HomeMy WebLinkAboutHydrology of the Shallow Ground-Water Reservoir TOS 1961 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Hydrology of the Shallow Ground-Water Reservoir of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, NeW York By JOHN F. HOFFMAN U. S. Cmeologic~l Survey Prepared by the U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY in caoperation with the NEW YORK STATE WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION SUFFOLK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS and the SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY BULLETIN GW-45 ALBANY, N. Y. 1961 STATE OF N~w'YORK DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Harold G. Wllm ..................................... Conservation Commissioner J. Burch McMorran ............................. Superintendent of Public Works Louis J. Lefkowltz ......................................... .Attorney General Herman E. Hllleboe .......... ~,.. ....... ,..~ ........ ,.Commlsslon'er of~H~alth Don J. Wlckham.... ................. ,;Commissioner of'Agrlc~l~u,re a~d Markets John C, Thompson .... 0.... .... o ..................... .tt~.,.Executive Engineer SUFFOLK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. Lee DenniSOn .... o..,. ............ ~ ....................... County Executive SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY To Bayles Mlnuse,, ........ o ......................... , ........... ....Chairman UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Stewart L. Uda'll~ Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan ..................................................... Director Luna B. Leopold ..................................... Chief Hydraulic Engineer O, Milton Hackett ................................. Chief, Ground Water Branch Ralph C. Heath .............. o ............................. District Geologist II Figure 6, 7. Table I. 2. ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Page Idealized cross section of a peninsula showing the natural movement of ground water in the vertical plane ............ 24 Comparison of the cumulative departure from mean annual precipitation at New York City and the mean annual water level in 14 selected wells on Long Island ................. 27 8. Idealized cross section showing the movement of ground water toward a well being pumped .......................... 31 9. Idealized cross section of a peninsula showing vertical movement of ground water around a well being pumped ....... 32' 10. Vertical sea-water encroachment caused by pumping ........... 38 Il. Effect of layers of low permeability on the encroachment of sea water ................. 38 location of wells and irrigation ponds yielding salty' water ..................................................... 40 13, Variation in chloride content of water pumped at Station 3, v~llage of Greenport Water Supply, with monthly pumpage and monthly rainfall during 1951 .......................... 42 14. Variation in chloride content of water pumped at Station 3, village of Greenport Water Supply, with daily pumpage and daily rainfall during October 1951 ........................ 43 TABLES Population of Town of Southold and village of ~reenport, 1920-57 ................................................... 5 Estimated altitude and thickness of stratigraphic.,unlts underlying Southold ....................................... ]2 Comparison of the average precipitation at gages located'in Southold w~th the average precipitation at New York City for various selected periods up to ]950 ................... 15 4. Estimated average annual recharge to the glacial deposits underlying Southold during the 3-year period of minimum rainfall .................................................. 18 5. Estimated fresh ground-water storage in the glacial deposits of Southold, in millions of gallons, April 1950 ........... 25 6. Typical analysis of sea water off the coast of Long Island, N. Y ..................................................... 36 7. Allowable chloride concentrations in water for various uses. 36 HYDROLOGY OF THE SHALLOW GROUND-WATER RESERVOIR OF RE TOWN OF SOU]¥1OLD, SUFFOLK COUN]~¢, L. I., N. Y. By John F. Hoffman ABSTRACT The Town of Southold proper occupies 47 square miles of the NOrth Fork, a peninsula extendlng 27 miles Into the Atlantic Ocean from the northeastern end of Long Island, N. Y. Owing to the extensive withdrawal of ground water for irrigation in Southold, sea-water contamination of the ground-water reservoir is a potential problem. As sea water bounds the peninsula on three sides and underlies the shallow ground water at depth, overpumping the ground-water reservoir would sooner or later result in lateral or vertical salt-water encroachment, or both. Conditions for growlng potatoes are excellent in a major part of the Town. Precipitation has been sufficient to produce a good potato crop In nearly all of the-last few years. However, supplemental irrigation has in- creased yields substantially during years of normal precipitation and has decreased crop losses in drought years. Most~ If not all, of the available fresh ground water of Southold is contained In glacial~deposlts which constitute the shallow ground-water reservoir. As the horizontal permeability of these deposits is greater than the vertical permeability and as these deposlts are apparently underlain by layers of very fine sand or clay~ the upward movement of salt water under the present pattern of withdrawal has not been evldent~ if it is occurring at all. Despite the fact that withdrawals have increased markedly in recent years¢ sea-water encroachment has been restricted thus far to nearshore areas of Southold where the altitude of the water table is less than 2 feet above sea level. Natural replenlshment of the ground-water reservoir Is derived solely from precipitation that falls within the Town. However, only part of this precipitation reaches the reservoir, mainly because of losses by evaporation. Overland runoff losses, which are common In most hydrologic systems, are small owing to the gentle slope of the terrain and the highly porous soil cover. -I- The permissible perennial withdrawal from Southold~s ground-water reser- voir is difficult to establish because of the ever-present possibility of sea-water encroachment. The problem resolves Itself Into selection of a conservatlve rate of annual withdrawal that will prevent serious overdraft of the reservoir, both locally and areally~ under prevailing conditions of recharge. Unless serious overdraft occurs~ the fresh-water head probably will be sufficient to prevent the movement of sea water in large quantity into the fresh water-bearing beds. In this report~ the permissible annual withdrawal has been conservatively established as equal to the estimated average replenishment during the consecutive 3-year period of least precipi- tation since 1826. The estimates Indicate that about 30 percen%of the average precipitation would replenish the water-bearing beds during such a 3-year dry period. On this basis~ the water-bearing beds of Southold can be expected to yield perennially at least 7,000 million gallons per year or about 19 million gallons per day. Additional water may be obtained by temporarily "mining" ground water during brief periods of Iow replenishment; however~ further study and closer evaluation of little known hydrologic and geologic problems of the Town are required before such "mining" can be practiced with impunity° Foremost among the problems requiring further study is the relationship of fresh ground-water storage to precipitation trends. A strong possibility exists that optimum conditions of storage d~rlng the present period of study may obscure the problems that will result from the reduged storage caused by long-term deficiencies in precipitation. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF REPORT On the basis of data furnished by the New York Water Resources Commission (prior to February 1960 the Commission was known as the New York Water Power and Control Commission), it is estimated that in 1957 about 2,400 million gallons of fresh water was pumped from the glacial deposits which constitute the shallow ground-water reservoir underlying the Town of Southold. As the welfare of the entire population depends on an adequate local supply of ground water of good quality~ it is Important to know if the present /1958) extensive withdrawal for irrlgatlon and other uses Is bringing about condi- tions that would favor sea-water contamination of the ground-water reservoir. This report is part of an~overall and continuing appraisal of ground- water conditions on Long Island begun In 193~. The need for future manage- ment of Long Island's water supply was recognized during the early Since that time a continuing island-wide lnvestlgatlon of ground water has been carried on by the U. S. Geological Survey In cooperation with the New York Water Resources Commission~ the Nassau County Department of Public Works~ the Suffolk County Water Authorlty~ and the Suffolk County Board of Supervisors. -2- Work on a ground-water study of the Town of Southold was started by the wrlter late In 1~8 in connection with fulfillment of thesis requirements for a Master's degree and was completed in 1952o Later It was decided to ampllfy the scope of the thesis Into a more comprehensive report and to Include some additional data which had become available up to 1957. Thus, the present report reviews data concerning the geology~ hydrol~ogy, and ground-water conditions of Southold available up to the middle of 1957o The chief objectives have been to appraise the eventuality of sea-water encroach- ment~ to evaluate recharge to the ground-water reservoir, and to offer recom- mendations for more complete investigation of the ground-wa~er resources. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to acknowledge the cooperation of Mr. Harry Monsell, Superintendent of Public Works, village of Greenpor% and the New York State Department of Conservatlo% Bureau of ~rine Fisheries in furnlshlng data concerning the chloride concentrations of the waters of the Town of Southold. The fleld work for this report was greatly expedited by Mr. Monsell's mak~i?g~ available to the Geological Survey much of the equipment and manpower un.d~ his jurisdlctlon. GEOGRAPHIC FEATURES The Town of Sou~hold, referred to In this report also as Southold, Is at the extreme northeast end of Long Island, occupying the eastern 21 miles of the North Fork, one of the two peninsulas that join the main part of eastern Long Island at Rlverhead. Southold~s total land area of 53 square miles comprises only slightly more than 3 percent of Long Island's total area of 1,373 square mlles. ~hls relationship Is shown in figure I. Included In the area of Southold are the ~ square miles of Fishers Island, Plum Island, and Robblns Island. However, these Islands are not considered In this report. Southold has a population density much below the average for Long Island~ for It contains less than O.I percent of the Island.s population (table I). The village of Greenport contains slightly less than one-quarter of this populatlon, making It the largest community in the Town of Southold. Summer vacationers and fishermen seasonally increase the population of the village of Greenport and the Town of Southold by approximately 50 percent. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Figure l.--Index map of Long Island, N. Y., showing the Ioca±ion of the Town of Southold. Table I.