain size distribution was also performed for the sediment collected at 40 field stations; those results are presented in Table 11. The data in Table 10 indicate that Zostera marina prefers coarser substrates in the Peconic Estuary (i.e., gravelly sand, sand, and muddy sand), although some eelgrass beds were also found in muddy sediments. Ulva lactuca, in contrast, was found relatively evenly distributed in ail sediment types, although sand was the most common substrate for this species. The seven mixed brown algae stations were found exclusively in gravels and sands, which is consistent with their preference for high energy environments and their requirement for a hard substrate for attachment. Codium ~ was found throughout the range of sediment types, except for mud, indicating the adaptiveness of this species to various environmental conditions. ~4ixed red algae were also found to be scattered throughout the full range of substrate types, including mud, which is indicative of the high degree of variability of the dominant species in this group. SECTION 4.7 - Dry_ Weight Determina§ons for SAV Samples Laboratory analysis of dry weight was performed on 28 of the samples that had undergone wet weight analysis in the field (see Table 12). These data show that the ratio of dry weight/wet weight (D/W) varied, depending on the SAV species involved. Eelgrass samples had the highest D/W ratio, averaging 0.123 for the 13 samples January lg96 Page Peconic Estuary Pro&ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report analyzed (with a standard deviation of 0.026). The four sea lettuce samples had a D/W ratio of 0.044 (with a standard deviation of 0.017) which, as expected, was relatively Iow due to the high proportion of water weight in this species. Three samples of green fl:::e had an average D/W ratio of 0.057 (with a standard deviation of 0.003), which also indicates a much higher water weight content than eelgrass. The five samples of mixed algae, which in total had eleven species among all three phyla, had a D/W ratio of 0.114 (with a standard deviation of 0.051). SECTION 4.8 - Comparison with SAV Data fTom South Shorn Bays As stated in Section 3.1, eelgrass beds in three other local bays were sampled during this investigation to provide comparative data on eelgrass density. Thick beds of eelgrass were sampled at single stations in Shinnecock Bay and Moriches Bay. Three stations were sampled in Great South Bay, at locations in proximity to sites sampled by previous investigators (Greene, et.al., 1978). Overall, the dry weight densities recorded for samples collected in the other bays were similar to the data collected in the Peconic Estuary. The Moriches and Shinnecock Bay stations had dry weight biomass values of 593 g/m2 and 771 g/m2, respectively. These biomass measurements are less than the values recorded in the Peconic Estuary (i.e., 1146, 988, and 895 g/mz for the three stations with the highest readings), but greater than the 370 g/m~ average for the entire Peconic Estuary and the 435 g/m2 average for the outer Peconic Estuary alone. The Shinnecock Bay bed had a lush, healthy appearance, and contained an abundant population of adult bay scallops. The two eelgrass beds sampled in Great South Bay during this study were located in areas that contained some of the thickest beds observed by Greene, et.al, in 1978. The recorded dry weight densities were 295 g/m2 and 749 g/m~, with an average for the two stations of 522 g/mz. These beds did not appear to be healthy and appeared to contain large amounts of dead and dying grass blades. The widgeon grass bed sampled in Great South Bay, which had a dry weight density of 538 g/mz, was very lush and healthy in appearance. 1996 Pab'e.81 Peco~c Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation study - Final Repcxt SECTION 5 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS _gFITT1ON 5.1 - Trends in SAV Distribution. Abundance and Density_ This study shows that green fic=:e '(Codium fra_~iie) is presently the dominant SAV species in the Peconic Estuary by far, both in terms of total area covered and total dry weight biomass. This species was first recorded locally in 1957, and has rapidly proliferated in the subsequent four decades, becoming ubiquitous throughout the Estuary by outcompeting the slower-growing native seaweeds. Green fl:=:e has also invaded areas which were previously known to have contained eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows. Although it appears likely that this displacement is the result of passive mechanisms, with the green fleece moving into areas that have been vacated by eelgrass rather than through direct competition between the two species, the establishment of green fleece beds at a given location may hinder the future resurgence of eelgrass. Eelgrass meadows, which often contain intermixed .macr.~.lgae, is. s.econ_d, to gr.een. fleece-dominated SAV beds ~n terms of overall dry weight b~omass ,n the ~s~uary, ouz is the least widely distributed of the five dominant SAV types with respect to the total area covered. Anecdotal information acquired during this investigation suggests that eelgrass beds have historically undergone dramatic changes in distribution and abundance, and may be in the process of a significant local decline at the present time. The contributing causes of the fluctuations in the Peconic Estuary eelgrass populations are not fully understood, but several factors are known or suspected to have played a role at one time or another. These include: disease (i.e., the wasting disease); nutrient enrichment of estuarine waters derived from human activities on-shore; other, in-water human activities, such as boating and shellfish harvesting; and brown tide events, which are initiated by causes that are as yet not fully defined. Despite the adverse impacts that have recently befallen eelgrass populations on a local and regional level, the present density of eelgrass beds in the Peconic Estuary- averaging 370 g/m2 dry weight for the entire study area and 435 g/m2 for the outer Estuary, with a maximum at a siegie station of 1174 g/m2 - compares favorably with -values given historically for other areas. For example, Green, et.al. (1977) reported that the thickest beds they surveyed in Great South Bay had a dry weight density of 500 Janua~ 1996 pa~e,~2 Peco~ic £stua~y program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report g/m2, and that typical values for thick eelgrass beds on the east and west coasts of the United States and in Europe range from 500 g/m2 to 1000 g/ms. The occurrence of sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca) as the dominant component of the vesetative community is an indication of nutrient enrichment and generally stressed environmental conditions. Harlin (1995) recounted a case study in Connecticut, in which U. lactuca had become a virtual monoculture as a result of effluent from a city water treatment facility being discharged to the shallow estuarine waters of Mumford Cove. In response to citizen concerns, the effluent was diverted to the Thames River, and within one year the spatial coverage of LJ. lactuca in Mumford Cove dropped precipitously from 74 percent to 9 percent. Stations near the original outfall retained high concentrations of U. lactuca for a longer time than down gradient stations, perhaps due to residual nutrients stored in the sediments. However, by the following year U. lactuca biomass levels dropped to values consistent with healthy estuaries of the same size. SAV beds dominated by U. lactuca in the present study were concentrated in the inner portions of the Peconic Estuary, and were confined to the relatively quiet waters of smaller tidal creeks and the shallows of adjoining embayments. These areas experience relatively poor tidal circulation and, therefore, are prone to accumulate contaminants such as nutrients. In addition, these areas are in closest proximity .to the primary sources of nutrient loadings, including the Peconic River and the larger tributary streams that discharge into the inner Estuary, as well as the most densely populated portion of the Estuary's watershed and the outfall of the Riverhead Sewage Treatment Plant. SECTION 5.2 - RelaUve E~l_n~__'cal Importance of Primary SAV Species The existing scientific literature reviewed for this study is unequivocal in stating that eelgrass meadows represent an important component of estuarine ecosystems. The ecological benefits provided by healthy eelgrass beds are manifold, ranging from providing a large portion of the primary production that forms the base of the estuarine food chain, to fulfilling various habitat requirements for numerous species of finfish and invertebrates, many of which are of recreational or commercial importance. Eelgrass is especially important for the bay scallop (Argopecten irradians), which historically has been an important commercial resource in the Peconic Estuary. Janua~ 1996 Pa~e.83 PeconJc Esluan/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report The distribution of eelgrass in the Peconic Estuary has reportedly been subject to significant historical fluctuations, and appears to be in the middle of a period of decline at the present time. However, the remaining beds (at least as of September through October 1994, when the field surveY for this study was conducted) still comprise a substantial portion of the total SAV dry weight biomass in the Estuary, especially in the waters to the east of Shelter Island. Thus, eelgrass beds have persisted and continue to provide a vital foundation for the Peconic Estuary ecosystem, despite recent reports that brown tide events (among other environmental impacts) have decimated the populations. As noted previously, green fleece (Codium fra_eilel is presently the dominant SAV species in the Peconic Estuary and has achieved this status, following its first appearance approximately 40 years ago, by actively or passively displacing native SAY in large areas of the Estuary. The literature review conducted for this study did not reveal that any scientific investigations have been completed to assess the ecological impact of this species shift. However, it is virtually certain that eelgrass possesses a significantly higher overall habitat value. Therefore, it can be concluded that areas presently dominated by green fleece but that previously supported eelgrass, which appear to be widespread throughout the middle and outer Peconic Estuary, have experienced an overall negative ecological impact as a result. It is more difficult to assess the ecological effect that has resulted from the displacement of other seaweeds by green fleece. However, it is often true that an introduced 'weed" species like green fleece has an overall lower habitat value than the native species that are displaced. The invasion of the common reed (Phra_emites australis) in tidal wetlands and purple Ioosestrife (Lyphrum ~ in freshwater wetlands are examples of introduced species that have resulted in negative ecological impacts in transitional aquatic/terrestrial ecosystems. Further research would be needed to determine if a similar negative impact has been associated with the spread of green fleece into areas that had previously been vegetated with other macroalgae species. SECT1ON 5.3 - Effec~ven~ of SAV ~gL~,n.niqg Using_ Aerial Phot _o~-ap. hs An intensive field sampling program, consisting of 214 observation stations, was the primary method of identifying vegetative species composition and determining the extent of SAV beds within the Peconic Estuary system during this investigation. Recent aerial photographs (dated March 1994 and October 1994) were used to augment the Jam~a~ 19g~ Pa~e~4 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report information gathered in the field. For that purpose, as a resource of secondary importance relative to the field survey, aerial photography was found to be a useful tool for SAV mapping. However, based on the findings of this investigation, the mapping of marine vegetation strictly through the use of standard black and white aerial photography is not advisable. Some of the pitfalls that can be encountered in an SAV mapping program that lacks adequate ground truthing, as revealed through observations made during this investigation, are described below. As discussed in Section 3.2, the October 1994 aerial photographs that were generated for this study were created under conditions optimal for detecting marine vegetation. However, aerial photography work is typically undertaken to depict terrestrial features and, consequently, any given set of commercially available photographs may not provide adequate resolution of underwater features. Low cloud cover and surface waves, for example, can create shading patterns on the aerial photographs that are difficult to distinguish from actual SAY beds. Even when the photography flight is conducted under optimal conditions for the resolution of underwater features, certain unavoidable environmental factors can limit the usefulness of the photographs for SAV mapping. Turbid water conditions (as was generally encountered during this study throughout the inner Peconic Estuary, for example) diminish light penetration and reduce the depth to which bottom features are discemable. Abrupt bathymetric changes or even undulations in a barren sandy substrate can also cast underwater shadows which can be mistakenly interpreted as the edges of SAY beds (for example, see the Napeague Harbor aerial photograph in Exhibit D). In general, it was found during this investigation that eelgrass beds are virtually indistinguishable from beds of certain macroalgae on the basis of black and white aerial photography interpretation alone. In Lake Montauk, for example, a detailed field survey (which consisted of five observation stations) was essential to delineating the boundary between SAY beds dominated by eelgrass and adjacent areas where green fleece was the dominant SAV. On the basis of aerial photographs alone, the Lake Montauk SAV community could not have been accurately mapped into different categories. A similar situation applied to the shallow waters to the east of Cedar Point (just north of Northeast Harbor), which contained mixed beds of eelgrass and green fleece - see Exhibit D. · Beds of rockweed and green fleece along the shoreline of Robins Island could also easily have been mistaken for eelgrass meadows without the proper field observations. Janua~ 1~J6 Pa~e. B5 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Certain rocky areas supporting healthy macroalgae growth (as was seen along the shore in the vicinity of the entrance to Lake Montauk) or even areas of bottom that are dominated by bryozoans (as was observed in the northern portion of Pipes Cove) could also be misinterpreted as eelgrass beds if aerial photographs were used as the sole source of information. Other areas where the aerial photographs suggested the presence of significant SAY beds, but which were shown by field reconnaissance to be occupied by vegetation other than pure stands of eelgrass, are described as follows. East of Cedar Point (in southwestern Gardiners Bay) - aerial photos show a significant SAY bed; field survey indicates dominant species to be green fleece and rockweed; eelgrass was present in the sandy areas; bottom was dominated by various sizes of rocks and boulders West shore of Hog Neck Bay - aerial photos show a dense band of SAV fringing the shoreline; field survey indicated this band was dominated by green fleece, with no eelgrass present Entrance to Napeague Harbor - while eelgrass was present in two thick beds just inside the harbor, the area outside the entrance was dominated by green fleece, rockweed, and other miscellaneous macroalgae; no eelgrass was observed outside the harbor · Northwest of entrance to Ceecles Harbor - the field survey showed the SAV bed depicted on the aerial photo to be a rockweed/eelgrass mix Inside Coecles Harbor - the aerial' photo suggests eelgrass beds were present at Station #96; the field survey showed the SAY to be mostly green fleece, with no eelgrass observed · North end of Ram island peninsula (Shelter Island), on Gardiners Bay - at Station #105, eelgrass was mixed with rockweed and sargassum Based on the situations described above, the use of ground truth data is considered to be essential to the accuracy of SAV maps created through aerial photograph interpretation. Only through proper field reconnaissance can the species composition and true extent of suspected SAY beds be ascertained; this conclusion is consistent with the findings of other investigators (e.g., Short, et.aL, 1993; Orth, et.al., 1992). Because of the limitations outlined above, suspected eelgrass beds that were evident on the aerial photographs but which were not in close proximity to sampling stations (including January 1996 page,86 Peconic Estualy Pro&ram Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report certain smaller embayments, tidal creeks, and water bodies that were not accessible by small boat) were, for the most part, not included in the eelgrass distribution depicted in Map 4. Another important factor to bear in mind when using aerial photography to map marine vegetation is that SAV distribution and abundance can vary greatly at a given location over a relatively short period of time. As discussed in Section 4.1, the SAV species that are found in the Peconic Estuary generally exhibit seasonal patterns of growth that are tied to reproductive cycles and/or environmental forcings. Photography shot during the seasonal lull in growth could result in an underestimate of the average annual condition. Further, the period of the most abundant SAV growth often occurs near the time when brown tides typically appear. Since aerial photographs shot during a brown tide event are generally not useful for the delineation of estuarine bottom features due to high turbidity, photographs depicting conditions of maximal SAV growth can be difficult to obtain. As discussed in Section 4.3, it is possible that a significant decline of eelgrass populations may be ongoing in certain portions of the Peconic Estuary. The timing of such localized die-offs is critical to the use of aerial photographs for assessing the distribution and abundance, overall health and biomass of the eelgrass standing crop. January 1996 Pa&~o87 Pecoeic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report SECTION 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SECTION 6.1 - SAV as an Indicator of Overall Estuary Health The overall findings of this investigation concerning the status of the Peconic Estuary's standing crop of eelgrass (as discussed in Section 5.1) is somewhat encouraging, since it appears that a significant inventory of eelgrass remains despite the occurrence of successive brown tide events starting in the mid-1980s, historic (and possible on-going) losses due to wasting disease, possible shading effects resulting from phytoplankton blooms and enhanced epiphyte growth due to nutrient enrichment, and other adverse impacts. However, this should not be taken as an indication that management efforts are not needed. On the contrary, certain trends that were noted in the distribution and abundance of eelgrass and other SAV suggest that additional measures are needed to preserve and restore this important ecological resource. Numerous studies have shown that rooted aquatic plants generally are highly sensitive to conditions of water clarity and associated nutrient and suspended particulate levels in the water column. Therefore, these species are particularly crucial as indicators of environmental conditions in an estuary. In fact, recent studies in Chesapeake Bay (Dennison, eLai., 1993; U.S. EPA, 1992) have attempted to define the quantitative habitat requirements for rooted aquatic plants. The premise of these studies is that it should be possible to predict patterns of SAY growth and survival from the known levels of certain key water quality parameters (including: total suspended solids; chlorophyll a; dissolved inorganic nitrogen, such as nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia; and dissolved inorganic phosphorus, such as phosphate) which affect the transmittance of light through the water column. Conversely, long-term water quality levels should be predictable on the basis of SAY distribution, if the variables that affect SAY are known. Although a detailed quantitative analysis of SAV distribution versus water quality parameters is beyond the scope of this study, some general conclusions can be drawn from the findings of the field survey. The total absence of eelgrass from the inner estuary and the relative abundance of sea lettuce (LJIva lactuca) are causes for concern, because this pattern of SAV distribution indicates an elevated level of environmental stress, with nutrient enrichment derived from human activities (as exacerbated by limited tidal flushing) probably being a primary causative factor. A number of investigators have found that elevated nutrient levels favor U. lactuca over submerged angiosperms (Harlin, 1995; Harlin and Rines, 1993). Peconic Estuary Program Submer&ed Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Z. marina, and its associated biota, are particularly sensitive to environmental perturbation that result in shading and habitat alteration which accompanies the development of bays and harbors (Ware, 1993). The evidence gathered during this investigation demonstrates that the inner Peconic Estuary is suffering from a diminished level of overall "health", and that there is an urgent need to institute a program to determine the magnitude and causes of this condition and to institute an appropriate mitigation program to reduce human impacts in that area. The middle Estuary has some areas of sea lettuce-dominated SAV beds. This portion of the estuary is also characterized by a density and abundance of eelgrass meadows that are somewhat lower than the composite average for the entire study area. On the basis of these criteria, the middle Estuary is apparently suffering from somewhat diminished overall "health", although to a lesser degree than the inner Estuary. The outer Estuary, which is devoid of sea lettuce and contains the densest and most widespread eelgrass beds in the study area, appears to be in relatively good overall "health". However, even these waters exhibit conditions that indicate SAV impacts. In particular, green fleece is prevalent in this area, although to a slightly lesser degree than in the middle Estuary. As discussed in Section 5.2, this species of green algae has actively or passively displaced native vegetation, including ecologically rich eelgrass beds, thereby resulting in a general decrease in the habitat Value of the Estuary's SAV populations. In this sense, therefore, the expansion of green fleece populations over the past four decades has diminished the ecological vitality of the Estuary's ecosystem. Research is needed to determine whether it would be beneficial and practical to control the spread of green fleece so that native flora, especially eelgrass beds, can become re- established. On the basis of qualitative and anecdotal information acquired during this investigation, the eelgrass beds throughout the Estuary appear to be undergoing a general decline at the present time. Although the cause of this die-back has not been ascertained, brown tide episodes are not responsible, since no significant brown tides occurred during the five-year period immediately prior to CA's field survey. The descriptions given of the affected eelgrass areas indicate that incidences of wasting disease may be recurring. Although the responsible disease organism has been identified, the trigger mechanism for outbreaks remains unknown. Jan~ 1996 page,,89 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegeta~on Study - Final Repo~ SECTION 6.2 - !