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5T'I[ '\: l r \ G I,'r rJ "1
Product Schedule
Image Management Plus
.. Dac-.tEllicillllC:J
IIiII AtWbdr.-
Product ScbedaIe Number:
S..... """Local ~
This Image Monagement PI.. Product SeheduIe ("Schedule") is mode port of the SUte and Loca1 ~ ~~ ("Mastet Agreement") idemi6ed
on tin. Schedule between IKONOffic:e Solutions, Inc. (".... or "us") 'Si.hZ:ot' ," ~ ~ . as eu.u.- ('}ou").
All """" ...I oonditions of the _ Agreemeut.... moo.ponted iDIo dlis IUd mode. pan _ h is the...... of the parties that !his ScbeduIe he separmIy
eolOO:eahle as. oomplele...I iodepa1dcnt _ indcpaIdcnt ofall other ProcIuct Sc:heduIea 10 the _ Afl-menL
Tau.. oft SOv~\,old PoI(~ n-".... ~_...+-
~lO)Si<a1< (ouk :l.S Product Location
Ad~("",,(' NY 1'''53 Addcess
Oty County State up 01)' Counl)' State Zip
Cusoomer Contact Name, I C_ Telephone NumbCc, I F.. NuroheclE-roan Addcess,
QuantiI)' Equi........ Dcscripbore Make, Model It Serial Nurohec
\ Ca.'I\<M IR 5570
Equipulcm Dcscriptiuo, Make, ModcI.It Serial Number
Minimum Thm (mos.) Cost Cost of Guannteed Minimum Mete< R.adiAgIIIillin
60 Per Image AddioiooaI ImllgtS ~ner1ylOther For AdditionslImaga
S $ ,oofl.:l- lmag<a I 7.000 -----Monthly
Minimmn Payment P"l""""tDue Advance Payment (with tax) $ ~Quarterly
Without To: ~onthly -Quarterly _ Apply lO 1st Payment _Other
S 5/~ Other Other
Sat..lli EKm"" ~ (Am"" Eumption Certifia..) Cusmme>-Ilil", Rcf=ncc Nambo>- (p.O.', "'.)
Add",<homf>> A1tad>al, 0 Yes (Ched<;{ '" oad u..ticuc................ of.....
TERMS Alii ec.rno.s
1. The 6rst Payment will b~ due on ILe EHeetive Date. TIle delivery date is to be indicated by liping . sepant:e u:c:cpblDce form.
2. You, die uncIcniped Cosromer. bawe appticd to 111 to IlK die abcJwe-descnbed itaDs ("'Prod1lClS'') tor lawfol conmu:n:ial (nOll-corlSWlICI") purposes. TIDS IS ANUNCONDll1ONAL,
NON-CANCEL\BLE AGREEMENT FOJl 'THE MINIMtJM TERM INDlCATFD ABOVE. If we aazpt tLis Schedule,)'UU lIpU to IISC the allan; Produa(s) on aU me lamS
hereof, inclucting the Terms and Conditions on the Malta- Agrcemenr. THIS WILL ACKNOWLF.DGE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSrAND nos
J.I~~ f:h....-IU.-... In return for the MiDimum Payment. you an: mtidecllO QSC the number ofGaar.antccd MiDimum Monlh~ hnaJu. If)'08 QSC more than me
Guarmra:d Minimmn MontbJyJQaartcdyl()tha- IiPQa in ;my uwntbIy/quartcdylothcr period, u applkabJe, )'DB wiD addilianally pay a clwJe equal to the DDmber of addilional
metered images times the Cosr: of Addilionallmap. If we darnninc that)'Dll have used more 1haA 20% ower the maoufal:mn:r's ....w--..n.l..rl ~.-i~ fOr sappIia. you. QI'CC to
pay reuonable ch:arsa for Ihose c:KIfSS SlIpplics. The IDcta" reading frequency is dac pcrio4 of tinu: (monthly, ~ semi--8ona8Ily or lIRIlully) b wbkh the namba- of..,.. utd
will be reooociIed. The mcrcr reading frequency aDd corrcspaadin<< additional charges, if any, may be diflercnt man the Minimum Payment ficqucnc:y. h will provide 111 01' oar daipce
with che acmal merer readiag upon request. Ifsw:h mc:1er ~ is not ~ widJin 1 days, we may catima~ the aomLa- of imaps 1IIMllI.1\djustmcnts fw Qtimated c:barpa fOr .ddi-
tional imap will be made upon rcaipt of lIt'tUaI D'leteI' radinp. Notwid.taading any acIjumcot, yoo will neva- JI8f IaI data che Mininnun P.yment.
