HomeMy WebLinkAboutBay Haven . . . . ----------------------- In the Matter of the APPLICATION TO LAY OUT A TOWN HIGHWAY Laying out of certain town highway.s in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as GIN LANE, BAY HAVEN LANE, MIDWAY AND WATERSEDGE WAY . ----------------------- TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: The undersigned, an inhabitant of the Town of SouthOld, liable to be assessed for highway taxes therein, hereby applies to you to layout highways in said Town, at Bayview in the said Town and known and designated as GIN LANE, BAY HAVEN LANE, MIDWAY and WATERSEDGE WAY on a certain map entitled "Bay Haven at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, " filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on January 22, 1959, as Map No. 2910, which said highway passes through the lands of applicant. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a certain map showing the course of the said proposed highway. Dated: this r r - d.y o~. 1971. YL ..\, ;,j. SURF LINE CORPORATION Ivclb tJ~~ By President ST A TE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On t~e J-.~"/daY of q~, 1971, before me personally came ~ ~ rf -- to 'me kno~, who, being}>y me duty ss:rn, did depose and say that he resides at ~ vi, ~.~/, ,.,II-r, ,iit:',f~ _ . ; that he is the PRESIDENT of 13URFLINE COR RA- TION, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instru- ment; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed,to said instrument is such seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed h,.4)name thereto by like order. ,/ DOROTHY1-MAGUIRE dlt~ ~. ~" NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York ,. No. 52.7664795, Sutfolk County N ~ Public Jerm Expires March 3D, 197 . . ----------------------- In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, known as GIN LANE, BAY HAVEN/LANE, MIDWAY and WATERSEDGE WAY. : ORDER LAYING OUT : HIGHWAY ON RELEASE : FROM OWNERS . ----------------------- Application having been duly made for the laying out of a town highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, extending from Main Bay View Road, and a dedication and release from the owners of and other persons interested in the lands through which the highways are proposed to be opened, having been given; NOW, THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby determine and order that town highways shall be, and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows: All those certain lands at Bayview in the Town known and designated as Gin Lane, Bay Haven Lane, Midway and Watersedge Way on a certain map entitled "Bay Haven at Southold, Town of South old, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on January 22, 1959 as map No. 2910. Dated: Thisld day on ' 1971. ~ t d /t fH..h f . uperm en en 0 19 ways 0 the Town of Southold . . ------------------------ . . In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as GIN LANE, BAY HAVEN LANE, MIDWAY, and WATERSEDGE WAY : CONSENT OF TOWN : BOARD TO PROPOSED : TOWN HIGHWAY . . ------------------------ UPON READING AND FILING the application of Surfline Corporation dated and acknowledged r;.1' ,1971, and the dedication and release of Surfline Corporation datedr ,. i ,1971, and duly acknowledged, dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for proposed town highways to extend from Main Bay View Road through the lands of the said Surfline Corporation, RESOLVED, that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of South old make an order laying out the aforesaid town highways, the said town highways to consist of the lands described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map thereto annexed, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to forthwith cause such release to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk and, upon its return, to attach it hereto. Date~ ~ , 1971. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK c., Byld/-e:r:::1 jz~ Sup rvisor . . ~~'~k.f . ~. i/:/(;'~ .. i..fl. "-' 'Pt> Justice ; J~ ~/~~ -'0= COU""i;~ ~/_(!~ Town Councilman #~~F -47/ , Town C e -2- At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, Held on the.. 8th day of JIlII", Ill'll. PRESENT: .) . " Albert. .M. ~rtocchia, Supervisor Howard C. Valentine, Coun- cilman James H... Rich, Jr., Coun- cilman .' Martin SUter, ."W\I Justice Louis M.' Demarestr Town Justice ,. t;.' ' Members of the Town Board --- - -- -- -- ~ --. -- --.~-~- ~,- --~ ..<,- 10 the Ma~ .of The petition of the owners. of more than' ooe-half of the, q!III property fronting on Gin Lane, Bay Haven Lane, Watersedge Way and Midway for the. im- provement of said stree\ll. . --- --- ~.":-. -.- --~---.