HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 Fishers Island Waste Management P.O. Box 22 Fishers Island, New York 06390 Tele 631-788-7455 Fax 631-788-7451 Figr@fishersislandnet Michael Imbriglio, Chairperson RECEIV;:O James M Wall, Vice Chairperson Maynard Banks. Secretary Richard Ahman, Treasurer JAN 2 9 Bruce Hubert January 24, 2007 Soufl,vid Tl.,in (I"rl, Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Southold Town Hall PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 Enclosed are the results of the Annual Election of the Fishers Island Waste Management District held on Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at the Fishers Island Fire Department Headquarters. Thank you, ~a fff L --- Beth A Stern Encl: statement of canvas Ballots Fishers Island Waste Management P.D. Box 22 Fishers Island, New York 06390 Tele 631-788-7455 Fax 631-788-7451 F;gr@fishersislandnet Michaellmbriglio, Chairperson James M Wall. Vice Chairperson Maynard Banks, Secretary Richard Ahman, Treasurer Bruce Hubert Election JanUilry 23, 2007 Statement of Canvas Commissioner for five years Number of Votes ~~\\\~ - (-y iLIOr . (\~\\o... \\~ .\~ , \ InspectorU;\u ~.\ c1..., ~ ./ Inspector: Jv.: / . . ( COImmsslOner- Fishers Island Waste Management Sign In Sheet For the Eleetion of one Commissioner for fIVe years /'. .' ? ,~day, January 23, 2007 . fuvU 1. /~ I :C'f ( . Ti1O.' 21. C\\AJ.A. ~ 2. 0-~1aO~ 22. 3.iS-&~ Q .q.e-41"} u& W:;r 4. 5.C-~~- 25. ~ j{JUt/ / '* 26. ,~j1k ~v :/~(r! UA 27. ~9~ 8. ~>:h- ~ 28. ~.e a:J- 9. (11,.,/5 E/,,-~?,::> r-. 29. Li... ..~ 10.()f()M))('RJxu 30. 7~ (2v{ler1; 11. ~5d~ 31. Cl1fUiL S. e,L,j 12.c?~ (I :L--. 32.~~ 13. jn?v?cj ~ /~ 'k2 33. :>p:lI~ ~ 14. ~/2..4- 34.~,~ 15. 35. S k/) J.I. ./J di;;( 16. \ 36. ~ ~; 1- 17.q~% \V\l0W 37. ~1: ~ '. (' '\ /,1/ ,_ . _ \. cL." 38'1) \.~ / 18. i L-'-'",< C .1- I ~) ('..? \.. . /U.t~" . .dJi ~ -- 39. ~ /fa:z.! ' " . '1.. ,- ,.' ~ /,' _ ,- .- '\ 19. 0/ bc?!iC'/.. -J /_. .'- 20. ~ \:)~~ 40.cY~ . X~ ~t. ~ . 1 !.ol.&~~ I'-I~,~ UJ(, (J/2Yf//{ ]/<pvf-3Iv 63~ ~3, ~~Uw uV'&\.C '? j'v) L~ ~~. ittk flvtLibrv ~5,~-f?~ / 6Co~awLC0~ Edw-dJ~cJ ~ 5 ,f!1-:;LA .' // , ~0, f (~~~~- ~l J~7~(Q- 0 ..... /~f,~~~ 70, ~J#~ Jjq +,j~ . 7/ ~~ ~ 7cJ, C'~qG.:f\ \.:~Cc:~~ fJj,$A*0~ 73 4/&4 ~)!. }tlf) ~~ 7.1, P8N ~00-~ Q~ ~ ~ 'IS '.~.'. ,/ V70 . JS ae6~15 S-I. ~. ~o 55 -Du1M~ C~ , & ~I~~ew ~eo..~ _ 5v/.' IstW61l L~ Sf Y1/IWQ/7 ~ :59, C.j~''-'- ~. Q,L'--^:J (Po, ~~L~~ Fishers Island Waste Management P.o. Box 22 Fishers Island, New York 06390 Tele 631-788-7455 Fax 631-788-7451 Figr@fishersislandnet Michaellmbriglio, Chairperson James M Wall, Vice Chairperson Maynard Banks, Secretary Richard Ahman, Treasurer Bruce Hubert RECEIV,,) ",.,' 1- d :iJ I I December 13, 2007 Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Southold Town Hall PO Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 SOUllilild T~U' ': L ,II Enclosed are the results of the Annual Election of the Fishers Island Waste Management District held on Tuesday, December II, 2007 at the Fishers Island Fire Department Headquarters. ~ '~A'_ ~ Encl: statement of canvas Ballots Fishers Island Waste Management P.o. Box 22 Fishers Island, New York 06390 Tele 631-788-7455 Fax 631-788-7451 Figr@fishersislandnet Michael Imbriglio, Chairperson James M Wall, Vice Chairperson Maynard Banks, Secretary Richard Ahman, Treasurer Bruce Hubert Election December 11,2007 Statement of Canvas Commissioner for five years J?c.JI /H'JJ Am IHJ Number of Votes IE .~ Inspecto . . /] Inspector: 120.'<- - commissioner~ - ,-, / / ./ , ""'-- Fishers Island Waste Management Sign In Sheet For the Election of one Commissioner for five years Tuesday, December 11, 2~ J - NINA 'i>cM+ttO 21~4:/~ 22. 2. 12. 13. 14. IJ, 15., 16.~~ 17. WW~ 18. q~ Y'n LD~ 19. 6..f(. J ~ 20~/J~ 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.