--Populatlon of Town of Southold and village of Greenport, I920-57 Year village of Greenport Town of Southold ~/ 1920 3,122 10,147 1930 3,062 ll,669 1940 3,259 12,046 1950 3,028 II,48~ 1957 2,645 12,607 ~/ Includes village of Greenport. Southold's average annual air temperature is about 51°F (M. F. Woods, U. $. Geological Survey, written communication, 1941), ranging from the January average of 3I°F to the July average of 69°Fo The growing season, which usually extends from April 20 to October 29, is normally about 192 days long, Precipitation varies considerably from place to place in Southold. E~ased on records available up to 1950, precipitation ranges from about 45 Inches at Cutchogue (51 years of record) and 3? Inches at Orient (IO years of record), to 33 inches at Greenport (11 years of record).i, According to Gustafson and Johnstone (1~1) the Sassafras slit-loam s~tl~' averaging about 3 feet in thickness, covers most parts of Southold. ThiS: soil is described as "light to light brown in color and only fairly wel supplied with organic matter. Sassafras slit loam holds water and nutri- ments fairly well." Cultivation loosens this soil sufficiently so that durin9 the spring ~nd winter months a large part of the incident precipl- tatlon seeps Into the ground. The Sassafras sandy loam, Haven loam, Plymouth sandy loam, and Dukes sand also have been identified In the Town, but they are unimportant because of their small areal extent (Gustafson and Johnston% 1941). The Greenport clay, which occurs In the western part of Greenport~ makes this section a relatively poor agrlcultural area and retards recharge to the underlying ground-water reservoir. The Town's favorable climate and soll make It one of the major potato- producing areas of Suffolk County~ which itself ranks high among the other potato producing areas In the Nation. Although the acreage under cultiva- tlon has been relatively codstant since 1899, the main crop cultivated has shlfted gradually from grain to potatoes. Of the 13,614 acres planted In vegetables In Southold In 1948~ more than ?6 percent was used for the culti- vation of potatoes (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Besides agriculture, the economy of Southold also depends to some extent on the summer tourist trade~ the numerous oyster beds off the southern shore of the peninsula, and the fishlng boats, both commercial and pleasure, that use Its harbor facllltles. -5- WATER UTILIZATION Water for public supply, Irrigation, and domestic use in Southold is obtained from the only source available -- ground water. In 1957 ground- water withdrawals for these uses amounted to an estimated ~,400 million gallons. This water comes solely from the glacial (upper Pleistocene) de- posits which constitute the shallow ground-water reservoir as most, If not all, of the water stored In the deeper Magothy(?) formation of Late Creta- ceous age may be salty, aod very little is known about the wa~er in the stl deeper Raritan formation, also of Late Cretaceous ag% underlying the area. Methods of Withdrawal ~lore than 1,000 wells have been drilled, driven, or jetted into the water-bearing deposits underlying Southold. For the most part, these wells have steel casings ranging In diameter from 1¼ Inches to about 12 inches and extend to depths ranging from a few feet to about 200 feet. Screens are a necessary part of well construction. These range in length from 2-foot well- point screens on domestic wells to screens 30 feet or more in major public- supply wells. An Important part of the well construction Is development~ which Involves the removal of the finer grained particles from around the screen. Were It not for development, many wells screened In unconsolidated materlal could be pumped only at very iow rates. Artlfl~lal ponds also are used as a source of irrlgation water where the water table Is less than about 8 feet below the land surface. These are co~on In the eastern part of Southold. ponds generally average about SO feet square and 6 feet deep~ but may differ conslderab y from these d men- slons according to individual needs. Deep-well turbines are the most commonly used type of pump in Southold. Centrlfugal pumps are used to a small extent where the suction lift Is less than about 15 feet. A modification of the deep-well turbine pump that Is coming into more popular use is the submersible pump. All the worklng parts of this type of pump~ including the electric motor, are contained inside the well~ and are submerged below the water level. Where small-capacity pumps are required, such as for household us% and the d~pth to water is beyond suction lift, jet pumps are commonly used. public Supply Formerly, there were two public water supplies In Southold, the North Fork Water Co. and Village of Greenport Water Supply. However~ in 1957 the facllltles of the North Fork Water Co. were purchased by the village which -6- presently (1958) operates both systems. Besides supplying water for domestic and commercial use, these systems supply water for flreflghtlng and other munlclpal requirements. Annual wlthdrawals from wells of the North Fork Water Co. system, to serve 225 homes In the Town of Southoid, have been relatively constant at about 20 million gallons. As shown In flgure 2, annual withdrawals from the municlpal system of the village of Greenport, to serve about 800 homes, have Increased gradually from about 61 million gallons in i932 to 150 million gallons In 1957. The peak annual pumpage of 167 million gallons was reached tn 1955. Pumpage during the months of June, July, August, and Septem§er re- flects In large degree the Increased seasonal use for sprinkling and for the tourist population. It amounts to more than 40 percent of the annual with- drawal. The water supplies for the North Fork Water Co. system are drawn from 4 wells at~a pumping station located at the intersection of South Harbor · Road and I~ute 25 (pl. I). The village of Greenport currently (1958) oper- ates three well flelds, Two of these fields (stations I and 9) are located In the western part of Greenport less than half a mile apart. Another well field (station 2), located between stations I and 9, has been shut down since 1956 owing to the presence of undesirable concentrations of Iron and bacteria In the water. The third active well field (station 4) Is located in the eastern part of Greenport near the East Marion village line and about I mile east of statlons I and 2. Irrigation Southold ls one of the two most intensively irrigated Towns of Long Island~ the second being the Town of Riverhead, Immediate y to the west. n 1957 approximately 1,907 million gallons, or about ~ ...... ~'~ ...... I estimated annual ground-water withdrawal in Southold was used ~or Irrigation. The Irrlgatlon withdrawal was made during a 107-day period starting In the middle of June and extending through October. The record maximum annual wlthdrawal for irrigation occurred In 1949 when an estimated 4,600 million gallons of water was pumped during the growing season. Water for Irrigation Is pumped through portable aluminum pipe to oscil- lating sprinklers, which spray it In a circular pattern. A common type of sprinkler dlstrlbutes about 15 gpm (gallons per minute) through each sprin- kler head. Another type distributes 400 gpm through one sprinkler head. The amount of water used and the frequency of application vary widely. Some farmers irrigate when the soil no longer cakes upon being squeezed. Others follow the recommendations of the Long Island Research Farm at Baltlng Itollow, N. Y., and supplement the rainfall with enough water to In- sure the application of an average of t Inch of water per week to the land. Still other farmers have little equlpment and are short of manpower; conse- quently their Irrigation procedures are adjusted to these limitations. -7- 170 160 150 ._1 '~ 130 o110 ~0 70 ~100 Figure 2.--Annual pumpage for vi lage of Greenport Wafer Supply, 1932-57. -8- Domestic Use About 9,000 persons In Southold are not served by a public supply and private domestic'wells 4 Inches or less in diameter constitute the source of supply. Based on an estimated d~lly water requirement of IOO gallons pet [ap:!~, ground-water withdrawal for domestic use would amount to about 0.9 million gallons per day, or about 33O million gallons annually. Nethod of Disposal of Used Water Water pumped for household use in Southold generally is discharged to septic tanks and cesspools whence it returns to the water-bearing deposits. An exceptlon to thls practice is found in the village of Greenport, where sewage effluent Is discharged, after treatment, directly to Long Island Sound. Water used for lrrlgation In Southold is applied to crops by sprinkling, and most of the water probably Is evaporated from soil and plant surfaces. 'i At times, however, excessive amounts of water may be applied to the soil, and a part of the applied water will be returned to the water table. In §eneral~ probably only a small part of the water pumped for Irrigation re- i turns to the water-bearing deposits. Pumping for Irrigation, therefore, results In a net loss from the ground-water reservoir. GEOLOGY The geology of Southold is closely related to the hydrology of the ground-water reservolr. Besides forming the medium In whlch the fresh water Is stored, the glacial and older unconsolidated deposits that underlle $outhold govern many of the factors affecting Inflltratlon, recharge~ and dlschargeo On the one hand, the permeable facies of these deposits provide conduits through whlch salty water may encroach inland~ but on the other hand the Impermeable facles form barriers agatnst such encroachment. The Ical and lateral distribution of permeable and Impermeable facies In these deposits do much to determine the position of the water level in the ground-water reservoir under given recharge-dlscharge conditions and thereby affect the depth at which salty water Is first encountered In wells. Physical Geology The present topography of Southold is largely the result of marine ,~n subaerlal erosion of unconsolidated deposlts of late Pleistocene age th.~? were laid down by glacial Ice and its melt water. The backbone of the 'Fo consists of Iow hills of the Harbor Hill terminal moraln% which genera[I lie close to the north shore of the peninsula and in places end abruptl/ preclpltous cliffs facing Long Island Sound. The crest of this moraine I gently undulatlng~ approaches sea level in some places~ and extends eashv along the entire length of Southold. its maximum altitude In both the .~a ern and western parts of the Town Is about 100 feet above sea level, A glacial outwash plain slopes gradually southward from the base of the ralnal hills to the tidal waters on the south shore of the peninsula wh.~r se98r~].;embayments fringed with marshy areas form an indefinite shoreline Subsurface Geology Relatlveiy little Is known directly about the subsurface geology of Southold¢ fbr most wells terminate at shallow depth In upper Plelstocen.~ poslts. Only three deep wells~ SI89, S490 (V892)~ and S3123, have been drilled on the North Fork peninsula. Of these¢ two penetrated the LloyJ sand member of the Rarltan formation and reached bedrock; the third well ~ drilled into the ~agothy(?) formation above the Raritan. The log of well SI89 is published in Bulletin GW-4 (p. 93-9?) of the New York State Wat.~r Resources Commission and that of well S~90 (V892) In a report by Veatch (1906, p~ 330). As data from the three deep wells and other shallow well: suggest a general correspondence between the subsurface geology of Sout~o and that of the rest of Long Island¢ some estimate of the character of various formations may be made by a review of Long Islandrs subsurface ~e( ogy~ whlch has been described In some detail by deLaguna and Perlmutter The Rarltan formatlon¢ deepest of the u~consolldated deposits on Lo3g Island¢ rests unconformably on a basement of crystalline bedrock~ which erally slopes at about 80 feet per mile in a southeasterly direction. Rarltan is composed of two members -- an upper clay member and a lower sand member. The clay member beneath most of Long Island generally consl~ of beds of silty and solld clay and some sandy layers. The Lloyd sand ber is predominantly coarse sand and some gravel~ but Is Intercalated wi'hi thin layers of slit and clay. As the overlying clay member has a very Io~ permeabillty¢ the water In the Lloyd sand member ls generally confined ~n( arteslan pressure. The Magothy(?) formation Is considerably thicker than the underlyln.