4. Addirimnl Provis.iODS (if any) arc:
of Sv ~-+-t..<o Id
Tide S u[YM ul,01 Dote
f(lA})f- U
A..tboriud S;_
<)'-0++- 1/..
~thoriud Signer\ prinlM oa:nc)
AutJ.o.W,I s;gn~
(Aud",.;,a1 s;p.r's prinO<d ......<)
I 383 ASK IKD~ ,',,',,', I,D" C]",
Image Management Plus Commitments
- noc..tEllic11KY
III At Wort.-
The bdow perlonnan<e wmmitmcnls (~ me .G......""""l "" brought to,... by IKON Office SoIoriooo, 1_ .n 0IU0 ""P""....
having lIS principol pIoce nf_ at 70 Valloy Sucnn &m..,.. Mm.m, PA 19J5S ("IKON"). one of the....1I'" diotri_ of.-.........
in the world. The words '"you" and "Jour" refer to you. our CIIlltOIntt. You apec that IKON alone .. the party to provide all of the se.rvica set forth
below and is fully raponsible to you. the cosromer, for aU of the C'lUlnntees. The GoanDrees ue only applicable to the equipment ("P:roducts")
described in the ScheduJe to which these Guarantees are att:lI(:hed, aduding t8csimiJe maclUDClI. 11ae Guanntt:es are effective on the date the
ProdncIS "".<ttpt<d by,... and apply during IKON~ ......1_ honn, oduding weehndo and IKON-RCOgOi.... hnlid.,.. They remain
in effect for the MiDimum 'Thnn set long as no ongoing defimk e:Iisrs on your part.
TEIM PlucE PRom:noII
The Image Manapnem Cost- Per hnage and the Cost- of Additional
Images. as described on the Schedule. ,re guaranteed apinst any price
increase dnring the term of the Schedule. unless agreed. to in writing
and sigued by both potties.
IKON will provide fi:d] coverage mainrenmce senices, including
replacement pans. dmms, labor and all service calls, during normal
""'""'" houn, exduding weehndo and IKON-RCOgOi.... holUlay&
Perfomwtce issues reJatiDg to software and/or mDllCdivity ~ inde-
pendent of these Guanntcc:s and may be covered, if applicable.., out-
lined in my 8OftwueJconnectivity professi08.J services agreement you
may geJW'ltelyeDter into with IKON. IKON will aIao provide the sop-
pUcs .......d to prodnoe mug.. on 1hc ProdncIS ......... onder the
Schedule (other than non-metered Products and soft-mete.red
P_). excluding"'J>les. The "'I'Jilioo will he prooided.ooonIing..
nwwfactmen ~ficationo. Optional mppIy;..... ""'" .. Jl'Iper and
mnsparencics are not included.
GuAllAllmllIlfsPOllSf TIME
IKON guanntees . quarterly a-.enge response time of 2 to 6 hours fOr
oil seMce c:oIIs located 1ridUo . 30 mile rodins of any IKON office, and
4 to 8 hours fur service calls located within . 31-60 mile ndius for the
term of the Schedule. (In the case of Canon iR 110 machineI, the quar-
terly ...... _ .... will be 2 ...... Wr .D seMce a1k)
1Wponse....;........m in "iB"'lP'" Wr oil Prodnas......... by me
Schedule. H this response time guarantee is DOt met, a cndit equal to
$100 towonI your.... po....... from IKON will he made ...n.bIe
upon yom requesr. Credit requeslS must be made in writing WI regis-
...... letrer.. the oddreoo opecified in the 'Coneopondence' seetinn.
