HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic/Corridor Study Feb 2007 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CORRIDOR STUDY FINAL REPORT . February 13,2007 . Prepared by: Schneider Engineering, PLLC 356 Middle Country Road Coram, New York 11727 . TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 1 Introduction 4 Previous Reports Studied 7 Mobility 13 Alternate Modes of Transportation 16 1IRR 16 Busses 16 Ferries 16 Two-Lane Highway Analysis 18 Zone 1 Level-of-Service Analysis 25 Zone 2 Level-of-Service Analysis 27 Zone 3 Level-of-Service Analysis 29 Traffic Growth in the Town of Southold 32 Traffic Growth in Zone 1 32 . Traffic Growth in Zone 2 34 Traffic Growth in Zone 3 36 Ferry Expansion 40 Trip Characteristics 42 Accident Analysis 44 Downtown Areas 46 Mobility 46 Parking 47 Parking 48 Land Use/Development 49 Existing Zoning Districts 49 ZoninglLand Use and Traffic 50 Zoning and Future Development 51 Mitigation 56 Recommendations 64 . Bibliography 67 . LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D Machine Count Volume Summary Sheets A TR Machine Count Data HCS Two-Lane Highway Capacity Worksheets Accident Summary Sheets . . . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . Analysis shows that while traffic volume counts are higher and road capacity is more severely challenged in the western portions of the Town, the rural nature of the road system in the eastern portion of the Town is in jeopardy and that further burdening of the roadway would risk transforming SR 25 in the East Marion- Orient area from a rural classification to an urban classification. . For purposes of this study, the Town of Southold was separated into three distinct zones; Zone I consists of the western portion of the Town, which abuts the more suburban Town of Riverhead and in which the majority of wineries and farm stands are located, Zone 2 consists of the central portion of the Town in which Village of Greenport is located, and Zone 3 consists of the eastern portion of the Town which is more rural and contains the Cross Sound Ferry terminal. . . According to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in their A Policv on the Geometric Design of Highwavs and Streets 200 I, the prevailing industry standard, Zones 1 & 2 are considered small urban areas, while Zone 3 is considered a rural area for the purposes of engineering analysis. This is based solely on population. These classifications are important benchmarks in determining, what, if any mitigating or remedial actions must be undertaken. . Regardless of these classifications, the roadways studied have significant rural qualities and the motoring public, and residents value them as such. Accordingly, both SR 25 and CR 48 have been designated New York State Scenic Corridor Roads. This study will attempt to maintain this character. . Continued increases in traffic volume throughout the Town will increase environmental and quality oflife impacts such as traffic noise, litter and . 1 . emiSSIOns. Eventually, the volume on the roadway will create significant congestion. . . . Currently, it is difficult to make left turns onto the two lane sections of CR 48 and onto SR 25 from Town side roads. Additional volume will continue to increase the delay at these intersections, raising the frustration levels of local motorists. These rising frustration levels typically lead to more unsafe movements being made by motorists as their patience has reached its limit. . It is integral to any analysis such as this to be mindful ofthat the Town's long term planning goals regarding density reduction and preservation. Central to these goals is an aggressive and innovative policy of land acquisition. Specifically, the Town aims to acquire 80% of the total acreage available for subdivision, known as target land, through direct purchase or other preservation tools and to reduce development potential on the target land by 60% of its potential density. This program should be maintained to maintain the rural character of the Town of Southold. . In addition to the land management program and attendant goals adopted by the Town, roadway improvements such as shoulder widening and the use of roundabouts versus traffic signals and all-way stop signs are recommended to facilitate the improvement of traffic flow through all three zones while maintaining a rural character on the roadways. . One substantial traffic generator within the Town is the Cross Sound Ferry. However, the impact of that traffic is felt differently in the respective zones studied in this analysis. As will be discussed, there are other substantial traffic generators within the Town, which affect primarily the western zones. . The traffic generated by the Cross Sound Ferry has different impacts depending on the Zone. In Zones 1 & 2 the ferry traffic merges with larger roadway 2 . volumes, and thus the impact is not as heavily felt. In Zone 3, however, there is little background traffic and no other significant traffic generators other than the ferry, and thus the ferry traffic has significant impacts on the very nature ofthe roadway, the bucolic feel of the community and the experience oflocal motorists. . It is recommended that, in order to maintain its rural character, the volume within Zone 3 should to be managed such that the combination of ferry traffic and background traffic shall not produce a volume to capacity ratio greater than 0.25. This ratio is currently 0.18 at the ferry terminal and 0.21 at Narrow River Road. Operation of the Ferry at its full current capacity would approach the 0.25 maximum. All increases ofv/c ratio from current levels towards the proposed maximum should be subject to impact fees to limit their impact. . . In Zones I & 2 an impact fee should also be used to assist in managing traffic volume growth based on volume to capacity ratios on the roadway not at intersections. . If State and local planning and zoning controls allow, it is recommended that the Cross Sound Ferry be allowed to expand their current parking by approximately 100-200 parking spaces. Currently, any overflow parking fills the available shoulder of SR 25 and causes some traffic safety concerns and increases congestion in the area. The additional spaces would allow for any increase in demand for the High Speed Ferry and a nominal increase in service. Any expansion on land owned by Cross Sound Ferry should be subject to a complete environmental review prior to any approvals. . A satellite parking area to the west could also be used in lieu of expanded on-site parking. This site would be of similar size to what would be used for on-site parking expansion. . 3 . INTRODUCTION . Puritans from the New Haven Colony founded Southold in 1640. The agricultural community that has developed since its founding has remained vibrant and flourishing. Change and modernization has had effects on the culture and community development of Southold, although to a lesser extent than had affected Long Island and New York City to its west. Improvements and advances in transportation brought the benefits of increased commercial vitality and industry to Southold. The Long Island Railroad brought significant changes in 1844 by opening the north fork of Long Island to tourists and travelers. Originally, the purpose of the railroad connection was to provide travel service to Boston since marine shipping and passenger service had existed from Orient since the 1700' s. As transportation resources developed, highways and other rail links across Connecticut made for more efficient travel between New York and New England. Southold has maintained its charming country agricultural environment that even today attracts visitors and settlers to a calm and peaceful way of life. The population of Southold continues to grow since it is an attractive place to visit and to raise a family. Attractions such as the quaint hamlet centers, farm stands, wineries, state parks, and ferry connections bring visitors to the Town. The rural agricultural roots of the Town are still apparent, although there is concern that development and increased business activity will change the character of Southold and threaten the very nature that makes it attractive. This study addresses traffic conditions, growth and effect on the culture and life style of residents of the Town of Southold. Highway analysis, traffic increase, traffic characteristics, mobility issues, accident analysis, transportation system potentials, and traffic congestion are studied, evaluated, and analyzed to give a clear indication of present and future conditions throughout the Town. . 4 . Within the study, we have broken the Town into three (3) zones. This classification is done to isolate traffic generators within the Town. It was found that these three zones had their own unique traffic generators. Zone I extends from the Town line with Riverhead to just west of South old. This zone contains the majority of the wineries and most of the largest farm stands as well. Zone 2 extends from the hamlet of Southold to the east side of the Village of Greenport where the Village itself is the primary traffic generator, lastly, Zone 3 includes all of East Marion and Orient, a rural district, where the primary traffic generator is the Cross Sound Ferry Terminal in Orient. . The bulk ofthe population ofthe Town of Southold lives in Zones I & 2 and most specifically Zone 2 with the populations of Southold Hamlet and the Village of Greenport totaling approximately 7500 (2000 census) or 8000 (2005 LIPA Estimate) ofa total population of21,781 (2005 Census estimate) or 22,344 (LIPA estimate). Zone I has Cutchogue and Mattituck with a 2005 LIPA estimated population of7400. Zone 3 has a 2005 LIP A estimated population of 1677 total. Zone 3 has the least amount of acreage either developed or to be potentially developed and whose population will never be as large as the western end of the Town. . In the course of researching this study, a large amount of data was reviewed and processed. This data included census data, Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) Data, Suffolk County Planning Data, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) data, Cross Sound Ferry Data, Long Island Railroad and numerous studies done on behalf of or in the Town of Southold. It should be noted that the data was often redundant and sometimes contradictory. An example is the LITP 2000 study from the NYSDOT, the LIPA 2005 Population Survey and the 2000 Census. They all have redundant data on the population of Southold and their figures for the past all are in agreement as they take the Census as the final number. However, all have different estimates for 2005 populations; LITP estimates that there will be 8783 year round households in 1999 (the Study was written in 1999) and LIPA has 8,461 year round households in Southold in 2000. The difference is 3.8% not large but common among the data reviewed. The reason for this data discrepancy description is to illustrate the 5 . difficulties in a study of this size. Due to these discrepancies, wherever possible, we have relied on actual counts rather than estimates and have taken the estimates as informational only, when they were the only data available. . . 6 . PREVIOUS REPORTS STUDIED The reports listed give an insight into concerns regarding development and impact on traffic at specific sites, throughout the Town of South old, and on the East End of Long Island. They demonstrate a concern for maintenance of the quality oflife and environment while accommodating the needs of a growing population. Long Island Rail Road East End Transportation Studv. 9/00 Prepared by: Alee, King, Rosen, & Fleming, Inc The Long Island Rail Road provides service to the Town of Southold by its Ronkonkoma branch. The branch has stops in Riverhead, Mattituck, Southold and Greenport. Year- round commuter service is limited from the North Fork into New York City but the Railroad does accommodate weekend and seasonal travel peaks. The study examines opportunities that may be present if LIRR service is integrated with other transportation modes to enhance the transportation infrastructure available to east end residents. . Input from stakeholders was sought as a major part of the plan process. Demographics of east endcommunities were based on the Long Island Population Survey 1999 (LIP A). An analysis of the existing roadway network, traffic generators and other transportation services is provided. A vision for improvements to LIRR service and facilities is recorded and discussed. Traffic Impact Studv for Cottages at Mattituck 3/06 Prepared by: Nelson & Pope Engineers & Surveyors The proposed residential development of24 single family homes and 12 apartments south side of Sound Avenue west of Factory Avenue on a 7.4 acre site. The report states that no traffic impacts will be created due to the project at NY 25 & Factory Avenue, Sound Avenue & Factory Avenue or Sound Avenue & the proposed site driveway. . 7 . CR 48 Corridor Land Use Studv Final Generic Environmental ImDact Statement 7/1999 Prepared by: Cramer Consulting Group The document represents the Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (FGEIS) for the County Route 48 Corridor Land Use study based on the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement accepted as complete by the Town of Southold April 20, 1999 with comments accepted to May 20,1999. . The document includes the approach and methodology of the FGEIS, an Inventory of Comments on DGEIS and Land Use Study, and Response to Comments. The report reviews of corridor north and south of Route 48 and NYS 25 - Southold line to Manhasset - Av (Greenport), development moratorium 1998 Local Law 15, Traffic Impact of permitted uses, development moratorium, ground water impact, request for SGEIS due to sporadic development, opinion that traffic congestion in hamlets will hamper business, zoning restrictions should concentrate on traffic volumes not vistas. Traffic Study: Rockcove Estates 6/2006 Prepared by: Dunn Engineering Assoc, PC The proposed construction of 23 single unit family homes on the north side of CR 48 east of Green Hill Lane and west of McCann Lane. Access to the site would be provided by extensions of existing roadways, Sound Drive and Inlet Pond Road. The report states that the intersects at Moore's Lane and Cr 48 and McCann Lane and CR 48 can accommodate traffic from the proposed development. Traffic Studv: CVS Pharmacv 4/2004 Prepared by: Morton Weber Assoc . The proposed construction of a CVS Pharmacy on the south side of Main Road (NY 25) between Factory Avenue/Sigsbee Road and Marlene Lane in Mattituck. The CVS Pharmacy replaces an office building and a Bowling Facility. A comparison of generated 8 . traffic volumes is made between the current use, office building and bowling facility, and the proposed Pharmacy utilizing data from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). It is expected that only during a Saturday mid-day would the proposed pharmacy exceed existing uses in trips generated. It was determined that the proposed pharmacy would adversely affect traffic on the adjacent roadways with modifications recommended in the report. Traffic Impact Studv: Hamlet at Cutchogue 12/05 Prepared by: Nelson & Pope Engineers & Surveyors . The proposed construction of 135 single family homes and 15 resident-owned condominiums on the north side of Schoolhouse Road at Griffin Road in Cutchogue. The report investigates the traffic impacts of the proposed development on the area's existing roadways. Intersections studied by this report are: Main Road (NY25) at Depot Lane, Main Road (NY25) at Griffin Street, Middle Road (CR48) at Depot Lane, and Schoolhouse Road at Depot. The report concludes that Traffic will be impacted at the intersections of Main Road and Griffin Street and at Depot Lane and Main Road. To mitigate these impacts it is recommended that traffic signals be installed at these two intersections. Traffic Impact Studv: GAIA Holistic Center 4/2005 & 2/2006 Prepared by: Dunn Engineering Assoc, PC . The proposed development of a hotel comprised of 114 transient motel rooms, 87 rooms in guest lodges, a restaurant, private marina and a single- family residence located on Shipyard Lane, south of Main Road (NY25), in East Marion. The report investigates the intersection of Shipyard Lane and Main Road (NY25) and finds that significant delays for traffic exiting Shipyard Lane on Saturday midday peak are expected. Installation of a traffic signal at this intersection would eliminate left turn delays but the study indicates this would not conform to the rural character of the area. The study recommends not improving the intersection. 9 . Environmental Review: Peconic Landing at Southold 11/1997 Prepared by: Nelson, Pope & Voorhis LLC The proposed development of a residentiallifecare community consisting of 118 single- family cottages, 132 apartments, 24 assisted living units and 32 beds at a Skilled Care Center, located on the north side of Main Road (NY25) west of the Island End Golf Course, in Greenport. The report discusses geologic, water, and ecological resources at the project site. Traffic impacts were addressed by a separate study by Nelson & Pope, LLP. Cross Sound Ferry Services. Inc 10/1997 Draft Environmental Impact Statement for application of the Cross Prepared by: Inter-Science Research Assoc. Inc . The application is for the proposed construction of a parking lot, to accommodate 155 cars at Orient Point. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) identifies existing site conditions and potential environmental impacts and discusses actions and alternatives to alleviate or diminish impacts. The anticipated impact, by the project, on Traffic is addressed in a Traffic Impact Study for the Proposed Parking Lot Expansion by Dunn Engineering Associates. Traffic Impact Studv for Proposed Cross Sound Ferry Parking Lot Expansion 9/1997 Prepared by: Dunn Engineering Associates . The proposed construction of a 155 car parking area located at the eastern terminus of NYS Route 25 in Orient Point. The total on site parking capacity at Cross Sound Ferry Services would increase to 464 vehicles. An analysis is presented of traffic volume data from the New York State Department of Transportation and traffic counts performed by Dunn Engineering Associates. Observations are presented isolating traffic originating or destined for the Cross Sound Ferry Services site at Orient Point from traffic associated with other facilities and residents. Vehicle occupancy rates are calculated and departure 10 . and arrival rates are presented. A growth rate based on data of the Cross Sound Ferry Service of 5% in passenger ridership and 4% in vehicle transport is suggested by data. Site improvements at the Ferry facility are listed. Sustainable East End Develooment Strategies (SEEDS) Summarv Report Prepared by: East End Supervisors' and Mayors' Association (EESMA) New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) The SEEDS process evaluates the interaction of land use policies and practices and the existing and future transportation system of Eastern Long Island. The study brings together opinions and observations of planning staff of many agencies, elected officials, and residents regarding the relationship between transportation issues and land use. 25 separate land use and transportation combinations led to a consensus in the SEEDS Concept Plan. . As stated in The Executive Summary of the Plan: Preferred Land Use Scenario Summary . New land use development should be focused in and around a series of hamlet centers in the form of new mixed-use development and by encouraging infill development opportunities. . Efforts to protect agricultural open space should continue. Towns and villages should incorporate this vision into their land use plans by delineating large tracts within the East End where future development should be strictly limited. . Towns and villages should reduce overall future development potential in their communities. . . Preferred Transportation Scenario Summary . Transportation management strategies should be employed by all agencies and levels of government to maximize efficiency, safety, and 11 . accessibility of the existing roadway system, rather than expanding its physical capacity. . In coordination with improved rail service, the region should pursue implementation of an intermodal hub system that would accommodate and integrate expanded rail, bus, and demand responsive feeder/distributor services, shuttle bus service, park and ride facilities, bicycle parking, and a range of passenger amenities. . . 12 . MOBILITY The primary function of a roadway system is to provide a path for access to a destination. Roadways differ drastically in facility, structure and character defined by their purpose and place in a roadway system. The Long Island Expressway, Interstate 495, serves to allow access to and from communities in Nassau and Suffolk Counties by providing a high volume east-west route as far as Riverhead in Suffolk County. While 1495 ends well short of the Town of Southold, it provides efficient vehicle access to both the North and South Forks of Long Island. Traffic destined for the North Fork, is serviced by NYS Route 25 and CR 58 east of the 1495 to a point in the Town of Riverhead where they join, and SR 25 continues east into the Town of Southold, eventually reaching Orient Point. . The roadway system changes character as its use and purpose changes from west to east. I 495 functions as an arterial highway while SR 25 serves as a collector roadway providing entree to a local street and roadway network. As a roadway system changes character to suit its functional purpose, its design elements and infrastructure elements change. In the case of SR 25, the highway collects traffic and provides access to the local street and roadway network as well as access to property adjacent to SR 25. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) relate the function of a system, artery, collector and local road to mobility and access to adjacent land in A Policv on the Geometric Design of Highwavs and Streets 200 I. As seen in Table I, arterial highways provide a high level of mobility, collectors a moderate level of mobility, and local roads a small level of mobility. This is directly related to level of land access. . 13 . PROPORTION OF SERVICE Arlerial. Collectors Local. Table 1: (ASSHTO Exhibit 1-5) Relationship of Functionally Classified Systems in Serving Traffic Mobility and Land Access . As the need to access adjacent land increases, the conflicts faced by vehicular traffic also increases. If these parameters were static and remained constant the problem might be manageable. Land use and access requirements change with time, changes in the population and needs of the community. These same parameters also bring about a corresponding increase in traffic, which can be dramatic. Data from the U.S Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, indicates that: . Between 1980 and 2003, lane miles of highways increased 5 % while vehicle miles of travel increased 89 %. . In 2003, over 39,000 miles of highways in the United States had peak period congestion, and of these over 6,800 miles were in rural areas. . Local travel per person grew from 2.9 to 4.1 one-way trips per day (about 40 %) from 1977 to 2001. . Distance traveled daily per person grew from 26 miles to 40 miles (about 54 %) from 1977 to 2001. . 14 . From this data it is fair to say that mobility has decreased with corresponding increase in congestion. Both the development ofland adjacent to the highway and increased traffic volume contribute to mobility problems. A growth in congestion has been seen in every size population area. Data published by the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University in the 2005 Urban Mobility Report shows that a similar growth trend can be seen in small to very large populations. See Table 2 below. Exhibit 2. Congestion Growth Trend >. III .. - " ,,- c " '0 {! el- " .. o " J:'" 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 o lEI 1982 o 1993 . 2002 Very Large = more than 3 mUlion large = 1 million to 3 million Medium = 500,000 10 1 million Small = less than 500,000 . Small Medium Large Very Large Population Area Size Table 2: (Texas A&M Exhibit 2) Congestion Growth Trend . 15 . ALTERNATE MODES OF TRANSPORTATION There are many modes of transportation currently available throughout the Town of Southold. The following is a summary of these transportation options: . LIRR LlRR service, between Greenport and Penn Station is provided by three trains on weekdays and two trains on weekends. These trains also provide service to Southold, Mattituck in the Town of Southold. The travel time between Greenport and Penn Station is 2 hours and 50 Minutes. This is a commuter service to and from Manhattan. Intermediate stops, within the Town, at Mattituck and Southold on these few trains are not conducive to inter-town travel. LlRR service on the Greenport Brach is limited by the railroad infrastructure. With only one track, safety regulations require significant restrictions on operations and result in one direction peak flow. Expansion of the rail line to provide service within the town will require substantial infrastructure improvement and investment.! ! LlRR East End Transportation Study 4-16 Buses Suffolk Transit provides bus Service, on the S92 route following Route 25. The bus serves Mattituck, Cutchogue, Southold, Greenport, East Marion, Orient and the Orient Point Ferry Dock within the Town of Southold. Service is available Monday thru Saturday with service provided to Greenport from 5:15 AM to 6:30 PM. Service East of Greenport to East Marion, Orient, and Orient Point Ferry Dock is limited to 8:40 AM to 6:10 PM. Ferries Public Ferry Facilities within the town of Southold are located in Orient and Greenport. . 16 . The North Ferry Company operates ferry service from Shelter Island to Greenport year- round for cars, trucks and passengers. The seven-minute trip is made between 5:40 am and 12:00 midnight approximately every 20 minutes, Sunday through Saturday. Cross Sound Ferry Services, Inc. operates ferry service from Orient to New London, Connecticut for cars, trucks, and passengers. In addition, Sea Jet Service is available for passengers only. The Plum Island Ferry is a private ferry service, operating from Orient, and transports employees of the Plum Island Animal Research Center only. Plum Island is a significant employer in Town and the daily movement of the staff has a minor impact on the local roadways. . . 17 . TWO-LANE HIGHWAY ANALYSIS A two-lane highway analysis was performed on each of nine (9) locations throughout the study area where 24-hour Automatic Traffic Recorders (A TR) were set up to obtain information about the vehicles traveling in the area. These locations were County Road 48 east of the SoutholdlRiverhead town line, CR 48 east of Tuckers Lane, CR 48 west of State Route 25, SR 25 east of the Southold/Riverhead town line, SR 25 east of Tuckers Lane, SR 25 south of CR 48, SR 25 east of Narrow River Road, SR 25 east of the Orient State Parkway, and Peconic Bay Boulevard east of the SoutholdlRiverhead town line. Summary sheets of the ATR data can be found in Appendix A. The data printouts from the ATRs can be found in Appendix B. A graphical depiction of the volume data obtained can be found in Figures 1-2. . The data obtained by the A TR counts was used as a basis for the two-lane highway analysis, which was done using the Highway Capacity Software, HCS+ (Version 5.2). The two-lane highway (Version 5.2) module of this program was used to determine the Levels-of-Service (LOS) for the above segments of roadway. This software package performs LOS calculations on the roadway segments in full accordance with Chapter 20 ofthe Highwav Capacity Manual (HCM) 2000 Update. This manual is produced by the Transportation Research Board and is the standard for all highway analysis. The two-lane highway analysis methodology estimates measures of traffic operation along a section of highway based on terrain, geometric design, and traffic conditions. Terrain is classified as level or rolling, as described below. The traffic data needed to apply the two-way segment methodology includes the two-way hourly volume, a peak- hour factor (PHF), the directional distribution of traffic flow, and the proportion of trucks and recreational vehicles (RVs) in the traffic stream. The PHF may be selected from tabulated values presented in Chapter 12 of the HCM. The other traffic data mentioned can be obtained from the ATRs set up throughout the study area. . 18 . FIGURE 1 ZONE 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TRAFFIC FLOW BY ZONE TRAFFIC COUNTS CONDUCTED 6/30/06 - 7/6/06 ZONE 2 GREENPORT & SHELTER ISLAND ZONE 1 . VINYARDS & FARMSTANDS . \ , ~ So. 'gj<~"po ,",,'v[- '" >.D ~ .~,/ Prepared by: SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, PLLC 356 Middle Country Road Coram, New York 11727 . o~ ?-\ FIGURE 2 ZONE 3 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TRAFFIC FLOW BY ZONE TRAFFIC COUNTS CONDUCTED 7/26/06 - 8/3/06 ZONE 2 GREENPORT & SHELTER ISLAND ZONE 1 VINYARDS & FARMSTANDS \ '( ",-/ ~~~~'~ "\/ Prepared by: SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, PLLC 356 Middle Country Road Coram, New York 11727 . The following are definitions of parameters used to analyze the behavior of two-lane segments ofroadway as defined in Chapter 5 of the Highwav Capacity Manual 2000: Average Travel Speed - The length of the highway segment divided by the average travel time of all vehicles traversing the segment. Capacity - The maximum sustainable flow rate at which vehicles can be expected to traverse a uniform segment of a lane or roadway during one hour under given roadway, geometric, traffic, environmental, and control conditions. The capacity of a two-lane highway is 1,700 pc/h (passenger cars per hour) for each direction of travel. An adjustment is made to convert trucks, busses, and RVs to passenger cars. The capacity is nearly independent of the directional distribution of traffic on the roadway, except that for extended lengths of two-lane highway, the capacity will not exceed 3,200 pc/h for both directions of travel combined. . Critical Speed - The speed at which capacity occurs for a roadway, usually expressed as miles per hour. Delav - The additional travel time experienced by a driver, passenger, or pedestrian. Demand - The number of users desiring service on the highway system, usually expressed as vehicles per hour or passenger cars per hour. Directional Distribution of Traffic - A characteristic of traffic, that volumes may be greater in one direction than in the other during any particular hour on a highway. Directional Split - The directional distribution of hourly volume on a highway, expressed in percentages. . Downstream - The direction of traffic flow. 19 . 85th -percentile speed - A speed value that is less than 15 percent of a set of field measured speeds. Flow Rate - The equivalent hourly rate at which vehicles pass a point on a lane, roadway, or other trafficway; expressed as vehicles per hour. Free-Flow - A flow of traffic unaffected by upstream or downstream conditions. Free-Flow Speed - (1) The theoretical speed of traffic, in miles per hour, when density is zero, that is, when no vehicles are present. (2) The average speed of vehicles over an urban street segment without signalized intersections, under conditions of low volume. (3) The average speed of passenger cars over basic freeway or multilane highway segment under conditions oflow volume. . Geometric Condition - The spatial characteristics of a facility, including approach grade, the number and width of lanes, lane use, and parking lanes. Heavv Vehicle - A vehicle with more than four wheels touching the pavement during normal operation. Lane Width - The arithmetic mean of the lane widths of a roadway in one direction. Level of Service (LOS) - A qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, based on service measures such as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort, and convenience. Level Terrain - A combination of horizontal and vertical alignments that permits heavy vehicles to maintain approximately the same speed as passenger cars; this generally includes short grades of no more than 1 to 2 percent. . 