--,----~- Order for Meeting in Consider Petition for Street Improvement~ WHEREAS, a written petition, dated March 15, '1971, was heretofore 3I)d on June 8, 1971, duly filed with .thls board pur- suant to Sectioo :IllO ot the Town Law of the Stale of New York for the improvement of highways in said town known as Gin Lane, Bay Haven Lane, Watersedge Way and Midway situate at Bay Haven, in the Town of $oUthold, and shown and des_ted on a certain map entitled ':MaP of Bay Haven at Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on January 22, '1959, as Map No. 2910, by the permanent pavement of the same and the construction of such curbs, gutters, catch basins and drainage facilities as may be necessary; and whereas it duly appears that such petition has been duly signed by the owners of real estate owning at least one~half of the entire frontage or hounds on both sides of said highways situate between the points aforesaid and whereas it duly appears that such petition was also duly signed by resident owners owning not less. than one- half of the frootage owned by resident owners residing in or along such highways; and whereas such petition was duly acknowledged or proved by all the signers thereof in the same manner as a deed to be recorded; and whereas the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvement of said high- ways as stated in the petition is the sum of $10,500.00, it is, pur- suant to the provisions of said Section 200 of the Town Law of the State of New York, hereby ORDERED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, shall meet at the Supervisor's Office in said Town on the 6th day of July, 1971, at 3:00 o'clock in the af- ternoon of that day, for the purpose of considering the said petition and hearing all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same. Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NeW York s / Albert M. Marlocchia, Supervisor' Howard C. Valentine, Councilman James H. Rich, Jr., Councilman Martin SUter, Justice Louis M. Demarest, Justice I, ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Order of the Town Board of said Town adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 8th day of June, 1971, has been compared by me with the original Order as filed in my office, and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole of said original Order. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I '(Conliniied from page 24) have hereunt-o set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Town this 9th day of June, 1971. s / A1hert W. Richmond, Town Clerk (SEAL) ITJ17 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. STATE OF NEW YORK. 1 f 8S: J . . . . . . . . S:t;u(l.):'.t C. Dorman be- d I . . . . . . . . " .............. 109 u y Sworn. says that. .. .l:)e. . is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said county; and that thE' notice:. of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been published in the said Suffolk Week~ Times once in E'ach week, for. one ......................... weeks sl1ccessiveJy oommencing on the.... .&l;ly.e.nj;.e.eo.th....... day of . .... Ju.n~. '~~'-"" 19.(;1.. . -2/.("{:~:d.~~.'.':.~:~. . . ~: . . . . . . . . . :::,"1.'':;1,,,/1;:/:: ....;: .... ,.U.,~,~-!~~~.[.I,.,~?:.~J ................................... 7/' -- A~ a meeting of the Town _ of the Town of Bouthold. Suffolk" COUI'ty. ' New York, Held on the 8th day of June. 1971 PRESENT: Albert M. Martocchla. Supervisor Howard C. Valentine, CouncUma~ James H. Rich.' Jr.. Councllman Martin Suter, Town Justice Louts M. Demarest. Town Justice ':Members of the Town Board ---------X In the Matter of The petition of the owners of more than one-half of : the real property fronting : on Oin Lane, Bay Haven: Lane. Wa-tersedge Way and : Midway for the Improve- : ment of sald streets. ---------X 01'der for Meeting to ConsIder Petition for Street Improvements W~AS. a written petition. da_March 15. 1971. was here- tofore and on June 9. 1971. duly filed" with this board pursuant to Section 200 of the Town Law (If the State of New York for the Improvement of highways In sald town known as Gin lane. Bay Haven Lane, Watersedge Way and Midway situate at Bay Haven. In the Town of Southold. and shown 'and designated on a certain map pntitled "Map of Bay Haven at Southold, Suffolk County. New York" flIed in the Sulfolk county Clerk's OIflee on January 22." 