HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnvironmental Inventory - Draft - 1998I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY Office of the Town Clerk ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY Western Town Line to Horton Point DRAFT March 20, 1998 OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 30 Corporate Drive Trumbull, CT 06611 (203) 268-5007 1 I I I I MAIN OFFICE: 36 CORPORATE DRhtE TRUMBULL. CT 06611 USA (203) 268-5007 FAX (203) 268-8821 Office of the Tow~ Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RECEIVED Soulflold Town Cleric P.O. Box 3166. ? PAMS STR;~r F~.¥HOUT.. MA02361.5166 USA (608) 747-8424 F~X (608) 747.5661 March 20, 1998 I I I I Attention: Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Reference: Transmittal of DRAFT Preliminary Report Environmental Inventory -Westem Town Line to Horton Point Dear Ms. Terry: Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. (OCC) is pleased to provide you with three (3) copies of the referenced dral~ report for your distribution to appropriate Town personnel. This draft report is submitted in accordance with the revised schedule which was discussed during our Organization Meeting of 28 January 1998. I I I I The intent of this submittal is to demonstrate to the representatives of the Town of Southold and the NYS Department of State the general content of the anticipated Final Report and to afford those interested participants the opportunity to comment and critique the work to date. I emphasize that this report is a work-in-progress. OCC is continuing to refine the mapping and the database information. We would appreciate any and all comments, recommendations, and editorializations to be provided as soon as possible. We will provide the Draft Final Report within two (2) weeks following receipt of all comments. We look forward to further discussing this important work and to this report for the Town of Southold. As you know, OCC w/Il be performing field assessments related to this study in May 1998. The Final Report will include the revised mapping and completed database as well as the complete results of the field assessments. I I I Enclosures Very truly yours, OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Project Manager I I c: B. Pendergrass (NYS DOS), w/Enc S:\98002\jp031998.wpd I htt p:l/www.ocean -coast al.corn I I I I DRAFT PRELIMINARY REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY RIVEREIEAD TOWNLINE TO HORTON'S POINT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Study Area 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Identification of Data Resources 2.2 Developing the Species List and Database 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 Cover Type and Habitat Conditions 3.2 Species Usage and Presence Within the Study Area 4.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS APPENDICES BASE MAP OVERLAY MAPS Page No. 1 1 3 3 4 6 6 9 12 I I ! I DRAFT PRELIMINARY REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY RIVERHEAD TOWNLINE TO HORTON'S POINT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. (OCC) has prepared this Draft Prel/mina~ Report as required under Task 1.2 of the executed contact between OCC and the Town of Southold (the client), and as required by the New York State Department of State, functioning as the agent of the client. The Environmental Inventory is one of five (5) projects concurrently running in an effort to establish environmental and economic baseline conditions within the study as typically required by the State Environmental Quality Review requirements (SEQR Sections 3-0301 (1)(b), 3-301 (2)(m) and 8-0113), prior to the implementation of any categorically included activity. The purpose of this report is to present the technical findings of the literature review; develop a comprehensive species list and database; and to develop baseline and overlay maps depicting the study area, relevant species layers, tidal and freshwater wetland resources, and temporal restriction zones. The report also presents a description of the methods and resources utilized to develop the database and mapping deliverables. Based on the discussions during the organization meeting of January 28, 1998, the water quality and aquatic community sampling event which was tentatively scheduled to be completed during late winter 1998 has been rescheduled to May 1998, to provide for a greater potential to collect and identify representative aquatic information within the study area. The results of these sampling events will be presented in the Draft Final Report, the delivery of which has also been reseheduled for mid-June 1998. 1.1 Study Area The original study area, as presented and described in the Request for Proposals (RFP) extended along the Town of Southold - Long Island Sound shoreline from Duck Point east to Horton Point, including the shoreline features within the FEMA 100 year floodplain (A Zone), or the upper extent of the seaward face of all marine banks, which ever is more encompassing; Goldsmith Pond and Inlet; and extending approximately 500 ft. seaward of mean low water (MLW). During the consultant selection process, the project area was extended westward to include the Southold shoreline to the municipal boundary with the Town of Riverhead, including Mattituck Inlet. The study area is delineated on the Base Maps (Sheets 1 and 2 of S). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Land uses within the study area are depicted on Suffolk County (1995), and include the following: · Residential Land (low, medium and high density), · Agricultural Land, · Recreational Open Space, · Commercial Land, and · Vacant Land. In conjunction with Long Island Sound and its high energy unprotected shoreline, the dominant land uses appear to be agricultural and residential. Land use conditions are critical since they dictate the vegetative and non-vegetative cover conditions and overall habitat conditions. A very close relationship exists between the North Fork of Long Island, and the coastline of southeastern New England, including Cape Cod and the offshore islands, Block Island and Fishers Island. According to Berrill and Berrill (1981), the geographic position of Eastern Long Island's north shore, places the study area at the northern extent of the Mid-Atlantic or "Virginian" biogeographic region. Cape Cod forms the coastal landform boundary between the Mid-Atlantic and Atlantic Boreal regions, the latter extending north to eastern shore of Newfoundland. This boundary can be discretely observed by comparing species variations between the Buzzards Bay/Nantucket Sound and the Cape Cod Bay/Gulf of Maine systems. However, as with any ecological boundary condition, an "edge" or transitional area occurs where species communities overlap. Richness and diversity are typically enhanced by contributions from each of the bordering conditions (Odum 1971). Strahler (1966) describes the glacial geomorphology of the North Fork of Long Island and Cape Cod as being directly related. During the Wisconsin Stage oftbe Ice Age, the southern extent of glacial ice reached a line framing eastward along Long Island (Montauk Point), and through Block Island, Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket. After holding this position for thousands of years, the ice margin receded north to a second line running eastward along Long Island's north shore, Fishers Island, the south coast of Rhode Island, Buzzards Bay's eastern shoreline and the bent arm of Cape Cod. This second position was also held for several thousands of years. With the final recession of this ice sheet to the north, glacial debris was deposited at each of these margins forming the artifact landforms that would be shaped by wind, waves and outwash processes to form Long Island, Cape Cod, and the offshore islands as we know them. 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The climatic conditions of Eastern Long Island and Southeastern New England are typically moderately warm to warm humid summers and cool to cold wet winters. Temperatures and humidity along the coast are moderated and controlled by the Atlantic Ocean's capacity to maintain heat longer than land, and the moisture given off to the immediate atmosphere. The region is also subjected to tropical and extra-tropical storms wich typically form offshore and generate winds fi:om the southeast to the northeast. Prevailing winds are typically fi'om the northwest during the fall and winter months, and ~om the southwest during the spring and summer. Both areas fall within the USDA Zone 7 Plant Hardiness Zone (0° to 10° F). 2.0METHODOLOGY 2.1 Identification of Data Resources In response to the scope of services, OCC has developed a species list and database, and overlay maps by reviewing all readily available literature, data, and map resources. To identify those resources, OCC queried the working group members present at the orga~iTation meeting to solicit any known persons, resources, or repositories of documems which may be viewed as knowledgeable accurate sources of local species information, and which could augment those sources presented in the proposal. OCC received two lists of resource personnel fi:om two members of the working group. These, in association with the OCC list presented in the proposal became the basis for our literature search. Appendix A presents a database listing all comacts made by OCC and the results of each contact. This database was developed using Lotus Approach within the Lotus SmartSulte 7 Release sol, ware package (1997), and can be converted and delivered in a sof~ware format as requested. OCC's initial contacts resulted in either, the receipt of the requested information, or referrals to further contacts which could be of assistance. As one would expect fi:om an investigation of this type, a pyramid effect developed. However, it remained a valuable exercise in idemifying sources of quality and accurate information. Contact included an initial telephone call, and either follow- up telecons or face-to-face meetings. These meetings took place on February 9 or 10, 1998. Also, based on several contacts made during this investigation, agreemem was reached between OCC and NYSDEC resource personnel, that given the biogeographic, geomorphic and climatic similarities between Eastern Long Island and southeastern New England; it could be reasonably assumed that similar species would occur in both regions in similar habitat conditions, and that southern New England species databases (e.g. DeGraafand Rudis 1986) would be useful.. I 2.2 Developing the Species List and Database The objective of the research and interviewing phase of the project was the identification of reliable sources for observational and habitat based documented data. Appendix B contains a complete list of data resources utilized to develop the comprehensive species list and database. The order ofpresemation and numbering system corresponds to the order with which these resources were referred while developing the species list and database, and correspond to the references presented in the database. 2.2.1 Defining Study Area Cover Types and Habitat Conditions Appendix C presents the species list and database. This database was also developed using Lotus Approach within the Lotus SmartSuite 7 Release soRware package (1997), and can be converted and delivered as discussed above. The fi:amework is based on the model presented in DeGraaf and Rudis (1986). Column headers include the following species usage information: · Species Names (Common and Scientific), · Local Occurrence, · Source Status (observation or literature documentation), · Seasonal Use, and · Special Habitat Needs or Requirements; and and also includes species usage of the habitat resource located within the study area. Designated tidal and fi'eshwater wetlands (NYSDEC 1993 and 1991) have been delineated on the Overlay Maps (Sheets 3 and 4 of 8). Aside from the Long Island Sound watersheet, and natural coastal features (estuaries, beaches or banks), study area cover types and habitats are dictated by land use. OCC identified vegetative cover types (both inland and coastal) using the aerial photographic Tidal Wetlands Maps (NYSDEC 1991) and visual inspection. OCC evaluated the land use and cover type conditions (vegetative and non-vegetative) against the ecological communities of New York State Reschke (1990) and standard northeast plant community types (DeGraaf and Rudis 1986, Cowardin et al 1979, and Jorgensen 1978), and developed the following representative study area cover types and habitat categories. I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · Terrestrial Conditions Pitch Pine-Oak Forest, Maritime Scrublands, and Maritime Grassland/Mowed Lawn; · Palustrine Conditions - Coastal Plain Pond, - Shrub Swamp, and - Emergent Marsh; and · Marine/Estuarine Conditions Coastal Beach (gravel/sand), Estuary/Salt Marsh, Stable Bank, and Marine Deepwater. These cover types/habitat conditions were developed to include, or be closely aligned with the Natural Heritage Habitat categories described in Reschke 1990, and are depicted on the Overlay Maps (Sheets 5 and 6 of 8). 2.2.2 Developing the Base Map and Overlay Maps During the information gathering phase of the project, OCC was unable to obtain any useable electronic mapping formats from either the state, county, or the town. OCC determined that the USGS topographic quadrangle format provides suitable detail and features required for base map and overlay map preparation. OCC purchased electronically formatted 7.5 minute series maps as AutoCad Release 14 .dwg (drawing) files from IMT Associates of Denver. CO. OCC delineated an area that included the project study area on the Mattituck, Mattituck Hills and Southold Quadrangles (1:24000 Scale), and IMT digitized the quadrangle features within the delineated area. Upon receipt of the electronic file, OCC plotted the base map at several scales and determined that the presentation scale for the base map and overlays would be 1" = 1000'. Overlay maps have been developed to depict natural resource and habitat conditions which exist within the study area. Features depicted on the overlays include: 5 I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I ! I · Limits of Study Area, · General Topography and Bathymetry, Tidal and Freshwater Wetlands (NYSDEC 1993 and 1995), · Cover Types and Habitat Categories, · Temporal Restrictions Zones, · Designated shellfish habitats, and · Critical Environmental Areas (CEA's).' 