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iLivail t C9a \stnrno a- LJr scb ScupaQt11a4. Pfd /C/0.-4/CI4. PA ii/,1c1/04 a, APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS • 4�'�"OF $�Ur • Mailing Address: Ruth D. Oliva,Chairwoman / �O•�� �' Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road• P.O. Box 1179 Gerard P. Goehringer % * �[ Southold,NY 11971-0959 James Dinizio, Jr. • C ,�` Office Location: Michael A. Simon it *a ,t‘e Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank Leslie Kanes Weisman COUi N`��t t 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) i •''•��, Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RECEIVED TOWN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I d q:3l Q in . Tel. (631) 765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 DEC 1 3 2005 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION Southold Town Cler$ MEETING OF NOVEMBER 30, 2006 ZB File No. 5924— Michael and Susan Jeffries CTM 1-2-11 Property Location: East End Road (vicinity of Mudd Pond and Money Pond), Fishers Island SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicants' 95,832 square foot parcel is located in an R- 120 Residential Zone District, and is improved with a 2017 sq. ft. single-family dwelling as shown on the site plan dated 11/04/03 prepared by CME Associates Engineering & Land Surveying, PLLC. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Based on applicants' request for a building permit, the Building Inspector issued a Notice of Disapproval on March 7, 2006, amended April 12, 2006 citing Sections 100- 239.4.1 (280-116) and 100-32 (280-14) for the reasons that the location of the new dwelling construction (after demolition of the existing building) will be less than 100 feet from the top of the bluff and at a height exceeding the code limitation of two and one-half stories. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on October 26, 2006, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicants wish to substantially reconstruct their existing single-family dwelling, utilizing parts of the existing foundation. The setbacks requested are shown on the 5/23/2006 site plan Sheet 1 of 1 prepared by CME Associates, measuring +/- 58 feet from the top of the bluff at the southeast corner of the dwelling, and +/-52 feet from the top of the bluff measured at the closest point for the 16.4 ft. wide living room extension. TOWN CODE CHAPTER 95 (268) LWRP DETERMINATION: The applicants are requesting reconstruction of the existing dwelling using parts of the existing foundation, adding a second floor and living room existing, after demolishing the remainder of the dwelling. A Determination of Inconsistency was issued under Chapter 95, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Code and Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) standards which requires the Page 2—November 30, 2006 1111, ZB File No. 5924—Michael and Su Jeffries CTM No. 1000-1-2-11 set back be a minimum of 100 feet from the top of the bluff. The applicants' engineering firm, CME Associates, submitted information using a 1959 topographical survey of the area prepared by Chandler & Palmer, Engineers, indicating the erosion rate to be an average of between 4 and 5 inches per year, and finding the steep bank very stable and well vegetated with no areas subject to erosion. Grant of variance relief in this variance application is similar to, or landward of, the existing nonconforming setbacks of the applicants' dwelling. The applicant will provide drywells for roof drainage in accordance with LWRP standards and/or as approved by the Town of Southold Board of Trustees. The new reconstruction areas will utilize sections of the existing foundation which are nonconforming under the Zoning regulations, and the bluff will be protected with hay bales, mature trees, nearby drywells away from the bluff, and substantial landscaping. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE REFERRAL: This application was referred to the Suffolk County Department of Planning under the provisions of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, Sections A14-14 to 23, and the November 8, 2006 reply states that the Suffolk County Department of Planning considered this matter for local determination, as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Grant of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The applicants have submitted a substantial landscape design plan which protects the bluff areas and provides screening for the new construction (dwelling) from view by adjacent neighbors and the adjacent property (also owned by the applicants). In addition, the applicants will provide several drywells to properly retain water runoff, preventing runoff onto the bluff or adjacent neighboring lands. 2. The benefit sought by the applicants cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicants to pursue, other than an area variance due to the shape and topography of the land as a limiting factor, and established mature trees and gardens, when choosing either the location of any addition to the existing dwelling or construction of a new dwelling. 3. The variance granted herein is substantial. 4. The difficulty has been self-created. The setback from the bluff was established after the lot was created. 5. No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. 6. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of reconstruction with additions, after substantially demolishing the existing dwelling, while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Chairwoman Oliva, seconded by Member Weisman, and duly carried, to • Page 3—November 30, 2006 • ZB File No. 5924—Michael and Su Jeffries CTM No. 1000-1-2-11 GRANT the variance as applied for, as shown on the Conceptual Landscape Design Plan dated 6/28/2006 prepared by Edward D. Hollander Landscape Architect Design, P.C., longitudinal section dated September 12, 2006 prepared by Anderson Architects, P.C., and 5/23/2006 diagrams prepared by CME Associates. Any deviation from the variance given such as extensions, or demolitions which are not shown on the applicant's diagrams or survey site maps, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Oliva (Chairwoman), Goehringer, Dinizio, Simon, and Weisman. 2 This Resolution was duly adopted (5-0J: Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman 12/f ( /06 Approved for Filing • 4111 AV co ▪ +67,_8„ , A -- + 6T-8"- - ▪ + 61'-10" ! n; I . + 61'-10+ L{tl�I % _ G It , ____�SIN . ogo _ r $lliu _-1 1 Mil Heir n -1 .n . master bedroom f„, bedroom .+39,_0„ i'." ,.m n5I kitchen(main fl00r) r o mmm nr+ r11111+ 38,_0„ . �.'n 711y : i119'71d re ( 39-0 'T (grade)"j / I crawl space i S mrmu n' nr n. nn main Jfloor ++ 34'-11 / a// m. .^ y nrm nnml rte ;;�, n—Ci ,m.II 1. m. i% i.Giii ��i �/H� /�/i unfinished n 141).n� ii'in basement basement --- m,miFmi. lla staff rooms i!t` MN — i°",r'' .., _ ___ =?7?"imn Ln'eS-IP )�`obi xi i�,'niRnlI +29,pi: / In u. / — — - — _ i..i ii, .1. - y _ �r - � J' �D l-6/ p�ru iw�,I �(lower floor) , jj� % % �� �' +rade) (grade) , // 1 longitudinal section through entire house 3/32°= 1'-0' //// anderson architects p.c. 'D� 555 west 25th street,6th floor ///��� p new york,ny 10001 q ` \l'U � (212)620 0996 /),I i,., /) (fax)620 5299 4 jeffries residence block 1,lot I fishers island,new york site section job 05.03 scale as noted 12 September 2006 S LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26,2006 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26,2006: 1:05 P.M. MICHAEL and SUSAN JEFFRIES #5924. Based on the Building Inspector's March 7, 2006 Notice of Disapproval, amended April 12, 2006 under Sections 100-239.4 and 100-32, Variances are requested for construction of a new dwelling (after demolition of the existing building), in a location less than 100 feet from the top of the bluff and at a height exceeding the code limitation of two and one-half stories, at East End Road (vicinity of Mudd Pond and Money Pond), Fishers Island; CTM 1-2-11. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular business hours and prior to the day of the hearing If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at(631) 765-1809', or by email: Linda.Kowalski@Town.Southold.ny.us. Dated: September 29, 2006. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RUTH D. OLIVA, CHAIRWOMAN #8070 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Dina Mac Donald of Mattituck, in said county,being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES,a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York,and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successively, commen ing on the 12th day of October 2006.00 Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this P--- day of �i O1JC Y 2006 UCIADNI CHRISTINA VOLINSKI NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. O1-V06105050 Qualified In Suffolk County Commission Expires February 28,2003 • • I i I j.(l , //LA"/.U(s m neitol tly d elERg nth Fw H t ) d : .,, 12.41h*t¢8 F 4tl sl a of agb hr. /-/. r t men*arr4PS55v d4 of @designated hlmad aS11 RotNatihob= Street)Qn c,,,of -dY.d syn 7 March 7( 2prit , of thrill f R I d bu [ L IU QxBas m, , alae 6p 1 22 2(10) es forduring regular b to ( Based m n,d ',Mr 2Ny.S1 (28011!) 1 and prior t the dad July 1 NALash t 3 ioN8f64 hearing e.1 1 questions,please 1 Iamendedhu1(2*(2)labr'p�t g +r9 3 At4@gbg1914,4ohbrtlfi4 dwn ;:: e I hr talc,( contact am office *Me il) ) 9 31(I a l pi g- KIQAJt£1kf1d9Wl(9pE r 1�k b g:. I w! 7¢s 00 9 b as r,inaa (xFns) Vy aff;110q ybgi� re feetTripf P9nblq IantJt$a Kpwylk(T p.R, n 11 rn, soRt ryry-b11J� 041 gl ifi fq 5ot'+f tit b m(it t, ata •Dale,! seplenthe{29 tab g ER ming ((Inkling P rami,8331%�issue `5eqatt)VekelhigiNeaKke Lnutaten of 6141 G'BOARD OF APPEALS. 4/1168.ZB Sb#AN307N'ghMiere(30¢PO athgaa$,a6BbIMIristr&i.q.tat east Ent, r 118 1D.OLIVA, VA,CHAIRWOMANd JRA dila#3104 E9@l p )p/ . M dheM14 aband Mon 80701T 10,12 e h h ghl ERNI Ithe yPogd)° amr a1d CKM 1211 h minr [ delhnas 1Y5 I5 7 ARN3cK GAR0R' Suit ii,,,,, rand d8 nalmt IAN,Old`rfroq,1)28 andti'AgrplRESOLE 415021 shy!1, p or 6affd 70,Thvey Tl rytmarIllrom';9/28 daR2SOLt um Ert i f/*Pei o 57o'm p RI{era liras( E *Ro of (.n he Rae: Sulftilk 1171 21 Siam rte and tete s equested288110(are 0L` 1M R , flo r*SEVER, 239 d 24(1io 44),016(1ion IR.ISPIO d ad"IlIar tart th ,B sag Inspector's OW z44),Mav 4ased2 1 lot KIMUORNOR PUIN'C COMPAQ ,Not; ddag loproval'n.,0 3000 NY M957 R d d applicants'o N,p rl .1 Pte g LFG6/47NOTI(T 1 Lr building I permit I t Il Irequestr *Oiling t� $G-to,1�IL 1 APP I I; I t g dwelling x3 a construct w ad I g d*riling �OaNT.10, Oh APPP:ALS I B I ding L pl September 11 (t d m 11 r'the existing it Day601NBER 26.2106IM, NOl (*approval edamS g tale, R1wt proposed. IIB7SCEFE RINGS . 'SIIIINItIal mance lc KiAillSSICclf less ht,4rfh 100 r from the Ip of On Nlb2SeIS HEREBY GIV13a p 1 a h Rf t t ih ' b k f thI.[1 11 than krap1 WpPetjoa 267 of-the'rem I perm*n �e I h , n t a the od q red IRR t o :side sen oiNr:100(Zoryug)Coda tII h ,n II gat Kmegnor Point yard, ddlsc lad code '1rw1 TOM f 3 ll h Id Id 1❑ ng p I I N `nrl Ik Cl M 117-10-1 combrp d side p,ne.lefal of 35 feet hearings will be ONI by the SOUTH- III'0 A M MARGAtEI and Ro b 54715 R.48(Nk/a Mlddk 01*TO ,, ZONING(Tow,BOARD OF WMARD ME[NKR 8106s Ildon Road la 2,REP14S uthnld;N-6L APPEALS l l Town hall 10' am+II, I: q (YorSeptember 130PM #5960 R ad BARBARA M Road„PO I3 1179 Southold and lhcB I I Inspector's September ISABELon si Mr Rased on the permit New York 11971 0959 on TIEERSDAY 1.:'ad Nom, of D¢appr I consign, I4 4 l f abudding 1_ I I OCTOBER 2ILRI Ser_ n 1(41211 (2x0129). g the t dell 3 e alterations 915ALNI J LRIMY dl_AlREN additions 1 l pe li g ifess the' llgdWelWgO6NoI Budding HAMILTON hyo x. B sed ui the' than 5 t single code Ord and appy t 'CJmy 14)(06 Not*of 111' Building lisps I Jul) 6 200 N less I'm 35 f ! II combined ed S de 2d2( tag Regggn 280422(mo t of Dlsapp g Section tai J,nn I 7075 1201 ie Bay Bonk, 2422 ZBA rot ental N _NIM) 244Brn,r( 411 l 1 quested d,l au A1(I M 1261M6 add 28111'24 Oti244) bap Iadditionto die 1030 A Al MONTG'hnd CARO q Ib lit t r del [ sed, Maslium hidh will Else a front sard IYV 121 DM AN 95( Bd tl I'0dd the existing first❑ f I lb k lees lh 11 I. ''I ,41 B Idhim,I , 11 3I 21,16 N ,d ll V; ddeck addit1 I new r 35 1 I 1 15 k V nut 1stRI k im .I Disapprovtd cuing Section 1(NI construction wiIl constitute (TM 121211. 0031.x(10 i S requested I al degree E n el when 9A0 AM 1. 810 IR and I9 1 I B ('' 4, 1 lee h 1e located l than*feel 11 _dde WIEDER"Rt11C49((. Basel Me 000' a II 1 ardandI rdean yard, 1855W.tviewD M lueR; Applicants' req.:I I ns ad 1 I.i f r 6001 rira yardsal (TTv1107-"1-4. d and alit hee II Pc-. 1 Book sal a Iaal 1A5 PM JOHN D1II112 2,681 dwelling,and 11 Itnld ng 111200 r I V 2,1_I. Request for Variances under Su(r s Ag ,252306 , (Diss pf,.a0 lir 15AIII NO,11(11 AS a nd 11AR- V,L239413(281ih applicant's Red cilingS he I 1"20 ENfor Itll I /ANN1K(S'' 3:y Rased on 124 I ,1 the-ppl 10ux1 them that del . hr Itu11.1 g I sp c s 51ay 21.20116 Er o : buildx Pnrmil and tIH lldlny I6,11 n 1 d D I p 1 4 S t 1 '11 Lo 'E bry x 106 Nom,of deems ',mne, r E 1 h IN 141177,11 1211 I I Disapproval that thepropos, ldatlusth 1 r I- gdnd35 s II 1to as 1 I thud whiCh newe p gtct prm f o tduthel lins LOLailfal iiii,1,t, 1 1I coverage overt red whena singleadey l 1 Imn oEP Property dst .1I elFanning h ade- lantanaor 10R.,and which 15 feet, slide yards art Ims 0nn15 Road,New Suffolk el M LP d?2 -1 s d ndc ce fee ad 44 16b kl lugmm25f,nlr 9e Abu REEns I LION �I y -d d 11 171d t 'i,6e9/21105(iI the B,n Sar 6 ,CFM 4 onell:y 1'L s�bnLaRA I s}rlu40o.' canon, M l P II JOS 1 I Bead, Ru 1J a PL Laurel,ANDREW TI 2• f4T 10 D ,II 1 A C BR 99 4_ L55 PM AyELMO 0 021 RO ILO bat Eli DA Rd'95926 'Ib 00 A N I BRA ,1,1 0 NGfi Ie I Nan r ,, er I Eons R an APP aL(l$requesting e l 1 71 5 B 1 rh an.. I request 1 est forV sx under Se.iI 0z bon that mol loafor the(l mn5e f a , I humbugI RW10d NoBudding h(2t01910 n In 3 Lx0.151 adding Insists April d 21er Notice of :hated2Ob, B don* I lune g1 [ o r l fol p d 111 11 1 amended & C 8205fi 62171(16 afdi ice rD PI a eliprior n d,� g .1 t ambled b r l );1l MR 1VannEs1r 45 ',' ^,dix gwalE (hd qia t IN Ig. )Appeal ep t dS pl 6 1 d 100.244➢(280 1221),e 'kuiddde? rmttm (Il, id caunderd l IN (sle 'I he pp], y _,dl I .:i yg ganger ar¢ecd� h bl 61.b / 1-f r canonpdu1191 1 Id- :I l l nr th'Fmka thaniht th d ,01-1,h01; ot p I co Io p op rtyon allowing the 6,[g s from la and can ban' 1ch Lno m m h d WItam bathroom a iaeA f portion R "1 P t side I h*Gee I n inti and Fame n d I Anol an acceRrm. � h d ( AIM ulis lrnd).4 P I a'f m g E*Mr u 8 n( a suites a h 01 g porno,l1(TO a:,_ r Ihccad 1 1 oflg(go I d (hu f theland('ed l l dwellmgdo III DAM I ,IN and c apph nb➢1r lM$ Ih 1np Property pa tl) f f Hoff CIM Parcel'. 59n Pc y° AmsteY 1(4 at 41 1 1101 b, ,,u d,C1'Mr4-12 t °1hU5 C.R 3H1)and (JI d the Building f building u t ��{{ d, Se pat JOEBAAD Inspector's ( I Il M 10, OGS 1 Budding Tl p 1 A t21 2onS Mc TR Ab BAJADA ,a st012 fo, 11124of 05D201pt 1 *mgout 1 tc ilD Ip ) 111242 Ct(280 122) RlherrPA or'Aan II Ry d0024,g at 10 tI regardings proposedd an ,3 `Jil( x01 I RI,S1iancesr,re- ruin,PlanAnr Pemntl.I II'IA dwelling in in1 Nu a,de key, 1 :ma 10dt, t -I_al hot a 1, . _ rulue Red 1 x710 1242.based n he 25Ruminant,.l 0 281' k I dIP+ built l a 1. I I applieydawequ(2f 129)based inn 12)1lion usRid,l a (.reeup cr Irl I a1_s1 terdfrom m*NNE' tdrth q if Snle yp 114 521 I3 I d ri S d I nl', l d N Budding i e t o 4 $ID hR W AIs'In e ,Kr quid ti " l a! 0 Es dl 1e1(N I do pp b g Q,59wB a lllegndl Ille: n-a than mlpTpptld ht,anrm fg 1� tdp¢'SABgd eR 2W6N)'O [ ote r ml h locaiedI i [ g h IdI g a I obi, Pp4 al d,hg81n 16(Ens(p,40 101 I ft„riuier Rd,lot snb,n H,oak lull 1, ns p( ,, I, 1516 1 eeK Muth DrP,RoM dC1M405-1.1. dwellingal ar reasons staled gIdu i 'a I t ( g to PM rl971 Ha .AND ELSA t ti, 1 thatundcr ) g Mod, pool And gang)I reposed*,a yard i" ni e R4 n 171 Badoai o,tmr:Lip S ltohl 10041A,ed t,n ) ,only or 1,1210 R ydo£ 1 required yard, I I 1 q I( budding, rt dw ,}51 {t d o h lor and q�5h1S0 R�ylodO S ihld�prM 1,Id 111 d q ab 3M 4f {gha €1 'f( Ld10(1 o-!( Nang I t 'burro 20 2006 §male y 79721 taSlfeet 1 I r q` S :.JOSEUPI da on di i (22 0 11 I citing Section P Q r{Y 2412 22 b y B 1 a e. PPOO Ill 5 5162 t ed m 10,0-244 (280124) m pr I L (pr.,q 126]L9R'f k74 jgicm of I)i ro An0,ta t ,411 M.