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P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephone: 631765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
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Special Meeting of the Planning Board
Held in the Town Hall Annex Board Room
October 11, 2005
4:30 p.m.
Present were:
Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson
William Cremers, Member
Martin Sidor, Member
Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner
Bruno Semon, Senior Site Plan Reviewer
Linda Randolph, Secretary
Chairperson Woodhouse: Good evening and welcome to the October 11 Special
Meeting of the Planning Board. Tonight we have two site plans on the agenda.
Final Determinations:
Whitaker House - This site plan is for alteration of an existing two-story building of
2,177 sq. ft. to an office of 1,373 sq. ft. and two apartments on an 18,001 sq. ft. parcel
in the HB Zone located on the sfe corner of NYS Road 25 & Horton's Lane in Southold.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of
this application?
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Two
October 11, 2005
Marie Beninati: First of all I'd like to thank you for calling this special meeting, I know
that it wasn't a planned meeting and we appreciate it. We feel that we've completed
everything we needed to complete. I think there were some minor things that Bruno
pointed out in the site plan that we've addressed. We're ready to roll. So, we'd
appreciate your approval. If there are any questions, we will gladly answer them.
Chairperson Woodhouse: OK, weill think there are a couple of questions based on the
staff report of the examination of the site. Since you mentioned you had taken care of
them, perhaps...
Bruno Semon: Marie, just tell me, I guess so we spoke on Friday about the parking lot
changes which was on this approved. So you're gonna, what is the next step?
Marie Beninati: We're gonna give you a, what is it? An as-built?
Bruno Semon: Yes, an as-built, showing all the build out.
Marie Beninati: Basically because there's a tree over here that overhangs. So what we
did is we eliminated that spot and put a spot here. So basically we have the same
number of parking spots, it's just one moved from there to here.
Bruno Semon: And then you're gonna measure just to be sure that this still complies
because you're tight on your distances because you bumped this out; we don't know if
number 16 complies still, it possibly is short, but the engineer...
Marie Beninati: Yeah, we'll measure, but this, the only reason we did that is because
this is right up against the ramp, and the cars would hit the ramp basically, so we had to
put some kind of buffer so we put a couple of arborvitae there.
Bruno Semon: So, to explain to the Planning Board what I noticed on my site
inspection is I had just drawn here in pencil, but basically this curb was built out further.
I thought it went almost into this spot based on distance, but it basically squared this off,
so these spots were eliminated. This bumped out here and then this became straight
and it removed another tree somewhere over there, but it became straight. So the main
difference is on the parking and the access where, instead of having this it became I
guess wider or maybe this shifted over, I'm not sure. But this is straight, this is bumped
out changing this. The ADA was moved over here, which is no big deal. As long as
they have the distance here they may not make the full distance to back up, and this
spot was totally eliminated and maybe some of #9.
Marie Beninati: No, it's not maybe, we measured it exactly. They're 9' each and it's
exactly, I think it's actually a foot more than what's required.
Bruno Semon: So, the new site plan will show those details in the engineer's form, I
couldn't measure it. The other things that were noticed were: all the walkways changed
slightly. It's not a big deal, they're very nice, they went from concrete to brick, as my
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Three
October 11, 2005
report says, this whole walkway coming over here. This cover was eliminated for some
reason, kind of trivial. I don't know what it was for initially, and the alc units were placed
there with screening around it, which was part of the condition. But this walkway
changed. There is a roof overhang that's not shown on the plans over this deck here,
that wasn't included in our approval. That needs to just be shown on here, whatever
the distance is. I don't believe there's a setback issue on the front, but they do have
two front yards. But the Building Department's gotta determine that. The thing that I
did notice is, on this survey; there's actually a couple of things in my report. The
significant thing is the parking obviously. This was the landscape plan that we were
working off. The green represented the new ones; this was given to us during approval
and it was in our resolution. The red represent keeping old ones or existing. The things
that were basically removed in the way of trees is this tree up in the front here, 11"
diameter, this tree, a 25" diameter, this tree which was a 19" diameter, this tree here
that's on the Town right-of-way which might have been an issue when they went
straight there, and that's why that was removed. There were a few and I noted it in the
reports for the Planning Board. So, the biggest ones were this one and this one that
were agreed on and I guess this corner one which probably because it bumped out had
to go. That was just part of the change.
