HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthold Town Records copied - Vol. 2 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS COPIED AND EXPLANATORY NOTES ADDED BY J. WICKHAM CASE. VOLUME II. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TOWNS OF SOUTH OLD AND RIVERHEAD. 1884. COPYRIGHT, 1884, BY THE TOWNS OF SOUTHOLD AND RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK. A Facsimile Reprint Published 1989 By HERITAGE BOOKS, INC. 1540EPointer Ridge Place. Bowie, Maryland 20716 (301).390-7709 ISBN 1.55613-191-7 TIIB ex.... M. U.nN PBI~G COH.....NY 14,,,,,d16BeetmaDStreei, Newl'ork. PREFACE. THIS second volume of the Records of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, has been pre- pared and printed to correspond in plan and style with the first volume, which was published two years since. It is placed within easy reach of the public by the au- thority of the Towns of South old and Riverhead, and at their expense. They intrusted the publication to committees chosen for the purpose. These committees at the present time are J. Wickham Case, Esq., Mr. Stuart T. Terry, and the Rev. Epher Whitaker, D.D., of South old, and Horace H. Benjamin, Esq., George F. Stackpole, Esq., and Mr. S. Terry Hudson, of River- head. A sub-committee on printing engaged J. Wick- ham Case, Esq., to make the transcript of the Records and to add explanatory Notes. According to these ar- rangements, the work has been done. This second volume contains essentially the Recq,rds of the Town made during the eighteenth century. The first and second volumes together cover the colonial period of the Town's history, from the settlement of Southold, the oldest Town on Long Island, in 1640, to the peace- ful establishment of the government of the State of New York, after the close of the war which resulted in the independence of the United States of America. Great care has been taken to make the printed copy thoroughly trustworthy; and this volume presents substantially the contents of Liber C of the original iv PREFACE. manuscript Records. Sometimes the transcript has been made literally, word for word; and sometimes abstracts have been made of long, antique, technical documents, which are so prolix, verbose, repetitious, and obscure, . that, as one has wittily said, if a fog-horn should be sounded in the middle of one of them, none but a law- yer could hear it at the beginning or the end of the document. In all these abstracts the substance ofthe original has been faithfully retained, including the dates of the transaction and of its record; the names of the persons concerned, and of the witnesses and all others engaged; and in cases of the conveyance of land, the description and the boundaries of the property. There are a few entries in Liber D that pertain to the period covered by the Records in Libel' C. But for many reasons it has not been deemed best to print them in this volume apart from their original surround- ings. They are not sufficiently numerous and impor- tant to make it necessary. Another generation may judge it desirable to print the whole of Libel' D, with every part of it in its proper place and order. The Notes written by J. W. Case, Esq., and printed in this volume, show the same carefulness, intelligence, good sense, and clearness of statement which mark those from the same pen in the first volume of the Re. cords. These Notes add greatly to the value of the work of transcription which he has laboriously accom- plished. Both the Transcriber and the Towns should be most heartily congratulated on the successful per- formance of the undertaking so properly intrusted to him. EPHER WHITAKER. SOUTHOLD, March 25, I88~. TOWN CLERK'S CERTIFICATE. THIS may certify that I have myself compared this printed volume, being essentially a copy of Liber C of the Town Records of Southold, or caused it to be com. pared, with the original manuscript Records in my office, and that the printed copy is the same as the original, crrata excepted, and except also that abstracts have been made of some documents written in exceed- ingly verbose and technical language; but in all these cases the fact is indicated that abstracts only are printed. These abstracts, however, give all names, dates, and boundaries mentioned in the original entries. 'VILLIA~[ A. COCHRAN, TOWJI Clt'rk. SOUTHOLD. March IS. IS8.t. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. LIBER C [Inventory 01 papers on hand, apparently.-J. W C.I Soh old June y' 27' 16g6. One parchment patten; One Indens Deed; One paper from Southam ton men-- One paper of agrement between Corll Smith & y' constable & oversers; a paper of confirmation of all y' rights & shairs in y' twon from Sr. Edmond Andross; One paper consering Diference in y' twon; Jo'. Herbert Bill of sall to y' twone: two papers consern- ing y' twon; a paper of evidence from Ed ward Patty; two reseigts; a paper of evidence from Thomas Os- man; a paper of evidence from Thomas Diment: 165 I. The Records of Southold, in the county of Suf- folk, in New England: containeing all the Inhabitants Accommodations. Vide Lands &c. The Records of Southold in Nr Neyylan England. [The Original Index.-J. W. C.] THE TABLE. sian...... . B. Booth Wheelock....... [Page] 329 Brown William." .... "29,201 Benj: Richard. . . . .. .. 42 Budd John............ 128, 130 Brown Francis........ 129 Brown Thomas 129 Budd Mrs..... .... " 130 A. Arnold Isaac. . . .. . . . . . [Page) 7 Alaban]ohn........... 159 Armstrong John. .. .. .. 278 Andreus Richard......." 78 Auquabogue Owners of Great lots second divi- 13 r88. I 2 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Budd Anah ...........[Page] 131 Brown Walter. ....... 121 Booth Charles.. 148, 149. 147. 173. Brown Ricbard Jun. _,. .. 71, 72 Brown Richard SenT. . . 22 Brown ]onathan.74, 216,228,229. 230,247. Budd John............ 170 Budd Joseph.. .',...... 132 Booth Jo:......... .174,173,115. Booth John Sent. .. ... 19 Bradley Will; ......... 238, 237. Bebee Samll..... ,.94,97.182,330 Booth Tho:........... 173 Brioly Francis. . . . . . . . 277 Brown Walter.. _".... 298 Brown Sylvenus....... 300 Brown Daniel......... 326 Beebee Smll. JunT,..... 180 & ISI Backus Pete........ 81 Beebee Samuel!. . . . . . ~ Beebee Elnathan .... " 95,88 Beebee Theophilus. . . Beebe Silas.......... J Beebee Amon......... 89 Beebee Silas........... 109, 117 Baxter Hannah. . . . . 91 c. Clark Thomas " 35, 36 Conckline Jacob. .20,156, his will. Curtis Caleb.......... 97 Case Theophilus....... 136 Curwin Jo: Junr....123. 124,248, 263, 264. 265, 272, 280 Cory Abraham....... .50, 200, 51, 53.61. Conckline John Mr.... 36 Co nkUng Sarah, deed from Saml Terrill entd on p.-........... 187 Cory Isaac............ 157,200 Case Henry........ ..124, 125, 221 Conckline Benj: ..204, 205, 206, 207. Curwin John..........75, 188. 339 Clarke Samll..... ..... . [Page] 226 Collens John........... 147, 145 Coleman Will:......... 279 Conkelyne Sam:... . . . ~32, 134, 156 Conkelyne Jacob...... 132 Corey David........... 132,158 Conkelyne John........ 132, 68 Conkelyne Joseph...... 132,68 Coleman John.... .... 279, 294 Conklyn Joseph........ 54 Crook SamB. . . . . . . . . . . 135 Colman Will.. ......... 279 Corwin Daniel. . . . . . . . . 161 Cleaveland Ichabod.... 309 Cory Jona1bn.... ....... 310 ClarkJoshua.......... 328 ColfoxJohn........... 86, 85. u8 Conkling John weaver. . uS Conkling Thomas...... 332 Conkling Joseph (Saml: Son. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134, 136 Cieveland Ichabod & J 0- seph............... . Conkling Thomas. . . . . . Conkling John Jun Conkling Benjamin & Conkling John 3d.... Corwin James......... Corwin John Jr.... .... Common Land on the beach eastward of Great Pond.......... D. 96 '97 126, 125 105 357.337 330 Dibell Thomas. 271 Dickeson Peter........ 46 Dimon Jonat.... ...... 222 Dayton Sam....... .... 276 Davison Josiah........ 285 Dickison John........ 322 Dains Peter.......... .3-30, 41,23. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. F. Franklyne John........ 172, 173 Foster Jerem:.......... [Page] 195 FalweUEdward........ 229 G. Gould,myth Tho:....... .. 79. 46 Gardiner )0: David, Lyon 134 Griffin Jasper.......... 139.140 Gillem Cartrett........ II6, II7, 185, 187. 186, 212, 213- Grover Symofl. . . . . . . . . 188, 189 Gouldsmith )00:.219,220,179.221 Gouldsmith Ralph. . . . . . 127 Goldsmith John Jun' .251,254.208 Glover Samll....... ,_. 44 Goldsmith Joseph...... 310 Glover Samuel. . . .. . . . . 100 H. Horton Benj: Juo.......58. 59. 208 Herbert John..... .49. 93. 133. 146 Horton Joshua......... "17.18 Horton Jonathan.... .9. 10, II, 12 33, 34, 35.41, 330. Har[Jona'............ 129,IJI Hart Hanlb... ....... 129. 131 Howell Richard....... lID, III HortonCaleb.......... "47.48 Hutchison Matthias. ..154. 155, 156 Halliock Peter. ,,192. 193, 194, 196 Hutchison SamueL..... 144, 322 Herbert John....... ..133,35,38 Horton Joshua Jr...... uS, u9 Hagburne Samuell...... 213 Hunter Thomas........ 242, 16 Horton Caleb Jun..... 244 Hobart Joshua......... "23.40 Halliock Will:........ .66, 308. 330 Havens Jonat:.. .255, 126. II3. 296 Havens George........ 259 HavensJohn.......... 260 Howell Jonat:......... 266 Homan Mordecai...... 268 3 Havens William....... [Page] 2SS" Havens Elenor......... 260- Horton David. . . .. . . . . 49 Howell Richard ....... 284, 283 Horton Caleb.......... 28& Hudson Jonathan...... 151,21C) HuH Joseph.........227. 304, 305- Howell Israel & Jacob.. .. 58, 80 Highways.........:.... 200 Hatiioak Will Jun...... 300 Horton John........... 59. Hashamomack.. .....144, 135. 145 Horton William........ 330 Hogneck Lotts......... 241 Horton William (General field). .96 Hubbard William (do).. 96 How.ell Richard........ 283 Hunter William & Hun. ter John...........II2, II4, 1I6 Hunter William Junr... 329 J. Jonson Lot........... Johnson Edward....... Johnson Ebenr......... Jennings Ebenezar... 83. " 43,45 303 169 K. King Saml. . . . 85, 184. KingWIll.........87. 167, 262, 301 King Saml. Jr. . ..169. 171, 198, 257 King John... ......... 171, 309 Kingsbury John........ 282 King Will Jun. . . . .. . . . 299, 298 King William weaver from New Engd..... 102 King Abigail........... 329 KingDavid............ 330 King James............ 92 L. Landon Nathan. . .. . . ... Longworth Thomas.... L'Hommedieu Benj:.... 32.31, 57 69 188 4 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Lore Richard.......... [Page] 236 Lore John............. 236,276 Lynds Mary........... 18 Luce Eleazer.......... 75. 184 Leach Stephen........, 235 L'Hommedieu Ezra ... 330, 78. Line run between South. old & Manor so called 328, 329 L'Hommedieu Ezra- his Negro, Lewis..... 282 M. Moore Jonathan. . . .. .. 38, 39, 40 Moore NathanieL...... "43.81. Moore Benj:........... IS Morris Tho:. . . .. . . . . . . 129 Merry John............ r6r Mapes Joseph......... r80, ISr Moor Mr............,. 12.39 Mapes Jonathan....... 190 Moore William. . . .. . . . 230 Moor Benj:.... ..231,232,294,306 Moor Tho:.... .243, 122, 121, lIB. Moor Nathaniel. . . . . . .. 234 Mathews Robert. . . . . . . 252, 253. Manly Lazarus.. . . " . . . 273, 274 Mapes William.. 294 Moore Samuell . . . . . . . . I33 Merrick Christopher.... 307. N. Noice ffrances.......... 218 O. Osmon John... ..141. 142. 143, 206 Oldrege Gershom...... 76 Overton John.......... 81 Overton Nathanael..... 330 Overton Elton......... 23,41. Osborn Daniel his Negro Cyrus .............. 284 Oysterpond Road..... _ 68 p Paine John Jun. .24.25,26.27.28, 34.37. Parshall James.. . . .. . . . [Page] 135 Paty John............. 59.215 Patty James.... .176, 175. 162. 120 Patty Joseph.......... loS, 107 Paine Petter [Peter]... 91 Patty Ralph... ........ 108. lIS Peck John.. . . .. . . .. . . . 240. 246 Parshall Israel. .137,195,138,274. "9 Pain Cornelius......... 249, 250 Parshall David.......267, 274. 104 Paine NathanieL....... 269. 21}O Parker John........... 278. 83 Penny John. ..... ..... 195 Pain Joseph........... 327 Patty Edward.......... 32 R. Reeve Joseph.......... 188,195 Ree'Ve John... ........ 216.217 Ramsey Simon. .224, 225. 226, 223, 302 200 236 46 '32 73 73 3'4 330 330 323 Reeve James........... Roggers John......... Reeve Will:. .......... Rider Provide,......... Reeve John............ Reeve Elisha. , , . . . . " . Reeve Benj:.,......... & Joshua.....,.. Reeve Samuel1......... Reeve Hezekiah.. . . . , " S. Salmon Wm........,.. 94 Solomon John......,.. 114 Southold Highways, .199.188,200, 201.93.227, 241. 192, '313, 314, 315. 343. 330. 322, 324, 242,- Swazey. Joseph,. . . .. . . . 76, 146 Simons Peter... ....... 233 Sylvest~ Nathaniel...... 258 Swazey John.......... 77 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Swazey Joseph Jun.. ..[Page] 109 Swazey Sam:.......... 76,311 Shaw Thomas... ... ... 295 Steer Richd,.. ......... 179 SteerBethia........... 177 Shaw Richard..... ,.... L.: Allis Abigail King...... f 329 Storrs John............ 82 Stone Solomon........ 326 T. Tutthill John SeD'..... 14. 95, 96, 127. 178, 177. 182, 120, 184,2- Tutthill John Junr...... "62, 63 Tutthill Henry........ .64, 65. 199 Tooker Jo: Capt........ 105. 106 TustanJohn... ....... 146 Terry Thomas......... "88,103 Tustan Thomas..... ,163. 164. 165 Terry Richard........I93, 191, 190 Tooker Charles........ 183 Terry Nathaniel....... 211, 210 Terry Gersham...... ..r6, 239. ISO Trusteen John......... 223 Terry DanieL......... 21 & SamueL...... 330 Tuthill Daniel...,.... 235. 214 Terry Thomas Jun..... 153 Tomson Archable...... 283 Terry John............ 70 Terry James........... 323 Tuthill Jeremiah....... 153 Terry Jonathan........ 148, 149 Tuthill Daniel Jr... ..19, 20, 14.17 Taber Amos & Mary his wife................. Tuthill Rufus.......... Tatem Thomas 191. 22,32 332 v. Vale Jeremiah......... 102 Vale John............. 151 5 W. Whiteher Abram... . [Page] 95.202 Wells Joshua...... .54, 56, 53, 119 Wells William......... 52.80 Winds Barnab"....,.... 8. 323 Wines SamueL......... 16 Wickham Jo........... 281 Wines Samuel Jr.... .z89. 314. 330 Way Irene............ 40 Way Ebenez........... 65 & Daniel. .. .. . .. . 24 Winds Barnabas. . . . .323. 242. 289 Wiggins John....... .. 118 Wickham Joseph from John Parker......... 37 Winds Peter. ......... 289 Wells Hennery........ 52.267 Wells Obediah... .52, II2, II4. IIO WellsAbner........... 5z Wells Nathaniel........ 70 Wells Obediah...... ..IIZ, 114, II6 Way DanieL........... 24 Willis Hennery........ zI8 Wickham John and...... t Conkling Henry........ f 334. 335 Y. Youngs Conone1.. . . .. .. 6. 197. Yongs Christoph. Jun.. 58,60,61 Yo: Christ: Sr.......... 129,30 Yo:Gedion............ 90 Y oogs Sarah weidow. . . 45 Yo: Mary.............. 150 Yo: Thomas..... .95, 99, 100, 101. Yo: David............. 168 Yo: Beoj:............. 66 Y oogs Samuel. .. ...... 152 Youngs Benj:.....16o. z09. 30, 210 Youngs Daniel......... 73 Y oogs Joseph.. . . . . . . .. 13. 316 Youngs Abrm....86, 82. 84. 89. 291. 292 Youngs David....... .166, 167. 168 6 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Youngs Gidll.... ,",..... 256,297 Youngs JonatD.......2S6, 257. 297. Youngs Tho: Jr........ 261, 266- Youngs John Jr........(Page] 270 Youngs Mary.......... 57 Youngs Christop..... .286,287.44. Youngs John farmer.... 287,44. Youngs Mary... ...... IS Youngs Joshua... ...... 316,319. youngs]osiah.......... 317,318 Youngs Samuel of Starn. forth in connectct, & Mary his wife of OY5' terponds. ...... ....[Page] 191 Youngs Nathanael...... 240 Youngs Mary wid...... 270 To all people to whome this present writeing shall come Greeting: Know ye that whereas the inhabitants of Southold their predesessors or some of them have in the right and behalfe of the said Inhabitants and town. ship purchased, procured and paid for of the Sachems and Indians our Auncestors, all that tract of land scituate lying and being at the Eastward end of Long Island and bounded with the River called in the English toung the Weading Kreek, in the Indian toung Pauquaconsuk, on the West, To and with Plum Island on the East, together with the Island called Plum Island, with the Sound called the North Sea on the North, and with a River or arme of the Sea W'h runeth up between South. ampton land, and the aforesaid tract of land unto a cer. tain kreek which fresh water runeth into, on y' South, called in English the Red.kreek, in Indian Toyonge, together with the said kreek and meadows belonging thereto, and running on a streight line from the head of the aforenamed freesh water to the head of y' small brook that runeth into the Kreek called Pauquaconsuk, as also all necks of lands meadows Islands, or broken pieces of meadow rivers Kreeks wth timber, woods and woodlands, fishing foouling, hunting, and all other commodities whatsoever unto the said tract of land and Iseland belonging or in any wise appertaining, as Corchaug and MattatlLck, and all other tracts of land by w hat names soever named or by what name soever called: And whereas the now Inhabitants of the fore. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 7 named towne of Southold, have given unto us whose names are underwritten, 'being the true successors of the lawful and true Indian owners & proprietors of all the aforesaid tract of land and Iseland fourty yards of Trucking cloth, or the wourth of the same, the receipt whereof and every part of the same we doe hereby ac- knowledg, and thereof acquit and discharg the Inhabi. tants, their heirs, successors or assigns, and every of them by these presents. Now these presents witness- eth, that we whose names are underwritten, for the con- sideration aforementioned, hath given granted remised, and confirmed and doth by these presents grant remise and confirme unto Capt John Yongs, Barnabas Horton and Thomas Maps for and on the behalfe of the Inhabi- tants and Township of Southold, and for the use of the aforesaid Inhabitants, according to their and every of their severall & perticular dividents To have and to hold to them and their heirs forever, by vertue of the afore recited bargain bargains, gifts and grants of what nature or kinde soever made with our predesessors, we under written doe confirme all the aforenamed tract or tracts of land, contained within the aforementioned bounds, as also Plum Island with warranty against us' our heirs or any of us or them or any other person or persons, claime, from by or under us them or any of us, or them as our, theirs, or any of our or their right, title or intrest. As Wittness our hands & seales this seventh of De- cember 1665 in the seventennth yeare of y' reign ot our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of Eng- land Scottland France and I reland king defender of the faith &c. Sealed and delivered in y' presence of us. BENJAMIN YONGS. BENONI FLINT. AMBUSCOW X his mark. PAMMATUKS his X mark. TAUCKEQUON his X mark. NOWUNNEG his X mark. 8 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. W ASH HAM his X mark. Y ONTOWISH his X mark. P ASSECOQUIN his X mark. AHAMBANTowAcKhis X mark.QUAGwoToNhis X mark. HATCHEHEDONS his X markPATOQuAM his X mark. HASSEGONHOCKhis xmark.SECQUANNUT his X mark. KAKEUMMASH his X mark. MECKESUMP his X mark. SOWANNOWS his X mark. UPSCETT his X mark. OUNSOONQUAT his X mark. PAUMANTAN his X mark. TISSCOM his X mark. KEEPCOMBE his X mark. PAUCAMP his X mark. ADSAY his X mark. MAWGACK his X mark. MATWACKEON his X mark. TWONES his X mark. PIMSHAM his X mark. Y AUGHUS his X mark. KINEBOUNCH his X mark. SANYSOND his X mark. AGANCHU his X mark. POQUASSUCK his X mark. AUTAKQUASON his X mark. WEGOTAQUAH his X mark. WAMLYAM his X mark. MIMONEX his X mark. WEBINAUG his X mark. CANTUSQUAN his X mark. QUAKSCO his X mark. ANQUAPINO his X mark. WINHAYTENO his X mark. CHACHIASON his X mark. JAMACUSSO his X mark. Ent' 9th JanY I 68t. . P' Benj: Yo. rd'. Edmund Andross Esq'. Seigneur of Sausmorez. Leiut & Governour Geull under his Royall Highness James Duke of York & Albany &c. of all his Territoryes in America Whereas, there is a certain Towne in ye East Ride. ing of Y orksheir upon Long Island comonly called and known by the name of South old scituate lying and being on y' North side of the said Island towards y' Soud haveing a certain tract of land thereunto belong_ ing the Westerly bounds whereof extend to a certain River or Creeke called y' Weading Creek, in the In- dian toung Pauquacunsuck, and bounded to the. East- ward by plum Island together with the said Island. on SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 9 the North with the Sound or North Sea, and on the South wth an arme of tbe Sea or river which runeth up between Southampton land and the aforesaid tract of land unto a certain Creek W'h fresh water runeth into called in Englisb y' Red creek, by y' Indians Toyongs, together with tbe said creek, and meadows belonging thereunto (not contradicting the Agreement made be. tween tbeir Town & the Towne of Soutbampton after their tryall at the Assizes) so runing on a streight line from y' head of y' aforenamed fresh water to the head of y' small Creek that runeth into tbe Creek called Pau- quacunsuck, including all the necks of land and Islands within y' afore discribed bounds & Ii mitts, Now for a confirmation unto tbe present freeholders, Innabitants of y' said town and precincts Know Yee that by vertue of his Majesties letters pattants and tbe comission and authorety unto me given by bis Royall Higbness I have ratified confirmed and granted & by tbese presents doe hereby ratyfie confirm and grant unto Isaac Arnold, Justice of y' pace, Capt John Yong, Joshua Horton, Constable, Barnabas Horton, Benjamin Y ongs, Samuel Glover and Jacob Corey, Overseers, as patentes for and on the beba\fe of themselves and tbeir associats, tbe freeholders and Inbabitants of y' s' Town their beirs successors and assigns all that before mentiond tract of land with tbe necks and Islands witbin tbe said bounds sett forth and described as aforesaid, togetber with all rivers, lakes, waters, Quarryes, Timber, Woods woodland, plains, meadows, broken pieces of meadows, pausters, marsbes, fishing, bawking, bunting and fowl. ing and all otber profitts, comodities Emoluments and hereditaments to the s' town tract of land and premises within tbe limeitts and bounds afore mencioned, di. scribed, belonging or any wise appertaining To bave and to hold, all and singular the s' lands, hereditaments and premisses with tbeir and every of tbeir appurti. JO SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. nences and of every part and percell thereof to the s' patentes and their associates their heirs snccessors and assigns to y' proper use and behafe of y' s' patentes their associates their heirs su ccessors and assigns for ever The tenure of the s' land and premisses to be according to the custome of the Mannor of East Green- wich in the Connty of Kent in England in free and com on soccage and by fealty onely, Provided all ways notwithstanding, that the extent of y' bounds before recited doe noe way prejndice or infringe the perticular propriety of any person or persons who have right by patent or other lawfull claime to any part or percell of land or tenuments within y' limitts aforesaid, Onely y' all the said lands and plantations within the s' Ii mitts or bouds shall have relation to the Towne in Generall for the well goverment thereof, and if it shall so happen that any part or percell of the s' hinds within the bounds and limitts aforediscribed be not already pnrchased of y' Indians, it may be purchased (as occasion) according to law. I doe hereby likewise confirme and grant unto y' s' pattentes and their associates, their heirs, Successors and assigns all the priviledges and immnnities belong- ing to a Town within this Goverment & that the place of their present habitation and abode shall continue and retaine y' name of Southold by W'h name and stile it shall be distinguished and known in all bargains & seales, deeds, records and wrightings, they makeing improvement on the said land and conformeing them- selves according to law, And yielding and paying therefore yearely & every yeare unto his Royall High- ness use, as a quitt rent one fatt lamb, unto such officer or officers there, in authority, as shall be impowered to receive the same Given under my hand & sealed with the Seale of the provine in New York the 31th day of October SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. ![ in y' 28th yeare of his MatI.. raign Anno que Domiy r676. Examined by me E. AND ROSS. MATTHIAS NICOLLS SecrY. Ent' 18'h JanY 168! P' BENJ: Yo. rd'. To all Christian people greeting. Know Yee, that we y' underwritten having this yeare received a patent from S' Edmond Andross knight, Governor for his Royall Highness the Duke of York and Albany, and dated at New York in y' 31 day of October in y' yeare 1676, in the beha\fe of ourselves and of all the free- holders Inhabitants of this Town who are therein called associats, wherein is contained a confirmation of all y' hinds pertaining to and now in the possession of y' re- spective freeholders of s'Towne of Southold with all such rights liberties and propperties as are more at large in s' patent contained- All which freeholders we doe fully own admitt and declare to be our oneiy associats in s' patent and no others, to whom we doe hereby give full power to To have and to hold possess and injoy to themselves their heirs and assigns forever all such comon rights as are contained in s' patent, and all such perticular shars and allottments which are riow in their possessions as fully amply and freely, as if they and every of them had ben therein named, And in further confirmation of all their properties and shares in the premises to such our associats their heirs for ever, we have caused to be recorded in the pages next following all such perticular rights, tracts and percells of land as doe of right appartaine and be- long unto them their heirs and assignes in s' patent and Township. In testimony whereof, we the patentes have hereunto 12 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. affixed our hands and seales in Southold y' 27 day at December in Ihe 23 year of the reigne of our soveraign Lord Charles y' 2' of England Scottland, France and Ireland, King, defender of the faith &c and in y' yeare- of our Lord 1676. ISAAC ARNOLD. Sealed and delivered in JOHN Y ONGS. presence of these witnesses. JOSHUA HORTON. JOHN GARDINER BENJ: YONGS. LION GARDINER SAMUEL GLOVER. Entd 18th JanY 168! JACOB COREY. Pr BENJ: Yo. Rd'. [NOTE.-Barnabas Horton did not sign the confirmation deed.-J. W. C.] _ NOTE.-A brief, and by no means perfect, sketch of the changes which have occurred in the line of the south boun- dary of Southold, as described in its original purchase and in its Patent, will perhaps be read by some with a degree of interest. The original boundary lines of the Town of Southold were clear and well defined in the first and oldest grant to be found upon the Records. The deed from the Indians to- Governor Eaton is not to be found; but Mr. Georp;e R. Howell, of the State Library at Albany, discQ\,-e-red in June, 1883, upon the records in his office, the copy of an Indian deed, bearing date March 14, 1648, "unto Mr. Theophilus Eaton Governour of New Haven Jurisdiction and to Mr. Stephen Goodyear Deputy Governor" for" the whole tract of land commonly called Ocquebauck, together with the Land and meadows lying on the other side the water as far as the Creeke Mashmanock," or Toyongs. A certifi- cate accompanies the deed, signed by four sachems, that the grantors were the true owners of Occabauk. Then follows (furnished through the courtesy of Mr. Howell) a copy of the testimony of Paucump, about eighty years old: "That Occabauke was art antient Seate of sa- chemship-time out of minde; but the first in his time did posse sse the upland and meadow on the swamp side of the head of the River being in the West end of the Bay jive Creekes . . . . the fifth Toyoungs, 'being the outbounds thereof, and lying in opposicon to Occabauk, old ground, on the North side of the Bay." SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 13 And Paucump further testilies that Occabauk was pur. .chased by Col. John Youngs about 1649 of the legal and undisputed owner of the tract at that time. Southampton Town laid no claim to the lands and meadows north of the Red Creek line by virtue of her patent: that did not cover them. The Shinecock Indians, 'who afterwards pretended to have been the legal owners, had left the inhabitants of Southold in the quiet and undis- turbed :possession of these lands and meadows for at least ten years. Brookhaven recognized the line running from 'Toyongs or Red Creek to Pauquacunsuck, or the peperidge tree at Wading River, as the southerly line of Southold: it was known as the" Manor Line." People bounded their lots upon it, and do, we believe, to this day, as an old estab- lished line. The late lawyer George Miller, in his centen- nial address, says, II It has always been a known line and a landmark between the divisions of land lying north and 'south of it." The papers and statements above quoted are authentic. .and have always seemed to us sufficient to establish a good and valid title in Southold to all the lands and meadows within the bounds of her Patent; and that Riverhead should, in equity, be this day in full possession of all the lands and meadows lying north of the Manor Line, as that line runs from the bridge over the Peconic River at Riverhead to the head of Red Creek. But in 1662, Weany, a Sunk squaw, sold Thomas Topping a tract of land covering the premises above named. Soon after, Mandush and other Indians prew tended to be the true owners, and donated these lands and meadows to Southampton inhabitants: thus the town pro- prietors and Topping had a warm contest, Topping selling to the Town. The town soon sued Southold, under Man. .dush's title, for trespass. A trial was had at the assizes in 1667, and through the introduction of the testimony of Indians and squaws, themselves quasiwowners of the prem- ises, as to the customs and habits of their hunters, by which they claimed ownership to territory, a decision was rendered against the claim of Southold. An appeal was taken to the Equity Court. This was granted, the court at the same time ordering that the plaintiffs and defendants shall both have liberty to mow upon the meadows, each the one half, till the title shall be decided in equity. In [667 the two Towns, through a committee from each, .agreed to use the meadows equally between them until a .final decision should be reached. Thus the matter rested, the inhabitants of the two Towns 14 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. annually amicably dividing and mowing the meadows till 1686, when, through a committee from each Town, a final settlement of the long and vexatious controversy was made, as follows: "The Town of Southold shall have of the said meadows of Accabauge for their proportion the westward part thereof, to begin for the west bounds at two pine trees agreed upon by both partys, that are marked by the River- side about half a mile below the going over the River head; and from the said pine trees all the meadow eastward to the spring at the head of the creek that comes up on the east side of fifteen mile Island." H Southampton Towns part of said meadows to begin at the said Spring, and from thence E,astward all the meadow to the creek called the Red Creek." The inhabitants of Southold then took a complete pos- session of their share as allotted, in fee, and have held it from that time to the present. Southampton did the same,. retaining the jurisdiction (little more than a name) over the whole premises. The present south line of Riverhead Town adjoining Brookhaven north line is not the original" Manor Line,'" running direct from Red Creek to the peperidge tree at Wading River; instead of that, the Peconic River is now made the boundary, until the end of the main branch of the river is reached, and from thence it runs on a course. north ItO west, 432 ch. 40 1., to the U peperidge tree" at Wading River. This last line was run by Hull Osborn, Esq., on the 12th of November, 1797, and has been, it is believed,. the recognized line dividing the towns of Riverhead and Brookhaven. By this survey about 1000 acres of land, per- haps more, lying between this line and the" Manor Line," which had been some time previously sold by Col, Wm.. Smith to Isaac Wells, and by him to a company consisting of Samuel Landon, Thomas Youngs, Phineas Fanning, Cravit Wells, Micha Moore, John Stuart, Thomas Conk~ ling, James McCluer, Ezra L'Hommedieu, John Cleves Symmes, Daniel Wells, Jeremiah Wells, Timothy Symmes, Joshua Wells, and Nathan Penny, was virtually placed under the jurisdiction of the town of Southold (now of Riverhead), and has ever since so remained. From the" peperidge tree" the original boundary line of Brookhaven ran due north to the Sound; that left aU the meadows and a large strip of upland. on the east side of the Wading River Creek to Brookhaven, but in 1709 that Town transferred its right to these lands to Southold, and made- a straight line from the head of the brook by the mill-pond SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 15 to the mouth of the Wading River Creek, the permanent division !ine.-].W. C.] , NEW YORK y' 17th of June 1685. This day received from Isaac Arnold one of tbe pat- tentees of the Towne of Southold, in y' County of Suf- folk upon Long Island in behalfe of himselfe and the rest of his Associates the sum, of two pound and eight shillings in mony being in full satisfaction of quitt rents and of all other dnes to his Majest' for the Sd Township from y' 30th day of Octob' 1676, to y' 30th day of Octo- ber 1684. Witness my hand the day and year afores' Entd 3 ffeb: 168t THO. DONGAN P' BENJ: YO. rd'. This 23d day of August 16g3 received then from the Town of South old 9 lambs which I doe OWne as the full of their patent quitt rent un till the day of October next, that the Sd patant mentions-I haveing seen their former acquittances and their said rent cleare-I say received y' day above said. prme Entd 8 March 16g4 P' BENJ: Yo. JOS: HOBART, Sherieff -Received this 22 day of June 16g7 of the Towne of Southold the sum of nine shillings which is in leue of three lambs that were due for thre years quit rent last past according to their patant-I say received the day aforesd. pr me JOSIAH HOBART [NOTE.- The following recorded descriptions of the lands and meadows belonging to individuals, inhabitants of the town, are many of them duplicates of entries made in Libers A and B; but the entries in the two first books are 16 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. not as full and as perfect as they will be found in this Libel' C; and besides, many of the following are original ,entries,-], \Y, C.] A breefe Record of the lands & Meadows pertaineing to and in the possession of the Inhabitants of the Towne of Southold. 165 I. I. Mr John Y ongs (Pastor of the forenamed place) his ,house lott with the meadow thereunto adjoyning is by ,estemation Seven acres more or less, bounded on the North and East with the Street & Lane, and with the ,home lott of Robert Akerl y West. 2. His land lying in the' old planting field containing five acres more or less bounded South by y' land of Peter Pain, North by Samuel Yo. his land. 3. His North Sea lott is by estemation twenty eight acres being in length 160 pole, lying 'between the land of William Wells East and Thomas Mapes West. 4. His land lying on the backside of the Town con- taining fourty two acres bounded On y' South by y' land of John Curwin, On y' north by Joseph Y ongs. 5. His land lying in Toms-kreek neck containing eight acres, 6. His twelve acre lott lying at y' reel's of y' home .lotts on y' north side y' Towne. 7. His land in y' Calves neck containing four acres more or less. 8. His good meadow lying and being at Toms-kreek .containing three acres more or less bounded on y' East with the meadow of Mr. Thomas Moore, on the West by the meadow of John Curwin. 9. His bad meadow lying at Corchaug containing four ,acres more or le,!s, bounded South by y' meadow of Peter Dickerson, north by Barnabas. Horton his .meadow. 10. His lott purchased of Abraham Dibell is by este- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 17 mati on four acres more or less, which Sd four acres was formerly Robert Akerlys, and after. . . Disbroughs and by him sould to the Sd Dible, and is lying between his own land on y' East, and Mr. Booths on the West. 1 I. A tract of meadow lying in Oyster pond lower- neck bounded by y' land of Charles Glover West, and East by y' river. 12. His meadow at Ocquabauck lying on both sides the River. His Commonage in the Town bounds is a fourth lotto NOTE.-By what rule a meadow was class.ed as " good meadow" or "bad meadow" we have no knowledge. For a biographical sketch of Pastor Youngs, see Vol. 1. of Southold Printed Town Records, page 2.-J. W. C. At a Court of Sessions held in South old for y' East Rideingof N York Sheir on Longlsland, by his Maju" authority in y' eight& twenteth yeare of y' reign of our Soveraigne Lord Charles y' second by the grace of God of great Britain, !france and Ireland, king, defender of the faith &c, and in the yeare of our Lord God 1675. Whereas an inventory of y' estate of Mr. John Y ongs Pastor of y' Church of Christ at Southold, de- ceased, was presented to ye Court, as also affidavit was made by Mr. Barnabas Wines and Mr. Barnabas Hor- ton, makeing faith that y' s' Mr. John Y ongs at or nere his death left all his estate to the sole dispose of his wife, Mrs. Mary Y ongs. Also shee makeing sute to the Court for power to ad- minister of y' said Estate: And haveing put in sufficient standing security to y' Court according to law in that behalfe these are to certifie all whome it may concerne, that the said Mrs. Mary Y ongs the weidow and relict of him the said Mr. John Y ongs deceased, is by the said 2 18 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Court admited and confirmed to all intents & purposes administratrix of all and singular the goods and chattles, and whatsoever Estate or intrest he y' s' Mr John Y ongs died siezed off, or any manner of way rightly appertained to him: And the said Mrs Mary Yongs hath hereby full power as administratrix to dispose of the said estate or any part thereof as shee hath occation and the laws of this goverment alloweth. In the name and by the order of the Court p' me HENRY PERSON Cleark of the Sessions of the East Rideing. (NOTE-ya above mentioned Mr Jno. Yongs departed this life Feb- ruary 167t. age 74.) NOTE.-Pastor Youngs left no written will; but a 000- cupative will made in the presence of Barnabas Horton and Barnabas Wines, at the time of his. death, and verified by their affi.davits, was regarded by the Probate Court as con- clusive in respect to Pastor Y Dungs' desire and will, and letters testamentary were accordingly issued to his widow~ Mary Y Dungs. She took charge of the estate, and during the six years that she lived after the death of her husband, managed the same with such tact and prudence as to sat- isfy the children of Pastor Youngs by a former wife, as well as those of ,her own. Dying in 1678, she made the will re- corded below.-]. W. C. SOUTHOLD y' 5th of November 1678. In the name of God Amen: I Mary Yongs y' weidow and relict of John Yongs sometime of this Town Minister doe constitute and ordaine this my last will and testemant in manner & forme following: First I bequeath my soule' into the hand of God that gave it, and my body to be decently buried, in the certaine believe of its resurrection at the last day, and as for my outward estate (my debts and funerall charges SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 19 being first paid) I doe give and bequeath it in manner and form following: Item. To John Y ongs y' eldest son of my said hus- band one halfe of my meadow at Eagle neck, all my meadow at Ocquabauk on both sides the River, a Smyths Vice, and a horse, a bed, and all other such houselstuff as shall be left undisposed off at my death, to him his heirs forever. Item. 21y. I giue to Benjamin Yongs my eldest Son (by my last husband) and his heirs forever all that my dwelling house and home lotts wlh all appurtinences thereunto belonging, lying and being in the Towne afore- said, and twenty four acres of land at y' end of Coopers Lane, four acres at Calves neck, eight acres at Toms kreek and all my meadow at the mouth of said Kreek, also all my land lying in severall perce lis on y' north side of said Town: halfe my meadow at Corchaug, namely that land lying next to Barnabas Horton his meadow, three acres of land in the Old Field, a second lott of Comonage, also all my sheere of any graine that shall be growing, reaped or thrashed at the time of my decease, and all my other provision for the house, also I give as abovesaid to him y' said Benj: Y ongs, two oxen, two cows, six sheep, ten swine, my great brass Kittle, and all my chaines and irons belonging to house, cartt and plow. Item. 31Y. I doe giue to Christopher Y ongs, son of my said husband deceased, and his heirs forever, the other halfe of my meadow at Corchaug, and One halfe of the meadow at Eagle neck, two acres of land in the old field, and my great Table Item I doe giue to Thomas Y ongs two sheep, four books-as his full portion with what he hath already received. Item I doe give to Mary Yongs my daughter all my wearing doaths. 20 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Item I doe give to Sarah Y ongs one sheep. Item I doe giue to Edward Patty one sheep as his full portion with what he hath already received. Lastly I doe giue to Mary Y ongs my Grandchild, one bed and boulster-two blanchitts, and one pair sheets and I doe nominate, constitute and ordaine the said Benj: Y ongs my son, sole executor of this my last will and Testement. Witness my hand and seale, Signed sealed and delivered MARY YONGS before us. BENJ: MOORE SAMUEL GLOVER. Ent' p' BENJ: Yo. rd'. [NoTE.-On the death of Mary, widow of the Rev. John Y Dungs, in 1678, her son Benjamin became the owner of the homestead. How long he or his heirs continued to retain possession cannot be ascertained. No deed for it entire is upon the records. The first owner that is known after the Youngses is Joseph Prince, by tradition from Boston. It was at his death divided between his sons John and Benja- min, John taking the south half and Benjamin the north. Benjamin's part then came to William, who lived upon it till 182-, when it was bought by M. S. Huntting, and a store and dwelling erected upon the corner at the Main Street. After several changes, the late Lawyer J. Hull Goldsmith purchased it, mapped and sold it in small lots. It is now the centre of the yillage, and covered with perhaps twenty houses and shops. The large and handsome M. E. church stands upon the north\vest corner. The south half still remains in the possession of the Prince family, Benjamin L. Prince being the present occupant and owner.-J. w. C.] PAGE 6. 1656 Feb. 2' I. Lieutenant Collonel J o. Y ongs his home lott con- taining five acres more or less, Christopher Y ongs Sen' on the East, a lane on the West, Mr. Arnold on y' South. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 21 2. His land in y' Oldfield on the East side of y' high- way there, is by estimation seven acres more or less, bounded on y' South by y' Harbour, on y' North by y' land of Mr Budd. 3. A tract of woodland lying on y' North side of y' Town bounded on y' West by a highway, and on y' South by y'land of Thomas Gilbert, and on y' North by y' land formerly Thomas Tustens, and so running Eastwards towards y' gutter y' runs into the Mill-pond. 4. His meadow land lying at Eagle neck containing three acres more or less bounded by the meadow of Samuel Glover South, and upland West, and North by y' land of John Solman, also one acre of meadow purchased of said Solmon, for a valuable consideration in hand paid him, which s' acre is joining to said three acres. S. His meadow at Toms-kreek is by estimation two acres more or less bounded by Christop: Yo. meadow West, Stephen Baily his meadow South, and on y' North by y' land of Gyles Sylvester, which s' two acres he purchased of Ed ward Patty Sen' for valuable consideration already paid him. 6. His Commonage in the Town bounds is a second lolt. 7. A tract of commonage lying East of Hashamo- muck (being halfe of what was formerly his right there, haveing sould y' other halfe to William Booth) is bounded as followeth, by Mr. Thomas Moor on the West, and on the East by William Booth. 8. His land at Ocquabauk in the second division is five lotts, James Parshall on y' East, and y' land of John Swazy Sen', West, the North Sea North, the South Harbour, or Bay South. 9. His land at the Weading river being five lotts all- ready laid out & five lotts of commonage belonging unto ye same. 22 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 10. His right in the Weading-river meadows is eighty five shears or first lotto I I. An Island of meadow lying and being in Pehe- coneck river. 12. His meadow on the other side Peheconeck river is eight shears. 13. His land lying on y' North side of y' long Lane is two lotts or fifty acres more or less. bounded on the West by y' land of . . . . . . . on the East by the land of Barnabas Wines. Pr BEN]: Yo. rdr. IIJg5 Feb. 13. Colonel Yongs his record. Purchased of Mr Budd by way of ex chand seven acres of land lying in the Old field so called and next unto the sea or Harbor: the s' seven acres is lying and being in the long lotts there, and bounded on y' South or Southerly by the s' Bud his own land. Ent' y' 13th of the 12 month 1695. p' BEN]: YO. rdr. I1Jg5. Purchased of Tho: Longworth by way of ex- change one lott of Woodland containing twenty five acres more or less lying and being N East of the Town. and on the North side of the. Rhoad against Nathaniel Terry his accomodations. bounded on the North with the Long Lane and on the South by the Rhoad or comon high way, and on the West by the land of Tho: Goldsmyth and East by the land of Joshua Horton. Ent' pr BEN]: Yo. rdr. Feb. 19. 1695. [NOTE.-For a brief biographical sketch of CoL John Y Dungs, see SOU:rHOLD TOWN PRINTED RECORDS, Vol. I., page 30. Although the date of the entry of the lnnds of Co!. Youngs in Liber A and in this Book C are the same, Feb. 2, 1656, they were evidently not made at the same time, as the boundaries are not alike. Col. Y Dungs had in SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 23 -., this last-described home lot included the lot which he had lately purchased of James Haines or his heirs; and he had sold part of his first described lot to Mr. Isaac Ar- nold.-J. W. C.] PAGE 7. Mr Arnold his Record. Ent' in y' Octob: 1676. I. His home lott containing three acres more or less, bounded by yl land of Christopher Y ongs Sen' on y' East & on y' Ntlrth by y' land of Collonel Y ongs, and South by the land of Marriner Y ongs, & on y' river Southerly. Also a lott of Comonage. 2. His land at Toms-kreek containing eight acres more or less bounded on y' North by y' North Sea or Sound, y' highway South. 3. A first lott at y' head of Peheconneck river bound- ed on y' West by y' land of Capt Tooker, Wm Hal- locks on y' East, the highway South, y' Sound North. 4. A first lott at y' Weading river. More one lott at Toms kreek on y' North side y' path purchased of Mr Thomas Moore. 5. A first lott at Toms Kreek franckly given to him by y'Towne at a towne meeting W'h s' first lott was y' same y' lieutenn' Terry laid down as coman for the Towns use. 6. A small percell of land noted in his first perticular, Samuel Glover East a highway North, or on y' North of it. Ent' pr BEN]: Yo. rdr. This Indenture made on y' eight day of February Ana Dominy 1687, and y' 2' yeare of y' reigne of James y' Second over England Scottland France and Ireland king,"defender of y' faith &c between John Y ongs of y' Towne of Southold in y' County of Suffolk upon Long Island Gentelman, and Mary his wife of y' one 24 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. part and Isaac Arnold of y' Towne & County aforsaid Esqu' on y' other part, Witnesseth y' y' s' John Y ongs by & with y' con cent of Mary his wife, testifieth by her being a party to, and sealeind & delivering of these presents. for & consideration of a competent sum of mony to him in hand paid at and before y' ensealing and delivery of these presents, y' receipt whereof y' s' John Y ongs doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully contented satisfied and paid and thereof and of every part thereof doth fully treely and abso- lutely release exonerate and discharge the said Isaac Arnold & his heirs & every of theme, by these presents hath given bargained and sold, and by these presents doth grant bargain & sell unto the Sd Isaac Arnold all that his one halfe part of a fourth lott of land lying and being in a place called or knowne by y' name of Oyster Pond uper-neck in y' Township 'of Southold aforesaid by estimation one hundred acres more or less being butted & bounded by y'land of Christopher Y ongs Jun' on y' east and y' land of Richard Brown on y' West, y' Sound or North Sea North, the Bay or Harbour South, & all & singular y' edifices, buildings and fencings as thereupon built & erected together with all woods under- woods meadows, pasturs ways easements profits co mod- ities hereditements and appnrtinences whatsoever there. upon growing or thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining or therewithal nsed excepted or reputed to belong or appertaine. To have & to hold unto y' said Isaac Arnold his heirs & assigns forever; to ye only use and behafe of him the Sd Isaac Arnold his heirs & as- signs forever and y' s' John Y ongs doth hereby for himselfe his heirs executors administrators and assigns covenant promise and agree to and with ye said Isaac Arnold his heirs & assigns y' he s' John Y ongs or any other person or persons by from or under him or by his means ascent or procurement hath not don act or .; SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 25 acts thing or things, devise or devises conveience or conveinences in the law whatsoever where by or by reson cause or thing or things or occasion whereof y' s' herein and hereby bargained premises with their or any of their appurtenences, is any wise burdened or incum- bered, but y' y' s' John Y ongs is now lawfully seized to his only own use of and in y' s' land premises and every part and percell thereof with their and every of their a ppurtinences of a good sure indefeasuable estate of inheritence in. y' law and fee simple, and so will stand and remain, and continue, and be thereof so seized untill y'same be sufficiently conveyed and as- .sured unto y' s' Isaac Arnold according to y' true intent and meaning of these presents. In witness whereof y' parties to these presents their hands & seals interchangably have set y' day & yeare first above written. Seal' & delivered by y' within named John Y ongs & Mary his wife, in presence of us witnesses. JOSHUA SYLVESTER JOHN BUDD. JOHN YONGS. this is the mark =t= of MARY YONGS. Page 8. To all Christian people, to whome this writing shall come, Barnabas Wines of the Town of Southold, in y' County of Suffolk in y' province of New York on Long Island alias Nausaw in New England yeoman send greeting, Know yee that I y' s' Barnabas Wines doe for good consideration and out of y' great love & respect I doe bare unto my well beloved wife Mary Wines, and for her comfortable livelihood after my decease if she shall survive me. give & grant nnto her my said beloved wife all my right title and interest of in and unto all my houses lands tenements alottments & meadows 26 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. within y' bounds of South old aforesaid with all my goods & chattles during her naturall life without any matter of challeng claime or demand of any person or persons whatsoever. And I y' Sd Barnabas Wines doe hereby nominat and appoynt my Sd beloved wife Mary Wines to dispose of all my said houses, lands tene- ments, alottments & meadows, unto my two sons as is here directed & no otherwise-that is to say, to Barna- bas Wines my eldest Son, all my farm at Mattatuck, and all my lott called J 0 lott excepting four acres thereof, which four acres is lying at the Northwest end next to Daniel Terrys, anti halfe my six acre lott lying in Hog neck, and all my meadow at Corchauge, also Qne and a halfe lott of commonage. To Samuel '.Vines my second son all my housing in y'Town plot and all my home lott, and all my North sea lott heing a first lott, and four' acres of my lott caled Jo Iott which four acres is to run squar of at y' North- west end next Daniel T errys, and halfe my six acre lott lying in Hogneck, and all my Goose Creek meadow, and all my creekthath lying at Southarbour & in y' In- dian Necks: also one & a halfe lott of commonage- and also y' rest of my estate, I doe hereby give and grant unto my said heloved wife as above mentioned and by her to be disposed of unto my children as she shall see cause To have and to hold y' demised prem- ises unto her my beloved wife Mary Wines as is above cxpresed and for the uses aforesaid, and for yP, con- firmation hereof I y' said Barnabas doe hereunto sett my hand and seale this 24th day of March in y' seventh yeare of y' reigne of W'" the 3d over England Scotland & Irland king defender of y' Christian faith, and in y' year of our Lord God I69l.- Signed sealed & delivered BARNABAS WINES. in ye presence of us. BENJ: YOUNGS JOHN YOUNGS. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 27 Suffolke South old this 13. of Aprill16<J6. Then appeared before me y' subscriber Barnabas Wines and acknowledged y' within written Instrument of writing to be his vollentary act & deed. p'THOMAS MAPES Justice. Ent' May 6th 1707. p' BEN]: Y0UNGS Rec'. [NoTE.-See, also, Note in the printed copy of the SOUTH- OLD TOWN R~CORDS, Vol. I., page 2S.-J. W. C.] Barnabas Winds his Record. I. His home lott containing eleven acres more or lesse bounded on y' North with the land of Joshua Hor- ton & on y' South with the land of Jacob Corye. 2. His land lying in Hogg Neck, containing six acres, more or less.- 3. His meadow at Goose Creek containing two acres mor~ or less & Bounde with Jonathan Horton on y' South & with y' meadow of Thomas Moor North.- 4. His meadow at Corchaug containing two acres moore or less bounded South with Benjemin Horton meadow and on y' -North by y' meadow of Samuel Winds.- 5. 1685, 26. Octob'. by John Goldsmith his order here is recorded to Barnabas Winds and his heirs that first lott of comonage which y' said Goldsmith had by vertue of his first wife- 6. Another lott of comonage which he had by his home lott. 7. A first lott in Corchaug divident contammg one hundred & twelve acres more or less and bounded on y' West side by Mattutuck Creek on y' North by y' North by Beach on y' east by a lott of Peter Dicke- son, and on y' south by y' roadway--with all the mea- dow and creekthatch thereunto belonging, also a first 28 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Iott] of comonage as is more at large expressed in a bill of sale dated y' 13 day of July 1684. Apraved by me in y' name of ye rest, the 16th of February 168f. JOHN YONGS. Entd pro BENJ. YOUNGS Rdr May y' IS, 1701. [NoTE.-This is the record 0f 2d Barnabas Wines.- J. W. c.] Whereas there hath lately risen an unhappy differ- ence Betweene the Towne of South old & Barnabas Winds of y' c~me Towne concerning a percell of land scituate lying and being betweene y' land of John Gold- smith Jun Westerly & y' highway Easterly; which said differance hath bine debated by y' parties concerned, and a finall issue concluded upon y' day of y' date here- of as followeth, viz: That the said Barnabas Wines is to have all y' said percell or tract of land scituate lying and being as :Ibovesaid & bounded Northerly and East- erly by y' ,aid highway, and Southerly by Joseph Reeve home lott, and Westerly by y' said Goldsmith land as aforesaid: which said Percell of land is by este- mation thirty acres be it more or lesse- Entd this 14th day of May '702. p, BENJ: YONGS Record' [NOTE.-Th;s tract of thirty acres of land, a little west of the village of Southold, has for its prese71t boundaries the Bowery Lane easterly. the North Road northerly, the land of Ezra L. Goldsmith westerly and the land of Henry Tal~ mage (formerly the homestead of Joseph Reeve) southerly. It lies directly in front of the house of J. Halsey Tuthill. It was for a long period the homestead of J. Wheelock Booth. Near where his house stood, now lives Henry Gaffga, and northerly along the Bowel'Y Lane resides Louis Steltzer, Andrew Shuholtz, Thomas. Bennett, and William Turner. Along the North Road E. L. Goldsmith is the present owner. The Long Island Railroad cuts square SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 29 across the land, passing over the Bowery Lane on a high bridge, on which in 1846 a frightful collision of two trains occurred, J. Buell Homan, the mail agent, being killed and others wounded. Barnabas Wines, the contestant here named, is the third from first Barnabas.-J. W. C.] PAGE 9. Jonathan Horton's Record. I. His two home lotts containing foure acres each more or less one whereof is bounded by the lane or highway on the East, and by the home lott ,)f Mr. Ben. jamin Moore on the West, and by the home lott of John Curwin on the East. 2. His land lying towards the North Sea containing Twenty eight acres more, or less, is boun led by his owne land East and West. 3. His land in Hoggneck runillg North and South con- taining twelve acres more or less is bounoed on y' East by y' land of John Budd, and on the west by the land of 4. His land foremedy John Englands lying in Hogg- neck aforesaid containing three acres m~re or less is bounded by . . . . . . 5. His meadow lying at the head of Goose Kreek containing nine acres more or less, is bounded by the meadow of Samnel Wines on the East, and by the meadow of Barnabas ~Tines on the W'est. 6. His meadow lying at the Fresh mead,)ws contain- ing three acres more or less, is bonnded by the meadow of Wm Wells on the West, and by Peter Pain his mea- dow on the East, excepting a small percell of the mea- dow souId to Rich' Terry. 7. His meadow lying at y' East end of Hogg Neck containing one acre and a halfe is bounded by the meadow of Mr John Budd on the West. JO SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 8. His meadow at Corchaug containing five acres mare or less is bounded by the meadow of' Richard Brown on the West and by his own meadow on the East, and Benj: Yo. South. 9. His meadow lying at y' Northeast end ofy' old field, containing three acres more or less is bounded by the Harbour on the South and by the land of Mr John Budd on the North, and any' east by the said Mr John Budd his meadow. . 10. His meadow purchased of Captn John Tucker (for valuable considemtn in hand received) is lying in Kutchhagu broad meadows, being one third lott, and is bounded by the meadow of the Weadow Elton or Isaac Oventon on the South, and on the Noeth west by his own meadow, and by the meadow of Mr Wil- liam Wells on the North east. 1 l. 1675 Nov' 15. His upland purchased of Benj: Y ongs by exchang lying at y' reere of his John England lott containing six acres more or less is bounded on the North by the land of Rich' Benjamin, and on the West by the Lane. 12. His land purchased of Benj: Y ongs, by exchange lying on the North side of John Curwins backside lott (so called) containing eighteen acres is bounded by the highway on the West, and by the s' Curwin's backside lott on the South, and on the east by y' land of Benj: Y ongs and by the land of Joseph Y ongs on the North.- January y' 28, 1667. 13. These presents witnesseth an agreement made (by way of exchange of certaine woodlands and mea- dows) betwext Barnabas Horton & John Swazy both of Soutbold as followeth: First the Sd John Swazy doth give and grant to y' abovesaid Barnabas Horton his heirs and assigns forev~r, a third lott of woodland, ly- ing towards the North Sea betwext a lott of the said Barnabas Horton and a lott of John Budds containing SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 31 by estimation twenty one acres more or less, and also a first lott of comonage. In lew whereof the aforesaid Barnabas Horton doth likewise give and grant nnto the abovesaid John Swazy his heirs & assigns for ever all that percell of meadow which was foremerly given him by the Town of Sotitholdaforesaid lying at Ocqua- bauk: next Westward beyound goodman Purriers mea- dow, and also doth engage to deliver to y' s' John Swazy or his assigns six pounds of good sheeps wool at the next shearing time. , In consideration whereof both parties doth hereunto subscribe their hands the day & yeare first above writ- ten. Witness JONAS HOULDSWORTH JAMES HILDRETH 14. His land lying towards Toms kreek head con- taining eight acres more or less is bounded by the land of John Patty formerly Benj: Y ongs on the east and by the land of Joseph Y ongs on the vVest. 15. His land belonging to his John Englands lott is lying towards the head of Toms kreek, containing two acres more or less and is bounded by. . . . . . . 16. His land in Calves Neck containing five acres more or less is bounded by the Kreek and Pasha Marsh on the east and by the land of . . . . . . 1680 17. His land purchased of Mr John Budd by exchang is lying at the South end of his own North Sea lott, and against the highway containing twenty-fonr acres more or less and is bounded by y' land of y' relect of Mr Wm Wells South, and by his North sea lotts North, a lane runing between, and by Mr Tucker's lane (so called) West, and by Jonathan Horton's lane (so called) east. 18. His land purchased of Rich' Benj: for valuable BARNABAS HORTON JOHN SWAZY 32 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. consideration in hand received is lying towards the North sea containing seven acres more or less and is bounded by his own land West & South and by the land of John Core Sen' North, and by the highway East. '9. His land purchased of Mr Benj: Moor by ex- change lying towards the North sea is a first lott and is bounded by the land of th~ s" Benj: Moor on the East, and by his own land on the West, and by the land of Rich" Benjamin on the North. PAGE 10. To all Christian People to whome these presents com- eth Greeteing: Know ye that I Mary Mapes of South_ old in y' East Rideing of Yorkshir on LO:1g Island the relect of Wm Wells of the said Town & rideing deceased and now wife of Thomas Mapes J un' of the aforesaid Town (haveing by deed of gift received of my said husband Wm Wells all his land and goods to be by me injoyed & disposed as in y' said deed is more fully ex- pressed) doe by these presents give grant alienate and confirme unto my son in law Jonathan Horton, in right of his wife Bethiah Horton my daughter eighteen acres of woodland lying scituate & being on the backside of the aforesaid Town of SOilthold, lying betwixt the cart- way that cometh up from y' lane comonly called Mr Tookers Lane, and y' cartway comiug from Mr Hor- tons lane, and bounded on the North side by an alott- ment belonging to Leiutenent John Budd, and on the South side by a lott of Daniel Terrys the which afore- said woodlands (be it more or less) I give to my said son in law Jonathan Horton; To have and to hold all the aforesaid granted premises to him & to his heirs & assigns forever, in as fnll & am pie maner as it hath ben possessed & enjoyed by myselfe. In testimony & confirmation whereof I have hereunto SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 33 set my hand & seale the twelth day of January in the two & thirty yeare of the reigne of our soveraign lord Charles the second of Great Britaine, Franc & Ireland, king defender of y' faith &c and in y' yeare of our Lord one thousann six hundred & eighty. Signed, sealed & delivered MARV WELLS. in the preseuce of us. THOMAS MAPES. JOHN YONGS. 20. His whole ,right of comonage in the Town is six lotts. [Abstract.] Be it known unto all men, tha:. I Jacob Core of Southold, have sold, and by these pre"ents doe sell unto Jonathan Horton of the same Town, A second lott of land lying in the North Sea division wntaining fourteen acres, bounded on the east side by Henj: Moor or the highway and on the West, North", South by y' Sd Hor- tons land. For conformation whereof 1 doe hereunto set my hand & seal this 13th of December 1687. Witnesses JACOB CORE JOHN 'ARVY MATHIAS HUTCHISON Memorandum;-I Ann, wife of .I, cob Core, acknowl- edge the within [above] sale to "e with my free con sent. ANNA X CORE [Abstract.] Be it known unto all men yt I John Budd of South- old by way of exchanging woodland & kreekthatch to Jonathan Horton of the same Town, do exchange thir- teen acres of land, lying towards y' North sea, bounded by the saiel Horton's land on the North & East, and on y' West by John Curwins land and South by John Cur. 3 34 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. wins land:-And also four lotts of kreekthatch, lying in y' Indian-necks flats bounded by Symon Grover on y' north and by y' Weadow Hutchison west: and also one sheep-And I, and Ester Budd my wife do hereby alienate to the said Jonathan Horton the same and every part thereof- For confirmation whereof we hereunto set our hands and seals the 30'h day of January 168l Witnesses JOHN BUDD DAVID GARDINER ESTER BUDD. JOHN PAIN. [Abstract.] Be it known unto all men that I, Theophilus Curwin of Southold, with Mary my wife, have sold and by these presents do sell unto Ab~aham Whi,teher of y' same Town A first lott of land lying in the second di- vision of Ocquabauk, near to the fresh pond, bounded on y' east side by a lott y' was Mr Barnabas Hortons, and on y' west by a lott of M r John Concklins, extend. ing from y' North beach to the outmost South bounds in yt division.~ . In confirmation whereof we hereunto set our hands and seals this 5th January 1686. Witnesses THOMAS MAPES THEOPHlLUS CORWIN mark ... THOMAS X TERRILLS. MARY X CORWIN. mark [Abstract.] I, Abram Whiteher of Southold (shipwright) doe here by assign and make over this bill of sale, unto Jon. athan Horton Witness my hand and seal this 11th of May 168;. Witnesses EVIN DAVIS ABRAHAM WHITHER. bl.+....n JONAS HOULDSWORTH. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 35 PAGE II. Rye, 'january 24, 1681 Know all men by these presents y' I Joseph Horton doe wholy and fully acquit Mary Horton and Jonathan Horton, of all dues debts, wills or demands whatsoever from the begining of the world to this date, and further I the said Joseph Horton doe fully acquit & discharg the s" Mary Horton, the wife of my father Horton de- ceased and by him appoynted and constituted executors of his estate and will, and doe acknowledg to have full satisfaction by agreeme' of a sum of twenty five pound by cattle in hand received; in consideration hereof I acknowledg myselfe heirs executors, administrators & assigns fully satisfied in every respect, and doe hereby acquit the s" Mary Horton Executrix, and Jonathan Horton their heirs, Executors, administrators and as' signs from all further demands, Wills or any other pre- tences whatsoever from the date hereof for ever. As Witness my hand and seale. Witnessed in presence of JOHN HORTON JOSEPH HORTON JOHN BUDD JOSEPH HORTON. Ent" p' Benj: Yo. red' 1691. May- Know all men by these presents that we Mary Mapes the relect of wm Wells late of South old deceased and Wm Wells the son of said Wm Wells now in the County of Suffolk upon Long Island for divers good considera- tions us thereunto moveing but especially in way of portion unto Jonathan Horton and Beathiah his wife daughter to said Mary Mapes, we the abovesaid Mary and William doe give unto Jonathan Horton of South- old aforesaid and Bethiah his wife one halfe part of a certaine first lott of upland lying nere Mattituck in that 36 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. dividend of land called Corchaug division containeing sixty acres or thereabouts bounded by the land of John Cnrwin Eastward: and Westward by the other halfe part of the abovesaid first lott and South by the high- way,and Northward to the North Sea Clift-the which halfe part of said lott so situate and being be it more or less, we the abovesaid Mary and William, doe quit claime and alienate the same from us our heirs, execu- tors administrators, and doe fully and absolutely here- by make over the same to the abovesaid Jonathan Hor- ton and Bethiah his wife, To have and to hold, to them their heirs Executors, Administrators and Assigns for ever to possess, improve and dispose of at their will and pleasure, without any let hinderence or molestation by us or ours, or by any maner of person or persons by through from or under us or any of us. In confirma. tion whereof we doe hereunto set our hands and seals this eight day of April in the yeare of our Lord 1695. Signed sealed and delivered MARY MAPES in the presence of us, \VILLIAM WELLS. THOMAS MAPES Ju' JOSHUA WELLS. Entd p' BEN]: Yo. rd' 169l [A bstract.] This Indenture V'Iitnesseth that Mr Constant Sylves. ter of Shelter Island doe for the sum of three pounds nine shillings, paid by Capt". Jonathan Horton alienate and sell unto the said Jonathan Horton, one first lott of Comonage within the Town plott of Southold in the County of Suffolk, except a part given for a mill on Hallock's Neck. Witness the hand and seal of said Constant Sylvester Dec'.7th 1694-(1695.) Witnesses JOHN OSMAN CONST. SYLVESTER. STEPHEN BRIDGES Acknowledged before me this 26 Dec. 105. ISAAC ARNOLD. SOU1'HOLD TOWN RECORDS. 37 [Abstract.] * These presents Witnesseth that I Jacob Cory Jun doe assign over all my right, title and interest in the within mentioned bill of sale unto Jonathan Horton. Witness my hand and seal this 3' FebY. 169l Witnesses JOHN CURWIN JACOB CORY. STEPHEN BAILY The bill of sale within mentioned is entered on page 10 of Lib. C. Ent' p' BEN]: Yo rd' Feb. 3' 16g6.- PAGE 12. [Abstract.] This Indenture made the fifth day of November in the yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand six hundred ninety and seven, between John Herbert late of South- old, now of Massachusetts, mariner, and Capt Jonathan Horton of Southold Witnesseth, that the said John Herbert hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said Jonathan Horton, his North side lott of upland containing fourteen acres, bounded by the highway South, by y' s' Jonathan Hor- ton North and West, and by John Curwin East-Also a second lot in Hogneck containing six acres bounded by the Highway North-the land of Jonathan Horton East and the Bay South'-Also a second lot of Kreekthatch, on the Indian Neck flats, bounded North by Matthias Hutchison. In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal- Witnesses STEPHEN BERRYER JOHN HERBERT. JOSHUA WELLS GERSHOM TERRY. Acknowledged 10 Nov. 1697 before me. THOMAS MAPES, Justice. [* Fourteen acres of land at the North Sea or Sound.- J. W. C.] 38 SOUTHOLD TOWN REC0RDS. [NoTE.-Jonathan Horton, the youngest son of 1st Bar- nabas, was born in Southold about the year 16 and died Feb. I7ot. He inherited the homestead of his father, and he maintained, with increasing notoriety, the high stand and fame which his fatl).er had won for it: there tJe closed his days. His father, with his characteristic energy and power to accomplish the plans he conceived, settled each of his four older sons on farms of their own as soon as they reached their majority. Joseph, the eldest son, was placed upon the very desirahle property nOW of Capt. Benj. Coles. Benjamin, the second son, had his first homestead in the spot, rather noted as the residence of the two Benjamin Y oungses, both judges, justices, and town clerks, and after the revolutionary war, from 1786 to 1825, the property of John Franks. Caleb, third son of Barnabas, was settled upon a large farm at Corchaug; and for Joshua, fourth son, his father bought the accommodations of his brother Joseph in 1665, the latter removing to Rye. Jonathan was left, and for fifteen years he lived with his father and relieved him of the management of their over- grown estate. In 1680, upon the death of his father, Jona. than came into possession of all the home lands and con- siderable estate at Hogneck, Corchaug, Occabock, etc. The portion bestowed upon his wife Bethiah, by hel" mother Mary, relict of William Wells, and sole Owner of his estate, swelled largely his fields, his meadows, and his woods. In I7c;>t the west line of his farm on the town street began near the west line at Mrs. H. E. Elmer's house, and ran through to the Sound on a variety of courses; his east line began at the bound between himself and Matthias Corwin's old homestead, near the east line of the Presbyterian Chapel, and by a very angular line reached the Sound a little dis- tance east of Little Pond, embracing the hotel grounds of Patrick Conway, the land adjoining his home place on the east, and embracing Horton's Point, having been subse- quently purchased by some of the Horton family. His Sound shore line extended from Conway's to the east line of Samuel S. Vail's woodlands. Dying, he gave his home lands to his two sons Jonathan and William; they divided, 2d Jonathan taking the old homestead, and all the lands late of 3d Jonathan (son of Lazarus) and of his sons Rensselaer and Jonathan G. Hor- ton. To 1st William fell that part embracing the farm late of 2d William and after him 'of his nephews, Wil- liam, David, and Joshua (sons of his brother U Good Jona- than"), to whom he devised his estate, having no children. . SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 39 David took the old house and home of the 1st and 2d William, after him his son Joseph Hazard occupied it, and now the latter's son A-zariah owns and occupies it with a fine farm attached to it. William and Laurens, other sons of David, had a share of the estate. A considerable proportion of the estate of 1St Jonathan Horton is now out of the name. D. Philander Horton, son of J. Hazard, is the possessor of th.e old Barnabas home- stead. Jonathan settled his son James (Deacon) on a large farm at Cedar Beach, Hogneck, ,on which this day dwells Gilbert W. Horton, a lineal descendant. Silas and his brother D. Austin still continue, each to occupy a farm formerly of 1St Jonathan Horton on 'the Neck.~J. W. C.] Mr Thomas Moor his Record. I. His home lott containing six acres more or less bounded on the West by the Land of Peter Paine.- 2. Also, ten acres of Land lying and being East of the Town bounded by the land of Mr Budd East, and West by Stephen Baily his land-the s' ten acres is lying nere the Old field. 3. Also one acre of land in the Old field, be it more or less bounded South by the Harbour, and on the North by the land of s' Budd. 4. Also two acres of meadow lying at Toms Kreek- Neck so called bounded West by the meadow land of Benj: Yo. and east by the meadow of Joseph Yo. 5. Also fourteen acres of land lying at Stephens' meadow Joseph Yo. east and Peter Paine on the \Vest. 6. Also twelve acres of \V oodland lying towards y' North Sea bounded South by the highway, on the west by the land of John Corwin and east by the highway. 7. Also a first lott of meadow at Goose Kreek, one acre more or less the meadow of Barnabas Winds South, and Mr Moore East. 8. Also a first lott at Ocquabauk in all three divisions of upland. 40 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 9. Also a second lott of meadow on the north side the deep Kreek at Ocquabauk. 10. Also a second lott of Meadow at the Weading river. 'I. Also at the Farme one hundred and fiftie acres of upland more or less, with a right of coman land which is a third part of the s' cams. bounded east by Capt Yo. his land and by Hashamomuck coman West. '2. Also two lotts of Comonage. '3. Also two sheers of meadow at the South side peheconuck river. Ent' p' BEN]: YO. rd'. [NoTE.-For a better descriptioo of the home lot of first Thomas Moore, a succinct hoistry of his life, and of his family, and more full and perfect records of his lands, see printed copy of the SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS vol. L, p. 57.-J. W. c.] . PAGE '3. I was chosen by a number of the owners of the Great lotts att Aquabague to renew their bounds from Collonel Hutchinsons'Vest bound to the \Vadeing river divi. sian: I rnn a line in the first place to part the Great lotts from the fifty acre lotts, and the Great Lotts was measured on that loin called the mannor loin, and their wedth was '9 chains throngh oute till itt come to the country Roade in Joshua Tuthills lott part of itt over the Roade the rest of the lotts Eastward was bounded on a loin Southward of the Roade which held oute fi veteen chains in wedth-the fifty acre lotts at the Waideing River held oute aboute 7 chains all bounded in the year '733. p' me JONATHAN HORTON. Ent" June the '4, '763. p' RBT HEMPSTED, Town Clerk. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 41 Joseph Y ongs his land now in his possession SOUTHOLD y' 5 January 168-J. * I. His home lott containing four acres more or lese being- bounded by Samuel Y ongs on y' west the land of Mr Edes on y' east now in the possession of severel!: on y' North by Stephen Bayley and on y' South by y' Street. 2. A fourth lott Comonage in y' Towne plott. 3. More: 28 acres of land at y' north side Mr Thomas More on y' west and some of y' small lots on y' east- 4. More: 24 acres of land on y' north side of y' towne Jonathan Hortons land on y' West, and \Viddow Cooper land on the East. 5. More: eight acres at Toms Creek Jonathan Hor- ton on ye east. 6. More: 21 acres nere or about y' great Swamps no bounds known. 7. More: four acres of meadow more or lese at y' Mill creeke Mr Harbart Northerly & y' upland Wes- terly and Southerly and the Mil! creeke east. 8. More: Two acres of meadow more or less bound on y' North by Samuel! Yongs & easterly by y' Mill Creeke and Mr More South. 9. More: four acres of salt meadow at Corchauge more or less bounded on y' South by Samuel! Wines & on y' north by Peter Paine. 10. More: a second lott of meadow at Acquabocke bounded on y' west by Daniel! Terry: Notherly by Richard Browne & on y' South by the river. I I. More: a Seventh part of land purchased of (*This home lot of Joseph Yongs was located on the town street a short distance east of the house of D. B. and O. L. Wells, with the school-house lot on its easterly side. There were two Joseph Youngses-both apparently mariners. One was a son of Pastor Y Dungs; the lineage of the other not very clear.-J. W. C.l 42 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Stephen Bayley which was formerly Mr Nicholas Edes (Deceased) containing sixteen acres more or less & bounded on y' north by a highway on y' east by a high- way on y' South by y' street and on y' West by y' land of y' said Joseph Yongs.- 12. More: two acres of land in y' old field. Aproved by me in y' name of the rest y' 5, of JanY 168l JOHN YONGS. Ent' feb" .y' 14th 16M p' BENJ: Y ONGS, Record'- PAGE 14. 1676 September. * I. John Tutthill his home lott (at Oysterpond) con- taining twenty acres more or less bounded on y' \Vest by y' land of Richard Brown and by Samuel King his land on y' East, and on y' north by y' North Sea, and y' highway South. 2. His land by the highway (where his barn now stands) by estimation eight acres more or less, bounded by y' land of Richard Brown North and South by y' bay Samuel King on y' east, and on y' West by y'land of John Tuttle J un'. 3. Eight acres more, be it more or less, bounded by y' land of Gedion Yongs East and on y' North by y'land of Samuel King, and on y' West by y'land of Richard Brown, also by his own land, and South by y' Bay. 4. More Thirty acres, more or less bounded on y' West by y' land of Rich' Brown and Easterly by y' land of Samuel King, a highway on the North, and on y' east or easterly by a kreek called y' fresh meadow kreek. 5. More one hundred and twenty acres more or less, [' See also printed Records of the Town of Southold, Vol. I. p. 49.-J. W. c.] . SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 43 bounded on y' West by y' land of Samuel King and on y' East by y'land of Thomas Terry & John Tutthill Jun' and on y' North by y' North Sea, and South by Sam' King his land and a kreek called y' Fresh meadow kreek. Also one third lott of meadow lying within said hundred & twenty acres containing foure acres & one halfe acre more or less purchased of Thomas Moor J un' by exchang. Also one t lott of meadow lying in y' Fresh meadous (so calierl) and adjoyning to it bounded on the north by Edward Patty Sen' Thomas Moor South, and by y' upland on y' east W'h Sd meadows was purchased of Capt. John Yo. Wm Purrier, & Abram Corey. His lands lying in Oyster Pond upper neck so called. I. A second lott containing ninty acres, more or less, purchased of Abram Corey for valuable consideration in hand paid, and bounded on y' east by the land of Thomas Moor J un' and on y' west by y' land of John Wiggins, y' North Sea North, and on y' South by y' Bay. 2. His land at Hogg Neck is by estimation six acres and bounded- His land at Corchaug. I. One first lott of woodland containing one hundred and twelve acres more or less, and bounded by y' land of Richd Brown on y' 'Vest and on y' East by Wm Coleman his land, and OR y' North by y' North sea, and y' highway South. 2. Three lotts of comonage two whereof purchased of Thomas Dymon, the other, given to him by his mother Dorety King. Daniel Tuthill J un' his Record: Son of Decon Daniel Tuthill. I. One lott of land containing twenty five acres more or less purchased of Joseph Hull and his wife Prudence 44 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. lying on y' North side neere a place called y' Inlett bounded east'by y' land of John Goldsmith North by y' Sound South by y' highw9Y West by y' land of Colonel Huchinson. 2. Allso one half lott of land purchased of Colonel Huchinson & his wife Mary containing I2t acres for twenty nine pounds ten shillings lying On y' North side neere y' Inlett adjoyning on y' east to y' abovemen. tioned lands on the North to the Sound On y' West by y' other half of s' lott on y' South by y' highway. 3. Allso the other half part of y' aboves' lott of land purchased of Colonel Richard Floyd and his wife Elizabeth containing 12t acres in consideration, of y' sum of Twenty nine pounds ten shillings adjoyning east to y' above mentioned half lott of Land North by the sound West by the land of him s' Daniel Tuthill South by the Rhoade. 4. Allso One lolt of land in the Indian Neck so called purchased of Decon James Horton for forty shillings containing It acre bounded North by y' two pole way south by the Bay East by y' land of William Salmon Jun' on the West by y' land of Sam" Reeve- 5. Allso three lotts of Crickthatch purchased of Zeb. ulon Hallock in consideration of Nineteen pounds ten shillings money Two of s' lolts are att a place called Pools Crick containing three Islands bounded with water the other lolt lying in the Indian Neck Creek so called Joyning bouncled east by y' weadow of William Horton South by y' Crick ,Vest by the meadow of Sam" Reeve and North by y' Crick. 6. Allso one right in y' manner purchased of William Mapes originally now of Hennery Pike in consideration of Ten pounds money bounded north by y' Sound East by s' mannor and partly by David Gardiners land Westerly by y' land of Joshua Tuthill & y' mannor of Daniel Terrill Southerly by y' land of s' Gardiner. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 45 7. Allso some land purchased of John Havens for. merly of Shelter Island: att Southampton in a place called Hogneck between the abovesaid Daniel Tuthill Jun' and his brother Noah Tuthill to them and their heirs joyntly and severally s' land is called 3 lotts and is distinguished by Number five Number six Number seven and is by computation 93 acres with all y' build- ings.-s' land cost three hundred and ten pounds- 8. Allso severall alottments of land purchased of John Havens Jun' and lying and being att s'Southampton Hogneck itt is called in s' deed three severall tracts or parcles of land with some meadow One peace contain- ing two lotts Number fiveteen & Sixteen with all y' buildings thereon Allso one peice of land in N um ber Twenty two called a fifty of land Allso one peice of land containing a third of a lott Number Twentie nine: In consideration of Two hundred and ninety nine pounds payd by s' Daniel Tuthill and Noah Tuthill and to be for them and their heirs and assigns Joyntly and severally. 9. Allso an aquittance from his father Decon Tuthill for all his wright on Long Beach at y' Oysterponds 1750 allso an aquittance from William Sal-non Benja- min Reeve freegift Wells Richard Terry Jor.athan Hor- ton William Wells Prudence Hull and John Goldsmith for all their rights on Long beach and in Oysterpond Dividend of the undevided meadows or Crickthatch purchased at 2' y' Right '749. IQ. Allso one percle of land purchased of his father for two hundred and ten pounds lying and being at New London in y' Colony of Connecticut and is part of that land called Bradleys lying in s' Town plot, and bounded Southerly partly by Jonathan Prentiss and partly by the land of Thomas Fosdick east by the beach North and west by the highway. Allso one peice of land neer or adjoyning to s' land att New London pur- 46 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. chased of his Sd father for 20' New York money and is bounded North on the cross highway that leads from y' Main Street to the beach 21 foot t.o neer stars: East- erly on beach street 3 rod & half to a meer stone five feet from a warehouse standing on Sd land. Examined & enterd pr RHt HEMPSTED Town Clerk Decemb'1752. Contd to page '7. More, see page 17. [N OTE.-2d Daniel Tut.hilJ, son of Dea. Daniel, and grand- son of 1St John, stood in. the front rank of the Tuthills, and as an owner and dealer in real estate much in advance of most of his compeers. In 1752 he \\f!:l.s living at Northside, on the farm late of Zaccheus Goldsmith, now of A. M. Salmon. A deed upon the Records of that date, made by his father, conveys to him all the lands and personal estate of his said father- 2d Daniel and all his family to remove to the Oysterponds, which, the Records adds. "his 1iJtfe would ltO! comply 'With." The Tuthills, the Havenses, and the Terrys, intermarried, and for years bought, sold, and exchanged lands on Shelter Island Hogneck. zd Daniel married Mehetabel Budd, a daughter of John, who died in 1753, when, or soon after, 2d Daniel became, probably through his wife, the owner of the Old Field, or Budd Farm. The late T. Vincent Tuthill remembered well the stories of his grandfather Rufus about the exces- sive hardships which his father's (2d Daniel) iron will and boundless ambition imposed upon himself and his brothers J oho, Peter, and Jonathan in working the 'Old Field Farm.' 2d Daniel owned half of Plum Island and the Gulls, valuable estate in New London, and parcels of land in various places. On his death, in 1768, the Budd or Old Field Farm was divided, Jonathan taking thirty acres of the short lots and some meadows; the other sons settled in Oysterponds.-J. W. C.] SOUTHOLD'TOWN RECORDS. 47 PAGE 15: I. * Mr Benj: Moore his home lott containing ten acres, more or less bounded east by y' land of Jonathan Horton and West by the land of Jeremiah Vale. 2. Also ten acres of land lying at y' ree~e of Sd home lottbouded on the east by a lane, and by Jeremiah Vale his land on y' West, and Joshua Horton on y' North. 3. Also two acres of meadow at Goose, Kreek, bounded Southwest by his father Moors meadow, and Richd Benjamin on the east. 4. More: Twelve acres of \V oodland lying on y' east side of Jonathan Hortons North Sea lott. 5. Also eightenn acres of Woodland lying on y' north side of the Town by Stephens-meadow comonly so called. 6. More: Six acres of land lying on the South side of the Town in a Neck comonly called by the name of Hog Neck. 7. Also two acres of meadow in the Indian Necks so called-the Sd meadow is two acres more or less. 8. Also two acres of Woodland on the South side the Town lying & being in a neck called and known by y' name of Calves-Neck. 9. Also two lotts of Comonage within the old bounds of the Town. Anno Domini March the 7th 168!- [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I * The lot here named appears to have been the first one occupied by him, since it was before the 1St J Qna. than Horton died, which was in 1708. Moore afterwards bought the property on the corner of the road leading to Oysterponds and lived and died there. It afterwards be. came the homestead of Doet. Micah Moore, and of his widow, Abigail Moore, who was by a former marriage the mother of the famous traveller, John Ledyard.-J. W. C. 48 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. John Patty of South old in the County of Suffolk car- penter, doe by these presents bargain and sell unto Benjamin Moore of the said Town, Mariner, all that my d welling house with the home lott containing four acres, bounded east by Thomas Longworth-South by y' street--west by the highway and on the north by a highway that leads to y' Old field, with my barn, orchard, yard, fences, together with twelve acres of \V oodland, on the north side the said Town, bounded west by Jonathan Horton, and Benj: Yongs East.* \V itnesses BEN]: YONGS JOHN PATTY ELIZABETH YONGS MARY PATTY Entd y' 17th of March 168% Pr BEN]: Yo, rd'. [NOTE.*-The old homestead of' Doct. Micah Moore.- J. W. c.] Joseph Moore, his Record of a first lott of upland lying and being in Southold. Obtained of Henry Case by way of exchang one lott of upland lying and being west of said Town being by estimation twenty five acres more or less and bounded as followeth: by Samuel Glover his land on the West, and on the east by the land of Colonel Y ongs, and on the north by the north sea or Sound, and by the Long- lane on the South. Entd P' BEN]: Yo, Rdr. this 28th day of April lti96. PAGE 16. In an arbitration between Samuel Wines and Thomas Hunter. Wee y' subscribers being chosen Arbitrators in a mat- ter in differance concerning the Complyment of land ac- cording to y" true intent of a deed of Conveyance for the SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 49 division of land whereon y' said Thomas Hunter have' made his settlement, where he now dwelleth, bareing date November y' 12, 1695, signed by Samuel Wines, we haveing inspected into y' said deed and considered the matter in differance, doe conclud and agree that y' West bounds of said land at y' north side Clifte is at y' bound tree of Samuel Wines: And at y' midle high- way by a black oak Stumpe, deemed to be y' marke tree where the surveyors began to laye out in that division: being between five or six rod from y' high- way that doe run to y' clifte, by the side of Joseph Reeve his land: and on y' South by y' roade by a stumpe of a tree in y' hollow, which is Samuel Wines Southeast corner, bound' marke, which is the west bounds according to our award & determination of Hunters land according to y' true intent of said deed of conveyance: excepting y' highway exchanged with y' Towne: and this we declare to be our full determi- nation award: Witness our hands and seals in Southold, July y' 16: 1707. JOHN TUTHILL Seal THOMAS MAPES Seal JOSHUA WELLS Seal JAMES REEVE Seal SAMUEL HUTHESON Seal STEPHEN BAYLEY Seal Ent' May 15th 1710. P' Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. [NOTE.- The premises above described are now mostly owned by]. Halsey Tuthill; they lie at the head of the Bowery Lane, on the North side of the North road.- ].W.C.] Gershom Terry his Record. I. His land at Corchake being a second lott, contain- ing two hundred and thirty acres be it more or less & 4 50 SUUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. bounded on y' North by y' Sound on y' east by y' land of Richard Benjamin on y' South by y' highway and on y' West by y' land of John Goldsmith. 2. His meadow lying nere y' Old feild at Mattatuck is a second lott and bounded on y' Southwest with Mr David Gardiner his meadow & on y' Northeast by Rich. ard Benjamin. 3. His meadow at Acquaback lying nere y' Indien feild and bounded by Thomas Mapes Sen' east & west. 4. His land lying nere y' Indlett being a first lott coutaining twenty five acres be it more or lese and bounded ou y' North by y' Sound on the East by Samuel Yongs on y' South by the highway and on the west by Jasper Griffing. 5. His Crickthach lying at y' lower end of end in [In. dian] necks being a first lott and bounded Southerly by Matthias Hutcheson and North 'East and W.est by y' gutters. Allowed & Past by me in behalfe of y' rest p' me JOHN YONGS. Jan Y. y' 5th 168t Entrd October y' 3' 16w pr Benj: Y 0,-- Recordr 6. His meadow at fivfteene mille Island on y' other side or South of Peconnek River is a first Iott & bounded on y' West by John Terry, on y' North and east by y' Creak, and on y' South by y' s' Island- Ent' pr Benj: Y ongs.- [NOTE.-His homestead at Corchaug, two hundred and thirty acres, was bounded south by the King's road, north by the Sound, east by the Benjamins, and west by. John Goldsmith; later by the Wells family. It belonged first to 1St Richard, then to his son, 1St Gershom, who left one son and one daughter, and died intestate; the farm was then divided between 2d Gershom and his sister, who married Benjamin Moore. 2d Gershom died intestate, leaving a large family, and the estate was divided among the children. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 51 Barnabas had the home lot, and his daughter Elizabeth (Mrs. Smith) now dwells upon the same-her brother Con- stant B. Terry owning the farm at the north. Silas Moore for long years occupied the west part. but he is now dead, and is succeeded by Henry L. Fleet and others. -J. W. C.] PAGE. 17. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I Daniel Tuthill of Oysterponds, in the Town of Southold for divers considerations, but more espccially for the natural love which I bare unto my son Daniel Tuthill I do by these presents freely give unto him all my lands buildings, fences woods or underwoods meadows or meadow ground wheresoever they be, together with all my per- sonal estate of what kind or nature soever, as well in my own custody, as in the custody of any other person, to him and to his assigns- In confirmation of which gift and grant, I have here- unto set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of De- cember, one thousand seven hundred and Fifty two-. Witnesses DANIEL X TUTHILL hi. lurk SYLVESTER L'HoMMEDIEU BENJAMIN DAVIS ROBERT HEMPSTED 14 Dec 1752- Acknowledged 14 Dec 1]52 before me ROBERT HEMPSTED Justice Memorandum: Itt is to be understood and the true intent and meaning of the above mentioned gift or granted primises that upon the com pleating of y'instru- ment and recording the same upon the Town Book that Mehetable the wife of the above mentioned Daniel Tuthill J un' would go with her s' husband and live att the above mentioned place in y' Oysterponds, and all there family that was under age to go with them as soon as s' Instrument was compleated, and upon these 52 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. terms and no other itt was which s' Instrument was writt and com pleated as above y' 14 day of December 1752-which was not complyed with. Witnesses ROB' HEMPS TED & MARY his wife. A true Copie of y' deed & agreement. p' Robert Hempsted, Town Clerk. So:hold lh 27 of December 1752. * Joshua Horton his Record. I. Of his house lott containeing four acres more or less bounded on the North by the land of William Hal. locks and Barnabas Wines on the South. 2. His land at the North Sea, containing twenty one acres more or less, bounded on the West by his own land and on the east by the land of John Curwin Sen' 3. His meadow in Pine Neck containing three acres more or less, bounded on y' South by y' Weidow Hutchison and on the East by Mrs Elton, now Mrs Tooker. 4. His meadow lying at the goeing into Hoggneck containing one acre & half more or less, bounded on the west by the meadow of Jonathan Horton, and on the east by John Hallocks, and by James Reevs on the South. 5. His land lying against the reere of the home lotts containing twelve acres. more or less, bounded by the land of Benjamin Moore, and on the east and West by the two lanes-the said twelve acres was Joseph Hor- tons who purchased it of John Peckings by way of ex. chang, for a lott of fifteen acres and halfe more or less lying next to a lott formerly in the possession of John Pain Sen' at the Water Mill. 6. His land lying in Hogg Neck containing nine acres more or less bounded on the east by the land of William Hallocks, and by John Booth on the West. 7. His land purchased of Barnabas Wines Sen' by SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 53 exchang containeing two acres, more or less which two acres was part of the s' Barnabas his lott, and is lying next unto the land of William Hallocks the s' two acres exchanged is with this proviso, that the aforsaid Joshua Horton shall maintaine the whole fence round about it. The s' exchang is for two acres of meadow more or less, (which said Barnabas purchased as afor- said) lying and being at Goose-Kreek betwene Jonathan Horton on the West, and John Curwin on the east. 8. His land purchased by exchange with the Town (at a Town Meeting April 3' 1684) containing seven acres formerly Henry Scudders, but since Richard Terrys Sen' and by him laid down for the Towns use, the s' Seven acres is bounded on the east by the s' Joshua his North Sea lott formerly Joseph Hortons in consideration of s' seven acres y' Sd Joshua Horton have laid down six acres of land for the Town's use. The said six acres is lyiug nigh Toms Kreek head, also y' s' Joshua have paid to s' Town, ten shillings as full satisfaction for Sd seven acres. 9. A third part of two acres of land given to him by the Town, at a town meeting the 3d of April 1679, on consideration that he set up a Winde Mill thereon. 10. His meadow lying in the Fourt meadow, contain- ing three acres more or less, bounded by y' meadow of Jeremiah Vail on the east, and on the West by the land of Richard Terry and Thomas Reevs, which meadow was purchased of Joseph Horton by his father Barnabas Horton, and giveu by s' Barnabas Horton to his son Joshua Horton, as may appear by a bill of seal bearing date the 10 of July 1665, as also by a deed of gift bear- ing date y. 20th of January 1670. I I. His land in the bounds of Ocquabauk is one lott; also two lotts & a halfe of meadow land there, which upland and meadow was given to him by his father in his last will & testament. 54 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. >12. His meadow lying in Corchaug great meadow is by estimation four acres more or less, which Sd four acres he purchased of his brother in law John Y ongs marrin' and is bounded on the North by the meadow of Caleb Horton and by a Kreek on the West & South and on y' east by the meadow of Benj: Horton and Samuel Wines. 13. Also another percel of land lying at y' reere of y' lotts purchased of Daniel Terry for valuable considera- tion in hand received containing twelve acres more or less bounded by y' Sd Joshua Horton his owne land on y' South, and by Jonathan Horton on the north, and Oil the East and West by the highways. 14. His Commonage in the Town bounds is a third lotto Entd 1689 p' Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 18. IS. His land lying on y' South side the Long Lane West of y' Town being a third lott containing seventy five acres more or less, bounded West with John Gould- smyth, Mrs Hutchison East. 16. His kreek thatch lying in Corchaug flatts is three lotts being two acres and quarter more or less bounded east with Stephen Baylis his meadow, and butting to the Kreek. Also two 10Us more of Kreek thatch there being one acre & halfe more or less, Anas Reevs North, Jonathan Reevs South. also bounded by the kreek. 17. His land purchased of his cosen Budd, is lying and being against the lndean field so called being foure lotts containing one hundred acres more or less bounded on the West by Tho: Gilbert his land, and east by the land of Jonathan Mapes. Entd p' Benj: Yo. Rdr. 1692. ffeb. Purchased of John Curwin Jun' by ex- chang a certain tract of land lying and being on y'. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 55 North side the Town containeing twenty two acres more or less bounded by Joshua Horton Sn' his own land west, and by the land of Jonathan Horton East. Entd p' Benj: Yo. Rdr-ffeb. 20. 16g2. 16g4 ffeb..22. Purchased of Jeremiah Vale by exchang fourteen acres of woodland lying and being at the South end of the said Joshua Horton his land, bounded on the West by a Highway on the East by the land of Jonathan Horton, and by a Highway on the North. Entd 22. ffeb. 16g4. P' Benj: Yo. Rdr. May 12, 1701. These presentstestifie that LeutJoshua Horton hath purchased of Capt Jonathan Horton by way of exchang all that part of a two pole lane which is bounded by y' Sd Joshua land on the North, (being in length forty seven pole and a halfe, the contents whereof is 95 poles) and bounded on y' South by y'land of Jere- miah Vaile. Ent" the day and year above written. P' Benj: Yongs Rdr.- NOTE.-The house lot of Joshua above described, is the same that belonged to his brother Joseph, and recorded by him, Lib. A, p. 7, in 1653. Joseph sold it to his father, 1St Bar- nabas, in 1665, and removed to Rye in Westchester County. Barnabas at once bestowed it upon his fourth son Joshua, who there spent the resid ue of his days. He was a car- penter, had apprentices, and worked at his trade; yet be and his sons managed a large farm successfully. They owned and early cultivated the farms, now of Eli W. Howell, of Lewis Tuthill, and of Azariah Horton, then lying in a bodv. He was a lieutenant in the militia and a deacon in the church. He was probably clerk and treasurer also; for on the books of 2d Jona. Horton I find this entry: "Nov. 5. I716-then uncle Joshua Horton came to my house and weighed of the Church's money, 3. 16.9." He died in 1729. aged 86. His son Joshua died at Elizabethtown, N. J., 1749, ret. Bo.-MaDRE's H Index." 56 SOUTHOLD TOWN ~ECORDS. His son Ephraim died at Southold '733. Some of the members of the family continue to live on the old home- stead. The late Ensign Benjamin left the homestead to his son Elam P., who died without issue, and the place is now the property of Capt. Benj. Cole.-J. W. C. Know all men by these presents that I David Gardi. ner of y' Town of Southold in y' County of Suffolk in the Colony of New York in America yeoman, have remised released and qnit claimed. and by these presents doe for me my execut" and administrat' remise release and forever quit claim unto Mary Youngs Daniel Tut. hill and Benjamin Youngs of Sd Town execut" & execu- trix of y' estate of Cor" Thomas Youngs late of y' Sd Town deceased and either of them their execut", ad. ministrat' and assigns of and from all legacies, gifts. bequests, sume and sums of money and demands what. soever bequeathed and given unto Martha Gardiner and her children the wife of me the Sd David Gardiner in and by y' last will and testament of the Sd Cor" Thomas Youngs, and of and from all manner of actions, dues and demands whatsoever which y' Sd David Gardiner or my children, ever had now have. or that I, my execut' or ad. ministrat' can or may at any times hereafter have, chal. lenge or demand against y' Sd Mary Youngs, Daniel Tuthill and Benjamin Youngs or either of them their or either of their executrs, administrat' or assigns, for or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever from y' beginning of y' world untill y' day of y' date hereof- In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale this twenty fourth day of february in y' year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred thirteen and fourteene. Signed Sealed & delivered DAVID GARDINER [Seal] in ye presence of us. NATHANAEL "VARNER. JOHN YOUNGS. Entd y' 4. Octob' 7I 5' p. Benj: Youngs Town Cler. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 57 PAGE 19. Mr John Booth Sen' his Record. I. His whome lott Containing six acres y' Land of Benjamin Yongs on y' East and the land of John Her- bert on y' west. 2. Seven acres of Land lying at y' reere of y' said whome lott and bounded on the east with y' land of y' s' Benjamin Yongs and on y' West by the land of y' said John Herbert and on the South by a highway. 3. Five acres more of land lying in y' Calves Neck and Bounded on y' east by the land of Mr Mapes on y' West by the land of John Hallocke on y'South by the land of Jonathan Horton and on y' North by a highway. 4. Four acres more of land in y' Calves Neck at the reere of Richard Benjamin lott and bounded on y' West and South by a highway and by John Herbert on y' east. 5. Four acres of land lying at y' head of Toms Creek amoung y' short lotts. 6. Six acres of land lying in Hog Neck and bounded on y' east by Joshua Horton on y' West by Abraham Corey on y' North by a highway and on y' South by y'Sea. 7. Three Scoure acres of land lying at Corchaug pur- chased of Mr Elton and bounded on y' North by y' highway and on y' East from y' said highway to y' lower end of a long hollow at the head of Widdow Coopers meadow the land of Mr Wells lying eastward from thence and Soe by y' Widdow Coopers meadow side Southward tll a oake tree that seperats betwene Mr Wells & me and ye highway on the West, to a wornutt tree that separats between Mr Weles & my- selfe Mr Weles lying on the South. S8 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 8. One Neck of land called Robens Island Neck Mr Wells on y' North & Pooles Creek on y' East & the great meadows on y' West & y' sea on y' south. 9. One percell of meadow at y' lower end of Robens Island Neck. 10. More a percell of meadow in Robens Neck Pools Creek on y' east and the sea on the south. I I. More One percell of meadow on y' west side of Robens Island Neck Benjamin Horton on y' North and y' Sea on the South and y' Creek on the west all pur- chased of Jeremiah Vaile. 12. A percell of meadow at Acquabock y' land of John Conkline lying on both sides and William Hal- locke meadow on the south. 13. Three small percels of meadow lying at y' Indien feild one at the south end and two at y' east side of y' Sd feild. 14. A flagge hole lying in Robens Island Neck and the hole and halfe hole lying by Thomas Booths house. IS. A second lott right of meadow lying on y'south side Peconneck River. Aproved of by me in y' name of y' Rest the second of February 168! JOHN YONGS Ent' febY y' 29th IGN" p' Benj: Yongs Recd' [NOTE.-A full history of 1st John Booth "may be seen at page 294, Vol. 1., SOUTHOLD TOWN PRINTED RECORDS.- ]. w. c.] [Abstract.] To all people to w horn these presents shall come, Greeting, Know ye that I, Daniel Tuthill of Southold in the County of Suffolk and Province of New York in America, for the Consideration of two hundred and ninety pounds, current money of New York, received to my full satisfaction of and from my loving son Daniel SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 59" Tuthill Jun' of Southold afores'do give bargain and sell and confirm unto y' s' Daniel Tuthill Jun' his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract and parcle of land and meadow which is three alottments of upland lying in the aforesaid Town and County, which has of late bin in the possession of Thomas Conkling containing in the whole eighty five acres be the same more or less, and bounded as followeth: Southerly by the highway: Westerly by the land of Colonel Samuell Hutchinson: Northerly by the Sound, and Easterly by the land late of Matthias Hutchinson of s' Town, now in the possion of Elijah Hutchinson and Richard Floyd, with all the houses Orchards and meadows belonging to the same.* Witness my hand and seal this 21st June 1736. Witnesses JOSHUA YOUNGS ROBERT HEMPSTED. Acknowledged before me SAMUELL HUCHINSON, Judge. DANIEL TUTHILL [Seal] Feb 12, 1753 Ent' p' Rbt. Hempsted Town Clerk. PAGE 20. Jacob Conckline his land lying in Hashamomuck. I. His home lott containing two acres more or less is bounded on the West with the land of Isaac Corey, and Joseph Mapes on the South. 2. His addition of land where his dwelling house now standeth is by estimation two acres and bounded round by the Comon: In lew whereof the s' Jacob Conckline acknowledgeth all the additions of land that hath ben taken in within this seven years, by the rest of the neighbours, to remaine good against all claimes to them and their heirs forever. [* Now the residence of Alvah L.~Salmon, Peconic.-J.W. C.]; 00 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 3. Jacob Conckline his land lying in the field is by estimation fonreten acres more or less, bonnded with the mill pond on the West, and on the North and Sonth with the land of Thomas Ryder. 4. His meadow and broken homoks of land lying .against the Mill pond be it more or less is bounded with the reere of the home lotts on the North, and with the old Bridge on the Sonth, and the east with the meadow of Isaac Corey, and his brother [John] Concklines N ecke, and the corner of Joseph Mapes his lott, and West with the Mill pond. 5. His right in the Coman land is a fourth part, whereof Joseph Mapes is to have a third part, and for his right of a fourth part in said Coman land, he, the said Jacob acknowledgeth his obligation to his brother John Conckline, for his Indian purchase of the premises, which also by agreement the Sd Jacob together with the rest of his neighbours of Hashamomuck, have fully satis- fied the said John Conckline with four score acres of land measured and set out to him the said John Conck. line by Tho: Mapes Sen' and J 0: Tutthill Sen' on the last day of June 1664. [Should be 1684. See Lib. B, p. S4.-J. W. C.] [NoTE.-Jacob was a son of 1St John, and lived in Has- hamomuck, near the residence of the late Albert Albertson, <leceased.-]. W. C.] Henry \Vhitney doe assigne over unto John Budd Jun' all my right, title and interest in the within specified deede [Salmon to Whitney] only excepting what I sauld to Tho: Osman, as witness my hand the twenty fourth .of May 1670. The mark of HENRY X WHITNEY. May 24, 1670. John Budd Jun' doth hereby assigne as abovesaid all his right title and intrest unto John Conck_ line Sen' the day and year above said. Witnessed by ISAAC ARNOLD JOHN BUDD BEN]: YO. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 61 [Abstract.] This Indenture made y' fourth day of J urie in the ninteenth year of y' reign of onr Soverign Lord George y'second of Great Britain King, Anno Domini 1746. Between Daniel Tuthill Sener of Southold of the one part and Daniel Tuthill Jun' his son of Southold, of the other part, Witnesseth y' the S4 Daniel Tuthill the elder, in consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds, in hand paid by y' said Daniel Tuthill y' younger, doth grant bargan and sell unto the S4 Daniel Tuthill the younger, One Certain tract or parde of land scituate on Plumb Island, being the east half part of the S4 Island in the County of Suffolk, containing by estimation three hundred acres, bounded Northerly by the Sound Eas- terly and Southerly by y' Sea or Oshean and Westerly by the land of Samuel Beebee as likewise one other tract or parde of land called Gull Island lying N orth- easterly from y' S4 Plumb Island, containing by com- putation sixteen acres more or less. In testimony whereof the parties have hereunto set there hands & seals. Witnesses JOHN KING DANIEL Tu THILL [Seal] JEREMIAH VAIL Acknowledged 4 June 1746 before me, o JOSHUA YOUNGS, Judge. Ent4 p' Robt. Hempsted Town Clerk Febry 14, 1753. PAGE 21. Daniel Terry his record of land and meadow as fol- loweth: r. His home lott containing four acres more or less and two acres of meadow belonging to y' said home lott be it more or less. 2. Fourteene acres of land at y' North sea more or less. 62 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 3. Also four acres of land more or less at Toms Creek Neck. 4. Two acres of land more or lese in y' Calves Neck bounded on y' east by John Reeve on y' west by Peter Dickeson & on y' South by y' Creek. 5. His right of comonage in towne bounds is a second lotto 6. A first lott of meadow on y' north side of Pea. conak River bounded on y' East by Joseph Yongs and on y' West by y' Widdow Hutheson. 7. A first lott of comonage in y' meadow on y' south sid of Peaconak River. 8. Halfe of a first lott of upland in Acquabock through. out them divisions. Approved of by me in y' name of y' rest y' 5 of JenewY 168i-. Ent' p' Benj: Yongs Reed' JOHN YONGS. May 30, 1701. To all Christian People to whome these presents shall come Greeting. Know Yee that whereas myselfe y' subscriber and Daniel Terry my brother are Joyntly possest of a lot of land at Occabocke extending in length quite crose y' Island from sea to sea and in breadth about fourty poles or thereabouts, bounded on y' west by my own land & to y' eastward by y' land of y' said Dan- iel: now this day of y' date hereof we are agreed upon the division thereof as followeth viz: that y' halfe next mine shall for ever belong to myselfe and my heirs and assignes for ever: and the other halfe to my brother Daniel and his heirs for ever; and I doe hereby for ever quit all claime from myselfe and my heirs and assignes to y' halfe that he hath; and further Know Yee, that [ Daniel Terry y' now owner of y' other halfe and y' subscriber heretoe doe for ever quit all claime from myselfe my heirs and assignes for ever to that halfe that is my brother Thomas Terry's and SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 63 In Witness hereof we have both of ns set to our hands lleales this 30 day of y' month May 171 I. Present JOSHUA HOBART THOMAS TERRY [Seal] JOHN BLISS DANIEL .;: TERRY [Seal] RALPH PETTY ., Memorandum. That it is this' same day agreed be- tween us, Thomas & Daniel Terry abovesaid that all our lands as well (as what is ahovesaid) shall be divided halfe to y' heirs of Thomas Terry: and y' other halfe .to y' heirs of Daniel Terry soe that hereby we joyntly agree that all pretences of Survivour shipp is hereby utterly cut of and distroyed. Witness our hands and seales the date abovesaid. Witnessed by us JOSHUA HOBART THOMAS TERRY [Seal] JOHN BLISS RALPH PATTY Entd Feb' 11th 17H p' Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. .....tOI DANIEL 0\ TERRY [Seal] [NoTE.-Of the 1St Thomas Terry and of his family, al- though we have many facts, and his will, we have only a broken and fragmentary history. Of the oldest son, Thomas, who went to Oysterponds, we can trace the most of his children and descendants with comparative accuracy. But of this son Daniel we have very little written account. He had, it appears, in I68t, possession of the homestead, for- merly his father's; not long afterwards, the house of Daniel Terry, as named in an instrument upon the Records, stood where Charles H. Tutthill lives, at the head of the Bowery Lane. But it is supposed by John P. Terry and others of the family, that after 1711, when 2d Thomas and Daniel had completed their peculiar agreement and terms of divi- sion of their estate, that Daniel, and perhaps his sons and the sons of 2d Thomas, went on to their Occabauk Lands, a large tract running from the Sound to the Bay, on which, at the Frog Ponds, north of the Steeple Church at Aque- bogue, they built their houses and dwelt, and where their 'Terry descendants dwell this day.