*ha sRfret f 10 R9/V pF Apree i B hen," ,n Np f 19}2001 Tal pngr£' t Mit. (n shed proposed P ny a t a"p -m a iul 1 (2(ILIRIA) Vn tt t 1 noel Iry onI q grdn heard 1 achh g e. q 8g id MA", n I molly f ,17 W,Rtn ) I ad r Proper- d,rtjpg t %b l;,yr, ter) I t muds thg,Jwpfgmu1 a m g ro,n ,tie Ly•4g75 Wane*,„Read( rogue 1 11�6rr apiapenl and ungnit to ATM III-2 FORM NO. 3 ct�d (71 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL / DATE: March 7, 2006 Amended: April 12, 2006 TO: Kevin Connelly for M & S Jeffries POBox648 _. Fishers Island, NY 06390 Please take notice that your application dated February 28, 2006 JUN 1 4 2006 lV For a permit for demolition & construction of a single family dwelling at \- /p2 Location of property: East End Road, Fishers Island County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 1 Block 2 Lot 11 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed demolition&reconstruction of a single family dwelling, situated on this 95,832 sq. ft. lot in the R120 zone, is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII, 100-239.4. Per 100-239.4(1), all structures located on lots adjacent to sounds... shall be setback not fewer than 100 feet from the top of such bluff or bank. The site plan shows the structure at approximately 50' from the top of the bluff. In addition the West wing of the proposed structure is not permitted pursuant to Article III, 100-32 which states: "No Building ...shall be erected or altered in the AC, R80,R120... Districts unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule incorporated into this chapter with same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein full." The bulk schedule restricts the number of stories to two and a half. The westerly portion of the construction plan indicates three stories. *Amended architect drawings submitted, replacing the kitchen at the lower level with a pantry for the staff. ' Authorized Signature APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS For Office Use Only Fee: $ (POQ Filed By: Date Assigned/Assignment No. 57d Lf (e fr (b (p Office Notes: Parcel Location: House No. Street Private Road Hamlet Fishers Island I " r' SCTM 1000 Section 01 Block 2 Lot(s) 11 Lot Size 2.20 acres. JUN 1 4 Zone District R-120 J 2006 I (WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPEGIOR DATED: 3/07/06 and amended April 12, 2006 Applicant/Owner(s): Michael & Susan Jeffries Mailing 212 Park Avenue, Columbus OH. 43209 Address: Telephone: c/o Pat Moore 765-4330 NOTE: If applicant is not the owner, state if applicant is owner's attorney, agent, architect, builder, contract vendee, etc. Authorized Representative: Patricia C. Moore Esq. Address: 51020 Main Road, Southold NY 11971 Telephone: 631-765-4330 fax: 631-765-4663 Please specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to, from the above listed names: 0 Applicant/Owner(s) X Authorized Representative 0 Other: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED 4/05/06 FOR: ❑ Building Permit (demolition of existing house&reconstruction) ❑ Certificate of Occupancy 0 Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Change of Use O Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article XXIII Section 100-239.4 (11 Setback to Bluff Article III Section 100-32 (height variance) Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: ❑ A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ❑ A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ❑ Interpretation of the Town Code, Article_Section o Reversal or Other A prior appeal 0 has 0 has not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year • Part A: AREA VARIANCE REASONS (attach extra sheet as needed): (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: The proposed House is secluded from view and the adjacent property is owned by Mrs. Jeffries therefore the proposed house will not cause a detriment to the adjacent property. The proposed house contains the east wing and west wing. These wings provide privacy to the family and room for guests. The house is primarily a"ranch house" in that the living area is on the main floor. The main floor is the living space (owner's bedrooms- kitchen- etc.); the lower floor has the garage- staff quarters and pantry (pantry serves as both the wet bar for out door entertaining and for use in servant's quarters ). Upper floor is over the main floor (not a 3' floor space) which contains the library over the guest quarters and within the roof frame (1/2 story)and leading from the dining room to the enclosed staircase to the open viewing deck (on roof of main floor dining room) (See plans) The Homes on the private road of Fishers Island are equally breathtaking and are designed in character with the neighborhood. (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: The owner wishes to have the living area on one floor, the upper and lower levels have limited living space, therefor the living space is designed as wings. The lot is large but very sloped, the house is located on the flat area of the property. The existing house is setback from the bluff at approximately the same distance. The wings of the house are positioned to enjoy the waterfront views and within the existing area of development. If the house were positioned in compliance with 100 foot setbacks from bluff and wetland the waterfront views would be eliminated and the house would be pushed down the slope close to the private road. Consequently repositioning the house away from the top of bluff affects the privacy of this property and changes the character of the neighborhood. (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: The setback to the bluff is already stable and vegetated. The area of disturbance is the existing cleared area of the lot where the existing house, retaining walls and parking are located. The owners have retained a landscape designer to recommend the appropriate location of the driveway and landscaping. The landscaper is studying the existing vegetation and has plans to supplement the existing landscaping. (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: The existing house will be demolished due to the extensive redesign of the house. The original plan to renovate the existing house could not achieve the design goals for the family. The septic tank will be relocated to be made compliant and relocated in the front yard. The placement of the sanitary is in the center of the circular driveway. Due to the slopes the 4 placement of the house has been carefully studied by the architect and surveyors, the proposed location is the most appropriate. The upper floor is %2 story within the roof structure and topography of the property permits the lower floor direct access to the outside. (5) Has the variance been self-created? ( )Yes, or (X)No. If not, is the construction existing, as built? ( )Yes, or(X )No. The setbacks from the bluff were established after the lot was created. The house is tucked into the natural slopes of the property and natural vegetation. (6) Additional information about the surrounding topography and building areas that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirements: (attach extra sheet as needed) The lot is sloped and heavily vegetated. The house is designed to tuck into the cleared areas, maximize privacy and reduce the need for retaining walls. This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box and complete PART B, Questions on next page to apply USE VARIANCE STANDARDS . (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise,please proceed to the signature and notary area below. ignature of Appellant or Au Iiiorized Agent 6 (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) Sworn s . fore me this /7 days A U iJ/ , 200 (p (Notary.lic) OM moms tangAMe.Be Of Narita ,a 01PIE WWI I SSW In SASE tern stm On+.k.n So�JW gi - I I SODND - „ --z.— a ` 6.51 ,'. n l.le,c, J—�_ i 6 �D. 80 R.D.81 � x 7 - / p sed Q% , - 1 7� - ; " MONEY O s _ '° POND 2 a a- tsp .aA � 0,6 t- ort c, .a MUDsA V SI L POND is is, zu 3.3 3.6A s Mir47 111 I E_'a 14 �.\ 1.9AF 321 i u 71 • L 3.14 EE 10 1.34101 1.3A DO RD.u° 9 1.3M' ,MENIAL AVE.I A „PROPEP�E6 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K SOUTHOLD C OISTRCTS: NOTICE K ,oma SECTION NO MAINTENANCE,ALTERATION,SALE a Red Property Tax Service Agency . "�.�~� DISTPWJTION a ANT PORTION OF THE 111 X 1�,� MACE a 61 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAO WP 1s T TNt Eo M. minty Center I FEET.!verbad,N Y 11901 N O O 1 RR WITHOUT WRITTEN EA SERIN OF THE p 6GLF N F6Ei: 1 WW -REAL-PROPERTY TAT SERVICE AGENCY. ,�L r P -----ea*. Iwo`Y -.0 PRfla�7s...uaY Ltd � ; �'.ARMIpj +w✓ .E. Opepp.e AirErloe—e -.-. .�... o mv-. .. IN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST DING DEPARTMENT I Do you have or need the following,before applying? N HALL Board of Health ITHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans L: (631) 765-1802 Planning Board approval AX: (631) 765-9502 Survey www. northfork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Examined ,20 Contact: Approved , 20 Mail to: Disapproved a/c Phone: Expiratio ,20 fl � f -_�_ 5 --fir :, Building Inspector FEB 28 , I alit i: PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT /Date 2 ,\ 20 c) b/ INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. L c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a :uilding Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and oth= oat ' :ble Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for remova •.r de . ,tien as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,building code, ho I g cod, .6 d egulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. ___// ,rr „kssi.. - .....A„. .7e-of appli7 t or name, if a corporation) 7 L .i �, ri5+-1 Szs(.gb `�� j (Mailing address of applicant) O( SCID lState whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder / MlCk -CL sq -ikt'J c EEF �.1 � Name of owner of premises (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. O "1. Location of land on which proposed work will bed ne: et T EPJb 26k-p Sotp-H(jc (Ft Si4e-gS 175CAiS� House Number Street Hamlet / 1 ✓ County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 1 Block t a Lot t t l Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot (Name) 7Z. State existing use and occupancy of premises and inten4,ed use and occupancy of proposed dristriiction: a. Existing use and occupancy SI1&,t r{ yW4,L1 '2LS5`c-D€C-a- ., b. Intended use and occupancy vll�(7L 'rA`I�\Li (2 -Lsrsce .lp 3. Nature of work(check which applicable): New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work (Description) 4. Estimated Cost Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Rear Depth Height . Number of Stories 9. Size of lot: Front Rear Depth 10. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES_NO Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES NO 14. Names of Owner of premises Address Phone No. Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor Address Phone No. a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES V( NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES X. NO * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. /77. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) \I (N 04,,,-E-LLov being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)abnamed, (S)He is the (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn tob ore me this // iILreofA .licrt i PAr r(tA CC t:. nAi Merl N ft Mr,°}�h r ;rN aith '< , st trimI :1,t,%^E, .: . .4 0 9 r t unasi Fpu..fe: , 3, p � l Zv COUNTY OF SUFFOLK h = STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING THOMAS ISLES,AICP DIRECTOR OF PLANNING November 8,2006 Ms.Ruth Oliva, Chair Town of Southold ZBA 53085 Main Rd., P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Ms. Oliva: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s) submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Apulicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Segouin, Stephan 5766 Engelke,George & Sandra 5895 FHV, LLC 5919 Butz,Mary 5920 Jeffries, Michael&Susan 5924 Palmeri,Philip 5925 D'Addario,James&Janet 5928 Cavanagh,Thomas 5932 Zannikos,Nicholas 5934 Tyler, Rita&Greg 5936 Rosenbaum, Leonard 5938 Peconic Bay Materials 5940 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Library 5945 Peocnic Landing 5949 The Laurel Group/Redman 5956 Volpe, John 5964 David Howell Design/AC LaChance 5965 Wiederlight,Marc 5966 Peter Soutenburgh/Fisher 5967 Isabella,Barbara&Joseph 5969 Drake, Charles 5971 Very truly yours, Thomas Isles,AICP Director of Planning S/s Christopher S. Wrede Environmental Planner CSW:cc LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR P.O.BOX 6100 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 (631)853-5190 TELECOPIER (631)853-4044 EC .1 Zt' VP"/tip MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBEIO �" �4 ' SOF SOU 4, , tP.O. , x 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �� T Southold, NY 11971 Chair 1�0 �� l0 ` OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS # Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR a+ c I54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON • �O r,1 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND � 11 Southold, NY 1 COUN�I Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: James King,President Members of the Board of Trustees AUG 1 4 Z006 From: Mark Ten-y, Senior Environmental Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: July 13, 2006 Re: Proposed Wetland and Shoreline Permit for Michael and Susan Jefferies J%I V SCTM#1000-1-2-11 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 95,Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP)Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with the denoted following Policy Standards and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. Policy 6 Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem. 6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. A. Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements of the Southold Town Board of Trustees laws and regulations for all Andros Patent and other lands under their jurisdiction 1. Comply with Trustee regulations and recommendations as set forth in Trustee permit conditions. The proposed residence from a freshwater wetland is proposed at 83 feet; a minimum separation distance of 100' is required pursuant to Chapter 97-12. Please require that the applicant amend the application to meet the above policy. The proposed residence from a top of bluff is proposed at 52 feet; a minimum separation distance of 100' is required pursuant to Chapter 97-12. Please require that the applicant amend the application to meet the above�}} policy. Pursuant to Chapter 95,thEBoard of Ti'oswes shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written detu nination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. aw York State Delia"lent of Environmental Conservation • Building of - SUNY, Stonly Permits Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 Telephone (631) 444-0364 Facsimile (631) 444-0360 Website: www.dec.state.ny.us ler Denise M. Sheehan Commissioner September 15, 2006 Patricia C. Moore Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971-4616 SEP 2 2 2006 RE: NYSDEC Application No: 1-4738-03388/00002 Jeffries property Private Road - SCTM #001-2-11, Fishers Island Dear Ms. Moore: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation technical staff has reviewed your proposal to demolish the existing residence and construct a new residence and sanitary system, and I have the following comments: The site plans must be revised to show the new septic system and details on the abandonment of the existing septic system along with "limits of clearing and ground disturbance" line (labeled as such verbatim). As mitigation for a substantially larger house which is 17 ft. closer to the Freshwater Wetland Boundary, the buffer area must be increased by planting a 10 ft. wide restoration area with native shrubs and/or tree species along the landward edge of the existing natural vegetation between the house and the Freshwater Wetland Boundary. Upon receipt of revised plans (5 copies) which clearly reflect our recommendations, the permit process will continue. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact Robert Marsh at (631) 444-0278. Sincerely, 0 ,-f' ‘7, Tc�t�c►/� Carol A. Farkas Environmental Analyst CAF/ls cc.: Michael & Susan Jeffries • //''' ... • • ' • 0 James F. King, President •'' U og ��Of lye Town Hall Jill M. Doherty,Vice-President , ,5 l� ; 53095 Route 25 ` P.O. Box 1179 Peggy A. Dickerson ` * + t Southold, New York 11971-0959 Dave Bergen G ` John Holzapfel � . I/ Telephone(631) 765-1892 ly��w ea �• Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 19, 2006 SEP 9r O6 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Rd. Southold, NY 11971 RE: MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES PRIVATE RD., FISHERS ISLAND SCTM#1-2-11 Dear Ms. Moore: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wed., July 19, 2006 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated June 8, 2006, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on July 19, 2006, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, • • WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES to demolish the existing dwelling and construct a new dwelling, abandon the existing sanitary system and install a new sanitary system, and all as depicted on the site plan prepared by CME Associates Engineering & Land Surveying, PLLC dated May 23, 2006 and landscape plan prepared by Edmund D. Hollander dated June 28, 2006. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of$50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $50.00 Very truly yours, Ja s F. King 1� SEP 2 2 2006 President, Board of Trustees JFK/Ims • ",o *OF SO!/lyo ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE � 14 / 4 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK * * P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ca �` Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER iZ` ,rrV - 111 Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS Telephone 31) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER AGEMENT OFFICER ``OI�cou `+� ' 1, southoldtown.northfork.net i.•. OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville DATED: June 19, 2006 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5924 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 5924 of Michael & Susan Jeffries - the Application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals. Also enclosed is the Notice of Disapproval, Authorization Letter from the owners giving permission for Patricia C. Moore to act as their agent, a Cover Letter from Patricia C. Moore to the Z.B.A. describing the enclosed documents, a Questionnaire for Filing With Your Z.B.A. Application, Applicant's Project Description, Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form, a Short Environmental Assessment Form, LWRP Consistency Form, a Dimension Plan, a Survey of the property, Site Plan, Lower Floor Plan, Main Floor Plan, Upper Floor Plan, and Exterior Elevations. '-an y ^ E I "o 8 II a4 .4 a4 \ 00 Co I '-x ,-xe U CO c CD co o I I �/ Nl ,-aR a yq c d A S AK AL N a y o d IQ w ,h I ,aa s .+� s, S n, WLF G PR I 0� AA W m \ 302 A At AL At AA S 1. N/F J U SUSAN H. JEFFRIES /1 O g i c5 I +J cn Tr' I WLF BLOCK 1 -LOT 4B , $ ',t ', yl1, 0 Cn �,� o WLF At WLF (VACANT LAND) I `""°§� $ 1ii1'!; \� @ 3 A. WLF yN sa x-A ,dj le ki (0 4c ,r. v, Az ,a ,•. ppp v d LIMITS OF FRESHWATER WETLANDS AS -.� �2 3 3 �j� m II WLF FLOGGED 8Y: I. COLE (CME STAFF) --'T4 �,\1 I, a-s xa V o N N 1201.26 ISN F m E 1156.36 ,� ., m ,r N8831'10"E _KIP- - IP- ` 395.37'--_— — — 16 — ` �\ .. \ `s 10" , /)'J (4i r. \\-- PINE '-' 2-2 x_1 la , 7 WF R � `- 20---- , o (CSa0L) TREESN\ LOCATION MAP SCALE 1 "=400' Ui� 8" I1GUY - ---- - - - - -- — ---- ---is— r o / -_. PINE �- - PINE II I�LIL � I 0POLEBXELECI /// - ��- •v1 PN II {o„ fp: '� b`�i_ METER 1Er / / i / �- �• �a I �J,,., \ ss3 ELEc. ❑ / /� i� ------ //�-1s" -/ / BENCHMARK S 2" PINE / I( I I i N / / / / CHS / �26__ \ii� p a �\ VAULT) a , �/ — / TOP OF IRON 00 I i J I I, ,- r „-, �' �/ i^� .q� �EyyATIQ(c/_ ,I :�,! PN APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF COASTAL EROSION HAZARD d0 -�'- - N n / /� / / _-_ __/ �� '/ OVRB, ``;` AW 0„ 28� \ PI 7 \ I LINE PER COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA MAP, TOWN 1.0' 66?��6,Y '�' rn / i _ 1/ SjON/ '` 'QG�7, 0+ ' \ \ ' AY \ OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. PHOTO ' `v it' / L p \ N4n x.41 TRS I \ ` NO. 38-879-83, SHEET 42-El OF 49 ‘(\,46. OE� / / / / // �\ QLs \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ L� l / JJ 'n PEASTONE • Sly\\ ‘';;A•9? \ \ I/ ��( i1 / /� �.\ PA.KING ` • OFA\� �° \ \ \ \ II \I -( �� • Y °/ \ �� Ql\ \ MAP REF}TZFNCF$ C ,1 / /N /`1' \ F.F. �[LL n� CHIMNEY S e\• 100 I 1 1.) SURVEY MAP PREPARED FOR SUSAN JEFFRIES; BLOCK 1 -- LOT 5; 24" / JOO N$ 1 i�` � / 3' I� OPOS \ \ / FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK; CME/CPK DESIGN GROUP; NORWICH, CT.; DATE: OAK �,/ / 6„ % � • I \ \ I / 11/19/61; SCALE: 1"=20'; SHEET 1 OF 1 loos 0 0 0, ° /I CHERRY \ 1 / ticaEs t^ O I / / 1( .. , E.4(10\ \ 1 PINE\ I I I / • 1.) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTIES AND PURPOSE INDICATED• vWJ it 6' // PEASTONE , � , x ` . HOU \ \ \ HEREON. ANY EXTENSION OF THE USE BEYOND THE PURPOSED AGREED TO it ap\\11 PROVIDE ! MAI AIN A _ TREE I I p \ o u� ' j -'- 18" \ /I DRIVEWAY —� \�� a�l� \ N I CO NUOUS LIN OF BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND THE SURVEYOR EXCEEDS THE SCOPE OF THE X "�/ �! _ SILT FENCE ED BY ENGAGEMENT. Ay� oJ� ' '.dlr '' OAK f _��� 71,A$ V I HA ca THR GHOUT LO• O S.: • � �` I I I STRIICDON 2. IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS $$ •,',+a�f1'lle / 4i \ 8,. ORN. ��%` / � '11116EE \ /' I I I ) 0_ L(- C~` CLI /10 ( ��V6 il� ,�,�_ ��/ w \ TR ffk . TREE, 1`• 7 .� '\c I I I / ACTING lINOER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR, TO ALTER AN L7777 `� ` �' OR Al I ITEM IN ,NY WAY, Z tL -I Z ,gyp, \ a '�!�1. �j .��� TREE / I I I I II / 5 0 -, 1 "'' , �/ `7 1 \ ��'I - a,�� II / 3.) ONLY, COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE LAND SURVEYOR'S O_ w I 0'� f, / I \I 1`\ �` , �iv�i�D �� I 7�1_ \ • I/ I I I I II / SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED OR INK SEAL ARE THE PRODUCT OF ¢ = Z 3 Eve / , iL .• W m A. . , PATIO kL. �V"� �� 00 I I I I I / o THE LAND SURVEYOR. a N ‘S44,301149 E N9' .� / =380 Q. Q' I I I / a p P ro CAG/ 4.) COORDINATE DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC - U) K Y METAL I ' / I W SZ. ,C` ,T:EAST/ cif, I I I I I I I ;DLl VVI �/ / ST I I \ _,,�(;/O�O0( I ( I:r � / I,�- Ie� 1IIIII / / / y / SURVEY "i RIANGULATION STATION "EAST END 2° m Lij='n / / / ,tia 1\ �,U„' .NP�•�' J `\� I / '1 1/ itI I I I I I SECSITE IS TION 001, THE BLOCK 2,N OF LOT SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TAX MAP 1000, �/ // / /� \- ORN. '� a I [�� �/ I / I I I I I / I Q • 6.) TOTAI. AREA = 2.20E ACRES. / p i JSo / /TREE �� I O lI l I I I S l Z POLE pit // /// I �� / / Ce / // I / I ' I I / I� / o l 0 7.) SITE IS LOCATED IN R-120 ZONE. #692 / /� / 60, ( 0 I1/0 / / e? / / / / / // pi / / 8.) APPLICANT: SUSAN H. JEFFRIES �12� jX// // ,32 I TOREf{ - - 0�• 1, 01,4://1//////71/////////// / 7623 FENWAY ROAD /' / \ 4TONE.A / Z NEW ALBANY, R 43054 PER TOVAN OF S0UTHOLD ZONING REGULATIONS \w 5B // / g* ` B / / F 0 / (%� / 9.) SITE IS SERVICED BY MUNICIPAL WATER AND ON SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL CHAPTER 100-239.4 SUBSECTION A(1), / / SYSTEM. BUILDING SETBACK IS TO BE 100 FT FROM ! / /:Lm THE TOP OF BLUFF - -J '� \ *1/ // / //�// / ((•j 10.) BASE FOR LEVELS: NGVD 1929. / r ( � � \ 8' CLUMP I � / // / / / O�/ x I: / 7 — F I I / / // //�ti / m m 2 / —14— , I A I / I TREE ` v'' \\J� \ / �����j/1/l�//I � I pp / • z I II / Zain 0i �\ Ili II < < / / azo 132.09' \ ' I I / / I I l I P. QC 0 N N W O / I (END) N83'14'IO„W ry \ i t I I / /// I I / CO- M o - r E, hn l � I 1\ A ) ) �/Illl �ll I l o .� - / > (i /I /III// /// // l / / / ll I , ly"/ O N - .. O227.67 \/�/ M // /o // 4 / ) , '�`(' 0 - MI5 r/J O f NNNN ,o cr nF WI N80'0�•30'ty / lll1l/ l/� l / j-� E COP o o E o oPOLE I / // / / /// / a / /. , / _ � Qo#691 I N/F / /I / / �Q to osi rn PETER H. STRIFE //� l 1V �, 1 0 BLOCK i - LOT 6 / l J 0 o I (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE // I MUNICIPAL WATER/iON SITE , � .LEGEND CO Ur I H SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM) o I I FF FIRST FLOOR I- • o z z o ELEV ELEVATION © ( / ' o o � wl ETI ' LU SF SQUARE FEET (' / a m o o Lii c. I - - 36 - - EXISTING CONTOURS KO Y/\ \ \ DATE: 1a1/04/2001 I —36 — PROPOSED CONTOURS 1 SCALE: 1 " = 20' F'rYvv-YY-v�. EXISTING TREELINE QUALITY CONTROL CERTIFICATION ./ti."r1+"a'"�-r`. PROPOSED LIMITS OF CLEARING GROUP REVIEWED e/ DATE / PROJECT MANAGER -) / •-c.A.fir SURVEY 72/eNtS Ve' SA-4 20 10 0 20 SHEET ENVIRONMENTALILGRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 OF 1 CIVIL STRUCTURAL ARCHITECTURAL FILE J4805 EDMUND D. HOLLANDER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DESIGN, P.C. I Au. AL ENVIRONMENTAL PEAMKR. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS,HORTICULTURISTS I LIMITS OF FRESHWATER WETLANDS AS y WET LANDS WLF FLAGGED BY: I. COLE (CME STAFF) _ `~�' venue South _°° rEN? 10003 Pa.Box^=5 New York.NY IWY3 Sep Herber,63' 7211953 4 �\ 3131]30030 531 725 2737 \ AIL Ilk AIL AL N88'31 ' 10"E 395.37' c— \ �' WLF — f�c, eLAN71N�. N ��\; \\ \ \\ F — WLF ^I u l \ ---_rJU S71N� PLANTING PYLESE.RN ED a'F �- / u .-_ I`, 1 lli Ctr c ,,P� � SET BAG / i-� / `•ys"i! .A.likef 'CTT .2. ' : ' .LAN/ ti1 : 49 e ,,,r ______ j$111 0 • T ' �'� rt,ma , ` :A2aN NT--roLEY�AN_ _ 24--.� ._.e '� 1 11 ( N'X, c i< ! r. ..; ` d �+4 �• IroVTY RD KtzE.N •--T------_____ At( •e r I/ / •/ ', t P � ' ti '_' EX � M / .. 1.G a +"�� �• ;✓1 .� o nHr. R O W / / ._/ :ILL. .. _ / F�YLA E.L. �'� 1`r .;�. � 2.'3` '° drt, k � ( E.' gyp® _ A i '�•"�mow. r Cr) 411: • • H „ tl PERENNIAL 4 \\ '1.2 ./ ' ' > VST'INt1 L{ZNE �eN1A1 NS _' �., yg, ,. �,sfi �y, ; su BOKsers �f P•�J� , � Ex ,‘ il\ \ 1 r, / / / € '.- - REFLI\GE A$pHAL? 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E DESIGN SHOWN AND DESDNINF➢ HEREIN, INCLUDING • �u, r • 1 /'e crowerNA.p�D - • /' a TECHNICAL MARINES.ARE PROPRIETARY MD CANNOTBE N,COPIED,s°NUP°usD of , e f Pf' � \R / N COMMERCIALLY EXPLODED NTULE OR N PAST c9v u .e� ..v " / SPECIFICATIONS SHALL HOT BE USED BY THE ON^EF FOR OTHER PROJECTS..OR . � / j(J] it . . tri �p j .. �'±i y� ) .e �p ,g.dr- , . " SAY l ' I�r Y 4 "j:'� I� THE OWEDXETO THE R AGREESPia HOLD HIIWLESRECT OR FOR MPNDEMNM1 MEDF.PoJEC 6!OMOSVP •I +S 'y� Hi r,!(,I. ..Y�... , - "1 / ARCHITECT AOVISNI DAMAGES. CLAMS,AND LOSSES.ANDDEFEND DEFENSE L055 �' A'TE' '+. �'I I (3,.%I 1" • HFFj�yy-�ES / ARISING OUT OF ANY REUSEE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS W esw WRITTEN .px. 'p y a:g _ � .. W 'N � �1 {y ;/ f _ �/ _ AUTHORIZATION OF Eouuxo o. NOLLNIDER WIWVA[.VM1IIrtECTDP.C. I. . • • • �� P^_ ,n. {+ )^ F4'�✓.� /' — PM 03 ALL RIGHTSRESERVED COPYRIGHT 20 (, � /y' -1Al E12ICKL WALLS' ' / REPARED BY. ►" I i � ^�iivytFS i4 arat } ... j� '�Yt; i^• - Ihttiv • - WN cA�EL PA'T«I / > / ' i v'DMUND D. HOLLANDER ,..-^ Com% 'dux' ` I ... J ' LAA SCAPE ARCHITECT DESIGN, P.C. iQ 1989 • �'` • M!' 9 'E' CX. BLVIFF PIAN'r INFO 200 PARK AVENUE SOUTH. SUITE 1400 �, s"' $ *� ; .1.134114 •. ' _ g° 1 / i / , NETT YORK. pr 30009 P.O. BOX ass 00 s AP „ 6 41 i S. ad/,^ x 9 L �.� , / / , �] P„ / F6[. E12 4>9 110420 9A P9O091263E'19Y ;IP �� (/� r -_ !� ® au EMAIL p.ofeO{.rnou..e<.ae.Im.Oom JEt. tCe ( / / / / PROJECT: / - I : of N6 �e-` � A.' ''q : Wv / ; T 7 = A D 24 JE Nils / ._ , L .,, E., -PLAN-rIN Gc a / FFRIES SIDENCE „ �� n- fj / FISHER'S ISLAND, NEW YORK Jr \s N83' 14' 1 o �'a+`► L `� / �' - U s 6 E ESI, N I N E1 ' DRAWING NAM I ar n> E. l CONCEPTUAL . ` LANDSCAPE t4CJDESIGN PLAN / / mss , 1 _ 67' / / '180009' DRAWING NUMBER'. 30"1A' �— / DRAWN RY: QAH S I --- __- _ __ Ak CD i i CHECKED BV: EDH / IIti 5011 P. 1"=10•-�� SHEET'. CURRENT L- 1 .00 / / ISSUE GATE: 06/28/2006 SUFFOL,- Office Location: ��� Oho 00 -\ Mailing Address: � yet Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank ; y x 53095 Main Road 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) "t �t P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 y,�o1 �a����,' Southold,NY 11971-0959 - 00'� http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax(631) 765-9064 December 12, 2006 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 I Re: ZBA 5724 —Variance Request (Jeffries) Dear Mrs. Moore: Supplementing a copy of the enclosed decision faxed earlier today, please find enclosed a copy of the variance determination rendered by the Zoning Board of Appeals at our November 9, 2006 Meeting. Please be sure to file required information directly with the Building Department as the next step of the building permit review process. Thank you. Very truly yours, Linda Kowalski Encl. Copy of Decision to: 'Building Department I , - I OFFICE OF -�� ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Office Location: North Fork Bank Building—First Floor, 54375 Main Road at Youngs Avenue Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http://southoldtown.northfork.net Email: Linda.KowalskiATown.Southold.nv.us • Jayne.Martin an,Town.Southold.ny.us (631) 765-1809 (ext. 5012 or 5011 during recording) office fax (631) 765-9064 VIA FAX ^ �' MEMO TO: oOL DATE: /za /l2-lade RE: (vM � ��16S PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road RECE Southoldld,,Newew York 11971 Tel:(516)765-4330 NOV 1 Fax..(516)765-4643 ZONING BOARD OF APPE, November 14, 2006 Attn: Linda Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES PROPERTY ADDRESS: PRIVATE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM: 1000-1-2-11 Hearing Date: OCTOBER 26, 2006 Dear Chairman: With reference to the above and pursuant to your request, enclosed please find letter from the Engineer, Richard Strouse, concerning the rate of erosion. Thank you. Ve truly yours, Q'CP00(1-- atricia C. Moore PCM/ encls . t ' ,}" rJ CME CME Associates Engineering, Land Surveying &Architecture PLLC nic.i ' formerly Chandler, Palmer&King 32 Crabtree Lane, P.O.Box 849 110 Broadway Woodstock,CT 06281 Norwich, CT 06360 (860)928-7848 FAX(860) 928-7846 (860)889-3397 FAX(860)886-7801 November"13, 2006 Ms. Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold,NY RE:Jefferies—Fishers Island, NY Dear Pat: I was able to find an old survey done by our office in 1958, prior to the construction of the current residence that shows the location of the top of the bank at that time. I have compared .that location to the current location and find that the top of the bank is approximately 18 feet west of the 1958 location. This results in an average rate of erosion of between'4 and 5 inches per year. I recently inspected the steep bank and found it stable and well,vegetated with no areas of subject to erosion. I have enclosed copies of photos take on 11/10/06 for your use. Please contact me with any further questions. Sincerely, Richard H. Strouse, P.E., L.S. Toll Free 1-888-291-3227 An Equal Opportunity Employer www.cmeengineering.com • ' . .., . ., , . , . ' ' ''• ' = • ' ., .-- . - . , . , 1 \ r { ..-. .-;,pir 04.,..1-s.e.....,..., '..•..,\A) "::--,. -, -.. , . Ali I ot,,,... ', " ..•.-.1; . itt ' 1 ____- '-e--"''''... ' '‘-",* ' • . • '''-- '''''' ---- - -- .- ''',11",' * 1‘.'" . • /'ill -I Ater?--'7f - .--'4,:yi;t, .74. -,, -, : _ 1. , 4,- - , -.. . --,---,,,.-.. ,..7.,-.-.--t........-...-.,--...-_:- , ---w• . . , . ..-- -...,-p., ',....„ v.,-...---..., - • • , ,.'„: .4''---,7'''' 7,-•41,.; ..,...- - _,.. . • --•' 11, ..' . .-. -• .,,- . p•• i li .,-,t"•'0:.#..,41'-._,....,L 414 , . ., .. . • ,, .... , --.. . , . ... . • • . .ifoi 31:."'* .. ',„ .7', so•...-^, ••,t ,,-. - ''''-' ''..j;*'j''ICO1lker'''k .' 1 6.4‘4.'-‘ '-'-'''*`‘..";''' '7‘-'',:,'''''' '''.....' 1*.-','".',''''',''TO' ,.' l'oe.--."' 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' '.... 7 ?. ..,r. ..k.tir•:••• ,,r' r,^ .• .4.•• '. - •tt ' -''''':- . # ' 'dr"' "- " .40p,&'74'.: --..:'"" 4 , : -..0# . . ......... , . „. . . .... .... ... i At - te '' ';' Af .- `- de' '- ''' - itr -.0' . r . „. -1 .. ., _ • ,.. , , ., i i . • . . . , . , .. , 0 .,„... , . . . . ' .. .•• . . ... , . .. ., . , . . , ... . , , , ... , , . . ,_ , . _ .. . .. . ., .. „.„..,. , .._. . . ..... . • . .. , .,., ... , . _ , . .. . M 4 w'4 ''''''''''r 7-r.":1.:4'. yy • ' sir 4 ` ^.a n • } PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 Margaret Rutkowski Betsy Perkins Secretary August 17, 2006 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Ruth Oliva, Chairwoman Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road \\ Southold, NY 11971 �3 `-- ' X006 Re : Jeffries- Fishers island 011 Ui1ti Dear Chairwoman and Board members : At the field inspection on Fishers Island, Leslie requested a longitudinal section to assist the Board in evaluating the application. Enclosed are 7 prints prepared by the Architect . If you need anything else please do not hesitate to contact me . Ver, _uly yours, Patricia C. Moore }. ; - s _ r rq �/ li l /,, . ,e.) s) 4iii-- ( Z7 . v 1 r0r. F ----- –*+67'-8" " 1 11 -------------- ------------------------- -------------------+ 6T-811 --- ---------- v. r = +61'-10" 'i' +61'-10" – u Fai_ , NN — Nsi ----- ---- ----- Ill i=-- libraryJ!!!! +49'-0"4– 711171.11117 m I,.