~ Paritan formation In most places on Long Island. It consists of layers ot fine sand¢ silt~ and clay Interbedded with several zones of coarse sand ar -lO- ne and that le Town ~ral ly .tly In ina Is eastward ~e east- A where al Ina of -ene de- :en Ioyd · ,'el I was well ~ater ich wel Is ~utho I d ~f the :e geol- er Long ch gan- The ~r Lloyd ons Ists ,d mem- with y ~d under gravel~ Preglaclal erosion of the Magothy(?) formation developed consider- I~ able relief on the upper surface. Consequently, the depth at which this ]i surface Is first penetrated by wells is quite variable. The water In the ] Magothy(?) formation Is generally under artes an pressure but locally Is Un- ,:ii confined. ~i The Jameco gravel, the oldest recogn zed glac al depos t underlying Long ~.~'~ Island, generally rests unconformably on the hlagothy(?) formation, but where B[~! erosion has removed the Magothy(?) It may rest directly on the Rarltan or even on bedrock. The Jameco gravel s composed ch efly of coarse sand and m' 9ravel, but some enses of clay and s It are present. Conflnement.b the Bi overlying Gardlners clay causes the water stored In the Jameco to beYgener- Ri-. a y under artesian pressure. A though extensive deposits of the Jameco are ~]] known to occur in western Long s and, the formation or Its equivalent has !!: not been yet (1958) identified in eastern Long Island or In Southold. The Gardlners clay, an interg ac al marine clay, Is commonly composed of ~'] silty clay and some layers of coarse sand. The Gardlners clay is believed 'It~.. to be present in Southold but ts th ckness and areal extent are not t I~] clear y daf ned. In western Long Is and, however, wells nd cate tha~lt ~]' under les an area of cons derab e extent (deLaguna and Perlmutter, I~). Glacial deposits of late Pleistocene age mantle the older formations in ~ractlcally all places on Long Island. They also form the present land sur- face and surficlaI deposits of Southold. Two types of materials of differ- ent geologic origin are recognized In the deposits -- till and outwash. II Is commonly a heterogeneous mlxture of sand, clay, and boulders depos- Ited from glacial Ice. Generally It is poorly sorted, and the presence of ~;.ictay, In some pl~ces, causes this materia to have rather Iow permeability. ~.i ~ln other places, the till s near y free of clay and is quite sandy, and ~'ilocally may have a high permeabll ty. 0utwash was deposited from glacial t~ melt water and is moderately to well sorted. It is largely composed of sand I!! and some gravel, and has a relatively high permeability. Strat flcation, E: however, and the presence of lenses of clay and silt Interbedded w th the ~]sand and gravel usually cause the hoclzonta permeab Ilty of outwash to ax- ECeed the vertical permeabll ty. The estimated altitude and thickness of the various formatlons under- lng Southold, listed in table 2 below, are based largely on the geologic contour maps assembled by deLaguna and Perlmutter (19~), and partly on the of wells S18~ S~90, and S3123. lng :rs of nd and Table 2.--Estimated altitude and thickness of stratlgraphic units under- lying Southold /after deLaguna and Perlmutter, 1949/ Estlmated altitude a/ of Estimated Age Formation fop of strati~raphi~ unlt average Western Eastern thlckness part part /feet/ Pleistocene Upper Pleistocene ~/ lO0 ~/ I00 225 deposits Do. Gardiners clay ? ? ? Do. Jameco gravel c/ ? ? ? Cretaceous Magothy(?) formation -150 d/-208 ~50 Do. Raritan formation - Clay member -700 Above cl/-387 I00 Lloyd sand member -825 Above ---400 150 . Precambrtan Bedrock -1050 Above -500 a/ In feet, with reference to mean sea leveJo ~/ Maximum altitude In Southold; minimum altitude is sea level. c/ This formation, or Its equivalent, as yet has not been positively IdenTified in Southold. ~/ Based on the log of well S189. HYDI~3LOGY Natural recharge to Southold~s shallow ground-water reservolr Is derived solely from the inflltratlon of precipitation on the Town. Only part of the precipitation recharges the reservoir, for a sizable amount Is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration. Overland runoff ls small, however~ owing to the porous soll cover and the gentle slope of the terrain. Natural discharge takes place by ground-water outflow and evapotranspIratlon In marshy tracts in the near-shore zone. Ground-water outflow comprises spring discharge along the shore~ which is Vlslble mainly at Iow tlde~ and nearly continuous upward seepage In the bottoms of adjacent salt-water bodles. Southold~ because of its topography and dlvlslon by tidal Inlets (pl. can be conveniently grouped Into three separate or nearly separate hydro- logic areas or units. This facilitates the understanding of discussions of the relatlonshlps of preclpltatlon~ evapotranspiration, runof~and recharge to storage in the ground-water reservoir. The first and largest hydrologic unit consldered~ termed area I in this report~ covers about 29 square miles and Is bordered on the west by Mattltuck inlet and on the east by Hashamomuck Inlet (pl. I). The villages of Mattltuck, Cutchogue, Peconlc, and Southold are Included in this area. Another hydrologic unit, designated area 2, con- tains about 7 square miles and Is bordered on the west by Hashamomuck Inlet and on the east by Orient Harbor. The village of Greenport and the hamlet of East Marion are In this area. The third unit, termed area 3, ls about 4½ square miles in extent. Orient Harbor forms the western limit and Orient Point~ the eastern. The village of Orient and environs are included In this unit. A fourth area of about ? square miles In the extreme western part of Southold Is not discussed for lack of relevant data. Preclpltatlon ,ely ~er i ved of the ~d to ~mal ly ~rra 1 n. ration .es and ns of harge logic miles amomuck thold , con- Inlet mlet For this report precipitation studies have been made to estimate minimum rates of recharge to and storage in the ground-water reservoir during the period of precipitation record up throqgh 1950. Comparison of present ground-water recharge and storage with the estimated long-term minimum re- charge and storage gives insight into the possibility of sea-water encroach- ment under present conditions of ground-water withdrawal. The closest gage to Southold having long-term precipitation records is that at the Battery in New York Cltyy about 80 miles west of the west edge of the Town. Precipitation trends at gages in Southold with shorter records resemble those of the Battery gag% and for this reason the New York City records have been used as a long-term base. in Southoldy standard 8-inch rain gages are located at Cutchogu% Greenpor% and Orien% and precipita- tion records for these statlons are considered representative for hydrologic areas ly 2y and ~y respectively. Precipitation data for these gages are summarized In table 3. A similarity exists In the preclpltatlon trend meas-' ured at these gages~ but the amount of catch differs appreciably (table 3)° Part of thls dlff&rence may be attributed to an expected variation caused by local topography and may be due to gage exposure and location. It is not possible at thls time to evaluate the accuracy of each gagey and therefore the precipitation measured at each was considered to be representative of condltlons In its hydrologic area. Comparison of water levels In wells with precipitation Indicates that in $outhold there is only a general relationship between the preclpltatlon In any one year and contemporaneous ground-water levels. Although water levels during a year may decline markedly as the result of large deflolencles In precipitation ( fig. 3), it is doubtful that such short term deflclencies would be a direct cause of significant sea-water encroachment. Consequentlyy precipltatlon records were analyzed by groups of years. Signiflcantly, re~ view of the precipitation records for Cutchogue shows that a 3-year term is the longest during which precipltation has been substantially below normal every year. Any period of 4 years or more was found to have at least I year i of substantially above-normal precipitation. For Cutchogue this 3-year aver- ag% which Was ~9.~2 inches~ occurred during the period 1924-26 and Is 87 percent of the average computed for a 52-year record (1899-1950) at Cutchogue. For New York City this y-year average, which was 34.25 Inches, occurred !during the period 1862-64 and Is 80 percent of the average computed for New i York City's 125-year record (1826-1950). Relating the minimum precipitation New York City to a base that is more convenient for purposes of compar- Ison, it is 78 percent of the average for the 9-year period July 1941 to -13- 7 6 ~ S 6542, CUTCHOGUE hJ 4 ~ ~" S 6552, SOUTHOLD hi 2 S 7283, ORIENT Figure 3.--Hydrographs of water levels in wells S6542, Cu±chogue; S65~2, Sou?hold; and S7283, Orient. -14- Table 3.~-Comparison of the average precipitation at gages located in Southold with the average precipitation at New York City for various selected periods up to 1950 (From records of the U. S. Weather Bureau) arecipi- Period Length Average precipitation, in inches ration of of station record period July (years) Jan. Feb. IV~ar;I Apr. May June Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. TOTAL New York 1826-1950 126 3.66 3.82 3.64 3.23 3.24 3.33 4.24 4.33 3.39 3.53 3.56 3.62 42.99 City New York 1899-1950 52 3.37 3.33 3.64 3.36 3.31 3.60 4.11 4.30 3.50 3.34 2.74 3.32 41.92 City Cutchogue 1899-1950 52 4.06 3.50 4.32 3.92 3.26! 3.46 3.46 4.10 3.55 3.45 3.85 4.27 45.20 New York July 1941- 9 3.65 2.69 3.90 3.09 4.39 3.72 4.45 4.44 3.25 2.84 3.73 3.59 43.75 City June 195C Cutchogue July 1941- 9 4.57 3.37 4.73: 4.17 4.30 3.00 3.23 4.42 2.46 3.16 5.94 4.70 48.05 June 1950 Greenport, July 1941- 9 2.80 2.03 3.06 2.89 3.20 2.09 2.51 3.72 1.78 2.1[ 3.90 3.23 33.38 a/ June 1950 Orient July 1941- 9 3.52 2.75 3.60 3.08 3.54 2.09 2.46 3.84 2.06 2.19 4.59 3.58 37.30 June 1950 a/ Records of the Village of Greenport Water Supply. II June 1950. On this basis the 3-year minimum average annual preclpltatlc~ Cutchogue (area I) becomes 97.5 Inches, at Greenport (area 2) 26 inches~ ~ at Orient (area 3) 29 inches. Evapotranspiratlon Only part of the precipitation on land surface reaches the ground-wa reservolr~ for a sizable amount Is returned directly by 'evaporation to t atmosphere. Evaporation also "pumps".water by capillarity from the soil zone and from zones of shallow water table and returns it to the atmosph~ A slmllar action occurs where the physiological proc. asses of plants retulr water to the atmosphere by transpiration. The sum of these losses is kn¢~ as total evaporation, or evapotransplratlon. Lack of essential data makes application of available formulas for estimates of evapotranspiratlon in Southold only very approximate. basls of studies In the north-central states, Meyer On t~ of curves (194~) evolved a seri!s for estimating evaporation. These curves have as parameters t~ average monthly temperature and the average monthly precipitation. As data are available for Southold, Meyer's curves have been applied to ~ ye~,- of contrastlng.ralnfall condltlons recorded at Cutchogue gage during the period through 1950. These years are 1908, the year during which the lea~ ~ annual precipitation occurred; ~48, the year during which the heaviest annual precipitation occurred; and 1949, a year during which the annual p clpltatlon closely approached the ong-term~average. Using a watershed coefficient of 0.8 (Meyer, 1944, p. 457), the computed direct evaporation for 1968 was I~ Inches; for 1948, I? inches; and for 1949, 14 inches. concludes from his studies that the annual transpiration by agricultural crops In the North Central States is about 9 to lO inches. For purposes estimate In this report an annual transpiration rate of 9 Inches was used. The estimated total annual evaporation (evapotranspiratlon) for Southold, the sum ~f direct evaporation and plant transpiration, computed for the 3 contrasting years ranged from 21 to 26 inches. In 1908 it was RI Inches~ ~r 61 percent of the precipitation for that year; In 1948 It was ~6 inches, ¢. 