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 Cover Type and Habitat Conditions The study area contains several variables and features which support varied and rich macrofaunal communities. Initially, the study area provides large patches of open and un developed landscape. Secondly, and as discussed previously, the study area falls near the terminal boundary separating the Mid-Atlantic and Atlantic Boreal biogeographic zones. It would be expected that this boundary transition would contain species fi:om both zones, therefore forming a global "ecotone" enhancing species richness and diversity. The study area also falls within the Atlantic Flyway, and may therefore periodically or rarely support transient bird species flying the corridor between the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispanola and Puerto Rico) and the Arctic and Sub-arctic regions of Greenland and Labrador (USDA 1984). The third feature is a narrow study area places open ocean conditions within several hundred feet of terrestrial conditions. Specifically, three habitat conditions and ten cover types fall within several hundred feet of each other in an interrelated setting, creating varied patch and significant horizomal and vertical edge conditions within close proximity. These include, and are defined by Reschke (1990) as follows: CEA's are defined in the SEQR regulations and the Suffolk County Charter as being specific geographic areas designated by a state or local agency, as having exceptional of unique environmental character. Any work proposed within a CEA is more stringently reviewed under SEQR. 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Terrestrial Habitat Conditions: Lands containing upland, non-aquatic conditions. Pitch Pine/Oak forest: coastal regions composed of glacial moraine and/or outwash material~ dominated by oak, pine and scrubby woody species. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Maritime Shrablands: shrublands that occur on dry seaside bluffs and headlands and that are exposed to offshore winds and salt spray. Within the study area these will include abandoned agricultural fields reverting back to forest conditions, characterized by grasses, shrubs and small trees. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Maritime Grasslands: grassland community situated on rolling outwash plains and will include broad areas of landscaped and/or cultivated patches, and broad-leaved herbaceous plants. Typically provides non-breeding habitat (resting and hunting) to large macrofauna, (foraging) to small birds and mammals, and (shelter habitat/burrowing) to small mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Pahistrine Habitat Conditions: Includes all non-tidal wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, and emergents; and all tidally influenced wetlands where salinity fall below 5o/oo. Coastal Plain Pond: a permanently flooded aquatic community located within the coastal plain, with seasonally or annually fluctuating water levels which are fed predominately fi.om groundwater, and are characterized by emergent and/or floating-leaved plants. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, specifically warm-water fishery and amphibian breeding habitat. Shrub Swamp: patch dominated by woody vegetation less than 20 R. tall with soils that are seasonally or permanently flooded to a depth of 1 tt. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Emergent Marsh: includes both shallow and deep fireshwater marshes characterized by persistent emergent to emergent vegetation with water depths varying fi.om 1 - 6 fl. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, 7 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Estuarine/Marine Habitat Conditions: landside features (e.g. beaches, banks and salt marshes), and ncarshore water features (e.g. embayments and open water) extending out 500 fr from the mean low water mark (MLW)2. Coastal Beach (gravel and sand): that portion of the unconsolidated coast which is subject to wave and tidal action and includes the area between MLW and the lower extent of a coastal bank, dune, or man-made structures. Typically provides breeding and non- breeding habitat for plovers, terns, gulls, shellfish and crustaceans. Estuary/Salt Marsh: deepwater and vegetated tidal wetlands that are semi-enclosed but have an open, partially obstructed, or sporadic access to the open ocean, and where ocean water is partially diluted by freshwater runoff from the adjacent land. Typically provides breeding and non-breeding habitat to various sized and types of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Stable Bank: sand or gravel banks or naturally cut stream banks topped by overhanging vegetation. Typically provides breeding, refuge and shelter habitat to some birds and mammals. Marine Deepwater: nearshore non-estuarine tidal waters located below MLW providing breeding and non-breeding habitat for marine birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and invertebrates. In addition to the tidal wetland resources within the study area, as depicted on the wetland resources overlay, several designated Freshwater Wetland resources also exist within the study area (NYSDEC 1993). These areas include: · MH-3: Wolf Pit Lake, · MT-20: Upper Mattituck Creek, · SO-29: Autumn Lake, Assumed extent of existing and future shoreline protection structure footprints. 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · SO-33: Not Nmed, · Portion of SO-26: Not Named, · SO-5: Great Pond and Associated Wetlands at Kenny's Beach, and · S0-25: Lilly Pond. Habitats within these designated Freshwater Wetlands are represented by the Palustdne Habitat Conditions and Cover Types defined above, and are also depicted on the Overlay Maps (Sheets 3 and 4 of 8). Odin (1971), suggests that the junction of two community types would cause an edge effect, also enhancing species richness and diversity within the localiTed patches. Having several conditions and habitats concentrated within a locali?¢d area, each possessing specific habitat resources value3, and each juxtaposed in close proximity of each other, creates a "mosaic or web" of discrete communities all interwoven and interrelated, and enhancing habitat quality. 3.2 Species Usage and Presence Within the Study Area The information included in the species list and database relies heavily on habitat-based literature documentation~ The species list and database, as developed, includes consideration of the vertebrate macrofauna (birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish); and economically significant or habitat defining invertebrate macrofauna (e.g. shellfinh, lobster, crabs, horseshoe crab, and sea urchin). Benthic community species will be added to the list and database al~er the May 1998 sampling program A decision to exclude many of the aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates (e.g. insects, annelids, and molluscs etc.) was based on the fact that many of those organisms are not considered economically or environmentally significant (habitat. However, many of these organisms are very common and ubiquitous, throughout the aquatic and terrestrial portions of the study area. This in conjunction with their sheer numbers, should ensure their presence be sustained following any future project(s) activity(ies). 3.2.1 Birds Birds are typically the most numerous of any documemed animal class since they are typically the most popular class of animals to be observed or sought in the field in the field. They are the most conspicuous in that they fly, swim on the surface of open waters, sit on high obvious perches, and make obvious, easily idemifiable and distinctive calls, therefore not requiring actual visual sighting Life requisite requirements for all species include: feeding, breeding, refuge and shelter. 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I or physical capture. Species which fly also enjoy unlimited range since there are few physical barriers to define range. Also, birding is a very popular recreational pass time for many non- technical nature lovers (birders or birdwatchers). Such enthusiasts are excellent sources of local data. One hundred fit~ seven (157) bird emries are included in the species list and database. Much of this data was provided by Anthony and Beverly Prentice of the North Fork Audubon Society, and was observational, from the 1997 Christmas Counts in Southold. Observational data included 74 entries. Several species were listed based on literature documentation indicating that the study area provides both breeding and non-breeding habitat for an additional 77 entries. The only officially documented Federal or New York State rare, threatened, or endangered bird species observed in the field are the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) (Sommers and Alfieri 1996). However several additional rare, threatened, or endangered bird species would be expected within the study area and would include the endangered Least Tern (Sterna antillarum) and Roseate Tern CS. dougalliO; and the threatened Common Tern CS. Hirundo) and Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). These species would be expected to utilize shoreline habitat within the study area. 3.2.2 Mammals Forty eight (48) mammal species are included in the specieslist and database. No field observations were made, so these entries are based on literature documentation of the presence of suitable species specific habitat within the study area. Of the 48 mammals included: thirty one (31) are terrestrial ten (10) are marine mammals, and seven (7) are aerial (bats and myotis). The marine mammals included species which are transient, and may be found in both inshore and deepwater environments (e.g. seals, porpoises, dolphins, and small whales). None of the mammals listed are considered rare, threatened, or endangered. 3.2.3 Reptiles and Amphibians (Herpetofauna) Twenty two (22) herpetofauna are listed. Four (4) are me turtles and the remaining eighteen (18) are terrestrial and freshwater species ( four (4) turtles, eight (8) snakes, four (4) toads and frogs, and two (2) salamanders). Three marine and one freashwater species are considered rare, threatened, or endangered. The Kemp-Ridley Turtle (£epidochelys kempi) is endangered. While the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and the Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) are threatened, and the freshwater Northern Diamondback (Malaclemys terrapin) is a species of special concern. 3.2.4 Freshwater Fish Twelve (12) freshwater fish species were listed based on the findings of NYSDEC (1997). These species are representative of a typical warm water species found in coastal plain ponds throughout the northeast. 10 I I I I i I I I I I i I I I I I ! I I Seven (7) additional species listed are considered anadromous species. These include: the Striped Bass (Morone saxatalilis), Blueback Herring (Alosa aestivalis), Alewife (A. peudoharengus), American Shad (A. sapidissima), Atlantic Herring (Culpea harengus), Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax), and Atlantic Salmon ($almo salar). The American Eel (.,tnguilla rostrata) is the only catadromons species listed. Both anadromous and catadromons species require rivers and streams as part of their migratory habitat. These conditions do not exist within the study area, however during the marine portion of their life-cycle, they could transit and rest within through the study area. Also, salmon marine habitat may exist within the study area, however salmon typically found well north of Long Island Sound in the Gulf of Maine. 3.2.5 Marine Fish Based on the Literature (Weiss 1995, NYSDEC 1993a, 1993b and undated sources, and Lilco 1972), forty (40) estuarine/murine fish species are included in the species list and database. Of these, eight (8) species are common to estuaries and include: Banded Killiflnh (Fundulus diaphanus), Atlantic Siversides (Menidia menidia), Atlantic Menhaden (Brevourita tyrannis), Bay Anchovy (Anchoa mitchiO, Sheepshead Minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus), Mummichogs (F. heteroclitis), Nortbem Pipefish (Syngnathusfuscus), and the American Sand Lance (Ammodytes americanus). 3.2.6 Economically and Environmemally Significant Invertebrates As discussed previously, OCC has only listed those invertebrate species which are economically significant or are representative of significant habitat conditions. This is not to diminish the value of the insects, annelids, or molluscs; however, to name all of the macrofaunal classes expected to be present in the study area, would be too cumbersome for the scope of this evaluation and would not provide relevant information to the reader(s). At the conclusion of the aquatic community sampling program in May 1998, OCC will update the species list and database to characterize the nearshore and estuarine benthic community structure within the study area. Currently, thirty four (34) invertebrate species are listed based on the literature. Significant sbellfi~h and crustacea communities exist within Goldsmiths Inlet and Pond, and Mattituek Inlet. Species of interest include: Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis), American Oyster (Crassostrea virginica), Quahaug (Mercenaria mercenaria), So~-shell Clam (Mya arenaria), American Lobster (Homerus americanus), Blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), Channeled Welk Busyconpus canaliculatus), Knobbed Welk (Busycon carica), Horseshoe Crab (Limuluspolyphemus), Rock Crab (Cancer borealis), Rock Crab (C. irrotatus), Purple Sea Urchin (Arbacia punetulata), and the Green Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotis droebachiensis). 