Lee Beninati: I would like to answer some of those questions. The first one in regards
of the decks, showing with the roof vs. no roof; the decks were replaced exactly as
originally were. If we didn't have the roof originally on the site plan, it's because our
architects missed it. But every one of those decks and roofs were put in exactly to the
inch. In terms of the trees, I did get a tree expert to trim some of the trees. He's with
Shamrock. He called me and he tells me "I have more problems than I anticipated." I
said what is the problem? He said "the tree that Bruno's talking about, the big one right
by the house is going to go into the house because it's rot. And the other two have
carpenter ants." So I said what does this mean? He said we have to take them down.
So I said no, you're not going to do anything, knowing what the situation is. I went to
the Building Department and I spoke with Mike Verity. I said "Mike, I do have trees that
need to come down because rotted and carpenter ants. Do I need a permit?" He said
"no, you don't need anything, just take them down." I went back to George and said
take them down. He cut them down. It cost me $5,000. There was nothing better for
me to have those trees there without spending $5,000. P.S. Now I understand I went
in the wrong department. I should have gone to you guys. This is what the story has
really been, it's like: she should have, he could have, we could have, he should have. I
don't know where I gotta go, but I go to the Town of Southold. Somebody should direct
me when I go to the wrong person or the wrong agency, and say: "No, you should not
come here; you gotta go to these people."
Marie Beninati: I'd also like to say if you don't mind, Bruno. the way you presented this,
it sounds like we kind of willy-nilly cut down trees to suit. But I want to give you these
pictures. This is a tree that we are going out of our way to save, and that's the same
way throughout the property. I mean, this tree's already got a branch that's going.
We're doing everything we can to save all the trees on the property. So, I really would
like some acknowledgement of that as well, it's not like we just turned around...
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Four
October 11. 2005
Bruno Semon: Sorry, the property looks very nice, but that's in the report. The key is
I'm just comparing the difference with what was on the site plan.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Let me just say something about that. You have to
understand, we all, I think everyone here appreciates the wonderful job you have done.
And when you talk about what has to happen with trees, etc., it's totally understandable
from our perspective. However, legally, the plan that we need to approve is the plan
that we've looked at all along. If there are changes, if the architect leaves something
off, if something has to be cut down, whatever, before we approve the final plan, we
have to have that in front of us because this becomes the public record that I have to
sign off on behalf of the Board, and that gets filed. So, we are at a point where we have
two choices here, as I understand them. The Board members can join in. If we tonight
which is what you're asking for, if we approve the plan before us tonight and we know
that this plan is not accurate, tomorrow you're in violation, and it's up to the Town how
ever they are going to deal with that violation until you remove the violations. You
remove them by providing us with an as-built site plan. If we had an as-built tonight, we
could approve the as-built site plan. So, we could either approve it knowing you'd be in
violation tomorrow, or we could not approve it until you give us the as-built. That's the
decision we have to make as a Board. We've discussed it with our legal counsel
tonight and we are obviously trying to move this as quickly as we can. So let me ask
you a few questions: at what point do you expect that you will have an as-built?
Lee Beninati: When I present all the paper for the C of O's again, in the wrong agency I
guess, somebody reviewed all the paper, the first thing was the check was wrong. It
was supposed to be 50, not 25. I went again with the new check. When they looked up
the paperwork, they said to me, OK, I need three days to write your C of O. The third
day comes around, and they say I cannot do your C of 0 because you need approval
from the Planning Department: a letter of release or whatever. If I knew then, that day,
I would have had a survey already with as-built. But, I could not do overnight, nobody
would do it for me. So, I'm gonna need some time.
Marie Beninati: I guess the question I have for you is what will you accept? I mean, we
could easily modify this and have Metzger sign it, but to get him to actually redo a whole
new one is up to his process and how long it might take and everything else.