4R percent of the precipitation; and in 1949 It was ~3 inches, or 51 perc~'t of the precipitation. These estimates differ considerably from those of Spear (19RI), who draws the generalization that the total annual evaporatlon on ~ong Island about 17 inches. -16- ~ at and Runoff The absence of streams gives evidence that only a small part of the pre- cipitation on Southold returns to the sea directly by overland runoff. Occasional heavy storms may cause some ephemeral streamflow, but in compar- ison with the amount of precipitation the overland runoff Is small. However~ ground-water outflow, or natural lateral outflow from the shallow ground- water reservolr~ occurs along extensive seepage lines, or from numerous small springs along the shores of Southold, and through the floors of the bounding salt-water bodies. Such discharge probably constitutes the ~reater part of the total discharge of liquld water from the Town. Ground-water outflow Is considered more completely under the subsequent section "Ground- water budget." According to estimates in the Burr, Herlng, Freeman report (1904) total runoff from Long island as a whole amounts to 20 percent of drought-year pre- elpltation (35 inches) and 39 percent of average-year precipitation (45 inches). Again, Leggette (as cited by Paulsen, I~O) has estimated that even during hurricanes direct overland runoff to Long Island streams is less than 5 percent of the storm precipitation. Qualitative evldence~ such as that listed below, favors use of an estimate approximating Leggette~s for the overland runoff in Southoldr I. The comparatively Iow moisture-retention capacity of the prevailing silty loam soil. 2. Excellent subsoil drainage of the silty loam of Southold by the underlying sand. were eonsldered to be about I0 Retardation of overland runoff in the furrows of cultivated flelds. The flatness of the terrain. The absence of visible runoff during most storms. For a conservative estimate In this repor% losses by overland runoff ~ercent of the annual precipitation. Recharge Recharge to the ground-water reservoir of Southold Is the difference between precipitation and losses by evapotranspiratlon and overland runoff. From the precedlng, it is estimated that about 70 percent of the annual pre- clpitatlon during very dry years Is dissipated by these losses. The remain- lng 30 percent, therefore, replenishes ground-water storage. According to Spear (1912), "for a dry period the amount of percolation would be . probably not greater than 17 or 18 Inches, or 50 percent of an annual rain- fall of 35 inches." During years having average preclpltatlo% it is -17- estimated that about 40 Dercent of the annual precipitation replenishes ground-water storage. These estimates are somewhat lower than those of Spear's report (1912) wherein It ls stated that recharge "for the Long Island watersheds during a year of average rainfall Is probably not more than 50 percent of the mean annual rainfall or 22 Inches." The estimated average recharge at the rate of 30 percent of the 3-year minimum precipitation for hydrologic Area I would, be about 11.3 inches per year, for Area 2 about 7.8 inches per year, and for Area 3 about 8.7 Inches per year. On this basis, the estimated probable minimum annual recharge to the glacial deposits underlying the three hydrologic areas of Southold would be as glven In table 4 below: Table 4.--Estlmated average annual recharge to the glaclal deposits under- lying Southold during the 3~year period of minimum rainfall Hydro- Annual recharge logic Locality Land area area (sq. miles) Million Million Million gallons gallons gallons per sq. mile per sq. mile per day Mattltuck I Cutchogue Peconic 29.2 5,750 197 0.5~ .Southold 2 Greenport 3.6 a/ 165 136 ,37 East Marion 3.1 - 420 136 -37 East Orient 2.4 365 152 .42 3 W~st Orient 2.3 350 152 .42 I, 2, and 3 40.6 7,050 174 0.47 t Totals Averages ~/ On assumption that 75 percent of area Is effective for recharge, owing to paving. Area of 2 square miles west of Chapel Lane, Sreenport, Is directly underlaln by clay and Is not considered in estimate. Annual recharge to the ground-water reservoir during a series of years of normal precipitation might be 50 percent greater than that shown In table 4, or about IO,5OO mllllon gallons. This would be distributed as follows: area I, about 8,600 million gallons; area 2, about 860 million gallons; and area 3, about I,IOO million gallons. -18- ear per ches e to ~ould Some doubt exists as to the applicability of either Meyer~s method or Spear's estimate to the Southo[d area, owing mainly to the lack of control data for the Town. Meyer~s method needs sufficient cllmato[ogic data for checking the validity of the method and the magnitude of the watershed co- efficient. Spear's estimate, on the other hand, generalized the results of a relatlvely few local observations in other parts of Long Island. GROUND WATER Occurrence and Storage i$ The available fresh ground water In Southold, for purposes of this report, is considered to be water, which occurs in the pore spaces of the upper Plelstocene glacial deposits. The three wells that penetrated the underlylng Magothy(?) formation in Southold yielded salty water. Thus, there is a possibility that the water contained In this formation Is salty beneath most of the Town. Few data are available relatlve to the salinity of water in the Lloyd sand member of the Rarltan formation. In some parts of the Town the water may be fresh, but in other parts it Is definitely salty. This concluslon Is based on data for two deep wells that penetrated the formation. The first well, S490 (V892) a/, drilled in 1903 in Greenport for the vltlage of Greenport, yielded a smalT amount of fresh water under artesian pressure, but this supply was considered insufficient for pumping (Veatch, 1906). ~nother well, SI89, drilled In 1935 Into the Lloyd sand member for the Long Island State Park Commission at Orient Beach State Park, about Io miles to the east, reportedly ylelded salty water from top to bottom and had to be abandoned (Hoffman and Spiegel, 1958). The total amount of water stored In saturated deposits depends chiefly upon the volume of material containing the water and the poroslty of this material. Only part of the stored water Is recoverable; some of It Is held by ~lecular attraction against the force of gravity. The ratio of the yolume of water that can be drained by gravity from a unit volume of satu- rated material to the unit volume Is termed "specific yield." The speclflc yield of water-bearing materials varies greatly and depends upon such factors as grain size, sorting, the orientation of constituent grains, and the compactlon of the material. Evaluation of the results of a pumping test at Irrlgatlon well S7905 (see section on Movement), indicates that the glacial deposits locally have a specific yleld of O. 17o The water in the glacial deposits Is largely unconfined and the upper limit of the saturated material in the unconfined deposits Is marked by the water table. A map of the water table In Southold in April 1950 is shown In plate I (Lusczynski and Hoffman, 1950). The water table fluctuates markedly with changes in ground-water storage. The fluctuation in turn reflects ~See well-numbering system described at end of report, varlatlons In recharge and discharge. This is evldent from the hydrographs of wells S6532, S6542, and S7283~ shown in figure 3- Also~ from I0 years of water-level records for these and many other wells screened at shallow depth, It Is evldent that the water table in Southold was at a near-minimum stage in April 1950 for the period December 1948 to October 1956. The shape and thickness of the shallow fresh ground-water body that overlies salty water beneath the Southold peninsula can only be conjectured~ for very few deep-well data are available, Theoretically, if the contact between the fresh and the underlying salty water Is considered to be sharply deflned and a hydrostatic balance Is considered to exlst~ the following for- mula can be written for the depth of the contact below sea level: df h = ds df hf (I) where h = the depth below sea level to a selected point on the fresh water- salty water Interface~ hf = the height above sea level of the water table directly above the selected point~ ~.oo~ df = the density of the fresh water~ and ~°'~ ds = the denslty of the salty water. This relationship, which is sometimes referred to as the Ghyben-Herzberg ~ ratlo~ Is shown in an Idealized cross section through a peninsula in figure 4. An actual.cross section through the Southold peninsula at Cutchogue showing the profile of the water table in April 1950 Is given in figure 5. The re- semblance between the idealized profile of the water table In figure 4 and wlth the actual one shown In figure 5 ls quite apparent. The density of Southold's uncontaminated fresh ground water Is close to IoOO0o The density of the bay and ocean water bounding the Southold penin- sula dlffers from place to place~ depending on the point of sampling. The density of samples from the embayments collected by the U. S. Geological Survey and by the New York State Bureau of Marine Flsheries have ranged from I.Ol9 to 1oO25. In certain embayments where large volumes of ground water are discharged and become more or less trapped~ the density of the water may be as Iow as I.OIO. However~ if the salty water underlylng the fresh ground water of the Southold penlnsula Is considered to have the maximum density of I.O25~ then for every foot of fresh water above sea level about 40 feet of fresh water exlsts In below-sea-level storage. For a minimum denslty of salty water of I.OIO the ratio becomes I:100. It Is known that the contact between the fresh and salty water, at least in the case under consideratlon~ Is not sharply defined, and that a transitional zone~ termed "zone of diffu- sions" exists. The dissolved solids and chloride In the water in this zone gradually Increase In concentration toward the salty-water side. For exam- ple, in 1957, data concerning the zone of diffusion were obtained in the village of Greenport, located In hydrologic area 2. Here~ a well point was driven into glacial sand and gravel to a depth of 70 feet. The altitude of land surface at the site was about IO feet above mean sea level, and that of phs s of e@th, ~ge red~ t rply for- ter- the lng id may ~ulld of ~f ~ct fu- 'as of of salt water Figure ~.--Idealized cross section of a peninsula showing the relation of fresh and salt water according to the Ghyben-Herzberg principle. -21- NW ~ SE ~ oJ -70 60- -60 'rio 40- ~ ~n _ o ~: ~ -~ level b .... ~ ~ ~----~------------X~ L-_I ~ /s,~ -I0- ~ Fresh J wofer ql Self --I0 .oter X -5o I I/2 0 I 2 MILES -30 SCALE the water table was about 1.1 feet above mean sea level. Water samples were taken about every [0 feet and analyzed for chloride concentration. The data are given below: Depth of well screen below land surface (feet) 33-36 54-57 58-61 67-70 Chloride concentration (ppm) 82 33~ 51o 6,800 12,500 The maximum normal chloride concentration of shallow ground water of $outhold IS generally estimated to be about 25 ppm (Hoffman and Spiegel, 1958). At the Greenport site chloride concentrations down to a depth of 57 feet may represent residual contamination from a break In the sanitary sewer In about 1950 or from the disposal of salty water about 500 feet from the slte durlng a dewaterlng operation of many years ago. Another possibility ls that the chloride concentrations may represent a part of the zone of dif- fusion. The denslty of a water sample from a depth of 42 feet was I.OOO and from a depth of 70 feet was I.O21. According to the Ghyben-Herzberg princi- ple, the fresh water-salty water contact should be 48 feet below sea level, or 58 feet below land surface. Thus, there I$ a reasonable correspondence between observed conditions and the theoretical relatlonshlp. As ground water, is in motion (flg. 6), Hubbert (19~0, p. 924-26) sug- gests that the hydrostatic relationship assumed by the Ghyben-Herzberg for- mula although orlglnally determined empirically, gives approximately correct results at Iow hydraullc gradients. At higher gradlent$ Hubbert suggests that Its use Is Incorrect. Aisc, a recent appraisal of the relationship between fresh water a~d the underlying salty water In southwestern Nassau County (Perlmutter, Geraghty, and Upson, 1959) has led to the modification of the Ghyben-Herzberg formula (I), to read as follows: ds df Z = ds df ~ hs ds df ' hf (2) where Z = altitude, in feet, of a polnt on the fresh water-salt water Interface, df = density of fresh water, ds = denslty of salt water, hf = altitude, In feet, of the water level In a well terminated in fresh water of density df, at or near the contact, and hs = altltude, In feet, of the water level In a well terminated In salt water of density ds, at or near the contact. Sea level / $ \ \ containing / / salt water Figure 6.