~nmmended Management Objectives for Restorin_e SAV The primary recommended management objectives for restoring SAV in the Peconic Estuary are listed as follows. 1) In general, the discharge of nutrients (especially inorganic nitrogen compounds, and nitrate in particular) into coastal waters has been implicated in a variety of adverse impacts to SAY, including the following: a) phytoplankton blooms, which diminish the transparency of the water column, reduce the light level experienced at any given depth, and decrease the depth at which a given SAV species can survive; b) displacement of eelgrass by macroalgae (eelgrass has a generally higher habitat value compared to macroalgae); c) excessive growth of epiphytes on the surface of SAY under highly enriched nitrogen conditions, which can retard the growth or even kill the underlying SAY species due to shading; and d) possible direct physiological effects on eelgrass, which may result in diminished growth rates and increased susceptibility to disease. The Present study, which has included an extensive review of the existing scientific literature and a one-time sun~ey of SAY throughout the Peconic Estuary, does not provide conclusive evidence directly linking the loss of SAY beds in the Estuary to any of the specific conditions listed above. However, the widespread occurrence of these conditions in similar environmental settings indicates that the study area also has likely experienced some or all of these adverse effects of nitrogen enrichment. Such impacts would be in addition to those that have been identified with respect to brown tide incidents, which do not appear to be triggered by loadings of inorganic nitrogen or phosphorus compounds. As a first step to addressing this issue, further investigation is needed to more clearly define the site-specific consequences that nitrogen inputs have on SAV in the Peconic Estuary. Some of the necessary research is being undertaken in other current studies under the Peconic Estuary Program. Additional studies will be needed to determine whether the nutrient levels that exist in the Estuary can be correlated to the distribution of SAV, using the "habitat requirements" approach developed for the Chesapeake Bay Program (U.S. EPA, 1992). This is further discussed under recommendation #4 below. January ~96 Page. ge ( Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report Projects should be conducted under controlled conditions to establish eelgrass meadows artificially in carefully selected areas in the Peconic Estuary. The benefits to be derived from eelgrass restoration projects are the same as are discussed in Section 2.1 with respect to eelgrass meadows in general. Transplanting of mature, vegetative shoots of eelgrass is considered to be a more viable technique for revegetating barren bottom areas than expecting the plants to establish populations by natural recruitment (Fonseca, et.al., 1985); There is evidence that natural, return of eelgrass to areas where it has been lost can be a slow process, as evidenced by the slow return of eelgrass after the 1930s wasting disease (Burkholder and Doheny, 1968). As noted previously, annual recruitment by natural seeding is negligible in relatively high energy open-water areas. As a result, the contribution of transplants in maintaining or expanding eelgrass beds in this type of environment can be substantial (Thayer, et.al. 1985), although enclosure structures may be needed to protect transplants. The selection of locations for the restoration projects is critical, and should be based on an examination of historical information and physical environmental conditions to ensure the best chances of success. In general, areas that had previously harbored eelgrass meadows should be considered a top priority for replanting. However, Burkholder (1993) cautions that efforts to maintain or re- establish eelgrass in warm, poorly-flushed eutrophic embayments and coastal lagoons with seasonal anthropogenic loadings of nitrate will have 'a Iow probability for success, even at locations that historically have been vegetate~l with eelgrass. Similarly, Fonseca, et.al. (1990) report that where seagrass beds are lost to short-lived disturbances (e.g., direct losses due to storms, dredging, ice gouging, etc.), restoration may be contemplated. However, losses due to chronic disturbances (such as high background turbidity) cannot be rectified by transplanting unless the causative factors are addressed. Likewise, Ware (1993) has concluded that non-point pollution problems in Upper Newport Bay, California, may prevent the successful re-introduction of eelgrass in those waters unless significant actions are taken to reduce sediment loads and turbidity. Dennison, et. al. (1993) and the U.S. EPA (1992) have developed quantitative water quality criteria for assessing the potential for successful transplants in Chesapeake Bay, as is discussed further under recommendation #4 below. A preliminary listing of potential sites for artificial eelgrass plantings, and recommended methods for implementing such projects, are presented in Section 6.3. It should be noted, however, that attempts to establish eelgrass beds with Janua~ 1~J6 Page, g1 Peconic Estua~ Program Submer&ed Aquatic VegeTation study - Final Report 3) artificial plantings have had mixed success, but the methods for this are still evolving. Additional field surveys should be undertaken in the future to better define short- term and long-term trends in the distribution, abundance, and density of SAY in the Peconic Estuary. The present study has provided a substantial amount of information that can be used to develop initial programs to manage the SAV resource (especially eelgrass beds) within the Peconic Estuary. However, further in-field investigation would be needed to resolve a number of important issues, including the following. a) Are reports and limited evidence regarding an on-going decline ofeelgrass beds accurate and, if so, does this trend represent a significant alteration of the Estuary's eelgrass resource? Knowledge of the typical year-to-year variation in eelgrass populations within the Estuary is essential to determining whether any given trend in distribution and abundance represents a longer-term variation; this type of information is necessary to establish an effective management program for the eelgrass resource (Short, et.aL, lg93). b) c) d) e) Is the historic spread of green fleece continuing and, if so, at what rate? Is the distribution of sea lettuce (which is an indicator species of nutrient enrichment) expanding and, if so, at what rate? Do brown tide events have a significant impact on the distribution and abundance of eeigrass in the Estuary? To date, the conclusion that brown tides have caused substantial decreases in eelgrass distribution and abundance in the Peconic Estuary has not been substantiated by scientific field surveys. Consequently, the presumed cause and effect relationship has not been adequately demonstrated. CA's review of historical aerial photographs did not indicate a consistent trend in the status of the Estua~s eelgrass beds over the past 25 years, at least in the areas that were subject to analysis. Therefore, further field reconnaissance, particularly in the years leading up to and following a significant brown tide event, would be needed to resolve this issue. To what extent has boating activity affected the Estuary's eelgrass beds? Cumulative damage by propeller scarring and boat wake energy has Peco~ic Estu~/Program ' Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report h) recently been demonstrated as having significant impacts to seagrass habitats, in general, sometimes eclipsing the better-documented impacts of dredging (Fonseca, et.al., 1992). To what extent have navigational dredging activities affected the distribution of eelgrass in the Peconic Estuary? In the bays of the Southern California coast, maintenance dredging projects have been identified as an important factor in the loss of shallow water areas that are often vegetated with eelgrass. Dredging has also artificially restricted the upper and lower range limits of eelgrass in these areas (Ware, 1993). The dredging of navigational channels can also change hydrodynamic patterns, which can have a secondary effect on eelgrass distribution and abundance as a result of altered water quality characteristics. Can field investigations of seeds and pollen in bottom sediments enhance the meager scientific information presently available regarding to the historic distribution of eelgrass in the Peconic Estuary? That type of study was successfully used to document the fact that SAV in the Chesapeake Bay was once significantly more abundant than it is today (U.S. EPA, 1992). To what extent does scallop harvesting impact the Estuary's eelgrass beds? This issue is complex and is not resolvable from the conflicting information at hand. For example, the field survey conducted for this study revealed evidence that the eelgrass beds in Southold Bay had sustained some damage due to scallop harvesting operations. In addition, field investigations performed by Fonseca, et.al. (1984) in the waters off North Carolina indicate that scallop dredging can have potentially negative, immediate and long-term impacts on eelgrass meadows. However, that study involved tests with harvesting equipment that were not conducted during actual scallop harvesting operations. Personal observations made by Mr. Christopher Smith of the Suffolk County Cornell Cooperative Extension (telephone communication, September 22, 1995), who has worked extensively with commercial scallop harvesters over many years, indicate that most dredges operate successfully by lightly skimming the bottom. Unquestionably, some fronds are removed during the passage of the scallop dredge over the eelgrass bed; however, it is likely that a large proportion of these blades would slough off naturally anyway in response to the approach of winter. Mr. Smith also believes, based on his personal observations in the field, that it would be almost impossible to successfully Janua~ 1996 Peconic Estuary Pro,Tam Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report 4) harvest scallops in a manner that consistently removes rhizomes, since the dredge would be very difficult to pull through the substrate and would fill up rapidly with plant material. Some specific recommendations for future SAV monitoring are presented in Section 6.4. Much investigative work has been performed recently in an effort to define the environmental conditions under which eelgrass transplants would have th.e highest potential for long-term-success. As noted previously, studies performed as part of the Chesapeake Bay Program (Dennison, et.al., 1993; U.S. EPA, 1992) have attempted to define the quantitative habitat requirements for submerged vascular plants in that estuary, which would in turn define the minimal requirements for the survival and growth of SAV transplants. Those studies indicate that the occurrence of SAV in Chesapeake Bay is correlated with five interdependent water quality parameters: total suspended solids, chlorophyll a_, light attenuation coefficient, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and dissolved inorganic phosphorus. The light attenuation coefficient is a direct measure of water column transparency, which is the primary habitat requirement for SAV. Ught attenuation is affected mainly by the presence of suspended particulates and phytoplankton (the latter of which is reflected in water column chlorophyll a levels), but does not account for shading due to epiphyte growth. Dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations indicate the potential for increased light attenuation caused by excessive growth of epiphytes, as well as phytoplankton blooms. Through investigations of the natural range of SAV in Chesapeake Bay, coupled with a series of small-scale SAV transplant experiments, Dennison, et.al. (1993) and the U.S. EPA (1992) have concluded that SAV in the saline portion of that estuary (i.e., greater than 5 ppt) has the following habitat requirements for growth down to a water depth of one meter:. total suspended solids < 15 mg/I chlorophylla < 15 ~mg.? light attenuation coefficient < 1.5 ' dissolved inorganic nitrogen < 0.15 mg/I dissolved inorganic phosphorus < 0.02 mg/I January 1996 pa~.. 94 Peco~ic Estuary Program Submer§ed Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report In the above referenced studies, SAV growth occurred at 80 percent of the observations stations in Chesapeake Bay that met all five criteda and 55 percent of the staUons that met four of the five criteria. Conversely, SAV growth occurred at only 3 percent of the staUons that met zero, one or two of the five criteria. Furthermore, at a study sub-area within the saline portion of the bay, attempted transplants were always successful at locations that already had persistent SAV growth and generally conformed with the habitat criteria, while there were no successful long-term transplants at locations characterized by fluctuating or absent SAY growth and which generally did not conform with the habitat criteria. On this basis, it was concluded that rc establishment of plant communities via transplant efforts are futile if habitat requirements are not met. More specifically, Dennison, et.al. (1993) stated that exceeding any of the five water quality criteria would seriously compromise the chances of SAV survival, both in natural communities and in transplants. For locations where the criteria are not met, mitigative action would be needed to decrease the levels of the non-compliant variables (primarily through a reduction of nutrients and/or suspended sediment loads) before SAV survival would be probable. At the study area in the lower portion of the Chesapeake Bay, which is most similar to the Peconic Estuary with respect to salinity regime, the transition zone between successful Z. marina growth and unsuccessful growth is very narrow. This suggests that a very small degree of in water quality deterioration can potentially harm the vegetation and, conversely, that small improvements in water quality may likely result in significant increases in eelgrass populations (U.S. EPA, 1992). Although the findings summarized above indicate that quantitative habitat criteria may be applied to SAY species Chesapeake Bay, further investigation would be needed to determine if those same criteria have general applicability in other geographic regions. Therefore, it is recommended that studies be undertaken in the Peconic Estuary, similar to the Chesapeake Bay investigations, to quantify the habitat requirements for eelgrass in the Peconic Estuary. 5) Although Codium fragile is believed to play an important role in the current ecosystem of the Peconic Estuary, it is an introduced species that has actively or passively displaced native vegetation, including some species (especially Z0stera marina) that have a higher habitat value. Therefore, consideration should be given to undertaking investigations to determine whether the spread of C. fragile has had or is having a significant adverse effect on the Estuary's ecosystem. If January 1996 Page ..95 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report 6) such an effect is demonstrated, any measures that halt or reverse the spread of this species and which allow native species to become re-established will increase the habitat value of the SAY and will provide an overall benefit to the Estuary. However, basic information is needed with respect to the environmental requirements and factors that affect the spread of ~ before it can be determined whether a practical program can be implemented to reclaim SAV areas that have become dominated by this species. Investigations should be undertaken to identify the trigger mechanism that initiates relapses of eelgrass wasting disease. The occurrence of this epidemic can have (and historically has had) devastating impacts on local eelgrass standing crop. Although the responsible organism has been identified, research does not appear to have progressed significantly beyond that stage. The logical first investigative step would be to determine the conditions that cause latent forms of the apparently ubiquitous slime-mold-like protozoan, ~ zosterae, to initiate a wasting disease epidemic. Similar efforts have been undertaken recently to identify the causes of brown tide events. The effects of wasting disease on SAV in the Peconic Estuary should not be considered secondary in importance relative to the effects of brown tide and nutrient enrichment. Some recent die-offs in the study area, as described through anecdotal reports, are strongly suspected of having been caused by wasting disease, due to the presence of characteristic black lesions. However, further scientific investigation would be needed to better define the degree to which this disease affects the local population dynamics of eelgrass. As noted previously, the impacts of wasting disease on eelgrass are typically most severe in the higher salinity (outer) regions of an estuary which, coincidentally, are generally less affected by brown tide and nutrient enrichment. Thus, the various avenues of research discussed here should be viewed as complementary elements of a complete program of scientific investigation needed to develop a comprehensive management strategy for the Estuary's SAV resource. Jarmary 1996 Page. g6 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation study - Final Report SECTION 6.3 - Potential Sites and Recommended Methods for Future SAV Restoration The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA, 1992) has established a thrcc tier program for the restoration of SAY (i.e., rooted aquatic vegetation only) in Chesapeake Bay. The initial, Tier I target is to restore SAY to areas currently or previously inhabited by SAY as mapped through regional aerial surveys between 1971 and 1990; these areas have the best potential for the successful re-establishment of SAY. Tier II of the program would extend the restoration out to a depth of one meter in all existing or potential SAV habitat, excluding areas identified as unlikely to support SAY based on historical observations, recent surveys, and environmental conditions. Tier III is based on the same criteria as Tier II, but would extend restoration out to a depth of two meters. Areas in which the establishment of SAV is not considered to be feasible due to physical factors (e.g., in the case of high wave and current energy) would be excluded from the targeted restoration area. According to the "habitat requirements" approach for assessing SAV distribution in Chesapeake Bay (U.S. EPA, 1992), the absence of rooted aquatic plants in a certain area (where physical factors such as dredging and storm damage can be discounted) can most likely be attributed to water quality conditions that do not meet specific quantitative criteria related to the depth of light penetration through the water column. Consequently, the successful large-scale extension of the depth range of SAV in the manner envisioned under that program would entail the implementation of measures to enhance water clarity by mitigating the non-compliant water quality conditions. This action would not only increase the spatial coverage of SAY, but would also result in more continuous SAY beds with higher biomass and density than existing beds, since the improvement of environmental conditions in the shallower waters would increase light transmittance in areas that already have SAY coverage. Four locations within the Peconic Estuary, as listed below and shown in Figure 2, are suggested for consideration in establishing future eelgrass beds, consistent with the Tier I criteria applied by the U.S. EPA in Chesapeake Bay. a) the southerly spit off Gardiners island; b) Napeague Harbor; c) the western shoreline of Hog Neck Bay; and January 1996 Pa~., 97 Peconic £stua~y Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report d) the eastern shoreline of Robins Island. These areas were chosen as potentially suitable sites because the environmental conditions generally match those found at existing beds which have produced lush, vigorous stands of eelRrass. These sites offer similar sediment types, salinity levels, bottom configuration, water depths, and desree of protection from severn weather conditions. In addition, these four locations have reportedly supported historic eelgrass beds. The first two sites (at Gardiners Island and Napeague Harbor) are situated in the outer Estuary, in the vicinity of existing eelgrass beds and, therefore, represent prime candidates for restoration efforts. The latter two sites (in Hog Neck Bay and at Robins Island) are situated in a portion of the middle Estuary that presently is devoid of eelgrass and, therefore, should be considered as being more "experimental" and as having a generally lower potential for success. Routine monitoring is necessary prior to planting to ensure that proper conditions exist at the selected project location. It is recommended that the water quality criteria established by the U.S. EPA (1992) for Chesapeake Bay be used as a guideline for transplant site selection in the Peconic Estuary until local criteria are established through future studies. Continued monitoring should occur after planting has been completed to assess the effectiveness of the operation and to determine factors that may influence plant survival. Fonseca (1990) recommends that follow-up monitoring should occur quarterly during the first year after planflng~ and biannually for two additional years.' If financial and personnel resources allow, monitoring surveys earlier in the post-planUng period (e.g., after one month) would also be useful, particularly in the event that the plants suffer a premature, catastrophic demise. The monitoring program for transplant investigations should include the measurement of the following variables. a) light levels - It is necessary for light measurements (preferably at both the surface and bottom) to commence prior to planting, so that it can be confirmed that adequate illumination is available before resources are committed to a given project location. Light measurements should continue at regular intervals after the plants are in-place, to provide baseline physical data that can be compared to growth. pa&e,98 SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION STUDY - PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM / [] Suggested eelgross restoration sites (Letters refer to listing in section 6,3) NOTE: The four sites shown represent general areas suggested for restoration. The selection of specific restoration locations would require detailed field investigations as described In section 6.3. Figure 2 SUGGESTED EELGRASS RESTORATION SITES Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report b) d) pertinent environmental parameters- It is necessary for physical data to be collected before planting, since certain environmental conditions are most suited to eelgrass growth. Measurements should include salinity, temperature, and water column turbidity. As noted previously, studies of SAV habitat requirements in Chesapeake Bay suggest that total suspended solids and chlorophyll _a. levels would also provide useful information for identifying potential transplant sites. Observations should also be made of the actual or potential presence of conditions that could create significant physical disturbances (e.g., storm waves, vessel propeller wash, and ice shearing), which can uproot newly established plantings. Substrate conditions should be examined with particular care, since bottom sediments in areas that were previously occupied by eelgrass