1,959. as Map No. 2910. by the Permanent pavement of the same and the construc- tion of such curbs, gutters. catch basins and drainage facilities as may be necessary; and whPreas it duly appears that such peti- tion has been duly signed by the owners of real estate ownin~ at least one-half of the entire frontage or bounds on both sides of said highways situate between the points aforesaid and where- 8.' it duly appears that such pptition was also duly signed. by resident owners owning not less than one-half of the frontage owned by resident owners resid- ing in or along such hl,ghways: and. whereas such petition was duly acknowledged or' proved by all tbe signers thereof In the same manner as a deed to be rrcorded; and whereas the maXi- mum amount proposed to be expended tor. the improvement of said hIg/,wayS as stated In the petition is" tht Rum" of $10.500.00. It Is. pursuant to' tho provisions of said section 200 of t,he Town Law of the State of New York, hereby ORDERED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York. shall meet at the SUpervisor's Office In sald Town on the 6th day of July. 1971, at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. for the purpose of considering the said petition and hearing all persons interested in the subject _ thereof concerning the same. Town Board of the Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York Albert M" Martocchla Supervisor Howard C. Valentine Councllman James H. Rich, Jr. Councilman Martin Suter Justice Louis M. Demarest Justice c~.u.BERT W. RICHMONI;l. T<>w;l-Clerk~~he Town of Bouthold, In. the Countf (Jf Suffolk, - State of - New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Order of the To~rn Board of said Town adopted at a meeting duly caUed and held CA1 the 8th day of June, 1971, 118.8 been compared by me with the original Order as fUed in my office, and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole of sald ortglnal Order. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand ~nd affixed the corporate seRI of said Town this 9th day of June. 1971. (SEAL) Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t ss: STATE OF NEW YORK I C Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN. a public news- paper printed at Sauthald, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been Published in said Lang Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- /) , man once each week for ....,(>c..I.(~.;.....{/?2 wee V '~'=;d~';Od", "0 "m)7' do, O'~t'f1i4~Mm 7t Sworn to before me this .....J.?.:.......'. day of iT -'/ ..... . ......?t..Z.f..e......., 19/..,.... '" /) t:.. yJ ........Cc:~.(.'...~~fidnpi..bZ..(-?I:f-:.f_.... ADUE PAYNE NO/MY PIL'.'!,'r:, S'Qte r;f f',;u", York R p ~,: ,) ;. ::)(;'. !:~ 2 -,':~ ~,~; ~~ !:~,) ;;:' <.,', ': : y CO,'1ln)'Ss:un [Xj:i,cs :\t;,'~h 30, 197_3 U-"t7 . . REGINALD C. SMITH ROBERT W. TASKER HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIN FRANCIS J. YAKABOSKI PAUL J. BAISLEY ALLEN M. SMITH SMITH, TASKER AND FINKELSTEIN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 420 MAIN STREET GREENPORT. N.Y. U944 ~16-4t"r-1400 ARTHURH.LUNDBERG COUNSEL June 9. 1971 " " Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Southold. New York 11971 Re: Bay Haven - Road Improvement District Dear Sir: I hand you herewith the original order adopted by the Town Board at the June 8. 1971 Town Board meeting which order provides for a public hearing on the matter of the Bay Haven Road Improvement District. This order should be filed in your office. I also hand you herewith eight certified copies of the above mentioned order. One copy is to be sent to the Long Island Traveller for publication on June 18. 1971. One copy is to be sent to the Suffolk Times for publication on June 18. 1971. One copy is to be posted by you on the Town Clerk's bulletin board. Five copies are to be posted by you conspicuously in five public places along the streets in question at Bay Haven. After the notices have been posted as provided above, would you please advise us of the date upon which you posted on the bulletin board and in the five places in Bay Haven district and we will prepare the required affidavit of posting. Posting of the above notices should be accomplished by you on Friday, June 18. 1971. Also enclosed herewith is the original petition of the property owners abutting the streets of Bay Haven. This petition should be filed in your office. yourA; CQ.~ ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:MY Enclosures .~ V' ~. . , '1 I , ;j , I . " Ii l~ If " ~! ., ,I " " it Ii :1 I' !i " " ,I Ii li " I' Ii II I, II I II II , I i 1 II 11 II II !I , i' 11 STATE OF .,EW YORK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, Town of ; , , Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the , , age of twenty-one years; that on the 18th day of 19 71,: June r the affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a \' true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, to wit:- Cor. Main Bayview Rd. & Gin Lane Cor. Gin Lane & Watersedge Way ~ \ Cor. Bay Haven Rd. & Waters edge W~y Cor. Midway & Bay Haven Rd. ( Cor. Main Bayview Rd. & Bay Haven Lan, :. ~~~€~~n~.