--Idealized cross section of a peninsula showing the natural movement of ground water in the vertical plane. Much conjecture still exists abou and salty water at depth. The prlncl~lumet~i~'~~ II dlmensJonaJ changes of the zone of dl~nd dJmen~io~ [] changes of the overlying fresh-water lens under varylng condltions-;~"~;;;;;_ I 0f The water table, (3) the distribution of salinity and density of the I..~ water stored In the zone of d ffuslon, and 4 a i~ ' chan~^ ~- ........ - ( ) ny fluid movement or lnter- I~:. ~ ~u~ SighT TaKe place within the zone of dlffus on. I~ If fresh-water storage Is considered to conform according to the Ghyben- Herzberg principle, for a ratio of 1:40 and a specific ¥1eld of 0ol?, th'e fresh-waTer storage In the upper Pleistocene glacial deposits of The three hydrologic areas o~ $outhold In April 1950 would approximate ~3,000 million ~. gallons. The oreskdown of the estimate by hydrologic areas ]s shown In table ~. Table 5.--Estimated fresh ground-water storage In the glacial deposits of Southold, in mllllons of gallons, April 1950 Hydro- Storage Storage '. logic Locat Ion above below Tota I sea leve sea leve storage . i Mattituck Inlet, Mattltuck to 1~300 52,000 5I~000 Peconlc Lane, Peconlc Pecon lc Lane~ .Pecon ic to 1;00 16,000 16~00 Hashamomuck Inlet, Southold Subtota] I'~?O0 ~8~000 ~0,000 ] 2 Chapel Lane, Gre, enport to Gull 40 1,600 1,600 ~. . Pond Road, Greenport !.. Gull Pond Road, Greenport to I10 ~,00 I+,500 · Causeway, East Mar Ion · S ubtota I I ~0 ~, 000 ~, l O0 · 3 West Orient to 1½ miles east of 90 3,600 3,?00 Maln St., Orient . : ~. East Or lent 80 3,200 3,300 ~ S ubtota I 170 6,800 7,000 _ Total (rounded) 2,000 i 81,000 83,000 The estimated average annual recharge of 10,500 million gallons from the. infiltration of precipitation previously discussed in the section on "Recharge" is equivalent to slightly more than one-eighth of the estimat.~ volume of storage in the shallow ground-water reservoir In April 1950. Major changes In ground-water storage on Long Island, N. Y., roughl~ follow a cumulative departure curve for precipitation at New York City. Figure 7 shows the comparison between the mean annual water level in the selected wells In central Long Island and the cumulative departure curw~ preclpltatlon from 1826 to 1950 at New York City. The mean monthly water level In the 14 wells differed by less than about 2 fe~t from the mean annual water level for any one year in the period of observation. As cli matlc conditions In Southold are approximately similar to those of other- parts of Long Island, ground-water storage in the shallow reservoir Is assumed to follow qualitatively a trend somewhat similar to that shown In figure 7o Comparison of the departure curve and the average water levels the 14 selected wells Indicates that ground-water levels on Long Island In Southold probably dld not approach a long-term minlmum during 1950. the relationship shown in figure 7 is considered to hold throughout the perlod shown, water levels were at a minimum, for the period 1826 to 1950~ sometime between 1852 and 1860. Few, If any, water-level data are on rec~; for any area between 1852 and 1860. Therefore, storage determined for Southold on the basis of water levels In April 1950 (see table 5), althou.: representing a near-minimum for the period, December 1948 to October cannot be considered to be a long-term minimum. During the period 1~48-5i~ the rate of recharge to the ground-water reservoir varied appreciably. Th rate was very high during 19~8 when precipitation approached record high!s, and very Iow during an extended dry period in the growing season of 1949. Heavy. withdrawals for irrigation during the dry perlod caused water levels to reach a marked Iow in early 1950. During more recent years, water levels in most wells in Southold ap- proached minimum stages In the latter part of 1957 as the result of below- normal ~recipltatlon and recharge, and heavy withdrawals for Irrigation. Heavy precipitation during late 1~57 and early 1~58, however, caused these levels to approach record to near-record highs in the spring of 1958. Thi~ Is particularly evident In the hydrographs of $6532~ S6542, and S7283 showr in figure 3. Movement The movement of water wlthln the sha]'low ground-water reservoir Is Impo tant to the fresh ground-water supply of Southold and to the potential lm.- palrment of its quality by sea-water encroachment. From an areal standpoln the rate. of ground-water movement Is governed by the permeability of the aqulfer in the direction of flow and by the factors that determine the hy-. draullc gradlento The permeability depends on the characteristics of the geologic medium through which the water moves and on the properties of the -26- +40 +2O 0 - 20 -40 -60 -80 -I00 CUMULATIVE DEPARTURE FROM AVERAGE PRECIPITATION RATE (1826-1950) OF 42,90 INCHES PER YEAR hi hi hi 51 49 47 45 43 41 39 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 MEAN ANNUAL WATER LEVEL IN 14 SELECTED WELLS Figure 7.--Comparison of the cumulative departure from mean annual precipitation at New York City and the mean annual water level in It selected wells on Long Island. water itself, particularly temperature and density. Variations in the phys ical character of the sediments cons?ltutlng the ground-water reservoir of Southold have resulted in large differences in the permeability. Dlfferenc~ In temperature and concentration of dissolved salts In the water change the vlscoslty and density of the water and have a similar effect. As a result., the average permeability of the reservoir Is not easily determined. In problems involving sea-water contamination, the local permeability of the sediments in the areas of heavy withdrawal Is sometimes more important to the problem than the overall average permeability. One method of determining the permeability of an aquifer Is by means of pumping tests, or aquifer tests. These have been described by Theis (J935)~. Wenzel (1942), and Ferrls (1949), among others. Using some of the methods of analysis, a coefficient of permeability Is obtained directly. However, In the case of the Thels nonequllibrlum formula, the transmlsslblllty of th~ entire thlckness of the aquifer Is obtained. Thls is equal to the coeffi- cient of permeability multiplied by the thickness of the aquifer. The evaluatlon of a test at Irrigation well S7905, north of the town of Southold~ during which the well was pumped at about 325 gpm for IOO hours, Indlcates that the coefficient of transmlsslblllty of the saturated glacial deposits in this area is about 200,000 gpd (gallons per day) per foot. Although the thickness of the saturated deposits cannot be established def- Inltely, an estimate can be made from the log of the well. From this the saturated thickness is known to be greater than 50 feet, but probably less than 200 feet. Therefore~ the coefflclent of permeability may range between I,oOO and 5,000 gpd per square foot. Evaluation of one aquifer test gives a knowledge of the hydraulic char- acteristics of only a comparatively small volume of sediments. This cover- age may be extended throughout Southold, however, by comparing the specific capacities of many other wells in the Town with that of well S7905. .The specific capacity of a well ls computed by dividing the rate at which a well J is pumped~ <In gallons per m!nute~ by the maximum resultant drawdown, In feet. Although' the quantity obtained is a unit of gallons per minute per foot of drawdown (gpm per ft), It is quite commonly referred to by the numerical value only. The specific capacity of well S7905 Is 27 gpm per foot. Spe- cific capacities for 77 other wells In Southold that were pumped at more than IOO gpm range from 7 to 67 gpm per foot and the range is distributed as follows: ~ Range In speclflc capacity (gpm per ft) 40 or more 3o to 39 ~0 to ~9 IO to 19 Less than Total Wells Investigated Number Percent Il 15 35 15 I 77 IOO ~e phys- ~ir of ferencee ~ge the esult, In the ,t to aris of thods ever~ of the effl- own of lacial d def- the less ~etween char- :over- ~ciflc he a well n feet. ~t of al Spe- re ted as Correlation of the speclflc capacity and the pumping rate of these wells shows a considerable scattering of the plotted points. Most of the specific capacities were determined from 8-hour well-capacity (yield) tests. At the end of 8 hours of pumping, the drawdown In well S7905 had reached more than 90 percent of the total drawdown for a IOO-hour period of pumping. Assuming this to be true for most of the 7~ wells under consideration, the scattering of polnts Is probably due to variations In the hydraulic characteristics of the saturated deposlts. Although a number of factors preclude any precise extrapolation~ the data suggest that the transmlsslblllty of the glaclal deposlts underlying Southold ranges from values somewhat less than ~OO~OOO gpd per foot to values somewhat greater. Further consideration of ?hls will be glven In a later section concerning the "Ground-Water Budget." The hydraullc gradient In areas where natural condltions prevall is related to the llthology, slze~ and shape of the ground-water reservolr~ the preclpltatlon pattern, and the proxlmlty to and the direction from a re- gional "sink" where the continuous discharge of ground water can take place. In Southold such a "sink" Is formed by the salty-water bodies that bound the Town. Pumping wells and evaporation from ponds and marshy areas can alter the hydraulic gradient locally and also affect the directlon of the ground- water I~ovemento Based on an evaluation of the water table for April 1950'as shown In plate I, the maximum gradient evldent Is about 4 feet per mile. During tlmes of maximum storage this gradlent would probably be greater. The relation of the factors Involved In the rate of ground-water move- ment~ expressed in unlts used by the U. S. Geological Survey, is as follows: PI (3) where V = veloclty~ in feet per day, P = permeabillty of the deposits In the direction of flow, in gallons per day per square foot of aqulfer~ under a hydraulic gradlent of [ fdot decline In head for each foot of travel, at 60° F, ! = the hydraulic gradient, in feet per foot, and 0 = poroslty~ which is dimensionless. For exampl% the rate of ground-water movement in the shallow ground- water reservoir underlying Southold~ based on a permeability of 5~OOO gallons per day per square foot~ a hydraulic gradient of 4 feet per mile~ and a porosity of I/3, may be as much as 1½ feet per day. The dlrectlon of horizontal movement of ground-water in Southold Is at right angles to the water-table contours and is radially away from a series of highs (pi. I) In the water table to the surroundlng salty-water bodles. The role played by shorellne Irregularities In governing the dlrectlon of ground-water movement Is evident from plate I. Owing to these Irregular- ltles~ ground water may move from north to south In the northern part of the Town and from south to north In the southern part. Similarly, on points or necks~ the movement may be to the east or to the west. -29- Precise Information concerning the natural vertical movement of gro~r water In Southold Is still lacking. Vertical movement through the grour(I. water reservoir Is probably somewhat similar to the ideallzation shown the cross section of figure 6. The Water recharged In the Inland hlghs follows longer flow paths than the water recharged In nearshore areas. 7': latter Is probably discharged at or just beyond the shoreline. This Ideal Ization assumes a homogeneous, isotroDlc aquifer (one In which water with equal facility In all dlrectlons~. The paths of ground-water movem~r are altered by the presence of layers of slit, clay, and Cemented sand. Where such layers occur in Southold, the actual flow pattern may be erably distorted from the idealization shown. Water moves toward a pumped well in the manner shown In figure 8. W[~ a well is pumped~ two gradients influence the path of flow. One is cause~ by the presence of a natural regional "sink," and the other ls caused by ti local ~sink" formed when the well is pumped. The resultant vertical flo~ pattern In the ground-water reservoir is shown in figure ~. Water particl~ close to the well move at a rate greater than those farther away. As the distance from the pumped well increases, the effect of the natural gradieal on a particle of water becomes greater and diverts a greater amount of fl.)