„mnm L .. .. .. 1,1 I,.� IHHiiiVji m�nimmm'�mo.,n il riiil��l.. 11 11 .. . ni_ l„Ilnmmmlml W. „ , .I ., •mmmmmmmmmmmnln+39'-0" nn master bedroom .1 �1 �'I �� �l foyer kitchen =nmmmnlmmlmnrbedroomn - nIl Inm m11mn1mnlmmm�l mnnlmnlmll m nmmnllmmmlmnlmmmm�llmn main floor lmn '�. .. .. .. .. .. I1 ,� ., „ „ —mmlmmm�mmml mm�nmlmmlmn1mn11( ) m�nni�mllmm�n� .......nnmm nnmammn mn�nn�n mm�mllnn 1 n an�.;.nr11 1ra1�.�� — pill_III .—.w...mom �r 1u.�.n�1:al�-..m�. — -� �� i4 1:i; mulignit mmii :::::01 iiimnimnirnnnni —++38'-011 i• ,� �Intlllmin°illmnnl�ll11°n I l'iilnl�nmin'�nil:01 (main floor(9 ) �/ / mmmlmnnmlmnn nmmnmmnnnnrade crawl space j I —Im1mn11m11mm.mm� �_ „ „ „ „ �mnlmnlmn— 'mnn�mn'i1�„ ,, � —_nmmmmm i — mlmnn+34-11 �� unfinished1 „ r, „ nnmmmmll„ ,. Illt llm/�������ij�j///� / 1 —mmm�unm . --����/ / — .�mmmnunnwimin. ,, nmmm' 1. ���� / 1� �_nmmnnmm�lmnlr mnmul7 ♦ �--. , „ „ mon nnnn mnlm staff roomsmmmlbasement basement ----- mnmmmmmmmn Immm+30-11 =_=_ ,I1111 II '_” ain1mmmnlmmr „ m mnl + ” __ 1mmnlmmmmlmn 29'_� r ��/ _-- ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ r.-:-.E.L„,„.„„,,„,,,,,., arm �. �m1R (lower flOOr) 28'-0"4– (grade) / A longitudinal section through entire house 3/32" = 1'-0" anderson architects p.c. _ _-- 555 west 25th street,6th floor [�=: ,, ,,r�`, y`T�.e ri) new york,fly 10001 ��=� = (212)620 0996 • (fax)620 5299 AUG 1 7 2006 &derson jeffries' residence ��.ns.,- -,-.R. �-,?� F{PE: L block 1,lots p r, _-- fishers island,new york site section ; job 05.03 scale as noted 16 august 2006 � ) ?)1::;1 C t ,� FORM NO. 3 . NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: March 7, 2006 I �" �p � TO: Kevin Connelly for P&)1, M & S Jeffries P 0 Box 648 Fishers Island,NY 06390 Please take notice that your application dated February 28, 2006 For a permit for demolition&construction of a single family dwelling at Location of property: East End Road, Fishers Island County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 1 Block 2 Lot 11 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed demolition&reconstruction of a single family dwelling, situated i this !, 95,832 sq. ft. lot in the R120 zone, is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII 100-239.4. Per 100-239.4(1), all structures located on lots adjacent to sounds... shall be s ack nota__ fewer than 100 feet from the top of such bluff or bank. The site plan shows the structure at approximately 50' from the top of the bluff. In addition the est wing of the proposed structure is not permitted pursuant to Article 1114,1300-32 100-32 w ch states: " BUildf g ...shall be erected or altered in the AC, R80, R120... Districts unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule incorfporated into this chapter with same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein full." The bulk schedule restricts the number of stories to two and_a.half._ The westerly portion of the construction plan ind'dates three stories. -So-1-, t--1:-177 e wing of the proposed structure is not permitted pursuant to Article III, 00-31 A� ermitted uses." (1) One family detached dwellings, not to exceed one dwelling o en ach`I`ot: The design of a kitchenette in the West wing, cons itutes another dwelling unit, therefore, requires a variance. 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' / ' /t. ///j/ consultants . ; / / // e.,-,,,^:�VJ Yr E structural engineer / /♦ '/ , / gdsanz murrey steficek / / \ /T ' 12wsl2]N SN door / .1 .4_ 2. ./ york ny 10001 fi ,� / � ` JUN ^O - (2,2,256 0038 / 1 `/ (fax)d]i 5976 / •••- ` L/ OG mechanical engineer / .waw Q hr `'rL • emtg , / / ��� 222 west 29th sheet V/ y yolk.ny,000, / \ ♦ •���i76----' 1 t, -6465 (fax12668568i � ♦''♦ � `�-� �.Ag' ��-� edmund hollander design,p c l.\• t, ...� t - 200 yaB avenue soulh�swle,2BB \\ / (fawyoM1.1 10003(212)4]3-0fi20(fax)4711104lam sunreyorcme/ ; 11'wcha Y-x06360 / (660)889-3397 �'„ (lax)886]601 '�� peimieig attorney `�� moore law office �` V- moomam mea 4 . ♦ .�. allola,nr-nw1 .'',�, 765-4330 ax))7654643 AL *0 Or,„ ,1Mr anderson archdects 555 west 25th sheet FL new ycrk,ny 10001 (212)620 0996 &derson (fax)620 5299 design development O ,,ill„ n !:&Ee ce III 05 lune zoos scale b as norm job 85-03 1 p,err79lan 1 .2 m CD l7. , IQ CD JUNi42006 alcn / N .�S�d��f�LS ; cnN r N to N m lbrar/wren roof space 7g Cn \q "op roof deck ,a Kti roof deck 43* rvaywiin roof space D m m 73 cn cr z n 1-1 I antlarsofl architects 0 /i 655 west 251h street.6th floor U'11 V l new york,ny 10001 (212)520 0996 ,...,_„),,- 995J� (fax)820 5299 J &derson r--- jeffrie's residence block 1,tot 5 fishers island,new yolk I I dimension plan m upper floor job 06.09 ea scale 1=1116 1/16"=1'-0" 1 I 2'ryne2005 a • �J, \e` JUN 1 4 2006 consultants n ,' ,111/4.74,(4411S / �: b,,410,11Po ZONING 9O9,f3i3 p}e AQPEAt S 128 yeastss2nmuor�rasteflcek O - (212)254 0030 (fax)477 5978 � iImechanical engineer m� ;Po: 1111proll t/4*�� �"Io m / emtg, '�3 O a zzfz9m mreol 5, .` yon4 nY 10001 `f c F \ � `,t jiv)zsssafii5 o Ywf edmund hollander design,p c � zoo pa�L�,�5oa5,5an51zoo �• O Iziz)w3aMszo litiC/ (fa.I4n-n9a,�t n ,a v^°SwVayor,1 cme ! n95�a..-ay novena,a-oe3sa (860)889.3397 e, Ifiml BBFT801 CID 0��.* f lore law o �� moore law office el e 51020 many mad �e.. 5o55m5-4330 n (631)]65-0330 II . ' -:::: . ... (Ian)765-4643 andemon architects 655we5125550551 FL6 rewyork,ny 10001 (212)620 0996 &derson (ba)ezo szs9 design development a J n�l )effnes'residence love wls 626.25 Ldand n6wyoh - lower floor plan ��a zoos m 55 ro1M (05 05-03 10 lows:nom plan a . r PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971-4616 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 Robert G. Kassner - Margaret Rutkowski Legal Assistant Legal Secretary July 31, 2006 SI Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road P. 0. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 " RE: Michael & Susan Jeffries `i D. Private Road, Fishers Island 1X\G SCTM# 1000-01-02-11 0 5,,05,"C: Dear Sir/Madam, \_9ر$) - Enclosed please find seven copies of the Landscape Design Plan for the above project. Enclosed also is the Permit approval from the Town of Southold Trustees, the permit will •----- follow. ,t).) ° Ver. /yours, js, ." 'cia C. oore Encl. Cc: Michael & Susan Jeffries t I APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION (For ZBA Reference) Applicant: /14.-cCAO e-/ t &J Q44 Jeffri e date Prepared: I. For Demolition of Existing Building Areas Please describe areas being removed: Rc�rnp�i,�c� ®�f i.� , / "Pc,/ts o� II. New Construction Areas (New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): Due to=/€xr 01€es o f Dimensions of first floor extension: �� "/y11m moo,',.1'acineirvoiis Pd /S���/��u� Dimensions of new second floor: "peer&+&A, "d', rm�siar s ��` ��y . ,, Dimensions of floor above second level: Height(from finished ground to top of ridge): Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed? If yes,please provide height(above ground) measured from natural existing grade to first floor: 5/pp. das `/BGfi`r - /oo c." 4/a.-140 vt- III. Proposed Alterations or Interior Structural Changes without enlargement/extension (attach extra sheet if necessary)- Please describe building areas: Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: - IV. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from surveyor): Existing square footage of buildings on your property: Z,c7/7 5f & Proposed increase of building coverage: 3'/$�, sy - 20/7 s y jr.3 _ /y��/ s�jr Square footage of your lot: 95; $-a,2. sf n Percentage of coverage of your lot by building area: V. Purpose of New Construction Requested: �Y/ j -47 �t Dib d0-n7 OGdvr. /�d72t�lr�rAia�►/`2/ / VI. Please describe the land contours (flat,slope%, etc.) as exist andhow it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): r /5' q /9-e; //c'> filed `be)?¢ yam) 4 eekc-ae is /aG ailed &# .07 l ,sire q MI-7.-14-0 I- /At / °� ' ���C /bra/ter GAr/n?Jc Ar% /o�s /' 022 c.5 ore_ s / Please submit seven(7)photos,labeled to show all yard areas of proposed construction after staking corners for new construction), or photos of existing building area to be altered(area of requested changes). 7/2002; 2/2005; 1/2006 _ PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law • 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel:(631)765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 June 16, 2006 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Main Road Southold NY 11971 '3/p1 RE: JEFFRIES; FISHERS ISLAND Dear Chairwoman and Board: With reference to the above, enclosed please find seven (7) sets of pictures showing location of house as staked. Thank you. Very r, y yours, Patricia C. Moore PC b• encls. T •r-.^7.,41, ,-- .v owl-,,. ..."•' ,,-,,.. '-'•'-!'"4,,,„ • ..'.. ' " ~ 6/ ���r1.va�. ,h. moi .• - -- -.. ';',',-.---;:.,,:.--.1 "- =: ®�s�_ Ste. _ < ` • • • Loo,C'Jn'& pi.*rd EAsT Dr9TE CJar1E li Baa Timms: ,� PM „,Z.7,-;, ..... -i•:-.1.:J.6....,',,;`”' i. 'e�`-=`.�— ;., t t 4 vrf aitory � iF{� - .: "w "'Tr; r.� .i.*: `,, -•:4,1: ,,' �' H*• ' �t TO C •i- M1. 5 _ TLL. }'r aiz L t % - ' 9, 5c p Y...r /4'+:: r ;ray u e Lop ,/,,ya/of'1`tf t9;T" D►9r '.Tyrtf_ aao P.4,7 • ' ..! 1/4;,:f.'re,* { 4,-ty f ,,,,, ,. .--. -• ,,.. it r . , .„,4),„., 31V "� 'r�.t',.,1 � , neap r �r y��i��sgg�• �r� --,'"="t4�—.Al-�a I'1i' 10O g,1y6 o ierifERS1' 3 -13tArE,Jun it,aao6 rimt` a. 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T-EE 4\0I `„:-: 5•3 w,? 16" BENCHMARK � , CHERRY ' f \ TOP OF IRON 'ODe-L\_,--.(-4 � ''� /, vRg ELEVATION =33. te: PNE �\ '.:/<N&.."---', � __ �� I \\ / ,`l /� cM. TREES, PROPOSED HAYBAL I ' L __-, / �� r TO ESTABLISH LIM STOVE < \ c CLEARING AND DIST(. ,76�' •ARKING •\ \• \ oF�\ \ F -\ \ i /� . EL. 1 ,.. CHIMN'tY • i/ ••i / \ =30 5.Z \/i � - 34 100 • • /f 0 `� \ `\ ' , INC. `r �„ I�r4 �EE'. \ ._,>,,,;,,,. L 36 . 6 E \` 6, c w 1\ / ' PROPOSED • • ,_ ;H RY \ / �` HOUSE \ PEASTONE j /,® • EXISTING �.. 12" PINE • DRI,VEWAY /�� F/`- j0'/\ , HOUSE ',q ��\\\ U//// • --4.-' -.-41111l / ' • . • . \ ' -de / .‘ • �. , / /, ORN. 4.1 '%/�r O\�` • „l / REE('c, , � �'/ / 3 r � GF. /1• � \: P . \ a_ '9- •-- �\ TREE / r • Irv- . - iLIN ' / NO:PS/A..4. r 1 �Z ) , W_ ‘,.r11 C � p) ? \ /i . , • TREE PQ' • i •. _v/ -- iii, W C� S2� G\ • • • PATIO EL. l(. (r� \ �.�� ORN. i� =38. 1 gift'�' • �.� / GONG ,PLS- TREE CLUMP • • I lit / .F EL '�= . I • PROVIDE DRY WELLS 4' / I • ,- FOR ROOF DRAINAGE • NIIIP1i • (404, 6 I - 1/ i ORN. '1/4 `� _„ 1 Aillio - h'j 6 6 • TREE -" — _ ' • S ;ONE 03/15/2006 11:45 6317659064 ZBA PAGE 07 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Is the sub'ect premises listed on the real estate market for sale? it Yes No B. Arc there any proposals to change or alter land contours? 0 Yes No 0-itia1.e'e.v-e;/ loon&car_ p( r -i'v -P3-Cl ) C. 1) Are there any areas that contain wetland gasses? Ves 2) Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? S _ 3)Is the property bulkheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building � '� 4) If your property contains wetlands or pond areas,have you contacted the office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? ,Ye :Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: w, ,A�r 4,,, r t Al1b_,t2idEcz_ I-). is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? AS E. Arc there any patios, concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist and are riot shown on the survey map that you are submitting? Nb _ (Plea:,c show area of these structures on a diagram if any exist. Or state"none"on the above linc,if applicable.) F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your pi emises? /I/0 II'yes,please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department and describe: G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? _ $5 - if yes, please label the proximity of your lands on your map with this application, H. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel °�-_'� ' - and proposed use _es .04.,..7-1 . .._ pies- c ,ticg: single-fancily; proposed: same with garage.) • a lzod Signature and l.)ate 2/05 i - U , Fm,v ,= ;I- , —t i APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE JUN 1 4 2006 TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM �2a9 BOARD OF APPE4 64k l The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees.The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. • ��AA,� (' T YOUR NAME: itt i14 e r .1" ()U$an V �G/%7 eLr (Last name,first name,piddle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee ,)C Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other",name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest"means a business, including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X , If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitt-, t is J s• o --.0./Le200' Signa it re Print Name 44c. C ileeite Form TS 1 PROJECT ID NUMBER 617 20 _ $ STATE ENVIRONMENTALAPPENDIX QUALITY REVIE1 d t EI E V' D SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT0FOR for UNLISTED ACTIONS Only N 1 4 2006 PART 1 -PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project Sponsor) 1 APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2 PROJECT NAME ��4,,sfs�t ZGila4NG €3OA3D OFF APPEALS 3.PROJECT LOCATION. prig/ - �eLq1 Municipality Kd1Sej-c �r�(LY�1 GG County 6 �" 1 4 PRECISE LOCATION Street Addess and Road Intersections, Prominent landmarks etc -or provide map /ODa - o/- a - // 5 IS PROPOSED ACTION New n Expansion n Modification/alteration '�V,1�� 6 DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: I I I /te cv Ao-r f,e ' n Ce,144A--1-a-A-0 7.AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED Initially q9 acres Ultimately Q7'i- acres 8.WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS'? Yes ❑ No If no,describe briefly. 9 WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT'? (Choose as many as apply.) Residential n Industrial n Commercial Agriculture n Park/Forest/Open Space n Other (describe) 10 DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (Federal, State or Local) [7YesNo If yes, list agency name and permit / approval 11 DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? []Yes No If yes, list agency name and permit / approval 12 AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/ APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION'? ❑Yes No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant / Sponse am- Date. �, `,.� ®A Signature If the action is a Costal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment l PART II - IMPACT ASSESSMENT(To be completed by Lead Agency) A DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY TYPE I THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR,PART 617 4? If yes,coordinate the review process and use the FULL EAF n Yes n No B WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR,PART 617 6? If No,a negative declaration may be superseded by another involved agency nYes No C COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING (Answers may be handwritten,if legible) Cl Existing air quality,surface or groundwater quality or quantity,noise levels,existing traffic pattern,solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion,drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: C2. Aesthetic,agricultural,archaeological,historic,or other natural or cultural resources,or community or neighborhood character?Explain briefly C3 Vegetation or fauna,fish,shellfish or wildlife species,significant habitats,or threatened or endangered species?Explain briefly: C4 A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted,or a change in use or intensity of use of land or other natural resources?Explain briefly C5 Growth,subsequent development,or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action?Explain briefly C6 Long term,short term,cumulative,or other effects not identified in C1-05? Explain briefly C7 Other impacts(including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy? Explain briefly: D WILL THE PROJECT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS THAT CAUSED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA CEA? If es,explain briefl nYes n No E IS THERE,OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE,CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? If yes explain nYes No PART III-DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE(To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above,determine whether it is substantial,large,important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its(a)setting(i.e.urban or rural),(b)probability of occurring; (c)duration;(d)irreversibility;(e) geographic scope;and (f)magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. If question d of part ii was checked yes,the determination of significance must evaluate the potential impact of the proposed action on the environmental characteristics of the CEA. Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur.Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation,that the proposed actor WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide, on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from responsible officer) PATRICIA C. MOORE ,_-----" Attorney at Law , ' ~.'"`�i�' 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 JUN14 "" Tel: (631) 765-4330 \\:--------fr1Q1- � y Fax: (631) 765-4643 �� �t�r� A�S Margaret Rutkowski Betsy Perkins Secretary June 14, 2006 Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals ' Ruth Oliva, Chairwoman Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re : Michael & Susan Jeffries Zubdivision of propert- 1000-113-13-22 Dear Chairwoman and Board members : Enclosed please find 7 packets of the following documents : 1 . Variance Application 2 . Notice of disapproval 3 . Authorization 4 . Questionnaire 5 . Project Description with Dimensional Plans 6 . Transactional Disclosure Form 7 . Short EAF 8 . LWRP Consistency Assessment Form 9 . Site Plan If you need anything else please do not hesitate to contact me. Ver_ --t-ru-l- yours, _!� at-ricia C. Moore �IJL :90o2-AUTHORIZATION ®��� ���ts� �' ass To: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Southold Town Zoning Board Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Building Department Suffolk County Health Department Any and All State, County, Local agencies, as necessary Re: Premises at SCTM#1000-001-02-11 Lot 1-5, Fishers Island, NY Owner: Michael and Susan H. Jeffries The undersigned hereby authorizes my attorney, Patricia C. Moore, and her agents to submit any and all applications which may be required in order to obtain a building permit to construct the proposed residence on the above referenced parcel. usan H. +e` Michael Jeffries LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C,the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list,policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered"yes",then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus,the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary,modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. • A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 1000-01-2-11 OWNER: Michael & Susan Jeffries 212 Park Avenue, Columbus OH 43209 AGENT: Patricia C. Moore Esq. 51020 Main Road, Southold NY 11971 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board Planning Dept. Building Dept. Board of Trustees_X Zoning Board of Appeals X 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital construction,planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: X Variance/Wetland Permit Nature and extent of action: Existing House will be demolished. Proposed construction is within 100 feet of"top of bluff",the proposed foundation is at 52 feet(at the closest point) from the top of the bluff therefore a variance is required. All structures are outside the Coastal Erosion Area. The architect and Landscape architect have provided for standard flood protection measures and is working on a planting plan. Location of action: Private Road, Fishers Island Site acreage: 2.2 acres. Present land use: existing residence-to be demolished and new house constructed Present zoning classification: r-120 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a)Name of applicant:Michael & Susan Jeffries (b)Mailing address: 212 Park Avenue, Columbus OH 43209 (c) Telephone number: Area Code (631 ) 765-4330 (Pat Moore) (d) Application number, if any: ZBA appeal pending/trustees application pending Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes X No If yes,which state or federal agency: DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character,preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III- Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. X Yes No Not Applicable Existing lot is 2.2 acres and is nonconforming in 5 acre zone. The lot is very sloped and is adjacent to Long Island Sound. The proposed house is landward of the CEHA Stabilization of disturbed areas will be achieved with appropriate vegetation, no disturbance is proposed to existing natural vegetation or natural topography north of the line labeled "top of bluff" on survey. Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III-Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria Yes No X Not Applicable { Area of Fishers Island is not identified as area of Archeological Sensitivity or on the National Register on Map produced by NYS Dept. Of State,Division of Coastal Resources Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria X Yes No Not Applicable Lands adjacent to Long Island Sound protected for both visual, economically productive and recreational resource. The development of the parcel is sensitive to preservation of Bluff. Standard conditions of dry wells, hay bales and grading to prevent water runoff down slope mitigate effect on scenic resource . The planting plan, retaining walls and drainage structures will preserve existing vegetated slopes. Conditions are consistent with LISCMP (Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program) which prevents non-point source pollution,prevents flooding and erosion. . NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III-Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria X Yes No Not Applicable Owner has implemented erosion,control measures,i.e. haybales, silt fence, and buffers. A sediment barrier consistent with the DEC special conditions and standard storm water and pollution control measures are implemented on the site prior to and during construction. Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria X Yes No Not Applicable Mitigation of impacts on water quality are achieved through stormwater and pollution control methods which have been implemented in this project. Drywells and gutters are proposed to direct all roof runoff into onsite recharge. Groundwater protection implemented through=properly engineered sanitary system which requires that the bottom of the leaching pools be located a minimum of 2 feet above seasonal high groundwater. Along Long Island Sound sanitary systems and construction activities are in excess of 100 feet from the tidal waters. Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III- Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. X Yes No Not Applicable More than 100 feet is maintained from the Long Island Sound, setback to the bluff is less than 100 feet, however the size of the parcel is nonconforming . The Coastal Area Boundaries of New York State along Long Island Sound will not be affected because of mitigation measures implemented by standard permit conditions. Soils along Long Island Sound(Carver, Plymouth, and Riverhead Soil) are deep, course texture and excessively drained. The soils support a wide variety of native vegetation on Fishers Island and take well. Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. See Section III -Policies Pages; 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable Air quality will not be affected by residential use. Standard building codes compliance prohibit degradation of air quality or emissions. Efficient heating and airconditioning systems and filters protect against air quality. Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. X Yes No Not Applicable Solid waste is controlled through town-wide recycling, no hazardous substances proposed at site. Use of natural untreated materials (CCA is discouraged by Trustees) Sanitary meets County requirements, no pesticides are proposed and turf areas are limited. Planting plan will use indigenous and drought tolerant vegetation. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. _Yes XNo Not Applicable The parcel is private ownership- in private roads in Fishers Island WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable Residential use of property on establish lot will not adversely impact Long Island Sound coastline. Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. X Yes No Not Applicable Long Island Sound is adjacent to development of parcel, however, construction activity and proposed structures are more than 100 feet from Long Island Sound. Storm water discharge and pollution control measures are critical components of protection of living marine resources. Drywells and gutters are proposed, and filtration and haybales are in place during construction, all measures which prevent leachate or other environmentally deleterious material associated with development from entering the waters of the Long Island Sound. The proposed construction is 83 feet from Freshwater Wetlands. The area is already disturbed and the existing sanitary which is within this setback is to be abandoned. Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable Area has not developed for agriculture . Fishers Island is predominantly residential development. Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. . Yes No X Not Applicable . Single family residential home is deemed by the Town of Southold as an appropriate permitted use with no significant drain on existing energy and mineral resources. Existing electric, gas and other resources are adequate to meet the needs of this lot. *copy of Town form created on 5/25/05 7 ZBA TO TOWN CLERK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Filing of Application and Check for Processing) DATE: 64 14 /06 ZBA# NAME CHECK# AMOUNT TC DAT�.�STA 5924 JEFFRIES, Michael & 1095 $600.00 JUN 1 5 2006 Susan Southold !!wiii Clod TOTAL $600.00 By,4 Thank you. Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 06/15/06 Receipt#: 1095 Transaction(s): Reference Subtotal 1 1 Application Fees 5924 $600.00 Check#. 1095 Total Paid: $600.00 Name: Jeffries, Michael &Susan 212 Park Ave Columbus, OH 43209 Clerk ID: MICHELLE Internal ID 5924 OFFICE OF LUNING BOARD OF APPEALS Office Location: NFB Building, First Floor, 54375 Main Road at Youngs Avenue ' Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http:/./snutholdtown.northfork.net (631) 765-1809 (ext. 5011 during recording) fax (631) 765-9064 TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: RO JG JD MS LKW FROM: DATE: /0 / .5 /2006 RE: 1 O l .)-(o /06 Agenda (or .--E.-I,Cr I e S , S-9 2&f MESSAGE: ( ) Correspondence or related attached regarding the above for your information, /LILAc ..( akg - i--N--) C,A.e44 T- g1ar, el. !M).- . 1,0Lo-t. Cay-n..- - -t itui.r, J9/06) Thank you. Pages attached: . -- OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Office Location: North Fork Bank Building-First Floor, 54375 Main Road at Youngs Avenue Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http://southoldtown.northfork.net Email: Linda.Kowalski(aYTown.Southold.ny.us Jayne.Martin(a�Town.Southold.ny.us (631) 765-1809 (ext. 5012 or 5011 during recording) office fax (631) 765-9064 VIA FAX 7 G J - V&(1_3 MEMO TO: 7c{, DATE: / 0 / 4o (� RE: (2_ 4, , o CD(.4 i_, et_eL,,4.2:n.,,6 , '• ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MAILING ADDRESS and PLACE OF HEARINGS: 53095 Main Road, Town Hall Building, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (631) 765-1809 Fax 765-9064 LOCATION OF ZBA OFFICE: Town Hall Annex at North Fork Bank Building, 1st Floor 54375 Main Road and Youngs Avenue, Southold website: http://southtown.northfork.net September 29, 2006 Re: Town Code Chapter 58 — Public Notices for Thursday, October 26, 2006 Hearing Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Times Review newspaper. 1) Before October 11th: ° Please send the enclosed Legal Notice, with both a Cover Letter including your telephone number and a copy of your Survey or Site Plan (filed with this application) which shows the new construction area or other request, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, to all owners of property (tax map with property numbers enclosed), vacant or improved, which abuts and any property which is across from any public or private street. Use the current owner name and addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office located at Southold Town Hall, or Real Property Office at the County Center, Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. If any letter is returned to you undeliverable, you are requested to make other attempts to obtain a mailing address or to deliver the letter to the current owner, to the best of your ability, and to confirm how arrangements were made in either a written statement, or during the hearing, providing the returned letter to us; AND not later than October 12th: please either mail or deliver to our office your Affidavit of Mailing (form enclosed) with parcel numbers, names and addresses noted, and furnish it to our office with the white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. When the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us before the scheduled hearing. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board during the hearing and provide the card (when available). These will be kept in the permanent record as proof of all Notices. 2) Not Later Than October 17th: Please make arrangements to place the enclosed Poster on a signboard such as cardboard, plywood or other material, posting it at your property for seven (7) days (or more) until the hearing is held. Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, no more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is available for the additional front yard. Please deliver your Affidavit of Posting during the meeting. If you are not able to meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Zoning Appeals Board and Staff Ends. Fa 'COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ev 0d.6 0 6 08A- Pg- .\ / .a RECEIVED OCT 182006 Steve.Levy SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE SOIL AND WATER ZONING BOA �,� .. CONSERVATION DISTRICT 'DISTRICT MANAGER FAX:(631)727-3160 (631)727-2315 MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman FROM: Thomas J. McMahon, District Manage07 DATE: October 16, 2006 SUBJECT: ZBA File Ref. No 5924 (Jeffries) ********************************************************************************** Regarding your request for an evaluation and recommendations for the application referenced above, )lease note that due to travel costs and commuting time getting to Fishers Island, we are unable to assist you with this request. 423 GRIFFING AVENUE SUITE 110 • RIVERHEAD,NY 11901 IPAPPEALS BOARD MEMBERS • �i'�' Mailing Address: Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman ®w• r ®l Southold Town Hall 1 • 53095 Main Road •P.O. Box 1179 Gerard P. Goehringer ; � y di a Southold,NY 11971-0959 James Dinizio, Jr. Office Location: 3;d Michael A. Simon • ` Y Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank Leslie Kanes Weisman = C®U � `C �i0 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) •''� Southold, NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809•Fax(631) 765-9064 October 26, 2006 Mr. Thomas Isles, Director Suffolk County Department of Planning P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Dear Mr. Isles: Please find enclosed the following application with related documents for review pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code: Appl. No. 5924 (Jeffries) Action Requested: Bulkhead and Height Variance Within 500 feet of: ( ) State or County Road ( x ) Waterway (Bay, Sound, or Estuary) ( ) Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State, Federal land. If any other information is needed, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you. Very truly yours, Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman By: Enclosures PATRICIA C• Mt'0`RE—ESQ• - — u 4. Restricted Delivery? 