~/ Albert W. Ri mond,Town Clerk , " II il II II I II II I, II Ii , I I i , , , .' , Sworn to before<lme this 18th day of June 1971. " {l;/rljd, r6~ t7 Notary Public JtlbltH T. BOKEN Notory ~ Slate of New York No. -52-0344963 Suffolk County Commission Expires March 30, 19~ r , ;," , " " ~ ,~ ,; ~ " ~ ,I , , i ",i r. t lJi ~ '. , ;1 4, , 1 t ~ J .4 r.~ '. .1 i 'I 4 \; t I ',.~ , ~ Ii II I, Ii [i I II II il 'I I, 'I !, " ,I II J'.._____ \ :! <If , Ii . i: ! ~ ;! . " STATE OF NEW YORK: SS: . !! COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: AI,BgRT W. RICHMONP, of Southold, Town of Southold, New Yor~, being dUly sworn, says that he is over the ~ age of twenty-o~e years; tha~ on the " , i' . ~ , ., , , t t 18th day of June 19~, he affixed a notice of which th~ annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substaptial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New . " f ~ t ~, ,. ~, ~, , ~. J. ;, . '* ...' 'l ~ ~ ! ~.' i. 1 .i: I "" York, to' wit 1- ~ i Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, L.I.,N.Y. , H :1 Sworn to before me this ~~/~/~ Albert W. Ricn . nd, Town C erk 18th day of June 19 71 'I ,i ~,../..d r.6'~ NOtary Public . JUDITH T. BOKEN Not~ry PubJ~, State of New York No. ~~-O~63 Suffolk Counly CommJSSJonbpire5 March 30, 19j':J 1 ., ., !i I ,I " I. 1 'I " I, :i , I' I I Ii " il ,i ", '~ i Ii ~ ! Ii " " i: ,I 'i I; __.___ !L,_.._,__~~_ '-~:,:_-,-,,,",-~.-...,..,=-,,,....~..-,,..:...:.,:;,._, ( . ~...~-~-- - 'L.L,~~" L ~L_l,~r -;" -:-" - " ~ _ ;~i.~ - ",..r . . . At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, 9~ County, New York, Held on the day of J V/fJ eo 1971. PRESENT: Albert M. Martocchia, Supervisor Howard C. Valentine, Councilman James H. Rich, Jr., Councilman Martin Suter, Town Justice Louis M. Demanest, Town Justice Members of the Town Board In the Matter of Order for Meeting to Consider Petition for Street Improvements The petition of the owners of more than one- half of the real property fronting on Gin Lane, Bay Haven Lane, Watersedge Way and Midway: for the improvement of said streets. WHEREAS, a written petition, dated March 15, 1971, was heretofore and on ;J U /II. 8' , 1971, duly filed with this board pursuant to Section 200 of the Town Law of the State of New York for the improvement of highways in said town known as Gin Lane, Bay Haven Lane, Waters edge Way and Midway situate at Bay Haven, in the Town of Southold, and shown and designated on a certain map entitled "Map of Bay Haven at Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on January 22, 1959, as Map No. 2910, by the permanent pavement of the same and the construction of such curbs, gutters, catch basins and drainage facilities as may be necessary; and whereas it duly appears that such petition has been duly signed by the owners of real estate owning at least one- half of the entire frontage or bounds on both sides of said highways situate between the points aforesaid and whereas it duly appears that such petition was also duly signed by resident owners owning not less than one-half of the frontage owned by resident owners residing in or along such highways; and whereas such petition was duly acknowledged or proved by all the signers . . thereof in the same manner as a deed to be recorded; and whereas the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvement of said highways as stated in the petition is the sum of $10, 500. 00, it is, pursuant to the provisions of said Section 200 of the Town Law of the State of New York, hereby ORDERED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, shall meet at the Supervisor1s Office in said Town on the LL day of J~/y , 1971, at J'.'Ot:1 olclock in the afternoon of that day, for the purpose of considering the said petition and hearing all per- sons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same. Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Ne1lt- York ()1J"rl~1 )~;t---cf~ J / S pervlsor _ . ~d/tL C ~A&l~ _ councilmdl' j) h~l~r. -2- . . ----------------------- . In the Matter of the RESOLUTION FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as GIN LANE, BAY HAVEN LANE, MIDWAY and WATERSEDGE WAY. WHEREAS, a written petition dated March 15, 1971, was duly filed with this board requesting the permanent improvement of highways in this Town known as: All those certain lands at Bayview in the Town of Southold, known and designated as Gin Lane, Bay Haven Lane, Midway and Watersedge Way on a certain map entitled "Bay,Haven at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on January 22, 1959, as Map No. 2910. WHEREAS, said petition was dUly signed by owners of real estate owning real estate to the extent of at least one-half of the entire frontage or bounds on both sides of such highways and also signed by resident' owners residing in or along such highways, and WHEREAS, the said petition was duly acknowledged