3.2.7 Rare, Endangered, Threatened and Species of Special Concern Again, documemed (observed and Literature) Federal or New York State rare, threatened, or ll ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I endangered species which would use the habitat resources within the study area include: Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) - endangered, Least Tern (Sterna antillarum) - endangered, Roseate Tern (S. dougallii) - endangered, Common Tern (S. Hirundo) - threatened, Osprey (Pandion Haliaetus) - threatened, Kemp-Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys kempO - endangered, Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) - threatened, Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) - threatened, and Northern Diamondback (Malaclemys terrapin) - species of special concern. 4.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The Long Island Sound shoreline of Southold is situated at the northern extem of the Mid- Atlantic biogeographic zone, and the location of the study area places terrestrial, palustrine, estuarine, and marine habitat conditions in close proximity, therefore creating several habitat edge components within a small geographic area. Cultural effects and land use also assist in establishing extensive patches of distinct vegetated cover adjacent to each other, adding to the "edge effect" within the study area. This condition provides for the potemial for very rich and diverse wildlife community structure at all macrofaunal levels. Currently, the species list and database contains approximately 320 individual species, segreated for specific query purposes, into over 1000 specific database entries. These are presemed in Appendix C. Several species will utilize the study area habitat for breeding purpose. Due to these breeding seasons, temporal restrictions will be imposed on any activities which could affect said habitats within the study area. OCC is confident tha this comprehensive species list and database; and the Base and Overlay Maps will provide an excellent planning tool for the Town of Southold and project proponems to develop proper workplans, and implementing strategies for work proposed within the study area. 12 I m m mm m m m m m, m m m m m m mm m m m m Agency/Affiliation NYS Dept. of State NYS Dept of State Sout~old Town Council Southold Dir. Community Development Suffo~ County DPW NYSDEC-Albany Ke~ny's Beach Association NYS-Dept of State (Albany) Name Telephone No. Mr. Fred Anders 518.473-2477 Mrl Barry Pendcrgrass 518.486-~277 Mr. Brian Murphy 516-765-1801 Mr. James McMahon 516-765-1892 Mr. Edward Lynch 516-852-4020 Ms. Lynn Winterberger 518485-5817 Mr. Don Stanton 516-765-2583 Mr. Ed Seidman 212-998-7794 Mr. Bob Grover 516422-3479 Mr. Louis Chiarella 516444-0295 Mr. Louis Chiarella 516-444-0295 Mr. Robert Yeager 516.444-0310 Mr. Byron Young 516.444-0435 Mr. Fred Andem 518.473-2477 Date Means Source Results 1/28/1998 Meeting 1/28/1998 Meeting 1/28/1998 Meeting 1/28/1998 Meeting 1/28/1998 Meeting 1/28/1998 Meeting 1/28/1998 Meeting 1/28/1998 Meeting 1/28/1998 Meeting 2/2/1998 Left Message 2/10/1998 Left Message 2/2/1998 Telecon 2/2/1998 Telecon 2/2/1998 E-Mail Organization Meeting Organization Meeting Organization Meeting Organization Meeting Organization Meeting Organization Meeting Organization Meeting Organization Meeting Organization Meeting Mr. James McMahon Mr. James McMahon OCC Research OCC Research ClienffProject Project set-up and site meeting were discussed. Additional information obtained. Site visits arranged. Project set-up and site meeting were discussed. Additional information obtsincd. Site visits arranged. Project set-up and site meeting were discussed. Additional information oblained. Site visits arranged. Project set-up and site meeting were discussed. Additional information obtained. Site visits arranged. Project set-up mad site meeting were discussed. Additional information obtained. Site visits arranged. Project set-up and site meeting were discussed. Additional information obtained. Site visits arranged. Project set-up and site meeting were discussed. Additional informatima obtained. Site visits arranger[ Project set-up and site meerdng were discussed. Additional information obtained. Site visits arranged. Project set-up and site meeting were discussed. Additional information obtained. Site visits arranged. No response. No relevant information available. Recommended contacting IVYS-Natural Heritage Program in Latham, NY. Project area has no distinct or significant offshore Habitats. Lobster fishery active and in good shape, some inshore (c.g. near hard substratcs like jetlies, breakwaters or groins). Recommended further contacts in office - Kaxen Oralick (Lobster & Crabs), Kaxen Chytello or Lisa Brown Holst (Finfish and Habitat), and Dick Fox (Shellfish). Revisions to database resources provided. Thursday, March 19, 1998 Page I Agency/Affiliation Name Date Means Source Results Nor~ Fork Audubon (Maffitnck) LI Water Resource Commission Hauppauge Sea Grant Er[ SerOce Come# University (Rlverhead) SUNY-Livlng MaFme Resource Center - (Stonyhrook) SUNY-Marlne Sdence Research Center - Stonybrook Telephone No. Ms Mary Johnson0Vlulca 2/2/1998 Left Message Mr. James McMahon No response. 2/2/1998 No Answer OCC Research 2/2/1998 Left Message OCC Research 2/2/1998 Left Message OCC Research 516-47%9413 Unspecified 516-952-6206 Unspecified 516-727-3910 Mr. William Wise 516-632-8656 Dr. Henry Bokuniewicz 2/2/1998 Left Message OCC Research & ** 516-632-8656 No longer exists. Relumed call 2/3/98 but had no ralevant information. Recommended potential informational murees such as: -NYSDEC - Bureau of Marine Resources (Chytallo) for an GEIS written for a proposed artificial reef offPhtm Island. -DEIS - Lileo-Ja~espur[ (Call Lileo Environmental Uni0. -Town of Southold: Draft local waterfront ~ovitalizafion plan. -Additional Academia -Natural Heritage (Ecological Communities and Breeding Bi~d Atlas -NMOS for sea mrtlas and ma.~e mammals. Responded 2/3/98, no relevant environmental inventory kffmmafion. SUNY-Stenybtook has liltle informafien ma spe~fic study reach, much more global for Long island Sound. Might want ~ speak with former smdant Joseph Tanski (e.g. erosien/aeerefion). Col'nell Unlver-~Ny l~ck Re~earch Dr. Sandew Lab- East~rt 516-325-0600 NYS Natnral Heritage Program M$. Debbie Albert La.am 518-783-3924 Mr. Nick Conrad 518-783-3924 2/2/1998 Telecon 2/2/1998 Telecons OCC Research OCC Research &* 2/5/1998 Left Message Ms. Debbie Albert **NYSDOS Database Diagnostic lab, no field informalinn on ducks or water fowl. Verbally ~equested the following project erea information: -Documented spedas lists or usage schedules -Rare or endangered spoeies habitats and locations -Valuable nesting ~ouada -Barrier beach/dune aeexetian zones -Restive windows -Ecological communily habitat system -NYS B~cling Brat Atlas Requests must be m writing (Made 2/2/98) w/locus maps All available info will be sent via U.S. Mail (2 week turnaround) Digital map data handled by Nick Conrad of this office. Responded 2/10/98 via voice mail, that requested information on way. Please call for digital map information. Thursday, March 19, 1998 Page 2 m. m m m ,m, mm m m m m m .m mm m mm m m m m Agency/Affiliation Citizen's Action Committee CoraeH Ext. Service 0'htaview) NYSDEC-Permittlng S~ction Stanybrook North Fork Audubon Name Date Means Source Telephone No. Ms. DcbbieAlbe~ 2/5/1998 Telecons OCCRcsearch &* 518-783-3924 ~m Edmond Lynch 2/2/1998 516-852-4020 Mr. Scolt Hilary 2/2/1998 516-454-0900 Mr. George Hammarth 516-444-0371 2/2/1998 Mr. Anthony Prentice* 2/2/1998 Ms. Kathy Brittingman 2/2/1998 Left Message Kickoff Meeting Left Message Mr. James McMahon Telecon Mr. James McMahon Left Message Mr. Ed Seidmann's** Telecon w/staff Seidmann's Email Results Verlmlly requested the following project area information: -Documented species lists or usage schedules -Rare ot endangered species habitats end locations -Valuable nesting grounds -Ba~ier beach/dune accretion zones -Restive windows -Eealag/cal eommunfly habitat system -NYS Breeding lT~rd Arias Requests must be in writing OVIade 2/2/98) w/locus me, ps All available info will be sent via U.S. Mail (2 week turnaround) Digital map data handled by Nick Com'ad of this office. Requesting information on County OIS or Digital Mapping. Responded 2/5/98 - No information in bis office but call Suffolk County Pl~nnin$ - Dewitt Davies. Reslxmded 2/2/98 - no relev0.nt information, but several -Nature Conservency -NYSDEC-Freshwater Fisheries -Suffolk County Coop Ext. - Chris Smith -Musetun of]Long Island Natural Science -Sport Fishing Assoc. Will send SEQRA Regulations Kemp Ridley Turtles of eoneem Call NYSDEC - Bureau of Wildlife - fun McDougal - Bureau of Habitat - Steve Corenee Responded 2/3/98 - Will provide species list and habitat documentation for bird (e.g. Goldsmith's and Maltituek inlet areas), mtg. to p.u in Port Jefferson - 2/10/98. Works with Mmy Johnson (Mulcahy) Reeomanends to eali NYSDEC - Natural Resonrees Bureau (e.g. Miehelle Alfiari) for NYSDEC Status Reports for Colonial Nesting lT~rds & Plovers. *& Mas. Beverly Prentice **Email No longer at CSH, now based in North Carolina. However, remains aa a eonsultaat to CSH. Should be at CSH week of 2/9/98. Called on 2/9/98 and 2/10/98 ~ No response to eny calls. Left message on 2/10/98 to call me in Plymouth when she has time. Thursday, March 19, 1998 Page3 Agency/Affiliation NRCS:SuffoIk County District* Name Date Means Telephone No. Mr. Allan Connell** 2/2/1998 Left Message* Souse Results Responded 2/2/98 - Aerial photos back to 1950's - will meet when convenient. Meeting 2/9/98 and reviewed photos. NYSDEC~Bnreau of Natm'al* NYSDEC-Bureau of Natural* NYS Dept of Sta~ - Albany NYSDEC-Bureau of Marine* Mr. Ken Meskill 2/2/1998 Left Message Mr. Charles Hamilton 2/2/1998 Left Message Ms. Michelle Alfiari 2/3/1998 Telecon Mr. Barry Pendergrass 2/3/1998 Telecon Mr. Richard D'Amico 2/2/1998 Telecon Mr. Robert Teetz-Unit M 2/4/1998 Telecon Mr. James McMahon Mr. James McMahon Mr. Anthony Prentice Cliem Agency OCC Research Mr. Robert W~se *Office - Riverhcad **(Aerial Photos) ***Meeting Responded 2/5/98 - Told to call on 2D/98 when on Island to meet and get any available information (i.e. limited). Called an 2/9/98 and 2/10/98 - never made contact. Left several messages - no responses. *Matfimck No response, however, Ms. Alfiafi also works in that Bureau (see Michelle AlHari), *Resources - Stonybrook Will send 1996 Status Report which covers Terns and Hovers in the Project area. *Resouwes - Stonybrook Please make available to OCC any Office of Coaslal Resource Data Base information. Thinks only critical habitat information is available - will send. Long Island Coordinator of the Long Island Sound Study. Will s~nd copy of CCMP Support Document - Assessment of Living Marine Resoumes. Other sources for Report: USEPA Long Island Sound Office-Stamford, CT - Mr. Maxk Tedeseo or Ms. Kim Z~mmer at Rich also oversees NYSDEC Lobster/Cmstaeea, Finfi~h a~d Shellfish staffs. *Resources - E. Setauket Requested copies of DEIS/FEIS Documents on both theShorehmn and Jamesport Nuclear Power Plants (Ca'ca 1970-75). Both documents hard to find, mf~r OCC to the Jamesporl and Wading River Libraries. If unavailable, to call L'fleo back. Also recommended contacting local Nat~al Resource Officers (i.e. JeffKat~r- Town of Brookhaven. *Hicksville Thursday, Marah 19, 1998 Page 4 Agency/Affiliation NYSDEC-Bureau of Wildlife* Name Date Telephone No. Mr. James McDougal 2/3/1998 Means Source Left Message* Mr. Geo. Hammarth Result~ No response. Stopped in on 2/10/98 - was not in. NYSDEC-Bureau of Habitat* Mr. Steve Lorence 2/3/1998 Left Message Mr. Geo Hammarth * Stonybrook **with staff Responded 2/3/98 - not much significant habitat in study locus. Hc is also Freshwater Wetlands (NYSDEC). G~t maps from Town of Sonthold. No seal haul outs (designated) in study mca. Stopped in on 2/10/98 - was not in. Southold Community* Suffolk County planning* Mr. James McMahon 2/5/1998 Telecon Mr. Dewitt Davies 2/5/1998 Telecon Mr. Cad Lynd 2/5/1998 Telecon Mr. Larry Liddle* * 2/4/1998 Left Message Project Workgroup Mr. Edmond Lynch Mr. Dewitt Davies OCC Research*** *Stonybrook Set up meeting at 10:30 on 2/9/98. *Development - Southold Only digital map available is the land use map of the Town of Southold. No tupo, no actual shoreline, based on deeded lot confignafion through County's Real Property Service Division. Electronic are info format must get local and Counl3, agreement fo~ Referred to Carl Lynd of County plammag for DOT mapping formats. Recommended to contact Mr. Charles mcCaffery at NYS DOS in Albany fm additional resources. *Hauppauge DOT Maps available as CDROM Rastor Drawings. Could get fi.om Town at no chaxge. Also available from: -NYSDEC-GIS Unit of the Division of Management plarmmg and Information Systems Development 50 Wolf Road, Rm. 614, Albany, NY 12233 *Hauppauge Sandi Shomway responded 2/5/98 that they had no spec;fflc project area information. Most work on south shore and the Peconic Bay Systems. *Souttatmpton College - Southampton **& Ms. Sandi Shumway Thursday, M~rch 19, 1998 Page 5 Agency/Affiliation NMFS-MIIford, CT Mystic Martaeflfe Aquarium* Name Date Means Source Telephone No. Ms. Gina Wills, Staff Se 2/4/1998 Telecon Mr. William Wise Unspecified 2/4/1998 Left Message* NMFS - Milford Resul~ Unaware of any Milford staff working on Sea Turtles or Ma~e Mammals. Recommended Mystic Marine Life Aquarium. Requesting species or habitat information for Sea Turtles