-J. W. C.] 64 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 22. The upland and meadow of Richard Brown Sen'. * 1. His home lott containing seventy acres more or less lying and being in Oysterpond.N eck is bounded as followeth, with the Beach on the West, with the Sond on the North, with the land of John Tutthill Sen' & Jun' on the East, and with the Harbour on y' South. 2. Also one hundred acres there more or less, bounded with the land of Gedion Y ongs on the South west, with the land of Thomas Terry and John Tuthill sen' on the East, with the Sound on the North, with the river or kreek on the South and Southeast. 3. Also nine acres of meadow more or less invold, within y' Sd hundred acres. 4. His land purchased of J oh~ Conckline Sen' con- taining one hundred acres more odess, bounded with the land of Samuel Glover on the East, and with the. land of Nathaniel Moore on the West, and with the [* This Record of woodland of Richard Brown, made first in Lib. A, p. 36, SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS, and afterwards in Lib. C, p. 22, covers that entire south~west- point, the Sound north and the creek and the harbor south" for a long period owned by him and his sons, and shows. the first record of ownership to be found. We are with- out positive dates as to the time of. the settlement of' Richard Brown or of John Tuthill at Oysterponds; the in. ference from the papers we have is that it was not before 1660, and probably nearer 1670 than the former date. Brown sold his last homestead in Southold, in 1665, to. Elnathan Topping. Tuthill sold his to Jacob Corey in ,667. Then John Tuthill went and builded his house, and Brown with great liberality ga'lJe him "six acres of land where his, house standeth." The statements of Griffin and of Thompson as to the. purchases of Hallock, and the settlements by the Browns, Tuthills, and Youngs, only add to our complete confusion in the matter. They should be wholly,ignored.-J. W. C.] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 65 Sound or North Sea North, with his own meadow on the South. 5. Six acres of Meadow more or lese bounded with his own land on the North, with Samuel Glover his land on the East, the kreek on the South, and witli the meadow of Nathaniel Moore on the Southwest. 6. Also three acres of Meadow more or less bounded on the North with the land of Samuel King, and with the kreek on the Sou tho His land in Hogg Neck. 7. His land in Hogg Neck containing six acres more or less. His land at Corchag. 8. One hundred and twelve [acres] of land more or less bounded with the land of John Tutthill Sen' on the East, and with the land of Caleb Horton & Jonathan Brown on the West. 9. His land at Ocquabauk purchased of Samuel King is a first lott throughout, in the first, second &. third divisions, bounded . . . . . . . 10. His meadow at Ocquabauk is a first lotto Also a second IoU of meadow at Ocquabauk purchased of Gedion Y ongs, lying at Saw-Mill-brook, and bounded with the meadow of . . . . . . . I I. Also a first lott shere of the comon meadow on the south side Peheconuck river. [Abstract.] To all People to whom these presents shall come, Whearas Daniel Tuthill Juner of Southold late deceased in and by his last will and Testement devised unto his sons Peter Tuthill and Rufus. Tuthill all his land on Plumb Island as refference to said Will being had more fully may appear, and the said Peter Tuthill and Rufus Tuthill haveing agreed to make partittion of y' said lands, and haveing divided the same, Do agree that Peter Tuthill shall have all the lands on Plum b Island Eastward of a north north west line runing across s' 5 66 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. Island begining att a Red cedar stake or bound fixed by the said Peter Tuthill and Rufus Tuthill on. the south side ot the said Island, and from thence runing North Northwest across the Island as aforesaid to the Sound; the said Rufus Tuthill haveing payed the said Peter Tuthill Fifty nine pounds New York money to except. of the lands eastward of the said line as his part of the Division: and the said Rufus Tuthill to have all the land on said Plumb Island westward of the said North Northwest line that belonged to the said Daniel Tut- hill; Now Know Ye; that the said Peter Tuthill of Plumb Island in the County of Suffolk and Province of New York, for and in consideration of the sume of fifty nine pounds New York money to him in hand payd by Rufus Tuthill of Plumb Island in the County and Prov- ince aforesd and allso of a quit claim to the said Peter Tuthill by the Sd Rufus Tuthill m'ade bearing date with these presents for all the lands of Sd Rufus Tuthill on Sd Plumb Island Eastward of a North Northwest line run- ing across the said Island, begining att a Red Cedar or bound on the south side of the said Island, and from thence runing North North west across the Island as aforesd to the Sound & he the said Peter Tuthill hath remised, released and forever quitclaimed unto the said Rufus Tuthill and to his heirs and assigns for ever all the estate right, title, intrest claim and demand whatso- soever of the [said] Peter Tuthill of in and to all the land on Plumb Island aforesd westward of the aforesd North Northwest line begining at a Red Cedar stake &c [before described] In witness, whereof the said Peter Tuthill h,\th set his hand and seal this 14th Sept' I76g. Witnesses PETER TUTHILL DAVID WHIPPLE ELISABETH TUTHILL [Seal] LYDIA HAENS. Entrd this 31 of July 1772. P' Rbt Hempsted Town Clerk. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 61.' PAGE 23. To all Christian people Greeting: Know Yee, that whereas I Joshua Hobart of South- hold preacher of the Gospell, did in y' life time of my beloved wife Mary Hobart make a deed of enfeoffment unto Mr Joshua Sylvester in behalfe of my sayd wife if she should out live me whereby she was to have possess & injoy all my estate both reall and personall to her- selfe, and to her own dispose for ever, with a reserva- tion to myselfe at any time while I lived to have full power at my discretion to make voyd y' said deed whensoever I should see cause sde to doe under my hand and seale: therefore although it be in law really extinct by her death, and soe is become of noe force yet for y' full avoyding of all cavill and pretensions whatsoever about y' said enfeoffment, I doe hereby make it to be wholly null and voyd of noe force and value, and all y' uses and ad vantages therein contained, and every part of them to be utterly frustrate and de- stroyed and of noe effect whatsoever, as Witness my hand & seale this tenth day of November in the sev- ententh hundred and eight yeare of our Lord Christ. Signed, sealed & delivered JOSHUA HOBART [Seal] in y' presence of us. THOMAS MAPES SOUTHOLD December y' 16, 1708. JOSHUA WELLS Then Mr Joshua Hobart the NATHANIEL TERRY. subscriber to y'above written instrument of writing ap- peared before me and ac- knowledged y' said instru. ment of writing to be his act and deed. p'THOMAS MAPES, Justice Ent' febY. 21" 17ot. Pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. 68 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. South old 22' May 1674. In a publique meeting held y' day and year above. said, it was voated and agreed by y' inhabitants of the fore named place that y' Rever" Mr Joshua Hobart should have & hold for his own, his heirs and assignes for ever a tract of land, which said land is part of y' Neck called Halliocks Necke, and lyeth between y' Com on on ye east, and y' land of Simon Grover, Na- thaniel Moor west Also one second lott commonage. April 5, 1681 This day Mr. John Budd and Mr John Curwin ac- cording to agreement made between y' town & y' Rever' Mr Joshua Hobart on y' 4th of April! last past hath been & set out y' land exchanged with y' s' Mr Hobart for a grant of meadow in Pools-Neck made to him y' s' Mr Hobart by y' town in the year 1674- which land exchanged Iyes on the eastward most part of Pine N ecke, and is bounded by a line begining at a little whit oake by a small cove over against Mr Ho- barts house, and to run through a little pond of fresh water, and so straight on to y'said John Cunvin his meadow fence, with all ye borders of meadow and . Creekthach, with y' sunken grase at y' mouth of Goose Creek to him the said Mr Hobart and his heirs forever. Allso an exchange of land in leu of a percell of land Iyin~towards the North Sea; which said exchange is bounded on y' South with a great whitoake tree stand- ing nere about Mrs Eltons meadow, and to run from said whit oake a streight line to y' nerest part of the creek caled Dickersons Creek and joyning to his own land on the East. Mr Joshua Hobart his purchase of Abraham Whit- heare, that is to say a highway next y' Creek and four rod of land excepted and reserved out of y' lott which said Whitheare Jormerly sold to Mr Thomas Moor, and SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 69 on which Nathaniel Moor hath now builded & dwels, which said high way is to be in breadth according to y' custom of this town of Southold, and y' length of it is to extend crose the breadth of said lott. Mr Hobart his land lying in Acquaback 2d division is a first lott; sixty pole in breadth lying between y' lott of John Conklin on y' North and Christopher Youngs South. His land lying in y' third devident there is one first lott seven pols wide, and lying between Capt Youngs & Christopher Youngs Sen' Apraved by me John Youngs in the name of y'rest y' first of febuary H. Entd Octob' y' 6th 1705. P' Benj: Youngs Rd' PAGE 24. [Abstract.] To all to whom these presents shall come John Gold- smith Benjamin Hutchinson Freegift Wells Moses Case and Joshua Terry in behalfe of themselves and other commoners of the common and undeyided lands and meadows in Southold to witt such a number as have impowered y' abovesd persons to sell and dispose of the commonage aforesd by their Power of Attorney Know Ye that we the said John Goldsmith Benjamin Hutch. inson Freegift Wells Moses Case and Joshua Terry have remised released and quitclaimed unto Dauiel Way of South old All that tract or parcle of meadow Crickthatch sunken grass sand flatts and water att or nigh Goose Crick mouth so called containing all the meadow, crickthatch, sunken meadow sunken grass sand flatts and water within the mouth of said crick lying and being. . . . . . Northward of a certain line, begining att a stone placed nigh the mouth of a small cove on Daniel Ways shore, from thence roning South Seventy degrees East Ten chains and 74 links to a 70 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. bound stone-from thence all Easterly and Southerly from a line runing South twenty nine degrees West 3 chains and thirtie one links to another bound Stone -from thence runing South forty degrees West two chains and 38 links to another bound Stone-from thence runing west twentie four degrees South 3 chains and ninety six links to another bound Stone-from thence runing West ten degrees South, fifty eight rods to a line run across the said crick North Twenty de- grees West begining at a white Oake tree marked in the South side of the said crick In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the fourth day of November 1762. Witnesses THOMAS REEVES EZRA L'HoMMEDIEU Entd June t"7, 1763 pr Rbt Hempsted Town Clerk JOHN GOLDSMITH [Seal] BENJAMIN HUTCHINSON [Seal] JOSHUA TERRY [Seal] 168f- January 5t". * John Paine J un' his house lott containeing eightene acres more or less bounded by the street on the South, on the North by the highway that goes to y' Old field, by Jeremiah Vale on the east, on the West by the lott of Ed ward Patty J un' Twelve acres more of Land (purchased of Je~per Griffine) lying nere the Great Swamp, Collonel Yongs on the West end, Mr Benj: Moore on the North side, a highway on the east end, Mr John Herberts land on the South side. One lott of commonage purchased of Collonel Y ongs. [* See note on home lot, etc., below; also see note on p. 138 and note on p. 15.5 of printed SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. I.-J. W. C.J SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 71 [Abstract.] I Stephen Bailey, doe, for the sum of foure pounds and seven shillings, alienate & sell unto John Paine foure acres of land lying North from the highway at the rear of John Paines home lott, and on the south side of the highway that go to the mill, by the end of the Great Swamp, and on the east by John Paine. 'Vitness my hand 2 December 1687. 'Vitnesses, THOMAS MOOR STEPHEN BAILEY EDWARD PETTY. Ent' 16 Nov. pr Benj: Yo. rdr. [Abstract.] I, John Tuthill Sen' of Southold doe hereby bargain and sell unto John Paine, fifteen acres of land, bounded east by John Paty-West by Jonathan Horton-North by y' highway-South by the Mill kreek or pond. Witness my hand and Seal this 2' December 1687. Witnesses STEPHEN BAILEY JOHN TUTHILL EDWARD PETTY. Ent' 17 Novem' 1688 pr Benj: Yo. Rdr PAGE 25. [Abstract.] I Stephen Bailey of Southold doe for the sum of foure pound bargain and sell unto John Paine J un' Two lotts and a halfe of kreekthatch being all of my right of kreekthatch in Southold. Witness my hand this 22' October 1687. 'Vitnesses, PETER CHOCKE STEPHEX BAYLEY JONAS HOULDSWORTH Ent' 15 Nov' 1688, Pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [Abstract. ] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that I John Tuthill Sen' of Southold, doe, by these presents for the consid- eration of six pounds, bargain and sell unto [John Paine] ten !,cres of land situate eastward from the Town of Southold, bounded on the East by the land of Jasper 72 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Griffin, on the South by the highway to the Old field, on the North by the highway to the Mill pond and on the West by the land of Stephen Baily- Witness my hand and seal this lIth November 1688. Witnesses BENJ: MOORE STEPHEN BAILEY. JOHN TUTHILL. Ent' 15th Nov' 1688. Pr Benj: yo. Rdr. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents, that I, Christopher Y ong' Sen' of Southold, mariner, have bargained and Sold unto John Paine J un' a percell of land lying north of the Town of Southold containing ten acres, bounded by John Budd on the East-the highway on the South -Benj: Y ongs on the West, and Samuel Glover on the North. I, have hereunto set my hand & seal this 4th Feby 168l Witnesses. CHRISTOPHER YONGS SAMUEL GLOVER SAMUEL YONGS. [Abstract.] To all Christian People Greeting. Know Ye, that I John Petty of Southold doe for the Sum of twenty five pounds two shillings and sixpence, bargain and sell unto John Paine Jun' a tract of upland situate Northeast of the Town of Southold bounded east by Capt Isaac Arnold West by John Paine, South by the Mill pond, North by the highway-fourteen acres more or less. Witness my hand and seal this loth of May 1688. Witnesses BENJAMIN MOOR JOHN PATTY. STEPHEN BAILEY. Acknowledged 10 May 1688, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' 17 Nov. 1688. Pr Benj: Yo. rdr. Ent<1 17. Nov' 1688. Pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 73 Also four acres of land purchased of John Harbert of Charlestown, the SO four acres is lying in Toms-Kreek Neck and bounded North & South by the land of Mr Isaac Arnold, in consideration of SO land y' SO Harbert have received of John Pain Jun' full satisfaction. Entd 26 Dee' 1689. p' Benj: Yo. Rd'. Also, purchased of John Budd of Southold, Eight acres of land lying in Toms Kreek Neck in con- sideration whereof the SO Budd have received of John Paine J un' full satisfaction, the Sd eight acres is bounded. with Peter Paine on the West, LottJonson East, a high- way North, and Mill Pond or Toms Kreek South. Entd 26 Dee 1689 P' Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 26. [Abstract.] Know Ye that I, John Curwin Sen' of Southold, doe for the consideration of five pounds, bargain and sell unto John Paine Jun' one acre of Salt meadow situate at Goose Kreek and bounded on the West by y' mead. ow formerly Barnabas Wines Sen'-and the Comon on the East-and the Kreek North. Dated 20 January 1689. Witnesses THOMAS TERRY JOHN CURWIN STEPHEN BAILEY. Entd p' Benj: Yo. Rdr. Obtained of Henry Case by way of exchange one first lott of upland, containing by estimation twenty five acres, more or less-the Sd Twenty five acres is ly- ing and being west of the Towne and is bounded as followeth, by the land of . . . . . . of Benj: Yo. Sen' on the West, and his owne land on the East, the comon rhode South, & the Long Lane North. Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr March I. 1695. Obtained of John Cur win Jun' by way of exchang 74 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. one second lott of upland containeing fifty acres more .or less the Sd second lott is lying and being West of the Town and is bounded as followeth, to the land of Jonathan Moor West, and to the land of the s' John Curwin East. [Abstract. ] Know all men by these presents that I, Thomas Gil- bert of Herford, in Connecticut, Glazer, doe bargaine and sell to Mr John Paine of Long Island mariner Two parcels of Land, in Southold:-Twelve acres in one pice, and one first lott of Comonage: both percells as they are bounded and recorded to said Gilbert in Southold Records. Witness my hand and seal this 7th October 1~3, \Vitnesses SIMON GROVER THO: GILBERT SAM. ALLYNE. Acknowledged at my house In Hartford 7th Octo- ber . . . . . before me. NATH: STANLY Assist Ent' p' Benj: Yo. Rdr 169t Feb. PAGE 27. Know all men by these presents yt Matthew Mayhew of Marthas Vineyard Esq' haveing two Indian servents the one named Keiape the other James Covell, bound for the full term of seven years, doth by these presents in consideration of a valuable sum to him paid by Mr Jacob Mayle, sell assigne and put over the said ser- vents to the said Jacob Mayle him his heirs executors administrators or assigns to serve from the date of these presents untill seven years be from these fully finished, accomplished and compleat. In witness whereof s' Matthew Mayhew hath to these :presents subscribed and put to his seale this fiftenth SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 75 day of September, in the fifth yeare of their Majesties reigne, Anno Dam: 1693. MATTHEW MAYHEW Signed and sealed in presence of JAHLEEL BREWTON MEHETABLE SACSON. At a convention of their Maje'" Justices of the Peace for Marthas Vineyard at Edgartown the 12 of Septem- ber 1693. James Covell and Keiape Indians are ad- judged to pay to Matthew Mayhew Esq' the sum of five and twenty pounds or for want thereof to be sould into any part of their Majest: Dominions, the terme .and time of seven years each of them. A true copy taken ant of the records the 15 of Sept: 1693. Pr me Matthew Mayhew, Clark. Citty of New York. Know all men by these presents that I Jacob Mayle Qf the citty afars' merchant for a valuable considera- tion to me in hand paid and satisfied, by John Paine Qf Southold, doe by these presents sell assigne and sett Qver all my claime and title to the within named Keiape Qtherwise called Felix a Indian man which I bought as within mentioned of Mr Matthew Mayhew at Marthin Vineyard, and by these presents make and sett over unto him Sd John Paine his heirs Executors administra. tors or assigns from me my heirs executors and admin- istrators all the full remainder and terme of time which he the Sd Indian man named Keiape otherwise called Felix is to serve according to the within Indenture- As witness my hand and seal this sixth day of J an- uary, Anno one thousand six hundred ninety six 7. Sealed and delivered in presence of J ACOB MAYLE THO: BROOKES JOHN DUDGEON. Entd p' Benj: Yo. Rdr. 76 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] Anno Domini 1696. July 31 day in Southold. Know all men by these presents that I John Curwin J un' of South old planter doe bargaine and sell unto John Paine J un' of said Town, one second lott of upland lying West of the Town, by estimation Fifty acres bounded by Jonathan More West, and by the s' Cur. win East. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale, day and year abovesaid Witnesses JOSHUA HOBART PETER PAINE. MARY HOBART. Acknowledged before me Sept. 9, 16g6. THOMAS MAPES Justice JOHN CURWIN SARA CURWIN. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 28. [Abstract.] To aU Christian People Greeting, Know Yee that I Joshua Hobart minister at y' Town of Sothold doe bargaine and sell unto John Paine of the same Towne mariner, a certain parcell of land Scituate and being y' northermost corner of my house lotte bounded by y' Common land of Halyoaks Necke to y' North eastward, and by y' street or highway to y' Northwestward, and by the land of Benjam.in L'homedieu to y' Southeast. ward, and by y' land of said Hobart to the Southwest. ward, containing by estimation upward of an acre, in consideration of a certaine sume of mony: the said Paine making and maintaineing forever a sufficient fence be. tween the demised premises and the adjoyning land of said Hobart, and said L'hommedieu SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 77 In testimony whereof I have sett to my hand and seale this loth of February 1698. Witnesses. JOSHUA HOBART [Seal] SAMll BARRETT EBENEZER WAY- Acknowledged before me 13 Feb. 1698. THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' February 14th '698. Pr Benj: Y ongs, Reed' [Abstract. ] Know all men by these presents that I, Joseph Y ongs ,of Southold, yeoman, doe for divers good causes, and especially for two acres of land in the Old field, with a sum of current pay, doe bargaine and sell unto John Paine Jun. of the same Town, one parcell of upland, swamp and marsh lyinge eastward of y' Towne nere the great swamp, containing twelfe acres-the land of Jo- seph Y ongs on the west and Southwest and South, the land and marsh of John Paine Jun on y' east-the high- way on y' North.- For the performance hereof I hereunto sett my hand ,and Seale this loth February 169t. Witnesses. JOSEPH Y ONGS [LS] JOHN PATTY ELIZABETH X YONGS JAMES PATTY. Acknowledged before me 13th February 1698. THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' 17'" February 1698. P' Benj: Y ongs, Rec' [NOTE,-Not from the Index of Mr. C. B. Moore, nor from any other source, have we been able to classify and describe the men bearing the name of John Paine. John Paine (probably 1St) made a record of his lands in 1663, but omits any mention of his homestead. It is very .doubtful if he ever owned the home lot above described. John Paine, Jun., about 1679, records this same lot as 78 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. "eighteen acres of woodland," given him by his brothel' Peter, son of Peter, deceased. John Paine, Jun., was not,. therefore, the son of 1St John, but of 1St Peter Paine. John Paine, Jun., was a mariner, and from several facts. we infer that he was npon the sea nearly all his lifetime He was constantly purchasing land, and, accumulated a large estate. He built upon and dwelt in the homestead above described, as did several of the generations succeed- ing him. In 1696, an Indian named Keiape was sold by an order of the court, at Martha's Vineyard, to serve seven, years, and John Paine bought him.-J. W. C.] PAGE 29. [Abstract.] To all Christian People, I, Richard Brown Sen' of the Towne of Southold, Know ye, that in consideration of y' naturall affection which I bear for my third son Wm Brown of the Towne aforesaid I, have given granted and confirmed unto my son William Brown aforesaid, one pice of land containing fourty acres lying in y' Oysterpond lower Neck, Southold where his dwelling house now standeth, bounded by the land of Samuel Glover easterly-the meadow of me the s' Richard Brown and Nathaniel Moore Southerly and the land of Nathaniel Moore Westerly, and so high Northerly as the Nothermost of his fence as it now standeth. And I doe further give and grant unto my said son Wm Brown free egress and regress of all highways and priviledges of comonage and cutting of wood on my intrest and right of and to all my lands in Southold proportionable to this my deed of gift and the true in- tente and meaning thereof. Witness my hand and seale this 20th January 168t. Witnesses. JOHN TUTHILL ... ISAAC ARNOLD RICHARD ~ BROWN Sen' Acknowledged before me the day and yeare aforesaid._ JOHN YONGS. Ent' 8 Nov. 1688 P' Benj: Yo. Rd' SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 79 [Abstract.] * Know all men by these presents that I John Conck- line of Southold for the consideration of the sum of Seventy pounds, doe bargaine and sell unto Richard Brown Jun of said Southold, All that my second lot of land, lying in the lower Oysterpond Neck, bounded by the land of Samuel Glover East-by the land of Na- thaniel Moor West-North by the Sound and South by the meadow of Richard Brown Sen' and Nathaniel Moor, by estimation one hundred acres.- In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 9th day of June 1683. Witnesses WATER BROWN JOHN CONCKLINE WILLIAM KING. JOHN LEIGHTON. Entd 1688. pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [Abstract.] I Richard Brown eldest son of Richard Brown late deceased doe assigne and make over all my right, title and intrest in the within mentioned bill of Sale to my brother William Brown. Witness my hand arid seale this 27th April 1688.- Witnesses JOHN TUTHILL RICHARD BROW:-l ABRAHAM WHITHER. Signed, sealed and delivered by Richard Brown before me, ISAAC ARNOLD Justice- Entd 1688. p' Benj: Yo. Rd'. PAGE 30. Christopher Y ongs, his land and meadow purchased of Benjamin Horton by exchang is as followeth: .[ Adjoined the Eagle Neck farm of Samuel Glover on the east.-J. W. C.] :80 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. I. His home lott in y' towne 4 acres more or lese Bounded on the East with Peter Pains home lotte on y' West with Capt Y ongs his lott a third lott comon. age: Allso all outlands between Mr Wels and y' Mill Creek, with his land in Sagars Nek: and his meadow at y' mill: Allso two acres of meadow on the West side Roben island Neck be it more or less as is more at large expressed in a writing bearing date August 10th 1670. 2. His land purchased of Christopher Y ongs Jun' lying at Corchaug containing one hundred acres more or lese lying in length from y' carte way to y' North Sea and in breadts twenty fower poles Bounded east with Thomas Mapes Sen' West with Thomas Tusten his land Also a percell land lying there on y' Sou th side the Path formerly Barnabas Wines 'Sen' and of him pur- chased by Mr Elltoon containing thirty acres more or lese Bounded west with Wid Diceson EastJames Reeve and north by said highway and South by the land of David Gardiner. Also all the pieceapunck meadow, from his and said Dickesons land downe to the Creeck on y' South, halfe whereof he purchased of Calleb Hor- ton for valluable consideration in hand received. 3. His land at Acquabauk in y' first division is one lott and a halfe bounded West with Theophilus Case East with Anne Budd North Sea North and y' bay South Also his meadow at Peheconuck is one lott and halfe. 4. His land at Acquabauk in y' second and third di. vision is one lott and halfe throughout in y' second and third division. 5. His right of meadow lying on the other side the Ri ver, being two lotts and halfe. 6. 14 acres of land at y' North sea, John Y ongs mari. ner east-Stephen Bayley west. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 81 7. Tenn acres more or lesse lying by y' crass path on the North side the Town bounded. . . . . . . . . Apraved by me in y' name of y' rest JOHN YONGS the 16 of February 168t Entd pr Benj: Y ongs Reed' FebruY 24th 10t. PAGE 31. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come Greeting, Know Yee that I Thomas Youngs, late of y' Town of Southold in y' County of Suffolke and now inhabitant in the Town of Oysterbay Queens County weaver, for and in consideration of y' sume of twenty four pounds in hand paid by Nathan Landon of the Town of Southold, coardivender doe bargaine and sell unto the said Nathan Landon a second alott. ment of land in y' North Sea division of y' said Town of Southold being by computation fourteene acres, bounded on y' North and East by John Yongs-on y' Soulh by y' highwaye and West by the said Nathan Landon- In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale y' 12th of October 17 I 4. 'Vitnesses JOHN YOUNGS THOMAS YOUNGS [Seale] ROBART GRIFFING Acknowledged before me BENJAMIN YOUXGS Justice. Entd y' 12th Novem' 1714. pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler.- [NOTE.-This lot 00\\. the .residence of W. Smith Simons. -I.W.C.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come Greeting, Know Yee that I Thomas Reeve of 6 32 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Southold husbandman, in consideration of six Shillings, to me paid, have bargained, and doe bargaine and sell unto Nathan Landon, bricklayer, a certaine tract of land situate at the North Sea, being a second lott, fourteene acres more or less, bounded by land formerly of Richard Brown East by Wm Wells dee' South by y' highway, and West by y' land formerly of Rob' Akerly, now of y' said Nathan Landon In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal y' 6th of Aprill 1702. Witnesses NATHANIEL YOUNGS BEN]: YOUNGS .., THOMAS X REEVE. m., Acknowledged before me this 28 Api 1705. THO~h\S YOUNGS Justice. Ent' p' Benj: Youngs Reed" y' 28 May 1705. PAGE 32. [Abstract.J To all people to whome tho presents shall come, John Tuthill, Son, and heir of Daniel Tuthill Jun' of South- old sends Greeting, Know Ye that the said John Tut- hill doth by these presents release and forever quitclaim unto his brother Rufus Tuthill of Southold all his right title and interest to one moiety or equal half part of all those lands and buildings, which the aforesaid Daniel Tuthill Jun' (by his last will and testament) owned at Plum Island, and which the said Daniel Tuthill Jun' devised by his last will and testament, dated 11th No- vember 1768, to his said son Rufus Tuthill- \Vitness my hand and seal this 5th of December 1768. Witnesses EBENEZER JENINGS Jun' JOHN TUTHILL [Seal]. JONATHAN TUTHILL SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 83 [Abstract.] To all Christian people to who me these presents shall come, Know Ye, that I Edward Petty Jun' of South. ampton,doe for the consideration of Eighty.five pounds, bargaine and Sell unto Nathan Landon, all that house lott adjoyning to John Paine on the East.-And James Patty on the west, with housing and fencing about it, together with one lottment of Commonage in the Town plott, and Twenty five acres of upland lying westward from the Towne, and also one lott of Creekthatch- To the confirmation of which I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th day of November 1688.- Witnesses JOHN YONGS . STEPHEN BAYLEY- EDWARD PATTY Acknowledged before me this 20th November 1688. Entd y' 17th of Dee' 1688 p' Ben]: Yo. Rdr. [No signature.] [NOTE.-Landon. Of the name of Landon, Nathan -is the first that occurs upon the SOUTH OLD RECORDS. On the 20th Nov., 1668, he bought of Edward Patty II all that house lott adjoyning to John Paine on the east, and James Patty on the west;" the same premises now comprise the fine homestead of Wm. B. Vail at the head of the Harbor Lane. 1St Nathan came from near Wales, County of Hereford~ shire, Eng.; he died 9th March, 1718, aged fifty-four; his wife Mary died in qOt; their sons were Nathan, James, and Samuel. To Nathan was left the homestead and other estate by his father, but to satisfy his brother Samuel he made over to him the homestead. Samuel made it his per- manent abode. He married Bethiah Tuthill and had six sons and four daughters. We have not space to speak of each one. In this note we shall confine ourselves chiefly to a brief notice of 1St Nathan, Samuel, Jared, and Henry Landon. Samuel, the son of Nathan, was a man of public noto- riety. He held the office of Justice of the Peace for many years before the Revolution, from 1764 to 1775, eleven years. He was associated with \Vrn. Smith, Hugh Gelston, and others of like repute, a Judge of Common Pleas for the County. He wielded a strong influence in our courts and 84 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. conventions, and at home was a leader in all town matters. lIe was born 20th May, 1699, and died 21St ]an., 1782. The most prominent of the sons of Samuel and the only one who continued to reside in Southold was Jared. He mar- ried 1St Martha, daughter of eol. Elijah Hutchinson, in 1768. She died leaving one son, Elijah, and two daughters, Mary and Bethiah. Mary married Wm. Hubbard of Guilford. Bethiah died unmarried. Elijah, a promising young man, died young. left daugh- ters Martha and Mary, and a son Samuel H. Martha died young. Mary married Silas Horton. She is dead, but several of her children survive her, and remain at the old homestead at Bayview or Hogneck. Samuel H., a man of fine intellect, the only surviving male of that branch of the Landons, died at the age of forty-three. He married Me. hetable, daughter of Benj. Goldsmith; left several children, all of whom died young except Matilda, who was recently married to E. Hampton Mulford, Esq. Jared, then, in 1778 married 2d Deb. Reeve. She died- no children. He was Surrogate and County Judge about twenty years, and Justice of the Peace over thirty years. He was Member of Assembly nine years; and as a member of the Convention chose presidential electors four times. He lived at the old homestead of his father in Southold until after the Revolutionary War, when he bought the "Corchaug Neck" farm, late of Maj. Parker Wickham, and made that his future home. In March, 178r, he married his 3d wife, Christian Conklin. They had one son, Henry, born 16th July. 1783. He stood well and made good proficiency at the academy at East Hampton for a while; but his nen'es became prostrated, and he was for years forced to abandon all thoughts of mental or bodily labor. Thus his school days ended, and the idea of a collegiate course had to be abandoned; but he was quiet and still; he never murmured. He inherited the estates of his father, and dwelt in the old patrimonial mansion, stilI standing firm and erect. Who was its builder is uncertain-probably, however, Benj. Horton (2d son of Barnabas), who owned this Cor- chaug Neck farm, and died upon it in the year r690; or it may be a memorial mark of the 1st Joseph Wickham, who came into possession of the neck about the year 1699. But there it stands with its broad ornamental chimney and its antique gables, the noblest and the most venerable-looking "old house" in the town. In 1819 he married Mehetable, widow of John Griffing, SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 85 and soon after purchased the adjacent farm of her late hus- band and resided upon it. Judge Landon was endowed with strong intellectual powers, slow to reach conclusions, but accurate in his decisions. He was a very benevolent man. The Church, the poor and the needy, miss greatly his kind charities. For eleven years he held the office of County Judge, and for twenty-five consecutive years he was Justice of the Peace. Besides these, he held other town and county of- fices. He was the corner-stone of the Democratic party of this town all his lifetime. He died 28th Sept., 1864, aged eighty-one years. For talent, competency, ano standing, this town has never produced such a trio from one family as Samuel, Jared, and Henry Landon.-J. W. C.] [ Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye that we Elnathan Topping of Southampton, and Steven Baily of Southold, doe, for and in consideration of twelve pounds bargaine and sell unto Nathan Landon of Southold a certain par- cel of upland by computation fourteene acres lying in the Town plott of Southold, bounded on the east by the land of Thomas Reeve deceased & on the West by the land of William Wells, formerly the land of Ed ward Ketcham- Witness our hands and seals this 3' day of October 16<)0. Witnesses JOHN WICKWERE NATHANIEL HUDSON- Entd 21 Octo: 16g0. P' Benj: Yo Rdr. ELNATHAN TOPPING STEPHEN BAILY PAGE 33. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Greeting, Know Yee that I, John Horton of y' Towne of Rye in y' County of West- chester, doe hereby release and discharge, and forever bargaine and sell unto Jonathan Horton of South old a 86 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. certain parcel of meadow lying in Southold comonly called his Dam meadow, lying by Robens Island, bounded east by the land of Thomas Booth, and South and West by y' highway, and North by y'land of Mr Thomas Mapes, by estimation three acres. In testimony hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th day of August 1702. JOHN HORTON [Seal] Rye this 1St Octob' 1702. Acknowledged before me JOSEPH PURDY Justice of y' Peace. Ent'May 13th 1703. P' Benj: Youngs Record' [Abstract.] Be it known unto all men that I, Benjamin Y ongs of Southold, for the consideration of land received by way of exchange, have remised and released, and doe remise release, bargaine and exchange with Jonathan Horton of Southold, A certain percell of land containing twenty four acres, more or less lying in two percels-y' first is six acres, lying at y'reere of his Own land South- Richard Benjamin North-Sarah Yongseast-and West by the lane or high way :- The other eighteene acres adjoyning to y'land of Sergent John Cur win South, and Joseph Yongs North and Benjamin YOllgs East, and y' highway west- In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th of January 1697. Witnesses. BENJ: YONGS [Seal] JOHN Y ONGS. BENJAMIN YONGS Jun' Acknowledged before me 29 JanY 1697. Ent' Feb. 13" I~. JOHN YONGS. P' Benj: Y ongs Record' SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 81 May 12, 1701: These presents testilie that Capt Jonathan Horton hath purchased by way of exchang of Lieut Joshua Horton a certaine tract of land containing 95 poles scit- uate lying and being next to y' two pole lane latly ex- changed to said Jonathan Horton by the Towne of Southold :-the said 95 pols of land is to extend in length from Jeremiah Vails land On y' West to y' lane or highway, that leadeth from y' said Jonathan Hor- tons house to his North sea land, on y' east.- Ent' p' Benj: Y ongs Record', the day and year above written. Captn Jonathan Horton right of Creekthatch is six lotts lying at y' end of y'little lndien Neke bounded northerly by Samll Winds and Southerly by Mr Joshua Hobart. Ent' Jenewary y' 5, 170t, p' Benj: Yongs, Towne Clerk- PAGE 34. South hampton, Apll y' 4th 1702- I promise to pay unto Nathaniell Blagrove or order y' sum of twenty seven pounds, tenn shillings conant monyof the province of y' Massachusets Bay in New England, upon demand-the above said sum being in full of all accompts, deuces and demands. As witness my hand y' day and year above- Testes JONATHA:-I HORTON STEPHEN BOWVER THOMAS STEPHENS Received Apt y' 6th 1702, the full contents of y' within mentioned Bill- p' NATHANIELL BLAGROVE Ent' May y' II: 1702 p' Benj: Y ongs Recdr :88 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract. ] This Indenture Witnesseth that Joseph Wickham of Southold, for and in consideration in hand already re- ceived by me by Jonathan Horton of Southold, have aliened and sold one first lott of land in Hognecke con- taining eight or nine acres, lying by the land of Joseph Youngs east-West by the land of Theophilus Case- North by the highway-and South by the road which leades through said Hogneck. Witness the said Joseph Wickham his hand and seal 15th June 1704. \Vitnesses JAMES REEVE JOHN BUDD. Acknowledged before me 14 June 1704. THOMAS MAPES Justice JOSEPH WICKHAM [Seal] Ent' Octob' y' lIth 1704 p' Benj: Youngs Reed' [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Greeting. Know Yee that Mr John Harbert of Redding, Mattatuhsets in New England, in consideration of a valuable sum of mony doe hereby bargain and sell unto John Paine a certaine tract of land (containing sixteene acres more or less situate nere y' towne of Southold and Bounded Easterly by y' highway that leadeth from y' Towne to y' Oys- terponds-Westerly by y' land. . . Capt Yongs and northerly with y' land of y' said paine. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th of Nov' 109. Witnesses JOHN PATTY JOHN BUDD Acknowledged before me Nov' 14th 109. THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' Febuwary y' 19th 10Th- p' Benj: Yongs Reed' JOHN HERBERT [Seal] SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 89 PAGE 35. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Greeting. Know Yee that I, James Patty of Southold, mariner, in consideration of the sum of five shillings to me paid by Capt Jonathan Horton of y' towne aforesaid, have bargained and sold and by these presents doe bargaine and sell to the said Jonathan Horton a certain first allottment of land scit- uate in Great Hogneck, by computation seven acres, bonnded on y' North by y' meadow of John Goldsmith -East by Joseph Reeve-Sonth by a highway-and 'Vest by John Youngs. In 'Vitness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal y' 25'h of April '70S. Witnesses JAMES PATTY [Seal] THO: LONGWORTH STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged before me ApI 25'h 1705. THOMAS YOUNGS Justice. Entd Octob' y' 6'" '70S. p' Benj: Youngs, Reed' [Abstract.] Be it known unto all men that I, Thomas Tusten of Southold in consideration of a valuable sum to me paid have bargained and sold unto Thomas Clark and to his wife Mary of the said Town, a certain parcell of land, that is to say, half my lott I now dwell upon scituate in Corchaug on the North end of my lott by the Sound or North Sea, the said land to begin at the North bounds of my lott, and so to run in the line southward halfe my lott, and there is bounded with the letters T.T. on the South side the bounds, and T.e. on the North side the bounds, William Mapes land on the West and Caleb Hortons on the East. go SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th of October 1688. Witnesses JOHN CLEVES THOl>L\S TUSTEK ... MARV X EDWARDS m.' ,.. PRISCILLE X TUSTEK m.' Acknowledged this 15th Nov' 1688. Ent' 17th Dec 1688- ISAAC ARNOLD p' Benj: Yo. rdr.- [NOTE.-Thomas Tusten was, and always has been, the" principal representative of his name and family in this town.. He married Priscilla, daughter of 1St Richard Benjamin. This probably brought him into notice, as her family ranked among the first in the community. He was a blacksmith:" he made his permanent abode at Corchaug, on the lot next west of Caleb Horton's: it is now the property of Harvey W. Howell: his lands extended from the King's Highway to the Sound, and the farm has ever since been know.n as the Tusten Farm. He left sons and daughters (see Moore's "Index"). Doctor Robert Trusteane may have been as on of his, but we have neither facts nor circumstances to show it: the family is gone.- J. W. C.] PAGE 36. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Yee, that I, Jacob Os- man of Southold, Yeoman, in consideration of a valua- able sum of mony, doe bargaine and sell unto Thomas Clark of Southold. carpenter, a certain tract or percell of land lying at Acquabock containing one hundred acres, and Bounded on y' North by y' highway or Country road-On y' east by John Swazey-South by the bay and soe extending until! y' ~ontents thereof be one hundred acres-And also a certain percell of mead- ow and creekthatch lying at the said Acquabock and on y' east side of a Creek comonly known by the name of Cases Creek and Bounded North by meadow of SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 91 Benjamin Yongs-East by the upland-South by the beach or baye and on the West by y' said Creek. In Witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of June 1701. Witnesses, JOSHUA WELLS JACOB OSMAN [Seal] JOHN GOLDSMITH- Acknowledged before me this 4th June 1701. THOMAS MAPES, Justice- Entd pr Benj. youngs Octob' 30th 171 I. John Conkline his Record. His lands and meadows lying in Hashamomock being a Neck of land, is bounded as followeth. [NoTE.-He never entered his lands.-]. W. G.] PAGE 37. [Abstract.] To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come Greeting, Know Yee that I, John Parker of Southampton, doctor, in consideration of the natural love and affection that I have and do bare unto my daughter Abigail the wife of Joseph Wickham Jun' do freely give grant and confirm unto the said Joseph Wickham Juner during his natural life only, and after his decease to my said daughter Abegail and to the heirs of her body, and for want of such heirs to my daughter Mary the wife of William Albertson and to the heirs of her body for ever, all my lands and mead- ows lying on the North side the Great River called Peconnock River and my meadow lying on the South side of the Peconnock River which I purchased of Thomas Booth, with all my land lying on the North side of the Rhoade or highway runing from y' east and of the Comon meadow Easterly to the muddy Crick or first brook of water, and also one half of a fifty right in 92 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. the Cedar Swamp lying between the Great River and the Little River and libertie to pass and repass to and from the said Cedar Swamp and meadows from time to time as he and they shal! have occation. In "Vitness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 4th day of Jany 172>1-. Witnesses ABRAHAM COOPER JOHN PARKER [Seal] * THOMAS REED. \VILLIAM JENNINGS. Acknowledged before me II JanY 172>1- BENJAMIN YONGS Judge. Entred 10 January 1758. P' Rbt Hempsted Town Clerk * John Parker, styled sometimes Doctor, and often called ~'Fuller," was of the Town of Southampton originally, dwelt therein till near the close of his days, when, as he was buried in the Wickham plot in the cemetery at Mat- tituck, he most likely died at the house of his daughter Abigail, the wife of Joseph Wickbam, Corchaug. His principal business appears to have been that of a fuller of cloth; in 1690 Southampton Town granted him the stream of either Great ,Noyac or Little Noyac to set up a fulling-mill. In 1695 Southampton voted him the stream at Riverhead and all the land between the two rivers, he to build a full. iog-mill_ In 1696 he sold his stream at Noyac for ;{;70. January, 1727, the Record speaks of his dwellingMhouse .at Riverhead, the two rivers, his cedar swamp, etc. He had at one time a grant of the stream at the head of Sag Pond. His business yielded a large profit; the establishment at Riverhead was a great success. From indirect facts from the Records, it appears that he removed from Southampton to Riverhead with his family; perhaps built the old man- -sion, now the residence of John C. Sweezy, and before him for a great many years occupied by Josiah Albertson. Dr. Parker had two children-Abigail, who married Jo~ -seph Wickham, and Mary, who married William Albertson: to them went all his lands, mills, and money. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 93 [Abstract.] To all people to whome this present deed of Seale shall come, John Herbert of Reading in Massachusetts, mariner, and Elizebeth his wife, Send Greeting. Know Yee, that in consideration of the sum of twenty two pounds by John Payne of Southold mariner, to them in hand paid, doe bargaine and sell unto the said John Payne, all that their piece or percell of land containing by estimation fifty acres, situate in said Town of South- old, being a second lot of y' North division, lying Westerly of the Town, and bouuded Westerly by the land of John Terry-Easterly by y' land of Samuell Hutchinson-Northerly by the Sound and Southerly by y' highway. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 29th day of A prill Anno Domini 1700. Witnesses KATHARINE KNOWLES JOHN HERBERT [Seal] REBECKAH FAWSETT. ELIZEBETH HERBERT [Seal] Charlestowne 29 April! 1700 Acknowledged before me, JOHN PHILLIPS, Member of his MajesY Council!. Ent' Octo y' 3' 1700 P' Benj: Yongs. Rec' To Abigail he gave his lands north of Peconic River, be- sides other lands. He owned the" Jagger Farm" in the village of River- head; the Old Court House, built in 1727, stood, and stm stands, upon it; it went from the Bay to the Sound. To Mary and the Albertsons he left the stream of water and the mills at Riverhead, and also large tracts of lands. The mon u ment erected to the memory of Doctor Parker may be found in the Mattituck Cemetery, about fifteen rods southwesterly from the church, a modest little brown- stone about two feet high, with his name, age, and date of his death inscribed upon it.-J. W. C.] 94 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 38. [Abstract.] To all Christian People, Know Yee that I, Thomas Moor Sen' of Southold, marriner, for the naturall lo\-e and affection which I doe beare to my son Jonathan Moore of said Southold, planter, doe give grant and bequeath unto my said son Jonathan Moore all that tract of land, which he (the said Jonathan) hath taken in and inclosed lying upon that farme which I pur- chased of John Ketcham, together with two acres of land lying in the Old Field, next ad joyning to the aforesaid inclosed land, and a piece of meadow lying at the West Kreek, comonly called the long meadow, with halfe the comonage belonging to the aforesaid farme, and h"lfe the timber trees and other woods thereupon. In Witness Whereof I doe hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of January 1679. vVitnesses JONAS HOULDSWORTH SnlO"I GROVER '" THOMAS MOOR m..-kTcr Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr- PAGE 39. [Abstract.] Anno Dom. 1666. This Indenture made y' nine and twenteth day of Septemb' in y' eightenth ,veare of the reigne of our so v- eraigne lord Charles ye second over Great Britaine, France and Ireland, King, defender of y' faith &c. 1666. Between Leiutenant John Ketcham of Huntington in y' East rideing of Yorkshire in Long Island and Susan his wife of y' one part and Thomas Moore of Southold under Sherrife and high Constable of y' Same rideing of the other part. Whereas James Farret gentleman deputy to the honourable William Earle of Sterling Sec- ritary for the kingdom of Scotland, did by his deed SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, 95 indented under his hand and Seale bearing date the fiftenth day of August [1640] in his name as his deputy and in his own name, as it mought any way concerne himselfe, for and in consideration of a certain sum of mony to him in hand paid, grant and make Sale unto Richard Jackson and his heirs and assigns for ever, of fiftie acres of upland and meadow and upland lying and being on the North side of the River called Mahansuk in Long Island aforesaid to the Eastward of the place comonly called the five Wiggwams, together with one hundred acres of upland, adjoyning to the other lands, with all easements, accomodations and appurtinences of right thereunto belonging: Moreover in the said grant it was and is agreed between the said parties, that the sri Rich' Jackson his heirs and assigns should yearly, (upon demand) pay unto the said Earle and his heirs or assigns one pepper corn, as an acknowledgement as by the same deed relation being had thereunto, more at larg-c it doth and may appeare, And Whereas the said Richard Jackson did also by his deed in writeing bearing deate the five and twenteth day of October in the same year (being one thousand six hundred and fourty, when ye above recited grant was made) under his hand and seale, for the considera. tion therein expressed, grant and conveie u~to Thomas '" eatherly Marriner, his heirs and assigns for ever All the afore recited premises wth their appurtinences with warranty of quiet enjoym' to him the said Thomas vVeathedy and his heirs and assigns against all persons whatsoever as by the Said deed of Seale relation being thereunto had more at large it doth and may appeare. And moreover whereas Stephen Goodyeare of New Haven, Merchant, became legally possessed of the aforesaid severall conveyances, and of the intrest in all the afore recited premises, as also of the Indian tittle thereunto, he did likewise by his deed in writeing 96 50UTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. under his hand and Seale bearing deat the second day of June one thousand six hundred and fiftie and three for the consideration therein expressed, grant, bargain and sell unto John Ketcham abovesaid All the aforesaid premises with the appurtinances together with the sev- erall conveiances thereof before mentioned to him the. said John Ketcham his heirs and assigns for ever, as in the same deed relation being thereunto had will more fully appeare, Now these presents Witness that the said John Kitcham for and in consideration of the sum of fiftie. and three pounds of currant payment to him in hand paid by the said Thomas Moore, the recept whereof he doth hereby acknowledg as also acquit, exonerate and discharge the said Thomas 1foore his heirs, executors,. administrators and assigns and every of them of and from the same and every part the'reof for ever, by the~e presents hath granted bargained sould enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth fully and abso- lutely grant bargain, sell enfoeffe and confirme unto the said Thomas Moor his heirs and assigns for ever all the afore recited meadows and upland with their and every of their appurtinances as also all the pregrants and as- surances before mentioned To have and to hold, &c. In Witness whereof the said John Ketcham and Susan his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and yeare first above written. \Vitnesses, Wm WELLS. JOHN KETCHAM THOMAS BRUSH. SUSAN KETCHAM "1l her mark Said Susan Ketcham being solely examined by me, Wm WELLS- Ent' p' Benj: Y 0.- [A bstract.J To all Christian people to whome these may come. Know Yee, that I Thomas Moore of Southold, doe SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 97 hereby alienate grant and assigne over all the lands meadows, marshes, liberties and privilidges, whatsoever appertaining and belonging to the within mentioned [foregoing] bill of seale together with all the pregrants. and assurances therein mentioned unto my son Jonathan. Moore, To have and to hold &c. In Witness whereof the said Thomas Moore hath here- unto set his hand and seal this first day of March 1681.. \Vitnesses, JOHN HOBSON X his mark THQ;\IAS MOORE STEPHEN BAILY. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. One lott of comonage in the Town plott. PAGE 40. To all persons concerned &c Know yee that I Joshua Hobart preacher of Gods word at South old in y" County of Snffolk in y' Colony of New York in America, for divers good canses and considerations me thereunto moving, but especially for my fatherly affections unto my daughter Irene \Vay have given, granted, & by these presents, & doe hereby bestow and fully confirme unto my said daughter \Vay, and for her use & behoofe during her naturalllife all & every part & parcell of land & meadow on pine neck and also my sunken creek thach land containing yC flatB within the mouth of Goose Creek; all which land became mine by exchange with y' town for such land as y' town recorded to me & my heirs & ass ignes while I was yet at Boston (to incorage me to come unto them) together with thirty acres of wood land on y' north west side of y' Town as more fully "'ppears by their own records; but Boe it was that both said percells of land & meadow being formerly disposed of to others & not in ye towns power to make them become mine; wherefore instead of them they granted me the prem- 7 98 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. ises which I have & doe now give to my daughter afores'; to w home also I doe in y' same manner hereby give her a first lott of comonage throughout all the un- divided lands of y' Town; and a second lott of upland on Hoggneck lately devided and sett out to me: all these premises with all their proper appurtenances] doe hereby give & confirme unto her for her own use & benifitt during her naturall life, but without any power of alienation mortgaging or of making it a secu- rity for money to be had or paid either in her life time or at or after her death: furthermore I give to my grandson Daniel 'Vay and to his heirs and assignes for ever, all the above recited premises to his &. their own proper use for ever, always provided that if y' s' Daniel shall not outlive his mother & his father, then I give & confirme the premisses and. every. part of them unto my daughter Irene way 7~ and to her heirs & assignes for- ever, to be by her &. at her dispose in her Ii fe time & for want of heir to will it as she please, and for the con- firmation of this present deed in all y' perticnlers of it I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this first day of Aprill, [713. The words on pine neck interlined before sealing- 'Witnesses JOSHUA WELLS JOSHUA HOBART [Seal] BENJ, YOUNGS- DEBORAH;;: MOORE Acknowledged belore me this 6th ApI [713. BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice. Ent' Oct" 28th 1715 p' Benj: Youngs Town del'. [* Irene, the daughter of Pastor Hobart, married a Doctor \Vay. They had several childrenj but they re- moved to parts unknown. The last of the family in this town was Ann Way, whom we remember as living in an old house at Pine Neck, near the channel. She owned also the premises now occupied by Irwin Booth and the Universal- ist Cltnrch.-J. W. C.] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 99 PAGE 41. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, to whome these presents shall {;ome, Greeting. Know Yee that !, Henry Case of Southold, weaver, in consideration of the s~m of five shillings, doe bargaine and sell unto Capt. Jonathan Horton, A certain first alottment of land situate in Great Hogneck by estimation seven acres, bounded on yO North by a highway-on y' east by y' land of William Wells-on y' South by a highway-and on y' West by y' land of Samuel Youngs. In vVitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal y' 25th day of April! 1705. Witnesses, HENRY CASE [Seal] THO: LONGWORTH STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged before me this 25t1' Api 1705. THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. Ent'1 Octob' 17th 1705. pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. [A bs tract. ] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come. Know Ye, that I, Daniel Way of Southold have for divers considerations remised and quitclaimed unto Mr Elton Overton and Peter Dains both'of Southold, each one to possess and injoy one full half part in equal degree forever, All that meadow crickthatch, sunken grass, sand or sandes flatts vVatter and Water courses lying in Southold aft a place called the mouth of Goose Creek, and is or shall be lying on the east and South- east of the Great flatts ,now belonging to y' sd Daniel Way together with a small piece of the great flatts at the Southwest corner of the Great flatts, lying in form of a Sloops sale, as it is now bounded with stones fixed down, with all that Sand flatt, sunken grass Crickthatch 100 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. or Crick thatch ground, which is quitted to me by the Commoners and their Attorneys, lying Southerly of s' Great flatts. In \Vitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 14th day of February 1763. Witnesses. ROBERT HEMPSTED DANIEL WAY [Seal] ABIGAIL LEDYARD Acknowledged 14th Feby. 1763, before me. ROBERT HEMPSTED, Justice. Ent' this 8th June 1763 by Rob' Hempsted Town Clerk. PAGE 42. I. Richard Benjamin his home lott containing eleven acres more or less (Seven whereof he purchased of Mr Thomas Moor) is bounded on the East by the land of Mr John Herbert and on the West by a highway, or lane, and on the South by the land of Mr Booth. 2. His land lying on the north side of the Town, con- taining twelve acres more or less is bounded on the North by a highway, and on y' South by y' land of Jonathan Horton, Sarah Y ongs, and his Own land lately purchased of Christopher Y ongs Sen' and on the east by the land of William Wells. 3. His meadow lying at Goose kreek, containing two acres more or less, is bounded on the east by y' meadow of Jacob Cory and on y' West by y' meadow of Mr Benj. Moore. 4. His meadow lying in Hoggneck containing two acres more or less, one w hereof he purchased of John Tuthill Sen'. y' s' two acres is bounded on the North. west by comon land, and on y' South east by y' land of John Reevs, and partly by his own land, and on y' West by y' kreek. 5. His upland lying in Hoggneck containing six SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 101 acres more or less is bounded on the Northwest by y' land of Joseph Youngs, and on y' Southeast by y' land of John Reevs. 6. His Land at Corchaug purchased of Robert Smyth is by estimation one hundred acres more or less being 'One first lott as may appeare by a bill of Seale bearing date the 25th day of February, and is bounded on y' Northeast by ye land of Simian Benj: and on the South- west by y' land of Gershom Terry. 7. His meadow lying at Corchaug on the South side 'Of y' Fourt Neck containeing three acres more or less, one whereof he purchased of Robert Smyth as may .appeare by a bill of seale, y' Sd three acres is bounded on the South by the land of David Gardiner, a highway lying between, and on y' North west by ye meadow of Thomas Tusten, and on y' Southeast by a meadow of Caleb Horton and Gershom Terry. 8. His land purchased of Christopher Y ongs Sen' lying on y' North side of y'Town (containing three acres more or less) is bounded on y' east by the land of William Wells, and on the West by y'land of Sarah Yongs, and on y' Sonth by y' land of Thomas Moor farmer, and on the north by his own land. 9. His commonage in y' old town bounds is a second 'lotto Entd p' Benj: Yo. Rdr. Richard Benjamin his record of three acres of land "lUore or less lying and being in Hoggneck the said three acres is called and known by the name of Brushes 'hill, which said three acres the s' Richard have ob- tained of Sarah Y ongs weidow by way of exchang for three acres lying on the North side the Town as by her record doth appeare, the s' land exchanged as above. :said is bounded as followeth to the South by the kreek, -and to the Highway and Coman land North. Ent' pr Benj Y onges rd April 9, 1694. 102 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract. ] His record of six acres of land at Hoggneck Poynt, bounded South by the Bay-West by John Reeves- East by Joseph Reeves-North by the comon land. Ent' pr Benj: Yonges Rdr Aprilg, 16g4. PAGE 43. [Abstract.] To all Christian People to w home these presents shall come. Know Yee that I, John Tuthill Sr, weaver, doe for the consideration of sixteen pounds sell unto Mr Edward Johnson of New London, a certaine tract of Land being four acres in Oyster pond lower Neck bounded on y' North by y' land of Samuel King-on the East by y' highway or lane belonging to y' Oyster. ponds people and Southerly by y' com on road joyning to y' harbonr-on y' \Vest by y' land of y' afores:lid John Tuthill, being in length on y' East side, neer forty and Seven rodd, and on the West fnll thirty and five rodd, and breadth fifteene rodd & two thirds of a rodd, Staked already upon every corner. to the confirma. tion of which I doc firmly bind myself my heirs &c Witness my hand and scale this 8th day of September 1708. Witnesses WALTER BROWNE RALPH PATTY- JOHN TUTHILL [Seal] Acknow ledged 27 July 1709 before me THOMAS MAPES Justice [Abstract.] Southold 5 March 1680. I Thomas Moor Sen' of South old doe give grant and make over all my housing, lands and cattle, horse kinde, Swine & Sheepe and Sloope, with all my move. abIes within doors or without, to my son Nathaniel More SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 103 he allowing his father and mother sufficient maintenance during their Ii ves. Witness my hand and seale. Witness EDWARD PATTY SAMUEL SMYTH. THOMAS MOOR Acknowledged 7 March 1680 before me JOHN YONGS, Sherife- The above written deed made void 30 June I~I. Entd 168-!-, 6 Mar Pr Benj Yo. Rdr. [The above instrument entered also in Lib. A, p. 12.] Oysterponds this 2d of March 17H- Then and there received of Mr Edward Johnson of South old shipwright y' full and just sum of thirty shil. lings in money which is in full of all accompts, Bargains Bills, Bonds, Dehts or other merchantdice whatsoever from the begining of the world to y' day of y' date hereof, I say received by me. 'Witness SAMUEL BEEBEE HENRY MAROW REBEKAH BEEBE. Entd July 20th 17II Pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 44. [Abstract.] Whereas my Hand father Lient John Budd of South. old County of Suffolk deceased did in his lifetime by his last will dated 27 Octo, 1684. give and grant unto his danghter Mary then y' wife [of] Christopher Youngs halfe yO lands and meadows belonging to him in Ocka- bock divisions within y' precincts of Southold. Know all persons to whome these presents may concerne that I John Budd the Son of Lieut John Budd doe by these presents give grant and confirme unto my sister Mary Youngs ye widow and raligue of Christopher Young-So deceased, all that part of land and meadow ill Oc:,c"<lck 104 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. -divisions given her by my Hond father in his last will, unto her y' said Mary Youngs and her to sons Chris- topher Youngs and John Youngs their heirs and assigns forever Witness my hand and seale this 12th day of August 16<)5. \Vitness,s mot~ HANNAH HY YOUNGS ., JOHN BUDD [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged Decemb' 2' 1703, before me, Entd March y' ~'17ft THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. pr Benj Youngs Town Cler [Abstract.] Southold May y' first 1705. Whereas there hath been a contest between Jasper Griffing of Southold, mason, and V Samuel Glover 'Of said Town, shipwright, about a percell of meadow at Acquaback, the said parties for a final ending of y' Sd difference, did chuse Gershom Terry and Benjamin Youngs of Southold and Giles Sylvester of Shelter Isl- and to be arbitrators, to hear and determine the same, the major part of them do arbitrate declare and finally determine that ye abovesaid meadow claimed by ye Sd Jasper Griffing is not included in the bill of Seale (ex. cepting what meadow may lay within y' two last divi- sions of land at Acquabacke) and that the said Griffing hath not and ought not to have any right or tittle to y6 same, and the said Glover ought forever after to be acquit and free from all or any law suits or trouble about the same. In Witness whereof we have Entd y' 27th Augt 1706. p' Benj: Youngs Recd' hereunto set our hands. GERSIIOM TERRY BEN]: YOUNGS. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 105 [Abstract.] PAGE 45. This Indenttire made April y' third one thousand 'seven hundred and seven between John Edgecombe of New London in the colony of Connecticut of the one part and Edward Johnson of said Town and Colony of y' other part, shipwright, Witnesseth, that the said John Edgecombe hath putt his son Samuel Edgecombe an apprentice unto the said Edward Johnson until he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, he being at this time about sixteene years of age :-he with his master to dwell-his commands to observe-his consels to do-- his secrets to keep, and shall behave himself honestly as an apprentice ought to doe:_And in consideration of y' s'service the s' Edward Johnson doth hereby oblige himself to find his said apprentice sufficient meat, drink, washing, lodging, and Clothing of all sorts during his service-and also to teach him in the art of a shipwright, and to doe his best endeavour to make him a workman at it :-and at y' end of the s' term to send the Sd ap- prentice away with two suits of Apparel good-and with a broad axe. In testimony whereof the parties have hereto set their hands and seals, the day and year above written. This Indenture made with the free consent of the abovesaid Samuel Edgecombe, and it is agreed that if by the providence of God y' master should be taken away by death and shall leave a vessel on the stocks not built. the apprentice is to serve the master's wife till the vessel be finished-but not to serve more than six months. Witnesses BEN]" ALFORD JOHK EDGECOMBE [Seal] JOHN PLUMBE. SAMUEL )i:DGECOMBE [Seal] Ent' y' '26th May 17'4 p' Benj. Youngs Town Cler. 106 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. I. Sarah Y ongs weidow, her home Iott contall1Ing foure acres more or less, bounded \Vest with the land of John Curwin and on the East with the land of Thomas Moor, and South with the street. 2. Also three acres more or less ad joyning to y' reere of s' home lott; purchased of Richard Benj: for thre acres in hogg Neck. 3. Her land lying at the North Sea is by estimation foureten acres more or less, bounded with the land of William Wells on the West and on the East with the land of Mr Arnold. 4. Her meadow at Corchaug is one acre more or less and lying at the lower end of Fort Neck comonly so called) bounded North W. with Caleb Horton his mea- dow, and on the Southeast with y' meadow of Joshua Horton. 5. Her land in Hogg Neck is known by the name of Brush.hill containing three acres more or less, bounded North with the comon land, and the kreek South. 6. Also six acres more on the east side of John Bailys meadow comonly so called, which s' six acres is lying in Hoggneck. Her comonage in the Town bounds is a first lotto [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shalt come, Daniel Youngs of South old, yeoman, sendeth Greeting. \Vhereas Coru John Youngs late of the s' Town, deceased, did, by his deed dated 13th May 16<)0, convey unto Thomas Goldsmith a certain percell of land by estimation twenty five acres, in said Township -bounded on the North by a highway-on y' East by the land of Joshua Horton-on y' South by y' Queens Road, and on the West by y' land of s' Thomas Gold- smith-which s' pen;:ell of land y' s' Corll Youngs did purchase of Thomas Longworth, as by the Records of the Town will appear; and whereas y' Sd percell of land SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 107 was first given unto y' Sd Thomas Longworth by the Sd COI,II Youngs on condition that he should [notJ alienate the same-therefore it is questioned whether the Sd Coil Youngs had power to convey y' Sd percell of land by virtue of his purchase from y' Sd Thomas. Long- worth: Now Know Yee that he y' Sd Daniel Youngs, who is heir to y' Sd land, in consideration of y' sum of thre pounds, doth acquit, exonerate and discharge the heirs, executors and administrat' of y' Sd Thomas Gold- smith forever by these presents and hath remised re- leased and quitclaimed unto the heirs of y' Sd Thomas Goldsmith all such right estate, title and interest as he the Sd Daniel Youngs now hath or might at any time hereafter have of, in or to the above mentioned percell of land. In Witness whereof the s' Daniel Youngs hath here- unto set his hand and seal this 27th day of Marc,h 1714. Witnesses, BENJ: YOUNGS JONATHAN HARNED DANIEL YOUNGS [SealJ Acknowledged 27 Mar 1714 before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice. Entd y' 6th of Aug' 17[6. pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. PAGE 46, [Abstrac!.J Southold May y' 23 1704 I, Thomas Terrill, mason, doe acknowledge that Wil- liam Reeve, deceased, formerly purchased of me a per- cell of Salt meadow, between y' Woulfe-pit swamp and his front bounds, and also acknow ledge all of foressaid meadow to be satisfied and paid for. Witnesses, m..~ BENJAMIN HARLOW THOMAS T TERRILL [SealJ EDWARD GRIFFING. .. Entd pr Benj: Youngs March y' 1st 17ot. Rec- <08 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [ Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come Greeting. Know Yee that I Thomas Reeve of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of the sum of five :shillings to me paid by Peter Dickeson of the aforesaid Town, tanner, doe bargaine and sell unto ye Sd Peter Dickeson one whome lott fronting upon ye Sd Town Street-the lott 01 y' s' Peter Dickeson on y' South, and y'lott of Jonathan Mapes on y' North-Also six .acres of land more or less at y' rear of y' said lott bounded South by a Creek and North by y' land of y' S'l Jonathan Mapes. Also four acres of land more or less in a neck known by y' name of y" Calves Neck & seven acres of land at y' North Sea lying between y' land of William Halliock and Joseph Tucker, and one first lott of land in y' North division twixt ye Inlett and Duck pond Containing Twentyfive acres, bounded East by y' land of Nathaniel Moor dec'-South by a highway West by the land of Abraham Corye--North by the Sound. Also two first lotts of land in y' said North division, bounded East by Stephen Bay ley--South by the high- way-\Vest by John Cnrwin-North by y' Sound, by estimation fifty acres, and one first lott of land twixt the West end of the Sd Town and y' fresh meadows .containing twenty-five acres, bonnded North by a high. way-East by John Booth decd-South by y' road West by Peter Dickeson. Also two first lotts lately laid out in hogneck by computation fourteen acres, bounded North and South by two highways-East by Peter Paine decd and \Vest by Samuel Glover-and nine acres in a former division in hognecke-and three acres of meadow in Peakens Neck, Also one acre and a halfe of meadow in South harbour Neck-And One .first lott right in y' co mons within ye said Town. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 109 In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale y' 19th day of August 1707. Witnesses THOMAS SAINT THOMAS REEVE [Seal] BEN]: YOUNGS. Acknowledged the day and year above written, be. fore me. Entd Octob' 30th 171 I. THOMAS YOUNGS. Pr Benj. Youngs, Town Cler. PAGE 47. Caleb Horton his record. I. His commonage purchased of Samuel King is one' first lotto 2. His meadow purchased of Joseph Youngs J unr is one first lott lying on the South side of Fort Neck at Corchauge bounded on the South with Sarah Y ongs and Richard Benj: North. 3. His land purchased of Samuel King lying on the Fort Neck at Corchaug bounded with Thomas Tusten North and his own land South. 4. A first lott of land lying in said Neck purchased of Joseph Y ongs J un' (excepting what is within the Sd Joseph Yongs his meadow fence) and joyning to his own bnd North, which said first lott hntts from heck to heek. 5. A first lott of meadow lying at or in the broad field at Corchaug (so called) neigh the Pecepunck mea. dow, bounded East with a meadow formerly in his own possession, and by him sould to Richard Benj: and West with the Sd Pecepunck meadow. 6. His meadow lying in Corchaug great meadows, purchased of Christopher Y ongs by exchang, bounded South by weidow Dickerson. North by Benj: Yo. Sen' his meadow. 110 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 7. One acre more of meadow, more or less, lying in the Fort meadow, bonnded on each end by a Spring, purchased by his brother Joshua Horton for valuable consideration in hand received. 8. A third lott of meadow, one whereof purchased of Jeremiah Vale, the other two of Samuel King by ex- chaug bounded South by the Harbour, North with the highway, West by Joshua Horton and East with his own land. 9. One hundred fourty two acres of land at Cor- chaug, sixty was given to him by his father Barna- bas Horton, and fifty purchased of Isaac 'Vilman and thirty of Samuel King, of which thirty he hath alien- ated eight to his brother Benj: Horton for ten acres lying at or joyning to his land purchased of Isaac Will- man, bounded North by the Highway, and Sonth and East by Benj: Hortons land, and \'1 est by his own mea- dow. 10. A third Iott at Corchaug, by estimation three hundred acres more or less given to him by his father Barnabas Horton, excepting thirty acres by him ex- changed with Samuel King, bounded East by Richard Brown his land and \'1 est by Benj: Horton. and Thomas Tusten Sottth with the Highway. II. Hismeadow purchased of Capt" Jo: Youngs lying at Corchallg two acres more, or less, bounded by Peter Dickerson North, Joshua Horton South. 12. Purchased of John Tutthill Sen halfe a first lott at Corchaug by estimation, sixty acres more or less, bounded South by the Highway, and West by John Cleves, and on the East by John Goldsmyth, as may more at large appeare, by a bill of Seale dated 27 May, 1685. 13. His right at Ocquabauk is a first lolt of upland throughout all the divisions. 14. His meadow at Ocquabauk is two lotts & a halle lolt throughout. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. III 15. Also a percell of meadow and krickthatch lying in the fourt meadow be it more, or less, bounded by the meadow of David Gardiner West, and by his own meadow, (purchased of his brother Joshna Horton) North, and by his own land West, and East by the kreek. Entd pI' Benj: Yo. Rd. 1686 August. Purchased of John Tntthill Sen' a first lott of kreek- thatch lying west side of Corchaug Neck, bonnded by his owne, East or Eastwardly. Also purchased of Mr Mapes one first lott of kreekthatch on the \V est side of Corchaug Neck adjoyning to the Beach South, and by the 'Vater North and 'Vest and by his own meadow East, the s' first lotts of kreekthatch includes all the flats lying on the West side of s' Neck. PAGE 48. [Abstract.] This Indenture made the fifteenth day of September in y' twenty eight yeare of the reigne of Charles y" Second. Between Joshua Horton of Southold and Caleb Horton of Southold. \Vitnesseth that y' Sd Joshua Horton in consideration of a valuable sum. doth bargain and sell unto y' s' Caleb Horton part of a certaine meadowc Scituate in Corchoage, called Fortt Neck Meadow, said part or percell bounded North by Sd Caleb Horton-South by Thomas Tusten-east by a Creeke and West by two white oak trees. In Witness Whereof the said Joshua Horton hath set hereto his hand and seal. 'Vitnesses ANNA X YOUNGS , MARY X COMSTOCK JOSHUA HORTON [Seal] NICH: EEDES. Ent' June y' 18: 1702 pI' Benj: Youngs Recd' [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I Joshua Horton of Southold carpenter do remise, release and quit claim 112 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. to my brother Caleb Horton of Southold, yeoman, all and all manner of actions, dues, bonds and demands. whatsoever, which I ever had or shall or may have against y' s' Caleb Horton-dated 13 June 1700. Witnesses THOMAS MAPES JOSHUA HORTON [SealJ JOHN BOOTH- Ent' pr Benj: Y ongs Recdr- June 1702. [Abstract.] Know all men whome it may concerne that I, Joseph Horton of Rye doe fully resigne and give to my brother Caleb Horton of Southold all my right or rights of any lands that he doth possess, which my father Barnabas, Horton gave him by his will. Witness my hand and seale this 26th of May 16<)1. \Vitnesses THOMAS MAPES. JOSEPH HORTON JOSEPH HORTON [SealJ Acknowledged before me 26 May 1691. THOMAS MAPES, Justice Ent' feby. 27, 170t pr Benj: Youngs, Recdr. [Abstract.J This Indenture made the first day of May in the year [oneJ thousand seven hundred and tenn. Between Caleb Horton of Southold yeoman and David Horton yeoman of the same place, \Vitnesseth, that y' s' Caleb Horton in consideration of a certaine sum of money to him paid by y' s' David Horton doth by these presents bargain and sell unto the said David Horton. All that three fifth parts of thre first [lots] of upland containing one hundred and eighty acres, bounded on y' North by y' Sound, on y' east by y'land of Caleb Horton-South by y' highway and \Vest by Thomas Tusteene :-Also a small parcell of land extending westward from the West side of a certaine pond in s' Caleb Hortons land" SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 113 the breadth of Sd pond right across y' Sd land, unto y' cast side of y' three fifth parts of land above mentioned -Also three poles width of land acrose y' Sd Caleb Hortons land next to y' cleft at the Sound or N ortn Sea-and fifty acres of upland late of Isaac Willman,. situate at Catchauge bounded as in a certaine deed sett forth-Also forty acres of upland, at Catchauge in a Neck called forte Neck late of Joseph Youngs deceased, and bounded as in the book of entries may appear- Also a parcell of meadow at Catchauge by a hollow of y'said fort Neck and between y' high way and a Spring: and a parcell of meadow lying in the said Neck for- merly in y' possession of Joseph Youngs and bounded as by y' book of entries may appear-Also a percell of meadow and creekthach lying in y' said forte Neck late in possession of Lieut Joshua Horton-Also two other percells of meadow at Catchauge in y' great mea- dows late in possession of Co' J ohn Youngs and Chris- topher Youngs-Also one first lott of land throughout all y' Severall divisions of Acquabauk lands, with the right of Comonage belonging to ye same. Also two lotts and a halfe of meadow throughout all y' divisions of y' Sd Acquabauk meadows, together with all housen, buildings, fences, &c. And Phebe Horton, wife of the said Caleb Horton, doth hereby freely yield up her right of dower, in and to the above bargained premises-In testimony whereof y' parties to these presents have hereunto sett their hands and seales the day and year above written. Witnesses JOSEPH WICKHAM CALEB HORTON [Seal] JOHN X BEER. PHEBE X HORTON [Seal] Acknowledged before me this I May 1710. THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd Nov' 9th 1710. p' Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. 8 ~14 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [NoTE.-The above is no doubt a quitclaim deed made by Caleb to his brother David, on a division of the estate of their father, 1St Caleb Horton. The main part of the premises constitute the farm of the Misses Wickham at Cutchogue.-J. W. C.] ,,689 Dee' Mr John Harberts record of four acres of Land. Pur- ,chased of John Paine Jun' four acres of land, bounded by his own land on the South and on the North by the land of said Paine, and on the west by the land of Col. lonel Y ongs and on the east by the highway, in con. sideration of s' four acres of land tlloe s' Harbert have received full satisfaction of s' Paine. Ent' 26. day of Dee' 1689 pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [Abstract.J To all Christian people to whome these presents shall ,come Greeting. Know Yee that I, Joseph Wickham of Southold Esqr. in consideration of the sum of Sixty five pounds, to me in hand paid have sold, and by these presents doe bargain and sell unto David Horton of South old yeoman a certaine tract or percell of land situ- ate and being in a Neck known by the name of Forte Neck by estimation forty acres, bounded on y' North by y' land lately sold by Gershom Terry to Jonathan Strickland-on y' east and west by y' meadows, and on y' south by y' s' David Horton his land. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and 'seale this 22' day of January 17ft. Witnesses JOSHUA ,VELLS ISRAEL PARSHALL. JOSEPH WICKHAM [Seal] Acknowledged the day and year above written be. fore me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' y' 28th Octob' 1715 p' Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. PAGE 49. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 115 PAGE 50. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Yee, that I, Jeffery Christopher late of New London in y' Colony of Con- Ilecticutt, mariner, now of Southold, province of New York, for valuable consideration doe by these presents give grant, bargaine and sell unto my son in law, and daughter Margarett Corye wife to Abraham Corye of Southold, that percell of land or ground on which my house in New London now stands, containing also the yards and garden plott joyning to y' said house as now they are impaled or inclosed (excepting only a sufficient landing place and way or passage which is to be left of common use to goe to and from y' grist Mill by land and water) this said way being the bounds of this ground towards the West-yO land of John Wintrope Esqr without y.' garden plott to be y' bounds Eastward -the Street between Mr vVintropes orchard and y' said ground the bounds Northward and y' Mill Coave or Creke the bound to y' Southward. Witness my hand and seale this 8th of July 1700. Witnesses JACOB CORVE .;. JOHN PECK JEOFFERY I CHRISTOPHER m.' JOHN SPERY Acknowledged before me y' 19th of Aug' 1700. JOHN TUTHILL. -.., Entd Sept y' 30: 1700 pr Benj: Yongs Rdr. Abraham Core his home lott containeing six acres more or less, bounded on the West by the street, and North by the Street, and East by a lane, and on the South by the land of Mrs An Elton. His comonage in the Town bounds is a second lott. Also six acres of Land lying at Hogneck purchased of John Tutthill Sen', bounded on the West by the land of John Reevs, and on the East by Joseph Reevs his land. 1I6 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Also three acres more of land lying at Hogg Neck bounded by the Land of Wm Wells on the West, and ] ohn Booth Sen' East. His land lying at Toms Kreek is by estemation two acres more or less. His land lying at the goeing into Hogg Neck is seventen acres more or less. His land lying in Calves neck called fox hole, is that poynt lying nerest to Pine Neck land in his fift called a peic of land at Calves neck poynt. Also two acres of land and the seventh part of two acres bought of Stephen Baily, formerly Mr Eedes. Also a second Iou sheere of the comon meadow on other side y' river. Also nine acres of land and one third of an acre lying on pine neck over against the weidow Dickersons lotto A second Iou sheere of the comon meadow on the other side Peheconuck-river. Entd pr Benj: Youngs Rdr. [NoTE.-His home lot included the homestead of the late Moses C. Cleveland, Irwin Booth, and the Universalist Church. Abraham was the son of John; he married the daughter of ]eoffrey Christopher of New London; owned probably the farm as you enter Hogneck on the westerly side of the road, from the late Oliver Overton's house to the east line of Seth \Vells, besides land on the other side of the road. Ahijah Corey resided in Hogneck, at Brush's Hill. His son Orin, late deceased, also had his farm and home there; but no Cory is now to be found in Hogneck.- ]. W. c.] [Abstract.] Abraham Cory his record of three acres of land in Hogg Neck, known by the name of Brush's-hill, ob- tained of Richard Benjamin, bounded to the kreek on the South, and to the highway. and common land North. Entd pr Benj: Yo. I~. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. "7 [Abstract.] This record testifieth that I, N athanie! Moor, mari- ner, have sold unto Abraham Cory, cooper, a perce! of land in Cal ves Neck containing' three acres. Entd pr Benj: Yo. rdr I69t. [Abstract.] This record testifieth that John Budd, eldest son of John Budd deceased, doe hereby acknowledge his fath- er's conveyance to Abraham Cory of a percell of land ;n Calves Neck, called the Fox holes. PAGE 51. [Abstract.] To all Christian People. Know Ye that Richard Browne, Jonathan Browne, and Walter Browne, Yeo- men of Southold, doe grant bargain and sell for a valu- ble sum unto Abraham Corye of Southold, cooper, a certaine tract of land in Hogg Neck, known by y' name of Brushes Neck, containing si: ocres, bounded on the North by the highway or Cart Path that leadeth into Hoggneck extending eastward of the said Brushes Neck thirty six poles in length or thereabouts on the South side of the said highway--Peter Dickesons mea- .dow lying on y' South of y' said land, the said land ex- tending a little easterly of y' said meadow. In witness whereof the said, Richard, Jonathan and Walter Browne have hereunto set their hands and seals this 26th day of December '700. Witnesses LION GARDINER RICHARD BROWNE [Seal] JOHN TutHILL JONATHAN BROWNE [Seal] JOHN LUPTON. WALTER BROWNE [Seal] Acknowledged before me, one of his Majesties J us- tices of y' peace for y' County of Suffolk, on the day .and year abovesaid. Entd Deer ylll 3111t 1700. Pr Benj: Y ongs Recd,. JOHN TUTHILL. uS SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [N OTE.- This lot lies next to Brushes Hill-is now the homestead of Seth Wells.-]. W. C.] All men shall know by this writing that I Barnabas Winds Jun' of Southold on Long Island in y' County of Yorke doe bargaine and sell unto John Corye Senr of Hashamomacke my house & home lott with all y' acomodations thereunto belonging with a second lott of comonage as also seven acres of land lying at N orth- side between John Budd and William Hallocke with 2 acres of land lying at Toms Creeke, and thre acres at hog Neck; and for y' said acomadation the said John Corye is to pay the said Barnabas fourteen pounds ten", shillings of which I y' said Barnabas have received thirty bushells of Indian corne at y' price of four shil- lings y' bushell, and two calves at three pounds; the other five pounds & tenn shillings the said John Corye is to pay me in wheat at five shillings y' bushell, or pease at four shillings y' bushell, or barly at five shil- lings y' bushell to be paid to y' said Barnabas his heirs. or assigns in and upon the twenty ninth day of Septem- ber in y' year of our Lord one thousand six hundred sixty and six. Dated this twenty and six day of Au- gust one thousand six hundred sixty & five. In wit- ness hereof I have hereunto sett to my hand: ,Yitness SAMUEL WINDS BARKABAS 'YINDS Sen' ", MARY 1Il WINDS .~ BARNABAS 'YINDS Mary ,Yinds y' wife of Barnabas Winds have releast up all my right of the house and land that my husband have sold to John Corye. August y' 30: 1665 [Abstract.] These presents certify that I John Corye Sen' of Southold doe assigne and sett over unto my sonn Abni- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. "9' ham Corye all my right title claime and interest whicru I have to the within mentioned bill of sale Witness my hand and seale this 6th of Septemb' 1680. Witnesses ISAAC ARNOLD ,.. ... JOHN TUTHILL. JOHN I.C CORVE Sen' Entd Augt. y' 13th '705. " Pr Benj: Youngs Rdr- [NOTE.-]ohn Corey changed his residence often; he' owned several different homesteads in the town. One John Corey was, according to Hatfield, at Elizabethtown in 1665. a citizen, and had 164 acres of land set off to him. He died in 1697. For further particulars, see note on John Corey, SOUTHOLD PRINTED TOWN RECORDS, vol. i., p_ Ip.-J. W. C.] PAGE 52. [Abstract. The Will of Henry Wells, '755.] In the name of God Amen, the 29th day of December '755, I, Hennery Wells of Southold, yeoman, do make this my last Will: First I give my soul into the hands of God, and my body to the earth, and my wordly es- tate I give and dispose of as follows: Imprimis. I give- to my son Hennery all my right of lands in Little Neck so called-Ailsa, a piece of thatch meadow on the East side of Pools Neck. 'Secondly, I give to my son Obediah all my lands_ whereon my buildings now stand being two lotts con- taining fifty acres. Ailsa all my right of Crick thatch, ground lying on the Crooked flatts, lying between, Booths Neck and Pools Neck. Thirdly, I give unto my four grand children, the children of my daughter Hannah, thirty shillings to. each to be paid to them by my executors. Fourthly.. I give to my daughters Patience and Dorothy four pounds to each. Fifthly, I give to my wife Katharine one room of my house, which she shall choose during the time she con 120 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. tinues my widow, to be kept in repair by my son Obe- diah-he to furnish firewood for my said wife: also the privilege of keeping a cow and a hogg-and I give to my Sd wife the one half of all my movable or personal estate that shall remain after the above legacies are paid. All which is given to my said wife for and in liew of her dower. Sixthly, I give to my son Abner the other half of my Sd personal estate. I nominate and appoint my three sons Hennery, Obe- diah and Abner to be my executors. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, day and year above written. \Vitnesses THOMAS PAIl\' THOMAS GOLDSMITH HENNERY WELLS [Seal] JOSEPH PECK Entd. pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk 19 March 1760. [NOTlt.-The testator, Henry Wells, named in the fore~ going will, was the son of 2d William. His farm at Cor- chaug is now the property of the heirs of Captain Henry Green, deceased. He left three sons and four daughters. Of his sons, Henry and Obadiah left the town. Abner remained and raised a large family. He was a graduate of Princeton College in 1757. His wife was Mary, a daughter ()f Benjamin Case. After the Revolution he removed to Tioga County, where he and his son, Judge Henry Wells, founded the vii. lage of Wellsburgh. See Hayes' "Wells of Southold," pp. ,61,195. Abner died 1797, aged sixty. His eldest son, John Calvin, settled at Southold; he died in 1810, leaving seven sons and two daughters; from these have sprung a numer- '0US progeny now residing in this town.-J. W. C.] 165 I March 3. William Wells his Record. 1. His land or house lott lying and being in the Town of Southold is by estimation four acres and halfe, also twelve acres of land adjoy"ing to the rerre thereof SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 121 bounded as followeth On the South by the street, on the east by a lane, on the \Vest by the land of Rich' iBenj: and John Curwin. 2. His land lying towards the North Sea containing twenty one acres runns North & South and is bonnded <In the West by the land of Benj: Y ongs 3. Also 21 acres of land lying towards the North ~ea be it more or less bounded by the land of John Peakens. 4. His meadow land at Corchaug in the great [meadows] there containing six acres more or less is. bounded on the South by the meadow of Jonathan Reevs, and on the North by the meadow of John Her- bert and on the \Vest by the meadow of Jonathan Hor- ton 166; July I. 5. His land comonly called and known by the name of Little Hogneck is bounded on the North at the middle of the Beach that lyeth at the goeing into the said neck. 166; March II: 6. His meadow lying on the other side the head of the river being half his mothers right there. ;. His farm lying at Quash-neck consisting of upland and meadow is bounded as followeth, on the East by the kreek and the meadow of Jonathan Horton and Richard Terry and the upland of Nathaniel Terry: and by the highway on the West and on the South by the land and meadow of Joshua Wells. 8. His boggy meadow lying on the North side the Cartt-way against the fresh meadows containeing about thre-quarters of an acre be it more or less is bounded round by the Comon 9. Halfe the kreekthatch lying in Pools-Neck. 10. Also three acres of meadow lying nere the south end of the Town be it more or less, bounded on the east with the meadow of the weidow Hutchison 1 I. His land lying in Great hog-neck containeing 122 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. nine acres is bounded on the east by the land of Sam- uel King and on the West by the weidow Cooper. 12. Also nineteen acres of land more lying nere the N orthsea and ad joyning to some part of the rest of his land there 13. His right of commonage in Southold is a third lo.tt. Entd pr Benj: Vo. rd. [NoTE.-The date at the head of this record of land shows conclusively that it canuot be a record of the lands of ~dWilliam. He was born in 1660, and this bears date 1651. The first five parcels are almost verbatim copies of the record of land of his father, 1St William Wells, who entered the record with his own hand, in Lib. A. in 1651; and again in 1667, he being the Town Recorder. 1St William died November, 1671, leaving his two sons, William and Joshua, minors, ~dWilliam only eleven years old, and Joshua still younger. About the year 1683 ()T 1684, ~dWilliam, soon after he became of age, was married, had his portion allotted to him by his mother, and had this record of his own par- ticular lands entered; but unfortunately no date is attaclled. The remaining eight parcels, under date of 1667, are the land apportioned to him by his mother, to whom 1st Wil- liam, dying, gave his whole estate, to be by her distributed at her discretion among the children. Whp owned or oc. cupied the old 1st \Villiam Wells's homestead, after his death, is unknown. Probably his widow and her young children lived there, at least till she married her second hus. band, Thomas Mapes, about 1677, when they went on to the Quasha Neck Farm, and lived there till 2d William be- came of age. He then took possession, built him a house~ and lived and died there, as did also his son 8dWiIliam, and his grandson 4th William. ~dWilJiam died in 1696, leaving a widow, Elizabeth, and sons, William, John, and Henry, and one daughter, Mary.- J. W. C.] PAGE 53. [Abstract.J To all Christian people to w home these presents shall come. Know Vee that T, Josiah Youngs of South old, yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of fifteene pounds, doe give grant and sellllnto Joshua Wells Esqr of Sc>uth- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 123 old, A certaine first alottment of land situate betwixt the Inlett and Duck Pond, by computation twenty five acres, bounded on y' North by y' Sound-on y' east by y'land of Matthias Hutchinson-on the South by y' highway-and on the West by the land of Daniel Terry. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the 9th day of June 1712. Witnesses. JOSHUA YOUNGS JOSIAH YOUNGS [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS. Acknowledged before me this 9 June 1712. Test. BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice. Entd feb. I1'h 17H pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [Abstract.] This Indenture made the two and twentieth day of August 1705, between Matthias CUrlvin of Southold weaver, and Mary his wife of y' one part and Margeret Corye of the said Town of y' other part, Witnesseth that the Sd Matthias Curwin in consideration of four pounds and tenn shillings doth grant and sell unto the s' Margeret Corye, that his first lott of upland in Hog Neck, bounded on y' east by y' land of Capt. Jonathan Horton, and South, West, and North by y' highways. Witnesses- DAVID GARDINER MATTHIAS CURWIN [Seal] b<rllluk GERSHOM TERRV MARV m CURWIN [Seal] Acknowledged before me Sept' y' 14th '705 THOMAS MAPES Justice Entd Octob' y' 8th 1705. Pr Benj: Youngs Recd'. [NoTE.-From the peculiarity of the boundaries of this lot-highways on three sides-we are well assured that:it comprised the homestead place of the late Abijah Corey at 124 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Brush's Hill, Hogneck-for some years past the homestead <>f George H. Terry.-J. W. C.] PAGE 54. [Abstract.] To all Christian People Jacob Conklyne of Southold yeoman sendeth Greeting. Know Ye that he the said Jacob Conklyne in consideration of a sum of money doth remise release and forever quit claim unto Joseph Conkling his brother, all his right title and interest of, in or to those two first alotments of upland situate in Oysterponds Uper Neck bounded on the North by the Sound-on y' east by the land of John Wigins deceased and John Tuthill-on y' South by the harbour, and on y' West by y' land of Samuel King :-And also all that meadow lying at the Long beach formerly in y' posses- sion of his honoured father Jacob Conkling deceased. In Witness whereof the said Jacob Conkling hath hereunto set his hand and seale on the 22d March 17ft. Witnesses SAMUEL CONKLYN JACOB CONKLYNE [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year above written before file BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice . Entd Octob' y' 14th 1715 p' Benj: Youngs, Town Cler Joshua Wells, his Record. I. His farm lying South of Quash-neck consisteth of upland and meadow and is bounded as followeth, to the land of William Wells north to the highway West, to the bound the Towns men appoynted Southwest, to a boggy hole South east and Weidow C;oopers meadow. 2. Half the krick.thatch belonging to Pools Neck 3. His land lying in Ocquabauk division is a second lott, by estimation two hundred acres more or less, bounded to the sea South, to the land of Simion Ben- jamin North. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. IZS; 4. His meadow lying in Ocquabauk is a second lott bounded to the meadow or upland of John Swazy South, to the land or meadow of John Conckline North and West 5. His meadow lying on the other side Peheconuck river, is halfe the right that was his mothers Wells. 6. His long meadow so called is lying between the little Indian-neck and the great Indian-neck being both salt and fresh. 7. His land lying in Calves. Neck on South side the Town is bounded to the land of Samuel Glover east, to the land of John Booth West. 8. His land lying in great.hogg.neck is by estimation nine acres. 9. His right of comonage in the old bounds of the Town is a second lott- Ent' pr Benj: Yo. rd [NOTE.-lst Joshua Wells, the second son of 1St William,. was a boy of 8 years of age when his father died. His. father made no disposition of his property among his chil- dren, but delegated that power to his wife, to be used at her discretion. As a homestead, she gave to ~'Villiam Quasha Neck-adding Little Hogneck, and as an equiva- lent she gave to JJoshua Pooles Neck. See SOUTHOLD TOWN PRINTED RECORDS, pp. 264-5. He married Hannah, daughter of John Tuthill, and sister to Elizabeth, the wife of his brother ~Wi1liam. He was a carpenter, and an extensive farmer also. He also found time for a great many years to. sit in judgment and administer justice. His family was comprised of himself and wife, and fourteen children. His. son 'Joshua succeeded him on the farm; he diverged from the ordinary track, leaving his homestead, not to his oldest son 3Joshua, but to his 3d son John. The Neck is. still in the ffl.mily through female inheritors, Henry L. Fleet being the owner. IJoshua was buried in the old South- old churchyard, by the side of his father and brother.- I.W.e.] Know all men by these presents that we Mary Mapes the relect of W m. Wells late of Southold deceased, and Wm Wells the son of said Wm Wells now of Southold 126 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. in the County of Suffolk upon Long Island for good considerations us thereunto moveing but especially in way of portion unto Joshua Wells son of s' Mary Mapes, we the aboves' Mary and William doe give grant alienate and confirme unto Joshna Wells of the Town of Southold abovesaid and to his heirs execu- tors and assignes forever. a certaine neck of land called Poles [PoolesJneck as it now Iys bounded between \V'" W ells and Thomas Booth with halfe the kreek thatch adjoyning to said Poles-Neck, also a certaine percell of meadow called and knowne by the name of the Long meadow, lyin~ and being on the North side of said Pools-Neck with two lotts of upland in Ocquabauk first division adjoyneing to the land of James Parshall, with a certaine percell of meadow in Ocquabauk great meadows, and half that meadow on Sonthhampton side of Peheconnek river and two lotts of camonage in the old Town bounds, and the meadow in the Indian Neck and all that percell of land in Calves Neck, all the which tracts of land and meadow so scituate and being we doe make over rattifieand confirme unto s' Joshua \Vells his heirs executors and assigns to have and to hold to him the said Joshua Wells, his heirs executors, and assigns forever, In confirmation of the premeces we have hereunto set our hands and fixed our seals this twenty third of Decem b. in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty and four Signed sealed and delivered before us THOMAS MAPES Ju MARY MAPES BARNABAS HORTON. \VrLLlAM \YELLS. Suffolk Southold May 20th r1595 then appeared be- fore-me the subscribers Mary Mapes & \Ym \Vells and acknowledgd the above written instrument of writeing to be their act & deed Ent' pr Benj: Yo. rd. pr THO: MAPES Justice. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 127 [NOTE.-Bar.nabas Horton, witness to this illstrurnent, was probably the son of 'stJonathan, who died 15th Nov., '705. Thomas Booth owned the farm (now of the heirs of Law- yer William Wickham) in ,684. It is singular, that in all the papers relating to Pooles Neck, it is never bounded upon the bay. Its southeasterly boundary-a very long one--is upon Peconic Bay.-J. W. C.] PAGE 55. William Wells & Joshua Wells their Record of all their right in y' comon Creek thacth formerly laid out by the towne according to a towne voat bearing date Aprill y' 5(h 1703 which said Creek.thacth is scituate & being in a sertaine Creeke between y' said Joshua Wells his nek of land and y'Roben Island Neck, which is all the Creek thach Lying in y' said Creek- Ent' pr Benj: Youngs Record March 3' 170t The said Joshua Wells his Right of Land in y' north Division Laid out between the West end of y' towne & Samuell \Vinds is a second lot! and bounded on y' [North] by the Sound on y' east by y' land of Cap!. Jonath' Horton on y' South by y' lane and on y' 'Vest by Land of Sam" King Jun' which said second lott is by estimation fifty acres be it more or less- Also his Land in hogg.neck in y' North Division there is a second Lot! by Estimation fourteene acres be it more or lese & bounded on the North by y' harbour on y' Eastward by Henery Wells on y' South by y' high. way and on y' \Vest by the land of Peter Dickeson. Ent' pr Benj: Youngs Record' March y' 3: 170t The weidow Dickerson her Record. I. Her borne lot! containeing four acres more or Jess is bounded as followeth, to the kreek South, to the land of James Reeve North 2. Fifty six acres of lalid more or less lying towards 128 SOUTHULD TOWN RECORDS. the North Sea bounded to the land of Amt"'s Reevs. West, to the land of Abigail Terry weidow North east, and to the highway South east, and to the Great Pond North West [N OTE.-Her home Jot is that of her late husband Phile. man Dickerson, at present the homestead of Hiram Terry, by the bridge, at the extreme south end of the Town street. The fifty-six acres of land by the Great Pond covered the farms late of \V. Volney Horton and Michael Hodgins.- J. W. c.] [ Abstract.] To all Christian people, Greeting. Know Yee that I. William Coleman of Southold, Yeoman, in consider. ation of one cow and calfe of y' value of three pounds, doe bargaine and sell unto Joshua Wells, Yeoman, a cer. taine part of that meadow comonly called by y' name of y' Dam meadow scituate at a' Neck called Robart [Robins] Island Neck by es.timation one acre, bounded Northerly by y' s' Dam meadow, as by y' book of en. teeyes may appear- In vVitness whereof wee have hereunto sett our hands and seals y' 24th day of May li06.- ,,, VVILLIAM IV COLEMAN mork ,,, MARY 1tI COLEMAN- mo' Acknowledged before me 24 May li06- THOMAS MAPES, Justice Entr' pr Benj: Youngs January 3rl 1704 PACE 56. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Yee that I, Jonathan Mapes of South old yeoman in consideration of twenty eight pounds, doe grant and Sell unto Joshua Wells, of Southold, yeoman, A certaine parcell of meadow Scit. SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 129' uate at Acquabacke comonly called and known by y' name of y' little meadow, bounded on y' South by y' beach-on y' West, North and East by y' upland:-it is all my right in y' said meadow, excepting y' meadow of Gershom Terry lying within y' said meadow. In witness whereof I, have hereunto seU my hand and fixed my seal the 18th of December 1706. Witnesses SAMUEL CROOK ,,,..,,, BEN]: YOUNGS. JONATHAN MAPES [Seal] Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid before me, THOMAS MAPES. Entd January y' 8'" 170'1 pr Benj: Youngs Reed'. [A bstract.] To all Christian people I William Wells of Southold send Greeting in our Lord everlasting. Know Yee that I have remised released and forever quitclaimed unto Joshua Wells of Southold yeoman, all and all manner of actions, suits debts and demands, which I have had or ever may have touching any y' rents received or pro- fits of any y' lands or any thing appertaineing to me, or for any payments of lands debts or premises due to me by bond, bilI or otherwise, or for any thing done on my behalfe during y' minority of me y' said William Wells, or at any time until y' day of y' date of these presents- In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 13th day of Aprill 1703. Witnesses. WILLIAM WELLS [Seal] THOMAS MAPES JOHN GOLDSMITH- Entd feby 9th 17ot- P' Beuj: Youngs Red' [NOTE.-Quitclaim of 3d William Wells to his uncle 1st Joshua Wells.-J. W. C.] 9 130 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come, I, William Wells of Southold send Greeting. Whereas William Wells Esq. late of Southold deceased and grandfather of me did in his life time by a certaine instrument or deed in writeing bearing date Nov' 13th 1671, give unto his wife Mary Wells all his lands and tenements to be disposed of by her discretion to his children; and Whereas y' said Mary Wells did, as she ought to doe, give and grant unto her eldest daughter Mary Youngs, all that her dwelling house and home lott Scituate in the Town plott with a first lott of com- monage; also a percell of meadow in y' Oysterpond Neck, by a deed dated 26th Dec' 1678. Now Know Yee, that he y' s' William Wells in consideration of the natural love he bareth unto his Aunt Mary Youngs, as also for the sum of five shillings, doth fully remise, reo lease and quittclaime unto his said Aunt Mary Youngs all such right title and interest as he the s' William Wells had or ought to have of, in, or to, the abovementioned hausen, lands and premises. In Witness whereof he hath hereunto set his hand and seale this 18th day of June 1705. \Vitnesses THOMAS MAPES JOSHUA WELLS WILLIAM WELLS [Seal] DAVID HORTON Acknowledged 18th June 1705 before me. THOMAS MAPES, Justice Ent' ffebY. 9th 17ft. pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler [NoTE.-"William Wells to his Aunt Mary Youn~s- quitclaim-home lot where Single now lives.-J. W. C.J [Abstract.] To all Christian people unto whome this present Bill of Sale shall come, Jemima Paine of y' town of South- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 131 old, Sendeth Greeting. Know Yee that she Jemima Paine y' widw and relicque of John Paine deceased and executrix of his estate and impowered by his last will and testament to alienate and make sale of lands &c doe hereby in consideration of nine pounds, grant and sell unto Nathan Landon of Southold, cord winder, a cer. taine percell of Woodland being by computation six. teene acres, bounded east by y' highway that runeth to y' Oysterponds-on y' West by y'land of Capt Youngs -and on the North by y' land of John Vaill, from a small white oake tree marked N. L. on y' West side, and on y' North side marked I. V. as it standeth in a little swamp or watering place near y' highway, and from thence Northwest or thereabouts upwards of sixty rod to a great black oake tree marked on y' North side T. M In Witness whereof y' s. Jemima Paine have here. unto set her hand and seale June y' 1st, 17 I I. 'Vitnesses JOHN V AILL JAMES LANDON JEMIMA PAINE STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged before me one of her Majesties Jus. tices of the peace 4 June 17I I. [Not signed.] Ent." Jany y' 24th 17ft pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. [NoTE.-This lot was upon the road leading to the Oys. terponds, where Smith Simons' house now stands, and the H little swamp or watering~place," is the pond, on the high- way, a few rods easterly of the house of George Fisher.- J. W. C.] PAGE 58. To all Christian people to whome these presents shall or may concerne Greeting &c. Know Yee y' we Chris- topher Y ongs ju' and Benjamin Horton jun' both of Southold in the County of Suffolk on Long Islad in America doe by these presents mutually agree together 132 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. and have hereby exchanged for ever, for our heirs ex- ecutors administrators and assigns two certaine percell or tracts of lands, and meadows as followeth (viz) Chris- topher Y ongs ju' aforesaid doe by way of exchange, give and grant unto y' s' Benjamin Horton, his heirs and assigns for ever, a second lott of upland, and all the meadow belonging to said land, lying and being in the Oysterpond Upper Neck, bounded on y' West by y'land of Captn Isaac Arnold, on the North by the Sound, on the South by the Bay and on the east by a great pond and a Hamloct of Land called & known by the name of Abrahams Island, for and in consideration of one first lolt of upland, lying and Scituate at Ocqua- bauk being fourty pole in bredth, and from y' Sound or North-Sea to the South-Bay to be the length; and bounded on the West by the land of Christopher Y ongs Sen' and on the East by the land of Benj: Hor- ton jun' excepting thirty acres of land, the said Benja- min doe reserve to himselfe and heirs & assigns for ever, to be taken ou t of the fourty pole lott now alien- ated, on the East side the w hole length of the lotto And also Benjamin Horton aforesaid doe give and grant to Christopher Y ongs his heirs and assigns for ever, for and in consideration aforesaid, four acres of meadow lying on the North side of Peheconnock great River, two acres Salt meadow, and two acres to be fresh mea- dow, the salt meadow bounded by the meadow of Christopher Y ongs Sen' on the \Vest, and the meadow of Capt John Tooker on the east, the two acres of fresh meadow lying Westermost of the fresh meadow to- wards y' goeing over Peheconneck River, and on the East by y' meadow of Benj: Horton aforesaid &c this foresaid exchang, both parties doe hereby consent, and agree to; and confirme for themselves their heirs & assigns for ever. To have & to hold, firmely to enjoy to all intents & purposes whatsoever as witness their SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 133 hands and seals this twenty eight day of December in y' year of our Lord 1688, and in the fourth ;yeare of the reIgn of onr soveraigne Lord James the second King of Great Britaine &c. Signed sealed enterchangably ", in the presence of us, CHRISTOPHER H-:YONGS MARTHA GAR DINAR mm STEPHEN BAILY BENJAMIN HORTON THOMAS LONGWOURTH ANN HORTON Ent' pr Benj: Yo. rd. [Abstract.] To all Christian people Greeting. Know Yee that I, Thomas Shaw of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of eight pounds, doe grant bargain and sell unto Isaac Howell and Jacob Howell of Southold, yeoman, a cer- taine percell of meadow, being two lotts containing three acres and a halfe, bounded on y' North by Mat- thias Curwin-on y' East by John Youngs-on the South by William Coleman and on the West by a Creek -said meadow scituate and being on the South side of Peaconneck river. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal y' 7th of February 17ft. Witnesses, GROVER YOUNGS TEMPE BAYLEY THOMAS SHAW, [Seal.] Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice. Ent' the 26th Octob' 1715. pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. PAGE 59. 