or proved as to , each signer in the same manner as required of a deed to be recorded, and WHEREAS, at a meeting of said Town Board duly called and held on June 8, 1971, an order was duly adopted by it and entered in its,minutes, reciting the filing of such petition, the improvement proposed and the maxi- mum amount proposed to be expended for the improvement as stated in such petition, to wit, the sum of $1.0,500.00, and specifying that the said board would meet to consider the petition and hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same, at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South . . Street, Greenport, in said Town on the 6th day of July, 1971, at 3:00 p. M., and WHEREAS, the said order, duly certified by the Town Clerk, was duly published and posted as required by law, to wit, a duly certified copy thereof was published in the "Suffolk Weekly Times, " the official paper of this Town, on June 18, 1971, and copies of such order posted conspicously in five public places within the district, on June 18, 1971, and WHEREAS, a hearing was duly held by this Town Board at the place and on the date and time hereinbefore mentioned, and at such place and time, the said Town Board did duly consider the said petition and hear all persons interested, NOW, THEREFORE, after such hearing and upon the evidence given thereat and pursuant to the provisions of Section 200 of the Town Law of the State of New York, it is hereby RESOLVED, that this board does hereby determine that it is in the public interest to make the improvements petitoned for, to wit: The permanent pavement of the same and the construction of such curbs, gutters, catch basins and drainage facilities as may be necessary; and it is further RESOLVED that Lawrence M. Tuthill, as engineer for this Town, shall prepare definite plans and specifications and make a careful estimate of the expenses for the performance of the work; and it is further RESOLVED that Otto Van Tuyl & Son, Civil Engineers, who are hereby employed for that purpose shall survey said highways and establish the lines and grades thereof and such survey and a profile of the grade shall be filed in the Town Clerk's Office; and it is further RESOLVED that upon the completion of the aforesaid plans, specifica- tions, estimate of expenses, survey and profile of the grades that the Superintendent of Highways perform said work by using regular highway employees and that the cost thereof to be deemed a part of the expense of the improvement. -2- ,'. . , . . . ~ . PETI TI ON FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK: We, the undersigned, being the owners of real estate fronting or abutting upon either side of the public roads situate in the said town, known as Gin Lane, Bay Haven Lane, Waters edge Way and Midway, set forth in Map of Bay Haven, filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on the 22nd day of January, 1959 as Map No. 2910, do hereby, pursuant to Section 200 of the Town Law of the State of New York respect- fully request and petition that you, the said Town Board, shall improve the aforesaid roads situate in Bay Haven, as contained in the Map of Bay Haven aforesaid, a copy of which is attached hereto, by permanent paving thereof and by providing gutters and catch basins in drainage areas, and pipes for necessary and proper drainage. It is respectfully requested and petitioned that said improvem~,nts shall be made in accordance with the specifications and requirements of the Town of Southold. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvement aforesaid is the sum of Ten Thousand Five Hundred ($10,500.00) Dollars. I t is proposed that the expense of constructing such improvement shall be borne by local assessments upon the several lots and parcels of land es- pecially benefited thereby as more fully provided by the statutes applying in such cases. The undersigned signers of this petition constitute owners of real estate as aforesaid owning at least one-half (1/2) of the entire frontage or bounds on both sides of that portion of said roads to be improved as aforesaid and also constitute resident owners owning not less than one-half (1/ 2) of the frontage owned by resident owners residing along such portion of ", , . . , t said roads proposed to be improved; and the undersigned respectively reside at the places and own the number of frontage feet along said roads set after their respective signatures. WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray that you, the said Town Board of the Town of Southold, proceed as provided by said Section200 of the Town Law to the end that the improvement hereby petitioned for may be duly authorized and completed. Dated: ~ /6'" 1971. j//;.,~ vJ ;jl (JU;-,J In Presence of: ? t/MW o:P Pi nu-ru .