HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-12/14/2006 Special
Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman
Gerard P. Goehringer
James Dinizio, Jr.
Michael A. Simon
Leslie Kanes Weisman
http://southoldtown. northfork.net
Tel. (631) 765-1809 . Fax (631) 765-9064
Mailing Address:
Southold Town Hall
53095 Main Road. P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971-0959
Office Location:
Town Annex IFirst Floor, North Fork Bank
54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue)
Southold, NY 11971
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A Special Meeting of the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS was held at the
Southold Town Annex (NFB) Building, 54375 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on Thursday,
December 14, 2006 commencing at 6:00 p.m.
Present were:
Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman, Member
Gerard P. Goehringer, Member
James Dinizio, Jr., Member
Michael A. Simon, Member
Leslie Kanes Weisman, Member
Linda Kowalski, ZBA Assistant and Secretary
6:00 p.m. Chairwoman Oliva called the meeting to order.
The Board proceeded with the first item on the Agenda as follows:
DELIBERATIONS/DECISIONS. The Board deliberated on the following applications. The originals of
each of the following applications were decided, with the original determinations filed with the South old
Town Clerk:
ADDrova/s with Conditions:
ZBA File 5976 - Frank Mele III
ZBA File 5973 - John and Angela Reinerslen
ZBA File 5978 - Berit Lalli
ZBA File 5691 - Serge and Susan Rozenbaum; M. Niamonilakis and E. Niamonilakis
ZBA File 5929 - Michael and Robin Drews
ADorova/s as Aoolied:
ZBA File 5977 - Mark Melnick
ZBA File 5975 - Michael Flynn
ZBA File 5974 - Zaharia Papazaharious el al
ZBA File 5866 - Jay W. Guild
AODroved with Modifications:
ZBA File 5617 - FITF, LLC
ZBA File 5944C - Joe Bajada and Lorraine Bajada
Page 2 - Minutes
Meeting held December 14, 2006
Southold Town Board of Appeals
A. Motion was offered by Chairwoman Oliva, seconded by Member Simon, and duly carried, to authorize
advertisino of aDD/ications in comD/ete form for Dublic hearinos to be held on Thursdav. January 25. 2007,
Reou/ar Meetino commencino at 9:30 AM.
9:50 A.M. ROBERT and SUSAN SOMERVILLE #5993. Request for a Variance under Section 280-124, based on the
Building Inspector's November 15. 2006 Notice of Disapproval, amended January 3, 2007, concerning proposed additions
and alterations to the existing single-family dwelling with a front yard setback of less than the code-required 35 feet, at
595 Oakland Court and Shady Lane, Southold: CTM 90-4-7.
10:00 A.M. FIDCO #5990. Request for a Special Exception, based upon Code Sections 280-48, B6 and B8, concerning
a proposed conversion of the existing building to GemmefGial recreation facility and (nonprofit) meeting hall, in this B-
General Business Zone District. Location of Property: Fox Lane Building #98 and Greenwood Road, Fishers Island; CTM
10:15 A.M. SANDY GROUND LLC and S. PERRY #5992. Request for a Variance under Section 280-18 to reduce a lot
to less than 40,000 square feet in this R-40 Zone, based on the applicant's submission of an application to the Southold
Town Planning Board under the Subdivision Code (Chapter 240) for a lot line change. The proposed iot line change wili
increase the improved lot (Parcell) located in the Hamlet Business Zone District from 10,498 square feet to 29,088
square feet (pius 3,228 square feet of area of flag and right-of-way to Parcel 2), and wili reduce the residential (Parcel 2)
from 49,967 square feet to 24,891 square feet (plus 3,258 square feet for right-of-way and 3,228 square feet flagged area,
also within the boundary of the parceis). Location of Property: 57190 Main Road (S.R. 25) and private right-of-way
extending 244.19 feetfrom the east side of Town Harbor Lane, Southold; CTM 63-4-3 and 5.1.
10:20 A.M. ARTHUR AiELLO #5995. Request for a Variance under Section 280-122 (100-244), based on the Building
Inspector's June 16, 2006 Notice of Disapproval concerning a proposed 16' by 20' accessory garage which increases the
lot coverage over the code limitation, at 615 Marlene Lane, Mattituck: CTM 143-3-26.
10:30 A.M. RUSSELL and FLORENCE PELliCANO #5991. Request for a Special Exception under Section 100-31 B of
the Southold Town Zoning Code. The Applicants..owners request a Bed and Breakfast use, incidental to the owner's
occupancy in this single-family dwelling, for lodging and selVing of breakfast to transient roomers, as an accessory use.
Location of Property: 9680 North Bayview Road, Southold; CTM 79-8-13.1.