and Marine Mammals within the sludy a~ea. My~le Marlnellfe Aquarhlm NYSDEC-Freshwater Fisheries* Mr. Robert Nuwachic 2/5/1998 Telecon Mr. Ed Woltmann 2/5/1998 Telecon Ms. Karen Gralick 2/6/1998 Telecon Mr. Chris Smith 2/6/1998 Telecon None *Mystic, CT **with Ms. Katherine Ellis Responded for Ms. Kathcfinc Ellis and indicated thc following species present: Harbor Seal L~atherback Turtles** Orey Seal *Loggerhaeds** Harp Seal *Kump Ridley Turtle** Hooded Seal *Green Turtles** *Susccptable to cold stunning & wash ashore * *August and September presence N'o designated haul outs, however, outcrops could serve as haul out sites. Also, sporadic sandy beach haul outs (Harp & Hooded Seal) OCC Reseamh Spoke with Mr. Scoa Davis. Verbally provided following species list for Ore~ Pond: Larg~raouth Bass Chain Pickerel Yellow Perch Black Crappie Golden Shiner Banded KJllifish Blue Gill Putnpkin Scad Brown Bullhead Will send Fishery Report *Stonybrook Mr. Richard D'Amico will provide lobster/crab database. Mr. Scott Hila~y *Unit - E. Setanket Project area not heavily studied. Has no relevant information. Recommended contacting Mr. Robert Nuzzi at Suffolk County Health Office of Ecology, Mr. Dewitt Davies or the County Park Department. *Extension - Riverhead · hursday, March 19, 1998 Page 6 Agency/Affiliation University of ConnecOcut* Southold Free Library* Rlverhead Free Library* Name Dats Means Telephone No. iVff. RalphLew~s 2~/1998 Tclccon Dr. Robert Nuzzi Dr. Robert Nuzzi Mr. James McMahon Mr. Allan Connell Dr. Robert Nuzzi Unspecified Unspecified 2/6/1998 Left Message 2/9/1998 Telecon 2/9/1998 Meeting 2/9/1998 Meeting 2/9/1998 Meeting 2/9/1998 Meeting 2/9/1998 Meeting Source Results UnsPe~fied Spoke with MaW DiGiaeomo Cohen - Aerial photos availabl9 through Applied Geographies, USEPA's GIS Contractor; or USEPA Long Island Sound Office in Stamford, CT (Mark Tedeseo). USGS Intemet Mapping Availability - vc~w.nmd.usgs.gov/www/html/fftndprod.hlml Avery Pt. could provide Bathymetly for project area. Mr. Chris Smith *Ave-~y Pt. - Crroton, CT To sot up meeting on 2/9/98. Mr. Chris Smith *of Ecology - Riverhead Set up meeting for 2/9/98 at 3:00 p.m. *of Ecology - Riverhead Work Group Provided Land Use Map, FEMA Index Map and Freshwater Wetlands Maps. Flood Study not available. Mr. James McMahon Review Aerial Photus, did ot appoar usoful to project. Follow-up Provided Iwo Countywide GIS Maps -Unceflitied shellfish areas -Critical environmental areas Also, provided Environmental Chapter from the LILCO DEIS for Shorehmn. GCC Research Mr. Robert Teetz *Office of Eeology-Riverhead Requesting copy of Town of Southald FEMA Flood Study - no available. *Southold Requested copy of LILCO DEIS for Jamesport - no available. *~veffi~d Thursday, Mard119, 1998 Page 7 Agency/Affiliation NYSDEC-Bureau of Marine* NYSDEC-Marine Habitat* North Fork Audubon Matfltuck Soulhold planning Board Matatuck Connell Library* Name Date Means Source Telephone No. Ms. Lisa Holst 2/10/1998 Meeting Follow-up Ms. Kay Workman Mr. Tony Prentice Ms. Valerie Scopaz Unspecified 2/10/1998 Meeting Follow-up 2/10/1998 Meeting 2/9/1998 Meeting 2/10/1998 Meeting Follow-up Mr. William Wise OCC Research Results Provided several pieces ofiaformafion: -Received (Weiss 1995) Marine Animals of Southern New England and New York -NYSDEC-eommon species of New York State saltwate~ recreational fisheries. -NYSDEC-Balts for the mmine fisherman -NYSDEC~1991 ) PCB ia striper bass from New York marine waters -NYSDEC-(1993) FOEIR: Statement and Plan for the Development and Management o£Artifieial Reefs. Also almified information for lobster, crab and shellfish. Horseshoe crabs do breed on the project mca beaches (Mex-May window) Beach shellfish, suffclam, some hardshells aad blue mussels ~ not managed In liew of no response to messages, stopped into the office to nview tidal wetland maps. Ms. Workman also provided tidal wetlands regulations and order form for maps (Nassau/Suffolk Blueprint). *Protection - Stonybrook Provided 1996 Orient (Christmas) Counts data with species and habitats/tempormy presence. Requested copy of (or) available data from draft local waterfront revitalization plan - neither is available. Requested copy of LILCO DEIS for Jamesport - not available. Thursday, Mars 19, 1998 Page8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) REFERENCES DeGraaf, R.M. and D.D. Rudis. 1986. New England wildlife, habitat, natural history and distribution~ Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-108. USDA-Forest Service, NE Forest Exp. Stn., Broomhall, PA. Pp.491. Berrill, M. and D. Berrill. 1981. The North Atlantic Coast - Cape Cod to Newfoundland, A Sierra Club Naturist's Guide, San Francisco. Pp. 464. Jorgensen, N. 1978. Southern New England, A Sierra Club naturist's Guide, San Francisco. pp. 417. Weiss, H.M. 1995. Marine Animals of Southern New England and New York. CTDEP-State Geological and Natural History Survey of CT., Glastonbury, CT. Peterson, R.T. 1980. A Field Guide to the Birds East of the Rockies. Houghton Mifflin. Co., Boston. pp. 378. Somers, L.A. and M.L. Alfieri. 1996. Long Island colonial waterbird and piping plover survey. NYSDEC-Div. OfFish; Wildlife and Marine Resources, Stonybrook, NY. pp. 151. Premice, T. and B. Prentice. 1997. Christmas counts 5om Goldsmith's Inlet to Hasamomuck Beach (unpublished field notes 1992-97). North Fork Audubon, Mattituck, NY. pp. 3. Premice, B. 1996. North Fork Audubon Society Checklist of the Birds of the North Fork (Lute Landing to Iron Pier Beach), Mattituck, NY. Prentice, B. 1996. North Fork Audubon Society Checklist of the Birds of the North Fork (Goldsmith's Inlet to Great Pond), Mattituck, NY. Nuwachuc, R. 1998. Telecon-Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, February 5, 1998. Davis, S. 1998. Telecon-NYSDEC: Div. ofFish; Wildlife and Marine Resources, February 5, 1998. Guthrie, C.A. 1997. Great Pond-Town of Southold (Long Island P 378) Survey report. NYSDEC, Stonybrook, NY. pp 44. McClane, A.J. 1974. Field Guide to the freshwater Fishes of North America. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York. pp. 212. i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 2O) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) McClane, A.J. 1974. New StandarclFishing Encyclopedia andlnternational Angling Guide. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York. pp. 1156. Bigelow, H.B. and W.C. Scbroeder. 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. USDA- USFWS, Vol 53, Washington. pp. 577. Stone, S.L., T.A. Lowry, J.D. Field, C.D. Williams, D.M. Nelson, S.H. Jury, M.E. Monaco, and L. Andreasen. 1994. Distribution and abundance of fishes and invertebrates in Mid-Atlantic estuaries. ELMR Rep. No. 12. NOAA/NOS Strategic Environmental Assessments Division, Silver Springs, MD. pp. 280. NYSDEC. (No Date). Common Species to New York State Saltwater Recreational Fisheries (handout). Alpieri, I.M. (No Date). Baits for Marine Fisherman-From clams to squid, what the fisherman can put on the hook to get results. NYSDEC-Div. Of Educational Services. pp. 13. NYSDEC. 1993. Final GEIS and Plan for the Development and Management of Artificial Reefs in New York's Marine and Coastal District. pp. 62 w/appendices. Strieb, M. 1993. Long Island Sound Study-Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan Supporting Document: Assessment of Living Marine Resources. NYSDEC-Div. of Marine Resources. pp. 137. LILCO. 1972. Final EIS related to operation of Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Docket No. 50-322. US Atomic Energy Commission, Directorate of Licensing. pgs. 2-23 to 2-39. Arnold, A.F. 1968. The Sea-Beach at Ebb-Tide. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. pp. 490. CTDEP. 1977. Long Island Sound: An Atlas of Natural Resources. CTDEP- Coastal Area Management Program, NOAA/CZM. pp. 52. NYS-Naturai Heritage Progran~ 1998. Technical fact sheets and the NYS Breeding Bird Atlas (unpublished). NYSDEC-Wildlife Resources Center, Latham, NY. NYS-Natural Heritage Program. 1998. Ecological Communities of New York State. NYSDEC-Wildlife Resources Center, Latham, NY. pp. 95. NYSDEC. 1996. State Environmental Quality Review (6 NYCRR Part 617). NYSDEC. 1993. NyS-Freshwater Wetlands Map Suffolk County, Map 6 of 39. I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) NYSDEC. 1995. Tidal Wetlands Land Use Regulations (6 NYCRR Part 661). NYSDEC. 1991. Tidal Wetlands Maps (702-540; 704-540, 542, 544; 706-542, 544; 708-546; 710-546; 712-546, 548; and 714-550). Nassau-Suffolk Blueprinting, Inc. USFEMA. 1993. Flood Insurance Rate Maps (Community Panels 360813 0114D, 0112E, 0093D, 0091E, and 0078F. NFIP. Suffolk County. 1995. Land Use Map for the Town of Southold. Office of Planning, Happauge, NY. Strahler, A.J. 1966. A Geogist's View of Cape Cod ........ Reschke, C. 1990. Ecological Communities of New York State. New York Natural Heritage Program, Lathanh NY. pp. 95. Cowardin,. 1979. Wetlands of the United States. USFWS ......... USDA. 1884. Flyways - Pioneering Waterfowl Managemem in North America. U.S. Government printing Office,Washington, D.C. pp 517. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1991. Natural Heritage Program Species Fact Sheets (MANHESP). I SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COM.~MUNITY SPECIES NAME LOC .TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE Birds (Avc~) C 0 Large - tmdisturbed bodies of water and isla~s. Common Loon Gm/ia immer SP B B NA B NB Birds (Aves) A 0 Large - undistmbed bo{ties of water and islands. Common Loon Gavia immer F B NA NA B NB Birds (Aves) C 0 Large - tmdistmbed bodies of water and islands. Co~non Loon Gayla immer W NB NA NA B NB Bi'ds (Aves) U Ruby Throated Leon Stellata SP Birds (Ave~) U Ruby Throated Loon Stellata F NA NA Birds (Avco) U Ruby Throated Loon Stellata W m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY PRIMARY SPECIES NAME L~ TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY ~r Birds (Aves) F ~; - - ~ ~ ~ - ~: .... ~ C L Marshes with water and Podilymbus podiceps SU B Bffds (Aves) C L Mashes with water and vegetation. Pied-billed Gre~ Podilymbus pod~ceps SU Birds (Aves) C Homed Grebe P. aur~tus SP NA NA NA Birds (A~es) C 0 Brackish and esmanne waters NA NA NA Homed Grebe p. aur/tus F SPEC]EE NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY S~EC~ES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Birds (Aves) U L Great Corm Phalacocorax carbo F B B BF Birds (Av~s) U Great Corm Phalacocorax carbo W L NB NB NB Birds (Aves) A Dbl-crested Cot Piauritus SP O B B B Birds (Aves) A O B B BF Dbl-c~sted Cor Piauritus SU Birds (Aves) A O NB NB NB Dbl-crestexl Cor Piauritus F BinJs (Av=s) R Northern Garnet Morus bassanus SP 0 SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Lin: TERRE.__~.STRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Birds(Aves) V-~-7~7-- ~ R 0 Birds (Aves) 7 ~ ~ ..... ~ - 7 - - ~ R 0 Northern Garnet Tall tr~s B B Birds (Aves) A Great Blu Heron Ardea herodias F Tall Lr~s Birds (Aves) C Tall txces NB NB NB NB Great Blu Heron Ardea herodias W m m m m m m m mm m mm mm mm mm m mm m mm m mm SPECIES NAME PPJMA;¥ ECOLOGICAL COMM~UNITY SECONDARY Occur TERAE~TAiAL PALUSTRINE COASTALJMARINE Birds (Aves) C Gmat Blu Heron Ardea herodias W Tall trees Birds (Ave~) C Blk Cm Nt Hero Nyclicorax SU Birds (Aves) C Blk Cra Nt Hero Nyct~corax SU Birds (Aves) C Blk Cm N~ Hero Nycticorax SU Birds (Aves) A O Shallow ponds, dyers with Mute swan aquatic Cygnus olor SP B Birds (Aves) A O Shallow ponds, rivers with Mute swan aquatic Cygnus olor SU B Birds(Aves) Special Hab;tat Requirements ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE A O Shallow ponds, ~*vers wi~ Cygnus olor F Birds (Aves) A O Shallow ponds, rivers with B Mule swan aquatic Cygnus olor W Bi~ts (Aves) A 0 Shatlow ponds, ~ers with Mute swan aquatic Cygnus olor W Birds (Av~) Canada Goose Birds (Aves) SP A 0 B B SU Birds (Aves) A 0 Ca~aaa C~ose B B ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Ocgur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Birds (Aves) A Canada Goose Branta canadensis W 0 B B Birds (Aves) Bram Branta bernicla U L B Birds (Aves) Brant Branta beraicla U L B B Birds (Aves) U Snow Goose Chert caerulescens F 0 Birds (Av~) U Snow C,~se Chen caerulescens W 0 B B Birds (Ava) A 0 B B B B B Mallard Anas platyhynchos SP SPECIES NAME PRIMARY SPECIES NAME Loc ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARy Occur TERR~.SYAiAL PALUSTRINE COASTALJARINE SPECIES NAME Statu= Special Habitat E~'uaryl Stable Marine Birds (Aves) A Mallard ~lnas platyhynchos F 0 B B B B B B~rds (Aves) A Mallard Anas platyhynchos W 0 Birds (Aves) A Am Black Duck 0 B B B B Bff~(Av~) A Am B~ckDuck B B B B Birds (Aves) A Am Black Duck Arias rubripes W 0 S~ECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COM~MUNITY SECONDARY Occur TERRESTRIA~L PALUSTRIN~E COASTAL/MARINE SFECIESNAME R~nc~ , --Source Pitch Maritime Ma~ Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuaryl Stable Marine Birds(Avcs) ~ 7-~ 5~Z~7-, U L Common Goldcney Bucephal clangula F Cavity ~ and minimum c~h of 20, clear, cold, shallow water Birds(Aves) j~77~777-777-, U L Bucephal clangula W Cavity frees and mi~mum ~)h of 20 , clear, cold, shallow water Bffcls (Aves) C Bufi]ehead bucephala albeola Sp Birds (Aves) C Bufllehead bucephala albeola F 0 BLrds (Aves) A Bufllehead bucephala albeola W Birds (Aves) 13 Oldsquaw Clangula hyemalis SP O Open, deep wa~er SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur SPECSES NAME Refer~c~ ~X St~u. Special Habitat Birds (Aves) A Oldsquaw Clangula hyemalis F 0 Open, ~ water Birds (Aves) ~ ~ 7~7~ c - - 7~ ~ , A O Opea, deep water NB NB Clangula hyemalis W Birds (Aves) C Wh-wingd Scorer Melanitta fusca SP Birds (Aves) R Wh-wingd Scorer Melanitta fusca SU Birds (Aves) A Wh-wingd Scorer Melanitta fusca F Birds (Aves) A Wh-wingd Scoter Melanitta fusca W SPECIES NAME PRIMARY SPECRIS NAME Loc ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARy Occur Tt:K~=:~ TRIAL PALUS¥~i~IE COASTAl/MARINE Birds (Aves) U Surf Scoter leLperspicillata F 0 Birds (Aves) U Blac~ Scorer Mmigra W Birds (Aves) U 0 Birds (Aves) U Oxyurajamaicensis F Birds (Aves) A R-bt Merganser Birds (Aves) A R-bt Merganser NB NA SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc SECONDARY Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAl/MARINE Birds (Aves) A R-bt Mcrganaer Mergus serrator SP 0 NA NA Birds (Aves) ;' 3:~ ~ { ~ ? --, C O B B B Bfi'ds (Aves) C Am Wigeon ~. americana F 0 Birds (Aves) C Ping-neck Duck Aythya collaris F O Expanse of open water B B B B Birds (Aves) U Ring-neck Duck ~ythya collar~s W Birds (Aves) C O Tall tre~ w/th cavities (dbh at B B B SPECIES NAME PPJM~Y ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SFECIES NAME Loc T~' AA,"$¥AiAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Ref~rsiqc~ ~i status Special Habitat Birds (Aves) C Tell trna with cavities (dbh at Amer Kestrel least 12"); open cotmt~y with low elevation Falco sparverius SU B Birds (Aves) C TaLl tr~s with cavities (dbh at Amer Kestrel least 12"); open country with low elevation Falco sparvedus F Birds (Aves) C Tall trees with cavities (dbh at Amer Kestrel least 12'); open country with low elevation Falco sparver~us W Birds (Aves) Merlin 1~ columbarius W Birds (Aves) U Merlin F. columbarius F 0 Birds (Aves) R Peregrine Falcn .