HomeMy WebLinkAboutJockey Creek Spur ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-77 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JANUARY 2, 2007: WHEREAS the Town of Southold has requested the County of Suffolk to dredge a navigation channel in Jockey Creek Spur, Town of South old; and WHEREAS the County of Suffolk proposes to do said dredging of Jockey Creek Spur in the Town of Southold at a nominal cost to the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS in order to accomplish said dredging, plans, specifications, agreements and other documents must be executed on behalf of the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS this approval shall remain in effect for the period of the required permits and any renewals thereof; now therefore be it RESOLVED that Supervisor Scott A. Russell is hereby authorized and directed to execute. on the behalf of the Town of Southold. all necessarv plans and specifications. surplus material area a2reements. assurance to the County of Suffolk, license and/or dredging permit applications to Federal and State Agencies and any and all other documents that may be required to accomplish said dredging work, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. ~,.LI.fl7.2f-~~J.. Elizabeth A. Neville South old Town Clerk ASSURANCES FOR DREDGING OF JOCKEY CREEK SPUR. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD. NEW YORK WHEREAS, the Town of Southold has requested the County of Suffolk to dredge a navigation channel in Jockey Creek Spur, Town of Southold, as shown on the accompanying maps; and WHEREAS, the County of Suffolk proposed to undertake said dredging; and WHEREAS, the Supervisor of the Town of Southold by Resolution No. 2007-77 of the Town of Southold has been authorized and directed to sign for and on behalf of the Town of South old assurances to the County of Suffolk, that the said Town of Southold will perform all acts required to be performed by said Town in connection with the preparation for the dredging operation as aforesaid, obtain all necessary easements and rights-of-way for said dredging operation and obtain the use of areas indicated on the attached map for surplus material areas together with and all necessary rights incidental to said dredging operation. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to the Town of Southold, as aforesaid, the Town of Southold hereby assures the County of Suffolk that it will: 1. Furnish, free of cost to the County of Suffolk, all lands, easements, rights-of-way, releases from adjoining property owners, and surplus material areas necessary for its activities which may be performed as part of the dredging operations at Jockey Creek Spur and all as shown on the attached map; and 2. Indemnify and hold harmless the County of Suffolk from any claims, actions, proceedings, judgments, liens, encumbrances or damages of any kind or nature whatsoever resulting from said improvement or resulting in any way from the said dredging operation or the use of equipment at the said Town of Southold, or use of any surplus material area or any other area affected by said dredging operation whether for new work, subsequent maintenance or otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal of the Town of Southold on thiS~ day of January, 2007. ATTEST: TOWN OF SOU~OLD ~~ By: ~.~d/ Eliza th A. Neville ScottA. Russell, Supervisor Town Clerk (Attached to this Assurance document shall be a certified copy of a resolution of the Town Board authorizing and directing the Supervisor to execute this instrument and to sign the attached plans and specifications.) 2 -' .- .-_._-.---_...--~ . '-- .-...--:... N $1/ 10 / .. / I [Sgi~fJN LA T: 41'O3'26"~ LONG;. 72'24' 9" NAO 83 COOR ATES ,. .. \''- SHE L T E B '..... " .. H .. SOUND,. '. , . " nayvj~w.. '. , SCALE 1: 3,000 LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCA liON LOCATION MAP TAKING FROM NYSDOT QUADRANGLE, MAP FF59 j APPLICATION BY. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK GILBERT ANDERSON, P.E., CIDEF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF PUBIJC WORKS PROPOSED DREDGING ~~.~ TOWN OF~~1X> . SUFFOLK COUNTY; NEW YORK DATE: ":S"'-'/ ~ SHEETJ or!) DATUM: 0.0 = 0.0 MEAN LOW WATER (MLW). -APPk)(IMArcl..'I /5",(100 C.y. 72J 1Sc )/YDI2AVI..ICI\LL i 'i)R.t;f)GcD A!JP 'Pt-ACEO o/J7?; W'T" EASTEI<?IIJ 1Jt:ACH AS ~~/SII,,<Ae; . _ Af(l:'DX W'ell.TE- A/'-itJiJAlr iV" /r.:A ;-;",~: (,..1(; ""1 'M" ".. .... ..../,z....;.... ~,..-....:../~ ~v.<(i::e:h....) ..~j-:/(,.,.,I'.. Il-' ..- ~;J,J... ,-' ;"-._" "i-'~'" ".""'~... ..'- ,-" . '-, ~e-A '(;0 FT'/I,-k;O lor)::: 84,600 SF oFA AP/IOX. :" :SSOc'l 3t:L.ot.-l s://~v, , SM () Y ~f)J IA /iF,J T TtJ '$1'.: IJS t. tJ Fot :;;".,:;I\t...'1 ,M;,J,(./Sli;l1f.iAII. @ " WooD o ~6-ROI1J5 (ryp'') "- t'-. '50cJrHOLD BAY ML-W MHo-! ::,)-11.'1' . \ fiMD . \ ~"--2' "i:8rt,. 3- 5!5 2..3 ~"'I--. i!? ~ ~~ " ,. 4~ 5.8 \ - 0)'" .f. 0.7 to.?> @ h. V\-J~ 3~\ ~~~ ::>"C<t lfl~~ MAIOI /./tJE' .@ ~ , t/N//1 I o "10 1tJO . .~.lJJ ~~ I..A - '7H>f~ . APPlJCATION BY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK GILBERT ANDERSON, P.E., CHIEF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF PUBlJC WORKS PROPOSED DREDGING ~ ct\eil<.,~ TOWN OF~ SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK DATE: ~V\..~'2~ slIEET2oc; DATUM: 0.0 = 0.0 MEAN LOW WATER (MLW) G/" ;r :; ~. .v ~. It I) Slur HdLI> "BAY /..tAlE @l ,N1.ATCH @ J-I AlE" ~ \:Ii '" @ -.J '" .... ~ t:. ~ ~ ~ II" U'I ::l ~ "" J) @ ~ o 100 .,200 ~'//"//A I . ScALr' /-iff; 2iX:Jf+ / fj.tJOD ~ r' . Efj~ "'r; MLW MIIW SHW APPLICATION BY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK GILBERT ANDERSON. P.E., CHIEF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ____PROPOSED. DREDGING' ~-tt.fH C#I/fit<~ TOWN OF~L.b SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK DATE: '$U\..~ .~ s~or.5 DATUM: 0.0 = 0.0 MEAN LOW WATER (MLW) -ro wtJ C (<EEl< FLMD <.. . ~ .: " EM i r 5HvJ MH'" ~,." .::jOcKEY MLW. c. f.ee:K N (j) f'/'/'1 ' o IdO ~oo 5cAL-c l'IN'"~2.00Fr WIOTh' 01"' '1M 1'l;t;. A VIi~e,E 'BiOAC#p,eo,,/r . J/L ()/oJ(fJ}JTRJJLUf{) A/fllX" r-- /IYDI!~IJL./(.. . WJPE t I Rx!T MHW ." L .....;.f.li..V:..,,;;... "".'~ .~. ..... .."/ &::cr/O'NA-^: '"&eN:J.! 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CHIEF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF PUBliC WORKS 'pROPOSED DREDGING ~~ TOWN OF. SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK DATE: ~l)\..~ ~ ' SHEET..5orS ' DATUM: 0.0 = 0.0 MEAN LOW WATER (MLW)