HomeMy WebLinkAboutSan Simeon Engineering report - water supply & sewage disposal June 1994Prepared For: Mohring Enterprises, Inc. 323 Gl~ Cove AVenU~ Sea Cliff, New York 11§79 Prepared By: Young & Young . 400 o~:r~n~er Avenue Riverhea~, New York 11901 June 30, 1994 ENoINEERIN~ REPORT.' SA/~'SIMEoN AT'¢REENPORT ...... .~.,.. ..... . TOWN OF $ , · OU~HOLD, NEW YORK ', I · TABLE OF CONTENTS Oeneral Description of Existing Facilities ........... · ................ 2.1 Water Supply System a. Collection System ' b. Pump station ....... ..... ........ c. Force Main 3. Test Procedures and Results . ....... ~.1 Water Supply System 3.2 Sewage Disposal System . a. Collection System b. Pump Station ......................................... c. Force Main 4. Recommendations for Improvements ...... . ....................... 4.1 Water Supply System 4.2Sew~qe Disposal System a. Collection System Pump Station ......................................... c. Force Main .....,..............,. 5. Summary and Conclusion - Appendix A - Photographs Appendix B - Plan of Proposed Water Mains & Appurtenances Appendix C - Plan of Sanitary System . Appendi~ D -Plan of Sewage Pump Station ENCINEERINC REPORT ''SAN'sIMEON AT"G~EENPORT'- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YO~ Young & Young was ' Prepare an en i ' retained b Mob - g neerAn re o Y ring Enter rise ~UpPly.and sewa e ' q ---P ~= on the conditi ? .s! Inc. to Co~m~unlt ~ro~g disposal facilities at on of Th= existing wa~er this re ~r~ .~.c= in ¢~eenp0rt' New y th~ San Simeon_Retirement Su er P ~ l_ to provide r2%e V ork. ~he purpose rot . ~_P lntendent of U ' . ,. _lllage Board o' ' ~ __ Preparing ~nd SeWer fa ~_~il~tie._wiuh an eva ~ ~ru_teu~ and application for Water service to~ c,.. =u~ un moating Enterprises, residential units, each of the eight (8) existing : . The descriptions.of existing conditions are based on the'site inspection and field testing conducted on June 23, 1994. The following personnel Were present for the site inspection and field testing prOcedures: . Richard Mohring, Jr. . Thomas Wolpert Mohring Enterprises, Inc. Warren Jensen ' Young & YOUng Don Cehring ' 'Oreenpor~ Wa%er Department ' Gehring Electric The locations of all water Valves, hydrants, sewer ma covers and appurtenances were.no~ vet' ' . nho!e heavily Over~row~ With ve e lf~e~ as the s&te has become Conducted uti ' _.. q ration. However, Standard te£Uing roc .. lizlng key components of %he,water supply and sSw~ge edures diSpOsal systems Were determined =0 be adequate uo evaluate =he integrity of =he wanur and Sewer facilities. The water suppl s ' Water Ma£n~ anu ^ ur= Y ystemX as. depicted on th ' prepared by w^~.~ en~ncus - ~hee~ a ~ ~ ~ _ e_Plan of Pro~ose~ J ,.~m~cner, MCLendon & Mu~,~ zA ~ated ~eptember 19~4 consists of aPPro×ima:ely ..... , ..u. (re,er =o Appendi~ B), 1,675 linear fe~t of 8 inch diameter cen~en=- line~ ductile iron pipe, two (2) hydrants, eight (8) valves, and one (!) blow-off assembly. The only water a u inspection was a fir~ ~9.rt~a~e identified · ... . (refer ~o Pho~ ..... e_hydran: ~n ~ne vic{-~ .... ov~ua!ly during the si increase th~ ~n ~nc~uea ~s ADoend~v ~-- ~T~aun o~ this hydrant ~ ~ o-d~lon. . ....... ystem during tessing The two (2) ten inch valves and one (1) eight inc~ valve shown on the plan in the vicinity of the existing ten i~ch water hain on Main Road coula not be located and appear to have be~n paved over. With t exception of the fire hydran= near valw=s or hydrants Were !oca=ed. %he exl.ting Vacant units, non~ater - I - a. ..C.~.ee~o~ ~e~ The sewqr system, as depicted on the "as-bui!t".drawings refer to Appendix c) i consists of approxima~ely 1,450 !lnear f~et of 8 inch diameter AB$ pipe, eleven (11) 4' diamener manholes, dialnen~r pump s=anion, and 1,410 linear feet of 4 inch diameter cement lined ductile iron force main. Sewer manhole no. 3, in the vicinity of the existing vacant units, was opened for inspection and used =o increase flow during %es=ing of %he pu~D sta:ion. Based on a visual ins~ecnion, manhole no. 3 appeared :o De constructed as shown on the design drawings (refer 'to Photograph No. 2). The pumD station, as depicted on the Plan of Sewage Station - Sheou 5 of 5, dated January 1984, prepared by Molzmacher, McLendon &Murrell, P.O. (refer no Appendix D), consisus of a 6' dia. X 12, deep reinforced concrete -, ~alve pi=, nwo 23 sub rsih~, ~ ...... We= well, 4 L X 4'W X 5'6,, D ' - ' -- --- ~, s~anu- reek away · n ak..an, e plo ion proof contr panel alarm elbows, valves ~..