16g2 January 8. Benjamin Horton obtained of John Paty by way of exchang twenty rod of Woodland lying & being at 134 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Ocquabauk, also thirty acres of Woodland which s. Benj: excepted in his exchang of lands with Christo. pher Y ongs J un' as doe appeare by a writeing under their hands recorded in page 58 [Lib. C]: the s" 20 rood [rod] to run from North to South and bounded by John Paty West, and Thomas Terry and Daniel Terry East. [Abstract.] I, Joseph Horton oldest son of Benjamin Horton late of Southold deceased have by these presents remised, released and quitclaimed unto my brother John Horton of Sd Southold, all my right, title, intrest and demand whatsoever, which I heretofore have had, now have, or hereafter shall have as oldest son of my said father Ben. jamin Horton deceased unto all the lands meadows and appurtenances which did belong unto my said father at his decease, at the place called the Oysterponds, or any. where else within Sd Town of Southold. Witness my hand and seal this 6th April 1745. Witnesses WM BOWNESS JOSEPH HORTON [Seal] JNO. CARHARTT. Acknowledged 6 April 1745 before me Samuel Purdy judge of the lnferiour Court of Common Pleas for y' County of Westchester SAMLL PURDY- Entd th 9 March 1747. pr RbI Hempsted Town Clerk 1~2 ffeb 8 John Paty obtained of Benj: Horton by exchang twenty rood of Woodland lying & being at Ocquabauk, and bounded by Christ' Yangs jun' West, and by John Paty his land east. 1~2 Feb: 8. Further the Sd John Paty have obtained of Christopher Y ongs jun' by exchang his Iott of Wood. land Scituate at Ocquabauk, and lying on the South side of the Country Road or highway, and the Sd Paty have SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 135 liberty dureing his life to cutt timber on that land or in that lott which Sd Christopher have obtained of Sd Paty by exchang. ~ 16g2 Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come, Joseph Patty of Southold, carpenter, Sendeth Greeting: Whereas y' Sd Joseph Patty did formerly re- ceive from his father Ed ward Patty deceased a deed of gift for a certaine percell of land, scituate near the Eastermost end of y' Town Street containing byestima. tion five acres, bounded North by a highway-East by y'land of James Patty deceased-South by y' Street, and West by Thomas Longworth deed, and y' Sd Joseph Patty having some time since returned and delivered y' Sd land unto his Sd father Edward Patty, in consider. ation of other lands received from his said father at Oysterponds, without any legall conveyance to his said father-neither hath y' said Joseph Patty caused it (which of right he ought to have done) to be entered in the Records of y' said Town, that y' Sd deed of gift and every clause and part thereof shall be utterly void and of none effect: And whereas the Sd Edward Patty hath since y' receiving of y' Sd land sold y' Sd land unto John Patty of Southold not giving him any instrument of writing for the same :-and the said John Patty by his last Will and testament, hath given all y' said land above mentioned with y' building thereunto belonging unto his wife Mary during her life and after her decease to Edward Patty y' second son of him y' Sd John Patty and to his heirs and assigns, Now Know Yee that he y' said Joseph Patty, in consideration of five shillini;"S to him paid by Mary, widow of the said John Patty, doth wholly acquit and discharge, and doth remise release and quittclaim unto the said Mary during her life, and .... 136 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. to Ed ward son of y' said John Patty, all such right, claime and demand as he the said Joseph Patty had or ought to have of in or to all or any of the abovemen- tioned lands. fn Witness whereof the s' Joseph Patty hath here- unto set his hand and seal the 27th day of February 17at. Witnesses JOHN KING JOSEPH PATTY [Seal] MARY PATTY Acknowledged this 27th February 17at THOMAS YOUNGS Justice Ent' June y' 14th 1707 pr Benj: Youngs, Rdr. PAGE 60. 16g2 Feb: 8. Christopher Yo: Ju' have obtained (by way of ex- change) of John Paty all his right of land or whole lott, scituate at Ocquabauk, and lying on y' North side of the highway or Country road. Ent' pr Benj: Yo: Rdr [Abstract.] This Indenture made on the twenty third day of De. cember Anno 16g2. Between Josiah Youngs of South. old Cooper and Christopher Y ongs husbandman, Witnesseth that the said Josiah Y ongs hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the Sd Christopher Y ongs his now d welling house and land thereunto belonging, and one first lott of commonage lying in Southold, bounded at the highway east-the lands of Joseph Yongs Sen' and Stephen Baily on the West-the North end of the said land bounded by the highway, and the South end thereof as it is now fenced with a reservation of egress SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. '37 and regress unto Joseph Y ongs Sen' for a cartt to pass at the upper end of s' land to the land of him the s' Joseph as he hath formerly practised when saId l&nd was in the tenure and occupation of his son Joseph Y ongs-and the s' Christopher Y ongs in conslderatlOn whereof hath granted and exchanged unto the saId Josiah Y ongs his heirs and assigns, all his upland and four acres of meadow fresh and salt as it is now in the possession of him the said Christopher Y ongs butted and bounded as in a deed bearing date with these pres- ents may and will appear. Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid. Witnesses. ISAAC ARNOLD. THOMAS LONGWORTH. JOSIAH YONGS Ent' 2 Jany. 16g-i, pr Benj: Yo. rdr PAGE 61. [Abstract.] Memorandum: That before the signeing and Sealing of these presents it is agreed by and with the s' Josiah and Christopher Y ongs, and the s' Josiah doth for him. selfe promise and agree that as the said Joseph Y ongs Sen' shall make use of the highway, he shall be obliged to secure the barrs that the s' Christopher Y ongs may not be damaged. Witness my hand and seale this 26th of Dee' 16g2. Witnesses ISAAC ARNOLD. THOMAS LONGWORTH JOSIAH YONGS Ent' 2 J any 16g-i pr Benj: Yo. rdr. fNoTE.-The Youngses owned all or nearly all the block of land lying between Cooper's Lane or Railroad Avenue and the road leading to the Oysterponds. On the front, or Town Street, Samuel, Joseph, Sen., Joseph, Jr., Josiah, and Isaac Youngs appear to have had their homes. North of these lots, Pastor Youngs and Co!. J ohn Youngs owned the lands, now of Ezra Boisseau and others, running across from road to road. Stephen Bailey and Nicholas Eeds had very soon their homes on the' corner by the Oysterpond 138 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Road. The Youngs family were slow to record their lands. They were for the most part quiet, sedate, and honest, and reposed great confidence in those duly appointed to man. age the public affairs. Of the particular location of the homesteads of these Y oungses less is known, of a surety,. than of any other section of the whole Town Street. On the opposite side of the street, the homesteads of Col. Youngs, James Haines, Benj. Horton, Peter Paine, and Thomas Moore were early upon the Records clearly bounded.-]. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come Greeting, Know Yee, that I, John Painn of Southold marin' in consideration of five shillings to me paid by Abraham Corye of Southold, by these presents doe bargaine and sell to him said Abraham Corye a certaine second allottment by estimation fifty acres scituate in Southold, bounded North by y' highway- East by John Cur win-South by y' Country road-and West by y' land of Evin Davis: And also another ser- taine second allottment by computation fifty acres, situate opposite to y' rear of y' said allottment first above mentioned bounded North by the sound-East by Samuel Hutheson-South by a highway and West by the land of Nathaniel Moor deceased. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals y' 12" of april 1705. Witnesses MATTHIAS HUCHASON. SAMUEL HUCHASON. Ent' June 10, 1707 pr Benj: Youngs Rdr JOHN PAINN [Seal] JEMIMA PAINN [NoTE.-The first fifty acres of land herein above.named is two thirds of the farm of Wm Horace Case, lying next to Charles H. Davids; the fifty acres north of it is now owned by Alvah M. Salmon, running from the North Road to the Sound. Evan Davis, who early owned this farm, had his house on the allottment of twenty-five acres on the west. side, where Wm Horace Oase now resides.-]. W. C.] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 139 PAGE .62. 1687. J. John Tuthill J un' his hOl\le lott containing six acres I\lore or less bounded as followeth, on the North by a highway, and any' West by y' land of Richd Brown, and John Tuthill Sen' ea.st, a kreek on y' South; with this proviso, that the Sd Richard Brown and his shall til\le after til\le and at all til\les, hereafter for ever, have free liberty for foot, hors and cartt to pass cross back and fore ward the lower end of sdlott down to the harbour, they y' Sd Richard nor his to doe any dal\lage thereby. 2. His land purchased of Mr John 'Budd containing twentyfive acres I\lore or less, is bounded East by y' land of John Pain Sen', and West by y'land of Thol\las Terry and John Tuthill Sen' on y' North by y' North Sea, and by y' fresh I\leadow on y' South. 3. His I\leadow lying in Curwins Neck (so called) bounded South by Thol\las Terry, a kreek on y' West, Henry Tutthill North. Also purchased of Edward Patty Sen' for valuable. consideration in hand paid a Hummuck of upland adjoyning to Sd meadow. Entd pr Benj: Yo Rdr, 168!. 4. His land lying at Corchaug containing fifty acres more or less, being halfe a first lott bounded South by Jonathan Reevs his land, West by y' Sea-.and North by y'land of Jonathan Horton, and East by a highway. 5. His right on Plum Island is three iotts. 6. His land in reversion lying at Corchaug, to be by him and his possessed after y' decease of Thomas Mapes Jun' and bounded by the land of John Booth North, a salt meadow South, and on the West by a highway. Entd P' Benj: Yy. Rdr. 168! ~NoTE.-John Tulhill, Jun. By the Record here made it 15 shown clearly that 'his homestead at the Oysterponds 14D SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. was upon the south side of the road, near where Seth Tut. hill now lives. Mr. Griffin, in his Journal, says that about 1796 his old house was taken down and a new one built, and that" Wm S. Hobart now owns the place." Hobart's house is on the north side of the road nearly opposite Seth Tuthill's. Of one thing we may be sure, viz., that the home of Chalker John Tuthill was at that point or place on the highway either on the north or the south side. He was noted for his shrewdness and general business talents, intelligent and celebrated for his skill in figures and arithmetical calculations. He carried a piece of chalk to work with, and was hence called "Chalker John." In 1693, and for several years after, he was a member of the Colonial Assem bly, Justice of the Peace for a long term of years, and held many town offices. It was through his agency chiefly that the open way from the Main Road to the Harbor was bought and opened in 1691. He was a large landholder. His family history is bare of all particulars of interest. He married, in 1685, Mehetable, daughter of I't Wm Wells. Mr. Griffin names only two of his children, John and Dorothy. "Hollow John" is always spoken of as his son. He died in Nov., 1754, aged 96 years.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come, John Tuthill Sen' of South old, send Greeting. Know ye, y' I, y' s' John Tutthill for y' love and natu- rail affection I beare unto my eldest son John Tutthill, doe give grant and confirme unto the s' John Tutthill his heirs or assigns, the one halfe of eight acres of land more or less being y' lower lott by the water side, bounded by the land of Gedion Y ongs on the east-the Harbour on the South-the land of y' weidow Hannah Brown and her sons on y' West-the land of Samuel King and Henry Tutthill on the North, reserving a convenient highway to the waterside for his brother Henry his heirs and assigns forever-his brother Henry secureing always such barrs or gates as my s' son John shall cause to be made- And the other halfe of the above mentioned eight SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 141 acres of land at my decease. Also one halfe of thirty acres of land a lott commonly called or known by the name of Christophers, reserving five acres thereof where my winter wheat now groweth, dureing my naturalllife, being bounded by y' land of Samuel King on the Northeast-the highway north-the land of Jonathan Brown on y' South-west-a small percell of my Sd sons on y' Southeast-Also y' one halfe part of one piece of meadow containing six acres, lying in the fresh meadow bouded on y' ","orth by Edward Patty, and east with a ditch or dam-and on the South by the meadow of Thomas Moor farmer, and on the West by a small kreek, I allowing unto my son a con- venient highway to fetch his hay, shutting up and se. curing the barrs. Also one third part of a lott in the upper neck in Oyster Pond, lying between y' land of John Wiggins and y' aforesaid Thomas Moor. Also the One halfe of fifty acres of land, the North sea or Sound y' North-the land of John Tutthill Jun' on the east-the land of Thomas Terry on the South-the land of Henry Tutthill on the West, and four pole of land to come down on the West side of Thomas Terrys land, the four pole being sett out, then to run upon a North west line to y' Sound.-Provided always, and it is to be understood y' my Sd son John Tutthill shall not alinate, sell conveyor dispose of any part or percell thereof dureing my life; And I doe also fully freely and absolutely give, grant and confirme unto my Sd son Tutthill, and his heirs, after the decease of me the Sd John Tutthill, all the other halves and third part of y' above recited premises unto him the said John Tutthill forever-my Sd son John paying or causeing to be paid unto my youngest son Nathaniel Tutthill the sum of ten poud, to be paid unto my Sd son fifteen years from y' date of these pres- ents or at the decease of me his father, which of them shall last happen. 142 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this of in the yeare 16g0. Memorandum: that the above mentioned highway for my son John, to fetch his hay, or any thing else that may grow on s' lands, shall be so far as the meadow of Edward Patty Sen' eight pole Southward from the kreek to the upland and so to the comon. Witnesses HENRY TUTTHlLL JOHN TUTTHlLL ISAAC ARNOLD. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 63. [Abstract.] These may certifie, y' whereas I John Tutthill Sen' have enjoyned my eldest son John Tutthill, in y' within [foregoing] will, to pay to my youngest son Nathaniel Tutthill the sum of ten pound. Know Ye that he my s' son, having complied with my injunction, is hereby fully acquitted and discharged for ever. Witness my hand this 22' Jany. 169i Teste ISAAC ARNOLD BEN]: YONGS- JOHN TUTTHlLL Ent' pr Benj: - JanY 22: I~i. [A bstract.] To all Christian People to whome these presents shall come, Samnell Youngs of Southold, Cordwinder, sendeth Greeting. Know Ye that I, Samuell Youngs, doe for the consideration of y' sum of eighteene pounds, give grant and sell unto John Tutthill Jun', a certaine tract or percell of Woodland Scituate within y' bounds of Southold in a place called by y' name of Oysterponds uper Neck by computation sixty acres, bounded West by John Tnthill Esquire-East by Abraham Youngs- South by y' highway-North by y' Sound. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 143 In confirmation thereof I have set my hand and seal this 1st day of September 1703. . Witnesses HENRY CASE SAMUELL X YOUNGs-the mark of STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged before-the day and year abovesaid- THOMAS MAPES. Ent' Octob' 27: 1703 pr Benj: Youngs, Recorder. PAGE 64. Henry Tutthill his right of land and meadow lying at Oysterpond in Curwins Neck (so called)- I. A second lott of meadow containing three acres more or less, bounded on y' South by John Tutthill Jun' and on y' West by Thomas Terry, the upland on the East. Also one halfe of the Hammock of upland adjoyning to s' meadow-y' is to say y' South east part of y' Hammock. 1690, Ent' pr Benj: Yo. [A bstract. ] To all Christian People to whome these presents shall come John Tutthill Sen' of Southold, send Greeting, Know Yee, That I the said John Tutthill for the love and naturall affection that I bear nnto my second son Henry Tutthill of y' s' town doe freely and absolutely give grant and confirme unto the s' Henry Tutthill the one halfe of seven acres of land more or less where my barn now standeth, the land of Samuell King on the east-the highway on the north-the land of John Tutt- hill J nnr on the West and Sonth, being as is supposed twenty pole more or less at the North end and eighteen pole more or less at the South end, and is so already staked out, and also one third part of my barns, and the <Jther two thirds after my decease. Also the one halfe 144 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. part of eightenne acres of land more or less, where my son Henry's house now standeth, the land of Samuel King on the east, and the land of John Tutthill Sen' on the West,-and the other halfe part of Sd eighteen acres at my decease, if not otherwise disposed of by me, the Sound on the North, and the highway Sonth.-Also the one halfe part of thirty acres of land end meadow more or less, bonnded by the land of Tl :>mas Terry and the highway on the North-the land of Samuel King on the West and Sonth, and a kreek between the meadow land of John Tutthill Jun' Easterly, reserving liberty to his brother John his heirs and assigns to fetch their hay or any thing else that shall grow on Sd land, they shutting up with care such barrs or gates as shall be made from time to time :-Also I doe give nnto my said son Henary foure acres of meadow more or less wholly bounded by the land of Edward Paty Sen' on the North, east and South, and the ditch or dam on the \V est :-Also one third part of land in the Oysterpond upper Neck lying between the lands of John Wiggins and Thomas Moore Farmer :-Also the one halfe part of fifty acres of land . . . . North Sea or Sound on the North the land of John Tutthill Jun' on the East-the highway on the South :-Also I do give unto my Sd son Henry free eagress and regress of my well, and to his heirs and assigns forever. Provided always and it is to be nnderstood that my son Henry shall not alinate sell. or dispose of any of the above mentioned to be given premises or any part or percell thereof dureing my nat- uralllife-And I doe freely and absolutely give grant and confirme unto my said son Henry his heirs and as- signs, after the decease of me the Sd John Tutthill, all the other halfes and third part of the above recited premises my said son Henry paying or causeing to be paid nnto my youngest Son Nathaniel Tutthill y' sum of ten pounds, at the expiration of fifteen years from the SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 14S date of these presents, or at the decease of me his father, which of them may last happen unless otherwise ordered by me. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 5th of May, 1690.- Memorandum. That the highway allowed to my son, John, to fetch his hay or any thing else that may grow on his land shall be free as there is expressed in In y sons deed viz: eight pole Southward from the kreek to the upland, and so to the comon- Memorandum. yt before the signing sealing and de. livery of these presents I give unto my son Henry a priviledge of a highway to the water side, as it is set forth in my deed to his brother John Tutthill, bearing date with these presents Witnesses, JOHN TUTTHILL JOHN TUTTHILL. ISAAC ARNOLD. Entd 10I. p' Benj: Yo. Rdr. [NoTE.-John Tuthill, Sen., son of Henry, is the first Tuthill of whom we have any knowledge as a settler and land.owner in Southold. He bought tbe home lot of George Miller in Feb., 1656. He was then 21 years old. His mother Bridget, widow of Henry, was probably living here about 1650, and her children, John and his sister Elizabeth,min_ ers with her. The mother Bridget married 1St Wm Wells, 1650 to 1653. John, Sen., in 1657 married Deliverance~KingJ a sister of Samuel, who after living next door to his brother- in-law John, in Southold, moved to Oysterponds and settled by the side of his friend. Of the father of John Senr's wife (said to be John) I can find no reliable data. That he was a man of broad and liberal views is shown in the general management and settlement of his children. He had had the judgment and good sense to satisfy and 10 146 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. please, while at the same time he ruled very decisively. He provided good homes for his sons as they severally mar~ ried; and here we find these recorded instruments, executed in 1690, when he was only 5S years old, dividing and shar- ing with his sons a large part of his estate. He made no will, but instead, without doubt, drew up these papers with his own hand, when in the prime of life, and so made his family comfortable and respected. He was never accused of any lack of duty or zeal in church matters, but was a puritan pure, without much outward demonstration. He and his son Chalker John, were both men of mark in their day. John, Sen., died in 1717, leaving sons, John, Henry, Daniel, and Nathaniel. For further particulars of his history, see PRINTED TOWN RECORDS, Vol. I. p.49.- J. W. C.] [Abstract.] PAGE 65. To all Christian people to who",e these presents may come Mr John Gardiner of y' Isle of whight in y' County of Suffolk Gent. sendeth Greeting. Know Yee, that I John Gardiner, have by these presents, in consideration of y' full sum of thirty one pounds bar- gained and sold unto Henry Tuthill of South old, yeo- man a certaine tract of land and meadow, lying and being in Southold being one second lott containing by computation one hundred acres, in a place known by y' name of the Oysterponds uper Neck-it is to be three thirds parts of a third lott of land formerly purchased by one Ralph Gouldsmith Sciteson of London marin' of Thomas Moore bounded on the West by y' land of Abra- ham Yongs-on y'South by y' Bay-on y' North by y' Sound-on y' East by y' land of Richard Browne and y' two first lotts, herein sold to Henery Tuthill afore- said is to be two full third parts of that third lotment of woodland and meadow purchased by Ralph Gould- smith of Thomas Moor y' said two thirds of a third lotment. SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 147 Witness my hand and seal this 7th September 1700 Witnesses ISAAC CORYE THOMAS RUSELL JOHN GARDINER [Seal] SAMUEL KING. Acknowledged the day & year above written before me, JOHN TUTHILL. Entd p' Benj: Yongs. Novemr y6 12th 1700. [Abstract.] To all whome it may concerne, Know Yee, that I, Isaac Overton of Southold husbandman, for the consid. eration of twelve pounds, have bargained and sold to Ebenezer Way a certaine piece and percell of meadow scituate and adjoyning to y' land of Pine Neck to y' Northward and to Samuel Huthinsons meadow to the Eastward and to y'salt water Southward, and to y' meadow of Lt. Joshua Horton westward. For confirmation hereof I have sett to my hand and seal y' 27th day of July 1711. Witnesses JOHN GOLDSMITH ISAAC J. OVERTON, his mark [Seal] MARY X GOLDSMITH lu,,,,..\: Acknowledged 22d Sept I71I, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice Entd y' lIth Novem' 1715. p' Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. PAGE 66. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come, Henry Case of Soutpold weaver, sendeth Greet- ing. Know Yee that I Henry Case doe, by these pres. ents, in consideration of six pounds, grant bargaine and sell unto William Halliock of South old, husbandman 148 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. seven acres or thereabouts, as it was laid out to a first lott scituate within the Township of Southold, bounded on y' East by William Halliock- West by Thomas Reeve Jun'-South by y' highway and North so fare as y' division of lotts doth extend. To y' confirmation of y' same I have hereunto set my hand and seal this I1'h day of August 1704. Witnesses, STEPHEN BAYLEY HENRY CASE [Seale] MARY BAYLEY Acknowledged y' 26th Sept' 1705, before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice Ent' feby. y' 20th 170i pr Benj: Youngs, Recdr. 1695 March I. Benj: Yo: his record of a second lott of upland, ob. tained of John Curwin Jun' by way of exchange (for a second lott of upland) lying and being, west of the Town and is bouded as followeth-to the land of Mr Hobart East, and to the land of Benj: Moor west, and to the highway South-and to the Long lane North [NoTE.-The "Long Lane" (or highway) extended, on the North Road, from the present residence of Horatio N. Booth at the~lhead of Tucker's Lane, to Cox's Lane, a short distance west of the house of Albert T. Goldsmith, some three miles distance.- J. W. C.] [A bst ract.] To all people, Know Yee that I, John Curwin of South old yeoman, in consideration of two first alott- ments of land assured to me by a deed under the hand and seale of J ohn Youngs doe give grant, bargaine and sell unto Benjamin Y onngs of Southold weaver, (brother of y' s' John Youngs) two first. alottments of land, scituate in Southold, by computation fifty acres, bounded on y' north by a highway-on y' east by y' SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 149 land of Joseph Reeve-on y' South by y' highway or Queens road, and on y' West by the land in y' posses- sion of Jacob Corye. In Witness wher.eof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale y' 12th dayof May, 1712. Witnesses. ELIZABETH E YOUNGS, her mark. BENJ: YOUNGS. JOHN CURWIN [Seal] Acknowledged this 14th day of May 1712, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice Ent' february y' 27th 17M. Pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. PAGE 67- [Abstract.] * To all Christian People, Know Yee, that I, David Youngs of Southold, Taylor, ill consideration of y' sum of five shillings, currant money to me in hand paid, by the persons that have builded a meeting House in y' Oysterpond lower Neck in y' s' Township, doe grant, bargaine and sell unto s' persons interested in y' sd meeting House, and to their heirs and successors soe long as they shall keep up y' said Meeting house-that is soe much land as the said Meeting House taks to stand upon, bounded West by Thomas Terrys land, South by y' highwaye and North and east by y' land of me the s' David Youngs,-and against the lawfull [* The small block described in this deed is the same that the Congregational Church in Orient now occupies, only that the grounds have been repeatedly enlarged by subsequent purchases. The lot was at the southwest cor. ner of the land of David Y Dungs, and the west side of the church was upon the east line of the homestead of Thomas Terry. The first church was succeeded by a second in 1818; and a third, of increased dimensions and of more architec- tural beauty, now graces the consecrated spot on which the church of Orient stands.-J. W. C.] 150 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. claimes and demands of all persons whatsoever for to warrant and forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this first day of January 17tl Before signing and sealing, the s' David \;oungs doth also consent and agree that the s' persons shall have the liberty and priviledge of halfe a pole width of land against the east end, and the North side, of y' s' meeting house, the s' persons fencing y' same. Witnesses. BEN]: YOUNGS DAVID YOUNGS [Seal] JONATHAN BAYLEY. Acknowledged the day and year above written be- fore me. BEN]: YOUNGS, Justice Peace. To all Christian People to whome these presents shall come Greeting, Know Yee that we Gideon Youngs & John Tuthill Sen' of y' Town of Southold in y' County of Suffolk, in y' Province of New York in America Husbandman, for and in consideration of y' sum of thirty and six shillings currant money of this province to us in hand paid by Mr John Tuthill of y' Town aforesaid Esqr, in behalfe of y' inhabitants of y' Oyster- ponds lower Neck before y' sealing and delivery of these presents, well and truly paid, the receipt whereof we doe hereby acknowledge and that we are therewith satisfied contented and paid; & thereof doe clearly acquit exonerate & discharge him the said Tuthill in behalfe of y' aforesaid Inhabitants & their successors forever by these presents, have given granted bargained and sold, and doe by these presents fully clearly & absolutely give grant bargaine sell alie.n enfeoffe & con_ firme unto him y' s' John Tuthill Esqr, & the rest of the Inhabitants of y' said Oysterpond lower Neck, to them their heirs execut", administrat' and assignes for SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 151 ever a highway of two rod wide, and about a hundred & thirty in length English measure, begining at the comon highway or roade, and bounded on ye West by y' lands of Samuel King & John Tuthill Sen', and on y' East by y' lands of Giden and J onathan Youngs; and soe it runs to the harbour or baye, nere the wind mill; with all & singular y' rights previlidges & appurten- ances whatsoever to y' said two rod of land in width & about a hundred and thirty in length belonging or any wise appertaining; and also all our right title interest possession property claime & demand whatsoever of us y' Sd Gideon Youngs & John Tuthill Senr in or to the same or any wise touching y' premises or any part or percell thereof, to have & to hold y' said land for y' use above mentioned with all and singular y' above granted and bargained premises unto y' Sd John Tuthill Esqr. and the rest of y' Inhabitants of y' said Oysterpond lower Neck; to them their heirs and assignes for ever -and wee y' said Giden Youngs & John Tuthill Sen' doe for our selfes our heirs execut' and administrat' covenant promise & grant to & with y' abovesaid John Tuthill Esqr & y' rest of y' above said Inhabi- tants, that they and every of their heirs execut" ad- ministrat' and assigns shall and may by virtue of these presents from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter have hold occupy improve or exchange for the same use without allY let hindrance trouble mo- lestation or objection of us y' said Gideon Youngs & John Tuthill or any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or demanding y' Same or any part thereof, Provided always & it is hereby to be under- stood that y' said Inhabitants are to maintaine or keep in repair y'said highway any act to y' contrary not- withstanding. In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set our 152 hands and fixed our seales in South old this 25 of Aprill in y' year one thousand seven hundred and five. Signed sealed & delivered JOHN TUTHILL [Seal] in presence of us GIDEON YOUNGS [Seal] JOSHUA HOBART JOSHUA HORTON. Southold y' 29 of May 1705. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. The within named Gideon Youngs and John Tuthill Sen' then appeared personally before me and acknow 1- edged y' within writen instrument to be their free and voluntary act and deed. THOMAS YOUNGS Justice. Entd Novem' the 11th 1708. p' Benj: Youngs Town Clerk [NOTE.-For forty years and mote, the inhabitants of the Oysterponds, who had occasion to take their produce to the harbor, and to get from vessels their lumber and other wares, and from the store such goods as their needs at that time required, had used a common cart.path, running mostly on the land of 1St Gideon Y cungs, and cumbered with gates and bars. The people in '705 conclnded to remedy this great inconvenience, and with the energetic aid of John Tuthill, Jun., bought and opened this two-rod way.-J. W. C.] PAGE 68. Memorandm * In South old Sepb' y' 29th day 1712. We the subscribers was then chosen by John Conke- I yne and Joseph Conkel yne J u' both of Southold to [* 2d John Conklin, son of 1St John of Hashamomack, was born in England in 1630. He marrif':d Sarah, widow of WID Salmon, in 1657; left sons John and Joseph; he died in 1694; in his will he gives his landed estate to his two grandsons, John and Joseph, his own sons John and Joseph to have the use during their lives. Whether these two grandsons were brothers or cousins does not appear. In SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 153 <:Iivide all y'lands lately in y' possession of their Grand- father Capt. John Conkelyne deceased according to y' direction given by y' last will and testament of him the said Capt Conkelyne which is performed as followeth viz' flirst, the lands called in y' said Will (my home lands) is divided by runing a line from a black oak tree marked next y' harbour or baye northerly over y' old field to a swamp where there is a whit oak tree marked a small distance westward of a fence that now runeth into y' said swamp, and from y' said marked whit oak tree on a straight line northerly to about middle way between y' two dwelling houses on y' said home lands; and soe northerly on a straight line to a white Oak Tree marked neare y' highwaye; alwaies excepting & hereby it is excepted, that all y' meadow lying by y' side of pipe stave neck and up to y' Swamp at y' head of the said meadow with a convenancy of upland to y' side of y' s' meadow, as it is now marked out, shall be alwaies belonging to the Westward part of y' said home lands; and also a waye to y' said Meadow where it shall be most convenant for y' said Joseph Conkelyne & his heirs to cart his hay, or other waies to pass to & from y'said Meadow, and least hurtfull to ye Eastward 1712 the estate was divided between these two grandsons, in the manner named in this instrument. John lived and died on his east half part, which was the homestead of 2d John (and probably of Sinderland and Salmon also). About 1780 Long House John Conkling sold his farm. It now belongs to the estate of the late LawyerWm Wickham. Lieut. Joseph went on to his west half part. Capt. Jo- seph (son of Lieut. Joseph) married Sarah, daughter of 2d Joseph Wickham. She afterwards married Rev. Benj: Goldsmith. Capt. Joseph died in 1756 in possession of the farm. He left two daughters, Helen and Sarah. Helen died young, unmarried. Sarah married \Vm Albertson in '779, and the lands through her have till recently been in the possession of the Albertsons.-J. W. C.] 154 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. part of y' home lands; and whereas there is a parcell of creekthatch upon the Southward part of y' said home lands, it is divided as followeth viz: from y' first mentioned Black oak tree, the nearest that a line can be run into y' pond Southward and soe taking into y' s' west part all y' Creek thatch that is lying Southward and upon the Beach between the runing into y' s' pond, and y' creek that runs out of y' said Pond, with a small Island of Creek thatch lying neare y' mouth of, or run- ing out of y' said pond, The eastward part of the said home lands divided as is above ex prest, is y' halfe part of y' home lands belonging unto y' s' John Conkelyne according to y' direction of y' said will; and ye west- ward part of ye said home lands divided by the lines above said, is ye lands belonging to the said Joseph Conkelyne according to y' direction of y' said will. Secondly: that percell of land cailed four Scoure acres is divided equally in quantity length waies; the said John Conkelyne is to have y' Southward halfe part next to pipe-stave neck; and y' Northward halfe part of the said eighty acres is y'said Joseph Conkelynes land; and that percell of land lying between y' land of Providence Rider on y' west & David Cory his land on y' east is the said John Conkelynes land, and also four- teen acres of land next Thomas Moors; with nine acres in Dismall; Thirdly, the loti of land lying Eastward of David Corys land called the great lott; with that lott of land lying next Jonathan Moors farme is y' lands of y' said Joseph Conkelyne. Fourthly y' lands in y' first division of acquabauk-Iands being four lotls; is divided as followeth: the two westermost of y' s' lotls; ye said John Conkelyne hath for his part in y' said first division lying twixt y' land of Thomas Terry on y" west and Daniell Curwin on y' east; and ye said Jo- seph Conkelyne hath for his part of y' land in the said first division, the two eastward lotts in y' s' division SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [55 ~ lying twixt the land of Joseph Swazey Jun' west, & Jacob Howell East; and y' land in y' second division being two lotts is divided in equal quantity from the north Sea to the river; as it is lying between y' land of Simon Ramsey on y' west, and the land of Jasper Grif- fing on the East; and y' Sd John Conkelyne hath y' westward halfe part of y' Sd two lotts; and y' said J 0- seph Conkel yne hath y' Eastward halfe part of y' Sd two lotts.-ffifthly, y' meadow lying at acquabauk on both sides peaconneck river is divided as followeth, the meadow called Brushes Meadow on y' North side of said river, with a point of meadow on y' South side of y' said river lying twixt y' meadow of Mr Joshua Wells Southerly and y' meadow of Thomas Terrill northerly; and also a small percell of meadow lying Southerly of the said Mr Wells his meadow being about one acre as it extends to a whit oak tree marked, is one halfe part of y' Sd meadows; which Sd halfe part the said Joseph Conkelyne hath for his halfe part of y' Sd mea- dows; and y' s' John Conkelyne hath for his halfe part of y' Sd meadows, all y' meadows at y' great meadows on y' North side y' Sd river that belong to y' s" Conke- lynes, and y' remainder of y' meadows on y' south side of y' Sd River not divided to y' other halfe. The lands & meadows as they are above divided is according to y' best of our judgment; and are soe taken by y' parties concerned as witness our hands this tenth day of November Anno Domini 1712. JAMES REEVE SAMUEL HUTHlNSON SAMUEL CONKELYNE BEN]: YOUNGS Entd Decemb' 30th [7[2. pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. 156 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 69. [Abstract.] To all to whome these presents shall come, I John Y ongs of Southold, send Greeting. Know Ye y' I y' s" John Y ongs for the naturall affection I doe bear unto my daughter Deborah, now the wife of Thomas Long- worth of y' Town aforesaid, Carpenter, have given, and by these presents doe give, grant and confirme unto Thomas Longworth, husband to my said daughter, eight acres of Land lying and being in y' Town plott of Southold, together with the now dwelling house, orchard, garden, fenc & fencing thereon standing or ly- ing, bounded by John Patty West-Joseph Patty East -the highways North and South, together with one lott of comonage, upon the conditions following, that is to say, that the said Thomas Longworth shall not himselfe. nor by any power derived from him, sell alinate or grant or convey any of y' above mentioned premises given unto him in dowry with my daughter Deborah, his now wife as aforsaid, but it shall be and remain unto her and the children of her body forever- he y' s" Thomas Longworth onely having the improve- ment and benefit thereof during his natural life. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15th day of April 1685. Witnesses, ISAAC ARNOLD JOHN YONGS MARY ARNOLD. Purchased of Colonel Y ongs by way of exchange one lott of Woodland containing twenty five acres more or less lying and being West of the Town butting and bounded as followeth to the North sea or Sound North to the long Lane South to the land of Barnabas Wines East, and to the land of said Y ongs \Vest. Ent" pr Benj: Yo Rdr Feb. 19. 1/5g5. SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 157 PAGE 70. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come. Gershom Terry of Southold, sendeth Greeting, Whereas John Terry of Southold yeoman, and brother of him the said Gershom doth claim as his right the several parcells of land, meadow and creekthatch as followeth: that is to say-one lott of land by computa- tion twentyfive acres lying between the land of late Mordecai Homans, now of Abigail Tomson and y' land late of Thomas Hunter decd:-Also two alotments of land in Hog Neck by computation twelve acres:- Also one first lott of meadow on the South side Pea- conneck River, and one lott of Creekthatch at Catchauge flats :-Also, one home lott now in y' possession of Rich- ard Steer :-and eight acres joyning to PetLr Dickesons land. And also one lott of comonage in the said Town, And whereas it is thought that y' Sd John Terry hath nota sufficient right and title for y' same. Therefore Know Yee that he y' Sd Gershom Terry, in consideration of a certaine sum of money paid by Sd John Terry, doth by these presents clearly and absolutely remise release and forever quit claim unto the s' John Terry all such right title and interest, he the Sd Gershom Terry had, or ought to have, of in or to the above mentioned lands and premises. Memorandum: Before signing and sealing hereof the Sd Gershom Terry doth remise and release all his inter- est, right & title to two acres of land in y' Calves Neck: two acres of meadow in Catchauge meadows, and one acre of land in y' old field, unto y' said John Terry. Witnesses Dated 24th August 1714. MATTHIAS HUTCHINSON GERSHOM TERRY BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged the day & year above written before me BENJ: YOUNGS, Justice Entd y' 19th of Novem. 1714 pro Benj. Youngs, Town Clerk. 158 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Suffolk County- Southold June the 13th 1760. Then Mr Samuel Wells of s' Southold came before me Robert Hempsted one of his majesties Justices of the Peace for said County and being sworn upon the Holy Evangelest declared that he the said Samuell Wells and his wife Bethiah who was daughter to Mr David Gardiner and Bethiah his wife-did in the life time of her the said Bethiah Wells and by her free consent and signing theirto as a partie-for a valuable <:onsideration sell and convaye and well and truly exe- cute unto Mr Nathanael Wells a legal bill of sale for one lott of Lands with the appertenances scituate at Aquabague in s' South old in the second Devision of Lands or 10Us their ad joyning West to the Land of Mr John Griffing East to said Wells his own lands North to the Sound, & South to the bay or peconick River so called Sworn before me ROBERT HEMPSTED Justice Attest SAMUELL WELLS Entr' in Southold this 14th day of June 1760. p' Robert Hempsted, Town Clerk So:hold July th7 1760. Capt Daniel Wells of s' South old being duly sworn, Testifieth that he very well knoweth that Mr Youngs Wells did in the time of his life for a valuable consi- deration give a firm deed of sale for all his part of a Swamp called Cedar Swamp :-unto Mr Nathanael Wells his heirs & assigns. s' Swamp lyeth aU aqu- bague in the loine between the lands of him the said Youngs Wells and s' Nathanael Wells and is aboute three quarters of a mile Southerly of the Kings rhoade in Saw Mill Brook Neck so called Testified pr me. DANIEL WELLS Sworn before me the day and year above written. RB' HEMPSTED, Justice. 159 Ent' So:hold July 7 1760 pr Rt Town Clerk. Note the occation of the two above written oaths be- ing taken and entred in this Book is the house of y' above named Nathanael Wells was on y' 18th day of May last burnt down, and his deeds for his lands & meadows consumed in y' fire as is said. Test. pro ROBERT HEMPSTED Justice. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 71. Richard Brown Jun' his Land and Meadow in Oys- terpond neck. I. A second lott by estimation ninety acres more or less, bounded with the land of Collone! Yo: on the east, and on the west with the land of Ralph Goldsmyth the Sound on the North, & the Harbor on the South. Z. One second lotI of meadow containg three acres more or less, bounded with the land of Gideon Y ong on the South, and with his meadow on the North, and with the meadow of Collonel Y ongs on the West, and east with the kreek. [NorE.--This entry probably about ,686-7, when his father died.-J. W. C.] [AbstracL] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come, I, Rich' Brown of Southold, yeoman, send Greet- ing Know Ye, that I the s' Richard Brown, being in perfect memory, doe give devise, grant and confirme unto my well beloved friend and brother in law John Tutthill of s' Southold all and singular my lands and plantation, houses, barnes, stables, orchards gardens. building and other hereditaments to the same belong- ing, lying in Oysterpond Lower Neck or elsewhere with all commons and comon of pasture, together with all cattle chattles and other stocks, utensells and other 160 SOUTHULD TOWN RECORDS. appurtinances thereunto in any wise belonging, unto him the s' John Tutthil! his executors administrators or assigns for and during the space of one thousand years to begin from the day of the date hereof, to be completed and ended upon special! trust and confidence nevertheless, and to and for the uses and trust and pur- poses hereafter mentioned, and no other. That is to say, that he the s' John Tutthill his heirs or assigns shall permitt and suffer me the s' Richard Brown and Hana my now wife to have hold and enjoy all the above recited premises dureing my naturalllife :-And I the s' Richard Brown doe hereby covenant and agree to and with the s' John Tutthill, his heirs, that I will not part from or dispose of any part of the given premises, with- out the advice consent and free will of the s' John Tutthill; and if any such thing should happen, then it may be lawfull for the s' John Tutthill to make the [same] void :-And shall likewise permitt and suffer (after my decease) that my well beloved wife Hannah Brown shall have, possess and enjoy all my now dwell- ing house, and one halfe of my now planted Orchard during her naturall life-and also all and singular my goods, chattles, utensells household stuff, implements, and all things whatso<;,ver of what nature or kinde so- ever can be found after my decease~And shall likewise permit and suffer my beloved wife Hanah at or before her death to give and dispose thereof as she shall see meet, provided it be to the children of our bodies, or to so many as shall then be liveing-And upon further speciall trust and confidence, the. said John Tutthill shall permitt and suffer my eldest son Richard, his heirs or assigns to have hold and enjoy five acres of land at the Tobaccoe ground, next the meadow, the cherry tree the South east corner, and so North such a bredth as will make up five acres, and to runn west from the Creek to the land of Gedion Y ongs : SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 16r Also the one halfe of forty acres, bounded Southeast by his own land-Northwest by the coman highway- and Northeast by John Tutthill Sen' and Southwest by Gedion Youngs :-And all that meadow known by the name of Samuel Kings meadow:-and also one third part of all my lands and meadows within the Town ship of Southold, quantity and quality considered, which premises together with what my son Richard is already possesed on shall be his full share part and portion :-And shall likewise permitt and suffer my second son Jonathan Brown peaceably to hold and en- joy fiye acres of land where his own barn now standeth, the land of John Tutthill Ju' on the East--the highway North, and the land of Walter Brown West-to run from the coman highway South down to the Creek. leaving a sufficient highway:-And also one halfe of fourty acres of land bounded Southeast by his own land -Northwest by the coman highway,-Northeast by the land of John Tutthill Sen' and Southwest by the land of Gedion Y ongs :-and also a second lott of mea- dow at Ocquabauke-and also one third part of all my lands and meadow withi.. the bounds of Southold, which premises, together with what my s' son Jonathan is already possesed on, shall be his full share part and portion :-And shall likewise permitt and suffer my third son William Brown his heirs and assigns peaceably and quietly to have hold and enjoy one piece of land con- taining one hundred acres which I bought of John Conckline and whereon his now dwelling hous now standeth, bounded by the 1: nd of Sam1 King Easterly- the meadows of me the s' Richard Brown and Nathaniel Moor Southerly and the land of Nathaniel Moor West- erly-and also the full two thirds of my meadow bought of John Curwin Sen' which afore recited premises Shall be his full shear part and portion :-And shall likewise permit and suffer my fourth and last son Walter Brown 11 r62 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. peaceably to hold and enjoy and possess all my home stall, vi2, houses, barns, stables, cellars orchards and gardens during my, myne and my wifes naturall life, together with all the lands, that is to say, West of the lane to the pond by the North Sea, and so down to y' beach North and West-and on the South down to the Creek by the land of Walter Brown so far East as until! he comes to a great white oak tree southeast. And from thence to the comon highway Northerly four pole East ward of the Barn, the land of Jonathan Brown on the East as also all the land and meadow where the Mil! now standeth reserveing a sufficient highway for all my sons & their heirs forever-they shutting the barrs or gate :-as also a second lott of meadow at Plum gutt:- and also one third part of all my lands and meadows within the bounds of Southold, which premises together with what my son Walter is already possessed of shall be his full shear part, and portion &c; as also one piece of land adjoyning to the Tobaccoe ground containing twelve acres, the Creek on the east-the meadow called Sam' Kings meadow, and the land of Richard Brown Jun, on the North-and on the North west and West by the land of Gidion Y ongs.- And upon further trust and confidence in case my sons, Richard, J ollathan and Walter shall not agree upon the equal division of the lands and meadows, be- for mentioned, that then the s' John Tutthill, shall nominate and appoynt so many men as to him or them shall seem convenient for the doeing of the same, he the s' John always to be one, and upon such division my eldest son Richard always to have his first choice: -and upon further trust and confidence in him the s' John Tutthill that he shall doe and use his uttermost endeavour to keepe peace and unity among my Sd sons, and to prevent all sutes and controversies in the law as much as in him lyeth ;-And upon further trust and SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 163 confidence in him the said John Tutthill his executors or assigns that they shall permit and suffer my daughter Mary, heirs or assigns to hold and enjoy an equal shear part and portion out of moveable estate equal with any of her sisters already married, if it be not done before mine or my wifes decease; and also to payor cause to be paid unto my eldest son Richard Brown his heirs out of my moveable estate the full sum of fourteen pound ten shillings in New England mony if not don before our decease:- All which Sd lands, houses, goods, chattles and prem- ises, I the said RichardBrown have put the said John Tutthill in full and peacable possession by the gift and delivery of one silver peice of mony called six pence, which to the Sd John Tutthill the day of the date of these presents in the name . . . . . . . . possession and seizin of all and singular the premises for the uses intents and purposes above expressed In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this lit!' day of February 1684- Witnesses, the muk of JOlIN YONGS RICHARD 1. BROWN ISA: ARNOLD Acknowledged the day and year aforesaid before me. /JOHN YONGS Entd pr Benj: Yo. Marh 3 day 16<)4. PAGE 73. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this eighth day of November one thousand seven hundred and fourteene, Between Richard Brown of South old yeoman on the one part and John Reeve of Sd Town carpenter of the other part, \Vitnesseth that the Sd Richard Brown in consideration of y' sum of five pounds hath bargained and sold, and by these presents doth fully and clearly bargain and 164 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. sell unto the s' John Reeve, All that his right of and in all one halfe part of a certain percell of meadow lying at Catchange great meadows formerly called Browns Meadows-that is to say:-that halfe part which is ly- ing next unto the meadow of Jonathan Horton. In witness whereof he hath hereunto set his hand and seal Witnesses SAMUEL KING GIDEON YOUNGS ... RICHARD R BROWN [Seal] " A. B. ANNA BROWN 4th Octo. 1715. Acknowledged before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice Ent' y' 14th October 1715. pr Benj: Y Gungs. Town Cler. Daniel Y ongs, his record 1699. [Abstract.] Purchased of Jonathan Brown one first lot of mea- dow, one acre and halfe at Oysterponds Lower Neck bounded Westerly by NathI More-South by meadow formerly of John Y ongs dec' Ent' 3 Aug. 1699 pr Benj: Y ongs Recorder * Thomas Turril of South old aged Sixty years being duly Sworn testifyeth that aboute twenty years agon or more his father hired a meadow of Peter Dickeson for to mow; which s' meadow is lying at acquabauk on y' Westward side of Deep Creek (soe called) in y' said Town, and that his s. father did goe with him y' s. Thomas Turrel to ye Sd Dickesons meadow and shewed him the bounds between the s. meadow and the mea- dow of John Reeve; and now lately at y' request of Elisha Reeve the s' Thomas Turrel has been to shew [* 1st Thomas Terrell came to America with William Salmon in 1635; the family always remained in the town. Esquire Barnabas, who died in 1791, was the last one. Their old homestead was that more recently occupied by Wm Pike, Esq., of Mattituck, then by his son Henry, and now by his son Wm Henry Pike.-J. W. C.] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 165 the s' bounds unto y' s' Elisha Reeve, and doth say that the sallie bound tree formerly shewed to him by his father is now Standing and marked as it was with P.: which s' tree is a black Oak and standeth on y' eastward part of y' s' meadow late of Peter Dickeson and further saith not. THOMAS TURREL The above named Thomas Turrel made oath to y' truth of y' above written affidavit this 23' day of May 1729, before me Benj: Youngs Justice peace PAGE 74. Jonathan Brown his Record 1699 [Abstract.] J ona. Browne hath purchased of Daniell Youngs one first lot of meadow containing one acre & halfe now in y' possession of Daniell Youngs. Entered August 3, 1699, pr Benj. Youngs, Rec. [Abstract.] To all Christian people r, Richard Brown Se' of Southold, Yeoman, send Greeting. Know Ye that for the love r bear to my second son Jonathan, of Southold r have given, and by these presents doe give and grant unto my said son Jonathan the land his now dwelling house stands on, and the one halfe of my lott of Land called the Rocky Lott-bounded on the East by the land of Richard Brown Jun'--the Sound North-the highway South-and the highway or lane Westerly:- Also ten acres of land adjoyning to the Hog sty neck, bounded by the land of John Tutthill Sen' Northerly- the Creek Easterly-and the land of Richard Brown Jun' Southerly so high as the fence now stands West- erly-(excepting one and a halfe acre if I see cause to make use of it):-And I doe further give and grant unto my s' son Jonathan free egress and regress of high- ways, and other privileges of comonage and cutting of wood on my whole intrest and right, of and to all my 166 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. priviledges of lands in the Town ship of Southold pro. portionable to this my deed of gift. Witness my hand and seal this 20th January 1684- Witnesses JOHN TUTTHILL ... Is' ARNOLD RICHARD X BROWN. " The day and year aforesaid acknowledged before me JOHN YONGS. Entd Pr Benj: Y. 8 March 1694. PAGE 75. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come, Barnabas ,Vines 01 Southold sends Greeting, Know Yee, that I Barnabas Wines, in consideration of the sum of ten shillings, together with the reall love, good will and naturall effection I have for my daughter Sary y' wife of Eliazar Luce, do give grant and demise unto y' Sd Eliazar luce, for the more comfortable support of him y' [Sd] luce, and his wife, my daughter, and their children. A certain tract of Woodland, by computa- tion two hundred acres lying in Elizabeth Town, East Jersey, entered in y' Sd Town Book of Records Number B. p. 20. bounded by a stake planted by y' edge of a swamp called y' Great Swamp-running thence S.'V. one hundred and fifty rods to a stake-from thence N.W. two hundred rods to a walnut tree marked on four side-from thence N.E. one hundred and sixty [rods] to a stake-then S.E. two hundred rods to the first stake; and is bounded Northwest by the land of Benjamin Price, and Northeast, Southeast and South- west by land left for high ways. Witness my hand and seal this 2I't day of April 1708. Witnesses, JACOB COREY ABIGAIL COREY BARNABAS WINDS [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY. April! y' 24th 1708, acknowledged before me- THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd Oct. y' 20th 1739. Pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 167 John Curwin, his Record. . And his right of comonage is a third lotto I. His home lott is by estimation four acres bounded West with the land of Jonathan Horton, and East with y' land of Sarah Y ongs. 2. Eighteen acres of Land West with the Lane y' goes to Jonathan Hortons land, bounded east with the land of Mr Tho' Moor. 3. Twenty two acres lying West of Jonathan Hor. tons North sea lott, fifteen whereof purchased of John Budd and seven of Samuel Y ongs. 4. Twenty one acres lying on the N orthside formerly the lal1d of John Pekens East, and John Herbert West 5. A third lott of meadow lying at Toms-kreek John Budd his land on the South, and Benj: Y ongs his mea. dow north 6. A percell of meadow lying at Toms Kreek head by the beach 7. A second lott of meadow lying in Pine Neck, bounded West with the meadow of Mr Elton, and on the North with the land of Mr Hobart. 8. One acre of meadow lying on the South side Goose kreek bounded on the West with the meadow of Sam' ,Vines. 9. His land lying on the south side Hogneck is a third lott-by estimation nine acres more or less, bounded on the North with the land of Barnabas Winds. 10. A second lott of land lying at Mattatuck, butting to the highway, the land formerly Mr Wells on the West. 1 I. His Meadow lying South side the River is four sh ars. 12. Also a second lott of meadow lying at the Deep Kreek at Ocquabauk, the meadow formerly Jeremiah Vales on the North. Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. 168 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [NoTE.-Lot NO.7 above is now owned by George Miller Howell. John Curwin was the son of Matthias, who died in 1658. The home lot above named is that of his father Matthias opposite the Presbyterian church and parsonage. -J. W. C.] PAGE 76. [Abstract.] To all Christian People Greeting, Know Yee that I Matthias Cunvin of Southold Yeoman, in consideration of twenty three pounds to me paid by Samuel Swasye of s' South old do give grant, bargain and sell to y' s' Samuel Swasye, All that ten acres of laud situate at Acquabauk, bounded on y' West by Peter Hal,liock- North and East by Jacob Osman-South by Jacob Osman and a highwaye. In .Vitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26th day of April 1714- Witnesses. JOSIAH YOUNGS MATTHIAS CORWIN [Seal] PETER SIMONS. y. day above written acknowledged before me SAMUEL HUCHlNSON, Justice Ent' y' 9th febY In! pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk- [For Note on "Curwin," see Appendix.-J. W. C.] Memorandum. Upon y' 25th of May 1703 Joseph Swazey Sen' and Gershom Oldrege having mutually agreed concerning ye deviding and bounding of their land which are joyning one to y' other--which said lands was formerly y' possession of John Swazey de- ceased and by him y' s' John Swazey given to y' s' Joseph and Gershom as by y' last will of y' deceased may more at large appear, which division and bounds are as followeth viz: The line between y' said Joseph & Gersham is to runn from a bound tree now marked by y' s' parties SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. I~ neare the west side of y' s' land to a new fence sett from y' east side of y' s' land opposite against y' s' bound tree; which soe run from y' '.Vest bound to y" East, will leave y' s' Oldriges house about seven or .eight poles to y' N orthard of y' said line. Ent' pr Benj: Youngs, y' day and year abovesaid. [Abstract. ] To all Christian people, Know Ye that I Jacob Os- man of Southold, Yeoman, in consideration of forty five shillings, to me paid, do by these presents grant and sell unto Samnel Swazey of Southold Yeoman two acres of Land lying at Acquabauk, being in length eighty poles, and in bredth four poles-bounded Westerly by the land formerly given by my honored father Thomas Osman dec' unto my brother John Osman dec'-on y' North, East and South by y'land of me y' s' Jacob Osman. Witness my hand and seal this 20' February 17H. Witnesses JONATHAN HAVEKS JONATHAN HUDSON JACOB OS)IAN [Seal] Acknowledged 2' Feby 17M before me BENJAMIN YOUXGS Justice. Ent' y' 3' Feby 17'1 Pr Benjamin Youngs Town Clerk. Know all men by these presents that I Samuel Swasey doe assigne over all my right title and interest to y' within [foregoing] deed unto Jonathan Hudson of Shelter Island. Witness my hand and seal this 2' Feby I7It. Witnesses JACOB OSMAN SAMUEL SWASEY [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS Entd y' 3d FebY 17It- Pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. 170 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 77. [Abstract.] To all people &c. Know Yee that I, Samuel Swazey of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, flax dresser in consid- eration of a sum of money to me paid, doe bargaine and sell unto John Swazey of Southold, husbandman, All my right of meadow lying in Acquabauk, called Hortons meadow, bounded on y' North by y' meadow of y' said John Swazey-on y' east by y' upland-on y' South the beach or bay-the Creek on the West: In \Vitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 23<1 day of November 1711- \Vitnesses CHRISTOPHER YOU~GS SA:-lUEL SWAZY [Seal] JOSIAH YOUXGS- 24 Nov I7IJ. acknowledged before me, . THmIAS J\IAPES Ent' Jany 4th 17* pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 78. [Abstract.] To all people to whom these presents shall come, I Benjamin L'Hommedieu of Southold, Merch' send Greeting \Vhereas Richard Brown, late of South old Yeoman dec' is by his obligation bound unto Francis Brinley of Newport Road Island J\Iercht in the sum of Sixty pounds :-and as y' said sum of sixty pounds, with interest, is satisfied and paid unto me, attorney to ye said Francis Brindley, which said obligation is lost and cannot be found: Now Know all men by these presents, that I as attorney, doe hereby remise, release and quitclaime unto the heirs and executors of y' said Richard Brown dec' the recited obligation, and all such sums of money as are therein mentioned to be due :-And I covenant and promise the executors and administrators 01 y' s' Richard Brown decd that if I SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 17J at any time hereafter doe find y' s' recited obligation, I will restore and deliver the same to the executors or administrators of y' s' Richard Brown dec'.- Witness my hand and seal this 23' February 17ft. Witnesses JOHN TUTHILL BENJ: YOUNGS. BENJAMIN LHOMMEDIEU [Seal] Ent' Octob' 7: 17 I 2. Pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. [NOTE.-Benjamin L'Hommcdieu was a Huguenot from Rochelle, France. \Vas a merchant; his house and his store were upon the corner of the Town Street and the Harbor Lane. He died in '748, aged 92 years.-J. W. C.] [Abstract. ] Know all men by these presents, that I, Richard An- drews of S' Croix in the West Indies and now in the Township of Southold, do constitute and appoint my trusty and loving friend Ezra L'hommedieu of Southold Yeuman, my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name and stead to sell and dispose of a certain dwelling house and tract of land att Sterling Harbour in South- old--about one half acre which I bought of Constant Booth and to give a good and lawful deed therefor. \Vitness my hand and seal this 30th day of October 1764. Wittlesses, THOS YONGS THOMAS FANNING- A true copie Acknowledged 30 Octo 1764. before me, THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. RICHARD ANDREUS [Seal] Entre' this 27th May 1765 pr Rob' Hempsted Town Cleric. [NoTE.-This is the first mention made of Ezra L'Hom- medieu, a lawyer of good repute, and holding high offices -named on another page.-J. W. C.] 172 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 79. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye yt I, Thomas Moor Sen' of Southold doe, in consideration of twenty pounds by me received, bargain and sell unto Thomas Goldsmyth of Southold, A certain tract of upland, fifty acres by computation lying nere the Fresh Mea- dows, within the Old Town plott, bounded North and South by the two highways-on y' east by Thomas Longworth-west by Jonathan Horton :-and also a second lott division of kreekthatch containing one acre and a halfe, lying eastward of Pools Neck, nere y' midle -of the kreek. Witness my hand and seal this 5th day of April 1688. Witnesses STEPHEN BAILY RICHD FRENCHAM SAMUEL YONGS- Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [Abstract. ] Know all men by these presents yt I, John Yongs of Southold for a valuable consideration to me paid, doe grant and sell unto Thomas Gouldsmyth of South old <:ooper, one first lott of Woodland containing Twenty five acres lying in Southold bounded on y' West by s' Goudsmyth (land purchased of Mr Thomas Moor) on y' East by Joshua Horton-North and South by the highways- And for the confirmation of the premises I have sealed and subscribed this writing, this 13th day of May 16g0. Witnesses JONATHAN HORTON JOSHUA SYLVESTER GERSHOM TERRY- Acknowledged before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. THOMAS MOORE JOHN YONGS Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [Abstract.] This Indenture made y' 14th day of March 16gg, be. tween Samuell Wines of South old labourer, and Mary , SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 173 his wife of y' one party, and Thomas Goldsmith of the said Town Cooper, of y' other party Witnesseth that the said Samuell Wines in consideration of a competent sum of money to him paid, doth by these presents grant, bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Gouldsmith one halfe of a first lott comonage or comon land in y' old Towne bounds as it now lyeth in com on to y' respective inhabitants of Southold together with all woods, mea- dows, pastures &c In Witness whereof I have hereunto set. my hand and seal the day and year above written. Witnesses THOMAS MAPES JOHN GOULDSMITH. SAMUELL WINES [Seal] .m MARY X WINES [Seal] 4 April 17oa-Acknowledged before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice- Entd May the 30th 1700, pr Benj: Y ongs, Recorder. PAGE 80. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that I, William Mapes of Southold, Yeoman, in y' consideration of seven pounds ten shillings, to me in hand paid, do grant and sell unto Isaac Howell and Jacob Howell one piece and percell of meadow lying at Ackabauck-bounded South by y' deep Creek-north by a Stake in the narroIVs- East by y' meadow of John Youngs, and West by y' meadows of y' said Howells, containing by estimation three acres. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of March 17M. Witnesses JAMES HORTON WILLIAM MAPES [Seal] JONATHAN HORTON- Acknowledged the day and year above written before me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Entd y' 27th Octob' I7J 5. pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. 174 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] Whereas John Y ongs late of South old deceased mari- ner, did in y' time of his life verbelly sell unto William Wells Esq' late of South old dee' a certain percell of meadow lying at a place called y' fresh meadows, bounded on y' South by y' meadow of Richard Terry East and West by y' upland and running to a point in the North, which meadow was formerly in y' posses- sion of Authur Smith and by him conveyed unto Mrs Margaret Y ongs, widow and relict of Mr Joseph Y ongs, mariner dee' Now Know Ye that I Joseph Yongs, yeo- man (son and heir unto y'said Joseph and Margarett Y ongs) do hereby resigne up to y' heirs and assignes of y' s' William Wells whatsoever claime of right title and interest I have or may any manner of way seme to have to the abovesaid meadow-Witness my hand and seal this 23 Dee' 1700. \Vitnesses, WILLIAM TURNER BEN]: YONGS- JOSEPH YONGS [Seal] y. day and year above written acknowledged before me. THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' febru' y' 10th I7of. pr Benj: Yongs Reed'. PAGE 81. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that we the sub- scribers being owners of the undevided Lands and mea. dows in Southold, in consideration of the sum of five pounds to us in hand paid, do by these presents give, grant bargain and sell unto Peter Bakuss of Southold, all such right title and interest, as we have or ought to have, of, in, or to Two small pieces of comon lands and the stripes of meadows adjoyning, being in Great Hog- neck-except a Conveynancy for washing sheep: Con- taining by estimation three acres: One of the said pieces is bounded Easterly and Southerly by the highway- Westerly by the land of John Alliboon-Northerly by the crick the other piece is bounded Easterly by the Sd John Aliboon-Southerly by the highway-Westerly by Solomon Reeve and Northerly by the crick. In 'Vitness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our hands and seals this 12th day of July 1744. Witnesses, WILLIAM CASE MARY HUTCHIXSON- Rites 14-RICHARD TERRY [Seal] " Io-BEK]Al\IIN HUTCHINSON" .6 in meadow 15 in lands-ELIJAH HUTCHESON Rites 3-ZEBULOX HALLOCK " 2-RoBERT HDII'STED " It-THOMAS GOLDsmTH " I=--- JONATHAN HORTON t. I-URIAH TERRY " 3-SA:\ILL TERRY- ., " 7-SA)ILL REEYE- " " 3- JONATHAN HORTON Sen' ,. 3-FREEGIFT WELLS- " 6-DANIEL HULL- I-HENRY 'VELLS- JOHN COREY- 'VILLIA)I HORTON- JAMES HORTON- JOSEPH HORTON- 2-JOHN BUDD-- I-'VILLIA'I SAUIOX- 16- JOHN GOLDS'lITH- Ent' January 30, 1755. pr Rob' Hempsted, Tawil ,Clerk. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. " " " " " " " " " 175 " " " " " " " Nathaniel Moore his Record. I. His home lott is by estimation eight acres more or 176 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. less, bounded east by the land of Symon Grover, and West by Mr Hobart his land.* 2. Also a second lott in Oysterpond Lower Neck, containeing One hundred acres marc or less, bounded on the West by the land of Ed ward Paty and east by the land of Richard Brown . . 3. Also four first lotts of meadow, adjoyning to his aforesaid land. 4. Also one lott of coman age in the Old Town plott. 5. Also eight acres lying by the Great Swamp, bounded by Symon Grover east, and Stephen Baily West. 6. Also three acres in Calves Neck purchased of his brother Thomas Moor the said three acres is bounded by Capt" Horton North, and on the South by the land of Abraham Cory, and by the highway West bounded as aforesaid by Joshua Horton ai,d Benj: Yo. Townes men. March 9th day [695. Ent' Pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. This may certifie all concerned, that I Nathaniel ~foor abovesaid am satisfied that the three acres of land which I purchased of my brother Thomas Moor lying in Calves Neck mentioned in the sixth perticular here above written by my order or at my reqnest was a mistake and done by me ignorantly, so that I doe hereby declare that the three acres pnrchased as above said is not lying between Capt Horton and Abraham Cory as is expressed in the sixth perticular of my re- cord as abovesaid but is certainely lying elsewhere in [* The home lot of l\jathaniel Moore above described lay on a road running by the east shore of a branch of Town Creek, opposite the homestead of his father 1St Thomas. For a sketch of Nath1 Moore in detail, see Ap- pendix.-J. W. C.] SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 177 the Calves Neck and this underwritten is caused acted and done by order of me s' Nathaniel Moor. Pr Benj: Y ongs. Rdr- PAGE 82. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom these presents shaU come Greeting Know Ye that I Benjamin Bayley of Southold in consideration of one hundred and thirty five pounds currant mon)' to me payd by the Rev John Storrs of the same place, do grant, bargain and sell unto him the s' John Storrs, a tract or parcel of land scituate in said South old, known by the name of the horse Milllott, by compntation eight acres and a half, bounded Southerly by the Town Street-Easterly by the highway or Lane called Coopers Lane--Northerly by the land of 'Villi am Horton-Westerly by the lands of Gamaliel Bayley In Witness whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this 14th day of May 1773. Witnesses ROBERT HEMPSTED BENJAMIN BAYLEY [Seal] JOHN DICKERSON. Acknowledged this 15th May 1773 before me, ROBERT HEMPSTED, Justice. Memorandum. That quiet possession and seizen of lands within mentioned was by the said Bayley de- livered to the s' Storrs in onr presence 15 May 1773. ROBERT HEMPSTED JOHN DICKERSON Entr'this 18th day of May 1773. pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk. [For note on Rev. John Storrs, and the Horse Mill Lot, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] 12 178 . SOUTHaLl> TOWX RECORDS. [Abstract.] To all Christian People to whome these presents shall come Joseph Youngs of South old yeoman sendeth Greeting: Whereas my honoured father Joseph Youngs. mariner, deceased, died intestate, but in y' possession of divers tracts of upland and meadows, undisposed of: N ow Know Yee that I y' Sd Joseph Youngs eldest son of y' s' Joseph Youngs deceased; in consideration of y' natural love which I bare unto Abraham Youngs the eldest son of my brother John Youngs, mariner, de- ceased. doe remise, release and forever quitclaime unto him yC Sd Abram Y Dungs, all such right title and inter- est as I have or ought to have in or to all the severall percells of upland and meadow, hereafter in these pres- ents mentioned '~Viz: All ye right that I have in any land in y' Calves Neck :--And ~lso my right in any land lying between Peter Pain deceased and John Vaill at y' North Sea (which is four lotts):-And to a cer- taine percell of. Land in Hogg Neck at Benjamins point, containing seven acres :-And also a percell of meadow lying on y' North side of y' s' Hogneck, bounded West by y' land of Daniel Terry:-Also two lots of upland in y' last division of land layd out by y' s' Towne of South old containing fifty acres, Bounded North by the sound-east by William Youngs-West by Capt Horton and South by the highway:-Also a second lott of commonage, and all the Creek thach that was laid out to my s' brother J ohn Youngs by y' Towne: And to a fourth lott of meadow at Corchage in the Great meadows bounded South and west by y' Creek-North by Caleb Horton :-Also all my right in any meadow in Oysterpond Neck :-and to four lotts of upland in Oysterpond Uper Neck bounded North by y' Sound-East by land lately of Ralph Goldsmith- South by y' baye or harbour, and West by land of y' said Joseph Youngs. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 179 In Witness Whereof y' Sd Joseph Youngs hath here- unto set his hand and seale this 29th day of June 1703. Witnesses BENJAMIN MOORE BENJ: YOUNGS. JOSEPH YOUNGS [Seal] Acknowledged 8th Decemb' 1704, before me THOMAS YOUNGS. Entd feby y' 28th, 17ot, PI' Benj: Youngs Rec' PAGE 8 3. [Abstract.] To all Christian People, Know Ye that I Katharine Symons weidow, of Southold, have by these presents bargained and Sold unto Lott Jonson of the same Town a certaine parcel of upland with the houseing and fenc- ing thereunto belonging, being on a neck of Land called Toms.kreek Head-bounded west by the Swamp and land of said Lot Jonson-East by the land of Sam- uel Yongs-North by the highway and South by the Pond, by computation four acres-consideration five pounds. Witness my hand and seal this 19th day of Septem- ber 1689. mlrk KATHARINE'" SYMONS [Seal] Witnesses STEPHEN BAILY ELIZABETH E. G. GROVER. lDorlo; 1689 Entd 7th October pI' Benj Yo. Rdr [For note on "Symons," see Appendix.-J. W. C.] Know all men by these presents that I James Paresall [Parshall] belonging to Southold in y' County of Suf- folk on y' Island of N assa w yeoman have sold & de- livered unto John Parker of Southampton fuller an Indian Garle aged about eight years daughter of one Dorkas an Indian woman, which said Sarah was my slave for her life time; and I doe by these presents sell her y' Sd Sarah unto him the said John Parker dure- 180 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. ing her naturall life, to be unto him y' said Parker his heires & assignes as his or their proper estate; and I doe bind myself my heirs, execut" and administrat" to make good y' sale of y' above said Indian gairle to him y' said Parker his heirs & ass ignes ; and I doe ac- knowledge to have received of him y' .said Parker for and in consideration of said Indian garle as full satis- faction, the full & just sum of sixteen pounds current money of this province. In \Vitness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 27'" day of March 1698. Witnesses. ~i. JOSEPH MOORE JAMES I PEARSALL [Parshall]. SAMUEL CLARKE- mo. Ent' May y' 10'" 1712. Pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk [For note, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE 84. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come, Capt. Thomas Youngs of Southold, Esqr, sendeth Greeting Know Yee, that I Thomas Youngs, doe by these presents, in consideration of the sum of eight pounds and fifteen shillings, grant and sell unto Abraham Youngs of South old, one second alottment of Woodland by computation thirteene acres, in Great Hog Neck bounded West by Nathaniel Terry-on the North and South ends and on the East side by three lanes or high waies. To y' confirmation of y' same, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15th day of July 1704 Witnesses BEN]: YOUNGS THOMAS YOUNGS [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY. Acknowledged IS'h Dec' 1704 before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' March y' I" I7ot. P' Benj: Youngs Recd' SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 181 [Abstract.] To all Christian people Greeting. Know Ye that I, Samuell Youngs of Southold Cord winder, in considera- tion of eight pounds fifteen shillings, doe by these pres- ents grant and sell unto Abraham Youngs a second alott- ment of woodland in Great Hogneck, bounded East by Henry Case-West by Samuel Winds-on y' North and South by two highwaies, by computation thirteene or fourteene acres-In confirmation of the abovesaid premises I have set my hand & seal this 17th day 01 January 1703. Witnesses STEPHEN BAYLEY m.'" MARY BAYLEY SAMUELL 5 YOUNGS [Seal] Acknowledged y' 8 Dec 1704 before me THOMAS YOUNGS. Entd March y' 10th 170t Pr Benj: Youngs Recdr. PAGE 85. [Abstract.] To all Christian people Greeting, Know Ye, that I, Zebulon Hallock of Southold, weaver, in consideration of the Sum of ten pounds five Shillings, do sell and 'confirm unto John Colefox,of New London, cordwaner three lotts of land lying in Hallocks Neck division, bounded west by the land of Samuell Griffing-North by the highway-east by the Sd Samuell Griffing-South by the beach or harbor. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of November 1747. Witnesses. Wm SALMON ZEBULON HALLOCK [Seal] ZEBULON HALLlOCK Jun Acknowledged the day and year above written be {ore me ELIJAH HUCIlINSON, Justice Entrd Pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk. Api 24, 1749. [For note, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] 182 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Samuel King his land in Oysterpond-Neck. 1. His home lott containing thirty acres more or less bounded with the land of John Tutlhill Sen' on the West & South, and on the East bounded with y' land of Gedion Yongs & Thomas Terry, and on the North with y' North Sea. 2. Also eighty acres more or less of upland & mea- dow bounded on the west & South West with the [land] of John Tutthill Sen & Thomas Terry, and on the east bounded with the land of said Tutlhill, and East & Southeast with the Fresh meadow so called. 3. His land purchased of John Pain Sen' by exchange containing twenty three acres bounded as followeth, on the East with the land of John Herbert, on the South with a swamp, and with the North Sea North and with the land of John Pain \Vest. 4. Also one pice of meadow in the Fresh Meadow bounded North with the land of Thomas Moore, and with a Kreek on the West, and with the upland East & South. 5. Also one third lotl of meadow bounded as follow- eth, with the land of John Y ongs man' as also on the West and on the East & South with a kreek. [NOTE.-For a notice of Samuel King, see note on p. 77 of Vol. 1., SOUTHOLD PRINTED TOWN RECORDS, and a fur- ther notice in Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 86. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Greeting Know y' that Wil- liam Salmon of Southold yeoman, in consideration of the sum of six pounds doe bargain and sell unto John Colfox of New London cordwinder one lott of land sit- uate in South old in Hallocks Neck Division be it more or less, bounded by the West and North by highways- on y' east by y' land of Samuell Griffing-on y' South by y' beach or harbour. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 18:; In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of December 1747 Witnesses ZEBULON HALLOCK W" SALMON [Seal] ZEBULON HALLOCK Jun' Acknowledged the day and year above written be- fore m-e, ELIJAH HUCHINSON Justice Entd pr Rob' Hempsted Clk- July 6, 1748.- [For note, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know ye r, William King of Southold doe for a valuable consideration, grant, bargain and sell unto Abraham Youngs of the same Town a certain percell of meadow situate in y' Oyster- pond lower-neck between y' upland called Corye Neck, and y' point of npland runing Southardly from William Kings barn, bounded North by a certain dich, and on the East and vVest by two small Creeks that runeth into the meadows, and formerly purchased of Lieut John Youngs deceased-Also free liberty to pase and repase with horse or teame through the upland of said William King to .fech of y' grouth of said meadow- the Sd Abraham to have liberty to stack and secure his hay upon y' borders of upland. To y' confirmation I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th day of Fe buary 17ot. Witnesses SAMUELL CURTICE WILLIAM KING [Seal] JOSHUA CURTICE STEPHEN BAYLEY. Acknowledged this y' 13'h March 1704 before me THO~IAS YOUNGS, Justice Entd Oct' y' 8'h 1705. Pr Benj: Youngs Recd' [For note, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] ,184 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 8J. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Abraham Youngs of South. 'old sendeth Greeting, Know Ye that I Abraham Youngs <:Ioe by these presents in consideration of a valuable sum already received grant and sell unto William King, two percells of salt meadow situate in y' Oysterpond lower-neck near to a place called by the name of Corye Neck-y'southermost percell is bounded on y' South end by meadow of s' King, running Northerly to a white oak tree marked A.Y.-thence by the side of s' Youngs to a stake-Easterly by a little Creek which is the easterly bound-the other percell is lying North on the same cove of meadow bounded on the Souther- most part by a great white oak tree-Easterly by s' Youngs-South to a stake by th_e second small Creek -and from y' s' tree on Corye Neckside round y' head or cove of meadow, is bounded by y' upland of s' King, and nmneth southerly to y' meadow of \Valter Brown by a small creek west of the demised premises. In confirmation whereof I, have hereunto set my hand and seal this ,8th day of February 'Jot ABRAHA~1 YOUNGS [Seal] Witnesses SAMUELL CURTICE JOSHUA CURTICE STEPHEN BAYLEY- Acknowledged March y' [3: 'J04, before me THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice Ent" Aprill 3' 'J04. pr Benj: Youngs Recdr William King his Record. [No entry] [Abstract.] I, John Yongs S' of Southold doe far valuable con. sideration, by these presents, bargain and sell unto Samuel King of Oysterpands all that my upland and SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 185 meadow lying in Oysterpond Lower Neck, by estima- tion sixty acres-the said meadow is joyning to the up- land-and all that spong or slip of meadow running eastward by a neck of land of John Salmons-bounded to the land of John Tuthill west-to John Salmon east -and to the North Sea North-and to the River or kreek South. Witness my hand and seal ,this 12th day of February 1682. Witnesses ROBERT HASSARD BENJAMIN YONGS JOHN YONGS Acknowledged this 15th day of March 168i-- before me, ISAAC ARNOLD Justice These presents witness that I Samnel King of the Town of Sonthold, in the County of Snffolk doe by these presents give and make over to my son Wm King of the same Towne aboves' this [above] inclosed bill of sale to him his heirs forever, in qniet possession-As Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of February 16<)t. Witnesses, HANNAH BROWN WALTER BROWN 169-~ Ent' pr Benj: Y ongs Rdr PAGE 88. [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye, that I Samuell Beebe of Plumb Island, in the County of Suffolk, yeoman, in <oonsideration of Two hundred and fifty ponnds, do, by these presents, give grant and sell nnto Theophilus Beebee of s' Pnmb Island one messuage or tract of land scituate on Plumb Island, containing by estimation fifty acres, and bounded Easterly upon y' land of Dan- iel Tnthill-Northerly upon the Sound fourteen rod to a stake-from thence Southerly to a stake near the <oherry trees upon the beach-from thence easterly to the first mentioned bonnds. 186 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. In Witness whereof I herennto set my hand and seal this 2' day of April 1761. Witnesses, ELNATHAN BEEBEE SAMUEL BEEBEE [Seal] WILLIAM KING Junior Acknowledged May y' 26 A.D. 1761, before me, THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice Ent' November 7th 1774, pr Rbt. Hempsted, Town Clerk [For note on Plum Island, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] Thomas Terry his land lying in Oysterpond Neck. I. His home lott containing five acres more or less is bounded by the Land of Samuel King on the West & North, and on the East & North bounded with the land of Gedion Y ongs, and on the South with the high. way. 2. Also fourty acres of land more or less bounded as followeth, with the land of Rich' Brown Sen' \Vest, and on the East with the land of Samuel King, and on the North with the N orth.sea, and South with the high. way. 3. Also thirty acres more or less lying by the fresh meadow so called and bounded with the land of John Tutthill Sen' on the North South and West, and on the east with the land of John Tutthill Jnn' and Edward Patty Sen' 4. Also thirty acres more or less bounded on the East with the land of Samuel King, and on the North with the North Sea, and on the West with the land of John Corey and South with the meadow of John Yongs marrr 5. A second lott of meadow containing three acres more or less bounded East with the meadow of John Solomon and North west with the land of John Tutt. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 187 hill Jun' and on the South & West with a river and kreek. 6. His meadow purchased of Martha Hutchison is a second lott and containeth three acres more or less and is bounded on the West W'b the land of John Paine Sen' and on the east with a Kreek. 7. His land at Ocquabank is a half a first lott as may appeare by his Father Terrys Will. 8. His meadow lying on y' South side Peheconeck river is a first lott. 9. His meadow lying at Corchaug is by estimation one acre bounded South with the meadow of Thomas Mapes Jun' and on the North with Jonathan Reeves his meadow. [NOTE.-For sketch of Ist Thomas Terry and of 2' Thomas Terry, see PRINTED TOWN RECORDS, Vol. I., p. 45, and Appendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE 89. [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye that I, 5mB Beebee of Plumb Island Yeoman, in consideration of the sum of Two hundred and fifty pound do grant bargain and sell unto Amon Beebee of Plumb Island aforesaid the Messuage or tract of land scituate on Plumb Island containing by estimation forty acres. Bounded, at Cedar Swamp easterly - Easterly by Elnathan Beebee - Northerly upon y' sound to a stake-thence Southerly to a stake -thence Easterly to Cedar Swamp-thence to y' first mentioned bound-Excepting a drift way along side of Cedar Swamp which is hereby excepted.-AIso another tract containing ten acres bounded at the flagg pond at the southwest corner of Silas Beebees land-thence Northerly to the Southeast corner of Elnathan Beebees land-thence Westerly bounded upon Elnathan Bee- bees and Cedar Swamp to a stake--thence Southerly to ,88 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. the f1agg pond at a stake-thence bordering upon y' f1agg pond to the first mentioned bounds-- In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 8th day of February 1763. Witnesses, BENJAMIN GOLDSMITH SAMUEL BEEBEE [Seal] JARED LANDON Acknowledged 9th Feby 1763, before me, SAMUELL LANDON, Justice. Entr' 7'h Nov' 1774 Pr Rb' Hempsted Town Clerk [Abstract.] Anno Domini 168f, January 4. Know all men by these presents th"at I John Youngs 'Sen' of Southold in consideration of ten pound doe give grant and sell unto John Youngs marrin' of s' Southold all my right title and interest in and to that my twelfe first lots of upland lying on the Neck known by the name of Calves Neck at y' eastermost pint thereof and bounded North and East and South by y' Sea, and on y' West by his own land To have and to hold the said twelle first lolls with all their rights members &c; For the confirmation of y' said premises, I have here- unto set my hand and seal y' day and year first above written 'Witnesses-Name or mark of m,. ,. ,. 0 I the wife of the granter BENJAMIN YOUNGS JOHN YOUNGS [Seal] Ent' October y' 8th 1705- Pr Benj: Youngs Recdr. IFor note on "Calves Neck, etc.," see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 90. Gedion Yongs his land lying in Oysterpond Neck is l. Eight first lolls of upland containing foure hun- SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 189 dred acres more or less (except one acre sould to Tho: Terry, which s' eight first lotts is bounded as followeth, on the West by the land of Samuel King & Thomas Terry and on the North with the land of Richard Brown Sen' and on the South by the land of Abraham White- her, and the river. 2. Also foure 10Us of meadow ad joyning to his own land being six acres more or less, bounded on the South with the meadow of Collouel Jo: Yo. and on the South east with the meadow of Richard Brown 3. One first lott of meadow iu Oysterpond lower neck the meadow of Abram Whitehir on the vVest, and the meadow of Capt Y ongs on the South end which meadow he had of Sd Abram Whiteher by exchang. Ent' p' Benj: Yo. Rdr. [For note on Gideon Youngs and his farm, see Appen- dix.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] Anno Domini 1697. August y' 25 day. Know all men by these presents thai I, Jonathan Brown of Oysterpond, Southold, planter, doe for a valuable consideration by these presents, grant and sell unto Gedion Y ongs of South old planter all my right, title and interest in and to a second lott of upland ly- ing in Oysterpond Uper Neck, bounded on the West with the land of Richard Brown, and with the land of Sd Jonathan Brown East, and South with the Bay, and on the North with the Sound or North Sea ;-the Sd secona IoU being halle that IoU purchased of Mr Isaac Arnold-that is to say, that halle of it that Iys West- ward, excepting a cartway one pole wide-which said way is to goe only round a bog, and so up a hill there till it comes into Sd Jonathan his land- And for y' confirmation of the premises I have sealed 190 SOUTHOLD 'fOWN RECORDS. and subscribed this writing, the day and )'ear first above written. Witnesses THOMAS TERRY PETER DICKESSON JONATHAN BROWN Acknowledged 25 Augt 11i97, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice 11i97. Entred pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [NoTE.-Woodland in East Marion.-J. W. C.] [ Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come, Joseph Yongs of South old yeoman. Know Ye, that whereas my honoured father Joseph Youngs of Southold marriner, died intestate but in the possession of divers tracts of upland and meadow, and thereupon for divers considerations (together with the consent and approbation of our honoured mother Margrett Y ongs the weidow and relict of our said father,) moveing, did by good advice mutually consent and agree that all thc lands and meadows of our said father should be dividecl amongst us brethren, and sons of our honoured father ancl was accordingly done to our good liking, ancl there faling to the part ancl portion of my loving brother Gidion Y ongs, the following tracts ancl allottments of up- land ancl meadows, viz: eight lotts of upland in the O)'s- terpond Lower Neck, which eight lotts of upland are bounded on the west by the lands of Samuel King and Thomas Terry--on the North by the land of Richard Brown sen-on the South by the land of Abraham \Vhiteher ancl the East river :-Also four lotts of mea- dow adjoyning to his own land, the meadow of Colonel Y ongs on the South, and the meadow of Richard Brown Southeast.-And a second lott of meadow on both sides of Peheconeck river, as by the Town Records may appeare :--with the several messuages tenements Barn and Cottages thereupon built and erected, together with the Orchards, gardens, fences &c SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 191 In W;"tness w hereof I have hereunto affixed my seale and subscribed my name this 17th day of Dee' 1695. Witnesses MARY HOBART MARY WOODBRY JOSEPH YONGS Recognat coram me die & ano pr dicte ISAAC ARNOLD PAGE 91. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom these presents shall corne: I William King of Sonthold. Yeoman, send Greeting Know Ye that I the said William King in consideration of the fatherly love I have and do bare to my danghter Hannah Baxter widow of Richard Bax- ter deceased, have given and by these presents do fully give, grant and quit claim unto her, A certain lott or parcle of Land lying in Oysterpond Lower Neck con- taining about twenty five acres, bounded easterly by the land of Stephen Vail, running from the highway to the Sound-Northerly by the Sound-Westerly by the land of Jonathan Terry, and Southerly by the highway: -and also a tract or parcle of Salt meadow about four acres lying in said Neck, and bounded Southerly by a Crick-North, West & East by the land of Jonathan Terry formerly called Curtices lott-And also libertie to cut her fire wood for her own use of my Land in the Upper neck as long as the wood lasts their-and allso to give to my s" daughter Hannah Baxter 'one third part of my household goods. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 17th day of May, in the year 1773. Witnesses SAMUEL NEWBERY WILLIAM KING [Seal] THOS. YOUNGS. Acknowledged y' 27th May 1773 before me THO' YOUNGS, Justice of y' peace A true copie, Entred this 18th July 1775. pr Robert Hempsted, Town Clerk 192 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. I. Peter Paine his home lott containing foure acres more or less, bounded on the East with the home lott of Mr Thomas Moor, and on the West with the Chris. topher Y ongs his home lotto 2. His land lying towards the North sea containeing seven acres more or less bonnded on the East with the land of Mr Tho: Moore East, and Mrs Margret Y ongs West 3. One and twenty acres more of woodland more or less, formerly pm"chased (by his predecessor Peter Paine) of Barnabas \Vines Sen'. 4. One parcel of woodland at Toms Kreek thus in the old book verbatim. 5. One acre of land in the old field :'.Ir Wm Wells South. 6. Halfe an acre of land in said old field lying nigh the head of J eremiah Vale his meadow and buttint to Sd meadow. 7. One acre of meadow lying in Corchaug great mea- dow bounded on the South with the meadow of Mrs Margaret Y ongs, and on the North with the land of Leiuetent Terry. 8. His Comonage in the old bounds of the Towne is a first lott. [For note on Peter Paine, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE 92. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come, I William King of Southold Yeoman send Greet- ing Know Ye that I, for and in consideration of the natural love and affection that I have and bare towards my son James King do, by these presents, give, grant and confirme, unto him, A certain tract or parele of Land in Oysterpond Neck, bounded Easterly upon the Lands which I have given to my daughter Bathshua Sheil. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 193 field-her west bounds being thirty two rods westward from the Lands of Samuell Beebee at equal bredth from North to South-North, upon the Sound--and vVest- ward upon the land of Stephen Vail to the highway:- Southward of the Highway bounded Westward by the ditch of William King the third runing Southward into a Crick-from thense runing southerly and Easterly round the Salt meadow to the Old meadow fence :-And also one third of part of the meadow and low uplaud which belongs to the lott called John Youngs's lott which my grandfather bought of s' John Youngs, being below the said Old meadow fence :-And also the one half of my lands in Oysterponds Upper Neck, reserving the libertie and priviledge for my daughter Hannah Baxter to cut wood thereon for her Own fireing or fire- wood so long as there shall be wood thereon. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 6th day of February 1767. Witnesses STEPHEN VAIL Jun' WILLIAM KING [Seal] EZRA L'HOMMEDlEU. Acknowledged 4 April 1767 before me SAML. LANDON, Judge. Entr' on record this 19th July [775- pr Robt Hempstead Town Clerk, [For note on James King, see Appendix,-J, W. C.] The deposition of Mr John Tuthill Sen' aged 69 years or thereaqouts Testifieth that Whereas he & John Youngs & Benjamin Youngs being chosen, at a towne meeting held about eighteene years past to surveye and layout a certaine percell of upland then laying com- mon; between Joseph Reevees & Samu'ill Windses, left Common for y' use and benefit of the towne as follow- eth. Cauchauke pond, from the high way to y' pond, with a sufficient quantity of land round the said pond for the benifitt of y' tawne for wartering of cattle & '3 194 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. other conveinances; also all the land from y' fresh meadow pond to y' highway southward with a suffi. cient quantity of land round the said pond for use & benefit of y' towne, and y' owner of y' meadow for wa. tering cattle and other conveynances; also a pond com- monly called y' great pond with six pole of land upon y' west end for the use as above mentioned, and further saith not. . Southold June y' 3d [704, sworn before me. THOMAS MAPES Justice [For note on ponds and watering-places, see Appendix.- J. W. q Peter Dickeson aged 56 years Testifies being present with Mr Benjamin Youngs & Mr John Tuthill, Mr Tuthill askt Mr Ynungs what land was left to the watering places, in y' division of land they laid oute Mr Youngs made answer six poles of up- land round y' watering; after a little pause Mr Tuthill said it was: soe Mr Tuthill asked Mr Youngs if it were recorded, he answered no, but he would doe it; Mr Tuthill urged him to doe it, and further saith not. Southold June y' 3" 1704, sworne before me- THOMAS MAPES, Justice The above depositions, Entd June y' 8th 1704. P1' Benj: Youngs Recorder PAGE 93. lAbstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come Greeting: Know Yee, that Capt John Herbert of Readding in Mattathusets, mariner for and in con- sideration of a valuable sum of money to me paid, doe by these presents grant, bargaine and sell unto y' In- habitants of y' Towneship of Southold, their heirs and assigns forever A certaine home lolt containing four SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 195 acres, with two acres of land ad joyning to y' said lott, scituate and being in the Town of Southold, bounded <:m y' North by y' Street-()n y' East by John Booth- on y' South by y' highway, and on the West with y' land of John Booth and Richard Benjamin: Also two lotts of meadow lying and being in Cor- ,chack meadows Bounded on y' South with y' meadow of William Wells and on yO West North and East with the upland: Also y' whole right of a second lott of commonage within y' bounds of the Towne (undivided) excepting Plum Island. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th day of November 1699. Witnesses, JOHN PAINE JOHN HERBERT [Seal] JAMES PATTY Acknowledged 14 Nov 16gg, before me, THOMAS MAPES Justice Entd pr Benj: Yongs Recdr October y' 23d '700. [For note on John Herbert, and the church and parson- age lands, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] ,697. Decemb' 7. The overseers for this present yeare laid out to Abraham Corey the three acres of land lying in Hogg Neck on Brushes Hill which was foremerly Joseph Y ongs late of Southold deceased and by his weidow sould to Richd Benjamin, and purchased of Sd Richard by Sd Abraham, the Sd land in said Brushes hill is bounded on the South by the meadow of Jasper Griffin, on the east by a white oak tree by the comon, and by a white oak tree on the North, and \Vest by a stake standing westerly sixteen pole from the North bounds or white oak tree, the said land laid out as aforesd is thre acres more or less within Sd bounds. 196 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 94. [Abstract.] To all people to whome these presents shall come, William Salmon of Southold, weayer, sendeth Greet- ing. Know Yee, that I doe by these presents in con- sideration of one hundred pounds, give grant bargain and sell unto Samuel Bebry of Southold, A certaine tract of upland and meadows, lying in y' Oysterpond lower Neck near Plumgutt, by computation fifty acres; -It is the whole right of lands and meadows that did of right belong to my Honor' father John Solman at his decease, the upland bounded on the East by y' land of Jeremiah Vaill-on y' West by y' land of William King-on y' North by y" Sound or North Sea, and on y' South by y' meadows and beach, Also that parcel of meadow lying within the inclosure of Caleb Curtice, purchased formerly by my deceased father of Christo- pher Youngs Sen' deceased; also y' meadow exchanged with Carll Youngs ad joyning to s' lott, herein demised. To y' confirmation of y' same I y' s' William Solman have set my hand and seal this 1st day of August 1706. Witnesses BENJ: YOUNGS STEPHEN BAYLEY WILLIAM SOLMON [Seal] Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid before me THOMAS YOUNGS Justice. Ent' August y' 26th 1706. Pr Benj: Youngs Reed' [For note on this lot set off to 1St John Salmon by 'John Conklin, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people to w home these presents shall come, Jonathan Havens of Southold yeoman and Han- nah his wife sendeth Greeting; Know Yee, that they in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fourty SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 197 pounds doe by these presents grant bargaine and sell unto Samuel Beebee of Southold, A certaine tract or percell of land scituate in y' Oysterponds Lower Neck, by computation fifty acres, bounded on y' North by y' Sound or North Sea-on y' East by y' land of William King-on y' West by y' land of Caleb Curtice-and on y' South by a Creek lying against y' sd. land :-Also a percell of meadow lying upon y' Southeast corner of y' Sd tract of land by computation one acre and a halfe: -Also another percell of meadow at a place called Cur- wins Neck, within Oysterponds Lower Neck, by com- putation one acre and a halfe, bounded east by y' mea- .dowof Samuell Glover-On y' \Vest by Samuel Brown and on y' Creek Sonth :-Also one other . . . . . . [Left unfinished.-]. W. C.] PAGE 95. Plum Island December th 7, 1763 Memorandum to be Recorded: Viz. That the tract 'Of land on Plumb Island com only called the Pines & Cedar Swamp lately belonging to Samuell Beebee de- ceased have bin devided into five equal parts and sep- erately sold, and are now bounded: Viz: the Cedar Swamp in two divisions: the first Division begining from the head of the Swamp and lotted till it makes five lotts in number, the second division of the swamp begining from the lower end Eastward and so runing westward making five lotts in number the lotts in both Devisions are numbered and bounded and the persons owning the numbers in each devision are as follows First Devision. Second Devision Samuell Beebee- NO.4-No.2. Elnathan Beebee- N. 5-N. 4. Theophilus Beebee- N. I--N. 3. Silas Beebee- N. 3-N. 5. Amon Beebee- N. 2-N. I. 198 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. The Pines were Devided into five equallotts in qual- ityand bounded and numbred begining from the east part and bounded along upon the Ridge Parth West- ward except No I, which is bounded partly on the parth partly on the pond and Samuell Beebees land bounded Southerly by the beach Each lott of an eq,ual wedth, the persons owning each number are as followeth Samuell Beebee No 5. Elnathan Beebee N. 3 Theophilus Beebee N. 4 Silas Beebee N. I Amon Beebee N. 2. In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands. SAMUELL BEEBEE ELNATHAN BEEBEE THEOPHlLUS BEEBEE. SILAS BEEBEE AMON BEEBEE Signed in presence of us DANIEL BROWN E. LHOMMEDIEU Entred this 14 day of December 1763 pr Robert Hempsted, Town Clerk. [For note on "Beebee," see Appendix.-]. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall' come I, Abra'm \'I'hiteher of Southold now dwelling on. Oysterpond lower Neck, send Greeting, Know Yee that I y' s' Abr'am Whiteher being in perfect memory, doe by this my present writing give devise, grant and con- firme unto my well beloved friend John Tutthill Sen' of y' Town aforesaid, All and singular my lands, planta- tions, houses and barns, orchards and gardens lying and being within y' bounds of y' Towne aforesaid or else. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 199 where, with all comons or common of pasture, together with all servants and cattle and other Stock, utensells and other appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto him y' said John Tuttbill, upon special trust and confidence nevertheless, and to and for the uses and trust and pur- poses hereafter mentioned and no other that is to say, he the said John Tutthill shall deliver unto my now wife Mary Whiteher, the full third part of all my mov- able estate, as ber own proper right-And also one full third part of all my lands and meadows lying at Peters Neck, during her naturall life, and to possess her of it in some convenient time after my decease :-And to possess my brother William Whiteher of that piece of land of mine adjoyning to my Sd brothers land at Cor- chaug, and also to deliver one cow upon demand unto my brother Peter Whiteher or his eldest son for the proper use of y' s" son, and to pay all my just debts:- And tbis being all done and all other necessary charges defrayed, and upon further trust and confidence in him y' Sd John Tutthill that he or his heirs shall deliver all the value of the overplus of two thirds of my estate, if any, according to the directions already given to ye 5(1 John Tuthill by word of mouth by me-Of all and every which said lands goods chattels and premises I y' s' Abram Whiteher have put y' Sd John Tuthill in full and peaceable possession by the gift and delivery of one silver pice of money called twelve pence In 'Vitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 8th day of February 168*. Witnesses \V ALTR. BROWN hi. mark DAVID GARDINER ABRAHAM 'VHITHERE Entd 8th March 168*. PAGE 96. [Abstract.] Southold March y' 20" 16811'0' Then received from Mr John Tutthill Sen' y' full and just sum of six pounds three shillings and sixpence to 200 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. content, which said sum of six pound three shillings and sixpence is the whole ballance of all accounts be- tween my brother Abraham Whiteher decd: And I doe further acknowledge to have received from the said John Tutthill Trustee, to my deceased brother one Cow, which my brother gave unto my eldest Son:-And I doe hereby acquit and fully discharge the s" John Tutt- hill&c- Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid. ,"Vitnesses "'om..' JOSHUA HORTON PETER P. W. ,"VHITHAR h,. ",..~ \VILLIAM X WHITHARE Ent" pr Benj: Yo: Rdr-An D: 1690 [Abstract.] To all Christian people, to ,~home these presents shall come Mary Whiteher of Southold weidow of Ab- raham White her, Shipright deceased, Sendeth Greet- ing. Know ye that I have received from Mr John Tutt- hill Senr Trustee to my deceased husband, full satisfac- tion to my content, according to the true intent and meaning of my Sd husband, according to an Instrument in writeing under the hand and seal of my Sd husband :- for which and of every part and parcel thereof so re- ceived, I doe hereby fully discharge the s' John Tutthill aforesaid Witness IllY hand and seal this 5th day of March 168-.'0' ,"Vitnesses, THOMAS MAPES CALEB CURTIS ISA. ARNOLD- lh. m",~ or WEEIDOW MARV X WHITEHER Entd p' Benj: y' 7th of July 1692 [For note on the family of Whiteher, see Appendix.- J,W. q SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 201 [Abstract.] To all ChristIan people to whome these presents 'shall come Greeting. Know Ye, that I William Robert Halliock son and heir of Peter H alliock, late of Sou tho old deceased, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and Thirtie three pounds, three shillings and five pence to me payd by Mr William Horton, Ichabod Cleveland, William Hubbard, Simon Moore, Abijah Winds, Peter Dains and Joseph Cleveland, all of South. old, do fully and freely give grant bargain and sell unto the said William Horton, Ichabod Cleveland, William Hubbard, Simon Moore, Abijah Winds Peter Dains and Joseph Cleveland and their heirs, as tennants in com. mon of equal rite and shear A certain tract or parde of Land scituate and being at the \Vest end of the Town plott of s' Southold, beginning from the head of Tuck. ers Lane so called and from thence by the highway to the front of the North sea lotts and so extending South. .erly across the front of the North sea lots, on the North and \Vest part and to extend Southerly across the rear of the borne lotts on the East side and South end to Aerely pond lane so called ad joyning Westerly to the lands of Abijah Winds, and partly by the highway and Northerly and Easterly by the highway and lands of Abijah Winds, Simon Moore and Docter Sarnuell Gil. stone, and is the land which was formerly passed and Injoyed by Mr William Halliock and his son Peter Hal. liock above named, To have and to hold, &c unto the said \Villiam Horton and associates, in equal degree as to this purchase without any pretence of Survivorship, but that each of said parties shall have full power to sell their respective shears, which is one seventh, to whom they shall see fitting-And to improve together by pasturing or tilling as the ma jQr part shall agree- And if any owner chooses to sell the other owners 202 SOUTHULD TOWN RECORDS. shall have the refusal, they giving as much as any other. Also Sebel Halliock the widdow and relect of him the said Peter Halliock deceased and mother of him the said William Robert Halliock, doth by these presents give yield up and Surrender all her rite of dowry and power of thirds unto the above mentioned lands. In Testimony of which the sdWilliam Rohert Hal. liock and his mother the Wid Sebell Halliock have hereunto set their hands and seals this 21" day of April 1760. Witnesses WILLIAM ROBERT HALLOCK [Seal] JAMES REEVE DEBORAH REEVE SIBIL HALLOCK [Seal] Acknowledged 22 April 1760 before me ROBERT HEMPSTED, Justice Entd this 24th day of April 1760 p' Rb' Hempsted, Town Clerk [For note on \Vm Robert Hallock and the lands described in the foregoing deed, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 97. Caleb Curtis his land and meadow in Uysterpond Neck is by estimation one hundred acres more or less bounded as followeth on the \Vest with the land of Samuel Glover, and on the East with John Corey his land and with the North Sea or Sound on the North, and on the South with the land of Samuel Y ongs [For note on li Curtis," and this lot of land, see Appendix. -J. W. c.] [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents, that I, William King of South old Yeoman for and in consideration of a cer- tain percell of meadow exchanged and made over to y' abovesaid Wm King by Samuel Beebee of s' Southold SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 203 doe sell exchange and make over unto y' s' Samuel Beebee a percell of meadow at Oysterpond lower Neck, be it acres more or less bounded West by a Creek and ditch which runs out of a little pond and soe crosse y' pond to a stake and thence to a white oak tree-North by s' Beebee's land-South by y' beach-together with all that meadow ad joyning to y' pond and round about it-which pond lies on y' east side of a point or Neck of land belonging to y' s' Beebee, To have and to hold &c In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 2' of twelfth month 1707. Witnesses JOHN TUTHILL BEN]: YOUNGS WILLIAM KING [Seal] Acknowledged the day and year aforesaid before me THOMAS YOUNGS Justice. Ent' Aprill y' 9th 1708. pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. PAGE 98. Feb. 2, 168!- Thomas Youngs his land and meadow lying next with- in the fence where the Generall fence stood formerly, which run North Northwest, and South Sontheast being a certaine tract of land lying from Sea to Sea in bredth at the North end two hundred sixty four pole more or lese, and the bredth thereof at the path is two hundred and thirty four pole more or less, and at the South side extending to a certaine hole in the West end of the plum beach being like to an old seller and adjoyneing to the West side of Winter herbour. Ent' p. Benj: Yo. rdr-- [For note on history of the foregoing tract of land, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] 204 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, I John Y ongs of South old Gent' send Greeting, Know Ye that, for y' natural affec- tion and love I have and beare unto my son Thomas Y ongs of the Towne and County aforesaid marriner, I being in good health and perfect memory doe freely, give grant and confirme nnto my Sd son Thomas Yongs A certain percell of Woodland lying next within the old fence runing North Northwest and South South east nearest seperateing the Oysterpond Neck from all on the East side of the generall fence-the Sd percell of land goeing from sea to sea :-being of breadth at the North Sea two hundred sixty and four poles (more or less)- the breadth thereof at y' comon path or highway two hundred Thirty foure poles more or less, and on the south side extending itself to a certaine hole in the West side or end of the plumb beach, being like to an 'old celler, and adjoyning on the east side of Winter Harbour as by a record thereof may appeare Witness my hand and seal this 22d January II59t. \Vitnesses, ISAAC ARNOLD ' PET'SYLVESTER JOHN YONGS Acknowledged the day and year within mentioned, before me ISAAC ARNOLD Judge Ent' 22 Jany. 169t pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 99. [Abstract.] This Indenture made the twenty second day of Au- 'gust in the fifth yeare of the reigne of William and Mary, 16g3, Between John Yang,s 01 Southold Esq' on the one part and Thomas Y ongs of New London, Con- necticut Marriner of the other part Witnesseth that the SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 20> said John Y ongs, for and in consideration of the sum of Seventy pounds, doth by these presents grant bargaine and sell unto the s' Thomas Youngs my now dwelling house barn, orchards, Gardens, yards, backsides and all the lands thereunto belonging :---Also seven acres of Land, lying in the Old field :-two acres of meadow lying at Toms Creek:-fourty acres of upland lying at the North side of s' Town bounded, as by the record may appeare, To have and to hold unto the s' Thomas Y ongs, upon condition nevertheless that if the s' John Y ongs or his heirs doth well and truly pay unto the s' Thomas Youngs the sum of Seventy pounds, that then and from henceforth this grant and sale shall cease de- termine and be of none effect, or else the same shall stand in full force- In \Vitness whereof I have hereunto affixed my seal and subscribed my name, the day and year first within mentioned. \Vitnesses ISAAC ARNOLD JOHN YONGS BENJ: Y ONGS PAGE 100. 