HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupt. of Highways Peconic 1946 293-s'rATUTORY FORM. D. Quitclaim Deed.-Indlvidual. Y.DO,"I:.O. JULIUS, BLUMBERG, INC., LAW BLANk PU8LI8HJ:R8!. 7f BROAOWAY AND I RECTOR ST., Haw YORK Made the mbis ~3Jttbenture, / ~ - day of March, nineteen hundred and 'orty-s1x, jBttluttn HAROLD PRICIl, as Superintendent of H1ghways of the Town of Southold, of Pecon1c, Suffolk County, New York,' .- , part y of the first part, and TOliN OF S011l'HOLD, a mun1c1pal Corporation, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, ,part y of the second part, .tttlt~~ttb, that the part y of the first part, in consideration of u__nuuu_u_u_uONB (.l.OO)____u__u_______pollari lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the part y of the second part, 1ts SUGoeasors. and assigns forever, ~u that tract or parcel of lan!i aituate at Pecon1c, Town of Southold, Oounty of Suffolk and State of New York, bOWlded easterly by Pecon1c Lane, n1nety-one (91) feet, two 1nches; Southerly by land of Melv1l1e A. Morrell, e1ghty~f1ve (85) feet and also southerly on the same Une by land formerly of Rufus T. MOl'l'lIll about one hundred feet (100) and e1ght (8) inches; westerly by land of Dan1el G. Case, ninety- one (91) feet and two (2) inches, and northerly by land formerly of Daniel G. Caae, one hundred eighty-five (185) feet and eight (8) inohes, the northerly and southerly aides thereof being parallel and the easterly and westerly ends thereof being persllel. ALSO, ALL that tract or parcel of land situste near the above at Peconic, afore- said,J:lounded southerly by the Me.1n;..SoUbh Road, sixty-five and seventy-flve hundredt~ (65.76) feet; westerly by land of ])an1el G. Case, about one hundred th1rty (130) feet; northerly by land of Daniel O. Case, about s1xty-five and eeventy-flve hundredthe (65.75) feet and easterly by land of Rufus T. Morrell, about one hundred twenty-eight (128) feet, being'part of the prem1ses o~ which John .. Morrell died seized and. possessed. / v/ ALSO, A.i.L .that tract or parcel of land at Peoonic, in the Town of Southold, county of sutfolk and State of New York, bounded and desor1bed 8B folloWSI- Northerly by other iand formerly of Peoon1c Truck1ng Company, thirty (30) feet, I. I:! I ~olJttbtr with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part y of the lirst part in and to said premises, l!J:;o babe anb to bolb the premises herein granted unto the part Y of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. In Witntss Wbtrtof, the party of the lirst part haa hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year lirst above writt en. In prtlttlttt of: ,'/ ~~ -:/ / .,,""- . "'<".,,,"~ "'''. ." ."...... ...~..f.:J.....""......L. S. As Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold. "",.....""........".........."...."..".......""............""....""."........L. S. ."......"........"......"............"...."".."...".........""."".....'.........L. S. ....."......".""............"".........."..."."".".."""......nn......,,n."L. S. &tatt of NllW YORK, 11111.: t:Guntp of SUFFOLK. ....J On the /6 4( day of March before me came HAROLD PRICE as Superintendent Southold, to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing in- str~ment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. as such Superintendent. , nineteen hundred and forty-six, of Highways of ths Town of &tlltt of €:ountp of On the before me came lllll.: . day of , nineteen hundred and to me known and known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing in- strument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. f~ECORUED inSuffolkCounty Clerk's Ol'fice fin Libe..~V~o of ..0'.~ A P.Q!!e 5';9 on the /1J1.f), Day of ~M 19'76 at I 0' ~~1{S~"'uil-:UJ.l~5"f~Y.b,an 0 ::::~-+:~~p~~.__.cler~ -'''',.''.,' .. " '" ," ' "I' "j;b,...""". , ,~,,',,4,.tli\\:~,, 6tate of €ollntp of On the \ ii.: day of , nineteen hundred and before me came witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom 1 am personally acquainted, who, sworn, did depose and say that he resides in , the subscribing being by me duly ~. ';:l '-.. ...../ that he knows to be the individual described in, and who, executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present, and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. :'"-'-~ '-':""--"-"'__'0:."" "';'-7,,~~'~-: :,~."'."" ,....#.. . ':::"i"-;,;~"i-'~':~_~7~:;'~f.;f.;::~,.;~;...;)..:,:~_._~.l~~~~~';iti~:('.,,>:" -;.~, ,. ,. . .- .~ ~ 'tl .... ~.PWSEDON 0 ! g~ " 112 it .... .... 0 ~ Ii &I 0 . go ... ~ Q) 0 112 .<: h :xl III .... ~ .... 0 '" 0 rI.l u .~1~~ H Il: ~ J ~.l1) ~ ~ f'l'~ 0 ; ... J , PUBU, H -t1 E! I ~ '" ... .~ I:: .~ '" . '5 0 ; \ ~ .~ .. .. E: ~'.. oCl " ""... . 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