IKON will ,...;re 1hc ProdncIS pnMded under 1hc Schedule .. be
opcmional with 11 quaru:rly uptime avenge of 95% (based on manu-
facturer's pe:rfolllW1Ce standards and an B-hour day, cIoring nomW
_ 00.... excluding weekend. .nd IKON-RCOgOi.... hoJidoyo).
oduding preventative and interim mamtenaDCe time. Downtime will
begin at the time)'OU place a service ClU to IKON. You agree to make
the Products JVaiIabIe to IKON foe scbeduled. ~ and interim
maint:enmce. You fun:he.. agree to give IKON acMoce notice of any
critical and specific uptime needs you may haft: so that IKON can
schedule with you interim and ~ .....,ft_"'....... in advance of
""'" needo.
At any .... ofter the expintion of tbe inhW Dinety day period of 1hc
original teml of 1hc Image Manopneat Phu Schedule In which these
Ql"noR\el reIIte. IKON wiD, PpOn }'OW' request. review your image
volUble. If the image volume bas nxm:d upward 0# cJowny...... in an
amount sof6cient fOr you to COJI5idtc an 8hemariwl pIan. IKON will
praeD.t pricing options to oonfonn to 8 new imase volume. If you agree
that additional equipment is rr.quired ttJ satisfy your inaeased image
volume <eqWtements. IKON will include the eqWpment in the pricing
opti..... The ouIditinn of eqniproent andI... increaseoIdecreuos to 1hc
Guaranteed .Minimum Imaps require: . new Schedule that DIUSt be
.peed to and sigued by both potties. The..... Schednlc roar not be ....
,han the _g teml of the eDoting ScbedoIe bor roar he.....ded
for 11 W1D equal to that of the original ScbedaIe. Adjostmenm to the
GWlruteed .Minimum lmap commitment aadlor the addition of
IKON, Document EfliclalltY At WOrk"" and IkON 0Ifiee SohrtloMl' are lrademlfts of IKON Office Solutions,. Inc.
equipment m.y mult in a bighec or Imrer mst: per image and payment..
Image dea:eues are limitEd to 25% of the origUW Guaranteed
Mmimmn Imageo.
UPllIWIf lluMWfE
At any time after me expintion of one-balf of the original tenD. of die
Schedute to which these Guumteel relate, you may reconfigore the
Prodnas by adding. e><dwtgmg, ... npgndins to an item of Pmd....
with .dditioml fe.tnres or enhanced Iedmology. A new Schedule oflib
origioal tenn nnBt be agreed to and signed by you and us. The Image
Management eo.. Per Itoage, the Cmt of Addiriana11m.geo and the
Mininnun Payment of 1hc ..... ScbedoIe will he booed on the Prod.....
the .dded e.pUpmeot.oo new imagevohune ~t.
PE_ c-m.arr
IKON is CXlIIQitted to pe:dOnning thae GoumtlleS and asrees to
perfonn i1J scniccs in a I:IllIUIer amsistr:at with du: applicable DWlU-
factorer'stpedficadons. If IKON fails tomeetanyGu.ranu:e utd iD the
nnIi1<eIy ..... that IKON is _ able .. repair the Prodnas in ,.....
0_. IKON,,, IKO~eIecOon. will either(lA>'ide. temptHVy loon-
er while the Pmdncts are being reptired lit: IKON~ senice ceDter. or
IKON will "PIKe ""'" Produ"" with .........b1. ProdncIS ofeqnol...
_ _bitity " no additional charge. Jf l""' "" dissodsfled with
IKON~ pedonnance, pi.... send . resisWed letrer oudining ,.....
......... to the oddreoo opecified bdow in the "Conapondeoce'
seainn. Pleue __ 30 days Wr....1nrlon.