!, from a direct path toward the well. At still greater dlstance, the influ- ence of the natural flow pattern is equal to that set up by the pumped well and a ground-water divide Is created. Beyond this divide the effect of the natural flow predominates, although the flow paths are distorted. As a r~-. suit of this comblnatlon of influences, the water level In a pumped well ~ be below sea level locally without causing movement of sea water toward t~e pumped well. Ground-water budget Wate~storage In the ground-water reservoir is a function of the more basic variables of recharge and discharge that constitute the ground-water budget~ Changes In the rate of recharge, the rate of discharge, or both result In changes in ground-water storage. Fluctuations of water levels Jr wells screened Immediately beneath the water table Indicate these changes In storage. Decreased recharge resulting from below-normal precipitation may result In a shrinkage in the volume of fresh Water In storage and cause salty water to move Inland and upward. Ground-water withdrawal by pumping from wells at a rate in excess of reservoir recharge Would have the same ent result. Increased recharge from above-normal preclpltatlon has the opposlt~, effect. However~ as soil-moisture conditions and consumptive losses vary wlth the season of the year, precipitation trends do not necessarily di- rectly reflect trends In ground-water storage. Figure 3 shows the marked effect that evapotransplratlon has on ground- Water storage. In most years storage is at a mlnlmum during the late summer and fall and at a maximum during the spring. Even In summers of above- normal precipitation, interception of rainfall by plant and soil surfaces -30- Land surface Water level_prior_ to _ p u_m..pi_ng Figure 8,--Idealized cross section showing the movement Of ground water toward a well being pumped. -31- Pumping (,..9 Z~ m~ Ground wale, divide Sand and gravel containing salt water Figure 9.--Idealized cross sec±ion of a peninsula showing vertical movement of ground water around a well being pumped, -32- usually prevents appreciable recharge to the ground-water reservoir. Rain- fall which seeps into the topsoil replenishes the moisture deficiency of the root zone. Water In storage in this zone is tapped by plants and returned to the atmosphere by transpiration, or Is raised through the interstitial spaces in the soil to the surface by capillarity and evaporated. During late fall, water consumption by plants and direct evaporation diminish. Thus, preclpltatlon in this period can replenish the ground-water reservoir more effectively. When the resultant recharge exceeds discharge in the form of lateral outflow and evaporation, water levels in wells begin to rise. Storage Increases until evaporative and vegetative losses reduce ground- water recharge to the point where the depleting effects of these Io~ses plus these of lateral outflow and pumping predominate. Water levels in wells then start to decline. The net natural discharge from the ground-water reservoir by lateral outflow to the surrounding salt-water bodies and by evaporation from marshy areas probably ranges from 2,500 to 6,000 million gallons annually. This Is based on a rate of recharge to the ground-water reservoir of at least 7,000 million gallons a year (see table 4) and annual withdrawals for irrigation and other consumptive uses ranging from I,OO0 million gallons to 4,500 million gallons. If the recharge to and discharge from the ground-water reservoir followed the same pattern exactly each year equlllbrium would be established. Under such circumstances there would be little difficulty In evaluating the ground-water budget on the basis of the recharge-discharge relatlon shown below: R = D which may be written as: (4) P - cllmatologic losses = (U + e + Dw) +Z~S (5) where R = recharge, D = discharge~ Z~S = change In storage, P = precipitation incident upon land area, U = lateral underflow, e = evaporation from the ground-water reservoir exposed in marshy areas, and Dw = net discharge from wells. Certain condltlons are thought to exist In the problem at hand which pre- clude a simplified consideration of the ground-water budget. The complexity arises not out of shortcomings In the theory but because sufficient data on the unknown factors are not available. These factors are discussed below. Recharge to the ground-water reservoir has been determined earlier In this report on the basis of preclpltatlon less cllmatlc losses. The estl- · m~te of lateral underflow and evaporat on from marsh .~!.. y areas In a precedln~ i paragraph has been made on the basis of recharge in the consecutive 3-yea period experiencing least precipitation since 1826 and a range in the with- drawal of ground water. As a steady-state condition was assumed, the time sequence of events In the approach could be Ignored. During most years precipitation Is above the minimum value and both cli- matic conditions and withdrawals for irrigation vary widely. In a year of average precipitation recharge to the ground-water reservoir may be ],5OO million gallons more than that in a year experiencing below average precipi- tation. As previously discussed~ recharge during years with the same annual precipitation may vary widely. Moreover, all the recharge may not reach the zone of saturation during the calendar year in which the precipitation took place. Some might be stored on land surface as snow and not reach the water table until after the Spring thaw. Some might be retalned in ~he zone of aeration and not reach the water table in the year being budgeted. If the year In question has been preceded by a series of very dry years, the amount of water retained In the Zone of aeration at the start of the year Is at near-minimum. During the year a larger proportion of the recharge may be stored temporarily in the zone of aeratlon than if the preceding years were wet years~ After recharge has reached the Water table, changes in the rate of accre- tlon to fresh-water storage are assumed to be lnd cated by changes In the posltlon of the water table. Implicit In this assumption is the conslder- atlon that such changes in storage take place above sea level. According to the Ghyben-Herzberg principle, however, storage in a lens of fresh water floating on salt water is dlvlded Into above- and below-sea level components. Theoretically, a change in fresh-water storage above sea level would counter- balance a change of at least forty times the amount In storage below sea level. In the case of Southold Township the fine sand~ silt, and clay, which are thought to underlie the area would inhibit any rapid expansion or contractlon of fresh water storage below sea level. However, as these mate- rials are permeable to some extent, it Is not unreasonable to assume that changes in the posltlon of the water table would at least partly indicate a transfer of storage. The volume of recharge not going Into storage would of course be discharged as lateral underflow or be evaporated from marshy areas. Such a conslderatlon suggests the possibility that the Iow point to which the water levels in wells decline annually (fig. ]) lies J~ the surface of a more or less "permanent, lens of fresh Water which Is recharged at a minimum but more or less constant rate of recharge. Rates of recharge for rela- tively short periods in excess of the amount necessary to sustain this stor- age would tend to produce transient effects in the storage above sea level. H~wever, the Influence of precipitation trends throughout a longer period may modify the volume and shape of this '~permanent, lens. Evaluation of a ground-water budget for an aquifer consisting of a lens of fresh ground water floating on salt water is possible only when adequate data are In hand. These data are more complex than for areas where only fresh Water Is Involved and where the sediments are homogeneous, the direc- tion of the ground-water flow in cross-sectional vlew essentially is parallel to the water table, and the recharge-storage relationship of the aquifer Is well-defined by the water levels In wells. In addltlon to the hydrologic data discussed earlier In the report, Information concerning the relation- ship of the rate of change in volume of both above- and below-sea level storage with the rate of accretion to the Water table should be in hand. Also, the relationship of this latter factor to precipitation throughout selected periods is necessary for computing losses by natural discharge. ~llel Is A check of the order of magnitude of the lateral underflow may be made by application of Darcy's law as reannotated by Ferris (1949): = where T = transmlsslblllty of the aqulfer~ In gallons per day per foot~ I = hydraulic gradient, in feet per foot, and W = length, in feet, of trace In a horizontal plane of the vertical surface through which flow takes place and at which the gradient I exists. On the basis of a transmlssiblllty of ~OO~O00 gallons per day per foot determined from the aquifer performance test at well S7905, a hydraulic gradient of ~ feet per mile, and a aggregate distance of 50 miles for the trace of the vertical surface through which flow takes place and at which the Indicated gradient is assumed to exis% the average annual outflow is estimated at about 7,BOO million gallons. Comparison of this amount with the values for the natural discharge described in the preceding pages sug- gests that the average transmlsslbIlity of the shallow deposits of Southold Township Is less than 200,000 gpd per foot. Owing to the complex inter- relatlonshlp between the flow pattern and the permeability of the deposits In the direction of flow and the lack of data, only approximate quantitative slgniflcance can be attributed to such a comparison. SEA-WATER ENCROACHMENT The deleterlous effects of sea-water contamination on the fresh-water supplies of coastal.areas are almost too obvious to mention. If present In fairly large concen~ratlon~ salty water impairs the taste of drinking water, destroys the utility of water for Irrigation, and corrodes metallic surfaces. Magnesium and calcium salts of the contaminating sea water increase the hardness of a water supply and increase soap consumption and costs by re- tarding the lathering action of soap. In addition, these salts form boiler scale. In extremely high concentrations, salt contamination can make a water supply unfit for human consumption, for Industrial use, or for irri- gation. A typical analysis of sea water off the coast of Long Island is given in table 6. -35- Table 6.--Typical analysis of sea water off the coast of Long Island, N. Y. (after Burr, Herlng, Freeman, Constituent Parts per million Percent of total sollds Sodium chloride a/ Magnesium chlorite a/ t&~gneslum sulfate Calcium sulfate Silica Calclum carbonate Magnesium carbonate Iron oxide 26,430 3,150 1,783 1,330 56 Trace Trace 80.4 9.6 5.4 4.0 .4 a/ In this same report the ch of sea water collected at various I0,000 to 20,000 ppm. Iorlde-ion concentration given for samples locations around Long Island ranged from Sodium chloride constitutes about 80 percent of the dissolved solids of sea water In the Long Island area and magnesium and calcium salts almost 20 percent. Well water havlng a chloride concentration in excess of 500 ppm /parts per million) is not satisfactory for most uses. Although water having a chloride concentration as hlgh as 500 ppm or even higher Is not harmful to the human body, chloride concentrations in excess of 250 or 300 ppm impart a salty tast~ to the water. Tabulated below are the maximum chloride concen- trations desirable for various uses (Hoffman and Spiegel, 1958): Table 7.