~ peregrinus F 0 ~cUffs B B B B B SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occur Yt:~o'STRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Re~e~ ~.~ S~us Special Habitat Pin~oa~ shrub- Grass- Birds (Aves) R Peregrine Fakon O High cliff~ B NB NB NB NB NB NB Birds(Aves) ?~7~:'~777~?~1 C 0 Extensive, undistufoed Birds (Aves) C O Extensive, undisturbed Shaxp-shinned Hawk woodlands Accipter striatus F B B B Bh-ds (Aves) C 0 Extensive, undisRubed Sharp-shktmed Hawk woodlands Accipter striatus W NB NA NA Birds (Aves) C O Extensive, uadisaub~ Sharp-shinned Hawk woodlands 3ccipter striatus W NA NB NB Birds (Aves) U Cooper's Hawk ,4. cooperii SP 0 B NA NA --- m --- m m ,--, m m m =, m m m m m mm m m m SPECIES NAME PR]MARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc SECONDARY Occur TER~,-= i RIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARIN_~E Birds (Aves) R Peregrine Falcon ~ peregrinus F O High cUffs B NB NB NB NB NB NB Birds (Aves) C O Extensive, undistuffoed Sharp-shirmed Hawk woodlands Accipter striatus F Birds (Aves) C O Extensive, undis-mffoed Sharp-nhinn~d Hawk woodlamls /iccipter striatus F B B B Birds (Aves) C O Extensive, undisuffoed Sltarp-sltinned Hawk woodlands Accipter striatus W NB NA NA Birds (Aves) C O Extensive, undisluffoed Sharp-shinned Hawk wood]ands Accipter striatus W NA NB NB Birds (Aves) U Coopffs Hawk A. cooperii SP O B NA NA --, m m m mm .m. m m m m. m mm m m m m m m m SPECIES NAME PRIMARY SPECIES NAME Loc ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occur TERRESTRIA.~L PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE ~,~ --Source Pitch Maritime Maritime Coaltst Shrub SPECIES NAME ~:-':: Ststus Special Habitat Emergem Coastal EstuaPJl Stable Marine ALTERNATE ,:, *~,~c~ ~ ~. : ~: ; SeaS.Usa Requirements ~.~OakForest Shrub.lands Grass-lands PondPlan Swamp Marstt Beach Sal~tarsh Bank Deep Wa(ag Birds (Aves) U Cool~s Hawk d. cooperii F 0 B B B Birds (A~es) U Cooler's Hawk A. cooperii W 0 NB NA NA Birds (Aves) U Cooper's Hawk 0 Birds (Aves) C Mature forest - field ecotane B Red-tailed Hawk (edge) Buteajamaiccnsis SP Birds (Aves) C Mature forest - field ccotanc B B B l:~ed-tailed Hawk (edge) Buteajamaiccnsis SU Birds (Aves) C Mature forest - field ecotane NB NA NA Red-tailed Hawk (edge) Buteajamaiccnsis F SPECIES NAME PR]MARY SPECIES NAME L¢~ COLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occur 1 I=KKE:~TRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE ~ON~ ~)g.~;;~ i ~ status Special Habitat Birds (Aves) C Mature forest - field ecotmm g~l-tailed Hawk (edge) Butea jamaiccnsis W Birds (Aves) R Rough-legged Hawk B. lagopus W 0 Open counuy B B Birds (Aves) R Rough-legged Hawk B. lagopus W Birds (Aves) R R~ugh-legged Hawk B. lagopus W Birds (Aves) O Opea~untty NA NA NA NA NB C O Marshes aad open cotmlry, low B B B vegetation F BF Birds (Aves) C 0 Marshes and open couatry, low NA NB NB NB Northern Han'ier vegetation Circus cyaneus W Thuraday, Mard~ 19, 1998 A = Abtmdent; U = Unco~o~; C - Comair; R = Rar~; O - Obae~ed; L - Litera~ SP - Spring; SU= Summar; F = Fail; W - W~tar SPECIES NAME PRIMARY SPECIES NAME Loc ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARy Occur TERR==; ~iAL PALUSTRINE Birds (Aves) COASTAL/MARINE C 0 Marshes and open count~, low NB NB Northern Harrier vegetation Circus cyaneus W Birds (Aves) F 7- - 7 ~ - ? C r z ~ C O Brushy field edges, well-drained B B B C 0 Brushy field edges, well-drained sandy loamy softs SU B B B Brats (Aves) C Northern Bobwhite Colinw virginian*us F Birds (Aves) 0 Brushy field edge~, well-drain~ NB NA sandy loamy soils C 0 Brushy field edges, w~ll-drained NB NA NB sandy loamy mils W C L Cultivated farm fields B B Ring Neck Pheasant Phasiamus colchicus SP SPEC]ES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES ~.~ME L~ TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Birds (Aves) C L Ring Neck Pheasant Phasiamus colchicus SU Birds (Aves) C L PAng Neck Pheasant Pha~arnus colchicus F Birds (Aves) C L Pdng Neck Pheasant Phasiamus colchicus W Birds (Aves) R L Clapper Rail Rallidae SP B B Birds (Aves) U L Clapper Rail Rallidae SU B B Birds (Aves) U L Clapper Rail Rallidae F NA NB SPECIES NAME ~MAR¥ ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur Bird~ (Aves) C L Emergent vcgetafve in water 1-4 B NA B B B American Coat ff. deep Fulica americana Sp NA NA NA NB NB Birds(Ave~) C L Killdeer Charadrius vociferus SP B B B Birds (Aves) C L Barcgroundsgarccvcgetafion SPECIES NAME P~MARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE ~e.~pces;~:~ seas. Status Special Habitat Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- P~n Swamp Marsh Beach Saltma~sh Bank Deep Birds (Av~) R Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis squatarola SU Birds (Aves) U L F Bhxls (Av~) C Giam YeIIowleg Tringa sp. SP Birds (Aves) C L Migrato~ Ruddy Twistone dreraria interpres SP Birds (Ave~) C L Migrato~ Ruddy Twistonc /lreraria interpres F Birda (Aves) U L Fertile moi~ soil ¢Ot~tainlng American Woodcad earthworms, small clea~g$ a~d Scofapax minor SP B B PR/MARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Birds (Aves) U L Fertile moist soil containing B B earthworms, small cleanngs and American Woodcad dense ?water Scofopax minor SU Bi~ds (Aves) U L Ferdlc moist soft containing caxthworms, small cleanngs and American Wooded deme ?water Scofopax minor F NA NA Fertile moist soft containing NA NA Birds(Aves) -~ .......... --= U L Common Snipe7 Gallinago gallinago SP Moist organic soil, low scattered vegetation, lmge swamps, large open slmces. B B B B Birds (Aves) U L Moi~ organic soil, low scattered vegetation, large swamps, large Common Smpe? open spaces. Gallinago gallinago F Birds (Aves) R L Moist orgamc soil, low scattered vegetation, large swam~, large Cmmnon Snipe? open space. Gallinago gallinago W pmMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME ILm: TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Birds (Aves) C Sanderling Caliclris alba Sp Birds (Aves) U Sanderling Bffds(Av~) Sanderling Ca~drisalba C L F Bir~ (Aves) U Pmple Sandpiper C. mariCima W L NB Dunlin c. alFina SP Birds(Aves) ~,~._~,~7..;~o~.~.~-~ U L Migratory Dunlin c. alpina F SPECIES NAME Pmr,~Ry ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE .COASTAL/MARINE Birds (Aves) U L Dunlin c. al£ina W Birds (Aves) A Great Blk-lmckd Gull Laris marinus SP 0 B B B Birds (Aves) A Great Blkqmckd Gull La,~s marinus SU O B B BF Birds (Area) A Great Blk-backd Gull Laris marinus F 0 NB NB NB Birds(Av~) A O NB NB NB Bffds (Av~) A Herring Gull L. argentatas SP 0 B B B SPECIES ~L~Me Loc ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME _R~,~. ~? ,:~% ~ Sta.s Special Habitat B/rds (Aves) A Herring Gall L. or~entatus SU B B BF Birds (Av~) A H~n~ng Gull L. argentatus F Birds (Aves) A H~rmg Gull L. argentatus W Birds (Aves) A Ring-billed Gull L delawanensis? SP O BixO$ (Av~) A Ring-billed Gull L delawanensis? SU Birds (Aves) A Ring-billed Gull L. delawanensis7 F SPECIES NAME Loc ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occur TERRESTRIA_~L PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE ~:es::¥:,/?~5:~ ~ s~ms Special Habitat E~tumy/ StaUe Madn~ Birds (Aves) A O W Birds (Aves) A Ring-b/ilex/Gull L delcr~anensis? W 0 Birds (Aves) U Bonapar~s ? CaB L. philadelphia SP L Migrato~ Birds (Aves) R Bonapartes? Gull L. philadelphia SU L /Vligrato~ B/rds (Aves) U Bonapart~s? Gall L. philadel, vhia F Birds (Aves) U L Migratory NB NB NB Bonapanes? Gull L. philadelphia W ALTERNATESPECIES NAME ~i~:~~'' ' ~ ~ ~_~':~ seas. status Special Habitat Birds (Aves) A L B ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Birds (Aves) A L NA Birds (Aves) A Rock Dove L NB Birds(Aves) A MourmngDove Zenaidamoaroura SP 0 Open land with ba~ ground B Birds (Aves) A 0 Open land with bare ground B B B ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE Birds (Aves) A 0 Open land with bare ground NB NA NA MoUrrang Dove Zenaida macroura F COASTAUMARINE SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occur I ~[Ke:~TRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Birds (Aves) C O Large abandoned hawk nests, Gmat-homed Owl large tree cavities. Bubo virgfnianus SP B Birds (Aves) C O Large abandoned hawk nests, Ca,at-horned Owl large tree cavities. Bubo virginianus SU B B B Birds (Aves) C O Large abandoned hawk nests, Great-horned Owl large tree cavities. Bubo virgfnianus F NB NA NA Birds (Aves) C O Large abandoned hawk nests, Great-homed Owl large tree cavities. Bubo virginianus W Birds(Aves) R Shon-eamdowl A~oflameus F L Extensive open grasslands, dunes B Birds (Aves) R Shah-eared Owl Asi° flameus W L Extensive open grasslands, dunes NB NB NB SPECIES ~ME Loc ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Oc=ur TE~t== rRIAL PALUSTRINE Bff~ (Av~) U L ~c ~er, ~c~ ~ ~n B ~. otus SP Birds (Aves) U L Dune conifer, thickets in open B A. otus Birds (Aves) U L Dune conifer, thickets in open NB NB Long-card Owl county Birds (Aves) U L Dune co~61'~, thickets in open NB NB NB Long-eared Owl country NB W Birds (Aves) C O Perches over ~t, ~u~, ponds, B B Belted Kingfisher banl~ for nest sit~s. B Birds (Aves) C O Perches over streams, ponds, B NA NA Belted Kingfishe~ banks for nest sites. m m ,~, m m m m mm m m m m mm m m m m m m SPECIES NAME L~ COLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDN~y ~r Tb~ESTRIAL PAL~ST~INE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME ~ --Source Pftc:h Marltbne Maritime CoastaJ Shrub Enler~mt Coa~al E~ua~yl Stable Marine Birds (Aves) Belted Kingfisher Cerylealcyon Birds (Aves) C 0 Perches over stxeams, ponds, NA NA NA -- banks for ne~ sites. C 0 Pemhes over sixeams, ponds, NB NA NA Belted Kingfisher - banks f~r nest sites. Cerylealcyon W Birds (Aves) C 0 Open areas, trees with heartrot B (12" dbh minimum) SP Bm:is (Aves) C O Open amps, trees with hcam'ol NA NB Nolthcm FUcher (12" dbh mi~inmm) SPECIES NAME Loc ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONOARY Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Refestatus Birds(Aves) C O Open areas, ~ree. s with heanwt NB NB Northern Flicher (12" c~oh m/n/mm) Colaptes avratus W Binis (Aves) C 0 Cavity trees ia open country B Bi~ls (Aves) SP C 0 Cavity fmcs in olmn count~ B Birds (Aves) SU C 0 Cavity trees in open country NB Birds (Avca) C O Cavity Uees m open counUy NB Red-bellied Wo~kx Melanerpes carolinus Bmis (Aves) W Birds (Aves) Ylo-b~l'd Sapsicker? $£hyrapWus vagus Loc sea~. status Special Habitat u~e Requirements ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE W Birds (Av~) Birds (Aves) C SP C 0 Tree limbs with decay B Bi~ds (Av~) SU C 0 Tree limbs with decay NB Picoides villosus Birds (Aves) F C 0 Tr~ limbs ~ith decay NB Hairy Woodpec~r Bffds (Avc~) W C 0 TrceUmbswithdccay B P. pubescens SP Birds (Aves) C Downy W~x,dpecker P. pubescena SU ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINI~ COASTAL/MARINE 0 Tree lim~ with d~cay B Birds(Aves) C Downy Wo~pec~r P. pubescens F 0 Tre~gtmbswithdecay NB Birds (Aves) C Downy Woodpecker P. pubesaens W Birds (Aves) C L Horned Laxk Eremophia ulpestris W Birds (Aves) Homed La~k Eremophia ulpestris W B~e exposed soft B B Bffds (Aves) NB NB Homed Lark Eremophia ulFesiris W SPECIES NAME Pm~Y ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY S~ECIES NAME Lo~ TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur ~ ~ ~ Special Habitat Bird~ (Av~s) A Blue Jay Cyanocitta cr~stata SP 0 B Bffcls (Ave~) A Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata SU 0 B Birds (Ave~) A Bltm Jay Cyanociita cristata F 0 NB Birds (Aws) A Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata W 0 NB Birds (Av~) A 0 American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Sp B Bir~ (Aves) -~: ..... ~, ........ A 0 American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos SU B B B B B SPECIES NAME PRiMARy SPECIES NAME Loc ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occur TERRE~-¥~iA____._~L PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SI~ECIESNAME ~ ~:~; : Status Special Habitat E~ua~, Stable Marine Birds (Aves) A O American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchox F NB NA NA NA NA Birds (Aves) A O Corvus brachyrhynchos W NB NA NB NA NB Birds (Aves) U Fish Crow C os~fi'agus SP L Birds (Aves) R Fish Crow C oscifragus SU Birds (Aves) R Fish Crow C ossifragus F Birds (Aves) R L NB NB Fish Crow C. ossifragus W PRiMARy ECOLOGICAL COMMUNI'F~_ SECONDARY Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE References ~: ~T~;~,~ status Special Habitat En.,rgem C~asta~ Birds(Aves) A 0 Cavity trees or stub~ m small Black-capped Chickad woodlands, clearings or open woodlands. Parus atricapillus SP Birds (Aves) A O Cavity lxees or stubs in small Black-capped Chickad woodlands, clearings or open woodland$. Parus atricapill~s SU B B Bimls (Aves) A O Cavity trees or stubs in small Black-capped Chickad woodlands, clearings or open parus atricapillus F NB NA Birds (Aves) A O Cavity trees or stubs in small Black. capped Ckickad woodlancts, clearings or open woodla~ls. Pants atricapillus W NB NB NA Birds (Aves) A Cavity trees with 8" ~h Tufl~l Ti~nouse minimum. P. bicolor SP B Birds (Av~) A Cavity trees with 8" dbh TuRed Titmouse minir~unL P. bicolor SU SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Lo{: TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Special Habitat Birds (Aves) A Cavity tree~ with 8" dbh Tu~ed Titmouse minimum. P. bicolor F Birds(Aves) ~-~ 7TM --~S~ A Cavity trees with 8" dbh Tufted Titmouse P. bicolor W Birds (Aves) C O Cavity trees in hardwoods or Wh-breast~l Nuthatch mixed wood (12" dbh) S~tta carolinensis SP Birds (Aves) C O Cavity txees in hardwoods or Wh Joreasted Nuthatch mLxed wood ( 12" ~h) $itta carolinensis SU Birds (Aves) C O Cavity tr~s in hardwoods or Wh-breasted Nuthatch mixed wood (12" ¢goh) Sirra carolinensfs F Birds (Aves) C O Cavity razes in hardwoods or WhJoteasted Nuthatch mixed wood (12" dbh) Sirra carolinensis W PRIMARy ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME LOC TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME ~1~ ~1~'.~,~ ~ ~y~ ~; ~:~. Status Special Habitat Birds (Aves) C O Cavity txees in coniferous or Rd-breasted Nuthatch mLxed woods (12" dbh) ~ canaden~s F Birds (Aves) U O Cavity h'=es in coniferous or Rd-breasted Nuthatch mixed woods ( I2" ~h) ~ canadensis W Birds (Aves) U O Woodlands containing t~es with B B Brown Creeper sloughing or loose bark Certhia atne~icana Birds (Aves) U O Woodlands containing trees with Brown Creeper sloughing or loose bark Certhia americana Birds (Aves) R 0 Moist, mixed conifcrom Winter Wren woodland with down logs and shzub~ ground. SP Birds (Aves) R 0 Moist, mixed co~tiferous Winter Wren woodlamt with dorm logs a~d sluut~y grotm~t F B PmMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE ~R~ ~ Source Pitch Ma~me Madt~ne ¢~ Shrub Emerge~lt Coa.tal E~tuary, StaMe M~rine SPECIES NAME ~ S~.. Special Habitat Pine/Oak Shrub- Gra~. Birds (Aves) U 0 Moist, mixed co~fcrous Winter Wren wood]and with dawn logs and shrubby groun~ W NB NA Birds (Aves) U 0 Moist, mixed comf~rous Wrater Wren woodland with down logs and shrubby ground. W Birds (Aves) C 0 Cavity trees am/d brushy Carolina Wren vegetation. Thryothorus ludovicicam B B B Birds (Avea) C O Cavity ~ amid brushy B B B Carolina Wren vegetation. Thryothorus ludovicianu SU Birds (Av~s) C O Cavity t~ca amid brushy NB NA NA Carolina Wren vegetation. Thryothorus ludovicianu F Birds (Aves) C O Cavity txecs amid brushy NB NA NA Carolina Wren vegetation. Thryothorus ludovicianu W SPECIES NAME PPJMAR¥ ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPEC[ES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur SPEC[ESNAIV[E Re~fer~ ~.. ~ource Pitch Madtlrile Ma~ CoastaJ Shrub Emergent Coast~ EstuaP/I Stable Marine Birds (Av~) R 0 Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris SP Marshes B B Birds (AYm) 7 - - - ~: ..... - ;'7 -~ R O Cistothorus palus~s SU Marshes B B Birds (Aves) R 0 Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris F Mm~h~ NA NA NA Birds (Aves) R 0 Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustr~s W Marshes NA NA NA Birds (Aves) C Low thickets, high perches, B B Northern Mockingbird persistent fruits lvfimus polyglottos SP Birds (Aves) C Low thickets, high perches, B B Northern Mockingbird persislent fruits Mimus polyglottos SU SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE ~ , .~ -- Source Pitch Mari~me Maritime Coa~al Shrub Emergent Coastal E~uaryl StaMe Marine ,~ , ~, '-:~: Special Habitat Birds (Aves) C Low thickets, high perches, NB NB Northera Mockingbird persistent fruits Mimus polyglottos F Northern Mockingbird Mimus l~olyglottos W Bffds (Aves) C O Shrubs, thickels in opea country B B B Gray Catbird or forest understo~ Dumetella Carolinensis SP Birds (Aves) C O Shnd0s, thickets in open country B B B Gray Catbird or forest understo~ Dumetella Carolinensis SU Birds (Aves) C O Shtul~, thickets in open cotmt~ NA NA NA Gray Catbird or forest understo~ Dumetella Carolinenais F Birds (Aves) C O Shxubs, thickets in open country NA NA NA Gray Catbird or forest tmdersto~ Dumetella Carolinensis W SPECIES NA~E PRiMARy ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL~MARINE Birds (Aves) U Brovm Thn~her Toxostoma rufum SP L Hardwood for~t - field ecotone B B B B Birds (Aves) U Browa Thrusher Toxostoma ruj~m SU L Hardwood forest, field ecotone B B B B Birds (Aves) U Brown Thrusher Toy~ostoma rufum F (Aves) U Brown Tlmssher Toxostoma ~ufum W Birds (Aves) A American Robin Tur~smigratorius SP 0 B B B Birds (Av~) A American Robin Turdismigratotius SU 0 B B B SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur EPECIESNAME Re~'~-: ~'~~! seas. st.-tus Special Habitat mr, e,'Oak Shrub- Grass. P~in Swamp Marsh Beach EaEmarsh B~nk Deep Birds (Aves) A American Ro~in Turdismigratorius F O NB NA NB Birds (Ave~) U L Coniferous or mixed woodland Hermit Throah with dense undergrowth. Catharus gutlatus SP B B NA B B Birds (Aves) U L Conderous or mixed woodland Hermit Thxush with dense undergrowth. Catharus gut/atus SU B B NA B B Bmls (Aves) U L Coniferous or mixed woodland Hermit Thrush with defoe undergrowth. Catharus gutlatus F NB NA NA NB B SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPEC[ES NAME loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur SPEC[ES NAME Status Special Habitat Pine/Oak ShnJb- Grass- Birds (Aves) R Eastern Bluebird L Low cavitim, open country B B B Bhds (Aves) R L Low cavities, open count~ B B B B~'ds (Aves) Eastern Bluebird L Low cavities, open cotmtry NA NA NA Birds (Aves) C Gold-crowned KingIet Regulus satrapa SP Birds (Aves) C Gold-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa F Birds (Aves) C L Both conifers and mixed stands NB Ruby-crowned 1Onglet d~minated by softwoods SP SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Lo~ TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur R~nces ~;~ status Special Habitat PlneiOak Shrub- Grass- Plan Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Deep Birds (Aves) C L Both conifers and mLxed stands Ruby-crowned I<Jnglct dominated by ~oib,voods F Birds (Aves) C O Olin counUy with scauered trees B B B Cedar Waxwing and persistent fruit Bombycilla cedrorum SU Birds (Aves) C O Open country with scattered trees NB NB NB Ce~r Waxwing mad pe~istent fruit Bombycilla cedrorum F Birds (Ave~) A European Starling Sturnus vulga~s SP O Cavity trees (10" dbh) B Birds (Aves) A European Starling Sturnus vulgans SU O Cavity tn:es (10" dbh) B B B B Birds (Aves) A European Starling Sturnus vulga~s F O Cavity Lees (10" (~h) NB NA NA NA NA PRIMARy ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE ~::~! ~::: Source Pitch MatRIme Marffime Coastal Shrub Entel'gem coastal Estuary/ Stable Marine SPECIES NAME Referefi~ ~ seas. stares Special Habitat Pin.Oak Shrub- C~ass- P~an Swamp Marsh Beach Sa#marsh Bank Deep Birds (Aves) /-~-7:77:77~77-~ A 0 Sturnus vulgaris W Cavity trees (10" ~h) NB NB NB NB NA Birds (Aves) F ~ 7: ? 7 ~ ? 77 7-7~ C 0 Coniferous trees and bayber~ Yellow-romped Watblr B Birds (Aves) 7 77: ~? -: 7.. ~ C O Coniferous trees and bayberry B Bkds (Aves) 7 ? ~ 777: ~ 7777, C O Coniferous lees and bayberry NA NB NB Birds (Aves) C O Coniferous trees and bayberry NA NB NB Yellow-romped Wafolr thickets Dendroica coronata W Birds (Aves) A Hoa~e Sparrow Passer domesiiaus SP 0 B B B B PRIMA~¥ ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SFECIES NAME Special Habitat Birds (Aves) A House Sparrow Passer domesticus SU 0 NA Birds(Aves) A Ho,m: Sparrow Passer domesticus F 0 NA Birds (Aves) A O NA NB House SlXarrow Passer domesticus W Birds (Aves) U L Grasslands and elevated perches B Eastern Meadowlark Stumella magna SP Birds (Aves) U Eastern Meadmvlark Sturnella magna F L Grasslands and elevated perches B Birds (Aves) U SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Special Habitat Birds (Aves) ,- ~ 7- V - 7 ~ = ~ 7 V, A 0 B B B B B Birds(Aves) A Red-wingedBhckbird Agel~usphoeniceus SU O B B B B B Bmis(Ave$) Rcd-wingedBlackbird Agelaiusphoenice#s A 0 F NB NA NA NA NB Birds (Aves) R =d-wi~ed Blackbird ~lgelaius phoeniceus U 0 W Birds (Aves) R Euphagas carolinus SP L B B B Birds (Aw$) R L Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus F B B B SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur - Birds (Aves) 7 - - - ~ ~ ~ z ..... r, R L Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus W NA NB NB Birds (Aves) ,- - - - 7 - ....... , A Wet open country with scattered B B Common Graclde ' - = ~ ...... z _ _, deciduous trees Quiscalus guiscula SP Birds (Aves) 7 7 - 7 7 ' 7 7 - - - ? -~ A Wet open count~ with scattered B B B B Birds (Av~s) 7 - 7 7 Z 7 ~ .... ~ - -~ U Wet open countt~ with scat~red NB NB NA NB Common Grackle ' - - ~ ~ ....... - -, d~iduous trees Quiscalus guiscula W Birds (Aves) 7 =~ 7~r~ .... , A L B Brown-headed Cowbir , _ z _ ~ z = _ ...... * Molothrus ater SP SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc I =~=sTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur Source Pitch Maritime Maritime Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuaryl Stable Maline SPECIES NAME R~f~l~S ~ Status Special Habitat Birds(Aves) ~-~f ...... 7~--i A L Brown-headed Cowbir ' - - ~ ~ ~ ~: .... ' Molothrus ater SU B B NA NA NA NB NB Birds(Aves) ;- ~7777~77=77~, C O Northern Cardinal Cara~nalis cardinalis SP Birds (Aves) F ~ - 7 E ~ ? ~ 7 - ~ - ~ -~ C O SPECIES NAME PPJM~Y ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECOND,~RY Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME R~feren~ .,..~ : -- Source Pffch Marltbl~ Maritime Coastal Shrub Enle~gent Coastal E~ryl Sta~le Marille Birds (Av~) C 0 Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis W Bffds (Aves) 7~7 7 ~ 7 7 7 ? 7 ~ - - -: R L Birds(Aves) 77 ~:7~:~ rr-r-~ R L Evening Grosbeak Coccothraustes vespertin W Birds (Aves) U L Purple Finch Carpodac~s purpureus SP B/td~ (Aves) U L Purple Finch Caq)oda~us purpureus F Birds (Aves) 7?7 ~ 7 7~r 7,~ %7 7 ~, U L Purple Finch Carpodacus purpureus W Coniferous t~ees NB PRIMLY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SFECIE$ NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAI. JMARINE SPECIES NAME Re~n~- ~. status SpecialHabitat PlneiOak Shrub- Grass. Plan Swamp Marsh Beach $aitmarsh Bank Birds (Aws) ?~7-7~7-77v- , A 0 Open g~otmd with low seed Birds (Aves) 7 - - - ~ 7 - - - 7 ~ , A O Open grotmd with low seed Bil~ (Aves) ;' 7 ~' 7 7 ~ .... 7 7 - -~ A 0 Ol~n ground with low seed HOtL~ Finch ~ ~ ......... ' producing plants C. mexicanus F Birds (Aves) A O Open gmtmd with low seed House Finch producing plants C mexicanus W Birds (A'~s) R Common Redpole carduelis flammes SP L Bird~ (Aves) R Common P~(lpolc carduelis flammes W L NB NB mm m m m mm m mm m m m m m m mm m m mm m m SPECIES NAME PRIMARy ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SFECIES NAME I.~ TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE --so,,r,~ P~ Marline M,~me C~l Shnlb Emergent C~l Estumy/ Stable Marine Conifers NA NB Birds (Aves) C 0 Olin, weedy fields with scattered American golch~nch small trees. c. tristis SP B B B B B Birds (Aves) C O Open, weedy fields with scattered ,~merican goldfinch small t~es. c. tristis SU B B B B B Birds (Aves) C 0 Open, weedy fields with scattered American goldfinch small trees. c. tristis F Birds (AYes) F~77= ..... =-~--, C 0 Open, weedy fields with scattered NB NB NB NB NB Amcfic,'m goldfinch c. tristis W SPECIES NAME PPJMAW,' ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE ""'-'-':~--n=,=,=.~' i ;:.~ seas. status Special Habitat Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plan Swamp MarsJ1 Beach Be#marsh Bank Deep Birds(Aves) ~7~77777~7~7~ C L Dense, brushy undsrst ory. B ~ - - - ~ .......... well-dl-amed soils R,Eous-sidcd Towhee SP Birds (Aves) 7 .... 7 - 7 ~ 77 - 7 -~ C L Dense, brushy understo~]. B Rufous-sided Towhee SU Birds (Aves) ~ -: .... - - -~ 7 - 2 -, C L Dense, brushy understo~, NA Rufous-sided Towhee F Birds (Aves) C L Deme. brush.v uaderstoty. NA Paffous-sidsd Towhee well-drained soils W Birds (Av~s) U L I-I~oaceous cover of mo~rate B B B Savammh Sparrow height Passerculus sanclwichens SP Birds (Aves) U L Hefaoceous cover of moderate B B B Savannah Sparrow height Passerculus sandwichens F SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Re~ ;'~ ~ ~!: Seas. status Special Habitat Plne~Oak Shrub- Grass- Plan Swan~ Marsh Beach saamarsh Bank Deep Bffds (Aves) ~?~ 777r-7~~ U L Herbaceous cover of moderate Savanaah Sparrow NB NA NB Sharp-tailed Sparrow Ammodramus caudacutu SP B B B Birds(Av~s) ~-4~---~::777 7 ~ U L Sharp-tailed Sparrow Ammodramus caudacutu SU Shat~tailed Sparrow Ammodramus caudacutu F NA NA NA NA NA NA PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAI. JMARINE Birds (Aves) ,~._,-~ _~,~,~_~ _-_-_~ _-_-: C Se~sid~ Sparrow A. Maritimus F Seasid~ Spmrow A. Maritimus SU Bkds (Aves) ....... :- ...... C ~_, ~_, ?,_:Lo,_~3 _ _~_ _ _ ', Seaside Sparrow A. Maritimus SP B Birds (Aves) ~1,~4~ ~,;/,-8~ 7~7: -7' U O B Bird* (A~es) ~1 - - - } = -~ 77 7 [ 7, C O Dark-eyed b, mco Junco hyemalis F Birds (Aves) ii,-4~ 5~, ~,-8~ 777~ 7:E ~1 C O Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis W NA NA NA SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY $1~ClE$ NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Ref~nCe;~: sea~. status Special Habitat Pine/Oak Shrub- Gra~s- Plan Swamp Marsh Beach Saltmarsh Bank Deep Birds (Aves) )~,-4~ ~,:/,-8- ..... - 7, U O AmcnCau Tr~ Sparro Spizella arborea SP .