1658 January the 6. Samuell Glover his house lott in Town containing 2! acres more or less bounded by John Youngs mariner 'on the West and with the land of Thomas Moore on the North. 2. His land lying by the Great Swamp containeth II acres more or less bound with Mr Budds land on the South. 3.- 4. 6 acres of land in Calves Neck bounded with Benj: Moores land East and Joshua Wells Land West. 5. His land given him at a Town Meeting January 24th 166g, is that whereon his dwelling house now stand. 206 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. eth, to run in length that is east and West 5 poles and 10 feet and 23 feet in bredth at the West end, and East end 16i.- [For history of Samuel Glover, see SOUTHOLD TOWN PRINTED RECORDS, Vol. I., p. 390, and Appendix.-J. W. C.] Febuary th 14 1677. 6. A small spot of Land given him by the Inhabitants lying between his dwelling and the kreel. a highway lying between bounded on the East by the highway & Mr Arnold on the West. 7.- 8. His farm consisting of meadow and uplands lying at Eagle Neck lying between the land of Richard Brown westward and Caleb Curtis east be it more or less. 9. A second IoU comonage in the Town Aproved of by me in the name of the rest, the 7th of January It JOHN YOUNGS. 168t. The above is a true copie. P' Robert Hempsted Town Clerk Ent' the 9 of April 1770. [ Abstract.] This Indenture made the third day of November in the year 1697, Between Joseph Paty of Southold, car- penter on the one part and Thomas Y ongs of the Town and County abovesaid Esqr on the other part Witness- eth that the Sd Joseph Paty for and in consideration of the sum of thirty pounds of lawful money of New York doth grant bargain and sell unto the s' Thomas Y ongs, one third part of a second lott of upland being within the Township of South old at Oysterpond Lower Neck containing thirty acres more or Jess, which said third part was pnrchased by the s' Paty from Mr John Her. bert late of Southold: And also twenty acres of upland SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 207 ad joneing to the s' one third part of a second lot afores' which s' Joseph Paty had from his father Edward Paty, being bounded by the lands of Nathaniel Moor and Joseph Paty on the East-North by the Sound. Upon condition nevertheless that the Sd Joseph Paty or his heirs doe well and truly pay lInto the s' Thomas Y ongs the fllll slim on the other side [above] mentioned at or before the end of two years, with the interest of six pounds in the hundred,-in which case this grant shall cease-else to remain in full force. In Witness whereof the Sd Joseph Pat)' hath here- unto affixed his seal and set his name the day and year first written Witnesses JASPER GRIFFIN WALTER BROWN JOSEPH PATY CHRISTOPHER BRADLEY Acknowledged day and year above written before me, ISAAC ARNOLD, Justice Ent 241h Dec: 1697- PAGE 101. lAbstract-Receipt.J I, Christopher Bradley of New London Connecticut, son and heire of Peter Bradley deceased doe acknow- ledge to have received of and from Mr Thomas Y ongs of Southold my father in law and Mary his wife my mother who was administratrixs to y' estate of my late father Peter Bradley deceased, y' full and whole Slime of what was willed to me by my grandfather Mr Chris- topher Christophers late of New London deceased: and also y' full and whole sum of my legacy due to m~ out of y' estate of my late father Mr Peter Bradly de- ceased as it was settled upon me by the County Court in New London-I, Christopher Bradley doe acknow- ledge myselfe to have received y' aforesaid sums and legacies being seven hundred and forty pounds and doe by these presents acquit and discharge the said Thomas 208 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Youngs and Mary his wife from all debts dues gifts or legacies, they wher.e any waie obleiged to pay unto me In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of August 1700. . . . CHRISTOPHER BRADLV [Seal] Witnesses JOHN CHRISTOPHERS WILLIAM YONGS Acknowledged August y' 29th 1700 before me DANIELL WETHERELL, Assistant. Entd Sept' y' 7th 1700. Pr Benj: Yongs [For note on" Bradley," see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE !O2. [Abstract.] Know Ye that I, David Corey of Southold in consid- eration of the sum of Seventeen pounds to me paid, do by these presents grant, bargain and sell unto William King vVeaver, late of New England, a certain tract or parde of land scituate in y' Town street that is adjoin- ing to the same, near a place called Hallocks N eck- said land is on the North side of Sd street and is by computation thirtie six pole of ground lying in a square, and is bounded on the South by the Town street-on y' North and West by the lands of Isaac Youngs and on y' East by the lands of James Petty late deceased- which said thirtie six pole of ground with the house and trees thereon was formerly y' propertie of Mr Ed- ward Petty and part of his home lott In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of April 1749. Witnesses ROBERT HEMPSTED SUSANNA GILLAM DAVID COREY [Seal] 24 ApI 1749, acknowledged before me, ROBERT HEMPSTED Justice Ent,d this 25 April 1749. P' Rbt Hempsted Tn Clerk. SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 209 I. Jeremiah Vale his home lott containing eight acres more or less bounded on the East with the land of Mr Benj: Moore, as may more plainly appeare by his bill of seale dated y' 28 of April 1679. 2. His meadow pnrchased of Caleb Horton by ex. chang is lying and being at Corchaug, being one first lott bounded on the North by a meadow formerly Lieut' Terrys, Peter Pain South, and East by a kreek, and West by the upland. 3. His land pnrchased of Benj: Horton Sen' by ex- chang is by estimation fonrten acres more or less, lying nigh Mr Tookers Lane so called and bounded with y' land of Joshua Horton South & North, and with the land of Jonathan Horton Northeast, which s' fonrteen acres was formerly purchased by Benjamin Horton of his brother Jonathan Horton. 4. At a Town meeting held April the third 1684 the Town gave him a first lott of Comonage in the Town bounds. Ent' pr Benj: Yo: Rdr [For note on Jeremiah Vale, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] 1686. Also twenty five acres of woodland lying in the division last laid out bounded East by Matthias Hutcheson his land & Joseph Reeves West. 1694 ffeb. 22. Then purchased of Joshua Horton by way of exchang fourteen acres of wrodland lying and being by the land foremerly Benj: Moors, and bounded on the West and East by the land of Joshua Horton, and on the North bounded by a highway. Ent' 22 Feb' 1694, pr Benj: Yo. rdr Purchased of Matthias Hutchison by way of exchang twenty one acres of woodland more or less, lying and being near y' great pond at the north sea, butting and bounded as followeth to the land of the weadow Dick- ''I 210 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. erson West, and on the North end by the great pond afores' and to the highway South. the s' twenty one acres foremerly in the possession of Jonathan Mapes. Ent' 26th day of March 16<)5 P' Benj: Yo. Rdr [For note on Jeremiah Vale, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. I. p. II8, and Appendix.-j. W. C.] PAGE 102, 3. [Abstract.] Anno Domini 169t March 22, day. Know all men by this present Indenture, that I, John Y ongs of Southold Esgr, in consideration of the sum of twenty eight pound, have sold and by these presents doe bargaine and sell unto Jeremiah Vale of Southold, mariner, all my right title and interest of in and to a certaine parcell of meadow by estimation five acres ly- ing at a place known by the name of Oysterpond lower Neck, bU'lllded to the land of Samuel Glover North, West, a ld South, and to the land of John Salmon North, and to the kreek South East. And for t:,e confirmation of the premises, I have subscribed this present writing, the d~y and year first above written. Witnesses, BEN]: Yo. THO: LONGWORTH JOHN YONGS ELIZABETH YONGS. Ent" Pr Benj: Yo: rdr [NOTE.-Col. John Youngs died April 12, 1697-only twenty days after the execution of thisdeed.-]. W. C.] PAGE 103. 16<)9. Thomas Terry his Record: purchased of Wil- liam King by way of exchang a percell of Land lying & being in Oysterpond Lower Neck being in breath SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 211 fower poles and in length from y' highway to y' Sound .& bounded on y' North by y' Sound on y' east by William King on y' south by y' highway & on y' West by y' Sd Thomas Terry. Entrd June y' 6. 16g9 PI' Benj: Yongs Recorder. PAGE 104. [Abstract.] To all Christian people Know Ye that I Isaac Osman .of Southold, husbandman, for and in consideration of the sum of five ponnds, doe by these presents grant bargain and sell unto David Parshall of y' Sd Town yeoman two first alottments of meadow lying on y' South side of Peaconneck River, by computation two acres bound North by y' Sd River: on y' East by y' meadow of Daniel Terry: on y' South by y' upland and on y' West by the meadow of Theophilus Corwin. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal y' twentyeth day of April 1712. Witnesses JOHN DAINS m.' BENJ: YOUNGS ISAAC X OSMAN [Seal] Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me BENJAMIN YONGS Justice Entd May y' 9th 1712 Pl'. Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [For notice of the" Parshall family," see Appendix.- J. W. C.] [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I, Barnabas Winds of South old Yeoman, in consideration of the sum Qf fifteen pound to me paid by Elazer Luce of the Town aforesaid yeoman, have remised and quitclaimed to the Sd Eleazer Luce and by these presents do remise and quitclaim unto him, All such right, title interest and de. mand whatsoever as I the Sd Barnabas Winds have, had 212 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. or ought to have of in and to One lott of Land lying in Elizabeth Town in y' Jerseys being by computation one hundred acres, bounded by a lott lately sold by my mother Mary Winds and also to one half of y'right of commonage belonging to me in the said Elizabeth Town. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of July 1727. BARNABAS WINS, [Seal] \Vitnesses WILLIAM HORTON ROBART GRIFFING Acknowledged 24th July 1727, before me, BENJ: YOUNGS, Judge. Ent' Octo. 23' 1739. PI' Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. PAGE 105. 12 April 1763. James Corwin of Mattituck Son of John Corwin his Record: IZt acres of Land lying on the South side the Kings Roade bounded Easterly to the land of Steers Hubbard, Northerly to the made or highway being aboute twen. tie seven pole on the highway, Westerly & Southerly to the land of Timothy Corwin which land was pur. chased of Timothy Corwin for one hundred and twen. tie two pounds-the loins of sl1 land on the East and \V cst loins runing parrelel. Signed by y' said TIMOTHY CORWIN Witnessed by and MARY his wife BENJAMIN HALLlOCK ISRAEL YOUNr.S AlIso aboute one qnarter of an .acre of Land in Mat- tituck purchased of John Corwin for i:Iz in hand paid adjoining Southerly to the highway or Road Easterly SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 213 to the lands of Joshua Clark rods from the Roade Northerly thence Westerly 5 rods & 10 feet thence to the roade 6 rods, and thence along the Roade 6 rods .and 12 feet to Clarks fence- J ul y 22, 1763. Ailsa one other parde of land purchased of Hennery Pike Juner lying in Sd Mattituck containing six acres two quarters & 3R rods at ;(49 York money as it is butted and bounded 8S followeth on the North by the 'Sd Hennery Pike with a one pole & half a rod lane leading from the Land of the said James Corwin to the bargained primises East by James Tuthill South by the 'cove & west by the land of David Corwin Timothy Corwin and James Corwin aforesaid-Dated the 20 of May 1766 Ent'd on Record this 29th of April 1776. pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk IFor note on "Corwins," see Appendix.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents yt I John Hallocks 'of Southold carpenter doe, for valuable consideration by these presents give grant and sell unto John Tooker of the abovesd Town, all my intire right tittle and inte- rest of my dwelling house in Southold, with the barn 'seller and Orchard, and all the home lott with the winter wheat upon the ground-As also a second lott in the Old Town bounds; and fifty acres of upland lying in the North division-Edward Patty on the east side: Also fifteen acres of Land at the reere of Jacob 'Corys land-And fourteen acres at the North Sea lotts: More, four acres of land in the Calves Neck :-More, 'One acre of meadow, adjoyneing to the meadow of Joshua Horton on the West: More two acres of mea- dow Stephen Baylie on the West :-More two lotts of Kreekthatch at the South Harbour, the land of John , 214 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Paine on the North: Also twelve acres of Land at Toms-Kreek and nine acres of Land in Hogneck : As also halfe priviledges of the well, with the privi- ledges belonging to one halfe-And to the true confir. mation of all the aboves' premises I doe hereunto set my hand and seal this 23 day of May 1687. Witnesses bl. ISAAC X OVENTON JOHN HALLOCKS mark JOHN DOWNS ABIGAIL HALLOCKS Ent' pr Benj: Yo. [For note on John Hallock, and the lot above named, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE 106. [Abstract.] June y' 3', 1686. This day is concluded and agreed upon between John Tooker Sen' dwelling in the Town of Brookhaven on the one part, and Hanah Elton of the Town of South old Weido\v on the other part (that if God please to joyne them together in matrimony) that they will faithfully performe the following Articles hereafter in these presents mentioned, each to other, without fraud, covin or deceit. viz : Hem.-That the said Jobn Tooker for himselfe his. heirs executors, administrators and assigns doth prom- ise covenant and agree with the s' Hanah Elton that in leeue and stead of dowrey, joynture or otber provision to be expected by s' Hanah Elton of him the s' John Tooker, eytber now or at his death, that he y' s' John Tooker doth grant at his death, if the said Hannah Elton shall outlive the said John Tucker, that then the s' Hanah Elton (without the lell hinderance or impede- ment of the s' Tooker his heirs or assigns) shall have full power to alienate or reserve, either to herselfe or to whome she please all her present personal estate that she is possest of at the time of this her marriage:- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 21S, And further the s' John Tooker doth covenant and promise that if he shall die before the s' Hanah, then she shall during her life and for the more comfortable support and maintenance thereof have hold occupy and enjoy all that his house and houseing which he now lives in in Brookhaven with six acres of home lott ad. joyning and belonging thereunto, and one full halfe of the orchard belonging to it, and also nine acres of land in the Old Field of said Town, with two acres and halfe in the little neck by the brickkilne and halfe the meadow both South and North in s" Towne now belong- ing to s' Tooker, with all the proffits without ever ac. counting for :-And further the s' Tooker doth for himselfe and heirs give and grant unto the s' Hanah Elton dnring her life, after the death of s' Tooker, all his household goods of all sorts that are now in his cous. tody, and that shall be at his death to be by her used, not giving account to any of what shall decay by using and be worne out by time, or shall by the hazards of Providence be brought to causuall distruction :-And furthermore the s" Tooker, tD the s" Hanah (if she out. Ii ves him) and for her comfortable maintenance, doth promise unto her the full possession and eujoyment of all his then liveing Stock of horse kinde, and all neat cattle and swine, and all.other cattle whatsoever, to be at discretion preserved and expended for the end afore. said, rendering no account for such her maintiuance,. nor for any accidental deaths of any of them :-And lastly the s' John Tooker doth covenant and promise to and with the s' Hanah Elton in case she outlive him, that whatever land houseing or other estate he shall die seised of within the Township of Southold shall re- maine and belong to the said Hannah Elton dureing: her life-together with the sole use and full possession of his Negro slave named Richard, whom he bought of Mr Isaac Arnold :-And the said John Tooker doth 216 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. ,covenant and promise, that all these demised premises, are imediately by his death to demise out of his pos- session, into the possession of her the aforesaid Hanah. Item-The said Hanah Elton doth covenant, promise and agree that in consideration of the performances of the premises above agreed upon that she doth and will for ever release and quit all claime unto all and every part of the estate of Sd Tooker (excepting what is above promised unto her) acknowledging herself fully satisfied with the performance of the agreements abovesaid, and further she doth agree and promise to and with the said Tooker that all her present estate, that shall in these presents be expressed upon the consumation of her marriage to and with the abovesd John Tooker shall be and become at his use and disposell and belong unto him for his and her mutuall comeforte dureing her coverture and marriage with him--but if God so orders it that shee shall die before him, that then it shall be lawfull for her to alienate, give and dispose off to whomsoever she please all that estate which at her mar- riage she brings to ye Sd Tooker, that is to say, seven cows-three, three years old-three two years old and three yearlings and one ioure year old steere, and four calves-One feather bed and furniture-one great brass kettle--two yron potts-one brass skillet-one warme- ing pan: In pewter three basans-one bed pan-one plate-five platters-two quart potts--six glass bottles -one pewter pottle-pot--three pewter drinking cups- ioure tinn pans-two judgs and a pitcher-two chissells two boxes-three payre sheetes-foure pillowbers-one looking glass-six pewter porrengers, and all other household goods that shall appeare to be hers :-And it is so agreed that all the household goods expressed above that shall remaine in specei at the disolution of this marriage are to be disposed off by s' Hanah, and such of them as by time or use shall ware out are not SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 217 to be repaired by Sd Tooker and whatsoever of th e abovesaid cattle shall remaine at the dissolution above- said shall in like manner be at disposell of Sd Hanah, and what shall be consumed and spent except by casuall death shall be made up and supplyed by Sd Tooker. In Confirmation of the premises we have set to Our hands and seales the day and yeare above written- Annoqu regi rigis, Jacobi secundi, secundo. Signed sealed & delivered in presence of us JOHN YONGS. JOSIWA HOBART. Acknowledged before me JOHN TOOKER ... HANAII X ELTON ",..It Entd Pro Benj: Yo. Rdr. 1692 Jan. 26. [For note on John Tooker, Hannah Elton, and riage contract, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] JOHN YONGS. this rnar~ PAGE 107. [Abstract.] To all Christian People, Greeting. Know Ye that I Samuel Glover of Southold, Yeoman for and in consid- eration of a small house builded and finished for me by Joseph Patty of Sd Town, Carpenter, doe give grant and sell, unto the Sd Patty one first lott of land, lying near the Inlett, by estimation twentyfive acres-bounded on the North by y' Sound-on y' East by Joseph Moore -on y' South by y' highway and on y' West by Wil- liam Solomon- In 'Vitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 13th day of November 1712. SAMUEL GLOVER [Seal] Witnesses WILLIAM GLOVER ... DEBORAH X GLOVER. Om Entd y' 3. of June 1714. pI' Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [For note on Sam' Glover, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] 218 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I, John" ong" S' of Southold for good considerations, doe give grant and sell unto Ed ward Paty Sen' of Southold, all my right title and interest in and to a tract of upland in Oysterpond lower Neck, bounded East by Mr Thomas Moor-West by the marked trees-north and south by the salt water :-And a second lott of meadow which is the Northermost of all the fresh meadow, and part of which is adjoyning to the Sd tract of Land :-Also an- other Second lott of meadow lying in the said neck, formerly belonging to the Sd Y ongs' Town house lott In \Vitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of February 1682 Witnesses JOHN CORWIN JOHN YONGS JONATHAN HORTON. Acknowledged 5 March 1694. at his own house, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice Ent" pr Benj: Yo Rdr. PAGE 108. [Abstra.t.] To all Christian people, Henry Tuthill of Southold Yeoman sendeth Greeting. . Know Y c that he y' Sd Henry Tuthill doe by these presents, in consideration of a valuable sum to him paid grant and sell to Ralph Patty of South old husbandman a certain percell of \V oodland and meadow by computation nine or ten acres scituate in the Oysterponds Lower Neck at a place called Curwins Neck, near y' fresh meadows, bounded South by John Tuthill J un'-at y' Southeast corner by a great White Oak tree marked R. P.-South- west at a stake at y' Creeke and bounded on y' West by Thomas Terry-North by y' land and meadow of Sd Ralph Patty-East by John Terry and the meadow of SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 219 William Solman and at y' Northeast corner by a slo- ping walnut tree-and at y' Northwest corner a black oak tree all marked R.P. Toy' confirmation of all y' abovesaid prem ises y' s' Henry Tuthill and Bethiah his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals this y' 24th day of March 170t',,- Witnesses THOMAS DEBELL HENRY TUTHILL .tl~ HANNAH H DIBELL BETHIA TUTHILL " STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged June y' 28th 17IO before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Entd Api y' 27th 17I3 pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk [Abstract.] This division of a meadow left to Joseph Patty & Ralfe Patty, made 3' Sept 1698, being a meadow left them by the will of their father Edward Patty: the bounds between them are; by a black oak tree stand- ing upon y' land of John Paine Sen North-and south by an Island of upland in Thomas Moors meadow by a white Oake tree and ranging with a stake by y' dich-- the Easterly part is to remaine y' s' Joseph Patty-and y' Westerly part is to remaine y' s' Ralfe Patty. Entered y' 3' of November 1698, Pr Benj: Yongs Recorder SOllthold Decembr 23' 1703. Then received of Joseph Patty of y' s' Towne Car- penter the sum of sixteen pounds currant money of New York, which is part of y' sum of thirty pounds that was due to me Thomas Youngs according to the ten nor of a mortgage bearing date N ovem ber y' 3' 1697, for which s' sum of sixteen pounds together with ;220 SOUTHOLD 'fOWN RECORDS. y' Interest from y' s' 3' day of November 16g7, untilt .the third day of Novemb' last past, I the s' Thomas Youngs doe acknowledge to have received from y' s' Joseph Patty-As Witness my hand the day and yeare .abovesaid THOMAS YOUNGS Ent' y' day and year aboves' pr Benj: Youngs Recdr PAGE 109. [Abstract.] To alt people to whome these presents shalt come 'Greeting. Know Ye that I Samuel! Beebee of Plumb Island County of Suffolk Yeoman for and in considera- tion of the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to me payd by Silas Beebe of Plumb Island, do by these presents give grant and selt unto y's' Silas Beebee One Messuage or tract of land scituate on Plumb Island, containing by estimation fifty acres butted and bounded from a stake by the pond to a stake at the Northwest part of the land of Samuelt Beebe Jun'-from thence Easterly to a stake adjoyning to Theophilus line-from thence Northerly to a stake upon the bank, from thence Westerly to another stake upon the bank-from thence Southerly to a stake by the pond-from thence to the first mentioned bound including the Island. In Witness w hereof I have hereto set my hand and 'Seal this 2' day of April 1761. Witnesses ELNATHAN BEEBE SAMUELL BEEBEE [Seal] WILLIAM KING Juner -Acknowledged 26 May 1761, before me THO: Y ONGS, Justice [Enl' by Rob' Hempsted:-]. W. C.] SOUTHOLD TOWN ~ECORDS. 22l [ Abstract.] To all people to whom these presents shall come, Know Ye that I, John Swazey of Southold Yeoman, in consideration of the su m of nineteen pounds to me paid, doe by these presents give grant and sell unto Joseph Swazey of Southold Yeoman, A certaiu percell of meadow scituate at Acquabauke, by estimation six acres bounded Northerly by y' meadow of y' Sd John Swazey, where is a \Vhite Oak tree marked on y' East side of y' said Meadow, and on y' \Vest side of y' North- erly bounds is a fence, and on the East and west by y' upland, and on y' South by the bay ;-And also a privi- lege of a way upon the edge of y' meadow of Sd John Swazey unto the meadow herein demised In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal y' 4th day of January 17l!-. Witnesses SAMUEL HUCHINSON mm' BENJ: YOUNGS JOHN X SWAZEY [Seal] " Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice Entd Jany 24th 17ft Pr Benj: Youngs Town elk. PAGE IIO. [Abstract.] Richard Howell his Record. Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Mapes of Southold, doe by these presents in consideration of a valuable consideration by me received, grant bargain. and sell unto Richd Howell of the same plantation, a third lott of meadow or Marsh ground containing about three acres situate on the South side of Peheconuck River bounded by the Sd River Northward-East by a small brook running into. Sd River and South by the. 222 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. upland, and West by y' meadow of s' Richard Howell, which he purchased of Jabez Mapes In confirmation hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of August I~4. Witnesses JOHN OSMAND THOMAS MAPES bi. Will M MAPES MARY MAPES mo. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Ror. I~4. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, I Will Hallioke doe send Greeting: Whereas I the s' William Haloke doe stand possest of a certain tract of Land situate in Southold, Know ye for divers good considerations me thereunto moveing, yet with the reservations and conditions here. after meutioned I have by this my present writing, given granted and confirmed and doe hereby give grant and confirme unto my son.in.law Rich" Howel of y' Sd Town, Twenty rood [rod] wide of land from North to South sea lying and being next unto the lands of William Hallioke on the east side, and John Conck. line J un' on the \Vest side. And the s" Richard Howell doth by these presents oblidge himseIfe and his heirs forever hereafter unto the s' William Halliok, and his heirs that w hat land soever the s" Richard Howel shall from time to time take in from the common, he shall set up and maintain a sufficient fcnce:-and that the said Richard Howell shall not lett or farme said land to any person or persons but to such as shall be approved by the neighbourhood to be honest peacable and quiett. and lastly that in case the s" Richard Howell should happen to die without issue that then the said land to fall unto John Hallioke, he the s' John Hallioke paying for such fencing, housing as shall be found on said land, judged by two indifferent men of the Town. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 223 In testimony whereof, and that this is my actual and effectual deed of gift, I have to these presents set my hand and seal this 26th day of April 1675. Witnesses thom..kof ISAAC ARNOLD \VILLIAM H HALlOKE JOHN TUTTHILL [For note upon Hallock, Howell, and the lot above named, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE II 1. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom these may come Greeting Know Ye that I, Jabish Mapes of Southold, have, by these presents in consideration of fifty shil- lings, already received, alienated and sold to Richard Howell of Sd South old two 10Us of meadow on the South side Peheconick River bounded West by the meadow of Thomas Terrill-East by Thomas Mapes- North by the River and South by the upland. As Witness his hand and "seal this 3d day of July 1691. Witnesses tho mark or JONATHAN HORTON JABEZ X MAPES STEPHEN BAILY- '-.mo<' ELIZABETH X MAPES Ent" pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. 1691- [For note on Jabez Mapes, see Appendix.-J. W. c.J [Abstract.] These presents Witness that I Thomas Moore Sen' of Southold, have for a valuable sum in hand received granted and sold and by these presents doe grant and sell unto Richard Howell, planter, of s' Town, One first lott of woodland lying at Ocquabauke, bounded on the West by the land of Isaac Osman-east by Wm Coleman-North by the Sound and South by the Bay:- Also one seoond lott of salt meadow, in Ocquabauk on 224 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. the North side the deepe kreek, bounded East by Wil- liam Mapes-West by Samuel Wines In \Vitness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this 15th Ap' 1691. Witnesses BENJ: YONGS JOSiAH Y ONGS- Ent' pr Beuj: Yo. Rdr. 1691. THOMAS MOORE KATHREN MOORE. [Abstract. ] Be it Known unto all men yt I John Curwin Sen' of SOl1thold, in consideration of a valuable sum in hand received, doe by these presents, grant and sell unto Richard Howel of Southold all my right title and in- terest of a second lott of meadow, situate ou the other side of Peheconock river bounded West by John Swazy Sen'--East by John Curwin Jun'-North by the River and Sonth by the upland. In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of February 1691. Witnesses JONATHAN HORTON JOHN CURWIN JOHN BUGE Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. Feb: II, 102. PAGE 112. [Abstract.] Anno Domini 102 March 3' day. Know all men by these presents that I John Tutthill Sen' of Southold, for good consideration already re- ceived, doe give grant and sell, by these presents, unto Richard Howell planter of Southold, three lotts of Salt Meadow scituate on the South Side of the river at Ocquabauk-the s' three lotts of meadow is bounded SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 225 as followeth-by John Curwin on the West, and on the East by William Reevs, originally Stephen Bailys. Witness my hand and seal the day and year first above written Witnesses BENJAMIN YONGS CHRISTIAN Y ONGS. JOHN TUTTHILL SARAH X TUTTHlLL her mort Ent' y' 3' day of March 1692 pr Benj: Yo. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come, I William Hunter of Onstend County in the province of North Carolina Planter, send Greeting, Know Ye that I the said William Hunter for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and Twenty- five pounds to me paid by John Hunter, Colony of Con- necticut, County of Fairfield, Town of Woodberry and province of New England planter, do give grant bar- gain and sell unto the said John Hunter a tract of Land lying in Southold at or near the plantation of Samuel Winds and West of the Town of Southold containing by estimation fiftie acres being two alotments-and one is bounded as followeth-to the common Roade or Kings highway South-to the North Sea North-and on the west by a highway :-this, thus bounded was given by Samuell 'Vinds unto Elizabeth Hunter by a deed of gift dated 12th Nov 1~5 and contains twentie five acres:- the other alotment is adjoyning to the same above men- tioned, and is bounded by the Long Lane South, and the North Sea [North] and by the Lands of John Terry East, and was given by Barnabas Winds by a deed of gift dated 12th Nov' I~5, to Elizabeth Hunter, the wife of Thomas Hunter of Southold :-The abovesaid land IS held by s' William Hunter by heirship-the above- '5 226 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. said Thomas and Elizabeth Hunter being deceased and the abovesaid William Hunter being their eldest son and lawful heir. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal this second day of April 175 J. Witnesses EZEKIEL HUNTER. WILLIAM HUNTER [Seal] ELISHA HUNTER. North Carolina } Onslow County. This 3' day of April 1751, appeared before me the subscriber William Hunter and acknowl. edged the execution of this deed JOHN HARKEY Justice of Peace Ent' this 9th of Sept. [761, pr Rb' Hempsted Town Clerk [For note on "Hunter," see Appendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE I I 3. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, William Salmon of South- old Sendeth Greeting: Know Ye I William Salmon doe, by these presents, in consideration of twelfe pounds already in hand paid give grant and sell unto Jonathan Havens A certain parcel of Salt Meadow in y' Oyster- ponds Lower Neck by computation three acres bounded South by y' Creek-North by Ralph Patty-West by Thomas Terry-East by Jonathan Havens aforesaid. Witness my hand and seal this 5'" day of May 1710. \Vitnesses, STEPHEN BAYLEY WILLIAM SALMAN [Seal] THOMAS SAINT Acknowledged 6 May 1710, before me THOMAS YOUNGS' Ent Sept y' 9'h 1710 pr Benj; Youngs, Town Clerk SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 227 [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Yee, that I, Eliner Terry of Southold, now y' wife of Thomas Terry of Sd South old, in consideration of Twenty pounds to me paid by my son Jonathan Havens of y' Town aforesaid, doe by these presents give grant bargain and sell, unto him the Sd Jonathan Havens, A certain tract or parcel of land Scituate on Shelter Island, containing fifty acres, bounded on y' North by Thomas Shaw-on the east and West by Sd Jonathan Havens, and so to run South. erly until the full quantity of fifty acres is contained and made within the said bounds Witness my hand and seal this 2d day of July 1713. Witnesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELlNER TERRY [Seal] Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice. PAGE 114. I. John Salmon his home lott in the Towne contain- ing foure acres, bounded East & North with the land of William Wells and West with the Land of Thomas Moore, and the Street South 2. Also twelve acres of woodland towards the North Sea. 3. Also a percell of meadow in Hoggneck. 4. One first lott of upland in the Oyster pond neck, part whereof lying in the lower neck so called, bounded East with the land 01 Jeremiah Vale formerly Gyles Sylvesters, and on the West with the land of Samuel King The other part of Sd first lott is lying in y' uper neck so called bounded West with y' land of Thomas Moore 5. His meadow lying in Curwins neck is one third 228 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. lott, Tho: Terrys meadow West, East with Collonel Yo. his Meadow, the kreek on the South. 6. His meadow purchased of Christopher Yo. Sen' in y' Oysterpond neck also containing three acres more, or less, being a second lott, bounded East with Caleb Curtis, and with the land of Samuel Glover South West. 7. Also a percell of meadow lying between two poynts of his own land, and from the first tree on the East poynt of upland to a great Salt pond, and it runs from the West poynt of upland (from a small black oake tree marked nere the meadow) into the pond. Also one first lott of commonage within the Old town bounds. Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr 1691. [For note on John Salmon, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. 1. p. 125, and Appendix.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting, Know Ye that I John Hunter of Wood. bridge, Fairfield County, Connecticut, in consideration of one hundred pounds do by these presents give grant, bargain and sell unto Obediah Wells of the City of New York, Two certain lotts of land situate in South. old containing twenty five acres in each lott bounded as followeth viz: One of said lotts is bounded North by the North Sea-South by the Country Road and West by a highway:-the other lott lyeth Eastward of the above described lott ad joyning thereto:- The above described lotts were given to my honoured mother Elizabeth Hunter by Barnabas Winds and Samuel Winds by a certain deed of gift bearing date the 12th day of November 1695 and recorded in Sd Southold Town Records:- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 229 In Witness whereof I have herennto set my hand and seal this 11th day of October 1750. Witnesses WILLIAM SHEARMAN ROGER SHEARMAN JOHN HUNTER [Seal] New Milford Oct 1 I. 1750. This day acknowledged before me PAUL WELSH Justice Peace Sept IO: 1761. A true copie. Examined and entr' pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk PAGE "5. [Abstract.] To all whom these presents may concerne Whereas, John Peaken late of Southold, Seaman, now of New Haven, in consideration of y' Sum of ffortie pounds to be to him paid by Samuel King of South old Cooper, in manner following, that is to say, Twenty pounds in hand and y' other twenty pounds residue Secured to be paid according to agreement in that behalfc: Know Yee that I John Peaken, do by these presents grant bargain and sell unto y' s' Samuel King, All that his late dwelling house Scituate in Southold, and all other outhouses thereunto belonging, garden orchards fences &c in and about the home accommodations, as also all other lands and allotments of right appertaining within y' bounds of Southold aforesaid and also in y' Neck caled y' Oysterponds Necks.- In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal y' 23' day of April! 1656. Witnesses, Wm WELLS JOHN PEAKEN [Seal] THOMAS MOOR. Ent' May 24, '704- p' Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [For note on "Peaken," see Appendix.-J. W. C.] 230 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] This Indenture made the I I"' day of December 1711, between Joseph Patty of South old Carpenter of y' one part and Ralph Patty of y' same place husbandman of y', other part Witnesseth" that y' s' Joseph Patty for the consideration of nineteen pounds hath by these pres- ents given, granted and sold the revertion of a certain piece of land in Oysterponds lower Neck containing two acres and three quarters with all houses fences &c, bounded with y' land of John Terry to y' eastwards and with y' land of y'said Joseph Patty, North and West and South by the highwaye-And the s' Joseph Patty doth give grant and sell unto y' s' Ralph Petty all and singular the said premises (after the death of Mercey, who now possesseth them: And for y' confirmation of the abovesaid the s' Joseph Patty doth hereunto set his hand and seal the dayabovesaid, 171 I. Witnesses, ABRAHAM SCHELLENX RECOMPENCARLL JOSEPH PATTY [Seal] Acknowledged the day abovesaid before me JOSIAH HOBART Justice of the peace Ent' June 4th: 1713. Pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE II 6. [Abstract.] [Bond.] Know all men by these presents that I John Hunter of Woodberry, County of Fairfield, Connecticut Yeo- man am held and firmly bound unto Obediah Wells of the City of New York Shopkeeper in the sum of three hundred pounds to be payd to the s' Obediah \Vells- Dated 8th March "one thousand seven hundred and fifty or fifty or fifty one." The condition of the above obligation is such that SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 231 whereas the above bounden John Hunter hath sold to y' above named Obediah Wells two lotts of Land in South old, containing twenty five acres each-If there- fore th.e s' Hunter shall hereafter indemnifie and keep harmless the s' Wells, and the two lotts of land from all demands in law or right which one Wrn Hunter or any other person shall demand or claim to have of or in the s' two lotts, then this obligation to be void, else to be and remain in full force. Witnesses, JEREMIAH HORTOK PARMENAS HORTOK JOHN HUNTER [Seal] Ent' this 10 of Sept 1761. Pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk. [Abstract.] This Indenture made on the twenty fifth day of March '6<1" Between Isaac Arnold of Southold Mer- chant of the one part and Cartrett Gillam of the Town aforesaid Marriner on the other part, Witnesseth that the said Arnold for the consideration of a competent sum of money dot grant, bargain and sell unto the s' Cartrett Gillem, two acres and three quarters of land ly- ing at a place called Toms Kreek bounded by the land of Mary Gillem on the West-the Sound North-the highway South, and by an oake tree marked and stand- ing on the \Vest Side at the run or spring, and from thence to run upon a direct line as it is now staked out to the north side of the land by the land of s' Arnold on the East side, and all the buildings, yard fences or fences there upon built or lying together with all wood &c. except what is excepted by agreement:- Also a perce I of lime, bricks, pine boards, and stons for the finishing of the house in and upon the prem- ises: In Witness whereof I to these presents have fixed my 232 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. seal and subscribed my name the yeare and day first written. Witnesses JEREMIAH VEAIL WILIAM DOWNS ISAAC ARNOLD Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr Feb 23, 1693- Acknowledged 5th Dec' 1702, before me THOMAS YOUNGS Justice Entd Decemb' 5th 1702. p. Benj: Youngs, Rdr [For note on Isaac Arnold and Carteret Gillam, see Ap- pendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE 117. [Abstract.] To all people to whom these presents shall come, Know Ye, that I Samuell Beebe and Hannah Beebe widow both of Southold in consideration of the sum of forty pound to me payd, do by these presents grant bargain and sell unto Silas Beebe, one tract of Land scituate on Plumb Island in the County of Suf- folk, containing by estimation five acres, butted and bounded from Theophilus Beebes Southwest bounds Northerly to a stake-then Westerly twentyfore rod to another stake-thence Southerly to a stake by a pond: from thence by the pond and beach to the first mentioned bound. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 23' day of October 1770 SAMUELL BEEBEE [Seal] HANNAH BEEBEE [Seal] SUSANAH BEEBEE [Seal] Witnesses BENJ: BROWN AMON BEEBEE Acknowledged 24 Octo 1770, before me BENJAMIN BROWN Justice Entr' this 23d Augt 1774, pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 233 [Abstract.] To all people to whom these presents shall come. I, Isaac Arnold, of Southold, Esqr send Greeting, Know Ye, That for the true love and naturall affec- tion I have and bear unto my eldest daughter Mary the now wife of Cartrett Gillem of the Town aforesaid marriner, I being in good health and perfect memory doe by this my present writing, give, grant and con- firme unto my said son in law Cartret Gillem and the heirs of his body to be begotten of his now wife and my Sd daughter Marya certaine parcell of Woodland lyin in the Township of Southold at a place called Toms.Kreek being sixteen acres, bounded by John Frankline West-Carttrett Gillem East-the highway South, and the North Sea or Sound North:- Witness my hand and seal this 16th January 1692- Memorandum: that before the signing and delivery of these presents, full leave and liberty is hereby given unto the Sd Carttrett Gillem to sell and dispose of the above mentioned premises as he shall have occasion provided it be with the full consent of my daughter Mary, his now wife. teste. Witnesses, DAVID GARDINER ISAAC ARNOLD. JOHN ARNOLD Entd y' 27th Feb: 1693. Pr Benj: Yo. Acknowledged by Isaac Arnold Esqr this 5th day of December 1702 before me, THOMAS YOUNGS Justice. [NoTE.-Homestead now of Grover M. Cook.-J. W. C.] PAGE 1I8. [Abstract.] Suffolk County Ss: Southold March 15: 1754. Then received of John Wiggins, John Conkling of Southold and of John Colefox of New London, Conn' 234 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. and of the heirs of Capt. James Rogers of New Lon. don, the sum of Twentie two pounds ten shillings; and in consideration thereof I George Davis of New Lon. don do acquit and discharge the said Wiggins, Conk. ling and Company of and from all debts dues & dam. ages due to me on accompt of my wages in the voage from y' port of Long Island in s" N ew York to S' Christophers in the West Indias in the year 1748: And also on account of my going and being hostage of the Sloop Mary, and for the redemption of said sloop and her cargo taken by a french privateer called the Eagle whereof Capt Bernard D'Sea was Master-and of all dues and demands of every nature and kind whatso- ever. Witness my hand and seal day and date abovesaid. Witnesses JOHN RACKETT JOHN TUTHILL GEORGE DAVIS [Seal] May 22" 1754: A true copie Ex" and Ent" pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk. 1690 October 28. Mr Benj: Yo. I desire you to rec. ord to my son Joshua three of the lotts of upland Note y' J os: Horton Sen' sent me a paper by his s" son J os: to record, but before I had finished the second line here above written, he came in and forbid it, BENJ: Yo. [Abstract. ] This Indenture made the 24'" day of September 1697. Between Jonathan Mapes of South old Labourer and Ester his wife of the one part, and Joshua Horton J un' of Southold Cooper of the other part Witnesseth, that the s" Jonathan Mapes with the consent of his wife, in consideration of a competent sum of money to him in hand paid, doth by these Presents grant bargain and sellnnto the s" Joshua Horton a first lott of woodland being by estimation twenty five acres, scituate in South. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 235 old, last dividend of lands, bounded on the South by the great rhoade and West by the s' H orton-N orth by the highway and East by Rich' Benjamin In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year above written. Witnesses, JOHN REEVS hi. mark JONATHAN X MAPS h..mut MATTHIAS HUTCHISON ESTHER H MAPS Acknowledged 28 Dec. 16<)7 before me. I, Thomas Mapes do hereby rattifie the above bill of sale. THOMAS MAPES. Ent' Pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [For note on this" dividend of Lots," see Appendix.- J. W. C.] PAGE I19. [Abstract.] Whereas there hath bine a contest between Joshua Wells of South hold in y' County of Suffolk and Colony of New Yorke Gentleman and Israel Parshall of y' Town abovesaid Yeoman in and about the North and South bounds of their lands at Acqueboge and they having mutually chosen Samuel Hutchinson, Benjamin Harlow and Josiah Youngs all of South old abovesaid arbitrators to judge and determine between them as by their bond bareing date y' twenty six of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven [hundred] and thirteene fourteene, may more at large appear refer- ence thereunto being had and we the said arbitrators having heard y' aligations and considered y' whole matter, doe conclude and determine that y' hounds both South and North are and shall remaine in y' same places where the bounds stood when they exchanged their land which was a stake in t.he meadow at y' South and a stone at y' North end :-\Ve finding no cause to remove the bounds In Witness whereof we the said arbitrators have here- 236 50UTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. unto set our hands and seals this tenth day of March in y' year otour Lord one thousand Seven hundred and thirteene, fourteene. Signed and sealed in y' presence of us. SAMUEL HUCHINSON [Seal] JOHN BENJAMIN BENJAMIN HARLOW [Seal} JOSHUA TUTHILL. JOSIAH YOUNGS [Seal} Ent' y' 16th of Aprill 1714. Pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [Abstract.} To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Greeting: Know Ye that 1, John Roggers of Brookhaven husbandman, in consideration of the sum of five shillings, doe by these presents give grant and sell unto Joshua Wells of South old yeoman, One full third part of five first lots of upland, and also one full third part of eighty five first lots of meadow scituate and lying at a place called by the name of Wading River, between y' s' Town of Brookhaven and South. old, and also one third part of y' common land belong. ing to y' s' lots, which said upland and meadow was purchased of Capt Thomas Youngs by Richard Lore, John Lore and me the s' John Roggers as by a deed bearing date y' 4th of November 1703, will appear, and bounded as in y' s' deed is fully set forth. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal y' 16th day of October 1707. Witnesses JOHN ROGGERS [Seal] THOMAS MAPES THOMAS TURREL Acknowledged y' 16th October 1707, before me. THOMAS MAPES, Justice Peace. Ent' y' 25 ffeb. 172!, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 237 PAGE 120. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come, Samuell Youngs of Southold, cord winder, Know Ye that I, Samuell Youngs in consideration of y'sum of four pounds and fifteen shillings doe hereby grant, bargain and sell unto James Patty of Southold marine' A certaine parcell of meadow, three acres, lying and being in y' great hogg Neck, on the North east side of said Neck, Bounded on y' Northeast by y' harbour- on y' South west by sundry lotts of upland lately laid out by division :-said meadow is known by y' name of Clay Pitt meadow:- To y' confirmation thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal December the first 1703. Witnesses the m.,.~ of STEPHEN BAYLEY SAMUEL YOUNGS [Seal] HENRY CASE Acknowledged y' 25th April '70S, before me. THos: YOUNGS Justice. Ent' May y' 28th 1705. pr Benj: Youngs Recdr. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come, Samuel King of Southold Cooper vVhereas y' said Samuel King did formerly exchange unto John Tutthill of South old Esq' Severall parcels of land scitu- ate at Cattchauge, and through neglect y' formality of the law hath not been atteuded for y' sure conveyance of y' said Parcells of Land unto y' s' John Tuthill and his heirs Know Ye that he y' Sd Samuel King as well for the consideration of a sum of money, and divers other causes, doth by these presents forever remise, reo lease and quitclaime unto the s' John Tuthill and to his heirs, all such right title interest, and demand which he 238 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. y' s' Samuel King had or ought to have of in or to all y' s' Parcells of land lying at y' s' Cattchauge, by any waies or means whatsoever.- In Witness whereof y' s' Samuel King, this 11th day of May 17'3, hath hereunto set his hand and seal- Witnesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAMUEL KING [Seal] Acknowledged this IIth May 17'3, before me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice Ent' y' 6th June 1713. p' Benj: Youngs Town Clerk PAGE 121. [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come Greeting, Know Yee that I Samuel Moore of y' Town of Southold husbandman in consideration of the sum of twelve pounds have sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto Thomas Moore Yeoman One lott and a halfe of meaadow scituate in Oysterponds lower Neck, in y' meadow called the fresh meadows, and bounded on y' North by y' meadow of s' Thomas Moore-East by y' land of Joseph Patty-west by a small creeke. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal this 15th day of October 1714. Witnesses JOHN PECKE SAMUEL MOORE [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS. Acknowledged the day and year above written before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice. Ent' y' '5th March '7ft. pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, I Richard Brown Sen' of Southold Yeoman, send Greeting. Know Ye that for SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 239 and in consideration of y' naturall affection I have and bear for my fourth son Walter Brown of the Town aforesaid, I doe give and grant unto my said son Wal- ter six acres of Land lying nere the Southwest of my homestall in the Oysterpond lower Neck called the New lott-the com on highway on the North-the mea- dow and kreek west and South, and on the east by my own fence now standing, and so by a straight line to the kreek-And also all my land called or known by the name of the old Tobacco ground (excepting five acres) with full egress and regress of highways &c of comonage and cutting of wood on my whole interest, to all my rights and prividedges of Lands in Southold proportionable to this my deed of gift. Witness my hand and seal this 20th January 1684- m.' RICHARD X BROWN Sen' Witnesses JOHN TUTHILL ISAAC ARNOLD. Acknowledged the day and year aforesaid, before me JOHN YONGS. ., Ent'pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 122. South old August y' 11th 1701. The deposision of Prisilla Tusteen aged about fifty years saith that she did see Robart Treastean married to Martha Herbert, and that they were married by Barnabas Horton, who was appointed by authority for marriing. Sworne before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' Octo. y' I (th 1705. pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk The deposition of L' Joshua Horton aged 67 years- testifieth that he was invited by Mary Moore wife of Thomas Moore to goe & see Robart Treasteane & Mar- 240 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. tha Herbert married at the meeting house in Southold and when he came against y' said meeting house, he saw y' people come out of y' said meeting house; and they did tell him that y' said Robart Treasteane was married to the said Martha Herbert: and also that y' said Robart Treasteane hath bine in y' said Town & lodged at y' house of y'said Joshua Horton since one now called Jonathan Moore (now living in y' Sd Town) was borne of the wife of y' Sd Robart Treasteane (as it is said) and farther saith not. Southold sworne before me this first day of Novem- ber 1710. Entd Feb" 17th 17H. pr Benj: Yonngs Town Cler. The deposision of Jasper Griffing aged about sixty four years saith that Docter Robart Treasteane was in Sonthold and lodged at Sd Griffings house since Jona- than Moor (now of Sd Southold) was borne and further saith not. Southold March y' 5, 17H. Sworne before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd March 14th 17+1- pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. [For note on Robert Treasteane, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. 1. p. 364; and Appendix.-]. W. C.] pr THOMAS MAPES Justice [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come, Thomas Moor of y' Town of Southold mariner sendeth Greeting, That as well for the consideration of y' naturalllove which he beareth unto his eldest son Thomas Moor of South old husbandman as for the sum of five shillings to him paid, doth by these presents re- mise, release and forever quitclaim unto y' Sd Thomas SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 241 Moor his son all such right estate title interest and claim which he hath, or ought to have of, in, or to, All a certaine messuage or tenement with all y' out lands adjoyning to y' same, situate eastward from Hashamo.. mack lands, bounded on y' North by y' land of y's' Thomas Moor his son-on y' east by y' land of Daniel Youngs-on the South by y' harbour and on y' west by the land of y' said Hashamomak inhabitants. In Witness whereof y' s' Thomas Moor the elder hath hereunto set his hand and seal this 9th day of June 1705. Witnesses, JOSEPH CONKLIN MAR\" CONKLIN THOMAS MOOR [Seal] Acknowledged y' 16'" June 1705 before me, THOMAS YOUNGS Justice Ent' Oct' y' 12th 1705 pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk [For note on the lands above described, see Appendix. -J. W. C.] PAGE 123. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this seventeenth day of June In!. Benjamin Conkling Esq and John Conkling the third both of Southold of the one part and John Conk- ling J un' of South old Yeoman of the other part Wit- nesseth, that the said Benjamin Conkling and John Conkling for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings to them paid by John Conkling J un' do, by these presents bargain and sell unto the said John Conk. ling J un' all that messnage and tract of Land lying at Aqnebogue in Southold, being two allotment of Land in the first divission of Aquebogue, being between the lands formerly belongin;; to Daniel Corwin on the East, and Thomas Terry on the West containing by estima- tion six hundred acres: Also a tract or parde of salt meadow at Aquebogne ]6 242 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. aforesaid bounded Easterly by the Creek-Westerly by David Brown-Northerly by Ezekiel Petty, and South- erly by Warner: Also, a small tract of salt meadow on the South side of Peconeck River bounded &c: it being a small piece of meadow sold by Hennery Conkling late deceased to John Reevsof Southampton; all which said bargained premises were the estate of Capt John Conkling of South old-To have and to hold the above bargained premises unto the s' John Conkling Jun' from the day next before the date hereof, during the term of one year to the intent that the said John Conkling J un' may be in actual possession of the said lands and prem- ises &c &c In \Vitness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals BENJAMIN CONKLING. [Seal] JOHN CONKLING [Seal] Witnesses PARKER WICKHAM HAKNAH CONKLING Ent' this 14th day of Aug' 177!. pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk [Abstract.] 1692 ffeb: John Curwin Jun' his Record of his land purchased of Joshua Horton Sen' that is to say a fourth part of s' Joshua's four lotts, lying West of the Towne and against the Indians planting field so called :-the s' fourth part to be the westermost part of s' Joshua's four lotts, bounded by Tho' Gilbert West-s' Joshua's land east and North by the Long Lane: Also obtained of s' Joshua Horton one lott of kreek- thatch on Corchaug ffatt- Jonathan Reeves South-'-a kreek West, North and East by Joshua Horton Sen'. 16g2 ffeb: This Record testifieth that John Curwin Sen have given unto his eldest son John Curwin his heirs and assigns a first lott of Woodland lying west of SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 243 y' Town and on y' North side y' road about Nathaniel Terries bounded east by Jonathan Horton-west by Thomas Moore and North by the Long Lane. Also given to his said son John Curwin a second lott of Salt meadow at Ocquabauk bounded East by John Tuthill Sen'-west by Rich' Howell. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr the 20 fIeb: 16<)2. [Abstract.] Southold Anno Dom 16<)5 March 1 day. To all people Know Ye that I John Curwin Sen' out of the fatherly love I do bare unto my eldest son John Curwin doe hereby give grant and bestow upon him a second lott of upland containing fifty acres, lying west of the Town, bounded by Benjamin Moore West-Mr Hobart East and the Highway South, and the Long Lane North In confirmation whereof I have subscribed my name. Witnesses BEN]: YO. JOHN BOOTH JOHN CORWIN PAGE 124. [Abstract.] John Curwin Jun' his Record of a Second Lott. Obtained of Benj: Y ongs Sr. a second lot of upland fifty acres more or less lying west of the Town bounded East by John Paine-west by Jonathan Moor-South by the coman rhode and North by the Long Lane. Ent' April I, 1695. 16<)6 June 4th-Obtained of John Alaban one acre of wood land, west of the Town, bounded East by s' Ala- ban North & West by John Paine Jur, South by the Rhoad. En' June 4,16<)6, pr Benj: Yo. Rdr 244 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] Anno Domini 1696 July 31, day in Southold. I, John Paine J u' of Southold, marriner for valuable considera- tions to me paid, doe by these presents, grant bargain and sell unto John Curwin Ju' of s' South old All my right title and interest of in and to One second lott of upland lying West of the Town, by estimation fifty acres, bounded as follows to the land of the s' Paine West, and to the land of said Curwin on the East. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and year above written. Witnesses JOSHUA HOBART PETER PAINE MARY HOBART JOHN PAINE JEMIMA PAINE [For note on 2' John Curwin, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] Whereas I Martha Hutchison of Southold upon Long Island weidow being empowered by the Court of Sessions held at Southampton the 16th day of No- vember 1665. to take administration of the estate of my first husband Henry Case who died intestate: and also being admitted by the Court of Sessions held at Southampton aforesaid the 7th 8th and 9th days of March 1676 to be sole exectrix of all and singular the estate of my second husband Mr Tho: Hutchinson who also died intestate, and allowed by the said Court to take administration of the said estate and impowred to dispose of the same or any part thereof as the law of the County and goverment alloweth to administra- tors in such cases: Therefore Know all men by these presents, that I the abovesaid Martha Hutchison doe give grant and dispose of to my eldest son Henry Case for his full portion a first lott com on age within the old bounds of SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 245 Southold, and Seven acres of Woodland more or less in the Old field, with all the priviledges now thereunto belonging :-And also a parcell of meadow at Ocqua- bauk, so much as I shall see cause to allow him, being not as yet staked out :-And I also doe give and grant unto him the home lott I now dwell on after my decease to possess and enjoy:-All which said parcell of Lands meadows and comonage with the aforesaid home lott after my decease with all the priviledges now thereunto belonging I the aforsaid Martha Hutchison, doe fully freely and absolutely give grant and make over to my said son Henry Case To have & to hold to him, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. For Confirmation whereof I doe hereunto set my hand and seale this foureten day of June in the thirty second yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne lord Charles the second of Great Britain, France and Ire- land defender of the faith &c and in the year of our Lord 1681. Memorandum, that the word' old' at the end of y' 16th line, and the words' after my decease' was inter- lined before the signeing & sealeing hereof. Witnesses. m..,.. or JONATHAN HORTON MARTHA M HUTCHISON JONAS HOULDSWORTH. [For note on Henry Case, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. 1. pp. 74 and 221; and Appendix.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] Anno Dom. 16gi FebY 17. day Know all men by these presents that I, Samuel Y ongs of Southold, Carpenter, for good and valuable consid- erations doe by these presents, give grant and sell unto Henry Case of South old Weaver A certain tract of land lying west of the said lown, containing twenty five acres bounded by Benj: Y ongs Sen' on the West- 246 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. by Tho' Gilbert on the East-the comon rhoad South and the Long Lane North. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Witnesses BEN}: YONGS SAMUEL YONGS CHRISTIAN Y ONGS PAGE 125. [Abstract.] To all People Greeting Know Ye that I, Constant Sylvester of Shelter Island in the County of Suffolk doe by these presents, for the love, respects and good affections I have to Henry Case of Southold, doe freely give grant alienate and assigne Over unto him the said Henry Case, A first lott of krick thatch or sunken mea- dow in the last division lying Southwardly from a neck of Land in the possession of Mr David Gardiner about four miles from the Town plott and bounded on the West by the Kreek thatch of Tho: Tustan :-and on the east by the kreek thatch of Thomas Terrill-on the South by the Bay or Great River and a small humuck of kreekthatch lyiug Northwardly which belongeth to the said lott hereiu given and granted as abovesaid all being by estimation one acre or thereabouts As Witness my hand and seal this 6th day of Nov' 1694. Witnesses BENJAMIN LHOMMEDIEU CONSTANCE SYLVESTER PATIENCE LHOMMEDIEU STEPHEN BAILY [Abstract.] Know all men to whome this wntell1g shall come that Matthias Hutchison of Southold have exchanged with Henry Case of Southold, half his right of meadow at Ocquabauk called Brushes Meadow and to be equally SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 247 lor quantity divided and the said Henry Case to pos- sess and enjoy the North part, bounded on the South- west by the kreek-on the North east by the upland and southwardly by the meadow of the abovesaid Mat- thias Hutchison, which halfe of said meadow so ex- changed and bounded is for and in consideration of a certaine percell belonging to Henry Case in the Town plott nere Goos Kreek, bounded by Capt" Horton his meadow West and Daniel Terry East as mayappeare &c. Witnessed pr MATTHIAS HUTCHISON STEPHEN BAILY MARY BAILY Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. 1695 March. 16g5 March I. Henry Case his Record of a first lott. Obtained of John Paine Jun by way of exchange one lott of upland containing Twenty five acres more or less, lying and being West of the Towne, and bounded on the South by the coman rhoad or highway, and on the North by the Long Lane, on the East by his own land, and \Vest by the land of Capt" Horton. Entd I March 1695, Pr Benj: Yo. Recdr [Abstract.] 1696 April 28. Obtained of Joseph Moore by way of exchange one lott of upland containeing twenty five acres more or less lying and being west of the Towne and bounded on the West by the land of the said Henry Case, and on the east by the land of Jacob Cory Sen', on the South by the coman rhoade and by the Long Lane North :-And the said Joseph Moore doe hereby ingage, to gi ve unto the abovesaid Henry Case or to his heirs or assigns further assurance when he Sd Joseph shall come to eage. 248 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. As Witness my hand this 28'" of April 1696. To be noted-the fencing on said lott bought with the lott JOSEPH MORE Ent' 28th of 2' Month 1696. [Signed by his own hand on the TOWN RECORD.-]. W. C.] The aboves' Joseph Moor being come to age doth acknowledge the exchange abovesaid to be good, and doe hereby warrant the same unto the Sol Henry Case against alllawfull claimes whatsoever and to the truth hereof have subscribed his name this 9th day of Decem- ber 1697. JOSEPH MORE [Autograph.] [For note on the lands of Henry Case, see Appendix.- ]. W. C.] PAGE 126. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this 18th day of June 1771 Be- tween Benjamin Conkling Esq' and John [Conkling] the third Yeoman both of Southold of the one part and John Conkling J un' of Southold Yeoman of the other part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Conkling and John Conkling the third for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred pounds do, by these presents grant, allien, release and confirms unto the said John Conkling J unr in his possession now being by virtue of a bargain and Sale to him made by the said Benjamin Conkling and John Conkling the third by Indenture bareing date the day before the date of these presents, and of the Statutes for transferring uses into possession All that messuage and tract of Land lying at Aquebogue being two alottments of Land in the first division of Aque. bogue, lying between the land formerly belonging to Thomas Terry on the West, and the land formerly be- longing to Daniel Corwin on the East containing by SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 249 estimation six hunded acres :-Also, a tract or parde of Salt meadow at Aquebogue Bounded Easterly by the Crick-Westerly by David Brown-Northerly by Ezekiel Petty and South by Warner:-Also, a small tract of Salt meadow on the South side Peconek River bounded &c it being a piece of meadow sold by Hennery Conkling late deceased to John Reeve of South amp- ton:- In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereto set their hands and seals the day and year above said. Witnesses, PARKER WICKHAM BENJAMIN CONKLING HANNAH CONKLING JOHN CONKLING third Ent'this 14th day of August 1771 p' Rb' Hempsted, Town Clerk. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye that I, Jonathan Browne of South old Yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of sixty pounds do, by these presents, give grant and sell unto Jonathan Havens Yeoman of Southold, A certaine tract or percell of Land lying in Oyster- ponds Lower Neck, by computation fifty acres, bound- ed on y' North by y' Sound-East by William King- West by Caleb Curtice-South by y' creek lying against s' land: Also a percell of meadow lying upon y' Southeast corner of y' s' tract of Land, by computation one acre and a halfe : And also another percell of meadow lying at Curwins Neck bounded on y' North by John Terry-East by Daniel Youngs-South by y' Creek-West by William Salmon, by estimation two acres: Also, another percell of meadow, in said Oysterpond Neck by computation one acre and a halfe-bounded , 250 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. East by Samuel Glover-West by Samuel Browne~y' Creek South Witness my hand and seal y' 24th day of March 17oh. Witnesses JASPER GRIFFING BENJ: YOUNGS JONATHAN BROWNE [Seal] JOHN YOUNGS Acknowledged March y' 24th 170h before me, THOMAS YOUNGS. Ent' March y' 29, 1710 pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk PAGE 127. [Abstract.] To all people to whome these presents shall come, John Paine of Southold and Mary his wife send Greet- ing : Whereas the said John Paine is possessed of a percell of land by estimation Sixtye acres lying in y' Neck called upper Oysterpond Neck, bounded West. ward on a percell of land late of Geoffery Jones-east with y'land of John Herbert, Know Ye that we John Paine and Mary his wife, in consideration of eight pounds sterling, doe give grant and sell unto Ralph Gouldsmith of London that percell and tract of land before mentioned with the appurtenances. In Witness whereof y' s' John Paine and Mary his wife have hereto set their hands & seals t.his lot May 1665. Witnesses, THOOWEN ",uk'" SAMPSON JOHN X PAINE [Seal] JOSHUA SVLVESTER-- Ent' October y' 7th 1700. pr Benj: Y ongs Rec"- [For note on Ralph Goldsmith, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. I. p. 357.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] Whereas my honoured father Capt' Charles Glover late of Southold deceased having formerly purchased SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 251 Twenty eight acres of Land of Rich' Benjamin dec' and John Tutthill Sen' in the old bounds of Southold nere the Great Swamp or adjoyning thereunto and since the death of my father falling into my hands :-1 having already sould unto Jasper Griffin eighteen acres of the aforesaid land, Now know all persons that I Samuel Glover of Southold Shipwright have sould unto John Tutthill Senr, the remaining part of the twenty eight acres above Specified. being ten acres, in consideration of five pounds. Dated January 81h 169! Witness my hand and seal. Witnesses THO: EMONS SAMUEL GLOVER HANNAH BROWN Acknowledged 27 Feb 169!' Teste ISAAC ARNOLD Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr [For note on "Great Swamp," see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 128. [Abstract.] [Bond of John Budd.] Know all men by these presents yl I, John Budd of y' Towne of Southold am holden and firmely bound unto John Tutthill Sen' and Isaac Arnold of the Town aforesaid executors to the estate of my father John Budd late of South old deceased as by y' will of my said father bearing deat the seven and Twentieth day of October 1684 will at large appear, in the full and just sum of one hundred pounds to be paid unto the said John & Isaac I binde myselfe by these presents.- 26th March 1685: The Condition of this Obligation is such that whereas John Budd Sen' late of Southold did by his last will be- queath unto his daughter Sarah Budd the sum of thirty pounds: And Whereas the said John Tutthill and Isaac Ar- 252 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. nold have paid unto John Budd brother to the said Sarah, whom she hath chosen to be her guardian, the sum of 1 hirty pounds in maner and form following: five cows at filteen pounds-one steer at three pounds ffive shillings and twenty four sheep-all which amounts to the sum 01 thirty pounds as aloresaid : And also the said executors John Tuthill Sen' and Isaac Arnold executors &c have also delivered unto the s' John Budd lor the sole use 01 his sister Sarah Budd, twenty sheepe out 01 the estate that is un willed by his father deceased, but left to the discreet disposal 01 the s' Executors: If therelore the Sd John Budd doe well and suffi- ciently save harmless the s' executors as well against the said Sarah Budd her heirs and assigns as against all other persons for or concerning the said legacy and that the said John Budd shall deliver or cause to be delivered unto his sister Sarah Budd all the Sd Legacy by him received in qnantity and qnality when she shall arrive to the full age of eighteen years or the day 01 marriage which shall first happen, according to the true intent and meaning of the will 01 his lather, and doe git and obtaine lawlull release and acquittance from his sister Sarah Budd to be made unto and in y' name of y' s' John and Isaac execntors, purporting discharge for the said Legacy, without fraud or coven, then the obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remaine in full force, \Vitnesses THOMAS MAPES JOHN BUDD STEPHEN BAILY Ent' Pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [Abstract.] Southold 30th 01 Dec' 1685. Then received lrom John Tuthill Sen' and Isaac Arnold Executors to the estate 01 Mr John Budd (deceased) lor the account and SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 253 in behalfe of my Syster Sarah Budd, to say, six swine- six pound in mony,-with a horse and a mare, at the price of three pound mony, which I promise to deliver or cause to be delivered unto her or order, according to a bond given by me &c. Entd pI' Benj: Yo. Rdr JOHN BUDD. PAGE 129. These may certifie whome it mayor shall concerne that we the subscribers upon the I I. day of June 1685, upon the request of John Tutthill Sen' and Isaac Ar- nold both of Southold in the County of Suffolk upon Long Island in the province of New Yorke, whole and sole executors of y' estate of Mr John Budd, late of Southold in the County aforesaid deceased deliver upon the ffarm in Rye for y' account and adventure of J 0_ seph Budd of Southold according to his fathers will bearing date the 27. of October 1684, these following cattle. Two three year old hifers, one white faced, y' other black. Two two year old hifers, with white faces. Two cows, one black, and the other brown. Three steers come four year old. One white horse upon the ffarm. One black mare & coult, and One yearling dunn mare, with a starr in forehea<;J (which we have not seen, but are informed may be had for Sd Josephs account, as aforesaid &c. Certified under our hands in Rye this 11th day of June Ana 1685. FRANCIS BROWN. THOMAS BROWN. Entd pI' Benj: Yo Rd' THOMAS MARRIT. To all Christian people to whome these presents shall 254 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. come Greeting. Know Ye, that whereas Mr John Budd did give unto his dagghter Hannah, a hundred acres of land, and four acres of Meadow. We whose names are underwritten doe acknowledge that we have received of this abovesaid Gift of our fathers, the one halfe in lands and meadow and the other part by a Bill of twenty nine pounds, to our full satisfaction We say received from John Tutthill Sen' Executor to the estate of our honoured father Mr John Budd; this 15th of December 1685. As Witness our hands. Witness JOSEPH HORTON JONATHAN HARTT 1I..III.r CHARLES JAMES. HANNAH X HARTT [ Abstract.] South old February 2' 168! Then received by me Christ~pher Y ongs Sen' of Southold of John Tutthill Sen' and Isaac Arnold exe- cutors to the estate of Mr John Budd late of Southold deceased, Ten cattle. ten sheep, one horse and a mare, two swine, and five pounds, ten shillings and two pence, in goods at mony price, all amounting to the sum of thirty three pound sixteen shillings and ten pence mony, and the sum of twenty three pound, one shilling and five pence in debts assigned to me, and a percell of Land and meadow being a Legacy given unto my wife Mary Yongs by her father Mr John Budd in his last will, of which said sum and sums and all other demaunds, I doe acquit and discharge the said executors by these presents. Witness my hand and seal the day and year afore- said. Witnesses, CHARLES STURMY MARY ARNOLD Cl;lRISTOPHER YONGS Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 255 PAGE 130. [Abstract.] South old February y' 13th 168t. Then received by me John Budd of Southold, of John Tutthill Senr and Isaac Arnold of the Town aforesaid executors to the estate of Mr John Budd late of South- old deceased, All that Legacy bequeathed unto me by my honoured father Mr John Budd according to the last will and testament bearing date the 27th of October 1684 may more at large appear. Also my full part & portion, out of the un willed estate left by my father, to the sole disposeall and discretion of the executors afore- said :-Also I doe more perticularly acknowledge to have received from the executors aforesaid full satis- faction for a tract of land left unto my father and in re- version unto me by my Grandfather Mr John Budd of the Township of Rye, in the County of Fairfield Con- necticute of all which legacys and bequests, and of which said sum and sums of many, and more particu- larly of said aforementioned tract of Lands, I the s' John Budd doe acquit and discharge the said executors, and their heirs by these presents Witness.my hand and seal this 18th of ffebruary [68f. Witnesses JOHN PAINE MARY PAINE JOHN BUDD [For note on John Bndd and the family, see Appendix.- J. W. c.] [Abstract.] Mary Budd, of South old widow and relect of Mr John Budd of the Town aforesaid deceased, Sendeth Greeting, Know Ye, that I the said Mary Budd have received from John Tutthill Sen' and Isaac Arnold, ex- ecutors to the estate of my husband John Budd afore- said, full and good satisfaction to content according to the intent and meaning of the last will and testament of my said husband, for which I doe hereby fully discharge 256 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. the said executors from me the s' Mary Budd widow and relect, by these presents- Witness my hand in Southold this 21st day of July 1687. Witnesses JOHN Y ONGS ,...". JOSHUA HOBART MARY X BUDD Ent' pr Benj: Yo Rdr. [Abstract.] South old June 18th 1686. Then received by me An Budd of the Town of South. old, of John Tutthill Senr and Isaac Arnold Executors to the estate of Mr John Budd late of South old de. ceased, all that Legacy bequeathed unto me by my honoured father Mr John Budd according to the last Will and Testament dated 27th Oct 1684: And also my full part and portion out of the u'nwilled Estate left by my father to the sole disposeal and discretion of the Ex'r's aforesaid :-Of all which Legacy and bequest and of all which said sum and sums of many I the s' Ann Budd doe acquit and discharge the said executors, by these presents-In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th day of June 1686. Witnesses JOHN PAINE JOSEPH MAPES ANN BUDD. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr PAGE 13I. [Abstract.] Rye the 19. of November. We Jonathan Hart and Hannah Hartt doe acknowl. edge to have received of John Tutthill of Southold Sen' Executor to the estate of John Budd our honoured father of Southold deceased according to his last will bearing date 27 Oct 1684, and also our ful part and por- tion out of the un willed estate left by our father to the sole dispose and discretion of his executor,s :-Of all SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 257 which legacy and bequest, \Ve the s' Jonathan and Han- nah doe acquit and discharge the said executors for ever by virtue of these presents. Witness our hands and seals this 19th day of Novem- ber 1688. ... JONATHAN HART h.'m.T~ HANNAH X HARTT. Witnesses DORCUS X TRAVIS JOSEPH HORTON. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. Rye the 19 Nov. 1688. Then received of Mr John Tutthill Sen' of South old two oxen belonging to the estate of our honoured father Mr John Budd of South- old deceased, prised at eight pound currant mony- Witness our hands JONATHAN HART h. HANNAH H HARTT. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. m.,k PAGE 132. [Abstract.] Be it known unto all men by these presents that I Joseph Budd late of Southold, but now resident at Rye in the County of Westchester have the day of the date hereof received of John Tutthill Sen' and Isaac Arnold, Executors to the estate of my honoured father John Budd of South old deceased, All that bequest and Leg- acy of the whole estate both personal and reall that was bequeathed by my said father unto me in his last will, ol which perticulars by me so received I acknowledge myselfe fully satisfied and paid of every part and per- cell thereof-and do clearly acquit, exonerate and dis- charge the s' executors by these presents :-And I doe also further acknowledge to have received from the s' Executors out of part of my fathers un willed estate, left to the sole disposeal of the s' executors, the full and '7 258 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. just sum of thirty one pounds and eighteen shillings in goods and chattels at mony price as by an account of perticulars may appear :-And doe hereby acquit and discharg the s' executors as aforesaid for ever-As Wit- ness my hand and seal in Rye. Witnesses JONATHAN HART JOSEPH BUDD muk HANAH X HART. June the 29. 1695. Ent' pr Benj. Yo: Rdr [Abstract.] Memorandum this 25 day of September '734. David Corye and John Conkling Jun have agreed respetting which part of the partition fence between them from the Southwest corner of y' lane neare whare y' dwelling house of Jacob Conkling late deceased did stand to y' great Pond in the meadow should be don, made and maintained by each as followeth: David Corye to make the Southermost halfe part and John Conkling to make the Northermost halfe part Witness their hands-date above written. DAVID COREY JdHN CONKLlNE. The two last dividends of Hashamomake lands in y. Townshipp of South old are as followeth. The first of } the said two Providence Rider, One lolt on y. North side y. Queens Road David Co rye One lot! on y' North side y' Queens Road John Conkelyne One lott on y. North side y. Queens Road Jacob Conkelyne One lot! on y. North side y. Queens Road SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 259 Samuel Conkelyne One lott on y' South side y' Queens Road David Corye One lott on y' South side y' Queens Road Providence Rider One lott on y' South side ye Queens Road Joseph Conkelyne One lott on y' South Side y' Queens Road Jacob Conkelyne, the South end of one lott on y' South side y' Queens Road: and Samuel Conkelyne y' North end of y'same lott of which Jacob Conkelyne hath y' South end. Samuel Conkelyne One lott on y' South Side y' Queens Road There is a highway two poles wide in this division of lotts above mentioned that runs from y' Queens Road over a small slip of David Coryes land; and soe South. ward about thirty or forty poles; and then Eastward over four lotts The Second l Division. I David Corye One lott, a highway three poles wide . lYIng twixt his House & the said lott with seven acres more or less on y' west side y' Sd waye; & halfe an acre more or less joyning to his old orchard. Providence Rider one lott, with eleaven acres more or less on y' west side y' thre pole way.- Jacob Conkelyne One lott ten acres more or less; with fi ve acres next to his House.- Samuel Conkelyne: One & twenty acres lott more or less; with ten acres of land where y' house Stands lately Joseph Mapes: John Conkelynesland in this division is y' eastward part of the land lying Southward of y' highway, and Joseph Conkelynes land in this division is the westward part of y' land lying Southward of y' highway:- John 260 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Conkelyne hath also nine acres in dismall Swamp: there is a thre poles Highway that runs from y' Queens road by y' Northeast corner of David Coryes home lands near y' Dwelling House of Jacob Conkelyne; and soe untill it comes to y' House of Samuel Conkelyne; and then there is a two poles high waye that leads Easterly through y' lands of Samuel Conkelyne; & y' corner of four Scoure acres and so on y' east side of David Corys land to y' Queens road: there is a way through y' land of Joseph Conkelyne to y' mill meadows; that is through gate or bars for to cart hay or otherwIse; there is also a highway two poles wide from y' East side y' House of Samuel Conkelyne to y' fresh pond: there is also a highway from y'three poles highway near y' House of Jacob Conkelyne two poles wide to David Corys old orchard: The severall alottments or percell of land & high ways before herein mentioned are as they were surveyed & layed out by Capt. Thomas Mapes: As Witness our hands this 29th of January 171M. JACOB CONKELYNE SAMUEL CONKELYNE PROVIDENCE RIDER JOHN CONKELYNE DAVID CORYE JOSEPH CONKEL YNE Ent' January 31" 17M. pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [For note on this Division and the highways, see Appen. dix.-J. W. c.] PAGE 133. [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye that I, Thomas More for and in consideration of y' love and affections which I have and doe bare towards my Son Samuel Moore of South- old husbandman have given and by these presents doe freely give and grant unto my s' Son Samuel More all SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 26r that my third Iott of upland, lying and .being in y' old Town bounds of South old aforesaid near the Fresh Meadows bounded West by Mordecai Homan-North- ward by the highway-Eastward by Caleb Horton and Southerly partly by y' Country Road and partly by y' comon Land :-Also I give to him as aforesaid my third lott of Creekthatch on the flats near Curchauk great meadows bounded Eastward and VVestward by the water and Southward by y' Creekthatch of Theophilus Case, and Northward by Joseph More :-And further I give him a lott and a halfe of meadow in Oysterponds Lower Neck in acertaine meadow called y' Fresh Mea- dow bounded on y' East by y' land of Joseph Patty. Witness my hand and seal the 27th of August 1706. Witnesses, THOMAS MAPES THOMAS MOORE THOMAS MORE [Seal] PATIENCE MORE Acknowledged 28 Augt r706, before me- THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' r6th Oct' 1714, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk [For note on this lot, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] Mr John Herbert his record of Severall parcells of land lying in South old in Long Island in the Colony of New York viz: His land in Oysterpond Upper Neck is a Second Iott containeing one hundred acres more or less His land in the last division lying West of the Town is by estimation fifty acres more or less the Sd fifty acres is lying on the North side of the Long Lane Also sixtene acres of land lying between Stephen's Meadow and Joseph Y ongs his land, and butting against the highway Also two acres of meadow lying by the Mill pond bounded with Joseph Y ongs his meadow South. 262 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Also two lotts of meadow lying at Ocquabauk one on each side the river, bounded on the West with the meadow of Simion Benjamin, and on the East with the meadow of James Reevs. the lott lying on y' other side the River is bounded with samI Y ongs his mea- dow West, and on the East with the meadow of Samuel Hutchison. His land at Plum Island is a second lott right Also, his right of his meadow lying at the weading river undevided is a second lotto Ent Dee: 1697. PAGE 134. [AbstracL] To all people, Know Ye t.hat Samuel Conkline of Hashamomack, Town of Sonthold for divers considera- tions hath remised, released and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do remise release and quitclaim unto his son Joseph Conkline All such right, estate, title and interest as he the sd Samuel Conkline had or ought to have in or to all those several tracts of lands build- ings fences, meadows or meadow Grounds hereafter mentioned Namely: the house and lands I purchased of Jonathan Corey called thirtie acres, adjoining to North Sea in Hashamomack, bounded West by the lands for- merly John Conklines, and South by my own lands-East by the highway or lane or land of Joseph Conkline- And one other tract or parcle of Lands, the North part of where I now live joyning North to the highway lead. ing to the Oysterponds-West by the lands of John Conkline, and East by the lands formerly John Conk- lines deceased and extending South to certain stakes or y' scenter loin, between John Conklines and this and so running along near by the point of upland towards a peperidge tree in John Conklines land neer South west as far as y' scenter loin :-And one other tract or SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 263 parde of Land in said Hashamomack running across the highway leading to the Oysterponds near Harrises hill so called being by Compntation aboute Twentie acres, bounded North by the North Sea East partly by the lands of Jonathan Conk line and partly by my lands purchased of Providence Rider and West by the lands of Joseph Conkline :-Also, one other parde of Lands I purchased of Providence Rider containing about five- teen acres Lying north of the highway adjoyning West by the North part of the last men tioned lands, North to y' North Sea or Sound and East to the lands of John Conkline Jun'-South by the Sd highway:-Also one other tract of Lands lying South of the Rhoade near Water Brown's containing twelve acres, bounded north by the s' Rhoade or highway-East by the lands of Thomas Moore-South by y' end of the lotts-west by the land of David Corye or highway :-Also one other tract or parde of lands near 18 acres bounded East by the lands of Thomas Moore South partly by my own lands, and partly by the lands of John Conkline-North by y' aforementioned lands and West by y' lands of Joseph Conklin :-Also one small piece of lands which I had by exchange of Joseph Conkline containeing near three or four acres-bounded West by the lands for.. merly Providence Riders-North and East by my afore- mentioned lands-South by the other part of him the said Joseph Conklines lands :-Also one half of all my undivided lands purchased of Colonel and Major Smiths Called the Mannor Lands :-And one half of my unde- vided lands in Hashamomack co mons-and all my rite to the meadow formerly belonging to me lying near, and adjoyning to the Mill Crick within the neck of Jo- seph Conkline, which Sd meadow I agreed to truck with Mr Joseph Conkline deceased for the 'above mentioned piece of land Containing 3 or 4 acres, together with all my rite, title, claim &c. 264 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th day of September 1754. SAMUELL CONKLINE [Seal] Witnesses, SAMUELL CONKLINE Jun' ROBERT HEMPSTED Acknowledged 14 Sept: '754, before me, ROBERT HEMPSTED Justice. Ent' Dee' 1754 pr Rb' Hempsted, Town Clerk. [For note on Samuel Conklin and his farm, see Appen- dix.-J. W. c.] This writeing witnesseth an agreement between Mr John Gardiner David Gardiner and Lyon Gardiner concerning the division of what Estate was left by their father Mr David Gardiner deceased &c They doe hereby mutually agree together & with each other that Lyon Gardiner shall have one halfe of all & singular y' goods and chattels both without dores and within according as it is valued by inventory, he y' s" Lyon Gardiner to bear, one halfe of all the loss in the flock and to pay one halfe of the just debts con- tracted and made by their father deceased, and David Gardiner is to have one fourth part of all and singular the goods & Chattels of the Estate aforesaid he bearing one fourth part of the loss of said Estate and pay one fourth part of all just debts contracted by their deceased father and John Gardiner to have the other fourth part of the Estate, he also bearing his equall proportion, in the loss, and paying of just debts together with ninty pounds, which all and everyone of them doe hereby agree and have given their obligation, to Mr James Parshall to pay according to their proportions viz: Lyon to pay one halfe and John and David the other halfe equally according to their proportions and to pay their equal proportion of what necessary charg; for SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 265 funeral! charges and Inventorys, and the like, to which agreement they the said John Gardiner, David & Lyon Gardiner, doe hereby bind themselves joyntly & sever- ally, to each other in the penel sum of five hnndred ponnds currant mony to be recovered of eyther of them, that shall refuse to stand to said agreement and to take all and everyone of their proportions, accord- ing to y' division shall be now made between them- selves and the assistance of John Tutthill & Jasper Grif- fin and Stephen Baily-to which agreement the Sd John Gardiner David & Lyon doe binde themselves in the sum aforsaid \Vitness their hands and seals this 2d day of July 11590. Witnessed by us lh~ maTk or CORNELIUS (P.) PAIN U.em.k ot JOHN D JONES JOHN GARDINER. DAVID GARDINER. LYON GARDINER. To all Christian people to whome these may corne or concerne greeting &c Know Ye that \ve the within mentioned and subscribed have by ourselves and the assistance of the men within recited (viz) John Tutt- hill, Jesper Griffin and Stephen Baily are, fully, and totally agreed upon and have made a finall division of Sd goods and chattles therein ex prest, and doe equiesse and rest satisfied with our proportions according to the division as Witness our hands and seals this 3d day of July 16<)0. Witnessed by JONATHAN OSBOANE ROBART R K KEEDE hllmull: JOHN GARDINER. DAVID GARDINER. LYON GARpINER. Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr [For note on the Gardiners, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. I. p. 372; and Appendix.-]. W. C.] 266 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 135. [Abstract.] Receipt and release of James Parshall of South old to John, David and Lyon Gardiner dated 26th June 1690, for ninety pounds current mony, as a legacy and for any other sum due Elizabeth Parshall his wife, and daughter, of David Gardiner late deceased. m..t l>t Witnesses JASPER GRIFFIN JAMES X PARSHALL STEPHEN BAILY Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. I doe also hereby engage, in case of a nonpayment of the s' above obligation never to exact or desire any more than the ninety pounds as my wife's and my full proportion of the estate of my father in law Mr David Gardiner deceased- Witness my hand and seal 26 June 1690- Memorandum: If the s' Estate shall be wasted or destroyed by robery or fire, before the obligation of ninety pounds be performed then I am to bear my pro- portion of w hat shall be wasted or destroyed- J line 26th 1690.- mut or JAMES X PARSHALL. Ent' pr Benj: Yo, Rdr-- [For note on the "Parshall family," see Appendix.-]. W. C.] [Abstract.] These presents Witnesseth that I Nathaniel Moore of SOlltholrl Yeoman, in consideration of a vain able slim to me paid do by these presents bargaine and .sell to Samuel Crook of Southold Carpenter A certain piece of meadow in y' fresh Meadows in the Oysterponds, lower Neck being one first lott and a halfe bounded by' y' meadow of Thomas Moore North-Samuel King South and Creek West-Joseph Patty East. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 267 Witness my hand and seal this 5th day of April 1710. ... NATHANAEL X MOORE [Seal] mulr..,r Witnesses, JANE X BROWN W ALTER BROWN. Acknowledged y' 25th April 1710 before me, . THOMAS YOUNGS. Ent' y' 10th of Nov' 1715. p' Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 136. [Abstract.] To all people Greeting, Know Ye that I Samuell Conkling of Hashamomack, Southold, for and in con- sideration of the sum of four hundred fifty five pounds by my son Joseph payd unto my eldest son Samuell Conkling have remised and quitclaimed and by these presents do remise and quitclaim unto my s' son Joseph Conkling, All such right title, interest and demand whatsoever as I the said Samuell Conkling the elder have or ought to have in or to all my housein, Buildings lands, meadows, fences, woods, or underwoods lying within the limitts of Hashamomack aboves' :-And allso all my intrest in the Mannor of St. Georges, which I have not already disposed of to my s' son Joseph Conk. ling above mentioned, but hath bin in y' possession of my eldest son Samuell Conkling and by him sold to the above mentioned Joseph Conkling: To have and to hold, &c. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26th of November 1759. M' SAMUELL X CONKLING [Seal] Witnesses. GRANT BRADLEY NATHANAEL YOUNGS Jun' Ent' SoutholdAug' 22' 1761, p' Rob' Hempsted Town Clerk. 268 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 1692 Jany 18. Theophilus Case his land & krickthatch lying and being in Corchaug division he obtained (of Mary Y ongs wife of Samuel Yongs) by way of exchang the said land being all that Neck or tract (formerly David Gar. diners) be it more or less and bounded as followeth, on the East with the land of Peter Dickerson, on the West by the meadow of J abez Mapes, South by the kreek, and the highway on the North. His said kreekthatch is lying & being on the poynt of James Reevs his neck of land, being bounded by the land of Thomas Terry East, and on the West by James Reevs his land: the condition of the Sd exchange is such that the said Theophilus doth hereby firmely bind his Sd land and krickthatch to said Mary her Heirs & Assigns for the performence of his exchange with her. Entred y' 20th day of January 102 pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. this 29th of ffeb: the Sd Theophilus Case & Mary Y ongs did mutually agree to have the abovesd exchang here under [above] written void as if it had never ben. Benj: Yo. Rdr. [For note on the above exchange of lands, see Appendix. -J. W. C::J [A bstract.] This Indenture made y' 5th day of February 17o! Between Peter Simons of Southold Carpenter of y' one part and Theophilus Case of Southold, Carpenter of y' other part Witnesseth, that y' Sd Peter Simons, in con. sideration of a sum of money, doth by these presents grant and sell unto Theophilus Case y' South end of a first lott of upland in y' first division of Accoback, bounded Northward by y' Country Road-Eastward by Browns Land-Southwardly y' baye and "Vest- wardly Tookers land; SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 269 Witness my hand and seal Feby 5th 17o!. Witnesses JOHN CLAVES, PETER SIMONS [Seal] JONATHAN CLARKE. Acknowledged 5th Feb. 1701 before me THOMAS MAPES Justice. Entd Jany 23d 17<1. pI' Benj: Youngs Rdr. [For note on th,s lot, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 137. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, John Gardiner of the Isle of \Vhite, in y' County of Suffolk, Gent, Sendeth Greeting Know Ye, that I y'said John Gardiner, in consideration of the sum of Twenty eight pounds to me paid, doe by these presents grant and sell unto Israil Parshall All one halfe part of a percell of upland and meadow, scit. uate at Acquabocke in Southold, which was purchased by Mr David Gardiner late of the IIe of White de. ceased from Mr James Parshall of Southold on the 26th March 1680, as by the deed may appear:-And also one halfe part of a certain meadow lying at Acquabocke known by the name of Vails meadow:- Witness my hand and seal this 8th day of December 1703. Witnesses, JOSEPH REEVE JOHN GARDINER [Seal] JOHN MALTBIE. Acknowledged 8th Dec. 1703. Teste JOSEPH FFORDHl\M Justice Entd FebY 20th 170f, pI' Benj: Y ongs Rdr. PAGE 138. [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye, that I, Josiah Youngs of Southold, Cooper, in consideration of y' sum of tenn pounds to me paid by Israel Parshall yeoman of South- 270 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. old, I do by these presents grant, bargain and sell to the s' I srael Parshall, A certaine tract or percell of Land lying in the first division of Acquabauk lands-which said tract of Land is twenty five poles in width at y' Sound or North Sea, and doth extend in length (as y' lines in y' said first division run) fifty poles Southerly of a certain swamp, known by the name of the Long Swamp where y' said tract or percell of Land is also in width twenty five poles-and bounded on ye West by y' land of Christopher and John Youngs-on y' North by y' said Sound, and on y' East and Southerly by y' land of the said Josiah Youngs, more or less within y' s' bounds Witness my hand and seal this 7th day of Dec' '705. Witnesses JOHN BOOTH BENJ: YOUNGS JOSIAH YOUNGS [Seal] Acknowledged y' 7th Dec' '705. Teste THOMAS YOUNGS. Ent' January 27th 170t pr Benj Yongs, Town Clerk. [Abstrac!.] To all Christian people Greeting Know Ye that I Samuel King of South old Yeoman, in consideration of five pounds, do by these presents give grant bargain, and sell unto Israel Parshall and David Parshall of South old husbandmen, All that meadow and Creek- thatch lying at Acquabacke upon the Southermost part of a certain Neck of Land belonging to Joshua Wells, which said meadow and Creekthatch is in severall parts and parcels, from y' meadow of Richard Browns on y' West side of y' said Neck, unto y' meadow or Creek- thatch of Peter Halliock on y' Southeast corner of y' said Neck:- 271 Witness my hand and seal y' 18th day of FebY [7oi. ... Witnesses SIMON X RAMSEY JOHN OWEN SAMUEL KING [Seal] Acknowledged 19th Feb. 170i before me, JOHN TUTHILL Entd ffeb, 18, 170t pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk SOUTHOLD TOWN J{ECOJ{DS. PAGE 139. [Abstract.] In Southold Anno Dom: 1679 May 2. Know all men &c, y' I, Jeremiah Vale Jun' of South- old blacksmith, for good considerations doe by these presents give grant and sell unto Jasper Griffin of Southold Mason all my right, title and interest to 11 tract of Land known by y' name of Hallocks-N eck be- longing to the Town aforsaid which said tract of land was sometime in y' possession of my father Jeremiah Vale, containing by estimation eighten acres more or less, bounded on y' North with a highway-on y' South with y' cleft-on the \Vest with the' comon-on the North east with the Land of Jeremiah Vale Sen' and a pond, and on the east with a pice of kreekthatch. Witness my hand and seal the day and year above written. \Vitnesses STEPHEN BAILY SAMUEL YONGS.. JEREMIAH VALE. [NOTE,- This lot is now the east part of the farm of Daniel C. Tuthill, and the land of Jonathan B. Terry on the main road,-J. W. Co] [Abstract.] Thi. Indenture made the 5th day of April 1680, Be- tween Samuel Glover of South old on the one part, and Jasper Griffin of Southold mason on the other part Witnesseth that the said Samuel Glover in considera- 272 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. tion of full satisfaction to me in hand paid, doth by thise presents grant alienate and sell unto said Jasper Griffin of Southold All my Land and meadow in the two last divisions of Ocquabauk :-Also eighteen acres of woodland lying at the Great Swamp com only so called bounding as followeth-North by John Booth- South by s' Samuel Glover-East by the Great Swamp -the highway West. Witness my hand and seal the day and year above \vritten. \Vitnesses, BENJ: YONGS SAMUEL GLOVER PETER PAINE. : [Abstract.] This Indenture made this 23' March 1681 Between John Tutthill Yeoman, of Southold, on the one party and Jasper Griffin of Southold'Mason, on the other party Witnesseth that the s' John Tutthill in considera- tion of full satisfaction to me paid I do by these presents, grant bargaine, and sell, unto the sd Jasper Griffin, A tract of Land lying at the Northwest of y' Old Field, at y' East end of the Town afores' by estimation ten acres bounding on y' North with the highway that goeth to the Old Mill, and on y' South with the highway that goeth to the old Field-and East with the land of Mar- garet Cooper-west by Mr Herbert-Which s' tract of Land I bought of John Baily :-And also A first Lott of comonage that I bought of George Miller-which lott of comonage is within the Old Town bounds. \Vitnesses JEREMIAH V ALE ABRAHAM COREY JOHN TUTTHILL PAGE 140. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this 24th day of March 1681, Between Daniel Terry, planter of Southold of the one party and Jasper Griffin of y' same Town of y' other SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 273 party mason Witnesseth, that I the Sd Daniel Terry in consideration of a sum of money to me paid, do hereby grant and sell unto y' Sd Jasper Griffin a piece of mea- dow & kreekthatch lying at y' Northwest end of y' Neck known by the name of Great Hog Neck by esti- mation eight acres, bounded Southeast by the meadow of y' weidow Dickerson-y' meadow of John Budd on y' Northwest, and y' upland lotts on y' Northeast. Witness my hand and seal y' day and year above written. Witnesses JEREMIAH VALE ... ... JONATHAN X REEVS ., DANIEL T TERRY .. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I John Hallocks of Setauket; carpenter, for good consideration do, by these presents give grant and sell unto Jasper Griffin of Southold, Mason, all my right title and interest of in and to that my two lotts of npland lying in the third division at the Weading River, bounded North or Northerly by John Budd-and South or Southerly by Cora nail Y ongs. "Vitness my hand and seal this 21st day of January I68!. Witnesses JOHN YONGS BENJ: YONGS JOHN HALLOCKS Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 141. [Abstract.] Whereas Thomas Osman late of the Town of South- old deceased did in his life time purchase of Mary Mapes and William Wells of Southold, for a valuable consideration by him y' Sd William received) a third lott of upland in the second and third divisions of land in Ocquabauk with all the appurtinences thereunto be- 18 274 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. longing, and hath since at his death by will disposed of Sd land, as in his Will bearing deatt the seventh day of November 1687, may more at large appear: To prevent all controversies y' might arise for want of a legall conveyance from us y' Sd Mary and William to him y' Sd Thomas deceased, therefore be it known unto all men by these presents, that we the abovesaid Mary Mapes and William Wells, doe allow, rattifie and confirme that disposeall of his y' Sd Thomas, in his s. Will to remaine good according thereunto, against us our heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns for ever. or any other person or persons claiming any right title or intrest, by from or under us or any of us: In. consideration whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this ninth day of March 168l Witnesses THO~AS MAPES MARY MAPES JOHN CLEVES. WILLIAM WELLS. JOHN GOLDSMVTH. 1691. Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 142. [Abstract.] To all Christian People Greeting. Know Ye y' Sam. uel Y ongs of South old doe, for and in consideration of the sum of five ponnds five shillings, bargain alienate, and sell unto John Osman of Sonthold a certain Per- cell or second lottment of salt meadow lying at Ocqua. bauk, on the South side Pehoconneck Great River in the Broad Meadow by computation two acres, Bounded East by the Meadow of John Herbert-West by Gid. eon Yongs-North by y' River and y' upland South. Witness my hand and Seal 28'h ffeb. I 68t. Witnesses JOHN YONGS. STEPHEN BAILY SAMUEL YOUNGS. Acknowledged 28th ffeb. I68t, before me, JOHN YONGS. 1691. Entd pr Benj: Yo: Rdr. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 275 PAGE 143. [Abstract.] To all Christian People. Know Ye, that I, Gideon Y ongs of the Oysterponds, So nth old doe, by these pres- ents, in consideration of the sum of two pounds sixteen shillings, bargain and sell unto John Osman of Southold a second lott of meadow lying on the South side of the Great River that runneth between Southampton land and Southold westward from both the s' Towns, bounded West by Widow Weight Benjamin--East by the s' John Osman-North by the Great River-South by the land of Southampton. To the same I have set my hand and Seal the. . . day of. . . . 1697. Witnesses JOSHUA SYLVESTER GEDlON YONGS BENJ: LHOMDlEU. Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr, July. [Abstract.] Anno Domine, 1697, June 25. Know all men by these presents that I, Samuel King of Southold, Cooper, for good considerations, do by these presents bargain and sell unto John Osman of Sd Town, planter, a certain tract of land lying in Cor- chaug division containing one hundred acres, bounded by Jabez Mapes West-by Wm Mapes (purchased of Thomas Tusten) East-by the North Sea or Sound North-and the comon road South. Witness my hand and seal this 25th day of June 1697. Witnesses, THOMAS MAPES BENJ: VONGS SAMUEL KING. JOHN ROE Acknowledged 25th June 1697, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr 1697. June. 276 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 144. This may serve to certify that I, William Salmon have bought of amanhansuck Indian, named Pauk- hamp, his son agreeing to it, whose names is Ambus- cow, a parde of land comonly called Hashamommock and Nashayonsuck, and right over to the North Sea from Nassayonsuck to Monnepaught at the fresh pann & the bounds of it from the Neck called Pashimamsk other ways called Toms Creek to the Neck Northeast of my house which Neck is called Payaquotusk and have given this Indian full satisfaction for this land Febuary 24, 1645 Witness, RICHARD TERRY. P AUKHAMP his mark. X AMBUSCOW his mark. X Entd a true copie, So:hold 24 A pi 1750. pr Rb' Hempsted Clk. These may certifie all whom it may Concern that I the undersubscribed being by Mr John Conkling and the rest of the neighbourhood desired to help ym to range the bounds between their Hashamomuck bounds and other land that lyes in common between the said Inhabitants of Hashamomack and Coil John Youngs & Mr Thomas Moore on the twentie first day of this in- stant June Anno Domini 1686 which accordingly I did and there met with certain others that were brought theither by the s' Colonel Youngs & Mr Moore viz: John Youngs mariner & John Corwin & (Jonathan Moore: allso being their) he went with us to a saxafax tree not far from the head of a Creek between the land of Mr John Conkling and Mr Moore as they said and Jonathan Moore showed us a roe.of markt trees which differed very little from y' range that the Hashamo- makers said was their range nearaboute eightie rods as SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 277 I supose and there they differed Mr Conkling going a little further upon a round and soe from thense to the Eastermost part of the pond commonly called the Inlett and when we come up to the said Inlett we all met on . . . . . . . . . . Southward side of the said Inlett att a black Oak tree & those men had severall discourses aboute the ranges because of the differences of these ranges y' said Colonel made a tender to run from the s' black oake to a straight line on the Sonth side where we pled & their Mr Conkling made his tender to rnn from the s' black Oake to a white oak att a swamp as they called Causawashowy but when we come to the south side they would not agree to each other & so they parted and this I shall owne when ever called thereunto as: Wittniss my hand this 25th day of June Anno Domini 1686. Ent' 24 April 1750. JOHN TUTHILL. Rb' Hempsted Town Clerk. fFor note on Hashamomack boundaries, see Appendix.- J. W. c.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye that I, Thomas Hutchison of Southold doe for divers good causes, to- gether with the love and brotherly affection I bear to my brother Samuel Hutchinson of Southold give grant and demise to the s' Sam uel, a certaine tract of wood- land containing fifty acres lying within the Towne plott westward from the Towne and in the last division bounded West by Mr Joshua Hobart minister-East by James Reevs-and on the North and South ends by the highway:- And also I doe hereby give grant and demise to my s' brother Samuel a certain percell of fresh Meadow, lying ata place called Brushes Meadow, bounded North 278 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. by y' meadow of Henry Case-South by Swaseys Mea- dow: it is all that did of right belong to me. Witness my hand and seal this 30th January 169t Witnesses JOSEPH REEVS .~" STEPHEN BALY. THOMAS X HUTCHISON Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr Acknowl~dged this 5th March 1695 before me THOMAS MAPES Justice PAGE 145. Samuel Hutchison his land lying West of the Towne and on the South side the Long Lane is a second loti containeing fifty acres more or less, bounded on the East side by Wm Halliock and on the West by the land of John Booth, the s' second loti the s' Samuel Hutchi- son & Wm Halliock have now llJeasured, and finde it to be thirty two pole and a halfe at the South end, and at the North end fourty pole wide recorded at the de- sire of the said Samuel Hutchison and with the consent of s' Wm Halliock they the said Samuel and Wm have- ing hereunto . . . . . . . . . . . . Entred y' 26th day of April 1697, pr Benj: Yo. Rdr Southold Hashamomack The 21 of June 1736 the draft of a small matter of Comon land laid out by Daniel Tuthill Joshua Youngs Esq & Robert Hempsted as follows begining att the East side of a pond of water lying Easterly of David Coreys house between the highway and the Sound David Corey 2 acres & 32 pole Lieut Joseph Conkling I acre & 16 pole. Samuell Conkling 2 acre & 32 pole. John Conkling I acre 17 pole. Providence Rider 2 acres Note Providence Riders draft is the Eastermost in form of a sloop sail-a small common left between the SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 279 White Rock so called, and y' point of s' Riders Land belonging to the people in general for a common privi- ledge to y' Sound &c October rln. Entr' pr Robert Hempsted, Town Clerk Note: the above is a true co pie of the draft {For note on this division of land, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all Christian People, Know Ye, that I, John Col- lens of Branford, County of New Haven, Connecticut, doe by these presents constitute and appoint my be- loved friend Mr John Megs of Guilford to be my true and lawfull attorney for me and in my name to manage and doe all things needful in and about a certain tract or percell of land with y' house thereon, which I lately purchased of John Tusten of Guilford, lying at South- old, Long Island: And I doe by these presents give, grant and allow unto my said attorney full power to bargain, sell and make over all my forementioned tract of land and the house and priviledges (s'tract of land being about twenty five acres) unto any person or per- sons as my s' Attorney shall agree with: and to make and deliver in my name and stead any deed of sale for y' passing over s' land and house to any such person as fully as I myselfe might or could do. Witness my hand and seal this 2' day of September 1702 Witnesses JOlIN BISHUI' ANDREW WARD JOHN COLLENS [Seal] JOHN HILL Acknowledged 2 Sept 1702 before me ANDREW LEETE Assist' Ent. feb. 25: 17ft pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. 