can change significantly after the eelgrass disappears; this is one reason why restoration projects sometimes fail in areas that historically have supported eel§rass. Information on the tidal range at the project site should also be obtained, especially with respect to potential exposure to air during Iow tide (including spring Iow tide), which can result in heat stress and predation by waterfowl. plant growth- Various methods exist for assessing plant growth. Biomass measurements (as used in this study) entail the collection of vegetative matter and, therefore, should be avoided in newly established beds. The measurement of leaf elongation was used by Short, et.al. (1993), and represents an effective, non-destructive means of obtaining the necessary information. Non-destructive plant and shOOt counts have also been used (Fonseca, 1990; Ware, 1993). Churchill, et.al. (1978) used a combination of measures, including percent survival, shoot counts, average shoot length, and rhizome length. Average shoot length was found not to be a good indication of plant growth, since healthy plants with a large number of new shoots typically would exhibit Iow values for this variable, while older specimens not undergoing active growth may display a higher value for this variable. Rhizome length, in contrast, increased steadily during their four-month study, and was found to be a good measure of plant growth; however, this measurement suffered from the drawback that it required harvesting of the plants. nutrient levels- The aforementioned studies of SAV habitat requirements in Chesapeake Bay suggest that measurement of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and dissolved inorganic phosphorus would provide useful information for identifying potential transplant sites. January 1996 Page. 9g Peconic Estuaey program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Sludy - Final Report Some studies (Burkholder, 1993; Burkholder, et.al, 1992) indicate that high levels of water column nitrate adversely affect eelgrass growth and survival, and conclude that efforts to maintain or re-establish eelgrass in warm, poorly-flushed eutrophic embayments and coastal lagoons with seasonal anthropogenic loadings of nitrate will have a Iow probability for success. Thus, ambient water columns levels of nitrate at potential transplant locations should be taken into consideration before the final project sites are actually selected. The investigations performed by Burkholder (1993) indicate that the threshold concentration of nitrate that permits eelgrass survival under pulsed loading conditions should be viewed as a range that lies between 3/~M to 10/~M (which is equivalent to approximately 0.04 mg/I to 0.14 mg/I). However, caution should be exercised in applying a 3 aM (or any other single value) as a regulatory threshold since, as noted previously, the effects of nitrate on eelgrass is highly dependent on other parameters, especially temperature. More work is needed to better define the synergistic relationship between water column nitrate enrichment and increasing temperature and other factors. The actual transplanting operation can utilize plants harvested from nearby, well- established eelgrass beds or commercially available plant materials. In general, the former source is preferred because the specimens would be fully adapted to the environmental conditions that exist in the vicinity of the project site. However, regulatory approval would be needed to harvest plants from existing beds, and close scrutiny must be given to the ability of the source area to sustain such disturbance. With respect to the methods to be used for harvesting and transplanting eelgrass plugs, numerous variations have been tried regarding to plug size and spacing, plug handling and storage, plug transport, planting techniques, transplant site preparation, etc. Some of the more specific guidelines developed for such projects are presented by Fonseca, et.al. (1985 and 1982), Fonseca (1990), Ware (1993), and Churchill, et. al. (1978). These reference resources should be consulted in the earliest phases of the formulation of a work plan to restore eelgrass in the Peconic Estuary. Some basic rules are generally applicable to these projects, as summarized below. Plantings have the greatest chances for success if undertaken in the early spring (April and May) or earlier. This allows the plants more time to become established before the stresses of late summer occur (i.e., decreased growth, increased predation and other disturbances). Pecenic Estua~' program Submerged Aquatic Veget~on Study - Final Report The transplanting of flowering shoots should be avoided to the maximum degree possible, since such shoots senesce after seeds are released and provide no additional vegetative growth. Plants should be harvested as near as possible to the transplant location. This will minimize time expended in transport, both with respect to project costs and stress on the plant materials, and will also render a plant material that is more likely to be adapted to conditions at the transplant site. Plant materials should be washed free of sediment at the harvest site. This has generally been found to be a more e~cient and less costly method than the use of sediment-bound plugs (Ware, 1993; Churchill, et.al., 1978). The latter investigators reported that although sediment-bound plugs may have a somewhat higher survival rate, sediment-free "mini-plugs" are much easier to handle; in their study, the retention of sediment increased the weight of the plant materials by a factor of 350. The integrity of the root-rhizome complex must be maintained for successful transplantation. Plants must be kept moist during storage and transport. The time lag between harvest and transplant should be minimized; the greatest success is generally achieved if the two operations occur on the same day. Optimally, eelgrass should be planted in salinities above 20 ppt. Transplants should not be placed in areas that are subject to exposure to the air during Iow tide. Plant materials should be inserted into the substrate to the same or slightly greater depth compared to their natural growth. Small-scale pilot plantings can be used to test the viability of a given site for eelgrass transplants without committing a large amount of resources. Several months of monitoring are needed to determine whether a pilot bed has become adequately established. Consequently, if the pilot bed is successful, the next earliest planting time for the remaining plugs would be the following spring. Fertilization of the substrate may be required to sustain the plants in transplant areas. At present, fertilization is considered to be acceptable in sediments with a less than two percent organic content (Fonseca, et.al., 1987). January 1996 Pa~e 101 Peconic Esluary Program Submerged Aquatic Ve§e~ation Study - Final Report As a general rule, high energy environments should be avoided as transplant sites. For example, Churchill, et.al. (1978) reported a 100 percent loss of transplants in areas of high currents and shifting sands in their study conducted in Great South Bay, New York. Offshore berms or sandbars have been successfully used to provide protection from waves in some cases, but these must be constructed so as not to impound water and raise in-meadow temperatures. As discussed above, some studies (Burkholder, 1993; Burkholder, et. al., 1992) strongly suggest that nitrate-enriched water bodies are poor candidates for eelgrass transplants. Although generally considered to be of lower habitat value than Z. marina. IL maritima still provides important habitat and food for commercially important fish, shellfish and waterfowl. Therefore, Ru_up_DLa maritima may be considered as an alternative to eelgrass for re-establishing vegetated coastal habitat under nitratc~cnriched conditions. IL maritima is strongly stimulated under moderate nitrate enrichment and, unlike Z. marina (which lacks a nitrate "shut-off' mechanism), IL maritima has developed an advantageous physiological mechanism for controlling the uptake and assimilation of nitrate. IL maritima has been found to become naturally recruited into areas in Chesapeake Bay where environmental conditions have caused a decline in the eelgrass population. In fact, IL maritima may presently occupy more bottom area and is believed to have the greatest potential distribution of all SAV species in Chesapeake Bay (U.S.EPA, 1992). Some investigations (Ware, 1993) have used anchoring devices, such as 'popsicle" sticks tied to the sediment-free rhizome bundle, with good success. Other studies (Churchill, et.al., 1978) have concluded that although using anchors may improve plant survival, this occurs at the expense of additional time and labor. Some studies have shown that artificial seeding can be a feasible method for eXPanding eelgrass populations under certain conditions. For example, Dennison (1988) reported germination success rates as high as 2 to 8 percent at three of six study locations, based on field observations made six months after planting. However, germination did not occur at the other three study locations. Site selection appeared to be a critical factor in planting success, with protection from wave scour having an overriding effect. The labor effort involved in the collection and preparation of seeds should be taken into consideration when assessing the feasibility of seeding in comparison to transplanting. Seed collection in New York Jarma~ 1996 Pa~e Peconic Estuary Program' Submer&ed Aquatic Vegetation study - Final Report waters should be concentrated between the end of June and the beginning of July. The use of a "seed tape" can minimize seed loss (Churchill, et.al., 1978). Communication with agencies that have been involved in eelgrass restoration projects should also serve as a important source of vital information. The Suffolk County Cornell Cooperative Extension (39 Sound Avenue, Riverhead, New York) has engaged in such projects within the Peconic system. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Coastal Engineering Research Center, Fort Belvoir, Virginia) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Environmental Processes Division, James J. Howard Laboratory, Highlands, New Jersey) have also sponsored eelgrass transplant studies along the United States Atlantic coast and could provide useful supplemental information. SECTION 6.4 - Ren~mmendaUons Re~_ardin_e Future SAV Monitorine Besides the four areas listed in Section 6.3 as potential sites for artificial eelgrass restoration, eleven locations within the Peconic Estuary system have been identified which warrant future SAV monitoring, outside of the scope of the monitoring efforts described in Section 6.3 for eelgrass transplant locations. These monitoring sites have been selected based upon the preceding analyses, with mOst of the areas currently supporting dense healthy eelgrass beds or mixed SAV populations with eeigrass significantly represented. The locations recommended for future monitoring include the following (see Figure 3): a) northern portion of Southold Bay - as discussed earlier, this area was recently dredged for scallops and appears to have sustained some damage; b) the northerly, easterly and southerly shorelines of Shelter Island; c) the northern and eastern portion of Orient Harbor; d) Hailock Bay - several small, sparsely populated eelgrass beds, and one small, moderately dense bed; e) Long Beach - several moderately dense eelgrass beds about midway, on the south side of the spit; Janua~ 1996 Page 103 peconic Estuary program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report f) the central, southern and eastern portions of Northwest Harbor; g) the northerly shoreline of Cedar Point - while the area was dominated by green fleece with eelgrass as a secondary species, all SAV growth including eelgrass was extensive and lush; h) the shoreline in Gardiners Bay north from the mouth of Accabonac Harbor to Lion's Head Rock; i) the easterly shoreline of Gardiners Island; j) Lake Montauk - historic information is available to track the spread of green fleece beds and monitor the health and extent of the eelgrass beds; and the Sag Harbor Cove complex, West Neck Harbor, Coecles Harbor, Three Mile Harbor, and Accabonac Harbor - as discussed in Section 5.3, these areas have reportedly experienced recent eelgrass die-off, which warrants further study. Future monitoring efforts should include field inspections to determine seasonal and annual variations in the size and health of the SAY beds. Also, inspections should be made after major storm events and shellfish harvesting seasons to assess any damages caused by such events. Field reconnaissance could include: in-field wet weight measurements, SAV collections for laboratory measurement of dry weight, water quality measurements (including salinity, temperature, secchi disc depth readings, water depth), percent coverage estimates, measurements of the area covered by the SAV beds, species composition, and a qualitative assessment of the relative health of the beds. Since the whole Estuary would not be studied during follow-up surveys, more intensive sampling and observations could be performed at the chosen observation sites. Harlin and Rines (1993) describe a field survey program that was conducted in June 1990 to define the "broadscale" SAV distribution and abundance in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, which at 328 square kilometers is about the same size as the Peconic Estuary. Sampling was performed at 64 stations, compared to the 214 stations surveyed in the present study (153 of which contained SAY coverage). Harlin and Rines surveyed only eight SAV species that were known from their personal observations to be common and conspicuous in the bay during the early summer, including the four species that were most common in the Pecenic Estuary during this study: Ulva lactuca, ~ fragile. Fucus vesiculosus, and Zostera marina. Other SAV species surveyed by Harlin and Rines included Chondrus crispus, Laminaria saccharina, Ascephyllum nodos_q_~q~_~um and Jamm7 1996 Pa~e 1.04 SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION STUDY - PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM ,/ [] Recommended location for future SAV monitoring (Letters refer to Ii@ting in section 6,4) Cmshln _~/~clate-, P.C, EN,INEERS . ARCHI?L,~,~,eI~,~IRONMeN?AL PLANNER! Figure 3 RECOMMENDED LOCATIONS FOR FUTURE SAV MONITORING Peconic Estua~/Program 5abmerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora. The authors indicated that restricting the investigation to common and easily identifiable taxa enabled them to sample a large number of stations in a short period of time, and will facilitate reproducibilib/for future surveys. These are important considerations for future studies in the Peconic Estuary. The identification of macroalgae specimens returned to the laboratory during the present investigation consumed a large amount of time and effort, perhaps disproportional to the value of the information that was derived. Therefore, further SAV surveys in the Peconic Estuary should consider the efficacy of focusing on the most common species, which based on the findings of this investigation would be UIva, Codium, and Zostera, and perhaps Fucus. January 1996 Page BIBLIOGRAPHY Peconic Estua~, Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report BIBUOGRAPHY Blankenship, K. January-February 1994. "Bay Bounces Back From Record-setting Spring 'Freshet'", pp.1 and 7; and "Bay Trends Show Phophorus Drop; Nitrogen Holds Steady", pp. 8. Bay Iournal. Vol. 3, No. 10. Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Baltimore, MD. Blankenship, K. November 1994. "Chesapeake Waterfowl Status and Trends". Bay Iournal. Vol. 4, No. 8. Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Baltimore, MD. pp. 14-15. 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Janualy1996 Pa&e%08 Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report =onseca, M.S., W.J. Kenworthy, G.W. Thayer, D.Y. Heller, and K.M. Cheap. 1985. =ransplanting of the Seagrasses Zostera marina and Halodule wrightii for Sediment '~tabilization and Habitat Development on the East Coast of the United States. Tecnical ~eport EL-85-9. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, ~4ississippi. Fonseca, M.S., G.W. Thayer, A.J. Chester, and C. Foltz. 1984. Impact of Scallop Harvesting on Eelgrass [Zostera marina) Meadows: Implications for Management. North American Iournal of Fisheries Management. Vol. 4, pp. 286-293. Fonseca, M.S., W.J. Kenworthy, and G.W. Thayer. 1982. A Low Cost Planting Technique for Eelgrass (Zostera marina L). Coastal Engineering Technical Aid No. 82-6. U.S. Army Engineer Coastal Engineering Research Center, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. Fuller, S.W. April 1973. 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Marine Ecology Pro_cress Series, Vol. 9, pp. 211-221. Jones, C.R., and J.IL Schubel. July 1978. Distribution of Surficial Sediments and Eel§rass in New York's South Shore Bays: An Assessment from the Literature. Marine Sciences Research Center, Special Report 13, Reference 78-1. SUNY Stony Brook, N.Y. 80 pp. Katuna, Michael P. March 1974. The Sedimento!ogy of Great Peconic Bay and Flanders Bay, L.I., N.Y. Master's Thesis. City University of New York at Queens College, N.Y. 97 PP. King Engineering Associates, Inc. March 1994. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Distribution in Tributaries of Tampa Bay. Draft Final Report. Technical Publication #06-93 of the Tampa Bay Natinal Estuary Program. Major, Alan. 1977. The Book of Seaweed. Gordon & Cremonesi Publishers, London, England. McRoy, C.P. and C. Helfferich. 1977. Seagrass Ecosystems: A Scientific Perspective. Marine Science Volume 4. Marcel Dekkert Inc., New York, N.Y. 314 pp. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. April 1, 1979 through March 31, 1980. Peconic Bay Data. Annual Report, Segment No. 1. Project No. 3-3091L Janua~ 1996 pa~e !,10 Peconic Estuan/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Repot Now York State Department of Environmental Conservation. April 1, 1980 through March 31, 1981. Peconic Bay Data. Annual Report, Segment No. 2. Project No. 3-309P. North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. April 1990. A Survey of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation of the Currituck Sound and the Western Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System. Project No. 89-10. Orth, R.J., J.F. Nowak, G.F. Anderson, K.P. Kiley, J.P. Whiting. December 1992. Distribution of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and Chincoteague Bay -1991. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program C)tfice, Annapolis, M.D. 268 pp. Phillips, R.C., W.S. Grant, and C.P. McRoy. 1983. Reproductive Strategies of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.). Aquatic Botany, Vol. 16, pp. 1-20. Phillips, R.C. and C.P. McRoy. 1980. Handbook of Sea_erass Biolo_ey: An Ecosystem Perspective. Garland STPM Press, Now York, N.Y. 353 pp. Phillips, P.C. and E.G. Menez. 1988. Seagrasses. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. 104 pp. Pohle, D.G., V.M. Bricejl and Z. Garcia-Esquivel. 1991. The Eelgrass Canopy: An Above- Bottom Refuge From Benthic Predators for Juvenile Bay Scallops Arg_o_oecten irradians. Marine Ecolo_~. Pro~_ress Series. Vol. 74, pp. 47 -59. Reid, ILN. C.L MacKenzie, Jr. and JJ. Vitaliano. December 1993. A Failed Attempt to Re-Establish Eelgrass in Reritan Bay (New York/New Jersey). NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC: Woods Hole, MA NEFSC [Northeast Fisheries Science Center] Reference Document 93- 27. Reshetiloff, K. May 1994. "Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Barometer for the Bay~. Bay Journal, Vol. 4, No. 3. Allience for the Chesapeake Bay, Inc., Baltimore, MD. pp. 10 and 16. Schneider, C.W., and R.B. Searles. 1991. Seaweeds of the Southeastern United States: Cape Hatteras to Cape Canaveral. Duke University Press. Short, F.T., D.M. Burdick, J.S. Wolf, and G.E. Jones. January 1993. Eeelgrass in Estuarine Reserves Along the East Coast, U.S~a~., Part h Declines from Pollution and Disease and Jarmafy 1996 Pa&~e 1,11 Peconic Estua~/Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation study - Final Report Part Ih Management of Eelgrass Meadows. NOAA-Coastal Ocean Program Publication. 107 pp. Short, F.T., G.E. Jones, and D.M. Burdick. July 1991. Coastal Wetlands. Coastal Zone '91 Conference - ASCE, Long Beach, C.A. pp. 439-453. Siddall, S.E., M.E. Viera, E. Gomez-Reyes, and D.W. Pritchard. Draft Copy. Numerical Model of Larval Dispersion: Phase I of the East End Algal Bloom Program. Marine Sciences Research Center, Special Report 71, Reference 86-8. SUNY Stony Brook, N.Y. 3O pp. Strieb, Max D. May 1992. The Effects of Prey Size, Prey Density and Eelgrass Habitat Characteristics on Predation of Post-Settlement Bay Scallops. Master's Thesis. Marine Sciences Research Center. SUNY Stony Brook, N.Y. 122 pp. Suffolk County Department of Health Services. November 1992. Brown Tide Comprehensive Assessment and Management Program. Volumes I, II, and III. Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Riverhead, New York. Taylor, S.L. and M. Villalard. September 1985. Seaweeds of the Connecticut Shore: A Wader's Guide. Bulletin No. 18. The Connecticut Arboretum, New London, C.T. 36 PP. Taylor, W.R. November -December 1940. Marine Algae from Long Island. Torreya, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 185-195. Taylor, W.R. 1957. Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI. 509 pp. Thayer, G.W., M.S. Fonseca, and W.J. Kenworthy. 1985. Restoration of Seagrass Meadows for Enhancement of Nearshore Productivity. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Utilization of Coastal Ecosystems: Planning, Pollution and Productivity, 21-27 November 1982, Rio Grande, Brazil. Volume 1, pp. 259-278. Thayer, G.W., W.J. Kenworthy, and M.S. Fonseca. 1984. The Ecology of Eelgrass Meadows of the Atlantic Coast: A Community Profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-84/02. 147pp. January 1996 Pa~e [12 Peconic Estumy Program Sobmerged Aquatic Vegetation Stu~ - Final Report The Ecologically Valuable Species Workgroup of the Living Resources Subcommittee. September 1993. Chesapeake Bay Strategy for the Restoration and Protection of Ecologically Valuable Species. CPB/TRS 113/94. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake Bay Program. 88 pp. Town of Oyster Bay. May 1966. Engineering Report for the Control of Eelgrass and Dredging of Shoaled Canal Entrances, Great South Bay, Town of Oyster Bay. Book No. Nine. 40 pp. United States Environmental Protection Agency. December 1992. Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitat Requirements and Restoration Targets: A Technical Synthesis. Chesapeake Bay Program Office, Annapolis, Maryland. 186 pp. + appendices. WAPORA, Inc. October 23, 1981. Estuarine Impact Assessment (Shellfish Resources) for the Nassau-Suffolk Streamflow Augmentation Alternatives: Draft Report on Existing Conditions. New York, N.Y. 115 pp. Ware, IL 1993. Eelgrass [Zostera marina) in Southern California BaYs and Wetlands with Emphasis on Orange County, California. Shore and 8each, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 20- 30. Wassman, IL, and J. Ramus. 