3.Service Type 51020 MAIN ROAD CFR°TIFIED „ SOUTHO D tNY 119711t tt jtjii ) jI ESEitra,17e0t0iYes , i �fnli il� 1 t i fif HI r it 2. Article Number r 7192 6463 3110 0000, 2502 64VgrAtS,SECy71 2gr,:i DE V,ki,Y4 XSl/natlrre (DAddress-e t) I 1111 1 I I IIII 11111111 111111 ill _ B. Received" ' (Please Print Clearly) 7192 6463 3110 0000:.ESEIZ I ANA1- A. t--kc r v C.Date of Delivery 1. Article Addressed To: 1 D.Addressees Address(HDd/erentFromAddressUsedbySender) FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT"—C(f f , ATTN: F.I. UTILITY CO. DRAWER E 1 Secondary Address/Suite/Apt I Floor(Please Pont Clearly) FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 1 Delivery Address 3 City l 1 1 1 t State ZIP+4 Code r - t _ UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid ' USPS ' o Permit No. G-10 co 0 LL 0 rICIACM00 E: Jeffries ZBA ATRESQ-OUTHOLD NY 11971 t el ° Ili ill inllltlnlntluill utill i a 1!!512111111111111II11II/1111! !!!}}}!!n!!ti!}}Ia!tIi a PATR ICI& C. M0-0RE" c'CV: - 4. Restricted Delivery? 3.Service Type 51020 MAIN ROADCERTIFIED SOUTHOLDNY 11971 '-'. (ExtraFee) ;�Yes 2. Article Number 7192 6463 3110 0000 2489 a y,ss z��, - .e� �: ., �1,, L+Eg016IS SECTION:O1J D0-k RY'' A.Sig Ure (DAd RrYssee` r DAgent) 11111 1111111 11111111 1111 II I 1 B. a eived By (Please Print Clearly] 7192 6463 3110 0000 2489 SiN) Wit - C.Date of Delivery 1. Article Addressed To: ° (4 6� JONATHAN BRITT D.Addressee's Address(I/ollr restFrom ddressUsed Sende) 7 SURREY ROAD ,, Su. Cie � i' SUMMIT Nd 07901 SQcorid Address/Suite/Att I Floor(Pease Print Clearly) , , LI GrvI4( 1 /1,9 ....,,,,,,, , • , Delivery Address - _ '; ; tom, 1-- NQS o7%)/ __ _, 'CI State ZIP+'4 Code' -- `" 'ar';- ' UNITED STATES POSTAk SEVICE 113, ,r' ^" DIVE) zhE� f�0,1-yp 3,, . , .� Firs tCA � ; ;Z � �'�!yry rt� u„,„1,..1,0-4 yt, E ,i` i' %j�i3 ?121,0.C.)45 fs h.. f - "•~`g it li o I 5....., ,1, .3 1 LL ______------------\ :. RE: Jeffries ZBA PATRICIA C. MOORE ESQ• i',.- 51020 ,,51020 MAIN ROAD g SOUTHOLD NY 11971 \ „ i I a Ef Itttlli�illltltlliiiiitilltiilll Q I 1LL CO - I PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel:(516)765-4330 Fax.:(516)765-4643 October 25, 2006 Attn: Linda Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES PROPERTY ADDRESS: PRIVATE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM: 1000-1-2-11 Hearing Date: OCTOBER 26, 2006 Dear Chairman: With reference to the above, enclosed please green certified mail cards together with Affidavit of Posting. Thank you. Ve .ruly you . I PAT' A C FOORE By Betsy f ins, LA • bp Encls . ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK x In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT OF MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES SIGN POSTING Regarding Posting of Sign Upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000-1--2-11 x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, Susan Jeffries, residing on Fishers Island, New York 06390 being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the/hay of October, 2006, I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and nature of the application noted thereon, securely upon the property, located ten (10) feet or closer from the street or right-of-way (driveway entrance) - facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance*; and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the subject hearing date, which hearing date was shown to be Thursday, October 26, 2006. • ,e_.& * • SUSAN JEFFRI S Sworn to before me this -� a2 _worn day of October, 2006 ROXANNE SPAULDING NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK Notary Public V " j No 01SP6113942 QUAI trill)IN SUFI OLK COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG 9,2.O *near the entrance or driveway entrance of the property, as the area most visible to passersby. PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel:(516)765-4330 Fax::(516)765-4643 . October 12, 2006 Attn: Linda J'Zy Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES PROPERTY ADDRESS: PRIVATE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM: 1000-1-2-11 Hearing Date: OCTOBER 26, 2006 Dear Chairman: With reference to the above, enclosed please certified mail receipts, Affidavit of Mailing and copy of our letter sent to the neighbors . Thank you. Ver my yo. 'ATRI► A ' . MOORE By B:tsy "erkins, LA bp Encls . ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK x In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES OF (Name of Applicant) MAILINGS CTM Parcel #1000-1-2-11 x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, BETSY PERKINS, residing at Mattituck, New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 11th day of October, 2006, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in Southold, New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the ( X ) Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office , for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. Signature BETSY P" ►, Sworn to before me this /2-day of October_ 2; (�Alotary Pu A'RICIA C.MOORE Notary Public,State of New York Suffolk County-No.4861608 Commission Expires June 16,W-1-12 PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank you. r I RECEIPT I RECEIPT 7192 6463 3110 0000 2472 7192 6463 3110 0000 2489 FROM: FROM Patricia C Moore Esq I Patricia C RE Jeffries ZBA I RE Jeffries Moore Esq SEND TO i SEND TO ' ANDREW JEFFRIES JONATHAN BRITT 9161 HAZEN DRIVE BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 SUMRR EY NJ OAD fl FEES' FEES Postage 0 39 / Postage Certified Fee 2 40 I Certified Fee OSS Return Rece 1`- Restn e I ice p Q Restr1cted®� 7 y 1 E TOT J� �� `F ToTA` A , PO MARK D'TE {I P(\: MAR �'1± "� II RDA j \� p. I U rr I ��\Z„...._� eco¢ ! I � ®7 - - - 1 — � - � RECEIPT I RECEIPT ' 7192 6463 3110 0000 2496 I 7192 6463 3110 0000 2502 ; I FROM II FROM. 1 I Patnaa C Moore Esq Patricia C Moore Esq RE Jeffries ZBA , I` RE Jeffries ZBA , I II I SEND TO 1 , SEND TO. I STRIFE QUALITY PERSONAL I FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPM: RESIDENCE TRUST i` ATTN F I UTILITY CO I 200 EAST 66TH STREET DRAWER E I NEW YORK NY 10021 I FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 I FEES. - - I FEES: I Postage 0 39 4G I Postage 0 ,a Certified ie ,r 0 7 1 Certified Fee 2 i0 Return� eII t I Return Receipt 1 85 Restric e G Restricted w II TOTAL cd$4 64� { i TOTAQL_ j �—A��� 4.;^.H POST1. ARK QED DATE ... % 4.OS MT ARK�QR� A F \\S",,tet-j ti . ...zi,.C") I I �— — — - ----- L— -'fin_ `?' ! JEFFRIES NEIGHBOR LIST SCTM: 1000-01-02-11 oa ANDREW JEFFRIES ' t -,KE: Jeffries fuA 9161 HAZEN DRIVE ) ' . BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 I 7192 6463 3110- 0000 2472 SCTM: 1000-01-02-10 IlaM20;1/W JONATHAN BRITT 7 SURREY ROAD •I' RE: . ' ,f-fries ZBA _ { SUMMIT NJ 07901 I; 7192 6463 3110 0000 2489 • ' SCTM: 1000-01-01-3:3 4,M T/Fl1ED, STRIFE QUALITY PERSONAL I, RE: Jeffries ZBA RESIDENCE TRUST 200 EAST 66T" STREET I 7192 6463 3110 0000 2496 NEW YORK NY 10021 SCTM: 1000-01-02-12 , FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORP. ATTN: F.I. UTILITY CO. t:MT I PI&AMA 1 DRAWER E IRE: Jeffries ZBA y FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 7192 6463 3110 0000 2502 SCTM: 1000-01-01-3.13 ' PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel: (631)765-4330 Fax: (631)765-4643 October 11, 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RE: MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES PROPERTY ADDRESS: PRIVATE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM: 1000-1-2-11 Dear Neighbor: I represent Michael & Susan Jeffries with regard to their property located at Private Road, Fishers Island, New York. They have submitted a request for a variance for construction of a new dwelling (after demolition of the existing building) , in a location less than 100 feet from the top of the bluff and at a height exceeding the code limitation of two and one-half stories . A copy of the legal Notice is enclosed together with a portion of the site plan. The detailed plans are available for your review at the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals office . The hearing on this matter has been scheduled for THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2006 AT 1 : 05 P.M. at Southold Town Hall. If you have any questions, or you wish to support this application, please do not hesitate to contact me. V;i4Pltruly yours, CcAiic(Oyd/Le Patricia C. Moore PCM/s', encls . c : Mr. And Mrs . Michael Jeffries Anderson Architects Jeff Geiger LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2006 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26,2006: 1:05 P.M. MICHAEL and SUSAN JEFFRIES #5924. Based on the Building Inspector's March 7, 2006 Notice of Disapproval, amended April 12, 2006 under Sections 100-239.4 and 100-32, Variances are requested for construction of a new dwelling (after demolition of the existing building), in a location less than 100 feet from the top of the bluff and at a height exceeding the code limitation of two and one-half stories, at East End Road (vicinity of Mudd Pond and Money Pond), Fishers Island; CTM 1-2-11. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular business hours and prior to the day of the hearing If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at(631) 765-1809', or by email: Linda.Kowalski@Town.Southold.ny.us. Dated: September 29, 2006. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RUTH D. OLIVA, CHAIRWOMAN , �✓`v� \ a � ( l`: LL i� j/ /�� /// � ---.24 ' riP/ /� i� i� - r16' —!/ i BENCHMARK �2s—— CHEr / \ TOP OF IRON 'OD a / -1� / vR6 '^\`� q,Q� CATION== .'' ,lw `— 2g ^ _ - - _ ) SOON /,1 �_ z'��CJ T: E \ —\ PASTONGE \ \� cIAi\ . ���. `r'' \• \� \ \‘./1/ \\ , it /0' ;,/� F.F 'Et_, CHIMNEY 5. 44 ,,, ------A \� igl ( C Ate ;41(f ��J tS \PROF \ CHERRY ,*Ii 14, i I I 0. le• 4, .4 4/11r - 0 �i \1..': e \ `\ N� EXIS PE4STONE • 04HOU • • DRIVEWAY i� , , ,.."Mil \ . 1` \ToaNREE c �� 040:lir Ili 1 4/4 i e ,- "Wilk \ 11,14* � N, 1 � „�� i PATIO EL11V r v" , • :` ,f =3i%1 I -EE / I Whiii.. 14 Iti \i4I's J ORNc `•`f 1 p,. TREE I f / f r— rt / �.,2— I ORN � �� i. — TRE _ OM OF SOUTHOLD ZONING REGULATIONS \ 1M SB'f 100-239.4 SUBSECTION A(1), ---... , 1NC SETBACK IS TO BE 100 FT FROM IOP OF BLUFF —J <'k� \ t 16" 'v / "`--` TREE � J 1 ` 1 . i 227.67 N80•09`30"vy J ' N/F PETER H. STRIFE BLOCK 1 — LOT 6 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE MUNICIPAL WATER/ON SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM) �'�/ APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS . �i�' OF SoUr _ Mailing Address: Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman �� � $ y� ' Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road• P.O. Box 1179 Gerard P. Goehringer * t Southold,NY 11971-0959 James Dinizio,Jr. G Q ,� Office Location: Michael A. Simon #& • Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank Leslie Kanes Weisman -��COUNrt,vd 1• 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) •''I Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 October 2, 2006 Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District 423 Griffing Avenue, Suite 110 Riverhead,NY 11901 Re: ZBA File Ref. No. 5924 (Jeffries) Gentlemen: We have an application for a proposed demolition and construction of single family dwelling to be constructed on the bluff side of a house on property adjacent to the Long Island Sound(Fishers Island), and shown on the enclosed site map. The public hearing on the above variance application is being held on October 26, 2006. A copy of the area map is also attached for your use and reference. May we ask for your assistance in an evaluation and recommendations for this proposal. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, RUTH D. OLIVA By: OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL,— Office Location: North Fork Bank Building—First Floor, 54375 Main Road at Youngs Avenue Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http://southoldtown.northfork.net Email: Linda.Kowalskk Town.Southold.ny.us Jayne.Martin(a.Town.Southold.ny.us (631) 765-1809 (ext. 5012 or 5011 during recording) office fax (631) 765-9064 VIA FAX 7lo J-- 0103 MEMO TO: vd'a,A---)-w DATE: erb iv i RE: i. , _,./ S. ol`/ ,7q rk64, • a/tt..6u4,,,,,L p 0.(ix)ei° AtryiLd_. Ai_,,,..„,t,,,,(.., .6A-d- 2 7§ 4) cia,„,,L, ir\A4,1.4..._ ,&_, 4...L.A_k, 1.6 --t.1-,) ik1A, • • r' ill" _ .:t...... ,...5., �d'• a•.r , ,.Jn . tl..rz zL am / r14''`��z, :^•1 4 • ` .,• .„-L---t._- _jam.- `i `. ter. •V .t•. -� ' t;•:::::••••$... . ` ` � BoardOf ®�.t ®I TownTrustees �_:.. ).L.4:1;. ..-,i, 1 s' SOUTHOLD NEWNYORIC - . - :: ' . SCTM#1-2-11 _..., : .i 6412 SEP 206 July 19, 2006 g,, f' y DATE: .-.u y ; �''. PERMIT NO. r,. -. HAE , & SUSAN JEFFRIES ••.• '` '�``•• ' • �.� Vit. ' MIC • ''�. , z"r� ISSUED TO +�8t9 .: : -- • tt:� ..... �'�AA:� �t orizattott ' • V< •!:-` S.. i!. y ;' 1, Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Latus of , ..!.....a-:'---- • ,.. • .N. b,". r/.. fhe State of New York, '1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the N a• /. r: A . State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- - 'I t.. . �� -=.:,,,,..-47; `,. titled ."REGULATING AND THE-PLACING OF. OBSTRUCTIONS F-� ` r IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS end--the a `',, REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL 'OR OTHER MATERIALS•MOM . � . "3 M UNDER TOWN WATERS;••.' and in accordance with 'the g Y --••=-...2\ • %U. July 1.9, ''' Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on - ; ` 250.00 Ir ^..,...i.:.• '".` A 2006 paid by �'') , and in consideration of the sum of Michael & Susan Jeffries j` Fishers Island •: . '1.: = . and.,subject to -the : �_ , o f N Y ..2'' - - Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, _ f31 3Y :'' ` of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: -/ • : —„..-',4,f•' .••• Wetland Permit to demolish the existing dwelling and construct a new dwelling,abandon the A'•'i' ✓ `''': 1+1 existing sanitary system and install a new sanitary system,and all as depicted on the site plan % ; 1:, prepared by CME Associates Engineering&Land Surveying,PLLC dated May 23,2006 and ' `' ; landscape plan prepared by Edmund D.Hollander dated June 28,2006. `' -':: : : := ! : ;. •4Z \ all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in , 5E-- . '; 1,°-”h. •the originating application. • ;•-i-14-J.3:-... .-a)-,..,-.) . .' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- . '': ' ' A , by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and thesepresents to <.: • '• ..,.•r-,,.\ ` be subscribed by a majority oft ' said Board -as of this data. 11 444c 0 --4-1 ►1 � �+.�- S t � f`1 ; �/ � / r ''Ji',,• J,% • A �,' . _ .(' [`po , -. T s .'I -•r_ ---4.10/• .- a- >`-. : ... '-... ca Z•�°.-.e i'c i. ,{ .a? ,t N;, tl, • n_ _L'+.'l:ii.Y. 41'.,11/a,,iaii—,a.J.l(.I:i. rerte"/.,iill..,:A l-17.0,./a../...1..ie :4..:/..No.;'..,lo '. .,, 4:.:,.•;(6.,,iii.°;,,,,./,.•,•,,,••,,,1•4•••,, 411.r,,::4:.•%I,.74; .r/1::;,;•1.:'4,. u. • i a Hyl ;I'r. TERMS and CONDITIONS gl - ,, Iiine'l*-ni-1Michael & Susan Jeffries "� Private Rd. , Fishers Island, SCTM#1-2- 1 ii. tOdiag At • N Y., as ` , - part-of the consideration fqr the issuance of the Permit does tinders and prescribe to the fol- It ice' .L - 1. That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released -from any and 3 all damages, oc clainss for damages, of suits arising directly or .s.- -..y• as a result of any oiler- `t1hC Pree at his"or her o'wn .� ,, ation performed putstiartt=o. ...pt► . ._ i� �4.. . . - 1 ' defend.any and all such suiteinitlated by Baird_patties, and the said -•.., - assumes full liability I with respect thereto, to- ete'endusioa of the Board of T - of the Town of Southold e 2. .That this 1 1 valid for a period of 24 • -"wos. k ••-is (Wpsideted to be the : I • - � ',estimated time'required to ooampiete the vsrodc involved, but'should • ,;,.