10:40 A.M. PHILLIP and liNDA KERMANSHAHCHI #5986. Request for a Variance under Section 290-14, based on the
Building Inspector's October 20, 2006 Notice of Disapproval concerning an as.built addition to the single-family dwelling
with a setback at less than the code-required 60 feet from the front lot line, at 7213 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel; eTM
10:50 A.M. HENRY RUGGiERO #5982. Request for a Variance under Section 280-122, based on the Building
Inspector's October 26, 2006 Notice of Disapproval concerning alterations and/or reconstruction of an existing sunroom,
which will increase the degree of nonconfonnance when located less than 15 feet on a single side yard (ZBA
Interpretation No. 5039 in the Walz application). Location of Property: 425 Calves Neck Road, Southold: CTM 63-7-
11 :05 A.M. W. BRUCE and MARY ANN BOLLMAN #5680. Hearing reopened for purposes of receiving documentation
and testimony relative to LWRP Code Chapter 268 (Local Waterfront Revitalization Law). This is an application
concerning a request for Variances under Section 100-244, based on the Building Departmenfs February 3, 2005 Notice
of Disapproval, concerning an application for a building pennit to substantially remove or dernolish existing dwelling, and
to construct a new single-family dwelling: (1) at less than 10 feet on a single side, (2) at less than 25 feet combined side
yards, (3) with lot coverage exceeding the code limitation of 20 percent, and (4) at iess than 75 feet from the bulkhead.
Location of Property: 1755 Trumans Path, East Marion; CTM 31-13-4.
1:00 P.M. WILLIAM E. LEHMANN and AliCE LEHMANN #5989. Request for a Variance under Section 280-13A (100-
31A), based on the Building Inspecto(s July 28, 2006 Notice of Disapproval which states that the proposed garage is not
a permitted use on this vacant property located at 725 Rabbit Lane, East Marion: CTM 31-17-17.
1:10 P.M. JOSEPH E. GULMI and SUSAN BRAVER #5994. Request for Variances under Sections 280-13 (formerly
100-33) and 280-105, based on the Building Inspecto(s December 11, 2006 Notice of Disapproval concerning an as-built
swimming pool in a location other than the code-required rear yard and fence height exceeding the code height limitation
offour feet, at 250 Pine Tree Court, Cutchogue; Parcel 98-1-7.11.
1 :15 P.M. EAST MARION FiRE DISTRICT #5972. Public Hearing reopened for purposes of receiving testimony relative
to projected telecommunications coverage for tower and antennas at heights over 80 feet. A Variance under Section
. .
Page 3 - Minutes
Meeting held December 14, 2006
Southold Town Board of Appeals
280-69 (100-162A3. A5) is requested. based on the Building Inspecto(s July 25. 2006 Notice of Disapproval. for
construction of a proposed wireless communication/telecommunications tower on property owned, leased or otherwise
controlled by a special district approved by the commissioners of the special district. The proposed tower will exceed the
code limitation - with a height greater than 10 feet above the average height of buildings within 300 feet of the facility. OR
if there are no buildings within 300 feet, these facilities shall not project higher than 10 feet above the average tree canopy
height in that radius measured from ground level. If there are no buildings within 300 feet of the proposed facility site, aU
telecommunication towers shall be surrounded by dense tree growth to screen views of the facility in all directions.
Location of Property: 9245 Main Road. East Marion; CTM 31-3-11.31 containing 3.05 acres.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Oliva (Chairwoman), Goehringer, Dinizio, Simon and Weisman. This
Resolution was duly adopted (5-0).
B. Brief reviews of pending files and general discussions by Board Members followed.
C. RESOLUTION; Motion offered by Member Weisman seconded by Member Simon that the
following reply be forwarded to the Building Department with regard to ZBA File 5963 concerning
property of Joseph Polashock:
In reply to the Building Department's Memo dated December 7, 2006 regarding the
above application, we hope that this will help to clarify the ZBA's Condition regarding
removal of plumbing in the accessory garage. The condition was placed for the purpose
of requiring the accessory building to be returned to an unheated, non-habitable building
status. The use of the building would need to conform to the codes for an accessory
building, since the only variances granted were for setbacks and lot coverage, and not for
a dwelling use.
Board Members agreed that requirements for removing all plumbing fixtures and/or
requiring changes related to the plumbing and heat be left for final determination by the
Building Department - under the final inspection steps and prior to issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy.
Vote of the Board: Ayes: Member Oliva (Chairwoman), Goehringer, Dinizio, Simon and Weisman. This
Resolution was duly adopted (5-0).
. . .
There being no other business properly coming before the Board at this time,
Chairwoman Oliva declared the meeting adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Linda Kowalski
uded by Reference: Filed ZBA Decisions (11)
Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman
Approved for Filing
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