20 . Mountainous Terrain - A combination of horizontal and vertical alignments that permits heavy vehicles to operate at crawl speeds for significant distances or at frequent intervals. No-Passing Zone - A segment of two-lane, two-way highway along which passing is prohibited in one or both directions. Oversaturation - A traffic condition in which the arrival flow rate exceeds capacity. Passenger-Car Equivalent - The number of passenger cars displaced by a single heavy vehicle of a particular type under specified roadway, traffic, and control conditions. Peak-Hour Factor (PHF) - The hourly volume during the maximum-volume hour of the day divided by the peak IS-minute flow rate within the peak hour; a measure of traffic demand fluctuation within the peak hour. . Percent Time-Spent-Following - the average percentage of travel time that vehicles must travel in platoons behind slower vehicles due to the inability to pass. The percent time- spent-following represents the freedom to maneuver and the comfort and convenience of travel. Platoons - A group of vehicles traveling together as a group, either voluntarily or involuntarily because of signal control, geometries, or other factors. Rolling Terrain - A combination of horizontal and vertical alignments causing heavy vehicles to reduce their speed substantially below that of passenger cars but not to operate at crawl speeds for a significant amount of time. Segment - A portion of a roadway on which a capacity analysis is performed. . 21 . Shoulder - A portion of the roadway contiguous with the traveled way for accommodation of stopped vehicles, emergency use, and lateral support of the subbase, base, and surface courses. Traffic Delav - The component of delay that results when the interaction of vehicles causes drivers to reduce speed below the free-flow speed. Two-Lane Class I Highway - A two-lane highway that generally serves long-distance trips or provides connecting links between facilities that serve long-distance trips. Two-Lane Class II Highway - A two-lane highway that generally serves relatively short trips, the beginning and ending portions of longer trips, or trips for which sightseeing activities playa significant role in route choice. . Two-Lane Highway - A roadway with a two-lane cross section, one lane for each direction of flow, on which passing maneuvers must be made in opposing lanes. Upstream - The direction from which traffic is flowing. Volume - The number of vehicles passing a point on a lane, roadway, or other traffic- way during some time interval, often one hour, expressed in vehicles per hour. Volume to Capacity Ratio - The ratio of flow rate to capacity for a transportation facility. . As mentioned above, a two-lane highway is an undivided roadway with two lanes, one for use by traffic in each direction. Passing a slower vehicle requires use of the opposing lane as sight distance and gaps in the opposing traffic stream permit. As volumes and geometric restrictions increase, the ability to pass decreases and platoons form. Motorists in platoons are subject to delay because they are unable to pass. Passing demand increases rapidly as traffic volumes increase, and passing capacity in the opposing lane decreases as volumes increase. Therefore, on two-lane highways, normal traffic flow in 22 . one direction influences flow in the other direction. Motorists must adjust their travel speeds as volume increases and the ability to pass declines. The primary measure of service quality for Class I two-lane highways (ex. SR 25) are percent time-spent-following and average travel speed. For Class II two-lane highways (ex. CR 48, Peconic Bay Boulevard), service quality is based only on percent time-spent- following. Level of Service (LOS) criteria are defined for peak I5-minute flow periods and are intended for application to segments of significant length: . Level of Service A describes the highest quality of traffic service, when motorists are able to travel at their desired speed. The passing frequency required to maintain these speeds has not reached a demanding level, so that passing demand is well below passing capacity, and platoons of three or more vehicles are rare. For Class I highways, drivers can travel at speeds in excess of 55 MPH and are delayed no more than 35% of their travel time by slow-moving vehicles. For Class II highways, speeds may fall below 55 MPH, but drivers are delayed no more than 40% of their travel time. Level of Service B describes an increase in traffic flow with speeds of 50 MPH or slightly higher on Class I highways, and delay in platoons occurring up to 50% ofthe time. For Class II highways, speeds may fall below 50 MPH, and drivers are delayed no more than 55% of their travel time. . Level of Service C describes further increases in flow, resulting in noticeable increases in platoon formation, platoon size, and frequency of passing impediments. The average speed on Class I highways still exceeds 45 MPH, though the unrestricted passing demands exceeds passing capacity. Percent time-spent-following may reach 65%. For Class II highways, speeds may fall below 45 MPH, and drivers are delayed no more than 70% of their travel time. 23 . Level of Service D describes unstable traffic flow. Passing demand is high, but passing capacity approaches zero. The average speed on Class I highways still exceeds 40 MPH, though the percent time-spent-following may reach 80%. For Class II highways, speeds may fall below 40 MPH, and drivers are delayed no more than 85% of their travel time. Level of Service E describes a condition where passing is virtually impossible, and platooning becomes intense. The average speed on Class I and Class II highways may drop below 40 MPH, and the percent time-spent-following may exceed 80%. Level of Service F represents heavily congested flow with traffic demand exceeding capacity. Volumes are lower than capacity and speeds are highly variable. A graphical description of the LOS criteria for Class I highways can be found in Table 3. . EXHBII 20<) llJS, C~IT:rv. (C.fl.tpo-jC!ol);OO rMl-t~JlE HIGHW,lNS'l: {l.l,s.o;; f 11))--:----'--- SIJ- t!. ~] ! ro. ~ 00': i :tJ': 1 t: !i.1" " ~ :JJ , "- w- 1')- , OJ c r-- . . ..----.; " :~ I"I_'''~ I , + " 45 :'X A>.'=J'l~rTn>':!I~!<rj..II: ij] tiS Table 3: (HCM Exhibit 20-3) Graphical depiction of LOS Criteria for Class I Two-Lane Highways A graphical description of the LOS criteria for Class II highways can be found in Table 4. F.XHi:!IT 20-4_ LOS CillTEr1J, FCRTWD-l,I,...E tfCIi'(;.Il:l'S IN Ct~.3 n ..__~9.~. P.;rclrt TiIn9.SIl?ft-!;:Jl~~'9_ ~'. 1: .,1) , C D [ :>4(1-% -~::6-ll) :-7'(L..85 :.~~ f.I:;l!: ~.;:s f ~~l"!j ,.1.,)"./01; 1", \1.,:.'1 r.fc; :";1d;.lht ~l':'( :--4lni~ . Table 4: (HCM Exhibit 20-4) LOS Criteria for Two-Lane Highways in Class II 24 . Location SR 25 near Town Line SR 25 near Tuckers Lane SR 25 near CR 48 SR 25 near Narrow River Road SR 25 near Orient State Park CR 48 near Town Line CR 48 near Tuckers Lane CR 48 near SR 25 Peconic Bay Boulevard near Town Line pc = passenger cars . Fiqure 3 Town of Southold Corridor Study LOS Summary of Roadways Class of Highway I I I I I II II II II Summer 2006 . vlc Ratio= Vp/3,200 (Non-Peak) 0.44 0.39 0.31 ''''jr~''"'--'''' !'ilJll. 0.18 0.43 0.45 0.37 0.08 . Figure 3 is a LOS summary of the studied segments of roadway. The LOS calculation data is located in Appendix C. A summary of our findings can be found in the following sections of this report titled Zone I, Zone 2, and Zone 3. Zone 1 Level-of-Service Analvsis A two-lane highway analysis was performed on each of three (3) locations throughout Zone I in the Town of Southold where 24-hour Automatic Traffic Recorders were set up to obtain information about the vehicles traveling in the area. These locations were CR 48 east of the town line, SR 25 east of the town line, and Peconic Bay Boulevard east of the town line. The following summarizes our findings at these locations. . CR 48 near SoutholdlRiverhead Town Line: During the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "D" with 84.2% time-spent- following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.55. During the typical summer week of July 26,2006 - August 4,2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "D" with 78.0% time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.43. SR 25 near SoutholdlRiverhead Town Line: During the holiday week of June 30, 2006- July 6, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "E" with 78.7% time-spent- following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.44. During the typical summer week of July 26, 2006 - August 4, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "E" with 78.4% time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.44. . Peconic Bay Boulevard near Southold/Riverhead Town Line: During the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "B" with 44.5% time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.09. During the typical summer week of July 26, 2006 - August 4, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "B" with 44.0% time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.08. 25 . The low LOS ratings for CR 48 and SR 25 in Zone I are primarily due to the high levels of percent time-spent-following. Since the roadways studied are relatively high volume roadways, and all segments are considered 100% no-passing zones, it is inevitable that motorists will be forced to travel in platoons. During the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006 the highest vehicle/capacity ratio obtained in Zone 1 was on CR 48 near the Southold/Riverhead town line. The 0.55 v/c ratio means that approximately 55% of the roadway's capacity is currently utilized during the peak hour of roadway travel. This translates to an excess capacity of 1,454 passenger vehicles during the peak hour. In other words, it would take an additional 1,454 passenger vehicles during the peak hour, almost double the current volume of passenger vehicles, on the roadway for the roadway to fail. . However, short of road failure, it is likely that the negative effects are felt by the community in the Town of Southold, these effects are felt in the form of congestion. Congestion not only takes into account the volume of vehicles on the roadway, but their ease of movement as well. Although the volumes on the roadway in Zone 1 have noticeably increased in recent years, as mentioned above, the absolute number of vehicles that are currently on the roadway do not pose a problem. In fact, all of the ATR summary sheets located in Appendix A show that the average 85th percentile speeds on all studied roadway segments are either equal to or above the posted speed limit. This means that although motorists are forced to travel in platoons, they are still able to travel at relatively high speeds. . There are multiple locations throughout Zone 1 where localized congestion does exist. This localized congestion is due to cars parked along SR 25 and CR 48 in front offarm stands and on-street parking in downtown areas (i.e. Mattituck and Cutchogue). Cars parked along a roadway create friction points, which in turn slow down traffic. The Town has started discussions on how to alleviate some of this localized congestion. One idea discussed is to have all farm stands provide off-street parking for their patrons. This would limit the number of cars parked along the roadway and would limit the number of 26 . patrons that must walk across busy arterials in order to visit the stands. It has also been suggested to widen the roadway shoulders in the vicinity of the farm stands so cars parked on the side of the road are farther away from the through traffic. Zone 2 Level-or-Service Analvsis A two-lane highway analysis was performed on each of four (4) locations throughout Zone 2 in the Town of Southold where 24-hour Automatic Traffic Recorders were set up to obtain information about the vehicles traveling in the area. These locations were CR 48 near Tuckers Lane, SR 25 near Tuckers Lane, CR 48 west of SR 25, and SR 25 south of CR 48. The following summarizes our findings at these locations. . CR 48 near Tuckers Lane: For this section of roadway there is no valid data for the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006. During the typical summer week of July 26, 2006 - August 4, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "D" with 79.1 % time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.45. SR 25 near Tuckers Lane: During the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "E" with 76.2% time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.39. During the typical summer week of July 26, 2006 - August 4, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "E" with 76.1 % time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.39. CR 48 near SR 25: During the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006, this section ofroadway operated at LOS "D" with 75.1 % time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.41. During the typical summer week of July 26, 2006 - August 4, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "D" with 72.1 % time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.37. . SR 25 near CR 48: During the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "E" with 73.5% time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.34. During the typical summer week of July 26, 2006 - August 4, 2006, this 27 . section ofroadway operated at LOS "E" with 70.7% time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.31. The low LOS ratings for CR 48 and SR 25 in Zone 2 are primarily due to the high levels of percent time-spent-following. Since the roadways studied are relatively high volume roadways, and all segments except one are considered 100% no-passing zones, it is inevitable that motorists will be forced to travel in platoons. During the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006 the highest vehicle/capacity ratio obtained in Zone 2 was on CR 48 near SR 25. The 0.41 v/c ratio means that approximately 41 % of the roadway's capacity is currently utilized during the peak hour of roadway travel. This translates to an excess capacity of 1,872 passenger vehicles during the peak hour. In other words, it would take an additional 1,872 passenger vehicles during the peak hour, more than double the current volume of passenger vehicles, on the roadway for the roadway to fail. . However, short of road failure, it is likely that the negative effects are felt by the community in the Town of Southold, these effects are felt in the form of congestion. Congestion not only takes into account the volume of vehicles on the roadway, but their ease of movement as well. Although the volumes on the roadway in Zone 2 have noticeably increased in recent years, as mentioned above, the number of vehicles that are currently on the roadway do not pose a problem. In fact, all of the A TR summary sheets located in Appendix A show that the average 85th percentile speeds on all studied roadway segments are either equal to or above the posted speed limit. This means that although motorists are forced to travel in platoons, they are still able to travel at high speeds. . However, there are multiple locations throughout Zone 2 where localized congestion does exist. This localized congestion is due to cars parked along SR 25 and CR 48 in front of farm stands and on street parking in downtown areas (i.e. Greenport and Southold). Cars parked along a roadway create friction points, which in turn slow down traffic. The Town 28 . has started discussions on how to alleviate some of this localized congestion. One idea discussed is to have all farm stands provide off-street parking for their patrons. This would limit the number of cars parked along the roadway and would limit the number of patrons that must walk across busy arterials in order to visit the stands. Zone 3 Level-or-Service Analvsis A two-lane highway analysis was performed on each of two (2) locations throughout Zone 3 in the Town of Southold where 24-hour Automatic Traffic Recorders were set up to obtain information about the vehicles traveling in the area. These locations were SR 25 near Narrow River Road and SR 25 near Orient State Park. The following summarizes our findings at these locations. . SR 25 near Narrow River Road: During the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "D" with 63.0% time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.21. For this section of roadway there is no valid data for the typical summer week of July 26, 2006 - August 4, 2006. SR 25 near Orient State Park: During the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006, this section ofroadway operated at LOS "E" with 57.9% time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.16. During the typical summer week of July 26, 2006 - August 4, 2006, this section of roadway operated at LOS "E" with 61.1 % time-spent-following and a vehicle/capacity ratio of 0.18. . During the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006 the highest vehicle/capacity ratio obtained in Zone 3 was on SR 25 near Narrow River Road. The 0.21 v/c ratio means that approximately 21 % of the roadway's capacity is currently utilized during the peak hour ofroadway travel. This translates to an excess capacity of2,538 passenger vehicles during the peak hour. In other words, it would take an additional 2,538 passenger vehicles during the peak hour, almost four times the current volume of passenger vehicles, on the roadway for the roadway to fail. 29 . As you travel east in the Town of South old into Zone 3, the vlc ratios of the roadways go down, as seen in Figure 3. This is especially true along SR 25 near Orient State Park, where the vlc ratio during the holiday week of June 30, 2006 - July 6, 2006 was 0.16. This translates to an excess capacity of 2,695 passenger vehicles during the peak hour. It should be noted that during this particular holiday week, Atlantic City Casinos were shut down due to a budget dispute in New Jersey State Government, and in turn, more people may have utilized the ferry to travel to Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun Casinos in Connecticut than during a typical holiday week. Even during these exaggerated circumstances, SR 25 in the vicinity of Orient State Park could handle over five times the current volume of passenger vehicles on the roadway before it fails. . However, short ofroad failure, it is likely that the negative effects felt by the community in Orient in the form of delay. That is, the time it takes to enter on or exit from SR 25 from the side streets is increasing every year. The volumes on the roadway in Zone 3 have noticeably increased in recent years, as mentioned above, the number of vehicles that are currently on the roadway do not pose a problem in terms of congestion. However as the volume increases, there is an increasing significant negative impact on the rural character of the area. This includes the increasing delay and frustration oflocal motorists attempting to enter on or exit from SR 25. Increased volume also increases road noise, litter, emissions and potential for accidents. In particular, the stretch of SR 25 on the causeway is susceptible to accidents and when a serious one occurs the traffic has no alternate routes. Eastbound traffic can turn around and head into the western parts of town. Westbound traffic is stuck with few places to go and wait for the accident to clear. . As stated previously, the volumes seen in the analysis indicate no major congestion issues, in fact, all of the A TR summary sheets located in Appendix A show that the average 85th percentile speeds on SR 25 east of Orient State Park are either equal to or above the posted speed limit. This means that although motorists are forced to travel in platoons, they are still able to travel at high speeds and that the studied roadways are not congested. Although the section of SR 25 near Orient State Park does not have an 30 . average 85th percentile speed equal to or above the posted speed limit, this does not mean that the roadway is congested. Along this segment of roadway traffic naturally slows down due to the fact that the roadway ends, and there is nowhere to go except to board the ferry, enter the ferry parking lot, or turn around. There are multiple locations throughout Zone 3 where localized congestion does exist. This localized congestion is due to cars parked along SR 25 near the ferry, as well as queues that form while vehicles wait to board the ferry. It should be noted that spikes in roadway volumes and queues to board the ferry only occur during approximately 10-15 minutes of every hour. Due to the fact that SR 25 is the only direct connection between Zones 2 and 3 accidents on SR 25 especially along the Causeway creates significant congestion. There are no alternate routes to detour traffic around the causeway. This congestion Further discussion on ferry impacts can be found in the section of this report titled "Ferry Expansion". . . 31 . TRAFFIC GROWTH IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Town of Southold had a population of 19,836 residents in 1990. By the year 2000, the population had increased to 20,599; a 3.8% increase over 10 years, or an annual increase of 0.4%. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the 2005 population in the Town of South old was 21,781; a 5.7% increase over 5 years, or an annual increase of 1.1 %. This data shows that the population of Southold is increasing approximately 3 times faster today than it was 5 years ago. A common occurrence with an increase in population is an increase in area roadway traffic. However, in the case of Southold, the amount of roadway traffic has increased twice as fast as the population. . After reviewing volume data published by the New York State Department of Transportation from 1993 through 2004, as well as volume data collected by this office, a comparison of traffic growth was performed. A s;.unmary of this comparison can be found in Figure 4. It should be noted that NYSDOT data is taken throughout the year and does not take into account the seasonal change in traffic. Also, NYSDOT data is not collected every year. For the off years, NYSDOT prepares estimates for the expected volumes. Traffic Growth in Zone 1 As seen in Figure 4, as a whole, traffic throughout the Town of Southold has increased an average of38% from 1993 to 2006, or an annual increase of2.9% per year. However, traffic volumes in Zone 1 of the Town has increased an average of25.0% annually since 2004. . The large increase of traffic in Zone 1 reflects the recent increase in popularity of the North Fork's vineyards and wineries. In recent years, the vineyards and wineries of Long Island's North Fork have been praised nationally, which in turn, attracts more visitors. 32 . . . Fi!lure 4 ADT SUMMARY OF STUDIED ROADWAYS Town of Southold Corridor Study 6/30/06 - NYSDOT ADT NYSDOT ADT NYSDOT ADT NYSDOT ADT NYSDOT ADT 7/06/06 7/26/06 - Zone Location 1993 1995 1999 2001 2004 ADT 8/4/06 ADT 1 SR 25 near Town Line - - - - - 15,804 15,421 CR 48 near Town Line - - - - 9,867* 16,660 14,893** Peconic Bay Blvd. near Town Line - - - - - 2,168 1,903 2 SR 25 near Tuckers Lane 9,300 10,100 13,700 11 355 - 12 426 11,738 CR 48 near Tuckers Lane - - - - 16,088 - 14,269 SR 25 near CR 48 4,700 5,150 7,750 7695 - 10,364 9,001 CR 48 near SR 25 - - - 11,216 13,700 12,625 11,370 3 SR 2S near Narrow River Road 5,750 4,150 5,050 7,453 - 5,930 - SR 25 near Orient State Park 2,600 2,650 3,600 2,806 3,811 4,912 4,193 NYSDOT ADT Volumes obtained from published data found in Volume Books and on the internet * 1/14/03 ** Only one day of data Ln . People are also traveling to the Town of South old in order to take advantage of the rural way oflife, including visiting farm stands, downtown areas, the beach, and inns. Many residents describe the increase in traffic throughout Zone I as encroaching on their rural way of life. According to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Zone I of the Town of Southold is considered a small urban area. AASHTO defines a small urban area as an area with a population between 5,000 and 50,000, and, according to U.S. Census data, the main hamlets that form Zone I (Mattituck and Cutchogue) had a total population of 7,047 in 2000. Although Zone 1 may seem rural when compared to the rest of Long Island, by definition, this area is considered urban. Understandably, Zone I residents would like to maintain the current levels of traffic. In order to prevent a large increase in future traffic volumes certain planning practices should be implemented. These planning suggestions are discussed in the "Mitigation" section of this report. . As traffic increases there are certain side effects that accompany larger volumes. First, there is typically an increase in the number of traffic accidents. The more vehicles, the greater the potential for collisions between vehicles and also with pedestrians and bicyclists. This does not mean there is a corresponding increase in the rate of accidents as described in the Traffic Accident section. . Secondly, as the volumes increase on SR 25 and CR 48 vehicles trying to enter these roads from side streets and driveways will experience more delay than is currently experienced. Our review of several traffic studies indicated that the existing unsignalized intersections operate at a low level of service. This will continue to degrade until warrants for traffic signals and/or all-way stop intersections are met. In lie of signals or all-way stop intersections roundabouts can be used (See the mitigation section for more information on roundabouts). The SCDPW has already started a program of new signal installations and is designing a roundabout at Cox Neck Road in Mattituck. This primarily in answer to an increased number of traffic accidents along CR 48. 33 . There are a number of environmental and/or quality of life issues that are associated with increased traffic. Road noise from the larger traffic volumes will increase. As congestion increases from increased volumes there will be a greater impact from emissions. Emissions from vehicles increase with the reduction in speed with idling vehicles being the worst. Air quality in the areas of highest congestion will likely degrade. Other items include increased litter and other vehicle related garbage along the roadsides. Increases in volume will also increase the wear and tear on the pavements requiring more maintenance and more frequent resurfacing. Increases in delay at intersections along the main roads increase driver frustration that often results in more dangerous movements being attempted thus increasing accidents. Greater volume and more congestion can often lead to motorists trying to find an alternate route through the side streets increasing traffic in certain areas where alternate routes can be figured out by motorists. All of these items have a significant negative impact on the rural character of the Town of Southold. . Traffic Growth in Zone 2 As mentioned above, as a whole, traffic throughout the Town of Southold has increased an average of38% from 1993 to 2006, or an annual increase of2.9% per year. Traffic in Zone 2 has increased 1.2% armually since 2001. This small increase in traffic is consistent with the general growth in traffic throughout Suffolk County. The increase of traffic in Zone 2 of the Town reflects the recent increase in popularity of the North Fork's vineyards and wineries, as well as the draw of Greenport and other vacation destinations. In recent years, the vineyards and wineries of Long Island's North Fork have been praised nationally, which in turn, attracts more visitors. People are also traveling to the Town in order to take advantage of the rural way oflife, including visiting farm stands, downtown areas, the beach, and inns. . Many residents describe the increase in traffic throughout Zone 2 as encroaching on their rural way of life. According to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Zone 2 ofthe Town of Southold is also considered 34 . a small urban area, since according to U.S. Census data the main hamlets that form Zone 2 (Southold and Greenport) had a total population of7,513 in 2000. Although Zone 2 may seem rural when compared to the rest of Long Island, by definition, this area is considered urban. Understandably, Zone 2 residents would like to maintain the current levels of traffic. In order to prevent a large increase in future traffic volumes certain planning practices should be implemented. These planning suggestions are discussed in the "Mitigation" section of this report. As traffic increases there are certain side effects that accompany larger volumes. First, there is typically an increase in the number of traffic accidents. The more vehicles, the greater the potential for collisions between vehicles and also with pedestrians and bicyclists. This does not mean there is a corresponding increase in the rate of accidents as described in the Traffic Accident section. . Secondly, as the volumes increase on SR 25 and CR 48 vehicles trying to enter these roads from side streets and driveways will experience more delay than is currently experienced. Our review of several traffic studies indicated that the existing unsignalized intersections operate at a low level of service. This will continue to degrade until warrants for traffic signals and/or all-way stop intersections are met. In lie of signals or all-way stop intersections roundabouts can be used (See the mitigation section for more information on roundabouts). The SCDPW has already started a program of new signal installations and is designing a roundabout at Cox Neck Road in Mattituck. This primarily in answer to an increased number of traffic accidents along CR 48. . There are a number of environmental and/or quality of life issues that are associated with increased traffic. Road noise from the larger traffic volumes will increase. As congestion increases from increased volumes there will be a greater impact from emissions. Emissions from vehicles increase with the reduction in speed with idling vehicles being the worst. Air quality in the areas of highest congestion will likely degrade. Other items include increased litter and other vehicle related garbage along the roadsides. Increases in volume will also increase the wear and tear on the pavements 35 . requiring more maintenance and more frequent resurfacing. Increases in delay at intersections along the main roads increase driver frustration that often results in more dangerous movements being attempted thus increasing accidents. Greater volume and more congestion can often lead to motorists trying to find an alternate route through the side streets increasing traffic in certain areas where alternate routes can be figured out by motorists. All of these items have a significant negative impact on the rural character of the Town of Southold. Traffic Growth in Zone 3 As mentioned above, as a whole, traffic throughout the Town of Southold has increased an average of 38% from 1993 to 2006, or an annual increase of 2.9% per year based on NYSDOT data. Traffic in Zone 3 has increased 2.4% annually since 1999. This growth is consistent with growth throughout the town, as well as growth within the eastern portions of Long Island. . Many residents describe the increase in traffic throughout Zone 3 as encroaching on their rural way oflife. Unlike the Zone 1 and Zone 2 of the Town of South old, according to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Zone 3 is considered a rural area, since according to U.S. Census data the main hamlet that forms Zone 3 (Orient) had a total population of709 in 2000. Understandably, Zone 3 residents would like to maintain the current levels of traffic, as well as the rural feel of the area. In order to prevent a large increase in future traffic volumes certain planning practices should be implemented. These planning suggestions are discussed in the "Mitigation" section of this report. . As traffic increases there are certain side effects that accompany larger volumes. First, there is typically an increase in the number of traffic accidents. The more vehicles, the greater the potential for collisions between vehicles and also with pedestrians and bicyclists. This does not mean there is a corresponding increase in the rate of accidents as described in the Traffic Accident section. 