Chairperson Woodhouse: We need an official signed stamped site plan that represents
the site that we are approving. So, at some point, that's what we need. It needs to be
signed, it needs to be stamped, it needs to be in ink.
Bruno Semon: I think he's just gotta reflect the changes on this, he doesn't have an
awful lot of stuff, but it just needs to reflect what you explained, the stuff that changed,
so it matches what was built. So when I look at it and I compare it, I just say it's both
the same: trees, parking, walkways, all that stuff. The overhang should be shown. To
go back to the overhang, I don't question whether it was there, I didn't look at the
building before, but these are the plans the ARC approved, this is the west elevation
and that overhang would be right there, so we never drew it into the plans. We don't
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Five
October 11 . 2005
have it, the Building Department doesn't have it, and the site plan doesn't show it. So,
that's the reason it came up, it's just that it wasn't seen by the ARC, the Planning Board
never knew about it. It's beautiful, it looks nice, but it's a big roof overhang that's right
here that goes over this deck. This is the front, so you're looking at it from the west
side. And it doesn't show on any of the elevations, so like even on here. So you're
looking at the south side, so you would see it over here sticking out, right? So it just
somehow was left off.
Marie Beninati: Do you have the Building Department picture?
Chairperson Woodhouse: One of the things that we've identified is there are two
different departments that have different responsibilities for a site plan. If you submit
something to the Building Department, we would never see it. Photographs, or
whatever. Because they are looking at different things in terms of the construction of
the building and the code violations or approvals. We are looking at the site plan, the
physical footprint, if you will, of the property and the parking. The things that we have
jurisdiction over to make sure that the ingress and egress are safe and match what we
are approving. So, if you submitted photos to them we would not have seen those
whatsoever. Ordinarily, you are absolutely right, in order for a C of 0 to be issued, we
have to sign off that we have approved the site plan, we have inspected it, and what we
see is what's on the plans. So we need that as-built in order to sign off on it. So the
sooner you can get that to us.......
Lee Beninati: I understand, but the part that I'm troubled is that it's not a set form, you
need this, this and this. It's like somebody wakes up in the morning and says, you
know, I need this. I give you a quick example: they did a final inspection on the house
last week. They come back today again and they find something wrong?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Is that this department?
Lee Beninati: I don't know; somebody must have said something to somebody. Some
other agency came there from this Town and said, well this......
Bruno Semon: I thought the Fire Marshall came, that was after the C of 0
Lee Beninati: No, it was the Fire Marshall and a Building Inspector, again.
Bruno Semon: Was it the same Building Inspector?
Lee Beninati: Yes. And it's like, he'll probably come back again. What's the story?
Chairperson Woodhouse; What we can do here is just in terms of our department: say
(a) we need to know the site plan and (b) do you have any plan, can any of the trees
that have been removed be replaced? Are you planning on doing anything differently in
the landscaping?
Lee Beninati: I just spent $35,000 in landscaping.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Six
October 11, 2005
Chairperson Woodhouse: I'm just specifically asking about those trees. I just need to
Lee Beninati: You're asking about trees as big as....
Chairperson Woodhouse: I don't mean replacing them in that size or whatever; is there
anything that you are planning on doing that would help to be reflected on the as-built
map in terms of landscaping that's not shown.
Marie Beninati: No, we really feel that our landscaping is complete the way it is. In fact,
we would like it to be that way because originally we were going to put trees here and
there's a garden here that the ladies take care of and if we put trees there, the garden
would die.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Mrs. Beninati, I am asking that just to see if there are other
things that would need to be included on the final survey that you give us.
Marie Beninati: I would say no, unless there's something that you (inaudible). We
thought through everything that we did, we didn't just do it.
Bruno Semon: Marie, you should show the new landscaping that you did, which isn't
showing here.
Marie Beninati: Yes, but I remember when I did this. You guys wanted us to do
landscaping and I said you know we haven't even addressed the landscaping yet. So
basically what I said is probably I didn't want to block the light, even from the street.
We wanted it to really feel open the way it was. So, we were going to put some trees
here just to establish a boundary, but it wasn't really, this was not meant to be, we don't
really understand the process and degree to which things have to be so precise. You
know, I mean I did this while we were sitting there to say OK we'll do something. But
we ended up with a whole landscaping plan that went far beyond what's here.