1973. Seaweed Invasion. Natural Histo~, Vol. 82, No. 10, pp. 25-36. Wilson, ILS. and A.H. Bmnowitz. July 1966. A Report on the Ecology of Great South Bay and Adjacent Waters. Adelphi University, Oakdale, New York. January 1996 Pa~e %13 LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED DURING THIS INVESTIGATION Peconic Estualy Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report UST OF PERSONS CONTACTED DURING THIS INVESTIGATION John Aldred Town of East Hampton East Hampton, NY (516) 668-4601 Dr. A. Coolidge Churchill Adelphi University, Garden City, NY (516) 877-4210 Tom Doheny Town of Hempstead, Department of Conservation And Waterways, Point Lookout, NY (516) 897-4133 Dr. Valrie Gerard State University of New York at Stony Brook, Marine Sciences Research Center (516) 632-8675 Richard Hanley Town of Riverhead Planning Department Riverhead, NY (516) 727-3200 Dr. Paul Hargraves University of Rhode Island, Department of Marine Biology (401) 792-6241 John Holzaphel Town of $outhold Trustee Southold, NY (516) 765-1045 January 1996 page .114 Peconic Estuary Program Submer§ed Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED DURING THIS INVESTIGATION (continued) Ken Oea Dr. · Chr Cor~ ion Dr. Sc.L: etzner and Dave Fallon ~ew York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Stony Brook, NY (516) 444-0477 awless Chairperson Shelter Island Conservation Advisory Council Shelter Island Heights, NY (516) 749-0017 ~rry Liddle Southampton College (516) 287-8399 Pickerell and Chris Smith Suffolk County Cornell Cooperative Extension Riverhead, NY ~516) 852-8660 ia Schlenk ~ssistant Director, tew York State Sea Grant Institute Stony Brook, NY <516} 632-6905 ~lear Town of Southampton Trustee Southampton, NY ~516) 287-5717 ~derick T. Short Jniversity of New Hampshire, Jackson Estuarine Laboratory (603) 862-2175 q. Strough ~resident Town of Southampton Board of Trustees Southampton, NY (516) 287-5717 January 1996 P~e 1.1S Peconic Estuary Program Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report KEY PROJECT PERSONNEL Program Manager, Peconic Estuary Program Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Office of Ecology - Vito Minei, P.E. Deputy Program Manager, Peconic Estuary Program Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Office of Ecology - Walter Dawydiak Project Coordinators U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Rick Balla N.Y.S Department of Environmental Conservation - Cynthia Decker Technical Advisory Committee Lisa Liquori (Town of East Hampton), Chairperson Principal In-Charge: Cashin Associates, P.C. - Gregory T. Greene Project Manager: Cashin Associates, P.C. - John M. Ellsworth In addition to those listed above, useful technical comments on the draft report were provided by Christopher Smith of the Cornell Cooperative Extension J~nuaty 1996 page !16 Peconic Estuary Program Submer&ed Aquatic Vegetation Study - Final Report KEY PROJECT PERSONNEL (continued) TASK RESPONSIBILITIES Review of Historic Aerial Photographs Cashin Associates, P.C. - Laura Schwanof, RLA New Aerial Photography Survey Aerographics Corp. - Thomas J. Rohan, Jr. Sketch Maps of SAV Locations Cashin Associates, P.C. - Laura Schwanof, RLA Field Reconnaissance Cashin Associates, P.C. -Neal Stark, licensed boat captain and certified diver Sediment Analysis Sub-task G.M. Selby & Associates, Inc. - Evan Skornick Arthur D. Little, Inc. - Edith Hutchinson Final Maps of SAV Distribution and Abundance Cashin Associates, P.C. - Lynn Southard, CADD Technician GIS Mapping Sub-task Greenman Pederson, Inc. - Raymond D. Thierrin, P.E. Januan/1996 page 1.17 MAPS Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 Map 4 Map 5 Map 6 Regional Context Geographic Location Map Station Location Map Distribution of Eelgrass Beds Distribution of Dominant Macroalgae Types Stations with Observed Scallop Populations 5 0 5 10 15 20 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN UlLES SHELTER ~ HUNTINGTON OYSTER NORTH BAY ~ HEMPSTEAD }NASSAU I ~ BABYLON k\Q U E E N S f- C 0 U N Y 1~ / HEMPSTEAD \ tROOKLYN BROOKHAVEN RIVERHEAD SOUTHAMPTON -- PECONIC ISLIP ESTUARY LOCATION 2 ENGINEERS h i n ~cci a t · s, P.C. Ca S. ARCHITE~E~I RONMENTAL P~.ANNERS Map REGIONAL ! CONTEXT SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION STUDY - PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM Point Plum / GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION MAP SUBMERGED____AQUATIC VEGETATION STUDY - PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM · 191 Cashln ~cclatEs, P.C. ,NGiN~:fRS- A,CHIT~IRONIENT&L PI.ANNeRS Map 3 STATION LOCATION MAP SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Cashln ~cclat,s, P.C. STUDY PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM ,174 LEGEND Eelgrass Bed Locations Map 4 DISTRIBUTION OF EELGRASS BEDS SUBMERGED _AOUATIC VEGETATION STUDY - PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM °37 Cashln ~/~clates, P.C. ENGINEERS · .4,RCHIT~/~._~I~IRONiMNTAL PLANN,RS .174 · 198 DOMINANT MACROALGAE SAMPLED Sea Lettuce Green Fleece Red Macroalgae Brown Macroalgae Eelgrass beds are mapped separat, ely on "DISTRIBUTION OF EELGRASS BEDS" map. Map 5 DISTRIBUTION OF DOMINANT MACROALGAE TYPES SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION STUDY - PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM ,:NG,NEeR:hln ~cclatfs, P.e. C a · &RCHITEC~EI~VIRONIMNTAL PLANNERS / LEGEND Stations at which scallops were present [] Stations at which eelgrass and scallops were present Stations at which scallops were not present _A Map 6 STATIONS WITH OBSERVED SCALLOP POPULATIONS EXHIBIT A Silhouettes of Preserved SAV Specimens STATION 1 A. Ulva lactuca. Sea Lettuce A B B STATION 2 A. Enteromorpha Iinza, Hollow Green Weed B. Ente~omo~pha compre~sa. Hollow Green Weed C. ~omentaria bailevana STATION 11 A. ~nteromorpha cla~hrata, Hollow Green Weed B. Enteromorpha compress~, Hollow Green Weed C. Agardhlella s~bulat~ D. Ceramium diaphanum. Banded Weeds STATION 11 D. Cerami~m diaphan~m. Banded Weeds STATION 13 A. Stilophora rhizodes STATION 13 B. L~menta~ia baileyana STATION 14 A. Lomentaria baileyana STATION 14 Widgeon Grass STATION 23 A. Miscellaneous Red Alga - same as S~ca~cion 42, Alga "B" B. Agardhietla subula~ca C, Ceramium spp. epiphytic on Miscellaneous Red Alga STATION 31 A. (~h~e'r. omorpha mela~onlum '\ A A STATION 32 A. Pol¥~iphonia spp., Tubed Weeds B. En~eromorpha intestinali~, Hollow G~een Weeds STATION 42 A. PolYsiphonia spp., Tubed Weeds B, Miscellaneous Red Alga - same as Station 23, Alga "A" STATION 50 A. ~, Widgeon Grass STATION 50 B. poly~iptlonia ~btilissima. T~bed Weeds STATION 59 A. Grinnellla americana~ Grinnell's Pink Leaf STATION 63 A. Cerami~m spp., epiphytic Banded W~ed B. Pot~iphonla den~data, Tubed Weed STATION 88 A. Sarga~m filipend~la. G~lfweed B. Anti~hamnion spp. STATION 89 A. Ceramium spp., epiphy'cic on Miscellaneous Brown Alga B. Dasya pedicella'ca, Chenille Seaweed C. Champia parvula. Barrel Weed, epiphytic on Eelgrass STATION 92 A. Sargassum filipend~la. Gulfweed STATION 107 A. Ascoph_vllum nosodum. Knot, ted wrack B. Ceramium spp., epiphyl;ic Banded Weed STATION 113 A. Chorda filum, Smooth Cord Weed B. Polysiphonia spp,, epiphy~ic Tubed Weed STATION 113 C. S~rgas~um filipendula~ Gulfweed D. Chondrla spp., Pod Weed II STATION 132 A, ~lcllephor~ rhizodes STATION ~88 A. Ahnfelt, ia plicata, with epiphytic Spermo'chamnion app. B. Chrondrus cri~pu~. Irish Mo~s C. Chaet, omorpha linum STATION 191 A. Ac~e~chrix novae~angliae B. ~eramium app., Banded Weed STATION 191 C. Da~¥a pedicella~ca, Chenille S~aweed D. E~teromorpha Iinza, Hollow Green Weed STATION 192 A. Chondn~ cris?s. Irish Moss STATION ~92 B. Lamina~ia saccharina~ Broad-leaf Kelp EXHIBIT B Underwater Photographs SAV Beds in Peconic Estuary MIXED EELGRASS ! BROWN SEAWEED BED, STATION 179, THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SHELTER ISLAND EELGRASS (ZOSTERA MARINA) MEADOW AT STATION 179, OFF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SHELTER ISLAND GREEN FLEECE (CODIUM FRAGILE) BED AT STATION 179, OFF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SHELTER ISLAND Site Data Sheets PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# I STATION DATA Date 9/14/94 Time 9:15 A.M. Latitude 40' 54.93' Longitude 72' 38.07' Station Description FLANDERS BAY 100' EAST OF BRIDGE, SOUTH BANK Salinity 25 ppt Water Temp. 6._~8 Visibility 2_ feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 227g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 5 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS. MUSSELS. RIBBED MUSSEL (MODIOLUS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 2 STATION DATA Date 9/14/94 Time 10:25 Latitude 40' 55.18' Longitude 72' 37.25' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.0 feet Station Description FLANDERS BAY NEAR MOUTH OF SAWMILL CREEK Salinity 28 ppt Water Temp. 70 Visibility 2_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 6248 (2)-8 (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 10 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: N/A ULVA LACTUCA & CODIUA, I FRAGILE. HOLLOW GREEN WEEDS: ENTEROA, IORPHA LINZA. AND ENTEROMORPHA COMPRESSA: LOMENTARIA BAILEYANA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SMALL HORSESHOE CRABS. SNAILS. SOFT-SHE! ! Fn CLAM CMYA ARENARIA) OTHER OBSERVATIONS SHALLOW. 100' FROM SHORE < 5' PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEC;ETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 3_ STATION DATA Date 9/14/94 Time 10~$5A.M. Latitude 40' 55.68~ Longitude 72' 36.80~ Station Description SOUTHWEST POINT OF TERRY'S CREEK Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 70 Visibility 2 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 1i3g (2) 170g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ~ND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100oFOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 5 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 4 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 9/14/94 Time 11:00A:M. Water Depth 6.0 feet Latitude 40' 55.78' Longitude 72' 37.12' Station Description WHERE TWO CHANNELS MEET AT MOUTH OF MEETING HOUSE CREEK Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 70 Visibility 2_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS NO LIFE OBSERVED OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 5 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 9/14/94 Time 11;35A.M. Water Depth 2.0 feet Latitude 40' 55.83' Longitude 72' 37.20' Station Description POINT INSIDE MEETING HOUSE CREEK WHERE TWO CREEKS MEET Salinity 29 ppt Water Temp. 70 Visibility 2_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WETWEIGHT: (1) 113g (2) 170g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 1.__~0 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/~4 MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 6 STATION DATA Date 9/14/94 Time 11:45A.M. Latitude 40' 55,82' Longitude 72' 37.00' Station Description INSIDE TERRY CREEK WEST OF MEETING HOUSE CREEK Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 70 Visibility 2_ feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 1.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 113 g (2) 454 g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 5 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: ULVA LACTUCA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS MUD CRAB OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# Z STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 9/14/94 Time 12:17 P.M. Water Depth 4.0 feet Latitude 40' 56.03' Longitude 72' 37.00' Station Description INSIDE MEETINGHOUSE CREEK BY MEETINGHOUSE CREEK RESTAURANT Salinity 25 ppt Water Temp. 7_.~0 Visibility 2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 510g (2) 5~7g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 25 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS MUSSEL SHELLS. MUD CRABS. SNAILS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# ~ STATION DATA Date 9/14/94 Time Latitude 40' 55.09' Longitude 72' 36.53' Station Description 100' NORTH OF REEVES BAY SPIT Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 70 Visibility 2_ feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 4.0 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SANDY MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 5 % General description of SAV beds at station SPARCELY POPULATED FROM SHORELINF TO 150 - 200' OFFSHORF SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: C(~D~[L:~ FRAG/ E MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS N/A OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 9_ STATION DATA Date 9/14/94 Time 1:05 P.M. Latitude 40' 54.97' Longitude 72' 36.55' Station Description SOUTH SIDE OF REEVES BAY POINT SPIT Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 72 Visibility 2 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 567g (2) 170g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SANDY MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 55 % General description of SAV beds at station MIXED BEDS FROM SHORE TO 200 SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: I~I~VA LACTUCA & CODIUA4 FRAGILE MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS N/A OTHER OBSERVATIONS BIG BED OF CODIUM 10 YARDS WIDE TO 1' BELOW SURFACE EXTENDS DUE EAST OF SPIT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 10 STATION DATA Date 9/15/94 Time 10:00A.M. Latitude 40' 54.81' Longitude 72' 36.81' Station Description WEST BANK OF REEVES BAY Salinity 26 ppt Water Temp. 69 Visibility 2 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 8.2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS NO OBSERVABLE LIFF OTHER OBSERVATIONS OFFSHORE WATER DEPTH DROPS OFF. PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 1._~1 STATION DATA Date 9/15/94 Time 11:00A.M. Latitude 40' 54.53' Longitude 72' 36.77' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet Station Description EAST BANK OF REEVES BAY SHALLOW EMBAYMENT Salinity 26 ppt Water Temp. 7~2 Visibility 2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 284g (2) 9~4g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 10 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: ULVA LACTUCA. HOLLOW GREEN WEEDS: ENTEROMORPHA CLATHRATA AND ENTEROA4ORPHA COA4PRESSA: AGARDHIELLA SUBULATA AND BANDED WEED (CERAMIUA4 DIAPHANUA4) MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS. BAITFISH ABUNDANT. IUNGLE SHELL (ANOMIA SIMPEEX): RIBBED MUSSEL (MODIOLUS DEMISSUS) OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 1~2 STATION DATA Date 9/15/94 Time 11:25A.M. Latitude 40' 54.34' Longitude 72_~_36.82' Station Description SOUTHERN MOST COVE IN REEVES BAY Salinity 24 ppt Water Temp. 72 Visibility 2 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 227 g (2) 227 g (3) 312 g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 1.__Q0 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ULVA LACTUCA & FUCU$ SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 13 STATION DATA Date 9/15/94 Time 11:45A.M. Latitude 40' 54.35' Longitude 72' 37.13' Station Description MIDDLE OF SOUTHERN REEVES BAY Salinity 27 ppt Water Temp. 72 Visibility 2 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 7.1 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)227g (2) 1134§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 10 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: STILOPHORA RHIZODES & LOMENTARIA BAILEYAHA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS NONE OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 14 STATION DATA Date 9/15/94 Time 12:55 P.M. Latitude 40' 54.71~ Longitude 72' 35.69' Station Description INSIDE GOOSE CREEK CENTRAL AREA Salinity 24 ppt Water Temp. 7_.~4 Visibility 2 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 227 g (2) 170 g (3) 198 g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 50 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: RUPIA MARITIMA MACROALGAE: ULVA LACTUCA & LOMENTARIA BAILEyANA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BAITFISH. IUVENILE BLUEFISH. MUD CRABS, MI,ID DOG WHELK OTHER OBSERVATIONS SAV COVERAGE PRIMARILY ON EASTERN BANIC PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 1._~5 STATION DATA Date 9/15/94 Time 1:29P.M. Latitude 40' 55.27~ Longitude 72' 35.90~ Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 7.3 feet Station Description +/- 1/2 MILE NORTH OF MOUTH OF GOOSE CREEK Salinity 27 ppt Water Temp. 7__Q0 Visibility 2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 1i91 g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 10 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE & EUTHORA CRISTATA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS NONE ON SURFACE. CRABS IN SAMPLES. BUSHY BUGULA (BUGULA TURRITAI: BLACK-FINGERED MUD CRAB (NEOPANOPEUS SAYI) OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A · PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 1~6 STATION DATA Date 9/15/94 Time 2:15 P.M. Latitude 40' 55.72' Longitude 72' 35.84' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 7.2 feet Station Description 1/2 MILE OFF BEACH NORTHWEST OF SIMMONS POINT Salinity 28 ppt Water Temp. 7.__QO Visibility 2_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) :~40 g (2) 369 g (3) 284 g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 2_ % General description of SAV beds at station PATCHY. DENSE SEA-LETTUCE BEDS WITH CODIUM MIXED IN SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: N/A ULVA LACTUCAo CODIUA4 FRAGILE & CYSTOCLONIUA4 PURPUREUA4 MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 1_~7 STATION DATA Date 9/15/94 Time 2:52 P.M. Latitude 40' 55.32' Longitude 72' 35.02' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 8.5 feet Station Description 100 YARDS NORTHWEST OF MARKER BUOY AT SIMMONS POINT Salinity 28 ppt Water Temp. 70 Visibility _2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0_ % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS S ME_~__~__~_C~_~ OTHER OBSERVATIONS NO SAV SPECIES PRESENT 100' RADIUS AROUND PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 1__~8 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 9/15/94 Time 3:20 P.M. Water Depth 13.5 feet Latitude 40' 55.14' Longitude 72' 34.71' Station Description 1/2 WAY BETWEEN SIMMONS POINT AND RED CEDAR POINT - BUT WEST OF RED CEDAR Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 70 Visibility 2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SANDY MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS CRABS. SPONGE OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 1__~9 STATION DATA Date 9/15/94 Time 4:00 P.M. Latitude 40' 54.53' Longitude 72' 34.89' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.4 feet Station Description OFF SALT MARSH WEST OF RED CEDAR POINT. NORTH OF MILL CREEK Salinity 25 ppt Water Temp. 7._~4 Visibility 2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 113 § (2) 85 g (3) 8._.~5 g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS O1: STATION -- 1_ % General description of SAV beds at station LIGHT PATCHES AND SINGLES OBSERVED FROM 100 YARDS OFF SHORE TO SHORELINE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: N/A CODIUM FRAGILE & EUTHORA CRISTATA. C~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HORSESHOE & MUD CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 2O ..STATION DATA Date 9/16/94 Time 9:45A.M. Latitude ~ Longitude 72' 35.48' Station Description CENTER OF BIRCH CREEK Salinity 26 ppt Water Temp. 68 Visibility 2 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 7.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 10 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUA,I FRAGILE. ULVA LACTUCA & EUTHORA CRISTAT.4 MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS MUD CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 2_~1 STATION DATA Date 9/16/94 Time 10:45A.M. Latitude 40' 54.37' Longitude 72' 34.83' Station Description MILL CREEK NORTHEAST BANK Salinity 27 ppt Water Temp. 6.__~8 Visibility :Z feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 4.2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ~ ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 2_ % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE & EUTHORA CRISTATA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS 10 FOOT WIDE BAND OF MOSTLY LACY REDWEED STARTING 10' FROM SHORE OTHERWISE DEVOID OF LIFE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 22 STATION DATA Date 9/16/94 Time 11:00A.M. Latitude 40' 54.47' Longitude 72' 35.05' Station Description NORTHWEST BANK MILL CREEK Salinity 26 ppt Water Temp. 68 Visibility 2 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 113 g (2) 198 g (3) 227 g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 1._Q0 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ANTITHAMNION SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS N/A OTHER OBSERVATIONS PATCHES OF SAV ON FRINGES ONLY MIDDLE DEAD PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 2~3 STATION DATA Date 9/16/94 Time 11:40A.M. Latitude 40' 54.05' Longitude 72' 33.95' Station Description MIDDLE HUBBARD CREEK Salinity 26 ppt Water Temp. 68 Visibility 2 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 156 g (2) ~26 g (3) 269 g SEDIMENT TYPE ~AND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 50 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: N/A ULVA LACTUCA & CYSTOCLONIUM PURPUREUM: A) UNIDENTIFIED RED SEAWEED - SAME AS SAMPLE 40 B (MISCELLANEOUS RHODOPHYCEAE), B) AGARDHIELLA SUBULATA, C) BANDED WEED (CERAMIUM SPP.) MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER CRABS. SNAILS. BLUE CLAW CRABS. IINGLE SHELL. SOFT-SHELLED CLAM. MUD DOG WHELK. COMMON SLIPPER SHELL OTHER OBSERVATIONS pATCHY DENSE BEDS PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 2._~4 STATION DATA Date 9/16/94 Latitude 40' 54.52' Time 12:15 P.M. Longitude 72' 34.27' Field Personnel ~ Water Depth 7.5 feet Station Description 100 YARDS NORTH OF MOUTH OF HUBBARD CREEK Salinity 27 ppt Water Temp. 68 Visibility _2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 2 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE. SMALL PIECES OF GREEN FLEECE SCATTERED MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS STARFISH. SCALLOPS. CRABS. BAIT FISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 79 STATION DATA Date 9/29/94 Time 10:30AM Latitude 40' 56.18' Longitude 72' 24.43' Station Description Salinity 28 ppt Water Temp. 68 Visibility 6 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 113g (2) 11:~g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100oFOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 1% General description of SAV beds at station NO VEGETATION PAST 5 FT. FROM REED LINE. KNOTTED WRACK DOMINANT AT REED LINE. PAST REED LINE, SEA LI~ITUCE DOMINANT. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ULVA LACTUCA, ASCOPHYLLUA4 NODOSUA'I MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BAITFISH. SNAPPERS, WHITE IELLYFISH WITH TENTACLES. MUSSELS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 80 STATION DATA Date 9/29/94 Time 11:15AM Latitude 40' 59.26' Longitude 72' 25.81' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.6 feet Station Description NORTHEAST OF NASSAU POINT. 100 FT. FROM SHORE Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 6.__~8 Visibility 5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 1049 g (2) 1077 g (3) 822 g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 15 % General description of SAV beds at station PATCHY COVERAGE LIMITED TO ROCKS WITH SEVERAL CODIUM PATCHES MEASURING 2 FT. ACROSS. NO OTHER SAV PRESENT. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HORSESHOE CRABS. BAITFISH. WHELK OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 81 STATION DATA Date 9/29/94 Latitude 40' 59.77' Time 11:45AM Longitude 72' 25.99' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.4 feet Station Description MIDDLE OF EAST SIDE OF LITTLE HOG NECK Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 68 Visibility 5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0 % General description of SAV beds at station N/A SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS NONE OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 82 STATION DATA Date 10/3/94 Time 10:45 AM Latitude 41' 01.24' Longitude 72' 10.89' Field Personnel Rp & NS Water Depth 7.5 feet Station Description NORTHERLY AREA OF 3-MILE HARBOR 1/2 MILE SOUTH OF SAND SPIT ON UNDERWATER LEDGE Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 66 Visibility 5_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 2 % General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED SPECIMENS OF CODIUM AND REDWEED. NOT ENOUGH TO SAMPI-E. DI~AD STRANDS OF EELGRASS OBSERVED. NONE ROOTED. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: DEAD STRANDS OF EELGRASS PRESENT MACROALGAE: CODIUA, f FRAGILE. CYSTOCI~ONIUM PURPUREUM MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPONGES. HORSESHOE CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS EELGRASS WASHED UP ON BEACH PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 8.._~3 STATION DATA Date 10/3/94 Latitude 41' 01.67' Time 11:16 AM Longitude 72' 11.91' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet Station Description 100' OFF SHORELINE. NORTHWEST COVE OF 3-MILE HARBOR Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 66 Visibility 5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = ~ % General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED SPECIMENS. NOT ENOUGH TO SAMPLE. KNOTTED WRACK BECOMES DOMINANT NEAR SHORELINE: AGAIN. NOT ENOUGH TO SAMPLE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: N/A CODIUM FRAGILE. EUTHORA CRISTATA. ASCOPHYLLUA'I NODOSUM MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS CRABS AND SPONGES. OCCASIONAL BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS BOTTOM TURNS TO GRAVEL ALONG SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 84 STATION DATA Date 10/3/94 Time 11:45 AM Latitude 41' 00.79' Longitude 72' 11.40' Station Description WESTERLY SIDE OF 3-MILE HARBOR. SHORE Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 66 Visibility 6 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.9 feet ON POINT. 100' OFF SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 652g (2) 794g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 10 % General description of SAV beds at station I~AND OF CODIUM. 50 YDS. OFF SHORELINE ABOUT 10-15' WIDE. 100' LONG, ROCKWEED WIDELY SCATTERED ALONG SHORELINE. OVERALL. 10% COVERAGE AT STATION. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE. FUCUS SPp, MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS CRABS. BAITFISH, SHELLS ON BOTFOM CONSISTED OF OYSTERS. RAZORS. SCALLOPS - ALL EMPTY OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 8._~5 STATION DATA Date 10/3/94 Time 12:35 PM Latitude 41' 00.43' Longitude 72' 11.2~3' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.2 feet Station Description 100' NORTH OF SHORELINE IN SOUTHERLY AREA OF 3-MILE HARBOR NEAR ENTRANCE TO INSIDE BAY. Salinity 29 ppt Water Temp. 67 Visibility 5_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1% General description of SAV beds at station SPECIMENS OF CODIUM AND ROCI~WEED WIDELY SCATTERED SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/,~ MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE, FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SOME llAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 86 STATION DATA Date 10/4/94 Time 10:30 AM Latitude 41' 02.32' Longitude 72' 16.39' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 6.3 feet Station Description SOUTHEAST SHELTER ISLAND. EAST SIDE OF MAIOR'S HARBOR Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 62 Visibility 15 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 142g (2) 113g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 60 % General description of SAV beds at station 1/2 COVERAGE OF TOTAL WAS EELGRASS. BANDS AVERAGE 5-10 FT. WIDTH. 30 TO 70 FT. IN LENGTH. MEDIUM DENSITY BED OF EELGRASS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MARINA MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE. FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BAITFISH. CONCH. SPIDER CRABS. SMALL FLOUNDER. HERMIT CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS BREEZY. TEMP. UPPER 50'S AIR. SLIGHT CHOP ON WATER PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 8__~7 STATION DATA Date 10/4/94 Latitude 41' 01.44~ Time 11:30 AM Longitude 72' 16.14' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 6.:~ feet Station Description 100 FT. SOUTH OF MASHOMACK POINT. SHELTER ISLAND Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 62 Visibility 10 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (t) 680 g (2) - g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 100 % General description of SAV beds at station 50/50 SPLIT CODIUM AND EELGRASSo NO SAV IN WATER SHALLOWER THAN 3 FT. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MACROALGAE: MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS~ CLAMS. CRABS, ]~AITFISH. IUVENILE SEA ROBIN OTHER OBSERVATIONS CALM. PROTECTED WATER PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 8._.~8 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/4/94 Time 12:00 NOON Water Depth 8-9 feet Latitude 41' 02.30' Longitude 72' 16.80' Station Description INSIDE MAIOR'S HARBOR. SHELTER ISLAND. 100 FT. FROM SHORE Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 62 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 624g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SANDY MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION s 60 % General description of SAV beds at station DEAD EELGRASS AND CODIUM COVERED WITH SILT. UNHEALTHY LOOKING. EELGRASS DID NOT APPEAR TO BE ROOTED. ANTITHAMNION SPP. WAS FIXED TO ROCKS AND SHELLS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~ MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE. SARGASSUA4 HLIPENOULAo ANTITHAMNION SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS. HERMIT & SPIDER CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS CALM. PROTECTED HARBOR PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 89 STATION DATA Date 10/4/94 Time 12:30 PM Latitude 41' 0:~,37' Longitude 72' 17.19' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.8 feet Station Description WEST SIDE OF SOUTHERN SHELTER ISLAND. NORTH OF MAIOR'S POINT. 50 FT. FROM BEACH Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 6:2 Visibility 7 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 369g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 50 % General description of SAV beds at station 3/4 OF COVER ~ EELGRASS. 1/4 -- CODIUM AND OTHER MACROALGAE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: ZOSTERA A'IARINA CODIUA4 FRAGILE. CERAA, flUM SPP EPIPHYTIC ON UNIDENTIFIED BROWI~ ,~LGAE. DASYA PEDICELLATA. CHAMPIA PARVI~.A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS. CRABS. BLUE CLAW. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 9O STATION DATA Date 10/4/94 Latitude 41 ° 03.00' Time 1:20 PM Longitude 72' 18.68' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 6.7 feet Station Description NORTHWEST BANK OF SMITH COVE. 50 FT. FROM SHORE Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 62 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SANDY MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAC~E WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0 % General description of SAV beds at station N/A SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: I~t/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER CRABS. HORSESHOE CRAB OTHER OBSERVATIONS FAIRLY WELL DEVELOPED SHORELINE NEAR COVE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 91 STATION DATA Date 10/4/94 Time 2:20 PM Latitude 41' 01.73' Longitude 72' 17.97' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 8.0 feet Station Description EAST SIDE OF NORTH HAVEN PENINSULA. MIDWAY ALONG COAST. 100 YDS. ~)FF SHORE Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 62 Visibility ~;,5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100oFOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NO SAV OBSERVED. SOME DEAD UNROOTED STRANDS OF EELGRASS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS. SNAILS. WHELK EGG CASINGS (ABUNDANT). RAZOR CLAM. SPIDER CRABS. IUVENILE TOADFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED BEACH FRONT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 92 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/4/94 Time 2:55 PM Water Depth 6.5 feet Latitude 41' 00.98' Longitude 72' 17.52' Station Description EAST SIDE OF NORTH HAVEN PENINSULA - SOUTHERN AREA IN SIGHT OF SAG BREAKWATERS. 50 YDS. OFF SHORELINE ON SMALL UNDERWATER LEDGE Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 6:2 Visibility 8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 1758 g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND (2)-g (3)-§ ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 65 % General description of SAV beds at station (~LOSER TOWARDS SHORE YIELDED THICK CODIUM BEDS. ROOTED SARGASSUM INTERMIXED FURTHER OFFSHORE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~ MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE. SARGASSUA4 FILIPENDULA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. SCALLOPS. WHELK EGG CASINGS OTHER OBSERVATIONS HIGH BLUFF WITH DEVELOPMENT NEAR SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 93 STATION DATA Date 10/11/94 Latitude 41 ° 00.82' Time 3:35 PM longitude 72' 16.62' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet Station Description SAND SPIT MARKED BY PERMANENT STRUCTURE HAI~FWAY BETWEEN SAG BREAKWATERS AND MASHOMACK POINT Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 64 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 284g (2) 255§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SANDY MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION: 95 % General description of SAV beds at station COVERAGE WITH THICK SEAGRASS BEDS. COVERAGE DROPS OFF 10' FROM AREA EXPOSED DURING LOW TIDF SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MARINA MACROALGAE: CYSTOCLONIUA, I PURPUREUA,I MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS CLAMS. SCALLOPS. I SPIDER CRAB OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 94 STATION DATA Date 10/4/94 Time 4:00 PM Latitude 41' 00.60' Longitude 72' 16.02' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 1.5 feet Station Description 50 YDS. OFF SHORELINE. WEST SIDE OF BARCELONA NECK Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 64 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 397g (2) 340g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 5__~5 % General description of SAV beds at station PATCHES OF EELGRASS BEDS SCATTERED THROUGH SHALLOW SANDY AREA SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~INA MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS. HERMIT CRABS. SCALLOPS OTHER OBSERVATIONS LOW LANDS ON SHORELINE. UNDEVELOPED BEACH WETLANDS INLAND FROM SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 9_~5 STATION DATA Date 10/4/94 Latitude 41' 00.12' Time 4:15 PM Longitude 72' 16.87' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.6 feet Station Description 200 YDS. OFF BEACH WHERE SAG BREAKWATERS MEET SHORELINE. 200 YDS. FROM BREAKWATER Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 64 Visibility 5.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 255 g (2) 227g (3),g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 90 % General description of SAV beds at station LOW DENSITY OF EELGRAS$ I~EDS WITHIN STUDY AREA. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~ MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER CRABS. CLAMS. SCALLOPS. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS SPARSELY DEVELOPED SHOREFRONT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 96 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/5/94 Time 10:30 AM Water Depth 5.5 feet Latitude 41' 04.75' Longitude 72' 17.89' Station Description INSIDE OF COECLES HARBOR - NORTH SIDE. WEST END OF RAM ISLAND. Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 6.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 1% General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED SAV. REDWEED IS DOMINANT. SARGASSUM. NOT ENOUGH TO SAMPLE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CYSTOCLONIUM PURPUREUM MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS FLOUNDER. CLAMS. MANY SPIDER CRABS. OYSTERS. OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED BEACHFRONT: TEMP. 55+ BREEZY. SLIGHT CHOP. PARTLY CLOUDY PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 97 STATION DATA Date 10/5/94 Latitude 41 ° 05.02' Time 11:30 AM Longitude 72' 18.75' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.5 feet Station Description NORTHWESTERLY END OF COECLES HARBOR. WEST OF LITTLE RAM ISLAND. 150 YDS. OFFSHORE Salinity 3_~1 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 6_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 1% General description of SAV beds at station WIDI~LY S(~ATTERED SPECIMENS COVERED IN SILT. OBSERVED SPECIMENS VERY SMALL SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: C~LL~L~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER & HERMIT CRABS. SCALLOPS. SMALL BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 98 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/5/94 Time 12:10 PM Water Depth 6.7 feet Latitude 41' 04.22' Longitude 72' 18.42' Station Description WESTERLY SIDE OF COECLES HARBOR. OPPOSITE LITTLE RAM ISLAND. NORTHWEST SIDE OF ENTRANCE TO CREEK. 75 YDS. Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ~$.~.~[LY.__~_U_~ ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION: 1% General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED SMALL SPECIMEN OF CODIUM. SILTY COVERING. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAG RASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUA,! FRAGILE MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS WHELK EGG CASINGS. SCALLOPS. SPIDER AND MUD CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 99 STATION DATA Date 10/5/94 Time 12:40 PM Latitude 41 ° 03.95' Longitude 72' 17.44' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 11.5 feet Station Description MIDDLE OF EMBAYMENT EASTERLY END OF COECLES HARBOR, Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 6.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NO FIXED OR ROOTED LIVING SAV PRESENT. DEAD OR FLOATING CODIUM AND EELGRASS OBSERVED. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: NIA MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS FEW SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. IUVENILE TOADFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 100 STATION DATA Date 10/5/94 Time 1:15 PM Latitude 41' 03.48' Longitude 72' 16.31' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 6.8 feet Station Description HALFWAY BETWEEN SUNGIC POINT AND NICOLL POINT, EASTERLY SIDE OF SHELTER ISLAND, 75 YDS. OFFSHORE Salinity 34 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 20 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 142g (2) 198g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 85 % General description of SAV beds at station COVERAGE WITH MODERATE DENSITY EELGRASS BEDS. WIDELY SPACED SMALL SPECIMENS OF CODIUM MIXED IN. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ,~ MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS. NO OTHER MARINE LIFE OBSERVED. OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 101 STATION DATA Date 10/5/94 Time 2:45 P.M. Latitude 41' 00.53' Longitude 72' 15.15' Station Description NORTH MIDDLE NORTHWEST CREEK Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 3 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 4.1 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station N/A SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS. BLUE CLAW CRAB. I FOOT LONG OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 102 STATION DATA Date 10/5/94 Latitude 41' 00.25' Time 3:00 P.M. Longitude 72' 15.22' Station Description SOUTH AND MIDDLE NORTHWEST CREEK Salinity 26 ppt Water Temp, 60 Visibility 5 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.9 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = _3_ % General description of SAV beds at station ONE PIECE OF SEA LETTUCE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 103 STATION DATA Date 10/5/94 Time 3:30 P.M. Latitude 41' 00.97' Longitude 72' 14.78' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.2 feet Station Description SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NORTHWEST HARBOR Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 85g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 75 % General description of SAV beds at station BEDS HAVE BEEN ANID ARE BEING RAKED FOR SCALLOPS. OBVIOUS DAMAGE. STRANDS CUT TO UNIFORM LENGTH. DEAD GRASS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MARINA MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BAITFISH. SMALL CRABS. SNAILS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey o Data Sheet STA# 104 STATION DATA Date 10/5/94 Time 4:00 P.M. Latitude 41' 01.73' Longitude 72' 14.63' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.4 feet Station Description EAST SIDE OF NORTHWEST HARBOR 1/2 WAY BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH LIMITS Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 5_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 284g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 80 % General description of SAV beds at station DENSE EELGRASS BEDS SAY SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: Z~Ta~I~,~ MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS. CHOWDER CLAMS. SPIDER CRABS. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 105 STATION DATA Date 10/6/94 Time 10:15 A.M. Latitude 41' 05.69' Longitude 72' 18.95' Station Description SOUTH OF CORNELIUS POINT SHELTER ISLAND 50 YARDS FROM SHORE Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 11 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 8.7 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) - g (2) - g SEDIMENT TYPE ~AND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0 % General description of SAV beds at station N/A SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS. SPIDER CRABS. WHELK. LARGE CLAMS OTHER OBSERVATIONS STRONG CURRENT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 106 STATION DATA Date 10/6/94 Time 11:00A.M. Latitude 41' 05.28' Longitude 72' 18.78' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.3 feet Station Description NORTH OF LITTLE RAM ISLAND SHELTER ISLAND Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 1.__~0 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) - g (2) - g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = I__Q0 % General description of SAV beds at station S(~ATI'ERED PATCHES NEAR SHORE. NONE DEEPER THAN 6' SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS VARIOUS SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 107 STATION DATA Date 10/6/94 Time 11:15AJM/ Latitude 41' 05.08' Longitude 72' 18.05' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.9 feet Station Description NORTH AND EAST OF LI~TLIE RAM ISLAND SHELTER ISLAND 20' FROM SHORE Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 13 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 369g (2) 142g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 20 % General description of SAV beds at station ALL ROCKS COVERED WITH ROCKWEED. SOME 2' LONG. 2 PATCHES OF EELGRASS MODERATELY DENSE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~RINA MACROALGAE: FUCUS SPP.. ASCOPHYLLUM NODOSUM & CERAiVllUI~I SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 108 STATION DATA Date 10/6/94 Time 11~45 A.M. Latitude 41' 04.80' Longitude 72' 16.60' Station Description NORTHWEST OF RAM ISLAND Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 1.__~6 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 9.7 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 113g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY__SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 50 % General description of SAV beds at station MEDIUM DENSITY EELGRASS BEDS. ROCKWEED DISPERSED THROUGHOUT. SOME 18 - 20 INCHES LONG SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MARINA MACROALGAE: FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 109 STATION DATA Date 10/6/94 Time 12:20P.M. Latitude 41' 04.18' Longitude 72' 15.77' Station Description SOUTHEAST OF RAM HEAD SHELTER ISLAND Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 6 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 11.7 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-§ SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 1% General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED. SMALL STANDS OF CODIUM SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAG RASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BIG SPIDER. HERMIT AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 110 STATION DATA Date 10/6/94 Latitude 41' 02.30' Time 1:30 P.M. Longitude 72' 14.76' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 8.7 feet Station Description 100 YARDS SOUTH OF SHORELINE, NORTHEAST CORNER OF NORTHWEST HARBOR. EAST OF CEDAR POINT Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. Visibility 8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 1% General description of SAV beds at station LOOSE WIDELY SCATTERED STRANDS OF (:ODIUM & REDWEED. NO OTHER SAV. DEAD LOOSE STRANDS OF EELGRASS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE & CYSTOCLONIUA4 PURPUREUA4 MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND OTHER SMALL CRABS. I SMALL SCALLOP OTHER OBSERVATIONS STRONG CURRENT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 111 STATION DATA Date 10/6/94 Time 2:00 P.M. Latitude 41' 02.07' Longitude 72' 14.78' Station Description ON SHOAL NORTHERLY AREA OF NORTHWEST HARBOR 1 MILE SOUTH OF CEDAR POINT Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 3.5 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 12.6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ~ ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0 % General description of SAV beds at station DEAD EELGRASS. CODIUM & REDWEED FLOATING SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: NIA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS I SCALLOP. HERMIT AND SPIDER CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 112 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/6/94 Time 2:30 P.M. Water Depth 10.8 feet Latitude 41' 01.61' Longitude 72' 15.22' Station Description EDGE OF CHANNEL DROP-OFF WESTERLY SIDE OF NORTHWEST HARBOR Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-§ SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NO LIVE SAV OBSERVED. DEAD UNROOTED EELGRASS & ROCKWEED FLOATING BY SAY SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND OTHER VARIOUS SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS S RON RRENT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 113 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/6/94 Time 3:00 P.M. Water Depth 5.1) feet Latitude 41' 02.64' Longitude 72' 13.57' Station Description 75 YARDS OFF SHORELINE AT POINT BETWEEN CEDAR POINT MI HAR Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 6.