36 . Secondly, as the volumes increase on SR 25 and CR 48 vehicles trying to enter these roads from side streets and driveways will experience more delay than is currently experienced. Our review of several traffic studies indicated that the existing unsignalized intersections operate at a low level of service. This will continue to degrade until warrants for traffic signals and/or all-way stop intersections are met. In lie of signals or all-way stop intersections roundabouts can be used (See the mitigation section for more information on roundabouts). The SCDPW has already started a program of new signal installations and is designing a roundabout at Cox Neck Road in Mattituck. This primarily in answer to an increased number of traffic accidents along CR 48. . There are a number of enviromnental and/or quality of life issues that are associated with increased traffic. Road noise from the larger traffic volumes will increase. As congestion increases from increased volumes there will be a greater impact from emissions. Emissions from vehicles increase with the reduction in speed with idling vehicles being the worst. Air quality in the areas of highest congestion will likely degrade. Other items include increased litter and other vehicle related garbage along the roadsides. Increases in volume will also increase the wear and tear on the pavements requiring more maintenance and more frequent resurfacing. Increases in delay at intersections along the main roads increase driver frustration that often results in more dangerous movements being attempted thus increasing accidents. Greater volume and more congestion can often lead to motorists trying to find an alternate route through the side streets increasing traffic in certain areas where alternate routes can be figured out by motorists. All of these items have a significant negative impact on the rural character of the Town of Southold. . As part of this study volume counts were taken in nine (9) locations throughout the Town. Two (2) of these locations were Zone 3 at Narrow River Road and just east ofthe entrance to Orient State Park. A study by Dunn Engineering with regards to expansion of facilities at the Cross Sound Ferry terminal in 1997 had counts at or near the locations used for this study. The 1997 volumes had an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of7,888 vehicles per day (VPD) at Narrow River Road and 3,945 VPD near the ferry terminal. 37 . . Our counts had an ADT of 5,930 at Narrow River Road and 4,193 VPD near the ferry terminal. As of this writing no reason can found for the traffic decreasing at Narrow River Road; however NYSDOT volume counts from 1999 indicate an ADT 5,050 VPD. This would indicate that there was an issue with 1997 count since the volume decreased significantly after only two years. Census data indicated that Orient actually decreased in population size from 1990 to 2000 from 817 to 709. The Census 1995 estimate places Orient's population at 824 increasing to just over the 1990 level. Near the ferry, the volume increase based on the actual counts, is 6.3% over the nine (9) years, or 0.7% per year. This is significantly less than 2.4% estimated by the NYSDOT. This most likely is due to a lower residential growth rate than anticipated and a lower growth in demand for the Ferry services, both car and passenger. Residents of Zone 3 especially notice increases in roadway volumes since their base volumes are so low. A 2.4% increase over 3,600 vehicles is much more noticeable than a 2.4% increase over 10,000 vehicles. Looking at the actual count data it is likely that the volume increased rapidly after the 1995 addition of high-speed passenger ferry service and since that time has not increased as much as the estimates indicated in the Dunn Associates 1997 study. There have been complaints that in Zone 3 it is currently very difficult to make left-turns onto SR 25 from side roads. This fitting with the previous statements regarding increased volumes. Left-turn issues primarily occur during the 10-15 minutes an hour when the Ferry is either loading or unloading vehicles and passengers. While this issue is definitely a problem that currently exists within Zone 3, it is not unique to Zone 3. In fact, left-turn issues exist throughout the Town of Southold and throughout Long Island as a whole. Residents are not willing to let their rural way of life diminish, but these very qualities are what attract motorists to the area. People are traveling to the Town, and Zone 3 in particular, in order to take advantage of the rural way oflife, including visiting farm . stands, the beach, and inns. 38 . . . In the case of Zone 3 the Cross Sound Ferry is the primary generator with minor generators such as Orient State Park, the marina and just people wanting to experience the character of the area, which is rural area. The Village of Port Jefferson is home to the other high volume car ferry service on Long Island that runs between Port Jefferson and Bridgeport, Connecticut. Port Jefferson Village is served by Two State Roads SR 25A and SR 112 and has a thriving downtown area similar to the Village of Greenport. The primary difference between the Port Jefferson and Orient is that the downtown area needs the traffic attracted not only by its own merits but, by the Ferry to remain vital. The small number of commercial establishments in Zone 3 does not require the Ferry traffic and the residents certainly do not need it. Port Jefferson would welcome expansion of the Ferry since the shop owners welcome the congestion and are not worried about rural character. Additional volume from any source would negatively impact the rural character in Zone 3. 39 . FERRY EXPANSION The Town of Southold is unique in the fact that it is one of the remaining areas on Long Island that maintains a relatively rural character. While the majority of trips generated in Zones 1 and 2 can be considered diverted use trips (vehicles visit more than one winery, farm stand, etc...), almost all of the roadway traffic in the eastern end of Zone 3 is generated by one use - the Cross Sound Ferry. . A major concern for citizens residing in Zone 3 of the Town of Southold is the increase in traffic due to a possible expansion of the Cross Sound Ferry. As mentioned earlier, an engineering analysis of SR 25 within Zone 3 has shown that the roadway currently operates at a fraction of its capacity. However, since residents live in an area that is primarily rural, they expect their roadways to convey the same rural feel. The section of SR 25 that traverses Zone 3 is not typical for this area because the majority of the traffic uses this roadway to access the same destination - the Cross Sound Ferry. Although all of the side streets throughout Zone 3 have a "rural feel" to them, SR 25 does not, and the residents feel the impacts of this traffic in increased delays at intersections waiting to enter or exit SR 25. If residents currently believe that there is a problem, what will they think if there is an increase in traffic on the roadway? . An analysis was performed to show the estimated impact to the roadway in two different scenarios. The first scenario assumes that all car ferries and passenger ferries currently in service are operating at capacity. The second scenario assumes that all car ferries are replaced with the largest variety of car ferry (120 cars) and that these ferries, along with the passenger ferries, are running at full capacity. It should be noted that although the passenger ferries can transport 400 passengers in each direction, on average, these passengers travel with more than one person per vehicle. In Dunn Engineering's 1997 Traffic Impact Study a rate of approximately 2.7 people per vehicle was observed at the passenger ferry on a peak travel day. In order to produce a more conservative number, a rate of 2.5 passengers per vehicle was used for our analyses. 40 . . . The section of SR 25 in the vicinity of the Cross Sound Ferry currently operates with a Vehicle to Capacity (v/c) ratio of 0.18. This means that the roadway is currently running at 18% of its total capacity. This also means that the roadway can handle approximately five times the current traffic before it fails. It should be noted that the majority of car ferries currently operates at or near capacity, while the passenger ferries do not. If the Cross Sound Ferry were to operate at its current capacity, the roadway would operate at a vlc ratio of 0.22. It reflects a 20% increase in roadway volumes from what currently exists. If the Cross Sound Ferry were to expand all car ferries to the largest variety (120 cars) and operate at the new capacity, the roadway would operate at a vlc ratio of 0.27. This reflects a 44% increase in roadway volumes from what currently exists. A 20-44% increase in roadway volume may be seen as a great decline in roadway character. In order to maintain the rural feel of SR 25, we suggest maintaining a vlc ratio for the roadway at or below 0.25. This recommended vlc ratio includes the impact of future ferry expansion as well as future residential and commercial developments. 41 . . . TRIP CHARACTERISTICS A variation of an Origin and Destination (O&D) study was performed on Sunday, August 13,2006 and Sunday, August 20,2006 to determine how vehicles travel throughout the Town of Southold. This study consisted of administering a seven-question survey to people visiting four popular destinations throughout the Town of Southold. On August 13,2006 the survey was administered at Harbe's farm stand (12:00 noon - 4:00 pm) and in the downtown area of Greenport (12:00 noon - 4:00 pm), and on August 20, 2006 the survey was administered at Pindar Vineyards and Winery (12:00 noon - 4:00 pm) and at the Orient Point Ferry (7:00 am - 12:00 noon). There were a total of 369 respondents to the survey. A blank survey can be found in Figure 5. The results of the surveys can be found in Figures 6-10. According to the results of the survey 85.3% of all respondents at Harbe's made stops at attractions other than farm stands during their trip to the Town Southold, while 77.3% of respondents in Greenport made stops at other attractions other than Greenport, 40.7% of respondents at Pindar made stops at other attractions than wineries, and 14.6% of respondents at the Ferry made stops at other attractions than the Ferry. It should be noted that the survey was administered at the ferry at an early hour, and other attractions were not yet open for a large part of the survey time, limiting the number of stops that drivers could have made. One problem within the Town of Southold that is felt by in particular local motorists is the amount of traffic on the roadway that is attributed to vehicles traveling to the ferry in Orient Point. The number of vehicles generated by the Ferry, if it were to operate at full capacity, can be found in the section of this report titled "Ferry Expansion". It is believed that these trips do not benefit the Town, as those driving to the ferry do not make multiple stops throughout the Town. Contrary to these beliefs, results from the O&D study indicate that 37.3% of all respondents in Greenport were planning on traveling on the Ferry and that 20.6% of respondents at Harbe's Farm Stand were planning on traveling 42 . . . on the Ferry. It should also be noted that approximately 17.5% of all respondents at the Ferry live within the Town of Southold. This means that almost one-fifth of all trips generated by the Ferry originate in the Town. In general, 15.7% of all respondents were from the Town of South old, 47.4% were from Suffolk County (not Southold), 13.6% were from Nassau County, 3.0% were from Queens, 1.9% were from Brooklyn, 0.5% were from Staten Island, 4.1 % were from New York City (Manhattan), 1.9% were from upstate New York, 3.3% were from Connecticut, and 8.7% were from other states. Approximately 12% of all survey participants responded that they would travel to Southold via a bus located at a central hub (i.e. Riverhead, Nassau County, NYC). This means that 88% of participants would not take advantage of provided transportation. It should be noted that multiple residents of the Town of Southold commented that they were opposed to the introduction of busses, which would ruin the character of the roadway. On the days of our survey, approximately 83.5% of all respondents were partaking in a day trip. 43 . Date: Time: FIGURE 5 Location of Survey: Taken by: Town of Southold Corridor Study Motorist Interview Sheet I. Where was your point of origin (Zip Code)? 2. What is your final destination in the Town of Southold? 3. Did/will you stop at any of the following? . Yes No . Greenport Orient State Park Farm Stands Wineries Restaurant (Other than Greenport) Cultural Post Offi ce Supermarket/Groceries Beach Info Both Ferry o Travel to/from Connecticut . Work trip . Casino . Other leisure . . . . . . . . . . . Other 4. Did you use any ofthese roadways? Yes No . SR 25 . CR 48 (Sound Avenue) 5. Would you use any ofthe following as an alternate means of transportation to the Town of Southold? Yes No . Bus from central hub with parking Bus from Nassau County Bus from New York City . . 6. When did you arrive in the Town of Southold? . 7. When do you expect to leave the Town of South old? THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DA YI . FiQure 6 Survey Results - 8/13/06 Location: Harbe's Farmstand, north side of CR 48 Time: 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm Sample Size = 68 Stops "YES" reSDonses OfoYES ONLY Farmstands 10 14.7 Multiple Stops 58 85.3 Greenport 37 54.4 Orient Park 22 32.4 Wineries 42 61.8 Restaurant 28 41.2 Cultural 13 19.1 Post Office 10 14.7 Supermarket 14 20.6 Beach 31 45.6 Info Booth 7 10.3 Ferry - work 0 0.0 - casino 5 7.4 - other leisure 9 13.2 . Ferry - Block Island 1 1.5 Roadwavs Traveled SR 25 39 57.4 CR 48 68 100.0 Alternates Bus from Central Hub 3 4.4 Bus from Nassau 3 4.4 Bus from NYC 8 11.8 Lenqth of Trip Day Trip 53 77.9 Overnight 3 4.4 Weekend 7 10.3 One Week 2 2.9 Two Weeks 0 0.0 Summer Season 0 0.0 Resident 5 7.4 Place of Oriqin Town of Southold 6 8.0 Suffolk (Not Southold) 34 45.3 Nassau 16 21.3 Queens 3 4.0 Brooklyn 2 2.7 . NYC 3 4.0 Upstate 2 2.7 CT 1 1.3 Other 1 1.3 . Fiqure 7 Survey Results - 8/13/06 Location: Greenport Time: 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm Sample Size = 75 Stops nYES" responses OfoYES ONLY Greenport 17 22.7 Multiple Stops 58 77.3 Orient Park 22 29.3 Farmstands 37 49.3 Wineries 26 34.7 Restaurant 32 42.7 Cultural 19 25.3 Post Office 16 21.3 Supermarket 34 45.3 Beach 27 36.0 Info Booth 7 9.3 Ferry - work 3 4.0 - casino 4 5.3 - other leisure 21 28.0 . Ferry - Shelter Island 9 12.0 Roadwavs Traveled SR 25 75 100.0 CR48 47 62.7 Alternates Bus from Central Hub 4 5.3 Bus from Nassau 2 2.7 Bus from NYC 11 14.7 Lenath of Trip Day Trip 29 38.7 Overnight 5 6.7 Weekend 20 26.7 One Week 2 2.7 Two Weeks 2 2.7 Summer Season 3 4.0 Resident 28 37.3 Place of Ori!!in Town of Southold 28 37.3 Suffolk (Not South old) 18 24.0 Nassau 6 8.0 Queens 0 0.0 Brooklyn 2 2.7 . NYC 6 8.0 Upstate 0 0.0 CT 8 10.7 other 7 9.3 . FiQure 8 Survey Results - 8/20/06 Location: Pindar Winery, north side of SR 25 Time: 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm Sample Size = 123 Stops "YES" reSDonses OfoYES ONLY Wineries 73 59.3 Multiple Stops 50 40.7 Greenport 20 16.3 Orient Park 0 0.0 Farmstands 41 33.3 Restaurant 4 3.3 Cultural 0 0.0 Post Office 0 0.0 Supermarket 0 0.0 Beach 2 1.6 Info Booth 0 0.0 Ferry - work 0 0.0 - casino 1 0.8 - other leisure 0 0.0 Ferry - Shelter Island 1 0.8 . Roadwavs Traveled SR 25 123 100.0 CR48 6 4.9 Alternates Bus from Central Hub 23 18.7 Bus from Nassau 19 15.4 Bus from NYC 19 15.4 LenQth of Trip Day Trip 102 82.9 Overnig ht 2 1.6 Weekend 9 7.3 One Week 4 3.3 Two Weeks 0 0.0 Summer Season 1 0.8 Resident 6 4.9 Place of OriQin Town of South old 6 4.9 Suffolk (Not Southold) 52 42.3 Nassau 20 16.3 Queens 8 6.5 Brooklyn 3 2.4 Staten Island 2 1.6 NYC 6 4.9 . ~state 4 3.3 2 1.6 Other 20 16.3 . FiGure 9 Survey Results - 8/20/06 Location: Orient Point Ferry Time: 7:10 am - 11:55 am Sample Size = 103 Stops "YES" responses DfoYES ONLY Ferry 88 85.4 Multiple Stops 15 14.6 Greenport 0 0.0 Orient Park 0 0.0 Farmstands 12 11.7 Wineries 7 6.8 Restaurant 2 1.9 Cultural 0 0.0 Post Office 0 0.0 Supermarket 1 1.0 Beach 1 1.0 Info Booth 0 0.0 Ferry - work 1 1.0 - casino 41 39.8 - other leisure 51 49.5 - drop offs 10 9.7 . Ferry - Shelter Island 3 2.9 Roadwavs Traveled SR 25 103 100.0 CR48 47 45.6 Alternates Bus from Central Hub 14 13.6 Bus from Nassau 13 12.6 Bus from NYC 13 12.6 Lenath of Trip Day Trip 69 67.0 Overni9ht 0 0.0 Weekend 0 0.0 Two Weeks 1 1.0 Summer Season 0 0.0 Resident 16 15.5 Unknown Length to NE 32 31.1 Place of Oriain Town of Southold 18 17.5 Suffolk (Not Southold) 71 68.9 Nassau 8 7.8 Queens 0 0.0 Brooklyn 0 0.0 Staten Island 0 0.0 . NYC 0 0.0 Upstate 1 1.0 CT 1 1.0 Other 4 3.9 . FiQure 10 Survey Results - 8/13/06, 8/20/06 Location: Greenport, Harbe's Farmstand, Pindar, and Orient Point Ferry Time: 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm (7:10 am - 11:55 am at Ferry) Sample Size = 369 "YES" responses % YES "YES" responses % YES Multiple Stops Place of Origin ONLY Greenport 17 4.6 Town of Southold ONLY Farmstands 10 2.7 Suffolk (Not Southold) ONLY Wineries 88 23.8 Nassau ONLY Ferry 73 19.8 Queens Multiple Stops 181 49.1 Brooklyn Staten Island Stops NYC Greenport 132 35.8 Upstate Orient Park 44 11.9 CT Farmstands 158 42.8 Other Wineries 198 53.7 Resta u ra nt 66 17.9 Cultural 32 8.7 Post Office 26 7.0 . Supermarket 49 13.3 Beach 61 16.5 Info Booth 14 3.8 Ferry - work 4 1.1 - casino 51 13.8 - other leisure 81 22.0 Ferry - Shelter Island 13 3.5 Ferry - Block Island 1 0.3 Ferry - Dropping off 10 2.7 Roadwavs Traveled SR 25 340 92.1 CR48 168 45.5 Transportation Alternates Bus from Central Hub 44 11.9 Bus from Nassau 37 10.0 Bus from NYC 51 13.8 Len<lth of Trip Day Trip 253 68.6 Overnight 10 2.7 Weekend 36 9.8 One Week 8 2.2 Two Weeks 3 0.8 . Summer Season 4 1.1 Resident 55 14.9 Trip to N.E. 32 8.7 58 15.7 175 47.4 50 13.6 11 3.0 7 1.9 2 0.5 15 4.1 7 l.g 12 3.3 32 8.7 . ACCIDENT ANALYSIS Accident data for the Town of Southold was provided by the Southold Police Department from 1999 through 2006. The accident data along SR 25 and CR 48 was studied to determine the number and concentration of High Frequency Accident Locations. A High Frequency Accident Location is defined as having five (5) or more reportable accidents in a twelve (12) month period. A summary of the provided accident data can be found in Appendix D. Accident data was provided for a total of252 intersections located in the Town of Southold along SR 25 and CR 48. Of these intersections, 70 could be considered High Frequency Accident Locations at least once during the eight-year period studied. There were 21 locations within the Town of Southold that experienced more than 40 accidents . over the eight-year period studied. These locations are as follows: SR 25 & Factory Ave. (66) SR 25 & Love La. (40) SR 25 & Peconic La. (41) SR 25 & Chapel La. (53) SR 25 & Bay Ave. (42) SR 25 & Depot La. (47) SR 25 & Youngs Ave. (49) SR 25 & Moores La. (52) CR 48 & Westphalia Ave. (54) CR 48 & Elijahs La. (42) CR 48 & Cox La. (84) CR 48 & Peconic La. (50) CR 48 & Horton La. (53) CR 48 & Boisseau Ave. (44) CR 48 & Moores La. (45) CR 48 & Wickham Ave. (44) CR 48 & Depot La. (42) CR 48 & Bridge La. (64) CR 48 & Ackerly Pond La. (54) CR 48 & Youngs Ave. (63) CR 48 & Chapel La. (54) . In addition to the above analysis, accident rates were calculated along SR 25 and CR 48 and compared to the state average rate provided by the New York State Department of 44 . . . Transportation. State accident rates are measured in Accidents per Million Vehicle Miles (MVM). An sections of SR 25 and CR 48 located within the Town of Southold had lower accident rates than the average rate for New York State (3.66 accidents/MVM). The results of this analysis can be found in Figure 11. 45 . . . Fiqure 11 Summary of Accident Rates (Accidents per Million Vehicle Miles) SR 25 Limits Calculated Accident Rate NYSDOT Averaae Accident Rate Town Line east to Depot La. 2.32 3.66 Deoot La. east to Laurel Ave. 2.88 3.66 Laurel Ave. east to CR 48 1.93 3.66 CR 48 east to Rocky Point Rd. 2.22 3.66 Rickv Point Rd. east to Green Wav 0.91 3.66 Green Wav east to Terminus 1.72 3.66 CR48 Limits Calculated Accident Rate NYSDOT Averaae Accident Rate Town Line east to Deoot La. 1.28 3.66 Deoot La. east to Sound View Ave. 2.03 3.66 Sound View Ave. east to SR 25 1.85 3.66 . DOWNTOWN AREAS Several downtown areas are included within the scope of this study. They are as follows: Area Maior Roadwav Other Mode of Travel Serving Area Mattituck SR25 Train/Bus Southold SR25 TrainlBus Cutchogue SR25 Bus Greenport SR25 Train/Bus The main business district of Orient is not located on SR 25 Mobility . The downtown areas are areas of friction along the roadway primarily due to the on street parking and presence of traffic signals and crosswalks with the associated pedestrians. Unlike the hamlets on the South Fork the Southold downtown areas tend to be oriented toward serving the residents of the area and not catering to the summer residents and tourists. The one notable exception is Greenport. These downtown areas have a post office grocery store or stores, convenience store, hardware store and other retail businesses. Mattituck also has a shopping center with a multi-plex movie theater. All of these services are traffic generators but tend to be for the residents not attracting vehicles from beyond the Town Borders. Traffic congestion in these areas peaks during the following times: Friday Evenings Saturdays Sunday Afternoon and Evening . The residents have learned to avoid the roadways on the weekends as much as possible to avoid the increase in traffic on the weekends. 46 . . . The congestion experienced in the downtown areas is what would be expected given the conditions from a traffic engineering perspective. Downtown Greenport is a unique downtown area within the Town. It is both a destination and a traffic generator. Travelers from outside and within the Town travel to Greenport for the services offered there. Greenport is an old seaport town and has worked to maintain that character while offering dining and entertairunent. Greenport has a Harnptons-style downtown with upscale shops restaurants and bars. It attracts visitors who walk the streets shopping and then enjoying the dining and entertairunent opportunities. Parkin!!: All of the downtown areas have on street parking on SR 25. This on street parking creates friction along the roadway since through traffic slows down to allow cars to enter and exit parking spaces and as a precaution for the associated pedestrians with the parked cars. In Southold, Mattituck and Cutchogue there appears to sufficient parking for current demand. All new commercial development is being required to provide off street parking such that the demand for on street should remain constant. Greenport is by it self in that it is marketing itself as a destination for dining, nightlife, local interests and shopping in other words an alternative to the Harnptons. Unlike the other downtown areas Greenport is being developed for the non-resident but does have services for its residents. There is competition for existing parking spaces and parking can get short on Saturdays and Sundays. The problem for Greenport is that much the new businesses starting are moving into existing structures and since Greenport is an old established area most of the existing structures have little or no off street parking. As Greenport continues to gain in popularity additional municipal parking will be required. 47 . PARKING There are several areas were parking occurs along the studied corridors and is outside the downtown areas. These are around the farm stands especially in Zone 1 and in the vicinity of the Cross Sound Ferry. During peak season for produce typically late summer into the fall the farm stands attract a significant number of customers and frequently cannot provide enough off-street parking and the overflow parks along either SR 25 or CR 48. These cars parked along the main corridors cause areas of localized congestion as motorists slow down for pedestrians crossing the street and allowing vehicles to either exit or enter the main traffic stream. . The parking along SR 25 in the downtown areas should remain as is although it slows traffic in the hamlet centers. This in fact is a positive in that the hamlet centers typically have the highest numbers of pedestrians and the slower traffic reduces the potential for pedestrian involved collisions. In addition the business owners like the slower traffic as it gives motorists a longer view of their establishments and may convince the drivers to park and shop. The parking along SR 25 in the vicinity of the Cross Sound Ferry is due to the lack of onsite parking for the ferry customers. Over the July 4th weekend, specifically Monday July 3, 2006 we counted 105 vehicles along SR 25. Typically the number is significantly less on other weekends we never counted more than thirty-five (35) vehicles along SR 25. The vehicles parked along SR 25 cause the same type of localized congestion as the farm stands and additionally restrict sight distance at several intersections in the area of the ferry. . The Cross Sound Ferry has applied to the Town to expand its existing parking lot. Our opinion is for between 100-200 spaces on the lot to the east to ensure that all site planning requirements of the Town are met. Any parking expansion should be subject to a complete environmental review. 48 . LAND USEIDEVELOPMENT . Existin!! Zonin!! Districts Currently the Town of Southold has seventeen (17) land use or zoning categories. There are ten residential zones of which there are four low-density residential zones R -80 (2 acre minimum), R-120 (3 acre minimum), R-200 (5 acre minimum) and R-400 (10 acre minimum). Additionally, the AC Agricultural Conservation Zone allows single-family residential development with a two (2) acre minimum lot size. These five zones also allow agricultural uses such as farms and wineries. There is an R-40 Residential District with a one (1) acre minimum lot size that allows all agricultural uses except wineries. The Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District is designed to allow for a mix of densities in and around the hamlet centers. The Affordable Housing District (AHD) is designed to allow the development of affordable units at high density of up to _ acre lots. There is the Resort Residential (RR) District that has _ acre minimum lot size (same as HD zone) and allows agricultural uses except wineries plus bed and breakfasts are a permitted use. The last residential use is the Residential Office (RO) Zone that requires one (1) acre minimum lots and allows single-family residences, bed and breakfasts and home offices (either professional or business) with a special exception. There are three business/commercial zones within the Town. The first is the Limited Business (LB) District. This district allows single-family homes and farming except wineries and business that complement rural character of the Town including antique and craft stores, personal services stores, professional offices and restaurants. The next is Hamlet Business (HB) District that allows single-family homes and businesses found in town center areas. Apartments are also allowed under guidelines outlined in the Code. The last business district is the General Business (GB) District. This is a general business district that allows for a large variety of commercial uses and single-family homes. There are two marine districts that cover development along the waterfronts for water . related uses. Marine I (MI) District allows single family homes and uses such as marinas, boatyards, boat repair and building yards, boat and marine engine sales and 49 . . . service and retail uses related to fishing, boating and the beach. Marine II (MIl) Districts are the same as MI districts with the addition of mariculture and aquaculture operations and that restaurants, ferry terminals and hotels/motels are allowed under a special exception from the Town Board. Finally, there are two industrial zones in the Town. The first is the Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LIO) District. This allows for the development of industrial parks with light manufacturing and warehousing uses and for office parks to allow for groupings of office uses. Wineries are a permitted use in this zone. The last zone is the Light Industrial (Ll) District that allows light industrial and warehousing uses on individual lots with a minimum lot size of one (1) acre. Zoninl!lLand Use and Traffic Zoning has had a large impact on traffic throughout the country, including Western Suffolk County and Nassau County, and the volume of vehicles on the roadway. Current and past zoning theories have separated residential, commercial and industrial zones such that a car is required for residents to shop and go to work. There is a movement to create more hamlet-based communities where all types of uses are combined to make self- contained communities that promote a more limited use of motor vehicles. This "New Urbanism" movement, an alternative to modem, automobile-oriented planning and development, is not really suited for back fitting into established areas, but would be better for less developed areas. The different types of zoning affect traffic in different ways. Residential zoning and the development of residential units provide a constant increase in traffic where there is room for substantial numbers of new units such as in Southold. The increase in new homes and conversion of summer residences to year-round residences has provided a steady increase in traffic in recent years. For example, according to the 1990 census, there were 8,125 year-round households in Southold. The 2000 census showed 8,461 year-round households, an increase of 336 over the ten years, or a total increase of 4.1 %. This is an annual increase of 33.6 year-round households per year, or a 0.41 % increase per year. In 50 . . its 2005 Population Study, the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) estimates that the number of year-round households had increased to 9,085, an increase of 7.4% over five (5) years, or 1.48% per year. This is more than three times the rate from 1990 to 2000. How does this increase in households relate to an increase in traffic? Assuming that a typical household will have two (2) vehicles, an estimated 672 new vehicles were added to the Town from 1990 to 2000. Using the LIPA estimates, the number of new vehicles from 2000 to 2005 is 1,248. This is almost twice the amount of vehicles added over ten years. It is clear that this increase in traffic would be noticeable. Zoninl! and Future Develooment Currently, there is discussion in the Town concerning the best ways to maintain control of the growth within the Town. The recent rapid increase in year-round residents is creating a demand for new houses and thus land for these houses. The debate is over the best way to mange the growth. Residential development causes a steady increase in the baseline traffic of the Town and this type of development has the most potential for management. The Town of Southold has adopted a plan to manage the land currently available for subdivision. This land is known as target land. The Town's plan is to acquire 80% of this land through either transfer of development rights or by direct purchase of development rights or fee title. The target land would be developed at up to 40% of its theoretical density. Within