Bruno Semon: This is the only one we've ever received, so this is what we were
working off.
Marie Beninati: Right. And you know what: if I had known that that needed to be done,
it would have been done gladly. I mean there is no reason not to do it. There is
absolutely no reason not to do it. It's just this frustration of not knowing and like we
said, one agency saying one thing and another agency saying another and us being
caught in the middle. And in the middle where it's costing us significant sums of
money; we've had to renew our mortgage application three times with big penalties.
Every time another month goes by, and I don't know how long the bank is going to
tolerate this. So that's why we're asking you to help us out here. We'll gladly do as as-
built if Metzger can do it tomorrow, we'll have it done tomorrow. We're not not doing it
or not not willing to do it, it's just that it's not something we were required. When I got
this letter dated April 12, basically what I am reading here is Conditional Final approval,
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Seven
October 11. 2005
and the condition was obtaining approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health
Services. And submit that approval to the Southold Town Planning Board prior to
construction which, we're not constructing, that's probably not accurate. So, here I am,
OK, we've got the Department of Health and we've submitted it, and unbeknownst to
us, all of this other stuff is required. So, it's frustrating.
Chairperson Woodhouse: The conditional final approval is on the plan that you
submitted to us which we, it's the only plan we've seen; we can approve that plan
tonight but I need to say that you will be in violation because...
Lee Beninati: Am I gonna get arrested? What do you mean I'm in violation; I don't
understand what that means?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Because the site plan that we are approving is different from
what (inaudible). That's all, I'm just letting you know that.
Marie Beninati: Well, you have to tell you what that means, because I don't really want
to get into another "Gee, we didn't know." So tell us what that means.
Bruno Semon: You're in Town Code violation.
Marie Beninati: OK, so what does that mean?
Bruno Semon: It's up to the Town on whether they want to enforce it. They can
actually bring you into court, they can issue appearance tickets, they can revoke your
C of 0, there's all sorts of code issues that comply with that "in violation" term. That
document is what's being approved by this Board, if they approve it, and that's what's
supposed to be there. If you submit the as-built, the sooner that's done, if the Board
accepts it, that clears up this, but until they accept that as-built and agree on everything
that has been changed, this is what stands firm as the approved site plan, and it's
already conditionally final approved. The hearing was held on it, the hearing was
closed on it, so essentially it's what the public
Chairperson Woodhouse: This is what we would be approving.
William Cremers: I have no problem approving this. The only thing you're gonna have
a problem getting a CO until we get that other map.
Marie Beninati: Well, you know, as I said, if John Metzger could do it tomorrow, we'll do
it tomorrow. We're at the mercy of the gentleman
Chairperson Woodhouse: We will be meeting again next Monday. We are here tonight
because we understand that this time is of the essence. We would not ordinarily be
meeting tonight.
Marie Beninati: No, I know that, and I appreciate it.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Eiqht
October 11 , 2005
William Cremers: If you can get it by next Monday, then we can approve your as-built
and then you can get your CO after that.
Bruno Semon: Bill, the only other thing on the report, I just don't want to cut in, is that
roof overhang which wasn't reviewed by the plans, is that going back to ARC; guide me.
Are you guys looking to see a plan showing that, reflecting that roof on the west side?
Chairperson Woodhouse: I am not going to recommend that this go back to ARC.
Bruno Semon: So the only changes that occurred was the shutters were removed.
Chairperson Woodhouse: I am going to recommend that the plan that we see, the as-
built, include it, because that's exactly the way the building is. And, as long as you're
having them redo it, I am going to recommend that he just sketch in the lovely
landscaping as you find it there. That's all.
Martin Sidor: Can we streamline that, I mean, I agree there that there's parking spaces,
driveway entrance, you want to know simply what exactly is needed. Can we do that?
Can we go right through a checklist here? I think it would behoove everyone here to do
it, so that we all walk away from this...
Marie Beninati: Right, right. And when you say "sketch in" do you mean me sketch in?