__Q0 Visibility 17 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 255g (2) 709g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 75 % General description of SAV beds at station ROCKWEEID & EELGRASS CODOMINAT WITH FEW INDIVIDUAL SPECIMENS OF CODIUM SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: ZOSTERA A4ARINA CODIUM FRAGILE. FUCUS SPP.. CHORDA FILUA4. POL YSIPHONIA SPP.. SARGASSUM FILIPENDULA & CHONDRIA SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS. COMMON SLIPPER SHELL OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 114 STATION DATA Field Personnel Water Depth Date 10/6/94 Time 3:30 P.M. Latitude 41' 02.55' Longitude 72' 14.68' Station Description 150 YARDS OFFSHORELINE I MILE EAST OF CEDAR POINT Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 17 feet RP & NS 2.8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 482g (2) 454g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 55 % General description of SAV beds at station 80%EELGRASS & 20% CODIUM: FEW SPECIMENS OF ROCKWEED MIXED WITH CODIUM. NO OTHER SAV MIXED WITH SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: (:ODIUM FRAGILE. FUCUS SPP. o CHORDA HLUM. POLYSIPHONIA SPP.. SARASSUA4 HLIPENDULA & CHONRIA SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS (:LAMS. SMALL SCALLOPS. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 115 STATION DATA Date 10/7/94 Time 10:00A.M. Latitude 41' 00.91' Longitude 72' 22.19' Station Description NORTHEAST SIDE OF IESSUP NECK Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 6_1- Visibility 6 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 6.2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1_ % General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATI'ERED STRANDS OF CODIUM. NOT ENOUGH TO SAMPLE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS EGG CASINGS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. WHELK AND WHELK PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 116 STATION DATA Date 10/7/94 Time 10:45 A.M. Latitude 41' 00.89' Longitude 72' 21.40' Station Description WEST OF MIDDLE OF NOYACK BAY Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 4_ feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 25.3 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2) og (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0_ % General description of SAV beds at station N/A SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS ILE A OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 117 STATION DATA Date 10/7/94 Time 11:10 A.M. Latitude 40' 59.98' Longitude 72' 21.71' Station Description SOUTHWEST CORNER OF NOYACK I~AY Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 6_ feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 7.8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 227g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION: 5 % General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAF: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS MUD CRABS. CLAMS. SCALLOP OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 118 STATION DATA Date 10/7/94 Time 11:35 A.M. Latitude 40' 59.78' Longitude 72' 20.94' Station Description WEST OF NOYACK BAY & MILL CREEK Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 6_.[ Visibility 6 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 4.0 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 369g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 75 % General description of SAV beds at station SMALL SPECIMENS OF CODIUM AND REDWEED: PAST 100 YARDS CODIUM ONLY <10% COVERAGE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE & CYSTOCLONIUM PURPUREUM MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 119 STATION DATA Date 10/7/94 Time 12:00P.M. Latitude 40' 59.75' Longitude 72' 19.23' Field Personnel Water Depth Station Description WEST END OF LONG BEACH. 50 YARDS FROM SHORE Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 8 feet RP & NS 8.4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION · 10 % General description of SAV beds at station 10% COVER FROM SHORE TO 150' OFF. AFTER 150' COVER DROPS OFF TO <1% SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 120 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/7/94 Time 12:15 P.M. Water Depth 6.4 feet Latitude 41' 00.11' Longitude 72' 18.89' Station Description SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NOYACK BAY 50 YARDS FROM SHORE Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility I__Q0 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NO LIVING SAV PRESENT SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS WHELK. BAITFISH. HERMIT CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 121 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/7/94 Time 12:45 P.M. Water Depth 4.9 feet Latitude 41'01,03' Longitude 72' 19.42' Station Description MIDDLE OF WEST SIDE OF NORTH HAVEN PENINSULA, NOYACK BAY Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 1503g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 50 % General description of SAV beds at station FROM 3' DEPTH TO 9'. 80% COVER: ROCKWEED & CODIUM PAST THIS RANGE <10% COVER SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE & FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BAITFISH. HERMIT CRABS. SNAILS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 122 STATION DATA Date 10/7/94 Latitude 41' 02.12' Time 2:00 P.M. Longitude 72' 19.73' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 6.3 feet Station Description 50 YARDS OFF SHORELINE 25 YARDS EAST OF GLEASON POINT Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 62 Visibility 8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 2 % General description of SAV beds at station SMALL CODIUM SPECIMENS SCATTERED ABOUT. NOT ENOUGH TO SAMPLE. PERCENTAGE COVERAGE <1% 20' FROM SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N//~ MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS LARGE CLAMS. HERMIT AND MUD CRABS. WHELK WITH EGG CASINGS. IUVENILE TOADFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS UNDEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 123 STATION DATA Date 10/7/94 Time 3:45 P.M. Latitude 40' 59.65' Longitude 72' 18.94' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.4 feet Station Description OUTLET OF PAYNES CREEK DEEP INSIDE SAG HARBOR COVF Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) - § (2) - g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE SANDY MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1% General description of SAV beds at station SAV'S LIMITED TO 10' FROM SHORELINE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: CYSTOCLONIUA4 PURPUREUM MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS. SNAILS. HERMIT AND SPIDER CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE. BEDS CLOSED TO SHELLFISH HARVESTING PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 124 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/7/94 Time 4:10 P.M. Water Depth 5.0 feet Latitude 41' 00.09' Longitude 72' 18.35' Station Description ,50 YARDS OFF SHORELINE NORTHWESTERLY AREA OF SAG HARBOR COVE. MOORING AREA Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 4.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD (3) - § ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NO LIVING SAV OBSERVED. DEAD EELGRASS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: DEAD AND SCATTERED EELGRASS PRESENT MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER CRABS. SCALLOPS (CLOSED BEDS) OTHER OBSERVATIONS HIGHLY DEVELOPED SHORELINE. BEDS CLOSED TO SHELLFISH HARVESTING PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 125 STATION DATA Date 10/7/94 Time 4:25 p.M. Latitude 41' 00.33' Longitude 72' 18.22' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet Station Description 50 - 100' OFF SHORELINE NORTHERLY SIDE OF BRUSH NECK - SOUTHEASTERLY AREA OF SAG HARBOR COVE Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 6~1 Visibility 4_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) - g (2) - g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE SANDY MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1% General description of SAV beds at station NO LIVING SAV OBSERVED EXCEPT SMALL & WIDELY SCATTERED PATCHES OF BRUSHY REDWEED MOSTLY ON SCALLOPS & SMALL PEBBLES - VERY SMALL SPECIMENS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CYSTOCLONIUA,I PURPUREUA4 MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER CRABS. SCALLOPS (CLOSED BEDS). SNAILS BY SHORELINE OTHER OBSERVATIONS HIGHLY DEVELOPED SHORELINE (CONDOS) OUTSIDE OF ENTRANCE TO MARINA (500 YARDS TO SOUTHEAST). BEID~ CLOSED TO SHELLFISH HARVESTING PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 126 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/7/94 Time 4:40 P.M. Water Depth 3.2 feet Latitude 41' 00.17' Longitude 72' 17.80' Station Description $0 YARDS OFF SHORLINE NORTHERLY AREA OF SAG HARBOR Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION General description of SAV beds at station ~ SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS VARIOUS SMALL CRABS. SCALLOPS OTHER OBSERVATIONS ROADWAY ALONG SHORELINE 200' WIDE BARRIER OF TREES. SHRUBS & WETLANDS (50' DEPTH1. GENERAL DEBRIS IN WATER ALONG SHORI~LINE. BEDS CLOSED TO SHELLFISH HARVESTING PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 127 STATION DATA Date 10/10/94 Latitude 41' 07.92~ Time 11:35 A.M. Longitude 72' 19.53~ Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 6.0 feet Station Description NORTHWEST AREA OF ORIENT HARBOR 150' OFF ROCK IETTY SUPPORTING ROADWAY Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WETWEIGHT: (1) 113g (2)-§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 10 % General description of SAV beds at station EELGRASS ABUNDANT CLOSER TO SHORE MAKING UP 20% COVERAGE. COVERAGE DROPS TO 5%. ALL CODIUM. 100' OFFSHORE: EELGRASS BEDS LIGHT DENSITY SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MARINA MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE. CYSTOCLONIUM PURPUREUM MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS KNOBBED WHELK. SPIDER CRABS. SCALLOPS. IUVENILE TOADFISH. ROCK CRAB. OYSTER ¢SCA~I'ERED) OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 128 STATION DATA Date 10/10/94 Time 12:30 P.M. Latitude 41' 08.40' Longitude 72' 18.77' Field Personnel ~ Water Depth 8.0 feet Station Description 100' OFF BEACH-WEST OF LARGE PIER IN ORIENT HARBOR Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility _8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 215 g (2) - g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 85 % General description of SAV beds at station EELGRASS DOMINATES STATION COMPROMISING UP TO 90% OF SPECIMENS. SAV'S DROP OFF AT A DEPTH OF 9'. CODIUM AND SEA OAK ALSO OBSERVED. EELGRASS BEDS MODERATE. DROPS TO SCATTERED BEDS AT 9' SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~ MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE. PHYCODRYS RUBENS MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HERMIT CRABS. SCALLOPS. FLOUNDER. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS THICK CLUMPS OF EELGRASS WASHED UP ON SHORE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 129 STATION DATA Field Personnel GGo RP & NS Date 10/10/94 Time 1:10P. M. Water Depth 10.0 feet Latitude 41' 07.41' Longitude 72' 19.23' Station Description OPEN WATER MIDDLE AREA OF ORIENT HARBOR ON SHOAL AREA Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 62 Visibility _6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NO LIVING SAV OBSERVED SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. WHELK WITH EGG CASINGS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEAD SAV ON BOTTOM PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 130 STATION DATA Field Personnel Date 10/10/94 Time 2:02 P.M. Water Depth 5.0 feet Latitude 41' 07.34' Longitude 72' 18.34' Station Description 300' WEST OF SHORE NEAR MOUTH OF HALLOCK BAY. IN ORIENT HARBOR fEAST SIDE) Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 62 Visibility 3 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 85g (2) 14g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 80 % General description of SAV beds at station MODERATE THICKNESS OF EELGRASS, COMPLETE COVERAGE THROUGHOUT AREA. FEW OPEN SAND PATCHES SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: Z TERA MAR1 · MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS. BAITFISH. SMALL FLOUNDERS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 131 STATION DATA Date 10/10/94 Time 2:50 P.M. Latitude 41' 08.03' Longitude 72' 16,78' Station Description HALLOCK BAY, NORTH SIDE. 500' FROM SHORF Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 6._~3 Visibility 5 feet Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 5.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 295g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 7 % General description of SAV beds at station PATCHES OF EELGRASS AND CODIUM. MOSTLY CODIUM. SCATTERED PATCHES OF LIGHT EELGRASS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~ MACROALGAE: C~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BRI1TLE STAR. FLOUNDERS. LOTS OF LARGE SCALLOPS. SPIDER CRAB~ OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 132 STATION DATA Field Personnel Date 10/10/94 Time 3:15 P.M. Water Depth 6.5 feet Latitude 41' 8.25' Longitude Station Description HALLOCK BAY. SOUTH SIDE. NEAR MOUTH OF LITTLE BAY. Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 133g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 10 % General description of SAV beds at station NO EELGRASS. ONLY CODIUM. SMALL AMOUNT OF BROWN ALGAE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: CODIU64 FRAGILE. STIIOPHORA RHIZODES MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SEA HORSE. OYSTER. SCALLOPS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 133 STATION DATA Date 10/10/94 Time 3:50 P.M. Latitude 41' 07.77' Longitude 72' 16.27' Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 5.0 feet Station Description HALLOCKS BAY. WEST SIDE. 500' FROM SOUTH SHORE OF BAY Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 99g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 50 % General description of SAV beds at station LOW DENSITY EELGRASS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA A4,4RINA MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER CRAB. HARD SHELL CLAMS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 134 STATION DATA Date 10/12/94 Time 8:56 A.M. Latitude 41' 07.63' Longitude 72' 16.12' Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 11.0 feet Station Description BENS POINT- ORIENT. 150' FROM SHORE OFF ORIENT BEACH Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 57 Visibility 10 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION: 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NONE PRESENT ROCKY BOTTOM ALONG SHORE. SANDY 20' OFF SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 135 STATION DATA Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Date 10/12/94 Time 9:25 A.M, Water Depth 7.0 feet Latitude 41' 06.92' Longitude 72' 17.11' Station Description ORIENT SPIT - WEST END. 300' OFF OUTSIDE BEACH IBRICK RUINS ON SHORE) Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 12 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 1~4 g (2) 227 g (3) 241 g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 60 % General description of SAV beds at station 2' TO 7' DEPTH BEDS OF EELGRASS. MODERATE DENSITY HEALTHY GREEN PATCHES EXTENDING APPROXIMATELY 500' FROM OLD FOUNDATION WEST SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MARINA MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS YOUNG SCALLOPS, HERMIT AND SPIDER CRABS. SNAILS. LOBSTER OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 136 STATION DATA Date 10/12/94 Time 10:00A.M. Latitude 41' 06.80' Longitude 72' 17.58' Field Personnel ~ Water Depth 8.0 feet Station Description NORTH SIDE OF ORIENT SPIT - WEST END. 100' FROM SHORE Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY_.SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NO SAV PRESENT SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 137 STATION DATA Date 10//12/94 Latitude 41' 07.09' Time 10:30 A.M. Longitude 72' 19.80' Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 5.0 feet Station Description 300' OFF SHORE. WEST PART OF ORIENT HARBOR Salinity 31.5 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 7~ g (2) - g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND (3) - g ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 75 % General description of SAV beds at station MODERATE THICKNESS/PATCHES OF EELGRASS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MARINA MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLO~ OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 138 STATION DATA Date 10/12/94 Time t0:50A.M, Latitude 41' 06.40' Longitude 72' 20.61' Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 5.0 feet Station Description EAST OF GREENPORT ROCK IETTY - 1000'. 500' OFF SHORE Salinity 31.5 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 4.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 213g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 75 % General description of SAV beds at station BI~DS OF EELGRASS EXTENDING TO SHORELINE. SHOWS UP WELL ON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MARINA MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOP. MUD CRAB OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 139 STATION DATA Date 10/12/94 Latitude 41' 05.12' Time 11:35 A.M. Longitude 72' 20.62' Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet Station Description DERING HARBOR - INSIDE AT MOUTH OF GARDINERS CREEK Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 5_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1.__Q0 % General description of SAV beds at station CODIUM BEDS SCATTERED ALONG SHALLOWS. FEW ROCKWEED SPECIMENS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE. FUCUS SPP. & MISCELLANEOUS BROWN ALGAE (PHAEOPHYCEAE) MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 140 STATION DATA Date 10/12/94 Time 12:25 P.M. Latitude 41' 05.56' Longitude 72' 21.50' Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet Station Description 150' OFF SHORELINE EAST OF FANNING POINT Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 1% General description of SAV beds at station SCATTERED BROWN ALGAE CLUMPS. NOT ENOUGH TO SAMPLE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HERMIT. SPIDER & MUD CRABS. WHELK OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 141 STATION DATA Date 10/12/94 Time 12:40P.M. Latitude 41' 05.26~ Longitude 72' 22.48' Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 4.0 feet Station Description 100 YARDS OFF SHORELINE. NORTH END OF PIPES COVE Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 5__~9 Visibility 3 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0 % General description of SAV beds at station DEAD EELGRASS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS 20' WIDE BAND OF BRYOZOANS ALONG SHORE. WHELK. HARD SHELL CLAMS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 142 STATION DATA Date 10/12/94 Time 1:00P.M. Latitude 41' 04.68' Longitude 72' 22.21' Station Description 50 YARDS OFF SHORELINE EAST SIDE OF CONKUN POINT Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 6 feet Field Personnel GGo RP & NS Water Depth 5.0 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1% General description of SAV beds at station SPARSE PATCHES OF RED ALGAE WITH BRYOZOANS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: GRACILARIA TIKVAHIAE MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A BRYOZOANS. WHELKS. SPIDER CRABS. NO PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 143 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/13/94 Time 9:05 A.M. Water Depth 6.7 feet Latitude 40' 57.47' Longitude 72' 23.63' Station Description 1/2 WAY BETWEEN WOOLEY POND & ROSE GROVE. 1000' OFF SHORELINE Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 513 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION: O % General description of SAV beds at station N B VE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SHRIMP (SMALL). HERMIT CRABS. TUBE WORMS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED BEACH FRONT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 144 STATION DATA Date 10/13/94 Latitude 40' 57.97' Time 9:55 Longitude 72' 23.78' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.7. feet Station Description EAST SIDE OFF ROSE GROVE. 1000' OF SHORELINE Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 6.$ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1% General description of SAV beds at station ONE SMALL SPECIMEN OF CODIUM OBSERVED. NOT ENOUGH TO SAMPLE. CLOSER TO SHORELINE (5' - 25' OFF SHORELINE) CODIUM INCREASES TO 5 - 10% COVERAGE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS WHELK. HERMIT AND MUD CRABS. TUBE WORMS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 14~ STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/13/94 Time 10:15 A.M. Water Depth 6,5 feet Latitude 40' 59.73' Longitude 72' 22.30' Station Description 100' OFF SHORELINE OPPOSITE BLUFFS. S/E CORNER OFF. LITTLE PECONIC BAY. SOUTH OF IESSUP NECK Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 1729 g (2) 1379 g (3) 1786 g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 10 % General description of SAV beds at station COVERAGE DROPS TO 0% 500' OFF SHORELINE. STEADY DECREASE FROM 50' - 500' OFFSHORE. 10% COVERAGE OF CODIUM IS LIMITED TO 5' - 50' OFFSHORE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE & FUCUS SPP. ~1% OF SPECIMENS) MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS LOTS OF VARIOUS SMALL & HERMIT CRABS. BAITFISH iON SURFACE). WHELK & EGG CASINGS. MUD CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS BLUFF OVER BEACH PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 146 STATION DATA Date 10/13/94 Time 10:40 A.M. Latitude 41" 00.13' Longitude 72' 22.28' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 6,3 feet Station Description 10{)' OFF BEACH WEST SIDE OF IESSUP NECK OFF LOW AREA Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)og (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0 % General description of SAV beds at station N/A SAY SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS VARIOUS SMALL CRABS INCLUDING HERMITS. SCATTERED BRYOZOANS OTHER OBSERVATIONS LOWLAND AREA NEAR IESSUP POINT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 147 STATION DATA Date 10/13/94 Time 10:55 A.M. Latitude 41' 00.82' Longitude 72' 22.26' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.2 feet Station Description 100' OFF BEACH WEST SIDE OF IESSUP NECK lUST SOUTH OF TIP Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 5.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 1928 g (2) 1786 g (3) 2070 g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 50 % General description of SAV beds at station CODIUM & FUCUS CODOMINANT. SEVERAL DENSE PATCHES MIXED WITH BARE AREAS VERY HEALTHY LOOKING BEDS. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/~ MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE & FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BRYOZOANS ON ROCKS ALONG SHORELINE. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS UNDEVELOPED SHORELINE. 2 FISH TRAPS WITHIN 1000' OF STATION PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 148 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/13/94 Time 1:00 P.M. Water Depth 12.0 feet Latitude 41' 04.27' Longitude 72' 22.43' Station Description NORTH SIDE SHELTER ISLAND OPPOSITE CONKLIN POINT. 50! Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 7_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NONE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HERMIT CRABS, WHELK EGG CASINGS, HORSESHOE CRABS. BRYOZOANS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 149 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/13/94 Time 1:45P. M. Water Depth 7.4 feet Latitude 41' 03.90' Longitude 72' 22.82' Station Description SHELTER ISLAND WEST SHORE. WEST OF WINDMILL, 500' FROM SHORE Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 7 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION - 1% General description of SAV beds at station ONE SPECIMEN OF CODIUM OTHERWI~;E NO SAV SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS LOTS OF WHELK EGG CASINGS. HERMIT CRABS. 