~cdcan Tree Sparro Spizella arborea F Amedcan Tree Sparro Spizella arborea W Binls (Aves) ~1547~;/;S~ ~ 7 5 7 7 ? 7~ C L Chil~ng Sparrow S. pc~serfna F Clearings with bare gxound, co.rs or ~or~ ~ Birds(Aves) 71,-4~ ~, ;/,-~ ~ ~ ~7 ! C L Clearings with ba~ ground, NB NB Chipping Sparrow ~ ........ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ conifers or thorny shrubs S. passeHna SU Chipping Sparrow , .......... ~ _ eonifcns or thorny shrubs $. passeHna SP PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Field Sparrow Olds fields Field Sparrow Olds fields B B B Field Spa~ow Birds (Aves) R L White-crowned Sparro Zonoiricha leucophrys W Brushy edges Birds(Aves) ~7-2777~7:5rTT U L White-crowned SpmTO Zonotricha leucophrys SP SPECIES NAME PRJMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAI-/.~MARINE ,~.~- ~.~;~ .~ ,~. -- Source ~ Mm~iSme M;i~Ume Co~s~l Shrub EMuatyl StaMe Marlite Wlfite-fltroated Sparo Birds(Aves) ~-4~ ~,*-8~ ~ ~ ~ : z ? C 0 Wlfite-throated Sparo ZaIbicollis F B B Birds (Aves) ~ -4~ ~, ~,-8~ ~ U O Bird~ (Aves) U L Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca W Birds (Aves) ~t_.-~ ~, ~ ~ ~?, U L SECONDARy Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Passerella iliaca SU Birds (Aws) ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY Birds (Aves) ~3,~,~,~ ~ ~ 7 , u o Melospiza georgiana W Birds (Aves) ~,~3,~,~V ;~ -, c o Song Sparrow ......... ~ - M. melodia W Birds(Aves) SPECIES NAME PPJMAR¥ ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SP~CIESNAME R~e~e'~es~{~*~ Sea~. Status Special Habitat Pine/Oak Shrub- Grass- Plan Swamp Match Beach Sal~nars;1 Bank Deep Birds (Aves) ~1,7S,~,:/,~,~ ~ ~ F , C 0 Song Sparrow kg melodia SU B B B Bird~ (Aves) ~li~,~,~~ R L Snow B~m/~n~ Plectrophenax nivalis SP Birds (Aves) R L Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis F NA NA Birds(Aves) U L NA NA Gmat Casmeroc~us albus SP B B B B B B ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITy_ SECONDARy Occur TERRF.:~T~;iAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUM~ARINE Birds (Aves) G--~'-~-~ ..... A L Great Egxet Casmerodius albus SU Great Egret Casraerodius albus F NA NA NA NA NA NA Snov~ Egret - -' ...... c ..... Egretta thula SP B B B B B Snowy Egret ............. Egretta thula F NA NA NA NA NA NA American Wigeon ,4rx~ a~erfcc~a SU B B B m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SF~ECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTALqVIARINE S[~ECIES NAME Special Habitat Anas americana SU Birds(Aves) ~,~,~,~- ~ ~ 7; 7~ 7 ~ 7, C L Semipalmatcd Plover Charadrius semipalmatu SP Semilxalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatu SP B B B Birds (Aves) ~ ,~,~,~,-8,~,-2~ ~ : 7¢ C O Federal and New York State Piping Plover - - -' ........ ~ ~ Endangered c. melodus SP B B B Birds (Aves) ~ 3,~,~,~,~; 7 ~ 7 ~ 7, C O Federal and New York State Piping Hover ' ........ ~ ~ ~: ~ ' Endangered c. melodus SP NA NA NA Birds (Aves) 7 ~ :~:7 ~ 7~ ? ~ ~ C L Tringa melano leuca SP B B B SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Birds(Aves) R L Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria SP B B Birds (Ave~) 743,~,-9~ ~ 7 7: 7- 7 5 7, U L Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia SP B B B NA NA NA Birds (Aves) U L Laughing Gull SU Birds (Ave~) C L Laughing Gull F NA NA NA Royal Tern Sterna maxima F Coastal waters, jetties, beaches B B ~MUNfTY SECONDARy Occur T~.R~SYKiAL PALUSTRINE COASTAUMARINE Source Pitch Ma~ Ma~ C~ Sh~b Birds (Ave~) ~,~,3,3,~,~3~ 7 3 ~ ~ U L Feakral and New York State B B B ~hirundo F Birds (Aves) A L Common Tern ~ ~ ~'~ z ~ ~ x~ S. hirundo SU Birds (Aves) ~ =. ~ ~ ~:~:~ ~ ~:,~ ~ ~ C L $.hirundo SP B B B Least Tern S. albifrons F New York Endangered $.alb~frons SU New York Endangered SPECIES NAME I'RIMN~y ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECO~O~I~¥ Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE. ~albifrons SP New York Endangered B B B Birds (Aws) ~,~,~ - 7 ~ ~ ~ r 7 - = - -' C L Common Nighthawk Chordeillesrt~nor F Birds (Aves) ~,~,~: 5:7~ 7 7 7 77 7, U L Common Nighthawk Chordeilles minor SP B B B B Birds (Ave~) 71,~,~ 1~ ~1 ? ?-1 7, C L Cimaey Swift Chaetura pelagica SU Chinmeys Birds (Aves) ~,~ -J'~ 7 7 ~: ~7 i' C L Cimney Swift Chaetura pelagica SP Chimneys B B B Birds (Aves) ~,~,~;; 775 1 ~l 7, U Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus F Cle,,m n_gs, field, orchar~ Pf~JMAEY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Special Habitat Birds (Aves) ~4,~ 7 ~- ~ 2 C Eastern ICmgbird Tyrannus tyrannus SU Clearings, fields, orchards NB NB NB Biras (Aves) '~.,~,~ 7 7" --?:?:7 - :7-' C Eastern IO.n~oird Tyrannus tyrannus SP Clearings, fields, orchards B B B Birds (Aves) .?1,~,~,~ ~J ? ~ A L Tree cavities(10" Sah), open Hirundo rustica F Birds (Aves) ,71,~,~,~ ~ 7 ? 7~ ~! A L Tree cavities(10" $oh), oFen NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Hirando rustica SU Birds (Aves) ~,~,~7 7 7 7, A L Tree cavities(tO" dbh), open B B B B B B B Hirundo ras~ca SP SPECIES NAME PFUMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Special Habitat Birds (Aves) ~],~,~,~ -- 7 - - 7- - 7 -, A L Atmndoned or little used Birds (Aves) ~;~,~;~ - ~ 7 7 ? ?:7 ~ -, A L Abandon~i or liill¢ used Barn Swallow .... = :~ z ..... , buildings Hirundo rustica SP B B B B NA B B B Birds(Aves) C L House Wren Troglodytes aedon W Cavity trees and shrubs Birds (Av~s) C L Troglodytes aedon F Birds(Aves) q,~,~,3 ; 7 ~:7 Z 7 7 7, c L House Wren Troglodytes aedon SU Birds (Aves) C L Hou.~ Wren Troglodytes aedon SP SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARy Occur TERRESTRIAL pALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE ~/~£~ Source Pitch Madli~le Uadtlrne Coaalal Shrub E~erge~t Coastal Estuar~l Stable Marin~ SPECIES NAME ~ Statu; Special Habitat V~reo olivaseus SU B Birds (Aves) ~i;~,~,~ ,~ ~:~' ~: ~ -~ U L Blue-winged Warbler Vermivora pinus F Old fields, scattered Blue-winged Wadole~ Vermivora pinus SP Old fields, scat~ed shrubs B B B Birds (Aves) ~1.~,~,~,~ 7 ~ ? 7 7 ?, U L Blue-winged Warbler I~ermivora pinus SU Birds (Ave~) ~,~3,~,~ ~ : '~ 7 ? :7 7 % U L Scattered small Birds (Aves) ~3,~,~ ~ r ~: C L ScaReted small t~, dense B B B SPECIES NAME PmM~¥ ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME SECONDARY Occar TERR~'S¥1~iAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Birds(Aves) ~-a-~-e~7;77,~;P7~, U L Black~thrtd Gr War[al D. virens SP Conifer or mixed woodlands B Birds(Aves) U L Black-tbrtd Gr Waffol ~',~,-~,- i~ -'~ z ~ ~ ~ D. virens F Birds (Aves) C L Pine Wadaler D.pinus SP Birds (Aves) ~,~,b ~ ;~ ~ '~ ~ 7, C L D.pinus F Birds (Aves) ~5,-g,~ 7'~ ~ ~ 7 ~ :;~ ~' C L Scattered trccs, thick sluub Palm Wa'bier ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ growth D.p~lmarum Sp PRIMARy ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARY Occ~Jr TERREST~IA~L PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Source Pitch MaJ~lme Mari~k~e Coa~al Shrub Enler~eflt Coastal EstuapJl Stable Maline Mniotilta varia SP B B B B Birds(Aves) ~,~,~,~:: ::: -: 7, C L Common Yellowtl~at ........ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ Geothypis trichas SP B SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME R~C~S : Status Special Habitat Pine/Oak Shrub- G~ass- Plan Swamp Marsh Beach $~ Bank Birds (Ave~) ~ ,~.,~;~,~ ....... 7 -! C L Commoa Y~llowthroat Geothypis trichas SU Bir~ (Aves) 71,~,~,~,~- r ~ * 7 7 7 7 7, C L Common Yellowthroat Geothypis tricha~ F NA Ivo~¢ Gull Pagophila eburnea A L NB NB Birds (Aves) Golden Eagle ~,~,~-~' ?; ~ - 77 7 ~' A L Clilts and wide open slxtcc B B B B B B Birds (Aves) Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos ~,-8~2~7.777~-~-7, A L Cliffs and wide open spacc NB NB NB NB NB NB Loggerhead Shrike LanJus Iud ovicianu$ A L Open countryf with short B grasslands and scattered t~es SPECIES NAME PmMAR¥ ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur Birds (Aves) Loggerl~ad Shrike A L Open countryf v, dth shor~ NB NB NB grasslands and ~cattcrcd trees Birds (Aves) Lesser Black Bk Gull A L Birds (Arcs) Blue Grosbeak Guiraca Caerulea Sedge Wren Gistothorus platensis A L B B Pandion haliaetus SP B B pandion haliaetus SU NA NA m mm m m mm m mm mm m mm m m mm m m mm m m m SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME L~ TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur 8~-ds (^yes) '~,~,~,~,~ jo;2T: .... ' c L pandion haliaems F NA NA ]~tammals 0Vlamma ............. T, C L Virginia Oppossium Didelphis virginiana SP Hollow log or tree cavity B B B B B B Mammals(Mamma r]-4 - F : 7 - T : - ?, c L Virginia Ol~ossium Didelphis virginiana SU M~,,,,~ (~m~ ci~7777~777 , C L Virginia Oppossium Didelphis virginiana F Hollow log or tree cavity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Mammals(Mamma ,~-7777 ?~ ~7, U L Virginia Oppossium Didelphis virginiana W Hollow log or tree cavity NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Masked Shrew Sorex cinereus W D~mp woodlands, ground cover SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME L~ TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDAJ~Y Occur R~B~t~,~ --?:' so~rcestatus PIneiOakPitch Maritimeshrub- Mar~meGras~. Coastal Shrub Emergent Coastal E~tuaryl Stable Marine SPECIES NAME Special Habitat Mammals Sorex cinereus F Damp woodlands, ground cover Masked Shrew $orex cinereus SU Mammals Masked Shrew Sorex cinereus SP Damp woodlands, ground cover B B B B B Mammals (Mamma C L Low vegetation; damp loose leaf No Shorttailed Shrew fitter Blarina brevicauda W Mammals (Mnmmn C L LOw vegetation; damp le~se leaf No Shortlailed Shrgw ]iHer Bla~na brevicauda F Mammals (Mamma ?1~ Z~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C L Low vegetation; damp loose leaf NB NB NB NB NB NB SPECIES NAME PRIMARy ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME LOC TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur SPECIES NAME Status Special Habitat Plne~3ak Shrub. Gnms- LOw vegetation; damp loose leaf B B B B B B Hahn-tailed Mole poro~calups brewet~ W Loose, moist, wcll drained soil Ha/o'-tailed Mole Paroxcalups breweri F Loose, moist, well drained soil Haffy-taikd Mole Parascalups breweri SU Loose, moist, well drained soil Loose, moist, wcU drained soil B B Mammals (Mmmna ,]j~.-: :7C -: 7 7 -: 7 -, U L Soft, moist soils with earthworms Eastern Mole ~calopus aquateus W PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Lec TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME RefetenCes./~: j~.. Special Habitat Plnemak Shrub- Gra~- Marsh Beach SaNmarsh Bank Oeefl ~ ([Vlam ma U Eastern Mole Scalopus aqua~eus F L Soft, moist softs with earthworms Eastern Mole Scalopus aquateus U L SU Mamma~ EaslemMole Scalopus aquateus U L Soft, moist softs with earthworms B B B Mammals (Mamma Slax-nosed Mole Condylura er~stata C L W Wet muck, humus Mammals (Mamma C Star-nosed Mole Condylura eristata F L Wet muck, humus Mammals(Mamma C L Star-nosed Mole Condylura eristata SU Wet muck, humus NB NB NB NB mm m m m m m m m m m m m ,~ m m m m m m Mammnle (Mamma Star-nosed Mole Condylura eristata Mammals ~ Lo= ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY Occur TERRESTRIAL ~ COASTAL/MARINE Wet muck, humus B B B B C L Females: dark warm sites for 71,~-~ ~7 577777~ C L Females: dark warm sites for ~7~77777777-77-, C L Females: dark warm sites for B B B B B B B ~,],-4~-~7-7777:57, c L Caves, mine shatis, humid calm Keen's Myofis .............. air P~ keeni W SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE [q[~mm~lg CMalllma C L Caves, mine shal~, humid cahn Mammals (Mmm~a C L Caves, mine shafts, humid calm afl Kegn*s Myotis ~ keeni SU Mammals (Malmlla C L Caves, mine shafts, hmmd calm air K~a's Myotis ~ keeni SP B B B B B B B ~ (lV[nmma R L Dead trees with loose bark or cavities, water Sil~r-b~ain~d Bat £as~onycteris noct~vagen W Mammals (Manuna U L Dead utes with loose berk or cavities, water Silver-haired Bat Lasionycteris noctivagen F SPECIES NAME ~M~Y ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NaME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Mammals (Mamma Fl ........... 7 - U L Dead tre~s with loos~ bark or B B B B B B B Sil~r-haked Bat ~ ............. * cavities, water Lo. vionycteris noctivagen SP Mamm~l~ (M~amma ,~ ............. R L Warm, draft free, damp sites, Eastera Pipistrella .............. open woods Pipistrellus subflavis W Mammals (Mamma 71 ...... R L Warm, draft free, damp sites, Eastern Pipistmtla , ............. open woods Pipistrellus subflavis F Mammals (Mamma t~ ............. U L Warm, ~ free, damp sites, Eastern ]Pipistrella ~ - - ........... open woods Pipisirellus subflavis SU B B B B B B B ~l;tmm:tlg (Mamma '],~t - - ? ......... ' U L Cold, dry areas of caves or Big Brown Bat ' - -: ~- ~ ..... : -, bttildings Epte~fcusfuscus W SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Lin: TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Mammals ~ C L Cold, dry areas of caves or Mammals (Mamma a ~7 ~ 77 ~ ~ ~R C L Cold, dly areas of ca,es or B B B B B B Big Brown Bat Epte~s ~s SP B Mnmmnl~ (Mamma U Red Bat lasiurus borealis F L Deciduous for~s~ edges IVlanu~ls (M~ama U Red Bat lasiurus borealis SU L Deciduous forest edges Mammals(Mamma U Red Bat las~urus borealis SP L D~ciduou$ forest edges B B B B B B B PRJMA~¥ ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SECONDARy Occur TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAIJMARINE Mammals (Mamma R Homy Bat L. cine~eus W L Conifemm~m~edges Mammals (Mamma R H~uy Bat L. cinereus F L Coniferous forest edges Mammals (Mamma R L. cinereus SU L Coniferous forest edges Mammals (Maw, ma R Hoa~' Bat L. cinereus SP L Coniferous forest edges B B B B B B Mammals(Mamma ,i,7;? ~ ~- ~5 7- 5 7 v 7, A L Sylvi lagus flori danus W Brush pile, wal/, dens or burrows, herbaceous and shrubby cover. gylvilag~s floridanus F Brush pile, wall, dens or burrows, heeoaceous and shrub/oy cover. SPECIES NAME R~fer~,~ :~ ~i~:J :? st~tu, Special Habitat ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARiNE Mammah (Mamma ?17¢-7777:~ 57 , A L Eaatem Cottontail Sylvilagas floridanus SU Brush pile, wall, dens or burrows, herbaceous and shndoby cover. Mammals (Mamma ,~,~-7 ~ 7:~ 77 7, A L E~ Cottontail Sylvilagas flotqdanus SP Brush pile, wall, d~ns or burrows, heeoaceous and shrubby cover, B B B B B B B Mammals (Mamma U L Young woodlands with thick New Engl Cottontail cover Mammals (]~ammn U L Young woodlands with thick New Engl Cottontail cover X transitionalis SU B B B B B B B m m m m m m m mm m m m m m m mm m m m m SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc SECOnDARy Occur _TERRESTRIAL. PALUSTRINE COASTAI. JMARINE SPECIES NAME Status Special Habitat Ftne/Oak Shrub- Orus- Snowshc~ Hare Dense brushy softwood cover Snowshoe Hare Mammals(Mamma ,]-- ~ 777; :-- 7--, C L Lepus ameHcanos SP Dem~e brushy softwood cover B B Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanos C L SU Eamcra Chipmunk ~,-4-: 77 ~ 7-7: 77-~ U L W Tree or shrub cover, perches C L F SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE MaraJ]lals (lVl~mm~ C ~ Chipmunk Tamias straitu$ SP L Open, semi-open cotm~ly Mammals (Mamma C Woodchuck Marmota monax F L Woodchuck Marrnota monax SU Mammals (Mamma C Woodchuck Mannota monax SP L Open, semi-open country B B B B SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY PRIMARY S~C~ES ~ME La= TERRESTRIAL pALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur -- Source Pitch M~ Maritime Co~al Shrub Emergent Coastal Estuaryl Stable Maline Glaucomys sabrinus W Mammals(Mamma ~1~.