Chairperson Woodhouse: No, Lee Metzger. We'd like to see that site plan showing
everything as it is on the site, including overhang on the roof, any changes in the
parking, any changes in the size of the driveway, the entranceway, and any changes in
the landscaping. You know what they are.
Bruno Semon: A few other things, Jeri, if you're going to address everything. It's not a
lot, some of it is trivial in nature, but it should be reflected. There's a second sign that's
on the property, I believe it's on the right-of-way, but I'm not an engineer, I believe it's
located there. So they need to just show the sign.
Lee Beninati: Bruno, I need to know where to put it. I called the sign people, they say
to me, have Bruno mark where he wants it.
Bruno Semon: I can't mark it, Lee Beninati.
Chairperson Woodhouse: So, Bruno, excuse me, is there anyone who could give him
advice as to exactly where the sign is allowed to go?
Bruno Semon: The Building Department, they issue the permits on it. That's who does
Lee Beninati: That sign doesn't require permits.
Bruno Semon: Then just show it where it is, the actual location.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Nine
October 11. 2005
Lee Beninati: He said, the sign is in the wrong place, Beninati Associates entrance. So
people should know before they come in.
Bruno Semon: They have a wide right of way here. so it's up in the front. I would put it
on my property.
Lee Beninati: Where the town sign is.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anything else, Bruno?
Bruno Semon: I'll give him a copy of this letter; the parking lot, the parking spaces, the
driveway entrance, the handicap requirements, the handicap space, however you're
going to do it. Remove the trees, show the landscape, show the walkways, show the
second sign, show the roof overhang on the west side, and then just give the gravel
thickness on the plan that you put in there, so whatever gravel you actually put in there,
just note it, OK?
Lee Beninati: Who will note it, the person who put it in, I guess?
Bruno Semon: Well, there was a thing, when we...
Lee Beninati: Oh, 'y." or something like that, OK?
Bruno Semon: The engineer wanted 2", you have more than 2"; he wanted a 2"
thickness, so just certify it, have it done so that it's clear.
Lee Beninati: I gotta go back to the engineer to have somebody write that down?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Bruno, can it be done, just put it on the survey?
Bruno Semon: Whoever put it in, they paid a lot of money for that. That person should
tell them how many inches of stuff they put in. It should be noted on there.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Where on the survey does that go?
Bruno Semon: It goes right in the parking lot area. It was one of those conditions that
Jamie had, so I'm just dealing with what was in the, if you read the resolution, it's in the
resolution; I'm going from what was initially approved. It should go right on the parking
lot, a handwritten note: "Minimum two inches gravel" so it reflects what was approved.
Chairperson Woodhouse: OK.
Bruno Semon: And, if there's anything that I missed that they know about. I was only
there for an hour. They're doing a great job on it, so whatever else you know that's
different, show it.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Ten
October 11. 2005
Lee Beninati: We're going to get a list, so John Metzger should do everything that's
Bruno Semon: That checklist kind of tells you what I know, just by the first glance.
Chairperson Woodhouse: I think that's it.
Marie Beninati: Can I have that now?
Bruno Semon: Well, we have to get it approved, then we will get a letter.
Marie Beninati: I'd like that so I can take it down tomorrow, if you don't mind.
Bruno Semon: That's up to the Chairperson.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Yes, we will do that. Is there anyone else who wants to say
anything about this application? Hearing none, I will entertain a motion to close this
Bill Cremers: So moved.
Martin Sidor: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: This hearing is closed. Please read the resolution.