~ ...... =. ,_ ,uu~s nancnes, an= all re uir ' station opera%iVe (refer to Photo - - ...... = =u mane d ' constructed as shown on the design rawlngs. c. RDrce Mai~ ~_T~_fo~ge main, as depicted on the ,,as.bu~,,. q inch ulameter ceme ~-~ ~--~. '-~ -~T~e~y z,4!~ linear feet of n_ *~'~ u~ze iron pipe, ~ force main C£eanoun assemblies~ and ~hrus= blocking a= all changes in horizontal alignment. As designed, nhe force main cOnVeys sewage from =he lift station to the existing sewer manhole on the sou~h side o . . aDproxima~elv 70 f,,.~ ......... f.Middle Road C.R. ,, .. ~ O -r ..... ~ uz ~na el ~ane ( ). ~}~.sew~r m¢nhole is the wes~ernm~. ,.~.~.~[e~r-~e-~h°t°graph No. 6). ~w.~u aha maintained by ~ ~ ..... --i ~-,,,,,~=_un ma~a~e Road (C.R The cold water faucets in the kitchen and bathroom sinks of Unit No. 2 were opened and %e~= r~nning for approximanely 2 hours. No leaks were ~etecned in the ln~oor plumbing· - 2 - · The static Water by a Pressure a ' Pressure at h dra % ~w ~pm). ~ "~ usu!mated at 200 As described in Section 3.1 of this report, water wa~ introduced into t~e SeWer system Under low flow and high flow con=£ ' c°nditl°ns, estimated at 2 .~ inch ~iameter influent line a~ ..... u~== uy Visual inspec~ion-o~-~e"~' %he pump station. 'this flow rate began as a trickle, increased as the wasteWater Worked its way through collection system, and appeared to e%abilize after approximately 1 hour. i ..... High flow conditio,, estimated at 209 gpm, Were simulated by nuro=uclnq wa=er into manh~i~ ~o. 3 via fire nose connection to the ~ydrant. Again, the was%eva%er flow rate Was monitored by visual inspection of ~he 8 inch diameter influent line at the pump station. With the faucets still o en appeared to s= · . .P in Unit No. 2 in the ~:rze~ wltn i: an accum~lati~"~=s.~ The greater COllectiOn ~ys%em dur ....... muu and silt deposited ome of °rman: efer %o hoto aph. pumps and force main. Sewer Depar%ment Personnel Observed a large dose = ~=wauer was PUmped through the lift o~ m~day wasEewa=er entering the Sewage Treatment Plant at the time of testing. The remainder o~ the ~ud and sl!% was deposited ' of the lif~ sea%ion we= Well.in uUrne~ to clear Qasti~,iZ~~' uzean Wacer from the h~-~nu3es o: flushing ~-~uero . , :-~u, %ne muddy influent Under the Iow flow conditions, estimated at 2 qpm] each of the two (2~ pumps Were activated manually. WaSters%er in the Wet Well. .. Each pump rapidly emptied the Under the high flow ' ~ '' the two (2) pumps a~ear.~ --c°n~ltlpns, espfmated a: 2 wet Well. m~= ~_~.~. uu uo maintain ....... .00 gpm, each of infusion of*~'i~Lt~ ~lpw condition testt~.'~J.°f~was%eWater in the - 3 - of ~h ..... at~n. reveal.d we% ~.,~o~ _~r_mpnh°~e followln %es~' ..... ~gnea. -,.-~ un~ zorce mazn is u, ts to flow rates -. .... ~ ~u~ gP~/unl= . 2,400 ~ '~,t~ ~i~Ou gallons per day 8 uni h ach of ~he 5 HP mu n estlma:ed 200 ~ . 4. ~e°°~Ohs ?Or TmDroVemem~ a. Locate the two '(~) ten inch valves and one (1) l~ht Inch valve in uhe vicinity of Uhe exit=lng 10 inch Wa~er main on Maan Road an~ raise %he Valve covers %O gra~e. b. Locate all other line valves and hydrant valves and raise the covers to gra~e, if found below grade. c. Repair the two (2) curb stops for the condo units that were damaged Dy mowing equipment. Locate all sewer manholes and correct any visible inflow conditions at covers, ie. improper grading, open, missing, or dislodged covers. 1. Remove all mud ~nd silt from wet well. of pumps,2' Replace capacitor'in control panel and re-check operation' floa~ swi~ches, and Control panel. indicated3. ~nsta!! lifting chains on two (~) submersible pumps as on =asign drawings. 4. Replace Stand-by generator with new propane powered generator. - 4 - Remove all mudand silt from sewer manhole on Middle Road. S. ~Ummarv and Conelus~9~ Base4 On a VisUal i the water su~ v ~.~ _ . ~sDection of ~he VA~,,o J '~ ~ewa · ...... - components, cona:r~o=ed ~n acc^~ .... g_.~sp~sal s stem~ a ear ~ ---,,mr ~n a goo~wor0~manl~ke All ins:allations D or,Ge ~ny ears ~ ~ne Wa=er and se - 5 - APPENDIx A - PHOTOORA~Hs 1994 P~O'~D NO. 2 - (~EENPORT, T/O SO~THO~D, NY. JUNE 23, 1994 (~%E. ENPO~,:'],, '2/0 ,?~UT~OI.,D, N'~ ~UNE 23, 1994 il PHOTO NO. 5 - VALVE PI'P--- CREENPORT, T/O SOUTHO~.D, NY 0UNE 23, 1994 SAN SiP~EON CONDO Pr~O31:;CT ~R3£ENPORT, T/O SOUTHOLD, N~' · 'JUNE. 23, 1994 PHOTO ~. ? _ CREENPO~T, T/O SOUTHOLD~ JUNE 23, 1994 CREENPORT,. T/O SOUTHO~D, NY JUNE 23, 1994 APPENDIX ~ . ~LAN O~ ~ROPOSED WATE~ KAINS & AP~URTENANC~ APPENDIX C - PLAN O~ SANITARy ~YSTEM A~PENDIX D - ~LAN OP SEWAGE PUMP STATION