-~Allowable chlorlde concentrations in water for various uses Use Public supply Irrlgation Carbonated beverages Food-equipment washing Sugar making Textile processes Paper making: Groundwood pulp Soda pulp Kraft pulp Maximum desirable chloride concentratlo (parts per million) 25o IOO to 1,26o* 250 ** 250 ~ 2o,.x- IOO ..x., 75 75 ** 200 ~-~ Source U. S. Public Health Service Callfornla State Water Pollution Control Board Publication No. 3, "Water Quality Criteria" Do. DO. Do. Do. Do. Do. * Varies with type of crop. ~-~ Recommended threshold or limiting concentration. -36- Sea-water contamination of ground water, resulting In higher than normal concentrations of chloride, can take place by (I) natural landward migration cf the zone of diffusion between fresh water and salty water in the forma- tion, (2) sea-water inundation of iow-lying shoreline areas as a result of high tides and storm winds, or of high winds alone, and (3) the pumping of a welt situated close to a zone of diffusion at such a rate that salty water Is drawn Into the well. At present, the nature, dlrectlon, and rate of movement of salty water toward the pumped wells In Southold are not completely known. Some possible ways by which salt-water encroachment may occur are illustrated in figures 9, I0, and II. In figure I0 the water is considered to be stored under hydrostatic con- dltlons slmllar to that described by the Ghyben-Herzberg ratlo (see section on "Occurrence and Storage"). The reduced head resulting from the lowering of water level around the pumped well cannot balance the head of the salty water at the fresh water-salty water contact, and salty water moves toward the well. Cessation of the pumping theoretically permits the water to move back to an equlllbrlum condition. Neither action Is Instantaneous, however, owing to the slow movement of ground water and the need for the flushing of water ahead of the advancing front. This slow response Is demonstrated by the hydrograph of well S7283 in figure 3. The water level in this dug well Is occasionally depressed to a position lower than 2 feet above sea level for relatively long periods during the irrigating season. Theoretically, wlth the It40 ratio, the fresh water-salt water contact should be less than : . 80 feet below sea level; yet nearby wells screened at this depth yield water of Iow chlorlde concentrations. This is because, as shown in figure 9, short-term pumping m~y not change the natural movement of ground water enough to establish a gradient from the salty water to the fresh water dur- ing pumplng. Encroachment, therefore, would not occur even if the water level in the pumped well were below sea level. With extensive ground-water ] ' withdrawal and Iong-te[m pumping, the ground-water divide shown in flgure 9 may extend to the zone'of diffusion and salty water may be drawn toward the pumped well. The Important controlling feature in the movement of salty water toward pumped wells is the subsurface geology. Where the zone of diffusion and salty water are In or below material of Iow permeability, the salty water moves toward a pumped well at a very slow rate. If the layers of Iow perme- ablJlty form a very tight, continuous seal, serious sea-water encroachment I~ay occur only when the cone of depression of the pumped well has expanded to the shorellne as shown In figure I1, or when a sufficiently high gradient has been established across the layers of Iow permeability. If the layers of Iow permeability are not continuous, are thin, or have been breached, perhaps by eroslon during glacial time, encroachment may come largely from beneath. Electrical-resistivity measurements and examination of cuttings from drilled wells in Southold suggest that layers of fine sand and silt Interbedded with lenses and layers of clay do occur at varying depths. Additional test drilling and geophysical exploration will be needed to establlsh a more complete knowledge of the lithology of the deposits under- lying the shallo~ ground-water reservoir of Southold. -37- WELL BEING PUMPED t Lond surfoce Seo level ,~. ~-- ~ Water table ~ . contmning ~ fre,h woter/ ~ / Sond?.nd, grovel Cone of s~a wa~ [ ~ containing intrusion ~ ~lt ~ter Figure IO,--Vertlcal sea-water encroachment caused by pumping. WELL BEING PUMPED II.--Effect of layers of low permeabil.lty on the encroachment of sea water. -38- Contamination by sea water has caused some of the unusually high chlo- rld~ concentrations at a number of individual wells and certain irrigation ponds in Southold -- at the villages of Orlen% Greenport, Southold, Nassau Poi~lt, and Peconlc (Hoffman and Spiegel, t958). These well locations, shown In ~:lgure 12 and plate I, are reviewed In the following sections. Orient area Contamination of wells and irrigation ponds by sea water Is In evidence in the vicinity of Orient (hydrologic area 3), an intensively farmed and irrigated area of about 4½ square miles at the eastern tip of the North Fork (fig. 12). This area Is almost entirely surrounded by the sea,.and salt marshes fringe the shoreline portions of some of the outlying farms. Occasionally, hurricanes and other severe storms cause tidal waters to flood the low, lying lands. Because of the proximity of sea water and of the Iow fresh-water head, it Is reasonable to assume that the fresh ground-water body is thin and that salty water occurs at a relatively shallow depth. Moreover, be- cause of the absence of industry In the area, the distance of the sampling points from the roadways, and the Iow population density, wldespread above- normal chloride concentrations in the ground water cannot be attributed to Industry~ highway ~alntenance (spreading of salts to reduce dust or melt ice and snow), or cesspools. Inasmuch as the use of fertilizer In other in- tensely farmed areas of Suffolk County has produced chloride concentrations of less than ~5 ppm in the ground water and presumably would produce a com- parable effect in this ar~a, concentrations above ~5 ppm cannot readily be attributed to ferti izer. Sea-water contamination Is the obvious remaining choice. High chloride has been recorded In some of the irrlgatlon ponds In 0rlent. The highest recorded is 5,810 ppm In pond P-6 on September 30, 19~8. Samples taken from this pond on later dates showed a fairly consistent de- crease to 60 ppm on June ~6, 1953~ During the summer of 1~8 heavy and continuous withdrawals lowered the pond level and caused salty water to move Into the pond either from the adjoining tidal inlet or from the ground be- neath, or both. After 19~8, draft from this pond ceased and the water grad- ually freshened. Most of the samples from the other ponds had chloride concentrations of 90 ppm or more -- for example, I00 ppm in P-~ on October II, 1948; 124 ppm In P-5 in August 1949; and 202 ppm in P-9 on July 7, 1952. The water level In all these ponds Is only I to 3 feet above sea level, and the ponds are near salt marshes or tldal inlets. The high chloride may be due In part to occasional see-water inundation; or, more Ilkely, to heavy withdrawals. The heavy withdrawals lower the pond level and allow the adja- cent salty surface water to move in or underlying salty water to move upward. Figure.12.--Map of the eastern part of the Town of Southold showing location of wells and irrigation ponds yielding salty wa~er. Only three wells in Orient have shown high chloride -- SI89 (fig. 12, H-2R), 7,600 ppm when drilled in 1935; S7176 (fig. IR, H-RR), I,OOO ppm on September 30, 1948, but less .on later dates; and SI4597 (fig. 835 ppm on September 20, 1949, and 296 ppm on July 6, 1950. Well SI89 is 668 feet deep and reportedly yielded no fresh water when drilled. The well is on a low~ narrow bar, which probably contains only a thin lens of fresh water floating on salty water derived from the surrounding sea. Water sam- pled from S7176, a group of 6 well points driven to a depth of I] feet, contained so much chloride that In the absence of any other source these concentrations are thought to represent admixture with sea water. At the time of sampling on September 30, 1948, the water table at this s'ite was less than a foot above sea level. The shortest lateral distance to a tidal Inlet is about 700 feet. Thus, large irrigation withdrawals during the summer of 1948 probably caused salt water to move in either laterally from the nearby tidal Inlet or vertically from beneath, or both. This salty water, when mixed in the well with the fresh ground water~ caused chloride concentrations of I,OO0 ppm or posslbly higher. Well SI4597 is about 150 feet from the shore of Orient Harbor~ In the village of Orient. Prior to the summer of 1949 a satisfactory water supply was obtained from this well. However~ In September 1949 the chloride concentration of the water was 835 ppm~ and In July 1950 a second sample contained 296 ppmo The depth of the well Is not known, but it seems likely that the hlgh chloride is due to admlxture of salty water from the nearby bay or posslbly from the underlying salty water. Greenport-East ~tarlon area At the village of Greenport~ about 4 miles east of Orient, some of the public-supplY wells yield water having a detectable salty taster probably due to the chloride content. Greenport and nearby East Marion, which lie In hydrologic area 2, are virtually surrounded by sea water. The highest place In the area, which contains about 7 square miles, Is about 60 feet above sea level, but most of the area Is much less than 40 feet above sea level. The water table in unpumped localities has a ~ximum altitude of about 3 feet above sea level. A sewer system discharges domestl% commercial, and Indus- trial wastes to Long Island Sound, so there is probably little contamination of ground water from these sources. Station 3 of the village of Greenport water system comprises 6 wells (Sl673-78; fig. i2, H-21) about 55 feet deep. These are pumped together, end the mixed water is pumped into the distribution system. Figure {3'shows the monthly variation In the chloride concentration of the water from this station together with the ~nthly pumpage and monthly precipitation. Figure 14 shows the same data on a dally basis for October 1951. Chloride concen- trations of water pumped at this station throughout a period of years have ranged from 123 to ~24 ppm~ the concentration being highest In the summer when withdrawals are greatest. These concentrations are substantially higher than that (45 ppm) determined In 1932 for the water pumped from well 7 6 ~5 I z MONTHLY PRECIPITATION ~300 0 0 0 0 o 0 Z Z Z -~200 b.I n I00 o MONTH-END CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION 6 J F M A M J J A .S 0 N D MONTHLY PUMPAGE Figure 13.--Variation in chloride content of water pumped at $'i'ation 3, vi lage of Greenport Water Supply, with monthly pumpage and monthly rainfall during 1951. -42- I.O I I o.o ' - DALLY PRECIPITATION 4OO DALLY CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION I ~1 II I 5 I0 15 20 ?-5 DAY OF THE MONTH 31 DALLY PUMPAGE igure 14.