1 FLOUNDER OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 150 STATION DATA Field Personne~ RP & NS Date 10/13/94 Time 2;05 P.M. Water Depth 6.1 feet Latitude 41' 02.51' Longitude 72' 21.44' Station Description SHELTER ISLAND SOUTHWEST SHORE. EAST OF BLACK DOG ROCK. 1000' FROM SHORE Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station 20' FROM SHORE APPROXIMATELY 5% COVER CODIUM. PAST 4' DEPTH NO SAV SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. WHELK EGG CASINGS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 151 STATION DATA Date t0/13/94 Time 2:35 P.M. Latitude 41' 02.28~ Longitude 72' 22.95~ Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 8.4 feet Station Description GREAT HOG NECK° EAST SHORE BETWEEN CEDAR BEACH PT. AND PARADISE PT. Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NONE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS WHELK. WHELK EGG CASINGS. HERMIT CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 152 STATION DATA Date 10/13/94 Time 3:00 P.M. Latitude 41' 02.80' Longitude 72' 23.19' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 4.5 feet Station Description SOUTHWEST SOUTHOLD BAY WEST OF PARADISE PT. Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 213§ (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 5 % General description of SAV beds at station CODIUM DROPS TO 0% AT 10' DEPTH. SEVERAL SPECIMENS LARGE. SAMPLE TAKEN WAS TYPICAL OF OVERALL COVERAGE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. WHELK. SMALL SHRIMP OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 153 STATION DATA Date 10/14/94 Latitude 41' 00.81' Time 11:00 P.M. Longitude 72' 26.45' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth ~.1 feet Station Description LITTLE HOG NECK EAST SIDE OPPOSITE BROADWATER COVE Salinity 30.5 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility _3 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) og (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1% General description of SAV beds at station 1% COVER CODIUM UP TO 20 FT OFF SHORE DROPPING TO 0% DEEPER THAN 4' SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HERMIT AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 154 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/14/94 Time 11:15 A.M. Water Depth 6.1 feet Latitude 41' 01.52' Longitude 72' 26.07' Station Description HOG NECK BAY NORTH WEST CORNER SOUTH OF INDIAN NECK Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NONE. BEACH FRONT HAS APPROX. 1% COVER OF CODIUM. DROPS OFF AT 5' ~ SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 155 STATION DATA Date 10/14/94 Time 11:30 A.M. Latitude 41' 01.83' Longitude 72' 26.09' Station Description INSIDE RICHMOND CREEK Salinity 25 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 4 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 284 g (2) - g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100oFOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 35 % General description of SAV beds at station SEA LEITUCE DOMINANT: KNOTTI~D WRACK FRINGING EDGE OF REED LINE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ULVA LACTUCA. ASCOPHYLLUM NODOSUA4 MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS MUSSELS. SNAILS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 156 STATION DATA Date 10/14/94 Time 11;45A.M. Latitude 41' 01.90' Longitude Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.9 feet Station Description DROP OFF OUTSIDE RICHMOND CREEK. 30' FROM SHORE AT INDIAN NECK Salinity 30.5 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 879g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 10 % General description of SAV beds at station COVER ON SLOPES OF DROP OFF ONLY SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HERMIT CRABS. SNAILS OTHER OBSERVATIONS LOTS OF HUMAN DEBRIS IN DROPOFF PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 157 STATION DATA Date 10/14/94 Latitude 41' 01.96' Time 12:15 P.M. Longitude 72' 24~99' Field Personnel Rp & NS Water Depth 3.9 feet Station Description INSIDE EAST CORNER OF COREY CREEK, GREAT HOG NECK Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 2_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NONE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS. HERMIT AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 158 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/14/94 Time 4:10 P.M. Water Depth 2.8 feet Latitude 41' 02.99' Longitude 72' 23.92' Station Description 50 YDS OFFSHORE SOUTHWESTERLY AREA OF SOUTHOLD BAY. SOUTH OF ENTRANCE TO GOOSE CREEK Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 6~1 Visibility 5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 411 g (2) 496§ (3)-§ SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 5 % General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED PATCHES OF CODIUM COVERAGE DROPS TO 0% AT 4' DEPTH SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: C~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BRYOZOANS. SNAILS. HERMIT AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED BEACH FRONT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 159 STATION DATA Date 10/14/94 Time 4:30 P.M. Latitude 41' 03.442 Longitude 72' 24.80~ Station Description 100'' OFF SHORELINE AT HARPERS PT. INSIDE TOWN CREEK Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 62 Visibility 3 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.0 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 177 § SEDIMENT TYPE SAND (2)-g (3)-g ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 2 % General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED CODIUM WITH FEW CLUMPS OF SEA LETTUCE OBSERVED. COVERAGE DROPS TO 0% INSIDE MOUTH OF CREEK SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ULVA LACTUCA. CODIUA4 FRAGILE. EUTHORA CRISTATA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 160 STATION DATA Date 10/14/94 Time 4:45 P.M. Latitude 41' 03.45' Longitude 72' 24.31' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 10.5 feet Station Description 200 YDS. OFF SHORE lUST EAST OF MOUTH OF TOWN CREEK Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 6,5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SANDY MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1% General description of SAV beds at station VERY WIDELY SCATTERED CODIUM AND LETTUCE~ VERY SMALL SPECIMENS. NO ROOTED SAV SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ULVA LACTUCA. COD/UA4 FRAGILE MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS TOADFISH. SNAILS. SPIDER. HERMIT AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 161 STATION DATA Date 10/14/94 Time 5:10 p.M. Latitude 41' 04.12' Longitude 72' 23.70' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 7.3 feet Station Description 1/4 MILE OFF SHORELINE SOUTH OF BEIXIDON ESTATES salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 7.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION - 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NO SAV OBSERVED SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS. SPIDER. HERMIT. HORSESHOE AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS STRONG CURRENT. DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 162 STATION DATA Date 10/14/94 Latitude 41 ° 04.48' Time 5:30 P.M. Longitude 72' 23.22' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 12.7 feet Station Description 75 YDS. OFF SHORELINE WEST OF CONKLIN PT. WEST OF FISH TRAP Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 7.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) - g (2) - g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NO SAV SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE WITH HIGH SEAWALL PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 163 STATION DATA Date 10/14/94 Time 5:50 P~M. Latitude 41' 04.38' Longitude 72' 23.54' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.6 feet Station Description 50 YDS. OFF SHORELINE SOUTH OF STACK MARKED ON CHARTS EAST OF MILL CREEK Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 291 g (2) 340§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 60 % General description of SAV beds at station MIX BEDS OF (75%) EELGRASS. (25%) CODIUM WITH EELGRASS DOMINANT. COVERAGE DROPS TO 0% AT 6 TO 7' DEPTH NEAR DROPOFF. SAV BEDS DAMAGED BY SCALLOP RAKES. PERCENTAGE OF CODIUM INCREASES CLOSER TO SHORELINE. OVERALL BED DENSITIES ARE LIGHT. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~E~G~ASS MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS. BRITTLE STARS, SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS ENTRANCE TO MARINA MOIDERATELY DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 164 STATION DATA Field Personnel Water Depth Date 10/17/94 Time 9:35A.M. Latitude 41' 01.68' Longitude 72' 24.70' RP & NS 9.0 feet Station Description 500' OFF SHORELINE NORTHEASTERLY SIDE OF HOG NECK BAY, WESTERLY OFF CEDAR BEACH FT. Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 57 Visibility 4.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = _1. % General description of SAV beds at station 2 VERY SMALL PIECES OF SEA LETTUCE OBSERVED. OTHERWISE NO SAV SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N//~ MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER. HERMIT AND OTHER SMALL CRABS. SHELLS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED BEACH FRONT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 165 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/17/94 Time 10:30 A.M. Water Depth 9.9 feet Latitude 41' 00.85' Longitude 72' 23,89' Station Description OPEN WATER BETWEEN NASSAU PT AND CEDAR PT. lUST INSIDE HOG NECK BAY Salinity 3__~1 ppt Water Temp. 5._~7 Visibility 6,5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 1% General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED SMALL SPECIMENS OF LACY REDWEED. NO OTHER SAV PRESENT SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: EUTHORA CRISTATA MARINE LIFE OBSERYATIONS HERMIT CRABS. WHELKS. BRYOZOANS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 166 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/17/94 Time 11:10 A.M. Water Depth 7.0 feet Latitude 41' 01.36' Longitude 72' 23.54' Station Description 3/4 MILE OFF SHORELINE SOUTHWEST OF CEDAR BEACH PT. ON SHOAL Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 6.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 1_ % General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED SMALL SPECIMENS OF CODIUM AND LACY REDWEED. NOT ENOUGH TO SAMPLE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: C. ODIUM FRAGILE. EUTHORA CRISTATA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HI~RMIT AND OTHER SMALL CRABS. WHELK OTHER OBSERVATIONS DI~VELOPED SHORELINE: UNDULATING BOTTOM WITH 2' HIGH SAND RIDGES PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 167 STATION DATA Date 10/17/94 Latitude 41 ° 01.61~ Time 11:33 A.M. Longitude 72' 23.50~ Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 6.1 feet Station Description 100~ OFF BEACH ON NORTHEASTERLY SIDE OF HOG NECK BAY SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF CEDAR BEACH PT. Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 6.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 773 g (2) 652g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 20 % General description of SAV beds at station CODIUM COVERAGE CONTINUES FROM 7' DEPTH TO SHORELINE. WEIGHED SPECIMEN IS TYPICAL OF STATION. WIDELY SCATTERED SPECIMENS OF SEA LETTUCE OBSERVED. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE. ULVA LACTUCA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS WHELK AND EGG CASINGS, HERMIT AND OTHER OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 168 STATION DATA Date 10/17/94 Time 11:50A.M. Latitude 41' 01.95' Longitude 72' 22.87' Station Description INSIDE CEDAR BEACH PT. SALT MARSH Salinity 31.5 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 6.5 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.7 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 99g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAY COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1% General description of SAV beds at station KNOTTED WRACK AND SEA LETTUCE FRINGE THE REED LINE. FRINGING LINE IS WIDELY SCATTERED AND RANGES FROM 3' WIDE TO 10' WIDE. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ULVA LACTUCA. ASCOPHYLLUA, f NODOSUA4 MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS OTHER OBSERVATIONS NORTHERLY SHORELINE IS DEVELOPED PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 169 STATION DATA Date 10/17/94 Time 3:30 P.M. Latitude 41 ° 03.65' Longitude 72' 21.48' Station Description MIDDLE OF WEST NECK BAY SHELTER ISLAND Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 2 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 12.4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NONE-FRINGING REEDLINE CONTAINED TYPICAL SAMPLES OF KNOTTED WRACK SIMILAR TO OTHER EMBAYMENTS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. WHELK. IUVENILE TOADFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 170 STATION DATA Date 10/17/94 Time 2:15 P.M. Latitude 41' 03.20' Longitude 72' 21.10' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.7 feet Station Description HALF WAY BETWEEN WEST NECK BAY AND WEST NECK HARBOR. SHELTER ISLAND Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 3_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE N D_~_~D_~___~LU_~ ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station bLO39~b~ SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS IUVENILE TOADFISH. SCALLOPS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 171 STATION DATA Date 10/17/94 Time 2:45 P.M. Latitude 41' 02.38' Longitude 72' 20.44' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 7.5 feet Station Description SOUTH END OF WEST NECK HARBOR SHELTER ISLAND NORTH SIDE OF SHELL BEACH Salinity 31.5 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NONE OBSERVI~I~ SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. WHELK. SMALL SCALLOPS. UNIDENTIFIED INVERTEBRATES OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 172 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/17/94 Time 3:10 P.M. Water Depth 5.3 feet Latitude 41' 02.82' Longitude 72' 20.21' Station Description MIDDLE OF ENTRANCE TO WEST NECK HARBOR EAST OF #4 BOUY. SHELTER ISLAND Salinity 31.5 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 255g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 1% General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED CODIUM SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: C~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. SCALLOPS. CLAMS. pIPE FISH. FLOUNDER. SHRIMP. MUD CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 17~ STATION DATA Date 10/17/94 Time 3:30 P.M. Latitude 41 ° 03.31' Longitude 72' 20.25' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.~ feet Station Description MIDDLE OF MENANTIC CREEKm SHELTER ISLAND Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- O % General description of SAV beds at station NONE. KNOTTED WRACK ON FRINGES OF REEDS ONLY SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAILS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 174 STATION DATA Date 10/20/94 Time 9:30 A.M. Latitude 41' 08.30' Longitude 72' 14.72' Field Personnel Rp & NS Water Depth 13.2 feet Station Description NORTHERN GARDINERS BAY. EAST OF ORIENT BEACH 1/4 MILE FROM SHORE Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 15 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station ~L~LL(~C~ SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BI(~ HERMIT AND SPIDER CRABS. SMALL SCALLOPS. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 175 STATION DATA Date 10/20/94 Time 10:00A,M. Latitude 41' 08.35' Longitude 72' 14.82' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.7 feet Station Description NORTHERN GARDINERS BAY. EAST OF ORIENT BEACH 50' FROM SHORE Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 10 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 99g (2) 269g (3) 936g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION: 30 % General description of SAV beds at station 2 PATCHES EXCLUSIVELY EELGRASS 100 SO. FT. TOTAL. FROM 7' DEPTH TO BEACH ROCKWEED DOMINANT MACROALGAE IN SEPARATE BEDS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: EELGRASS MACROALGAE: FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER. MUD. HERMIT AND OTHER SMALL CRABS. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 176 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/20/94 Time 11:00A.M. Water Depth 19.3 feet Latitude 41' 06.15' Longitude 72' 15.41' Station Description NORTH AND EAST OF RED AND WHITE "N" BOUY IN WESTERN GARDINERS BAY Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 5_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION General description of SAV beds at station NLO~tLO~L~2 SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDE~R, HERMIT. AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 177 STATION DATA Date 10/20/94 Time 11:30 A.M. Latitude 41' 05.11~ Longitude 72' 16.69~ Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 14.3 feet Station Description WESTERN GARDINERS BAY NORTH OF RAM ISLAND 1.5 MILES FROM SHORE Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility _7 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2) og (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV bedS at station NONE OBSERVED SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. SKATE OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 178 STATION DATA Field Personnel Water Depth Date 10/20/94 Time Latitude 41' 05.68' Longitude 72' 18.07' RP & NS 1~.5 feet Station Description WESTERN GARDINERS BAY SOUTHEAST OF CORNELIUS PT.. SHELTER ISLAND 2 MILE FROM SHORE Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 0 % General description of SAV beds at station DEAD LOOSE EELGRASS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BIG CLAMS. DEAD SPIDER CRABS. A FEW HERMIT CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 179 STATION DATA Date 10/20/94 Time 1:25 p.M. Latitude 41' 06.08' Longitude 72' 19.23' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.0 feet Station Description SHALLOW WATER BETWEEN CORNELIUS PT AND HAY 8EACH PT. SHELTER ISLAND Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 11 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 269 g (2) :~48 g (3) 680 g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100oFOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 90 % General description of SAV beds at station BEDS EXTEND FROM BEACH TO 8' DEPTH SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: EELGRASS MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE. FUCU$ Spp, MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCALLOPS. LOBSTERS. BAITFISH. HERMIT. SPIDER. MUD AND OTHER SMALL CRABS. WHELK OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 180 STATION DATA Date 10/20/94 Time 1:55 P.M. Latitude 41' 06.19' Longitude 72' 18.91' Station Description 1 M|LE OFF BEACH FROM STATION Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 11 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 8.4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 90 % General description of SAV beds at station EXCLUSIVELY EELGRASS. BEDS EXTEND FROM BEACH TO 8' DEPTH SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: EELGRASS MACROALGAE: MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SCA[LOPS. LOBSTERS. BAITFISH. HERMIT. SPIDER. MUD AND OTHER SMALL CRABS. WHELK OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 181 STATION DATA Date 10/20/94 Latitude 41 ° 02.65' Time 3:00 P.M. Longitude 72' 25.22' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet Station Description INSIDE GOOSE CREEK WESTERLY SIDE OF SOUTHOLD BAY Salinity 30 ppt Water Temp. 62 Visibility 4,5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 2 % General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED SAV ALONG REEDLINE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ULVA LACTUCA. ASCOPHYLLUM NODOSUM MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAIL. MUD CRABS. BRYOZOANS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE THROUGHOUT CREEK PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 182 STATION DATA Date 10/21/94 Time 11:05 A.M. Latitude 41' 04.12' Longitude 71' 55.17' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 4.2 feet Station Description 100' OFF SHORELINE NORTHERLY AREA OF LAKE MONTAUK Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 3.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 567 g (2) 454 g (3) 312 g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION: 90 % General description of SAV beds at station EELGRASS BED MIXED WITH 5% COI~IUM. SAV INTO 8' DEPTH SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: EELGRASS MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAIL. BLUE CLAW CRABS. CLAMS. BAITFISH: MUD. HERMIT AND SPIDER CRABS. IUVENILE FLOUNDER AND SEA ROBINS. WHELK. SMALL SCALLOPS. SHRIMP OTHER OBSERVATIONS EELGRASS ON BEACH. DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 183 STATION DATA Date 10/21/94 Latitude 41 ° 03.67~ Time 12:00 P.M. Longitude 71' 55.10~ Station Description MIDDLE OF LAKE MONTAUK Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 3.5 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 9.6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 340g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 80 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: EELGRASS MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SNAIL. BLUE CLAW CRABS. CLAMS. BAITFISH. MUD. HERMIT AND SPIDER CRABS. IUVENILE FLOUNDER AND SEA ROBINS. WHELK. SMALL SCALLOPS. SHRIMP OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 184 STATION DATA Date 10/21/94 Time 12:20PM. Latitude 41' 03.60' Longitude 71' 54.53' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 7.8 feet Station Description 100' OFF SHORELINE. EASTERLY AREA OF LAKE MONTAUK Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 5.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 695g (2)-§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 55 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV BED EXCLUSIVELY CODIUM. EXTENDS FROM SHORELINE TO 9' DEPTH SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: C~.~a~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BLUE CLAWS. SCALLOPS. SHRIMP. HERMIT CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE WITH REEDS ALONG MOST PROPERTY LINES. EELGRASS ON BEACH PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 1 ~5 STATION DATA Date 10/21/94 Time 12:46 P.M. Latitude 41' 02.93' Longitude 71 ° 54.87' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 7.0 feet Station Description 100' OFF SHORELINE SOUTHWESTERLY AREA OF LAKE MONTAUK Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 7 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 1148§ (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 60 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV BEDS EXTEND FROM SHORELINE TO 7' DEPTH SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SHRIMP. SCALLOPS. OYSTERS. CLAMS. SNAILS. BAITFISH. BLUE CLAWS. BRYOZOANS. SPIDER AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE. SCATTERED ROCKS ON BOTTOM PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 186 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/21/94 Time 1:15 P.M. Water Depth 6.7 feet Latitude 41' 03.67' Longitude 71' 55.66' Station Description :~O0' OFF SHORELINE NORTHWESTERLY AREA OF LAKE MONTAUK Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 61 Visibility 3.