280 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 146. [Abstract.] To all Christian people Know Ye that I Capt John Herbert of y' Town of Reading, Mass., do here by these presents, in consideration of the sum of three pounds, grant bargain and sell unto Joseph Swasey of South old, husbandman, a certain percell of Salt Mea. dow called a second lott as it was laid out, lying on the Sonth side of y' great River called Peaconneck and bounded on y' West by y' meadow John Osmand died possessed of-East by y' meadow of Matthias Hutchin. son-North by the Great River. Witness hand and seal this 14th day of November 1699. Witnesses JONATHAN HORTON STEPHEN BAYLEY JOHN HERBERT [Seal] Acknowledged y' 14th November 1699 before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' y' '7th of Dee' 1715, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents, that I Benj: Horton of Southold, have bargained and sold unto John Tustan of Southold a certain parcel of land by computation five and twenty acres, being a first lott lying near the Fresh Meadows in the first division of the Town Comons, bounded on the east by Thomas Moor Sen-\Vest by the vVeidow Terry. Witness my hand and seal this 14th day of October I~O. Witnesses THOMAS TUSTEN BENJ: HORTON. ", PRISCILLA X TUSTEN ... Ent'the 17th of June 1691, p' Benj: Yo. Rd' SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 281 [Abstract.] I John Swasey of y' Town of Southold Yeoman doe by these presents remise release and quitclaim to my uncle Joseph Swasey of South old yeoman, all manner of claim unto all and every part of the lands and mea. dows gi ven to y' said] oseph Swazy in the last will and testament of John Swasey deceased Witness my hand and seal 9th Dec' 1706. Witnesses JONATHAN DIMON ... JOHN CLEAVES JOHN X SWAIZY [Seal] THOMAS MAPES Acknowledged before me. THOMAS MAPES Ent' 16 Feb. 17I.~ Justice pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 147. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye that I, John Tus- tean of Guilford, Connecticut, in consideration of a valuable sum doe by these presents sell and alienate unto John Callens of Branford, Conn', a certain par. . eel of land lying in South old, County of Suffolk, New York, containing by estimation five and twenty acres with the house standing on part of y' said land, bounded Easterly lately by Thomas Moor Sen'-Westerly lately by W' Terry-Northerly by a highway, and Southerly by a highway:-Which said land lies near y' Fresh meadows and is a first lott in y' first division of y' Towne comons and was formerly a lott of Benj: Hor- tons and by him sold to John Tusten. Witness my hand and seal this 26th day of July [70I. Witnesses THOMAS COOKE JOSEPH DUDLEY JOHN TUSTEN [Seal] BENAJH STONE Acknowledged 26 July 1701, before me, ANDREW LEETE Assist Ent' Octob' 9th 1702, p' Benj: Y ongs, Recorder 282 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I, John Horton, son of Joseph Horton deceased, of Ry in New York, husbandman, for a valuable consideration doe by these presents grant bargaine and sell unto Charles Booth of Southold husbandman, a certaine parcell of Salt Mea. dow being on the East side of Corchaug Neck, bounded North with a stake in the meadow, a little Northward of a point of upland that runs down into the meadow- South by a marked black oak tree-East by Thomas Moore Sen and Abraham Corey, and West by the said Neck. Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of June 16g5. Witnesses JONATHAN HORTON JOHN CURWIN JOHN HORTON [Seal] BETHIA HORTON Acknowledged 5th Api 107, by Jonathan Hor.ton Attorney of John Horton, before me, THOMAS MAPES Justice. PAGE 148. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I, Samuel Young of Stan for [Stamford] County Faitfield, Conn., Cord. wainer and Rebekah my wife in consideration of a sum of money by us received, do by these presents bargain and sell unto Jonathan Terry of Southold husbandman a certain tract of land lying at Oysterponds LO\ver Neck, bounded Westerly by land of Joseph Brown de- ceased-Southerly by y' bay-Easterly by Capt Rich- ard Brown-and Northerly by Amon Tabor of New London, by estimation three acres and an half-being exactly the one half which belonged to the heirs of Sam' Brown dec'-two acres first set off to the widow Rebekah Brown. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 283 Witnesses HENNERY TUTHILL. ROBERT SHEFFIELD. JONATHAN BARBER Acknowledged 24th of Octo. 1752, before me, ELIJAH HUTCHINSON, Judge Southold 13 Nov 1752. Ent' pr Rb' Hempsted Town Clerk. SAMUELL YOUNGS [Seal] REBECCA YOUNGS [Seal] [Abstract. ] To all Christian people, Know Ye that I John Booth Senr of Sou thold gent doe, by these presents, on t of the love good will and naturall affection I bear unto my son Charles Booth, alienate, grant and give unto him my Sd son Charles Booth, one halfe of all the upland of right belonging to me within the bounds of Corchaug, as it lyeth in coman and partnership with my son Tho. mas Booth-And the whole right of s' upland so alien. ated and given, to be equally divided between my two sons, Thomas and Charles Booth, according to their own discretion or by whom they shall appoynt-And also I do hereby give and grant unto my son Charles Booth one third part of all my right of meadow in the bounds of Corchaug aforesaid as it I yeth in coman and partnership between my sons John, Thomas, and Charles Booth, to be equally divided into three equal parts to my s' three sons aforesaid :-And I also give and grant to my s' son Charles Booth halfe my meadow on the South side Peheconeck great River or Bay Witness my hand and seal this 27 day of June 1689. Witnesses STEPHEN BAILY. JOHN BOOTH JOHN BOOTH Ent' pr me Benj: Yo. Rdr [For note on John Booth and sons, see Appendix.- J. W. C.] . 284 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 149. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, I Mary the now widow and relict of Benj: Horton late of Southold, Yeoman de- ceased send Greeting. Know Ye, that I the Sd Mary Horton, for valuable considerations, and for the respect and love I bear unto my son in law Charles Booth of Southold Yeoman, doe give grant and confirme unto the Sd Charles Booth all that my right title and interest of and to a percell of land and meadow given and as- signed unto me by my Sd deceased husband Benjamin Horton as by a matrimonial contract under the hand and seal of the s' Benjamin and myself before marriage may more at large appear lying and being in South old aforesaid and now in the quiet possession of me the Sd Mary Horton :-And also all my right title and interest in or to the halfe part of a lott of land lying in South- ampton, and as the proper right in reversion of the now wife of the said Charles, and my second daughter by a gift of her grandfather and my father Mr James Hamp- ton, of Southhamptori. dee' with full power to sell, give and dispose of the said halfe part of the s' land to any person whatsoever provided always he give the refusal thereof to his brother in law Thomas Lupton of South- ampton aforesaid :-And further the s' Charles Booth, his heirs, upon the full and quiet possession of the premises, shall payor cause to be paid or delivered unto my youngest daughter now liveing a bed and suitable as other her sisters have had by virtue of the matrimonial contract made by me with my deceasd husband aforesaid In Witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26'" day of January 1~2. ..... MARY X HORTON ... Witnesses, JAMES X PARSHALL .. SAMUEL SWAZY Ent y' 24 April 1693, pr Benj: Yo. Rdr [FOI' note on Mary Horton, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 285 [Abstract.] Knowall men by these presents that I, Samuell Lan- don Esq of Southold, Cord wainer, in consideration of a sum of money to me in hand paid do, by these presents, grant and sell unto Jonathan Terry of Southold Yeo- man a certain tract of meadow land in Oysterpond lower Neck the South side of the highway bounded Northerly by the me"dows of the heirs of Jereh Vail dee' and a little Island of upland--Easterly by meadows of David King dec'-Southerly and Westerly by the bay, by estimation seven acres. And Bethia his wife acknowledgeth her self a partie. In \Vitness whereof we have set our hands and seals this nineteenth day of FebY. 1753 \Vitnesses SARAH BARBER SAMUELL LANDON [Seal] JONATHAN BARBER BETHIA LANDON [Seal] Acknowledged 23' March 1753, before me, ROBERT HEMPSTED Justice Ent' 2 Api 1757, pr Rb' Hempsted Town Clk. PAGE 150. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, John Terry of SouthoJd yeo- man Sendeth Greeting. Whereas Gershom Terry of y's' Town yeoman and brother of him the s' John Terry doth c1aime as his right the several parcels of Land and creekthatch following: One first lott of Land at a place called y' Inlet in y' s' Town by computation Twentyfive acres, bounded as by y' records of y'said Town will appear :-Also one lott of creekthatch in Cat- chauge flats :-As also one lott of comonage in y' s' Town :-And also all the lands that was his brother Samuel Terrys, as by y' deeds and writings for y' same will show:-And whereas it is thought that y' Sd Ger- shom Terry hath not a sufficient right and title for y 286 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. same-therefore Know Yee that he y' s' John Terry in consideration of a sum of money to him paid by y' s' Gershom he doth by these presents remise release and forever quitclaim unto y' s' Gershom Terry, all such right, estate title and interest as he y' s' John Terry had or ought to have of in and to all the above ll)entioned Lands, meadows and premises by any waies or means whatsoever. In Witness whereof he the s' John Terry hath here- unto set his hand and seal this 24th day of Aug' 1714. Witnesses MATTHIAS HUCHASON JOHN TERRY [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS. The day and year above written acknowledged before me BENJ: YOUNGS Justice Ent' 23' Dee' 1714, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. 1692 Jan 18. Mary Y ongs foremerly the wife of Theophilus Curwin, her land & meadow lying and being in Corchaug division. She obtained of Theophilus Case by way of exchange the said land, being all that tract of land for- merly Christopher Y ongs J nn' by estimation one hun- dred acres more or less, and lying on the North side the highway or road and bounded as followeth, on the East by the land of Jabez Mapes and by David Gardiner West, on the North by the Sonnd, on South by the Road. Also thirty acres of land be it more or less, bounded on the East by the land of William Mapes, and on the West by Peter Dickerson his land. Her said meadow is foure acres measured out, being part of the Pecepunck meadow, bounded on the South by a kreek, North by stakes, and on the East and West by the land of Peter Dickerson. The condition of the s' exchang is such that the s' SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 287 Mary doth firmely bind her land & meadow to s' Theophilus his Heirs and Assigns for the performance of her exchange with him. Entr' 20th of J anY 1692 pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. This 29th of ffeb. the Sd Mary Yo: and Theophilus Case did mutually agree to have the above exchange here underwritten void as if it had never ben. Benj: Yo. Rdr [For note on Mary Youngs, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 15[. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that I, Samuel Swasey of Southold Yeoman in consideration of the sum of thirty pounds to me paid, I doe by these pres- ents grant and sell unto Jonathan Hudson of Shelter Island, Yeoman, a certain tract or percell of Land ly- ing and being at Acquabauk by estimation twelve acres, bounded West by Peter Halliocke-North East and South by Jacob Osman. Witness my hand and seal this 2' day of February 17[t. Witnesses, JACOB OSMAN. BENJ: YOUNGS. SAMUEL SWASEY [Seal] The day and year above written acknowledged be- fore me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' Octob' [4th 17I 5 pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. 104. Jo: Vale his record Obtained of Mathias Hutchison by exchang three lotts of woodland lying and being on the North side of the Town containing twenty one acres more, or less, and bounded as followeth, on the North by the North Sea or Sound and by the land of Saml: Yo. West, and on the East by the land of Stephen Baily. Ent' 26 Nov' 1694, pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. 288 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 152. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye that I, Joseph Budd of Southold, marriner, in consideration of the sum of One hundred and Fifty two pounds ten shillings to me paid, do, by these presents grant bargain and sell unto Jonathan Hudson of Shelter Island a certain tract or parcel of land at Hocabauk, by computation one hundred and fifty acres, or the half of that tract of land containing three hundred acres with the halfe of the meadow thereunto belonging as the whole of the same is bounded-on the West by Joshua Hempsted -East by David Horton-South by the Bay and North by the Sound. Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of April [720. \Vitnesses, JOSHUA HORTON BENJAMIN-MoRE THOMAS SANDI FORTH. Acknowledged the day above written before me SAML HUTCHISON Justice. JOSEPH BUDD [Seal] MARY BUDD [Abstract.] To all Christian people to whom this writing shall come, Joseph Yongs of Southold sends Greeting, Know ye that I the said Joseph Y ongs eldest son of Joseph Y ongs of Southold deceased, shipmaster, for and in consideration of the naturall affection I have and bear unto my brother Samuel Y ongs, as for divers other considerations, doe hereby release, convey give grant and confirme unto him the Sd Samuel Yongs of South- old all the right title and interest, that doe or any way might belong unto me of in and to all the accommoda- tions which he the Sd Samuel Yongs now possesseth and which were sometime in the possession of my hon- oured mother Margaret Y ongs deceased, that is to say: SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 289 -the home lott which my s' mother purchased of Aur- thur Smyth, and given to him s' Samuel Y ongs by his brother John Y ongs, bounded east with my owne land -West with the land of John Yongs sometime in the possession of William Wells :-Also a parcel of meadow nigh the mouth of Toms.kreek, bounded west by my meadow-East by Stephen Baily-North by Benjamin Youngs Jun' formerly in possession of his father Chris- topher Y ongs dec' two acres :-Also six acres of arable land at the entrance into Hoggneck given unto s' Sam- nel by his brother John Y ongs (as was the s' home lott and meadow) bounded East by y' land of Mr Budd- West by the woods :-Also a parcel of meadow in Oys- terponds Lower Neck-also given to him by his brother John, bounded North by Mr Sylvester and by Caleb Curtis and John Salmon South by the river-East and West by a certaine creek-two acres more or less:- Also twelve acres of woodland at Toms Kreek head given to him by his brother John-the s' twelve acres lyes in three percells :-Also two acres of arable land in the Old Planting Field, in the short lotts there:- Also a second Iou of comonage given to him by his brother John Y ongs. And for the confirmation of the premises I have sealed and subscribed this present writing this 31st day of August 1697. Witnesses, JOHN YONGS BENJAMIN YONGS Acknowledged 31st Augt . JOSEPH YONGS. . before me JOHN YONGS [For note on Joseph Youngs and the estate of his father Joseph, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 153. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I Samuell Youngs of Stanford in the County of Fairfield, Conn' Cordwainer '9 290 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. and Rebekah his wife, in consideration of a sum of money to us payd by Jeremiah Tutthill of South old husbandman, do by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the s' Jeremiah Tuthill, a certain tract of Land situate at Oysterponds Lower Neck on the South side of the highway by the said Jeremiah Tuthills dwelling house, bounded, Northerly on the highway-Westerly by Richard Brown-Southerly by Jeremiah Tuthill- Easterly by Amon Taber of New London, containing Ten acres more or less-it being the one half of a loft of Land formerly belonging to Samuel Brown dec' which was equally divided by s' Samuel Youngs and Rebekah his wife on the one part, and Amon Tabor and his wife on y' other part, heirs to s' Samuel Brown decd Witness our hands and seals this 23' day of October 1752. Witnesses, HENNERY TUTHILL ROBERT SHEFFIELD. JONATHAN BARBER Acknowledged 24th Octo. 1752, before me ELIJAH HUTCHINSON, Judge A true copie of the original deed Ent' pr Rbt Hempsted Town Clk. So:hold 13 Nov. 1752. SAMUELL YOUNGS [Seal] REBECCA YOUNGS [Seal] [Abstract.] To all Christian People, Know Ye that I, Abraham Youngs of Southold Yeoman in consideration of y'sum of twenty six pounds to me paid do by these presents grant, bargain and sell unto Thomas Terry Jun of Oys- terponds, yeoman, a certain tract or percell of land being a second loft scituate and being in Oysterponds Upper Neck by computation seventy acres, Bounded North by y' Sound-East by Henry Tuthill-South by -. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 291 y' Pond and West by my own land :-which s' second lott is to be equal in width with my other second lotto Witness my hand and seal this 1st day of May 1706. Witnesses THOMAS MOORE ABRAHAM YOUNGS [Seal] BEN]: YOUNGS DAVID YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year above written, Attest THOMAS YOUNGS 1694. Matthias Hutchison his record Obtained of John Vale by exchange two lotts lying and being West of the Town containeing fifty acres more or less, and bounded as followeth. on t~e North by the Long Lane on the South by the Comon road and on the East by the land of J ames Reeve and West by the land of Mr Hobart. Ent' Nov 26,1694 pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. Memorandum this 15th of Decem' 1712 the above exchange was made void by y' consent of y' s' parties-with order to be underwritten to me, Benj: Youngs Town Clk purchased of Jonathan Mapes twenty one acres of woodland more or less lying and being nere the Great Pond at the North sea bounded by the land of the Weidow Dickerson West and on the North end by the Great Pond and South by the highway the s' twenty one acres is purchased by way of exchang. Ent' 25 Dee: 1694, pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. Purchased of Jeremiah Vale by way of exchange twenty five acres of woodland be it more or less lying and being West of the Towne and in the division of land laid out in the year 1686, butting and bounded as followeth to the land of Joseph Reeve West, and to the land of the s' Matthias East, to the Long Lane North, and South to the Common rhode. Ent' 26 day of March '695, pr Benj: Yo Rdr. 292 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] Know all men that I Henry Case of Sonthold have exchanged with Matthias Hutchison of s' Southold a certain parcell of kreekthatch, bounded on the West by Capt Jonathan Horton (formerly of MrWm Wells) East by meadow of Daniel Terry (formerly Isaac Overtons dec')-North and South by the upland lying comon North from Goose Kreek:-which kreekthatch so ex- changed is the whole right belonging to the said Henry Case and is exchanged for halfe the right of meadow belonging to Matthias Hutchison at Ocquabauk at a meadow called Brushes-meadow as may appeare by a conveiance with this, December y' first 1694. Witnessed pr STEPHEN BAILY HENRY CASE MARY BAILY. PAGE 155. [Abstract.] Know Ye, that Henry Case of Southold doth by these presents, in consideration of six pounds in hand received covenant bargain and sell unto Matthias H utch- inson a certain home Iou containing four acres, more or less, situate within the Town plott of Sonthold-bound_ ed east by Daniel Terry, by virtue of his wife formerly the relict and weidow of Isaac Overton-West by the land of the weidow and relict of Thomas Mapes Sen' de cd-South by the land of Jonathan Mapes and North [West] by the Town Street or Kings highway. Witness my hand and seal this 30th day of Novem- ber 1694. Witnesses, STEPHEN BAILY HENRY CASE lIIutl>t __or BENJAMIN X DAVIS TABITHA X CASE. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Yo. Rdr. [For oote, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 293 [Abstract.] Mrs Hutchison her Land lying in Saugers Neck con- taining thirty acres, is bounded on the east with the meadow of Jeremiah Vale Sen' and Stephen Baily- West, by Christopher Youngs Sen'-on the South by the kreek called Sagurs kreek, and on the North by the highway. Her land at the North side is by estimation twenty one acres, and bounded with the North Sea North, and with the land formerly Robert Smyths now in the pos- session of Mr Arnold West. He r land lying at Hogneck at the North side thereof poynting to Goose Creek. Her 'meadow lying at Ocquabauk is by estimation two acres more or less bonnded by the meadow of John Swazy Jun'. Her Com on age is one first lotto Also one first lott of upland in Ocquabauk through out the three divisions. Also a second lott of meadow adjoyneing to the first divisions. Also one first IoU of meadow on the North side Pe. heconeck River, bounded on the East with the meadow of Daniel Terry, and Thomas Mapes West. Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 156. [Abstract.] To all People Greeting Know Ye that I, Benjamin Youngs of Southold, Carpenter, in consideration of a sum of money to me in hand paid do by these presents grant and sell unto Matthias H ucheson of Sd South old husbandman, a certain tract or parcel of land comonly called a second lott, and a second IoU of creek thatch, situate within the Town plott of South old-the land containing fifty acres more or less, bounded on y' east 294 SOUTHOLD ,OWN RECORDS. by ye land of John Tusteen-West by Matthias Huche- son-South by the Road-North by y' highway that runneth between y' two last divisions of Land as may appear by the Town record :-y' creekthatch bounded on y' South by y' bay-{)n y' Northeast by Gershom Terry. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25th day of July 1698. Witnesses M' JONATHAN X MAPES mo' BENJAMIN YOUNGS ho. "'Ol~ MARY X YOUNGS. STEPHEN BAYLEY Ent' pr Benj' Youngs Recdr. August y' 5, 1690. [Last Will of Jacob Conkling 17Q.J In the name of God Amen I Jacob Conkling of South old in y' County of Suffolk, in y' province of New York in america Yeoman being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory att y' writing hereof thanks be given unto God Therefore calling to minde the shortness of this transitory life & that it is appointed for all men once to die do make constitute ordain & appoint this to be my last will & testament hereby revoking disannul- ling all and all manner of former wills & testaments by me heretofore or in my name had made or concluded & that this only and none other shall be held deemed taken & reputed to be my last will & testament in man- ner and form following that is to say: first I commend my soul to God that gave itt & my body to y' earth to be huried in decent Christian burial at y' discretion of my executors hereafter named: secondly my will is y' my funeral expenses & my just debts be duly payd by my executors: thirdly I give unto my son Jacob & to his heirs & assigns forever all my land where my housen now stand att Hashamo[maJck with y' s' housen: which s' land is lying between y' land of Joseph Mapes de- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 295 ceased & the land of Isaac Corey deceased: & also all my meadow adjoyning to y' end of y' s' land by y' mill pond and sixteen acres of land in y' field be it more or less bounded North & South by the land of Providence Rider East by the common West by the mill pond & also one half part of my wood lott (comonly so called) the land of the s' Joseph Mapes lying on y' East & y'land .of John Conkling deceased on y' West y' North Sea on y' North: being by estimation nine acres be it more or Jess, & one half part of my common land also I give to my s' son Jacob all my implements of hnsbandry and the nse of my two oxen four years-fourthly I give to my son Joseph & to his heirs and assigns forever all my two lotts of land in y' Oysterponds upper Neck, within y' Township afores' Bounded on y' North by y' Sound on y' East by y' land of John Wiggins & John Tuthill: on y' South by ye harbor & on y' West by y' land of Samuel King and also all my meadow at a place called and known by the name of Long beach within the s' Township (fifthly) I give unto my son Samuell & his heirs & assigns forever all my new lott comonly so called being by estimation Twenty four acres be the same more or less bounded Northerly by the land of y' said Joseph Mapes Easter! y & Southerly by y' land of y' s' John Conkling & West by the comon land: & one half part of my wood lott & comon lands of which I have herein given my s' son Jacob y' other half part & also all my mill meadows: (sixthly) I give to my daughter Mary all my household stuffe to her & her heirs forever freely to be possessed & Injoyed: and also all the debts that shall be due to me att the time of my decease-(sev- enthly) I give to my son Gedion for ever all my tools belonging to carpenter or J oynering work father more my will is that all the Remainder of my movable Es- tate not herein before willed be equally divided be tween my son John & my s' son Gedion & my s: daughter Mary to whom I do give the same for ever- 29/i SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. & in consideration of what I have above given to my said sons Jacob; Joseph: & Samuell itt is allways pro- vided & hereby these presents itt is provided that my s' sons, Jacob: Joseph & Samuell & each of th'em shall pay to my s' son John: five pounds currant money & allsa to my s' son Gedion five pounds currant money: but [if] my s' son John doth not live to return home that then & in such case my s'son Jacob: Joseph: & Samuell shall each of them pay to my s' son Gedion seven pounds currant money which if they or either of my s' sons: Jacob: Joseph: and Samuell or their heirs shall Neglect or Refuse to do at y' time they my s' sons do arrive to y' age of Twentie one years or to either of my s' sons John & Gedion in manner as is be- fore mentioned which is the true intent & meaning of this my last will: that then & in such case my absolute will & pleasure is that my s' sons John& Gedion or either of them shall for himself & his heirs forever [have] one half part of all the land meadows & premises before willed to him or them that shall neglect or Refuse to pay the s' sum or sums herein mentioned-Lastly of this my last will and testament I do make constitute ordain & apoint my son Jacob & my son Joseph & my son Samuell my Executors with full power & authority to act in & about y' primises, In \Vitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & fixed my seal this twentie eight day of January in y' year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred six & seven. Signed sealed pronounced & declared by y' s' Jacob Conkling as his last will & testament, JACOB CONKLING [Seal] JOHN DAINS PROVIDENCE RIDER JOSEPH MAPES Entred So:hold April 26: 1750 pr Rb' Hempsted Town Clerk [For note on this will, see Appendix.-J. W, Co] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 297 PAGE 157. South old March 16th, 16gt. I. Isaac Cory of Hashamomuck nere South old. town, his orchard lott containing four acres more or less, Thomas Ryder on the West Jacob Conckline on the East and South, and the comon on the North 2. His home lott where his house standeth containeth thirty acres more or less, Tho: Ryder on the South, Joseph Mapes on the West, North Seaor Sound North, the kings highway on the North side excepted which is to begin at the cleft, at the new.barrs, or place at the cleft so called, and soe to goe along by the cleft, to the East side of the field, and so on Eastwarp, and the Com. mon on the East 3. His meadow at Hashamomuck is ten acres more or less, with a hole of meadow containing one acre & a quarter more or less, which s' hole of meadow is bounded with the upland, and his own meadow, the above mentioned ten acres of meadow is bounded by the meadow of Thomas Ryder on the East, and Jacob Conkline on the West, the lands of John and Joseph Conckline on the South, and the common on the North. 4, Also his meadow att the head of the Mill.pond, adjoyneing to the bounds of Southold, the lands of Thomas Ryder on the East. Also thirty five acres of woodland, more or less Thomas Ryder on the West, the lands of John & Joseph Conckline on the East, by Joseph Mapes on the South, and a lott known by the name of the four score acres, North Sea or Sound North, the highway excepted. 5, Also one lott of woodland containing twenty five acres more or less, bounded by the lands of John and Joseph Conckline on y' West and to runn Southward as fare as the s' Concklines lotts rUlln the Comon on the East, Sound or North Sea on the North, the highway excepted. 298 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 6. Also two acres of upland to be taken up out of Hashamomuck coman, the bounds for present are not known. Also one fourth part of the comon land belonging unto Hashamomuck. 7. The bounds of the above mentioned two acres are as followeth viz: halfe an acre to Iy joyneing to y' Or- chard lott South, Thomas Ryders fence West, and so to runn Northward, unto the Swamp called Cory's Swamp, and the coman to the North and East one acre and a halfe joyneing to his house, bounded by the coman on the North, East and South, joyneing to his own land on the West. JACOB CONCKLINE JOSEPH MAPES JOHN CONCKLINE. Ent'd March 19th 1695, . JOSEPH CONKLINE pr Benj: Yo: Rdr [For note, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 158. So:tho: 8 of October 1747. The evidence of Jonathan Corey being about fifty years of age testifieth that he the Sd Corey hath bin acquainted with the place called and esteemed to be y' bounds between y' Common Lands at Hashamomack gi ven to them by the Town of South old : & there ancient deed or bounds at the North Sea near or att the place called the Inlett Pond and well knoweth that there was a black oake tree near ten rod South from Sd pond which had several letters cu t in Sd tree & was then called the bounds of Sd Lands and that he never new itt disputed but that Sd tree was y' bound formerly agreed upon by y' owners or proprietors of Sd lands this he hath bin aquainted with for thirtie years past and that sometime since one Jabez Lambert which lived there- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 299 aboute by some means hapned to cut down s' tree & that there is a great stone sett in y' ground now by y' stump of s' tree and that Providence Rider the Owner of one lott of comonage adjoyning to s' bound tree did improve his land against said bound and that he l\ever heard him dispute the said bound but fenced and cleared to the range of said tree-and further sayth not Sworn the day and year JONATHAN COREY above written before me ROBERT HEMPSTED Justice and Ent" at y' request of s' Corey pr Rb' Hempsted Town Clerk [ Abstract.] To all Christian People Know Ye that I Samuel King J un of Southold Yeoman in consideration of the sum of seven pounds doe hereby grant bargain and sell unto William King of South old Yeoman a certain parcel of meadow, two acres by computation. situate in y' Oys- terponds lower Neck, bounded on y' North by the meadow of s' William King-east by a small creek- South by a ditch and meadow of s' Wm King-and West by y' Land of s' William King-(hereby except_ ing a convenient way from a certain meadow called y' broad meadow now in my possession thro y' s' two acres of meadow where myself and heirs shall think most convenient) Witness my hand and seal this 5th day of March '70~. . Witnesses GIDEON YOUNGS JONATHAN YOUNGS SAMUEL KING [Seal] BEN]: YOUNGS. Acknowledged the day and year above written. before me THOMAS YOUNGS Ent' Aprill y' 29th '707, pr Benj: Youngs Reed' 300 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 159. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I, Jonathan Mapes of SouthoJd planter, for good considerations do by these presents grant and sell unto John AJaban of s. Southold weaver, all my right title and interest of in, and to one acre of upland lying in a place called hog- neck south of y' Towne and on y' North side of the Neck, bounded as followeth-to a cove West-to y' land of said Jonathan Mapes East and So nth-and to y' Goose Creek North: the said acre of Land is in length sixteene pole--and in bredth tenn pole Witness my hand and seal this 24th day of June 169<5. Witnesses lDuk BENJ: YOUNGS Sen JONATHAN X MAPES [Seal] BENJAMIN YOUNGS. .. Acknowledged 28 Dec 1702 before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent. Dec' 29th 1702, pr Benj: Y ongs Recdr. [For note, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] [Abstract.] Anno Domini 1694. Sept. lIth day. Know all men by these presents that I, Benjamin Y ongs Sen' of Southold have by these presents bar- gained and sold unto John Alaban of s. Southold weaver one acre of woodland lying West of the Town and on the Southeast corner of the s. Y ongs his lott that is lying West of said Town and on the North Side of the Coman Rhoad-the s. one acre is to be as wide as long and is bounded by John Pain J un East-the com on rhoad Sonth and the s. Benj: Y ongs North and West:- Also the s. Y ongs do hereby ingage to build a sufficient frame for a d welling house for s. Alaban-the s. frame to be like unto the house which Benj: Moor deceased bonght of John Paty (which is standing at the east end SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 301 of the Sd Town) only with this addition, that the Sd frame is to be twenty foot in length and sixteen foot in bredth: In consideration of said land and frame the Sd Ala- ban doth hereby ingage to teach Benjamin Y ongs the son of Sd Benj: Y ongs to weave so fare as Sd Alaban can teach him, excepting bedd-teeking. In confirmation of y' premises the parties within named have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year abovesaid. Witnesses ELIZABETH Y ONGS BENJAMIN YONGS Ent pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [Abstract.] John Alaban his record of one acre of land 1696 June 4. Obtained of John Curwin one acre of woodland Sd acre lying West of the Town-on the North side of the comon road and at the South west corner of Sd Cur- wins lotto Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. Be it here noted Sd Curwin shall have the refusal of Sd acre if Alaban shall sell. BENJAMIN YONGS JOHN ALABAN [ Abstract.] This record testifieth that I, John Alaban of South- old for a valuable consideration have sold unto John Curwin J un' of Sd Town, planter, the one acre of Woodland abovementioned. 'Witness my hand this 29 J une 1~6. m~ Witnesses BENJ: YONGS JOHN A ALABAN CHRISTIAN YONGS PAGE 160. [Abstract.] To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come, Know Ye that I, Theophilus Case husbandman 302 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. in consideration of a sum of money to me paid by Ben- jamin Youngs J un' of South old, Carpenter, do by these presents sell and confirme unto the s' Benjamin Youngs a certain tract or parcell of land, called a first Lott, and meadow thereunto belonging lying at Acquabaug, bounded North by y' Sound-East by land formerly of John Budd Sen' and by him given to his daughter- South by the bay-West by Wm Wells the eldest, Esq. as by a release from my brother Henry Case bearing date with these presents may appear. Witness my hand and seal this 25th day of Febru- ary 169t. Witnesses SIMON GROVER .... G. SYLVESTER THEOPHILUS X CASE Acknowledged 2 March 16gt, before me ., THOMAS MAPES Justice Entd 5 Aug 1698. pr Benj: Youngs Recorder [Abstract.] John Swazy Sen' of Southold by his deed dated 10th December 16g1 sould unto John Merny of . . . . . four lotts of upland in the second division of Ocquabauk bounded East with the land of Col Y ongs and West with the land of Mr Conckline :-Also four lotts of mea. dow on y' South side Peheconek river bounded East by John Curwin Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr this loth Dec' 16gI. [Abstract. ] Know Ye that I Theophilus Curwin of Southold Car. penter in consideration of y' love and affection I have and bear towards my brother Daniel Corwin of South. old Cooper, doo give and grant to y' s' Daniel Corwin part of a first lott of woodland in y' first division of Accobauk, bounded South by y' Country road-North . SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 303 by Overtons land-West by Tookers land and East by the Browns land. Witness my hand and seal this 24th day of April 1703. Witnesses JOSEPH WICKHAM THEOPHILUS CORWIN [Seal] JOHN CLEAVES Acknowledged 25th May 1703, before me, THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' 16th Feb. 17M pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 162. [Abstract.] Know Ye that I Jonathan Horton of Southold Gent. in consideration of a sum of money by me in hand re- ceived, doe by these presents grant and sell unto James Patty mariner one first alottment of woodland lying at a place called Hogg Neck being tenn acres and halfe -Bounded on y' east by Henry Case-West by y' Widow Elizabeth Goldsmith-North by y' cleft or har- bour-South by y' highway. Witness my hand and seal this. . . . . . day of April 1705 Witnesses THO: LONGWORTH JONATHAN HORTON [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged 25 Api 1705, before me THOMAS YOUNGS Ent' May 28th 1705 pr Benj. Youngs Recd'. PAGE 163. [Abstract.] Thomas Tustan his record. I. His land at the Weading River (called Westhold) beinl{ fourteen rod wide and bounded by the land of Mr John Budd on y' West and Daniel Terry East. Also one lott of comonage thereto belonging. , 304 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 2. Also a second IoU at Occaquabauk lying in the sec- ond division there, nere the White hills (so called) and y' Fresh pond-the land of Stephen Baily West-and the land of Nicholas Eddes East. 3. Also a second lott of Meadow (called the comon meadow) over the River on Southampton side, as will appear in a bill of sale from Thomas Mapes dated 2 Feby. 1679. 4. Also one Iou of meadow over the River (called the coman meadow) purchased of Benjamin Horton. His lands lying in Corchaug division. I. One lott of woodland purchased of Mr Arnold lying in the Northside division there and by the land of Tho: Mapes Sen' on y' \Vest-Benj: Horton East-s. lott is twenty six and half rod at the front or highway and twenty rod at the North. 2. Also one lott of land lying in the Fourt Neck con- taining fourty acres, purchased of John Goldsmith. 3. Also a second lott of meadow there, on the West side of Fourt Neck, bounded by the meadow of Rich- ard Benjamin, and so to the highway nere Booths Hill. (so called)-see bill of sale of Jereh Vale Sr-8th July 1684. 4. Also certain broken parcells of meadow (called holes or ponds) lying nere Booths Hill, North side the path and in the lott of Thomas Mapes Sen' and Jere. miah Vale Sen.-bought of Joshua Horton 26 Sept. 1684. Ent. pI' Benj: Yo. Rdr. 1692 [ Abstract.] Be it known to all men that I Thomas Mapes Sen' of Southold have alienated and sold unto Thomas Tustan of the Town aforesaid, a certain parcel of land by computation seventeen acres and a halfe, which is six pole and a halfe wide by the cartway or front of my SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 305 lott :-this land lyeth the whole length of my lolt-that is to say from the South bound to the North bound, on the East side of my lott joyning to Thomas Tustans land lying in Corchaug nere the Fourt Neck and Booths Hill on the North side the Highway, or North di vidend Witness my hand and seal 8th Sept. 1685.. Witnesses, ANNAH HORTON her mark X PRICILA TUSTEN her mark X THOMAS MAPES Wm COLEMAN his mark b Ent<1 pI' Benj: Yo. Rdr. 1692. [For note, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] [ Abstract.] Know all men by these presents yl !, John Vale of South old have bargained alienated and exchanged with Thomas Tustan of the s' Town a certain percell of lands by computation one hundred acres laid out for a first lott being in Courchaug nere the Old Field and Booths Hill, twenty pole wide at the North Sea, and thirty three pole wide at the cartway or Kings Road in the North dividant, bounded by Samuel King on the \Vest, and with the Land of the Fosters on the East, which Land ! do make over for fourty acres in the Fourt Neck in Corchaug, and one hundred and fifty acres in Corchaug of my lott in the second division. \Vitness my hand and seal this 15th day of October 1691. Witnesses [No signature.-]. W. CASE.] MARY PATTY EXPERIENCE PATTY X her mark Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr 1692. 20 306 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 164. [Abstract.] This Indenture made the 19th of July 1689, Between David Gardiner of South old on the one part and Thomas Tustan of s' South old blacksmyth on the other part Witnesseth that the said David Gatdiner for the consideration of full satisfaction to me paid, doe by these presents, grant, bargain and sell unto the s' Thomas Tustan all that my meadow, which my father purchased of s' Thomas Tustan, by estimation four acres, lying at the lower end of the Fourt Neck at the South west end thereof in Corchaug, bounded North by Sarah Yongs-East with Caleb Horton :-Also a first lott of kreekthatch being at the West end of a Great Flatt at the lower end or South of the Old field neck in Corchaug, bounded with a lot of kreekthatch on the East belonging to the Sylvesters. Witness my hand and seal the day and year above written. Witnesses JOSHUA SYLVESTER DAVID GARDINER BENJAMIN YONGS MARTHA GARDINER Acknowledged this 23' November 1691, before me ISAAC ARNOLD Justice of Peace Ent' pro Benj: Yo. Rdr. 1692. [Abstract.] August 4, 1683. Be it known unto all men yt I, Benjamin Horton Yeoman of Southold in consideration of a sum to me paid by Thomas Tustan of South old doe by these pres- ents grant bargain and sell unto the Sd Thomas Tustan all that parcel of land or meadow and kreekthatch lying 011 the east side of the neck called Corchaug SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 307 Neck, bounded by a Pond called the Salt upon the South-and a little black oak with T T on the upland -and the meadow of Benjamin Horton on the North, bounded nere a little flatt in the kreek by the stake -by estimation one acre. Witness the hands and seals of the parties this 4th day of Aug' 1683. .., Witnesses ANNAH X HORTON BENJAMIN HORTON ... THOMAS X HUTCHISON . Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. I6<}2. [Abstract.] This Indenture witnesseth that I, Wm Mapes of Southold have exchanged, alienated and bargained with Thomas Tusten of Sd South old a certaine parcel of land by computation one hundred acres more or less lying in Corchaug Westward from the Towne nere the Fort Neck and Booths Hill in the North dividend bounded with the lands of Edward Griffin West and Thomas Tusten East-being twenty pole wide at the North end or North Sea, and thirty pole wide at South end to the Kings road, or cart path-All this my lott I, the Sd Wil. liam Mapes doe exchange with Thomas Tusten for his lott nere the Old Field in the North dividend being one hundred acres more or less. Witness my hand and seal this 24th day of February I6<}l. Witnesses THOMAS MAPES WILLIAM MAPES X his mark MARY MAPES Acknowledged 7th March 16<}1, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd y' 18th of Nov' I6<}2, Pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. 308 SOUTHOLD 'FOWN RECORDS. PAGE 165. [Abstract.] Whereas 1 William Mapes of Southold, for the con- veniency of situation and for no other reason have ex- changed lands with Thomas Tusten, and forasmuch as there may afterwards differences arise for want of legal power in me to convey said'land to Tusten by ex chang, and that by reason of a prohibition laid upon said land by my deceased father in his last will, Therefore be it known to all men y' if at any time hereafter any person that shall succeed me in said lands shall refuse to equiesse with such my exchange with s' Tusten, but shall take the advantage of s' Will, and by vertue thereof put the s' Thomas Tusten or his heirs or assigns off of posses- sion of s' lands that then (and not otherwise) the Sd Thomas Tusten, his heirs (so ousted as aforesaid) shall by these presents have as full power to re-enter upon his former land (now made over to me) againe as if no such exchange had ben made. Witness my hand and seal this 7th day of March 16<)I. "Vitnesses THOMAS MAPES .., MARV MAPES. "VILLIAM X MAPES. m.' Acknowledged 7th March 1691, before 'me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' y' 181l. of Nov' 1692 pr Benj: Yo. recdr PAGE 166. [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye that 1, Samuel Youngs of Southold Cord winder doe by these presents in consid- eration of three fifteene shillings paid to me. give grant and sell unto David Youngs of Southold, Taylor, a certain percell of salt meadow by computation three acres, situate in y' Oysterpond Lower Neck, bounded East by y' meadow of John Tuthill Esq. West by y' SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 309 meadow of Jeremiah Vaill-Northerly by Caleb Cur- tice and the widow Salmon and Southerly by the Creek. To y' confirmation thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of December, 1705. Witnesses STEPHEN BAYLEY MARY BAYLEY HANNAH BAYLEY Acknow ledged y' 27th Dee' [705 before me, THOMAS MAPES thcoirnor SAMUEL X YOUNGS [Seal] Entd II ApI 1706, pr Benj: Youngs Redr. William Halliock his land lying West of y' Towne is a third lott containing seventy fiye acres more or less being bounded on the West by Samuel Hutchison, and on the East by the land of Jonathan Moor and on the North with the Long Lane, and on the South with the comon rhoade. Entd y' 26th day of April 1~7, pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 167. William King his Record of fower acres of Land purchased of Thomas Terry by way of ex chang be it more or less, lying & being in y' Oysterponds Lower Neck & bounded on y' North by y' highway on y' East by y' Sd William King on y' South by y' bay & on ye West by y' Sd William King. Entd June y' 6th 1699, pr Benj: Youngs Recorder [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye that I Abraham Youngs of South old Yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of twenty six pounds doe give grant and sell unto David Youngs 310 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. of s' Southold, taylor, a certain tract or percell of land, being a second lott situate in Oysterponds upper Neck, by computation seventy acres:-it is one halfe part of four alottments divided equally in width and bounded on y' North by the Sound: on ye east by y' land of Thomas Terry Jun'-South by a certaine pond called y' Oysterpond-West by Daniel Tuthill and John Tuthill Jun. Witness my hand and seal this y' 1st day of May 1706. Witnesses THOMAS MbORE BEN]: YONGS ABRAHAM YOUNGS [Seal] THOMAS TERRY Acknowledged the day and year above written, Attest THOMAS YOUNGS. Ent' May y' 28th 1706, p' Benj: Youngs Recdr. PAGE 168. [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye that I John Tuthill of South- old Esqr in consideration of the sum of four pounds, doe by these presents grant and sell unto David Youngs a certain percell of Salt meadow, by computation two acres situate in y' Oysterponds Lower Neck-bounded North by. Jeremiah Vaill,-East by Jonathan Brown and William King-South by the Creek-west by a small gutter, and y' meadow of y' s' David Youngs. Witness my hand and seal y' 5th day of November 1706. Witnesses, HENRY TUTHILL EPHRAIM YOUNGS JOHN TUTHILL [Seal] morl<of BETHIAH X HALLOKE Acknowledged 20 November 1706 before me, THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' JallY 13th 17ot, pr Benj: Youngs Recdr. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 311 [Abstract, Apprenticeship Indenture.] This Indenture made the loth day of November 16sJI, Between David Youngs the son of Samuel Youngs of the one part, and Joseph Mapes and Ruth his wife of the other part Whereby the said David doth voluntarily and with the free consent and good likeing of his father, put out himselfe an apprintice unto the s' Joseph Mapes and Ruth his wife (and no other) to serve until! he come to be 21 years of age, which will be in the year 1704, (s' David being now 8 years old)-During the time of his apprintiship sd David to doe his Master and Mis- triss faithful service &c-tapp houses he shall not fre- quent: And the s' Joseph Mapes and Ruth his wife doe cove. nant for themselves to find the s' David meat, drink washing and apparil-to teach him to read and write and cypher, and to lame him the Coopers tread-that is rine work and sett work-also the art of navigation, so far as his s' Master is capable to teach it, and the s' David to learn it, and at the expiration of his apprinti- ship to furnish him with two sutes of apparil. Both parties have hereto set their hands and seals. ~" mort Witnesses SAMUEL YONGS DAVID X YONGS hetmatt JACOB CONKELYN RUTH X.MAPES JOSEPH MAPES Ent' 16sJ2, pr Benj: . . . Rdr. PAGE 16sJ. [Abstract.] This Indenture Witnesseth. that Ebenezar Jennings Jun' of Southold Weaver on the one part and Ebenezar Jennings Cordwainer of Southold on the other part that the said Ebenezer Jennings J uner in consideration of the rents payments &c hereafter mentioned, have demised and to farm let unto the s' Ebenezer Jennings 312 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. and Keturah his now wife all that six acres of land, with the buildings, which I lately purchased of my father Sd Ebenezar situate at Southarbour, bounded Southerly by Samuel Reeve-West by the lane or highway--North late by John Biggs, and East by Sd Ebenezar the elder, which he bought of Samuel Gilston, for and during the term of 99 years, or during the life of him s' Ebenezar the Elder. Witness our hands and seals this 26th day of October 1763. Witnesses ROBERT HEMPSTED MARY HEMPSTED Entr' this 27 Dec 1763, pr Rbt Hempsted Town Clerk. [For note on Jennings family, see.Appendix.-J. W. C.] EBENEZAR JENNINGS Jun'X EBENEZAR JENXINGS X [Abstract.] To all People, I Samuel King of Southold, Yeoman, send greeting. Know Ye that for the fatherly love and affection which I bear unto my son Samuel King, I doe give grant and confirme unto my Sd son Samuel the one halfe of all my lands and meadow in Oysterpond Lower Neck, Videlicet, the one halfe of my home lott and or- chard containing five acres and halfe the houseing there- . . on and the other halfe of Sd lott orchard and housell1g at the day of my decease-that is to say, all the land between Thomas Terry on the East and Henry Tuthill on the West :-Also the halfe of one piece of land, ad- joyning to the reere of the abovesd five acres, contain- ing ten acres :-Item, the one halfe of one piece of land containing twelve acres, where my barn now standeth -Gideon Youngs on the East-John Tutthill South- Henry Tutthill West-the highway North :-Item, the one halfe of fifty acres of land-Thomas Terry on the "Vest-Henry Tutthill on the East-Sound on the SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 313 North-the highway South-Item, one halfe of twenty three acres of land-John Herbert East.-John Paine Sr. or John Tutthill Jun' West-the sound North-the Swamp, called the Great Swamp, South :-Item, the one halfe of thirty five acres of land and meadow-John Tutthill J un South west-Henry Tutthill East and North east-the Fresh meadow Kreek on the east and South- east-the highway North :--Item, the one halfe of a second lott of meadow on the south side of the Fresh meadows with a small parcel of upland adjoyneing to it,- John Paine South-Thomas Moor North-Fresh Meadow Kreek or Gutter West-John Herbert East :-- Item, I also give unto my Sd son Samuel liberty for get- ting and useing of Tim bel' for building, fencing and firewood :-All which Sd percells of land and meadows are not to be injoyed by my Sd son Samuel until the day of my decease:-halfe of the before mentioned fil'c acres of land, halfe the orchard and halfe the houseing excepted, to have, hold, dispose of and enjoy, and all the other premises as aforesaid, unto my Sd son Samuel from henceforth withont any manner of claime or challenge by any person or persons whatsoever. Witness my hand and seal this 30th day of January 16gt- Witnesses JOHN TUTTHlLL Wm KING HENRY TUTTHlLL Acknowledged 13th Feb. 169>1- before me, ISAAC ARNOLD, Judge, SAMUEL KING Entd PI' Benj: Yo. Rdr. [ Abstract. Mr Budd, his Record-I 3 Feb. 1695. Purchased of Colonel Y ongs by way of exchange six acres of land lying in the Old Planting field so called: the s' six acres is lying in the long lotts there and 314 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. bounded Southerly by the s' Y ongs :-Also purchased of s' Y ongs one acre of land in s' field, being in the short lotts there. Ent' the 13th of the [zth month 16<}S. P' Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 171. [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye, that I, Nathanel Paine of South old, Yeoman, in consideration of a certaine sum of money to me paid by John King Marin' doe by these presents grant, bargain and sell to the s' John King, a certaine tract of land being sixteene acres scituate on y' North side of y' Oysterponds Lower Neck, bounded North by y' Sound-East by Joseph Patty-West by s' Nathanel Paine--South by a Swamp called the Great Swamp. Witness my hand and seal y' 11th day of January 17ft. Witnesses JOSEPH PATTY NATHANEL PAINE [Seal] WILLIAM KING Jun Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice Ent' y' 16th January 17ft, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk [Abstract.] Whereas our honoured father was pleased to give us sundry percells of land and meadow-to Samuel King on y' 30th January 169+, and to John King on y' 17th Octo. [700, he reserving to himself the use thereof dur- ing his life but impowering them to divide the same and use it for their own, they performing certain condi- tions: And accordingly we have made a division as followeth: . SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 3'5 -Samuel King is to have all y' land North and South where he now dwells, which was my honoured fathers formerly, and also the one halfe of fifty acres on y' North side y' highway-Henry Tuthill East-John King West :-Likewise a piece of land comonly called Christophers and soe up to y' rhoad, with a piece of meadow joyning unto y' land-dich and gutter North. erly-his land beginning at the high way next to John Tuthill and soe to goe along the rhoad to a stake near before John Kings door-being in breadth by y' rhoad 18 rod & 13t foot, and at y' meadow, 5 rod and 14 foot -and from above said stake to a White oak bush-and from thence to an old dich where a stake standeth-and soe by said dich down to y' Creek, which is his N orth- erly line of land and meadow, also a second lott of meadow in y' south side of y' fresh meadow- And likewise the land of John King the one halfe of fifty acres North of y' Road-Thomas Terry West and Samuel King East, and on y' south side y' road all y' land and meadow between y' land of Henry Tuthill and y' land of Samuel King :-Like- wise a certain tract 'of land North of y' great swamp containing twenty three acres-that is to say all that parcel of land purchased of John Pain:- The above. said father and sons all in y' Oysterpond Neck. We yO subscribers doe own all y' abovesaid divisions to be our own voluntary act and deed this 23 of March [7ot. Witness our hands and seals. Witnesses JOHN TUTHILL WALTER BROWN Ent' May y' 10th 1706, Pr Benj: Youngs Rdr SAMUEL KING [Seal] JOHN KING [Seal] These are to signifye to whome it may concerne, that I John King doe give full power to keep a pound on my land on some convenient place next y' highwaye 316 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. where I shall apoint, given under ponds this 18 of december 1706. Ent' Feby 18th 170t, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [For note on this pound, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] my hand in Oyster- JOHN KING PAGE 172. John Franklyne his Record. J. Four acres of land in y' Neck ajoyning to Toms Creek. 2. Eight acres of land lying in y' aforesaid Neck pur- chased of John Terry. 3. Eight acres more purchased of Corll Y ongs. Aproved of by me in y' name of y' rest the 2 Feb 168i Ent" pr Benj: Y ongs Recdr, June 30: 1702. [For note on John Franklyne,see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. I. p. 307.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] This Record testifie that John Franckline of Southold have for himselfe his heirs and assigns obtained of me John Booth of Sd Town, a percell of land by way of exchang, lying in Toms-Kreek-Neck, containing four acres: ,bounded South by the highway-East by his own land- VV est by the land of me Sd John Booth :-s' foure acres was formerly in possession of John Corey Sen' and of him purchased by the s" John Franckline-- North by s' Franckline. For the confirmation hereof I have hereunto set my hand this 28th day of November 1~5. Witnessed by us, BEN]: Yo. JOHN BOOTH JAMES PATTEY Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr [NOTE,-John Booth signed this with his own hand in the Book of Records.-]. W. C.] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 317 PAGE 173. [Abstract.] To all people, Know. Ye, that I, Peter Dickeson of Southold tanner doe, by these presents in consideration of a sum of mqney by me received, give grant and sell unto John Franklyne of South old a certain percell of upland Eight acres more or less lying in said Southold Bounded East by Con" Isaac Arnold-West by yO s" Franklyne-South by y' highwaye and North by y" Sound. ,Vitness my hand and seal this 22' day of October 1700. PETER DICKESON [Seal] Witnesses BENJAMIN LHOMMEDIEU STEPHEN BA VLEV Acknowledged 28th May 1701, before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' June 30th 1702, p' Benj: Y ongs, Recdr. [For note of Francklin and his land, see Appendix,- J. W. c.] [Abstract.] To all People, I, Samuel King of yO Oysterponds in Southold, Cooper, send Greeting. Whereas the said Samuel King did formerly purchase in his own name (but intended only for y" use and behoofe of John Booth y" elder late of Southold deceased, Gent" and his heirs) several percells of upland and meadow of one John Peak ens late of South old as by a certaine deed bearing date y' 23' of April 1656, will plainly appear- And whereas the Sd John Booth did in y' time of his bfe give and dispose all y' s' upland and meadows unto three of his sons v.z: Thomas, John and Charles Booth, all which aboves' percells of land and meadows are lying in Southold- N ow Know Ye, that he y' Sd Samuel .King in con sid- 318 50UTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. eration of y' sum of five shillings to him y'S4 Samuel King by y' heirs of y' S4 Thomas, John, and Charles Booth well and truly paid, doth hereby remise release and quitclaime unto y' heirs of y' S4 Thomas, John and Charles Booth all such right estate title interest claime and demand as he y' S4 Samuel King had or ought to have of in or to all or any of the above mentioned lands meadows and premises, or any part thereof. Witness my hand and seal this 26th day of June 1706. Witnesses, WILLIAM BOOTH HANNAH BOOTH. SAMUEL KING [Seal] HANNAH WIGEONS. Acknowledged 31 Jnly 1706, before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Entd Feby 18th 170t pr Benj: Youngs Towne Clerk PAGE 174. [AbstracL] This Record testifie that John Booth of Southold have obtained of me John Franckline of S4 Town a cer- tain percell of land by way of exchang, lying in Toms- Kreek neck containing four acres, bounded East by the S4 Franckline and the Southeast corner by a black oak tree-North by Sd Franckline's fence-and the North- east Corner by a Walnut tree-Joseph Yongs West- South by the highway: And the S4 exchang the S4 John Franckline will War- rant and defend the same-Witness my hand this 28th Nov' 1695. Witnesses BEN]: Yo. JOHN YONGS. JOHN FRANCKLYN Ent4 pr Benj: Yo. Rdr [AbstracL] John Booth his record of six acres of land. This record testifieth that I the underwritten have SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 319 for valuable consideration sold unto John Booth of Southold six acres of upland lying in Hogg Neck- bounded by s' Booth West, and Wm Hallioak East-to the cleft South Witnesses BENJ: YONGS JOSHUA HORTON JAMES PATTAY PAGE 174. [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye that I John Booth Sen' of Southold Gent. doe, by these presents out of love and good will and natural affection I bare to my son John Booth of SouthoJd alienate, grant. give and resign unto my s' son John Booth all my right title and interest within y' Town plot of South old viz: Between Toms Creek and y' place comonly called and known as y' Fresh Meadows :-And also one third part of all the meadows belonging to me within y' bounds of Cor- chage :-And also a second lott of meadow in Ockebog devision on y' North side bay or Peconneck Great River, with all the priviledges and immunities belong- ing to y' premises abovementioned-And for y' further confirmation of y' same I hereby set my hand and seal this 17th June 1689. Witnesses THOMAS MAPES JOHN BOOTH [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY PAGE 175. [Abstract.] [NoTI<.-The followinJ!' release was endorsed upon the foregoing deed of John Booth, 5en'.- J. W. CASE.] To all Christian people, I Thomas Booth eldest son of y' within named John Booth Gentleman late of Southold deceased doe ratify and confirme unto my brother John Booth his heirs and assigns, all y' within mentioned premises to be given and granted unto him the s' John Booth by my deceased father, and doe for 320 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. ever acquit and discharge him and his heirs from any manner of claime interest or demand from me, my heirs or assIgns. Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of April 1~2. \V i tnesses m~Tk of JOHN TUTHILL THOMAS TB BOOTH [Seal] ISAAC ARNOLD Acknowledged y' day and year aforesaid, Test ISAAC ARNOLD Judge Ent' y' 5'" ffeb. I7I! Pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye that I, Jonathan Mapes of Southold Husbandman in consideration of four pounds to me paid by James Patty of Sd Southold Mariner doe by these presents grant bargaine and sell unto y' Sd J ames Patty, one first lott of comonage in y' old bounds of y' Towne-that is between y' Fresh Meadows and Toms Creek. \Vitness my hand and seal this 25th day of February I7~. m.. Witnesses JONATHAN J MAPES [Seal] NATIUK LAKDON BEN]: YONGS. Acknowledged the day and year above written before me JOHN TUTHILL Entd pr Benj: Yongs March y' 4th I 70~. PAGE 176. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I, John Booth of South old have for valuable consideration given by SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 321 these presents and doe give bargaine and sell unto J ames Patty of Sd Town mariner a certain percell of woodland lying in Toms-kreek Neck, by estimation four acres-bounded by John Franckline East-and a black oak tree at the Southeast corner-to the fence of John Franckline North-and to a Walnut tree at the Northeast corner-Joseph Yongs West, and the high- way South-Witness my hand this 28'" Nov' 1695. Witnessed by us, BEN]: YONGS JOSHUA HORTON JOHN BOOTH PAGE 177. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that I, John Terry of Southold, Yeoman, in consideration of sixteene pounds, to me paid by Bethiah Steer of the Town afore- said widow, sell unto the sa;d Bethiah Steer eight acres of land in the North sea lots bounded Southerly by a highway-Westerly by Thomas Dickeson-Northerly by the Great Pond-Easterly by Jeremiah Vail, being in Sd Southold. Witness my hand and seal this 29th day of Novem- ber 1723. Witnesses ISAAC HOBART JOHN TERRY [Seal] EXPERIENCE YOUNGS. Acknowledged 29th Nov' 1723 before me, BEN]: YOUNGS, Justice Peace. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that I Edward Folwell Cittyzen of London Messer in consideration of thirteen pounds to me paid by John Tuthill Esq' of Southold doe by these presents give grant and sell unto y' Sd John Tuthill a certain tract or percel of land, being a first lott, containing fifty acres lying at Oyster- ponds upper Neck, Bounded North by y' Sound-East 21 322 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. by John Herbert-West by Jonathan Brown and South by the Baye, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th September 1700. Witnesses, STEPHEN BAYLEY EDWARD FFOLWELL [Seal] WILLIAM TURNER BEN]: Y ONGS. Acknowledged day and year above before me THO: HELME, Justice. Ent' pr Benj: Yongs, Octo' II th 1700. PAGE 178. [Abstract.] To all Christian People, Know Ye, that Edward ffol well Cittysen of London, Messer, in consideration of three pounds to him paid by Mr Jon Tutthill of y' Town of Southold doe by these presents bargaine. alienate and sell unto the s' John Tutthill one first lotte of meadow land containing one acre and halfe, situate in the Oysterpond lower [Neck] on y' South side of Peter Necke formerly granted by the Town to Jeffery Jones, who alienated the same to one Cap" Ralph Gouldsmyth of London, January 166t:-A1so one acre of meadow land in Oysterponds Neck at y' lower end of John Tutthill Jun' his home lotte, West by y' South. west of y' s' home lotts-North and East by the s' John Tutthill Jun' and Sontherly by y' Creeke and a fence -which acre and halfe of meadow and also the one acre with all and singular the privilidges and immuni. ties appertaining the said Edward ffolwell, as an At. torney unto the Leggetee and administrators of Ralph Gouldsmyth as appears by a writ of Attorneyship, have sold to s' John Tutthill his heirs and assigns for. ever. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 323 Witness my hand and seal this 2d September 1fi99. Witnesses SIMON GROVER THO: LONGWORTH. EDWARD FFOLWELL [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged the day and year above written before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Entd Sept 19th 1fi99, pr Benj: Y ongs Recorder [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye that I, John Her- bert of Reading, Massatchusetts Bay, Mariner, in con- sideration of a sum of money to me paid by John Tut- hill Esq, of Southold, doe by these presents grant and sell unto y' Sd John Tuthill, two several perce lis or tracts of land-one of the Sd tracts of land being in Oysterpond Upper Neck being a second lott containing one hundred acres, Bounded North by y' Sound-East by John Trusteene and Daniell Tuthill-South by the bay and West by the Sd John Tuthill :--the other piece or tract is situate in y' Sd Oysterponds Lower Neck containing five acres, which said five acres was for- merly in y' possession of Sd Herbert and is now in y' possession of Henry Tuthill. Witness my hand and seal this 5th day of October 1700. Witnesses JOSEPH YONGS JOHN SESIONS JOHN HERBERT [Seal] BENJ: Y ONGS Acknowledged the day and year above written before me I. ARNOLD Justice Entd pr Benj: Y ongs, Oct" y' 17th 1700- PAGE 179. [Abstract.] To all Christian People,Know Ye that I, Joseph Patty of Southold yeoman in consideration of the sum 324 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. of fourty shillings to me paid by Richard Steer of Southold Marchant doe by these presents give grant and sell unto y' s' Richard Steer one first lott right in all the common and undivided lands lying between y' Fresh Meadows and the East end of y' s' Town. Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of July 1714. Witnesses hllmltt WILLIAM Z COX JOSEPH PATTY [Seal] PATIENCE L'HoMMEDlEU. Acknowledged 22' May 1717 before me, BEN]: YOUNGS Entd y' 10th Octo. 1717. pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. John Goldsmith his record of his land. His upland lying at Corchauge is a third lolt con. taining three hundred thirty six acres more or less one halfe whereof he purchased of Margret Cooper as may appear by a Bill of seale bearing date the 24 October 1678, as also by record, the other halfe purchased of Robart Norice as may also appear by a bill of seale dated the fourth of August 1684, as also by record. His meadow lying in the bounds of Corchaug is by estimation five acres more or less, and bounded on the West with the land of Mr Booth, and Pools Neck on the East, as may appear by a bill of seale dated the 15th day of June 1681. His land adjoyneing to Joshua Wells his land at Cor- chaug is by . . . . . . . five acres and a quarter more or less the land of s' Joshua Wells on the East and Mr Booths land West, the Highway North, and the mea. dow of s' Goldsmith South the s' five acres & quarter the s' Goldsmith purchased of Mr Booth Feb. y' 21 day 1681 as may appear by record. One lolt of Comonage at the Weading River pur- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 325 chased of Tho: Tustan as by a deed upon record may appeare bearing date January 9th 1684. Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr [For note on John Goldsmith, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. 1. p. 210; also Appendix.-]. W: C.] PAGE 180. [Abstract.] To all People Greeting. Know Ye that I Samuell Beebee of Plumb Island, Suffolk County, in considera- tion of seven pounds to me paid by Joseph Hull Esq of New London Collector of his Majesties Customs in New London doe by these presents give grant and sell unto the Sd Joseph Hull, one certaine Island or tract of land lying in the County of Suffolk and Province of New York, lying aU the East end of Gull Island near the Horse race, and known by the name of Gull Island Hommack or Little Gull Island, Bounded and sur- rounded on every side with the Salt Sea or Sound with the priviledges thereof and thereunto belonging. Witness my hand and seal this 29th day of Novem- ber 1756. Witnesses SAMUELL BEEBEE [Seal] ELNATHAN BEEBEE. WILLIAM KING Jun' Acknowledged 2 Dec 1756, before me ROBERT HEMPSTED Justice Entd pr Robert Hempsted Recordr December I" 1756 [For note on Samuel Beebee and the Gull Islands, see Appendix.-]. W. C.l [Abstract.] ] oseph Mapes his record of all his accommodations lying and being in Hashamomuck Neck purchased of Thomas Osmond for a valuable consideration. 326 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Imprimis: His home lott at first laid out for three quarters of an acre. Also the additions since purchased by said Osman is bounded as followeth-On the North by Jacob ConcJ.line his land-West by Isaac Corey-South by the meadow of said Conckline-and East by his new addition of land-the said new addition being one acre more or less. Also two divisions of land in Hashamomuck field: One whereof is bounded South by the middle-barrs-highway so caled that goeth towards the pond, and on the West by Thomas Ryder his land':"'and on the North by the North Sea Cleft, and by the land of Isaac Cory East. The other division is bounded East and West by the land of Isaac Cory, and North and South as the last aforesaid: The said two divisions containeth sixteen acres more or less. Also four acres of meadow in two parcels, being South of the Highway that goeth over the Mill pond, and bounded North with the path or highway, and by his own land East and Sonth by the water-West by Toms Kreek-- The meadow formerly Capt Sylvesters lyeth between the s' two parcels. Also a twelfe part in Hashamomuck Commons. Also an eqnal sheare with the rest of the neighbours in the Eastward Commons lying from the Endlett [In- let] to the fence. For which said twelfe part in Hashamomuck comons the said Joseph Mapes doth acknowledge his obliga- tions to Mr Conckline for his Indian purchase of the premises W'h also by agreement the s' Joseph, together with the rest of his neighboours have fully satisfied the said Conckline with eighty acres of land measured and laid out to him the s' Mr Conckline by Tho: Mapes SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 327 Sen' and John Tntthill Sen' on the thirty day of June 1684. Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [For note on Joseph Mapes, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE 18!. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I, Constant Sy I- vester of Shelter Island for a valuable consideration to me paid by Joseph Mapes of Southold doe by these presents give, grant and sell unto the Sd Joseph Mapes, all that piece of Meadow containing one acre and halfe in Southold and adjoyning and bounded with y' Mill Creeke on the West-and y' meadow of Sd Mapes on y' South and y' North, and the land of Mr Conckline on y' East. 'Vitness my hand and seal this 2d day of December 1695. 'Vitnesses ISAAc CORYE CONSTANT SYLVESTER [Seal) mark or PHILIP X GOODEN mork or MARY X CONKLINE JOSIAH Y ONGS Entd Feb. 20th 16r~%-, pr Benj: Y ongs Recdr. [Abstract.) To all Christian people Know Ye that I, James Beebe of Southold Yeoman in consideration of the sum of four hundred and thirtie three pounds to me paid by my bJ'Other Samuell Beebee of Plumb Island in Suffolk County do by these presents bargain sell and convey unto him the Sd Samuell Beebee one messuage or tract of land lying in the Oysterponds neck containing by estimation eighty two acres and a half. bounded North with the Sound-East with Stephen Vail and Richard 328 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. Youngs-South with the Sea-West by the Creek and the land of William King :-Also a smalllott of meadow lying in the enclosure of Jonathan Terry containing four acres bounded West by Charles Glover and Jona- than Terry-North and East by Jonathan Terry-South by the Meadow of William King and the Crick. Witness our hands and seals this 1st day of May 1750. Witnesses, STEPHEN VAIL JAMES BEEBEE [Seal] WILLIAM KING Jun' SUSANNA BEEBEE [Seal] Acknowledged 9 May 1750, before me JOSEPH BROWN Justice. Entd June 18: 1750, pr Rbt Hempsted Town Clerk. [For note 00 this Beebee farm, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE 182. [Abstract.] To all People Josiah Y ongs of Southold' Cooper sendeth Greeting, Know Ye that in consideration of a valuable sum of money by me received I do by these presents grant bargain and sell unto Mr John Tuthill Esq of Sd South old a certain tract or percell of woodland (being a first lott) by computation fifty acres lying in a place called y' Oysterponds Upper Neck, bounded West by Daniell Tuthill and John Trusteane--East by Sd Joseph Yongs-North by y' Sound and South by y' Bay. Witness my hand and seal this 2" day of September 1700. Witnesses, THOMAS MAPES JOSIAH Y ONGS [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged the day and year abovewritten before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice Ent' pr Benj: Y ongs. Oct' 29: 1700. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 329 [Abstract.] To all People, Know Ye, that T, Jonathan Havens of South old Yeoman and Hannah his now wife. in consid- eration of the sum of two hundred and forty pounds, do by these presents grant and sell unto Samuel Beebee a certain tract or parcel of land situate and being in y' Oysterponds, Lower Neck, by computation fifty acres, and bounded on y' North by y' Sound or North Sea- East by William King-West by Caleb Curtice-South by the Creeke lying against the s" land: Also a percell of meadow lying upon the southeast corner of y' s" tract of land by computation one acre and a halfe : And also another percel of meadow lying at a place called Curwins Neck, within Y'Sd Oysterponds Lower Neck by estimation two acres bounded North by John Terry-East by Daniel Youngs-South by y' Creeke- West by meadow of William Salomon: -Also another percell of meadow lying in y' s' Lower Neck by computation one acre and a halfe, bounded east by y' meadow of Samuel Glover~W est by Samuel Brown, and y' Creek South :-Also one other percell of meadow being in s" Lower Neck, by computation three acres-bounded on y' South by y' Creek-North by Ralph Patty-West by Thomas Terry -East by the s" Jonathan and Hannah Havens, to- gether with all their right title, interest reversion and remainders of and in all the lands buildings and mea- dows which was given unto the s" Hannah by the last will and testament of Jonathan Brown late deceased, lying in y' s" Neck and in y' s" Oysterponds upper Neck after the decease of Elizabeth Brown widow of the s' Jonathan Brown or after her interest is expired in ye same. 330 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. In Witness whereof we have hereunto and seals this 10th day February 171!. 'Vitnesses, SAMUEL KING set our hands JONATHAN HAVENS [Seal] lllaH or NATHANAEL WARNER HANNAH X HAVENS [Seal] Acknowledged y' day and year above written before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice. Entd II Octo. 1714, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk Memorandum. That livery and seizin was given of y' within mentioned land and premises unto the within named Samuel Beebee by turf and twigg, this 9th day of July 1714 In presence of WILLIAM KING BATHSHUA KING Ent" I Ith October 17I4 pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. PAGE 18~. [Abstract.] 1695. This Indenture made 1695 between Hannah Yongs late wife of Capt" John Tooker and Charles Tooker eldest son to John Tooker aforesaid Witnesseth That whereas Capt John Tooker did by his last will and testament bearing date 1688 April 24, give and devise unto Hanah his then wife certaine tracts of land lying and being at Acquabauk and else where within the Towneship of Southold, bounded as in the said will, with full power to dispose or make sale of the same at her discretion, and that for want of such sale or disposal of the said Land by her the s" Hannah in her life time, it should alter her the said Hanah's decease goe and for ever remaine unto Charles Tooker above- said his heirs and assigns forever-Now Know Ye that I the said Hanah Y ongs late wife of Captaine John Tooker, by and with the consent of Colonel John Y ongs my now husband, doe for me my heirs and assigns for SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 33[ ever remise release and quitclaim unto him the Sd Charles Tooker, all my right title and interest in and unto all that said tract of land lying at Ocquabauk and elsewhere and bounded as abovesaid with all privi- ledges and immunities thereunto belonging. Witness our hands and seals this 30th day of May [695. ..n.' Witnesses JOSHUA HOBART. HANAH X YONGS ELIZABETH YONGS JOHN YONGS. Entd May 30th . . . . . . . . . pr Benj: Yo. Rd'. [For note on Hannah Tooker, Y Dungs, etc., see Appen- dix.-J. W. C.] PAGE 184. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that I, Samuell Y ongs of Southold, Carpenter, in consideration of y' sum of thre pounds, money to me paid by John Tuthill Esqr of Oysterponds doe by these presents give grant and sell unto the Sd John Tuthill, a certain parcell of meadow being two acres, scituate and being within y' Lower Neck of y' Sd Oysterponds and bounded North by Jeremiah Vail-East by Jonathan Brown and Wil- liam King-South by the Creek-and West by a small gutter, and y' meadow of y' Sd Samuell Y ongs. Witness my hand and seal this 27th day of May 1702. Witnesses, MARY YONGS BEN]: YONGS SAMUELL YOUNGS [Seal] Acknowledged y' 27th day of May 1702, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice Entd September 19th 1702. pr Benj: Yongs Recordr. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this 7th day of April 1713 be- tween John Tuthill Esqr of Southold on the one part and Samuel King of Sd Town, Cooper, on y' other part, Witnesseth that the said John Tuthill and Samuel King 332 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. are and do stand seized in their own right in comon and undivided of and in six first alottments of land in y' Oysterpond Lower Neck :-it is now to y' end a per- petuall portion and division shall be had and made be- tween the s' parties of and in the s' lands and other y' premises covenanted and agreed by the s' parties in manner and form following: And first y' S'l John Tut- hill for himselfe and his heirs doth promise that he y' s' Samuel King his heirs shall hold and enjoy to his own use one moiety or halfe part of y' home lands where his house now standeth, which is the eastermost halfe thereof, and now in the possession of Samuel King Jun' bounded South by his own fence almost to Johnsons house-Westerly Henry Tuthills land-and to y' Sound North as is now divided :-As also a cer- tain percell of land called Chris top hers and Spring Neck lott-bounded Southerly and Easterly by y' To- bacco ground Creek-Westerly by Thomas Terry and John Tuthill-North by y' sound or North sea and Easterly by Henry Tuthill :-Also one other percell of land lying in Curwins Neck, being twenty three acres, bounded North by y' Fresh Meadows-East by land formerly John Paines-Southerly by a small creek run- ning from the Tobacco ground Creek and Westerly by y' meadow of Nathaniel Paine and y' Creek:-Also seventy five acres now in y' possession of William King with three acres of meadow more or less, bounded East by Samuel Beebee-North by y' Sound-West by Thomas Terry and South by y' Meadows and Creek :-And that y' s" John Tuthill nor his heirs shall from henceforth claime or demand any right or title to y' same, but shall be therefrom utterly excluded and debarred. And the said Samuel King for himselfe and his heirs doth promise that y' s' John Tuthill, his heirs and assigns shall have hold and enjoy to him y' Sd ] ohn Tuthill and his heirs the other moiety or halfe part of y' home lands, which is y' West and South part SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 333 thereof, together with three acres adjoyning to y' same, bounded South by y' Harbour-East by a highway and Samuel King-North by y' Sound and the land of Samuel King-and on y' West by Richard Brown de- ceased, and now in y' possession of s' Joshua Tuthill and his two sons John and Henry:-Also one other percell of land known by the name of Christophers bounded Southerly by y' Tobacco ground creek-Eas- terly by Samuel King-Northerly by y' highway, and Westerly by land formerly J onathans Browns :-And Also a percell of land known by the name of Spring Neck and fresh Meadow ground-bounded South by John King and fresh meadow Creek-Northerly by Thomas Terry and y' Sound-Westerly by Samuel King and Easterly by his son John :-As Also three acres of land bounded Westerly and Southerly by y' Tobacco ground Creek and baye-Easterly by Nathan- iel Paine, and Northerly by a small Creek running out of y' Tobacco ground creek :-Also a percell of mea- dow containing four acres and a halfe lying in Curwins Neck bounded Westerly and Southerly by y' river and Easterly and Northerly by y' meadow of Thomas Terry and Ralph Patty: and that he y' s' Samuel King nor his heirs shall from henceforth claime or demand any right title or interest in or to the same or any part thereof bnt that he and his heirs from any title or claim thereunto shall be utterly excluded and debarred. In Testimony whereof the parties have herennto set their hands and seals y' day and year above written. Witnesses, SAMUEL BEEBEE JOHN TUTHILL [Seal] NATHANIEL PAIN SAMUEL KING [Seal] Acknowledged 11th May 1713, before me. BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' ApI 30th 17[3, p' Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. [For note on this instrument, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] 334 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 185. [Abstract.] This Indenture made 4th of March 16<)t between Isaac Arnold of South old Esqr. and Sarah his now wife on the one part, and Carterett Gillam of the s' Town and Mary his now wife on the other part Witnesseth that the s<i Isaac Arnold and his wife Sarah do by these presents grant bargain and exchange unto the s' Car. teret Gillam all his dwelling houses, orchards, gardens, barns, stables, yards, backsides, fence and fences there- upon-Also a ware house by the water side and the leantoe with the seller under it and the land adjoyning to it between Sam! Glover and the said lean toe-And one halfe Iou of comonage and all the priviledges there. nnto belonging, lying in the Towne plott of Southold, To have and to hold all the aforementioned houses, or. chards, gardens, barns, warehouse, lean toe, cornonage &c forever, with the following exceptions Viz: The \Vest end of the dwelling house, and the chamber over it, the porch cham ber and the lofte over the same, halfe the seller under the new roome, that is to say the in. wardmost part of the same, the ware-honse, the garden before the new roome, halfe the apples of the orchard, for four years next insneing the date hereof, all the boards not nailed; All which Sd houses, warehonse, sel. ler &c above named to be inioyed by s' Arnold during his life only, and then to be and remaine to Sd Gillam his heirs forever. .A.nd in consideration thereof hath granted bargained and exchanged to and with y' Sd Ar. nold all his house, orchard, garden, yards, backsides and lands, fences, &c., lying in the Township of Sonth. old, bonnded by the land of John Francklin on the West -the North Sea, North-the land of Isaac Arnold on the East, and the highway South. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 335 Witness our hands and seals the day and year above written. Witnesses, JOHN YONGS ISAAC ARNOLD ... ANNA X YOUNGS SARAH ARNOLD Acknowledged 5th Dec 1702, before me THOMAS YOUNGS Justice. Ent<1 Dec 5, 1702, p' Benj: Youngs Recorder [An instrument of exchange.] [For note on this deed, see Appendix.--J. W. C.] [Abstract.] This Indenture made y' 8th day of March 13th year of William 3d Between John Tuthill of Southold Esqr, of the one part and Carterett Guillaume of y' Sd Towne :\Iariner on the other part Witnesseth that for a valua- ble consideration in hand paid by s'\ Gillome have bar- gained and sold unto the Sd Guillaume one first lott of com on age lying in y' old Towr.e bounds of Southold with all y' rights and priviledges thereunto belonging. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. 'Vitnesses SAMUELL GLOVER STEPHEN BAYLEY JOHN TUTHILL [Seal] Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid before me, ISAAC ARXOLD, Judge. Ene' March ye 18th 1700, pr Benj: Y ongs, Rdr PAGE 187. [Abstract.] Know all men loy these presents that I Samuell Glover of Southold, shipwright, and Sarah my wife, in consid- eration of a valuable sum of money to us paid by Car- teret Gillam of Sd Town, doe by these presents grant 336 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. bargaine and sell unto the Sd Gillam all my right and interest to a Neck of Land lying in the Towne plott of South old containing two acres and a halt, bounded North by Nathaniel More and Peter Payne-and the Creek South and East-and Marcy Youngs West:- Secondly-a piece of land bounded by Sd Carteret Gil!- am North and West, and by the Creek South and East by Marcy Youngs. Witness our hands and seals this 16th August 1'98. Witnesses, CALEB CURTICE SAMUELL GLOVER MARTHA MORE mar. of CHARLES GLOVER SARAH X GLOVER Acknowledged 17th August 1698, before me ISAAC ARNOLD Judge-- Ent' 18 Aug' 16g8, pr Benj: Youngs, Recordr:-- [For note on the above parcels of land, see Appendix.- J. W. c.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people Greeting. Know Ye, that I, Samuel! Terrill of the Mannor of St George, county of Suffolk, Blacksmith, in consideration of the sum of two hundred and thirtie pounds to me in hand'paid by Sarah Conkling Wid: of John Conkling late of South old de ceased, doe by these presents, grant bargain alien sell and confirme unto the s' Sarah Conkling and her heirs a certain Neck of land scituate within the Mannor aforesaid, on yO South side of Nassau Island, known by the name of Waracto Neck, bounded Eastward from the bay by Moritches River to the head thereof and Northward by a line running West from y' head of s' River until! meet by a direct. line runing from y' head of Seretches River and so westward by the Sd River to. the bay thence Southward along y' bay to Meritches Ri ver aforesaid. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 337 Witness my hand and seal this 5th day of August 1714. Witnesses BENJ: YOUNGS SAMUEL TERRIL [Seal] MARY SALMON Acknowledged the day and year above written before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice Ent' 5 th of June 1760, pr Rbt Hempsted Town Clk [For note on this deed, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE 188. [Abstract.] Articles of Agreement between the owners of the Great Lots in Auquabogue in the second Division as far as from Ambrose Hortons East bounds to Daniel Edward's west bounds, do hereby firmly agree and promise to each other that they will abide by their bounds and lines which they have peaceably enjoyed for a number of years past, and as anum ber of us have some years ago measured the land from said East bounds, to a certain bound at the Rabbit Swamp so called, we all of us now agree to abide the bounds th en made, in testimony to which agreement we now subscribe our names this 5th day of May, in the year 1787. BENJA!lIIN EDWARDS RICHARD HALLIOCK NATHAN BENJA~fIN ISRAEL HOWELL Jun~ AMBROSE HORTON AOONljAH OSMAN Jun JAMES WARNER SILAS HOWELL ISAAC LrSCOMB JAMES TERRY AnONI]AH OSMAN CALVIN COOK MATHIAS CORWIN GERSHOM EDWARDS DANIEL EDWARDS J ACOE CORWIN Entred this 12th May 1787, pr James Reeve, T. Clerk John Corwin one of the Owners of the Great Lots in Auquabogue second Division in Southold appeared before me the same day after the abovesaid Agreement was entered and declared that he did not consent to the said Agreement. Entered this 12th day of May 1787. Pro James Reeve T. Clerk [For note on this Agreement, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] .. 338 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] At a Towne Meeting in Southold Dee: 17: 1694. We the subscribers and Inhabitants of the Towne abovesaid being in terested in a certain pice of land lying in comon called and known by the name of Hal- liocks.Neck in Southold aforesaid, upon the real pro. posal to us made by Mr Benjamin L'Hommedieu Mer. chant, Captain Symon Grover Marriner, and Joseph Reevs Blacksmyth, all of s' Towne, for the building of a sufficient Wind Mill if we said subscribers would give them two acres of land in said Neck where the work. man or millwright shall find most convenient. Know all men by these presents, that we haveing received good satisfaction, doe fully consent and agree to and with the said L' Hommedieu, Grover and Reevs for the erect. ing and setting up of such a Mill as aforesaid. We doe hereby oblidge ourselves unto them to lett and sett out to them and their heirs two acres of land for setting y' s' Mill on where the workman shall think meet To have and to hold the s' two acres so long as they or their heirs keep and maintaine a sufficient Mill as aforesaid. vVitness our hands. Signed in presence of us DAN. HOBART, JOHN CONCK- LINE. ,norkQ( James Reevs Anna X Reevs Gershom Terry Isaac Arnold wmWells Jacob Cory Jeremiah Vale Tho: Mapes Joshua Wells Benj: Yo. S' Tho. Longworth Joshua Horton Jo: Tutthill S' Saml Yo. Carteret Gillam Jonathan Horton "., Step: Baily Nathan' Moor RichdXBenj: Barnabas Winds "., Sam! Glover Jo: Vale Henry Case Daniel X Terry Tho: Moor Christop Yo: Sr J ahn Reevs J ahn Curwin ] oshua Hobart Joseph Yo: S' Peter Dickerson Jo: Salmon m~ ]onathanXMapes John Booth John Yongs The agreement for satisfaction to the subscribers first abovesaid, is as followith Videlicet: That the s' under SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 339 takers doe hereby promise and ingage for themselves and their heirs and assigns to build a sufficient Winde Mill for the service of s' Towne (joyntly) on such a place of said Neck as to the workman shall seem fitt, and to grind the Towns Corn before they grind for strangers and to take such toll as shall be established by the government. And we the s' subscribers doe hereby oblidge ourselves, and our heirs and assigns unto the above named Benjamin L'Hommedieu, Symon Grover and Joseph Reeves, for the consideration above- said to sett out unto them and their heirs, two acres of land on s' Neck II' here the workman shall see meet, To have and to hold &c. so long as they maintaine a sufficient Mill as aforesaid. Witness our hands the 17th day of December 1694. 'Witnesses, DAN: HOBART JOHN CONCKLINE BENJAMIN L'HOMMEDIEU SYMON GROVER JOSEPH REEVE Entd y' 7th.March 1~5, Pr. Benj: Yo. Rdr PAGE 189. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this 5th day of September 1696 Between John Curwin of Southold Yeoman on y' one part and Simon Grover of the s' Town Mariner of y' other part witnesseth that the s' John Curwin in con- sideration of a valuable sum of money to him paid by .the s' Simon Grover doth by these presents grant bar- gain and sell unto the s' Simon Grover, all that parcel or tract of land, containing tenn acres, more or less, lying within the bounds of Southold, bounded with the water of y' Creek, called the Mill pond on y' East- by the s' Simon Grover North-y' lands of John Budd South, and coming to a point in forme of an angle on y' West. 340 SOUTHOLD T{)WN RECORDS. Witness my hand and Seal the day and year above written. Witnesses-JosHUA HOBART JOHN CURWIN G. SYLVESTER PETER HOBART. Acknowledged 7th September 16g6, before me THOMAS MAPES Entd November y' 15'h 1698. pr Benj: Y ongs, Recdr. PAGE 190. [Abstract.] To all Christian People, Know Ye that I, Gershom Terry of Southold, Yeoman, doe by these presents in consideration of a sum of money bargaine alienate and sell unto Richard Terry, twenty five acres of woodland scituate within the old Towne plott of Southold near the place known by the name of y' Endlett, bounded West by Jasper Griffing-East by Samuel Youngs-- North by y' Sound and South by y' highway: In confirmation of the abovesaid premises I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15th day of Febru- ary 17oi. mo'. GERSHOM TERRY [Seal] Witnesses-JoHN X ltOWE STEPHEN BAYLEY. Acknowledged 28th July '703, before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd q'" Aug' 1704, p' Benj: Youngs Rcdr. Jonathan Mapes his record. Purchased of Matthias Hutchison by way of exchang eighten acre3 of woodland more or less lying in Hog- neck on the North side thereof and bounded on the SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 341 South by the Comon, and North by the Harbour and Goose kreek Ent' 25 Dee 1694, pr Benj: Yo: Rdr [NoTE.-This lot lay at the mouth of Goose Creek; cov- ered the premises of Augustus Dunkel and Patrick Fogerty. -J. W. c.] PAGE 19I. [Abstract.] To all people Thomas Longworth and Deborah his wife send Greeting, Know Ye that we by these presents, in consideration of a sum of money received of Richard Terry of s' Towne have bargained and sold unto the s' Richard Terry, one first lott of commonage in y' old Towne plott of Southold, with all increase of lands that may arise upon any division of said lott of Com- onage hereafter: To the truth of y' abovesaid premises we have here- unto set our hands and seals this 12th day of March 00. Witnesses JOSEPH YONGS THOMAS LONGWORTH [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY. DEBORAH LONGWORTH [Seal] Acknowledged 21" Jany 1700, before me JOHN TUTHILL. Entd 10 Feb. 17,*, pr Benj: Y ongs Rec". [Abstract.] This Indenture made the 19th day of October '752, Between Samnel Youngs of Stamford, County of Fair- field, Conn' and Rebekah his wife of the one part and Amon Tabor of New London, Conn' and Mary his wife of the other part, Witnesseth That the s' Samuel Youngs and Rebekah his wife and the s' Amon Tabor and his wife Mary do now stand seized in copartnership :\42 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. and undivided of and in several tracts or parcel of Lands and Meadows scituate in Southold, Suffolk County, it is now to the end a perpetual portion and division shall be had and made between them of the several tracts of and land meadow covenanted and agreed by and between y' Sd parties to these presents in manner and form following: And First the said Samuell Youngs and Rebekah his wife for themselves and their heirs do covenant, and agree to and with y' Sd Amon Tabor and Mary his wife that the said Tabor and Mary his wife, their heirs and assig'ns shall from hence- forth have, hold and peaceably enjoy to their own pri- vate use and behoof the one moiety or half part of the Sd several tracts of and land meadows that is to say: one certain parde or tract of land at y' Oysterponds in Sonthold, bounded North on the south side of the highway, by Jeremiah Tuthill-East by John Tuthill South by Jeremiah Tuthill-West by the division line now made between the parties and contains about ten acres, and is the exact half part of about twenty acres for quantity:-Allso another piece in the Oys- terponds, and in the meadow so called, bounded West by the heirs of Joseph Brown deed-Northerly by the Wid. Rebekah Brown-Easterly by Capt. Richard Brown-Southerly on the division line now made be- tween the parties and contains about three acres and an half and is the exact half part of about seven acres:- Allso another piece of land lying in Oysterponds Upper Neck, bounded Southerly by the Wid. Rebekah Brown- Westerly partly by Constant Booth partly by John Tuthill and partly by John Moor-Northerly by the Sound and Easterly by the division line now made between the parties and contains about nine acres and thirtie two rods :-All three peices of land being for- merly the estate of Samuell Brown deceased :-And that the Sd Samuell Young and Rebekah his wife nor their SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 343 heirs shall henceforth claim any' right or title or posses- sion to the same. And the Sd Amon Tabor and Mary his wife for themselves and their heirs do covenant and agree that the s' Samuell Youngs and Rebekah his wife and their heirs and assigns shall from henceforth have l)old and injoy to them and their heirs for their own proper use and behoof the other moiety or half part of s' lands and meadows viz: one piece lying the Sonth side the highway by Jeremiah Tuthills and is bounded North on y' South side s' highway-West by Capt Richard Brown-South by Jeremiah Tuthill-East on the division line now made between the parties and con- tains about ten acres and is y' exact half part of about twentie acres :-AlIso another piece viz. ye meadow and is bounded West by heirs of Joseph Brown decd- South upon y' bay-East by Capt Richard Brown and Northerly upon y' division line now made between the parties and contains aboute three acres and an half and is the exact half part of about seven acres :-Allso another piece in the upper Neck bounded Southerly with the widdow Rebekah Brown-Easterly partly by heirs of Joseph Brown dee, partly by John Patty and partly by David Youngs-Northerly and Westerly by the division line now made between the parties and contains nine acres and about one hundred and twelve rods-And that the Sd Amos Tabor and Mary his wife nor their heirs shall from henceforth claim or demand any right or title to the same. In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Witnesses JEREMIAH MILLER MARY MILLER BENJAMIN HUCHINSON JAMES REEYE AMOS TABOR [Seal] MARY TABOR [Seal] SAMUELL YOUNGS [Seal] REBECCA YOUNGS [Seal] 344 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Acknowledged at New London Connecticut by Amos Tabor and Mary Tabor his wife Octo. 19th 1752, before me JER: MILLER, Justice. Acknowledged by Samuel! Youngs and Rebecca his wife 24th October 1752, before me, ELIJAH HUCHINSON, Judge. Entred 25 Octo. 1752, Pr Robert Hempsted, Town Clerk. PAGE 192. [Abstract.] 22 July 1695. This record testifieth that Peter Halliock husband- man of Southokl hath purchased of Abraham Corey cooper of said Southold two lotis of meadow lying on the other side of Ocquabauk River for a valuable con- sideration already paid to the s" Abraham Cory. The said two lotts of meadow to be and remaine the pro- per estate of the s' Peter Halliock his heirs aud assigns forever. Entred the day and year first above written, Pr Benj: Yo. [A bstract. ] Southold Oetob' 29 day ,695. This writing doth testifie that I Samuel Wines of Southold, husband.man, for a valuable consideration do give grant and sell, by these presents, unto Peter Hallioak of s' Town, husband-man, a third lott of mea- dow lying at Ocquabauk by a certaine kreek called y' Deep Kreek-s' meadow is lying on both sides of s' kreek, and is bounded North by Richard Howell- South by s" Hallioak. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 345 For the confirmation hereof I have set to and seal the day and year above written. Witnesses WILLIAM RACE JACOB OSMAN my hand SAMUEL WINES MARY WINES X her mark Entd May lIi96 pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. PAGE 193. [Abstract.J Know all men by these presents that I, Joshua Hor- ton S' of Southold, Carpenter, for valuable considera- tions doe by these presents grant, bargain and sell unto Peter Hallioak of Sd Town, husbandman, all my right title and interest of, in and to a certaine percell of mea- dow being one 10tt and halfe lying at Ocquabauk on the other side the River, bounded West by the weidow Hallioak-East by John Budd-North by a kreek-and South by the upland. Witness my hand and seal this 6th day of February 16gt. Witnesses, BEN]: YONGS ELIZABETH Y ONGS JOSHUA HORTON ." MARY X HORTON .", Ent' May l1i96, pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. l1i93, April 3. A Town Meeting, and then given to Richd Terry a slip of land that adjoyns to his own land South and bounded by the comon Rhode North, and on the Northeast by the comon. l1i93, Entd pr Benj: Yo. Rdr. [For note on this slip of land, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 194. [Abstract.J Know all men by these presents that I, Abraham Corye of Southold Cooper for good considerations do give grant and sell unto Peter Hallock of Sd Town plan- ter, all my right title and interest of in and to two lotts 346 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. of meadow lying on ye other side of Ocquabauk River, bounded on y' East and West with the land of William Reeve and Thomas Terrill Sen'. Witness my hand and seal this 24th day of May 1797. Witnesses, JONATHAN HORTON ABRAHAM Co RYE [Seal] -.. JOSHUA WELLS. MARGARET X CORY Acknowledged y' 24th May 1697 before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' June y' 21" 1708, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [ Abstract.] To all Christian people, Jonathan Mapes of South old husbandman, sendeth Greeting. Know Ye that in con- sideration of a valuable sum of money already received s' Jonathan Mapes doth by these presents grant bar- gain and sell unto Peter Hallocke of the s' Towne a certaine percell of salt meadow being one first lott as it was divided and laid out, lying on y' West side of y' Creek called y' Deep Creek-Peter Dickeson lying Southeast and Peter Hallock Northwest-a branch of the Deep Creek Northwardly and y' upland South- wardly:-Which s' first lott of meadow the s' Jonathan' Mapes, with y' consent of Esther his wife hath sold and delivered to the s' Peter Hallock and his heirs and assigns. Witness our hands and seals ary 1699. Witnesses THOMAS MAPES JOHN OWEN. this 19th day of Febru- hi. mark JONATHAN X MAPES borm..k ESTER X MAPES Acknowledged '9th FebY '699, before me, THOMAS MAPES Justice. [Seal) [Seal] Ent' May y' 9th 1700, Pr Benj: Yong Recorder. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 347 PAGE 195. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this 16th day of February 170t between Joseph Reeve of Southold Blacksmith on y' one part and Israel Parshall of the Sd Town Yeoman on y' other part witnesseth, that y' Sd Joseph Reeve and Israel Parshall arc and doe stand seized in their rights in common and undivided of and in a certaine tract or percell of land lately purchased of John Gar- diner of y' Ile of White as by their deed will appear scituate at Acquabacke it is (to y' end a perpetual di- vision shall be had and made) covenanted and agreed by the Sd parties in manner and form follow>ng. And first, the Sd Joseph Reeve for himselfe and his heirs that y' Sd Israel Parshall and his heirs shall from hence- forth have hold and enjoy for himself and to his own proper use the one moiety or halfe part of the Sd tract of land, that is to say the Eastward halfe of y' Sd tract of land divided from y'sound to y' baye. And y' Sd Israel Parshall for himselfe that y' Sd Joseph Reeve and his heirs shall from henceforth have hold and enjoy the other moiety or half part of said tract of land. 111 Witness whereof both parties have hereunto set their hands and seals on y' day and year above written. Witnesses, JONATHAN HORTON BEN]: YOUNr.S JOSEPH REEVE [Seal] ISRAEL PARSHALL [Seal] Entd Oct' y' 15: 17'4, Pr Benj: Youngs, Clerk. Easthampton July y' 3d: 1714, then John Hedges & Josiah Peirson came before me and deposed that Pheby Curwin on her death bed (who dyed y' 21 day of May last) did verbaly bequeath all her estate to Deliverance the wife of Joseph Reeve, as attast my hand. ROB HUDSON Justice Entd y' 27th Sept. 1714, P' Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. [For note on above, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] 384 SOUTHOLD 'POWN RECORDS. 16g4 N ov 9. This Record testifieth y' J er. Foster of Southampton (cord winder) in the County of Suffolk in America did then chuse John Vale of Southold in s' County husbandman his lawfull gardine, as may more at large appeare in a writeing bearing y' same. date with this. [Abstract. ] To all Christian People, Know Ye that I Israel Par. shall of Southold Yeoman in consideration of twelve pounds to me in hand paid by John Penny of s' South. old, doe qy these presents give grant and sell unto y' s' John Penny, Tanner, a certain tract or percell of land situate at Acquabaucke and bonnded North by y'Sound-East by David Parshall-South by an East and West line run from y' springs at y' head of Vails Meadow to y' land of Joseph Reeve, and West by Si- mon Ramsey and Joseph Reeve-(excepting a highway two poles wide from y' Road Southward on the East side of y' s' land to y' head of y' s' Meadow) with all and singular the rights and appurtenances &c. Witness my hand and seal this 19th day of March 171t, Witnesses JOHN DAINS ISRAEL PARSHALL [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year above written be- fore me Ent' April 8: 1712, P' Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice. PAGE 196. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this 20th day of August in y' year 1702, between James Patty of Southold, Mariner, John Budd of s' Town, Yeoman, and Nathan Landon of s' place, Bricklayer, of y' one part, Executors of y' SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 349 last will and Testament of John Patty late of y' Sd Town, Carpenter, deceased, and Peter Hallocke of y' Town aforesaid, Yeoman, of the other part, Wittnesseth that the Sd Executors as well in performance of y' Sd Will, as by vertue of y' Sd Testament have for and in consid- eration of y' sum of seventy pounds given granted and sold. unto y' Sd Peter Hallocke all that farme or tene- ment at Acquabock within the bounds of Southold, which y' Sd Testator did order to be sold by his said executors-which said lands and meadows are bounded viz: the upland North by the highway or common Roade-East by Thomas and Daniel Terry-West by Christopher Youngs and South by y' baye. The mea- dow at Peaconneck is a first lott and bounded vVest by the fresh meadows of Christopher and John Y oungs- East nere y'salt meadow of y' said Christopher Y ongs, and South by y' river. And also several shears in a small Island of mea- dow lying between y' point of y' great meadows and Southampton side as by the record will more at large appear. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the yeare and day above written. Witnesses JOHN CLEVES JAMES PATTY [Seal} BEN]: YOUNGS JOHN BUDD [Seal} NATHAN LANDON [Seal] Acknowledged 18th December 1702 before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd. pr Benj: Youngs Recorder. January 30: 17ot. PAGE [97. Know all men by these presents that I Mary Patty widdow & rellice of John Patty deceased have remised released and for ever quittclaimed and by these pres- ents doe for ever quitt claime unto y' whole thirds of 350 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. y' farme within mentioned which was sold y' day of the date hereof by vertue of my husbands will as \ViUness my hand this twenty day of August Anno que Domln1 1702. Signed sealed & deli vered in the presence of us JOHN CLEVES MARY PATTY [Seal] BEN]: YOUNGS Ent' Jany 30: 17oi, pr Benj: Youngs, Record' [Marriage Contract. Bond.] Know all men by these presents that I John Y ongs Esq' of Southold in the County of Suffolk on Long Island in New England, doe owe and stand justly in- debted to Hannah Tooker weidow of the s' Town & County in the sum of three hundred pounds good and la wful payment of this place, to be paid to the s' Hanah Tooker weidow her heirs executors or assigns upon de. maund, for which payment well & truely to be made I binde myselfe my heirs executors administrators firmely by these presents. In witness ,Vhereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale, dated the thirty first day of De- cember in the year of our Lord 1690. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden John Yangs, his heirs, executors, ad- ministraes or assigns, or either of them shall well and truly observe, perform fullfill and keep, all and every perticular clause and clauses, article and articles con- tained & expressā‚¬d in a covenant and agreement made by him the above bounden to the abovesaid Hannah Tooker, her heirs executors administrators or assigns, before their intermarria~e, and which ought to all intents and purposess to be observed, and kept by the above bounden and his heirs &c bearing even date with these presents, according to the true intent purport SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 351 and meaning thereof that then this obligation to be void and of none effect, or elSe to remaine in full force, power or vertue in ye law. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of, JOliN Y ONGES JOSHUA HORTON JASPER GRIFFIN The above instrument was acknowledged by the sub. scriber John Yonges this 9th day of September 16g3 to be his act and deed before me Ent' pr Benj: Yo. rdr 1694, 2" mt: ISAAC ARNOLD, Judge &c. rFor note on the above marriage contract, see Appendix. -J. W. c.] PAGE 198. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye that I, Abraham Youngs of Southold Yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of eight pounds to me in hand paid by Samuel King J un' Yeoman, do by these presents give grant and sell unto y' s'Samuel King Jun a certain percell of meadow by computation two acres, lying in ye Oyster- ponds Lower Neck, bounded North by the meadow of William King-East by a small creek-South by a dich, and West by said William King. In \Vitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st Dec' 1706. Witnesses JOHN DAINS ABRAHAM YOUNGS [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS. Acknowledged the day and year above written before me THOMAS YOUNGS. Ent' March y' 17th 170"', pr Benj: Youngs Record' 352 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 199. [Abstract.] To all People I, Ralph Patty, send Greeting. Know Ye that I, for a valuable consideration to me paid by Henry Tuthill, do by these presents grant bargaine and sell unto y' s' Henry Tuthill of s' Southold Yeoman a certain percell of meadow, by computation three acres, lying in y' Oysterponds Lower Neck, known by the name of y' fresh meadows, and bounded on y' South by y' meadow of John Tuthill Jun'-Westby Thomas Terry & y' Sd Henry Tuthill-North by John Tuthill and Nath Paine and East by Jo Patty by a tree at y' South end marked H.T. and LP and Southeast by a white oak tree on a hummock in Thomas Moores meadow- which meadow was a gift by Edward late of Southold deceased to said Ralph Patty. To y' confirmation of all and singular y' abovesaid premises y' Sd Ralph Patty and Johanna his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals March y' 29th 17oh. Witnesses JOSEPH PATTY THOMAS DIBELL STEPHEN BAYLEY. RALPH PATTY [Seal] r..lpof JOHANNA X PATTY Acknowledged y' 31" May 1710, before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' Sept 9th 1710 pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. ;(; 33. 9S. 6d. Received from Mr Joshua Haughton the sum of thirty three pounds nine shillings six pence out of the County of Suffolk in part of the first payment of that County proportion of the two thousand pound Tax to be levied in this Province of New York. I say received out of the Town of Southold the 28'h day of Novemb:. ltigl, by me CHITD: BROOKS SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 353 i"I3. 14S. 6d Received this 21" day of May 1~2 of Major Isaac Arnold the sum of thirteen pounds fourteen shillings and six pence out of the i"2ooo Tax leviable upon this Province of New York and in part of the 2' payment of the proportion due from Suffolke County. I say reo ceived out of Southold, By me CHID" BROOKS [The following are abstracts of receipts for taxes as en- tered on pages '99 and 200.-J. W. C.] !! , a Receipt to Joshua Horton for 22. 16. 0 for part of County tax. Jonathan Horton" 6. 4. 3 " .. 19. 15. 6 .. Haughton" 13. 5. 4 " 86. 14.10 "Horton 10. o. 10 Abraham Cory "140. II. IO Isaac Cory .. 5 I. 3. 9 40. o. 0 Abraham Cory- 2. 16. 9 Isaac Cory-(eoll) 45. 10. 6 II. 3. 9 43. o. 3 Abraham Cory (reed the full balance due-Ed. Howell) James Reeve-(eoIlr) 5. 18. 7+ 8. 2. 3 Also a rec'to John Tuthill dated June 1683 for a barrel of pork and three of oyle. Ent' pr Benj: Youngs Reed'. 2 April 1702. 1692. 1694. 1695. 1694. 1694. 1696. June .. Octo " Mar. May. .. 1697 16g8. 1700-1 PAGE 200. 1695 March 8'h day. Then these highways following were measured and stak'd out by Joshua Horton and Benjamin Y ongs Towns men. . Namely a highway four pole wide begining at the street, at the East end of the Town runing into the highway that is two pole wide which s' two pole high- way begins at the Eastermost side of John Vales land. 23 354 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Also a highway three pole wide, from the street against Symon Gravers house it runs north, or north. erly between Christopher Y ongs land and Mr Moores land, till it comes to the highway that runs East or Eastwardly to the old field and the water mill. Also a highway two pole wide begining at Rich' Benjamins Lane and from thence it runs Southerly to Dickersons kreek. Also a highway from Richard Benjamins lane run- ing Easterly till it comes in to the highway that Iyes at the Eastwardmost side of Benj: Yo. his land, this highway is two pole wide, and is lying at the reerr of Mr Herberts John Booths and Benj: Yo. land in the Calves Neck. Also a highway two pole wide, lying on the East side of Benj: Yo. land in the Calves Neck, begining at the head of the kreek there, and from thence it runs South or Southerly to the cove that runs up into or about the midle of Calves Neck. . [For note on these Highways, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 201. Received of Lieut Joshua Horton in full of all pay- ments due to me the undernamed for the yeare 1693 the sum of one hundred pounds in payment of salary that yeare due to me. JOSHUA HOBART Received of Lieut Joshua Horton the sum 01 forty seven pounds thirteen shillings and four penc part of salary tor the year 1694 due to me from the Westward of the meeting house, I say received pr me Southold Dec: 8. 