~~ residing at South , New York, owning real estate fronting onlfK€.(t) of said roads to the extent of I 0 0 feet. ;jJ~ / 13/?~ residing at Southold, Ne~ York, owning real estate fronting on ~ U)of said roads to the extent of 100 feet. ? J~i/ , lD~) ~ residing ! at Southold,]'J:.ew-' r, owning real estate fronting on &'Ju2{,,) of said roads to the extent of /y..( feet. . f]l. /? 7. /J. 1/ /0-, 111'- ~i~ [~C'~ . I " '\ ~ residing at Southold, New York, owning real estate fronting on o,v,r(/ )of said roads to the extent of /2 , feet. (' t.u~~'f7 I "i-U-c.t~{'>;~\L(1, residing at Southold, New York, ning. al estate fronting on OAJCY fi);f said roads to the extent of I'/.. t:;"' feet. -2- , . . f:}\i.. :t~~ ~ . ~-t ~t ~l);74reSiding at Southold, NeY:'\ York, owning real estate fronting on ~ CLjOf said roads to the extent of ) 0 () feet. OkltJ~0 ,,,,ding at Southold, New York, ow ng real estate fronting on tJnR.(I) of said roads to the extent of / /f 0 feet. (' -, /r:/# /? b..,~:L j/o I residing New York, ing real estate ~ (; )of sald roads to the extent / feet. outhold, 'fronting on of /~~ J~ J/#~ residing at Southold, New York, owning real estate fronting on ~I of said roads to the extent of '3 0" feet. (' ~ // JL4"-7 4/~L residing at Southold, New York, owning real estate fronting on J of said roads to the extent of ~ 7 ?:f', 2-S' feet. Witness as to all of,the above s~gnatures. 1/:tA / /cIu,u./14/ ? ~ ~a4-V residing at Sou , New Y rk, owning real estate fronting on ~ (;3) of said roads to the extent of .57'1 6' feet. , ( ,-l of residing New Yor , owning real estate ( / ) "'Jl.IZ.--of said roads to the extent feet. ~cu,"~ '~d'~Siding at Southold, New York, owning real estate fronting on (/) tf7l.O o:f said roads to the extent of J.,z S- feet. -3- . . -Jf?c<-= )%, ;&/E'"- t!vAt-< () ~~ residing at Southold, New York, owning real estate fronting on mu u)of said roads to the ext ent of :2. C7cJ feet. ') a(( / . I/~ /;:'j~ . residing at Southold, New York, owning real estate front i ng on 1Zv-c of said roads to the ext ent of v&J feet. / ,~~ ~~A c ~, 'J"/ /-;;? ;, j ;; residing at Southold, New York, owning real estate fronting on 0">"-'-' of said roads to the ) ext ent of / -v,S-' feet. In the presence of: ,p.' ~-L 2. /u.. <L ~tL--- JA,,~<<.~7;, ~ LhOld' ~ew York, ~mng re,fe:~':2 front i ng on ~ of said roads to the ext ent of / ~ feet. /0{, f~-1 ;(QIU-VU~ residing at Southold, New York, owning real estate fronting on iCr-v of said roads to the ext ent of A ~? feet. /! ),.,-/J//_~ ",. \.-<..f/":-- f1j~~ ! .-.{ / v' at Southold, New f ronti ng on / extent of /'r) // residing York, owning real estate of said roads to the - frt. ~f).~' Witness as to the above three signatures: residing at Southold, New York, owning real estate fronti ng 0 n of said roads to the extent of feet. residing New York, owning real estate of said roads to the feet. at Southold, fronting on extent of -4- . . STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the (p 'til.. day of March, 1971, before me personally came DORIS L. BROWN, the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted who by me being duly sworn did depose and say that she resides at Gin Lane, Southold, New York, 11971; that she knows Dorothy J. Maguire Dorothy S. Kothe Clarence B. Maguire Edward G. Kothe Ada M. Binnie Olive M. MacKenzie Al Binnie Elizabeth R. Brnich Geraldine D. Young John Brnich, Jr. Kenneth M. Young Ruth Wells William Wells to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instru- ment; that she, said subscribing witness, was present and saw them execute the same and that she, said witness, at the same time subscribed her name as witness thereto. )~/. \ k.-.e.~/ (I STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the "de: ss. : DOnOT"" "" ',':~U1RE. ::CTARY PUB. 1(;, .:."l,e of ['lew York No. 52,-76ti:~785, Suffolk County "term f,xpires March 30. 191... day of March, 1971, before me personally came DORIS L. BROWN and GEORGE B. BROWN, to me known to be the indi- viduals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. 11, ~ ;L "~ ,(/ I ~r:'-:JTHY J. ~':~ji::.E i,,,,};;;y PUBLIC, St<LG of dew York I~o. 52-7664795. Suffolk County Term J;x~iw March 30, 197.. . . STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the 28th day of February, 1971, before me personally came MARY JUDD RYAN, MARY F. FREER, JAMES FREER, MARION CECELIA O'CONNOR, ROSE M. WELLS, ARTHUR O. WELLS, to me known to be the indi viduals descri bed in and who executed t he foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they execut ed the same. / ~ tlv:tLL. l' '" ~ ~. ' " 'VJ~:':: , ',~T c.. ...