Bill Cremers: WHEREAS, Lee & Marie Beninati for The Whitaker House, LLC, are the
owners of the property known as 52875 NYS Route 25 and located on the n/e corner of
NYS Route 25 & Horton's Lane in Southold, SCTM#1000-61-1-5; and
WHEREAS, the applicants, Lee & Marie Beninati, propose the site plan for alteration of
an existing two-story building of 2,177 sq. ft. to an office of 1,373 sq. ft. and two
apartments on an 18,001 sq. ft. parcel in the HB Zone; and
WHEREAS, on April 12, 2005, the Southold Town Planning Board issued conditional final
approval to the site plan; and
WHEREAS, on October 5, 2005, the applicant submitted to the Southold Town Planning
Department a survey with the Suffolk County Department of Health Services approval
dated September 29,2005 under the reference number C-10-05-0004; be it therefore
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Eleven
October 11. 2005
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval on the site plan
prepared and certified by John Metzger land Surveyor, dated December 7,2004 and last
revised March 21, 2005 and authorize the Chairperson to endorse the final site plan
subject to a one-year review.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Second. All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries. We have approved your site
Marie Beninati: Thank you.
Bruno Semon: So, hold on and we'll get you a copy of that letter before you leave.
Marie Beninati: That has everything on it, right?
Bruno Semon: Just what I told you is what's on it.
Marie Beninati: OK. Do you want these pretty tree pictures?
Bruno Semon: No.
Chairperson Woodhouse: If you can get that to us; if possible, can you get it to us before
next Monday at 4:30?
Marie Beninati: Yes. I mean, I don't know......
Chairperson Woodhouse: If you can, and if not, as soon as you can. We cannot have
another special meeting because two of us will be not in town. But we can deal with it
next week on Monday, if you are able to. If you could please wait until the next hearing
and then I can sign what needs to be signed.
Marie Beninati: OK.
Kestler. Francis DDS - This site plan is for the conversion of a single family dwelling to
a dentist office on the first floor and storage on the second floor on a 0.501-acre parcel
in the RO Zone located at the n/w intersection of NYS Route 25 and Pacific Street in
Mattituck known as 11535 Main Road in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-142-2-16
Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anyone who would like to speak on behalf of this
Bruno Semon: Jeri, just for the record, officially we are not reopening the hearing, it's
just a special meeting.
Frank Kestler: I am owner of the property in question and just wanted to thank the
Board for adding us on to this special session. Are there any questions?
Chairperson Woodhouse: I have no questions.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Twelve
October 11 . 2005
Bill Cremers: Do you have any comments, Bruno?
Bruno Semon: No, only that we received the Health Department, and actually it's really
issuing the same as what just went; a conditional final approval was issued and I don't
have the date off the top of my head, but we're issuing final approval because of the
septic system. The light stuff was just submitted and we'll do that at the work session
so we'll review a whole bunch of lighting stuff, some changes on the parking lot, but I
have no issues with what's actually being approved, because it's what the hearing was
on; the hearing was closed, I have no record of any controversy at the hearing, so....
No inspection has been made yet.
Chairperson Woodhouse: So this is a resolution for final approval on the site plan.
Bruno Semon: Yes.
Martin Sidor: WHEREAS, the applicant proposes the conversion of a single-family
dwelling to a dentist office on the first floor and storage on the second floor on a 0.501-
acre parcel in the RO Zone located at the n/w intersection of NYS Route 25 and Pacific
Street also known as 11535 Main Road in Mattituck SCTM#1 000-142-2-16; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Francis Kestler is the owner of the property; and
WHEREAS, on February 14, 2005, the Planning Board granted conditional final
approval which expired in six months on August 8, 2005; and
WHEREAS, on August 9, 2005, the Planning Board granted a six-month extension to
the conditional final approval; and
WHEREAS, on October 5,2005, the applicant submitted to the Southold Town Planning
Department a survey with the Suffolk County Department of Health Services approval
dated September 30,2005 under the reference number C-1 0-04-015; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval on the site plan
prepared and certified by Martin Donald Hand, Land Surveyor, dated November 11,2004
and last revised February 1, 2005 and authorize the Chairperson to endorse the final site
plan subject to a one-year review.
Bill Cremers: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? That motion carries.
-..........-.------ ~ .
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Thirteen
October 11 . 2005
Chairperson Woodhouse: I will entertain a motion to approve the March 14,2005
Board Minutes.
Bill Cremers: So moved.
Martin Sidor: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Approved. Motion carried. I will entertain a motion to
Bill Cremers: So moved.
Martin Sidor: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: We are adjourned.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned
at 5:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Randolph
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oodhouse, Chairperson