~- --7 ...... -, C L Maiure woodland with cavity So Hying Squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus F Mal~mals C~4nmmn ~-! 7~ ~ 7 7 ? 7 7 7 7 ~ 7 7~ C L Mature woodland with cavity So 8ying Squir~ Glaucomys sabr~nus SU Mamma in (lv~amllla ;-17~.--- 7 ~ 7 ~ 7 7 7~ C L Mare.re woodland wlth cavit~ so hying S~L Glaucomys sabrqnus SP B Mammals (Mamma - ~-6 .......... C L Whit~-footed Mouse P. leucopus W SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE B B B B B Mammals(Mamma Fl~2~ ~7~i, C L Springs, brook, seels, bog debris 4 ; or slash So ~ked Vole Clethrionomys gappett W So Rea~oacked Vole ............. or slash Clethrionomys gapperi F Mammals (Mamma C L springs, brook, seeps, bog, debris NB NB NB or slash So P. edbaclmd Vole Clethrionomys gappeti SU MammMn (Mamma So Redback(M Vole C L B B B Clethr~onomys gapFeri SP A = Abund~at; U = L~; C = C~am~n; R = Rn~; O = Ohaeann~l; L = L~teaatur<, Sp = Spring; SU = Strainer; F = IraLI; W = W~at~r Pag~ 87 Thmaday, Marcia 19, 1998 B - Br~dlng; NB = N~a-Br~ding; NA = Not Apgli{mbl© Springs, brook, seeps, bog, debris or slash P~IMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SP~CI;ES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Special Habitat Mammals (Mamma ~L~.~ 7:~ 7 - 7: ?: ~ A L Hezbaceous cover and loose Mammals(Mamma A L I-~tbaceous cover and loose Meadow Vole ' ~ : ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~' organic soils Microtus Fennsylvanicos SP B B B B B B Mammaln (Mamma C L Herbaceous groundcovex on moist Woodland Vole weB-drained soils. leL pinetoram W Mammals (~ .... C L Woodland Vole M~ t~netorum F l-Ied0aceous grou~kowr on moist well-drained soils. SPECIES NAME PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE iVlaml~lls 0vinmma 7L~. ~7;77Z~ 7, C L Herbaceous groundeover on moist B B B Mammals (Mmama ~l,~,,~d,~~' ? ~ 7 ~ ~:~ C L Wetlands with emergent Mammals (Mamma 51 ~.,~d~37 7 7:7 Z ~ ~-~ C L Wetlands with emergent Ondatra zibethicus SU M .... I,~ (~mama ~l,~,~d3- ~ ~ ~ '~ T: ~ C L Wetlands with emergent B B B B B ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE -- Source Pitch Mafltlrne Maritime Coa~al Shrub Emergent Coas~l Estuaryl Stable Marine S~s. Status Special Habitat Pine;Oak Shrub- Grass- Plan Swamp Marsh Beach Sal'allar~h Bank Deefl Um Requirements ~=~e~t lands lands Pond Water Mammals (Mamma '4 , U L Moist, loose soils with leaf liRcr Bog Lemmin Synaptomys cooperJ SU B Norway Rat Rattus norvegieus W Buildings, dumps, loose soil Norway Rat Rattus norvegieus F SPECIES NAME PRIMARY Loc SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY TERRESTRtAL PALU~TRiN~ COASTAL/MARINE Mammals (Mamma A House Mouse Mus musculus SU L I~use Mouse Mus musculus SP B B B pag~ 91 PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME LOC TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAI. JMARINE Meadow jumping Mou Zapus Irudsonius F Meadow lumpiag Mou Zapus hudsonius SU Meadow lump~ng Mou Zapus hudvonius SP Herbaceous cover, lo~e soils B B B B B B Red fox Vulpes vulpes W Mamm*l~ (Mamma ~1,4,23 : ( ~ ~ C L Red fox Vulpes vulpes F SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY PRIMARY SFECIES NAME L~ TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur Yulpes vulpes SU Red Vulpes vulpes SP B B B B B B Mammals (Mamma fi 7~-~ ? U L Hollow logs, tree cavities and Mammals (Mamma ~I U L Hollow logs, tree cavities and Mammalg ~amma ~-~ ~ ~ ~ v U L Hollow logs, tree cavities and Gray Fox Urocyon cinereoargente SU Gray Fox m'eVlces Urocyon cJnereoargente SP B B B B B SPECIES NAME P~IMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SECONDARY Occur SPECIES NAME Special Habitat Raccoon Procyon lotor W Hollow U~s 10 lt. hi,~a Raccoon Procyon lotor F Raccoon Procyon lotor SU HoRowti~slO fl. Mgh NB NB Procyon lotor SP Hollow trees 10 R. high B B B B B B B Ermine Mustela erminea W Dense brushy cover Ermine Mustela erminea F SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY sl~c~Es NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME Seu. Status SpecialHabitat PlnelX)ak Sh~l~ Gras~ P~an Swamp Marsh Be~ch Sal~l~arsh Bank Deep Ern~ne Mustela enninea SP Dense brushy cover B B B Long tail=d Weiscl ~ frenata SP B B B B B m m m m mmm mm m m m ,mm mm m m m m m ~m m mm PRIMARY ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Lec TERRESTRIAL I~ALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SPECIES NAME R~ ~, ':) seas. status SpecialHabitat Pln~Oak Shrub- Grass- Ptan Swa~tp Marsh 8each Sal~/mrlh Bald( Deep Mi~k 3/L vison W Cavity logs and roots, water Mink 34( vison F Mmk ~ vison SU t~L vison SP Cavity logs and mots, water NA NA NA B B B B B S~I~d Skunk Mephiiis mephitis W SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY PRIMARY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE SUip~ skm~ ~ephi~is mephitis SU L NB NB Mammals (Mamma C st~p~ s~ Mephifis mephitis SP L B B B B B B B Mamm~ ~ U RA,~r O~er Lutra canodensis W L Watefoody i.e.: pond Mammals (Mamma U River Ot~r Lutra canadensis F L Wated~ly i.e.: pond Mam=~ (Mamma U River Otter Lutra canadens~s SU L Waterb~ i.e.: pond NB NB NB River Ot~r Lutra canadensis SP Wate~ i.e.: pond B B B SPECIES NAME ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY SPECIES NAME Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE White-tailed l~er Odocoileus virginianus W Mamn~mIu (Mamma 71,~,3.6 7 7 - 7 7 ~ - 7 - 71 C L White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus F Odocoileus virginianus SU ~vf .... I~ (Mamma ~1,~4,-26 7 - ........ ' C L Odocoileus virginianus SP Softwood yarding B B B B B B Mammals(Mamma .......... ~---, C L Gray Squirrd Sciurus carolinensis W Mammals (Mmmna q4 t C L Gray Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis F Occur Sea~ St~tu. Special Habitat use Requirements ECOLOGICAL. COMMUNITY TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAiJMARINE Gray Squirrel C L SU Gray sqmr~l C L SP Red squint! C L W Woodlands and conifers R~ Squirre~ C L F Wo~llands and co.'ers Mammals (l~h~mma P, lgt SquJr~l Tami asciurus hudso ni cus C L SU R~d Squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus C L SP (Mamma Harbor Seal Phoca vttulina ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY Loc TERRESTRIAL PALUSTRINE COASTAL/MARINE Occur C L W Phoca vitulina F Phoca vitulina SU Phoca vitulina SP B B B Gray Halichoerus grypus SP t,,,~, Ov~ r~.,'~ i-dO ......... ' u c Gray ~ Halichoerus grypus SU 25 , N 540000~-- N 330000 ~--- 14 --E · ' Duck P,~ N 340000~ 0 ~ 17 10 50 22 24 LIMIT 25 15 19 10 OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) 10 11 27 10 , Golds ..! 12 50 N 340000 13 ' 12~ 14 13 , · //10 19 ,,/ ~1,"1 N 32 22 13 O o 19 19 25 DRAFT LEGEND Limit of Study Area extends from approximately 500' seaward of Mean High Water (MHW) to the upland extent of the 100-Year flood zone as determined By the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Topography taken from United States Geological Survey (USGS), shown in feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL); Shoreline shown represents the approximate line of Mean High Water (MHW) at the time of mapping. Depth contours and soundings taken from USGS, shown in feet below Mean Low Water (MLW). ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY - DUCK POND PT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK TO HORTON PT. 0 STUDY AREA BASE MAP DATE: 3-19-98 SH. 2 OF 8 N N 310000'~ N 300000---- 21 N 30 \ / x East .. / ,' ./'F / '" ---" .... 18 ...... '.'." /""--' .......... 30''-" 15 /' 11 ' ' 28 ' 13 "'', 12 /" .' \ ,.,.';;. '.5.~':"i / \, $./10 ,,' / 24 ,.';'-- ......'"'\,,./'/ ' ..-~. ,' ,' 12 I ."_. 13 ..' ro '" .." / LIMIT OF STUDY AREA (TYP.) 57 3M 55 BM 4.6 0 0 0 0 W N 300000+ X BM 16 N 300000 ../- DRAFT N 310000'-~--j 0 0 0 0 0 W /// LEGEND Limit of Study Area extends from approximately 500' seaward of Mean High Water (MHW) to the upland extent of the lO0-Year flood zone as determined By the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Topography taken from United States Geological Survey (USGS), shown in feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL); Shoreline shown represents the approximate line of Mean High Water (MHW) at the time of mapping. Depth contours and soundings taken from USGS, shown in feet below Mean Low Water (MLW). ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY - DUCK POND PT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK TO HORTON PT. STUDY AREA BASE MAP DATE: 5-19-98 SH. 1 OF 8 N N 510000+ N 300000 + 21 13 --E 28 22 25 N 9 MEAN HIGH MEAN LOW 10 24 k ' ~. ~SM go 28 LIMIT OF STUDY AREA ,"12 '\ \ 57 BM 46 N 30(0000 )M 55 LZ ./ X BM 16 \ / \ \ \ \ \ Water East 0 0 0 0 N 300000+ / ,/ Aa~titu \ \ LIMIT Of STUD'Y AREA (TYP.) DRAFT N 310000+ 0 0 W LEGEND Intertidal Marsh {NYS DEC), IM High Marsh or Salt Meadow {NYS DEC), HM Coastal Fresh Marsh (NYS DEC), FM Coastal Shoals, Bars, and Mudflats (NYS DEC), SM Littoral Zone (NYS DEC), LZ Freshwater Wetlands (NYS DEC), FW Wetland Identification Code - MT 20 ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY - DUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, POND PT. TO HORTON PT. NEW YORK --.-TIDAL AND FRESHWATER WETLANDS DATE: 5-19-98 SH. 5 OF 8 N ~40000+ WI-- 0 N 330000+ 14 · ' Duck N 340000 0 CD {2) 0 N 340000+ ..... .... -30 .................../'-'- 25 21 .," ;'12 0 19 --E 22 _.AB""' ,! I · 24i/ 13 ~ I,' 9 30 LZ ,',/ " 13 .· 0 ' 27 / ~ 4 ~// "' 14 ... %~'" .-~ 13 , ¢ .- , SM, ~ ' , ' 15 ' 5 ' 24 ~ 25 ' -" 9 -" ,' 11.,',, ,. .. 13 . , 10 '-'11 .' ' ' . AB '' 9 7 ~-/ - ,' -- - ' ......... 11 " / ll 24 , 10 LIMIT Of STUDY AREA ( / 22 - ' '" 11 ~ ~ 10 DRAFT - - ........ , 6 ~ LEGEND 9/ ..,- -' '- '16, , ,' ', ,, Intertidal Marsh (NYS DEC), IM .. 15 . .] '-' High Marsh or Salt Meadow (NYS DEC), HM --' ' " 15 .." / ~' .. .-- 12- .......... ~ -' Coastal Fresh Marsh (NYS DEC), FM 15 .. .-' 9.' .' .-' - .. -' ' -~ - -- LZ ' ... ,-' .-' Coastal Shoals, Bars, and Mudflats (NYS DEC), SM 28 //'9 ..';;...".-'".MEAN .H?GH - . / . 2..- Littoral Zone (NYS DEC), LZ · ' -" ' .~'." / Freshwater Wetlands (NYS DEC), FW .. .' 10 .- .-' .." MEAN LOW ..-- / / Wetland Identification Code - MT 20 :5. " '""" '"-. ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY - DUCK POND PT. TO HORTON PT. L.~ ii :;:5..~.:~. ~f' " '". ° TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK -"" '"- -. TIDAL AND FRESHWATER WETLANDS '- o '- DATE: 5-19-98 SH. 4 OF 8 N N 310000 N 300000 21 LIMIT 22 13 OF STUDY AREA 24 15 /~' 11 13 "'', 12 -- \ \ \\ \ 57 55 · N 0 0 0 BM 46 0 W N 3000'00 MEAN MEAN HIGH LOW 24 21 21 12 13 X BM 16 '\ \ Water N 300000 / \ \ I./- DRAFT N 310000 0 0 0 LIMIT OF STUDY Area (TYP.) LEGEND ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY - DUCK POND PT. TOWN OF' SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK TO HORTON PT. MAPPED HABITAT & TEMPORAL RESTRICTIONS DATE: 3-19-98 SH. 5 OF 8 25 N 340000 N 330000 ~-- 14 0 · Duck E 0 N 340000+ 0 50 30 22 24 10 22 . .' 9, ~%. ;.MEAN .H. .. ... IGH W · ' 10 -' / .. MEAN LOW WATER 25 15 19 10 7 11 UMIT OF STUDY AREA 16 9 10 10 10 11 11 9 8 13 ,, Golds 12 30 16 9 13 ' ' 19 13 ~-- mc 13 N 340000 22 N 0 19 19 ,' 21 DRAFT LEGEND ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY - DUCK POND PT. TO HORTON PT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 0 0 0 0 MAPPED HABITAT & TEMPORAL RESTRICTIONS DATE: 5-19-98 SH. 6 OF 8 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 310000+ 21 N 300000--~ 30 --IE LIMITOf STUDY AREA ( " .... - ......... 30''-- /' 15 /' 11 ' ' , 13 '- 12 ., / 22 ' ' ' ..?5J,/ " /1'0 ' X \ X X \\ 57 55 · N 321 24 · ,12 0 0 0 0 ,%~ /// ,' 12 21 ,' MEAN HIGH ///~ '10 / / BM 46 0 0 W N 300000---~ 25 go 13 / / \ \ / Water X BM 16 / ,. \ \ LIMIT Of STUDY AREA (TYP.) N 300000 ~-~ ./- N 310000~ LEGEND ENVIRONMENTAL iNVENTORY - DUCK POND PT. TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK HORTON PT. UNCERTIFIED SHELLFISHING AREAS DATE: 3-19-98 SH. 7 OF 8 N 340000~-- N 340000 0 0 0 0 0 W N 340000 0 0 0 0 25 N 330000 , 11 ,' 7 8 ,. Duck --E 0 g 30 28 22 30 17 · AG /'14/ 10 25 10 24 10 / 15 19 , 7 11 LIMIT OF STUDY AREA ( 11 11 24 10 13 10 '-' ~ " 11 ' , · , 19,.. ,4¢ .4,' , Golds 27 12 13 21 30 16 13 13 ' ,I 13 12] 14 N , 13 ' - 14.1 21 DRAFT LEGEND ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTORY - DUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, POND PT. TO NEW YORK HORTON PT. 0 0 0 0 W UNCERTIFIED SHELLFISHING AREAS DATE: 3-19-98 SH. 8 OF 8