Pleue send oil ~ ....ting.. the Guawuoa via resisWed
~ to the IKON Qual... Aoounnoe Deponment located .r. 11J8
Bas Road. Macon. GA 31210 ^= Qualay Aomnnce. The QuaIily
Assuniu:e Deponment will mordinole ....!ution of any perlonnan<e
;...., concemiog 1hc """'" Gnort..... with ,....Iocal IKON .-.
These Guaraurees do not cover repaiD resulting from misuse (mcIud-
ing without limitation impropet YOltap or the nse of supplies that do
not O',)nform to the manufacturcr's rfirMion,) 01' any odIer factor
beyond me.......w. au"'''' of IKON. IKON and l""'..... _l-
edge that these Gbannmes ~t the cm:ire undentmdiDg of the
parties with respect to the subject matta' hereof and that your sole rem-
edy for any GuI.....tces not perfonned in accordance with the foreso-
ing is as set Corcb UDder me section ben:of cotided "~rDWM:C
Commitment." &.opt .. ......,Iy set "nit ........ IKON 1Da1<a no
wurmries, t:xpftIS or implied. ioclwliDg Uly implied warnnIies of mer-
cbantlbility. fibleB fOr 1ISIC:, or 6tnes fOr. particallr puIp05C. Neither
party hereon sha11 he Uable ro the other Wr any oonsequentioJ. indhect,
pnnitive ... ~oJ ......goo. These Guawuoa sh.D he JlO'O'Ded
KaXdin. .. the lawo of the CoonnonooeaIth of Pennoyhanis without
regard to its confticts of J.. principles. TbeJe Guanntees are DOt
uoignabIe by 1hc Cn.tumer. You acbowIedll" and ._ tIw, in con-
nection widt iu pedi:u'DJance ofits nhlipftn_ UDderdlese Gutnnteel,
IKON roar pIoce ~ meter ........ .... on imaging dmcea,
mducling bor not limited .. the Ptoduds, " your Iocati... in otder ..
_Ie the dmeIy and efIicient oo1leeoion of........ ...... lad d...
on . mootbly, cpwterIy or...... booio. IKON ,_00 ""'" ....
will be nsed by IKON solely fur ""'" pmpooe. Once .............. .U
meter ~d dm. shall bttome the sole ~ of IKON 2nd will ~
utilUed Wr hilliDJ P"'JlO'O'-
SM.G.....,... _
II DocInent Elficiency
At Work.-
IKON 0ftIce SoIul1on8. IrK;.
Valey FOfllO. PA 19482-0834
10 Valley S1nlam Parltway
MaMlm, PA 19355
ADDENDUM ("Addendum"), dated as of the ~day of Fe\'~"""'l . 'Ol.o''', to that certain
Master Agreement no. ("Agreement"), dated of the 5 day of
Fell",,,,,.)' , "G\?" <:/ between. IKON Office Solutions, Inc. ("we" or "us")
and ";;; c.HI c--, {- '0 u, +h~ (cI ,
as customer ("Customer" or "you'').
1. Section 3 Term: Pavments- The third sentence of Section 3 shall be amended to read as follows:
"If any Payment or olber amount payable under any Schedule to this Master Agreement is
not paid within ten days of the due date. )'Q\I nqu. '-1 W lIB, in tldi80J1lu duo. V-11HW.1l, a
late _L...~,. W 88._ ".- 8SIlccti9B 10ats 8!l- b.,. ~ 1,.')~!1I' gf ni_ F lIi_t W!4} W ~- late
J1",IU\dU. or ~.l~, bw DUI. muu:o .I.~ .. t...:fP...ut legel Ate."
2. Section 16 GovernlDl! Law: Jorisdidioo: Waver of Trial BY Jorv aod Certain Rlpbts aod
Remedies Under the Uolform Commerctsl Code: Thc following sentence sbaII be added to the end of
Section 16 of the Agreement:
"Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in accordance with this Section 16, this Master
Agreement is entered into pursuant to certain provisions contained in Section l09-b, New
Yolk General Municipal Law (the ''Statute''). All applicable provisions of the Statute are
incorporated by reference herein."