the Town there is also what is known as non-target properties. These are already established building lots (single and separate) and can built following approval by the Building Department. These lots will eventually run out, as they are not being increased. Currently, according to The Town of Southold Land Tracking Report dated July 28, 2006 there is 7,919 acres oftarget land that would be subject to subdivision. Under existing zoning laws and discounting for land needed for roads, etc., this would allow . approximately 3,600 new homes that with a minimum of two (2) vehicles per house 51 . . . would produce 7,200 new vehicles to the Town of South old's roadways. This is a 14% increase in traffic at the Town Line. This is the worst-case scenario. Under the program adopted by the Town, 80% of the 7,919 acres of target land would not be developed, and the maximum potential density is 1,425 single-family homes (40% of 7,919 at 2 acre zoning, assuming 10% discount for roads, etc.). This would result in approximately 2,850 new vehicles on the roadways in the Town. This is a 60% reduction in potential traffic increases relative to the worst-case scenarios. In the Town of Southold there are several types of other developments that have created spikes of traffic, and they are seasonal and day-dependent. The first of these developments are the wineries. In the 1980's it was found that Southold had favorable conditions for the production of wine grapes. The 1990's saw accelerated growth of vineyards and wineries as many bought or leased farmland that had sold development rights. The wineries and their operations are not large traffic generators during the week; however, on weekends they attract large numbers of visitors for wine tasting. In addition, during the fall many wineries have harvest festivals that may include live entertainment. Some wineries provide live entertainment throughout the summer season as well. The wineries add a significant amount traffic on the weekends in zones one and two, or from Greenport west, with most of the wineries west of Southold. Another agriculture-based business that has contributed to traffic issues in the Town is the farm stands, which are a major draw to the Town. Throughout the 1980's and 1990's the growth ofu-pick sections of many farms and a shift from truck farming a few crops to growing a large assortment of "boutique" vegetables has brought about a large increase in people who visit the North Fork to shop for fresh produce at farm stands. They run the gamut from large operations with large parking areas to small stands with an "honor box" for self-service payment. Throughout the summer and especially during October for "pumpkin picking" these stands will often have a substantial number of cars parked along CR 48 and SR 25. These parked vehicles cause friction along the roadway that results in localized congestion from cars slowing down. 52 . . . The increase in day-trippers has coincided with the revival of Greenport as a destination. Greenport has become a significant tourist attraction with its shops and restaurants. It generates trips primarily on weekends and this adds to the traffic already generated by the wineries and farm stands. These are often shared trips, as people who are visiting wineries or farm stands may stop in Greenport to shop and/or eat, and those visiting Greenport will often stop at the wineries or farm stands. This is indicated in our origin and destination study discussed in "Trip Characteristics". In terms ofland use and development there are three generators of traffic in the Town of Southold. First there are base volume generators, which are the residential uses within the Town. The increase in year-round residents has produced a significant increase in base volume and it is likely that this will continue to increase. The second are the weekend generators: the wineries, farm stands and Greenport. The last is a combination of base and weekend (outside) trip generators, which is the Cross Sound Ferry at Orient. It is a base volume generator in that there is a typical daily volume of commuters and business traffic that utilize the ferry. The weekend or outside generation is from vehicles using the ferry to access New England or Long Island from short duration visits where Southold is not the primary destination. As stated above, the ferry is not running at capacity and with its current schedule and boats could handle a moderate increase in demand. The only reason the ferry has to expand is if current demand is not being met. An increase in demand would move the ferry to attempt an expansion of service but the current number of ferries is sufficient for current demand. The main issue impacting demand for ferry service involves the Connecticut casinos that are not under the jurisdiction of the Town of Southold, and thus cannot be regulated or restricted in their attempts to attract more customers. In addition, the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) would like to promote more ferry use to reduce volume on Interstate 95. However, for anyone other than residents of Suffolk County, the ferry is not a viable alternative to 1-95. 53 . . . There are other traffic generators within the Town such as Orient State Park, the hamlets of Southold and Mattituck, a healthy charter and party boat fishing industry and an assortment of historic sites. These generators do not generate significant numbers of traffic from outside the town and have little potential for significant growth. In terms of the wineries, farm stands and Greenport, the management of these uses and areas must be balanced with the notion that a great deal of commerce is generated with these uses and that their growth is part of their financial success. A certain amount of growth is necessary to promote the vitality of the uses. Greenport as an Incorporated Village has little room for expansion but its promotion as an alternative to the Hamptons and its change to resort! recreation destination is placing demands on existing parking facilities and an increase of traffic on side streets as vehicles look for parking. The wineries being such a recent use have been well regulated by the town through the site plan process and currently require off street parking. The farm stands as stated earlier do not always have sufficient, or any, off-street parking but the Town has embarked on a plan to require off-street parking for farm stands through the site plan process. This produces friction points along the road that slow traffic down and cause localized areas of congestion. Cooperation with the NYSDOT and SCDPW in finding solutions is essential. Improvements to the roadways will be needed, but if considered earlier in the process, the roadway improvements could be designed such that the rural character of the area is not diminished The western Towns grew without consideration of the impact on infrastructure, especially roads. The South Fork also suffers from this in that the roads were not improved to handle the demand on them because those improvements or additional roads have been looked at as activities that would negatively impact the "rural" character of the area. Now, due to this view, they have one roadway that suffers from significant back-ups and traffic jams on a daily basis. Southold has the advantage of two (2) main roadways that together handle a volume almost as large as on the South Fork, but does not yet suffer to the same extent. Even as growth is managed, an eye must be maintained on the infrastructure and improvements must be made earlier, rather than later. 54 . . . Improvements do not necessarily mean additional lanes. For example, the farm stands in the western part of the Town often cause localized back-ups on both SR 25 and CR 48 when vehicles slow down due to the proximity of other vehicles parked on the shoulder. Working with the County and State on widening the shoulders will help vehicles pass more easily in these areas. We understand that the Town is currently working with the farm stand owners to provide more off-street parking. The use of innovative highway improvements such as roundabouts like the one currently under design at the County for CR 48 and Cox Neck Road can help maintain the rural character yet allow significant volumes of traffic to use the Town's roadways. 55 . . . MITIGATION Mitigating the traffic issues in the Town of Southold is difficult at best. It is not possible to prevent the volume from increasing. There are many reasons or generators in the Town that primarily appeal to other residents of Long Island, such as wine tasting, berry picking or other produce purchases, fishing and boating or taking the ferry. The major consideration in mitigating the traffic problems is also maintaining the rural character of the area. It has been discussed previously that by the definition in AASHTO's A Policv on the Geometric Design of Streets and Highwavs. 2001 the populations of Zones 1 and 2 are considered urban in terms traffic engineering. Zone 3 is considered rural. All of SR 25 and approximately one-half of CR 48 are two lane roadways. CR 48 has a section in Zone 1 and 2 that is a four lane divided highway. Our primary focus has been on the two lane sections. To determine traffic volume, counts were taken at nine locations within the Town. The data collected was analyzed in a two-lane roadway analysis. The results are explained in detail in previous sections but for the most part the Level-of-Services throughout the Town was "E". This appears to be bad on a scale from A-F, however, we found that the 85th percentile speeds were at or above the posted speed limits. The 85th percentile speed is the speed where 85% of the total volume is traveling at or below the indicated speed. Thus, when the 85th percentile speed is at or above the posted speed limit traffic is flowing as anticipated in the design of the road or better and there are no areas of significant congestion where lower speeds would be expected. There are areas of localized congestion primarily in areas where vehicles are parking on the roadways such as at farm stands. The following mitigations are proposed to reduce the likelihood of increased congestion. Zone 1 Since Zone 1 is considered a small urban area by definition and the fact that a significant portion of available subdividable land is located with in Zone 1, continuing the residential 56 . . . growth management program will be instrumental in managing residential traffic growth throughout Zone 1. Future commercial developments must continue to be carefully sited to help reduce vehicle trips whenever possible. Clustering commercial development to maintain the rural character of the roadways is preferred to having commercial development spread along the road, as is the case in the western towns. Another mitigation measure to reduce the rapid growth of background traffic particularly large residential developments and commercial developments is to institute an impact fee. The fee could be tied to the resultant increase in volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratio from potential developments. The increments could be set at .05 increase in vlc ratio and the fees should be large enough to act as a deterrent to large developments. The money from the fees could be used in the land acquisition program or for road improvements necessary to handle the additional traffic. Other mitigations include requiring farm stands to provide off-street parking. Currently, especially along SR 25, vehicles park on the roadway at many farm stands. This creates friction points where localized congestion takes place. Another possible mitigation for this issue is working with the NYSDOT and SCDPW to widen shoulders along SR 25 and CR 48 to provide greater clearance between parked cars and traveling vehicles. The main focus of the Town is to maintain the rural feel throughout the three zones regardless of definition. Another mitigation measure is the use of alternative techniques to maintain smooth flow along the roadways throughout the Town. As volume on SR 25 and CR 48 increase the warrants for traffic signals will be more easily met. Signalized intersections do not counote the rural image, as they are more often associated with urban and suburban areas. Signalized intersections can often act as a traffic impediment such as the signal located on SR 27 in Watermill where traffic back-ups can be over a mile. The SCDPW is in the process of installing several improvements along CR 48 to increase safety. These include several traffic signals and a roundabout, currently in design, for Cox Neck Road. The roundabouts when properly sited and designed take the place of traffic signals and all-way stops. Roundabouts should be considered when traffic signals 57 . are discussed since large numbers of traffic signals are not rural in character and while roundabouts (a type of traffic circle) will help maintain the desired character of the roadway and promote smooth traffic flow and reduce congestion. Properly designed, roundabouts on two lane roadways can handle up to 25,000 vehicles per day. Currently, no single roadway in the town carries that level of traffic. In terms of cost, signals and roundabouts are similar except in cases were real estate must be acquired. . Zone 2 Since Zone 2 is considered a small urban area by definition and the fact that a significant portion of available subdividable land is located with in Zone I, continuing the residential growth management program will be instrumental in managing residential traffic growth throughout Zone 2. Future commercial developments must continue to be carefully sited to help reduce vehicle trips whenever possible. Clustering commercial development to maintain the rural character of the roadways is preferred to having commercial development spread along the road, as is the case in the western towns. Another mitigation measure to reduce the rapid growth of background traffic particularly large residential developments and commercial developments is to institute an impact fee. The fee could be tied to the resultant increase in volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratio from potential developments. The increments could be set at .05 increase in vlc ratio and the fees should be large enough to act as a deterrent to large developments. The money from the fees could be used in the land acquisition program or for road improvements necessary to handle the additional traffic. In Zone 2 impact fees could also be used to provide municipal parking in the Village of Greenport to offset the recent surge in popularity of the Village as a summer destination. Other mitigations include requiring farm stands to provide off-street parking. Currently, especially along SR 25, vehicles park on the roadway at many farm stands. This creates friction points where localized congestion takes place. Another possible mitigation for . this issue is working with the NYSDOT and SCDPW to widen shoulders along SR 25 and CR 48 to provide greater clearance between parked cars and traveling vehicles. 58 . . The main focus of the Town is to maintain the rural feel throughout the three zones regardless of definition. Another mitigation measure is the use of alternative techniques to maintain smooth flow along the roadways throughout the Town. As volume on SR 25 and CR 48 increase the warrants for traffic signals will be more easily met. Signalized intersections do not connote the rural image, as they are more often associated with urban and suburban areas. Signalized intersections can often act as a traffic impediment such as the signal located on SR 27 in Watermill where traffic back-ups can be over a mile. The SCDPW is in the process of installing several improvements along CR 48 to increase safety. These include several traffic signals and a roundabout, currently in design, for Cox Neck Road. The roundabouts when properly sited and designed take the place of traffic signals and all-way stops. Roundabouts should be considered when traffic signals are discussed since large numbers of traffic signals are not rural in character and while roundabouts (a type of traffic circle) will help maintain the desired character of the roadway and promote smooth traffic flow and reduce congestion. Properly designed, roundabouts on two lane roadways can handle up to 25,000 vehicles per day. Currently, no single roadway in the town carries that level of traffic. In terms of cost, signals and roundabouts are similar except in cases were real estate must be acquired. . Zone 3 Since Zone 3 is considered a rural area by definition and does not have as much of the available subdividable land that located with in Zones 1 & 2. However, to maintain the rural flavor of the area continuing the residential growth management program will be instrumental in managing residential traffic growth throughout Zone 3. Significant increase in residential development will increase the background volume and this mixed with traffic from the Cross Sound Ferry will continue to increase the traffic volumes on SR 25 and threaten the rural character of the area. It is necessary to manage both the residential growth and Ferry growth as they both contribute to the background traffic. If the background growth is managed properly the ability to absorb the surge traffic (peak season traffic over and above the typical daily traffic) generated by the Ferry will less of 59 . an impact on the local residents of Zone traffic. The current Volumes on SR 25 are low enough that any increase in volume is immediately felt by motorists. Another mitigation measure to reduce the rapid growth of background traffic particularly large residential developments and commercial developments is to institute an impact fee. The fee could be tied to the resultant increase in volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratio from potential developments. The increments could be set at .05 increase in vlc ratio and the fees should be large enough to act as a deterrent to large developments. The money from the fees could be used in the land acquisition program or for road improvements necessary to handle the additional traffic. . To illustrate the way the vlc ratio can be used to manage volume is as follows. Our counts and roadway analysis have indicated that the current volume to capacity ratio in Zone 3 is 0.18 on a summer weekend near the Cross Sound Ferry and 0.21 at Narrow River Road. Any volume cap must take into account the anticipated vehicular volume growth of potential residential developments, potential commercial developments and potential expansion ofthe Cross Sound Ferry. As developments or expansion are proposed, traffic impact studies must be required to determine how much the proposed development/expansion will impact the local roadways in terms of volumes. The maximum volume to capacity ratio recommended for Zone 3 is 0.25. This will allow for residential development, minimal commercial development and a limited amount of expansion and growth at the Cross Sound Ferry, while maintaining the rural character of the area (Orient and East Marion). It should be noted that the volume capacity ratio was for a peak volume hour as indicated by our Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) counts. These peak hours were typically Saturdays and Sundays, which is when the highest volumes would be expected due to . increases in day-trippers, park users, fishermen and cars using the ferry. This volume to 60 . . capacity ratio also takes into account the surge traffic that occurs with departures from the ferry. Using a maximum volume to capacity ratio of .25 near the ferry allows an increase of224 vehicles in the peak hour ((0.25-0.18) x 3200) in both directions or an additional 112 vehicles in each direction. As noted previously, ifthe Cross Sound Ferry were to operate at its current maximum theoretical capacity the volume to capacity ratio would be 0.22. Theoretically, the volume to capacity ratio cap of 0.25 would only allow an additional 108 total vehicles in the peak hour. Any increase in capacity proposed by the ferry must take into account the fact that they are not currently running at full capacity. Any increase should be based on the maximum theoretical volume of existing conditions and not the actual existing volume as this would allow a much larger expansion of capacity where in fact it may not be warranted. At Narrow River Road the current volume to capacity ratio is 0.21. This allows for an additional 144 vehicles an hour or seventy -seven (77) in each direction. If the current maximum theoretical capacity of the ferry is taken into account the actual volume increase is a total oftwenty-eight (28) vehicles or fourteen in each direction. This excess capacity has to allow for residential and recreational uses as well. At Narrow River Road the existing volume to capacity ratio does not allow for any ferry expansion using a 0.25 cap. Thus a volume to capacity ratio of 0.25 on Zone 3 would not allow any expansion of Ferry generated traffic. Other mitigations include requiring farm stands to provide off-street parking. Currently, especially along SR 25, vehicles park on the roadway at many farm stands. This creates friction points where localized congestion takes place. Another possible mitigation for this issue is working with the NYSDOT and SCDPW to widen shoulders along SR 25 and CR 48 to provide greater clearance between parked cars and traveling vehicles. . The main focus of the Town is to maintain the rural feel throughout the three zones regardless of definition. Another mitigation measure is the use of alternative techniques 61 . . . to maintain smooth flow along the roadways throughout the Town. As volume on SR 25 and CR 48 increase the warrants for traffic signals will be more easily met. Signalized intersections do not connote the rural image, as they are more often associated with urban and suburban areas. Signalized intersections can often act as a traffic impediment such as the signal located on SR 27 in Watermill where traffic back-ups can be over a mile. The SCDPW is in the process of installing several improvements along CR 48 to increase safety. These include several traffic signals and a roundabout, currently in design, for Cox Neck Road. The roundabouts when properly sited and designed take the place of traffic signals and all-way stops. Roundabouts should be considered when traffic signals are discussed since large numbers of traffic signals are not rural in character and while roundabouts (a type of traffic circle) will help maintain the desired character of the roadway and promote smooth traffic flow and reduce congestion. Properly designed, roundabouts on two lane roadways can handle up to 25,000 vehicles per day. Currently, no single roadway in the town carries that level of traffic. In terms of cost, signals and roundabouts are similar except in cases were real estate must be acquired. At the Cross Sound Ferry it is recommended that parking for between 100-200 vehicles be approved depending on the allowable spaces permitted by zoning and the environmental and site planning constraints of the parcel. We noticed that over the Fourth of July weekend over 100 vehicles were parked along SR 25, but typically, weekends, which are the busiest for the ferries, thirty (30) to forty (40) were common and averaged approximately thirty-five (35). By allowing no more than 100-200 spaces enough parking can be provided for historical spikes in demand and allow for a nominal expansion offerry demand. It also allows for adequate drainage facilities to prevent stormwater from directly entering Peconic Bay and other requirements of the Town's Planning Department. Any expansion of the parking will require a thorough environmental review in accordance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) An alternative to expansion of the on-site parking at the ferry is the creation of a satellite lot. Shuttle buses would then bring ferry passengers to the ferry terminal. Our idea was 62 . . . near Greenport, other ideas have included Mattituck and in Riverhead. The shuttle buses, depending on size, would replace between ten (10) and twenty (20) vehicles on the roadways. By placing the satellite lot near a downtown area another possible benefit is that the ferry passengers shopping and/or eating in local businesses. 63 . . . Zone 1 RECOMMENDATIONS . Maintain the aggressive land acquisition program and continue with the current reduction of development through new subdivisions. This will reduce the growth of background traffic to a manageable level. Cluster commercial development as much as possible in areas that reduce the length of time a vehicle is the road. Much of the traffic on the east end both North and South Fork is due to the lengths vehicles must travel to reach shopping, medical treatment, etc. Choosing sites that are central will reduce the length of time a trip takes, reducing volume in turn. Work with the NYSDOT and SCDPW to find methods to improve the roadways without widening. Items such as shoulder widening to alleviate congestion due to parked cars on the roadways will provide improved flow on the roadways. Also work with both the NYSDOT and SCDPW on improving levels-of-service of the intersections along both SR 25 and CR 48. SCDPW has installed several new traffic signals and is in the process of designing a roundabout for Cox Neck Road and CR 48. To maintain the rural character of the roadways traffic signals should be minimized and improvements such as roundabouts considered as they can maintain flow, improve access from side streets and reduce accidents. Improvements such as "Jersey Jug Handles" should also be considered but typically their cost is greater as right-of-way acquisition is typically required. To maintain the rural character of Zone I an impact fee that is tied to increases of volume-to-capacity (v/c) to prevent and/or deter large developments could be instituted. The fees collected could be used for the land acquisition program or for infrastructure creation/repair/maintenance. . . . . . 64 . . . Zone 2 . Maintain the aggressive land acquisition program and continue with the current reduction of development through new subdivisions. This will reduce the growth of background traffic to a manageable level. . Cluster commercial development as much as possible in areas that reduce the length of time a vehicle is the road. Much of the traffic on the east end both North and South Fork is due to the lengths vehicles must travel to reach shopping, medical treatment, etc. Choosing sites that are central will reduce the length of time a trip takes, reducing volume in turn. . Work with the NYSDOT and SCDPW to find methods to improve the roadways without widening. Items such as shoulder widening to alleviate congestion due to parked cars on the roadways will provide improved flow on the roadways. . Also work with both the NYSDOT and SCDPW on improving levels-of-service of the intersections along both SR 25 and CR 48. SCDPW has installed several new traffic signals and is in the process of designing a roundabout for Cox Neck Road and CR 48. To maintain the rural character of the roadways traffic signals should be minimized and improvements such as roundabouts considered as they can maintain flow, improve access from side streets and reduce accidents. . Improvements such as "Jersey Jug Handles" should also be considered but typically their cost is greater as right-of-way acquisition is typically required. . To maintain the rural character of Zone 2 an impact fee that is tied to increases of volume-to-capacity (v/c) to prevent and/or deter large developments could be instituted. The fees collected could be used for the land acquisition program or for infrastructure creation/repair/maintenance. Zone 3 . Maintain the aggressive land acquisition program and continue with the current reduction of development through new subdivisions. This will reduce the growth of background traffic to a manageable level. 65 . . . . Cluster commercial development as much as possible in areas that reduce the length oftime a vehicle is the road. Much of the traffic on the east end both North and South Fork is due to the lengths vehicles must travel to reach shopping, medical treatment, etc. Choosing sites that are central will reduce the length of time a trip takes, reducing volume in turn. Work with the NYSDOT and SCDPW to find methods to improve the roadways without widening. Items such as shoulder widening to alleviate congestion due to parked cars on the roadways will provide improved flow on the roadways. Also work with both the NYSDOT and SCDPW on improving levels-of-service of the intersections along both SR 25 and CR 48. SCDPW has installed several new traffic signals and is in the process of designing a roundabout for Cox Neck Road and CR 48. To maintain the rural character of the roadways traffic signals should be minimized and improvements such as roundabouts considered as they can maintain flow, improve access from side streets and reduce accidents. Improvements such as "Jersey Jug Handles" should also be considered but typically their cost is greater as right-of-way acquisition is typically required. Additional parking for the Cross Sound Ferry in the range of 100-200 spaces on either adjacent land or with a satellite parking field with shuttle buses. An expansion of parking on Cross Sound Ferry Parking will require a complete environmental review. To maintain the rural character of Zone 3 an impact fee that is tied to increases of volume-to-capacity (v/c) to prevent and/or deter large developments could be instituted. The fees collected could be used for the land acquisition program or for infrastructure creation/repair/maintenance. In Zone 3 a v/c ratio of no more than .25 should be a goal to prevent the traffic volume that could impact on the rural character of the area . . . . . . 66 . BIBLIOGRAPHY References Policv on the Geometric Desil;n of Hil;hwavs and Streets 200 I American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 2005 Urban Mobility Report Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University Highwav Capacity Manual (HCM) 2000 Update Transportation Research Board Long Island Population Survey 2000 Long Island Power Authority Long Island Rail Road East End Transportation Study. 9/00 Prepared by: Alee, King, Rosen, & Fleming, Inc Sustainable East End Development Strategies (SEEDS) Summary Report Prepared by: East End Supervisors' and Mayors' Association (EESMA) New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) . Rethinking Traffic Congestion Brian D. Taylor, University of California, Los Angles Census of Population and Housing U.S. Bureau of Census, 1990,2000,2005 Long Island Transportation Plan to Manage Congestion. LITP 2000 New York State Department of Transportation , New York Metropolitan Transportation Council Town of Southold Studies Traffic Impact Study for Cottages at Mattituck 3/06 Prepared by: Nelson & Pope Engineers & Surveyors CR 48 Corridor Land Use Study Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement 7/1999 Prepared by: Cramer Consulting Group Traffic Study: Rockcove Estates 6/2006 Prepared by: Dunn Engineering Assoc, PC Traffic Study: CVS Pharmacy 4/2004 Prepared by: Morton Weber Assoc . Traffic Impact Study: Hamlet at Cutchogue 12/05 Prepared by: Nelson & Pope Engineers & Surveyors Traffic Impact Study: GAIA Holistic Center 4/2005 & 2/2006 67 . . . Prepared by: Dunn Engineering Assoc, PC Environmental Review: Peconic Landing at Southold 11/1997 Prepared by: Nelson, Pope & Voorhis LLC Sound Ferry Services. Inc 10/1997 Draft Environmental Impact Statement for application of the Cross Prepared by: Inter-Science Research Assoc. Inc Traffic Impact Study for Proposed Cross Sound Ferrv Parking Lot Expansion 9/1997 Prepared by: Dunn Engineering Associates 68 A . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study , PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (6/30/06 - 7/6/06) LOCATION: SR 2S (Pole 257) E/O Town Line VOLUMES ADT (EB): 7,832 ADT (WB): 7,973 ADT (Both Directions): 15,804 Highest Volume Day: Saturday Peak Hour PM: 4:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 1,234 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 1,135 Highest 8 Hr Volume (EB): 4,674 Highest 8 Hr Volume (WB): 4,939 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Monday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Saturday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 50 MPH 85th Percentile (E8): 56.3 85th Percentile (WB): 54.9 Highest 85th (EB): 57.6 Highest 85th (WB): 55.9 Lowest 85th (EB): 55.6 Lowest 85th (W8): 54.0 85th Percentile (Avg): 55.6 Average Speed: 49.5 % Exceeding 50 Mph (Avg): 46.9 Highest % Exceeding 50 Mph: 57.7 % Exceeding 55 Mph (Avg): 18.2 Highest % Exceeding 55 Mph: 23.6 % Exceeding 60 Mph (Avg): 5.1 Highest % Exceeding 60 Mph: 8.5 Free Flow Speed: 60.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 11.2 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 12.9 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 12.1 % RVs EB (Avg): 2.8 % RVs WB (Avg): 3.2 % RVs Both (Avg): 3.0 GAP INFO % 5-105 (E8): 52.5 % 5-105 (WB): 51.6 % 5-105 (Both): 52.0 % 10-155 (EB): 20.4 % 10-155 (WB): 19.5 % 10-155 (Both): 19.9 % 15-205 (BE): 9.2 % 15-205 (WB): 10.1 % 15-20s (Both): 9.6 % 20+ 5 (EB): 17.9 % 20+ 5 (WB): 18.8 % 20+ 5 (Both): 18.5 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (6/30/06 - 7/6/06) LOCATION: CR 48 (Pole 262) E/O Town Line VOLUMES ADT (E8): 8,254 ADT (W8): 8,406 ADT (80th Directions): 16,660 Highest Volume Day: Saturday Peak Hour PM: 1:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 1,526 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 1,368 Highest 8 Hr Volume (E8): 5,380 Highest 8 Hr Volume (W8): 6,471 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (E8): Tuesday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (W8): Saturday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 45 MPH 85th Percentile (E8): 52.7 85th Percentile (W8): 51.0 Highest 85th (E8): 54.5 Highest 85th (W8): 52.7 Lowest 85th (E8): 51.0 Lowest 85th (W8): 50.1 85th Percentile (Avg): 51.8 Average Speed: 46.0 % Exceeding 45 Mph (Avg): S7.4 Highest % Exceeding 45 Mph: 71.1 % Exceeding 50 Mph (Avg): 24.0 Highest % Exceeding 50 Mph: 38.2 % Exceeding 55 Mph (Avg): 6.9 Highest % Exceeding 55 Mph: 13.4 Free Flow Speed 60.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & 8usses E8 (Avg): 8.1 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 6.7 % Trucks & 8usses 80th (Avg): 7.4 % RVs E8 (Avg): 2.0 % RVs W8 (Avg): 1.7 % RVs 80th (Avg): 1.8 GAP INFO % 5-10s (E8): 49.6 % 5-1 Os (W8): 51.2 % 5-10s (80th): 50.3 % 10-15s (E8): 20.8 % 10-1 5s (W8): 19.5 % 10-15s (80th): 20.2 % 1 5-20s (8E): 10.2 % 1 5-20s (WB): 9.3 % 1 5-20s (Both): 9.8 % 20+ s (E8): 19.4 % 20+ s (W8): 20.0 % 20+ s (Both): 19.7 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of South old Corridor Study (6/30/06 - 7/6/06) LOCATION: SR 25 E/O Tuckers Lane VOLUMES ADT (EB): 6,095 ADT (WB): 6,331 ADT (Both Directions): 12,426 Highest Volume Day: Saturday Peak Hour PM: 12:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph): l,OB9 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 1,043 Highest B Hr Voiume (EB): 3,775 Highest B Hr Volume (WB): 4,314 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Monday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Saturday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 30 MPH BSth Percentile (EB): 3B.7 B5th Percentile (WB): 36.5 Highest 85th (EB): 39.2 Highest B5th (WB): 37.2 Lowest 85th (EB): 38.5 Lowest 85th (WB): 36.0 BSth Percentile (Avg): 37.6 Average Speed: 33.4 % Exceeding 30 Mph (Avg): 90.7 Highest % Exceeding 30 Mph: B8.0 % Exceeding 35 Mph (Avg): 39.4 Highest % Exceeding 35 Mph: 46.B % Exceeding 40 Mph (Avg): 5.B Highest % Exceeding 40 Mph: 9.B Free Flow Speed: 50.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 5.7 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 6.3 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 6.0 % RVs EB (Avg): 1.4 % RVs WB (Avg): 1.6 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.5 GAP INFO % 5-10s (EB): 55.5 % 5-1 Os (WB): 54.5 % 5-lOs (Both): 55.0 % 10-1 5s (EB): 18.4 % 10-15s (WB): 20.4 % 1 0-15s (Both): 19.4 % 15-20s (BE): 9.0 % 15-20s (WB): 9.0 % 15-20s (Both): 9.0 % 20+ s (EB): 17.1 % 20+ s (WB): 16.1 % 20+ s (Both): 16.6 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (6/30/06 - 7/6/06) LOCATION: SR 2S (Pole S) S/O CR 48 VOLUMES ADT (NB): 5,167 ADT (SB): 5,197 ADT (Both Directions): 10,364 Highest Voiume Day: Sunday Peak Hour PM: 12:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 959 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 855 Highest B Hr Volume (NB): 3,539 Highest 8 Hr Volume (SB): 3,532 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (NB): Sunday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (SB): Sunday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT ? 85th Percentile (NB): 38.2 85th Percentile (SB): 35.5 Highest 85th (NB): 39.2 Highest 85th (SB): 36.6 Lowest 85th (N8): 37.9 Lowest 85th (SB): 34.4 85th Percentile (Avg): 36.9 Average Speed: 32.0 % Exceeding 40 Mph (Avg): 5.7 Highest % Exceeding 40 Mph: 11.1 Free Flow Speed: 50.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses NB (Avg): 6.0 % Trucks & Busses SB (Avg): 4.9 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 5.4 % RVs NB (Avg): 1.5 % RVs SB (Avg): 1.2 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.4 GAP INFO % 5-1 Os (NB): 52.4 % 5-1 Os (SB): 50.5 % 5-1 Os (Both): 51.4 % 1 0-15s (NB): 21.8 % 1 0-15s (SB): 20.6 % 1 0-15s (Both): 21.2 % 15-20s (NE): 10.0 % 15-20s (SB): 10.8 % 15-20s (Both): 10.4 % 20+ s (NB): 15.8 % 20+ s (SB): 18.1 % 20+ s (Both): 17.0 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of South old Corridor Study (6/30106 - 7/6/06) LOCATION: CR 48 W/O SR 25 VOLUMES ADT (EB): 6,397 ADT (WB): 6,229 ADT (Both Directions): 12,625 Highest Volume Day: Sunday Peak Hour PM: 1:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 1,163 Highest Total Volume AM (vph) 1,082 Highest 8 Hr Volume (EB): 4,428 Highest 8 Hr Volume (WB): 4,430 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Sunday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Sunday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 45 MPH 85th Percentile (E8): 46.1 85th Percentile (WB): 47.9 Highest 85th (E8): 47.5 Highest 85th (WB): 49.6 Lowest 85th (EB): 44.7 Lowest 85th (WB): 46.5 85th Percentile (Avg): 47.0 Average Speed: 41.3 % Exceeding 45 Mph (Avg): 25.2 Highest % Exceeding 45 Mph: 38.4 % Exceeding 50 Mph (Avg): 6.7 Highest % Exceeding 50 Mph: 11.5 Free Flow Speed: 60.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 5.3 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 5.5 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 5.4 % RVs EB (Avg): 1.3 % RVs WB (Avg): 1.4 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.4 GAP INFO % 5-1 Os (EB): 54.1 % 5-1 Os (WB): 51.8 % 5-10s (Both): 53.2 % 10-1 5s (EB): 19.3 % 10-15s (WB): 21.2 % 1 0-15s (Both): 20.1 % 15-20s (BE): 10.6 % 1 5-20s (WB): 9.7 % 15-20s (Both): 10.2 % 20+ s (EB): 16.0 % 20+ s (WB): 17.3 % 20+ s (Both): 16.5 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (6/30/06 - 7/6/06) LOCATION: SR 25 (Pole 122) E/O Narrow River Road VOLUMES ADT (EB): 2,957 ADT (WB): 2,974 ADT (Both Directions): 5,930 Highest Volume Day: Sunday Peak Hour PM: 1:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 577 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 575 Highest B Hr Volume (EB): 2,289 Highest B Hr Volume (WB): 2,217 Highest B Hr Volume Day (EB): Sunday Highest B Hr Volume Day (WB): Sunday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 45 MPH B5th Percentile (EB): 49.1 85th Percentile (W8): 51.4 Highest 85th (E8): 49.6 Highest 85th (WB): 53.2 Lowest B5th (EB): 4B.6 Lowest 85th (WB): 50.8 85th Percentile (Avg): 50.3 Average Speed: 44.8 % Exceeding 45 Mph (Avg): 48.0 Highest % Exceeding 45 Mph: 69.3 % Exceeding 50 Mph (Avg): 15.5 Highest % Exceeding 50 Mph: 28.7 % Exceeding 55 Mph (Avg): 3.4 Highest % Exceeding 55 Mph: 6.2 Free Flow Speed 60.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 4.7 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 5.2 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 4.9 % RVs EB (Avg): 1.2 % RVs W8 (Avg): 1.3 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.2 GAP INFO % 5-105 (EB): 30.9 % 5-105 (WB): 29.1 % 5-105 (80th): 29.9 % 10-155 (EB): 17.9 % 10-1 55 (WB): 17.3 % 10-155 (Both): 17.6 % 15-205 (BE): 13.4 % 15-205 (W8): 12.3 % 15-205 (Both): 12.8 % 20+ 5 (EB): 37.8 % 20+ 5 (WB): 41.3 % 20+ 5 (Both): 39.7 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (6/30/06 - 7/6/06) LOCATION: SR 25 (Pole 35) E/O Orient State Parkway VOLUMES ADT (EB): 2,619 ADT (WB): 2,293 ADT (Both Directions): 4,912 Highest Volume Day: Sunday Peak Hour PM: 4:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 427 Highest Total Volume AM (vph) 429 Highest B Hr Volume (EB): 1,780 Highest B Hr Volume (WB): 1,585 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Sunday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Sunday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 45 MPH 85th Percentile (EB): 36.5 85th Percentile (WB): 40.3 Highest B5th (EB): 39.9 Highest B5th (WB): 43.0 Lowest B5th (EB): 32.9 Lowest 85th (WB): 37.2 85th Percentile (Avg): 38.4 Average Speed: 31.6 % Exceeding 45 Mph (Avg): 2.9 Highest % Exceeding 45 Mph: 8.3 Free Flow Speed: 45.0 . CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 4.8 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 4.5 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 4.7 % RVs EB (Avg): 1.2 % RVs WB (Avg): 1.1 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.2 GAP INFO % 5-1 Os (EB): 36.1 % 5-1 Os (WB): 26.2 % 5-1 Os (Both): 31.4 % 10-15s (EB): 18.0 % 10-1 5s (WB): 13.7 % 10-1 5s (Both): 16.0 % 1 5-20s (BE): 11.0 % 1 5-20s (WB): 10.2 % 1 5-20s (Both): 10.6 % 20+ s (EB): 34.9 % 20+ s (WB): 49.9 % 20+ s (Both): 42.0 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of South old Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of South old Corridor Study (6/30/06 - 7/6/06) LOCATION: 760 Peconic Bay Boulevard E/O Town Line VOLUMES ADT (EB): 1,214 ADT (WB): 953 ADT (Both Directions): 2,168 Highest Volume Day: Saturday Peak Hour PM: 12:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 238 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 242 Highest 8 Hr Volume (EB): 1,029 Highest 8 Hr Volume (WB): 626 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Saturday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Saaturday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 30 MPH 85th Percentile (EB): 41.4 85th Percentile (WB): 42.9 Highest 85th (EB): 42.2 Highest 85th (WB): 43.8 Lowest 85th (EB): 40.6 Lowest 85th (WB): 42.2 85th Percentile (Avg): 42.1 Average Speed: 36.7 % Exceeding 30 Mph (Avg): 89.3 Highest % Exceeding 30 Mph: 93.6 % Exceeding 35 Mph (Avg): 61.0 Highest % Exceeding 35 Mph: 71.9 % Exceeding 40 Mph (Avg): 24.5 Highest % Exceeding 40 Mph: 32.7 % Exceeding 45 Mph (Avg): 6.5 Highest % Exceeding 45 Mph: 10.7 Free Flow Speed: 45.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 4.0 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 3.9 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 3.9 % RVs EB (Avg): 1.0 % RVs WB (Avg): 1.0 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.0 GAP INFO % 5-10s (EB): 17.9 % 5-1 Os (WB): 16.5 % 5-1 Os (Both): 17.3 % 10-15s (EB): 12.9 % 10-15s (WB): 12.0 % 10-15s (Both): 12.5 % 15-20s (BE): 10.2 % 15-20s (WB): 10.4 % 15-20s (Both): 10.3 % 20+ s (EB): 59.0 % 20+ s (WB): 61.1 % 20+ s (Both): 59.9 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (7/26/06 - 8/3/06) . LOCATION: SR 25 (Pole 257) E/O Town Line VOLUMES ADT (EB): 7,B07 ADT (WB): 7,613 ADT (Both Directions): 15,421 Highest Voiume Day: Saturday Peak Hour PM: 3:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Voiume PM (vph) 1,214 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 1,125 Highest 8 Hr Volume (EB): 5,011 Highest 8 Hr Volume (W8): 4,465 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Saturday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Sunday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 50 MPH 85th Percentile (EB): 57.1 85th Percentile (WB): 57.8 Highest 85th (E8): 57.9 Highest 85th (WB): 58.5 Lowest 85th (EB): 55.9 Lowest 85th (WB): 56.7 85th Percentile (Avg): 57.5 Average Speed: 51.2 % Exceeding 60 Mph (Avg): 8.1 Highest % Exceeding 60 Mph: 11.1 Free Flow Speed: 60.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 14.8 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 14.9 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 14.9 % RVs EB (Avg): 3.7 % RVs WB (Avg): 3.7 % RVs Both (Avg): 3.7 GAP INFO % 5-105 (EB): 52.4 % 5-105 (WB): 53.3 % 5-105 (Both): 52.9 % 10-155 (EB): 19.6 % 10-155 (WB): 19.9 % 10-155 (Both): 19.8 % 15-205 (BE): 9.7 % 1 5-205 (WB): 9.3 % 15-205 (Both): 9.5 % 20+ 5 (EB): 18.3 % 20+ 5 (WB): 17.5 % 20+ 5 (Both): 17.B . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (7/26/06 - 8/3/06) LOCATION: CR 48 E/O Tuckers Lane (Pole 70) VOLUMES ADT (EB): 7,319 ADT (WB): 6,950 ADT (Both Directions): 14,269 Highest Volume Day: Saturday Peak Hour PM: 12:00 Peak Hour AM: 10:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 1,247 Highest Total Volume AM (vph) 1,136 Highest 8 Hr Volume (EB): 5,219 Highest 8 Hr Volume (W8): 4,681 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Sunday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Saturday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 50 MPH 85th Percentile (EB): 39.7 85th Percentile (WB): 40.9 Highest 85th (EB): 40.2 Highest 85th (WB): 41.4 Lowest 85th (EB): 39.3 Lowest 85th (WB): 40.5 85th Percentile (Avg): 40.3 Average Speed: 35.5 % Exceeding 60 Mph (Avg): 0.1 Highest % Exceeding 60 Mph: 0.2 Free Flow Speed: 60.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 5.4 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 6.6 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 6.0 % RVs EB (Avg): 1.4 % RVs WB (Avg): 1.7 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.5 GAP INFO % 5-1 Os (EB): 54.1 % 5-lOs (WB): 57.2 % 5-1 Os (Both): 55.8 % 10-15s (EB): 21.0 % 10-15s (WB): 20.8 % 1 0-15s (Both): 20.9 % 15-20s (BE): 8.7 % 15-20s (WB): 8.6 % 15-20s (Both): 8.6 % 20+ s (EB): 16.2 % 20+ s (WB): 13.4 % 20+ s (Both): 14.7 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of South old Corridor Study (7/26/06 - 8/3/06) * one day of data LOCATION: CR 48 (Pole 262) E/O Town Line VOLUMES ADT (EB): 7,504 ADT (WB): 7,389 ADT (80th Directions): 14,893 Highest Volume Day: N/A Peak Hour PM: 4:00 Peak Hour AM: 8:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 1,190 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 958 Highest 8 Hr Volume (EB): 4,156 Highest 8 Hr Voiume (WB): 4,118 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): N/A Highest 8 Hr Voiume Day (W8): N/A SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 45 MPH 85th Percentile (EB): 52.9 85th Percentile (W8): 55.6 Highest 85th (EB): N/A Highest 85th (W8): N/A Lowest 85th (EB): N/A Lowest 85th (WB): N/A 85th Percentile (Avg): 54.3 Average Speed: 48.5 % Exceeding 55 Mph (Avg): 12.7 Highest % Exceeding 55 Mph: 17.7 Free Flow Speed: 60.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & 8usses EB (Avg): 10.5 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 14.0 % Trucks & 8u5ses Both (Avg): 12.3 % RVs EB (Avg): 2.6 % RV5 WB (Avg): 3.5 % RVs Both (Avg): 3.1 GAP INFO % 5-105 (EB): 53.2 % 5- 105 (WB): 52.6 % 5-105 (Both): 52.8 % 10-155 (EB): 18.6 % 10-155 (WB): 20.9 % 1 0-15s (Both): 19.9 % 1 5-205 (BE): 9.9 % 15-205 (WB): 9.8 % 1 S-20s (Both): 9.5 % 20+ 5 (EB): 18.3 % 20+ 5 (WB): 16.7 % 20+ s (Both): 17.8 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (7/27/06 - 8/3/06) LOCATION: SR 25 EtO Tuckers Lane VOLUMES ADT (EB): 5,753 ADT (WB): 5,9B5 ADT (Both Directions): 11,73B Highest Volume Day: Saturday Peak Hour PM: 4:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph): 964 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 1,082 Highest 8 Hr Volume (EB): 3,564 Highest 8 Hr Volume (WB): 4,123 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Saturday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Saturday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 30 MPH 85th Percentile (EB): 40.0 85th Percentile (WB): 37.6 Highest 85th (EB): 40.6 Highest 85th (WB): 37.9 Lowest 85th (EB): 39.9 Lowest 85th (WB): 37.2 85th Percentile (Avg): 38.8 Average Speed: 34.8 % Exceeding 40 Mph (Avg): 9.5 Highest % Exceeding 40 Mph: 17.0 Free Flow Speed: 50.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 6.1 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 6.4 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 6.3 % RVs EB (Avg): 1.5 % RVs WB (Avg): 1.6 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.6 GAP INFO % 5-1 Os (EB): 53.7 % 5-10s (WB): 53.1 % 5-10s (Both): 53.4 % 10-15s (EB): 19.9 % 10-15s (WB): 20.7 % 10-1 5s (Both): 20.3 % 15-20s (BE): 9.5 % 1 5-20s (WB): 9.4 % 15-20s (Both): 9.4 % 20+ s (EB): 16.9 % 20+ s (WB): 16.8 % 20+ s (Both): 16.9 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of South old Corridor Study (7/26/06 - 8/3/06) LOCATION: SR 25 (Pole 5) S/O CR 48 VOLUMES ADT (NB): 4,475 ADT (5B): 4,526 ADT (Both Directions): 9,001 Highest Volume Day: Saturday Peak Hour PM: 12:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 851 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 818 Highest 8 Hr Volume (NB): 3,173 Highest 8 Hr Volume (SB): 3,102 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (NB): Saturday Highest 8 Hr Voiume Day (SB): Sunday SPEED - POSTED UMIT ? 85th Percentile (NB): 37.3 85th Percentile (SB): 38.3 Highest 85th (NB): 37.9 Highest 85th (SB): 39.9 Lowest 85th (NB): 37.2 Lowest 85th (SB): 37.2 85th Percentile (Avg): 37.8 Average Speed: 32.8 % Exceeding 40 Mph (Avg): 6.5 Highest % Exceeding 40 Mph: 12.1 Free Flow Speed: 50.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses NB (Avg): 7.4 % Trucks & Busses SB (Avg): 4.4 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 5.9 % RVs NB (Avg): 1.8 % RVs SB (Avg): 1.1 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.5 GAP INFO % 5-105 (NB): 49.8 % 5-105 (5B): 48.1 % 5-105 (Both): 48.9 % 10-155 (NB): 21.5 % 10-155 (SB): 21.2 % 10-155 (Both): 21.3 % 15-205 (NE): 10.8 % 15-205 (SB): 10.6 % 15-205 (Both): 10.7 % 20+ 5 (NB): 17.9 % 20+ 5 (SB): 20.1 % 20+ 5 (Both): 19.1 " . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (7/26/06 - 8/3/06) LOCATION: CR 48 W/O SR 25 VOLUMES ADT (EB): 5,749 ADT (WB): 5,621 ADT (Both Directions): 11,370 Highest Volume Day: Saturday Peak Hour PM: 12:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 1,014 Highest Total Volume AM (vph) 955 Highest 8 Hr Volume (EB): 4,292 Highest 8 Hr Volume (WB): 3,828 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Sunday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Saturday SPEED - POSTED UMIT 45 MPH 85th Percentile (EB): 46.8 85th Percentile (WB): 49.0 Highest 85th (EB): 47.5 Highest 8Sth (WB): 49.6 Lowest 85th (EB): 45.6 Lowest 85th (WB): 47.5 85th Percentile (Avg): 47.9 Average Speed: 42.2 % Exceeding 55 Mph (Avg): 1.8 Highest % Exceeding S5 Mph: 3.1 Free Flow Speed: 60.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 6.6 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 6.7 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 6.7 % RVs EB (Avg): 1.6 % RVs WB (Avg): 1.7 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.7 GAP INFO % 5-105 (EB): 52.4 % 5-105 (WB): 49.8 % 5-105 (Both): 51.3 % 10-155 (E8): 19.2 % 10-155 (WB): 21.1 % 10-155 (Both): 20.0 % 15-205 (BE): 11.2 % 15-205 (WB): 10.6 % 15-205 (Both): 10.9 % 20+ 5 (EB): 17.2 % 20+ 5 (WB): 18.5 % 20+ 5 (Both): 17.8 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (7/26/06 - 8/3/06) LOCATION: SR 25 (Pole 35) E/O Orient State Parkway VOLUMES ADT (EB): 2,101 ADT (WB): 2,092 ADT (Both Directions): 4,193 Highest Volume Day: Sunday Peak Hour PM: 5:00 Peak Hour AM: 11:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 513 Highest Total Volume AM (vph) 402 Highest 8 Hr Volume (EB): 1,940 Highest 8 Hr Volume (WB): 1.809 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Sunday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Sunday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 45 MPH 85th Percentile (EB): 37.8 85th Percentile (WB): 40.0 Highest 85th (EB): 40.6 Highest 85th (WB): 42.2 Lowest 85th (EB): 34.9 Lowest 85th (WB): 36.6 85th Percentile (Avg): 38.9 Average Speed: 32.3 % Exceeding 55 Mph (Avg): 0.1 Highest % Exceeding 55 Mph: 0.3 Free Flow Speed: 45.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 6.3 % Trucks & Busses WB (Avg): 8.0 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 7.1 % RVs EB (Avg): 1.6 % RVs WB (Avg): 2.0 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.8 GAP INFO % 5-1 Os (EB): 36.0 % 5-10s (WB): 23.8 % 5-1 Os (Both): 30.0 % 10-15s (EB): 17.8 % 1O-15s (WB): 13.8 % 1 0-15s (Both): 15.8 % 15-20s (BE): 9.8 % 15-20s (WB): 9.9 % 15-20s (Both): 9.9 % 20+ s (EB): 36.4 % 20+ s (WB): 52.5 % 20+ s (Both): 44.3 . . . Machine Count Summary Sheet Town of Southold Corridor Study PROJECT: Town of Southold Corridor Study (7/26/06 - 8/3/06) LOCATION: 760 Peconic Bay Boulevard E/O Town Line VOLUMES ADT (EB): 1,095 ADT (WB): BOB ADT (Both Directions): 1,903 Highest Volume Day: Saturday Peak Hour PM: 12:00 Peak Hour AM: 10:00 Highest Total Volume PM (vph) 221 Highest Total Volume AM (vph): 232 Highest 8 Hr Volume (EB): 896 Highest 8 Hr Volume (W8): 662 Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (EB): Saturday Highest 8 Hr Volume Day (WB): Saturday SPEED - POSTED LIMIT 30 MPH 85th Percentile (EB): 41.4 85th Percentile (WB): 42.9 Highest 85th (EB): 43.0 Highest 85th (WB): 44.7 Lowest 85th (EB): 38.5 Lowest 85th (W8): 39.9 85th Percentile (Avg): 42.2 Average Speed: 36.9 % Exceeding 40 Mph (Avg): 26.4 Highest % Exceeding 40 Mph: 36.6 % Exceeding 45 Mph (Avg): 7.2 Highest % Exceeding 45 Mph: 12.4 Free Flow Speed: 45.0 CLASSIFICATION % Trucks & Busses EB (Avg): 4.4 % Trucks & 8usses WB (Avg): 4.9 % Trucks & Busses Both (Avg): 4.7 % RVs E8 (Avg): 1.1 % RVs WB (Avg): 1.2 % RVs Both (Avg): 1.2 GAP INFO % 5-1 Os (EB): 15.9 % 5-1 Os (WB): 14.7 % 5-lOs (Both): 15.4 % 1 0-15s (EB): 12.3 % 10-15s (WB): 12.4 % 1 0-15s (Both): 12.3 % 15-20s (BE): 11.1 % 15-20s (WB): 10.1 % 15-20s (Both): 10.6 % 20+ s (EB): 60.7 % 20+ s (WB): 62.8 % 20+ s (Both): 61.7 B Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southold Site: Date: 6034 6/30/2006 Friday . . . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channeljpg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin EB WB Combined 12:00 AM 40 93 133 ~OffJ.M~~9"'~ 2:00 AM 17 25 42 la'tOOJ 4:00 AM 47 29 76 ~P1i>.~~~st~26a: 6:00 AM 276 303 579 i!7.Z00~M~a7;:3~9]1~8(l'l 8:00 AM 431 483 914 J9roOTA'M~'l9~{~3~ 10:00 AM 437 469 906 :m'O.fM .. 63'2 9' 9 12:00 PM 482. 595 · 1077 56 ~O&. 592 . 1066 9 ,~ 4:00 PM 598 . 636 . 1234 ErOb~RM~d~617~~22~ 6:00 PM 486 . 518 1004 BO~~!j~5~i~ll.Q:~ 8:00 PM 311 446 757 I\I9!'OOlRii\~.'I<~Q~2~ 10:00 PM 212 385 597 I1r1[OO!E~1'28~~:a~ Totals 7756 9207 16963 45.7 % 54.3 % Peak Hours AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Volume 479 526 989 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM Volume 600 636 1234 Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southold Site: Date: 6034 7{1{2006 Saturday . . . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channe!/pg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin EB WB Combined 12:00 AM 72 136 208 E@JA~3~9~~ 2:00 AM 16 38 54 ~~2'4~44~ 4:00 AM 34 66 100 15'l"OOrA~i:~~2~22,:J1 6:00 AM 134 283 417 fi75001AM~24~~27:_1lflllill!lIiil!~Ii!!fIli\_:S7;~ 8:00 AM 301 468 769 ;~:no' '4~:Q 521>, ; . . 95 . 10:00 AM 476 . 597 . 1073 1'lYOO. _ 11 1 -, 639 '1'20 12:00 PM 446 638 . 1084 ,"1" 0,. ,69 ''26 2:00 PM 674 . 1182 561 ' 4:00 PM 578 . 603 . 1181 ~:m..QIPM~.2..3lt~~i'Qil] 6:00 PM 558 . 458 1016 IIYIOO1B~3'lt1~8~.8S 8:00 PM 398 371 769 .~1'001RM~:il5~l~QS2 10:00 PM 391 264 655 I1N1rdorB~39~~~ Totals 7943 9064 17007 46.7 % 53.3 % Peak Hours AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Volume 481 639 1120 PM 5:00 PM 1: 00 PM 1: 00 PM Volume 593 694 1206 Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of South old Site: Date: 6034 7/2/2006 Sunday . . . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channel/pg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin EB WB Combined 12:00 AM 126 138 264 litWO]r8~~~.3~;aA 2:00 AM 30 51 81 iiml.QIAM~~~iBlfll!I..1II1ii!1l1115~ 4:00 AM 24 33 57 ms:(ro'fA;~~65~ai 6:00 AM 87 148 235 IIzl'0J:!:f8~~221~3]S 8:00 AM 223 321 544 .9100IA~65~~5'l 10:00 AM 412 546 . 958 1, tOO,A.. . . li82 586 . nEi8 12:00 PM 487 687 . 1174 hom . 9~ le '21Q 2:00 PM 497 · 655 ' 1152 '3..:(jQ,eM 4 '15 4:00 PM 641. 485 . 1126 ';5-0 .1'. 5n" .. 3 28 6:00 PM 614 . 402 1016 lW-l'd~50b~lIS~[SjJ 8:00 PM 579 ' 317 896 e>-:g1P'~554~~~~ 10:00 PM 321 202 523 ~oml1r:1!~16ii~1[Q~~ Totals 8024 7804 15828 50.7 % 49.3 % Peak Hours AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Volume 482 586 1068 PM 4:00 PM 1: 00 PM 1: 00 PM Volume 641 717 1210 Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southold Site: Date: 6034 7/3/2006 Monday . . . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channel!pg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin EB WB Combined 12:00 AM 62 76 138 I1&Ol:l1A~~~6~ 2:00 AM 18 52 70 ~p~i~~:tl~~ 4:00 AM 43 21 64 ~2TIro1'A:~2~~Z~2] 6:00 AM 192 234 426 ~7,ro..o~3T7~lS9~67:1i 8:00 AM 388 458 846 ~:o1Ai'i:l~~~-~~ 10:00 AM 578 . 541 . 1119 {HOO. . 51,5 . 560' e 12:00 PM 509 571 . 1080 '.1i~OO":l 5 T' 569 2:~lO PM 558 · 646 · B:OOipM fiJ.6 ' 56 4:00 PM 633 . 572 · 1205 EPllJRf:l~j9~583~~ 6:00 PM 528 . 454 982 R.oOIPM~i~.~O~ 8:00 PM 358 365 723 Rt9Ioor~r;1~6~355~72-"Z 10:00 PM 289 225 514 iLd1[O:OlB'M~230~B8~b'a Totals 8441 8292 16733 50.4 % 49.6 % Peak Hours AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Volume 578 560 1135 PM 5:00 PM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM Volume 639 646 1222 Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southold Site: Date: 6034 7(4(2006 Tuesday . . . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channel!pg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin EB WB Combined 12:00 AM 103 75 178 I1T6llyttiil~49~~~05 2:00 AM 27 32 59 ~'fd'OJAM~20~1~'8 4:00 AM 20 38 58 !i5tdO~~~43~6'S~g 6:00 AM 102 126 228 ~OlAl'i\ljl~Dliill.!lllil..iif6'7~15~ 8:00 AM 215 267 482 :9:00.fA ; 703421' 10:00 AM 382 425 . 807 15k.00fA 39l, 465 . 6" 12:00 PM 515 . 503 · 1018 ,!i0 . 5;30 '.. <4760 2:00 PM 519 · 401 · 920 .. {3'0 11'1.. 536 1\.27 96 4:00 PM 538 · 300 838 '5: 01 :s..0 336 6:00 PM 525 . 285 810 ~7JrO,()feM~408~220~Q2g 8:00 PM 387 186 573 ~Q1lllil~329'~1f2~~1J 10:00 PM 195 250 445 (i;ijJrOOm~~11f8~3S Totals 6889 5795 12684 54.3 % 45.7 % Peak Hours AM 11:00 AM 11 :00 AM 11 :00 AM Volume 397 465 862 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM Volume 538 503 1018 Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of South old SIte: Date: 6034 7/5/2006 Wednesday . . . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channel/pg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin EB WB Combined 12:00 AM 47 54 101 iil,;1QQ~l.llil~~ 2:00 AM 13 10 23 ~tQ..~25~5~~'d. 4:00 AM 67 35 102 !il"S1Q!i~02~~ 6:00 AM 303 277 580 ~00fAt;t~3.3..L~2~0~8f'1J 8:00 AM 489 448 . 937 ,.9'00,;11. 555 .: .3!fl 10:00 AM 569 . 403 L~OO;AM 562 56 12:00 PM 552 . 507 · Fo ' ~9. ' 2 2:00 PM 519 508 · 3.00" . 579 ' 594. . 4:00 PM 549 · 580 . -5:.0, '535' , 609 6:00 PM 439 502 · 941 1i17},'0-:-01RMj.!lI\iillilfll&.l\Bl_llilllli!llli!l&'287~40i~68<'l 8:00 PM 224 305 529 .9iOOJIllii~37~274~lUl 10:00 PM 144 184 328 &'!i!dO]eM~ilp~21~:2m Totals 7938 7673 15611 50.8 % 49.2 % Peak Hours AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Volume 569 456 1018 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 3: 00 PM Volume 579 609 1173 . . Pole 257 5R 25 EO Town Line Town of $outho Site: Date: 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: WB mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - S5 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 93 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 12 28 30 11 5 4 rJ1il!l1fftio1:1\l'1~~m;li!jrji:4~"'9~~b~ii~O_i"~~'"'""O~O_!IlliO~~8~7~~JillI!IlliIf~JIiilIll!llillc:Jj 2:00 AM 25 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 9 5 3 2 1 iJl!i3})iOi.l\t1__27TI='''J!;;ti~'!1l'\Wb~ollill1llll\mo~o'~3_.'''''''''''2-''''~~-!a"'~4~ 4:00 AM 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 12 3 4 1 ~5.r09;;;;M~ri'j!~l~'''}J1l1~b~O~i~1-~'!;llIIIilIIiIlIll'~1~'t1D!Il1ll[j3'lll!llillll2;7ill.i.ii'llI.'!lIII!lIlli'S 6:00 AM 303 5 0 0 1 3 4 5 13 113 103 46 7 3 E7J:QONr:,1~49:4;"""'.~I,m"?!illlr?-~~~-9~?-'jB!ll1l!flo:Jlil'llll:(a~Q:~i-21i\l!.m111[~ 8:00 AM 483 6 2 0 4 7 14 42 94 180 104 26 3 1 _~JPJ~iAfu~4~'j~~~O~jr'=:J!J!'.m_1-Mli"--"'""'f~~1BI!!I:49'.IIII'r{Q~S:7~~~.t.....,"''''..fi~~mi!~ 10:0QAM 469 9 0 2 1 3 18 56174132 52 20 1 1 Er.~;rd9rA"M__~46~.4~3~~~M.?J;;t!~JI'~l"~=~ ~;5~~9~'~~~:(.~'~_$'9':=<"J_7.- .-,1'"......" -'14 12:00 PM 595 15 0 4 2 4 31 103 216 160 38 17 4 1 "i;'ri!O~~._5:6:tJJll!l!il~Iol!ilJ~~;&i~i~_~~~~:o-'~~lIliIlliIao~o_o-fl 2:00 PM 592 1l 1 2 5 5 22 82 190 191 63 17 2 0 mt3;:6oiP:r~_59.iB:&llo~lliJ[5~i~"\W"""'''''1!!lIliI~1i1111'i1l6:!lIIIIlIII[~p~b''-~~~~''-cj 4:00 PM 636 17 3 8 3 5 27 117 218 173 58 5 1 1 illiIlI,loo1[~621B&j:"5111!!l~41!IDfi~$~?-ti-17.1l1l11l11lal.ll.l6:~io~1Il1I.'lI!l!i1fqllllll1ll!!;l'4__1- 6:00 PM 518 7 4 3 2 6 6 44 114 176 134 20 2 0 _goOIeM~5t3."'lJ"lQ~j;i7~O~O~u_:i~4Jil1l11l1!l"f.ij:!l'.illmli:llllll1li1l!i:%8l1l11i113:6-j_O: 8:00 PM 446 3 3 1 1 0 8 39 119 137 102 24 6 3 _9Io.p:@~11mim4J',O~~~5~1IIB~~.jj~~:r,,,,...,g~~~~M~~El~3.~~~~9~1~q 10:00 PM 385 5 0 1 0 0 6 40 121 151 51 8 2 0 !fjlffi':OO'PM~24a~~~41?~01l&1!!lll1'l!i'1lml!lllllib~~~6~a~ll!cS411l!m"i'i'j~4a~'3_llllirj~d Total 9207 166 29 44 36 68 261 1018 2612 2989 1506 372 77 29 % 1.8 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.7 2.8 11.1 28.4 32.5 16.4 4.0 0.8 0.3 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 90 % (mph) 42.3 44.2 50.5 56.1 57.6 10 mph Pace Speed 46.2 - 56.2 Average 49.6 mph Number in pace 5814 (63.1 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 99.7 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 mDh 45 mDh 50 mDh ~ 60 mDh 65 mDh 93.4 % 82.4 % 54.0 % 21.5 % 5.2% 1.2 % Count 8603 7585 4973 1984 478 106 . 6034 6/30/2006 Friday . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: WB mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 2S - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 136 0 0 1 0 0 3 7 18 48 35 19 4 1 ~Io~oIAf1~:i?tf94~O~rMbf.:"*~f,t~O~Q~O'~'<Of~~~<01~'?':~W#~4~~~~6Jillf.~:zJ!iiliit~~~~ 2:00 AM 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 14 10 2 0 I~J~~;'j:fClI~B,W~~i441f1N~JO~FR~o~"'~'~:Q.~~~ifmCi~~~10~""~~d:-'~'-~"~~f~~~4:__:tt3~6~~~;$1l$'p~2: 4:00 AM 66 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 11 9 22 7 5 4 R5IoJ)~tif~~(2~lfi~t!Q~~o~~cm~'Q~Q~"ti>~'~oI:!l~r--~'lE,Ziii.i2i.~))J4.llm4i__5~~i"l-~-~t7 B;3: 6:00 AM 283 1 0 1 0 0 5 2 44 101 90 29 6 4 ~7,IO'o1A~_~32)~fllW"'3~t"lII!fb'~f_''''~3.m!.,-'''!l!1'l'''''''''~~~3:m1ll1ll';i:':{b"~R~'i~_'i-1 8:00 AM 468 4 1 1 1 1 12 41 106 179 98 23 1 0 ~l'Qol'Aliillllljji)11[s2~"",,...~",,jj~jj;'I_])!l:l.__r.~,",,,,,....,.~IlIl!IIlil[~}j-'2~~~~R-.--jJ 10:00 AM 597 9 5 2 1 8 22 91 222 161 66 9 1 0 ~:i[(j~~11!WJr~~~ij~iiUt-"1~}c~~"~"~'~-'~'4~~~t{8l111!td~~.a_~~'9~~'OSmI'-''''''''~4,II:mammQ~ l~Q 12:00 PM 638 4 2 3 5 9 44 137 222 162 42 7 0 1 _J;,:b:QrpE1~6g:"~7~~._b~l!ll11!_'I1--4:j.!liliJ!l.llll'lI'Ii2~~~b~3~_'W. -~jJ 2:00 PM 674 19 3 3 5 16 42 140 247 145 39 14 1 0 _:J;:obJ~r;,~S~ij~2Mlim'J.m2~~~3"__.""~4~:O'1l!llllllll!11~~~--~--....b*--q 4:00 PM 603 6 2 3 1 7 34 158 229 115 43 5 0 0 __SYO'b!ef1~4_9J~~~_b~1~~""",=",-~~11(rmmi&;f6~~O"'i.j:j'.:5 f4:~r::?'_IJ~tI.,. .-~~ m.t.~ 6:00 PM 458 7 1 1 4 3 8 37 95 184 90 24 4 0 gl:::QP1:efi~b8~6"'''''4'~tO_lli~P'''''''!I",-"...JlI91l!~JlIlllIllI[{~j.llll!llll:~~llllliI!lI8Q1I!I!iIII!!!rii~- Ilf'~- .'11 8:00 PM 371 4 2 0 0 1 8 26 88 141 75 24 2 0 _9Iob'l'~11~1)iIllI'-3~"-~_; - we!) ,~ '(6JlIIIIII!IaciJllillllmi~ .