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 213 g (2) 227 g (3) g SEDIMENT TYPE MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 90 % General description of SAV beds at station MIXED BED. PRIMARILY EELGRASS WITH 5% (:ODIUM TO 8' DEPTH. CODIUM DOMINATES DEEPER WATER. NO EELGRASS BELOW 9' SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: EELGR~S MACROALGAE: ~ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A SCALLOP SEEDS. MUD CRABS. CLAMS. BLUE CLAWS. PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 187 STATION DATA Date 10/21/94 Time 2:45 P.M. Latitude 41 ° 04.97' Longitude 71' 54.72' Field Personnel Rp & NS Water Depth 5.9 feet Station Description EAST OF MONTAUK BREAKWATER. WEST OF SHAGWONG PT. 5(1' FROM SHORE Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 255§ (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 50 % General description of SAV beds at station RED ALGAE ATTACHED TO ROCKS. GREEN ALGAE ATTACHED TO SAND SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAG RASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: DASYA PEDICELLATA. ENTEROMORPHA LINZA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BAITFISH0 SPIDER CRABS. ROCK CRAB. KRILL OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 188 STATION DATA Date 10/21/94 Time 3:30 P.M. Latitude 41' 04.50' Longitude 71' 57.60' Station Description EAST OF CULLODEN PT. 75' FROM SHORE Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp~ 59 Visibility 5 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 4.9 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 284g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION: 60 % General description of SAV beds at station MIXED SAV BEDS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: N/A AHNFELTIA PLICATA WITH EPIPHYTIC SPERA4OTHAMNION SPP.. CHAETOA'IORPHA LINUM. LAA41NARIA SACCHARINA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SMALL LOBSTERS. SPIDER. ROCK. HERMIT AND MUD CRABS. BAITFISH. LITTLE EELS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 189 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 10:00 A.M. Latitude 41' 05.46' Longitude 72' 04.50' Station Description GARDINERS ISLAND NORTHEAST SIDE SOUTH OF EASTERN PLAIN PT.. 50' FROM SHORE. TOBACCO LOT BAY Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility Z feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 269 g (2) 184 g (3) 241 g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 85 % General description of SAV beds at station EELGRASS DOMINANT. ROCKWEED ON ROCKS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: EELGRASS MACROALGAE: FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS LOBSTERS. SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. BABY ALL P B ITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 190 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 11:00 A.M. Latitude 41' 06.15' Longitude 72' 05.29' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 4.4 feet Station Description NORTHEAST GARDINERS ISLAND NORTH AND WEST OF EASTERN PLAINS PT. Salinity 32.5 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 15 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV ON ROCKS ONLY OTHERWISE BARE SANDY BOTTOM SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CHONDRUS CRISPUS MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 191 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 11:15A.M. Latitude 41' 06.58' Longitude 72' 06.72' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 3.0 feet Station Description NORTHEAST GARDINERS ISLAND SOUTH OF BOSTWICK PT. Salinity 32.5 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 4 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 184g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN tOO-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 50 % General description of SAV beds at station REID SEAWEEDS FIXED ONLY TO ROCKS. SAV COVERAGE DROPS TO 0% AFTER 5' DEEP SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: ACROTHRIX NOVAE-ANGLIAE: CERAMIUM SPP.: DASYA PEDICELLATA: ENTEROMORPHA LINZA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HERMIT AND SPIDER CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 192 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 11;45A.M. Latitude 41' 08.49' Longitude 72' 08.48' Station Description EAST OF GARDINERS PT.. THE RUINS Salinity 32.5 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 8 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 10.2 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 4~5g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ~AND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 80 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV ALL FIXED TO ROCKS SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: NIA MACROALGAE: CHONDRUS CRISPUS. LAMINARIA SACCHARINA MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SMALL FISH. HERMIT AND SPIDER AND OTHER SMALL CRABS. CLAM WORM (NEREIS SPP.) OTHER OBSERVATIONS NtA PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 193 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 12:15 P.M. Latitude 41' 05.46' Longitude 72' 08.14' Station Description SOUTH OF CHERRY HILL PT.. GARDINERS ISLAND Salinity 32.5 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 11 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 7.._.~6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ O % General description of SAV beds at station NO SAV OBSERVED AT STATION. UNIDENTIFIED RED SEAWEED FIXED TO ROCKS ELSEWHERE PLUS I SPECIMEN CODIUM SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. SMALL FISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 194 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 12:40 P.M. Latitude 41' 04.60' Longitude 72' 09.53' Station Description CROW SHOAL. GARDINERS BAY Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 6 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 13.:~ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) og (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION General description of SAV beds at station ~LO39~b~J~L~ SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BIG SPIDER CRABS. WHELK. BABY SCALLOPS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 195 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 1:00 P.M. Latitude 41' 01.98' Longitude 72' 12.15' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 4.~4 feet Station Description NORTH OF SAMMY'S BEACH WEST OF 3 MILE HARBOR Salinity 31.5 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 1.__Q0 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 454g (2)-§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 50 % General description of SAV beds at station SAV ON FRINGES ONLY. AFTER 3' DEPTH 0% COVER SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: C~[~L~,~L~J~[ MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS NONE OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey o Data Sheet STA# 196 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/24/94 Time 1:45P.M. Water Depth 3.7 feet Latitude 41' 02.58' Longitude 72' 10.17' Station Description 100' OFF SHORELINE EAST OF 3 MILE HARBOR AT START OF BLUFFS Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility I_.Q feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ~AND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 25 % General description of SAV beds at station FRINGING BAND STARTS 10' FROM SHORELINE AND AVERAGES 20' WIDE. SAV FIXED TO ROCKS. NONE ROOTED. CODIUM ON LARGE ROCK 100' OFF SHORE. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: N/A CODIUA4 FRAGILE. FUCUS SPP.o MISCELLANEOUS MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BRYOZOANS. HERMIT AND OTHER SMALL CRABS. IUVENILE FLOUNDER. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 197 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 2:05 P.M. Latitude 41' 03.15' Longitude 72' 09.95' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth ~).2 feet Station Description 75 YDS. OFF SHORELINE WEST OF LIONHEAD ROCK. 75 YDS. EAST OF ENTRANCE TO HIGH CREEK Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 15 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 1177 § (2) - g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION: 60 % General description of SAV beds at station CODIUM DOMINATES MIXED BED. RQCKWEED AND CODIUM THROUGHOUT EXTENDS UP TO 1000' OFF SHORELINE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/~ MACROALGAE: CODIUA4 FRAGILE. FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS BAITFISH. PIPEFISH. IUVENILE SCALLOPS. HERMIT. SPIDER AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 198 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 2:43 P.M. Latitude 41' 03.29' Longitude 72' 07.91' Field Personnel Rp & NS Water Depth 19,7 feet Station Description OPEN WATER SHOAL SOUTH OF CHERRY HILL PT.. EAST OF UONHEAD ROCK Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 11 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) - g (2) - g (3) - g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- _0 % General description of SAV beds at station UNKNOWN SAV COVERED WITH SILT SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A SPIDER AND HERMIT CRABS. SPONGES. SMALL PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 199 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 1(~/24/94 Time 3:10 P.M. Water Depth 5.9 feet Latitude 41' 02.37' Longitude 72' 07.97' Station Description 150' OFF BEACH. SOUTH OF LIONHEAD. NORTH OF ENTRANCE TO ACABONAC HARBOR Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 15 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 269g (2) 1503g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 60 % General description of SAV beds at station EXCLUSIVE BED OF EELGRASS 6' DEPTH TO SHORELINE. AT 6-7' CHANGES TO MIXED BED OF 50% CODIUM AND 50% ROCKWEED. COVERAGE DROPS TO 0% AT 10' OF DEPTH. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: EELGRASS MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE. FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS WHELK. SMALL SCALLOPS. BAITFISH. HERMIT. ROCK AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE WITH SEAWALLS PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 200 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 3:45 P.M. Latitude 41' 01.72' Longitude 72' 05.76' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 6.1 feet Station Description 100' OFF SHORELINE WEST SIDE OF SPIT LEADING SOUTH FROM GARDINERS ISLAND Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 10 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 10 % General description of SAV beds at station (:ODIUM & ROCKWEED FROM SHORELINE TO 4' DEPTH. BRYOZOANS COVER ROCKS IN DEEPER WATER SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CODIUM FRAGILE. FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SPIDER. HERMIT AND OTHER SMALL CRABS. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 201 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 4:00 P.M. Latitude 41' 01.90' Longitude 72' 05.02' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 10.7 feet Station Description 1 1/~ - 2 MILES EAST OF SAND SPIT OFF SOUTHERLY END OF GARDINERS ISLAND Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 6_~_0 Visibility 8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NO ROOTED OR FIXED SAV ALL FLOATING IN CURRENT SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HERMIT AND SPIDER CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 202 STATION DATA Date 10/24/94 Time 4:25 p.M. Latitude 41' 03.94' Longitude 72' 04.63' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 11-0 feet Station Description 200 YARDS OFF SHORE lUST SOUTH OF POINT Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 7g (2) 241g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 75 % General description of SAV beds at station TALL EELGRASS BED COVERAGE GOES TO SHORELINE. UNABLE TO LOCATE OPEN WATER LIMIT SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MARINA MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS LOBSTERS. HERMIT AND SPIDER CRABS. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS H~GH BLUFF ALONG SHORELINE. NUMEROUS LOBSTER POTS FURTHER OFFSHORE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 203 STATION DATA Date 10/25/94 Time 10:25 A.M. Latitude 41' 01.63'. Longitude 72' 08.73' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.0 feet Station Description MIDDLE OF ACCABONAC HARBOR ALONG WESTERLY REED LINE Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 4.5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SANDY MUD ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 1% General description of SAV beds at station WIDELY SCATTERED SMALL SPECIMENS OF CODIUM. KNOTTED WRACK IS ALONG REED LINE SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: (~ODIUA, I FRAGILE & ASCOPHYLLUA4 NODOSUA4 MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS IUVENILE TOADFISH. WHELK. BAITFISH OTHER OBSERVATIONS SHORELINE OF HARBOR IS DEVELOPED. REEDS ARE LOCATED IN MIDDLE AREAS PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 204 STATION DATA Date 10/25/94 Time 10:55 A.M. Latitude 41' 00.10' Longitude 72' 06.66' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 11.9 feet Station Description 75 YARDS OFF SHORELINE SOUTH OF ACCABONAC HARBOR Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 11 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION: O % General description of SAV beds at station NO SAV OBSERVED FROM SHORELINE TO STATION SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SKATE. HORSESHOE. HERMIT. SPIDER AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 205 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/25/94 Time 11:15A.M. Water Depth 11.2 feet Latitude 41' 00.12' Longitude 72' 05.66' Station Description OPEN WATER 1 MILE SOUTHEASTERLY OF BUOY #6 ON UNDERWATER SHOAL Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 1__~1 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (t)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0 % General description of SAV beds at station N/A SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HERMIT & SPIDER CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS STRONG CURRENT PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 206 STATION DATA Date ~ Time 11:35 A.M. Latitude 40" 59.57' Longitude 72' 06.28' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 10.5 feet Station Description 75 YARDS OFF SHORE OUTSIDE YACHT CLUB. SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF NAPEAGUE BAY Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 9_ feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-§ SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = _.!. % General description of SAV beds at station NO SAV BETWEEN STATION & SHORELINE SOME WIDELY SCATTERED REDWEED OBSERVED ON THE WIDELY SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N//~ MACROALGAE: CYSTOCLONIUA4 PURPUREUM MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SHRIMP. SPIDER. HERMITS AND OTHER SMALL OTHER OBSERVATIONS DEVELOPED SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 207 STATION DATA Date 10/25/94 Time 12:05 P.M. Latitude 41' 01.03' Longitude 72' 03.72' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.0 feet Station Description 75' OFF SHORELINE BETWEEN THE TWO ENTRANCES TO NAPEAGUE HARBOR Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 7 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 610g (2)-g (3) og SEDIMENT TYPE GRAVELLY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 30 % General description of SAV beds at station MIXED BED OF 50% CODIUM/50% ROCKWEED FRINGING SHORELINE TO DEPTH OF 4 - 5' (75' OFF SHORE). ROCKY BOTTOM AT SHORELINE. SANDY BOTTOM FURTHER OUT SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: CO~IUM FRAGILE & FUCUS SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS ROCK CRAB OTHER OBSERVATIONS BIRD NESTING AREA ALONG SHORELINE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 208 STATION DATA Field Personnel RP & NS Date 10/25/94 Time Water Depth 3.6 feet Latitude 41' 00.97' Longitude 72' 03.23' Station Description NORTHERLY AREA OF NAPEAGUE HARBOR CLOSER TO EASTERN MOST ENTRANCE BUT BETWEEN THE TWO Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 7 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 610g (2) 624§ (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE DM.U_.~__~_~ ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN IO0-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 95 % General description of SAV beds at station THICK BED AS SHOWN ON AERIAL ALONG SOUTHERLY SIDE OF SHOAL. SAV SEEM TO STOP IN 5 - 6' OF WATER BUT THAT DOES NOT APPLY TO NORTHERLY MOST CORNER. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~ MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS EELS. BAITFISH. SCALLOPS. CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 209 STATION DATA Date 10/25/94 Time 1:30P.M. Latitude 41' 00.62' Longitude 72' 03.35' Station Description NAPEAGUE HARBOR. SOUTH OF LAZY POINT Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 6__Q0 Visibility 5_ feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 4.1 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station NONE OBSERVED SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS NONE OBSERVED OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 210 STATION DATA Date ~ Time 1:45 P.M. Latitude 40' 59.95' Longitude 72' 03.35' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 2.7 feet Station Description SOUTHWEST CORNER NAPEAGUE HARBOR. 100' FROM SHORE Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station N/A SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 211 STATION DATA Date 10/25/94 Time 2:00 P.M. Latitude 41" 00.03' Longitude 72' 02.85' Station Description SOUTHEAST SIDE OF NAPEAGUE HARBOR Salinity 33 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 5 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 5.6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 0 % General description of SAV beds at station N/A SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS HERMIT. HORSESHOE AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 212 STATION DATA Date 10/25/94 Time 2:30 P.M. Latitude 41' 00.37' Longitude 72' 02.42' Station Description GOFF POINT OUTSIDE NAPEAGUE HARBOR Salinity. 33.5 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 8 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 6,6 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 269g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION ~ 20 % General description of SAV beds at station ONLY SAV OBSERVED - VEGETATION ON BIGGER ROCKS: SAV COVERAGE DROPS TO 0% AT 8' DEPTH. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: NIA MACROALGAE: FUCUS SPP. & CHONDRUS CRISPUS MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS NONE OBSERVED OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 213 STATION DATA Date 10/25/94 Time 2:45 P.M. Latitude 41 ° 02.08' Longitude 72' 00.45' Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 8.1 feet Station Description EAST SIDE OF NAPEAGUE BAY SOUTH OF ROCKY POINT Salinity 34 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 12 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2)-g (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION -- 50 % General description of SAV beds at station ROCKWEED AND UNIDENTIFIED GREEN ALGAE ON ROCKS ONLY SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: FUCU5 SPP. MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A LOBSTERS. SPIDER. HERMIT AND OTHER SMALL PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 214 STATION DATA Date 10/25/94 Time 3:~10 P.M. Latitude 41' 02.63' Longitude 71' ~7.72' Station Description SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FORT POND BAY Salinity 34 ppt Water Temp. 60 Visibility 12 feet Field Personnel RP & NS Water Depth 11,3 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1)-g (2) og (3)-g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 0 % General description of SAV beds at station N/A SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: N/A MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS SKATE. SPIDER AND OTHER SMALL CRABS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# M1 STATION DATA Field Personnel Date 10/12/94 Time 5:00 P.M. Water Depth 4,0 feet Latitude 40' 45.96' Longitude 72' 46.66' Station Description I MILE OFF SHORELINE NEAR GREAT GUN BEACH IN Salinity 32 ppt Water Temp. 59 Visibility 4.~5 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 312 g (2) 340 § (3) 404 g SEDIMENT TYPE MUDDY SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = l(J0 % General description of SAV beds at station HEALTHY DENSE BEDS. BLADES REACH TO WATE~ SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~ MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS N/A OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# 5._[1 STATION DATA Date 10/12/94 Time 3:20 P.M. Latitude 40' 52.15' Longitude 72' 29.12' Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 5.0 feet Station Description WEST SIDE OF CORMORANT POINT IN SHINNECOCK BAY Salinity 31 ppt Water Temp. 58 Visibility 3 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 510 g (2) 660 g (3) 660 g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100oFOOT RADIUS OF STATION - 75 % General description of SAV beds at station THICK BED OF EELGRASS (ZOSTERA MARINA) WITH THICK ROOT SYSTEM. SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ZOSTERA MARINA MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS LOTS OF ADULT SCALLOPS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# G1 STATION DATA Date 9/12/94 Time 2:16P.M. Latitude 40' 43.08' Longitude 72' 57.19' Station Description NW OF BELLPORT BEACH Salinity ppt Water Temp. Visibility feet Field Personnel ~ Water Depth 3.8 feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 454 g (2) 482 § (3) 397 g SEDIMENT TYPE ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION General description of SAV beds at station 100% SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ~ MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS OTHER OBSERVATIONS PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# G2 STATION DATA Date 9/12/94 Latitude 40' ' Time Longitude 72' ' Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 1.5 feet Station Description 50' OFF NORTHERN SHORELINE OF FIRE I~iLAND Salinity ppt Water Temp. Visibility feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 510 g (2) 340 g (3) g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 75% General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: MACROALGAE: OTHERS: RUPPIA MARITIA4A N/A CIADAPHORA. MINOR AMOUNTS OF FLOATING GREEN ALGAF MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS PERIWINKLES. YELLOW SPONGE. BLOOD WORM OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION Field Survey - Data Sheet STA# G3 STATION DATA Date 9/12/94 Time 4:11 P.M. Latitude 40' 40.30' Longitude 72' 02.52' Field Personnel GG. RP & NS Water Depth 3.7 feet Station Description OFF TALISMAN BEACH. NEAR FIRE ISLAND Salinity ppt Water Temp. Visibility feet SAV WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS WET WEIGHT: (1) 369 g (2) 198 g (3) 482 g SEDIMENT TYPE SAND ESTIMATED SAV COVERAGE WITHIN 100-FOOT RADIUS OF STATION = 50% General description of SAV beds at station SAV SPECIES PRESENT SEAGRASSES: ST RA MARINA MACROALGAE: N/A MARINE LIFE OBSERVATIONS RED BEARD SPONGE. TUBE WORMS OTHER OBSERVATIONS N/A Aerial Photographs of Peconic Estuary taken in October 1994 --Northwest Harbor --Coecles Harbor --Napeague Harbor