3. Sectioo 19-No....Auurourlatlon of Funds: Section 19 of the Agreement shall be deleted in its
entirety and substituted with the fullowing in lieu thereof:
"19. Non-ApnroDriations. You intend to remit and reasonably believe that moneys in an
amount sufficient to remit all Payments and olber charges due under each Schedule to this
Master Agreement can and will IawfuIIy be appropriated and made available to permit your
continued utilization of the Product leased under all such Schedules and the perfonnancc
of its essential function during the entire term of each Scbedole to this Master Agreement.
The pCfSOn in charge of preparing your budget will include in each of your fiscal budgets a
request for all Payments to become due in such fiscal period. We acknowledge that
appropriation of moneys for Payments is a governmental function which you cannot
contJ:actually commit yourself in advance to perform, and neither this Master Agreement
nor any Schedule to this Master Agreement shall constitute: (i) a multiple fiscal year direct
or indirect debt or fInancial obligation; or (ii) an obligation payable in any fiscal year
beyond the fIscal year for which funds are lawfully appropriated; or (ill) an obligation
creating a pledge of or a lien on your tax or general revenues.. In the event that your
governing board does not approve an apjhUl"iation of funds at any time during the term of
any Schedule under this Master Agreement fur Payments and other charges if any which
may become doe and payable for a fIscal year during the term for the Product subject to
such Schedule, you shall have the right to returo all, but not less than all, of the Product
subjcet to such Schedule at your sole expense, in accordance with Section 14 of this Master
Agreement and terminate such Schedule on the last day of the fiscal period for which
sufficient appropriations were received without penalty or expense to you (other than as
specifIed above), except as to the portion of Payments for which funds shall have been
. . .
appropriated and budgeted. At least thirty (30) days prior to the eud of your fiscal year,
your chief executive officer (or legal counsel) shall certify in writing that (a) despite your
utilization of best efforts to obtain sufficient appropriations, funds have not been
appropriated for the fiscal period, and (b) you have exhausted all funds legally available to
make Payments. If you terminate any Schedule because of non-appropriation of funds, you
may not purchase, lease or rent, equipment performing functions similar to those performed
by the Product for a period of sixty (60) days after such termination unless the foregoing
would preclude you from performing any duties or functions required by any applicable
statote or the Constitution of the State of New York. This Section 19 shall not permit you
to terminate this Master Agreement or any Schedule to this Master Agreemeol in order to
acquire any other Product or to allocate funds directly or indirectly to perform esseotially
the application for which the Product is intended.
This Master Agreement and each Schedule to this Master Agreement shall be deemed
executory only to the extent of monies appropriated and available for the purpose of such
Schedule, and no liability on account thereof shall be incurred by the political subdivision
beyond the amount of such monies. The installment purchase contnlct is not a general
obligation of you the lessee. Neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of you
the lessee are pledged to the payment of any amount due or to become due under such
installment purchase contnlct. It is understood that neither this Master Agreement, any
Schedule to this Master Agreement nor any representation by any public employee or
officer creates any legal or moral obligation to appropriate or make monies available for the
purpose of this Master Agreement or any Schedule to this Master Agreement.
4. All capitalized terms used but not defined in this Addendum will have the meanings given to them
in the Agreement. Except to the extent modified by this Addendum, the terms and conditions of the
Agreement will remain unchanged and sliall cootinue in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has caused its duly authorized officer to execute this Addendum, as
of the date first written above.
CUSTOMER:~uJt1 of 5; 0( -.(---j,,f) /J IKON Office Solutions, Inc.
Print Legal Name
. Authorized Signatwe
)Cr>++ 4. ~-t\a)(
Print Aud10rized Signer Name
Authorized SigbaIw:e
"Title Print Authorized Signer Name