~j:jJllllll!ill'A_,,-_'-~ 10:00 PM 264 4 1 0 2 2 5 29 74 90 41 12 2 2 mrrl.'IToo;rpfV1~r94~tj'!r.6T:7q;~bi4'K';'~fW{O~W~fif.O~~~O'~~2, . jJrml~29~89-.-r47~~;f~~'d Total 9064 120 27 31 43 92 375 1323 2684 2689 1293 304 57 26 % 1.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.0 4.1 14.6 29.6 29.7 14.3 3.4 0.6 0.3 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 9.Q....?!Q (mph) 41.4 43.1 49.6 55.6 57.3 10 mph Pace Speed 44.5 - 54.5 Average 49.0 mph Number in pace 5492 (60.6 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 93.9 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh 45 moh 50 moh 55 mDh 60 moh 65 moh 92.4 % 77.8 % 48.2% 18.5 % 4.3 % 0.9 % Count 8376 7053 4369 1680 387 83 . 6034 7/1/2006 Saturday . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: WB mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 ~ 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < SO < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 138 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 20 49 28 31 2 0 rI1i'.!i:iIodJAM_'ill;,ji'5Q~~0JliliJll;;~O~O~Q-.a~"""""'4illn1"""""6~ib~7!l!1!'1!!ll!!11i'."""......-~ 2:00 AM 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 9 19 13 3 1 ~j})lO~ff~jiffjfl'f...&l!lbllll!r~O~0~0-O-il~P'-1.......""~~~8"......_A...""""llIl! 4:00 AM 33 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 5 10 7 3 4 _sr.opr~~h.-F'J"i'~~Z6:.5'lf~b~gO~-&,~..>;>,:r("i:d~O"""""""~~€Ot=>l2r==1~~Or~~f>>J'~6~~:j~r6~j.~~"I~1!r~ 6:00 AM 148 0 0 0 0 1 5 6 8 29 46 35 15 3 E7~~Q0X5t1~22}~-':i>;;!"1~~1~6~'lJ~.r:mr~o"'--=->t!~d.~:9".~.~-I:.~_~it8.~~~~~~1~_....J!'~~ 8:00 AM 321 0 0 0 0 3 22 29 62 89 75 34 5 2 mi9rQo)'l;t~11ID~~ir{$~'O"'~,=".~5.~i'r1Mm'.-..-..~2'-.M<<~."......,()nt~'4.-' _.p~41f_t';3~~~~P~\? -_1M -..d11 10:00 AM 546 11 2 2 2 2 28 105 168 155 58 13 0 0 m:t').tQ~lA.~5l{6~~~~tl~mO_ _~,~~u~~_.~,~~}~~:9.JI.rDll~1.9J11i1111:i:~~l'(2li "'J.j~ Al10 ---"" 12:00 PM 687 13 4 1 4 10 46 184 240 134 43 6 1 1 ~IQ(ji~~~17~~7~~,.m'j"......~~~4~~~1~5~4,. "",tl t'7..Q~:sJj~.~,i~..........'? MPt~~ 2:00 PM 655 8 5 1 1 10 52 136 246 155 29 11 1 0 ~1j.yO))![~6j'i~~3:\f;m~,~.H~2~~~6~~~j~~9).DIIIIIf.'~jIfllll!2:9'm1lle~im5m1,- k'l~'_. MIli:<;l 4:00 PM 485 8 6 2 2 5 11 63 146 167 63 10 0 2 ~s;:obIi!M~"j1~~\'!11;H;llm&~~?--,j , -ll'~'IlIlII!:i]lIIlfiB-!>~:IllIlBlllm:$JBIi):1i7Jllllilll"$~1Ili1i.ljri Q 6:00 PM 402 12 4 1 3 2 14 52 101 138 57 15 2 1 g1"TQ!i:~Ei~jlf5~~~"i-O_;>_...-<j1l!llillllrBD_7.Jllli1lifllll!jll!llllliil6QlliD'.1:'---'._- ....-.ij 8:00 PM 317 4 4 0 0 5 9 39 96 101 43 12 4 0 B9Itf()I~F.1D!12~9,~;~~i1!4~o~i.,~(j~dB1~6~"~~9Ji11111&1~.8'M_,~11 --~-~~.'.-'1 10:00 PM 202 1 0 1 1 0 5 16 33 65 64 14 0 2 IW,ilr:OO'PM~~ffo~fjmll'I"~0~b~bjl't<_~111l"0~3~9__j6~j~m__"9~ Total 7804 115 34 22 24 80 359 1233 2333 2133 997 353 80 41 % 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 1.0 4.6 15.8 29.9 27.3 12.8 4.5 1.0 0.5 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % SO % 85 % ~ (mph) 40.9 42.8 49.4 55.9 57.6 10 mph Pace Speed 44.5 - 54.5 Average 48.9 mph Number in pace 4575 (58.6 %) Minimum 5.1 mph Maximum 92.3 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 mDh 45 mDh 5Q.mQh 55 mDh 60 mDh 65 mDh 91.9 % 76.1 % 46.2 % 18.8 % 6.1 % 1.6 % Count 7170 5937 3604 1471 474 121 . 6034 7/2/2006 Sunday . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7/3/2006 Monday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: WB mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 25 M 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 w 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 20a 12:00 AM 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 16 31 15 4 0 mtTi:(dIAf1~.5~b~~d~o~ti~mr6'~~~~ma~~~....., .....,."~~..,,....._~mmF~d~1'~~;i~~~Q 2:00 AM 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 13 14 7 8 2 m:3:rO"Q!A~~:rf~;""?>lCTO~O~O~o~tf=""=btif&[i~~1'''''''~-=f_'~'~' 1~4~--.e6"'-"''''-<1,.. ~![~11 4:00 AM 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 9 3 2 1 _5.f()QTAr~n'i!K~11#91:JPJP~.ij~o~b~~\O'''''~'''''-''''~->21j'''''' ~ .~~._~..... ~7~~_f1~'~~~\ 6:00 AM 234 2 0 0 0 0 1 13 49 65 64 31 5 4 _7I6,61A_~BII35.9!mtit~'a~lmW3'~1,~""~"7~4~pW"..(b,""",,~-7'~~~~~- -'-~.-....,.._"o: 8:00 AM 458 3 1 2 1 6 14 39 100 180 85 21 5 1 !il[9rd.o:r~iil~?;e''''''''''''''~!\l:~'I!il1!4",--j-'r''''''''''- "-"'_~~%~4Jliiil1lmit>._,- 6" ~ 10:00 AM 541 4 2 1 1 5 33 123 171 138 51 8 1 3 IIttJ[O,01K~~6~01~9~.;;a,i1~i}:;m~~~,3l'm',~,u~""$"""""""'r~6~48Bi111:8~~ gri~~9.~4~t2 m6M!M~,i~~ 12:00 PM 571 10 4 6 6 4 47 93 199 152 42 6 0 2 lIil!I~o"oret1~6lJ~$_&~~:!~~i1""""""'.1~2llBi1illl1[q~tl/Jllllllll(~~JIlE:4' III"',",,"'''' m'..",,_.~ 2:00 PM 646 12 6 1 2 7 57 119 222 167 41 10 1 1 _3,~i:iq1~J1~5~":(3_Jl'!Wf'~l'ID1~)Mt!i~~ :'1fllr.1sill.~Jj~_:(ib~,.Jj~9. lL mr...O-...."".H!iW;J1 4:00 PM 572 13 3 3 2 5 22 71 172 162 102 14 2 1 _SYcl9!p.~~a3__~4-m..~:~22U5;~'~bzsl1c~!;-~"=<#'.or~.,,,vj'&iiISI1~~_Q$IIIIIS:~~<)..... [1.1 ..-:,~ 6:00 PM 454 10 1 4 0 1 13 44 127 186 55 8 5 0 mZT9!l]j.f1~6:Cjl!l;_e1~mlm!.2_"""0_'_""'2~""'-3l1i11l1lif~~8.G:llIIiIiIIiii~~'lI'!iIlIiIa:~~3 '-,_!!IUil 8:00 PM 365 2 0 0 0 1 10 38 124 113 55 19 3 0 ~r.dPJ!~:t5'5~1l1@ll3~"-Jffl";;''''()~' _J~(t.fif!?!mv~--':53111ft~mDm!!iBfq'~4~~_U ,;A.............2: 10:00 PM 225 3 0 0 1 1 9 14 64 73 39 18 2 1 1111:rf:ddlpM~i3il~2~~d!l\i!,"~","dJ!i!!.l!\l_d~i_",~_J. ...;,~_'';6~8"'!lllmliWAilJlIlI!.!11...._...__."._.Z Total 8292 124 38 29 32 69 362 1033 2482 2525 1151 337 78 32 % 1.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.8 4.4 12.5 29.9 30.5 13.9 4.1 0.9 0.4 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 90% (mph) 41.4 43.5 49.9 55.9 57.6 10 mph Pace Speed 45.0 . 55.0 Average 49.2 mph Number in pace 5116 (61.7 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 95.5 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh 45 moh 50 moh 55 mDh 60 mDh 6.5...mJlb. 92.1 % 79.7 % 49.7% 19.3 % 5.4 % 1.3 % Count 7638 6605 4123 1598 447 110 . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7/4/2006 Tuesday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: WB mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 3S < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 75 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 26 22 15 3 2 mfIPp~~~~'s~t_O~'~"\Jiti{~0"~rfilW2,?~o~b~t1~'b~1JiM""""",,:<;';5~:9~~:2___~~t~~~4~'a 2:00 AM 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 14 6 6 2 0 W211P"lir~l;j~28~lt\Jll1lZIi'\;"ftlilrli~()~Ii~m;rd~~,w'-'~'-4~1i-';~4""""-1-{~ 4:00 AM 38 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 11 9 5 3 5 1i\1ill',5;.()Iii'Ai'1llfJ.fft6Si1Dl~Ii~Ii~Ii~1)_~i~~"""'<"''''>~f~iml!'!mll~'{2~,t;7~-' ~~-6. 6:00 AM 12.6 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 18 22 48 24 5 4 _7~Jtb~MBmi~'3~iJ~d~'()-~~~~~o~1Y2t.t~l~4~~'ij"~J,~4,~11111[45~2~- !_&!iS~~~-~ 8:00 AM 267 2 1 1 0 3 9 29 49 78 67 22 2 4 m9TIi:Ql'[~~ill~12~4~r!J!ll\~'''.iWili~O~(rmi!.!~~~B~JllIlIlDr6.~-.._j5>l"-_._~ 10:00 AM 425 3 1 3 1 2 19 54126141 60 13 2 0 ~ilI;i'i[(fOlAfot~41>5!11H"""'~ii!l'J!!\1l;;ii::~JJ~Ii~j""",",,",'5~4!l_7~t$~2).~'1'-. -/ll'4~"-~ 12:00 PM 503 7 1 2 1 8 34 134 153 111 43 6 2 1 ~~lijJ~~~:~"IM;0~4.'t6~l6~i"~.lW1iO_~"""~"'" ~3'~1~Q~~~SBIIl5~~~'9~~'~.m-~ g'l.Q'mmJ_Eli!l~-~"~-~d. 2:00 PM 401 10 1 1 5 4 7 35 142 128 53 12 2 1 m.~,;:QQrR~~"~\4i7'-;;6lm~0~~:ag~~/_iijBlll6.~~JlIIIj;'Z"~:t -i' ij, 4:00 PM 300 6 0 1 0 2 10 33 76 92 55 19 5 1 tlJ[5;Qo!p':~33~~IjW~b'~j'-~?~~~i'31'i<lJ{L ,t.;no=~'io; 1~?~t~IBI1I7~'" ~a,:i:(). "".....,4; -...f:t:i 6:00 PM 285 5 1 1 1 1 9 17 44 101 72 28 3 2 ~!l'tf.di:jn~M~22P~~~~01~f~i:~lf..~;3~==>-~'b~-.:i!~.II.'{9'"5,)- lfs:j,.-".........,~F.~...~~~----':fl 8:00 PM 186 2 0 0 0 2 3 9 44 65 51 9 1 0 B~JJ~Qlp.:r~1~ii'i~1~~O~~6~:iJOO~1\l},=~~~~,~2""'..... ~liIiIiIIiIaZ~JIIIIiI8.5.IIIEp'P -~-~- -!,_._~~ 10:00 PM 250 0 0 1 1 1 6 17 38 96 63 24 1 2 mf'r:60';pi\1f;~o;;:6'f.;~f18:lI'fil#i.~->fi-',~b~1~~.~:m!fo~~4d.- -.':"-~2..~. ',0 ' ",0'3,_",< 2 ,43 2.9 ,22~ .6 "I Total 5795 70 7 13 18 51 191 656 1447 1771 1079 382 68 42 % 1.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9 3.3 11.3 25,0 30.6 18.6 6,6 1.2 0.7 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 90% (mph) 42.2 44.2 51.2 57.6 59.1 10 mph Pace Speed 46.2 - 56.2 Average 50.6 mph Number in pace 3350 (57.8 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 89.4 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh 45 moh 50 moh 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 94.0 % 82.6 % 57.7 % 27.1 % 8.5 % 1.9 % Count 5445 4789 3342 1571 492 110 . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7/5/2006 Wednesday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: WB mph 0 - 15 - 20 . 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - SO . 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < ZOO 12:00 AM 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 9 22 12 3 1 !Rr~01JIJ'(0i11",,""'''l!4bl'./l'illWJl:1,"b~_OM~W6~ll~q~q-_'~'4_~''-'-'-61li1111ll!fllli4_~-;~~ 2:00 AM 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 1 2 0 ~~:PPfA:~~i5~Q~&d~b>>.l\"Jm;;l1iO~()'~Q!;j,'llIm!!l\CIS'".dIIO!Iln~~3~4'1iItiI'Z~iii'll1pJ)sBIIIIP~~ 4:00 AM 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 12 9 1 5 .~Y69?AiCj~95~3~;jji\~Jr~D-ll-b''''''''-'-()'-'''''''3~~2j5~3:1ll1ll111jJi-i 6:00 AM 277 4 0 0 1 0 4 11 54 106 65 22 8 2 Di]'1JliIJ'(~42li~i'j~0""",~~1..~~;J!JIlI'!!J!T~'i.\1II1mrj~gIIlll1l1l1l.'pJDBI'ull.II.BJlIlillill111J1J~1J-~-~ 8:00 AM 448 9 2 2 2 3 8 31 91 193 75 27 5 0 ~IO:bll"r1_;i92~1_i~~_.l'!iI'-~\lli13""""""'''JfIiiflIal~.\~$1I!lI.iIlI!J:l'Zlllll[r'i3111!1l111rl!~~~-lUli-......O: 10:00 AM 403 7 1 4 7 10 32 75 155 89 21 2 0 0 mtTq:Ol~I1~4~'b_~2~""""...,i.~~$~QiIIlIl'llII..li.~1Il .S!_l2-;;'........."--,'.~ 12:00 PM 507 8 2 2 4 5 25 84 177 137 52 11 0 0 _ir1J:(j'fi[~4'fZ~"~&i~2~1i..."~.jlllllilllll;i'~~~~;l"~~'\?"""""4~4-Q--.m"..O: 2:00 PM 508 10 0 0 1 1 14 65 193 140 70 11 2 1 mjf6oIPJifllllm594~2~4~'~4'1.1!lp~;II\ll1l\r?_"'6~~~~~7111ll1(~~B_4"11il_IIIII!~ 4:00PM 580 13 8 3 4 2 13 52152 217 9~ 23 0 0 H5rd61f:M~609~16"l!lj!Im';:'!!7~~2~~,-~~IIl!IIlI[~~~6Q_d'g"61!1l1l1!l[1J~-~;__r,_ 6:00 PM 502 5 4 2 0 3 13 25 104 215 102 25 4 0 _1ro'orp.~~4p"2~:Zmi~Diki~Jtf~~Jm;~\".:4'~.!l$ifl'~.udii2'il'J.I'JIt'.t~rt ,f7~6'~JIIIB,;.'~i.9~~_2{U-1mMli'11 8:00 PM 305 0 0 1 ~ 1 4 21 53 118 76 15 10 3 m~IO:6l.~f1mliill27:1~0-;:;Ii!liOllilllliil""":(:<""'-1 -. ""-0_'ll~"""'?llIIilIII~)JiIIIIIIi!;Z7Ji1lll111'l[l!"~~'--"llIwr-'i 10:00 PM 184 .0 0 1 0 1 1 17 40 S3 53 13 3 2 ~i:y.:oo"7PM~i2'i;;'4r>,~'{ft~_6 ,;Mj~O~b: .:~t;l; ,\;..1,,,_' ~3, 3'0 :':;2' Total 7673 120 31 29 39 58 293 823 2006 2462 1331 378 78 2S % 1.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8 3.8 10.7 26.1 32.1 17.3 4.9 1.0 0.3 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 90 % (mph) 41.5 43.B 50.8 56.7 58.2 10 mph Pace Speed 46.2 - 56.2 Average 49.9 mph Number in pace 4649 (60.6 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 9B.0 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh 45 moh 50 moh 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 92.6 % 81.8 % 55.7 % 23.6 % 6.3 % 1.3 % Cou nt 7103 6280 4274 1812 4B1 103 . . . Pole 257 5R 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 6(30(2006 Friday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: EB mph 0 - 15 . 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 ~ 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 40 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 9 7 8 9 2 2 _rToJ)1A~~i9~bf~!f:;~O~Q~q~4~*'-O~~"-~~J!!;3, 4'-""",,!M!S6~. ~7'~'leam::l;m;~~f"~~ J.:lti 2:00 AM 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 8 4 0 0 i'ii~IQg!At:t~f8~~Qi~_P~~Q,~O~P."""~~~L~,. .~~,,~.~. '~dM"~ - m~~~_~~~9 - lEiOOiO_~Q 4:00 AM 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 10 14 3 8 g5I(l:'b~M.~s'.2~~&~O::m~iiU;~im,t:i~O~~;Q51i~-.:1t;'ffi';""-=~"1._'~~.,.....7' ~~.~i~-.o T.""-i~~",-""=",~j,.,...",,,,,,,...-..~ 6:00 AM 276 4 1 0 0 0 4 11 28 85 82 48 B 5 ImI:ilQb!~J1~~Z3~7~c-!;z';"$!~1';~f"~"'~2'1"raJM:Uill'~I!;~'~~-'~=~41111113~O~3"!'" 18'1;&'tf_f{~iWIB"~;~Q 8:00 AM 431 5 0 1 6 10 14 42 112 155 60 18 5 3 .,91C[Q!Al1~4z9~O~"'5.~.~:4"'" 'i,.~rj~j~~~~mEr~ic1t ~7 -Elu---=-rl'. ~.-Q 10:00 AM 437 10 2 4 4 15 42 74 144 102 35 5 0 0 lil1\\iJ,j[0:orKIl~463~i3'1Wl;~16i'4~i'i_a~9~.a1llil1llll!O~'37.111!1ll1'!19~'7""""'" 3-""'''21 12:00 PM 482 15 1 5 1 12 30 71 170 124 41 9 2 1 BP:Y01J!e-~~~i}i~~9~U1M'i.-~"t;r,>:,~~1~~~4_E!}f~i~o'Jll!l;(~1'ii .~~- ,-...,,4__ oii,___,~ 2:00 PM 474 13 2 4 2 7 22 78 157 122 56 11 0 0 ei:l:Oiiref'l~56j~"'~J!l!i7fi'il:!!llr6~~_ii~~:'~l) .:tt6~)f8:B1l1:47'-'^""'.-C'" !IiI\I:O 4:00 PM 598 18 6 8 6 14 38 125 206 132 33 6 3 3 _SI09rP.M~600~~~.~~~-' i8~6JB1lji24111\l!ll1f1.~S81illllE55 ,~.. 1'- ..!fa 6:00 PM 486 18 2 4 4 7 21 65 112 144 78 28 3 0 B7;:oqr~t1~j3,9~4~1~2:~,~~jDillIi~3~9B111i1f3)BI!fff"'$!4,JJ11> ~........"g,w~~~1 8:00 PM 311 3 3 1 0 2 15 35 96 100 42 11 2 1 B9:;J)jj.![rEi~~1Jj?ia~r!'~"llif:Smia~~@:inil~~~w~r1~2~1~~tm;t~liIIII!I67~083111I8EJ~/Jam ~~It~ _i- 4i~ 10:00 PM 212 2 0 1 0 1 4 16 58 81 33 16 0 0 (:!l:Wff':ob'"'1>iyf'rl~,}ffl!ii:i8~4~j;J:t;!,<',;~VOW;,*~"t~"';{d~O~~1-;~O!,~~;i~~~f4~I3~;r..'!'ll:i'Sij'H~.30~'II-'OJi1l'O~n9~""~.~"",,,"I~~,*jl Total 7756 168 38 68 49 111 376 1182 2218 2147 957 332 71 39 % 2.2 0.5 0.9 0.6 1.4 4.8 15.2 28.6 27.7 12.3 4.3 0.9 0.5 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % SO % 85 % ~ (mph) 39.8 42.0 49.2 55.9 57.6 10 mph Pace Speed 44.5 - 54.5 Average 48.2 mph Number in pace 4473 (57.7 %) Minimum 5.1 mph Maximum 95.5 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh ~ 50 moh 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 89.6 % 74.3 % 45.7 % 18.0 % 5.7 % 1.4 % Count 6946 5764 3546 1399 442 110 . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7/1/2006 Saturday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: EB mph 0- 15- 20- 25- 30- 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- 60- 65- 70- Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < SO < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 72 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 13 24 22 8 0 1 g);Io_oi"'~~3":4~o~1m'O~~~=~',i:r~Ol:i;\:~"~lli:JrQ~Of1i~"=-<:J'''''''''''''''''''''''',~~~w.s.~.i?~:_$,_~~Mg!'j,..-.. ~-";w;'~ 2:00 AM 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 4 5 1 0 ~~lpbTin1~d2?+~i~m'i:mb~O~O~(1~:O,~I>'~1c"''''7u'''''''''2~i'3.alI=~~iiI!iro.......,g~r8'WI1li~.'1"-u~1..'O""~-jl 4:00 AM 34 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 2 1 10 9 4 1 E$TOP~~~t~~?9~ii!f{{f[,."i:~6,~;;~~i~~.O~~O~O~~9~,,,,..~-(j~ '~~'- .b" -'7~f.9~1~~~--g'- ~~ 6:00 AM 134 1 0 0 0 0 2 9 13 32 35 30 11 1 B7:;::CiJj1Ar1~~~":B'~,'l.5!mm~~h1'~--","",Y.1"",,,,",,' '':p_~~:;~i_~9 --.i9-=._1ji -~'blBll:a,3~-~~~'Gft--3-"""'--"3. 8:00 AM 301 4 0 1 0 1 12 39 79 97 56 9 3 0 B9IQ~6It.;ti11l1!![4~P~f8~~~.~..":i~j::l"'- ......ba"l'f''''~.j ~.6lB'II8~~.i9. ''f~1,", J l~-,---g,--...~~~ 10:00 AM 476 15 5 7 5 4 33 87 176 98 38 6 1 1 EL~gO~~~J3Y-""-"'~~""':I;1i,~tur~~J.j.... ~'~3 MOO - ~lll u.......?-......,,'I:;~6BB9~:>>~~3l1111.rdfi1lllll!l!Jlt~"j b. ~........ 11 12:00 PM 446 17 6 4 7 10 39 95 145 79 29 8 5 2 _l;iQ~d!E,~~St~~~6~.2'''~'~''''1f1fei ~'~~?Bf6~~mIIII~~:~~a. o:t?- ...$-- ,1 ~~~ 2:00 PM 508 14 2 2 3 19 33 127 159 113 35 0 1 0 ~:rO:~P.M_5ij.BEi.9~'im."~~7-"fln2li'2llr~,..''"'t?~~?~~ ,,~i,:5 9.1 d~ P -Q 4:00 PM 578 9 6 6 2 23 53 146 217 90 24 2 0 0 _~obIe~_5-9:3~9~~~B2.~-:~tl'l1!rllr~Q:-l.<G~~milf~~47J1111l'31I1IIl8~lIIIIf(6J!L--,,'=t , c n 6:00 PM 558 9 2 3 5 11 39 109 224 119 32 4 1 0 ~71ifo1P.:~~tl~S'~{~.j~o~=~~d~",",,,,,,,","-1~=.........It!,'t~2~4DIII:(~:9I1!IIE(2'~~- ~ -,,- .....11'1;\" ~.D;~ 8:00 PM 398 5 1 2 1 1 12 60 179 106 24 -7 0 0 _Ql(H:)!p.~RB3~5~j~i~n- ~i_~--4m ,~ "pJ.ll!llf:s~tilfll ..~..... 5 _p~lID ,,~ 10 :00 PM 391 3 2 0 0 2 10 52 157 110 45 7 2 1 ~ff'rd't:)\PM~j39!ft1fift~~;j':~m;*f~f2.fd~I~o'!~o~m~b:m>~)~f8~~8~TB~50,~5._. ~~ORL~~ma:gmti Total 7943 163 44 44 51 142 494 1494 2584 1899 733 223 50 22 % 2.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.8 6.2 18.8 32.5 23.9 9.2 2.8 0.6 0.3 Percentile Speeds 10% 15 % 50 % ~ 2.Q3o. (mph) 38.9 41.2 48.2 54.2 56.1 10 mph Pace Speed 43.0 - 53.0 Average 47.2 mph Number in pace 4754 (59.9 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 86.6 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh 45 moh .5.Q..J:nQ!l 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 88.2 % 69.4 % 36.9% 12.9 % 3.7% 0.9 % Count 7005 5511 2927 1028 295 72 . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7{2{2006 Sunday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: EB mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 126 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 19 59 24 11 3 2 Ei"Io"li::ti~11J,'I"'Wiillfi"3~6"-~P:~6.~o~p_""'1f3-3~7~~~~i~-"--."-l_"'-'Q 2:00 AM 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 5 4 5 2 2 ~3.TP()!AM~'2Z~O,~t:~~b~o~O-_riii~Qj~wn!M;clrp~.;~'m_..;l- _:ti~I$~6,.tt"""""'lW~~U""''' ;~P~'Q 4:00 AM 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 6 9 4 1 0 .5r()<9f$.;~~~,:D;'$;f42.~(l'.1~!!m:;~~~-O~'9'~"""'~~b~!f~~om~~,p_D_~~3~"""'.-"'~~~~o:BDI1OC4~~lm_M.ei~~Q 6:00 AM 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 16 15 34 16 3 0 1!ll/I7166Ii\'i~\.~~~~JW'iIiill,y'6J\ll1l"'JR1~d~1-""'4-lIIl!_1!l~~'''~~ij-'.j, -.,.::] "".~ 8:00 AM 223 4 0 0 0 2 9 33 60 63 38 9 4 1 B9rQP1A~J:6~5~~b_)""""""'~d-5""""",,,-lO . ~5~,f.6111'll1l11i.'d6Jl1l1B4:6 - Q 10:00 AM 412 12 2 3 3 9 24 49 134 125 37 12 1 1 Eff.nf9~~~4):f~9"~\1'~1~$3~f~tifij~2.~"iIiF.:;:;.IIiIliid:"~Q_~lilali.l~J)~2,~:f71.:Jg~,.'l'~~- --d-=.-'~>~ 12:00 PM 487 10 3 2 3 4 36 94 191 98 41 4 1 0 Em~QolP)?!~4Q3~2~~3~S~",~";..=>c"1=>,,,--.,.;r.~~3'!)~~i~:S:Jlll[~~,,~-_>:>,j)- ~,.' "Z 2:00 PM 497 21 4 1 2 6 26 100 195 104 31 5 0 2 ~3'1o:QtP.~~~~j~i'_~~~~~lii~--"''l!iA7~4~~a1\JmIE;i.~7 ~~Z~-~~'1~~q 4:00 PM 641 11 6 3 6 20 75 163 227 102 24 4 0 0 E5rQd.lrrillll!ll!l5~~'",-1!il(j/7_:l1mS-D~..-~5Pll1lIl11;'~~lI!Ill~'~~~h'.' ,-~- .' "Q 6:00 PM 614 19 2 2 0 8 42 105 198 178 53 7 0 0 D1';;:Qil1e~SO~'ffiiW:i~i3$1it~(j~,~Q~:f~glfm;..iiiUiIlf~~i!l~:"-_"'4~ ....-81-- -0.,..., -_.~! 8:00 PM 579 3 2 0 1 6 25 122 244 148 24 4 0 0 ~:Id_bmEiIlllllS5~-'lrovmlW1,',~()< - - ;o_,.1I..imP"""'""""'IM;t;~1~III'IIItI""2.'6DiIIW;~3 -'(1_ OVAf~ __~~'IE_ ~lt 10 :00 PM 321 1 0 1 2 6 15 64 118 85 28 1 0 0 rrJ!f,fiTd61P'M~lI!!!i64\!!l/lli::~Ji~~1!l1Wi~6~6~6_","-"'6"'3'l1ml!llf6~'l7,_.,~",,~_.....4.. ,....,",0 ~I 8024 136 35 30 2B 97 465 1~6 2825 2020 ~1 166 3B 17 % 1.7 0.4 0.4 0.3 1.2 5.8 18.4 35.2 25.2 B.6 2.1 0.5 0.2 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 90 % (mph) 40.0 41.B 48.2 54.0 55.3 10 mph Pace Speed 43.5 - 53.5 Average 47.4 mph " Number in pace S045 (62.9 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 92.3 mph SpeedS Exceeded 40 moh ~ 50 moh 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 90.1 % 71.7 % 36.5 % 11.4 % 2.8% 0.7% Count 7233 5757 2932 912 221 55 . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7{3{2006 Monday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: EB mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 62 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 14 20 12 4 2 2 ~';:0:d.iAf:1ll!!;;;H!",,:j7Z!:.lf,,'l'l1Ii1;0}~:!Jiilito""''',"!~1l~Q~o''i!l!~''~illl;1;~0~_",!,~~~~1IIIlIiil!Ili.,~_i' 2:00 AM 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 3 6 1 1 1 wa!~Itfo~~~~hri.lf:i:4~O~fJ~p~b~~d~i~~~~~"~~?'~'F.!"'~"~I:l~'l'la!IjGrml~~l~~1~1!~~~1~d: 4 :00 AM 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 9 12 8 5 2 f:Z!l5IQQf~~~124~'m1l'ti~d:ulilllio!ll!lllillllliQ1!JllfIlIlIlI~2'-~-$~"........,,~Z:4~'-~l1I,-~ 6:00 AM 192 1 0 0 0 0 3 8 25 56 60 31 7 1 g7jQor.4:ti1~~i7_"""i1ll22ltilill]iB2_f"'I'i_9'l11!!lIl!~1'?_21'i"'1'i~:II!llllIl:o7J!IIllIIIl59~7''''''''''-~ 8:00 AM 388 9 2 3 2 1 14 43 92 130 69 20 1 2 6$lIoOJil~4Jll~3_il1<m:1-"~5~-\'Ilf"-",,"JlIlDlI1ii'Q~4ll_~9.11li1l1im':4~....,....g-,_..- -... ""'1l 10:00 AM 578 8 2 6 6 8 38137213 104 35 17 2 2 iiJli;r;:.dti?t,~5I5~14B0_S~5illii"_4_11'lll1ll!l1l:43~i~2_:?J!~.~ilIIIII!li!I47-!8--\_<l 12:00 PM 509 24 2 5 8 5 23 88 148 145 51 10 0 0 1I1il.llIo:qlpJ'1~54'il!lli!mf!tjj!lr~11Jl!ll~~I'7'-<],?-3!!_<l7~4~:z1lIIII!I[$.n_7_...1_~ 2:00 PM 558 16 7 6 7 23 31 86 176 159 34 7 4 2 ~3Io'01P.rii~6i~i3~~3'~Jillilld~i9]l!!1l,1l[6~~:i~Jl_i1\1lJllllBl!5~9_~-~lJil"1 4:00 PM 633 21 4 2 4 B 44 111 195 185 54 3 0 2 .5Ioole!>1~6'i9~f?ii\lll"fi~r..1i~,i~-5Jll1llillll!(j:3:l111lill1!Ql~60~6i1lllllll~1i9'IIIIiII!Il!III,,,-Z 6:00 PM 528 14 3 0 5 9 27 98 175 132 54 7 4 0 ~'7i~ilol:P.J:j~lj!i."I~4ir"''''.~:6Blili'omlli!ll:o~o_l~i!l'1lIlllIll10'''i'i~45''4~JlIIllIiIlIli'jf"......'''Ii~~ 8:00 PM 358 1 0 0 0 2 20 40 124 121 36 10 4 0 i'.!'!!9;:o_olP.B~1'i71l!m'illtijI1'6~~oW-'w:p''':m21111iIEr'-4Jillll1111!'LoBB!i51i11B99Jl11ll11:li1.....~:_.f~~..."~-~ 10:00 PM 289 1 0 0 1 6 10 28 79 107 45 10 2 0 f!lll!fifoO"PM'i\l'l~i30W*'fAl;!1!01\l'~~'O~O\l!Iil~""0",;l1Ol,..*~f5l1!1l,_2~""""",,"601llill!lllllffi3~6~8.._'4ll1l_~ Total 8441 174 40 41 75 134 451 1318 2639 2328 883 262 63 33 % 2.1 0.5 D.S 0.9 1.6 5.3 15.6 31.3 27.6 10.5 3.1 0.7 0.4 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % SO % ~ 90 % (mph) 39.6 41.8 48.8 54.8 56,4 10 mph Pace Speed 44.5 - 54.5 Average 47.8 mph Number in pace 5099 (60,4 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 97.1 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 mDh 45 moh 50 mDh .55..lnJ2h 60 mDh 65 mDh 89.2 % 73.5 % 42.3 % 14.7 % 4.2% 1.1 % Count 7526 6208 3569 1241 358 96 . . . Date: 6034 7/4/2006 Tuesday Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: EB mph 0 _ 15 _ 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 103 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 25 38 23 6 2 2 1lI'~r::01[ff;~1r4d~"'iI1JWcdler2d~d__d~o~1"""""~i~6.Jil1l1iMit'!~~1IIllIl!iiII?~""1~ 2:00 AM 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 9 9 4 1 2 E3IO:6f...lilllr""',~il1I2dDli\l!E~'oml:ir.:ro,""""'-r}~d~-n~o--"Il~~"''''''''TE6pai1!',liilalllllil!3,lB!iIlOlliSl3!R111i111Q 4:00 AM 20 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 7 1 0 a~IdQrA~~[43iif"."I1llif'd~d1!;~d~6-n11Im!'llL_,,~~1!'ml-7~'7_i~~._~ 6:00 AM 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 16 38 29 11 2 2 !liliii7.IdiirAr'ili1llJ!Bi6'7,\,"=M'~nll'J""_d~d~d:IIl~J'!iIrll!l!lIl!l...t'--26Jl111f,!,!lBII!IfI[4111!lllllltf'-"...,-~ 8:00 AM 215 2 0 0 1 1 4 22 44 78 48 10 3 2 e:9IQtlrK~27J)1m~;j'~:,~.~~b':"-,,,",~",ro~m;!Q:"!JkO ",,1~1;QDIIiI~~~6B""41 '~ . 10:00 AM 382 6 1 3 4 2 21 66 129 99 40 8 2 1 !if(t;):rdrf;~3~1~2~~~llliil~-8~6Jl111i1!BdJllllll'll,'tI--rQll~~---"j"--"'1 12:00 PM 515 9 3 2 4 5 25 96 154 161 50 6 0 0 "iIdl!!P,:r:1l!l'l1l!l1ll>53:0~9l1l1lliii_4~~_~_~ijl'lllilllll!i.~lIIII1Il:(il~dJllliilll!lllSJ.:Iiill1!iiIIlILQ-''''-''JiliIi1''""'U~ 2:00 PM 519 8 1 4 2 20 36 91 175 13~ 37 4 2 4 _3!QOIP:MmIl:;;;536~6.m:mj~~<l,l!ll!l!Di~9~~~_'~1l:5:Jl1!l111!!"iC4"1-j7'~J-01ill-~!:l 4:00 PM 538 6 3 1 1 7 18 109 187 154 42 6 3 1 _5Tdbrp.J;__Sb4ii!!~!!il!i!6~li'lBli!i!ll1~~~'i-6~9~"'il9~;-,,".~'''_3-lj 6:00 PM 525 5 3 3 1 13 24 70 174 167 47 15 2 1 m7~'lldlP,~~4"08~<l_!llI!li'id~i1lUll1llilllo....",,,,,._i'!llllmlll!~_~~:l'6~5)l1llllllll$B''''''''''"'!i._.'''''''4''''''''11!Im) 8:00 PM 387 0 0 0 0 7 7 49 135 126 52 10 1 0 _9Id_OIe~2:9~4B~1ii\1~.!l~'Jl"O~1"""[M",=dHQi_I!l"f.I:f~,~_? ~9~!t~~a.~$'~8'H111l1!rimiDE1l)!:mI,.'~"iIM!M:C~ 10:00 PM 195 1 0 0 1 1 6 17 56 67 34 11 1 0 ,:iAf:'6o~p'f.,~~'~~~ff'7,~wJ@!,m:~;n..I";f;):i:,,>-'-'0 ,~,,~'" '0:'.. ,:di", \,_,A), iIi"" 'rJ "2"4 ,~.",ijs' lS. ;'f~ Total 6889 85 21 19 20 85 273 1013 2217 2040 833 202 54 27 % 1.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.2 4.0 14.7 32.2 29.6 12.1 2.9 0.8 004 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 90 % (mph) 41.4 43.1 49.4 55.0 56.7 10 mph Pace Speed 45.0 - 55.0 Average 48.8 mph Number in pace 4342 (63.0 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 98.0 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 mDh fiJnQh 5!L!IlQh 55 mDh 60 mDh 65 mDh 92.7 % 78.0 % 45.8 % 16.2 % 4.1 % 1.2 % Count 6386 5373 3156 1116 283 81 . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town line Town of Sou tho Site: Date: 6034 7/5/2006 Wednesday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: EB mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 3S - 40 - 45 - SO - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 4S < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 47 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 18 14 6 4 1 Iili!li.rl'16dl'!\r;l!fi!lI!il'lljfi$~01'l1!lf!t'~o:ifltml1lli":olill\l1ll1Ii!:C'-O~~lil"~~'''''OlllMi_:'~'IW'.,.jlllfll!il'~j~-1l~1IIIil!IliIml:~ 2:00 AM 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 3 2 1 0 _3T9~dfJSM~2;S:;mfJli~ZiiiJ:f'~1.if.'Q;~b~o~WQ-1l~~~I1;~:rrliIDit~~l\clfi1!;"""-"'.w$,~:ii_fm._'~~~~-Sl~-1S'~:P: 4:00 AM 67 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 23 14 19 1 3 R5';'Obl1\M_202~iliilL~6imlil.";Ul!ii)~Qll!lIlIlil!'ld!Ji,""""'''~'''''''''''~~'1~~5a.mJillil(6)i:millililj6~.O_f~ 6:00 AM 303 0 0 0 0 0 4 13 51 109 89 31 4 2 "1Io.bI~~__~9~7~w:m~s:1Y~tl1~'ro~j.~Jil~~1~~'-~9~p.ll1R'2.9~~~~~'~~~i6lIIiBIji[Q 8:00 AM 489 11 2 2 2 5 18 47 148 164 75 11 4 0 m9Io~bIAB~,5.5~iQ~~bj;~~W:7~~~,~4~9:3_!~8J11m({8.~;3~fjJ;1e~f~_~~--"-~"~Q 10:00 AM 569 17 1 2 3 10 60 148 195 111 20 2 0 0 ~fdlP1'K~56~~2;Q~m.6~5~~9~B6~i!8_J:{i_~J:l1lIIllIllllI'~''''''''",,4''''''''''Q~ 12:00 PM 552 14 6 7 1 5 37 127 187 130 32 5 0 1 ~QOli'f,j~5~'gDll!li:~b~~.,m!4l"_'3->o_ijillllflB!l:i1IalttJ-'<\~5"'-"""""'''jjBlilllllllrl 2:00 PM 519 12 3 2 4 11 40 110 187 100 40 8 2 0 _~rdoli'ti!".~1i1W$79~i8B~4';;~fllljl.~QliI1!IlI[:J:~q~~.il>lllfl!l[tT{6~!!ilIl.i~8___.!fi~ 4:00 PM 549 19 5 7 0 6 48 89 138 155 68 12 2 0 llli1.s:;:ifo1P:f,j~5:":\5~31Ol:0"i!lIiL4''''''''",.''2""",,'''1lf4_.a~l\'IIIIIIl[a~l'I!IIilI[4]JJlllIII!IIl:P9J1111l[6~lIIllIlllIllI!4""'_1~"," -rl 6:00 PM 439 8 4 1 2 10 13 54 122 148 71 6 0 0 ~r(jblP.H__2:8_7~~1i.-~d~ff1)'lmffif~it:'~tC)~9"DB.3~~1'.:!l~~j$~~'IIMY",,-';.~~:;'"~i:li~~;;:.~,~""'--'''''''-S~ 8:00 PM 224 3 0 1 0 0 8 30 54 77 34 15 1 1 BQIoQri'B!lil!IllillIft~1__q~0~~""'''''''''O_ilft:~7~~,<jIIIllliIIIIK4IliIlIII~,j'-9_1_0: 10:00 PM 144 0 0 0 0 1 4 9 33 45 34 18 0 0 ~rf':b'b"'TP~86Y~1Jl'b~tt:.,(~"7~:J1'b~'0~4l~:~~ijj~i~2!j'v"!;,W~:2~:1"'2~t3~i~i~~:~~.n~,tI Total 7938 174 42 36 35 122 467 1291 2310 2158 965 267 51 20 % 2.2 0.5 0.5 0.4 1.5 5.9 16.3 29.1 27.2 12.2 3.4 0.6 0.3 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 90% (mph) 39.3 41.5 49.0 55.3 57.0 10 mph Pace Speed 44.5 - 54.5 Average 47.9 mph Number in pace 4585 (57.8 '!o) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 92.3 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh 15.lnJID 5.Q...mQh 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 89.0 % 72.7 % 43.6 % 16.4 % 4.3 % 0.9 % Count 7062 5771 3461 1303 338 71 . . . Pole 257 5R 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 6/30/2006 Friday 24 Hour Vehicle Classification (60 Min.) Channel: EB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axle >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer Lonq Buses 6 Tire Sinqle Sinqle Doubl Doubl Doubl Multi Mutti Multi Ifled 12:00 AM 40 22 14 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wi:i:'.UI:)'?A'4m:r;fjtr2'9'!!;ilmt!1"5m~".;r9~!!r1'fjj11leis,g3"""i;l,1l:0'j)il'!,~101!:.i:""""'111'~0'lllli~0'!I!l1~'0' ~~'O""M"""O~'O' ~._....,,,..._\:'l __..~..,...._.U'..tiJtilS">~..",_,.,, ,._._ '. " ..:~1.. .'" .0' ,~~~., 2:00AM 17 5 5 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ""'~"iR~-=~"''''''''''''-''''''''''''""''~'~~w,'~""""'-'""""",,,"-'-'''-'---''''''''''"''''es,,",""''''' t.&:{:"OOck'5,t1~tiW~18,m{t\.;1:i~6;~fuji}!i;~.kt~~;;Jj1'11,;;&{I~.~Z~Jlli2~,,O%:!trl~~tO~~.3.~:r~~..1.~~O"~~?'i~~~~'O~.o~P~Q 4:00 AM 47 14 22 1 8 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 11l5;'OQf...M"'illr({9~1iC63]{~5.~1I'bii~~;~2ii;,~QW\jWiM'dj~4~2~I:>JljBfoll!lilllfd~~6jl1ii!m~d 6:00 AM 274 124 96 7 43 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 !ik?;;'l:>bIg~_~3:Z0~"~'..iJld~:V:ifil'1"li'~<J.3~!fi(i~2,~iim'1:>~6~t~o~d:m."'ii-;;;;I:>~o~'d 8:00 AM 430 215 139 11 51 2 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 I[cjYQO'Y,g1i1'l!i"i"'t47j~1l:W~2'l3jj~11~IQO~kiii~5~}:\lI!i~_"..'\d~4lil!iiB3:Bl1o~+BIli[OJillllll!lild~Q 10:00 AM 435 204 162 8 54 0 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 !.tIl;:OilY....~~5:s_22i'~1ir5l11li\l~~1J)'iDllE4~)~~O~;L'1..?~6~tjliBlll:>~dJJllil1[Q 12:00 PM 478 230 155 7 81 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 l!t\!QQIB.t:flj1t-'ii"'[8:i_i38J'lililrt>T_'i'~t>i-o~6111!!llil!Jj'BlIIllllEl~piliilillI:>BlI.lIdllllE~q 2:00 PM 469 209 192 8 55 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~3:;:Q!J~~559~2'ij!i2mi:89~i!2~Z!;~iilj,.~j;,!.~,<litlQ1l!E'Ei~d~o~dJll!!Jl[O~o.R1Jld 4:00 PM 590 282 206 13 77 1 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll'f5J'6:dlP:MIfI,~5!i'Q~>\lijf!iEi875~f3'mlir,!i6~J1I!f,*l!.lRd!l1i.'iltl~J'iO~9~d~QJl'-"""1~d:!!ll1llHo~rj 6:00 PM 482 270 155 11 38 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 i7.:rQb]ill~3J~~]'j~1ifi5il\WJl141i<6~:l7illli!i~JiJi:bBi!l!lr-'>~tj~1:>1lllilli!lId~Omlll:>'EllJid 8:00 PM 307 173 103 6 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~9::15~01P.'Ei~3T6Di'i'8'iJl1iJllij'02_"m3~iijil~1ii1ll!l61j!;\%l~I:>~QDlIlllQ~tj~0~Q~dBlll[Q 10:00 PM 211 142 59 1 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 f:iSl':001?M1%~~~1wr26~%%r'l~t.7d~.W4d~"'1?~i~~1#fli'4~~r~();;'il#&';O'11'fJ!~'~;ttf," . ;l\l'it" ,O~, .~\;. c ~dilo'.:~.}~.li;, :0,",. ,:~., ,0:,,; ,;;6.., ,~;f{j Total 7677 3851 2642 168 884 11 1 103 14 0 3 0 0 0 % 50.2 34.4 2.2 11.5 0.1 0.0 1.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 24 Hour Vehicle Classification (60 Min.) Channel: EB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axle >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer LonG Buses 6 Tire SinGle SinGie Doubl Doubl Doubl Multi Multi Multi ified 12:00 AM 72 45 20 2 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ,\.,.,..~~"""""",...~. """,~"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~',",,,,,,,,",,'-''''''''''':-'''.''.''''''' """"""",,..-..-,' lil:l~.0.QtAM~"li3.4Jlltliilllk11'H!"':ii'lQ."",."lili"~~0,,,",~Q~2'---O--0.......O~O~O_Q 2:00 AM 16 10 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "',..."_.."""""""',.""",..,.,J'...._",.~..""""""'" ............,--- ---' ..t3;.OQi!./;!:1~2,~t.3~5;j;f~"'f,;,2~'4~0~O;jiifi:lI..ir..".-._.'"""'='=O~O~",",",~"l)..........Q 4:00 AM 34 16 13 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~IQ01t:J::1~W";1~'7~9"~O"IJ::3:7l!i\1\;Za2:7Mm':ljm_).,"'t-IoBlll!ll[o~'ll!l!'1ll1!!In:lllllBlf(j:l.lllli.q~~OJlllllillilllQ 6:00 AM 131 66 36 4 21 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 I7I()'(jIgt;1-<t'2!iO~1Jj9Ji.llil';li19J)~9~~~Q-.u.:(j~:l~6~Q~6~(j~l:lIIIill[(j 8:00 AM 298 146 112 2 34 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 [9!QO~~4i5~ff(a9~i^!5:tll\11\lI!Jmf~5o~p~O~6_~,l!lllBi!OJli'!il!l[o~p~ollililll[(j 10:00 AM 465 236 154 10 57 0 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 1ll'i'1)j91~tr1~i:lr4i2:4'6_i67j"""wii:f.3~:l'9~0~(jElil8~0aR.l.i~th'<l111-q~J!Bll[Q 12:00 PM 438 230 150 13 39 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 iIlIi1NOrp:M~.l.i$_2$65]'i6~olllm[5:l'Blliam:o_Q~1~6~-i)~(j:llll!ll[Q 2:00 PM 501 269 172 5 46 2 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 ~3rQQ![J~;Eij[5][6'.l!i2.~8~1.:9:L~.1'AlDlIi5~1'!'mEo_i~11ililllllD.dJll!fil![b~(j:lllll!lllP-.(j 4:00 PM 574 311 194 10 55 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~5:;:d'-Cirp.~5"83'&'l:3::{'l',~[951li!li)1:t~4:t~:OllBllOJlllliillliil[).'liIillIb~ol6lillill.dlE!llo:mlli'0_11 6:00 PM 549 315 184 6 42 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 !(iIJrO~p.~mlil1;l~3__2QT;\1lJ1:):l:'i5~jJlm22~(j~(jBllll!'-liJ!IB:dB!ROllillmilo~6~4 8: 00 PM 392 233 133 4 21 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 !i.:9.I6:ori?ktm!li311;l:~1l,'1!:2.W~1I!:fi2~:l'lli'(j"'l';ml>lliiw'!1!'l!i!;"\"'.0:BRb_uJi'll!iI(jBilIEb~C!'il!.lli!IoJl'illlliol!lll!ll:(j, 10:00 PM 389 236 130 8 13 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 [1'Ntfd~pr;[~:l37)!fti6o'!fi;"'1fiI'9~6~f5~0~0~~(j~01lll!m"6~0~o~(j Total 7841 4224 2716 135 672 7 1 69 10 0 7 0 0 0 % 53.9 34.6 1.7 8.6 0.1 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 6034 7/1/2006 Saturday . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 24 Hour Vehicle Classification (60 Min.) Channel: EB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axle >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer Lonq Buses 6 Tire Sinqle Slnqle Doubl Doubl Doubl Muiti Multi Multi ified 12:00 AM 124 79 39 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~[lrobmll~i\lli;1~li7.1'(j~~1441ifJi!;:1[2':i:riiliiiillX~~"Q.llIfQ.Jliiij;\"P._Q_O~!i:cj~cj_p~d 2:00 AM 30 15 9 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 """"""~"""""""""""~_''''''~~'':~;:i''''-'''._F_''''''''\:-'-',''''''''':'''''''''''''''_r"","""1m",,,,"'''''' i0;3~;,.o9I'_~,f1illi,.%.~b:ful;2.1i~1',~~~i:&Z~~""~.'ra~O-~~tiil:P~QB~_O~~O~~Oj~;~Q~Q~y~O; 4:00 AM 24 9 10 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 IR~Io6it:Iii'll(l1$~4b~2:ill"m~iillt1:~!ilMb.:ll:f1!~i~3~mOr:l"dEi~Q~~o~Q~6_p~b~d 6:00 AM 86 43 37 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~7IoPJ,6:~lll!illiliift43BIll:66)~1;;~6$~O.llJ\"'!l~~(:j~7~1~0~QlB'iIP&l[oJiBlli[d 8:00 AM 219 118 69 4 26 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [9YQo1"l;Bml!ll3'621!;;I1'~,i66M!!iliJr:3:i~liB:iQ~1~Q'1ili!1IlIIi_lfl!l:O:i!Jl'!l[Q~6!l1B[O~Q'liIIi!lIiilrd 10:00 AM 407 218 145 4 34 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 11))JpQIl\tl1J!fi1(.42~~:i$:iI~iWli6$~8_42Jl11J!ilOlllt<i~(iJRlll3~j~oJ!lillliImli6~6_c.l 12:00 PM 476 266 169 7 33 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~QQYa~'lJi4i'ff1:B266Ilrill:{69~!5__3'7~d'EE[olill!lillll4~cililll.!.Bl(jJllillil!o1!l.!mll!Q~!j~O: 2:00 PM 487 285 149 7 39 0 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 1lr:3':::0:P1efi~5';l()}I1il@1!333~;fz.'\1jjlfJ!l\illi~9!l$.d;9"'0~(i'Rll!i!!ll'4:1l11l'ii11iiAQ1IliIIlI1I6~1'~6~Q~d 4:00 PM 631 354 239 9 25 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~;::QiJ!~E1BJ:S:Z9_3561!1i!l11it7:9JBml;-jiil-':i:illjllIJ!l'Jlliiam[Q~~~pl1lil!ll[Q1IJIIII[6J1!l11.b~<.IlIllIIIlliIllQ 6:00 PM 607 356 206 8 33 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 i7IQole!:l'."'Z"'j5QQ\l"'W.3~d~~f6:~2'~fl'lIlRl'~01J.li!ll;;1B1I!I!lr611l1l!1l!:0Ji!l'ii.illQ\1ll1llll:(j_b1il!lll&<l 8:00 PM 572 315 226 3 27 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Il!~IQ61l'P.~5~:i'!l!lllliti:2"3WI!liQ2maz;_24.1JlII[QBa'l'0~a_6:1li1Rilt(j~Q1JllIIII[6111l1111l(jJllJi!llli[Q 10:00 PM 318 195 105 1 15 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 mf':'baTPM~163~f(jb~J{'52~i~9~0~0~61R1'J!N(j~~jj~o1llBl'rd~d Total 7909 4544 2753 85 464 1 0 51 4 1 5 1 0 0 % 57.5 34.8 1.1 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 6034 7/2/2006 Sunday . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Sou tho Site: Date: 6034 7(3(2006 Monday 24 Hour Vehicie Classification (60 Min.) Channel: EB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axle >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer Lonq Buses 6 Tire Sinqle Sinqle Doubl Doubl Doubl Multi Multi Multi ified g,gg.j\]::1 _92.. 36,.. .....?.o .1, 5 O. q q 0, 9 9 . a" 0 0 ~11.o_Q]1\t:1'Di~17JI~]:1~~~;.i;i13~Jii~:l~PJN~~Q~]FJ!'oI~~~.wr:QJl.llldll1B.o:llRlollli7oJmliOlBIrd 2:00 AM 18 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W3...,....0"0'\>..M..!"'\~",;;:;1:';..4.7f(1;1\\i:'i:;;:'4.V',..if!ijf..'l!\"9M.~1~'l~oj~f01r.l!~.Oliilll.O.""""""'l.0--6~...6~b~--b~d ......"...,.l~.~~~<.I,."'~~_,__,.....O$'"""."'.r"',,, ,",~_" ., .. .,~,.:~,.~_,.:Jl;IilI~..,~~,I~, 4:00 AM 43 17 19 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1lr5'Cd.Q.2liB~l7i3~l1lf,j:ir~lBEl[4)~11t~t~8~0:JiilllB'6mBi2".11'[6:i1i1!l111l01lml'lliR6li1!1l1i1'o'llWll&ir6_Q 6:00 AM 191 95 65 6 23 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 fijirQQ1A'I:1i!lt1l\ll~~tM;il\'&!~24.t.';:991lli'd'3~))~QIlIilIIII5-~ri,1I!IIlIII!r6~6I1m1iifo:lllill{6l1111illWQ 8:00 AM 382 193 134 12 39 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ![9rQ01Atxt~4rS;R"io7~f1.7~ii'iillll1ll5.l.iiIIIiili.lII9~Q~i1rlllllil[Q"'6B\B:Pll!El[6JlEO~Q 10:00 AM 570 282 212 15 52 2 0 4 2 0 1 0 0 0 li[~:r6'6]lt;M~56ji~;W2821!!';[iib'lTfIi1,1~9&lil\1l56~6_il:d"'6Jil1l11[6"61l1l1!1l'1iim,R[6:lll111foJli!liilld 12:00 PM 504 239 186 16 50 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 ,,,.~.....,._..,,,,,,,,,,,....~,,~. ...,"".....,,""""..."""""'~_.,_.,._-_."""""'''','-;.._,-,., ""1'(Q.o~RM~5~3~y~!;'253""":i,.2Q5~2.Q._.5,~Q"",l"'Ill'O~!l",",,",,,,,4_Q...........O'_..'i.,O~O___Q 2:00 PM 548 282 203 12 43 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Iif$'I69!pB\i;lbl'l'Mo.9"i:!l1\1'i:ii?1illtif2b.7&'1!i.r6~\~!ili\4j.lli1I'i!i!iIlikil,d~rj~Q-":~(j"b~bI'lil1l.!l6'Jll'ili1&!:! 4:00 PM 622 331 209 10 64 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 t[5;JrQTp.i!l~6'ifl":i1;'7B'2(f6WlJlWi\1f6~4~0~6~:J!l!IllI':6:ill1.\ll1il6~6~d_6IIllI!Ird 6:00 PM 516 279 190 5 34 1 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 !lI7r6P1p.HD1ilk;n"tiEi:ti-mi'3:9~Ji1i~Nil4~3Y~0~l!~i'~O~Q"'Q_Q_6:l11!li1rj 8:00 PM 356 198 131 2 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1l[~:;:O:61!fr,:lIW$;~362Wolli(6"~!~1$J~ziJlBi'~(lj6lllll11ro~7~6~6111i\1[01l'llll!:6:li1f11Q~d 10:00 PM 284 160 116 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rFi':oo'fp~~227~r35~Sl"16'~'i11ltW..rf4m!"0"lllllijliIRj~i~_~b'lli1lm"6~6'il;lllIlliI'6~d_6 Total 8334 4401 2971 158 700 6 0 85 10 0 3 0 0 0 % 52.8 35.6 1.9 8.4 0.1 0.0 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town line Town of Sou tho Site: Date: 6034 7/4/2006 Tuesday 24 Hour Vehicle Classification (60 Min.) Channel: EB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axie 3 Axie 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axie >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer LonG Buses 6 Tire SinGle Sinqle Doubt Daubl Doubt Multi Multi Multi ified 12:00 AM 101 55 36 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11:.1....r....0.O.'1"'A..f'.IGJ. ,~1'!W3...9..':'''';.'~2.7.:\:'lm:i:.'9...1~~l!!;~Ti!i'W~;r2. JEiii.j';"."'""O'.""""'''~O'~O'-~O'.'l~O.'~O':~:O'..'.'-.'O''''''''''''''0' M ;",..u.../' """~,-""~",,.,...,,,w.'i:.w'lf;~ ~J;.;:fi1Oli.ili<<o,L~~~",.".~...~~,.~I,~,~~~I,~ ~"~'~' 2:00 AM 27 14 11 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !1f3. .~61il'AMrr'~2.(l'mj!11'"\1fb':li!!';;r..i8(&~.ilJ';fllib1!!!lC!/JI'~f.2il~1\lft!l:6~6-.l;l'!1b-""'b~6~--il""'~bP'!'fJ!lf6~(j ,.... .,~_"",___.,..-i1'.."""". ,~.t~".'''''''i,,". ,_,;i;l~il:f.."" "~~'~;:'~~'~.1~, ~1.,!~~~1UI*,. 4:00 AM 20 12 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ""'~'=''''''''''''Im"" .-..=, . .""r"=-=''''''''''.''''''''''''''''''''''i1l1'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''--'-'_''_:'''''''''' w'S_;.OQi~r~t.~~A~~~'li~2J~i~tl.6:~~F.r!IL",;j,'O~a6:~[tY;;fll~P~~Q~O~Ore<lll:i!\llO!'LliiliiO~Q~O~'p~Q 6:00 AM 101 51 41 2 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll!:ir6lift\fii~1l1l\illi51$Jlj~8~&1f55~~_'2;3'll!lmliO~Q1_~J~d~(l!li!lJllll;'Ir(j~li,,6l11llflil:d 8:00 AM 212 113 78 1 18 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ![ijYq018i'!18lll126~.~;!ltll~1~fJ.Ji;i"'lb~3~&:5~Q~Q'llil:llllllifJ~bllllill'ollfllli';'Il!6ll1!1J[~01IIIB'Q 10:00 AM 374 198 141 5 28 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 "f'."~"'__"""'_'''''''''~'o/ .... """''''''''..-....."."."..''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"''''''''''''.''''''''''''''.-'-'''''...--'''' ~~:..~;,Q9ffir::1~~!38:.8.~1.87J:&~lS_4.'",~;~)~jt;4_i!i;38l~:~tPJ:ifi~~Q~O~~~q~O~~___O~u~Q 12:00 PM 503 267 200 5 28 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Iii!'i;P:OJe~~52.3_iij~r~184~BfJ~i~~d~6.BRl3l1l1l1l11O:lIIillIIIl[d~~6J11il1l!lO_[O: 2:00 PM 509 290 177 5 31 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~li'bl[W~5i7_3'1'6~ltf8).'iml3Bl1i~~6&m:b~4Jlll11a[b:Dilil(lllililll1li:O~QJI!IIll[~1:! 4:00 PM 536 306 204 6 18 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 trf~Q6mr~tll.ll;Th~:5(j2'_3Q3"'!l);;'lli'i3~'!m3~i2JllJE'O"'>J""j,'!0~"blli1lB!'6_o'!ll!!E.Q'l'Ii'IIII[o~d 6:00 PM 519 327 166 6 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rg;:OPl[RMll!IiJ{'iirl'f62,011';;::iI8)\1lIJm'135J"'$>!w"'i31'1l1ll!.l[2i1~dlBE'b~2~dlllll!illll'o~dJlllllM(j]IlIl.<l"'!! 8:00 PM 386 217 139 3 25 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ![9.!Qd:rR~32:i,llil!llJl~96m12il'JllB.!.:!:.411R'$2.Bllll'Q~O~~l!lIJlI1flllJllo1ll1ll!ll1loll!lll!l!ill6'll11.f111[dIlli1lEA 10:00 PM 194 107 73 0 13 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 rrffirOmp'f,'-,,"~fi4r.~i~'j71<1~;:*!:i7'291M{! ::,.,~fd~W6Y~;j~,,~<::,d~~_b:llfi )tr, . ,,_.~bj..' "<.0 ,:0; -,b :() Total 6801 3845 2447 65 400 0 0 39 3 0 2 0 0 0 % 56.5 36.0 1.0 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . . Pole 257 5R 25 EO Town Line Town of Sou tho Site: Date: 6034 7/5/2006 Wednesday 24 Hour Vehicle Classification (60 Min.) Channel: EB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axle >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer Lonq Buses 6 Tire 5inqie Sinqle Doubl Doubl Doubl Multi Multi Multi ified 12:00 AM 46 27 15 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 !lfiIfQo}'g~!lT~~<i'1il"J:5~~1i\'511lj!l!j;jj1l1_~1if6~1iJllIfo~dB!ild~6!l\1ilR.oD!llll!iJj"'olJllll\'lQ~d 2:00 AM 13 6 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rf3;P.\i~J:lI1.'f!II1.~~51Jl]\mrtB'Jffo'f"'>*"i''Jl\i1!'&'li.j_-oW"~oD\IBb~d:mlllllQ~dJlflBll:Q:rIi!IIiI'I:6~Q 4:00 AM 67 25 28 1 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [f5I6]I~f1"lBl1~Qi'!r'1l!1Jll'891ll'1iil;\lJ.i2.~4_jZ~1I"'IDJllI'~O~z~b~!i:mJll{Q~D1I.\[O: 6:00 AM 303 141 110 4 39 1 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 ~?rQ6I1\M~4lOO:8'9:f!ll!iJ.9:~K:(351iBl.r6Jim!~7~2~Ql!ImI~_f~O~Q~oBllfj[l)lIlilllilId 8:00 AM 486 250 155 5 67 1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 m:9Y@rAM~5~52BEi5(;:ID!~12]'9;mliiiJ;2IlIlIll"56~2~Q--6JdE(i~O~l~o_l)l'lIl'IlIij 10:00 AM 569 247 240 15 57 0 0 7 2 0 1 0 0 0 "'>'~"'\1F.""_' ._.-."",""", .......~~.._..".."""""i"!l.n!!~\."-"""""".._.,-"."'-_._..........."'. !li,.;OO,AJ:lm.r~!k556';lMi1251~1l1.94~iii.11~82!i!.ii=:4il!~0~';.3~~.""""",O_~O-O_,....&~q 12:00 PM 549 261 202 15 65 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 1i\'J!tCQOrIiB'.lrf5[imib"il\!.;'!l&ii:ij:ii.,~fd1ll\l1~:45~~(j~6Bmb~l'Il!lmO~Q'IliIlII.l)JrIBlJi~tl 2:00 PM 516 245 189 12 65 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~jIO::O!if~~5:Z6J.iri,"'!iij2.lt~id5\l!i11".J'l';i'iI_5l!lBIIi~o1llliJllij1R!Il'6Jii11.'1[d.l!Bll[(i-6.liIIlillj~O: 4:00 PM 545 282 200 10 47 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 ~QOrli1:!.Jm!llil5~imiij'6.n'5.9_:(5~55~1Il!l.!II61l1i!lr5lBl1rd.l!lilllQm.I[QliIIil.IllIIl!Q~dBlllB'd 6:00 PM 435 263 130 6 32 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 ""'~":.n""......."'''_''''_''''''''"'''''''''_o;',,_,__c_'--'-'''...'''''''-'' ,","Z';O.0,~T:I_..28S"'Xl<r1j(.iI_l~89~~""_.Q__o_Q"""",,",~--O.........Q-Q_!};O,..,._0-.1,1. 8:00 PM 220 124 79 2 14 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~I6o]er3.~!l''lfZ:fQ~kl:4~mlS;jj"2~3~s~6~b1!lllilllo'''Q_i)I:O~Q1IlIi!B~ollllBl.(j 10:00 PM 144 97 40 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rifi'?o6'WM_t~fr85~%f:~541{1~2"2~i;0Fb~fJm8__il' ",',.,tt1;, ',1,,0' "jJ' ,'I Jb. .- Fblm '"i,ra '. ~6 ~I:d Total 7891 3987 2804 155 822 18 0 89 11 1 3 0 1 0 % 50.5 35.5 2.0 lOA 0,2 0.0 1.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 6/30/2006 Friday 24 Hour Vehicle Classification (60 Min.) Channel: WB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axle >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer Lonq Buses 6 Tire Sinqle Sinqle Daubl Doubl Daubl Multi Multi Multi ified 12:00 AM 93 51 34 1 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 r*i7;borgii1iifu!~46~~~2:l!~I2i:l'lli~\f~~Wll~6~Oj}ill'(i!!lil:0~li'Ol'l.~1l~Q~i:l~o..~IltQ'mlI1lrd 2:00 AM 25 11 9 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,!"~"",.."""""",,. ..."""""",> '''''''''''~'','''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.'''''',"l!1'''''_'_"''_'_ ,""""""".."""""""'.._"""""""'". 1il~;:O~Oi~J'::'I,~-:')r"f~~~Z~t:t9~~~~ld~;:';JO~.:.Q~6.~O~O~O~~.P~O~~O~O~Q 4:00 AM 29 13 7 3 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 [5:rQbIJI:M\!f._i)~1Q::;!:j5:ii;!;i~i\i45)fp,,,,,x,j'9_...r8_1M'J'dJmlif[d~"2I11l'!~Bi!lI[d~dDllllld~Ojm_Jj 6:00 AM 301 106 123 10 53 2 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 1l7l:b~or~f:1""~'~ij:S~~f;7:8~1\I!l:t:fI3~~r~'lJliillilllQ~p~f~.6~1~Jt'mll5:11m1l!!l:O~Q 8:00 AM 478 199 170 8 87 2 0 11 0 0 1 0 0 0 (<j.;'dO:gM~4~9lli?-:i'1i'6i_:i:Z}J~17~<j!lRE2l1lll11[Q~4\1;I.wi~o'!llllll6~1J'B'lII!b~ld 10:00 AM 463 174 173 15 86 1 2 S 7 0 0 0 0 0 riFJ!obx~~iIE.5J6.l\f83ml243~f5~6Qi!.j\ff~3~3~A.~41!1.1Ijl'll!~'1~Jj~Q'Il!lII(o~d 12:00 PM 591 254 259 12 58 3 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 It'[61J1fB_~S:3iT",",;;2;:3..4lit1llt;2~ib'~f;!!"ci'<j~lll'$~~:dlll!lill!Ji1~9'!ll\lil11m'_~IJ~('--~JRlO: 2:00 PM 584 228 266 14 67 1 0 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 [:3][0]Rr'19'6'~7m:ID2:39~25'8_~2~,i\'!l:'6'6~'lillB:dliillm.jJ\~\~pmllllto~OJ.115J1ll1[d 4:00 PM 629 243 285 15 76 0 0 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 Itl:5IQQ1[f.:1']l!~62Y.G246J!ll1!ljJ2~o~ii~7nlilml~.Q~Qm!(6BJ!!il1i~(5~oJlllilp'!lBl(QlIII[d 6:00 PM 514 242 210 8 48 1 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 f&71o:6!P.M~5"22.Rl4i~22~t:l!'o~;f2Jll!;;:J;1IlIl6~b~$:ml(Q1lIlllI0~Q~b-o~d 8: 00 PM 442 207 190 5 38 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 19I6l)r[Mll;;;~406jl;"!!!ii'~Qmf'9A~imillljjJ8.2'6i'!lilB:d!!llI\\1!fQ~2~i~1J~d~QDlIlI6~d 10:00 PM 381 171 187 1 20 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 rFi':'66TPM~24"4~lllWf19~fb2~~~llIImii9~0~d~O/.l~",,,",,~1_.:!'1l~6~0~d Total 9121 3745 3872 197 1131 18 7 109 36 4 2 0 0 0 % 41.1 42.5 2.2 12.4 0.2 0.1 1.2 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7{1{2006 Saturday 24 Hour Vehicle Classification (60 Min.) Channel: WB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axle >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer Lonq Buses 6 Tire Sinqle Sinqle Daubl Doubl Doubl Multi Multi Multi ified 12:00 AM 135 65 55 2 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,"""'~'-=z;""'m""'" "'","".p"'"""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,.., .-.",-.-..- ."""""""'.,.......,."........",_. w:l;.OQrA!::1...1ks~,9'l~Jl:53:..'ii;'i:S49'"\F"lW~)',,.,"i\i'i.~Q.~..aO,~,,,,,,,'O,~Q~l~.O~O_O,,,,_O~Q 2:00 AM 38 19 16 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 fKjJ:QP1AB~4t1li.l1~1l19~fS~o_ltfb:milAl;:iio'fI;!J:!?..I.'Q~~b~Q1l'iiW~liQ~(j'1lw.~o~d 4:00 AM 66 21 35 2 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 I!!SIQbt&B'B1.l1'42B1f.[51~ill'65Mi~~$.6~?~:?~j[Olilf;ll1il!fO:~4~4~6~":l;O~(;I!!iQ~i'!Jlllli'lJl[cj 6:00 AM 283 108 121 10 40 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1I7;rb:or...BJlllii:~.f32~JI411Tf6~ng~~ii~t~~_~Q~Il~0~Q~li~O~A 8:00 AM 462 191 190 6 63 0 0 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 "'.__-""w""'....r....~"'."."'_ ."~~r.'_;__'_..__.,_~."_'_'_R "'9;Oo.~!::1~520JililM20'lk'ill!li23"~.,,~q7.--..:0~O_1l~"~o~I:l_0~0- 10:00 AM 592 254 262 12 60 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 ifilJroo~Ef~632_27.:3.Bl!~29"~i%\'li1WJ!t_4.8~i?.1::i2.~O~3'l11Bl1b~6~6~O'JIE6~Q 12:00 PM 630 284 299 6 37 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1l;li'[QQ1~r3"lflifu~'68se3:i'3~'t;i9i1f~3~5::l~1~1.'\l!lIBfsBlli'l6~O~1."'6~b~Q 2:00 PM 663 294 299 11 51 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 1I31QOdP.Efliil1lm$'~3lillllili2'f5~12~3~rbl!lB.3"9~i~Q~~lDl[b~Q1Il!!lIllQ~olilll1illbllliill!lfQ 4:00 PM 599 271 265 7 50 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 IlS;;:QoIIlli1~a\i~~l\i'233~2Q5~Z~_1lt39_~;;;JiiP~o~4iIIilI:olliilBIb'Bill!il[o:l!llillillmO_li.lllllil!llll'tQ 6:00 PM 451 205 214 5 26 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ri7J:QQ!If~40:4~.tf8a~'!ff't9~7~2a:Bli0.~Q~2:EB'b~Q~Q~O]llillllI"!JlIliilE.1:! 8:00 PM 370 167 167 5 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Il[9Jj5.0rR.~_31b_l67J._l.ti9~2~25~o:JllllB:o~01llllB.o~o]B'[oBlil!!!iJlEQ]lIl!lm:tt 10:00 PM 262 117 116 3 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 li'i'lfobjp"~r93"!\Wl!fi!f86~ri!fi1;1~\lWi!il~i~i2~d~0~2l1lli_Jl~O~Q~o~b~ij Total 8981 3941 3965 146 830 7 2 71 18 0 1 0 0 0 % 43.9 44.1 1.6 9.2 0.1 0.0 0_8 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 24 Hour Vehicle Classification (60 Min.) Channel: WB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axle >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer Lonq Buses 6 Tire Sinqle Sinqle Doubl Doubl Doubl Multi Multi Multi ified 12:00 AM 138 60 66 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [111{>:0?AM~5if_7i9~]Jiill1i3m'l't'i_~S-~o~~lli>\i:l[o~b~6.11iilfd~~b~o~llJll!Bj[Q 2:00 AM 51 25 20 1 5 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 [j'";:Qo]iBBlE!ii3)di"~%i,26~;;ii';ii;-\1"1V~0~~j'llliIll~O~",;m;Q~QBlil!Qil~i"'Q~OmlliO~i:lJl'llllliill"(\ 4:00 AM 33 17 10 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 h1r5fQ6i'Ai0"~*1l,'1li5$1W~fi9~lfi8_~llmffi!gi;ll\.~mo~o~i~6:~0~O~Q'B!Il[6~d 6:00 AM 147 62 70 1 12 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 i7rQ6~f:1~iii\il1l'J\llfr!(6!m!liJa~ii11t~~'.''fd!+~0~Q''6~~Q~ciIilliRQ~DRd 8:00 AM 320 139 141 1 34 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 i\tQ.I6~f:1~j8"i5~i!l!\ti;!)"'iLZ!)~5~i9~fO~Q"3~ci~o~j:li.l!i!Q1Ell!I[6~Q 10:00 AM 535 255 234 8 32 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 I:tri[O:ol'Af:1~5jj~i~im2~1~j~4$!lm:o,1l;'\"""'0~5~ci~~ciI!llilJll(Q~Q~d 12:00 PM 672 317 313 7 31 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 i1l;;jfciiJ~f:1ijll["","7:Qj\\\l.1"jr~__3iS-"'-"-7l:~53~o~ci~dmll:o'!EI.Qlll!!RlllXlJ!lB.i:!ll!llIIi! 2:00 PM 651 289 313 5 38 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ll:r61eM~6"ci!+~i9'ililJlili26$~6Jllllill({6~0~Q; 1ll'!.-.0~1-ci_lll'~~tl 4:00 PM 476 204 222 4 44 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 f!!'5;:QcilP..Mld:421l11li%'i\i@r9iz;riS:l~_6?"'ffill"ji_.o~ciJlllllll!illlli!il[oJj!llI11!blBlloDll!il!ciJll1l[oD!llilll 6:00 PM 399 190 176 9 22 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 iJ[7I6~(J!ljJ~~31J';~lj1Jll!r5.4UB'f58~~{\1iiif~ol1lllR:o~j~o~ci~ci~6J11[Q~ 8:00 PM 313 136 155 2 19 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 19Ici:0:reMmll!fi3zr\l'1'Jlll'fj'~ti'1"!ii1iEci_j$l4~0~ol!BB[i~b"'Q~Q:allI:9]IIII":O~d. 10:00 PM 201 94 87 1 17 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ri'i'!oci,!p~fci7~4'4~~5~i~ri~(i~b\Rll!l!'d~0~0~ci~d~ci~W(j Total 7704 3514 3501 78 550 0 0 48 10 2 1 0 0 0 % 45.6 45.4 1.0 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 6034 7{2{2006 Sunday . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Sou tho Site: Date: 6034 7/3/2006 Monday 24 Hour Vehicle Classification (60 Min.) Channel: WB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axle >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer Lonq Buses 6 Tire Sinqle Sinqle Daubl Doubl Daubl Multi Multi Multi ified 12:00 AM 75 34 35 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !!l:1~C6j5~"r:1r~if~!!:451i!1t?ljj~2j~:("3~~O!i;11J!",g4li~-O~'IDi~Q:mm.f;'_.6_;;,~fl11!!li!'!J;mri5ilmr6~6~Q 2:00 AM 52 22 23 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "",~..="""",=,..,~,~""""""""" '. '"""",,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,' ,:-.....--.' ",3.~QOj'/\M;w""',,-'W2.1i"i.,I.il';.,,9.:filliJ!i&~~;~lBEJ:~0~Q.........o_mr,,~m:".~-O~O............O...........O, 4:00 AM 21 8 9 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !i[53'O.01A'l':!~~Z;\ll'rltlf.\1.;3'~~3'5~~~~""t!\~Il1~Yo"~~~6~o:Dllf[():i!i!fIIiIIllll~Q 6:00 AM 234 89 96 4 38 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 1!17;r[olKr:j~;S6"i':41~lffi2129~_$6~1~O~9~JlBlifo~ollllllltQIlIB'LO~O: 8:00 AM 452 195 167 8 69 2 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 19Yi[oTMDllll2ff9&t7;i_r6'~4Bf6'jlJ~O~6~6~~?~O~6:m11:Q'JIIiIlIQ 10:00 AM 538 228 231 15 58 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 IlJt"fJ50;;A~!'~5571llmJ2j2_i61.~2~48~0~Q~3j~~Q'~QIllIlll!r6D11'l6~6 12:00 PM 560 247 255 12 39 1 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 it;;9]1E1iil'llmi5'62_ii7\tm0i15'9'l'<llF~6!liB:5j~lVlB.o""""""'?:llIB:t~()~b~oJllll!lblllBd 2:00 PM 634 271 284 11 55 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 0 13jQQIp.J:1~s'~7illl\M!<i3'j;lW;11j\i6:CIlell~_55~O:BIJ:o~'l1- -"()llIlllli6liii1EfoJ\lllll.b~~Q 4:00 PM 567 232 260 10 62 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 IW51Q6IP.l':!~7)3~'lfi!iiS3"i46~_7~3~O~QJIII5Bl111!(6Jll!ll1li1Q~Q~6..tlliIlI1IId 6:00 PM 448 211 194 4 37 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Z1'[0!P..M~j'6Qlll.'i!nti'5)'i11t'if6"~_J~6~6""OIl\\ll!lP.:illlBlQ1llIll\!llQ~6~6.BB(~d 8:00 PM 363 169 168 1 24 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~IO:O~j'5~mf66'11);~r<f5~.B3~~Q~O~6B1llllllf111l4lid.OIlil!lll[61l11I~"O.lBll!lll()'IlIIl[d 10:00 PM 222 89 111 1 19 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 m1"ooipM",fj6~5'9!:<1~iW61~1\~1!Il' "15' ",,,0,,,,"~;60,' 6"6',, ia..IL.. :0,. -,6 Total 8207 3507 3591 145 859 8 0 72 22 1 2 0 0 0 % 42.7 43,8 1.8 10.5 0.1 0.0 0.9 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 24 Hour Vehicle Classification (60 Min.) Channel: WB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axie <5 Ax 5 Axle >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer Lana Buses 6 Tire Sinale Sinale Doubl Doubl Doubl Multi Multi Multi ified 12:00 AM 74 37 29 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 il1.iT6iiI..>:i':1~~~~,l.~3'6~J~~r@'j;1~a!PtlI'o.l!li;lj,11![6Jl\1ll!l1o~dill\1llliIjt\\O-{Q~oll'llld~Q 2:00 AM 31 19 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iii~rO:O!AI:Illml!lliB~jj,;;d};"",~,~j!iii;l'.,,ii<ld~2~,!b'l!1!fO~0~6!'i1!l1l!O."!li1lirdJ!ll1ll:o~o~il:Blilil[d 4:00 AM 38 21 14 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !5Id'iJrg~~65~~29~1i26~2~-6lBl!fol\li-I!"Q~1~j;~d~ijBID:Q1iIBlIlI0Bllll(d 6:00 AM 126 55 54 3 11 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 W.;~O:Olltiill}-t:53~6'iDr6'S~01llilli~~~Q:mII1Il!i'2:!il1l1B'OJlllll[Q~olii!llifdIlllilllQ1IJIIIE.Q 8:00 AM 262 108 116 9 28 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 191o.il~~~3"lfO.i"'lf~1li'!'-8~f~1~Q~.:r9:mm6~O~7~rrJlBlj:)lIilI!'.o1lllillil'Q~QiIlIlIJIlQ 10:00 AM 416 192 191 4 23 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 !i"j"[C[0ll\e~'ill~'A'6d~"26:7.~2'i'iJ~~6iE:36ll1'll1Iiilftq~6~0"fl!l!l-QlRBO'll!llli(01llilllQ~d 12:00 PM 497 233 219 6 37 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 !lrTQo1Ri'1.mr4:6j:m<1233~2'Q6~2~~01\!l\ilil!!ij~2~Q:!llIIliE'dJllll!lilo~_u-d. 2:00 PM 394 203 158 4 26 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 [[i3IopjP.tii~2'(j_2:rli~f86~i~l\l!I\'i"7~IlB!lli'[01!llllJl!lD[4~1"""~o1!ll!llmoilllllllllQIElEQ_1l 4:00 PM 297 143 133 4 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1l!::i;:(8[e~332~52~i'62~3~QJIlIlll!I61111ll111113i1i11i111:0__Q~O.Bl!llll.dJlllllll![QDiIliI!.I:d 6:00 PM 282 146 108 4 23 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 l!IlZ."!.O:~,_....2;i:S'Dl'85.1fil'~2'7~dDIIliIIj~JlIIII(iJ_OllDlld~9-0Jlii!illi1lli[d 8:00 PM 184 91 79 1 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I[QI6.b~M'F"''''~.a]ll!l[iJlilii1;~O~rjlll!lIl!lIIl~dD1lill!lllV-''Q'''''QllIIIl![01l'llllro~--d 10:00 PM 250 124 108 1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 rfi'i"!lfO'WM~f18~~5~~S9~0~5~0~O~0~(j'!lllllilmfO'1!iI!lllm6~6~~O Total 5727 2698 2518 53 421 1 0 30 5 1 0 0 0 0 % 47.1 44.0 0.9 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 6034 7/4/2006 Tuesday . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7/5/2006 Wednesday 24 Hour Vehicle Ciassification (60 Min.) Channei: WB Cars 2 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Axle <5 Ax 5 Axie >6 Ax <6 Ax 6 Axle >6 Ax Uncia Time Total Trailer Lonq Buses 6 Tire Sinqle Sinqle Daubl Daubl Daubl Multi Multi Multi ified 12:00 AM 54 28 20 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .w~^"",^""^""",..~""",,=.,..,,, ."""""",,. '~,""""","'_"","" ,~""""",,""'_"_W''''''''__''_'_''''''''''''''':''''''''''''''' ~!;9Qk~,~Ji~~40_~;~'i'fZki~2,~.ai:';~1;:3,~O;~~iSMlli~~P~O~Q~O~Q;~OZ~Q~~Q~Q 2:00 AM 10 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3TO'Dl'e:M1tt~~5~iIj_1il<l"~~~:J1lIiWQ'l!"~Q~Q~O~Q'lI!I!ilIP~QJiBIloJlllllfd 4:00 AM 35 14 11 4 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 ~IQDl;S;0Bl1i~r~5~~i2,BJi1i3:2~~5itlij.m20~~0~3~~d'B!![Q]m:)lil:C!DliJlllpJililiiil!'[d 6:00 AM 276 108 107 9 48 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 II!trO.9~B_'l\r4J'9._iZ~m1':4'3~$~Z9~oll1lll!\~_~iIllllBDJlIIll.:<lJiIiIl!lll!.blBll1Q_d 8:00 AM 443 182 158 10 79 5 0 6 2 0 1 0 0 0 [9.';P:QYABj~9.:m1.iP31i)!i.r55~9~7J.lllIl'l'llli'lllllliil:QJlllIlllijti!>~~bDllJl[i'l1lEllQ11:I.Jjll.l<! 10:00 AM 402 163 171 12 46 2 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 li"il';:0=Q~t1_45'2B.li1;1>6'~11i'r't'm'lllllljJjlllliI5~'I.Ii.2.IIBDBJlllllr.4...i"O~QmBI[Q1l:IIIQ1ll\III[Q 12:00 PM 503 182 215 15 78 1 0 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 1J!:;jIQ'l.~BDl[43~~J:5}j":2O:9.:mI~'~5J~D~..ill!IIliIlIl:2iRi1!fQ_O.BlllllQ_BJIIl!Il.lId' 2:00 PM 508 185 241 7 65 1 0 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 i:3;'9bI~iiCj_2.:2)_:27J~1'~6~b.II!EO~b-i~omII.iQ'B!I.I(j~d 4:00 PM 576 224 246 10 92 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ll{5IoP:!P.:B11iZ6Q9_:2%3il!A1HI247~fd'ii.'i,~i~d1Elll6_3.Jl111[(J~i~~dJ!lllll[QDIIilWlLd 6: 00 PM 499 230 220 4 44 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1f7J1fOIP.i:1~lL460.!iii!ir.i'[9_i'9l~6\'B':i~Q~p~lll'lIilIIf~~'il.\l!llIliI!ill!lillB:Q:lilRIIllQ1IflIli(<! 8:00 PM 300 146 118 3 31 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 !ll9rD'Q]~J1~i7:3:l\lltlii"i'5_ri'3ali\~1l1l1IJ1iii1i\iflllll!lli''i~9~C~~j~Q1IlIIl!lo_QJllIII~iIllllliIi 10:00 PM 184 86 87 1 9 Q 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 i'fr'rOorPM~FZ1'l"';}~;l!'i54mf)lf561l~,,~g6_fi "",. "0,,",,, 0;' ""D. ,jL ' ,0' ",lii . .,0 ~d Totai 7628 3093 3273 149 986 15 1 78 29 1 3 0 0 0 % 40.5 42.9 2.0 12.9 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: 6034 Friday, 6/30/2006, 12:00:00 AM - Thursday, 7/6/2006, 12:00:00 AM Gap Grand Totals EB Hourly Averages 5- w- ~_ w- ~_ ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- e- ~- ~- Total < 10 < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 75 < 80 80 - 12:00 AM 47.2 9.2 7.0 5.3 4.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.8 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.8 2.5 ~";06!!\MS;,li;!;~2j;;;("',l'.liJ:i[4:0~1l$~~i14~;(;2...mls~t,~iliilIlll!IJil:~DmO:!7:illlllr!li~):;tl~;s1!ilili[l.'lo:B!ll[o)j!'l'lIiliIIillloIslllllil1i1':Ol)__'~OllJlillililiisJp 2:00 AM 15.5 0.8 1.3 0.5 1.2 0.3 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.7 6.2 ~;~b'6TAM~~i8~p~ir2~2'miI33jmf11~i\~~'f:~,2~ilr~O:fB~01~P:.~5~U.'Q~~]~;~"!fO:;;~~O:tjj__QY~~d.;,8~Ol$W:~~~io.:ISf~~JiO:~'2~QW3j.liWt~~ 4:00 AM 30.8 3.7 1.8 2.8 1.S 1.8 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.7 0.8 0.3 1.2 1.0 0.7 0,8 7.3 S'(OOJ'!\Mm~~j;7;o1i!iiTiE:f:j;!l~i(i!(~!l[7.ililmj;ll~10~.3;!l~.3ls~~t"'2;:O:BlB'(\\':j.illlll'l11"lJ(lillE:oIt~@~o:!S~o,(o!lfll!llil!i2'1t 6:00 AM 82.7 30.5 17.7 9.3 7.5 4.8 2.B 2.8 2.5 1.2 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.2 0.2 O.S 0.5 i7IOO~M~~t~1!l!l;3iN~;;llHt;tY;','1~1J;lt[0,l\1ll1'lr;ioI:!JJlm!llo~'f;!l_4I~lllIllBl!3!1liim"lI~~1~01ii!llllr0J2_P{dJRB:Q;t~Pld~QIO~q;t 8:00 AM 93.8 52.7 19.3 9.5 5.8 2.8 1.3 1.2 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ~;'q1J1'e'M~~.jK:l!~Ql;!liliJlillf5tI5~113~,!iJJIill!lll!j15~ZlOIimlllJlllJl~JIlIIllR[ol~lil'lIlliIlol~1lll!lIIII[Ol'2.1l111l111.'QIOJilBIIQl9Dl!l110JQ1IJIIliI[dlOJllfl!l[OI2_0I,o_bIO: 10:00 AM 86.8 56.5 19.2 6.8 2,3 1.3 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ~~J1f.0jJ!l\m_~i9';:3~S'f!5~lSI0~S;5..tlj~'j"jllll1l1lllIO}:jllllllll'i!b,~BllimQJO_olommiloIODlllii![Ql!iJlll'lldlo1llllll!l1olblll!llllilO;oml!lililil!p].l\lIlIIiIll[d'(Q 12:00 PM 80.0 54.0 14.5 7.2 2.7 1.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 P;11J92P:~pl'mtmr!l3Ib~~S4.toEll!lt9;Sjjjf{Gsr5~t11.~o,!lflElllo~ijl~1fI'l'lI!IiO:;Q"'Q'[olilil1iill"Q:1J:JilIiIllIilolo__QIo~oIolllillllfillld;P:I!IilI[o!olllillillIoIQ 2:00 PM 77.3 55.8 12,8 6.0 1.3 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31objP~~~IlOltJlilll~S5i3~fj;;!lJm!!l4;~IQ:llill!liIiO:;~l!liBIoI5DiSllol~oIQ1l'II!Ib;O_OIoliBl1ldlo_ploiBJ!ll'[OIo1llllllllll"0i:Ol!l!ll!l'lliPlo"lllllilll"bIQ 4:00 PM 87.5 58.0 19.2 4.7 4.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5'oO);P:fi{~~93;O~:j;O;2~tz;t~6;j'~2;5~Q;t~o:;~1lil1'IiIllioIQ_OlQ-QlciI!lllB:Qr~OrQ1llIIil!Iiolo~)J:p~0'roili'ilJip;;(~o~:o. 6:00 PM 98.0 63.7 19.8 8.3 3.2 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 [ilo0,R9~rl03;O~,f"li!f$7,ls~,jl[it;tJll1~jftl\i:l'f2DBE>;o~;(;.!!ilIlIIil!Ii}~'lIlEI~;o,'!Il1IiIllllo!$llllll!IlIIOI3l!1l1li1lj;OlollJlllllll[o1o:ll!llllill"QIQBll..oIollllli:~I!;O:iomlll'olP~o!o 8:00 PM 102.3 52.3 25.0 11.5 6.5 3.7 1.5 1.2 0.5 0.2 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q;OOreM~b0;3~41l:!lBlJl1i3,7JR'jt;7~75.o~31~t'IoDlll!lllilit3l1l1\liIolSl11l1Boro1lllill'lEOl3Jli1ll111o.1~o'1o__o;p1lllllllllllllQTo__0'1dJll1llililllolo 10:00 PM 89.3 40.0 19.2 9.2 7.2 4.0 3.2 1.7 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 1T:'jjC)":P'M~E~<<'?~76~r:ifi~fmi!~ijT22!'O'~g'i3;~j~Jj~1W~'>E9::8~~JJf'8":ld~i1f~~.~~E;I:S' ,!:04f:O:~, ",21;:8, . I ~,l~f{~", . its\ :'21'2, jL~2. ;tm:i1" "w,lJi"93l.i,mlfd'~7~',,,. (6;1!2::11l: ~ilr:' mtlo~f3 ADT 1797.7 943.2 366.3 165.5 98.8 61.5 35.3 26.5 18.0 12.2 10.5 8.3 5.8 5.8 3.2 4.7 32.0 Study Grand Totals 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - 75 - Total < 10 < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 75 < 80 80 - EB 10786 5659 2198 993 593 369 212 159 108 73 63 50 35 35 19 28 192 52.5% 20.4% 9.2% 5.5% 3.4% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.7% 0.6% 0.5% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.3% 1.8% . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Sou tho Site: 6034 Friday, 6/30/2006, 12:00:00 AM - Thursday, 7/6/2006, 12:00:00 AM Gap Grand Totals WB Hourly Averages 5- 10- 15- 20- 25- 30- 35- ~- 45- 50- 55- 60- 65- 70- 75- Total < 10 < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 7S < 80 80 - 12:00 AM 58.2 11.3 6.5 6.3 7.0 5.0 3.7 2.5 3.0 2.5 1.0 0.5 1.3 1.7 0.7 0.7 4.5 il:~t[Ql:Ar:.~llil~]1\4o;5~"lV.ij3i5c;ll;Wfl!j;;5:0'1J>"'iffi2:i~3;a~'113~2'IO'"3l0~[i'."''''''ll:~~:U?~~(~cf::i~1;i~oI~~"",..'(I~if;i 2:00 AM 29.5 1.8 1.5 1.7 1.2 1.8 1.3 2.0 1.2 1.0 1.5 0.3 1.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 10.7 ~f(j'Q'i.Ar~f['?~7t-'}~2SC,8,,~~~~i;e-;'~l.~:2~~ir1~jj2~it,~t~'j~l42~lc~~d;sDm!l:Ql1~d,~7DDit[dI~O~~'7liti1'm~p}em:'o:~~~t.r.~~~14 4:00 AM 28.3 3.3 1.8 2.0 1.8 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.7 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.8 0.5 8.3 5;Ob;1iM]i~j15!n'.ilill~54[a..~iiI:tl..;ilil[a,i"l.,,'~'B1S6;O~~'(3~4T?~':"a~2;5~2;:~j:'tl~J[o~rl'tj~fi?~~1;[~O::5~PIO~3Ii 6:00 AM 89.0 33.3 20.0 11.8 7.7 4.0 4.0 2.7 1.7 0.5 0.5 0.7 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 ~::PtiI,l(t,1~"11'o'l'''96'(7f''#~'~i;5''~'\?'422;'2r,~'i412~~15~Ii_f~~~Ij~Q"i~OI.~bl'7~OIblllBi'[Qlo~bIQ1Rlll'IJ!t[!:2~PJ:0~i1I~ 8:00 AM 103,8 56,3 24,3 11,8 5,0 3,0 1,3 1,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 ir;:'t[tir{t1i'ill\'l1!i''''''''~ll1:b~~56~3''~23[3~972~G;'_1I~~b1t._J;~~blo~cf;:tiillllllllQiQll!iIlilll[oTQ:mallil[cf';P~Q;:O~OJ:QJl!JiBIbrO~Q:(Q 10:00 AM 93,8 60,2 19,0 8,7 4,0 1,3 0,2 0,3 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 [i'lrO~br,l(i:l"'_'lim~9bio~5i;iill!l!lJJl'i6;2~tr7"","""",,<1'-'~3I!1iii!1rQ;:a~I5~i1iiD&'l::tir.~QIO~QTi1lil!!l111[oIb:J!illll1RbI6Jli!1&l!btO~Q1QJlDli!tij;Q 12:00 PM 83.2 54.7 16.8 7.7 2.7 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 f(lQOleM~-''"'.'~lIll85ib~.!lJij~1'a~5DllB51i~~3~O}~_~13l1ll1illlJl[Q:[ill!iBlrQr01llllBlliQrqlEilill[Qib~OlijDllTi!l[QIo~cf;Q'BlllI1!Q;'ollllllii!ll(oI6~6J:Q 2:00 PM 87,3 61,8 lS's 6,3 1,8 1,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 ~16bii':M~a:jJ5m1l'I51J1~5;5~;0~;i~O;5'IIilIIIi1I5J!11li1l[OI2~Qro:Jllllllll[Qlb~6Iil'lIli!liEbJQ~6(OD!ll!m"o;ii~b;b~bjb~0;'ci 4:00 PM 74.7 50.5 15.3 5.3 2.2 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :S~(fi11:~t:<_>li&'l'4aQ!:5!ll?""'59:2!m,~J3r5'<~412'~'3:0~0::.