• •� • est' for an ertiension may be made to the Board at a later oe:'- 3. That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long the said Permittee wishes ' • `I to'maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to i gone concerned that anth- - I - :orb:atlon was originally obtained. . g _ i 4. That the work involved will be subject to the Inspection and approval of the Board or . its agents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating iplication, may be cause for • i revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. •' • 1. � S. That`there will be no unreasonable interference with na•': : as a result of the work Gaeta'suithorlzed. l be no interference with the right of time • • to pass and repass along ': •6. That lucre shall 1 t the beach between high and low water marks. •It i 7. That If future operations of the Town of Southold require •" . removal and/or alterations t 1 in the location of the wodc-herein authorized, or lf, in the opinion in i-the Board of Trustees, the. ne n " work-shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation, the said Permittee will be reqtdredo -51 l upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated • I. ,, expenses to the Tower - of Southold. l iii . B. That the said Board Brill be notified by the Permittee of due •u •, • eIIon_of the work a''ored. • . :=I- 9. That the Permittee will obtain all other permits and °omen that maybe rev" plemental to this permit which tmay-be subject to revoke upon f - to obtain same. 1 -i i•{ti . , N • . . i ,', ' = -,-;,, ,ti `i2,- - - ' ,-`'.-,' . ":. . 1:7 r•-: :• J . ,=:-. . . , .. ; N ® 644 i aj -_--4 .,, .----- . ,.., ..:,. -,, 1 ''*.'''..-P-' t :'''..',:.'' -.- ''•• ' '' .t.T .„4.:. , tir\te heat 44 6 abal) ssueoNe.t4ritS Date 'Iltil°. r''' 0 IP' 6 , a " Stil till‘* 1 1441 Si t4 I • " 'il. TAIL 4' .,..... ress ... r . . LO . 1.17 1 -ti THIS NOTICE MUST BE DISPLAYED DURING CONSTRUCTION TOWN TRUSTEES OFFICE,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL.: 765-1892 OF SO(/ Town Hall James F. King,President ryo Jill M. Doherty,Vice-President 1.,`O l® ; 53095 Route 25 • P.O.Box1179 Peggy A.Dickerson Southold,New York 11971-0959 Dave Bergen ; G John Holzapfel �� � Telephone(631)765-1892 Kr Fax(631) 765-6641 0 : co(ur ,�,,,,� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEE'S TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE • Pre-construction, hay bale line 1St day of construction 1/2 constructed ,,Project complete, compliance inspection. PATRICIA C. MOORE P L fps /l n Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road SEP 2 2 2006 Southold,New York 11971 Tel: (631)765-4330 /2 Fax: (631)765-4643 ZOt gNC POMO) AnP::A&.S ' September 21, 2006 Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES PRIVATE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM: 1000-1-2-11 Dear Sir or Madam: With reference to the above and pursuant to your request, enclosed please find seven sets of the Board of Trustees Permit. As you will note, the Resolution reflects the Site Plan dated May 23, 2006 and the Landscape plan dated June 28, 2006 which are the same plans submitted to your Board. Also enclosed is seven copies of a letter received from the NYS DEC. They have requested minor revisions regarding the buffer but the structures will remain in the same place. We are awaiting their approval. I respectfully request that this matter be placed on the October calendar for a public hearing. Thank you., Very truly yours, atricia C. Moore PCM/bp encls. C: Mr. Jeff Geiger (letter only, via fax) Anderson Architects (letter only, via fax) /leg, James F King,President d� ®F SUU , Town Hall Jill M. Doherty,Vice-President �® 4 ®l® 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Peggy A Dickersonc,7frc^ ` Southold New York 11971-0959 Dave Bergen . •� 11, John Holzapfel :=,o ®e(ar \\‘` ',1 y ��1 Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 !:Off.m OF T'SW14 TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: 11U r h C?LLP -L r ;1 c� 4-C,a 9-� Please be advised that your application dated (p[ ')CA0 has been reviewed by this Board at the regular meeting of 91lel 10c and the following action was taken: rg:A ( Application Approved (see below) �6 ( ) Application Denied (see below) PSG ( ) Application Tabled (see below) 0" ��m If your application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: T f d t16-1 t 3,Oo TOTAL FEES DUE: $ SO .0( BY: James F. King, President Board of Trustees ��APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS � "i �,� Mailing Address: Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman r �� SOu71' i�Dy,� yplO Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer , `, 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 illi * : Southold,NY 11971-0959 James Dinizio,Jr. vs p Q �� Office Location: Michael A. Simon : x% ,��4% I� Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank Leslie Kanes Weisman �14OO j A ;"' 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) • —••.,, vi" Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 July 20, 2006 Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner LWRP Coordinator Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Southold,NY 11971 Re: ZBA File Ref. No. 5924 (Jeffries) Dear Mark: We have received an application for a demolition and construction of a home within 100 feet of Block Island Sound, and shown on the enclosed site map. Copies of the LWRP form and maps are also attached for your use and reference. May we ask for your assistance in an evaluation and recommendations for this proposal. A copy of the area map is also attached for your use and reference. May we ask for your assistance in an evaluation and recommendations for this proposal. Thank you. Very truly yours, RUTH D. OLIVA 15A,,,d,v-,e /c„:, :-:•41•M.- 'Tow n bf tit hold-ZBA---- IN A H Ja7es Dinizio , . — Pc: Search IDDther, Fil :Numtier:; 5924 Tax Map 1.-2-11 App Name )JEFFRIES, Michael &Susan ReceiVed,Date., 6/14/06 j Tot:fees:- 600.00: Hamlet Fishers Island:Type: riGia74171-20ne:.FriB1:-['-9# orwarded.t0:Towii3OerL 6/14/06 Meeting Dates Buildanq Dept , : Location East End Road ,-Meeting DateND Date L3/7/06 short Hearing Date 1 _____ ND Date demo &reconstruct single family dwelling - 100- 4/12/06 DSC 239.4(1) bluff setback; 100-32 height variance Nearing Date 2 ND Date 3j________ „.! t9py-i SNDD6t0.4 I =', westerly portion of construction plan at 3 stories ND Date 5 otes Hearing Date 5 :ND-P*6 Attion :NDIMte.:7, _,Z1147:T9714.- , _ pe*lop0,N,ttle:SouthOci:Tolnin%bata-Picitessino',Departmorlf • • • '1:+a • NUTk, tuFHEA ; INo The following application will be heard by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold: NAME : JEFFRIES , M . & S . #5924 MAP # : 1 -2- 11 APPEAL : Bluff Setback and Height Var. FEQUEST: New Dwelling (After Demo) DATE : THURSDAY, OCT. 26 , 1 : 05 PM If you are interested in this project, you may review the file(s) prior to the hearing during normal business days between 8 AM and 3 PM . ;_'ONING BOARD -TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 765- 1809 o - 41 N 396,100 6.. :41ALL,.0 / 4- // 67\\___A:A...x. to / - 3 ,3 3 . /,3 , SOUND 2s3 „ ) '1� • 3 1.3A(c) 4 os NO n 6.5A o, /4js' 4.4 m ) 11�Loh is 10 tO urs a 5 a J 3A(c) v 6 - A. io3,4A 3 �p.80 R.D.81 1 e6.311 „ 7 y ;� LD. W MONEY _,, 9,-•-”•ti oh POND IP OO % G 6 11 4,BA • °y p ��� S�oa��e SO�a 3 2 , MUD:::.)zt .C491 .. s'.u PO1.9A,$) �5. R� • 10Q 3.3 t n) 112x 2.4A 7 s.\".'.--$.....'---....-. \5 2,6A 355 511 A E 11 n 2.2A 0 A. so w Rx 12 1.9A 0 c.*.n 3.7 a` 3.28 •- . 0� 13 m D 1.4A 1 214 ., s. '. )o )m ' s I - 3.14 10 41.3AIc) ".' 1.3A a END ”. 2/i the .?. RD.sus 4.. 9 .1 1,1 (ORIENTAL AVE., N 392,900 -L PROPERTIES n-°i - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © SOUTHOLD ID DISTRICTS: NOTICE ^;. .1 f , K TORN of SECTION NO IMO MAINTENANCE,ALTERATION,SALE OR kO ®"<, E 130 �,Real Property Tax Service Agency Y DISTRIBUTION OF ANY PORTION OF THE {w, T�`0r �" VILLAGE OF 0 0 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP IS PROHIBITED El►! ,%�v County Center Riverhead,N Y 11901 1 e1 ,�. SCALE IN FEET M no .TER WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE 2 0 2000 P 005 OETRCT NO 1OOD 90 -'AEAC'PROPERTY TAX SERVICE AGENCY. "' , , PROPERRT"YMMAP _s :?.:..;4,--,-,---,.L--;4-z.•_.,_ - ter. , + 3mrs,re1 - 1- _ , �q! ,._< Y. A„`.-,-iSe'Ai�,-i w :--ra-r,,_. -tri,:,_1`. _ ` f K Tot1.:--zni'dY_Fs-n, _t--d—I-.<2,- r_'?L't ii • '" N 396,700 /\)1 ISI — ti + SOUND m ns s s 4 �218J 1.3Afcl ' 9 6.531 .5' i 4 2 g E. LOA 0 ION e S1l p0•\ .„° 5 a J.7AId 6 �. _.. ._ • 4 3.431 - ��p. 80 R.D. 0 7 0 81 �� 1 .+ 6.331 J c :t,^ MONEY O x ` POND � 2 4. Ss' 9 e n 4.9A °: o `G, J.2 �+ d�� 5 MUD 7.eA D 9 /f�\�l lee. .\,,POND 1.9A �S "° il to R `�puzsu _ 1 2.431 t V 7.3 8. 5 2.6A NS \'..--':---...-.00 . SV 11 ry 2.24 A" - 0 T Sea .e „ 12 1.931 E ��,F1 3.7 U 3.211 .. n. Ce>4 — < 13 • ::s 7,q 1.4A 1 i 37 R 1 3.14 10 s 1.331(01 1.3A ENDRD.106 ,•,6° 9 1.3A1.03000NTAL AYEJ '.:N. 4'. - N 392,900 3.3 PROPERTIES DISTRICTS:ISTRICrs, NOTICE -.4 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K TORN OF SOUTHOLD SECTION NO STRIc IVO , ���'0` Real Property Tax Service Agency Y "° MAINTENANCE,ALTERATION,SALE OR ;.® - DISTRIBUTION OF ANY PORTION OF THE '1 T�L'r la, OF 0 O I B1 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX NAP IS PROHIBITEDco, •1'1 =� County Center Riverhead,N Y 11901 1 TER WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE .44. SCALE IN FEETM v0 �70.110. 0� • zoo o NO sw A oos °MC'ND 1000 WO "AEAC'PROPERT7 TAO SERVICE AGENCY. - -PROPEft7Yy,^MSP { 7.z -- • r r '`" ,�' Six'. .0ey •.. -. ''ft'.� Y }-yip ..<•--t`,0 74 `a a 0 ' . August 9, 2006 INSPECTIONS BY ZBA Fishers Island Jim Dinizio FI Windswept and Rosalyn Driscoll - #5904 - Special Exception(designate existing wing accessory apartment) /iMichael & Susan JEFFERIES - #5924—demo/reconstruct single family dwelling; bluff setback To be assigned at later date Town&FITF - Open Space I 1 -- -. __- _ __ 1-.34, ------/:,\ -.2. , /,.// \\ C'23 N M 1 1' Jte AL IL WJ N C I � 1-3C t-2B ' "5 C ,Ic ,4 .Wc ,9c `�°41.--------:..):.,:.,::,.1::,;,.., �1 1-38 \ 4,0\,,,,.\-so a LU 1 ,r. ,t,. ,m� .,',. A WLF I • W 0 F- A A, A, a4 A, A, alc N/F Ct •'rl� 0 0 z M 1(� SUSAN H. JEFFRIES \ --'-'17-: p .:74:::: C4 �+j I'll \ WLF BLOCK 1 -LOT 4B v' T� v'I �` 'L �` �` (VACANT LAND) (71: `—' WLF WLF '. o ai WLF 11111111H:2-4 Z C 10 ,Lc AU ,4 �. ,01r. ' 1_6 I N o0 Cr) o 1 LIMITS OF FRESHWATER WETLANDS AS �p -3 A o n WLF FLAGGED BY: I. COLE (CME STAFF) ~- 3-2 2-3 O/ ‘ --- o U N 1201.26 ., ,I1. s` • r N ' i \ E 1156.36 ��-� 114 'r N88'31'10"E 395.37' , . •• •• ' •• •• •• . it . J rn 1%,/ o f' l: WLF • . , • • . . • \ 1�� PINE n-, 2-2 ; TO BE I z-, -,1 't ABANDONED • . . . . . . • .N . . . . '_e r" � k � WLF cn e • :1!, PINX \ 0 / 1-12f -e ' ;I1 • •• • U) r..` 7 7 ) 75 ''� —' LOCATION MAP SCALE 1 =400 TREES \ tOP, I . GUY 0v'• MANHOLE ‘' j � +. PNE + ► ��1IP::_:,,,, O BOX (CESSPOOL) `�ti. 2" p I .(I � CP c''.i POLE k ELEC. T-EE \ . 3" I � O X693 METER _ (`.; _ f �► ELEC. — 0 16» BENCHMARK ��� VAULT - I ,1,,_;. CHERRY • TOP OF IRON SOD 3„ '/r.\\�2" PaN` / / . . . . . . . . , . \ • l' �� g I ELEVATION =33. PINE • / P / APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF COASTAL EROSION HAZARD • GV /PA 3" ' . / / INE PER COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA MAP, TOWN 6Ris. 1:7 • • • 5(ON :�Lr \'� ORN. PINE OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, PHOTO '(') C ) t� �` _ G TREES • ''--v— .,"1$' j' ,\lea PROPOSED HAYBALIES SET I NO. 38-879-83, SHEET 42-FI OF 49 I IIS `� l,_,� // \ F,; c. TO ESTABLISH LIM 1S OF 3 • e - rat° `' < \\ CLEARING AND DISTURBANCE • P STONEIA 1 ) �P R�'ARKIN/ -/\ �\ \\ % MAP REFERENCES J� / \ F.F. EL. ^ CHIMNEY 100' • � � O� i �` =30 7 SNC. 34 I 1.) SURVEY MAP PREPARED FOR SUSAN JEFFRIES; BLOCK 1 -- LOT 5; 24" �O •. ' 1 ( T5E \ / , L FISHERS ISLAND, N:W YORK: CME/CPK DESIGN GROUP; NORWICH, CT.; DATE: , OAK • P • . r„ I 11 \ , 36 •\ �"� I 11/19/01; SCALE: 1"=20'; SHEET 1 OF 1 / Q • s' ( = \, Sli \41%. \/ PROPOSED g� I / CH -RY HOUSE •� / / t „YI Q : � \// \� *itli. ��r / NOTES • . ./ `� �� /� EXIST NG 12" PINE I ! 1.) THIS SURVEY VAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTIES AND PURPOSE INDICATED (n $» ) PEASTONE / /\„4,----::(--,i------.Or \/ *404SE \\IIID/ PROVIDE Sc MAINTAIN A / HEREON. ANY EXTEVSION OF THE USE BEYOND THE PURPOSED AGREED TO TRE • �e • lik- 18” •OAK DRIVEWAY /\ O�VJ/,i CONTINUOUS LINE OF / / BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND THE SURVEYOR EXCEEDS THE SCOPE OF THE W Y • �J ,tSl -d • �_ ' � �4,i � ` SILT FENCE BACKED BY / ENGAGEMENT, X fit • J� 8" �' /� �`�/ 1�`'QHAYBALES THROUGHOUT / }f . • • p� �G TREE ;� - ��/////IIT\\� I CONSTRUCTION / I Z.) IT IS A VIOLAT�N OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY PERSON, UNLESS I-I- ���. �� ���� REED �u �� /I' �., G� / 1 ACTING UNDER THi: DIRECTION OFA LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR, TO ALTER AN ec V- ~o F, J ITEM IN ANY WAY. ZZ 12 L1-I --I Z 6" C / � .,., { / 0� MORN. F � / / I I • ,� M " � PROVIDE NEW SEPTIC TANK (TREE `74 `�1 / • AND LEACHING POOLS ' / �\ / _��® �\ TREE • ►, `i N w���,// ) I l 3.) ONLY COPIES iF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE LAND SURVEYORSLij p \ /� ) VA .►.. ,t ,, / SIGNATURE AND At, ORIGINAL EMBOSSED OR INK SEAL ARE THE PRODUCT OF • I Z .� J �/\ii �a / I / THE LAND SURVEYOR. w ¢ �- o"� .' METAL PROVIDE RETAINING �., > \ _ ,/ j . ,! e� �� `� .�/ / (n w Y r - POST WALL ALONG DRIVE - W -1 S . /v tn �l / / 4.) COORDINATE DSTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC X V (M �� PATIO EL. 2'' / I " _N I / SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATION "EAST END 2" Cl- 7 O ai /�\ I =38.1 • / _!• � ORN. 7 ,� T"tE ?�' ,�!' O / f7 Q m I±j2 \ 1��� C0TREE ,' ,1 CLUMP 4-• Q / / 5.) SITE IS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TAX MAP 1000, (� c' ,F F. L£ ill �p ! SECTION 001, BLC..�A 2, LOT 11. — • PROPOSED HAYBALES SET • . I 111 I PROVIDE DRY WELLS s / / Q 6.) TOTAL AREA = 2.20± ACRES. P69E4 TO ESTABLISH LIMITS OF •. 1' /); i ;_FOR ROOF DRAINAGE / / / / 6o CLEARING AND DISTURBANCE • a �" (TYP.-4) v /� 0 / 7.) SITE IS LOCATED iN R-120 ZONE. • oRN. fii)! ,' /,Y illt_,1 / / / /r / 8.) APPLICANT: SL' AN H. JEFFRIES TREE Q / �' 7;'aJ FENWAY ROAD • ..-- STONE S J / �" / i._w ALBANY, OH 43054 / ' . . 71117 S m / J • 8iA �� /jQQ / (\ // 9.) SITE IS SERVi' D BY MUNICIPAL WATER AND ON SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PER TGi'•'N DF SOUTHOLD ZONING REGULATIONS '1 o. SYSTEM. { • o CHAPTER 100-239,4 SUBSECTION A(1), F� ` �• . / / / ai ,N. BUILDING SETBACK IS TO BE 100 FT FROM �� ���� • REE / O �' / /� V 10.) BASE FOR LE(LLS: NGVD 1929. "? V THE TOP OF BLUFF `( ) . CLUMP Ow 1 / O • C . L,� ED 16» pkv✓ / C ;' TREE 0 / / / Z • ../f• • 7 / / DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS O (END) 132.09' 20' NON-TURF / :� Z a BUFFER AREA / / •OOF AREA 3690 SF • • N83'4'10.., o / / !EQUIRED = 3690 SF X1.0 X 2/12 = 615 CF _ w _ / / i15 CF / 50.27 CF/VF = 12.23( 13) VF I / � JSE FOUR(4) - 8'45 X 4' DEEP DRY WELLS = 16 VF. N I / / gyp, z, / > I / ram�^��� W / w 227.67' / �S. /� AD c, / a N80'O9,3014/ / / / z I / \) 1 POLE / • / N ' #691 / o N/F / Q PETER H. STRIFE / ;• / a a_ BLOCK 1 — LOT 6 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCEI 4 2006 \ MUNICIPAL WATER/ON SITEco co ', ��N 1 0 _ 0 LEGEND ..wt m oo I oN SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM) / i f 1J "i I / / �� FF FIRST f"L.00R uy\ . -. : �s o 0 o ELEV ELEVATION may. o o Q w °° w SF SQUARE. FEET Et o w o- I 0 Q_ m 0 0 U U Li i — — 36 — — EXISTING CONTOURS DATE: 05/23/2006 36 PROPOSED CONTOURS SCALE: 1 " = 20' QUALITY CONTROL CERTIFICATION EXISTING TREELINE GROUP REVIEWED DATE .. PROPOSED LIMITS OF CLEARING PROJECT MANAGER SURVEY ENVIRONMENTAL 20 10 0 20 SHEET CIVIL I STRUCTURAL GRAPHIC IN FEET 1 OF I ARCHITECTURAL 1 3 - FILE 34805 i 4 `d II: tl i, ti ,,, I I5 s / V* * ,_,,.,e1.7', ' ,"-,,',,...`l, -.• Fe, ,� '4 > / ♦4 ya ♦ �• . w p . y2,. r 3/ , , d S?' q, sta bedroom - consultants „ / .,,,,;„ ,.. ii,-4---,,*. of, "ala / /Aril:1i �1,4 � 'L ' ;r" w03 /, . / i ,� `0 a s,L, staff bedroom '�� s • ' 005iiii . / �7 �I'I / . / '4'1, ' — -_. 1.;* A• (1, bL structural engineer: gilsanz murray steficek ,1 ,/ ,/ 0., j �° bathroom �;, 1129 west 27th 5th toor ' / corridor4 006 w°` �' oos new york, ny 10001 ',� / — ; , �a (212) 254 0030 T '- / 1 car garage e ,;1441 '9 (fax) 477 5978 •`;` 002 / + 'a j N, ,P st010a�e mechanical engineer:t I3 m m� 84111Se2 �40 ^h� emtg -ry - ��, �• r .. � '' 1 e9 �,�/ 227 west 29th street t` // Baez w stairthall� � ^�, , ,4414 / new york, ny 10001 268-6465 1::1;,t,, i:',: •\ Q //\/�` ti s *ry (fax))2f 8-6467 • . , Ai. � . /" ��� � ' landscape architect: ,\- •-.N )� /-'\ /(., edmund hollander design, .c. ,i r '�' �- - -�s w mud room ,•9 \ IOW 200 park avenue south, suite 1200 \\ / .4p,� ^ry basement/laundrynew york, n 10003 ; \J/ \ 009 (:212)473-0620 _ (fax)473-1104 i,, z. '.'t fir. �♦ ` � � ss „ ♦� land surveyor: f cme / , . ♦ �! 