- RU1'H F. wFLLS . NoblY fnbl1c. ~tat'" '-! l.Je.w YON: No. fi2-900m:'75 Suitch: .So~ty V CommkdOD. Expires Ma:ch ...U. ..Jk STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the 1st day of March, 1971, bef ore me personally came ALEXANDER VITALE and CELIA VITALE, to me known to be the indi viduals descri bed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. ~.. lU/dL I RU1'H F. ,;,,,TILLS . . Not9.fYF'fiblic. Stat".' tri New Yor,~ "'" r,,; "c';""~"-J5 fl1,ic..'i.~ Ct)Yi~';' .1.'\0. ..,..-</ v0' . . . ',', " .)..}./" Com.wission .I::;1;:rlres M2...:ch ;5";, . .:. . . ~,,~ ~aMA> residing at Southold, New York, owning real estate fronting on one of said roads to the extent of 100 feet. STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF /{[~ ~ ss. : On the j M- day of March, 1971, before me personally came ~~~o J in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she , to me known to be the individual described executed the same. - "f~ ([ .-. . . / 1~ ~~().. ,"yr' . (/ :"tiota..y P.hlh-. ~tllt~ ., ~ 1'.1*1 NIJ.:\("':'''II'~.JO QII.lifi.,. I. f'i_.. en..., ,-..,.....i!'..iull thpir'" Marm :\11, 1"'" STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the 14th day of March, 1971, before me personally came FLORENCE M. JOHNSTON, MARCIA E. DOWNS and HELEN B. POPSISIL, to be known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same. J~f} v ~" 7k-~ ~-V-- U f:C':',,:,:_/ ".;~:: ~:)~"'~;!i'~~W 1'.). ,I--:'/;:}\.J"ju'- ~,H York Term Expjr~s-'M' O"h"OJk County " arc 3D, 197.. t;",.., >-e:: .I g;i5!?1 ".,..U :~o'" o:EO') ~J~"@ , ~ . tn".:E: _:~:~-:~"~ '.:.:,-<::;>Cl. c.:;> :....~ a,'N ;::I.["}E @"g~ . . r /1/JJ!~ p~ , President of Surfline Corporation of SOiltilold, New York, residing at Southold, New York, owning real estate fronting on I of said roads to the extent of //;/4/. l.:z. feet. ~ STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFO LK ) y11 ld~ , 1971, before me On the day of personally came William Wells, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that lB resides in Southold, New York; that he is the president of SURFLINE CORPORATION, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corpora- tion; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. . DOROTHY J ~ ~ j f,OIARY PU"l/ . MAGUIRE No. 52-76~4fg5 Slale of New y "1AJ . Term ore M' Suffolk County {I () sarch 3D, 197 q'8, , esident of Southold Bay Haven Property wners Association, Inc. of South old, New York, residing at Southold, New York, a contingent owner of real estate frony. ng on ~ (I J of said roads to the extent of II r 1)1' FEET. . k.-....~..J (j STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) sS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the Y7" day of ;:f~1 ' 1971, before me personall came George B. Brown, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in Southold, New York; that he is the presi- dent of Southold Bay Haven Property Owners Association, Inc. the corpora- tion described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name ,eto by like order. . . .~J'~~ . . $jlf{ /1/ PETITION FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTBOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK: We, the Ullderai<;jn8d, be1n<J the owners of real eatate front1nq or abuttinIJ upon either side of the public roads situate in th. Aid town, known as Gin LaM, Bay Haven Lane, water8edge Way and Midway, set forth in Map of Bay Haven. fUed in the OHic. of the Clerk of SUffolk County on the 22nd day of lanuary, 1959 as Map No. 2910, do hereby, pursuant to Section 200 of the Town Law of the.:bte of New York respect- fully request and petition that you, the aid Town Board, 8ball J,rnprove the " " afO"Q'd roads II1tuate in Bay Haven. as eonta1ned in the .Map of Bay Haven aforeaa1d, a copy of which 18 attached hereto, by permanent pavlnq thereof and by provld1nq qutters and catch 1:u1n8 in dra1na.qe &1'eu, ancl pipes for nec"8&1'y and proper dra.ina9e. It 18 reapeetfully requested and petitiOMd that aid improvements IIhaU be made in accordance with the apeejfS("a.t1ona ancl requirements of the Town of Southold. The waYbr.um amount proposed to be upended for the improven;.ent aforea'd 18 the awn of Ten Thousand Five Hundred ($10, 500. (0) Dollar.. It i8 propoaed that the Qpeue of cOIlStruCtinfJ aucb improvemeDt 8ball be borne by local .....'""t'uts upon the aevenl10ts aad pareela of laDd es- pecially benefited thereby .. lllore fully prov1ded by the atatute8 applyinq in such cue.. The underll1<,jned aipra of th1a petltiOD eClll8titute cnmera of real estate as aforeaald owning at least one-half (1/2) of the enUre frCJD.taqe or bound8 on both 81dea of that portion of a1d roedS to be improved as afore.ald and also constitute resident ownera owning not 1... tba 0Ile~ (1/2) of the frontage owned by rea1dent owners rea1dtno al0D9 auch portI.onof . . said roads proposed to be improved; and the under81CJD8d ~vely reside at the places and own the mm.ber of frontaqe feet