--Variation in chloride content of water pumped at Station 3, village of Greenport Water Supply, with daily pumpage and daily rainfall during October 1951. -43- SI78 at the same site. Extenslve spreadlng of water of lower chloride concentrations during recent years has helped somewhat in reducing the cc~ntamlnatlon. Station I has two wells about 35i feet deep that are pumped separately. Water from well SI668 (fig. 12, H-21) has had chloride concentrations rang- lng from 76 to 94 ppm; and well SI669 (fig. 12, H-21) showed concentrations of 135 and I53 ppm in the summers of 1949 and 1950, respectively. These chlorlde concentrations Indicate an admixture of salty and fresh water. Data obtalned during the drllllng of test well S490 (V892) a/, drll'led 690 feet to bedrock at station I In 1903, Indicated salty water-at a depth of 225 feet (Veatch, 1906). These data are incomplete, however, and neither the salt-water level nor the actual chloride concentration Is known. During the 1940's when the existing wells at Station I (SI668 and SI669) were pumped for brief periods at a rate of 600 gpm, ~rked and rapid Increases in the chloride concentration of the pumped water were observed (Harry Monsell, Village of Greenport Department of Public Works, personal communication). As these wells are about half a mile from any tidewater, this contamlnatlon Is probably the result of upward movement of underlying salty water. In 1953, when wells S1668 and SI669 were pumped at a rate of about 50 gpm each, they produced water having · chloride concentration ranging from 76 ppm to 153 ppm. Other Southold areas Other wells In Southold that are thought to have been contaminated by salty water In nearshore areas are: S4091, Southold (918 ppm); Peconlc (l,600 ppm); and S5475-76, Nassau Point (103 ppm). Well S4091 (flg~ 12j G-20) Is about 500 feet from the head of Town Creek, a tldal Inlet near the village of Southold. This well, 45 feet deep, is screened In a bed of sand and gravel 60 feet thick, which Is underlain by at least 80 feet of clay and sandy clay. According to the driller's report the water beneath the clay and sandy clay Is salty. Pumping the well at a rate of about 225 gpm caused salty water to move either upward through the clay or laterally from the Inlet. Thls waterj mixing In the well with the fresh water, caused the chlorlde concentration of the well water to increase steadily from 24 ppm on September 5, 1945~ to 918 ppm on July 9, Owlng to the high chloride concentratlon In the water, the well was aban- doned and another well, S4091R, was drilled about 500 feet to the west. The chloride concentration In the water from this newer well was 34 ppm In Well S6059 (pl. I, G~20), 78 feet de~p, Is approxlmately 500 feet from a tidal ~arsh. The log of the well shows ~O feet of fine sand and some clay overlying the 38 feet of sand and gravel in which the well Is screened. As the water table at thls slte Is less than l½ feet above sea level, the well ---"~-/--_aSee well-numberlng system described at end of report. is probably screened in or near the zone of diffusion separating the fresh water and the salty water below. Contlnued pumping of the well at 350 gpm resulted in a gradual increase in the chloride concentration of the water to 1,6OO ppm. Water having this concentration of chloride cannot be used for irrigation in thls area, so the well was ultimately abandoned. Wells S5475-76 (pl. I, F-20), drilled to a depth of 30 feet, are less than 500 feet from sea water in Nassau Point, an Isolated colony of summer homes. The altitude of the water table in the vicinity is not specifically known, but it probably Is less than a foot above sea level, and the wells may be screened near the zone of diffusion. Although the draft from these wells Is small and the wells are used for domestic supply, the magnitude of chloride concentration (37 ppm, t948; IO3 ppm, [950) is above the maximum normally expected (~5 ppm) and suggests that pumping causes salty water to move Into the wells. There Is also the posslbillty that contamination from cesspools has contrlbuted to the chloride concentration. However, no addi- tional data are now available, and further Inferences are not possible. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Approximately 83,000 mllllon gallons of usable water are stored In the upper Pleistocene sand and gravel of Southold's shallow ground-water reser- volr. The few pieces of available evidence confirm the supposltlon that this reservoir Is underlain by salty water. Owing to the protective Influ- ence of the clay of. the Rarltan formation and the pattern of ground-water movement from the mainland part of Long Island, It is also possible that Ilmlted supplies of fresh water may be stored at depths of over 600 feet in parts of the Lloyd sand member. However, very little is known concerning the characteristics of the water In the Raritan formation beneath Southold. The shallow ground-water reservoir ts replenished by the infiltratlon of preclp'ltatlon on the Town. During very dry years It Is estimated that the replenishment is about %000 mllllon gallons annually, or about one-twelfth of the fresh ground water In storage. During other years both replenishment and storage are probably greater. This replenlshment Is held In storage temporarily, for it Is being continuously discharged to the sea by lateral movement of ground water. This lateral discharge, which takes place by spring flow and evepotranspiratlon near the shorelines and by submarine out- flow, may be as much as 6,000 milllon gallons annually. As salty water forms both the lateral and the subsurface boundaries of the shallow ground-water reservoir, impairment of the quality of the water through pumping Is a constant threat. Serious salt-water contamination has taken place at only a few wells, all of which were near the shore in areas where the Water table was less than ~ feet above mean sea level. Perhaps the most serious case of contamination Is that of the wells of the village of Greenport's water supply, where chloride concentrations of the well water have been higher than 400 ppm. Controlled pumping of the contaminated wells and mixlng the pumped water wlth water of Iow chloride content from other wells has kept the water supply potable. Southold's present (1958) ground-water proolem is not so much general sea-water encroachment that would result from ~er,eral overdraft by pumping of the ground-water reservoir and lowering the water table areally, but rather local contaminatlon resulting from mark.~d lowering of the water table by sustained heavy withdrawals at one well or a cluster of wells. Despite the fact that pumping wlll create a hydraulic .~radlent from the salty water to the fresh water, the method and pattern of i~lthdrawals and the subsurface geology largely determine the extent and rate of any encroachment that may take place. Fortunately, withdrawals for Irri!]ation are seasonal and the salty water drawn toward the wells during the summer months may be fJushed out during the fall and winter months. Past experience (1949) Indicates that irrigation withdrawals of 4,600 million gallons annually can be made occasionaJly with Impunity, if the present pattern of pumping Is observed. As this Is only about two-thirds of the average near-minimum replenishment, the allowable withdrawal can prob- ably be doubled safely during most years. In near-~shore areas or areas~ where the water table is close to sea level and the fresh water in storage does not rest on layers of Iow permeability, even moderate withdrawals may result in sea-water contamination of the reservoir. Previous experience in- dicates also that it is inadvisable to locate any irrigation pond or well wlthln I,OOO feet of the shoreline or of any embayments containing sea water. Nearshore wells and ponds located according to this rule generally can be pumped intermittently at a maximum rate of about 250 gpm, or about I00 gpm continuously. In the more inland parts of Southold an intermittent pumping rate of 500 gpm has been found satisfactory. Prior to further development of the ground-water reservoir of Southold, test wells need to be drllled to depths of 200 feet or more to ascertain the lower limits of the fresh-water reservoir, the nature of the underlying salty water, and the physical character of any layers of Iow permeability that may exlst. Owing to the lack~of data, only brief consideration has been given in thls report to the relation of trends in precipitation to the volume of fresh ground water in storage. This relationship may prove to be the crit- Ical factor governing the allowable withdrawal. Replenishment to and stor- age In the ground-water reservoir during the perlod of study may represent optimum conditions. Shrinkage of the volume of fresh water In storage as the result of lowered replenishment for extende,~ periods may cause the base of the fresh-water body to shift upward. Thus, the pattern of withdrawal considered safe under present (1958) conditions may cause a relatively rapid Intrusion of salty water under future conditions. On the other hand, the zone of diffusion may lie in material of Iow permeability and respond very slowly to changes In preclpltatlon. Future problems of sea-water encroach- ment may appear only gradually. The data in hand are sufficient to Indicate that a future problem may arise and to suggest the relationship of the various factors Involved. More detalled data must be collected, however~ to substantiate the conclusions that have been made thus far and to permit a more complete analysis of the -46- geology and hydrology of the area. For example, detailed study of the recharge to the ground-water reservoir necessitates consldarable Instrumen- tation for determining precipitation and evaporation. Evaluation of storaga in the reservolr requires a more complete appraisal of the hydraulic charac- teristics of the reservoir and a detailed analysls of fluctuations in ground- water levels. Further knowledge of the physical character of the ground- water reservoir and the occurrence of fresh and salty water requires test holes and possibly additional geophysical exploration. The evaluation of . the dlscharge from the ground-water reservoir at various stages of the water table requires Information on the hydraullc characteristics of the reservoir and water-table contour maps. Correlatlng this discharge with various re- charge conditions requ!res intensification of the water-level-measurement program. Finally, study of the movement and dimensional changes of the zone of diffusion requires detailed sampllng of selected wells for chloride con- tent° WELL-NUMBERING SYSTEM Wells on Long Island, N. y., are Identified by a numbering system set up by the New York Water Resources Commission. Each well is numbered serlally and is prefixed by the initial letter of the Long Island county In which it is located. Thus, for Suffolk County thls would be the letter "S~, as In the well number S7~8]. For greater leglblllty the prefix "S" has been omit- ted from well numbers shown on plate I and in figure 12. Most walis that were drilled prior to 19]~ and that appeared In the early publlshed reports of the Geological Survey have been subsequently assigned numbers under the current system. Thus~ for example, the well num- ber S490 Is the current number assigned to the well V89~, described by Veatch (1906, p. 330)~ -47- REFERENCES Burr, W. H., Herlng, R., and Freeman, J. R.~ 190~, Report of commlsslon on addltlonal water supply for City of New York: New York, Martin B. Brown Co. Ferrls~ J. G., 1949, Ground water, Chap. 7 in Wlsler, C. 0., and Brater, E. F., Hydrology: New York, John Wlle~ Sons, p. 198-272. Gustafson, A. F., and Johnstone, D. B., 1941, Soil and pasture management for Long Island, New York: Cornell Univ. Agrlc. Expt. Sta. Bull. ~p. Hoffman, J. F., 1959, Ground-water utilization, Suffolk County, L. I., N. Y.: Am. Soc. Civil Engineers Proc., v. 85, Separate no. 2(:~0, p. 25-41. Hoffman, J. F., and Spiegel, S. J., 1958, Chloride concentration and temper- ature of water from wells In Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, 1928-53: New York State Water Power and Control Comm. Bull. GW-38, 55 p. Hubbert~ M, King, I~0, The theory of ground-water motlon: Jour. Geology, v. 48, no. 8, p. 92~-926. Leggette, R. M., and others, 1938, Record of wells In Suffolk County, N. Y.: New York State Water Power and Control Comm. Bull. GW-4, 108 p. Lusczynskl, N. d., and Hoffman, J. Fo, 1951, The water table as of Aprll 1950 In Southold Township, Suffolk County, Long Island, N. Y.: U. So Geol. Survey open-file report, 4 p. Meyer, A.~ 194/~, The elements of hydrology: New York, John Wlley& Sons, 522 p. Paulsen, C. G., and others, 1940, Hurricane floods of September 1938: U.S. Gaol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 867, 562 p. Perlmutter, N. M., Geraghty, J. J., and Upson, J. E°, 1959, The relation between fresh and salty ground water in southern Nassau and southeastern Queens Counties, Long Island, N. Y.: Econ. Geology, v. 54, p. 416-435. Spear, W., 1912, Long Island sources -- An additional supply of water for the City of New York: New York City Board of Water Supply, 2 vols. Suter, Russell, deLaguna, Wallace, and Perlmutter, N. M., 19J~9, Mapping of geologic formations and aqulfers of Long Island, N. Y.: New York State Water Power and Control Commo Bull. GW-18, 212 p. Thels, C. 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