9ti 1110 Broadway I',>,' rnorwich, ct- 06360 (860) 889-3397 '7` (fax) 886-7801 lj k'; \ ermitin attorney: . \ 008 I 1‘ II. "� basement moore law office 51020 main road I ' o �, V Southold, n 11971 (�Y�y \O Y M (631) 765-4330 i ���4 (fax) 765-4643 :.,i a' $., 1,4,',,! ;, I' 44 is ^' S BRED AR ,r 4 I's 018773• /. • '1'r, anderson architects `,. 555 west 25th street FL 6 Ir. 'A ;; new york, ny 10001 ;'f (212) 620 0996 (fax)620 5299 :}< r.. &derson f, design development I1�1 ! �i :` Jeffries' residence �;� block 1, lot 5 �,', fisher's island new york ir., crawls ace r,;1. i";!` 012 P Il: lower floor plan 05 june 2006 ---",- ;17::: � IF scale as noted job 05-03 ° l : \,,, JUN 1 4 2006 ti `1 - ‘ ,2Li f, fa;;" 1 lower floor plan 1 1..,,;` 3/16"= 1'-0" 114,4 ' _. CI 0 ld, k4 4.1 s7• ti 1, 76, erg44-ws / 44 2 Sri , S / P .1z a'w ) 6\.!,,z,oGti9I'e% / /*• .fS / • � e,0 bedroom 115is.' w �� ti�4 \ tiL' consultants o \ o� 1; cfi 74/� / C �I . '4 . ./ .,, 41,/ e ,s• o structural engineer: wv � /0/. alk-ir>clos= �\ � ',..11P.,,,, o f�;�'� � ' ti.Nbathroom ® , tib / \\ 2s bath8roo , \ gilsanz murray steficek 129 west 27th 5th floor 113 / 0 /w 7,7 O 1 [\ .k Ai' o///" I' \ \.., ba dip .(D ' os- • new york, ny 10001 //cY , '/A,y, `I. 3j vestibul- / . , • 4 (212) 254 0030 ti� .0 `v ,� 161 ,; �...• ba (fax) 477 5978 s. 4. walk-in close 2., 32� \ �� �� Y \:/''''.1. 21-1,9reened�rch �• mechanical engineer: AP.; / /09 I emt 35 � 332 �. '6,, � /44," //• ,/ g '� ��� stairs/hall 7s; , ,isw till*, ,3 \;.p .! i227 west 29th street ;� bedrooms ` , iii., �\ // ' �,,. O '// • \ /• _-'� /'\ new york, ny 10001 „2 '� ' , P y� ' �,",2 `, i (212) 268-6465 C� I#L // .a• yti o ; ,__ (fax) 268-6467 o R , �� �Q 0 / �' �' landscape architect: i �'// \ a,' / // yon h j /�� 6alir, a / ♦� U ' / • . 5 b6 e., © .- edmund hollander design, p.c. 8, , ` ,// :/i07 �` / * o /I _ JQ 200 ark avenue south suite 1200 o - pco /• dsun room hsinl��� ,o ma� / o new york, ny 10003 ' 110 ,ti �i / ,, ,,", 5, (212) 473-0620 v `�,� Y` A''' 0 /cil �` / _-�° (fax) 473-1104 ' hti \ O ,.?, a O ^;y /' \> `\ ^^ land surveyor: • 6 76.2.1, ti 0 ^�a �' cme *st'‘' R hti v i { 110 broadway o , 3`• �i kitchen 5ti o �. ch \s‘ �� / \' A., e" dot°'� (86 ) 893396360 /'� ' • . . fax 886-7801 permiting attorney: ' , / din oom a hA "�°� °,,,, \<,),\ •aa �, moore law office / \\ s* 106 e `i •Q �, ''�"t,, •0 10.3.. a w�;�. \ ' / `0•� a �����' ��� <�, 6a 4.71„ 51020 main road /th ,A �i � ,�� southold, ny - 11971 6a �' ��4� 1 /• �°"� �% o i 2'-6" (631) 765-4330 '�� , i (fax) 765-4643 / n s ,i• ` 1 — IAINA) — W '^\2 / 011 \ I ? 6a ci,A' ,,N.\.-s-' ;I•I- '°.- -1-\--,'L-11 -��I, 1 coats hall `rl g 0 0 0 ' �� 105 •L103 •a/�"(� ;\` living room i 0 0 0 .NN �cOh°01 0A _._.' . _ .",. _i ,104 _._._ \ 1 �Y •• der room zz \\\\ O O 0 m 102 \ \ `� \ `� "�` `' oo6 1ea h _ g O O O \ t \ \ T-11"hearth \CIfoyer \\\\ eq eq111 II 9'Z 101 $ - - \\ /II 4-0"..o�ening y I �•a I -'4.‘i t NI ,� _��A ; Vii � ,IIPMMit �� JUN 1 4 2006 l \ I r \ ..-' %%- ill, \..--.-.--- IJI Lsk-S-%,t.tt\-- 17> VP \ ,' 0\ / , 9',12' 7,114,bo. 8'-3:1" Zz-S' 25'-44' I` andel�o h architects 6 • d 555 we sloostr ,,\,, , ,, . r;,„, new york, ny 10001 (212) 620 0996 (fax) 620 5299 %.•1- corridor &derson 1123 26'-24” hdesign development 7'-10-" rC I - I I 2'_0" 2'_0" I 1 Ai \ I winim��� e�e I 0 =moi-) 1.. f s11 II 11111111111 . --=\a -- ,\ �0400D q h\. M I , eq „6"opQnl g `i L—=a 1 4/ '4r,,,A�O�ptc,\vestibule I fq_ _ �, �, - ._ �� 120 I 5'.0"hearth n Jeffries residence -:•sv ce z s ii N eq eq , ' block 1, lot 5 2'6' f.o, , F.r,. , *t,—h ( � fisher's island new york -, .-V-',-, '" u /_ , g 4 61, I --4e -- lik is \ idiI 018773 1 / ' . ■ 2 - master bedroom --- ' 0� N r`„N./ 51" : 119 - SIN main floor plan 05 June 2006 l: •re room \, IIIIF ®1,_N -_-? ` ____ O scale as noted I job 05-03 2'-6' f.o. _ •,-.IN ,\ g _ Op � v I R c'ir I I NI _____Tei.:_-.,_-_ I 6"ty i. 24 1 I 1 .-'7:44,- \- bathroom �' i main floor plan 122CO 141. © �3/16"_ l'-0" �5 v 7'7. w ,OM �1', I /2 J Ea \ 0 0 M cl Ilo II I/' 111-12 5'-114' 2 15'-84' 4'-5q' . / / / 1 ',-,,,...,,. F / /// //1 ///, / /'/ / // / /I t. / consultants / 1 / / i. // it / / /'� 1/ / �/ / // / / \\ `\ structural engineer: / / / �1/ / ' ��, \\ gilsanz rnurray steficek / / %`Z / / �� �� 1;29 west 27th, 5th floor / / //' new york, ny 10001 (212) 254 0030 / libr. / \� 1\ \ (fax) 477 5978 / / . �. / �� mechanical engineer: . ` /� / �;f \ / emtg / ,�\ / ✓ 227 west 29th street / 4 y \ / stair/hall ` / / new york, ny 10001 • / \\ c 202 /// • // / 212 268-6465 /`�� \�� / /\�/%' '// / (fax) 268-6467 %6° iS / • / �j % ,�s �/ / ,/401, // landscape architect: edmund hollander design, p.c. -#. /// ;/i//� / ,rof det 7,,/** \ 4.wA4*, �♦ / / ,� / / / / / ///j/.• 2100 park avenue south, suite 1200 3 \ `S� ��/ � / �/ , ////7///// /� � new york, ny 10003 be / \ . /;/ / ///, �, / / // �/ (212) 473-0620 / / , / / % /� •,/ (fax) 473-1104 /// ////////, N / \ ' / ,/, / / / /,' j , � land surveyor: \�/ � � me r / �j /// 1'10 broadway \/� n�orwich ct - 06360 / I\ SD! //,/ / / ///// /roof, ec / (850) 889-3397 7l `\ j ,,, i (flax) 886-7801 I • ® // permiting attorney: Q /// nflOOre law office I '' 9 n I 4/ a >� /�% 51020 main road o j stair/h.t / 7- southold, ny - 11971 I . \ (631) 765-4330 / ' ''' .c., (fax) 765-4643 . / r♦ / ______t_ f/ \, / ` \ \ i / \ \ \` JUN 1 4 2006 I anderson architects 5;55 west 25th street FL 6 \ / new york, ny 001 (2 2) 620 0996 \� // ,.� (fax) 620 5299 � &derson design development 1 / - ,,RED ARC \ / i5 ��WOOD���>. \ / ri C9 \ n Jeffries residencet\ -: II. \/ block 1, lot 5 fici fisher's island new york `��9T ols»a i �%` �, \ upper floor plan 05 June 2006 �` \ scale as noted / \ job 05-03 ..;,‘ / \ / \ ____________I ,kt if \ fe"t, upper floor planof M ii, 3/16"= 1'-0" / \ low nt 2.• wow /% �\ „, • .. .. consultants n it n Il I �� l structural engineer: ii !`, gilsanz murray steficek 9 t f - - -- - - - I-, - - - -_ - -- - -- - - -- - - - - newwork2nth100011oor • rifI � , , ,, (212) 254 0030 �\` (fax) 477 5978 - mechanical engineer: \, 1 —1 • _= ��,' emtg ?z:”. �� � 227 west 29th street - - — , — — -- _ � _; — - - - - _ -� .-4--.1 I-- -_ new york, ny 10001 in�, r_. \ (212) 268-6465 ---- • (fax) 268-6467 ril�t Z_ \ -r Lr' '�r r rT ____ 111 , 1 , 1 \' 1 landscape architect: N v—' II,I_I ��'�'� 11 __ edmund hollander design, P.C. !_ - - �- _ -�,� �- ` �; _ 200 park avenue south, suite 1200 zo �- �,� -� -`7' — 1 - i new york ny 10003 ;111 u ,IJ� 1 u�,7I■■1�■. m■nnwuMu.MMI■.MNI. -,. ■n�■m ■4'� nm. m.n■■■ 11110111111.11E I■nnn. �i i 1 I 1 I n n }u' ,` ' - .�■■ ■ mum ' ILII 11 1 1111E __ 11I 1i 1 1 11 1 r MOM nonnim11NI wml 1 mll mn1� Imu 1 ■ mrand_ u u 1 I L it L� I I I i I 1 non i = no 212 473-0620 I u I I I L I I u =___ ;1_ mumo 1 =1x1 1 1 _'Z'�ii' I T Ann 1 .1 I t 11 II Ilr ( ) ! l i I I m111Q■Ill 1 I MEM �Z� 11�11(�I 11 1 1 IJ_ I I ' 't'l', ,'I',' ' ' 1 1 - 1 I� 11 Ipl�m� lI 1 tmnlmnl11N1 BIM _I X11 ___� n N IrIm11 IIIIINIIAIN�In ,I 11 [ I I I I IT'1 MI/IN - 11Nn11N11QNw1Nn11N1 1 1 I I .M. E 11 1 I p l I I 1 1 l NNNNN � =--- - N _ - i � 1 INN 11� 1 t t , _� n n �i : r'1 I m�nm (fax) 473-1104 --- Win 1 ■m■n INI wall , 1 1 -_�;,4 1 1 1I u 1 U 1 1 mina nl Utf�rt ' IIm11NNn 1t "�111e ■I■ 0 Ilnmllll �Ifn i_ u i_n Ll 1 LI I I 11 II l 1 _11 a 'I 1 X11 11 �In 1 IIJI II ) ■I■ n■I■�mn1�I mum= ■ q n L 11 11 111 1 III u Il ; 1 I i_ land surveyor: 00 1L p _ llallm11 tl�l n - n _—I-- OM �- — WI Il - � ' ll I t , ll -i I I_Ilf Y1 1 1 In1■mi a ■ I u■■ _111!Iu „ OMEN /111In 1�n111111 ow_Calm � a L1 1 n ■IQ■ f i= -� �i p 114 JL L Immm 1111■n�ml ll�rlrl. mn 1 �� ii Im�l IIIUIX11 m' IIIn U �I 1 ��tl �I I X11 mon I l 1 maw 1 c m e 11 1 1 [ 1 li 1 1 41 I ) 1 0/INnI - In/Ir nl�nlI■n Nam n 11 . mm��-------- _111111W1111=-NINONI11r�111WI Im111V1 1 L, WNW i! NI 1 mn 1i' 411 II1IMNIINInnlNl UNI Nli1lmn ml1mIhLIL_ u (■Inm mo■n om IIS mo am ninumuIr■IIIn n■n111 1 I L4-main ffl (+39 0 )— w — — — — -_ ,+ � - _ !!_L_I1IIII1m1IiiJ L111nln !i i 1 ! 1,� 1/NI�IIInN1� 1Nn1111111 u 1 ,_� =" � �� o ch ct - 06 60 I r - �� I - _1 1, ,1 n -77 (86 ) 889-3397 (fax) 886-7801 permiting attorney: moore law office master bedroom : south elevation 3/16"=1'-0" master bedroom : west elevation 3/16"=1'-O' master bedroom : north elevation 3/16"=1'-O" 51020 main road southold, fly - 11971 (631) 765-4330 (fax) 765-4643 I FtA A ----- - law • 1 - - - - — — anderson architects , i � it: I 555west25thstreet FL 6 - ,' I I I new york, fly 10001 (212) 620 0996 Iww :_: ' _-_' / ( ax) 620 5299 moo 1111111111111101110 ���� •__—_o �� _ IIIIIIIMIIIIIIMII _ erson — — -----• IIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMOMEMINIIIMINIIIIIIINIIIIIIIMMIll .---.MIMI MIIIIIMIIIIIIII 11111111=1111111111EMMIIIIIIIIIIIII - _=ZZZ-�\ '----: _ — -==11111111111111111111011111111111111111=11111 Ih.. design development 1_M ■ I____I • — tea_ — -- --- --rIN ..... - ---- — — — — -- — — — - -:ma - -ilt-91111--- _.,(:)L ----------- �' � SII �� �'�` . _.__Ii_.._ . 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Irl ===-sI I -, I 4 -_ �___ __ _ L 1 ml -------------I fit 1! 1-1- -ZZ + � ___ fisher's island new york �,III 11111 1 Iml - II ( ys �" L q 0187731 l ( l h Ill _______- __ _I 1 _ �j z= , 1 , 1 11 -�' 1 Nria III 1 ----_-_�-- --I _ ]�_.�_ _---- 1_ , TFy�f'� 11N 11 III 6 I in' - _._ _-;', ___,„ _ ! _��- r. ,n1 _.T ■i-TZ'�"�?�i'1." 1 ' - -- exterior elevations of (yE�j1r� 1 NII _� 1 .0---� ,, h p 1 .�n1 �� �ir► N It'/ _.I_ iZ--Ii.--. '��i��l �i1� L 1 iCM� t1__ Jr L� a Le _. 1 11 __ - F __ _ _., 1 �I711 �_'_=a =- _ �_ _ ==1 __ - __ = L.1 11 1 I I Z_� C� =1 -__ _ r I, ■- _� - r n■I■n1 I■■Iu ■ I 1Lt 1 _ _ 1 l =. 'n u° sem— ' I� 05 June 2006n nmlln'�m�' 11r11 '� Ir I r l .. f v -- � I I111 1 1 1111Nl mmml n I I a- ___' I . , 1 _1l_.,_ I 1__ _!,_ _- __. =.1,:.= _�� fa. - `.�_ �,_ ___- a r=�- I11Nn I�,,.,.1 nminl I� 1 , +,-s.- �_ 1 -_- ___ _ _. ; ( r I �� lil�lU .. iii 1 =�= n Z-y--- r scale asnoted1��11 Illmml� min� 1 u-ial ! 1� �I lit: — I I Inn i I 1 - =a _ ,..........7., I_ L main ffl +39-0 , ■_ - IAI � 1� ________M__I �Z____ _ ( )— — — - nlualuarl Imwminm r �'�m- li 111 — . „ __= i , -n,,lmn I --------- I —__ __ - �„ . ��, - - — — job 05-03 y 1'_ i Ii. :�3�. : \`� - — - _ h ` li■il 1 .■1 n IF.11111,y_, 1 1 IIITel 1Tji11 1 4 mato .�` ..G. .:orf':_i u masterbedroom/livingroom : east elevation , . 2006 main house : northeast elevation 3/16"=1'-0° 3/16"=1'-O" ��N 1 _ r - - ... _ ,, ..._ .. .. .. i--\ i , ,{ _2, ti-- ., _ � consultants — — — , -- L — — — -- - — — --- - — — - - =-- AL, _ _. , i structural engineer: 1;1,1;,,1;;, gilsanz murray steficek 1.-.,-E,1'/- ----7_____‘, ., , ._. . . __� 129 west 27th, 5th flocs - -. : _- - � -_ _- - - �' - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- - _- '_ _ I - _ �- - - - - - - -- new york, ny 10001 - H _ ,�, _ 1'1'1,1' (212) 254 0030 �t� � \ _ __ _ �I - --11111111 (fax) 477 5978 1111 , 1 ��. �1 i 7 - 1 ( 1111;I1I;I;I 1 I1 1 = L 111 , 111 , 1 I _= =.- _„ , __�_ mechanical engineer: - .: -_ --__ - / 111;,;1;1;1;1 I I;1 - -1 emtg 1 111 = --- _ - -__ - r , , 1 1 1 1 1 11 e 1 1 I tg ' - ---- --r. - - _ �- �- _ 227west 29thstreet -- - --- _ I -------SIN. l� ----iii -° — —� -_ ....■i. �, — — - - — ,. i ----� new york ny 10001 u" 1 jI -1 .■-1nii- ' , Minn_ •00,10,06.11 = 3 _ _ .n 1 Mit .---'-----1-- Lima'1111pp��.-� (212) 268-6465 In - I I I1-7 . •' IN■ I ■I■1/NIN■� I I I — 11 I ./I�� 1 MIR. T /�N■1/. O■tNl wN�----■■� ■� e II 1I r u ' lana m■i■nu1■1 _• ■■II _-- =_ _ I" _ __ _ n III I = 1 rnu -==_-' "� aimim M n. ��,,�i1 NNE ml�nt n n ■ mlu an 1 1 r - m "1 i ' , F , consultants /if . structural engineer: ���� % `� gilsanz murray steficek / 7/ , ty 129 west 27th, 5th floor '--r- • / \; // new york, ny 10001 ' , ;:' z- - „',// 4 . c. .. (212) 254 O03L , , / 4 „_..N,...,� - — — . — -- (fax) 477 5978 mechanical engineer: , ' emtg ti I P 0 N ; ; , , I 227 west 29th street , � , � , , , �'�, new york, ny 10001 11 . 1 ' 1111 ® / ss' (212) 265-6465 w _ _ —� - - - (fax) 268-6467 T _ ���r_, ,i_� i J i 1 UU IH ' , jiff. rid 1In __�—71�1 - I I Ini'. i■Hfl� �� lin I - nmi■nm��■i■.n■i ■I u' u.■■nwi■in nm■ I. -j� _J�. 1��■NII/ Ir'Irll nlml I 14n1���■� ''�i� _�__; nnui■.n■ — _ __I ')Y i landscape architect: -� I um � _ I Ippmn■n �� ml� I�r ��ii min� �j�amm mmn 1 ruin J � p I Inn mum �� iNd wan 1-'" ': MAIM NMII 11 111 11mfl1m11■m I -.Y..r - m■Illmno man! ■Irl�■1p n/1■I /mmna_■1_�III I 1 11 I m In I 1 -!.1" in j■Inn■I■II 6- I X111 In 1 1 �1 ■I■ f 111■ 11 III■I■IIp�111 ZU1111111101.11011111. 11111�.1--' .---- 1■I■111/I■II 1 11■m�I■n11��IIm11ann-1■Ip�■1■ni, j 1 _� - i_ I 1 maw J r L i _ J -1 Imo 111nOl , II -m■ II■m MII ■11 . ■l�■= I _ ---..T"..-Z=-7m■■m■1■ I I I - - ---- - II■11 II■InNmnmmlfll■ 11.11 1 II■�I■mum , 11■Ilrnmr IM11■n a ' I m■.I _ edmund hoIit�, nder design, .c. mm■ nn Ilnliimmrr 11, ---- --- �II■Illmmn Im■pfllmll 1 nl 1 *ran Ilnlmll Iml 1, p 1 In■L Ilmll --- -- - Ilfl■IIIIIm M flim■Ilfllll I■I- 1 t Iflll■■ ILL 111..11 111 - hW n i 1 _ fQ■Irl 1 1 I fl/A■I�m n1111 nQmlglslnlNlrl■Ir n ----_---- __ jlp1■11 IIIm■nr mlMll nl ' m■ lulnminlr � _ 200 park avenue south suite 1200 �l IIU■11 _- 1In■11yA1 I� a 41■�npll� Vim' -- �1� I II 1■I■Illmmlfll■Inln■Ir Iln■Imhl■�I 1��II 11 ,, -_-...- I 11 _ T�� I■I■■WII -.. 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(fax) 473-1104 main ffl +39'-0" -� p I r I I 11■I1111■11111■ ---__-_ 1011111NI11�UM111m1 a I I pA111M100114 I i ----- -----•A■11n= 1. I 1 1 '" 1 u u ��i - �� l� >•/ --•�----�•_-- '71rgG11rn-iil q■ iml ■ ■■■ In p iioilll'■ji ■■ "311111131611q1all II 'PI �� t---7--) I - mm1 ■_ Inlmn mmmlu�n�m■■n AIM■ � 1 _--liall 111 r li ) it land surveyor. 1 1 Imlll ■Inm■IIfl1■IlrmlrIMUI p•mmn EMI I , INNN b r, mmm�mmmmlmn�■Inmllm �mi 1 1 : i ,,,,l i. �. cme c. 110 broadway norwich, ct - 06360 (860) 889-3397 (fax) 886-7801 permiting attorney: main house: south elevation main house: southwest elevation moore law office 51020 main road • 3/16"=1'-0" 3/16"=1'-0" southold, ny - 11971 , (631) 765-4330 (fax) 765-4643 - - - -.- _ —7 - anderson architects 555 west 25th street FL 6 ,-.1.4. new york, ny 10001 o :'I� Fr�� i- i - -_Ii (212) 620 0996 (fax) 620 5299 &derson cy) \ III ui[� , Il + + LtH 1II1 I ■ desi n develo ment 11 [ .� sJl1 1llIng _11 1T ■u l r f m Ir 1 I 1 nUM MU OHM l, 1 u II MBERS R�D AR ..., , ' enahfirvin Ir - � Cun mNm11 rel main ffl +39°-0" .— . . — — — = m■ `mirar 1 r rmmn11 i I_.!mmI•Iuan 5�� k co ,,,,q'A` , . III■11111■1111■1■11■■111■Mrl■111 1111■11�n 1 1 nAml nNll , ,li u I I j of f ri a s' residence ' "' 4fif4 L+ i1 mn�IpmN■1 IM■/Inml moll 11 l nom Imo Ill i IN J 1/IIIU Ii1/�111 �nrUNI1lUm1 ,m r n■MAIN N■ li n 1nNm1■■In11111111111141 annnnr r &r ■ F XRM Illil l ��liI1I �l 1block 1 lot 5�im■rtnmmmmli�itlii n nrm1410111111111111111111 1Uri ° i �� II I �I I lu I . mnmmml nmo �mn�1ii■n nm �� >' I I r�,lnl n Im111�uITm l�ilnmr��l1ilm ■�11 I In■■11 m In nn11 == 11 �In 1 fisher's island new york `�yT plana ��,� 1 11 mN1 11rnN111 11 11 n�n1(�111� rani 1 I_�. l 11UNI a m■Ilrl I ! I 1 nit OF [`I�C� _� II ■Illml II In 1 1 1 exterior elevations --- -8 �'� ImAll 1 UN■IUN■1 ja. 1 To 1 mu J"'■�1 1L■nll 111411141 rl■IIIIL■1 . I1 ■I I 11 n 1 05 june 2006 __ - __ 111■ 1111 1 scale as noted _I m�l■i■ri�ni�i�"m i I Ili 4iowerffl .- - - -` �I m ++.!� �_.- - - - - - _ job 05-03 r ---.. main house: northwest elevation 3 ■t�� ��4 s F ._.uN� 1.4 2006 :11 3/16"=1'-0" .' .. -5 .:.7.......":, .----',......"*.....„.- ,.,.....,.„........ -1*---*'..-- ---: -l- -...'....-''1.."'-•••1•:•‘•\/ \ \ C•••••.„ .. •‘1...,:t-- .1u11, ,.......,,.. ..,.._. _____;,_,. EDMUND D. HOLLANDER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DESIGN, P.C. \ AL AL AL IL. AL ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNERS,LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS,HORTICULTURISTS LIMITS OF FRESHWATER WETLANDS AS WLF FLAGGED BY: I . COLE (CME STAFF) 2s0uOiteParukooAvenue South P.O.Box 635 . . \ . — W E.."TLANI1D5 ________1 ,e,•,i...,,,__ New York,NY 10003 212 473 0620 Sag Harbor.NY 11963 631 725 2737 ; 44tt.t. , \ AL AL ALL .1,11IL N 8 8'31 ' 10"E \\ \ 395.37' .----)k___\./.....p. 16— •; \ ... \ ..,...__________........_ 15) WLF WLF --- 71.....AH-rw.vei ......,o....•,....__\ , —1 8 ______ PR----.....„,„,....... ---,... -,‘ •,..:,. . .. \ \ \ --......,, \ \ •,• e----:- iii2") __,,,,, .„. ,•,... .... , \ 'i -\........"---\,.....-'.....„.,........ ., _......__. \\A -„ • .- ••••.. . • •-•• % . , .. ,..,------ EX , \\ k \ C---------____ . ---- •,_ .. „. , 4kH .,1114414414 ..... .... .„........... ._.____ .„._ ,...-' • : \\ \ .., _ ..)<1 S7 IN•6,1 ?La/4,170,4 P12..E...SEAs...\/t„.1:) _.--- 1\ \ \ ..----- ,,, qi \ . ‘,.. ..,"''''' Alligillibik . 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