along aid roads set after their respecUve signatures. WHEREFORE, your petiUonera pray that you, the said Town Board of the Town of Southold, proceed as provided by said SecU0n2 00 of the Town Law to the _ that the improvement hereby petit1cmeci for may be duly authorized and completed. I:lated.: 1971. In Prea9nOe of; re-"U1\'J at Houthold, New York, ownIJIq real ....te fr"fltinq on of said roads to the atent of feet. , ~~~ at Soutbold, New York, OWDblq real .... fronUnq on of aa1d roads to the ext_t of feet. re81lt1nq at SouthQld, New York, owrdIlq real ...e frontlnq on ot said rOllda to t.he utent ot feet. ruid1nq at Southold, New York, ClVIJllng'reel .ate fronting on of 8a1d roada to the atent ot teet.. ~e1rl. "'J at SouUlold, New York, 0WDblq real ..tate fronting on of aid l'oadI to the alent ot feet. -I- i- " ~, ~ . J:? il. /. ld New York, owning . A /1 ,. (p. M~ residmg at SouthOxt~nt of 78. 68 feet. ~ , of said roads to the e real estate fronting on one STATE OF T COUNTY OF (...~ . , , '-z. , ln171 ""fnrp. me personally came COUNTY OF PIMA } STATE OF ARIZONA ss. I, Frances C. Gibbons, Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Pima, which is a Court or record, having a seal, do hereby certify that Certificate of Magistracy day of. .......-.....--....---. hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Superior Court on this n 7_ _ /J~~ ' 19.......~.. ....................... Clerk of the SUperior Co rt of th", .... in and for thp ("'n......~h _~ _ ...Loth FORM 7-18 , j , i I I I I 1 I , I , ~ ;j . 0, . . . . . }~~.\~ \'J. \l\\\~ ~ , New York, owning real estate fronting on one of said roads to the extent of 125 feet. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF Ii /VrnRlo ) On the /,{~ day of March, 1971, before me personally came jJpTJI//R J #lL-k'.<; J~ ,hLLV g Iv I~K.s to me known to be the individual.s described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that TH-le'j executed the same. ~~. . -A.", <, Notary Public IlICMMA ". __ ~,. Mno:: '" ... ~ ~f tIIl_' ,.""'" """';r" t;e.Mfy M.o ~~~? / ... .......- ...... ~lt--.r ~ ~ :'~'N .~ '10 VIt&vI~ )" .. ,A ~ -fl' ~#. ~;' JO'. .,_ , .~" ,.'1>"- . s...,.jIliI _ --r . ,- ! 124 ~ I , ZSI _ 1.<1' I 261 . 1 . .",.14' j .._#.,..,..../I~., ~ ,::.,~ .'.. ,. , . " ,_'1o"'~-:' II ~ ;i II II ~"',- - - , I' I ~ I . II ~ II , ~ '.38 ; , " I , , .. , ILl_'I ~ ......j , , 'u 1- -'I . . ~ , , il > II I ' . , ~ 13,9 , ~ II: II II' -K E Y MAP- ~ " II~ I I I II " I I ,c.-' L.: -- I ~ ~..I. __'.~ I , . ,4'0.. , ~., - ! ',~ ",~ I -,. -~' , " " ..' - ',I " I',. 1.1 . ,41, , 2,.81 ...!!. -..-,. '~ - ~" I , ' . "'~, ~ ", l{ ... , I -', oJ' ." ~-r.1..z ...... ..... l.~ ... , ' - t ~ l ~ o ~ II , , \ I '.30, · . , [ , ",&- \ ~I ~, _\_1 \ iJ\ 5" ; . ~ 1 I ~ I ,.7., lb' ..,-I .. . , I . ~ 6~ .~ . . ~ , . I '...~ . !! I ~ .....[ ......, ..... - '", , . . , I ~,--~.... ~ ~ ~~ ... " r '.., ~'. ... I r ~~ '-t,,,,, It ,'" ~ ... ~ :. , 145 I , , " 1 ... I Q"-- -""6 " ! 1:( ~~ r, . , . ," h o - ~ ~ ~/6/; , . ' 1< . I I 33~ ! . . :'::1 -- - ~ -~ -'I, I 147 .. I . , ! , \ \ \ \ .u.J '; I. , " "I ',u........ ~ 1 ~ - y' ,"""'1... ~ -I ",Ii .,.......1:;-0- - _I I... .I,' '.-- U ~.. 11' :I ,.... .., 7-' &,..... .., ~ WATSRSI!PG. .,tllf."" .J- --I S2 ;:; f ".&.-t1I' ';'.D - ( / 1...,Z'7oO I ( S31 .. ~ _ _ ,,_ QlMMUNITY.. r \~ <if :1'56 ~\ '\ "'''_Ii ""1',. . "'....... I!J&ACH III \ _/ .. ~ I' r 1..- ,-- ,"I1"'~ ~ I' 1 ~~~< I ;'4 : I.......,.~"":~ ~j,.~ ;::.-~ ----- - ..I .P~.~.t:'-:::::::::::::::---_ -- "I: c:i I , ~~ -..-,.,;!~...--::.-~ -- --( t". t."'. =-- J......r'f -- _____ ___::.--::::- 9 P' l :=:;:0"' ~.:.:...-----:-:___ - ~~- ~ ~~ ~I " ~:..----Co ----------~p p; ~---- " ~ :1 I. ~ I 8 i " , .. ....1----:' l~ 9 ~ ..~ 11'..;j 'I il I I~ . 1 i 1!lf"! 3~1_ II /.', I / ~ ~ I J ' ....,.." ... I ( . "14 I~ - ... It) I:' I" II" I ,,,. ,/ . ! I 35.... ,. .~ , , 'I , . 36 I,! I ,I , " !I II' , ! . , , '1' .IS , 1_ .~I" t . ~ S'",.IA I ~ - J I .sc r I I /3 I ...a-,z..--- ! I , , ~ /2.,' 6 371 ~ JMstI ~..'48 I', for , , >- . - z~~ ~ , , III \ ~ " . - z' - - '. , ~ ( It I- ( ~ -AT - SOVTHOL-D IOWN or SOUTHOl-D SUF"F"OU< COUNTY N~W Yo.qK MAP or BAY HAVEN ... $0.16 ID" '.1" - - - - . .- APt:S'A:Z"X7~Acl'lCe:.s Own" "'nil "It.v"/"ped by W//..lo/AM WEloloS /t'16i" Bd)lvitlw Rellt,,1 Si",eJ. u..j}O~~":.._~_ > ~ ~ It I- ~h",w,y c,f/fyHulfflris""!'.. ......sm__iy vs /rwn ..tuol.sv~~.t JAr:.1".,tnll and -IINrT sJim,r Dr t:4ff&tYllt h7tJf'1VMttrdk nilvl iNNn .s6tJfW~mtll"'k_tl~' . OTTO W; VAN 7l.~YL SON s;~mul_~~ ____ Lic."s-r i.ond '$ ~porl. N. Yo , . " ~ , , A~r~d ~.....I-'t "" ~/9Si' SOUT'HOLO nwN PLANNING BoARD S""~"..J .: :. .; _ ~. _ _ :: .:. _ -cht#irwron . ! " p..L .. tV v..-.A. ~/~ ..J.;;J""..?~ 1'1~-" j'YJA P ..vO.:<~/O ".//7/n . I a#lft I#""IH rot S-r".'. - ", ~ ~ ~ ~ ( l