1697. JOSHUA HOBART 1697 Nov. 9th. Received of the Overseers of South- old the full sum of ten pound silver or equivalent, for work done for s' Towne. JOHN SOLMAN. SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 355 [Abstract.] Know all men that we John Tuthill of Southold Esqr and Richard Brown of y' same place Yeoman in <:onsideration of a certaine [permit] of cuting timber and wood upon the lands of Richard Brown the elder which he y' Sd Richard Brown gaye to his son William Brown, and is by an Instrument bearing date herewith, now surrendered to y' heirs, successors and legatees of his brethren Richard, Jonathan, and Walter, all de- <:eased: doe give grant remise and release unto y' s' William Brown all y' estate, title, interest, share, claim and demand which we or either of us ever had, now have, or may have, of in and to a certaine percell of land and meadow situate in y' Oysterponds LOwer Neck, bounded on y' east with y' land of Samuel Glover-the sea or Sound North-John Terry West- and South by the salt meadows :-And y' two thirds of a lot of meadow adjoyning to y' Sd land, which said meadow was purchased of John Curwin deceased. For confirmation hereof we have hereunto set our hands an seals this 30th day of December 1713. Witnesses JOHN TUTHILL SAMUEL KING Jun' m.,,, H T J, RICHARD B BROWN [Seal] ENRY UTHILL un _ Acknowledged JanY 17ft before me JOSEPH WICKHAM Justice, [Seal] Entd 5 Mar 17ft. pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [For note on the above papers, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] Feb 2' 168-1-. The land of AbrahamlWhitehir. One lott of upland in y' Oysterponds Lower Neck containing fifty acres more or less, bounded by the land of Gidion Yongs on the North-his Own meadow and PAGE 202. [Abstract.] 356 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. the meadow of Stephen Baily on the East-the Har- bour and meadow on the Southwest and South. Three second lotts of meadow containing nine acres more or less on the East side of the land-the Creek Eastward of his meadow. More. one first lott of meadow, on the South West side of his land. One first lott shear in the common meadow on the other side the river. His land at Corchaug being a first lott bounded by the land of Samuel Windes on the East and Simeon Ben- jamin on the West-the highway on the South-the sound or North Sea North. More. A first lott in the second division at Ocqua- bauk which he purchased of Theophilus Curwin. Aproved of by me in the name of the rest, the 2' of February 168f, JOHN YONGS. [For note on AbID Whiteher, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. I. p. 92, and Appendix.-J. W. C.] PAGE 203. [Abstract.] To all Christian people Know Ye that I Samuel Glover of South old in consideration of y' sum of five pounds to me in hand by John Goldsmith of s' South- old, Taylor, doe give, grant, bargain and sell unto y' s' John Goldsmith two alottments of Creekthatch scitu- ate westward of Robins Island Necke bounded, on y' Northeast by y' thatch of Daniel Terry-Southwest by William Halliock, and at both ends by the Creek. Witness my hand and seal this 29'h day of October 1707. Witnesses, JOHN TUTHILL SAMUEL GLOVER [Seal] SAMUEL KING. Acknowledged 29th October 1797, before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' J anY 26'h 17ot, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 357 [Abstract.] To. all Christian peaple, Knaw Ye, that I, William Wells af Sauthald Yeaman in cansideratian af five paunds to. me paid by Jahn Galdsmith af Sauthald tay. lar, do. by these presents give grant and sell unto. y' s' Jahn Galdsmith ane acre and halfe af fresh meadaw situate at a place knawn by the name af y' fresh mea. daws, baunded an y' Narth by y' highway-East by Nathaniel Terry-West by y' land af s' W"' Wells. \Vitness my hand & seal 3 I" Dec' 170.7. Witnesses NATHANIEL TERRY Jun' WILLIAM WELLS [Seal] morkot WILLIAM X Cox Acknawledged , Jany 17ot, befare me THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' J any 26'h 17ot, pr Benj: Yaungs, Tawn Clerk. PAGE 20.4. [Abstract.] Knaw all men by these presents that I, William Cale. man af Sauthald Yeaman in cansideratian af nine paunds by me received, dae alienate and sell by these presents, unto. Benjamiu Canckline af East Hamptan all that my latt ar accammadatians af land I farmerly baught af Richard Clarke, except ane latt that lyeth next to. Mattatuck, and the meadaw belanging to. s' latt, situate at the side af Ocquabauk river. Witness my hand and seal this '3th day af March Anna Dam 168f. ", Witnesses ANDRO GIBB WILLIAM X COLEMAN JOHN LAUGHTON ... Acknawledged the day abave said, ISAAC ARNOLD]'S Ys Car. Entd pr Benj: Yo.. rdr 1696, Sept 29'h day. [Far nate an the Caleman family, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] 358 SOUTHOLD 'FOWN RECORDS. PAGE 205. [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye that I John Halliock of South old, Carpenter, doe, in consideration of eighteen pounds to me paid by Benjamin Conckline of East Hampton, by these presents give grant and sell unto the safd Benjamin Conckline, four lots of land as they were laid out unto John Swazy Sen' at the Weading river. being four village lotts and containing about seven acres apiece with all the priviledges and rights belonging to them in the undivided land there; and also two shears in the meadow that lays there unlaid out: To have and to hold &c. Witness my hand and seal this 24th day of Dee' Anno qu' Dam 1687. Witnesses JOSIAH HOBART JOHN HALLIOAK JOSEPH OSBURN 1687. Acknowledged 2' May le88 before me, Test. ANDRO GIBB. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. Rdr 1696 Sept. 30 day. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents, that T, John Conck- line of South old Yeoman in {;onsideration of sixteen pounds by me received doe and by these presents have alienated, bargained and sold unto Benj: Conckline of East Hampton, all that my second alottment of land lying and being on the North side the river Peheconick, bounded North by the Sound, taking into the s' I.and so much of the fresh pond known by the name of South- ampton-pond, as lyeth abutting upon the premises- bounded West by Thomas Moor Sen'-East by land that did belong to the weidow Hutchison, with all pri viI edges &c. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 359 Witness my hand and seale this 4th day of April 1687. \Vitnesses PETER CHOCKE JOHN CONKLING. RICHARD STEERE Acknowledged before me y' 10th of November 1687. M. NICOLLS. Ent' y' I" day of Octo. 1696, pr Benj: Yo. r" PAGE 206. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that John Os- man of Southold in consideration of the sum of seven pounds three shillings and four pence to hi m paid, doth hereby give grant and sell unto Benj: Conckline of East Hampton one whole first lott both of upland and meadow, as it was allotted unto Mr Christopher Y ongs in the last division of the land of Ocquabauk and Wad- ing River-the upland laying part at Ocquabauk and part at Weading River-and the meadow in the broad meadow there. Witness his hand and seal this 23' day of June 1687. Witnesses JOSIAH HOBART JOHN OSMAN. JOSEPH OSBORNE-1687. Acknowledged before me 9th November 1687. M. NICOLLS. Ent' pr Benj: Yo. rdr Octo I : 1696. [Abstract.] Know all Christian people that I Christopher Y ongs of Southold in consideration of the sum of ten pound and fiften shillings, to me paid by Benjamin Concklin of East Hampton, doe give grant and sell unto Benjamin Conckline my whole right title and interest in that land at Ocquabauk and by the Weading River as it was willed unto the wife of the said Christopher Y ongs 360 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. by the last will and testament of her father John Budd deceased, which is the one halfe of three first lotts of land as it was allotted and laid out unto the said John Budd by the Town of South old aforesaid in the last di vision of land that was laid out there by the said Town. Witness my hand and seale this 14th day of June 1687. Witnesses-JosIAH HOBART. CHRISTOPHER YONGS: NATHANIEL MOOR. Acknowledged 8th Dec' 1687 before me, M. NICOLLS. Ent' pr Benj: Yo: rdr 16<t6 Oct' 2. PAGE 207. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that whereas Chris- topher Y ongs of Southold deceased did sell and demise in y' time of life unto Benjamin Conkling one lot and halfe of upland in Acquabock last division and one lot and halfe of upland at y' Wadding Creeke both within y' bounds of Southold, which land was allotted and laid out to Lieut John Budd formerly (deceased) and whereas y' s' John Budd who was my father did by his last will give y' aforesaid allotments unto me Mary Y ongs-and y' said will not being thought sufficient title, therefore my beloved brother John Budd now of this Towne of Southold hath ratified and confirmed y' same-I doe therefore by these presents rattifie and confirme unto y'said Benjamin Conkling and to his heirs all y' s' lands former! y sold unto said Conkling by my husband Christopher Y ongs dec' and doe for myselfe for ever quitte claime to y' same and every part thereof and resigne up all right. title and interest, I myselfe my heirs and assigns have, or may have in y' s' premises above mentioned. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 36[ Witness my hand and seal this 29th day of August [699. Witnesses THOMAS MAPES MARY YONGS [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' Septemb' y' 27th [~9, pr Benj: Y ongs Recorder. PAGE ,208. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents, that whereas my father Christopher Y ongs deceased did in y' time of his life sell and convey unto Benjamin Conkling of East Hampton, a certaine percell of land of Accabock be- yond y' Saw Mill Brooke, in the bounds of Southold being a first lot laying next y' land of William Hallock to the westward and y' lott of Mr Joshua Hobart to y' eastward-Now Know Ye that I Benj: Yongs son and heir unto y' s' Christopher Y ongs deceased doe for myselle, by these presents, confirme y' s' sale and doe forever q uitt claime unto y' s' land and every part thereof and doe resigne up unto y' said Benjamin Conk. ling whatever claime or right title and interest I my. selle have, or may seem to have to y' aforesaid land. Attest my hand and seal this 3' day of May I~9' Witnesses-THo: LONGWORTH BENJ: YONGS [Seal] MARY YONGS Acknowledged the day aforesaid before me JOSIAH HOBART. Ent May 3' 1699, pr Benj: Youngs, Record' The 4th day of May 1699 the above named Benj: Conkling did give order to me to have this above in- strument underwritten void, as if it had not been. Attested pr Benj: Y ongs Recorder, 362 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] Whereas my honoured father Lieut John Budd of South old deceased did in his life time as it may appear by his last will and testament bearing date 27th Octo- ber 1684, give and grant unto his daughter Ann now the wife of Benjamin Horton halfe the lands and mea- dows belonging to him in Ocquabauk division &c Know all men by these presents that I John Budd the son of Lieut. John Budd of Southold deceased, doe by these presents give, grant, and confirme unto my wellbeloved sister Ann the wife of Benjamin Horton of Southold all that part of land and meadow in Ocquabauk divi. sion given to her by my father in his last will, with all the right I now have, or might have ever hereafter, unto her the s' Ann her heirs and assigns-To have and to hold &c. . Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of July 16g7. Witnesses JOHN HOMAN JOHN BUDD. BENJAMIN MOOR. Ent' Dee' 8th 16g7. PAGE 209. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that I, Matthias Hutcheson of South old husbandman in consideration of a valuable sum of money to me paid by Benjamin Youngs of the same Towne Carpenter, do, by these presents, give grant and sell unto the said Benjamin Y ongs a certain tract or percell of land at a place called Sagust Neck in South old containing thirty acres more or less Bounded North by the highway-East by the meadow 01 John Vaile and John Paine-South by the harbour and by y' meadow of Jesper Griffing and West by y'land of Benjamin Youngs. SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 363 Witness my hand and seal this 25th day of July 16g8, Witnesses, SAMUEL HUCHINSON MATTHIAS HUTCHESON [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY Entered pr Benj: Youngs Recd' 16g8. [For note on Saugust Neck, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. I. p. 221; and Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 210. [Abstract.] To all christian people, Know Ye that I Samuel King Jun' of Oysterponds Southold husbandman and Han- nah my now wife for and in consideration of a valuable sum of money to us paid by Benjamin Y ongs of South- old husbandman, doe give grant and sell unto y' Sd Benjamin Y ongs a certaine tract or percell of land- (called a second lott) scituate on y' North side of y' Towne and bounded North by y' Sound-East by Samuel Yongs and West by Mr. Wm Wells deceased. Witness our hands and seals this 10th day of July 1699. Witnesses, JOHN TUTHILL SAMUELL KING [Seal] m_~ WALTER BROWNE HANNAH H KING [Seal] Acknowledged the day and year above written be- fore me. Entd Aug' 15th 16g9; JOHN TUTHILL Justice. pr Benj: Yongs Record'. [A bstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that I, Abraham Youngs of South old yeoman in consideration of the sum of four pounds to me in hand paid by Nathanael Terry of Sd Town yeoman, doe by these presents give grant and sell unto y' Sd Nathanael Terry one first lott right in all y' common and undivided land that is lying between the fresh meadows (so called) and y' east end of Sd Towne. 364 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Witness my. hand and seal y' 14th day of March 170l Witnesses-- STEPHEN BAYLEY ABRAHAM YOUNGS. [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS. Acknowledged y' 10th Fehy. 170.\-, helore me, THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' y' 13th FehY. 17ft, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. PAGE 211. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye, that .1, Ahraham Corye of South old Yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of three pounds to me paid by Nathanael Terry of the s' Town yeoman doe by these presents give grant and sell unto the s' Nathanael Terry one first lott right in all the comon and undivided land belonging to y' s' Town. Witness my hand and seal y' 5th day of July 1708. Witnesses, JAMES LANDON ABRAHAM CORYE [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS, Ent' y' . . . pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [Abstract.] This Indenture made y' 15'h February lli9i, between Thomas Longworth, shipwright and his wife Deborah Longworth of one part yes and Nathanael Terry yeo-. man 01 y' other part both of South old witnesseth that y' s' Thos. Longworth and Deborah his wife in consid- eration of a valuable sum of money to them paid, doe by these presents grant bargain and sell unto y' s' Nathaniell Terry, all our right in a lot of Cricksach ly- ing in a place called Indian Neck-the said lot of Crick- sach was in y' year 1685, given by Cor" John Youngs unto y' s' Longworth and to his wife as by the records may appear. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 365 Witness our hands and seals the day and year above written. Witnesses, BENJAMIN YOUNGS THOMAS LONGWORTH [Seal] JOHN YOUNGS. DEBORAH LONGWORTH [Seal] Acknowledged 15 Feb. . . . . . . before me JOHN Y ONGS. Entd pr Benj: Youngs Recd' 1698. The lot of Creekthach above mentioned is bounded North by Mr Hobart-South by Isaac Oventon-East and West by y' gutters. Entd pr Benj: Yongs PAGE 212. [Abstract.] This Indenture made on y' 5th day of February Ilo~ between Isaac Arnold of South old Esquire on the one part, and Carterett Gillam of y' Town of Seaybrook, County of New London Connt Marin' on y' other part witnesseth, that y' Sd Isaac Arnold in consideration of a competent sum of money to him paid doth by these presents bargain and sell unto y' Sd Carterett Gillam all that his lolt of upland lying in Hogg Neck, Town of Southold, by estimation three acres, butted and bounded as in the book of entries of land may more at large appear. Witness my hand and seal the day and year first written. Witnesses, THOMAS MAPES ISAAC ARNOLD [Seal] J ASPER GRIFFING Acknowledged 12th FebY, Ilo! before me. THOMAS MAPES Justice. Entd ffeb. 20th Ila!, pr Benj: youngs Rdr. rNOTE.-Gillam, who had married a daughter of Col. Ar- nold, was a mariner, and lived sometimes at Saybrook and sometimes at Southold. He owned lands and was engaged 366 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. in business here for years after the date of the deed above. -J. w.e.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people Know ye that I Joseph Moore of Southold yeoman in consideration of y' sum of forty shillings to me paid doe, by these presents grant bar. gain and sell unto Cartriet Gilliam of Sd Town Mariner a certain tract or percell of land scituate in a Neck of land known by the name of Calves Neck, by estima- tion two acres bounded North and South by the Creek -West by Samuel Glover, and East by y'land of Ste- phen Bayley. Witness my hand and seal this 23' day of July 171 I. Witnesses JOSHUA WELLS JOSEPH MORE [Seal] WILLIAM BENJAMIN. Acknowledged 23d July 171 I, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd 2 Nov' 1711, Pr Benj: Youngs; Town Cler. PAGE 213. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Ye that I, John Tut- hill of Southold Esqr, in consideration of the sum of three pounds ten shillings to me paid, doe by these presents give grant and sell unto Cartriet Gilliam one first allotment of land lying in Great Hog Neck, by estimation seven acres, bounded North by a highway -East by Nathaniel Youngs-South by the baye-West by Jeremiah Vaill. Witness my hand and seal this 22d day of February 17ft. Witnesses HENRY TUTHILL JOHN TUTHILL [Seal] DANIEL TUTHILL Acknowledged 22 Feby. 17ft, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Entd Mar y' S'" 17th pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 367 [Abstract.] Whereas l\fr John Christopher of New London apeers to be Attorney to Col Joseph Dudley in refer- ence to Plum Island and concerns thereon; Therefore I doe here declare that I will bee no hinderance or op- poase him y' Sd Christopher in any lawfull proceedings about Mr Dudleys interest on y' Sd Island, but I deny my desertion of y' Sd Island at present which he the said Christopher requires of me. pr me SAMUELL HAGBURNE. This is a true copy of Samuel Hagburnes answer to John Christopher. Witnesses CALEB CURTICE SAMUEL CROOK. 31 Oct 16<)8. Entd pr Benj: Yongs Record' [Abstract.] To all Christian people John Tuthill of Southold Esq sendeth Greeting. Know Ye that he y' Sd John Tut- hill in consideration of y' sum of forty eight pounds to him paid by Daniel (his son) yeoman of Southold doe by these presents freely give grant and sell unto y' Sd Daniel Tuthill a certaine messuage or farme commonly called by y' name of Hog Pond lying in Oysterponds Lower Necke, by estimation fifty acres of upland and meadow, bounded North, West, and East bv Gidion Youngs and South by the harbour or baye ~-Also a percell of upland situate in y' said Oysterponds upper Neck by computation thirtyfive acres, bounded North by y' North Sea or Sound-East by Henry Tuthill- South by y' highway or Queens Road-and West by Jonathan Brown deceased :-Also a percell of upland soit.uate in y' Oysterponds uper Neck by estimat.ion seventeen acres, bounded Nort.h by y' Sd Sound-East. by John Tuthill Jun'-South by y' Sd highway or Queens Road, and West. by Jonathan Brown deceased: 368 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. -Also, one other tract or percell of upland situate in Sd Oysterpoud Upper Neck being all that part of four allotments which is lying on the south side of y' s' highway, by computatiou forty four acres, bounded North by y' s' highway-East by y' land of Daniel Tuthill aforesaid-South by y' baye-West by y'land of s' Jonathan Brown dec'. Witness my hand and seal this 18th day of February 17tt- Witnesses JOHN DAINS JOHN TUTHILL [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS HENRY TUTHILL Acknowledged 22 Feb. 17* before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Entd May 29th 1712, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. [For note on the Hog Pond Farm, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] [PAGE 214 blank.] PAGE 215. [Abstract.] These preseuts witnesseth that Samuel Glover of Southold in consideration of thirty pounds to him paid by John Patty of s' Southold doth bargain and sell unto John Patty a first lote division of upland together with a first late of meadow at Acquabock, which land and meadow was formerly purchased of Lieut John Budd by Capt Charles Glover father to y' s' Samuel Glover -which division of upland is by computation three hundred acres, bounded West by y' land given by Lieut John Budd at his decease to his daughter Mary Yongs and his daughter Ann Budd-East by Daniel Terry-North by y' Sound-South by y' baye and y' lote or division of meadow bounded West by y' fresh meadows belonging formerly to Lieut Budd deceased SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 3~ near Peconnek-and East near a Salt meadow in Budds as may appeare more at large pr Budds record to Capt Glover. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of August 1685. Witnesses- STEPHEN BAYLEY ABIGALL BAYLEY. Entd Feb. 811. 1~8, pr Benj: Y ongs Record' SAMUELL GLOVER [Seal] SARAH GLOVERS mark S. G. [Abstract.] We the undersigned request that every person hav- ing an interest in a small Island in the Peconic River, being meadow, and containing three acres, would give and grant the same to John Patty a poore man living near ye same. Gershom Terry John Paine Jr Jasper Griffing Samuel Glover Gideon Y Qungs Samuel Wines Christopher Youngs Stephen Bayley Samuel Yangs Tho: Longworth James Reeve Henry Case Feb: y' 21" I~, Entd pr Benj: Y ongs Recorder Benjamin Horton J ahn Y cngs Joseph Y oogs Thomas Mapes 3d mo. 1 68!. John Reeve his Record of land and meadow as fol. loweth: I. His house Iott one acre, with four acres at ye reere, Bounded with y' land of Annes Reeve on y' North- Daniel Terry on y' South Side_yo Street on y. East. . 2. Two acres of land in y. Calves Neck more or less Bounded with y. Creek on y' South-Daniel Terry West. 3. His land at Hogg Neck being six acres more or 24 PAGE 216. [Abstract.] 370 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. liss Bounded West by Richard Benjamin-East by Abraham Corye-South by y' harbour. 4. His meadow at y' Indien N eks containing one acre more or less, Bounded on y' East with y' I ndien field-West and North with y' comon. 5. His meadow at Acquabock being a first lott on y' North side y' River, and on y' South side of y'Deep Creek. 6. His right of comonage in Towne bounds is one halfe lotto 7. One acre of meadow at Hogg Neck railes more or less Bounded on y' West with Isaac Overton-North with Abraham Corye-South with y' Creek. 8. His meadow at Corchauge is four acres more or less Bounded West by Benjamin Horton-North by Jonathan Horton-East by. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. His land in y'Towne bought of James Reeve is fifteene poles, being three poles wide and five poles longe lying at Southwest corner of y' s' James Reeve his home lotto Approved of by me in behalfe of y' rest. JOHN YONGS. Ent' pr Benj: Y ongs: Recorder, May 30, 1701. [ Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye, that I Jonathan Browne of y' Oysterponds, Southold, yeoman, in con- sideration of a valuable snm of money to me in hand paid by John Reeve of Southold, weaver, do by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the said John Reeve, a certaine tract of land containing thirty acres scituate at Cachauk, Bounded East by the Land of Richard and Walter Browne-North and West by Caleb Horton and South by the highway. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 371 Witness my hand and seal this 24th day of February 1li9t. Witnesses JOSEPH PATTY JONATHAN BROWNE [Seal] JOHN TUTHILL Acknowledged May y' 8th 1697, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' 4 Nov. 1699, pr Benj: Y ongs, Recorder. PAGE 217. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that we Richard Browne, Jonathan Browne and Walter Browne every one of y' Oysterponds, Southold, yeomen, in consider- ation of a valuable sum of money to them paid by John Reeve of s' Southold, weaver, doe give grant and sell unto the said John Reeve a certain tract (commonly called a nrst lott) of land containing six score acres scituate at Cachauge bounded East by Mr John Tut- hill-West by Caleb Horton and Jonathan Browne- North by the Sound and South by the Kings highway.. Witness our hands and seals this 24th day of Febru- ary 169t. Witnesses, RICHARD BROWNE JOSEPH PATTY JONATHAN BROWNE GIDEON YONGS WALTER BROWNE Acknowledged y' 8th May 1697, before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice [Seal] [Seal] [Seal] Ent' 8th Nov. 1699, pr Benj: Yongs, Town Clk [Abstract.] Pensilvania 55: To all people to whome these presents shall come, We David Loyd of y' city and county of Philadelphia gent. and Isaac Norris of y' same place merchant exec- utors of the last will and testament of Thomas Loyd 372 SOUTHOLD 'POWN RECORDS. of y' same place gent. dec. send greeting. Know ye, we y' Sd David Loyd and Isaac Norris, as well in perform- ance of a certain agreement made 20th July 1695, be- tween y' Sd David Loyd and Henry Willis of Westbury upon Long Island as for other considerations, have, by vertue of y' Sd testament released and quitclaimed unto y' Sd Henry Willis, all our and either of our rights, titles, claimes, interests and demands which we have or may have of in and to the lands and hereditaments which y' Sd Thomas Loyd in his life time bought of Edward White of Oysterbay, belonging formerly to Josiah Bartholomew, scituate in Southold, Long Island. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 19th day of y' first month called March 169l Witnesses, SAM: CARPENTER THOS: LOYD. JOHN RODMAN Know all men, by these presents that I Henry Willis of Hempsted on Long Island in Queens County, in consideration of a valuable sum of money by me re- ceived, have alienated assigned and sett over from me and my heirs unto Frances Noice of Southold and to his heirs and assigns all my right title and interest and c1aime of this within [above,] written deed of sale. Also all my right of y' land therein mentioned I have assigned released and set over to y' aforesaid Frances Noice, to him his heirs and assigns forever. Witness my hand and seal this 23d of y'sixth month 1698. DAVID LOYD [Seal] ISAAC NORRIS [Seal] HENRY WILLIS [Seal] Witnesses WM WILLIS NATHANIEL PEARSALL- JOHN X MARVIN-THO. PEARSALL. Acknowledged Aug 23: 1698 before me , JOHN SMITH. Entd 12 Feb 16-N,-, pr Benj: Yongs Town Cler. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 373 PAGE 219. [Abstract.] To all people Greeting. Know Ye, that I, Josiah Y ongs of Southold, cooper, in consideration of a valu- able sum of money to me in hand paid by John Gold. smith of s' Town yeoman doe by these presents grant, bargain and sell unto y' said John Goldsmith, a cer- tain tract or percell of land scituate in y' Oysterponds, Upper Necke being a first lott, by estimation fifty acres, Bounded North by y' Sound-East by y' s' Josiah Yongs-South by y' harbour and West by Mr John Herbert,-which said first lott y' s' Josiah purchased of his hon' father Joseph Y ongs as by deed &c. Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of March 16Nrr. Witnesses STEPHEN BAYLEY JOSIAH YONGS [Seal) BEN]: YONGS Acknowledged the day and year above written, be- fore me Ent' 8 ApI 1700, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. PI' Benj Yongs Town Cler. PAGE 220. [Abstract.] . To all Christian people John Trusteene of Southold, weaver, sendeth Greeting. KnowYe that !, John Trus- teen in consideration of a valuable sum of money by me in hand received of John Gouldsmith of s' Southold doe by these presents grant sell and demise unto y' s' John Gouldsmith twenty acres of upland scituate in s' Southold, Bounded, West by Matthias Hutcheson- East by Joseph Reeves and Barnabas Wines-South by y' Road or highway-and North by y' lane or highway that runeth up between y'last division of land in the old Town plott :-And doe also therewith sell all y' meadow lying and being in and abont a neck of land comonly called and known by the name of Little hogg 374 SOUTHOLD 'I'OWN RECORDS. Neck, with all y' rights, title and interest of all lands meadows, commons that ever did appertaine or belong unto me by derivation from my honoured father de- ceased Robart Trusteene, excepting one acre of upland purchased formerly by my father deceased of Peter Dickeson. Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of March 16-Mr. Witnesses- THOMAS MOORE STEPHEN BAYLEY. Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice Ent' y' 12\1' Api 1700, P' Benj: Yongs, Town Clk. Ih. Ill~ Gf JOHN X TRUSTEENE [Seal] [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye, that I, John Tut- hill of Southold Esqr, for a valuable consideration to me in hand paid by John Gouldsmith of y' same Town, do grant bargain and sell unto y' s' John Gouldsmith one first lott of commonage in y' old Town plott of Southold. Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of March 1699. Witnesses JOSHUA HOBART JOHN TUTTHILL [Seal] JOHN TUTHILL HENERV TUTHILL Acknowledged March y' 20'h 16gg, before me. THOMAS MAPES Justice Entd 18th April 1700, pr Benj: Yongs Town Cler. PAGE 22 1. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that I Thomas Clark of Southold, carpenter, in consideration of the SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 375 sum of tenn shillings to me in hand paid by John Gold- smith of the same Town yeoman, doe by these presents grant and sell unto y' s' John Goldsmith a certaine tract of land. containing sixty acres (being y' North end of a hundred and twenty acre IoU) scituate in Southold, bounded with y' land of Caleb Horton on y' East-of Thomas Trusteene [Tustan] on the South and y' West, and y' sound on y' North. Witness my hand and seal this 2' day of April 1701. Witnesses- mark...4 .eol JOSHUA WELLS THOMAS X CLARK [Seal] JACOB OSMAN Acknowledged 4th June 1701, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' pr Benj: Yongs, Town Cler: 24 Dee' 1701. [ Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye that I, Thomas Longworth of South old doe, with y' consent of my wife Deborah, in consideration of y' sum of Eleven pounds six shill- ings to me paid by Henry Case of s' Southold bargaine and sell unto y' s' Henry Case a certaine percell of woodland by computation twenty five acres, scituate Northwest from y' Town, in the last division of lands, bounded East by Mr Thomas Yongs-West by Joseph Moore-North by the Sound-South by y' highway. Witness our hands and seals this 20th day o[ May 16<)8. . Witnesses, JOSEPH MOORE THOMAS LONGWORTH [Seal] MARY YONGS DEBORAH LONGWORTH [Seal] Acknowledged I Api 1700 before me Entd 18 May 1700, JOHN TUTHILL. pr Benj: Y ongs, Town Clerk. 376 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 222. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye, that I, John Swazey of Southold in consideration of the sum of thirty eight pounds by me received of Jonathan Di. mon of s' Town, doe by these presents grant bargain and sell unto y' s' Jonathan Dimon, a certain tract or parcell of woodland scituate at a place called Ockeboge first division bounded West by y' land of y' widw Fran. cis Noice ta)'lor deceased and bounded East by Joseph Swazey Jun-North by y' Sound and South by y' baye, by computation three hundred acres, as it was laid out by division :-Also a certain percell of salt meadow- it is all y' meadow that did of right belong to John Swazey late of Southold deceased at y' bottom of y' great meadows at Ockeboge bounded on y' North by y' woodland, and also y' meadow'of Caleb and Joshua Horton-South by the beach-East by the great mea. dow creek. Witness my hand and seal this 2 [st March Anno Dom. 170+. Witnesses, JAMES REEVE JOHN SWAZEY his mark X STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged the day and year above written before me THOMAS MAPES. Entd March y' 5th 17ft, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 223. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye that I, John Goldsmith of South old in consideration of a valuable sum already in hand received by me of John Trusteene, doe by these presents give grant and sell unto y' s' John Trusteene a certain percell of upland scituate in a place called y' SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 377 Oysterponds upper Neck, which percell of upland is that part of a first lott of land lying Northward from the path or highway that leadeth to y' Oysterponds Bounded West by Mr John Herbert-East by Josiah Yongs-North by y' Sound-South by the Road that now runeth to the Oysterponds. Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of March 16gg-1700. Witnesses, THOMAS MOORE JOHN GOLDSMITH [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' May 31, 1700, pr Benj: Yongs Town Clerk. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that I, Israel Par- shall, of South old, yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of ten pounds to me in hand paid, do by these presents grant bargaine and sell unto Simon Ramsay of s' South- old yeoman, two certaine percells of meadow situate on y' South side of pea con neck river by computation three acres. One of the percells is bounded on y' North by y' meadow of David Parshall and Joseph Reeve- South by the Creek and West by y' s' Simon Ramsay: -the other percell is bounded East by y' Creek-- West by y' upland-North by Joseph Reeves and South by Nicolas Terrill. Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of May 1718. Witnesses BEN]: YOUNGS GROVER YOUNGS ISRAEL PARSHALL [Seal] Acknowledged the day and year above written before me BEN]: YOUNGS Justice Entd y' 9th Jany 17ft. pr Benj: Youngs Town elk. 378 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 224. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents, that I, Joseph Wick. ham of Southold, Tanner, in consideration of y' sum of four pounds, ten shillings by me in hand received of Simon Ramsey of y' same Towne Husbandman doe give grant and sell unto y' said Simon Ramsey a first lott and a halfe of meadow at Acquabocke on y' south side the great River-the meadow of James Parshall East-John Booth West-Samuel Wines North and y' upland South. Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of October Anno Dam. I6w. Witnesses, THOMAS MAPES JOSEPH WICKHAM [Seal] ." WAIT W BENJAMIN om Acknowledged 20 Octo. I6g9 before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' June 28: 1700, pr Benj: Y ongs Town Clk. . [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents, that I, Joshua Ho. bart, minister of y' Towne of Southold, in consideration of a certain sum of money to me in hand paid, have alienated granted and sold unto Simon Ramsey of the same Town, marir a certaine tract of land at Acqua- bauke, being a first lott of upland, scituate and lying in the breadth of it, between a second lott of Mr John Conkline to y' Northeastward and a lolt laid out to Christopher Yongs deceased to the Southwestward ex. tending in length from Peconnick River to y' Sound or North Sea- Also, a second lott of meadow on y' Southward side of y' aforesaid River and bounded to y' Southward by a branch of said River-Northward by y' upland and lying in breadth between William Cole mans meadow SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 379 Southwestward-and to y' Northwestward by John Y ongs Marin': Also a single lott of upland at the Wadeing Creek, being y' eight lott in number, contain- ing more or less, with the full priviledge of all y' comonage extending from said Creek Eastward as far as the Fresh Pond comonly called Southhamton fresh pond. Witness my hand and seal this 15th day of Novem- ber 1699. Witnesses JOSEPH HOWELL JOSHUA HOBART [Seal] J OHN PARKER Acknowledged January y' 3: 16g9 [prob. 1700] before me THOMAS MAPES Justice. Memorandum: That y' 15 day of Nov' 16gg, I gave livery and seizen of the premises &c JOSHUA HOBART. Ent' 28 June 1700, pr Benj: Yongs, Town Cler. PAGE 225. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that I, Samuell Winds of South old, husbandman, in consideration of the sum of three pounds to me in hand paid by Simon Ramsy of y' same Towne, doe by these presents alienate and sell unto y' s' Simon Ramsey a first lott and a halfe of mea- dow by computation one acre and a halfe, situate on y' South side Peconneck Great River, bounded east by Mr James Parshall-West by Thomas Booth-North by the s' Great River-South by Joseph Wickham Witness my hand and seal this (8th of March 16gl. Witnesses ....... or JAMES REEVE SAMUELL X WINDS [Seal] ISAAC REEVE STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged 18th March 169i- before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' Sept 5: 1700, pr Benj: Yongs Town Cler. 380 SOUTH OLD 'FOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that I, Stephen Bayley of Southold, in consideration of y' sum of eighty four pounds and ten shillings to me in hand paid by Simon Ramsey of y' same Towne, doe by these presents grant bargaine and sell unto y' said Simon Ramsey, one whole second alottment of woodland in y' first division of Ockebog, bounded West by Browns lotts-East by Mr John Budd-South by y' baye and North by y' Sound :-Also a percell of salt meadow in y' broad meadows in Ockebog, by computation nine acres, bounded east by y' Creek-Southwardly by Lieut Horton-Northwardly by y' meadow of Mrs Conkling. Witness my hand and seal this 13th day of April IJI!. Witnesses. CARTERET GILLAM STEPHEN BAYLEY [Seal] BENJAMIN L'HOMMEDIEU JOSIAH YOUNGS Acknowledged y' 14th ApI 171 I, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' 9 Nov 171 I, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk PAGE 226. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that I, Charles Booth of Southold yeoman in consideration of y' sum of ten pounds to me paid by Simon Ramsey of y' s' Town yeoman, doe by these presents grant, and sell unto y' s' Simon Ramsey a certain percell of meadow lying on y' south side Peaconneck River, which s' per- cell is the eastermost halfe part of y' meadow that was formerly y' right of my grandfather John Booth de- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 381 <:eased as it is bounded North by y' s' River-East by y's' Simon Ramsey-South by y' Upland--West by John Parker. Witness my hand and Seal this 24th day of April '714. Witnesses- BEN]: YOUNGS CHARLES BOOTH [Seal] maTllor ELIZABETH E YOUNGS Acknowledged the 4th of April '714, before me BEN]AMIN YOUNGS Justice Ent' 5 J anY '7it, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [Abstract.] To all to whom these presents shall come. Know Ye, that we Samuell Cooper and James Cooper both of Southampton, in consideration of thirty three pounds and four shillings to us paid by Samuell Clarke of South old doe by these presents grant and sell unto the s' Samuell Clarke one hundred and fifty acres of land within the bounds of Southold, being part of a lott late belonging to John Elton of Southold deceased, bounded by y' Road or Cartway Southward and thence extend- ing to the Sound Northward-John Corwin on the West and Isaac Oven ton on the East. Witness our hands and seals this 25th of Sept' Anno Dom '700. Witnesses, STEPHEN BAYLEY BEN]: Y ONGS SAMUELL COOPER [Seal] J AMES COOPER [Seal] Recognit die et anno pr diet. Coram me, THO: HELME Justice. Entd pr Benj: Yongs Town Clerk. Dee' y' 27th '700. 38z SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE ZZ7. 1686. A Liest of y' lotts in y' North Division of land laid out between y' Towne and Duckpond begining at the Westermost lott, viz : Abraham Y ongs-z lotts Willm Yongs-I lott Joseph Tucker-z lotts Nathan Landon-I lott Isaac 0 verton-z lotts Jonathan Mapes-z lotts Jesper Griffing-I lott Gershom Terry-I lott Samuell Yongs-zlotts Caleb Horton S'-I lott Samuell Glover-z lotts Joseph Moor-z lotts Capt. Tho: Y ongs-Ilott Barnab' Winds-I lott Justicp. Tuthill-z lotts Daniel Terry-z lotts Joseph Y ongs-z lotts Sarah Tuthill-I lott Joshua Wells-z lotts Capt Jon' Horton-z lotts Joseph Y ongs-z lotts Capt Jona. Horton-l lott James Reeve-z lotts Stephen Bayley-s lotts Abraham Corye-z lotts James Reeve-l lott Nathaniel Moor-I lott John Herbert-zlotts David Gardiner-l lott Peter Paine-l lott John Wells-3 lotts. Whereas an unhappy Difference hath risen Between y' towne of Southold and barnabas winds of y' same towne concerning a percell of land lying Betweene y' land of John Goldsmith Jun' Westerly & y' highway Northerly and Easterly; which said Difference is fully ended y' day of y' date hereof by y' townsmen of y' s' towne & ye Sd Barnabas winds viz : The s' Town is to have & hold for themselves & their successors for ever the Sd highway Inlarged in breadth at y' South End twenty one poles and from y' head of Daniell terry's meadow to the said Barnab' winds Stak which is five poles & a halfe or thereabouts; and at y' North End thirteene poles & a halfe or thereabouts; SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 383 the range betweene y' Sd Barnabas land and y' highway is a little rounding. Ent' this 14th day of May 1702, pr Benj: Yongs, Town Cler. [For note on the above, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye that I, Benjamin Young-s Jun of Southold, weaver, for and in consideration of a certain house and home conveyed to me under y' hand and seal of Joseph Hull of y' Town aforesaid, cooper, by these presents, have granted bargained and sold unto y' s' Joseph Hull a certaine tract or percell of land lying in the five and twenty acre dividend of land in y' s' Towne by estimation fifty acres, bounded South by the Queens Road-West by Jacob Corye-North by a highway-East by Joseph Reeve. Witness my hand and seal this 16th day of Septem. ber 1713. Witnesses, BENJ: YOUNGS NATHAN YOUNGS GROVER YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year above written, be- fore me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' y' 8th day of October 17I 5, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. BENJAMIN YOUNGS [Seal] MERCY YOUNGS [Seal] PAGE 228. [Abstract.] To all Christian people Richard Browne of y' Oyster_ ponds in the Town of Southold, yeoman, sendeth Greet- ing. Whereas Rich' Browne, yeoman, and father of him y' s' Richard Browne did in his lifetime by a cer- tain instrument or deed in writing dated 11th Feb' 168t, give unto John Tuthill Esq. all and singular his lands 384 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. tenements, goods and chattels for the particular uses only therein mentioned and limited and more particu- larly several percells of lands and meadows for the use and behoofe of Jonathan Browne (y' second son of s' Rich' decd) together with one third part of y' land and meadow of Sd Rich' dec' at Accquabaug and one ninth part of y' meadow of Sd' Rich' dec' at or nigh y' mea- dows of Wm Browne: and whereas y' above said John Tnthill Esq pursuant to y' trust in him, (by y' S' Richd de Cd) in y' Sd deed given did formerly as of right he ought to doe) according to the true intent and tenor and meaning thereof make an equal division of all y' abovesaid lands meadows and premises, and put y' s' Jonathan Browne in full possession and seizin of y' same. Now Know Ye that he y' said Richard Browne as well for and in consideration of y' natural love and affection which he beareth unto 'his brother Jonathan Browne as also for y' sum of five shillings to him by y' Sd Jonathan paid, doth for himself and his heirs, by these presents remise release, and forever quitclaim unto his said brother Jonathan Browne all such right estate, title interest, claime and demand as he y' s' Rich- ard Browne had or ought to have of in or to all or any y' above mentioned lands meadows and premises or any part thereof. To have and to hold all y' s'lands meadows & premises to him y' s' Jonathan Browne &c. Witness my hand and seal this 23' day of January '701. Witnesses JOHN TUTHILL RICHARD BROWNE [Seal] WALTER BROWNE Acknowledged June 21'\ '701 before me JOHN TUTHILL Ent' pr Benj: Yongs Town Cler. January 20: '7a!. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 385 PAGE 229. [Abstract.] To all people, Know Ye, that I, John Gardiner of y' Isle of Whight, County of Suffolk, New York, Gent. in consideration of a valuable sum of money in hand by me received of Jonathan Browne of Southold, Yeoman, doe, by these presents give grant and sell unto y' s' Jonathan Browne a certain tract or percell of wood land, by estimation fifty acres, situate at Oysterponds upper Neck which tract or percell of land was formerly purchased by one Ralph Goldsmith cittison of London, mariner, of Jeffery Jones, it being a first alottment by division and Bounded West by Wid. Sarah Solman- East by land formerly John Paines Sellr'-South by y' baye-North by y' Sound. Witness my hand and seal this 11th day of June 1700. Witnesses JOSEPH PATTY SAMUEL KING JOHN GARDINER [Seal] RALPH PATTY Acknowledged 11th June 1700 before me JOHN TUTHILL. Ent' pr Benj: Yongs Town Cler. January 27: 17oi. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye that I, Edward ffolwell of London, Merchant, in consideration of y' sum of five shillings to me paid by Jonathan Browne of y' Oster- ponds, Southold, Yeoman, doe by these present give grant and sell unto y' s' Jonathan Browne, all that my part of meadow or Creekthatch that is now at y' pres- ent writing by me unsold lying at y' Oysterponds, and having y' land or meadow of Thomas Emmons on y' West-John Tuthill Jr on y' East-of Walter and Jon- athan Browne on y' North, and the baye or salt water on y' South. '5 386 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. In Witness whereof hereunto set my hand third day of May 1701. Witnesses, BEEKMAN JONATHAN HASARD THO: LONGWORTH Acknowledged y' day and fore me, I y' s' Edward ffolwell have and fixed my seal this twenty EDWARD FFOLWELL [Seal] date above mentioned be- SAMUELL EDSALL, Justice. Entd. A prill 7th: 1703. Pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerke. PAGE 230. [Abstract.] This Indenture made y' 21 day of ffebruary Anno Dom. I~, between Isaac Arnold of Southold, Esq', and Dame Sarah his wife of the one part, and Jonathan Browne of s' Towne, Yeoman, of y'other [part] witness- eth that y' s' Isaac Arnold, his wife Sarah consenting, in consideration of a competent sum of money to him paid by said Jonathan Brown, doth by these presents grant bargain and sell nnto y' s' Jonathan Brown, all that second lott of upland lying in the Oysterponds nper Neck, by estimation seventy-five acres, bounded West by Richard Browne-East by Benjamin Horton- North by the Sound, and South by y' baye or harbonr. Witness our hands and seals. Witnesses WILLIAM BOOTH JOHN CORWIN ISAAC CaRVE Acknowledged 25 June 1703 before me THOMAS YOUNGS Justice Ent' 27th Octo [703, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk ISAAC ARNOLD [Seal]. SARAH ARNOLD [Seal] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 387 [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, Jonathan Moore of Southold, Yeoman, for and in consideration of the sum of twenty shillings to me in hand paid by my brother William Moore of y' s' Southold, mariner, doe give grant and sell unto the said William Moore sixty seven acres of upland scituate upon the Southermost part of y' farme which y' s' Jonathan Moore now possesseth,. which said sixty seven acres of land is to be measured out to y' s' William Moore upon y' whole length of y' South part of y' s' farme next to y' sea :-And also all that percell of meadow joyning to y' said land which is com only called, the great meadows excepting two acres of y' said meadow lying upon y' Southwest part next y' Sea. Witness my hand and seal y' 24th day of January I7~. Memorandum: before y' sealing and delivery of these presents, I, s' Jonathan Moore doe allow y' s' William Moore and his heirs y' liberty of a highway through my land to y' highway as he or they hath ocation-And doe also reserve a highway through the said Williams land to the water side for myselfe and my heirs forever. Witnesses THO: REED ." DANIELL TUTHILL JONATHAN X MOORE . mw Acknowledged y' 26th JanY I7~, before me JOHN TUTHILL Justice. Ent 5 Feb I7~, pr Benj: Yongs, Town Clerk. [For note on the foregoing deed, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 231. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that I, Joseph Moore of South old, eldest son of Benjamin Moore ship- master of Southold dec' in consideration of the natural 388 SOUTHOLD 'FOWN RECORDS. affection I have and doe bear unto my brother Benja- min Moor as for other considerations, doe by these presents give, grant and confirme unto my said Brother Benjamin Moor of s' Town all y' right, title and inter- est that doe or any way might belong unto me s' Joseph Moor of in and to that house and home Iou with y' orchards, yards, barne & fencing which was sometime in y' possession and occupation of my honoured father Benjamin Moor deceased, situate in s' Town, bounded West and North with y' highway-East with y' land of Thomas Longworth and South with y' Street. Witness my hand and seal this 13th day of June 11597. Witnesses, BENJAMIN YONGS JOHN Y ONGS ELISABETH Y ONGS Acknowledged 13 June before me , Is' ARNOLD, Judge. Ent' pr Benj: Yongs Town Cler. Deer 21, 1702. [For note on deed above, see Appendix.-J. W. C.] JOSEPH MOOR [Seal] MARTHA MOOR [Seal] [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye, that I, Joseph Moore of Southold, Yeoman, in consideration of tenn pounds, to me paid by my brother Benjamin Moore of s' Town, Taylor, doe give, grant and sell unto y's' Ben- jamin Moore a certain tract or percell of land situate at a place called by the name of Stephens Meadow, hy estimation eighteen acres, bounded North by a highway -West by Capt Thomas Youngs and Benjamin Lum- medie-South by John Paine Jr-and Easterly by y' highway that leadeth to y' Oysterponds:-And also, another percell of land by estimation twelve acres scituate in Southold aforesaid bound North with the Land of Joseph Yongs-East by John Yongs Senr. late SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 389 in the possession of his father Benjamin Yongs decd- South by the land lately Nathaniel Moores, and West by y' land formerly Jonathan Hortons and now in y' possession of me the said Joseph Moore. Witness my hand and seal this 30'h d"ayof September 1702. Witnesses, JOSHUA SYLVESTER JOSEPH MOOR [Seal] MARY V AILL. MARTHA MOOR Acknowledged 19th November. . . . . . . before me THOMAS YONGS, Justice. EnId pr Benj: Youngs Town Recd' PAGE 232. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that T, John Goldsmith Jun' of Southold, Taylor, in consideration of the sum of five Shillings to me paid by Benjamin Moore of Southold, Taylor, doe by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the said Benjamin Moore, one halfe part of a first loti of comonage within y' old bounds of y' Towne aforesaid (that is, between y' fresh meadows and Toms Creek), with all and singular the heredita. ments and appurtenances &c. Witness my hand and seal this 31st day of Aug' 1702. Witnesses, JOSHUA SYLVESTER JOHN GOLDSMITH [Seal] MARY V AILL MARY GOLDSMITH Acknowledged 25th May 1703, before me ISAAC ARNOLD, Judge. Entd Octo. 8: 1703, p' Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. [ Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye that T, Joseph Moor of Southold, Yeoman, in consideration of thirteen pounds to me paid by my brother Benjamin Moore, Taylor, doe 390 SOUTHOLD 1'OWN RECORDS. by these presents give grant and sell unto y' Sd Benja- min Moore a certaine tract or percell of land scituate at y' backside of y' Sd Town of Southold, by estimation eighteene acres, bounded on y' North by Joseph Yongs -West by a high way--South by Matthias Curwin- East by Sd Benj: Moor, formerly purchased of me y' Sd Joseph Moor. Witness. my hand and seal in' South old this fourth day of August 1707. Witnesses, MARY YOUNGS JOSEPH MOOR [Seal] CHRISTIAN HORTON Acknowledged 4th of August 1707, before me, THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. Entd Nov 26th [707, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. PAGE 233. [Abstract]. This Indentnre made this twelfth day of August 1702 between Theophilus Corwin of Southold of y' one part, and Peter Simons of y' Sd Town of y' other part, witnesseth that y' Sd Theophilus Corwin, in considera- tIon of a competent sum of money to him paid, by these presents doth grant and sell unto y' Sd Peter Simons, the South end of a first lott of upland in y' first divi- 'sion at Acquabocke, bounded Northward by y' Country Road, and Eastward by Browns land-Southward by ye baye and 'Vestward by y' Tookers land. In 'Vitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th day of August 1702. Witnesses. ~l. JOHN CLEYES THEOPHlLUS X CORWIN [Seal DANIELL CORWIN mOlt Acknowledged [2th Mar. I7ot, before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd June I: 1703, .pr Benj: Youngs. Town Cler. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 391 PAGE 234. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ve, that I, Thomas Moor of Southold Marin' for divers causes but more especially for the fatherly love and affection which I have and doe bare unto my youngest son Nathaniel Moor, I y' said Thomas Moor, being in perfect mind and memory have in revertion given granted and confirmed and by these presents doe in revertion give and grant unto my Sd son Nathaniel Moor, all that my second lott of upland with the house thereupon built, scituate at a place com- only called by y' name of Rocke point, by estimation one hundred acres, bounded on y' North by the Sound -East by John Solmon deceased--South by y' baye and West by Mr John Tuthill and John Wiggins:- And also one lott and a halfe of meadow lying in Oys- terpond low.er Neck, bounded North by my owne mea- dow-East by Joseph Patty-South by Samuell King ~West by a Creek-with all and singular the privi- ledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, I doe in revertion give and grant unto my s'son Nathaniel Moore To have and to hold and to improve without molestation, but not but that I, y' s' Thomas Moor doe reserve to myselfe full power to use and improve the s' land housen meadow and premises above mentioned during my natural life as fully as if this present writing had not been made. In Testimony whereof I hereto set my hand and seal this 26th day of Dec' 1704. Witnesses THOMAS YOUNGS THOMAS MORE [Seal] THOMAS MOORE J un' Acknowledged 26th Dec 1704 before me, THOMAS VOUNGS, Justice. Ent' May y' 25th 1705, pr Benj: V oungs Town Clerk. 392 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 235. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, Samuell Youngs of Southold, Cord winder, doe, by these presents, in. con. sideration of the sum of twelve pounds by me received, grant, bargain and sell unto Daniell Tuthill of s' South. old, Yeoman, a certain tract or percell of woodland, by computation thirty acres, situate at y' Oysterponds Uper Neck bounded East by Abraham Youngs-West by John Tuthill Esq'-South by y' baye, and North by y' highway or road that leadeth to y' Oysterponds. Witness my hand and seal this 27th day of August 1703. Witnesses, mork of DAVID YOUNGS SAMUEL X YOUNGS [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY August 26th 1703-Acknowledged befOre me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' N ov' 22 : 1703, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [Abstract. ] To all People. Know Ye, that I, Samuel Downer of Southold, blacksmith, in consideration of ninety pounds to me paid by Stephen Leach formerly of New London now resident of Southold, doe give grant and sell unto y' s' Stephen Leach one messuage or tract of land with the buildings thereon erected, scituate at the back- side of y' Towne by the highway or rhoade which leadeth to the Oysterponds and is bounded East by s' highway-South and West by Samuell Landon Esqr in part and partly by Benjamin Lhommedieu, now John Vaill-North by a lane at the rear of the North side Lotts and is by estimation thirty four acres. Witness my hand and seal this tenth day of January 1752. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 393 Witnesses, EDWARD JOHNSON ROB' HEMPSTED SAMUELL DOWNER [Seal Memorandum: that Phebe Downer wife to the within mentioned Samuell Downer doth hereby surrender all her right of dower in the said premises. Acknowledged 10th Jany 1752, before me, ROBERT HEMPSTED, Justice. Ent' Mar 17: 1752, pr Rb' Hempsted Town Clerk. PAGE 236. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I Thomas Youngs of Southold Esqr. in consideration of y' sum of one hun- dred pounds to me in hand paid by John Roggers, John Lore and Richard Lore all of y' Township of Oysterbay in Queens County doe give grant and sell unto y' s' John Roggers, John Lore and Richard Lore, all my five lotts of upland scituate in y' third division of land laid out near y' Wading River within y' bounds of Southold, which said five lotts of upland are lying in two several parcells, and by computation seventeen acres and a halfe being butted and bounded as follow- eth ;- Two of y' s' lotts are bound North by Jonathan Horton-East by y' comous-South by Mr Joshua Hobart-West by the meadow or a highway:-The other three of y' s' five lotts are bounded on the North by y' land lately William Hallocks deceased-West by y'said meadows or highway-East by said comons- South by y' land formerly Richard Clarkes :-And also all the right of comon land adjoyning or belonging to y' s' five lotts :- And also eighty five shears or first lotts of meadow scituate at y' s' Wading River. 394 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Witness my hand and seal y' 4th day of November 1703. Witnesses, JOHN DAINS BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged 4th Nov' 1703, before me, ISA. ARNOLD, Judge. THOMAS .YOUNGS [Seal] Ent' Novr 8: 1703, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. PAGE 237. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye that I, Samuel Darby of Southold, marin' and Hannah my now wife in consider- ation of y' sum of fifty shillings to us paid by William Bradley of y' same Town, Blacksmith, doe by these presents, give grant and sell a certain tract or parcell of land scituate at a place call~d Great Hogneck, in South old, which parcell is one half part of a first alott- ment of land in y' Middle division of y' s' Neck being by computation three acres and a quarter bounded East by John Corye-West by y' other halfe part of y' s' alottment lately purchased by y' s' William Brad- ley of Sarah Youngs. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 10th of March 17<1. Witnesses THO: REID SAMUEL DARBY. [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS HANNAH DARBY. [Seal] Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid before me Test. THOMAS YOUNGS. Ent 16th June 1707, P' Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 238. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, Sarah Youngs, y' daughter of Christopher Youngs late of y' Town of Southold, for and in consideration of y' sum of four SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 395 pounds and sixteen shillings by her received of William Bradly of s' Southold doe give grant and sell unto y' s' William Bradly. halfe one first alottment of wood- land scituate at a place called Great Hog neck in the last division-y' whole first lott of which this halfe lott demised is a part is bounded on y' East by John Corye -West by Minister Hobart-on y' North and South by two highways, by computation three acres and a quarter, with all the rights there unto belonging. And also halfe alottment of commonage in y' old Town plott of all y' undivided lands, meadows, marshes or creekthatch or whatsoever doe of right belong to halfe a lotto Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of October [703. Witnesses, JACOB CORYE NATHANIEL PAINE STEPHEN BAYLEY. Acknowledged the day and year aforesaid before me. ISAAC ARNOLD, Jndge. ",..:r.or SARAH S YOUNGS [Seal] Ent' Dec' y' 21: 1703, P' Benj: Yonngs, Town Cler. PAGE 239. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, Providence Rider of Southold, husbandman, in consideration of a sum of money by me received of Gershom Terry of y' s' Towne, Yeoman, doe by these presents give, grant and sell unto ye Sd Gershom Terry, a certain percell of woodland, by computation twenty acres, lying at a place called Fort Neck, bounded North by the road- Sonth by John Vail and y'. . . . . of Thomas Tusteene -on both ends by two highways that runeth downe the said Neck to y' meadows, as also all and singular the rights and privileges thereunto appertaining. 396 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Witness my hand and seal this 16th day of February 17ot. Witnesses, STEPHEN BAYLEY PROVIDANCE RIDER [Seal} DAVID YOUNGS. Acknow ledged the day and year abovesaid, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' Mar 6: 17ot, p' Benj: Youngs Record'. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that T, Providence Rider of Southold am just! y indebted to Gershom Terry in the sum of thirty pounds-16 Feb. 17ot. The condition of this obligation is such that if y' s' Providence Rider shall forever defend and save harm- less the said Gershom Terry from all lawful claims con- cerning a percell of land this day sold to s' Terry, lying in Fort Neck, twenty acres more or less, then this obI. igation to be void. Witnesses STEPHEN BAYLEY PROVIDANCE RIDER DAVID YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' March 7: 17ot, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. Note. The boundary in the deed above recited bounded on both ends by two highways that runeth down y' s' Neck to the meadows-should read, bounded on y' West by y' meadow of David Gar. diner, and on y' East by y' meadow of Joshua Horton Senr. PROVIDENCE RIDER Ent' 15 May 1710, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 397 PAGE 240. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Yee that I, Thomas Moor, for the fatherly love and affection which I have and doe bare unto my daughter Martha (now y' wife of John Peck, I, being in perfect mind and memory doe, by this present writing, give, grant and confirme unto my said daughter Martha all that my home lott scituate in y' Town Plott of Southold, by estimation four acres, bounded North by Richard Benjamin-East by the home lott of John Solmon deceased-South by y' Stre.et -West by y' home lottof Joseph Youngs deceased: Also one first lott of land in Hoggneck by estima- tion six acres, bounded North by y' highway--East by Daniel Terry--South by y' highway and West by mine owne land. Witness my hand and seal this 2" Jnly 1703. Witnesses, NATHAN LANDON THOMAS MOOR [Seal] BEN]: YOUNGS. Acknowledged the day and date above written be- fore me, Ent' Mar y' 13: [7a!, pr Benj: Youngs Town elk. [For note on Martha Moore, and on this lot, see Appen~ dix.-]. W. C.] [Abstract.] Memorandum. Whereas there hath lately bin a dis- pute concerning the bonnds of a certaine lott of land in the North teer of lotts in Hogneck between Mr Nathaniel Youngs on the one part and Mr Nathaniel Overton and Joseph Reeve J un' on y' other part: The lott of land which the bounds is or was disputed, was formerly the property of Richard Benjamin deceased, and the eastermost lott on s' teer of lotts lying between the lands formerly Jasper Griffings on the east and THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. 398 SOUTHOLD 'PaWN RECORDS. the land of Capt Benjamin Youngs on the West-s' IoU lay almost three square or like a Sloops sail :-And to the end said bounds should be settled and furtber dif- ficulties prevented said parties have mutually chosen, to decide the difference and affix the boundaries, Dea. James Horton-Capt John Salmon-and Mr Samuel Corwin :-And they having heard the proofs and alli- gations respecting y' same have come to this determi. nation Viz: that the bounds of said Lou on the N orth- west corner is a Chestnut Oak tree marked B.Y.-which s' tree was the eastermost bound of the land formerly Capt. Benj. Youngs and the Westermost bound of s' Benjamins Lott-now possessed by Mr Nathaniel Over- ton and Moses Case :-And from s' bound tree, South one degree West 45 rod and 9t links of chain to a red cedar stake :-and from said tree East 9 degrees South 41 rods and 14 links to a red cedar stake affixed near the head of a swamp or meadow :-And across from. the two stakes is neer South Southwest, 56 rods and 18 links :-which several bounds affixed are to be and re- maine the bounds of s' lott of land between that and the land of Nathaniel Youngs as agreed upon by us. Also s' arbitrators order the charges to be paid equally by the parties. Witness our names this 6th day of December 1757. JAMES HORTON JOHN SALMON SAMUEL CORWIN Ent' this 19th Jan' [758, pr Rob' Hempsted, Town Clerk. PAGE 241. A Liest of y' lotts that are laid out in hogg-Neck according to a towne voat bareing date Decem' 2' day 1702 begining at y' Eastermost part of said neck & on SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 399 the south side of y' highway that runs between y'land laid out into y' said lotts. Abraham Youngs 2 John Terry 3 Joseph Moor Justice Tuthill Capt Horton I John Paine 2 ]eremie Vam Wm. Wells 2 Matthias Hutchinson J abn Goldsmith 2 Henry Case I John Vaill 2 Willm Y Dungs I Saml Youngs 2 Daniel Terry 2 Samll Corwin I Sam' Winds I Tho: Moor 3 John Corye 2 Richd Terry I Capt Horton 2 Saml Darby I Stephen Bayley 4 Matthias Corwin Mr Hoban 2 Capt Y Dungs 2 Let Bayley Jonll Mapes I Nath1 Terry Capt Horton hath 2 Jacob Corye 2 Peter Paine !otts more: one is lying Gershom Terry 2 James Reeve 2 at y& point at ye entering Joseph Tooker 2 Lieut Glover 2 on the seader beach, y . other is on y. West side his Meadow next to Mr Budds land, On y' North side of y' highway. Richard Benjamin-r Isaac Overton- Benj: Youngs- 2 Tho: Reeve- Saml King- I Henry Wells- Mr Grover- I Joshua Wells- Wd Salmon- I I Peter Dickeson- Nathan Landon- I I Willm HaUock- , The Towne- 2 I Dan] Reeve- Evin Davis- I I John Booth- Capt. Horton- 31 Cape Mapes- Wd Goldsmith- I .Joseph Reeve- 3 James Patty- I John Y oungs- I Let Honon- 2 John Corwin- 2 COll Arnold- 31 Joseph Youngs- r ! Joseph Wickham- r i Theoph" Case- I I' Barnab~ Winds- 1 Richd Benjamin- 2 3 2 3 3 Note that there is a highway between these North & South Lotts four poles wide from y' entering of y' Neck upon Brushes hill it runs northerly to y' rere of y' lotts and from thence to Lieut Griffings land at the East end of y' Neck. Also y' former highway that leads into y's' Neck and runeth east to Mr Budds land is four poles wide; and from thence turneth round Capt Horton Meadow running over a small point of land to y' going on y' Seader beach. 400 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Also there is a highway that runs from y' highway y' is at y' South end of y' North Lotts; to y' North side of y' said Neck by y' Clay pitt meadow between y' land of . . . . . . . . . . . and y' land of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the other crause highway runeth from y' highway nere y' head of Rich' Benjamins Meadow to y' land of Joseph Reeve & the meadow of Abr'" Youngs at y' North side of said Neck; between y' South Lotts of Capt Youugs & Lieut Bayley; & between y' North lotts of John Youngs, also there is a highway that runs from the last mentioned highway at the South. east corner of Joseph Reeve his land which he pur. chased of Jonathan Mapes long by y' said Joseph Reeve his land to y' Southwest corner thereof where there is a percell of common land against y' mouth of Goose Creek between y' land of Joseph Reeve and John Ala. born the end of y' lotts being o'n y' south of y' said coman and y' beach or water on the North, as by the bounds of each mans land will plainly showe. Ent' March y' 18: I7o!, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. . [For note upon the highways above named, see Appen- dlx.-J. W. c.J A list of y' lotts in y' land laid out Decem' 171 I be. tweene the fresh pond & y' wading river at acq uabauk which is called y' fourth dividend of acquabauk lands, begining at y' Eastward part of y' said dividend, Viz: Thomas Moore I lott Rich' Youngs I lot.t Josiah Bart.holome I lott John Harrods 5 lot.ts John Lore I lot.! Minist.ers 2 lott.s John Lore I lot.t. Theophil' Curwm I Iou J onae' Harned I lott Richd Lore 2 Iotts ColI. Arnold I lott the Bro\vns I lott Abrahm Whit.hear I lott John Lore 3 lolts John Howell 1 lolt John Lore I lott SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 401 Richd Lore & formerly Benj: Youngs I lott Budds 3 lotts John Lore I lott Matthias Curwin 2 10tts Richd Youngs I lott Jonathan Harned I lott Francis Brotoe 2 lotts Daniel Terry I lott Stephen Bayley 2 lotts David Horton I lott Rich" Lore I lott Hallsy I lott John Goldsmith I lott John Lore I lott Francis Brotoe 3 lotts Note: The small Lotts att y' Waideing River are entered in the first Book page 59. Allso the Waiding Meadow &c the next page 242. Entd March 4: 17M, p' Benj: Youngs Town Clk. PAGE 242. [Abstract.] To all people. ::now Ye that we Barnabas Wines Sen' and Samuell Wines Sen' both of South old in con- sideration of y' good affection we bare unto Elizabeth Hunter the natural daughter of said Barnabas Wines and now wife of Thomas Hunter, and first or own cozen of said Samuell Wines, we have given granted and bestowed upon y' said Elizabeth Hunter and her heirs of her body begotten by her now husband the said Thomas Hunter, a certain tract of land lying in Southold nere the plantation of said Samuell Wines, and West of said Towne, containing fifty acres being two allottments, and one whereof is bounded as follow- eth :-to the comon rhoad or highway South, and to y' North Sea North-West by a highway:-this thus bounded is given by y' said Samuel Wines as above- said and containeth twenty five acres :-the other alott- ment is adjoyning to y' same and is bounded by y' Long Lane South-the North sea North and by the Land of John Terry East and is given by y' said Bar- nabas Wines as abovesaid. 26 402 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Witness our hands and seals this 12th day of Nov' 1695. Witnesses, BARNABAS HORTON BENJ: YOUNGS Acknow ledged 12 N ov" BARNABAS WINDS [Seal] SAMUELL WINDS [Seal] 1695, before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' 23' May 1704, pr Benj: Youngs Town, Cler. [For note on Hunter and the above-described lots, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] Att a meeting of the Trustees of Brookhaven upon the tbird day of May 1709 Present ColI. Smith Call. Floyd Daniel Brewster William Satterly Samuell Thompson Thomas Jenner Selah' Strong: Upon tbe aplycation of James Reeve in behalf of the Town of Southold in Refference to the defraying the cbarge of keeping John Rogers itt was agreed upon between tbe said James Reeve on the one part in tbe behalf of Southold and the Trustees of Brookbaven on tbe other part that the Town of Brookhaven shall be aquitted and fully discharged of all charges whatsoever that now is or shall hereafter be concerning the said J obn Rogers his keeping or cure on the condition that the Town of Brookhaven afores' do resigne unto the Town of Southold all there Pattent right of the Land & meadow on the east side of the Waiding River and allso pay unto the said James Reeve four pounds in currant money att his house att or for the use of the Town of Soutbold att or before tbe 29th day of Sept next ensuing tbe date hereof WILLIAM SMITH, Presd' A true copie taken out of the book of Entry's by me, TIMOTHV BREWSTER Clerk SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 403 The above agreement is consented unto by us Over- seers for y' Town of South old 1709. SAMUELL HUCHINSON JAMES REEVE JONATHAN HORTON Ent' July 8 1772, p' Rb' Hempsted Town Clerk [For note on this agreement, see Appendix.-]. W. C.] PAGE 243. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye, that 1, Thomas Moor, of South old, Mariner, for y' fatherly love and affection which f bare unto my eldest son Thomas Moore, 1 y' said Thomas Moor being in perfect mind and memory do by this my present writing give grant and confirme unto my said son Thomas Moor, a cer. tain tract or percell of land situate and being in y' second division of land last lay'd out at Acquaback bounded North by' the Sound-East by land late of Josiah Bartholemus-West by Benjamin Youngs dec' -South by the utmost extent of y' said Towne bounds -And also one first lott of land in the division at y' Wading River, bounded Southerly by the land of Thomas Osman deceased - Northerly by y' Wid. Cooper dec'-West by a highway or y' meadows and East by the Commons:- And also all my right of meadow at y' said Wading River :- And also two Iotts of meadow lying at Oysterponds, bounded North by y' meadow of John Tuthill Jun.- East by Joseph Patty-South by my own meadow, and West by a Creek that parts from Henery Tuthills mea- dow :-And also all my right in y' c,!mons belonging to y' said Towne that is yet undivided which is a third lotto 404 SOUTHOLD 1'OWN RECORDS. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 23d day of February 17o!. Witnesses, WILLIAM BOOTH THOMAS MOORE [Seal] DANIEL YOUNGS Acknowledged 23d February 17o!, before me, THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. Entd June y' 8'h 1704, p' Benj: Youngs Town Clk, [NoTE.-This was Thomas Moore the second.-J. W. C.] PAGE 2# [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, John Cur win of South old, wheelwright, in consideration of five shillings to me paid by Caleb Horton of Sd Towne, doe by these presents, grant bargain and sell unto y' Sd Caleb Horton a certain tract or percell of land, scituate and being westward of y' Sd Towne and near the Fresh Meadows, which is a first lott containing by estimation twenty Ii ve acres, bounded North by y' Long Lane or highway- East by Sd Caleb Horton-South by y' highway or Comon road-and West by Thomas Moor. Witness, my hand and seal this 19th day of February 17oi. Witnesses-JOSHUA WELLS JOHN CURWIN [Seal] BEN]: YOUNGS. Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid before me, THOMAS MAPES. Entd Aug' y' 17th 1704, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. [NoTE.-This 2s-acre lot lay next east of the farm of Luther G. Ackerly by the pond.-J. W. C.] PAGE 245. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye, that I, John Pecke of Southold, weaver, and Martha my now wife, in con- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 405 sideration of the sum of five shillings to us paid by John Goldsmith of y' same Towne, Taylor, by these presents, doe, fully grant bargain and sell unto y' said John Goldsmith, a certain home lott of land lying in Southold Towne plott, by computation four acres- bounded North by Richard Benjamin-East by the home lott of John Solmon deed-South by y'Street and West by y' home lott of Joseph Youngs decd:- And also one first lott of land in Hogneck, by estima- tion six acres, bounded North by y' highway-East by Daniell Terry--South by y' highway, and west by y' land of Thomas Moor. Witness our hands and seals this y' 2d day of March 17a!. Witnesses, JOSEPH MOORE JOHN PECK [Seal] JOHN BENJAMIN MARTHA PECK [Seal] Acknowledged March y' 3d 17a!, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd y' 4th Octob' 1701, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 246. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, John Goldsmith of South old, taylor, in consideration of y' sum of five shillings to me paid by John Pecke of Sd Southold, weaver, and Martha, his now wife, doe hereby grant and sell unto the said John and Martha Peck, a certain home lott scituate on y' North side of the said Town Street, by computation four acres, bounded North by Richard Benjamin-East by y' home lott of John Sol- man deed-South by y' said Town Street, and West by y' home lott of Joseph Youngs deed :-And also one first lott of upland lying in Hog neck by estimation six acres, bounded North by y' highway-East by Daniell Terry-South by y' highway, and West by Thomas Moor. 406 SOUTHOLD 'FOWN RECORDS. Witness my hand and seal y' 13th day of April 1704. Witnesses, BENJAMIN MOORE JOHN GOLDSMITH [Seal] M, BENJAMIN X REEVE .m' Acknowledged 30th May 1704, before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' Octo: y' 6'" 1704, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. PAGE 247. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye that I, John Trusteane of Southold, Weaver, in consideration of y' sum of five shillings to me paid by Jonathan Browne of sd South- hold, Yeoman, doe, by these preseuts grant, bargain and sell unto y' said Jonathan Browne a certain tract or percell of land in y' Oysterponds Upper Neck, which tract is all that part of a first IoU that is lying on y' North side of y' highway that leadeth to y' said Oysterponds, bounded East and West by John Tuthill Esqr.-North by y' Sound-South by y' said road. \Vilness my hand and seal this 20th day of December 1703. Witnesses, hi. DAXIEL YOUNGS JOHX X TREASTEANE [Seal] JOHN PENNY. .", Acknow ledged Dec' y' 20th 1703, before me, THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' Jany. 26th INt, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 248. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, Jouathan Horton of Southold, Yeoman, in consideration of five shillings to me paid by John Curwin of y'said Town, wheelright, doe, by these presents give grant and sell unto y' said SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 407 John Curwin a certain tract or perceH 01 laud situate within y' North division 01 land laid out by y' said Towne between y' Duck Pond and Inlett, which said tract 01 land is a first lott, by estimation twenty five acres bounded North by y' Sound or North Sea-East by James Reeve South by y' highway-and West by y' land 01 Joseph Youngs. Witness my hand and seal y' 19th day 01 Feb'. 17ei. Witnesses, JOSHUA WELLS JONATHAN HORTON [Seal] BEN]: YOUNGS. Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid belore me- THOMAS MAPES. Ent' March 26th [70S, Pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. [For note on Duck Pond and the Inlet, see Appendix.- J. W. c.] PAGE 249. [Abstract.] This Indenture made the third day 01 May 1698 be- tween Giles Sylvester, 01 Shelter Island Gent. 01 y' one part, and Cornelius Pain 01 y' Ile of Wight (alias Gar- diners Island) husbandman on y' other part witnesseth, that he y' said Giles Sylvester in consideration of a sum of money to him paid by said Cornelius Pain, doth, by these presents, give grant and seH unto the said Corne- lius Pain, two hundred acres of upland and meadow, lying on Shelter Island, at a certaine place called the haye beach rocky point, bounded by William Hobkins on y' South-the water 01 y' bay twixt Shelter Island and Gardiners Island on y' East, and the channel coming in Irom thence on y' North, and y' upland on the \Vest- to be laid out as followeth: to begin at the North bounds 01 William Hobkins, and soe run Northward sixteen degrees easterly eight score poles through y' Neck 01 408 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. y' hay beach rocky point to a certain rock by yO water side nere the channel abovesaid and soe westward to make right angles from the bounds abovesaid and y' said Rock into y' upland soe many poles till it shall com- prehend soe many acres of up land, as with meadow proportionable to it, shall containe two hundred acres -which said proportion of upland and meadow shall be one to another in the same proportion as all y' meadow on y' Island is to y' whole Island, together with all woods, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging &c. Witness my hand and seal the day and year above written. Witnesses- NATHANIEL PARKE G. SYLVESTER [Seal} ",...kof EDWARD X DOWNING MARY DOWNING Easthampton May 10th 16<)8. Then appeared before me Giles Sylvester and ac- knowledged the above written to be his act and deed. BENJAMIN CONKLING. Ent' Aug' 6th 1705, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. PAGE 250. [Abstract of Bond.] Know all men that I, Giles Sylvester of Shelter Isl- and doe stand bound unto Cornelius Pain of y'same Island Yeoman in the sum of five hundred pounds. Witness my seal this 27th June I 69rto' The condition of this obligation is such that Whereas the said Giles Sylvester did by deed sell unto the said Cornelius Pain two hundred acres of land and mea- dow: Now if the said Cornelius Pain shall forever pos- sess and enjoy the said land and meadow without let or SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 409 hinderance from him y' said Sylvester, his heirs, then this obligation to be void, otherwise of force. Witnesses- Wm RICHARDSON G. SVLVESTER. ", ELIZABETH X RICHARDSON .m' Ent' Aug' y' 6th 1705, p" Benj Youngs Clerk to y' Town. PAGE 251. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, John Youngs of Southold, Yeoman, in consideration of tenn pounds to me paid by John Goldsmith of said Town, taylor, doe by these presents give, grant, and sell unto y' said John Goldsmith a certain parcell of upland lying at Hog- neck in y' North division, a second lott by computation fourteen acres, bounded North by Joseph Reeve- East by James Petty-South byy' highway-West by Joshua Horton :-And also a halfe lott lying in y' South division in the same Neck by estimation four acres, bounded North by y' highway-East by y' Sd John Goldsmith-South by y' sea- West by William Youngs decd:-And also one halfe lott of comonage-that is y' nndivided, according to proportion :-with a halfe shear or halfe lott of y' Creekthatch or Salt mar.sh that is yet undivided in y' Township aforesaid Witness my hand and seal this 3d day of April 1705. Witnesses, MARY V AILL JOHN Y DUNGS [Seal] JOSHUA SYLVESTER Acknowledged 3 Api 1705, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' Aug' y' 13th 1705, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [Abstract of Bond.] Know all men that I, John Goldsmith of Southold, taylor, am holden and firmly doe stand bound unto 410 50UTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Elizabeth Goldsmith executrix of John Goldsmith late of South old dec' in y' sum of one hundred seventy and seven pounds and nine shillings to be paid unto y' said Elizebeth Goldsmith, to which payment I doe herby bind myselfe and my heirs, execut<lrs &c. Dated this 16th of Aprill 1705. The condition of this obligation is such that whereas John Goldsmith, yeoman, late of Southold dec' by his last will and testament bearing date 24th April 1701, did give and bequeath unto his eldest daughter Mary y' sum of forty four pounds seven shillings and three pence, to be paid out of y' goods and chattles of y' s' dec' :-And also to Elizebeth his youngest daughter forty four pounds seven shillings and three pence to be paid as to her sister:- Which said sum of forty four pounds seven shillings and three pence a piece y' above named Elizibeth Goldsmith, exec'utrix, hath at and be- fore the delivery hereof paid and delivered unto y' above bounden John Goldsmith for y' use and behoofe of y' said daughters: If therefore the said John Goldsmith shall well save, and keep harmless y' said Elizebeth Goldsmith, her ex- ecutors &c as well of from and against y' said Mary Goldsmith and Elizebeth Goldsmith, their heirs, as also against all other persons, concerning the payments of the s' sums of i."44. 7s. 3d. a piece, and of and from all actions or damages which y' said Elizabeth shall hap- pen to sustain by reason of the pay ment of ye said sums of money for the use of y' said Mary and Elizebeth Goldsmith unto y' said John Goldsmith as aforesaid, that then this obligation shall be void-else it shall stand in full force and virtue. JOHN GOLDSMITH [Seal] Ent' Octo. 10th 1705, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 411 PAGE 252. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee that I, Jacob Os- man of Southold, in consideration of y' sum of five pounds to me paid by Robert Matthews now resident in y' same Town, doe bargain and sell unto y' said Matthews a certain tract or parcell of woodland con- taining sixty acres more or less--it is all y' right title and interest that doth of right belong to me, on y' South side y' road at Acquaback-bounded on y' East by y' land of Thomas Clarke-on y' West by Peter Hallock -North by the Kings Road-and'South by y' baye. All which tract of woodland as it is above recited and bound, I doe hereby give and demise to y' said Robert Matthews. Witness my hand and seal this 11th day of February 1702. Witnesses, STEPHEN BAYLEY JACOB OSMAN [Seal] morllor ARCHABLE X TOMSON Acknowledged 12th Feb. 17oJ, before me, THOMAS MAPES Justice Entd 6th July 1706, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 253. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Yee, that I, Thomas Clarke of Southold for y' love and natural affection I bare to- wards my daughter Elizabeth-now y' wife of Robert Mathews, doe give, grant, demise and assigne, unto my said daughter Elizebeth and her heirs thirty acres of woodland lying at Acquabacke, bounded East by me Thomas Clarke-West by Robart Mathews-North by y' Roadway-and South by y' baye. 412 SOUTHOLD tOWN RECORDS. lVitness my hand and seal this 9th day of N ov' 1705. Witnesses, bll JONATHAN CLARKE THOMAS T CLARKE b..mlrl; m..... MAHITABLE X CLARKE Acknowledged y' 9th of Nov' 1705, before me THOMAS MAPES Justice Ent' July y' 6th 1706, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. PAGE 254. [Abstract.] This Indenture made December y' loth 1705, Wit- nesseth, that Samuel Youngs of Southold, Cordwinder, doe by these presents, for and in consideration of thirty one pounds to me paid by John Goldsmith of the same Town taylor, grant and sell unto y' said John Goldsmith a second lott of woodland by computation fifty acres: it is as it was laid out by division scituate in the North division near y' Inlett and bounded east by y' land of Nathaniel Terry-West by Gershom or Richard Terry -North by y' Sound and South by y' highway. Witness my hand and seal. Witnesses- MARY V AILL Ib'.I,DOr IbemOl'kof SAMUEL X YOUNGS [Seal] DANIEL X WIGGENS STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged 4 May 1706, before me, THOMAS YOUNGS. Ent' July 6th 1706 pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 255. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, George Havens of Shelter Island, Yeoman, in consideration of y' natural love and affection I doe bare unto my beloved son Jonathan Havens of y' same Island, doe, by these pres- ents give grant and confirme unto my said son JonathaIlo SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 4[3 two hundred acres of upland and y' meadow belonging to it, lying upon Shelter Island, and part of y' land I bought of Mr Nathaniel Sylvester, bounded at a place on y' West side of said land called y' ditch, by a South and North line-on y' South by y' salt water-on the East by another North and South line parallel to y' former and so far distant from y' same as will leave one halfe mile in breadth-and then to extend to y' North so far dis- tant from y' same until an East and West line, cutting y' said parallel lines at right angles shall include and contain the aforesaid two hundred acres of land and meadow together with all my interest, claim and de- mand to the same-Always provided that he my said son Jonathan shall always and at all times during my natural life, at his own charge erect and maintaine y' partition fence that shall be necessary betwixt my lands and his herein given unto him, and also y' he y' s' J on- athan shall not during my natural life sell all or any part of the s' two hundred acres of land and meadow to any person-which if he shall presume to doe, then this deed of gift to cease, determine and be null and void- Witness our hands and seals this 16th day of May 1701. Witnesses GILES SYLVESTER DANIEL PARKE WILLm RICHARDSON ARTHOR LOPER Possession given 20 May [701. Ent' Octo. 15th 1706, pr Benj: Youngs, Town elk. rNOTE.-For location of these premises, see Appendix.- J. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all. people. Know Yee, that I, George Havens, late of Shelter Island, and now of Fishers Island Yeo- mark or GEORGE G. H. HAVEKS ~... muk ELEANOR E HAVEKS 4[4 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. man in consideration of the natural love and affection I doe bare unto my brother William Havens of y'said Shelter Island, by these presents. doe give grant and sell unto the said William Havens, two hundred and fifty acres of npland and the meadow belonging to it, situate on Shelter Island and y' Northeast part of y' land my honoured father George Havens deceased bought of Mr Nathaniel Sylvester (except a highway six poles wide upon y' North end of y' said land from y' long field to y' extent of y' bounds of said lane;! east. erly-which said land is one hundred and twenty poles in ",idth and bounded on y' North by the said High. way-on y' East by y' extent of y' said purchase-on y' South by y' land of my brother John Havens and on y' West by the land of me y' said George Havens. Witness my hand and seal this 21st day of June 1707. vVitnesses JOHN PLUMBE GEORGE G. H. HAVENS [Seal] JONATHAN HILL hlomlrk Acknowledged y' 21st day of June 1707, before me, RICHARD CHRlSTOPHERS, Assist Ent' 28'" Nov' 1709, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 256. [Abstract.J This Indenture made this fifth day of March 17ot. between Gideon Youngs of Southold Yeoman on y' one part and Jonathan Y Dungs his brother of ye same Town, on y' other part. witnesseth that the said Gideon Youngs and J onathan Youngs are and doe now stand seized in their rights in comon and undivided of and in all land and meadows and housen late in y' possession of their hon' father Gideon Youngs deceased situate in y' Oysterponds lower Neck, and given to them by their said father in his last will and testament to be equally divided between them two, as by the said will bearing date Decem ber y' 22' [~9, will appear. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 415 N ow it is (to the end a perpetual portion and division shall be had and made between the said parties, of and in y' said lands, meadows and housen) covenanted, con- cluded and agreed by and between y' s' parties to these presents in manner and form following-And first y' said Gideon Youngs for himselfe and his heirs doth promise that he the said Jonathan Youngs shall, hence- forth have hold and peaceably enjoy in severalty to him, and to his heirs, forever to his and their own proper use and behoofe the one moiety or halfe part of y' said lands meadows and housen, with y' appurtenances that is to say: the Westward and Northward part of y' said lands meadows, housen and premises :-divided by y' severall courses and lines following :-Aud first to begin at a great white oak tree marked with y' letter G. standing by y' harbour side, between y' two dwell- ing houses upon y' s' lands and soe running Eastward fourty three poles or thereabouts to a black oak tree marked: and then North ward about seventy nine poles to a white oak tree marked: and eastward fifty seven poles to another white oak tree marked: and from y' last mentioned tree, between y' East and South one hun- dred and thirty one poles or thereabouts to a chess-nut oak tree marked: and soe between y' East and y' South about eighty four poles to a stake that stands at y' Northeast corner of the broad meadow, and at the West cnd of y' tobacco grounds, (com only so caled) and then Westerly about twenty poles to a red oake tree marked :"-and then runing between y' East and South through the abovesaid meadow to a small salt hole :-thus by y' severall coarses or lines above mentioned is yC North- ward part of y' said lands meadows and housen with y' app'urtenances devided to y' said Jonathan Youngs: -'---and that he y' said Gideon Youngs nor his heirs shall from henceforth claime or demand any right, title use or possession, in or to the same or any part thereof; but that y' said Gideon Youngs and his heirs and as- 416 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. signs shall at all time and times hereafter froIn all actions rights title and demand thereof or thereunto be utterly excluded and for ever debarred by these presents. And the said Jonathan Youngs for himselfe, his heirs execut' and administrat' doth promise that the said Gideon Youngs his heirs and assignes shall from hence- forth, have hold and peaceably enjoy in severallty to him and to his heirs for ever to his and their own proper use and behoofe, the other moiety or halfe part of y' said lands meadows and houses with y' appurtenances divided from y'said Jonathan Youngs his part as y' severall courses and lines above mentioned run: and that he y' said Jonathan Youngs nor his heirs shall from henceforth claime or demand any right, title use or possession in or to y6 same or any part thereof, but that y' said Jonathan Youngs and his heirs and assigns shall at all time and times hereafter from all actions rights title and demand thereof, or thereunto be utterly excluded and forever debarred by these presents. In Witness whereof both parties have hereunto set their hands and seals on y' day and in y' year first above written. \Vitnesses, WILLIAM KING SAMUEL KING BENJ: YOUNGS Entd Aprill y' 30th 1707, pr Benj: Youngs, Town elk. [For note on this farm and the division, see Appendix.- J. W. c.] r Abstracts of Receipts for Legacies.] Received by me Joseph Youngs Jun' of SoutIiold y' 30th Dec' 1704, of my brother Gidion Youngs thirty pounds being a legacy ordered to be paid to me by my father Gidion Youngs deceased. GIDEON YOUNGS [Seal] JONATHAN YOUNGS [Seal] JOSEPH YOUNGS. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 417 Received 11th Mar 17'* of my brother Gidion Youngs, thirty pounds, being a legacy ordered to be paid to me by my father Gidion Youngs deceased. DAVID YOUNGS. Rec' 30th Dec' 1709, of my brother Jonathan Youngs thirty pounds, being a legacy ordered to be paid to me by my father GidlOn Youngs decd. DAVID YOUNGS. PAGE 257. Rec' 13th May 1712, of my brother Jonathan Youngs, thirty pounds, being a legacy bequeathed to me by my father Gideon Youngs deceased. JOSEPH YOUNGS, of the Town of Hebron, Hartford Co. Conn; [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that I Abraham Youngs of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of twenty pounds to me paid by Samuell King Jun of y' same Town, yeoman, doe by these presents give grant and sell unto y' said Samuell King a certain percell of meadow, known by the name of y' broad meadows by estimation tenn acres situate in y' Oysterponds Lower Neck, it being all y' right of meadows belonging to me in y' said Neck, and bounded North by a dich-East by a small creek-South by y' head of the creeke or y' bay and West by a small creek. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal y' 17th day of February 17'*. ABRAHAM YOUNGS [Seal] Witnesses ISAAC OVERTON-Mark of X. BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year aforesaid before me, THOMAS YOUNGS. Entered 16th May 1707, pr Benj: Youngs, Clerk. 27 4[8 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 258. [Abstract.] To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come Greeting: Whereas Capt Nathaniel Sylvester of Shelter Island, Gent: did by his last will give and be- queath a certain tract or percell of land on Shelter Island containing one thousand acres of land, more or less, comonly called and known by the name of Hog- neck, unto his second son Nathaniel Sylvester, which said land is scituate and being on y' South side of y' said Island, bounded with y' salt water of y' Bay on y' South-by a certain pond called flyers creek on y' West-by a ditch runing from a fresh pond down to a creek on the South: and soe with a North westerly line from y' said pond and ditch up into y' body of y' said Island untill there shall b" one thousand acres: Now Know Yee that I, Giles Silvester of Shelter Isl- and Gent: for divers considerations me thereunto mov- ing have forever 'remised, released and quitclaimed and by these presents doe remise release and quitclaim unto my loving brother Nathaniel Sylvester all such right estate title interest I ever had or ought to have of in or to any or all y' abovesaid land above mentioned and meadow thereunto belonging, to containe One thousand acres. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 2[St day of March [699. Witnesses BENJ: L'HOMMEDlEU G. SYLVESTER [Seale] JOHN PA[NE FRANCIS BRINLEY Acknowledged East Hampton 28 April [70[, before me JOSIAH HOBART Justice Entd 26 July [707, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 419 PAGE 259. . [Abstract.] To all people to whom these presents shall come. Nathaniel Sylvester of Shelter Island Gent, sends Greeting: Know Yee, that I, y' said Nathaniel Syl- vester in consideration of six hundred pounds to me paid by George Havens of Connanicutt Island alias J ames town in Rhod Island and Providence plantations in New England, yeoman, doe give, grant and sell unto y' said George Havens, one thousand acres of land situate on Shelter Island, and was bequeathed me by my honoured father Nathaniel Sylvester dec' by his last will and testament: which said thousand acres of land is bounded as followeth, and begineth on y' West at a ditch which was dugg out of y' fresh pond, and on y' East by a Creeke called flyers creeke and soe to con- tinue running a full mile in breadth between y' said boundaries on a North and \Vesterly line untill y' said thousand acres be made good and measured, with all the appurtenances. Witness my hand and seal this 25th day of March 16g9 and 1700 Mem: y. quittrent of Shelter Island is but one lamb pr annum if demanded. NATHANIEL SYLVESTER [Seal] MARGt SYLVESTER [Seal] Witnesses BENJAMIN L'HOMMEDIEU J OHN PAINE FRANCIS BRINLEY Acknowledged East Hampton 28 April 1701, before me JOSIAS HOBART, Justice. Ent' pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk, Aug' y' 15th 1707. 420 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 260. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, George Havens late of Shelter Island, New York, and now of Fishers Island, yeoman, in consideration of y' natnrall love and affection I doe bare nnto my loveing brother John Havens of said Shelter Island doe fnlly and freely give, grant and confirme nnto my said brother John Havens, two hnndred and fifty acres of npland and meadow belonging to it, situate and being on Shel- ter Island aforesaid and part of y' land my hon' father George Havens dec' bought of Mr Nathaniel Sylvester and bounded on y' North by y' land of my brother William Havens-on y' West by y' land of my brother Jonathan-on y' South by y' salt water-and on y' East by the farthest extent of y' said purchase, with all hausen, buildings and appurtenances belonging. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal on y' 21st day of Jnne 1707. Witnesses mark JOHN PLUMB GEORGE G.H. HAVENS [Seal] JONATHAN HILL New London 21st June 1707. Acknowledged before me, RICHARD CHRISTOPHERS, Assis' Ent' Octob' 14th 1707, Pro Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [Abstract.] To all Christian People, George Havens of Fishes Island sendeth Greeting. Know Ye that y' said George Havens in consideration of thirty pounds to be paid by his honoured mother Eleaner Havens to his naturall sister Patience Loper of Shelter Island as her portion or legacy of the estate of George Havens late of Shel- ter Island deceased father to y' aforesaid George Ha- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 421 vens, doth give grant and confirme unto y' said Elenor Havens a certain tract of land about fifty acres being on Shelter Island, which land did belong to George Havens of Shelter Island deceased, and is contained in a certain deed the said Havens had of Mr Nathaniel Sylvester dec'l. In Witness whereof y' said George Havens hath here- unto set his hand and seal this 21st day of June 1707. Witnesses- ~:k JOHN PLUMBE GEORGE G.H. HAVENS [Seal] ELIZ. PLUMBE Acknowledged in New London 21st June 1707 before me RICHARD CHRISTOPHERS, Assist Entd Octo, 20th 1710, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 261. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this 30th day of December in y' fifth year of y' reigne of Lady Anne Queen of Eng- land &c and in the year of our Lord ~eventeen hundred and six, between J oseph Youngs of Southold, yeoman, of y' one part, and Thomas Youngs of y' same place son of y' said Joseph Youngs of y' other part Witness- eth that y' said J oseph Youngs in consideration of a certain sum of money to him paid by y' said Thomas Youngs doth by these presents grant, bargain and, sell. unto y' said Thomas Youngs all those two first allot- ments of land being by computation fifty acres situate and beiug in the North division of land between y' Inlet and Duck pond, bounded on y' North by y' Sound -East by y' land of John Corwin-South by y' high- way and West by y' land of Jonathan Mapes:-As also one halfe part of two first lotts scituate within y' division aforesaid lying between y' land of Daniel Terry on the \Vest and Sarah Tuthill on y' East :-Also, another per- cell of land by computation twenty four acres lying 422 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. near y' great Swamp, bounded Westerly by y' highway and Northerly by John Paine :-Also three first lotts of lands in Hoggneck bounded north by a sma.l percell of comon land-East by Carter Gillam-South by y' highway and West by Capt Jonathan Horton :-with two first lotts in y' common and undivided land within y' said Town:-And also four lotts of crick thath at South harbour bounded by Richard Benjamin North - East by a beach-South by Nathaniel Moore decd and West by a creeke :-and also fonr acres of meadow at Cattchauge meadows-bounded North by Peter Payne deceased-East by a small crick-South by Saml Wines and West by upland. In testimony whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above \vritten.. Witnesses, JOHN DAINS JOSEPH YOUNGS. BENJAMIN MOORE Acknowledged 7 Jany 17ot, before me, THOMAS YOUNGS. Entd June y' 14th 1707, pr Benj: Young Town Clk. PAGE 262. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I, Samuel Bee- bee of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of a certaine percell of meadow exchanged and made over to y' said Samnel Beebee by William King of Southold, doe ex- change sell and alienate unto the y' s. ,Villiam King one certaine piece of meadow scituate at y' Oyster- pond lower Neck, being part of that meadow that I bought of William Solmon, bounded East by Caleb Curtice-South by David Youngs a creek and dich and West by Lieut Glover's land, and a straight line to be run across y' meadow from a small white oake tree marked and standing in Lieut Glovers land to a SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 423 whit oake stadle on y' east side of y' meadow upon Caleb Curtice his land. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 2' of twelfth month 1707. Witnesses JOHN TUTHILL SAMUEL BEEBEE [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged before me the year and day above- said, THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' March y' 16th 170'j., Pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 263. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that I William Downs of Southold, cooper, in consideration of y' sum of five shillings to me paid by John Corwin of the said Town, wheelrig'ht, doe by these presents grant bargain and sell unto y' said John Corwin a certaine parcell of meadow being four lotts, situate on y' South side of Peacconnecke River, and bounded Northerly by y' said River and Easterly by Joseph Swazey-Westerly by William Reeve dee' and Southerly by John Osman deceased. Witness my hand and seal this 20th March 17ot. \Vitnesses, GERSHOM TERRY \VILLlAM DOWNS. SAMUEL CURWIN Acknowledged 20th March 170t, pr me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' April 22" 1708, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [NOTE.-The Downs family, although here early, multi~ plied slowly. John and William appear to have been here before 1700. They resided in the west part of Town, and were many of them hunters and fishermen. Within the last century they have given more attention to farming, and have been very successful. James Y. Downs of Northville, and Sylvester Downs who 424 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. has manufactured a handsome and productive farm a'ut of the scrub plains near Quogue, are among the many very respectable representatives of the family. Most of the name in this Town have been from Brook. haven and other places.- J. W. C.] PAGE 264. [Abstract.] 'To all Christian people. Know Yee that I, Theo- philus Curwin of Southold, husbandman, in considera- tion of y' sum of five shillings to me paid by John Curwin of Southold, wheeleright, doe by these pres- ents give ba,gain and sell unto y' said John Curwin, one full third part of a certaine third lott of meadow scituate at Acquabocke, on the West side of Vails brook, bounded North by meadow formerly Jeremiah Vaills -East by y' said brook or crick-South by meadow formerly Abm. Whithears dec' and West by y' upland. Witness my hand and seal this 20 March 1708. [Mis- take in the date-should be 20th March 17ot.- J. W. C.] hi. CURWIN co [Seal] THEOPHILUS Witnesses-GERSH OM TERRY SAMUEL CURWIN Acknowledged 20 March 17ot, pr THOMAS Entd 23 Api 1708, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clr. llllrk MAPES Justice PAGE 265. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Matthias Curwin of Southold, Yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of fifty shillings to me paid by John Curwin, of Southold, Yeoman, doe by these presents grant bar- gaine and sell unto y' said John Curwin a certaine alot- ment of crick thatch lying at Indian Necks and bounded North by Richard Benjamin-East by y' Creek and Matthias Hntchinson and West by y' said John Curwin. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 425 Witness my hand and seal this 21st April 1708. Witnesses JAMES REEVE MATTHIAS CURWIN [Seal] BEN]: YOUNGS. Acknowledged the day" and year aforesaid before me THOMAS YOUNGS. Ent' April 23' 1708, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 266. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee that I, Christo- pher Youngs of Southold, in consideration of three pounds and fifteene shillings paid to me by Jonathan Howell of said Southold, doe give grant and sell unto y'said Jonathan Howell, all my right. title and inte- rest in the fresh meadows lying and being neare Pea- Gonneck, on y' North side y' River, which is one halle of all y' fresh meadows lying Eastward from y' fresh meadow belonging to Josiah Youngs, to extend west- ward by y' River side soe far as y' former right of Mr John Budd dec' did claime. Witness my hand and seal y' Anno Dom 1708. CHRISTOPHER YOUNGS [Seal] Witnesses \VILLIAM HALLOCK STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged 21 May 1708, before me THOMAS YOUNGS Ent 12 June 1708 pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee that I, Henry Wells of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of a cer- taine percell of land by a deed of sale, bearing date with these presents conveyed unto me by Thomas Youngs of said Town, yeoman, I doe, by these presents 426 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. give grant and sell unto y' said Thomas Youngs, one percell of land being a third lott lying on y' North side of y' Town, by estimation twenty four acres- bounded North by y' Sound - East by Benjamin Youngs-South by y' high.ivay-and West by John Youngs :-Also, two first alottments of land situate near the said twenty four acres by computation six- teene acres bounded North by John Y oungs- West by Nathan Landon-South by y' highway and East by y' said John Youngs :-Also, one other percell of land being eight acres, on y' Northermost part of y' horse mill lot, commonly so called-bounded North by y' highway-West by Richard Benjamin. . . . . . . . and East by y' highway. Witness my hand and seal y' 26th day of February 17ft. Witnesses, JOHN YOUNGS HENRY WELLS [Seal] JOHN GOLDSMITH Acknowledged y' day and year above written before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent" May y' 4th 1713, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 267. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, John Youngs of South old, cord winder, in consideration of four pounds and six shillings received of David Par- shall of y' same Town, doe give, grant and sell unto y' said David Parshall all my right title and interest in y' fresh meadows situate neare Peconneck on y' North side y' River-which right is one halfe of all y' fresh meadow lying eastward from the fresh meadow belong. ing to Josiah Youngs and to extend soe fare westward as y' former right of Mr Budd decd did claime. \ SOUTIIOLD TOWN RECORDS. 427 Witness my hand and seal May y' 21" 1708. Witnesses, WILLIAM HALLIOCK. JOHN YOUNGS [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged the day and year abovesaid, before THOMAS YOUNGS. Ent" June y' 12 th 1708, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. PAGE 268. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, John Meigs of Guilford in the County of New Haven in New England, cooper, and Attorney to John Collins of Branford, County aforesaid, have by virtue of my at. torneyship as also in consideration of eleven pounds to me paid by Mordicai Homan of South old husbandman, doe, by these presents, give, grant and sell unto the said Mordicai Homan a certaine tract of land with y' house standing on part of y' said land situate in South. old by estimation twenty five acres-bounded North by a highway-East by Thomas Moor Sen'-South by a highway and West by John Terry. Witness my hand and seal this 16th day of September 1702. Witnesses SAMUEL HUCHASON JOHN MEIGS [Seal] BEN}: YOUNGS Acknowledged y' day and year abovesaid, before me, ISAAC ARNOLD, Judge. Ent' July y' 13th 1708, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee that I, Gershom Terry of Southold in consideration of fifteene pounds by me received of Mordicai Homan do give grant and sell unto y' said Mordicai Homan one first alotment of 428 SOUTH OLD 'FOWN RECORDS. woodland by computation twenty five acres situate near a place :called Pequaish neck, bounded W cst by Thomas Hunter-East by Mordicai Homan-South by the road or highway-and on y' North by y' Lane or highway. Witness my hand and seal February y' 12th day [701. \Vitnesses- JOHN GOLDSMITH GERSHOM TERRY [Seal] STEPHEN BAYLEY Acknowledged y' 24th April 1704 before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent" July 13th 1708, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. [NOTE.-Mordt'cai is a peculiar name, and is appended to no other than that of Homan throughout all the RECORDS of this Town. He never recorded his home lot, and his resi- dence is not a certainty; but it is most likely to have been the present residence of Henry Davids at Cutchogue. Mordecai married a daughter of Joshua 'Vells; and S\Vm \Vells married Esther, daughter of Mordecai Homan. Several intermarriages between the Wells and Homan families, and also between the Case and Homan families. are to be found upon the TOWN RECORDS. John Calvin \-Vells, father of the late Capt. Benjn and \VlIl H. Wells, married Amy Homan, daughter of ~Mordecai; and Zebulon Homan, her cousin, formerly of Brookhaven, died here in 1866. The family has all removed.-J. W. C.] PAGE 269. [Abstract.] To all Christian people John Paine sends Greeting: Whereas the said John Paine, of Southold, yeoman, hath indented and concluded with his brother Natha. niel Paine of South old, yeoman, to set a valuation upon a certain messuage or tenement lying in Oysterponds Lower Necke, which did equally belong unto y' said brothers as by certaine articles of agreement bearing date Sept' 7th 1708 will at large appear: And Whereas the said John Paine according to y' in- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 429 tent and meaning of the said articles hath estimated y' said messuage at one hundred and forty pounds: Now Know Yee, that he y' said John Paine for the full sum of seventy pounds to him paid by his brother Nathaniel Paine and for other considerations, doth by these pres- ents fully remise release and quitclaime unto his said brother Nathaniel Paine, all such right title interest and demand whatsoever as he y' said John Paine had or ought to have of, in or to all one equall halfe part of y' said messuage hy any ways or meanes whatsoever. Witness his hand and seal this 13th day of June 1709. Witnesses-JoHN TUTHILL SAMUEL BEEBEE JOHN PAINE [Seal] WILLIAM BROWNE Acknowledged Southold y' 23' of June 1709, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd Novem' 7th 1709, . pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. [NOTE.-The brothers John and Nathaniel Paine were the sons of John Paine of Southald. John was a mariner and Nath1 was a farmer. The property named in this deed comprised most of the farm of Benjn K. Mulford at Orient. For a notice of this neck of land, and of a famous pear-tree which stood upon it, and made the name of Mr. Paine im- mortal, see" Griffin's Journal," p. 34.- J. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Daniel [Y oungs.] of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of ten pounds to me paid by Nathaniel Paine of Southold, yeoman, doe by these presents give grant and sell unto y' said Nathaniel Paine, a certaine percell of meadow scituate in Oyster ponds Lower Neck, by estimation five acres, bounded Northerly by the fence of Samuel King runing down to a little Creek-West by a Creek-East by y' land of Samuel King. 430 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Witness, my hand and seal y' 1st day of April 1712. Witnesses- JOHN TOOKER DANIEL YOUNGS [Seal] JAMES LANDON Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice. Entd May y' 8th 17[2, p' Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. PAGE 270. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee that I, Abraham Youngs of Southold, yeoman, for y' naturall love and affection that I have and doe bare unto my brother John Youngs of Southold, taylor, doe by these pres- ents give grant and sell unto my said brother John Youngs a certain tract or percell of land by estimation three acres, situate and lying at ye reare of ye home otts of Carte rite Gilliam, Benjamin Youngs and Peter Paine-East by Carteret Gilliam-South by y' Creek- West by y' highway or common land-North by y' reare of y' said lotts: And also all my right of land lying in Calves Neck by computation fourteen acres- bounded on y' North, East and South by y' Creek and on y' West by severall small lotts. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15th day of January 170'j'. Witnesses, JOlIN BUDD ABRAHAM YOUNGS [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS mo' MARY X YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year aforesaid, before me, THOMAS YOUNGS. Entd March 29th 17 lO, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 431 [Abstract.] This Indenture made y' 29th day of October 1746, between J ohn Youngs of South old of y' one part and Mary Reeves of Southold of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Youngs in consideration of a mar- rige, doth grant and agree to and with the said Mary Reeve by these presents, that if after the said marriage shall be solemnized between the said parties, it shall happen the said J ohn Youngs should die, and the said Mary Reeves sball survive, that be tbe said Jobn Youngs sball and will at tbe time of his death leave unto tbe said Mary Reeve all sucb goods and chattels, sum or sums of money as are now due or pertaining or belonging to ber, or that bereafter may be due or be- longing to her, to be freely taken, bad, used and dis- posed of by ber will and pleasure witbout any claime cballenge or demand for or to the said goods, chattels and money to be made by the executors of said John Youngs. In Witness whereof the parties to tbese presents have hereunto set tbeir hands and seals. Witnesses- NATHANIEL YOUNGS. JOHN YOUNGS [Seal] JOHN BUDD. Entd 17th May 1760, pr Rb' Hempsted Town Clerk. PAGE 271. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that !, John Terry of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of twenty shillings to me paid by Thomas Dibell of Sea brook, Connecticut, cooper, doe hereby grant bargain and sell unto y' said Thomas Dibell one quatter of an acre of land, lying in Oysterponds Lower Neck, bounded North by y' Queens Roade-Easterly by Sd John Terry 432 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. and Westerly by Ralph Patty and soe runing to a point on the south in the forme of an angle. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal y' 15th day of Sept' 1707. Witnesses-THoMAS MAPES JOHN TERRY. STEPHEN BAYLEY BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year above written before me THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. Entd Octob' 22' 1710, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 272. [AbstracL] To all Christian people. Know Yee that I, Matthias Curwin of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of seaventy-six pounds to me'in hand paid by John Curwin of Southold doe by these presents give grant and sell unto y' said John Curwin all that my home lott, scituate on y" North side of y' Town street with y' housen thereupon erected, by estimation fonr acres Bounded on the West and North by William Horton- East by Samuel King and South by the Street :-As also a parcel of land by estimation eighteen acres, scituate on y' backside of y' said Town and bounded North by y' land of Benjamin Moor-East by y' land late of Nathaniel Moore decd and on y' South and West by y' highwayes :-And also, all that parcell of salt and fresh meadow, by estimation three acres lying near y' Mill Meadows, and bounded on the West and North by y' land of John Budd-East by John Youngs-South by y' Pond and meadow of John Budd:- Also another percell of meadow or creekthatch lying at y' head of Toms.Creek be it more or less, bounded South by y' pond-West by y' upland-North by y' beach and East by Hashamomack right :-And also one SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 433 first lott right of all comon and undivided lands in said Town. Witness my hand and seal y' 17th of June 1708. Witnesses, STEPHEN BAYLEY MATTHIAS CURWIN [Seal] JAMES REEVE And Mary y' wife of s' Matthias Curwin doth by these presents freely surrender all her right of dower to y' within mentioned premises. MARY CURWIN her X mark Acknowledged 12th July '708, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Entd April 12th 171 I. Pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [Abstract.] South old October y' 24th 1706. We whose names are underwritten have made choice of Capt. Jonathan Horton, Capt Thomas Mapes, Joshua Wells, James Reeve and Benjamin Youngs, for to lay out and divide six acres of y' common and undivided land lying nere y' west end of y' said Town into y' sev- erall alottments and shears belonging to y' said comon land in order that each person interested therein may have his due according to proportion. In Witness whereof the major part who are inter- ested in y' said comon and undivided lands have here- unto set our hands the date above written. Jonathan Horton 810tts Lt Joshua Horton Stephen Bayley 5" Nathaniel Terry Barnabas Winds 3" Joshua Horton Jr Thomas Youngs 2" Joshua Wells Evin Davis I" Mr Joshua Hobart Thomas Mapes I" Benj: Youngs James Reeve I" Rich' Terry Rich' Benjamin 2" Matthias Hutheson 28 3 lous I " I " 2 " 2 " 2 " I " I " 434 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Gershom Terry 2lotts Joseph Reeve 210tts John Goldsmith Ii" Jonathan Mapes 1 " Matthias Corwin 1 " William Solemon 1 " Theophilns Case " Joseph Youngs 3 " William Halliock 3 " John Terry 4 " Henry Case 1 " John Budd 4 " Daniel Terry 2 " William Wells 2 " Joseph Wickham 1 " John Curwin 2 " John Youngs " Joseph Moor 2 " Peter Dickeson 4 " Jeremiah Vaill Ent" April 7th 1711, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [NUTE.-This laying Qut and division of 6 acres of land, consisting of 74t shares, in the commons, among 36 owners, cannot be supposed to be correct. An error, or perhaps omission, occurred in the entry of the heading, which should have read 160 acres. (or some other large number), instead of 6 acres, the tract to be laid out embrac- ing some 200 acres or more. It was bounded, as I under. stand it, by the Hogneck Road, after leaving the Town bridge, till you reach the land of Freegift Wells, now of his descendants Sidney and George C. Wells, and then follow- ing the northwesterly line of Freegift Wells' farm from the Hogneck Road to the Southarbor Lane, then southerly down the lane till it reached the lane at Maltby's. On that line a lane had been laid down running from the apex of \Vlll L. Glover's lot straight over to Hutchinson's Creek, which line exists unbroken to this day; it constitutes the northern boundary lines of the farms of Jasper Freeman, Jona. S. Overton, and Wells and Elijah Hutchinson; and the southern boundaries of George M. Howell, S. B. Corey, and ehas. E. Overton. From the southeast corner of Mr. Over- ton's land a straight line was run northwesterly to the King's Road, leaving the farm of Nathaniel Goldsmith between this line and Hutchinson's Creek; the Kings Road to the Town bridge then formed the northwesterly bound- ary of this" common and undivided land,"-J. W. C.] PAGE 274. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that Whereas y' major part of y' owners of y' com on and undivided SOUTHOLD. TOWN RECORDS. 435 land within y' township of Southold in the County of Suffolk did make choice of Capt Thomas Mapes-Capt. Jonathan Horton-Joshua Wells-James Reeve and Benjamin Youngs, to sett out and deliver such a part of said comon land, unto Lazarus Manly of Boston, New England, Miller, as should be agreed upon between the said persons chosen and the said Lazarus Manly :-Now Know Ye, that we the said Thomas Mapes, Jonathan Horton, Joshua Wells, James Reeve and Benjamin Youngs, have sett out and delivered one acre of land situate nere y' Wind Mill at y' westermost end of y' said Town to him y' said Lazarus Manly:-And also three acres of land adjoyning to y' said one acre, for his use soe long as he or his heirs shall keep and main. taine a sufficient gristmill at or neere y' place where the mill now standeth at y' westermost end of y' said Town Street and not longer, which said one acre and three acres of land are bounded Souther! y by a swamp called by y' name of billberry swamp, and Northerly and Easterly by y' comon land :-Always provided that in case y' said Lazarus Manly or his heirs shall see cause to sell y' Sd acre of land, he shall first give y' s" owner of y' s' coman land y' refusall thereof. Witness our hands this 25th day of October 1706. Witnesses- SAMUEL HUTCHASON JOHN COLEMAN THOMAS MAPES JONATHAN HORTON JOSHUA WELLS JAMES REEVE BEN]: YOUNGS Ent' June 19th 17II, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [Abstract.] This Indenture, made y' twenty first of May 17II, between Israel Parshall of Southold, yeoman, on y' one 436 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. part and David Parshall of said Town on y' other part witnesseth, that y' said Israel and David Parshall are and doe now stand seized in their own rights in com- mon and undivided of and in a certain tract of land, being in length three hundred and twenty poles and in bredth sixteene poles, scituate and being at Acqua- bauck, lately purchased of Joshua Wells and adjoyning unto part of y' lands of y' said Israel and David Par- shall: And also the whole width of y' said Israel and David Parshalls land given unto them by their father James Parshall deceased that is lying equally in length and adJoyning unto the said percell of land above mentioned, it is (now to y' end a perpetual portion and division shall be had and made between y' said parties of and in y' said lands and premises aforesaid) cove. nanted, concluded and agreed by and between y' said parties to these presents in manner and form following: -And first y' said Israel Parshall for himselfe and his heirs doth promise that he y' said David Parshall his heirs shall from henceforth have hold and enjoy in sev- eralty forever, to his own proper use and behoofe, the one moiety or halfe part of y'said lands with the ap. purtenances, that is to say: the Northward part thereof, to be measured from y' Northward end of y' said lands one hundred and sixty poles Southward: and from thence to be di vidcd from y' other part of y' said lands by a West line: which said percell of land is also bounded at y' Northard end by a vVest line: ex- cepting a highway two poles wide from y' springs at Vaills meadow brook (commonly so called) Northard through y' said percell of land: and that he the said Israel Parshall nor his heirs shall from henceforth claime or demand any right title use or possession in or to ye same or any part thereof (except before excepted), but that y' said Israel Parshall and his heirs shall at all times hereafter from all actions, rights, titles and de- SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 437 mand thereof be utterly excluded and forever debarred by these presents:- And y' said David Parshall for himselfe and his heirs doth promise that he y' said Israel Parshall his heirs shall from henceforth have hold and enjoy for ever, to his and their own proper use and behoofe the other moiety or halfe part of y' said lands with the appurte- nances, as it is bounded on y' North by y' Southard- most of y' said West lines-and on y' South by y' Creek-And that he y' said David Parshall nor his heirs shall from henceforth claime or demand any right, title use or possession in or to y' same or any part. thereof; but that y' said David Parshall and his heirs shall at. all times hereafter from all act.ions rights, tit.le and demand thereof be utterly excluded and forever debarred by these presents. And in consideration of y' said portions, and foras- much as y' part and port.ion by these presents allotted to y' s' David Parshall were at y' ensealing hereof of more value than y' said part or portion before allotted to y' said Israel Parshall he y' said David Parshall hath well and truly paid to y' said Israel Parshall y' sum of five pounds, the receipt whereof the s' Israel doth here- by acknowledge and acquit and discharge the s' David Parshall. In Witness whereof both y' said parties have here- unto set hands and seals the day and year above writ- ten. Witnesses, JOHN COLEMAN ISRAEL PARSHALL [Seal] TABITHA A. MAPES DAVID PARSHALL [Seal] Acknowledged Southold May 21" 171', by Israel Parshall and David Parshall, pr THOMAS MAPES Justice. Ent' August y' 4th 1711, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. 438 . SOUTHOLD 'FOWN RECORDS. [NoTE.-Israel and David Parshall, above named, were 'sons of James Parshall, who married Elizabeth, the only daughter of David Gardiner, who lived on the Pesapunck Neck, at Mattituck, and afterwards became the 2d proprie- tor of Gardiner's Island. Of the Pars halls we have no ac- count. James, who styles himself "Gent of the Isle of Wight," with his wife figures conspicuously in the settle- ment of his father-in-Iaw's estate. He owned and occupied large tracts of land at Aque- bogue, lived upon the North Road, and left his estate to his sons Israel and David. The name of Parshall is not now, we believe, to be found in Southold or even in River- head Town.-J. W. C.] PAGE 276. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that I. Jasper Griffing of Southold, Cord winder, in consideration of twenty-two pounds and tenn shillings to me in hand paid by John Lore of the same Town, husbandman, doe by these presents give, grant and sell unto y' said John Lore all my three lotts of upland, with all my right of comonage belonging to y' said three lotts of upland scituate at a place known by y' name of y' Wadeing River, which said three lotts are by computation thir- teene acres and bounded as follows :-two of y' said lots are bounded Northerly by y' land formerly Mr Budd deceased-on y' east by y' comon land-Southerly by y' said John Lore-and Westerly by the said Wade- ing River meadows. The other lott of upland is bounded Northerly by y' land of Thpmas Tusteene deed-East by y' comon land-Southerly by y' land of John Youngs, and Westerly by a high way. Witness my hand and seal this 10th day of Aprill [706. Witnesses-JosEPH LANDON J ASPER GRIFFING [Seal] JOHN TINKER. Acknowledged the day within mentioned, before me THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' FebY 4'h [7ft, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 439 [Abstract-Power of Attorney-Francis Brinley to Benjamin L'Hommedieu.J !, Francis Brinly of Newport, Road Island, Mer- chant, have made and constituted Mr Benjamin L'Hom- medieu of Southold, Merchant, my true and lawful at- torney to sue for, recover and receive from all persons whomsoever all debts or sums of money due or owing unto me, and to do all acts and things necessary to be done in y' law for me and my name to execute and per- forme all I might doe if personally present. Witness my hand and seal the 9th of November IJI I. FRANCIS BRINLY [SealJ "Vitnesses BENJAMIN LHOM~IEDIEU MARY COLE Acknowledged before Samuel Cranston Gov. of Rhode Island [2 Nov 171 I. Ent' Api y' 24th 17[1, [[712J pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [Abstract.-Release of Benjamin L'Hommedieu to Samuel Dayton.J I, Benjamin L'Hommedieu of Southold, Merchant, Attorney to Mr Francis Brinley, Merchant, of Rhode Island, doe remise, release and for ever quit claim unto Samuel Dayton of East Hampton (who hath lately mar- ried the executrix of Richard Brown late of Southold aforesaid, yeoman) and the heirs of the now wife of the said Samuel Dayton of their lands, goods and chattels. Witness my hand and seal 19th April 1712. Witnesses MARY YOUNGS BENJAMIN L'HoMMEDIEU. BENJ: YOUNGS Ent' May 9th 1712, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. PAGE 277. [Abstract.J I, Francis Brinley of Newport, Rhode Island, Mer- chant, have .constituted and appointed Mr Benjamin 440 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. L'Hommedieu of Southold, merchant, my true and law- ful Attorney for me and in my name to enter and come into and upon a tract or parcell of land containing one hundred acres more or less lying at y' Oysterponds, which I purchased of Mr Thomas Moore of South old -and the same soe taken, to detain and keep to y' only use and behoofe of me y' said Francis Brinley, hereby granting unto my said Attorney full and whole power and strength and authority in and about the premises- and in my name to doe execute and performe, as fully as I might or could doe were I personally present. Witness my hand and seal y' 22' Noy' I7I!' \Vitnesses- JOIm ROGERS FRANCIS BRINLEY [Seal] JEREMIAH PERCE BENJAMIN L'HoMMEDIEU Acknowledged 22' Noy IJI I before me, SAMUEL CRANSTON, Gov' of the Colony of Rhode Island. Sealed with the Colony seal. Ent' Feb. 28th I7H, p' Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. [Abstract.] To all people. I, John Tucker of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of thirty pounds to me paid by John Parker of Sonthampton, fuller, by these presents doe fully grant, bargaine and sell unto the said John Parker, a certaine first alotment of upland, scituate in y' second division of Acquabauke lands, being by estimation four hundred acres~bounded North by y' Sound-East by y'said John Parker-South by Peaconneck river and West by y' land of Widw Cooper decd:- And also a certain percell of salt meadow lying on y' Soul h side of ye said Peaconnek river, by estimation seven acres, bounded North by y' upland-East by y' meadow of SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 441 William Coleman-South by y' said River-and West by y' meadow of Josiah Youngs. In testimony whereof I, and Dorithy my wife, have hereunto set our hands and seals y' 20th day of FebY. 171!' JOHN TOOKER [Seal] \Vitnesses-SAMUEL HUTCHINSON ANDREW GIBBS Memorandum: On y' 20th day of February 17H John Tucker appeared before me and acknowledged the above instrument as his voluntary act and deed. Test: JOHN WICKES. Ent' March 151h 17th pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. [ Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Simon Ramsay of Southold in consideration of y' sum of . . . . . . . pounds to me paid, doe by these presents give grant and sell unto John Armstrong a certaine trace or percell of woodland lying in the first division of Acquabauk, bounded Westerly by y' land of Joseph Reeve - Easterly by Israel Parshall- South by the Country Road :-and to be thirty rod wide at y' roade betweene y' land of Joseph Reeve and y' land of Israel Parshall and to hold the full bredth of thirty rods to y' North Sea clifte from y' said road. To y' confirmation thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal May y' 1st, I7I!' \Vitnesses. mart. of WILLIAM BOOTH SIMON R RAMSAY [Seal] DANIEL YOUNGS Acknowledged 10th June 1712, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS, J nstice. Ent' y' 17th June 1712, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. 442 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 279. [Abstract.] This Indenture made y' 22' day of May [683. between Richard Clarke of Elizabeth Town, East New Jersey, carpenter, and Elizabeth his wife of y' one part and William Coleman of Southold, planter, of y' other part witnesseth that the said Richard Clark and Elizabeth his wife in consideration of a competent sum of money to him in hand paid, by these presents doth grant bar- gain and sell unto William Coleman all that his first lott, lying in Ochobague, with all and singular the buildings and fences thereupon. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first above written. Witnesses, JOHN WOODRUFE Jun. GEORGE ROSSE Ent' July y' [8th 1712, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. RICHARD CLARKE [Seal] E. C. [Seal] [For note on Richard Clarke, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD Tow" RECORDS, Vol. I. p. 122.-J. W. C.] [A bstract.] To all people. I, William Coleman of Southold, yeo. man, send Greeting. Know Yee that I, for and in con- sideration of y' love and good will which I have and doe bare towards my loveing brother John Coleman of Southold, weaver, doe freely give and grant to y' said John Coleman my now dwelling house and fifty acres of land adjoyning thereunto, in Curchauge Division of land, bounded South by the Country Road-West by Barnabas Wines J un' and North and East by y' land of Thomas Mapes. Witness my hand and seal this 3' day of January 17o~. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 443 Witnesses THOMAS MAPES BARNABAS WINES JOHN REEVE Acknowledged 3 Jany. I7~, before me, THOMAS MAPES, Justice. hit m.r~ WILLIAM W COLEMAN [Seal]. Ent'Sept' y' 9th 17[3, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. PAGE 280. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Know Yee that I, John Youngs of Southold Yeoman, in consideration of two first alottments of Land assured unto my brother Ben. jamin Youngs of South old Weaver, by a deed of Sale under y' hand and seal of John Cur win of s' Southold, doe by these presents give grant and sell unto y' Sd John Curwin, two first alottments of land lying in Southold, by computation fifty acres, Bounded on y' North by a highwaye-East by y' said John Curwin- South by y' highwaye or Queens Road and West by y' land of Evin Davis: Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of May 17[2. \Vitnesses ELIZABETH E YOUNGS JOHN YOUNGS [Seal] BEN}: YOUNGS Acknowledged 14th May [712, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' July 21st 1712, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. PAGE 281. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I, Thomas Tus- teene of Southold, carpenter, in consideration of y' sum of thirty seven pounds to me in hand paid by J 0- seph Wickham of y' same place, yeoman, doc grant, bargaine and sell unto y' said Joseph Wickham, one messuage or tract of land scituate at Curchage, by esti- mation about one hundred and sixty acres, bounded 444 SOUTHOLD TQWN RECORDS. Westerly by y' land of Jacob Dayton-Southerly by y' Country road, and to extend forty rod in bredth there -and Northerly by y' North sea cleft and to extend twenty seven. . . . . in wedth there and Easterly by y' land of said Thomas Tusteene :--And Abigail Tusteene y' wife of me y' said Tusteene doth by these presents yield up and surrender all her right of dowry and power of thirds, &c. Witness my hand and seal this 26th day of May 171 I. Witnesses-DAvID HORTON THOMAS TUSTEENE MARY HORTON Acknowledged y' 26th May 171 I, before me, THOMAS MAPES Justice. Ent' 21st Augt. 1712, pr Benj: Voungs, Town Cler. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Vee that I,John Vaill of Southold, planter, in consideration of y' sum of twenty five pounds to me in hand paid by Joseph \Vickham of the same Town, yeoman, doe by these presents grant bargain and sell unto y' said Joseph \Vickham, a certaine tract or percell of land scituate in a Neck called Fort Neck, by computation forty acres, bounded North by Gershom Terry-South by David Horton, and East and \Vest by y' meadows. Witness my hand and seal 20th day of April 17". Witnesses-NATHAN LANDO:'>. J OlIN V AILL [Seal] BENJAMIN MOOR. Acknowledged June Y'4th, 1711, before me, THOMAS MAPES Justice Entd Augt 21: 1712, pr Benj: Voungs, Town Cler. PAGE 282. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents' that I, Joseph Paine of Southampton, weaver, for divers good causes and considerations me thereunto moveing but especially for SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 445 y' sum of thirteen pounds tenn shillings by me received of and from John Kingsbury of Southold, taylor, by these presents doe grant bargaine and sell all that my certaine home lott of land situate in South old, bounded with Benjamin Youngs West-yO Main Street North- East by the land that was formerly old Thomas Moors, and South by y' land that was formerly old Mister Glovers. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this lIth day of August Anno Dom. 1712. Witnesses JOHN STRETTON CHRISTOPHER FOSTER Acknowledged y' lIth August 1712 before me ABRAHAM HOWELL, Justice. Entd Augt. 19th 1712, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that John Dains of Southold cord winder and Abigaill his now wife in con- sideration of y' sum of four pounds to them in hand re- ceived of John Kingsburry of said Town, taylor, doe Ireely yield up and surrender all their right of dower and power of thirds of in and unto y' home lott and housen in the foregoing paper mentioned, unto y' said John Kingsburry his heirs and assigns. Witness their hands and seals y' 13th of August '712. Witnesses- BENJ: YOUNGS NATHAN YOUNGS JOSEPH PAINE [Seal] Ent' Augt 19th 1712, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. Suffolk ss: Be it rememberd that on the twelfth day of April in the year of our Lord 1791 EzraL'Hommedieu of South- old in the said county Esquire in pursuance of the act JOHN DAINS [Seal] heTm..,-1< ABIGAIL X DAINS [Seal] 446 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. entitled an act concerning slaves passed the 22d of Feb. ruary 1788 applied to us for our certificate for the pur- pose for manumiting his slave Lewis a Negro man and we Daniel Wells & Jared Landon two at the Jus- tices of the peace for the Sd County & we Jeremiah Wells Thomas Moore and John Pain being a majority of the Overseers of the poor of the said Town of South- old do by these presents certify that the said Negro man Lewis is under the age of Fifty years and is of sufficient ability to provide for himself. DANIEL WELLS} J t' f th us Ices 0 e peace JARED LANDON THO' MOORE 'l JERE~lIAH WELLS Overseers JOHN PAIN I.of the poor Ent' this 13'" April 1791 . p' James Reeve Town Clk. PAGE 283. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Richard Howell of South old, yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of eighteene pounds to me in hand paid by Archable Tomson of said Southold, husbandman, doe by these presents grant bargaine and sell unto y' said Archable Tomson, a certaine tract or percell of land situate at Acquabauke, by estimation fifty acres, bounded on y' North by a fresh pond-East by Walter Brown-South by y' baye and West by John Swazey. Witness my hand and seal y' ninth day of January 17H. Witnesses- lIlorkor ",...k M ISAAC X OVERTON RICHARD R HOWELL [Seal] DAVID PARSHALL Acknowledged the day and year above written, be. fore me. BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Entd January 12: l?t!, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 447 So:hold July 7th, 1760. Mr Nathaniel Wells of said Southold being duly sworn testifieth that upon the 18th of May last past the dwelling house of him the said Nathaniel Wells by the providence of God cetched on fire and was wholly con- sumed-atl which time he the said Wells had divers papers in keeping belonging to Mr Richard Howell, then a d weller near the Riverhead so called: In which papers was contained several deeds of conveyance for lands & meadows and in particular one deed of gift or acquitlance from him the said Richard Howells brother John Howell for one loti of land in the second division of lands atl Aquabague on which he the said Richard then and now dwelleth adjoyning \Vesterly by the lands formerly Mr John Parkers North by the Sound South by the country roade Easterly partly by the lands of Mr David Howell and partly by him the said Richard Howell- Test. signed by Nathaniel Wells Sworn before me the day and year above written ROBERT HEMPSTEIl, Justice. Entd this 7th July 1760 pr Rbt Hempsted Town Clerk. Richard Howell bought of David Horton two lotls and half of meadow atl the broad meadows ad joyning to his own meadow on the further side of the River. Allso one parcle of meadow purchased of Daniel' Terry lying North of Peconn.ick River and bound as by the records may be seen. Allso one piece of land purchased of my brother David Howell lying on the South side of y' kings high- way over against wheer I now live- Allso one piece or loll of meadow I purchased of Capt John Corwin deceased lying South of the kings highway and North of Peconeck River against my lands wheer I now live. 448 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Note the several deeds for the above mentioned land & meadows is said to be burnt in the house of the above named Nathaniel Wells upon the 18'h of May last past 1760. Attested by Sd Richard Howell before me RBT. HEMPSTED Justice Ent' October the [I: 1760 pr Rb' Hempsted, Town Clerk. [NOTl~.-The foregoing depositions and statements show quite clearly that the farm late of Merrit Howell, deed, in the village of Riverhead, was owned and improved as early as 1660 by Richard Howell; it has ever remained in the fam- ily till Howell, the son of Merril, a few years since, sold the larger portion of it, along the main road, to Mrs. Ostrander, of New York, who was a daughter of the late Elijah Terry of Riverhead. She has for many years made it her summer residence. A part of the old farm has been laid out, and sold in village lots.-J. W. C.] PAGE 284. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee that Abraham Osman of Southold in consideration of sixteene pounds in hand paid to him by Richard Howell of y' same Town doe hereby give grant and sell unto the said Richard Howell a certaine percell of woodland situate at Ockebog-bounded West by John Swazey-East by y' said Abraham Osman-South by y' baye or y' beach and North butting to y' fresh pond known by y' name of Swazeys pond :-and in breadth [rom y' land of John Swazey to y' land of y' said land of Abraham Osman twenty [our rods wide the whole length from y' bay South, to y' pond on y' north end.* In Witness whereof y' said Abraham Osman and Re- [* This lot was the 1.i'est part of the farm of the late MelTit Ho\vel1, deed, lying next east of the M. E. Church and ceme. tery at Riverhead.-J. W. CASE.] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 449 becka his wile have set their hands and seals March the 2d day 17oh. ABRAHAM OSMAN [Seal] REBECKA OSMAN X her mark [Seal] \Vitnesses, THOMAS MAPES bum.,.:" ABIGAILL X MAPES Acknowledged 2 March 1701.., pr me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' February 3' 17ft, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. Suffolk County ss: Registered for & at the request of Daniel Osborn of the Town of Southold the 9th day of April 1794. \Ve whose Names are hereunto subscribed being Two of the Justices of the peace for said County and a Ma- jority of the overseers of the poor of the Town of Southold in said County, do hereby certify that pur- suant to an act of the Legislature of the State of New York entitled" an act concerning slaves" We have at the request of Daniel Osborn of said Town examined and enquired into the age & ability of a certain negro man called Cyrus, owned as a Slave by the said Daniel, and that the said Slave appears to be under fifty years of age, & of sufficient ability to provide for himself. Given under our hands this Eighth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety four JARED LANDON } . JOSHUA BENJAMIN JustIces JONATHAN TERRY } Overseers GILES WELLS of the THOMAS TERRY Jun' Poor I the above mentioned Daniel Osborn being the owner of the abovesaid Negro man, called, Cyrus, have and by these Presents do, in pursuance of the above 29 450 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. mentioned act, and the above certificate manumit, en- franchise and set free the said Negro man, and he is hereby manumitted enfranchised and set free Witness my hand this Eighth day of April AD 1794. DANIEL OSBORN* Ent<l by me Jn' Franks Town Clerk this 9th day of April 1794. PAGE 285. [Abstract.] This Indenture made y' 29th day of Decem ber in y" tenth year of y' reigne of our Soveraign lady Anne by y' grace of God queen of Great Britian & Anno Domini [7 I I, between Eliakim Conkelyne of Easthampton, yeo- man, of the one part and Josiah Davieson of Brookhaven same County, potter, of y' other part as witnesseth, that y' said Eliakim Conkling in consideration of four- teen pouuds to him in hand paid, doth by these pres- ents give grant and sell nnto y' said Josiah Daveson two lotts of land lying together butting a fresh pond on y' North side acres more or less, bounded as y' rec- ords doth declare. Witness my hand and seal the day abovesaid. \V i tnesses--. NATHANIEL DOMINY ELIAKIM CONKLING [Seal] DANIEL MILLER Acknowledged this 29th of Dec' 171 I before me JOSIAH HODART. Entd February 10th 17H-, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. PAGE 286. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, John Terry of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of y'sum of five shillings to me in hand paid by Christopher -----.~-_._---~ [* Daniel Osborn of Cutchogue, the Lawyer.-J. W. C.] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 451 Youngs of said Town, yeoman, doe clearly grant, bar- gain, and sell unto the said Christopher Youngs, a cer- taine home lott situate on y' South side of y' Town Street of Southold, with a certaine percell of meadow thereunto belonging and adjoyning to y' said home lolt-which said home lolt and meadow is bounded on y' North by y' sain Town Street-on y' East by y' lane that leads to the house of Nathaniel Moor deceased- South by y' land of Cartriet Gilliam and West by y' home lott of Peter Paine dec'.* And also one halfe part of a first lolt of land in hog- neck as it was lately laid out by y' said Town-with one first lotI in y' commons of y' said Town. Witness my hand and seal y' 1st day of April 1704. herrnark Witnesses-MARY X YOUNGS JOHN TERRY [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged y' 14 . . . . . . 17~, before me THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' FebY Izth 17M, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. PAGE z87. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this zoth day of May 171z be- tween Christopher Youngs of Southold, yeoman, on y' one part and John Youngs of y' said Town, cord winder, of y' other part witnesseth, that the said Christopher and John Youngs after the decease of their mother will stand seized in their own rights in coman and undi- vided of and in all the lands and meadows given and bequeathed to their mother Mary Youngs by y' last will and testament of Mr John Budd late of said Town dec' situate at Acquabauke-it is now to y' end that perpetual portion and division shall be had and made r* This is the old homestead of 1St Thomas Moore.- I.W.C.] 452 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. between the said parties of and in the lands meadows and premises covenanted concluded and agreed by and between the parties to these presents in manner and forme following: And first y' said Christopher Youngs for himselfe doth promise that he y' said John Youngs, his heirs, shall from henceforth have hold and enjoy to his and their own proper use and behoofe an equal quantity of land on the North side of y' Queens Road as he the said Christopher hath or that is lying on the South side y' said road in y' lot and a halfe of land that y' said Christopher and John dwells upon: which said quantity of land shall lie y' width of y' said lott and halfe from y' said road northward as aforesaid :-ex- cepting a two rod way from the said Road on the east side of y' said quantity of land to the Northermost end thereof :-And also y' \Vestermost halfe part of y' remainder of the said lott and halfe lying between the said quantity of land and the North sea or Sound:- And also a percell of meadow at Deep Creek at y' said Acquabauk bounded by y' meadow of Will'" Mapes on y' \Vest and y' creek on y' East-Will'" Downs mea- dow North :-And one halfe part of a percell of mea- dow lying on y' South side of Peaconneck river on y' broad meadows :-And also one halfe part of a first lott of meadow on y' South side of y' said river-And that he y' said Christopher Youngs nor his heirs shall from henceforth claime or demand any right or title in or to ye same or any part thereof: And the said J ohn Youngs for himselfe and his heirs shall from thenceforth have hold and enjoy in severalty to him y' said Christopher Youngs, his heirs, for ever to his and their own use and behoofe the other moiety or halfe part of y' said land (that is to say) all that part of y' lott and halfe of land that is lying on y' South side of y' said Queens Road extending to y' Baye: And also y' eastermost half part of, y' remainder (y' SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 453 y' said lott and halfe lying between y' said quantity of land and y' North Sea or Sound :-And also a percell of Meadow on y' north side of y' said Peaconneck River-bounded East by Josiah Youngs his meadow- and West by a spring :-And also a percell of meadow lying on y' South side of y' said river bounded vVest by Thomas Terry-North and East by the river :--And aiso one halfe part of a pe;cell of meadow on y' Great meadows on y' south side y' said river and one halfe part of a first IoU of meadow on y' North side y' said river with all and singular the privileges and appurte- nances :-and that he y' said John Youngs nor his heirs shall from henceforth claime or demand any right or title in or to y' same or any part thereof. In \Vitness whereof y' parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Witnesses- JOHN DAINS BEN]: YOUNGS Ent' ffebY 24: 17M, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. CHRISTOPHER YOUNGS [Seal] JOHN YOUNGS [Seal] [NoTE.-John and Christopher were the sons of 1st Christopher and Mary, daughter of John Budd, who died in 1684. They both settled at Aq uebogue, on the North Road; their descendants occupy the same premises yet,- J. W. c.] PAGE 288. [Abstract.] This Indenture made y' 20th day of October I 7I 2 between David Horton of Southold, yeoman, of y' one part and Caleb Horton of y' same place, yeoman, of y' other part witnesseth, that y' said David Horton in consideration of a certaine sum of money to him paid by y' said Caleb Horton, y' said David Horton doth by these presents, grant bargaine and sell unto y' said 454 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Caleb Horton, all that messuage or tenement, lying in y' Neck on y' South side of y' Queens Road or bigh_ waye, and was given unto Jonathan Horton late of y' s' Town dee' by his hon' father Caleb Horton, late deed as by his last will and testament will at large ap- pear :- And also all that tract or percell of land that is lying between y' land lately of John Goldsmith dec'-and of y' land lately John Cleavis dec'-bonnded North by y' Sound-South by y' highway or Queens Road :-And also two fifth parts of three alottments of land situate at Catchauge on y' \Yest side of y' land of John Reeve Jun' (excepting a highwaye three poles wide on y' North end of y' said two fifths of land) and bounded on y' West by y' land of him y'said David Horton- on y' North by y' said three poles highwaye-East by y' land of y' said John Reeve, and South by y' Queens road or highwaye. And Mary Horton the wife of him y' said David Horton doth hereby yield up and surrender all her right of dower and power of thirds of in and to the above bargained premises. In testimony whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals this 6th day of April 1712. \Yitnesses- ELEZER LUCE DAVID HORTON [Seal] \YILLIAM BENJAMIN MARY HORTON [Seal] Acknowledged Nov' y' 26: 17'2. before me JOSEPH \YICKHAM, Teste Entd FebY 25: 17ft, pI' Benj: Youngs Town Clk. [NOTE.-The lands above divided constitute the farm of the late Win \Vickham, Cutchogue, a-od now of his daugh- ters. David, Caleb, and Jonathan were the sons of 1St Caleb.-]. W. C.] SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 455 PAGE 289. [Abstract.] This Indenture made the sixth day of April 17 I 3. between Barnabas Wines of Southold yeoman, of y' one part and Samuel Wines of y'same place, brother of y' said Barnabas witnesseth, that y' said Barnabas "Vines in consideration of a certaine sum of money to him in hand paid, doth grant bargaine and sell unto y' said Samuel Wines, his heirs and assigns for ever all that home lott of land situate in y' said Town, by estimation four acres, bounded East by y' said Town street-North by y' land of Lieut Joshua Horton, and South by the lott of John Corye :-As also seven acres of land lying at y' reare of y' said home lott bounded North and West by the land of William Halliocke and East by y' land of John Corye :-Also another parcell of land where the said Samuel \Vines now dwells by computation thirty acres, bound North by y' high- waye-West by y' land of John Goldsmith and East by y' land of Benjamin Reeve :-As also one first lott of land at y' North Sea by estimation twenty five acres -bounded North by y' North Sea or Sound-East by a lane or highwaye- West by y' land of John Goldsmith and South by the highwaye or Lane :-And also three lotts of Land in Great Hogneck bounded East by The- ophilus Case and on y' South, North and West by high- wayes :-Also two acres of meadow at Goose Creek, bounded Easterly by the meadow of William Horton Westerly by John Terry, and y' Creek Northerly:- And also two lotts of Creekthatch at South arbour (so called)-As also one lott of Creekthatch at Indian Neck bounded Northerly by y' meadow ground of Mr Joshua Wells-Easterly and Sontherly by y' Creek, and \Vesterly by y' upland :-And also two first lotts in y' comon and undivided lands and creekthatch in y' said Township. In testimony whereof the said Barnabas Wines hath 456 SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Witnesses, JAMES LANDON HENRY HARRIS Acknowledged before me the day and year above written. BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' Sept 9th [713, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. [NoTE.-The foregoing deed was probably given on the decease of their mother Mary,-the widow of 1St Barnabas, -when a division of the estate was by him ordered to be made.-]. W. C.] BARNABAS WINES [Seal] [Abstract.] April th 25: 1758. If I should never come again, my desire is that my house and land shall b~ sold, and if I have not no heir, then I would have thirtie pounds given to my wife and all the household goods :-then the rest to be divided between brother Abijah and brother William, they pay- ing to mother what is required-l would have brother Abijah see it done. Write by me, PETER WINDS. A true copie pr Rb' Hempstead Town Clerk. N ate. the above is said to be written by Peter Winds of South old just as he was going oute upon the expedition designed against Canada or Crown Point, and that he never lived to come home again. Dec' the 7th 1759: Then Jemima Winds wid. and relict of the above subscriber Peter Winds declared upon oath that she saw her s' husband Peter Winds write and deliver to her to keep, a paper of which the above written is a true copie: in which is contained her said husband's desire respecting his estate. Sworn before me, ROBERT HEMPSTED, Justice. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 457 Allso Daniel Tuthill J uner and Joseph Pain being present viewed the Original paper of which the above is a true copie and being sworn for that purpose de- clared that it appeared to them to be the same hand- writing as his book of accompts was Sworn before me RBt HEMPSTED, Justice. Also I myself viewed the writing said to be the de- sire of M' Peter Winds deceased of which the above is a tnte copie and compared it with his book of accompts and verily believe it to be the same hand writing Attest RBt HEMPSTED, Justice. Entd this 7th day of December 1759, pr Rbt Hempsted Town Clk. PAGE 290. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know ye that I, Samuel King of Southold, cooper, in consideration of a certain sum of money to me paid by Nathanel Paine of y' same Town, yeoman, doe by these presents freely give grant and sell unto y' said Nathanel Paine a certaine tract or percell of land situate in y' Oysterponds Lower Neck by estimation twenty three acres, bounded East by said Nathanael Paine-South by y' Creek-West by y' meadows of y' said Nathanael Paine-and North by the fresh meadows. Witness my hand and seal this 11th day of January 17H. Witnesses JOSEPH PATTY SAMUEL KING [Seal] WILLIAM KING Ju' Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Entd the 22d of January 17H, p' Benj: Youngs Town Cler. 458 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 291. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Isaac Over- ton of South old, yeoman, in consideration of eighteene pounds to me paid doe by these presents give grant and sell unto Abraham Youngs of y'same Town yeo- man, all my right, title and interest.of and to all the land that doth any manner of waies belong unto me lying in the Division of land first layd out in Hog Neck, which said division of land was laid out into three acre lotts (the bounds are not at present known) :-And also three lottments of land lately laid out in y'said Hog Neck, by estimation twenty one acres, bounded North by y' harbour-East by Nathanael Goldsmith-South by y' highwaye- West by Thomas Reeve deceased:- And also a parcell of meadow lying in said Neck by computation two acres bounded' South and West by Peter Dickeson-North and East by y' upland. Witness my hand and seal this 18th day of February 17<4. And Abigaill Overton y' wife of me y' said Isaac Overton doth by these presents freely yield up and sur- render all my right of dowry and thirds unto the above premises unto y' said Abraham Y oungs- Witness her hand and seal the day and year above written. Witnesses- ABRAHAM COREY ISAAC OVERTON [Seal] EPHRAIM HORTON ABIGAILL OVERTON [Seal] Acknowledged 18 Feby. 170-1', before me THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' y' 6th Feby. I7I!, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Nathanael Terry of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of y'sum of eight pounds to me paid doe by these presents grant SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 459 bargain and sell unto Abraham Youngs of Southold, yeoman, a certain first lott of land lying in Great Hogneck, by estimation eight acres, bounded North by the highway-East by land late of Capt Thomas Youngs now of said Abraham Youngs-South by a highway-West by Peter Paine dec'. Witness my hand and seal this 14th day of March 17~. Witnesses- mon. of STEPHEN BAYLEY NATHANAEL X TERRY [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged 10 Feby. 17ot, before me, THOMAS YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' Feby 8th 17t!, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 292. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee that I, John Gold- smith of Southold, tayler, in consideration of ten pounds to me paid by Abraham Youngs of Southold doe by these presents bargaine and sell unto y' s' Abra- ham Youngs, a certaine tract of land laying in Great Hogneck into [in two] lotts of land lying in the middle division, by computation twelve acres :-the one being b';lUnded on y' South by y' highway or lane-North by y' lane or highwaye-West by Joseph Moore-East by Abraham Youngs :-the other lott being bounded South and North by the abovesaid lott-East by y' land of Henry Case-West by William Youngs dec' Witness my hand and seal this 28th day of Feby 1700. vVitnesses. WILLIAM SALMON JOHN GOLDSMITH [Seal] DANIEL WIGINS Acknowledged 17th March 17H, before me BENJ: YONGS, Justice. Ent' pr Benj: Yongs, Town Clerk. 18'h May 1719. 460 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Thomas Moore of Southold, mariner, in consideration of tenn pounds to me paid by Abraham Youngs, yeoman, of Southold, doe fully give grant and sell unto y' said Abraham Youngs, a certain second Iott of upland by computation, twelfe acres, scituate in Great Hogneck Southold bounded North by y' highwaye that parts y' two divisions of land last laid out in y' said Neck, East by John Peck-South by a highway-West by John Corey. Witness my hand and seal this 7th day of January 170l Witnesses JOHN DAINS THOMAS MOORE [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged 10th JanY 17~~ be/ore me THOMAS YOUNGS. Entd 8'h Feby. 17ft, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE'293. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, John Goldsmith of Southold, taylor, in consideration of eighteene pounds to me paid by Abraham Youngs of Southold, yeoman, doe by these presents bargain and sell unto y' s<l Abraham Youngs, two certain first lotts of upland situate in Great Hog Neck, South old ;-One of y' said lots bounded East by John Booth deceased-- West by Joseph Reeve-South y' lane or highway- North by y' meadow of John Goldsmith-the other lott bounded West by y' lane or highway-East by Capt Jonathan Horton-South by y'lane_North by y' abovesaid meadow, containing in both lotts twelve acres :-And also, all y'said percell of meadow lying at y' North end of y'said lotts :-All that I formerly purchased of y' abovesaid Abraham Youngs, on y' East SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 461 and West bounded by y' upland-it is bounded--and on y' North by y' harbour containing four acres more or less with all and singular &c. Witness my hand and seal this 22' day of August 1706. Wi t.nesses, STEPHEN BAYLEY JOHN GOLDSMITH [Seal] JOSHUA YOUNGS Acknowledged 26'" FebY 17H before me, BENJ: YOUNGS, Just.ice, Entd y' 18th March 171t, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. PAGE 294. [Abstrac!..] This Indenture made this 23d of February 17ft, be- t.ween \Villiam Mapes of Southold, yeoman, on y' one part, and John Coleman of y' said Town, weaver, on t.he other part witnesseth, t.hat whereas the said John Coleman doth possess fifty acres of land lying at Catt- chauge in the said Town which was bequeathed to his ,nother by Thomas Mapes lat.e of y' said Town dee' (her father) in his last will and testamento-And where- as y' said William Mapes doth now possess, the allot.- ments of land adjoyning to y' said fifty acres, and y' bounds before this time not being absolutely made to t.he said fifty acres between them: N ow to y' end that perpetual bounds shall be had and made between the parties to these presents in man- ner and forme following: First, y' said William Mapes for himselfe doth promise that he y' said John Coleman shall from henceforth have hold and enjoy y' said fifty acres of land in width thirty poles and to extend in length until the said widt.h of thirty poles doth make fifty acres-And that Sd William Mapes nor his heirs shall henceforth claime or demand any right or title within the limits of y' said fifty acres-but thereof shall 462 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. be utterly debarred and excluded-And the said John Coleman and heirs doth promise that from henceforth he nor his heirs shall claime any other bounds to the said fifty acres than is above expressed-but from all right or demand to any other bounds shall be utterly excluded and debarred by these presents. In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals y' date above written Witnesses JOHN WICK JOSEPH WICKHAM Ent' 3 March, 17ft, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. WILLIAM MAPES JOHN COLEMAN [Seal] [A bs tract. ] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Daniel Youngs of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of forty pounds to me paid by Benjamin Moore of said Town, taylor, doe grant and sell unto y' said Benjamin Moore~ all that my home lott of land late in y' possession of Thomas Longworth dec' situate in said Town, by esti- mation eight acres, as y' same is bounded on y' South byt he said Town Street-West by y' land of him y' said Benjamin Moore-North by highwaye, and East by the land of Wid Mary Patty. Witness my hand and seal this 21st December 1714. \Vitnesses, JOSEPH WICKHAM DANIEL YOUNGS [Seal] WILLIAM BOOTH Acknowledged y' day and year above written before me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' y' 3' of ffeb'-. 17ft, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 463 , PAGE 295. [Abstract.] To all people Greeting. Know Yee, that I, John Richmond of Kingstown. Rhode Island, in considera- tion of three hundred and forty pounds to me paid by Thomas Shaw of Westerly, Rhode Island, doe by these presents give, grant and sell unto y' said Thomas Shaw one messuage or tract of Land situate upon Shelter Island, which lands I bought of George Havens, con- taining by estimation, two hundred and fifty six acres, Bounded as followeth, Viz: Norwest upon land for- merl y belonging to Giles Sil vester-Southerly upon J on- athan Havens' Land-Easterly upon \Villiam Havens Land-Northeast upon Nathaniel Sylvesters dee' land containing six roods wide from y' Northeast corner down to the salt water or harbor, To have &c. \Vitness my hand and seal this 13th day of November 1710. Witnesses-SAMll TERRY JOHN RICHMOND [Seal] JAMES TERRY Acknowledged this 21st day of January 17l!- before me, PETER CRAXDALL, J lIstice, Ent' y' 7th Feb, 17ft, per Benj: Youngs Town Clk. [Abstract,] To all people. Know Yee that I, Simon Ramsey of SouthoId, yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of one hundred and thirty one pounds to me paid by Thomas Shaw of Shelter Island, yeoman, doe by these presents freely grant bargain and sell unto y' said Thomas Shaw, all that messuage or tract of land situate at Acqua- bauke by computation one hundred and forty acres, Bounded North by Theophilus Curwin--which is three hundred and fifty-five poles from the North Sea or Sound-East by land of y' Browns-on y' South-ten 464 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. or eleven poles width of y' s' land is bounded by y' baye, and y' remainder of y' width of y' s' land is bounded by y' Queens Road, and on y' West by y' land of Daniel Curwin:- And also thirty acres of land lying at said Acqua. bauke being part of y' land I lately purchased of Ste- phen Bayley and to extend in length upon y' West side of y' same from y' North Sea or Sound to y' road called Seato cut road :_ Also one first lott of meadow lying on y' south side y' river at y' s.1 Acquabauke, bounded North by y' meadows of Matthias Cunvin and John Youngs-East by y' upland-South by y' meadow of William Cole- man and West by y' Creeke. Witness my hand and seal the 10th day of FebY 17H. 'Vitnesses- JONATHAN HAVENS SIMON X RAMSEY-[Seal] HENRY TUTHILL J un' Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. And Mary Ramsey wife of said Simon doth hereby freely yield up and surrender all her right of dower and thirds of in and to the above bargained premises. [NOTE.-The three lines above, without signature, date, or acknowledgment.- J. W. C.] Entd y' 7th FebY 17ft, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. , rn.rkof PAGE 296. [Abstract.] To all Christian people Greeting. Know Yee, that I, Thomas Shaw of Shelter Island, Yeoman, in consider. ation of y' sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to me paid by Jonathan Havens of South old yeoman, doe by these presents grant bargain and sell unto y' said Jona. than Havens. one messuage or tract of land situate - SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 465 on Shelter Island, by estimation two hundred and fifty six acres as the same is bounded: on the North west by y' land formerly Mr Giles Sylvesters-Southerly by the land of y' said Jonathan Havens-Easterly by y' land of William Havens and Northeast by y' land late Nathanael Sylvesters deceased :-being six rods wide from the Northeast corner down to y' Salt water or harbour. Witness my hand and seal this 10th day of February 17H. Witnesses- NATHANAEL WORNER THOMAS SHAWE [Seal] HENRY TUTHILL Jun' I, Mary Shaw, wife of the within named Thomas Shawe, doe hereby freely yield up and surrender all my right of dower and thirds of in and to the above barg-ained premises unto y' Sd Jonathan Havens. Witness my hand this 8th March 17M. Witnesses JOHN BRANDECK MARY SHAWE [Seal] JOHN KING her X mark Acknowledged by Thomas Shawe 10th Febr 17ft be- fore me BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' 12th Mar 17t!, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 297. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Israel Parshall of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds to me paid by Jonathan Youngs of Southold, yeoman, doe by these presents grant bargain and sell unto y' said Jonathan Youngs a certain parde of land situate in the first division of Aquabague lands at the place called Long Swamp, bounded North by the Sound-South by the Kings highway called the North Rhoad-East by Christopher Youngs, and West by Christopher Youngs Jun' 30 466 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Before signing and sealing, Bethiah, the wife of the s' Israel Parshall, doth consent to the sale, and quitt her right of dower to the same. Witness our hands and seals this 6th day of April 1049. [1749.J ISRAEL PARSHALL [SealJ ", BETHIAH X PARSHALL [SealJ m.' Witnesses-DANIEL MULFORD PARKER \VICKHAM Acknowledged day and year above written, before me, NATHANAEL WARNER, Justice. Memorandum: Quiet possession delivered &c. Witnesses, INCREASE MATHER MELINES CONKLING. Entred October IS, 1752, pr Rb' Hempsted, Town Clerk. [NoTE.--Nathaniel Warner lived at Roanoke.J [Abstract.J To all People. Know Ye, that Gidion Youngs of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of a certain sum of money to him in hand paid by his brother Jonathan Youngs of the same Town, yeoman, have by these presents remised released and quitclaimed and do re- mise release and quitclaim unto the said Jonathan Youngs, all such rights estates, titles, interest and de- mand whatsoever, as he the said Gediol1 Youngs had or ought to have of in or to all that land and houses where he the said Jonathan Youngs now dwelleth, situ- ate in the Oysterponds Lower Neck, and bounded on the West by the highway or lane-on the North by the highway-on the East by the land of Capt. Richard Brown-on the South or Southerly by the land of s' Gedion Youngs, from bound to bound as the said land was divided by the said Gedion Youngs and Jonathan Youngs, w here the partition fence now standeth :-the SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 467 westermost end of the said partition fence or line runs to a white oak tree to the harbour-excepting a way of two poles wide from highwater mark from thes' White Oak tree to the highway there [thro'] barrs for the said Gedion Youngs and his heirs and assigns to pass and repass for ever. Witness my hand and seal this 22' day of July 1749. Witnesses- ALEXANDER MUNN GEDlON YOUNGS [Seal] RACHEL YOUNGS Acknowledged the 22' day of July [749, before me, JOSHUA YOUNGS, Judge. So:hold 15 Oct 1752. Ent' pr Rbt Hempsted, Town Clerk. PAGE 298. [Abstract.] . To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Jacob Conklyne of Southold, yeoman, in consideralion of y' sum of twenty five pounds to me paid by Walter Brown of said Southold, doe by these presents grant, bargain and sell unto the said Walter Brown a certain tract or percell of land lying at Hashamomuck by compulation twelve acres, bounded North by y' Sound -East by Thomas Moore-South by y' Kings road and West by John Conklyne. Witness my hand and seal this 14th day of March 17ft- JACOB CONKLYNE [Seal] h.. matt ABIGAILL X CONKLYNE Witnesses-BENJ: YOUNGS EXPERIENCE YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' 12 May 1716, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [NoTE.-This lot lay next west of the farm of Col. Jere- miah Moore, deed, now occupied by Gilbert Verity and others.-J. W. C.] 468 SOUTHOLD 'fOWN RECORDS. [AbstracL] To all Christian people. Know Yee that I, .William King of Southold, for and in consideration of y' parental love, good will and affection that I have and bear towards my eldest son William King, doe by these presents give, grant, remise, release and confirme unto y'said William King, as part of his portion four acres of Land in Southold, where his house now stands in a place called y' Oysterponds Lower Neck, bounded Easterly with. Thomas Terry-Southerly with the highway-Westerly with Samuel Beebe and Northerly with my own land :-Also, five acres of meadow lying in s' Oysterponds Lower Neck bounded Easterly with Caleb Curtice-North by Samuel Beebee-Westerly with Lieut Glover's land and Southerly with a Creek and ditch :-Also, all that Salt meadow lying within Mr Vails lott near plumb gut. Witness my hand and seal this 11th day of November 1714, Witnesses-JosEPH BROWN WILLIAM KING [Seal] HANNAH KING DAVID KING Acknowledged 20th February 17ft, before me, BEN]: YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' 11th May 1716, P' Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. PAGE 299. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Samuel' Beebee of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of the good will and fatherly affections I have towards my daughter Bathsua King, wife of William King, Jun. of Southold, do by these presents giye grant alien remise release and quitclaim unto her y' said Bathsua King and William her husband, as part of her portion, a SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 40 piece of meadow containing three acres. situate in Oys- terponds Lower Neck, bounded on the East, North and West with Caleb Curtice and on y' South with William King his meadow, To have and to hold unto them &c. Witness my hand and seal this 11th day of November 1714. Witnesses- JOSEPH BROWN SAMUEL BEEBEE [Seal] DAVID KING HANNAH KING Acknowledged 20th FebY 17ft before me, BENJ: YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' y' 27th March 1716, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. PAGE 300. [Abstract.J This Indenture witnesseth that I, Thomas Shaw of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of y' sum of one hundred and forty pounds to me in hand paid by Syl- vanus Brown of s' Southold, husbandman, do by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the said Sylvanus Brown as well this present deed of sale and all y' mes- suage and tract of land within mentioned and sold or intended to be sold (excepting y' first lot of meadow and y' eleven poles width of land lying on y' South side of the Kings highway e). Witness my hand and seal y' 16th day of December 1715. Witnesses- SAMUEL CONKLYNE NATHAN YOUNGS Acknowledged by Thomas above written before me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. And Mary Shaw, wife of Thomas Shaw., doth hereby THOMAS SHAW [Seal] MARV SHAW Shaw the day and year 470 SOUTHOLD l'OWN RECORDS. freely yield up and surrender all her right of dower and thirds in and to the said premises. Entd y' 28th June 1716, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. [A bst ract.] To all people. Know Yee, that T, Peter Halyocke of Southold, in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds to me paid by my brother William Halyock of Southold doe by these presents give, grant, and sell unto the said William Halyock, a certain tract of land sitnate in y' first division of land at hockquaboge containing by es- timation one hundred and sixty acres, bounded East by Thomas Terry-South by y' baye or river-,Vest by Christopher Youngs, and North by y' Street or high. way:- Also a small percell of meadow lying at Hogquaboge aforesaid near y' head of Peaconneck River, by estima- tion two acres, bounded East by Christopher Youngs -South by y' River--West by Richard Howell and David Parshall-North on the land of James Reeve. Witness my hand and seal this 13th day of Sept' Anno Dam '7,6. Witnesses-JAMES REEVE PETER HALLACK [Seal] JOHN HOWELL Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me, BEN]: YOUNGS, Justice. Entd y' 7th Octo. 1716, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Cler. PAGE 301. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that T, Joseph Brown of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of twenty five pounds and ten shillings to me in hand paid by William King of Sd South old, yeoman, doe by these presents, give grant and sell unto y' said William King, a cer. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 471 tain piece or percell of meadow containing eighteene and a half acres more or less, situate in a place called Oysterponds Lower Neck, bounded Easterly by mea- dow in possession of Mr Vaill-Southerly by y' Baye or fishing Creek-Westerly by the Creek-Northerly by the land of William King, together with all the rights and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Witness my hand and seal this 27th March, 1716. Witnesses- SAMUEL BROWN JOSEPH BROWN [Seal] REBECKAH BROWN SAMUEL BEEBEE Acknowledged 13 June 1716, before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Entd y' loth December 17#, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 302. [Abstract.] Know all men by these presents that I, Joshua Ho- bart of Southold, gent. for good considerations but es- pecially for a sum of mouey to me payd, have alienated granted and sold unto Simon Ramsey of s' Southold, mariner, a certaine tract of land at Acquabauk, being a first loll of land bounded in breadth to y' Northeast- ward by a second loll layd out to Capt John Conklyne deceased-and to y' Southwestward by a first loll of upland layd out to Xtopher Youngs Sen. decd-and ex- tending in length from Peaconneck river to Sound or North Sea :-And also a second lott of meadow on y' other side of Peaconeck river bounded to y' Southeast- ward by a branch of s' River, and to y' Northeastward by y' npland and lying in breadth between William Cole- mans meadow South westward and John Youngs' mea- dow Northwestward :-And also a single loll of upland at y' Wading Creek being the eight lott in number con- 472 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. taining more or lesg, with y' full priviledge of all y' commonage reaching from s' lott as far Eastward as y' fresh pond commonly called Southhampton fresh pond. Witness my hand and seal this second day of Novem- ber 1699. Witnesses, IRENE W A YE JOSHUA HOBART [Seal] b......... HANNAH H ALBEN Acknowledged lIth FebY 17H before me, BEN}: YOUNGS, Justice. Ent 21 FebY. 17H, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 303. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, George Briggs of Flushing in Queens County mariner, in con- sideration of the snm of eighty pounds to me paid by Ebenezer Johnson of Southold, Suffolk County, ship- wright, by these presents doe give grant and sell unto ye said Ebenezer Johnson one certaine messuage or tract of land with y' dwelling house, situate in y' Town of Flushing butted and bounded as followeth-Easterly by Thomas Pameter-and so running from a certain chestnut tree standing about one rod forard of Tho- mas Pameters gate near West-Northwest Seventeen rods-and so to ye surerd twenty seven rods-and to ye Eastward seventeen rods and to ye Norward along Thomas Pamerton stone fence to y' above s' chestnut tree twenty seven rods:- Provided nevertheless, and it is the true intent and meaning of grantor and grantee in these presents, that if y' s' George Briggs do pavor cause to be paid unto y' said Ebenezer] ohnson or his heirs the sum of eighty pounds with interest :-the first forty pounds to be paid SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 473 y' first of September next ensuing the date hereof-the next & last payment next May ensuing the date her- of, which will be in the year 1718, at y' Sd Ebenezer Johnsons house, then this deed shall be null, void and of none effect. Witness my hand and seal this 28th May 1717. Witnesses JOHN YOUNGS BENJ: HORTON GEORGE BRIGGS [Seal] Acknowledged 4th June '717, before me BENJ: YOUNGS. Entd 22d Nov 1717, pI' Benj: Youngs Town Cler. PAGE 304. [AbstracL] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Arnold Gillam of Southold, mariner, in consideration of y' sum of six pounds to me paid by Joseph Hull of Sd Southold, cooper, doe by these presents grant and sell unto y' said Joseph Hull one first lott right in all y' common and undivided land and Creekthatch between Toms Creek and y' fresh meadows-(excepting my right of Common Land in Halliocks Neck.) Witness my hand and seal this 10th of April 1717. 'Witnesses- JOSEPH REEVE ARNOLD GILLAM [Seal] NATHAN LANDON Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me BENJ: YOUNGS. Entd y' 28th November 1717, pI' Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. The parties to the above deed have agreed and or- dered that it shall be null and void. Attest BENJ: YOUNGS, Town Clk. Entered Aug. 7th '723. [NoTE.-A,-nold Gillam was the son of Carteret Gillam, who married the daughter of Isaac Arnold. After two gen- 474 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. erations both the Gillams and the Arnolds disappeared, and have never returned.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Thomas Youngs of Oyster baye, Queens County weaver in con- sideration of fifteene pounds to me paid by Joseph Hull of South old cooper doe, by these presents grant, bar- gaine and sell unto y' said Joseph Hull, a certain par- cell of meadow lying at Catchauge, by computation four acres, bounded on y' North by y' meadow of Peter Payne dec'-East by a small creek:-South by y' meadow of Samuel Winds and West by y' upland. Witness my hand and seal y' 6th of March 17H. Witnesses- CHRISTOPHER YOUNGS THOMAS YOUNGS [Seal] EPHRAIM PIERSON Acknowledged y' day and year above written before me BENJAMIN YOUNGS Justice. Ent' 24 Jany 17ft, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. PAGE 305. [Abstract.] To all people. Know ye, that I, John Budd of South- old, yeoman, in consideration of six pounds to me paid by Joseph Hull of Southold, cooper, doe by these pres- ents grant bargain and sell unto y' s' Joseph Hull, one first lott right in all the common and undivided land and meadows ground in yl:l said Town. Witness my hand and seal this 27th day of Sept' 1717. Witnesses-SAM" HUCHlNSON JOHN BUDD [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year above written before me, BENJ: YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' y' 19th Feby l7It, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 475 PAGE 306. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Yee, that !, John Booth of South- old, husbandman, in consideration of a certaine sum of money to me in hand paid by Benjamin Moore of s' Southold, taylor, doe by these presents grant, bargaine and sell unto y' said Benjamin Moore, my house and home lott of land lying in y' s' Town, with all y' lands adjoyning to y' Sd home lott which was lately in y' pos- session of my hond father John Booth deceased, butted and bounded as by the records of y' Sd Town will plain- ly appear :-As also fourteene acres of land lying at the Northside of y' Town between y' land of Joshua Youngs and William Salmon, and also all other lands and rights of lands with all meadows and marshes which my said father died possessed of in y' s' Town: (excepting twenty five acres of land lately by me sold to Samuel Huchinson, Esqr.) Witness my hand and seal this 23d day of March 17ft. Witnesses, JONATHAN JAGGER JOHN BOOTH [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year above written before me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' y' 7th Jany. 17ft pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. [NOTE.-~John Booth, the second son of 15tJohn, lived in t~e house of his father from 1689 to 17I5-a period of 26 years. Where he went and when and where he died, we have no record.-J. W. C.] PAGE 307. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Yee, that !, Jacob Cory of Southold, weaver, in consideration of two pounds to me paid by Christopher Merrick of y' same Town, hattmaker, doe hereby give, grant and sell unto y' said Merrick, one half alotment of commonage in y' 476 SOUTHOLD T-<lWN RECORDS. old Town plott of Southold, with all y' increase of land belonging to y' s' halfe alotment of comonage yet to divide, with all the rights and priviledges belonging to Sd halfe alotment. Witness my hand and seal this 1st day of April 1707. Witnesses-DANIEL LANE STEPHEN BAYLEY JACOB CORYE [Seal] Entd y' 4th Aug' 1718, Pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Yee, that I, Jacob Corey Sen' of South old, weaver, in consideration of a sum of money in hand received of Christopher Merrick, hatmaker, doe hereby give, grant and sell unto y' said Christopher Merrick one acre of upland situate in y' old Town plott of Southold, bounded on y' East by y' reer of Ann Reeve her home lott--on y' South by y' highway, and on y' North and West by y' Sd Jacob Corye. Witness my hand and seal y' 17th day of May Anno Dom. 1699. Witnesses, ABRAHAM CORYE STEPHEN BAYLEY JACOB CORYE [Seal] JACOB CORYE Jun'. Entd y' 8th Jany: 17H, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. PAGE 308. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, John Tooker of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of the sum of twenty four pounds to me in hand paid by Wil- liam Halliock of Southold, yeoman, doe by these pres- ents give, grant and sell unto y' said William Halliock one certaine tract or percell of land situate on the North side of the Town of South old by estimation fourteen acres, bounded East by Sd William Halliock-South by y' highwaye-West by Joseph Paine and Northerly by SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 477 the beach :-Also one other tract or percell of land situate at y' rear of y' home lott of Jacob Corye by estimation fifteen acres, bounded Westerly by Peter Dickeson-Northerly by William Halliock, and East- erly and Southrly by y' land of Jacob Corye. Witness my hand and seal this 25th day of February 17ft. Witnesses, MATTHIAS HUCHINSON JOHN TOOKER [Seal] WILLIAM BRADLEY Acknowledged 25 Feby. 17tI, before me, SAMUEL HUCHINSON, Justice. Ent' 24th Feby 17ft, pr Benj: Youngs Town Cler. [For note on John Tooker, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, Vol. I. p. 66.-J. W. C.] PAGE 309. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Samuel King of South old sendeth Greeting. Whereas Wi 11m King, late of Salem, County Essex, Massachusetts Bay, decd, and eldest brother of him y' s' Samuel King, was in the time of his life, as also at his decease, in the possession of sev- eral parcells of upland and meadow with houseu, build- ings and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in the Town of Salem aforesaid :-And whereas the s' William King did not leave any issue of his body to inherite y' s' lands and premises from the s' Samuel King his second brother who is the undoubted heir to ye same: Now Know Yec, that he ye Sd Samuel King, in con~ sideration of y' natural love and affection which he bearelh unto his youngest son John King of Southold, mariner, as also for a sum of money to him by the s' John King paid, doth by these presents remise, release and forever quittclaime unto his sd. son John King and to his heirs, all such right, title, interest and de- 478 SOUTHOLD 1'OWN RECORDS. mand whatsoever as he y' said Samuel King hath, had or ought to have of, in or to all and every part and par- cell of y' abovementioned lands, meadows, buildings and premises by any waies or means whatsoever. Witness my hand and seal this 29th day of November, 1710. Witnesses, JOHN TUTHILL SAMUEL KING [Seal] HENRV TUTHILL EPHRAIM HORTON Acknowledged y' 29th Nov' 1710, pr THOMAS MAPES, Justice. Ent' May y' 23: 1719, pr Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Joseph . Moore of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of three pounds to me in hand paid by Ichabod Cleaveland of the said Town, ship carpenter, doe, by these presents, grant, bargaine and sell unto y' said Ichabod Cleve_ land a certain' piece of land situate in y' said Town of Southold by computation halfe an acre, bounded West and North by the said Joseph Moore-East by Jona- than Horton and South by y' Towne Street. Witness my hand and seal this 23d day of November [719. Witnessesl JONATHAN BAYLEY JOSEPH MOOR [Seal] SAMUEL LANDON Acknowledged the day and year above written before me BEN]: YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' 27 Nov. 1719, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. Memorandum: quiet possession delivered by tbe said Joseph Moore in presence of us, DANIEL BOOTH . SAMUEL LANDON, [NOTE.-This half acre of land adjoins the homestead lot of the late Jeremiah Goldsmith, deed, in the central part of SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 479 the village of Southold, and is now owned and occupied by his daughter. the widow of C. D. Elmer, late School Com- missioner for the Eastern District of Suffolk Countv.- J. W. C.] . PAGE 310. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Yee, that I, Barnabas Winds of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of eleven pounds ten shillings to me paid by Joseph Goldsmith of South old aforesaid, blacksmith, doe by these pres- ents give, grant and sell unto the said Joseph Gold- smith a certaine parcel of wood land situate in the western part of the s' Town, by estimation ele,'en acres and an half, bounded east by the s' Barnabas Winds- North east by the land of Thomas Reeve-Northwest by the Creek commonly called Mattatnck Creek-West by the aforesaid Barnabas, and South by the highway. Witness my hand and seal the 22' day of July 1719. Witnesses, BENJAMIN YOUNGS Ju' BARNABAS WINDS [Seal] GERSHOM TERRY Acknowledged 28 July 1719, before me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS. Ent' 4th Dec 1719, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. [NoTE.-The lot above described lies along the shore of Mattituck Creek, east of the mill, and directly in front of the house of Joshua Terry.-J. W. C.] [Abstract.] To all people. Know Yee, that !, David Corye of Southold, yeoman, for y' natural love and affection that I have and bear unto my brother Jonathan Corye of the said Town, cordwinder, doe by these presents give, grant and sell unto my s' brother Jonathan Corye thirty acres of upland, more or less, situate at Hashamomack bounded North by the Sound-East by Joseph Conk 480 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. ling-South by the land of Samuel Conkling-and West by Providence Rider:- Also fourteen acres of upland at y' said Hashamo- macke bounded on y' North by y' Sound-East by John Conkling-South by the highwaye and West by Providence Rider:- And also four acres of meadow lying at Hashamo- mack, bounded North by a dich-East by Providence Rider~South by Samuel Conkling and West by the creek. Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of February 17{--&. Witnesses, SAMUEL CONKLING DAVID CORYE [Seal] NATHAN YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year above written, before me, BEN]: YOUNGS, Justice Peace. Ent'l4th December 1719, Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. [N oTK-David Corey, Sheriff, on the death of his father, Isaac, became possessed of nearly all his large landed estate, and felt it a duty and perhaps a pleasure to ignore the law of inheritance, and bestow at least a part of his lands upon his brother Jonathan and other kindred. The home farm of David Corey embraced the present farm of Daniel Thomas, and also the farm of Thomas Cas. sidy, and that of Charles Reeve.-J. W. C.] PAGE 31 I. [Abstract.] To all people, Joseph Swasey of Southold, yeoman, sendeth greeting. Whereas Joseph Swasey Sen'dec', and father of him the s' Joseph Swasey, did in his last will and testament give and bequeath unto his second son, Samuel Swasey, a certain tract or percell of land scituate in tbe said Township, bounded North by Jacob Aldridge-East by Abraham Osman - South by the North Road (or Seatocut Road) and West by Jacob Osman :-And also a percell of meadow on the South SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 48[ side of Peconeck river, bounded West by the meadow late of John Osman dec'- East by Matthias H nchin. son-and North by the said river: and whereas y's' Samuel Swasey is desirous that y' said Joseph Swasey his brother should release and quitt his claime unto y' said land and meadow: Now Know Yee, that he the said Joseph Swasey, in consideration of a sum of money to him in hand paid by y' s' Samuel Swasey, his brother, hath by these presents remised and released and quitt claimed, unto y' s' Samuel Swasey, all such rights. es- tate, title, interest and demand whatsoever as he the s' Joseph Swasey had or ought to have of. in or to all y' said tract or percell of land and meadow with the appurtenances. Witness my hand and seal this 2d day of April 17[7. Witnesses, JOSEPH W[CKHAM JOSEPH SWASEY [Seal] BEN]: YOUNGS GROVER YOUNGS Acknowledged 2d April [7[7, before me, BEN]: YOUNGS. Ent' 28 Jany [7H. pr Benj: Youngs. Town Clerk. PAGE 3[2. A list of the great lots of the dividend of land in Southarbour & Indian Necks as they were drawn April y' 9th, 17[9. begining at hog sty Neck and from thence to bottom of Southarbour & so upward, as followeth: Joshua Wells first drauft two lots: Samuel Huchin- son second drauft eight lots Jeremiah Vail third drauft .one lot this third drauft was drawn for Joseph Moore Nathanael Terry fourth drauft two lots: Daniel Vail fifth draught one lot. Christopher Youngs sixth draft .one lot: John Vail seventh draft one lot: Joshua Youngs eighth draft one lot. The above mentioned lots in Southarbour run into y' 3' 482 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Creeks & bay taking in the borders of the thach & meadow ground adjoyning to them not before laid out. Joseph Brown ninth draft one lot: William Cox tenth draft one lot: Samuel Terry eleventh draft two lots: Mary Overton twelfth draft one lot: Thomas Moore thirteenth draft three lots: Jonathan Horton J un four- teene draft one lot: Henry Wells fifteene draft two lots: Samuel Landon sixteenedraft one lot: Town lots: seventeene draft two lots: Thomas Dickeson eigh- teene draft two lots: J osiah Youngs nineteene draft one lot part of which lot is joyning to the creek taking in the borders of meadow ground lying next the same not before laid out: Joseph Paine twenty draft one lot: Joshua Horton Jun. twenty one draft two lots: Widow Mary Winds twenty two draft three lots: Ben- jamin Reeve twenty three draft hvo lots: Joseph Reeve & Wid Martha Reeve twenty four draft three lots: Richard Terry twenty five draft two lots: John Cur- win twenty six draft three lots. The above lots in the Indian field run into the creeks taking in y' meadow ground that is lying against the same not before laid out. John Budd twenty seven draft three lots: Henry Case Jun & John Paine deceased twenty eight draft three lots: Daniel Goldsmith twenty nine draft one lot: Jonathan Benjamin thirty draft one lot: Benjamin. Youngs thirty-one draft two lots: Isaac Overton thirty two draft two lots: Matthias Huchinson thirty three draft three lots: William Horton thirty four draft three lots: Joshua Horton thirty five draft two lots: John Benjamin thirty six draft one lot: Mary Lynds thirty seven draft two lots: Samuel Darby & William Bradly dec' thirty eight draft one lot: John Hobart thirty nine draft one lot: Abraham Corye & John Corye forty darft iwo lots: Joshua Tuthill forty one draft one lot: Joseph Hull forty two draft two lots: Nathanael Ar- SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 483 nold and Arnold Gillam forty three draft dne lot: Jonathan Horton forty four draft three lots: Richard Steer forty five draft one lot: Josiah Patty forty six draft one lot: James Reeve forty seven draft one lot: John Terry and Moore forty eight draft three lots: Wil- liam Halliock forty nine draft three lots: Samuel Youngs deed fifty draft one lot: William Coleman fifty one draft one lot: John Dickeson fifty two draft one lot: Benja- min Corye fifty three draft one lot: Ebenezer Waye fifty four draft one lot: Jeremiah Vail fifty five draft one lot: Evin Davis fifty six draft one lot: William Salmon fifty seven draft one lot: John Goldsmith fifty eight draft six lots: Philemon Dickeson deed fifty nine draft one lot: James Horton sixty draft one lot: Joshua Wells one lot lying Westerly and Northerly of his mea- dow: Gershom Terry one lot lying easterly of his mea- dow. Nathanael Terry one lot adjoyning to y' above said lot of Gershom Terry. Note the above mentioned lots that butt against y' creeks rnn into y' same creeks taking in .the borders of meadow ground not before laid onto William Wells his lot is lying by the side of Joseph Reeve his meadow and soe to little Hogneck beach. PAGE 3'3. Note there is liberty of a way throngh gates or bars- leaving y' same shut all along the Sonthard side of Joshua Wells his land for y' carting y' grass from time to time growing on the meadow & creekthach ground' lying between y' Kectham meadow soe called & Joshua Horton his meadow at Pine Neck and also fence to the same. And there is a open way two poles wide by y' East side of Joseph Brown his lot and soe to the N orthermost corner of Samnel Hutchinson his land, and then liberty 484 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. of a cartway through gate or bars (leaving the same shut) straight to the head of John Goldsmith his spang of Creekthach and soe on the said creekthach into the water and soe over y' common wading place for y' per- sons that have creekthacth there to fech the same and to fech wood or timber that growed upon y' Indian land soe called, and also the liberty of a way through gate or bars from the s' corner of Samuel Huchinson his land (leaving the same shut as above) straite to the East end of the Salt pond on y' South side of South harbour Neck, and soe on the beach by y' side of the baye into the Creek at the mouth of ye Creek for y' commoners to fech their Creekthatch growing in said Creek with the liberty of y' land near y' going into y' s' Creek for y' conveniency of them to unlode & lode their s' Creek thatch. And there is also left an open high way two poles wide that runs Southward from the Kin~;s road between the lots of John Curwin through the hollow and soe to the meadow late of John Reeve, and along by the said mea- dow side to a percell of land left comon at the head of that Creek for the convenient watering of cattel at the Springs there and other priviledges for y' commoners and soe the s' two pole way is to be continued from the said Comon land between the lots & William Coleman his land to the Indian land soe called. Also there is left an open way two poles wide from y' Kings Road along by y' side of Richard Terrys land where he now dwells Southerly "and soe along by the East Side of Mr Joshua Wells his land and meadow to Gershom Terry his meadow and then turns Easterly by the Southward side of Samuel Youngs his lot to Nathanael Terry & William Wells lotts. Also there is an open way two poles wide turns out of y' last mentioned waye by a pond of water that is near Joshua Wells his meadow head runing Southerly SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 485 near y' middle of y' Little Neck (soe called) between the two teer of lots to William Salmons lot. Also we left land to goe through gates or bars, leav- ing y' same shut, from the last mentioned waye to the meadow and then to go Easter! y & 'W ester! y by or near the meadows side for y' use of y' owners of all the creekthatch and meadow to get & cart their creekthatch & ha ye and to cart fence to their meadows, and also liberty of y' land near y' going into the Creeks for the owners of y' creekthatch to unlode & lode their creek- thacth; also a drift way from the s' open way going into y' s' Little Neck through gates or bars leaving y' same shut by the Southard part of Richard Terrys land to the fresh meadows soe called, and soe along near the meadow to the farthermost meadows for y' owners of y' said meadows to make and cart their hay & fence. And also we allowed a way through gates or bars (leaving y" same shut) through Gershom Terrys land near the side of his meadow to the comon place of going into the Creek for the convenience of the owners of all the Creekthatch to unlode lode & carry away their creekthacth: and also we allowed land for a way on William Wells his lot through gates or bares to the meadow of Joseph Reeve for to make & cart the hay from and carry fence to y's' meadow and for the commoners to go conveniently to get & cart the comon creekthacth; and the liberty of land near y' comon Creekthacth to onlode & lode their Creekthacth as they have occation. Note that gates or convenient slip bares may be set up upon the before mentioned open ways by the con- sent of those that own the lots of upland lying within the same and inclosed thereby, which gates and bares are for the use of the owners of the Creekthacth & meadows, as aboves' All the ways above mentioned in this division through gates or bares are for yll uses above mentioned and not otherwise. 486 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 3'4. A list of the lots in the Indian land (soe called) as they were surveyed & drawn April the 9th '7'9. be- gining next the great lots & on the Southward side of the way in the s' Indian land. Jonathan HortonJun ,lolt John Terry & N. Moore 3 lolts John Budd 3 lolts Richard Benjamin ,lolt J ames Patty , lott James Horton , lolt William Hallioak 3 lotls Benjamin Corye , lott Daniel Goldsmith ,lott Samuel Landon , lott Richard Steer , lolt William Coleman ,lott Christopher Youngs, loti Jonathan Horton 3 lotts Joseph Paine , lott John Dickeson , lott Marv Overton , lott Gershom Terry , lolt Daniel Vail , lolt William Horton 3 lotls Samuel Terry 2 lotls Philemon Dickeson deed , loti J ames Reeve , lott Joshua Horton Jr 210tls John Curwin 3 lotls J oseph Hull 2 lotts Nathanael ArnOld} 1 t & Arnold Gillam '0 Joshua Horton 2 lolts William Salmon , loti John Vail , lolt Joshua Tuthill I Iolt William Wells , lott Ebenezer W a ye , loti Town- 2 lotls Benjamin Reeve 2 lotls Joseph Reeve ,t lotls W. Martha Reeve ,t lotts Josiah Youngs , lolt Mary Lynds 2 lotls Nathanael Terry 3 lotts Samuel Huchinson 810tls Jeremiah Vail (fr Jo- seph Moor) , lott Thomas Moore 3 lotls Joshua Wells 310tts Henry Wells 2 lotts Evin Davis , lott Jeremiah Vaill , lott John Goldsmith 6 lotls Samuel Youngs dec' , loti John Hobart , loti Abraham & John Corye 2 lolts Samuel Darby & Willm Bradley , lott Joseph Brown , lott Matthias Huehinson 310tts SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 487 Wid. Mary Winds Joshua Youngs William Cox John Benjamin , lott Richard Terry 2 lotts Ben j: Youngs 2 lotts Isaac Overton 2 lotts Thomas Dickeson 2 lotts Henry Case J un & } 3 lotts John Paine deed There is an open way two poles wide continued Southerly from the two poles way that is mentioned that comes to the Indian land soe called unto Jonathan Horton Jr his lott, and then runs Easterly between the two teer of lots in the Indian land to William Cox his lot, then a way through gates or bares leaving y' same shut to the Southward side of y' spang of meadow at y' end of y' neck and soe upon y' beach & along under y' cleft to y' comonplace of wading over to South har- bour; and also there liberty of a way through gates or bares all round the lower part or bottom of the neck of y' Indian land, soe called, for to get & cart y' Creek. thatch. Also there is a way through gate or bares leaving y' same shut on y' West side of Jonathan Hor- ton his lot to Benjamin Moore his meadow for to git & cart hay & fence. Note that gates or bares may be set upon y' open way in this division by the consent of the owners of y' land inclosed thereby. 3 lotts ,Iott , lott Southold y' gth of April '7'9. Then was sold by the commoners of y' Sd Town the several percels of land hereunder entered for to pay and defray the charge of laying out the common lands &c. To Matthias Huchinson from the head of Kecham meadow Southard to his bounds; set up and marked and from thence on a line to the head of the meadow late of Barnabas Winds at y' enterence of y' lane that 488 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. goeth into hog neck containing all the upland hetween the s' line and the said Kecham meadow hogstineck creek and Goose creek meadows. And to Samuel Terry all that land Southward of his meadow (by his house) now fenced in. And to Christopher Merrick all that stripp of coman land Eastward of the highway near his house. And to Samuel Winds all that stripp of coman land lying between the highway and his own land. And to Benjamin Reeve all those two stripps of land lying Easterly and Southerly between his own land (where he now dwells) and the highways. And to Richard Terry a small piece of land lying be- tween the Northeast corner of his laud (where he now dwels) and the Kings Roade; the highway leading into Indian Necks being on the Eastward side thereof. And to Nathanael Youngs all 'that six acres of land lying at hogneck on which his the sd Nathanaels Barn now standeth. Entered by Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. South old May 1725. At a meeting of the commoners then was sold by the sd commoners unto Benjamin Reeve and Samuel Winds all that two poles width of common land lying between the lands of y' said Benja- min Reeve and y' said Samuel Winds at their North Sea lots for five pounds already in hand paid. Ent' by Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 315. A list of y' small lots as they were snrveyed & drawn part of y' division being at y' end of y' Town & part in pine neck & part 111 Southharbour April y' 9th 1719. Christopher Merrick 1 lott Joseph Brown 1 lott Samuel Huchinson 8 lots Nathanael Terry 3 lots Samuel Terry 2 lots Thomas Moore 3 lots Samuel Youngs dec' 1 lott John Vaill 3 lots SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 489 Benjamin Youngs 2 lots J ames Patty I 10tt William Wells I lot Sam1 Darby & Wm Bradley I 10tt Evin Davis I lott Jonathan Horton J un I lott Joshua Horton 2 lots Joseph Hull & Ar- nold 2 lots Samuel Landon I lott Samuel Winds 3 lots James Horton I lott John Goldsmith 6 lots Ebenezer Waye I lott Josiah Youngs I lott Henry Case & Paine 3 lots Jeremiah Vaill I lott Joshua Horton J un' 2 lots Philemon Dickeson I lott Richard Steer I 10tt Benjamin Reeve 5 lots The Town 2 lots John Curwin 3 lots Daniel Goldsmith I lott Joshua Youngs I lott John Corye & Abrm 2 lots The three divisions of lands herein last ent' was sur- veyed and laid out by us the under written appointed and chosen by the ma jar part of the owners thereof as also the waies left in the same divisions for the nses therein mentioned. James Reeve I lott Joshua Wells 3 lots Mary Overton I lott Gershom Terry I lott Thomas Dickeson 2 lots Rich' Benjamin 2 lots John Hobart I lott William Halliock 3 lots Jonathan Horton 3 lots Jeremiah Vaill for J 0- seph Moor I lott Rich' Terry 2 lots Mary Lyndes 2 lots William Coleman I lott Christopher Youngs I lott William Horton 3 lots Isaac Overton 2 lots Henry Wells 2 lots Benjamin Corye I lott Joshua Tuthill I lott Matthias Huchinson 3 lots William Cox I lott William Salmon I lott John Budd 3 lots John Terry & Moore 3 lots John Dickeson I lot BENJ: YOUNGS SAMUEL HUCHINSON JONATHAN HORTON Ent' pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. 490 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 316. [Abstract.] Know. Yee, that I, Robert Griffing of South old, bricklayer, in consideration of seventy pounds to me paid by Joshua Youngs of South old, yeoman, do by these presents grant bargaine and sell unto the s' Joshua Youngs one halfe part of those four lots of land scituate and being in y' second division of Acquabauk lands for- merly in y' right of John Swasey late deceased that is to say the Westermost halfe part thereof bounded North by the Sound-East by John Griffing-South by y' River or baye and West by John Conkling. Witness my hand and seal this 5th day of February 171l JONATHAN YOUNGS ROBART GRIFFING [Seal] WILLIAM GLOVER Mem: Quiet and peaceable possession delivered by y' Sd Robert Griffing to y' s' Joshua Youngs. Acknowledged 10th June 1719 before me BENJ: YOUNGS, Justice. Ent' 25th Feby. 172!, p' Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [Abstract.] To all people. Know yee, that I, Stephen Bayley of Southold, in consideration of a valuable sum of money already received, do grant alienate and sell unto Joseph Youngs a certain tract or percel of land situate in Southold, bounded West by sd Joseph Youngs and y' land of Stephen Bayley-North by y' highwaye-East by a highway taken out of y'said land by way of ex- change with the Town-South by y' Street, which tract or parcel of land is by computation fourteen acres; it is all y' right purchased formerly by Mr Nicolas Eads of Benjamin Horton deceased (excepting y' highway lying Eastward of Sd land from one end of y' lott to y' other which was a part and exchanged with y'Town SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 491 as abovesaid-which highway is two pole wide y' whole length of y' lott, and afterwards purchased of Mr Nico- las Eads by me Stephen Bayley. Mem: the said Stephen Bayley do except the high- way taken out, two pole wide &c. Witness my hand and seal this 10th day of January 1700. Witnesses, SAMll DARBY STEPHEN BAYLEY [Seal] BENJ: YOUNGS Entd pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. PAGE 317. [Abstract.] To all people. Know yee, that I, Samuel Darby late .of Salem, New England, and now of Southold, mariner, and Hannah my now wife, and Sarah Youngs sister to my now wife, for a l1aluable consideration to us paid by Josiah Youngs of Southold, cooper, doe give grant and sell unto the said Josiah Youngs, a certaine tract of up- land lying at Acquaback, being such a part of two sec- ond lots as is contained between y' Country Road and North Sea or Sound, bounded East by Thomas Terry _ West by Christopher Youngs :-And also four acres of meadow-two of said acres of meadow are salt"and two fresh :-the meadows are lying by the north side of a River knowne by the name of Peconeck :-the said meadow was formerly Lieut John Budds, and by him given to his daughters Mary and Anne. Witness our hand and seals this 10th day of January 17of. Witnesses- STEPHEN BAYLEY BENJ: YOUNGS SAMUEL DARBY HANNAH DARBY h",mll'lr. SARAH SY YOUNGS EnId pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [Seal] [Seal] [Seal] 492 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 318. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know yee, that I, Jacob Osman of South old, yeoman, in consideration of thir- teene pounds to me paid by Josiah Youngs of Southold, yeoman, doe by these presents grant bargaine and sell unto y' said Josiah Youngs one full sixth part of five alotments of land as they were laid out in the second division of Aquabauke lands, which sixth part of the said five alotments of land is bounded on y' North by the Sound-East by the land now in y' possession of Samuel Hutchinson-South by Cor" Henry Smith and West by land now in the possession of Benjamin Youngs. Witness my hand and seal this 19th day of March 17ft. Witnesses, BENJAMIN YOUNGS JACOB OSMAN [Seal] JAMES LANDON Acknowledged the day and year above written before me, BENJAMIN YOUNGS. PAGE 3 19. [Abstract.] To all people. Know yee, that I, Jasper Griffing of Lyme, Ct., cord winder, in consideration of a certain sum of money to me paid by my brother Robart Grif- fing of Southold, bricklayer, doe by these presents grant bargain and sell unto y' s' Robart Griffing two lots of land sitnate in the second division of Acqua- bauk lands, and bounded North by y' Sound-East by John Griffing-South by the River and West by John Conkling :-And one other lott of land lying in the sd division and bounded North by.the Sound-East by Richard Clarke-West by Daniel Terry and South by the extent of the bounds of the said Town of Southold. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 493 Witness my hand and seal this 1st day of June 17[8. Witnesses, THOMAS MOORE JASPER GRIFFING [Seal] BENJAMIN YOUNGS Jun' Acknowledged 21st June 17[8 before me BENJ: YOUNGS, Justice peace. Ent' 5 March I72t, Pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. [Abstract.] To all people. Know yee, that I, Joseph Bud of Southold, mariner, in consideration of one hundred and fifty two pounds ten shillings to me paid by J on- athan Hudson of Shelter Island in the County afore- said, yeoman, do by these presents, grant and sell unto the said Jonathan Hudson a certain tract or percel of land at Hocabauk, which said tract of land is by com- putation one hundred and fifty acres, or the half of that tract containing three hundred acres, with the half of the meadow thereunto belonging, as the whole of the same is bounded West by Joshua Hempsted-East by David Horton-South by the Bay-North by the Sound. Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of April 1720. Witnesses- JOSHUA HORTON BENJAMIN MORE THOMAS SANDTFORTH Acknowledged y' day above written before me, SAMUEL HUCHTNSON, Justice. Ent' 4 Nov' 1726, Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. JOSEPH BUDD [Seal] MARY BUDD [Seal] PAGE 320. [Abstract.] To all Christian people, Joseph Swasey of Southold, yeoman, sendeth Greeting: Whereas Joseph Swasey 494 SOUTHOLD ToQWN RECORDS. late of sd Town dec' and father of him the said Joseph Swasey did in his last will and testament give and be- queath unto his third son Richard Swasey a certaine tract or parcell of land situate in the said Township and bounded North by the Sound-East by Joseph Conklin-West by Jonathan Dimon and soe to extend Southard until it comes to want sixty poles of being half of the distance between the Setaucut road (soe called) and the Southward highway that leads west- ward to the Riverhead, and also one halfe part of y' meadows lying in y' great meadows on the east side y' Creek there that the deceased dyed possest of; and whereas the said Richard Swasey is desirous that y' sd Joseph Swasey his brother should release and quit his claime unto y' sd land and meadows, therefore know y'that he the s' Joseph Swasey for and in considera- tion of a certaine sum of money to him paid by the said Richard Swasey hath released and quitt claimed and by these presents doth release and quit claime unto y' sd Richard Swasey all such right title and interest he the said Joseph Swasey had or ought to have to the said land and meadow. Witness my hand and seal this 13th of May 1718. Witnesses, THOMAS CLARKE JOSEPH SWASEY [Seal] BEN]: YOUNGS Acknowledged the day and year above written before me BEN]: YOUNGS, Justice. PAGE 321. [Abstract.] This Indenture, made the 27th day of May 1714, be- tween Peter Dickeson of Southold, yeoman, of the one part and John Dickeson son of y' sd Peter Dickeson of the other part witnesseth that the said Peter Dickeson in consideration of a certain sum of money to him paid SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 49> by the sd John Dickeson the sd Peter Dickeson by these presents doth grant bargain sell and release unto the s. John Dickeson all that home lott of land, with one acre and a ha\fe of land at the rear thereof as y' same is bounded North by Jonathan Mapes-East by the s. Peter Dickeson-South by y' s. Peter Dickeson, and West by y' Street; as also all that his northermost dwelling house with one pole and a ha\fe of land east- erly and southerly of y' said house and soe to run square, westerly and northerly to y' Street and to the said home lott herein granted to him y' s. John Dicke- son; as also another percell of land at the rear of the sd home lott being seven acres more or less as it is bounded Northward by Jonathan Mapes-Eastward by y'sd Peter Dickeson and Southerly by the Creek; as also twenty eight acres of land lying at the North Sea lots (soe called) bounded Northerly by John Terry-- East by the highwaye-West the great pond and South- erly by y' said Peter Dickeson; also twelve acres of land lying on the backside of the s. Town bounded Northerly and Easterly by William Halliock-Southerly by y' s. Peter Dickeson and Westerly by a highwaye; also one lott of land near the Inlett, by computation twenty five acres, bounded Northerly by the Sound- Easterly by John Terry-Southerly by a highway and Westerly by Joshua Horton; as also nine acres of land in Hog Neck-bounded North by a highway-East by Stephen Bayley-South by the Bay and West by Wil- liam Halliock; also one lot of commonage in the said Town; as also one ha\fe part of all his meadows in a Neck called Peacones Neck; and one half part of all his meadow in Hogneck; and all y' meadow that is belong- ing to the said Peter Dickeson lying in Southarbour neck bounded Westward by Lieut Joshua Horton's meadow. . In testimony whereof the said Peter Dickeson hath 496 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. hereunto set his haud and seal the day and year above written. Witnesses, JONATHAN HORTON PETER DIC.KESON [Seal] BENJAMIN REEVE hllm...t WILLIAM X COX Acknowledged 16th March 1720 before me BENJ: YOUNGS, Justice Peace. Ent' pr Benj: Y onngs Town Clerk. [Abstract.] At a meeting of the Commoners in Sonthold March y' 8th 172+ the commoners, in consideration of three rights of common creekthatch granted to them by Sam_ uel Hutchinson, have given and granted to y' said Samnel Hutchinson a large body of meadow west of the Wading place between South harbor and Indian Neck. [Bound, named, but nearly all the traces are now lost.- J. W. C.] . At the same meeting the s' Samuel Hutchinson granted the three rights in exchange &c. At the same meeting the sd commoners, at the re- quest of Capt Curwin and William Coleman, agreed that the highway that lays between y' s' Capt Curwins land from y' Kings Road to the comon land at y' head of y' Creek and from thence Southerly between the lands of y' s' Capt. Curwin and William Coleman may be altered or moved to lay between the lands of him y' s' Capt Curwin and the lands of Zebulon Hallioak, for- merly John Budd, which s' way is two poles wide, pro- vided that the s' Capt Curwin layaway two poles wide from y' s' highway at the west side of his s' land, and so along the Southard end of his said land where it is now fenced, to the Sd comon land and not otherwise. Ent' by Benj: Youngs, Town Clerk. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 497 PAGE 323. At a meeting of the commoners in South old March 8th 172~, the s' Commoners in consideration of six pounds and sixteen shillings current money of New York to them in hand paid by Hezekiah Reeve of y' s' Town have sold unto the s' Hezekiah Reeve and to his heirs and assignes for ever all that two poles waye lying between the land of Elizabeth Hunter and y' land of y' s' Hezekiah Reeve in the s' Town freely to be possessed and enjoyed. Ent' pr Benj: Youngs Town Clerk. At y' same meeting of y' commoners y' date above written it was voated that Benjamin Case in considera. tion of his seting and keeping up a pale fence next to the high way against Catchauge pond to keep the ground Irom washing into y' s' pond, is to have y' lib. erty and priviledge of runing his fence into y' s' pond for the time of ten years and not longer. So:hold December the 18: '753. Capt Barnahas Winds of full age and sworn on the holy Evangelist sayth being present on the spott: that he well remembers the laying oute of all the creekthatch meadows lying by the edge of the bay in and about the mouth of Southarbour Creek and that there was not any creekthatch or meadow grass growing between the lott of Capt Isaac Arnolds and of this said Barnabas Windes fa[r]ther lott of creekthatch which at the best of his judgment was at least thirty rods from each other and it was several years after the laying of sd lotts before any grass grew between them the sd Arnolds and sd 'Winds lotts. Sworn before me SAMUEL LANDON Justice Ent' April 2, '754 pr Robert Hempsted, Town Clerk. 32 498 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. [ AbstracL] Know Yee, that I, Thomas Terry Jun' of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of a certaine sum of money to me paid by James Terry of Sd Southold, do by these presents remise, release and quitclaime unto the Sd James Terry all such right title interest and demand as I the said Thomas Terry have had or ought to have of, in or to all one halfe part of one first lot of land in the four several dividends of Acquabauk lands that is to say the eastermost halfe part of y' sd lot of land in all y' said four several dividends as the same is surveyed and laid out--butted and bounded as by the Book of entries in y' said Town reference being thereunto had will plainly appear; as also a percell of meadow on the North side of Peconneck River at the sd Acquabauk lying between the meadow of, Josiah Youngs and Henry Case; and one lot of meadow on the South side of Peconneck River. Witness my hand and seal this 25th day of March 1721. Witnesses, SAMUEL CROOK THOMAS TERRY [Seal] SAMUEL TERRY Acknowledged 4th April 1721 before me BENJ: YOUNGS, Justice. Entd ffeb. 27th 172t, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. PAGE 324. Suffolk County, So:hold 2 March 1767. Matthias Corwin of Sd Southold aged upwards of ninety years being sworn on the Holy Evangelist and by Lieut John Goldsmith in behalf of the commoners of sd Southold being desired to testifie what he knew concerning a certain Island or flatt of crickthatch now claimed by Joseph Reeve lying in or near the mouth of a crick between the Neck of land called Robins Island SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 499 Neck then possessed by the Booths and certain Neck then possessed by Benjamin Horton now belonging to Mr Wickham and he the Sd Corwin sayd he well remem- bered upwards of seventy years ago he was much of a gunner and hunter and frequently went down Sd Booths Neck and waded over the Crick which at low water was higher than his knees, and that there was a large flatt In Sd Crick at the then waiding place and channel runing on each side of Sd flatt which of the chanels of water on each side of the flatt was deepest he forgitts but he thinks yl on the North side the flatt was, and that in that day there was no thatch on Sd flatts saving two spotts or bunches some rods three or four apart and each bunch so small that a man might clasp them with his two hands but that in a few years them twO' bunches spread considerably so that two or more coks of thatch might have bin gott on them and that he be- lieveth the channels of water on each side of the flatt at low water was a full rod or more wide and at high water they was so deep it was not safe to go over and further sayth he doth not remember that there was any Island of crickthatch or sand flatt near that place but the above mentioned, and further sayth not. Sworn before me the day and year above written ROBERT HEMPSTED, Justice. So:hold 3 March 1767, Ent pr RbI Hempsted Town Clerk. PAGE 325. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this 15th day of April 1727 be- tween John Peck of Southold weaver' of y' one part and John Peck Jun. son of y' sd John Peck of the other part witnesseth that he John Peck the father, for the consideration hereafter in these presents mentioned, doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said John Peck his son, by these presents, for to yield up 500 SOUTHOLD 'FOWN RECORDS. and quit all his right title and interest to all his houses and westermost halfe part of his home lott on which his buildings stand unto y' s' John Peck his son, and doth hereby freely qnit all his claime unto the sd wester- most part of y' sd home 101.1. and buildings thereupon standing unto the sd John Peck his son, his heirs, with this reservation and exception, that y' sd John Peck t.he son shall not make any manner of sale or convey- ance of y' same during y' nat.urallife of the said John Peck his father, and in consideration whereof the s' John Peck J nn y' son doth hereby for himselfe his heirs freely and fnlly remise release and quitclaime unto y' s' John Peck his father, all such right. estate title and demand as he y' s' John Peck y' son hath or may or ought to have of, in or to y' eastermost halfe part of y' sd home lott as t.he same is bounded Easterly by William Salmon-Westerly by the other halfe part of y' sd home lot!. and Southerly by the Street. In witness the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals date above. JOHN PECK [Seal] JOHN PECK Jun [Seal] Witnesses, JOHN CORY JAMES SAWYER Acknowledged 15 Api 1727 before me BENJ: YOUNGS. Ent' 28 Dec 1731, pr Benj: Youngs Town Clk. [Abstract.] To all people. Know yee, that I, Nathanael Moore of Sonthold, husbandman, in consideration of fifty one pounds to me paid by Daniel Brown of Southold, car- penter, do by these presents give grant and sell unto the said Daniel Brown all that my dwelling house and percel of land being in Oysterponds uper neck, being about seven acres, bounded North'by the Kings High- way-Sonth by land now of Nathanael Tuthill-West by John Wiggins and East by a way sold by me to SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 501 Henry Conkling-(excepting y' barne and y' wheat on the sd perce! of land.) Witness my hand and seal this 22d December 1726. mork of Witnesses, NATHA:\'AEL X MOORE [Seal] GROVER YOUNGS EXPERIENCE YOUNGS Acknowledged 22 Dec 1726 before me BENJ: YOUNGS, Judge. Mem: quiet and peaceable possession and seizin de. livered in presence of us: Entd Decem" HENRY TUTHILL Jun. JOHN RACKET JOSEPH BROWN 17: 1737 Benj: Youngs, Town Clk. [NOTE.-The lot above described is in East Marion, for- merly called Rocky Point. It was long the home of the Brown family, who were mostly watermen. The late Capt. Daniel Brown, who married a daughter of the late John Jerome, was the last of the family who occupied it. It is now, we believe, merged in the farm of Wm Henry \Vig- gins.-J. W. C.] PAGE 326. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, Caleb Stone of Guilford, New Haven Co., Ct., for the consideration of three pouuds received of my son Solomon Stone of Guilford aforesaid, do give grant and sell unto the sd Solomon Stone one quarter part of the Island called Forking Island, as also one quarter part of the Island known by the name of Goose Island. \Vitness my hand and seal this 24th day of December 1782. \Vitnesses, EBENEZER HODGKIN CALEB STONE, [L.S.] JOHN ELLIOT Acknowledged Guilford 24th Dee' 1782 before me THOMAS BURGIS, Justice. Entd pr James Reeves Town Clerk, 5th Jany 1788. 502 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. PAGE 327. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Yee, that I, Thomas Vail 01 Southold, blacksmith, in consideration of twenty five pounds to me paid by Joseph Pain of Southold, weaver, do give grant and sell unto the sd Joseph Pain, the one half part of those my three lotts of land lying near the Great Pond-that is to say the Eastermost half part of y' said three lotls containing about ten acres, bounded Easterly by Joseph Pain-Northerly by the said Great Pond-Southerly by the highway and Westerly by the other half part of y' Sd three lotts. Witness my hand and Seal this 22d day of May 1733. Witnesses, NATHANAEL MATHER THOMAS VAIL [LS] GROVER YOUNGS Acknowledged 10 July 1733, before me SAMll HUCHINSON, Judge. Mem: Quiet and peaceable possession and seizin de. livered in presence of us, JOSHUA BUDD EZEKIEL PETTY. Entd Sept 17: 1746 pr Rbt Hempsted, Town Clerk. [NOTE.