~OTO~O;'Q'Iilil'llIO;;i-(jIbJDll[C!1:o3llli!lbIOJllillli1ill6IO~:o;b~b;i1ll!llli1l1QIO~QIcf 6:00 PM 84.5 55.8 15.7 7.5 2.0 1.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 l;:oble~~~~rI3m.t'4i.4ari~11~~fiO~5~jilm!lljl~~.o:8I1f11[o1'1...tiioJlill!:Qin~qr;~'>> UifiliJ~~drO~oId~l):O~t1ipBBt6rQ 8:00 PM 89,3 45,2 19,5 12,5 5,0 3,5 2,2 0,8 0,5 0,0 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 )i~t[QW'l1ID"'~"'l'I\llil1l:!fO;i~...ll,;4~:bi~1!l;3ml!l!i~[~'Illgilil;a~41Z~!iJilll!lllbli~Ql~~b:'lllml!mf6r:l~ti:Z'lllllll[oli~b:tom6'Jill!l'bIQ~OIQl_0rQ 10:00 PM 87.0 38.7 16.2 10.8 6.5 5.2 2.7 2.8 1.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.2 1"":i"":ob7p-M~~;'''f:f,~-;z~;:,1tl:'o~~19:i1~;:~''rm'"j:2~1{~~o;8~7;3~~'5'!O:-'::-l,~mtJ~O .'13 """.,(2~'-" _.t.~ .j.~ ,,0:8 'i'l!3:B .::017 :iltj":4~',_ ,{O:7'~~1 ~t{(i;0~0~:7 ADT 1813.5 935.3 353.7 182.3 99.3 58.7 34.7 26.8 20.5 11.3 9.2 9.2 8.8 8.3 4.5 5.0 45.8 Study Grand Totals 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - 75 - Total < 10 < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 75 < 80 80 - WB 10881 5612 2122 1094 596 352 208 161 123 68 55 55 53 50 27 30 275 51.6% 19.5% 10.1% 5.5% 3.2% 1.9% 1.5% 1.1% 0.6% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.2% 0.3% 2.5% . . . Pole 257 SR 25 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: 6034 Friday, 6/30/2006, 12:00:00 AM - Thursday, 7/6/2006, 12:00:00 AM Gap Grand Totals Combined Hourly Averages 5- w- ~_ w- ~_ ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- e- m- ~- Total < 10 < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 75 < 80 80 - 12:00 AM 105.3 20.5 13.5 11.7 11.0 9.0 6.2 6.0 4.8 4.0 2.5 2.3 1.8 2.3 1.2 l.S 7.0 Ii:;'O:o:2AM~S66',1~ill~t;5T~f6,8~$i4I~~"l:!iV"'6;b~2}iiDilllll!l3:Q~4~~~;8~1~"217;~;?-'i~~12~oi;1lJJi!!i1l!!!21(J~~)jl 2:00 AM 45.0 2.7 2.8 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.8 1.8 1.7 1.8 0.7 1.8 1.2 0.7 1.2 16.8 ~~OOTAMm;;,ih.~43I8~~4,6~iL5_:~,2:r8\li!i!WiWi;)i"i13~8'1-~[~'t;(Jli!Ml1IIii;Il'_lI~~J>I1_I;ljllf\7D!lJEi1i~0;~~i8l1!l1iliJ':613 4:00 AM 59.2 7.0 3.7 4.8 3.3 3.2 3.5 3.2 3.2 2.5 1.5 1.3 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.3 15.7 ~;qO;i\M~2).I8~i5Li:J'i'1~"iO:IO.!1ll'~f:4f71l1ilill:3;)i~J;f:z~u~6;b~'12~f31l!111!!fli2J3:iil!'i11iD~3~f(8Jll1i1'i.':Zj3'Bili11l1~[iiil!!lllml:or6~5'}i 6:00 AM 171.7 63.8 37.7 21.2 15.2 8.8 6.8 5.5 4.2 1.7 1.2 1.5 1.8 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.8 7,I60;}\M'1'IJ,'!'j~i85;O~83;f;~"'Jl::lg;~:Z4;3!\1;*~.i6;5~9;)i~;OlBltl2I1Jl1li!l!liI:Z;5lB1ll\{o:W~q}1_Q!2'!1li1i'1i[o'[q~O!7~O[:ZB.b~o~o'~ 8:00 AM 197.7 109.0 43.7 21.3 10.8 5.8 2.7 2.3 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :Q;QdI.6,!1\m~:l":!lil'ililiii189~8~t:d8:~:,~lf<1114717J.I'!1!lll'J6;3mli>"f:adld~j'fe_tio:J!lllllllii1511ll1ll1iO~0i'2Jl11l120IoJllllll'!llb}(J1il!JliiI[dld~oi.1l~bliBllQIQ:iIlIIlIIi[O::Q 10:00 AM 180.7 116.7 38.2 15.5 6.3 2.7 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ifm>1l]i\i:1"'%-"1ilI~16913-':iil[1J.~:l5:;2{;~1'3;2~4.::5~~lf2m1llillfO;Q~O:I?-"[oJlll'imil:'O;Q~Q'l)i~oId~li'iiim!lllJllolql!ll!lllii;.O~Qlq 12:00 PM 163.2 108.7 31.3 14.8 5.3 2.0 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 if;Qo!.P:M~_'!"M{f68;OiJm1.T3jO.iil1~:l8!lll~r}'11lfd[llil'liljIJl[41Q_1}jllllllB:O}5ill1l1!'l111!ii;~:mm!Q}ol!lllllll![ol~Qld.l.B&o'!d"d.ro'lliillliill'd:;:d:!li!B'J')iI~b'[Q~)i!Q 2:00 PM 164.7 117.7 28.3 12.3 3.2 2.8 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3IoiiIpJ1~";i\il;:-~6i;'jj;;~I;"l'f:l:o'~:l:Z!3mm:9}S~4'[2!/iJ_'~~_'ro'l1llll!mOj3"'OlPBlllfdIolllllllliq'Io_oItlJm[olllJl!iiJlllllO~0IO~Qliilllll!i!il.ll!Q 4:00 PM 162.2 108.5 34.5 10.0 6.2 2.0 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ~I5tl:F'M~'Ili'~1'73l~.~.l)l'iri'i9:3~36!4~'i.ll;5Jmm515~~;2il1ili11[O}3~:;oJBll1l:Q~'lI!l&rQ:plllHliiliO::2l!111il1!iolo~rpli1Il.Jjldi'lilllliP}d1!!!ili!!II1'qll2;~oTo' 6:00 PM 182.5 119.5 35.5 15.8 5.2 3.8 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 [7XMIF'M~;i.llti94f3m-l05[1;<r.;l\;'l!'~3Jltl".,,;;a:221~l3:iJll!lE"6[3J111l1BI~3~'!7~ij1s___ijl:lllllillllfdI2Illl11111fPl~o}b"'ijloB\l![O:;iiBllllll:olollil11lllIo'lQ 8:00 PM 191.7 97.5 44.5 24.0 11.5 7.2 3.7 2.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :g':,ij:b;}~M_~f91[0~94'8jf,l!!!fili:llll~islll_f.1!e1E!llllillii:aDii317~iRIlI.llli}:.3Jlllll[ijZ!~p]7.ll1l1i1111q13lJlllllBdJ2i!l111l111.o;o~oIoIllillllllorOlllllilll.)i:q 10:00 PM 176,3 78.7 35.3 20.0 13.7 9.2 5.8 4.5 2.8 1.7 1.2 1.0 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.3 fi'1~'ooTpMFt~$":~~;~..'{f46T2~~i1~7:.r~,"I')':i6:5~:20T7~r.~lS?j;t '~,..lr~'5, -";;0' S'!'2. Arc i':2~8;; '370" !if, '~21._" d(':tj'j~i!j1-; ,\\d~2- 'ilj~O: ADT 3611.2 1878.5 720.0 347.8 198.2 120.2 70.0 53.3 38.5 23.5 19.7 17.5 14.7 14.2 7.7 9.7 77.8 Study Grand Totals 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35. 40. 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - 75 - Total < 10 < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 75 < 80 80 - E8 10786 5659 2198 993 593 369 212 159 108 73 63 50 35 35 19 28 192 52.5% 20.4% 9.2% 5.5% 3.4% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.7% 0.6% 0.5% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.3% 1.8% WB 10881 5612 2122 1094 596 352 208 161 123 68 55 55 53 50 27 30 275 51.6% 19.5% 10.1% 5.5% 3.2% 1.9% 1.5% 1.1% 0.6% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.2% 0.3% 2.5% CombIned 21667 11271 4320 2087 1189 721 420 320 231 141 118 105 88 85 46 58 467 52.0% 19.9% 9.6% 5.5% 3.3% 1.9% 1.5% 1.1% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5% 0.4% 0.4% 0.2% 0.3% 2.2% Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town line Town of Southold Site: Date: 6034 6/30/2006 Friday . . . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channel/pg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin WB EB Combined 12:00 AM 40 38 78 iI(IDj"CiIA~~f& 2:00 AM 15 14 29 ~8M~~ 4:00 AM 11 32 43 1iS.:.QDlAM~8]~f2)~]1 6:00 AM 321 217 538 mrQO~5~38li~82~ 8:00 AM 520 433 953 ~iOO:rAM~i'l6::S~45~m 10:00 AM 479 445 924 1'1>.00, ,623-' , 2 '03 12:00 PM 689' 453 · 1142 h,O 6', ' 2:00 PM 733 . 3:00J' 4:00 PM 758 . 577 . 1335 ~~i2~553\flll.D!illlilill!i!Illllllllli:!~Jl 6:00 PM 560 449 · 1009 EP~5il3~3'O'2l~8l!.2 8:00 PM 446 334 780 ~'fOO~~98~58~ 10:00 PM 294 225 519 ~"00"!P~1:8.1l~1.i25~ Totals 9815 7406 17221 57.0 % 43.0 % Peak Hours AM 11:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Volume 623 454 1043 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Volume 758 600 1335 . . . Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of South old Site: Date: 6034 7/1/2006 Saturday 24 Hour Volume (2 Channel!pg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin WB EB Combined 12:00 AM 108 75 183 [iYfodTA"7(j -2..,---- - ".,' . ,. . " ,- . " . '~-~ 2:00 AM 26 18 44 ~Q1.J).~23~:20~ 4:00 AM 30 19 49 1i5TOOD~(P~6~ 6:00 AM 269 152 421 B:OfAli:1~J.J:~..tmifjlflJfl_2'N~55q 8:00 AM 475 355 830 19:rO:~585&~'368~ 10:00 AM 761 · 436 · 1197 11,m, l' 1'156 . 86 12:00 PM 1042 · 430 1472 1"0 ,'" .0 3 ,353 2:00 PM 894' 423 1317 .300' 7 -Z i9.Q GO 4:00 PM 620 . 547 · 1167 5' om. 538 5 1 \ 8 6:00 PM 460 504 . 964 117JOO!F.'.M~301\1!il!llll!llilifil!III!!11!Il-"'il5~8a 8:00 PM 355 436 . 791 1'9.1OQ!P.M~267~396~ 10:00 PM 172 377 549 n-;rr001[>~i~~lr2~ Totals 10226 7467 17693 57.8 % 42.2 % Peak Hours AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Volume 912 456 1368 PM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM Volume 1042 580 1472 Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of Southold SIte: Date: 6034 7/2/2006 Sunday . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channel/pg., 60 Min.) . Interval Beqin WB EB Combined 12:00 AM 80 162 242 511fill)1Ari1~~~ 2:00 AM 31 25 56 ~(}Z~M~f.~~g 4:00 AM 24 27 51 liSIQOIA~6~j~!ill 6:00 AM 185 88 273 [i7;!'OO"JA.ti';~242~1'2S~~ 8:00 AM 330 235 565 ~!.Q.01Ati:I~5'l.~~fS~]4 10:00 AM 625 . 432 1057 ~fA~a:l'JD~69---1'2S:i 12:00 PM 930 · 506 1436 ;f,. 00' .@..2 .5 52_: 2:00 PM 848 ' 571 . 1419 .8:00' M 68 -673 3211 4:00 PM 546 678 · 1224 W .R 1106 ;120 6:00 PM 333 713 ' 1046 tl'Zroo'J;~2li'8'~t:6~9:mt 8:00 PM 209 771' 980 ~9~001P~1'159~S66~ 10:00 PM 101 347 448 lrf[O(}le~87~1;:a~M Totals 8451 8908 17359 48.7 % 51.3 % Peak Hours AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Volume 813 469 1282 PM 1:00 PM 8:00 PM 1: 00 PM Volume 982 771 1526 . Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of South old Site: Date: 6034 7/3/2006 Monday . . . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channel/pg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin WB EB Combined 12:00 AM 54 69 123 l'i':'f061\A:lY1~~K~~.~~~ 2:00 AM 17 17 34 ~:Odr~~i5~ 4:00 AM 16 32 48 m2:r:ddm~~s.6~~93~1i2 6:00 AM 265 210 475 fiiZ[([b1AM~__36~~~34~Z.0~ 8:00 AM 386 397 783 ~lOdj'AI'i1~2't.1'~4~$~"851i 10:00 AM 464 . 519 983 n![i;tjdtA646" 's. ' 2. 12:00 PM 810 . 577 . 1387 It.O' .52 L 2:00 PM 556 · 1243 .3:dOcp. 6'40 '28..,; 4:00 PM 641 . 681 . 1322 1:5!001BM~5d6jj~_5~~ 6:00 PM 435 547 . 982 1f:7;:6dlP.8~~i1i~4d9~ 8:00 PM 275 471 746 ~9roOl~239~~Z~6E1 10:00 PM 150 287 437 ~d!EB~1,1~1i1~ Totals 8303 8613 16916 49.1 % 50.9 % Peak Hours AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Volume 646 581 1227 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM Volume 810 681 1387 Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of Southold Site: Date: 6034 7/4/2006 Tuesday . . . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channel!pg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin WB EB Combined 12:00 AM 54 103 157 !li1l'OQX8~'i~~li4 2:00 AM 17 22 39 il3rOOI'8M~i.B~2-a~36 4:00 AM 18 12 30 ~5rOO!A"~7~3~9~aJ~ 6:00 AM 145 94 239 mz;:00'!'fi.f:i:1~Jl2D~'r;j~360 8:00 AM 260 223 483 I[LQ01'AM~~3:~59~ 10:00 AM 490 . 488 978 ; ).00 . 2. 5 <rOl0 12:00 PM 577 . 630. 1207 0, _~3 ~. 2:00 PM 422 . 691 . 3.'OOi '35 636 4:00 PM 291 · 672' -OOl .~., 68 6:00 PM 222 718 · 940 mwOI~~~7.9~5't2~5j] 8:00 PM 129 628 · 757 i1i9::00:mtil~1~5~4Z.~5j 10:00 PM 139 313 452 ~~6j~42~20g Totals 5235 8878 14113 37.1 % 62.9 % Peak Hours AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Volume 490 548 1010 PM 12:00 PM 1: 00 PM 1:00 PM Volume 577 721 1244 Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of Southold Site: Date: 6034 7/5/2006 Wednesday . . . 24 Hour Volume (2 Channel!pg., 60 Min.) Interval Beqin WB EB Combined 12:00 AM 34 55 89 m~d~~'2:1,~'l~ 2:00 AM 15 10 25 ii~'rn:oJA~1~~Ji1 4:00 AM 18 54 72 ilsroO!A~.!l0~1'7A~2S'l' 6:00 AM 264 322 586 ~A~~Z2~9J.~ 8:00 AM 399 537 936 ~.018~~~9~538'~8~Z 10:00 AM 356 569 925 ~ITOorA~.gl~47#~80g 12:00 PM 352 423 775 1I11fOOmM~223~1!:(3~3:,{El 2:00 PM 6 1 7 !if31Q~Q1~0~(j~ 4:00 PM 0 0 0 ~~O~O~ 6:00 PM 0 0 0 ~OI~b~O~Q 8:00 PM 0 0 0 fJl:9I001P.iil~O~b~6 10:00 PM 0 0 0 1li II . l ~<t.. ~f'~_~.'i.r."'f ""'~:;:";.:;;::-7t~1""- ~;;,"~'~"'~m~";;.<:"'~'t~t~~, ~<1Z~,-!jt~Wi""~pc",o~,,,,~'i~~k. H<'~~.'. < t:! ,,,~,- ~" >-~'-,'''' - ~~~ I ~'''''''':;'~v:t~""". ~.......::l,..,_._.^,~<,',~"'",',,,,,~, ~_ "",o-_~""'.~".".",. > .~",_~,'d<-_ ~< ','N )~ -> ,"~, ,~;;O~ ~~ ~,'~ < ,""~,"""" '" , _'"" """_.... ..~ ~~, ""'" ,&'"" "'h'~' /':0 <>". ". ''''.'''~ ,,~.,.- ,~<,_=,_, ~ - "',~ ..>~ - , ~ ~ Totals 2900 3792 6692 43.3 % 56.7 % Peak Hours AM 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM Volume 445 569 936 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM Volume 352 423 775 . . . Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 6{30{2006 Friday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: EB mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - SO - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 12 7 4 2 0 _i;:Q'OJA~~iCf~~'&:~tf..l"O"!i~il()~o~~"d~o'mill'!i~or.m-~-1~1n1 :l!.'f~;i:~J!:~"m2!'EiB~o~b]~q 2:00 AM 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 4 3 3 0 0 ~Idb:rp;f1~~'i"2;~E~bBlli~Ro~~6~ij~Q"II!BIJj~Wi.j""""=-~"'aj->f ~~",".~-,~W2~Q""""""""~~{Q 4:00 AM 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 9 4 6 2 5 ums:r.Q'a!AMnr~~2'tc~~m:Qm!:!:fmO'~'T\ilc-,;!,,'iO~~1';\1~Q~O~~.t!t:'i~-O,,.:,.,,,,,,,,,o<",.>l!'j~,4m ,j>5~6~O~~7""""'''_:~:~ 6:00 AM 217 4 0 0 2 0 1 3 16 58 75 45 8 5 ~ro~oIA~384~~~J,~~~;9~i~J~~f"~jfi~~~,..;~~t1~-~27~67~4;o.l1l1ll88~:5b :nflmiWt~1Og~~:~ 8:00 AM 433 9 1 2 5 8 10 29 132 154 71 12 0 0 E9I(foI~t':1~4$.~'DE~~~~2~~",,,,-,~!fi~~---",,,7:g;5;m&S~~~8'-:~'~~'j~9~~__.,1~11mv.l~i! 10 :00 AM 445 12 3 3 2 2 13 53 162 131 49 13 2 0 mxr1f;b)libM~{2:0~6.Jlm:mm5-~,~--"'~:l~~:llilllllil;t2o"lllllllll!l1l~$ -~"_._-,....,,...,o: 12:00 PM 453 12 3 5 3 3 29 86 156 115 31 10 0 0 _l.Tob]PBDll'Ilil!(4!l~~3""'''''~i__d~il~4~t~~$'~4,'''''''''''''.l ._J...._,~~ 2:00 PM 476 15 5 9 1 8 50 125 170 76 12 5 0 0 ~;~QO~~~6QOlllE2~d~';!?~2;!~~"'~:5~~2'~ow.l'~~2~6~~!i9~~~"~" =;J;~:4"" 1... ~:i! 4:00 PM 577 10 3 11 11 6 55 133 189 114 36 7 2 0 __~P:OIe~,5~~2.1!~ru.d2~4~:J,"""'-""'-~6~4~~~7j3~i4~9~,~a"-~-,p .MJfiQ 6:00 PM 449 8 2 3 2 6 19 91 134 122 50 12 0 0 _7rQP1ef~1)II~~3()~~7~41mt(.t-j!;.mrnf_=-'---2',;", ~ ~n;p -311. .......,~...~~~1IiiIIIm7 0.. -~q 8:00 PM 334 2 0 0 1 0 5 69 150 86 16 4 0 1 _9IQo1e~i5.8 ~t...w.-g~O_~ _ Bmlj- 1'ImM~a1~l! J. ~~'~6.~j)~tl'lll!llMlllll!i{j-f'8:E11 :0 115' ~-Q 10:00 PM 225 1 0 0 0 7 8 35 93 59 15 5 2 0 rmi1'i,,!(jb7p'M~f25B:W17~b~~O:'B'>.1f"'4W;:O~Ot~m,~,O~~~1"'fo~y!~k3~~~O'Mm.:~1tiM';'f~-}~mj:~~BJ! Total 7406 157 33 58 52 88 410 1346 2436 1832 710 218 49 17 % 2.1 0.4 0.8 0.7 1.2 5.5 18.2 32.9 24.7 9.6 2.9 0.7 0.2 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 90% (mph) 39.6 41.7 48.2 54.5 56.1 10 mph Pace Speed 43.5 - 53.5 Average 47.3 mph Number in pace 4439 (59.9 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 91.6 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh 45 moh 50 moh 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 89.2 % 71.1 % 38.2 % 13.4 % 3.8 % 0.9 % Count 6608 5262 2826 994 284 66 . . . Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7/1/2006 Saturday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: E8 mph 0 ~ 15 - 20 ~ 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < SO < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 75 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 16 28 19 5 0 0 ~--;:o~oIA_~':lo'mJl\!.ty~':~41nW~t-O~O..f;it:O'~f>~Y._Q~1-~~')=O-:=<""""""'''''.j'1mlfflMlr<6~(j'~f~7l~t~~'-~'&.O: 2:00 AM 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 5 2 0 m~IQQT~l1jiiiiltl'{:ioJ?&\iQil:S;;Jiijj',~~Q~()~OM._"~ ,.,!',O~R'<!~O~"'""",","fi1~0l&''''''~4~~/''~lJ~~m2'irnJ::!ml.dlfi,Zpll1 """~ 4:00 AM 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 3 7 1 1 1 asJJtOTh~~67~'''1o'''o~~()a~f'()~ --'-'P~-~~;O-"""""~""Q'" - ~, :sm1_~~~~9~~13~...._~--='a~'3 6:00 AM 152 1 1 1 1 0 0 8 22 42 36 33 7 0 E?rOQ~t1~).;:t~2~b,m~~n~ro:~~-~....."..."'~~-~~.~m~ ..~4"')~~6~$_~~2 _~:II'",.ur.'--dI>"'''O: 8:00 AM 355 5 3 1 2 5 17 38 95 115 56 17 1 0 lIIil[!l:;:OJ!!~f1Bl!I~!\'8_b\!ii\l~\."ll1\t4_4~""""""'~'~9~~1;~"91~t-'il!!!iiLd_O .""'q 10:00 AM 436 8 3 0 4 6 34 79 173 99 23 3 3 1 m~JjrA~~4S.6~t3~~j~:73--~4~'~6~!<rt'~ ..il~.$~:2 IIM~-~~j~'~ JZt~'1:tl 12:00 PM 430 16 4 5 12 8 68 120 125 62 8 2 0 0 _~IOP1er1~44)B!mU~~S'~~Wl'-""~$~t.b'''-''~'1j~~4SJ1i1[<<~lfIBIS.~IIIIII~~~ts~~1--' --_1-) -~ 2:00 PM 423 12 10 3 2 12 66 126 145 38 7 2 0 0 _$IdJj!~ij~5'6,O'~'3~-;:'I-lli<"~I1ti'i6:~~~~o).IEt9"~....r49~:ZmlltnB.~t2 d- ~~y11 4:00 PM 547 7 3 6 5 14 95 184 177 43 12 1 0 0 IiE5Ib'O]I'F.11lllm'lli58(j~ql!!ll;W'-2,_~;;..-~-w.1illIllll!l[a~1.<i_{Q..lIlIiIIIlI~~_':1; .0 "",j 6:00 PM 504 7 1 0 3 8 38 113 194 109 24 4 3 0 m7IiS_Q1E~~:S"s""'~~""M&~i~O'I~"\;~~1'"."",,,, ~~=mm~4~2~~~ ~~JlSII[If.?~?~~~6 Q 8:00 PM 436 4 0 1 2 1 43 114 169 84 17 0 1 0 _9ItipZe.r13iEii39h''''IHZ.,=...ft1,~I~'~O'~~'~'' ."r-rK1'u- "I ~'O-"''''''''''''''''''''Q~''~f~1_.i~t:~-,..-?::m -;;D'1-- l1III!III'?~~Q 10:00 PM 377 2 0 0 0 0 10 82 187 76 17 2 0 1 iilW1T!1ibTPM~2T2~i~~O~o~b'_~~!"16""""''''",/~4~9'blllllll!~53~9~~b_Ii'''f Total 7467 142 41 39 60 130 750 1847 2511 1278 460 155 40 14 % 1.9 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.7 10.0 24.7 33.6 17.1 6.2 2.1 0.5 0.2 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % SO % 85 % ~ (mph) 38.0 39.8 46.4 52.7 54.2 10 mph Pace Speed 41.1-51.1 Average 45.7 mph Number in pace 4446 (59.5 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 95.5 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh ~ 5QJnQh 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 84.4 % 59.7 % 26.1 % 9.0% 2.8 % 0.7 % Count 6305 4458 1947 669 209 54 . . . Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7/2/2006 Sunday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: E8 mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < S5 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 162 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 49 49 42 10 3 0 E:i:;:.C)9~@'~S:mtJ:~~.o~"~~I'(n~it"'IW.~J~~..'O~~b-rnf:i"""~!Wj.'Q'.~~)l1tf""~!.2~J] ~1~f1~'8~7~'9~!JllUi!'Mr1'~'~ij 2:00 AM 25 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 7 6 8 1 1 0 ~IO:Q~l1Bi~~"~'"'(j(yO~~O~Q~P~o;~~~I""""u9~.. '2.~_m<lQl;~j:;l'~J;P~'~~?l.,~~~1:t 4:00 AM 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 6 6 4 3 1 ~1J:rdr~~~~-::J~~~wm.:dmrl,mffffO!'itf!IEt~O~OUMZ;;f~~1~~~~m1~""""...........~j-iYJr .j...... 9.~f:I. mt.:,8_-."'''''t'~~'''''2j! 6:00 AM 88 1 0 0 0 0 3 6 10 28 20 12 5 3 E7.;:6.b!~~~f2'5molOw .~2~O~~~~;Oom~"o__b~7 "'i~M!Z<~~'q~ -SIi.'~ ....~i~BII[4~1IIIIfn'7~'7.'" ~~'fI~~'Q 8:00 AM 235 1 0 0 1 1 2 30 86 73 35 6 0 0 _9rQ:Q~J:1~:j',5,~",.,w;~"'6__P'~~~~;f2~~li:; ~diP.~'~-~_$~48~~BIBIf~):~ip~H~1 "'-?~':i. 10:00 AM 432 11 4 2 2 5 21 78 144 126 37 1 0 1 mt~~MBl!lr{6~9~fi3~1m~'~~llf7~,",nl'}"""" _Ei~67l1i1i1UI$~-",~'''''.H~''~)'~1W1tl!''''''''-'OJ'' ~""O iftZO'Q 12:00 PM 506 27 7 5 6 12 57 206 138 38 7 1 1 1 IB'llYQQl[~$~2'1~il.-...2Dllil11ili:8~~f,~il1l!llllillilJ;.I.~ 4}--" - ". IN ~~;! 2:00 PM 571 25 7 2 18 39 139 208 98 32 3 0 0 0 ~fO:51~~6Z3~2ljmE5---4~~:i7~)1:l~5~5:_2"9,"-- .5...."""...-. 4:00 PM 678 17 6 5 13 63 179 204 136 45 9 1 0 0 a5;'lfo"1~ft1ll'!lill1liliZj.'4~S_6_"'l1111!!l'lmJ~~-fj~:i"{I~iii'1!I:I!Il!Ir"\-~-<. Q'. ,-""Q 6:00 PM 713 12 3 5 5 12 72 216 251 111 22 4 0 0 _1IOQreM.~67:~~~~,m~:i!W-=~~1~'- 'M,-';' ,,~2 .{3.1ilIIII;([3J111B.3~b'9I11111Bt:QO~~:S'-' ..- ~";~'JJ"" gma:::i 8:00 PM 771 5 0 1 3 31 133 274 254 61 7 2 0 0 B9.rQQ.D5.M"S~~ _a,""r.:t~!iftili~tl,,.w'="'''''''0~d~o;..-..~"5J1f_J:jf~'.bJ)lIIiII[a~ 1_~ Ii.. w"'''_Q.._.m~m!l~ 10:00 PM 347 0 0 2 0 2 15 95 137 74 16 4 2 0 mcl'iT61f'PM~';f6j~~6~61!'~0~!ii~'mU_"4UllD2~48"ll1ml!W56~23~8J'F 1im6~ Total 8908 191 51 59 87 285 1224 2621 2645 1236 371 92 31 15 % 2.1 0.6 0.7 1.0 3.2 13.7 29.4 29.7 13.9 4.2 1.0 0.3 0.2 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 9lL"fo (mph) 36.4 38.4 44.9 51.0 52.7 10 mph Pace Speed 39.9 - 49.9 Average 44.2 mph Number in pace 5328 (59.8 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 98.0 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh '!5--'TIJlh 50 moh ~ 60 moh 65 moh 78.7 % 49.3 % 19.6 % 5,7% 1.5 % 0.5 % Count 7011 4390 1745 509 138 46 . . Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: EB mph 0- 15- 20- 25- 30- 35- ~- 45- 50- 55- 60- 65- 70- Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 3S < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12.:00 AM 69 0 0 0 0 1 4 12 16 14 12 8 1 1 mIi}.:ciqrAr~f"'~),'iW:[f~'&[o'&'f~o.m;~""",,~~,.()-mM~mf1;m>~~~i!';O~i1'>>.~~O~.f'4. .,.:..rJ.-..-- ",'8ml:r'IW~5~~::l\~~tm:3'~:Jroo(~ 2:00 AM 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 4 2. 2. 2. 1 mjr(j:ort\~f5ii~~i:i~Q:;P~~d~b~~~~()LT-"",...".~~1--="""'''''b~~~.lilllI\!1lF4~4~f~Q~:$ 4:00 AM 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 8 6 9 1 2 ~5rdjir~f:1-.m;.Mf9~3~d~W"J}y;;~O_~~o"'~=d~Q~O~~,~"'i#"l>f4'r?~~;i20~'''''' ~ ..-~_1-"---1~"~:M'(~~.~-f.l1.~~ 6:00 AM 210 1 0 0 1 0 0 8 43 63 62 26 4 2 ~~.(ibIA~~3~'61f~t~1~~~b\t~Q~or~lnlltll&ge~b~li~5.1' .;t5~1'fl"2"'l'" .J~_.......,.",,~ar,~ 8:00 AM 397 7 3 1 2. 7 13 49 110 129 64 11 0 1 _9I(tbJA~~f,i_7~~~;;~[~O~7~"mJ ,"...JJ;'1"-'-'-"~::J'IIIRa:~7.1_to.7~2;$'~...r2!f<1- j um'2; 10:00 AM 519 16 2 3 5 7 48 148 184 80 24 0 1 1 Ei!eI,ijg~'~s8l~i.2,~7,J<<1AA;.wJ'~~2~1J~6~~~~_9J1E'i1l~~6~7,<}'-~~w ,.....,..._~ __~--""--.d. 12:00 PM 577 17 13 10 12 12 79 166 168 75 20 5 0 0 ~OQ!~!!1if."'!'''''.'$52~f~~~~_~.ftJ1IllIllilll\r6~_f1.Q1IiIilll[~5-t,-,?- -..,......""11 2:00 PM 556 16 2 3 6 10 50 185 212 63 7 2 0 0 e-iQolp.H~640~5~2~6~"'~~"",~i)~~~57J1\1llllfl~jJ~""""''''4- q 4:00 PM 681 14 6 5 6 19 91 240 221 62 15 0 2 0 _5;'o:tJ:P.M~6-561l1\llmiJtJ_'liil~~~.--2__18~~Q!l_i,1j!li'liillllll[El~--.....':,~--(.. -,~ 6:00 PM 547 7 0 2 5 5 26 109 205 156 28 4 0 0 m17IOQ1:~~~4b"g~~~/O~~2~~N."'~ri~,"""'~"="'~~ <="4~~~~a~5~J1IIIi!4:3-n - ~.6 q 8:00 PM 471 3 0 1 0 3 36 121 178 95 25 8 1 0 m~~jj,pIE~~3ti~2~z~~t,,"~<m!"o'4!l!ZU1Gl~~1~;t6~:slll.9):D'IIIi17~4:9- -t9~f.ftR;tP', --"""j~q 10 :00 PM 287 1 0 0 1 1 11 46 139 55 27 4 2 0 ~fr:007PM~f7i~o~~tf~''O;.tW'c;~.O~:l:-r~'l;:~'WO~~Il'~I~,if~6~4-6~S4~2~6~il"~...,,~' Total 8613 139 46 41 64 144 773 2221 2835 1556 577 159 32 26 % 1.6 0.5 0.5 0.7 1.7 9.0 25.8 32.9 18.1 6.7 1.8 0.4 0.3 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % ~ 85 % 90% (mph) 38.4 40.3 46.4 52.9 54.5 10 mph Pace Speed 41.1-51.1 Average 46.0 mph Number in pace 5224 (60.7 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 96.3 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh 45 moh 5.Q..!!lQh 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 86.0 % 60.2 % 27.3 % 9.2 % 2.5 % 0.7 % Count 7406 5185 2350 794 217 58 . 6034 7/3/2006 Monday . . Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: EB mph 0 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 103 0 0 0 0 1 2 11 34 35 12 7 1 0 E1:Io:QT.~~~~':3:rtI~t~a~o~"'f~d:F~6~Q~.O:mIi-:1<r,m,~i'~~3~~::iB.1~~I~jf$"~Tl!~~$MoJ;~IL.~!f4~Q~ 2:00 AM 22 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 11 3 1 1 2 E3}'()~QL~~~2.3$fa~I~o~~b:7]~~~;iiJ~ow..tYt@'iril~1f::;"''''''''''''''''"&,O~~Q~f""'"'~]~~i.O:~~~JM:3~!'.'l!:iI~ffi~ni&l"""""':?'!&~~~J!11 4:00 AM 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 5 2 0 0 1 e5]):)"p!~~~,;i.9~O_~~:<;';\sf.ltiOj~~~~r-r:1'~I1.p~6':~!mi~fOliE'll::,".",..,,",1~"""""~'4~tiW~'i,~p-lI1i__ltIf<I}.9__ ........"'1~0Ii'lll'.lllt,~ 6:00 AM 94 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 16 22 34 9 4 2 ~lo.tliA'r~1;_r3fl~o:~~~-cf'l!~J'f?!t~r,'(}rri"'''''''<~O:.!!1~!f!<I,,:t1mli:il~P.M1'-"o ....,.,'4-~~ ~$~~9l11!114~'f.!i.it.o--_.Itl'i:L"tJ! ~o: 8:00 AM 223 2 0 1 0 2 7 28 68 75 33 7 0 0 _9Id.b!$.;~~j.2~l{l~:w.l~-:ttm._...o'~=cq~-~~';';jIDi;L~J~2--~~:f~Q"~:iIm.lI\Ii~17~1~~ 6_' -~ 10:00 AM 488 8 3 2 2 5 23 123 165 126 26 4 1 0 1r~:t[O~()IA~~~&~J:.QiJi;-lt~~~j~a~~S'".l~_?::IIIlI[6Jl:BBlJ.'.~~~.~J).IlIIfU'Z$'~1J~~;~~'f," waO......... r~,~ 12:00 PM 630 9 4 4 5 4 53 219 244 72 11 2 2 1 _~~j)olirr1I'lmlll7:~~i3~'D241j '!ll4~~~~~~~1l~6~---"-9- ~~- -(1 2:00 PM 691 8 5 6 7 23 110 199 239 79 13 2 0 0 ~a.16QlEM~63~J!!Il'7i:i:.IWlJllIl13~2_~~6~Jj~'lIIIIIIIfI:r~9~i-fplllllf",,-t- -----;l, '-1 4:00 PM 672 11 2 5 7 16 79 230 213 81 21 4 3 0 1lE:~;:6oI~6}j;j~31ll!!l&~j~q.-"'...~1IlIiilIi~9~(f9_~1I5~6lmfl!I!~)~'-6"'-iIJ 6:00 PM 718 8 2 0 6 21 50 158 270 165 31 4 2 1 E7;;:o:P:rp."B~st2"""","-1~!l~'1'~'.''''~oJ.ililllifP- '~.3~~~'i:i'-': Q 8:00 PM 628 3 4 0 2 3 36 166 237 153 21 2 1 0 _9IoP.!e.~___~28'. tR~li~"*~1- o.l~l _1__lIO;~m;"1~?~$,~1,J ~~:mIIII.'t~'~~.4' -0 iJ1);2] 10:00 PM 313 0 0 0 2 1 5 47 126 91 28 11 1 1 ~f1:db1PM~14-2~(j~~b~~;~vr~:Wol;j'f!':,:1t~$.ti~d"-~01$~~~M'i!21mlffe!21~4'O~37~:t~tj_~J1gl~d Total 8878 92 30 31 57 187 769 2229 3051 1767 492 125 31 17 0/0 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.6 2.1 8.7 25.1 34.4 19.9 5.5 1.4 0.3 0.2 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % ~ (mph) 38.8 40.6 46.7 52.2 53.7 10 mph Pace Speed 42.0 - 52.0 Average 46.2 mph Number in pace 5610 (63.2 '!o) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 93.1 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 mDh 45 moh 50 moh 55 mDh 60 moh 65 mDh 86.9 % 61.8 % 27.4 % 7.5% 1.9 % 0.5 % Count 7712 5483 2432 665 173 48 . 6034 7/4/2006 Tuesday . . . Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 7/5/2006 Wednesday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: EB mph 0 _ 15 _ 20 . 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 55 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 15 18 5 3 4 0 ~~O(jrA€1~:i3.'$:m~~~:ij~f;'i~O:~%~;'A'!#_O~\~1~lQ~O~""';'JIo;;;l!,trv~""~~~.-~_""""""""""'SIW~~~r,,~- ,.....~...."'MQl"rnl.~~<'l:!!'l!Il!:m!l~.:oo~p: 2:00 AM 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 4 0 1 0 ~Ii:foI~~~:4~~b~(j.:~~~O~O~q,~Q_.~;"'."'6''''''''- ~~~m9~'~ -'"$~.3'~-~~o. 4:00 AM 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 18 15 7 3 0 ~51:t"9~f.1~Kifii.Ll:ZfJ~.d~1iits;Efjj~ii~~~-Ri~o~tn~&:I~j~O?lB.!~"'~'Il~-1j~~""''''''+',-,1'6J", ~.~'~5~~_i'JI~~'~~BlM!l.1A 6:00 AM 322 3 0 0 1 1 2 24 70 120 65 26 9 1 ill1lI~::O:QrA1i\~4tZ~P~~~i-~f4~0.~7J1l1!llf147~}~.E>$."~~_l!!lIlIll!"",_""";0'--'.4 s:oo AM 537 9 3 4 12 15 19 71 157 180 54 13 0 0 E9:;:o:o~EiBillil:538'''''''""",,,1~Zillliiill!!l!ll3,......m;5~4il1!il!l1ii!i:,_,t.l~p~l1JIIIIIllIiit!(o~B'111"".....4' ._il1llJllllllll\!l1j 10:00 AM 569 5 2 1 3 33 138 189 154 38 5 1 0 0 m1.TO:-6!AMIJ;Jj~rt(Ij~~13:m'~iB1~.<W~inlJ;i~diita-.mmvj_l.9J~{3"""'- .""""~_~"""",".......",,J3r~...=O-""""'c""""''''"''Q-~~. ~Q~Z~J9w.J'A 12:00 PM 423 4 0 2 0 20 62 177 119 33 4 0 0 2 mi;~b:orp.e~;.tJj~f3~<!_~1_t_Q_l~'i$IID1I!l"tIll1lIlIIl~!D!L ..~:!i~j.......,,1Il.';1'.ll "",,,,-c-1 2:00 PM 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _3~~QQfP.8~ITId~i)~/"'~o~d~.Oll'~1l!.'lmtl'ml;:Q;:*R"~~ci"--'w_,p,_.....~:(i~:_"i(i_"JiIlllIiiliio~~~.n:mllld~i'E'Q 4:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~5JQ01p'~_;jffi{lrO'il''''''~0~''~0.~0~01Dl!l'!l'S_r'''''''.0i'''''-0''''''''''\I-''''''"''-O-(._......~O. 6:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~.,jjor~~~o~ij.~p~6~9~~O.~'lt"t'.ll\M~M~'d'r- ~--o.~~..~-~;bJ!lli~iId.1~!l)"'" - ~'liGlf~":Il'~'Q~p"""". Q 8:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "9;:Q~o!P.M~~fl,'~ll~~~tltr,p~ji:~'O~:o"'''''''''''mJi~~(Pt;I!Ilim1:IHtilb.-~Q_ """,""ID'''''''''''''''.~''''''O''''''''''""""","",",<);!IIl;__:9'ilUl- ~-'O...._-_no -'Q 10:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~r:o'ci'fp:r;1~~r,#!:\;jN~:fb$:q~ii'1_iI'1'~%:O~O~W.ijJ1~~or~~~o:;g'W-~~~O~'bwmmr.O:~~i!lImlb:_~,~!llta~iO!lh,"llf9llUii.J~M1,O:lJll.RiJ;!lll~(,m01P"~~d Total 3792 56 11 13 44 154 502 835 1001 745 312 88 27 4 % 1.5 0.3 0.3 1.2 4.1 13.2 22.0 26.4 19.6 8.2 2.3 0.7 0.1 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % ~ 85 % 90% (mph) 36.3 38.3 46.4 54.0 55.6 10 mph Pace Speed 42.5 - 52.5 Average 45.8 mph Number in pace 1907 (50.3 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 84.6 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 moh 'l5.1!lQh 50 moh 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 79.4 % 57.4 % 31.0 % 11.4 % 3.1 % 0.8% Count 3012 2177 1176 431 119 31 . . . Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 6034 6130(2006 Friday 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: WB mph 0 _ 15 _ 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < SO < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 18 9 5 0 1 ~;Jib!Af1~~!@~'1ti8~9~TIifo-",~~o~~~j):r~~~m:o~~,b""""'''-<.a',...-.~,,~~~~;Jirrr?'-,'"2);lIM''''' 'il~_8,~\g~I!i!~U~~w.!~~B~ti~q 2:00 AM 15 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 4 5 1 1 0 1B31(j{jIA-t:1~(6.~o~~P,,~,,;uAJ,~~d~Q~m.~'t).~pr '''~O''~""",o',.Ij,j_~$'~:3:~m3~Q~d~ 4:00 AM 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 5 1 0 0 _~.r~:fQ1AM~8~~\:~rJ\!i~~o~.WH-lii'ltl:~Q~6,~>>'.dJmo~!ro~~r:,!iIil~3..l~~~~~;t~QJIlIIlf7r~~4~:t~ij 6:00 AM 321 6 0 1 1 4 4 26 117 114 41 7 0 0 ~Q'QiA.MEI[4{45.Bifam..6~!1r~~~~1:&liii1i~O-:!;~l'ilIil&i:o,kJ;,mM_'-~~:1~6~~$'~7,w.<lt~:ll11~.~ll'llli~~.."p__ef:Q 8:00 AM 520 14 1 5 2 13 23 98 210 119 32 3 0 0 ~Io.:b~~4)f~~9'~.tV$~';bn'!H~:J~1~.:illl'mfi~1"~1~~P)~:~~7~'- ~oj~1i 10:00 AM 479 10 3 3 2 0 24 152 186 81 15 3 0 0 ~ii.[([Q!A~1mrilm'oo{~~~'~~ar.6~7irm""""it6""';Jl,'m--:1~'5~~2:Q~i."3.~Q'!.'i~a!&l!&~~~~'1!J-rII!"'d~ T.If{1 12:00 PM 689 15 3 3 2 5 44 257 287 65 7 0 1 0 _:i;;bJ:)Ia~67;~~i:J~t;-;b1,j,jif,3~,l~ltil1"Wt,~:-()~7~P~f3311112:i7"J11'l.lli6~~~~:9--" W~~_.......-.lh - [jl1ll~~Q 2:00 PM 733 8 9 9 7 15 80 269 253 73 8 1 0 1 g3Io.Ol~~t$,0~J~"4:t-JJtNi~~~~~~~~o~~'~~~_8~a:~ ~i:-1~""~<..,~,~"- 'Qr \!-,Q"'.........,,-Q 4:00 PM 758 21 5 8 6 18 69 246 283 88 13 1 0 0 mSIoliw,1~t.~i\BlBj~~~j~.'L~-~r~Bilii32~l1Ill'I'I:~?~mlla_ii'-" _~.~~I 6:00 PM 560 7 1 5 3 5 36 120 250 108 23 1 0 1 ~~ti9~~S~jM"='~"'~;;4~:E2S;(M'~1t1i2~41i11E~liIBl2:~lI'BIf5:~~~:J,[1:191'''''''..,q~9'''N"~~",oMg1'' 'IHlQ~~Q 8:00 PM 446 8 0 0 5 0 12 57 218 120 20 4 0 2 _9ro~oIp.MJir.1~r""~Qa~~2~2,sr,ml_I.f..,?_&~:1~imr~'~.9~_~~i?1IJlIl!ft'mlf~~~l1lilUI\1iII1~~f'- ......4!';l~~O: 10:00 PM 294 0 0 0 0 0 5 38 117 106 24 4 0 0 ~fi:i:fo~nf~r~f8B~vt~t~'f.!.t;o'r#l&?~,~~~d~OMf~;-i)~(i~:;w_l~N1l",.i3~8'9~5:i."'~~O~.:"",...it.~l-d Total 9815 174 44 62 60 100 543 2700 3962 1748 353 56 4 9 % 1.8 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0 5.5 27.5 40.4 17.8 3.6 0.6 0.0 0.1 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % ~ (mph) 39.9 41.5 46.4 51.2 52.4 10 mph Pace Speed 42.0 - 52.0 Average 45.6 mph Number in pace 7019 (71.5 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 92.3 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 mDh 45 mDh 50 mDh 55 mDh 60 mDh 65 mDh 90.0 % 62.5 % 22.1 % 4.3 % 0.7 % 0.1 % Count 8832 6132 2170 422 69 13 .' - Pole 262 CR 48 EO Town Line Town of Southo Site: Date: 24 Hour Speed (60 Min.) Channel: WB mph 0 _ 15 _ 20 - 25 - 30 ~ 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 - Total < 15 < 20 < 25 < 30 < 35 < 40 < 45 < 50 < 55 < 60 < 65 < 70 < 200 12:00 AM 108 0 2 0 2 0 0 7 26 40 26 4 1 0 E~\:OdI~11j\llI1il!I~I[46~d~~O~0~o~u"'''''''''o~1Il~~-~'''11III1!!"'!lr~~",,-._,)~ 2:00 AM 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 10 6 3 2 1 ~~Ii:j'Qlbf.1~Z':3.~O~!1tlf;t~~o.~O~P~O~~~~,-=~,;wI'~4~H~~~imI~Q~$r1n'~H'1' 4:00 AM 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 8 6 3 1 0 .5JP()!A'~J>~~'O~AOJmF.~~,~p~o:jf!jam'~m~~3'\!I!;'-,",JIij':r~711111146~4j.~.1,~'~''''''''''-Q;~[Q 6:00 AM 269 0 2 1 1 0 1 14 133 89 22 6 0 0 _j!097A~fmi&~.3.9'~'1o"!;;;~tI~i~~h~Oj~!l"Jml,"'m()~~"!m!I:'~-(O~:ifomw.i:il'4_.c!i'~';j~,~1IIII2'ij'~;m'''"''!''''''''"I1~Q 8:00 AM 475 6 2 1 2 2 13 102 195 119 31 0 2 0 _9I(tb:r~El~58'~4~,~4~~""",~:4""""'7,,,w.r.;tWS~wm~'\!:~~$O~j~~$:O~.1J8'tt...7>,...l,"""....,f:lim~?~~,~ IO'"........~~9. 10:00 AM 761 15 1 2 2 15 38 303 303 71 9 0 0 2 ~'];'il[0l'h1!l]em;i)jJ2JlliiDliX4~"""'iil!ll[6~""""'""";~11!!!l!llFll::lJIIIiD!If~~~al!!llB1li.'I1'-?~-"p:_,,"O._ I'a Q-:i 12:00 PM 1042 32 10 11 23 80 289 440 138 13 4 2 0 0 Br;:oQIDjM~~I:O~22B'''7~~...........c8Jl'l1lil1i.c~~'S7~'~i5-1''''''''-~---? .~1...-i!l 2:00 PM 894 36 20 11 21 50 184 372 178 17 5 0 0 0 ~3;:ObI~~7I7~20~r6~6~8.~Z,'-;1]~2:1!IIIIlI't7.4_J~w= 4-,""",0-~'-''''-1I 4:00 PM 620 16 6 5 18 27 115 221 163 42 4 2 0 1 E5IdQlP.~~S):S~::;":>mll>'!!;:Q1W"';~~3,~&\il'-1f4~-ml<5iEE!El1iIII[2~.BIIW'JIIllIE'Z.l7.J1!111.'8::s~b~w,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,~~ -.,r.m1~~~,Q 6:00 PM 460 9 3 1 2 6 39 114 187 93 5 1 0 0 _7:;:djJlpJi1~4~b~3~1.<ml:0~'~~!ilre~:mliIlml\lll;lII""'4~.PDIllllli5~'j"i5'1!li1lillIo~~Oll.'I"-"""'"'"""""'....-Q 8:00 PM 355 4 0 1 3 1 17 105 126 75 21 2 0 0 _9."fQ,Q!eH~267:m..-~.l.'I:Q~iif-;~;mo~r.iLm~;i~~~llO~2'rr.l1"""""JW~~;t~,;fIt.mmfj9~~n1l~~~~:nw.1;~J- URI'9~ril'q 10:00 PM 172 3 1 0 0 0 8 28 69 47 13 1 2 0 '. Jt"'rto01'pr;1:* ~-ff4~ _ t1h-';Jl ,(f~r ",_ Q,; ~, ,;0. ""_ 6 ~_.~ K (j. tI'4 ,tJ3 ,-. . ra- '4: 1 'O~ Total 10226 204 73 79 116 303 1334 3434 3114 1216 270 58 13 12 % 2.0 0.7 0.8 1.1 3.0 13.0 33.6 30.5 11.9 2.6 0.6 0.1 0.1 Percentile Speeds 10 % 15 % 50 % 85 % 90% (mph) 36.6 38.5 44.3 50.1 51.5 10 mph Pace Speed 39.5 - 49.5 Average 43.6 mph Number in pace 6626 (64.8 %) Minimum 5.0 mph Maximum 98.9 mph Speeds Exceeded 40 mDh 45 mDh 5QJ:nQll 55 moh 60 moh 65 moh 79.4 % 45.8 % 15.3 % 3.5% 0.8 % 0.2% Count 8117 4683 1569 353 83 25 . 6034 7/1/2006 Saturday C D