-Premises now owned by F. Jewell.-J. W. C.] South old May the 28th day 1790. Whereas Capt. Jeremiah Wells was appointed by the owners of the land adjacent to the Manor Line to get Thomas Helme Esq', Abraham W oodhul Esq & Wessel Sell to set the Bounds of the said Manor Line at red Creek which they have Done the said Wells being pres- ent they made a Seader tree the said Bound about three Rods south of the path that crosses the said Red Creek about where the tide ebs and flows then the abovesaid Wells did Employ a surveyor to Run the said SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 503 Line from the Pepperage tree at the Wading River to the said Seader Tree Marked T.H : A. W: & W.S. which line the said surveyor have run from Bound to Bound. Which Line I Run with a good New Brass compass of the first rate, which line I call run Right and Direct from Bound to Bound which line, 1. Isaac Hulse Sur- veyor began to run the aboves' line the nineteenth Day of this Instant May with the assistance of John Corwin Capt Jeremiah Wells Daniel Edwards Gershom Ed- wards Gilbert Davis James Warner John Lubton which line we finished the Day & Date first above written the said 28th Day of May 1790 which said line Runs Be- tween 71 and 720 Degres to the East of South from the said Pepperage Tree at Wading River to the said Seader Tree at said Red Creek said line was run by me Isaac Hulse Surveyor True Copy Entered this 19th of March 1791 pr James Reeve Town Clerk PAGE 328. [Abstract.J Know Ye, that I, Samuell Clark of Southold in con- sideration of one hundred and fifty pounds to my son Samuell Clarke payd, at aud before the sealing hereof, by my son Joshua Clarke of the Town aforesd do by these presents give grant and sell unto the sd Joshua Clarke two pieces of land, one of which is where I now d well, situate in Cauchague Division, bounded West- erly by the land of John Corwin-Northerly by my son William Clarke-Easterly by David Gardiner and Southerly by the Rhoade, by estimation one huudred acres; the other piece is where my sou Samuell Clarke now dwells, it being three acres, situate in Cauchague aforesaid, bounded Westerly and Southerly by The- ophilus Corwin-Easterly by Daniel Reeve dee' aud Northerly by y' highway; And also one half rite of land in the Manor Land. 504 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Witness my hand and seal this 27th day of January 174t. Witnesses-ELIsHA REEVE SAMUELL CLARKE [LS} DAVID TUTHILL Acknowledged 28 Feb' 1747 before me ISAAC HUBBARD, Justice. Ent' 6th July 1748 pr Rob' Hempsted, Town Clerk. [NoTE.-This farm is situated at Mattituck. It fiually came into the hands of the Tuthills. John lived and died there; and his sons, John and Albert, died there. Neither of them left sons, and the property is in other hands.- J.W.q We the subscribers being mutually chosen by Ezra L'Hommedieu Tho' Youngs, Jared Landon Jeremiah Wells John Corwin John Wells Selah Strong & a Num- ber of others to prefix a bound to a place called or known by the Name of Red Creek and 'having Examined the writings and viewing the premises do agree that a Ceder Tree marked with the letters TH. A W. WS. should be the s' bound from a certain peperidg tree standing at the Wading River Brook it being the tree Between the two Townships South old and Setaket which Line is to be run from the said peperidge Tree to the aforesaid Ceder tree standing about three Rods South from the path that crosseth the head of the aforesaid Red Creek where the tide ebs & flows a freshwater runs into it being the Southold bounds according to our Judgment this 12th day of May in the year 1790. WESSELL SILL THOMAS HELME ABRAHAM WOODHULL A true copy. March 19th '791, Ent" pr James Reeve Town Clk. PAGE 329. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that I, Richard Shaw of Southold, yeoman, for and in consideration of that re- SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 505 spect, good will, love and affection that I have and do bare to Abigail King single woman of the same Town, whom I intend to make my dearly and well beloved wife, do by these presents give grant convey and make over unto her the s' Abigail King a certain messuage or tenement, situate in a place called the Oysterponds, containing one quarter of an acre, bounded by the har- bour as y' Record will appear. Witness my hand and seal this 22d day of March I 74v. Witnesses, JAMES BEEBEE RICHARD SHAW [L.S.] PATIENCE BEEBEE Acknowledged 24th Mar 1742 before me, JOSHUA YOUNGS, Judge. Ent' Sept 23' 1749, pr Rb' Hempsted Town Clerk. [NOTE.-Shaw, who was a stranger in the Town of South- old, was probably a shipwright, and died a young man. It is strange that Mr. Griffin, so full of romance and poetry was his nature, should not have woven from this rather re. markable fact a fairy story with which to adorn the pages of his racy and entertaining Journal.-J. W. C.] This may certifie whom itt may concern that I, Joseph Horton of Southold, have sold unto Lieut William Hor- ton & Mr Wheelock Booth both of South old all my right to Little Pond beach, so called, with all the ap- purtenances, which I with others purchased of the com- moners on the 25 of Febuary 1756, to them their heirs & assigns forever as witness my hand March the 18, 1776. JOSEPH HORTON Entd the 18 of March 1776, pr Rohert Hempsted, Town Clerk. PAGE 330. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye, that .I, Samuel Beebee, yeoman, in consideration of the love good will and natural affection which I have and do bare to my 506 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. daughter Hannah King wife of David King of South- old, have given and granted as part of her portion and by these presents do give grant convey and confirm unto the said David King and Hannah his wife and their heirs a certain parcle of meadow lying in a place called Curins Neck in the Oysterponds Lower Neck, containing by estimation four acres, bounded Westerly partly by Ralph Pettys meadow and partly by Thomas Terrys meadow-Southerly by the bay-Easterly by a crick-Northerly by Daniel Tuthills meadow. Witness my hand and seal this. . . . day of Novem- ber 1724. Witnesses, WILLIAM KING Jun SAMUEL BEEllEE [Seal] JAMES BEEBEE Ent' So:hold 23 March 175t, pr Robert Hempsted, Town Clerk. At a meeting of the Commoners in Southold the 25th of February 1756 was sold the several percels of Lands Beach Meadows & Crickthatch & Crickthatch Ground hereunder written as followeth-to them their heirs and assignes forever. To Mr Hennery Wells one hommake of Land or Isl- and called Dickersons Island lying in the fresh mea- dows so called lying near Cauchague supposed to con tain aboute four acres be the same more or less: for seven pounds twelve shillings Also two small hommaks of Land lying in s' meadows, near the Crick and near Westerly from the other sup- posed to contain aboute half an acre be the same more or less: sold for o. 6. 0 the whole to be proportioned. to each lott "3 rites 92 sold 2 I not sold To Joshua Reeve for himself and Jonathan Horton Samuell Terry William Horton Abijah Winds Joseph Horton and Robert Hempsted for the Estate of Peter SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 507 Hallock late deceased to them the above mentioned and their heirs and assigns forever all that com mons lying at the Great Pond so called, from the beach or Lands of Abijah Winds unto the North part of the Little Pond so called containing all y' beach meadows or wood within s" Ii mitts from the front of the North Sea Lotts so called to the Sound for the sum of nine pounds twelve shnJings and sixpence to be proportioned upon each lot, 1-8 per lott. [NoTE.-In the original division of the easterly section of the lots running from the North Road or Long Lane, the lots extended no farther north than the beach. This beach was some 50 rods wide, varying at different points: it ex- tended all the way from the Inlet to the east side of the Little Pond, or nearly to the high land at Horton's Point- but the lots west of the lands of Abijah Wines appear to have run across the beach, and are bounded upon the Sound. The tract sold by the Commoners in 1756, and here de- scribed, borders all the way along the north shore of the Great Pond, beginning at or near the east line of the farm of J. Halsey Tuthill, and from the Pond it runs easterly along the north line of the wood lots to Little Pond, and thence goes straight across the beach to the Sound; the Sound thence, on westerly to the lands of J. Halsey Tut. hill forms its northerly boundarY-Ioo acres, and perhaps more, being included within the said boundaries. The south side of the tract adjoining the wood allotments and the Great Pond is fringed with groves of pine trees, and the whole area of sand beach is studded over with bunches of beach.plum bushes, yielding an i~mense amount of fruit. -J. W. c.] To the Rever" Mr Thomas Paine one small hommak of Land lying in the above mentioned fresh meadows containing about. . . . acre more or less and is lying in the meadows of Jonathan Horton late deceased, sold for Twentie shillings [[3 rites att 2" pr rite 92 sold 21 rites not sold. Allso att the same time y' day & year ahoves" was granted unto Mr Ezra L'Hommedieu the privilidge of having one half of all the Crickthatch or meadow which 508 SOUTIIOLD 1'OWN RECORDS. he shall make or cause to grow by art and ind ustrie 01 shall be made to grow from y' bottom of Hallock Neck by the point and to extend Southerly to y' end of s' point and thence over to Pine Neck shore and thence to the East end of Calves Neck so called including all the flatts between Pine Neck and Hallock Neck point. Which privilidge we grant to s' Ezra L'Hommedieu his heirs or assigns on y' conditions abovs' . Signed by THOMAS GOLDSMITH and JOHN GOLDSMITH who are invested with power from y' commoners as hereafter may be seen Note y' words: which he shall make or cause to grow by art and industrie was interlined being left through a mistake. Entrd March the 10: 1756 by Robert Hempsted Town Clerk Ailsa at the same time Peter Dains & Nathanael OYer- ton bought all the common meadow crickthatch and crickthatch ground from the Springs at the head of the crick called Dickersons Crick and so extending easterly as far as Jackie house, so called, in y' Lands of Daniel Booth at I I : 6: 0 to be proportioned to each common- ers rite which is /;0. 2S. 2td pr rite. Attest THOMAS GOLDSMITH JOHN GOLDSMITH Attorneys Impowered. Entrd pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk. . May the 20: '756. This Record testifieth that Mr Nathanael Overton and Peter Dains exchanged all the meadow, crickthatch and crickthatch ground above mentioned which they purchased of the commoners lying at the head of Dick- ersons Crick and along the North side as far as Jackie house within the lands of Daniel Booth with Mr Sam- uell Reeve to him and his heirs and assigns fore\'er: for SOUTH OLD TOWN RECORDS. 509 which they have of sd Samuell Reeve one lott of mea- dow and crickthatch containing near two acres at y' going in of hogneck within the lands of Ahijah Corey adjoyning West to y' meadow of John Overton in part all so to have one lott of crickthatch at Cauchague lying in Wickhams neck ad joyning to the thatch of Benja- min Huchinson & Matthias Huchinson to them the said Nathanael Overton and Peter Dains & their heirs for ever they having payd said Reeve six pounds in money or secured the same as an equivalent in the above ex- change of said meadows. In \Vitness whereof the parties have sett their hands. NATHANEIL OVERTON SAMUEL REEVE PETER DAINS. So:hold May 20: [756. Ent'" and attest pr Robert Hempsted Town Clerk. PAGE 331. Be itt known unto all men by these presents that we the subscribers hearof owners & proprietors of the comons & undivided lands and meadows & crickthatch in Southold in the County of Suffolk and province of New York having controversies and disputes concern- ing the title of some of those Lands Meadows & crick- thatch aforesaid Do hereby. give full power and au- thority unto Thomas Goldsmith Johu Goldsmith & Benjamin Hutchinson or either two of them to say sell do conclude & finish for us and in our names all and every act and acts thing &. things device and devices in law and equitie or arbitration needful and necessary to be done in and aboute the premises for the recovery or settlement thereof as fully largely and amply in every respect, to all intents and purposes as we ourselves might or could do if we were personally present- except it should be found that any of those controverted 510 SOUTHOLD 1'OWN RECORDS. Lands meadows or crickthatch should be found in y' possession of John & Zacheus Goldsmith, or Benjamin and Matthias Hutchinson, then and in such case we nominate constitute and appoint Thomas Goldsmith Jonathan Horton Jun' and Freegift Wells with all the power as aboves' or two of them to act between us the said John & Zacheus Goldsmith or Benjamin & Matthias Hutchinson. And we do herby covenant promise & agree for our selfs our heirs Executors administrators (to and with Thomas Goldsmith John Goldsmith Benjamin Huchinson Jonathan Horton and Freegift Wells as afores'-their heirs executors and administrators (and not the one for the other) to pay unto the above named persons by us chosen, there executors and ad ministra- tors all such costs and charge as they shall nesecarryly be att & expended in prosecuting y' power hereby given nnto them for the purposes aforesd according to. and in proportion of our respective rites in the lands meadows and crickthatch aforesaid. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals. Jonathan Horton [Seal] 3 rites. Wrn Salmon [Seal] I rite Samll Terry [Seal] 2 rites James Horton [Seal] I rite Freegift Wells [Seal] 5 rites. Benj: Huchinson [Seal] 10 rites Richard Terry [Seal] 'S rites Jonathan B Horton [Seal] 4 rites John Goldsmith [Seal] IS! rites Thomas Moore [Seal] 3 rites Nathanael Overton [Seal] trite Matthias Hutchinson[Seal] 16 rites Prudence H u11 [Seal] 2 rites. John Terry [Seal] I rite Hennery Wells [Seal] John Vail [Seal] William Wells [Seal] I rite Joseph Horton [Seal] Abigail Benjamin [Seal] Rb' Hempsted } William Horton [Seal] 3 rites guardeen for Wm [Seal] 3 rites. Joseph Reeve [Seal] 5 rites Rbt Hallock J obn Budd [Seal] 3 rites. James Reeve f [Seal] all west of hulls. I rite Note there is 113 rites in y' lands and 110 in crick- thatch throughout y' Township-and these subscribers SOUTIlOLD TOWN RECORDS. 511 own one hundred and one i in y' crickthatch and but ninetie two in the Lands. The above is a copie of y' power given by y' sub- scri bers. Entrd this first day of July 1756, pr Rbt Hempsted, Town Clerk. Be itt known unto all men by these presents that we the subscribers hereof owners and proprietors of the common and undivided Lands and Meadows & crick- thatch in Southold in the County of Suffolk and in the Province of New York having controversies and dis- putes concerning the title of some of those Lands mea- dows and crickthatch afores' Do hereby give full power & authority unto John Goldsmith Benjamin Hutchinson Freegift Wells Moses Case & Joshna Terry or any three of them to say sell do conclude & finish for us and in our names all and every act and acts thing & things devise & devises in law equity or arbitration needfull and nessecarie to be done in and aboute the premises for the recoverie or settlement thereof as fully largely and amply to all intents and purposes as we ourselves might or could do if we were personally present & we do hereby promise covenant & agree for ourselves our heirs executors and administrators to and with John Goldsmith Benjamin Hutchinson Freegift Wells Moses Case & Joshua Terry as aforesaid their heirs executors & administrators that is to say each of us for himself his heirs executors & administrators and not the one for the other to pay unto the above named persons by us chosen their executors & administrators all such costs and charges as they shall nessecarily be att and expend in prosecuting the power hereby given unto them for the purposes afores' according to and in pro- portion of our respective rights in Land meadows & crickthatch afores'. In witness whereof we have here- 512 SUUTHULD TOWN RECORDS. unto sett our hands and seals this first day of July Anno Domini 1761. J ORN GOLDSMITH JOHN TERRY BENJAMIN HUTCHINSO:-l JOHN OVERTON FREEGIFT WELLS MOSES CASE JONATHAN HORTON SAMUELL TERRY RICHARD TERRY PRUDENCE HULL [Seal] BENJAMIN WELLS [Seal] DANIEL TUTHILL J r [Seal] JAMES HORTON [Seal] THOMAS MOORE [Seal] JOSEPH HORTON [Seal] MARY HUTCHINSON [Seal] MARTHA HUTCHINSON [Seal] ABRAHAM DA vms [Seal] ELISABETH DAVIDS [Seal] [Seal] [Seal] [Seal] [Seal] [Seal] [Seal] [Seal] [Seal] [Seal] The above is a true copie of a power of attorney given by the subscribers. Entred this 13 day of May 1767, pr Robert Hemp- sted, Town Clerk. [NOTE.-For a more perfect his.tory of commons and commoners, see PRINTED SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS, VoL 1. p. 135.--J. W. C.] PAGE ,332. [Abstract.] To all people. KnolV Ye, that I, John Cleeves of Southold, yeoman, in consideration of seven hundred pounds to me paid by Thomas Conkling, son of Hen- nery Conkling of Southold, yeoman, late deceased, do by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Conkling and his heirs forever, all that my lott of land situate in Aquabague first division, with the houses, barns, and buildings thereon erected, which lott of land containing by estimation one hundred and sixty three acres, is bounded North by Zerubbabell Hallock - East by David Horton - West by David Cleeves partly and partly by Jedediah Cleeves and Nathanael Warner Esq and South by the bay or river ~-together with a meadow bounded as followeth- North by Nathanael Warner afores' Esq-West by Benjamin Conkling-South by David Horton-East SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 5[3 by the creek-which s' meadow containeth by estima- tion seven acres. Witness my hand and seal this 30th day of January 1754. Witnesses, JOSEPH PRINCE JOSHUA CLEEVES JOHN CLEEVES [Seal] MARY CLEEVES [Seal] Note that Mary wife to the aboves' John Cleeves doth with her husband agree unto the above.written articles and agreements. Acknowledged 24 May 1755, before me, ISAAC HUBBARD, Justice. Ent' 30th May 1757, pr Robert Hempsted, Town Clerk. [NOTE.- This valuable farm lies upon the main road from Riverhead to Mattituck, about half a mile east of the old Aquebogue Church; it runs down to the water, and hasa long frontage upon Great Peconic Bay. Capt. Thomas Conkling, son of Henry, of Hashamomack, who purchased it of John Cleeves, married Hannah Dimon. Capt. Conkling died very soon, leaving two sons, Thomas and Dimon. In 1793 his widow married Rev. Benjamin Goldsmith; had one son, J oho, who graduated at Princeton, studied theology, was installed Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Newtown, and died D.D. in 1860. Colonel Thomas, the oldest son of Captain Thomas, married a daughter of the late Judge John Wood- hull, and always lived upon the old homestead. He left four sons, Thomas, Henry, Charles, and Woodhull; some of them are stiil at the old homestead. Dimon, the younger brother of Colonel Thomas, for many years Justice of the Peace, had his share of the estate, and lived upon the propM erty adjoining that of his brother Thomas. His sons John and Benjamin still occupy and improve the same.-J. W. C.] [Abstract. ] So:hold July the 9: 1757. Then received of Mr Thomas Tatem a bond of his against Samuell Conkling Jun Benjamin Bayley & Peter Bradley all bound for the sum of sixty five 33 514 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. pounds the bond Sd Tatem left or intrusted me with to keep for him till his return from sea hear, or till his order is sent for the same. EZRA L'HoMMEDIEU Witnessed MARY HEMPSTED EXPERIENCE HEMPSTED April 11th 1759,-Received of Ezra L'Hommedieu the above bond. THOMAS TATEM. A true cop ie, pr Rob' Hempsted, Town Clerk. PAGE 333. Henry Wells of Sonthold in the County of Suffolk being of fnll age deposeth and saith, that in regard to the fence that Mr Elijah Terry h~s set np between him and Gershom Case, at a place called Little Neck in Qnochagne stands in the same place where it did forty years ago, as bound upon the edge of the creek at the North end of Mr Elijah Terrys meadow, the said de- ponent saith he never knew any dispnte between the ancient owners of the said meadow within the said fence and Mr Hull in his day. He also saith that be- tween the said fence and the bonnds between his father and Mr Salmon, which is abont eight or ten rods, there was nothing but sand beach, and no meadow grass growing, and farther this deponent saith not. Sworn before me this 23d day of May 1787, J AMES REEVE, Justice. Jnne 19th 1787-A true copy- Entered by James Reeve, T. Clerk. [Abstract.] To all people Greeting. Know Ye, that I, David Horton Jnn' of Sonthold, yeoman, in consideration of the snm of two hnndred and thirty seven pounds nine. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 515 teen shillings to me paid by John Wickham and Henry Conkling J un' of the same place, do by these presents grant, bargain and sell unto the said John Wickham and Henry Conkling J un' a certain tract of land situate in Southold, bounded South by the land of the said David Horton-North by a tract of land mortgaged to Jona. than Terry-East by Ishmael Reeve and Thomas Overton and West by the land of Jonathan Terry and the rest of the purchasers of Tustin Farm, being all the land from the South end of the said Hortons woods, to the South end of the land mortgaged to Sd Terry. Provided nevertheless, that if the said David Horton shall well and truly pay to the said John Wickham and Henry Conkling the sum of two hundred and thirty seven pounds nineteen shillings with the interest on or before the second day of May next, then the above deed is to be void-otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Witness my hand and seal this 2' May 1780. Witnesses, PARKER WICKHAM DAVID HORTON [Seal] BETHIAH HORTON Entered December 6th '780, p" James Reeve Jun, Town Clerk. PAGE 334- To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting. Know Ye, that I, John Leveret Hudson of the Town of South old in the County of Suffolk and State of New Yark yeoman for and in consideration of the sum of thirty five pounds New York money to me in hand paid by James Reeve son of James Reeve Esq of said Town, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, have granted, bargained, sold, aliened and con. firmed and by these presents do grant, bargain & sell unto the said lames Reeve a negro woman or girl 516 SOUTHOLD 'FOWN RECORDS. named and called Hagar, To have and to hold the said Negro to him the said James Reeve his executors administrators and assigns, to the only proper use bene- fit and behoof of hi m the said James Reeve his Exect" administrators and assigns forever. And I the said John Leveret Hudson for me my Executors & adminis- trators, do covenant and grant to and with the said James Reeve his executors administrators and assigns, the said Negro called Hagar unto him the said James Reeve his executors administrators and assigns for ever to warrant and by these presents defend. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the sixth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of JOHN L. HUDSON [Seal] GERSHOM TERRY Jun' JOHN P. WICKHAM. Entred by James Reeve, T. Clerk, March 5th '785. [Abstract.] This Indenture made this 13th day of August 1777 between David Horton the 3' of Southold, yeoman, of the one part and Jonathan Terry of said Town of the other part Witnesseth that the said David Horton in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to him paid by the said Jonathan Terry, doth by these pres- ents grant bargain and sell unto the said Jonathan Ter- ry a certain tract or piece of land situate in the parish of Cutchogue bounded west by land belonging to James Tuthill Jun. John Wickham, John Benjamin, Thomas Wines, and John Corwin-North by the Sound -East partly by the land of Barnabas Terrell Esq, and partly by Thomas Overton-South by the Ten acres, so called, with the appurtenances, together with a cart and drift way through my land from the road to pass SOUTHOLD TOWN RECURDS. 517 and repass to and from the sante through gates or bars. Provided always and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents that if the said David Horton shall well and truly pay unto the said Jonathan Terry the said sum of one hundred pounds, with the interest on or before the [3th day of August [778, then this Inden- ture shall cease and be void-otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Witness my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Witnesses- DANIEL OSBORN Jun. DAVID HORTON 3d. [Seal] NATHAN GOLDSMITH Entd Dee' 6th 1780, pr James Reeve Jun, Town Clerk. PAGE 335. [Abstract.] I, Jonathan Terry in consideration of the sum of one hundred and seventeen pounds one shilling and six pence, do hereby assign and set over to John Wickham and Henry Conkling the within [foregoing] Indenture and the bond accompanying the same. 2 May 1780. JONATHAN TERRY. Entd 6 Dee 1780, pr James Reeve Jun, Town Clerk. Snffolk County Ss: Bethiah Reeve the widow of Joseph Reeve deceased deposeth and says she had a tract of Land as an heiress from her father that she always meant that her only son, should have said tract of Land, James Reeve the second that while she was 'Parried by the dictates of her husband merely she was induced to make some kind of conveyance she knows not what as she never heard it read but be it what it would she never meant to convey any of her landed property from her son and jf she by being decei ved has conveyed her landed prop- 518 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. erty from said son it is merely owing to the dictates of her husband & further this deponent saith not. Sworn before me the 9th day of March A.D. 1782. BARNABAS TERREL, Justice. April.22d 1782, Entd pr me James Reeve, Town Clerk. [Abstract.] To all Christian people. Know Ye that John Case of Southold, joiner, in consideration of the sum of three hundred and ninety five pounds to him in hand paid by John Corwin Jun' of said Southold, the sd John Case by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the Sd John Corwin J r, all that messuage or tract of land situate in the Township of Southold, bounded begin- ning at a certain bound standing by the Kings highway, dividing the lands of the said John Case and the land of James Reeve Esq, and running from said bound by the compass South eighteen degress East, eight chains and fifty links-thence South two degrees East six chains and seven links, until it buts upon the land of David Corwin; then running along by the .land of the said David Corwin South eighty two degrees East three chains; then from thence South three degrees East ten chains and forty links to a certain fence or ditch; then from thence by sd ditch as it runs North eighty degrees East fifteen chains and fifteen links; thence Northerly and Easterly by the land of James Corwin to the Kings hig h way-excepting and reserving the house and land of the widow Hannah Hervey situate within the afore- said bounds; and also way for the said Widow Han- nah Hervey and David Cprwin to pass and repass to and from the Kings Highway thro' gates and bars in such place and in such manner as the same was lately devised to the said David Corwin; and lastly Elizabeth Case wife of the said John Case; doth by these pres- ents remise and quitclaime unto the said John Corwin Jr all manner of dower which she hath therein. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 519 Wit.ness our hands and 1782. Witnesses, JOHN BENJAMIN JOHN ARNOLD seals this 18th day or April JOHN CASE [Seal] ." ELIZABETH X CASE [Seal] 1I'\.,k Entred 30th'October 1782, pr James Reeve, T. Clerk. PAGE 337. [Abstract.] To all people. Know Ye t.hat Hannah Hervey of Southold, in consideration of the snm of five shillings to her paid, by John Corwin J un' doth, by these pres- ents grant and sell unto the sd John Corwin J un' all that messnage and tenement situated in Southold, bounded North, East and South, by the aforesaid John Cmwin Jun and West by a road belonging to David Corwin, containing about half an acre. Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of June 1782. vVitnesses, ROBERT HINCHMAN HANNAH HERVEY [Seal] JOHN ARNOLD Entered 30th October 1782,pr James Reeve, T. Clerk. PAGE 338. Articles of agreement sheweth that Joseph Wickham of Southold doth promise to convey his rights of undi- vided land in the Manor so called on the South Side of Peconick River unto Jonah Hulse of Brookhaven, for six pounds pr right, for which he has received fifteen pounds, and if the rights shall not amount thereto, Wick. ham is to return the overplus money to Hulse again. In Witness whereof he sets his hand, Southold the 7th of June 1758. In presence of JOSEPH WICKHAM. NATHANIEL CONKLING. A true copy. Entered pr James Reeve, Town Clerk, this 5th of Decem ber 1782. 520 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. Bating Hallows May the 9th 1787. This may serve to certify that on the 7th day of this instant, I run the line dividing Henry Wells land from Daniel Ed wards land: getting the true course of the line I found it to run South 24i degrees Easterly, Mr Matthias Corwin and Mr John Corwin and Mr Obadiah Wells assisting me. we run it down the above course until we got as far to the Southward as Mr Matthias Corwin and Mr John Corwin said they thought the Manor Line was, then we run the Manor Line East 21i degrees Southerly, Mr Matthias Corwin going forward and Mr Obadiah Wells and Mr Abel Corwin measuring with the chain; we run and measured that day on the Manor Line course until we came to Mr John Corwins lot of land, and almost acrost, allowing 19 chains to a Lot. (The course of the Manor Line I took to the East- ward of the Wading River as C,ipt Josiah Lupton and Isaiah Terry had shewed me the line) on May the 8th day Instant I run the same line the course as abovesaid Mr Israel Howell Jr. and Calvin Cook measuring with the chain, and Mr John Corwin & Mr Jacob Corwin, assisting in running the line, We run till we got to the bound parting Ambrose Horton and the Hutchinson Land, then I went to proportioning the Land, first I gave the lots to the Eastward of Mr John Corwins land, the whole of them together, their proportion according to their width, And the overplus of measure of the whole Lots, Then I proportioned the Lots from the Line parting Mr John Corwin and Mr James Warner, I found that they would hold out 21 chains and 75 links wide on the course of the Manor Line, giving them their proportionable part of the overplus that there was over in allowing 15 chains to a lot, to the East of the bound parting James Warner and John Corwin, and 19 chains to the West of said bound, then I gave Mr John Cor. win his width upon the Manor Line course proportion. SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 52! able allowing 8 lots to the west of the Bound between Mr John Corwin and Mr James Warner's Land, and 8 Lots to the east of said bound, which was as above 2! chains and 75 links. upon the said Manor Line Course near the Country road, Mr John Corwin & Mr Jacob Corwin and Mr Israel Howell Jun' and Mr Calvin Cook being present set the Bounds for Mr Jacob Corwin and Mr. Israel Howell Jun' giving them the same width as Mr John Corwin viz, 21 ch, 75 links upon the Manor Line Course. This done by me, ISAAC HULSE, Surveyor. Entered this 14th of May 1797. pr James Reeve, T. Clerk. PAGE 339. Capt Daniel Wells told me there were five lotts West of my east line. Mr Nicolls run my east line to a bound that Matthias Corwin and Capt Payne shewed him of, and said it was the right bound and Mr Matthias Cor- win said he would swear to it, and I believe it to be the right Bound. HENRY WELLS. May 17th 1787. Entered May 17th 1787, pr James Reeve, T. Clerk. This may certify that I went with Isaac Hulse 10 run the abovesaid line. and carried the fore end of the chain, from our bound on what we called the Manor Line, to Mr Corwins east line. OBADIAH WELLS. Entered May 17th 1787. pr James Reeve, T. Clerk. [THE END.-J. W. C.] APPENDIX. See Lib. C, p. 96, and" Printed Southold Town Records," V 01. II. p. 201. The tract or parcel of land described in this deed began on the North Road at the house of Horatio N. Booth, and ran along the road westerly to the Bowery Lane, then fol- lowing the lane easterly to the Akerly pond, and from thence northerly and easterly across by the rear of the home lots to Tucker's Lane; embracing nearly all the ter- ritory lying between the Long Island Railroad and the North Road, Tucker's Lane north and the Bowery Lane south. HOratio N. Booth, Michael Kenny, and -:-- Fox have their homesteads on parts of this tract. William Robert Hallock probably removed to Brookhaven, and his mother, Sibil, died a widow in 1783- See Lib. C, p. 102, and H Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. 209. This home lot of 2d Jeremiah Vail is the same as described in Liber A, p. 52. He afterwards-in r669-bought the home- stead of John Budd, where Samuel S. Vail now resides, and plied his trade (that of a blacksmith) for many years. In r687 he purchased of Gyles Sylve~ter the Oysterpond Point Farm, and died there in 1726, aged 77 years. See Lib. C, p. 94, and" Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. r96. Salmon.- This lot of land, sold by 2d William, son of 1st John, son of 1st William, who married the widow Sinder- land, is now the property of David Youngs, adjoining on the east the Latham Farm at Orient. He resided at Southold, on the homestead of his father, 1st John; afterwards we find two or three generations of the family living at the Northside, for a hundred years last past the homestead of (1St and) 2d Benj. Goldsmith, now of his sons Davis and Silas M. 524 APPENDIX. See Lib. C, p. 101, and" Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. P.207. . BradleJ'.- The Bradleys have slight connection with Southald town history except by intermarriages: they had no farms, no stores, no mills; and although there were a few of the name here for many years, the habits of our people or the climate seemed uncongenial to them, and they all disappeared. Thomas Youngs, son of Col. John Youngs, a man of pro- minence and wealth, married Mary, daughter of Christopher Christophers, and the widow of Peter Bradley, deceased,of New London; she was the mother of this Christopher Bradley, who gives this receipt on page 207 of this Vol. II., "Printed Southold Town Records." He probably resided at Southold with his mother during his minority, and a part of the time after that. Besides~ his aunt, Margaret Christophers, had married Abraham Corey of Southold, which brought the families into frequent intercourse. See Lib."C, p. 95, and" Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. '98. Abraham Whithere.-He died on his" Hog Pond Farm," at Oysterponds, in 1689; left a widow but no children, and no will except this deed of trust to 1st John Tuthill. Not one of the name is now left in the town. For a full note on "Whither" see" Prinled Southold Town Records," Vol. I. P.92. 1St Gideon YOlmgs.-FoT a brief sketch of his history and of the eight first lots of Jand lying in Oyster-pond Neck, containing four hundred acres, see" Printed South old Town Records," Vol. I. p. '90, and Vol. II. p 188, and Lib. e, P' 90. See Lib. C, p. 105, and" Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. 213. 2d John Ha!!och~ son of 1St John, sells, in 1687, this lot, which "he" bought of 2d John Budd in .1:679, the premises now occupied by Jona. W. Huntting. The father, 1St John, removed from Southald and died in Westbury, Queens Co., in 1737, and the son, 2d John, died a resident at Setauket in 176S, aged 8s.-Moore's "Index." .APPENDIX. 535 See Lib. C, p. lIO, and" Printed Southold Town Records," V 01. II. p. 222. William Hallioke, lived at Mattituck, on the North Road, where Chauncey Howell now lives. When the Town of Riverhead was set off from the Town of Southold in 1792, the line between Richard Howell, Wm. Hallock, and John' Conklin formed the boundary line between the two towns. See note '00 these premises, " Printed Southold Town Re- cords," Vol. I. pp. 316, 412. See Lib. C, p. 100, and" Printed Southald Town Records," Vol. II. p. 205. Samuel Glover.-" His house lot in town" is evidently a part of the original five-acre home lot of his father, Charles Glover, for a description of which see "Printed South old Town Records," Vol. I. p. 55. Samuel married Sarah, daughter of 1St Thomas Moore; had two children, Samuel and William. He was apparently engaged in the business of building vessels, which w.., the trade of both his father and himself; he continued to reside in Southold for a great number of years-probably till I69Q-when he went on to his Eagle Neck Farm at Oysterponds, where he died on the 29th of May, '715, aged 70. His son, 2d Samuel, then came into possess.ion of the Neck. He was succeeded by his son, 1st Charles, who was followed by his son, 2d Charles, and then by Grover Glover, who died unmarried in r803, and the Neck was sold, 1st Rufus Tuthill, son of 2d Daniel, who was grandson of rst John, becoming the owner. Daniel T. Tuthill, great grandson of 1st Rufus, resides upon, and owns, a large part of the original and somewhat famous Eagle Neck. See Lib. C, p. 209, and H Printed Southold Town Records," VoL II. p. 362. Hutchimon.-Thomas Hutchinson, "late of Lynn," had a deed from John Scott in r660 for lands west of So~thamp- ton, and then in 1662 this deeq from John Concklin for Sau- gust Neck. On January lIth, r665, he married Martha, the widow of 1st Henry Case, who, dying young, left her a homestead, with three children. Hutchinson no doubt lived with her, as he had no house nor home lot, till 2d Henry Case sold him, at her death, the one she had always occupied: it was where Isaac Akerly now lives, on the west town street. The sons of 1st Thomas were three-2d 526 APPENDIX. Thomas, Matthias, and Samuel. 1St Thomas died 1676 to 1683 (Moore's Index). He was a man well educated, and always held a very respectable stand, as did his sons, in the community; they all appear to have been discreet and thrifty in their business matters, constantly accumulating land: 2d Thomas was a farmer, and probably resided on the "Pond Farm," a mile or more west of -the village, always occupied by Samuel, son of 3d Thomas, during his life, and now by his grandson, George H. Terry and Benjamin Corey. 3d Thomas left five 'sons-Thomas, Benjamin, Joseph, Elijah, and Samuel. Of them all, Elijah only left sans,-Wells and Elijah,-who are the only representatives of the once numerous Hutchinsons left. 1St Samuel, son of 1St Thomas, was long in public life: from 1721 to 1737 he was a Repr~sentative in the Colonial Assembly; in 1729 he was appointed by the Governor and Council a judge; he was also a jpstice for many years, and Supervisor for the years 1716,1732,1733, and 1734. We know nothing further of his history. Matthias, after, for a long series of years, buy- ing allotments adjoining each other at Corchaug, built and lived in the" Old Castle House," surrounded by hundreds of acres of fertile lands, and a small squadron of colored help to till them. Henry D. Horton, Pecan ie, occupies the place to-day. Col. Elijah, son of Matthias, inherited and improved the estate until he died in 1754, aged 56 years. He left one son, Matthias, who died, aged 23 years, intestate; and three daughters-Mary, who married Lieut. Moses Case; Elizabeth, who married Abraham Davids; and Martha, who married Jared Landon. The estate was divided between the three daughters. The" Old Castle" homestead was a1. lotted to Martha, and her son Elijah took it as his own,and 1ived there till 1805, when he died. Afterwards Samuel H. son of Elijah, heired the estate, and occupied it some twenty years; he died in 1847. Theron B. Worth next came into possession; he died in 1867, and, as already stated, Henry D. Horton made it his permanent abode. See Lib. C, p. II2, and" Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. 225. Hunter.-A man from Onslow County, North Carolina, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Barnabas Wines. 'See Lib. C, p. 115, and H Printed Southold Town Records," vol. II. p. 229. Peaken, John.-Came to Southold early; bought a home :Iot by the side of Mr. Elton, on the town street; had a APPENDIX. 527 license to keep an inn. He owned jj Peakens ~eck," now called Great and Little Island, and probably the adjoining lands now owned by the heirs of the late Wm. Wickham. deceased. He appears to have rested here some fifteen or twenty years, when he sold all his possessions and moved away. See Lib. C, p. 122, and" Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. 364. For note on Robert Trttsteafle, see" Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. I. p. 364. See Lib. C, p. 124, and "Printed Southold Town Records," . Vol. II. pp. 246, 247. zd Henry Cast.-His farm was composed of four twenty- five acre lots, now occupied by Benjamin Moore, Lewis Gold- smith, and the two Williams brot.hers. William, his son (or his grandson), always lived upon the same farm. After the death of William the farm changed owners. \Villiam was a brother of Lieut. Moses Case. See Lib. C, p. 127 and" Printed South old Town Records," Vol. II. p. 250. Great Swamp lies in the rear of the residences of Wm. B. Vail, Jona. B. Terry, and Joshua Payne, at the east end of the village. See Lib. C, pp. 128-132, and" Printed Southold Town Re- cords," Vol. II. pp. 25'.258. John Budd.-A brief sketch of the history of this family. so enterprising and engaged in such a variety of business operations, might be interesting, but its length and our limited space forbid any such attempt at this time. See Lib. C, p. 133. and" Printed South old Town Records," Vol. II. p. 260. 1St Thomas Moore to 2d TllOfIlas Moorc.- The lot of land herein de'scribed is indicated by the boundaries to be that now occupied by Luther G. Akerly, by the pond at the Fresh Meadows, Cutchog-ue. 528 .APPENDIX. See Lib. C, p. 134, and" Printed Southald Town Records," Vol. II. p. 262. The lands embraced in the deed from Samuel Conkline to his son Joseph lay chiefly in Hashamomack. His old farm-Qouse and outbuildings stood where Paul Brennan's house now stands. James Brown and his family occupied it for a long series of years, and Wells Brown still lives upon a part of the same farm. See Lib. C, p. '37, and" Printed South old Town Records," Vol. II. p. 269. Gardiners of the Isle of Wight.-For note and for papers relating to, see" Printed Southold Town Records," Vo1.1. p. 385. See Lib. C, p. '55, and" Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. 292. Henry Case-Matthias Hutcllinson.~It is not easy to place the exact relationship that existed between the second gen- eration of the Hutchinsons and 2d Henry Case. 2d Matthias was, without much doubt, son of 1St Thomas, and his mother was Martha, also the mother of zd Henry Case. Matthiasbought lot after lot at Corchaug, till he accumu- lated a large farm called the "Old Castle Farm," now of Henry D. Horton, and Henry Case went perhaps to the " Pond" on the place late of Erastus Moore. A point worth noticing in this conveyance is that Daniel Terry married the widow of Isaac Overton, and came into the occupation of Overton's estate, which was devised to him by his uncle, John Elton. See Lib. C, p. 169 and, "Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. 3'1. Jcnnings.-This family came late to Southold, and has spread but slowly. They had for their home the place now occupied by Wells and Elijah Hutchinson, formerly bought by their father, Elijah Hutchinson, of Luther Jennings. From 1st Jonathan and 1St Hezekiah all the Jennings family in Southold has originated. About the year 1800 the two brothers, Lazarus and Jonathan, became possessed APPENDIX. 529 of the fine farm of Daniel Booth in the centre of the village. Hezekiah, a son of 2d Jonathan, occupies the part of his father at this time. Only one other of the name (Israel C. Jennings) remains in the town. See Lib. C, p 180, and l( Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. 325. Mapes, Joseph.-He bought all the accommodations of Thomas Osman at Hashamomack in 1684 (Lib. B, p. 83, or "Printed Southold Town Record," Vol. 1. p. 422; he was living there about 1700. As to his life, his children, and his death, we (for want of facts) pass them by with- out comment. No written line connects Joseph with the two prominent Thomases, although according to time he might, as Mr. Moore says, have been a brother of 1St Thomas. His house was south from the present house of Charles Reeve. See Lib. C, p. 179. and H Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. 324. John Goldwlitlt.-His first record of his lands in South- old shows his location to have been at Corchaug and his premises to have embraced the lands now occupied by Dr. Henry P. Goldsmith, Morgan Morgans, and others; 168 acres he purchased of \vidow Margaret Cooper and' 160 acres of Robert Norris; he also bought the narrow strip of 5 acres of Mr. Booth lying next west of Joshua Wells his Pooles Neck, and no\v the homestead of the heirs of the late Lawyer Wickham. \Vhen his son 2d John left his farm, as he appears to have done, and moved on to the place ever since in the family, now of Ezra L. Goldsmith, we cannot determine. Some of the Goldsmiths still rested on the Corchaug Farm; Dr. Goldsmith is still occupying a part of it. Both 1St John and 2d John were extensive farmers. At one time they owned the largest number of shares in the town commons of all persons in the town. 1St John was three times married-to Prudence Wines in 1679, to Anna Wells in 1683, and to Elizabath Wells in 1693; he died in April, 1703, leaving a widow, three sons, and six daughters. For a full note, see "Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. I. p. 210. 34 530 A,PPENDIX. See Lib. C, p. 159, and" Printed Southald Town Records," V 01. II. p. 300. Alabin, John.-\Vas a weaver, and had his homestead for some time on Hogneck at the mouth of Goose Creek; a right to wash sheep in the creek was reserved by the in. habitants in this deed to him by J ooathan Mapes in 1696. The family never flourished and spread, and about 1750 the Alabins paid their last taxes and disappeared. Printed Copy, Lib. C, p. T93.-Lib. C, original record, p. 92. POllds and Watering Places.-The most irnperiQus demand upon the first settlers here was a shelter for their families; provisions and mills for the preparation thereof followed; and next came the setting out and securing for their use all the near at hand and accessible ponds, springs, and streams that would furnish a supply of good water for their cattle, horses, and sheep. Every pond and spring along the King's Road from Oys- terponds to Riverhead was exempted from allotment, and set out and marked as town property. Travellers also, as the population increased (inns being very rare), made great -use of these ponds and brooks to water their teams. Every pond in 1640 was fringed all around with alders and bilberry bushes and maples; that at Mattituck was, and is to this day, remarkably picturesqu6 and beautiful. Little Pond by the Sound at Horton's Point sits like' a May Queen, embow- ered in trees and flowers, forever looking out upon the blue waters of the Sound; and Great Pond, a little farther west, deep and full of fish, has many attractive features. But we have not space to name them "all. The parcel of upland mentioned in this deposition of 1St John Tuthill in 1704 was lying on the west side of the Bow- ery Lane around and near the pond called Akedy's Pond, between W m. Turner's house and the Long Island Railroad, and probably extended southerly and easterly quite a dis- tance. Samuel \Vines was then living upon the land in front of the house of J. Halsey Tuthill, and Joseph Reeve was located upon the old Reeve homestead where Mr. Tal- mage lives. Mr. Tuthill then speaks of the" Cauchauk Pond" with a sufficient quantity of land round the Sd pond for watering of cattle and other conveniences; and adds, "also all the land from ye Fresh Meadow Pond to y6 high- way southward." This shows clearly that he called the pond lying mostly on the farm of Samuel Hutchinson, late APPENDIX. 531 deceased, and partly on the farm of Erastus "Moore late de- ceased, the" Corchaug Pond," and the pond on the farm of the late Daniel Webb deceased, at Cutchogue, as the ., Fresh Meadow Pond." And in further confirmation we might cite the record of Thomas Mapes (see Lib. A. p. 9) of his mea- dow " All that meadowe or marsh ground from the end of the first creek in the way of going towards Curchaug, there being a fresh pond a small space above the head thereof." This "first creek" above named could be no other than the creek in front of the house of the late Samuel Hutchin- son deceased. And the deposition closes saying : "Also a pond commonly called ye Great Pond with six pole of land upon ye west end for the use as above mentioned." The King's Road at Mattituck ran originally on the south side of the pond, and the first of the Reeve family who set- tled there placed their houses on the strip of land lying between the road and the pond; but in I7I3 the commis. sioners appointed to layout roads through the island changed the highway from the south to the north side of the pond. At Mattituck, as elsewhere throughout the town, care was taken that the larger sections should be provided with a strip or tongue of land by which the cattle pasturing on the respective allotments should have access to the ponds. Wm. Wells, Philemon Dickerson, the Wineses, and some others had a privilege of the waters of the pond. Duck Pond, at the Sound, north of the Cutchogue de- pot, then a large pond and a highly.prized watering-place, was made to accommodate the cattle feeding upon several large farms in its vicinity; but the land around it is now nearly all of it under cultivation, the water is not good, and the pond is not so highly valued as formerly. No stream or pond on the road within the bounds of the old Southold patent has been so steadily and universally used as a watering- place as the Saw Mill Brook, a crys- tal stream of water running across the King's Highway, abo'ftt a mile eastward of the village of Riverhead. See Lib. C, p. 216, and 'f Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. 369. John Reez.'e.-His home lot, which he here records, appears to be a part of the home lot of Thomas Reeve, so recorded in 1656. It is the west part of the lot of the late Edward Huntting, who was the successor of the Rev. Jonathan Hunt- ting, at the west end of. the village; but the 150 acres of 532 APl'E:'(DIX. lands described in the deeds of the Brown brothers dated 169t were in Corchaug, bounded by the King's Highway south, and the Sound or North Sea north. The farm of Alanson Hallock now covers the south part on the high- way, and P. Smith Moore occupies the farm on the north, along the Sound shore. Since 1700 the central section has been occupied by the Reeves. 1St \Valter died there, an aged man, in 1791 ; 2d \Valter spent his days there, dying in 185 I, aged 83 years. Since his death the place has chang- ed owners several times. See Lib. C, p. 231, and" Printed South old Town Records," Vol. II. p. 387. Benjamin, Joseph, and Micah Moore.-rst Benjamin Moore was the son of 1St Thomas Moore of Southold. He was a shipmaster. His first homestead was the east part of the place of Samuel S. Vail, uut he resided longest on the east ,corner of the road that leads to the Oysterponds; he died before 1696, intestate, and his oldest son, Joseph, heired his large estate: he too was a mariner. On the death of his father, having no doubt a home of his own, he gave the homestead of his father to his brother 2d Benjamin; from him the home went to his son, Dr. Micah Moore, who lived upon it, practising medicine, till he died in 1775: he married first, Jerusha Howell in 1739; they had 14 children, all of whom died young, except Polly, who married a Webb- she died 1833. Dr. Moore married, second, Abigail, widow of John Ledyard: she \vas the daughter of Justice Robert Hempstead. Had three daughters: Julia died the widow -of Matthias Case in 1855, aged 88; Hannah died the widow of 'Capt. JOlla. Landon in J833, aged 68; Phebe married, first, Jos. 'Vickham. Dr. Moore died 1775, aged 62: he was quite eminent in his profession, and an esteemed citizen. Abigail, \vho died his widow in 1805, was remarkable for her powers Df mind and her daring. John Ledyard, the traveller, who died in Egypt, was her son. She was the only one at that day, that ventured to open her doors to the Methodist preachers-consecrated her house to their use and her means and her life to their service. See Lib. C, p. 145, and" Printed Southold Town Records," V 01. II. p. 278. Hasllamomack.-Hashamomack, in its organization and its government, was, from the time of its ch~lrter and its occu- pation by Sinderland, and by Salmon,-who married Sin- APPENDIX. 533 derland's widow in I649,-entirely separate and distinct from the Town of Southold. It afforded a fine specimen of pure democracy: everyone had a voice in the regulation of their affairs; they were not amenable to any legal home jurisdic- tion or control, paid no town taxes, asked for no counsel, accepted no dictation, and listened to no advice beyond what they heard from Pastor Youngs and the pulpit. But in 1662 the inhabitants of this isolated community asked to become complete townsmen-they to retain their lands en- tire, to pay rates, not to common with us on this side Toms Creek. These stipulations were fulfilled on both sides for 74 years, when the inhabitants divided or set off the lots here described and a small piece of" comon land" east of David Corey's house,-now of Daniel Thomas,-leav- ing a small common on the Sound shore for a common priv- ilege to the Sound. No one using this common beach very often, the commoners, always vigilant, began to occupy the beach as their own. No one cared enough about it to con- test the right of ownership. The inhabitants of Hashamo- mack enjoyed the beach for 168 years and were then sued as trespassers, and the courts decided that the defendants had lost their title for want of a continuous possession. The decision may have been according to law, but it is dif- ficult to discover its equity. See Lib. C, p. 309, and" Printed South old Town Records," Vol. II. p. 477. Also, Lib. A. p. 33, and" Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. I. p. 77. King.-Although many important links are missing in the history of the King family of this town, still a great many facts of interest are lying around here and there in a tangled state, the confusion increased by errors and misstatements made in the professed attempt to enlighten us. In order to place us right, at least on a few controverted points, we venture to allot a brief space for a note, seemingly well au- thenticated, sent to me for publication from Rufus King, Esq., of Yonkers. of the Orient King family: "1St Samuel King of Southold was born in England in 1633, and died at Oysterponds [Orient], L. I., Nov. 29, '721. A well-preserved gravestone in the old churchyard at Orient marks his last resting-place. He was not the son of John King as stated in Moore's" Indexes of Southold," but of William and Dorothy Kinge, who emigrated from the port of Weymouth, England, in March, 1635, and were among the early settlers at Salem, Mass., in that year." 534 APPENDIX. "1St Samuel King married Abigail, daughter of William Ludlam, Sen., of Southampton, L, 1., and became the father of a numerous family. Among his descendants was the late Hon. Elisha W. King, of New York City." See Lib. C, p. 314, and" Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. 486. Indian Neck.-After obtaining agrant or a d~ed or a title of some kind from a government which claimed jurisdic- tion over the country, our first settlers proceeded to extin- guish the right of the natives to the soil. In making these grants or releases the Indians almost in- variably made such reservations as they deemed necessary and essential to their comfort and support: the use of spe- cified parcels of land~timber, swamps, fishing, fowling, and hunting-covered most of their wants. A direct reservation was made in the deed of Paukhamp, Indian sachem, and Ambusco, to William Salmon in 1645, for Hashamomack, of "two ,swamps, one caHed Poyhas \Veakewanopp, and a parcel of land thereunto adjoyning, called Mantoobaugs." See Vol. 1.," Printed Southold Town Records," p. 208. These reservations were generally short and indefinite, often verbal, and perhaps nevt'r reduced to writing at all. In 17 19 the town ordered Indian Neck to be surveyed and laid out, and allotted _ to the freeholders entitled to it; and it was done. The Indians were not satisfied, and claimed the entire use and control of the Neck under a grant made to them by the town on the 3d of August 1685, fur the' Southarbor Neck, which they afterwards exchanged for Indian Neck, but no written grant of ex- change. In 1763 ,the owners oi' present possessors of these two Necks appointed Jonathan Horton, \V. Nicoll, and Robt. Hempsted a committee to examine into the right of the Indians to these places. They report (Lib. D, Southold Town Records, p. 218) that they find a grant to the In- dians from the inhabitants of the town on the 3d of Au- gust, 1685, for Southarbor, and the same since exchanged for Indian Neck land, but no written grant of exchange for the same; and that the Indians have possessed and improved said Indian Neck lands since 1690 at times, un- til about seventeen years ago. Accompanying this report are two depositions of so much interest, and throwing so much light upon the con- APPENDIX. 535 clition and the life of the Indians of Indian Neck, that we copy them: "SO:hOld} 1763. Jonathan Horton aged seventy nine years and five months, being sworn upon the Holy Evangelists deposeth: The Indians were Inhabitants of the Neck called the indian land-I drove the teem to plow for them when I was young-their field was wore aute as if they had lived there many years:-BLit in a few years by death and removes they were all gone:-the Surveyors laid that neck in a division by itself." " So:hold } 1763. Richard Terry being nearly fourscore years old, and of sound mind and memory, declareth, that up- ward of sixty years since. he drove plow for his father on the lands called Indian Neck:-that his father was hired by the Indians to plow said, lands, and that the said In~ dians did improve said neck till about seventeen years ago: -they planted a nursery and an orchard and buried ,their dead on s.1 Neck, and he often heard the old Indians say that they exchanged Southarbor lands for Indian Neck lands. ,'4 So:hold, 31st 'May 1763 sworn before me, ISAAC HUBBARP, Justice." Kate, a slave of my grandfather, Lieut. Mos~s Case, who was born about 1730 and died at the age of 90, said that when she was a girl she knew several Indian families living around the Necks,-especiallyone named Yoopsag, who had her hut in the squaw lot at Southarbor: the hole scooped in the ground where the wigwam stood remains there to this day,-but that they kept disappearing, till she remem. bered none left. Indian Neck was from its situation a choice spot for the home of an Indian: it 'is half surrounded bv the tide.wa- ters of the Peconic Bay, has Hutchinson's ~Creek on the north 'and 'the Broadwaters Creek on the south. From Hutchinson's'Creek westerly the line ran along the north. erly boundary lines of the farms of John C. Appleby, Benj. L. Penny, and the late Wm. B., Horton, to the high~ way leading to the Broadwaters Creek, which forms a part of its westerly and southerly boundary, and which separates it from Little Hogneck. . The neck covers an area of some 500 acres. On the east- erlyend the soil is light, and covered with a dense forest of 536 APPENDIX. oak and hickory, and a magnificent growth of large cedars. The central and westerly part is a heavy loam, and is oc- cupied by several fine productive farms. And when we remember that it was the first land set off to them, and that it has ever since been regarded by them as their Mecca; when we consider that it was their home for a hun- dred years-that here repose the bones of their dead, and here are more memorials of their former life preserved than in any other place in the town,-we feel that it is a consecrated spot, and. ever to be revered for i is associations. See Lib. A, p. 42, and H Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. r. p. 98. Osman and Osborn,- These two names became confounded on the Town Records in 1778, the name being written Osmatt by the Town Clerk when he ~hould have written it Osborll. The history of Thomas Osman, given in the note in Vol. I., "Printed Southold Town Records," p. 98, is correct up to the sale of the accommodations of Thomas Osman at Hashamomack in 1684. Then all connection between the families and the names ceases, and the remainder of the note applies solely to 1st Daniel Osborn (and his descendants), who came to Southold and married Mehitable Wines about 1734, and who traces his lineage by a clear family record to 1st Thomas Osborn of East Hampton. 2d Daniel Osborn, the lawyer, practised in this county, living at Cutchogue, and dying, left sons John, Daniel, Jos. eph, William, Hull, Thomas, and Barnabas, and daughters Amelia and Abigail. See Vol. 1., "Printed Records," p. 98. See Lib. C, p. 7, and" Printed Southold Town Records," p. 129. Arnold.-Isaac Arnold settled at Southold as a merchant, at the head of Town Creek, about 1660, and under the auspices and in connection with the Sylvesters and the Gyles' of Shelter Island he embarked in the West India trade to a considerable extent. His intelligence and his character for reliability called him often to the discharge of the duties of a delegate, committee-man, executor, etc. He was always in office-judge, justice, or sheriff, and a patentee of the town in 1676. See Dr. Whitaker's" South- old," p. 86. Col. Arnold's home lot at the head of the creek was es. timated to contain three acres, but it was probably less. He was accorded a piece of the common land ing for his APPENDIX. 537 warehouse, besides a small strip from Col. Youngs and another from mariner John Youngs for his house and gar- den. R. L. Peters now owns the land; the warehouse, the wharves, etc., having long since nearly disappeared. Col. Arnold was a cousin of the Sylvesters, of Shelter Island, and in constant intercourse and connection with them in their commercial enterprises. Nathaniel Sylves- ter, a rich and extensive importer and merchant, died in ]680, and in his will named Col. Arnold the first of the trusteā‚¬s of his immense estate. In 1684 second John Budd, of Rye, Conn., formerly of Southold, died, possessed of a large inheritance, and con- stituted Col. Arnold and John Tuthill, Sen., his trustees and executors, leaving a large residue of the estate to be divided among his children according" to their discretion." Col. Arnold left a son Nathaniel, born November 25,1699; and a son Isaac, born December 26, 1701, and perhaps John (Moore's, Index). He had also a daughter, Rachel, who married Thomas Hunt, and another, Mary, who married Carteret Gillam; she took the homestead when Col. Arnold died, in N ovem- ber, 1706. The name of Arnold has not been on the town tax. list nor among our voters for probably nearly one hundred years past. See Liber C, p. 88, "Printed Southold Town Records," Vol. II. p. ,85. Plum Islalld.-It does not appea,r, from the earliest his- torical mention which we have of Plum Island, that it was included in the first purchases by the town from the Indians. Certainly for many years after the town was first settled there is no proof that it exercised any jurisdiction over the island. It was settled, however, by the agreement in 1650 between the Dutch and the English, that it belonged to the latter. In 1659 the title was first acquired of the Indians by Samuel WyIlys of Hartford. \Ve have a confirmation deed thereof made to Wyllys by Wyandank, the Montauk sachem, dated April 27, 1659, at Gardiner's Island-consid- eration "a coat, a barrel of biskitt, a 100 muxes or fish hooks." A full copy of the deed may be found in Thomp- son's History (2d ed., Vol. 1. P..387). In 1663 an assess- ment of property was made in the province of New York, and the Town of Southold and Plum Island were assessed in- two separate items-the former at ..-6642 19s. lod., the 538 APPENDIX, latter at LI3 2S. od. This distinction is only one of 'many indications that it was not then looked upon as a constitu- ent part of the Township of Southold proper. The jurisdic- tion of New York over it, however, was still further con- firmed by the boundary agreement between that colony and Connecticut, 30th November, 1664, whereby it was es- tablished that the south line of the latter colony should be the sea or Sound. An entry relating to this island first ap- pears, 28th of August, 1665, in our Town Records (see Vol. I. p. 246, of the Printed Copy). In this a claim to Plum Island by the inhabitants of Southold is asserted, and seem- ingly based upon the law of peaceable possession. There is no proof of such possession, and we cannot regard the entry other than a fictitious claim made for the purpose of basing a title upon it, and thus obtaining an inequitable ownership. The first two purchases by the town of the Indians did not include as much territory as was desired, and so, on the 7th of December, 1665, a new Indian deed was obtained, containing a larger description of lands (see Dr. Whitaker's" History," p. 201; also, Deed, Vol. I. p. 249, Printed Records): Although' this deed includes in its description Plum Island, it is certain that it did not pass a good title to it. Wyandank's deed to Wyllys was prior in date, and his conveyances of Indian lands were always regarded in those days as superior in respect of force and equity to those emanating from other aboriginal occupants of the eastern end of Long Island (see Wood, p. 64). The town seems to have still persisted in its assumption of ownership, for at a town meeting held March 19, 1665-6, it was agreed that every man should have a share in Plum Island, etc. The dividends having thus been made, the shareholders seem to have been easily induced to part with their new possession; for on May 22, 1666, twenty-one of them sold out to John Youngs (see Vol. I. p. ,60, Printed Records). As might readily be expected, no covenant of warranty went with the deed. By another deed of the same date and exactly similar in form, thirty-five other shareholders sold to Mr. Youngs. And this was the end of it. The town title was worthless in its inception, and Mr. Youngs had the good sense to let the farce of pretended ownership stop with himself. In 1674 Gov. Andros issued a patent to Mr. \Vyllys, confirming his title to Plum Island (see Moore's "Index"). . This was, indeed, clinching the nail which Southold even before that had not been able to draw. Samuel WyIlys was a man of very high position in the Connecticut colony, and especially during the adminis- APPENDIX. 539 tration of Gov. Winthrop. Gov. Andros, Oct. 31, 1676, issued his patent to Arnold and others in behalf of the town (ante, p. 8). Plum Island is included in the de. scription, but the patent only goes to the length of es- tablishing the civil jurisdiction of the township over such island, and in no wise attempts to disturb established titles to land. Witness the exact language of its provisional clause, and how carefully it renders itself exactly con- sistent with the prior patent to Mr. Wyllys of Plum IsI. and. The deed of confirmation by the said patentees to the town bears date 27th December, 1676 (ante, p. I I). It is said that about 1688 Mr. Wyllys sold Plum and Gull Islands to Joseph Dudley of Roxbury, Mass. Ce rtain it is, however, that we have the statement of one Samuel Hagaburne, in which he speaks of the claim of Col. Joseph Dudlev to Plum Island, and which was entered of record 31st October, 1698 (ante, p. 367). This Joseph Dudley was a person of much distinction, serving as Governor of Mas~ sachusetts from 1702 to 1715. Some authorities, however, entirely ignore the ownership of the island by Dudley. At the least it is safe to assume that the title passed from either Wyllys or Dudley into the Beebe name some- where about 1700. In the absence of record proof, it is difficult to reconcile the conflicting statements as to whether Joseph Beebe the father or Samuel Beebe the son first took the title. This at least seems clear. that Samuel Beebe the son ultimately became the owner. Mr. Griffin tells us that the eastern part of Plum and also the Gull Islands were owned by Dea. Daniel Tuthill as early as about 1720. In 1746 Dea. Daniel Tuthill deeded to his son Daniel the easterly half of Plum Island, being 300 acres, more or less, and afterwards he conveyed to the same all of his lands (ante, pp. 51,61). The W'esterly portion of the island be- ing in the ownership of 2d Samuel Beebe about 1750, he subsequently deeded portions of it to his sons, to wit: Fifty acres to Theophilus, April 2, 1761 (ante, p. 185); fifty acres to Silas, April 2, 1761 (ante, p. 220); fifty acres to Amon, February 8, 1763 (ante, p. 187). There is also a deed from 3d Samuel to Silas of five aCI"eS, dated October 23, 1770 (ante, p. 232). December 7. 1763, 3d Samuel, EI- nathan, Theophilus, Silas, and Amon divided the Cedar Swamp and II The Pines" between them (ante, p. 197). 2d Daniel Tuthill having devised all his lands on Plum Island to his sons Peter and Rufus, they, on July 31, 1772, divided the same between them. The foregoing affords an abstract of all the important conveyances in our Town Rec- 540 APPEXDIX. ords, and brings the chain of title (so far as the scattered links could be picked up) to the beginning of our county records of lands, and with them the work of the convey- ancer rather begins, while the scope of this sketch may be said to end. In the Revolution, Gardiner's Bay was a con- tinued rendezvous of the enemy's ships of war, and the island was greatly exposed to British insult and depreda~ tion. On August 7. 1775, the enemy's boats attacked Rufus Tuthill while landing sheep from the Island, drove him away, and took his boat and twenty of his sheep. On the 18th of the same month" Congress recommends the re~ moval of the cattle and sheep from Gardiner's and Plum Islands." The island contains about 800 acres, and on its northern side is rocky and hilly. Some of its soil is of good quality, but in an agricultural view it is perhaps best adapted for grazing. It is understood that, by recent pur~ chases from Mr. John Jerome and others, the whole island has this year (r884) passed again into the hands of a sin- gle proprietor. Its natural beauty of location and unsur~ passed facilities for fowling, fishing, and all aquatic sports, must ever render it a delightful place of rest and recrea- tion. (This note is furnished by Albertson Case.) ]. w. c. See Lib. C, p. 258, "Printed Southold Town Records,' Vol. II. p. 418. Sluiter Isllltld.-This town ill its earliest stages of set~ tlement associated itself with Southold so far as to recog- nize their Books as the proper place for the record of deeds and valuable papers, and to meet (not to vote) with them at their Annual Town Meeting. The proof of the delivery of the deed of Y okee, Sachem of Shelter Island, to Capt. Nathaniel Sylvester and Ensign John Booth, by turf and twig, for the entire island in r652 may be found in: Lib. A, Southold Town Records, p. 74, or in Printed Southold Town Records, Vol. I. p. 158. The pages 7r, 72, and 73 of Lib. A have all been despoiled of their contents. They consisted of one deed from the Indians and two deeds from Stephen Goodyeare-all of them making Constant and Nathaniel Sylvester and others the grantees. \Ve find also the deposition and complaint of Capt. Deakins, of the "Ship Goulden Parrett," taken before Wm. Wells in a suit against Nathaniel Sylvester, in r657: Also the penitential recantation of Giles Sylvester. In r699 the deed of Nathaniel Sylvester and Mary his APPE:\D!X. 541 wife to George Havens for 1000 acres of land on Shelter Island was entered upon the Southold Town Records by Benjamin Y Dungs, Town Clerk. Many other deeds follow. To show further the intimacy and relationship between the two towns, in 1719 Jonathan Hudson and William Paine of Shelter Island each brought cats and foxes, old and young, and received the bounty. In 1730 they organized as a town, elected a full set of officers, and have tver since kept up their organization. From its first occupation the island has been in the pas- session of cultivated and intellectual people, who have had a keen perception of the picturesque and beautiful. Within the last half-century the island has come greatly into notice and increased in popular favor, more perhaps through the broad and liberal spirit manifested by Prof. Horsford in the management of his large domain, and the great improvements made by the Prospect Park Company, than through all other sources beside. J. W. C. INDEX. ALABON, John, deed, 30r; deed to, 300; record of land, 301, note, 530. Alben, Hannah, witness, 472. Aldridge [Oldrege], Gershom, agreement with Joseph Swazey, 168, 169. Alford, Benjamin, witness, 105. Allyne, Samuel, witness, 74. Ambuscoe sells land, 276. Andrews, Richard, power of attorney, I7I. Andros, Go\'. Edmund, patent, 8. Arnold, Isaac, bond to, 251; deed, 23-25, 2JI, 233. 334. 365, 386; paten- tee, 9; receipt, 252, 353; record of land, 23; witness, 60. 78, rig. 137, I..J.2, 145, 156, If)3, 200, 204, 205, 223. 239. 320; note on, 233, 536. Arnold, John, deed to, 441; witness, 233. 519. note, 537. Arnold, Mary, witness, 254. Arnold, Sarah, dame, wife of Isaac, deed, 334, 386. BACKESS, Peter, deed to, 174, 175. Bailey, Abigail, witness, 369. Bailey, Benjamin, deed, T77. Bailey, Hannah, witness, 309. Bailey, Jonathan, witness, 150, 478. Bailey, l\.Iary, witness, ISI, 292, 309. Bailey, Stephen, deed. 71, 85, 380, 490; witness, 37. 72, 73, 83, 89, 97, 99. 1O{, 131, 133, 143. 148, 166, 172, 179, 180, 181. 183. 18-1-. 196, 219. 22J, 226. 237, 2-!-6, 247, 251, 266. 267, 271,274, 278, 280, 28J, 292, 29-!-, 303, Jog, J17, 319, 322, 323, 328, 335. 340, 341, 352, 361, 363, 364, 369. 373, 374, 376, 377, 379, 381, 392, 395. 396, 411, 412, 425, 427, 428, 432, 433. 459, -!-61, 476,491. Bailey. Tempe, witness, 133. Barber, Jonathan. witness, 283, 284, 290. Barber, Sarah, witness, 284. Barrett, Samuel, witness, 77. Baxter, Hannah, deed to. 191. Beebe, Amon. deed to, 187, r88; witness. 232. Beebe, division of land on Plum Island, 197. 198, note. 539. Beebe, Elnathan, witness, 186, 220, 325. 544, INDEX. Beebe Family, note on, 539. Beebe, James, deed, 327; witness, 505. 506. Beebe, Hannah, deed, 232. Beebe, Patience, witness, 50S. Beebe, Rebekah, witness, 103. Beebe, Samuel, deed, 185. 186, 187. r88, 220, 232, 422; deed of gift, 50Si deed to, 195. 196, 197. 202, 203, 327. 329; quitclaim,468; witness, 103. 333. .pg. 471; note on, 539. Beebe, Silas, deed to, 220, 232, note, 539. Beebe, Susannah, deed, 232, 327. Beebe, Theophilus, deed to, 185, 186, note, 539. Beekman, witness, 386. Beer, J ahn, witness. 113. Blagrove, Nathaniel, note to, from Jonathan Horton, 87; receipt, 87. Benjamin, John, witness, 405, 519. Benjamin, Richard, record of land, 100-102. Benjamin, Wait, witness. 378. Benjamin, William, witness, 366, 454. Berryer, Stephen, witness, 37. Bishop, john, witness, 279. Bliss, john, witness, 63. Booth, Charles, deed, 380: deed to, 282, 283, 284. Booth, Danit;l, witness, 478. Booth, Hannah, witness, 318. Booth, John, Sr., deed, 3[9. Booth, John, deed, 283, 3[6, 320; deed to, 318; record of land, 57, 58: release to, 319; witness, 112, 243, 270,283: note on, 263, 316. Booth, John, jr., deed to, 319. Booth, John, 2d, note on, 475. Booth, Thomas, release, 319. Booth, Wheelock, deed to, 505. Booth, William, witness, 318, 386, 404. 441, 462. Bowness, William, witness, 134. Bowyer, Stephen, witness, 87. Bradley, Christopher, receipt, 207, 208; witness, 207; note on, 524. Bradley, Grant, witness, 267. Bradley, William, deed, 394; deed to, 394; witness, 477. Brewton, Jahleel, witness, 75. Brinley, Francis, power of attorney, 439; witness, 418, 419. Brandeck, John, witness, 465. Bridges, Stephen, witness, 36. Briggs, George, mortgage, 472. Brookhaven and Southold boundary, 402; note on, 14. Brooks, Chi., receipt, 352, 353. Brooks, Thomas, witness, 75. INDEX. 545 Brown, Anna, deed, 163. 164. Brown, Benjamin, witness, 232. Brown, Daniel, deed (0,500; witness, 198. Brown Family, note on, 501. Brown, Francis, delivered farm stock, 253. Brown, Hannah, witness, 185, 251. Brown, John, permission for a pound on his land, 315. Brown, Jonathan, deed. II', 189, 190; note thereon, 190; deed, 249. 370, 371; deed to, 385. 386, 406; quitclaim to, 383; record of land, 165. Brown, Joseph, deed, 470; witness, 468, 469, 501. Brown, Rebekah, witness, 471. Brown, Richard, Sr.. deed, 78, 238; record of land, 64, 65; note on, 64. Brown, Richard, assignment of deed, 79; deed, II'. 163, 164. 165. 166, 355. 371; deed of trust, ISC)-I63; deed to, ,8; quitclaim, 383; satisfac- tion to, 170, 171 j note on, 79. Brown, Richard, Jr., deed to, 79; record of land, 159; note on, 159. Brown, Samuel, witness, 471. Brown, Sylvanus, deed to, 469. Brown, Thomas, delivered farm stock, 253; witness, 96. Brown, Walter, deed, 117, 371; deed to, 238, 467; witness, 79, 185, 199, 207, 267, 315, 363, 384. Brown, William, assignment of deed to, 79; deed to, 355; witness, 429; note on, 79. Budd, Ester, deed, 33, 34. Budd, John, assignment of deed, 60; bonds, 251; deed, 33. 34, 103, 104, 288,348, 362,474,475,493; legacy, 255; receipt, 255, 256, 257; wit. ness, 25, 35, 88, 430, 431, 502; note on, 523, 527, 537. Budd, John, 2d, deed, 117, note, 524. Budd, Mary, deed, 288. Budd, Mr., record of land, 313. Budd, Sarah, bequest to, 251. Buge, John, witness, 224. Burgis, Thomas, Justice, 501. CASE, Elizabeth, deed,S 18. Case, Henry, deed, 99, 147, 148,292; deed to, 244,245, 246,375; deed of exchange, 292; exchange of meadow, 246; record of land, 247; wit. ness, 143. 237; note on, 527, 528. Case, Tabitha, deed, 292. Case, Theophilus, deed, 301, 518; deed to, 268; exchange of land, 267. Case, William, witness, 175. Carhartt, J obn, witness, 134. Carpenter, Samuel, witness, 372. Chocke, Peter, witness, 71, 359. 35 546 INDEX. Christophers, Christopher, 421. Christophers, Jeffrey, deed. IIS. Christophers, J ahu, witness, 208. Christophers, Richard, 414, 420. Clark, Elizabeth, deed, 442. Clark, Jonathan, witness, 269. 412. Clark, Joshua, deed to, 503; note on, 504. Clark, Mary, deed to, 89. I}O. Clark, Mehetabel, witness, 412. Clark, Richard, deed, 442 ; note on, 442. Clark, Samuel, deed. 503; deed to, 381; witness, 180. Clark, Thomas, deed, 374. 4II; deed to, 89. go, 91; witness, 494. Cleves, John, deed, 512; witness, go, 269. 274. 281, 303, 349.350, 31}O. Cleves, Joshua, witness, 513. Cleves, Mary, deed, Sq. Cleveland, Ichabod, deed to, 478. Cole, Mary, witness, 439. Coleman, John, deed to, 4-1-2; settlement of bounds, 461; witness, 435, 437. Coleman, Mary, deed, 128, . Coleman, William, deed, 128, 357, 442; witness, 305. Colfax, John, deed to, 181-183; receipt to, 233. Collins, John, deed by attorney, 427; power of attorney. 279; deed to. 281. Commissioners on Manor Line report, 504. Commoners allow Benjamin Case to run fence' into Cutchogue pond, 497; alter highway, 496; deed, 174, 175; deed to Daniel Way, 69. 70; divide land, 433; exchange meadow, etc.. 496; give power of attorney, 509, 511; grant meadow at Hallock's Neck to Ezra L'Hommedieu, 507; sell commons at the Great Pond. 506; sell land to Hezekiah Reeve, 497; sell land to Henry Wells, 506; sell land to the Rev. Mr. Thomas Pain. 507i sel1land to Peter Dains and Nathaniel Overton at Dickerson's Creek, 508; note on, 512. Common land divided, 433; sale of. 487. 488. Comstock, Mary, witness, III. Conklin, Abigail. deed, 467. Conklin, Benjamin, 408; deed, 241, 248; deed to, 357, 358. 359; quit- claim to, 360,361. Conklin, Eliakim. deed, 450. Conklin, Hannah, witness, 242, 249. Conklin, Henry, assignment of mortgage to, 517. Conklin, Henry, Jr., mortgage to, 514. Conklin, Jacob, deed, 124, 467; record of land, 59.60; witness, 311; will, 294-296; note on, 467. INDEX. 547 Conklin, John, 9r; deed. 79. 358; division of land with Joseph Conklin, 152-155: receipt to, 233; witness, 338. Conklin, John, Jr., deed to, 241, 248: partition fence, 258. Conklin, John, zd, note on, 152, 153. Conklin, John, 3d, deed, 241, 248. Conklin, Joseph, deed to, 124. 262; divisionaf land with Joseph, 152-155; quitclaim to, 26,; witness. 24I. Conklin, Mary, witness, 241, 327. Conklin, Melines, witne::ss, 465. Conklin, Nathaniel, witness, 519. Conklin, Samuel, deed, 262; quitclaim, 267; witness, 124, 469, 480; note on, 5:::8. Conklin, Samuel, Jr., witness, 264. Conklin, Sarah, deed to, 336. Conklin, Thomas, Capt.. deed to, 512; note on, 513. Cook, Samuel, deed to, 266. Cook, Thomas, witness, 281. Cooper, Abraham, witness, 92. Cooper, James, deed, 381. Cooper, Samuel, deed, 381. Corey, Abigail, witness, 166. Corey, Abraham, allotment of land to, 195; assignment of deed to, 118, Il9; deed, 344, 345, 364; deed to, 117. 138; record of land, 115. I16~ note thereon, 116; witness, 272, 458. 476; note on. 118. Corey, David, deed, 208, 479; partition fence, 258; note on. 480. Corey, Isaac, record of land, 297; witness, 147, 327, 386. Corey, Jacob, Sr., deed, 476. Corey, Jacob, deed, 32, 475; patentee, 9; witness, lIS, 166, 395. Corey, Jacob, Jr., assignment of deed, 37; witness, 476. Corey, John, Sr., assigns deed, 118, 119; deed la, u8. Corey, John, witness, 500; note on, 119. Corey, Jonathan, affidavit, 298; deed to. 479. Corey, Margaret, deed, 345; deed to, 115, 123. Corwin, Daniel, deed to. 302; witness, 390. Corwin Family, nOle on, 168, 404. Corwin. James, record of land, 212, 213. Corwin, John, Sr., deed, 73, 224, 243. Corwin, John, deed, 76, 148, 149, 168, 339, 404; deed la, 406.f423, 424. 432, 443, 519; prolest of. 337; record of land, 167; note thereon. 168; record of land, 242, 243; witness, 37, 218, 282, 386; nole on, 404. Corwin, John, Jr., deed to, 243, 244. 301, 518. Corwin. John, 2d, nole on. 244. Corwin, Mary, deed, 34, 123. 212, 432. Corwin, Mauhias, affidavit as to creekthalch near Robins Island Neck. 498; deed, 123.424,432; nole on. 123, 124. 548 INDEX. Corwin, Phrebe, noncupative will of, 347; note on, 347 Corwin, Samuel, witness, 423, 424. Corwin, Sarah, deed, 76. Corwin, Theophilus, deed, 34, 302, 390, 424. Corwin, Timothy, deed, 212.' Cox, William, witness, 324. 357.496. Cranston, Samuel, Governor of Rhode Island, 439. 440. Crook, Samuel, witness, 129. 367. 498. Curtis, Caleb, record of land, 202; witness, 200, 336, 367. Curtis, Joshua, witness, 183, 184. Curtis, Samuel, witness, 183. 184. DAI;\I'S, Abigail, release, 445. Dains. John, release, 445; witness, 211, 348, 351, 368, 394. 422, 453. 460. Dains, Peter,'buys land of commoners, 508; deed to, 99.100; exchanges land. 508. Darby, Hannah, deed, 394. 491. Darby, Samuel, deed, 394. 491; witness, 491. Davis, Benjamin, witness, 51, 292. Davis, Evan, witness, 34. Davis, George, receipt, 233. Davieson, Josiah, deed to, 450. Dayton, Samuel, release to, 439. DibeH, Hannah, witness, 219. Dibell, Thomas, deed to, 431; witness, 219, 352. Dickerson's Creek, land at sold, 508. Dickerson, John, deed to, 494; witness. 177. Dickerson, Peter, affidavit, Ig4; deed, 317,494; deed to, 108, 109; wit. ness,lgo. Dickerson, Widow, record of land, 127, 128; note, 128. Dimon, Jonathan, deed to, 376; witness, 281. Dividend, fourth of Occabauk, 400. . Division bound between the Town and Barnabas Wines, 382. Division of common land, 278, .J-34; of land between the Town and Duck Pond, 382. Dominy, Nathaniel, witness, 450. Dongan, Gov. Thomas, receipt, 15. Downer, Phcebe, deed, 392. Downer. Samuel, deed, 392. Downing, Edward, witness, 408. Downing, Mary, witness, 408. Downs, John, witness, 214. Downs, William, deed, 423; witness, 232; note, 423. INDEX. 549 Duck Pond, note on, 531. Dudley, Joseph, interest on Plum Island, 367; witness, 281. EDGECOMBE, John, apprenticeship articles, 105. Edgecombe, Samuel, bound apprentice, 105. Edsall, Samuel, Justice, 386. Edwards, Mary, witness, 90. E,edes, Nicholas, witness, III. Elliott, J abu, witness, 50r. Elton, Hannah, marriage contract, 214-217. Emons, Thomas, witness, 251. FANNING, Thomas, witness, 171. Fawcett, Rebekah, witness, 93. Flint, Benoni, witness to Indian deed, 7. Folwell, Edward, deed, 321, 322, 385. Foster, Christopher, witness, 445. Foster, Jeremiah, choice of guardian, 348. Fourth division of Occabauk, 400. Franklin, John, deed, 318; deed to, 316, 317; record of land, 316; note, 316. Frencham, Richard, witness, 172. GARDINER, David, deed, 306; division of estate, 264; release, 56; witness, 34, 123, 199, 233. Gardiner Family, note on, 528. Gardiner, John, deed, 146, 147,269,385; witness to Patentees' Deed, 12; witness, II7. Gardiner, Lyon, witness to Patentees' deed, 12. Gardiner, Martha, deed, 306; witness, 133. Gibbs, Andrew, witness, 441. Gibb, Andro, witness, 357. Gilbert, Thomas, deed, 74. Gillam (Guillaume), Arnold, deed, 473; note on, 473. Gillam, Carteret, deed to, 231, 233,334, 335, 365, 366; witness, 380; note on, 365. Gillam, Susannah, witness, 208. Glover, Charles, witness, 336. Glover, Deborah, witness, 217. Glover, John, deed, 356. Glover, Samuel, Lieut., arbitration, 104; deed, 217, 250, 271,335; note thereon, 525; deed, 368; patentee, 9; record of land, 205, 206; witness, 20, 72, 335; note on, 206. Glover, Sarah, deed, 335, 368. 550 INDEX. Glover, William, witness, 217, 490. Goldsmith, Benjamin, witness, 188. Goldsmith, Elizabeth, bond to, 409. Goldsmith, John, bond, 469; deed, 376, 389. 405, 459. 460; deed to, 356, 357, 373. 374. 404. 409, 412; record of land, 324; note thereon, 529: witness, 91, 129, 147, 173, 274, 426, 428. Goldsmith, Joseph, deed to, 479. Goldsmith, Mary, deed, 389; witness, 147. Goldsmith, Nathan, witness, 517. Goldsmith, Ralph, deed to, 250; note on, 250. Goldsmith, Thomas, deed to, roo, 107, 172, 173; witness, 120. Gooden, Philip, witness, 327. Great Pond, land at, sold, 506; common land at, note thereon, 507. Great Swamp, note on, 527. Griffing, Edward, witness, 107. Griffing, Jasper, affidavit, 240; arbitration, 104; deed, 438, 492; deed to, 271, 272,273; witness, 207, 250, 266, 351, 365. Griffing, Robert, deed, 490; deed to, 492; witness, 81, 212. Grover, Elizabeth, witness, 179. Grover, Simon, agreement with others to build a windmill at Hallock's Neck, 338; deed to, 339; witness, 74, 94, 302, 323. Gudgeon, John, witness, 75. HAGBURNE, Samuel, statement as to Plum Island, 367. Hallock, Abigail, deed, 213, 214. Hallock, Benjamin, witness, 212. Hallock, Bethiah, witness, 310. Hallock, John, deed, 213, 214, 273, 358; note on, 524. Hallock, Peter. deed, 470; deed to, 344, 34-5, 346, 348; quitclaim to, 349. Hallock, Sybil, deed, 202. Hallock, William, deed, 222, 223; deed to, 147, 148, 470,476; record of land, 3og; witness, 425, 427; note on, 525. Hallock, William Robert, deed, 201; note thereon, 522. Hallock, Zebulon, deed, ISI; witness, 183. Hallock, Zebulon, Jr., witness, 181, 183. Hallock's Neck, mi1llot on, 338. Harkey. John, Justice, 226. Harlow, Benjamin, witness, 107. Harned, Jonathan, witness, 107. Harris, Henry, witness, 456. Hart, Hannah, receipt, 253, 256, 257; witness, 258. Hart, Jonathan, receipt,. 253, 256,257; witness, 258. Hashamommuck, bounds, 276, 298; division 'of common land, 278; high- ways, 258-260; note on, 532. Hassard, Jonathan, witness, 386. INDEX. 551 Hassard, Robert, witness, 185. Havens, Eleanor, deed, 412; deed to, 420. Havens, George, deed, 412, 413, 420; deed to, 419; note on, 54I. Havens, Hannah, deed, 196, 197. 32q. Havens, Jonathan, deed, 196, 197, ,329; deed to, 226, 227. 249. 412, 464i witness, 169. 464. Havens, John, deed to, 420. Havens, Lydia, witness, 66. Havens, William, deed to, 413. Hedges, John, affidavit, 347. Helme, Thomas, Justice, 322, 38X. Hempstead, Experience, witness, 514. Hempstead, Mary, witness, 52, 312, 514. Hempstead, Robert, witness, 51, 59. 100, 177. 208, 264. 3i2.393, 457. Herbert, Elizabeth, deed, 93. Herbert, John, Capt., deed, 37, 88,93,194,195,280,323: record of land, 114. 261. Herbert, Martha, marriage, 239. Hervey, Hannah,deed, 519' Highways, record of, 258-260,353, 399,400,483-485,487; note on, 530-1. Hildreth, James, witness, 31. Hill, John, witness, 279. . Hill, Jonathan, witness, 414, 420. Hinchman, Robert, witness,s 19. Hobart, Daniel, witness, 338. Hobart, Isaac, witness, 321, Hobart, Joshua, Minister, deed, 76, 77, 97, 98, 378. 471; receipts for ~alary, 354; record of land, 68, 69; revocation of deed, 67; witness, 63, 76, 152, 217, 244, 256, 331, 340, 374. Hobart, Josiah, quitrent receipts, IS; witness, 358, 359, 360, 450. Hobart, Mary, witness, 76, 191, 244. Hobart, Peter, witness, 340. Hobson, John, witness, 97. Hodgkin, Ebenezer, witness, 501, Hog Neck, highways, 399, 400; lots, 398. Hog Pond farm, note on, 524. Holdsworth, Jonas, witness, 31, 34, 71, 94, 245. Homan, John, witness, 362. Homan, Mordicai, deed to, 427; note on, 427. Horton, Ann, deed to, 362. Horton, Annah, witness, 305, 307. Horton, Barnabas, deed of exchange of land, 30, 31; witness, 17, 126,402. Horton, Benjamin, deed, 280, 306; patentee,9; record of land, 133, 134; witness, 473. Horton, Benjamin, Jr., deed to, 131-133. 552 INDEX. Horton, Bethiah, deed to, 35. 36; witness, 282. 515. Horton, Caleb, deed, II2, II3; deed to, III, 404. 453; quitclaim to, 112; record of land, IOI}-III; release, 112; note on, II4. Horton, Christian, witness, 390. Horton, David, deed, 453; deed to, IU, 113. 114; mortgage, 514; witness, 130, 444: note on, 454. Horton, David, 3d, mortgage, 516. Horton, Ephraim, witness, 458, 478. Horton, James, witness, 173. Horton, Jeremiah, witness, 231. Horton, John, deed, 85. 86, 282; quitclaim to, 134; witness, 35. Horton. Jonathan, assignment of deed, 34; certificate of bounds, 40; deed, 303. 406; deed to, 32, 33. 34. 35. 36, 3'. 85. 86, 88, 89, 99; note to Nathaniel Blagrove, 87; record of land, 29-33. 87; release to, 35; witness, 172, 173, 218, 223, 224, 245, 280, 282, 346, 347, 4l}6; note on, 38,39. Horton, Joseph, deed. 50S; quitclaim, II2, 134: release, 35; witness, 35. 112, 254, 256. Horton, Joshua, Lieut., deed, III, 318, 345; deposition. 239; patentee, 9; receipt to, 352; record of land. 52-55.. 234: release. H2; witness, 152,200, 288,321,351,493; note on, 55. Horton, Joshua, Jr., deed to, 234. Horton, Mary, deed. 284, 345,453; release to, 35; witness, 444; note on, 454. Horton, Parmenas, witness. 231. Horton, Phrebe, deed, 112, 113. Horton, William, Lieut., deed to, 50S; witness, 212. Howell, Abraham, Justice, 445. Howell, Isaac, deed to, 133, 173. Howell, Jacob, deed to, 133, 173. Howell, John, witness, 470. Howell, Jonathan, deed to, 425. Howell, Joseph, witness, 379. Howell, Richard, deed, 446; deed to, 221, 222, 223,224, 225.448; record oC land, 447; note on, 448. Hudson, John Leverett, bill oC sale of slave Hager, 515, Hudson. Jonathan, assignment of deed to, 169; deed to, 287, 288, 493; witness, 85, 169. Hudson, Robert, Justice, 347. Hull, Joseph, deed to, 325, 383, 473,474. Hulse, Isaac, survey oC Manor Line, 520. Hulse, Jonah, agreement to sell to, 519. Hunter, Ezekiel, witness, 226. Hunter, Elisha, witness, 226. Hunter, Elizabeth, deed to, 401. INDEX. 553 Hunter, John, bond, 230; deed, 228; deed to, 225. Hunter, Thomas, arbitration, 48, 49: notes on, 49, 402. Hunter, William, deed, 226; note on, 526. Hutchinson, Benjamin, witness, 343. Hutchinson, Martha, deed, 244. Hutchinson, Mrs., record of land, 293. Hutchinson, Mary, witness, 175. Hutchinson, Matthias, deed, 362; deed of exchange, 292; deed to, 292, 293; exchange of meadow, 246; record of land, 291; witness, 33. 138, 157. 235, 286, 477; note on, 528. Hutchinson, Samuel, deed to, 277; record of land, 278; witness, 138,221, 363, 427, 435, 441, 474. Hutchinson, Thomas, deed, 277; witness, 307. INDIAN Deed, 6. Indian land, lots in, 486, 487, ways and highways in, 487. Indian Neck and South Harbor dividends, 48r. Indian Neck, ways and highways of, 483-485. Inventory of papers, t. JAGGER, Jonathan, witness, 475. James, Charles, witness, 254. Jennings, Ebenezer, Sr., lease to, 31I. Jennings, Ebenezer, Jr., lease to, 311; witness, 82. Jennings Family, note on, 528, 529. Jennings, Keturah, lease to, 311. Jennings, William, witness, 92. Johnson, Ebenezer, mortgage to, 472. Johnson, Edward, deed to, 102: payment, I03;ship.carpenter, takes ap. prentice IDS; witness, 393. KETCHA:\I, John, deed, 94-96. Ketcham, Susan, deed, 94-<)6. King, Abigail, deed to, 504; note on, 504. King, Bathsua, quitclaim to, 468; witness, 330. King, David, deed to, 50S; witness, 468, 469. King, Hannah, deed, 363; deed to, 505; witness, 468, 469. King, James, deed to, 192, 193; note on, King, John, deed to, 192, 193; note on, 533; deed to, 314; division of land, 314: quitclaim to,477: witness, 61, 136, 465. King, Samuel, assigns deed, 185; deed, 270, 275, 299, 312,363,457; deed to, 184, 185,229; division of land, 314; partition deed, 331; quitclaim, 237,477; record of land, 182; note thereon, 533; witness, 147, 164, 330, 356, 385, 416. King, Samuel, Jr., deed to, 312, 351, 417; witness, 355. 554 INDEX. King, William, assignment of deed to, 185; deed, 183.191, 192, 193, 202, 468; deed to, 184. 208, 299.422,468,470; record of land, 309; witness, 79. 313. 330, 416. King, William, Jr., quitclaim to, 468; witness, 186,220, 314,325. 328, 457,506. Kingsbury, John, deed to, 444; release to, 445. Knowles, Katharine, witness, 93. LAND, division of, 382. Landons, note on, 83-85. Landon, Bethiah, deed, 284. Landon, James, witness, 131, 364. 430, 438, 456, 492. Landon, Jared, witness, 188: Landon, Nathan, deed, 348; deed to, 81, 82, 83.85,130.131; witness, 320, 397, 444, 473. Landon, Samuel, deed, 284; witness, 478. Lane, Daniel, witness, 476. Laughton, John, witness, 357. Leach, Stephen, deed to, 392. Ledyard, Abigail, witness, 100. Leete, Andrew, 279, 281. Leighton, John, witness, 79. L'Hommedieu, Benjamin, agreement with others to build a wind-roill at Hallock's Neck, 338; attorn,ey makes release, 439; power of attorney to, 171, 439; satisfaction piece, 170, 171; witness, 246,275,317, 380, 418,419,439,440; note on, 171. L'Hommedieu, Ezra, manumission of slave Lewis, 445; obtains land of the commoners at Hallock's Neck, 507; receipt, 513; witness, 70, 193. 198; note on, 171. L'Hommedieu, Patience, witness, 246, 324. L'I-Iommedieu. Sylvester, witness, 51. Lloyd, David, quitclaim, 371. Lloyd, Thomas, witness, 372. Long Lane, note on, 148. Longworth, Deborah, deed, 364, 375. Longworth, Thomas, deed, 341, 364, 375; deed to, 156; witness, 89, 99, 133, 137, 210,303, 323, 361, 386. Loper, Arthur, witness, 413. Lore, John, deed to, 393, 438, Lore, Richard, deed to, 393. Luce, Eleazer, deed to, 166; quitclaim to, 2lI, 212; witness, 454. Lupton, John, witness, II7. MALTBIE, John, witness, 26g, Manly, Lazarus, land to, for wind-mill, 434. INDEX. 555 Manor Line run, 502; report on, 504; survey. 520. Mapes, Abigail, witness, 449. Mapes, Elizabeth, deed, 223. Mapes, Esther, deed, 234. 346. Mapes, jabez, deed, 223; note on, Mapes, Jonathan, deed, 128, 129. 234. 300, 320,346; record of land, 340; witness,294; note on, 341. Mapes, Joseph, apprentice to, 311; deed to, 327; record of land, 325; witness, 256; note on, 529. Mapes, Mary, deed, 32, 35. 36, 125. 126, 221, 222; ratification, 273; wit- ness, 307, 308; note on, 127. Mapes, Ruth, apprentice to, 31 I. Mapes, Tabitha, witness, 437. Mapes, Thomas, deed, 221, 222, 304; ratification of deed, 235; witness, 32, 34, 67. 112, 129. 130, 173, 200, 236, 251,261, 274, 275. 281, 307, 308, 319. 328, 346, 361, 365. 378, 432, 443, 447. Mapes, Thomas, Jr., witness, 36, 126: Mapes, William, deed, 173, 307, 308; settlement of bounds, 461; wit- ness, 222. Marow, Henry, receipt, 103. Marrit, Thomas, delivered farm stock, 253. Marvin, John, witness, 372. Mather, Increase, witness, 465. Mather, Nathaniel, witness, 502. Matthews, Elizabeth, deed to, 41 I. Matthews, Robert, deed to, 411. Mayhew, Matthew, sells Indians, 74, 75. Mayle, JaCOb, buys and sells Indians, 74, 75. Meigs, attorney, deed, ';'27; power of attorney to, 279. Merny, John, deed to, 302. Merrick, Christopher, deed to, 475, 476. Miller, Daniel, witness, 450. Miller, Jeremiah, Justice, 344; witness, 343. Miller, Mary, witness, 343. Moore, Benjamin, deed to, 387,388, 389.462,475; record of land, 47, 48; witness, 20, 72, 179, 288, 362, 406, 422,444, 493. Moore, Catharine, deed, 223. 224. Moore, Deborah, witness, 98. Moore, Jonathan. assignment of deed to, 96, 67; deed. 387; deed to, 94. Moore, Joseph, deed, 366, 387, 388. 389, 478; ratification, 248; record of land, 48; witness. 180, 375. 405; note on, 478, 532. Moore, Martha, deed, 387, 388. Moore, Nathaniel, deed, 117,266.500; deed to. 102, 103,391; record of land, 175, 176; witness, 360; note on, 176, 177. 556 IN'DEX. Moore, Patience, witness, 261. Moore, Samuel, deed, 238; deed to, 260. Moore, Thomas, Sr., assignment of deed, 96, 97; deed, 94. 102, 103. 172, 223. 224. 240. Moore, Thomas, deed, 260, 391, 397, 403, 459; deed to, 94-96, 238, 403; record of land, 39, 40; witness, 71, 229, 261, 290, 310, 336, 374. 377. 493; notes on, 451, 527. Moore, Thomas, Jr., deed to, 241; witness, 391. Moore, William, deed to, 387. Mulford, Daniel, witness, 465. Munn, Alexander, witness, 467. NEWBERRY, Samuel, witness, IgJ. Nicholls, Matthias, attests patent, II; 359. 360. Noice, Francis, assignment of deed to, 372. Norris, Isaac, quitclaim, 371, OCCABAUK, bounds of great lots, 337; fourth dividend, 400; note, Original Index of Liber. C, 1-6. Osborn and Osman, 536. Osborn, Daniel, manumission of slave Cyrus, 449; note on, 450. Osborn, Daniel, Jr., witness, 517. Osborn, Joseph, witness, 358, 359. Osman, Abraham, deed, 448. Osman, Isaac, deed, 211. Osman, Jacob, deed, 90, 91, 169, 411, 492; witness, 169,287, 345; 375. Osman, John, deed, 359; deed to, 275; witness, 36, 222. Osman, Rebekah, deed, 4..8. Overton, Abigail, deed, 458. Overton, Elton, deed to, 99, 100. Overton, Isaac, deed, Ln, 458; witness, 214, 417, 446. O';erton, Nathaniel, arbitration, 397; buys land of commoners, 508; ex. changes land, 508. Owen, John, witness, 271, 346. Oyster ponds, church lot and note thereon, 149; road to the harbor, 152; site for pound, 315. PAIN, Cornelius, bond to, 408; deed to, 407; witness, 265. Pain, Jemima, deed, 130, 131, 138, 244; note on land sold, I3I. Pain, John, buys Indian Keiape, 75; deed, 138,244,250: deed to, 71,72, 74, 88, 93; quitclaim, 428; record of land, 70-74: witness, 34, 195,255, 256, 418, 419; notes on, 77, 78, 138, 429. Pain, John, Jr., deed to, 71, 72, 73, 76, 77. Pain, Joseph, deed, 444; deed to, 502; testimony, 457. Pain, Mary, deed, 250; witness, 255. INDEX. 557 Pain. Nathaniel, deed, 314; deed to, 429, 457: quitclaim to, 428; witness, 333, 395; note, 429. Pain, Peter, record of land, 192: witness, 76, 244, 272. Pain. Rev. Thomas, buys land of the commoners, 507; witness, 120. Parke, Daniel, witness, 413. Parke, Nathaniel, witness, 408. Parker, John, buys Indian girl, I79, 180; deed, 9[, 92: deed to, 440; witness, 379; note on, 92. Patentees, names, 9; deed, 1 I. Parshall, Bethiah, deed, 465 Parshall, David, deed to, 211,270,426; partition deed, 435; witness, 446. Parshall Family, note on, 438. Parshall, Israel, arbitration, 235; deed, 348, 377, 465; deed to, 269, 270; partition deed, 347, 435; witness, Iq. Parshall, James, receipt, 266; sells Indian girl, 179, 180; witness. 284. Paucamp. sale of land, 276. Peakin, John, deed, 229; note on, 526. Pearsall, Nathaniel, witness, 372. Pearsall, Thomas, witness, 372. Peck, John, deed, 404; deed of exchange, 499; deed to, 405; witness, 115. -Peck, John, Jr., deed of exchange, 499. Peck, Joseph, witness, 120. Peck, Mil-rtha, deed, 404; deed to, 397, 405; note, Penny, deed to, 348; witness, 406. Perce, Jeremiah, witness, 440. Petty (or Patty), Edward, Sr., deed to, 218. Petty. Edward, bequest to, 20; deed, 83; quitclaim to, 135, 136; wit. ness, 71. 103. Petty, Experience, witness, 302. Petty, Ezekiel, witness. 502. Petty, James, deed, 89, 348; deed to, 237, 303, 320; witness, 77. 195, 316,319. Petty, Joanna, deed, 352. Petty, John, deed, 72; deed to, 368; grant to, 369; record of land, r3~, 135; witness, 77, 88. Petty, Joseph, deed. 230, 323; deed to, 217; division of land, 219: mort- gage, 206, 207; quitclaim, 135, 136; receipt to, 219. 220; witness, 314, 371,352,385,457. Petty, Mary, quitclaim, 349; quitclaim to, 135, 136; witness, 136, 305. Petty, Ralph, deed, 352; deed to, 218, 219, 230; division of land, 219; witness. 63, 102, 385. Person (Pierson), Henry, Clerk of the Court of Sessions, 18. Phillips, John, member of His Majesty's Council. 93. Pierson, E~hraim, witness, 474. Pierson (Person), Henry, Clerk of the Court of Sessions, 18. 558 INDEX. Pierson, Josiah, affidavit, 347. Pine Neck, division of, 488, 489; ways and highways of, 483-485 Plum Island, division of land on, 197. 198; sketch and title of, 537 Plumbe, John, witness, 105, 414. 420, 421. Ponds and watering places, note on, 530, 531. Prince, Joseph, witness, 513. Purdy, Joseph, Justice, 86. Purdy, Samuel, Judge, 134. RACE, William, witness, 345. Racket, John, witness, 234. 501. Ramsey, Simon, deed, 441, 463; deed to, 377, 378, 379. 380, 471; witness, 271. Receipts for legacies, 416; for salary, 354; for taxes, 353. for work, 354. Reed, Thomas, witness, 92,387. 394. Reeve, Benjamin, witness, 406, 496. Reeve, Bethiah, affidavit, 517. Reeve, Deborah, witness, 201. Reeve, Elisha, witness, 504. Reeve, Isaac, witness, 379. Reeve, James, buys sla,,"e Hagar, 515: witness, 88, 201, 343, 376,379. 425,433, 470. Reeve, John, deed to, 163, 164, 370, 371: record of land, 369: witness, 235, note on, 53I. Reeve, Jonathan, witness, 273. Reeve, Joseph, agreement with others to build a wind.mill at Hallock's Neck, 338: partition deed, 347; witness, 269, 278, 473. Reeve, Joseph, Jr., arbitration, 397. Reeve, Mary, marriage contract, 431. Reeve, Samuel, exchange of land, 50S. Reeve, Thomas, deed, 81, 82, 108, 109: witness, 70. Reeve, William, discharge to, 107. Richardson, Elizabeth, witness, 409. Richardson, William, witness, 409, 413. Richmond, John, deed, 463. Rider, Providence, bond, 396; deed, 395. Roe, John, witness, 275. Rogers, James, Capt., receipt to the heirs of, 233. Rogers, John, charge for, 402; deed, 236; deed to, 393: witness, 440. Rosse, George, witness, 442. Rowe, John, witness, 340. Russell, Thomas, witness, 147. SACSON, Mehetabel, witness, 75. Saint, Thomas, witness, 109, 226. INDEX. 559 Salmon, John, receipt, 354; record of land, 227; note on, 422. Salmon, Mary, witness, 337. Salmon, William, deed, 182, 183. 195, 226; Indian purchase, 276; wit. ness, 181, 459: note on his deed, 422. Sampson, witness, 250. Sandiforth, Thomas, witness, 288, 493. Saugust Neck, notes on, 221,363. Sawyer, James, witness, 500. Sessions, John, witness, 323. Shaw, Mary, deed, 469: release, 465. Shaw, Richard, intention to marry Abigail King, 504: note, 505. Shaw, Thomas, deed, 133, 464,469; deed to, 463. Shearman, Roger, witness, 229_ Shearman, William, witness, 229. Sheffield, Robert, witness, 283, 290. Simons, Catharine, widow, deed, 179. Simons, Peter, deed, 268; deed to, 390; witness, 168. Skellings (Schellenger ?), Abraham, witness, 230. Smith, John, 372. Smyth, Samuel, witness, 103. South Harbor and Indian Neck dividends, 48l. South Harbor, division of, 488, 489: ways and highways of, 483-485. Southold and Brookhaven boundary, 402. Spery, john, witness, IIS. Stanley, Nathaniel, 74. Steer, Bethiah, deed to, 32I. Steer, Richard, deed to, 323; witness, 359. Stephens, Thomas, witness, 87. Stone, Benajah, witness, 281. Stone, Caleb, deed, SOl. Slone, Solomon, deed to, 501. Storrs, John, Reverend, deed to, 177: horse mill lot, 177. Stretton, John, witness, 445. Sturmy, Charles, witness, 254. Swazey, John, deed, 221, 302, 376; deed of exchange, 30, 31: deed to, 170; quitclaim, 281. Swazey, Joseph, agreement with Gershom Aldridge, 168, 169: deed to, 221,280; quitclaim, 480, 493; quitclaim to, 281. Swazey, Richard, quitclaim to, 493. Swazey, Samuel, assignment of deed, 169: deed, 170, 287; deed to, 168, 169; quitclaim to, 480; witness, 284. Sylvester, Constant, deed, 36, 246, 327. Sylvester, Giles, bond, 408; deed, 407; quitclaim, 418; witness, 302,340, 413. Sylvester, Joshua, witness, ~5, 172, 250, 275, 306, 389, 409. 560 INDEX. Sylvester, Margaret, deed, 419. Sylvester, Nathaniel, deed, 419; quitclaim to, 418. Sylvester, Peter, witness, 204. TABER, Amon, partition deed, 341. Taber, Mary, partition deed, 341. Tarvey, John, witness, 33. Tatem, Thomas, receipt to, 51). Terrell, Samuel, deed, 336. Terrell, Thomas, affidavit, 164, 165; discharge, 107; witness, 34. 236; note on, 164. Terry, Daniel, deed, 272; deed of exchange, 62, 63; record of land, 6[, 62; note on, 63. Terry, EUner, deed, 227. Terry, Gershom, arbitrator, 104; bond to, 396; deed, 340, 427; deed to, 395; quitclaim, 157; quitclaim to, 284: record of land, 49. 50; witness, 37. 12). 172,423, 424, 479; note on, 50. Terry, Gershom, Jr., witness, 516. Terry, James, deed to, 498; witness, 463. Terry, John, assignment of mortgage, 5I7; deed, 32I, 43I, 450; quit- claim, 284; quitclaim to, I57. . Terry, Jonathan, deed to, 282, 284; mortgage to, 5I6. Terry, Nathaniel, deed, 458: deed to, 363, 364; witness, 67. Terry, Nathaniel, Jr., witness, 357. Terry, Richard, deed to, 340, 341; town grant to, 345; witness, 276. Terry, Samuel, witness, 463, 498. Terry, Thomas, 1st and 2d, note on, 187. Terry, Thomas, deed of exchange, 62, 63; note thereon, 63; record of land. 186, 187, 210, 2II; witness, 73, 190, 310. Terry, Thomas, Jr., deed, 498; deed to, 290. Thompson, Archibald, deed to, 446; witness, 41 I. Thoowen, witness, 250. Tinker, John, witness, 438. Tooker (or Tucker), Charles, quitclaim to, 331. Tooker (or Tucker), Dorothy, deed, 440. Tooker (or Tucker), Hannah, marriage bond to, 350; note on, 477. Tooker (or Tucker), John, Sr., marriage contract, 214-217. Tooker (or Tucker), John, deed, 440, 476; deed to, 213, 214; witness, 430; note on, 477, Topping, Elnathan, deed, 85. Town, bounds, note on, pp. 12-15; deed to, 194, 195; gives land to Rich- ard Terry, 345; Indian deed of, 6-8; patent, 8-II; patentees, 9; pa- tentees' deed, II, 12; payment for work to John Salmon, 354i pay- ments of minister's salary, 354; of taxes, 353. Travis, Dorcas, witness, 256. INDEX. 56! Treasteane, Robert, marriage, 239; note on, 240, Trusteen, John, deed, 373. 406; deed to, 376. Turner, William, witness, 174, 322. Tusten, John, deed, 281; deed to, 280. Tusten, Priscilla, deed, 89. 90; deposition, 239; witness, z80, 305. Tusten, Thomas, deed, 443; deed to, 304; deed to, 205, 306,307, 308; record of land, 303; witness, 280; note on, 90. Tuthill, Bethiah, deed, 218, 219. Tuthill, Daniel, Sr., deed, 61. Tuthill, Daniel, deed, 51, 58, 59; deed to, 58, 59. 367. 392; witness, 366, 387. Tuthill, Daniel, Jr., deed to, 6r; record of land, 43-46: note thereon, 46; testimony, 457; witness, 504. Tuthill, Elizabeth, deed, 65. 66. Tuthill, Henry, deed, 218, 219; deed to, 143-145, 146, 147, 352: record of land, 143; witness, 142, 283, 290, 310, 313, 366, 368, 374, 478. Tuthill, Henry, Jr., witness, 355, 464, 465, 501. Tuthill, Jeremiah, deed to, 289. Tuthill, John, Sr., bond to, 251; deed, 71, 72, 102, 140-142,143-145; deed in trust to, 198, 199; deed to, 250; deposition, 193, 194; release, 142. Tuthill, John, deed, 82, 224, 225, 272, 310, 335, 355, 366, 367, 374; deed of trust to, 159-163; deed to, 321. 322, 323, 328, 331; partition deed 331; payment to Peter Whitehere, 199, 200; receipt, 252; receipt to, 253; record ot land, 42, 43; quitclaim to, 237i release to, 200; witness, 78, 79, II7, 119, 145, 166, 171,203, 223, 234, 239, 313, 315, 320, 356, 363, 371, 374, 384. 423, 429, 478. Tuthill, John, Jr., deed to, 140-142, 142, 143; record of land, 139; re- lease to, 142; note on, 142. Tuthill, Jonathan, witness, 82. Tuthill, Mehetabel, signs not, 51, 52. Tuthill, Peter. deed, 65, 66. Tuthill, Rufus, deed to, 82. Tuthill, Sarah, deed, 224, 225. VAIL, Jeremiah, deed, 271; note thereon, 271; deed to, 2II; record 0 land, 20g, 210; witness, 61, 232, 272, 273. Vail, Jeremiah, Jr., deed, 271. Vail, John, chosen guardian, 348; deed, 305, 444; record of land, 287; witnesS,13I. Vail, Mary, witness, 389, 409, 412. Vail, Stephen, witness, 328. Vail, Thomas, deed, 502; note on, 502. WARD, Andrew, witness, 279. Warner, Nathaniel, witness, 56, 330, 465; justice, 466; note on, 466. 36 562 INDEX. Way, Daniel, deed, 99. roo. Way, Ebenezer, deed to, 147; witness, 77. Way, Irene, deed to, 97, 98; witness, 472; note on, 98. Wells, Abner, bequest to, 120. Wells, Catharine, bequest to, IIg. Wells, Daniel, affidavit, 158. Wells, Henry, affidavit, 514; buys land of the commoners, 506; deed, 425; as to Manor Line, 521; will, IIg; note on, 120. Wells, Henry, Jr., devise to, IIg. Wells, Joshua, arbitration, 235; deed to, '122, 123. 125, 126, 128, 129, 236; record of land, 124. 125. 127; release to, 129; witness, 36, 37. 67, 91, IJ4. 130, 346,375,404,407. Wells, Nathaniel, affidavit, 447; house burnt, 447; title of, to land, 158, 159. Wells, Obadiah, bond to, 2]0; deed to, 228; devise to, IIg; as to Manor Line, 52I. Wells, Patience, bequest to, II9. Wells. Samuel, affidavit, 158. Wells, William, deed. 35, 36, 125.126,357: quitclaim, 130; quitclaim to. 174; ratification, 273; record of land, 12P-122, 127; witness, 96, 229: notes 00, 122, 130. Welsh, Paul, Justice, 229. Wetherell, Daniel, assistant, Whipple, David, witness, 66. Whitney, Henry, assignment of deed, 60. Whiteher, Abraham, assignment of deed, 34; deed in trust,' 198, 199; deed to, 34; record of land, 355; witness, 79; notes on, 200, 524. Whiteher, Mary, release, 200. Whiteher, Peter, receipt to. 199, 200. Whiteher, William, witness, 200, Wickes,. John. 441. Wickham, John, assignment of mortgage to, 517; mortgage to, 514; witness, 462, 516. Wickham, Joseph, agreement to sell, 519; deed, 88, II4, 378; deed to, 443, 444; witness, 303, 462. 481. Wickham, Joseph, Jr., deed to, 91, 92. Wickham, Parker. witness, 242, 249, 465, 5J5. Wickwere, John, witness, 85. Wiggins, Daniel, witness, 412, 459. Wiggins, Hannah, witness, 318. Wiggins, John, receipt to, 233. Willis, Henry, assignment of deed, 372; quitclaim to, 37r. Willis. William, assignment of deed, 372. Wiod~mill, common land for, 434. Wines, Barnabas, Sr., deed, 401; witness, lIS. INDEX. 563 Wines, Barnabas, affidavit, 497; bound between and the town, 382; deed, 166,455.479; quitclaim, 2II, 212; record of land, 27, 28; witness to Rev. John Youngs's unwritten will, 17; witness, 443; notes on, 28, 456, 479. Wines, Barnabas, Jr., deed. lIB. Wines, Barnabas, 2d, deed, 25-27; note, 28. Wines, Barnabas, 3d, arbitration, 28; note on, 28, 29. Wines, Jemima, affidavit, 456. Wines, Mary, deed, u8, 172, 173. 344. Wines, Peter, informal will, 456. Wines, Samuel, Sr., deed, 40I. Wines, Samuel, arbitration, 48, 49; note on, 49; deed, 172, 173.344,379; deed to, 25. 455; signs deed, uS. Woodbry, Mary, witness, J91. Woodruff, John, Jr., witness, 442. YOUNGSES, note on, 137, 138. Youngs, Abraham, deed, 184, 290. 30<),351, 363,417,430; deed to, 180, 181, 183,458,459,460; quitclaim to, 178, 179. Youngs, Anna, witness, III, 335. Youngs, Benjamin, Sr., deed, 300; note on, Youngs, Benjamin, arbitrator, 104; deed, 86, 293, 383; deed to, ~48, 149, 362, 363; devise and bequest to, 19; executor, 20; patentee, 9; quit- claim, 361; record of land, 148; witness to Indian deed, 7; witness, 26, 60,82, 98, 107, 109, 123, 124, 129, 142, 149, ISO, IS7, 169,171, 174, 179, 180, 185, 188, 196, 203, 205, 210, 2II, 221, 224, 225, 238, 243, 246, 250, 270, 272, 273, 275, 286, 287, 28g, 290, 299, 300, 301, 306, 310, 316, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 331, 337, 345, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 364, 365, 368, 373, 377, 381, 383, 388, 394, 397, 402, 404, 407, 416, 417, 423, 425, 427, 430, 432, 439, 443, 445, 451, 453, 459, 460, 467, 474, 475, 481, 491, 492, 494. Youngs, Benjamin, Jr., deed to, 301; witness, 86,479,493. Youngs, Christian, witness, 225, 246, 30r. Youngs, Christopher, Sr., deed, 72. Youngs, Christopher, deed, 359, 425; deed to, 136, 137, 450; devise and bequest to, 19; partition deed, 451; receipt, 254; record of land, 79-81; witness, 170, 474; note on, 453. Youngs, Christopher, Jr., deed, 131-133; record of land, 136. Youngs, Daniel, deed, 106, 107, 429, 462; record of land, 164; witness, 404, 406, 442. Youngs, David, apprentice, 311; deed, 149; deed to, 308, 309, 310; re- ceipt, 417; witness, 290, 392, 396. Youngs, Elizabeth, deed, 77; witness, 149, 210, 301, 331, 345,381, 388, 443. Youngs, Ephraim, witness, 310. 564 INDEX. Y Dungs, Experience, witness, 467, 501. Youngs, Gideon, deed, 150-152, 275; partition deed, 414; deed to, 189. 190; quitclaim, 465; receipt to, 416, 417; record of land, 188, 18g: note thereon, 524; share of his land, 190, 191; witness, 164. 299.371. Youngs, Grover, witness, 133,377,383,481, 502. Y Dungs, Hannah, quitclaim. 330; witness, 104. Youngs, Israel, witness, 212. . Youngs, John, Sr., deed, 184. 185. 188,218. Youngs, John, Colonel, deed, 23-25, 156, 172, 204; devise and bequest to, 19; marriage bond, 350; marriage contract, 431; mortgage, 204. 205; patentee, 9; quitclaim, 330; record of land, 20-22; note thereon, 22; witness, 26, 32, 56, 81, 83, 86, 163, 217. Youngs, John, Mariner, deed to, 188. Youngs, John, Reverend, record of land, 16, 17; note on, 18; will and widow, 17, 18. Youngs, John, Taylor, deed to, 430. Youngs, John, partition deed, 451; note, 453. Youngs, John, witness, 250, 256, 273, 274, 289, 318, 335, 365, 388, 426, 473. Youngs, Jonathan, partition deed, 414; deed to, 465; quitclaim to, 465; receipt to, 417; witness, 299, 490. Youngs, Joseph, certificate of division of land, 190, 191; deed, 77,288, 421; quitclaim, 174, 178, 179; receipt, 416, 417; record of land, 41, 42; witness, 323, 341. Youngs, Joshua, deed to, 490; witness, 59, 123,461. Youngs, Josiah, deed, 122,123, 136, 137,269,328,373; deed to, 491, 492; witness, 168, 170, 224, 327, 380. Youngs, Mary, Minister's widow, administratrix of his estate, I7i her will, 18; bequest, 19; note on, 20. Youngs, Mary, daughter of the Minister's widow, bequest to, 20. Youngs, Mary, wife of Benjamin, deed, 293. Youngs, Mary, daughter of Lieut. John Budd, and wife of Christopher Youngs, deed to, 103, 104; quitclaim, 360. Youngs. Mary, exchange of land, 286, 287; record of land, 286. Youngs, Mary, quitclaim to, 130. Youngs, Mary, witness, 331, 361, 375, 390,430,439,451. Youngs, Mercy, deed, 383. Youngs, Nathan, witness, 383, 445, 469, 480. Youngs, Nathaniel, arbitration, 397; witness, 82, 431. Youngs, Nathaniel, Jr., witness, 267. Youngs, Rachel, witness, 467. Youngs, Rebekah, deed, 282, 289; partition deed, 341. Youngs, Samuel, deed, 142, 143, 181, 237, 245, 274,282, 289, 308, 331, 392,412; deed to, 288; partition deed, 341; witness, 72, 172,271, 3II. INDEX. 565 Youngs, Sarah, bequest to, 20j deed, 394. 491. Y Dungs, Sarah, widow, record of land, 106. Youngs, Thomas, Capt., deed, 180. Youngs, Thomas, deed, 81, 393. 474; deed to, 204. 421,425; devise and bequest to, I9i mortgage to, 204. 205. 206, 207; receipt, 219, 220; re- ceipt to, 207. 208; record of land, 203; witness. 171, 191, 391. Y Dungs, William, witness, 208.