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FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-32107 Date: 12/29/06 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION/ALTERATIONS Location of Property: 270 SMITH DR SOUTH SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 76 Block 3 Lot 34.3 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JANUARY 30, 2006 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 31758-Z dated JANUARY 30, 2006 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is 2ND STORY ADDITION & ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING F' The certificate is issued to JOEL W WARNER JR (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 1197153 07/09/04 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 04/06/06 L.I.ANALYTICAL LABS. INC. j7yAutorlild Signature Rev. 1/81 Form No. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage -disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1 % lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non -conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. 1/ _�6 New Construction: Old or Pre-existing Building: (c Teck`one) Location of Property: No. Owner or Owners of Property: w • S &(V t"j Wwo Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section Subdivision Perm t No. Health Dept. Approval: Planning Board Approval: Date of Permit. Request for: Temporary Certificate Fee Submitted: $ co-Z3alo7 &1 Streeter V Block _ Filed Map. - _-- Applicant: Underwriters Approval: Final Certificate Hamlet Lot Lot: (check one) BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 40 FULTON STREET — NEW YORK, NY 10038 CERTIFIES THAT Upon the application of upon premises owned by GERALDLARUSSO 24 BARREL LANE HICKSVILLE, NY 11801-6202, Located at 270 SMITH DRIVE SOUTH SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Application Number: 1197153 Section: 76 Block: 03 Lot: 34.3 REV. JOEL WAREN & REV. NOEL KOESTLINE 270 SMITH DRIVE SOUTH SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Certificate Number: Building Permit: 1197153 BDC: nsl1 Described as a Residential occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: Second Floor, Outside, Attic, A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 9th Day of July, 2004. Name QTY Rate Ratine Circuit Type Alarm and Emergency Equipment Sensor 3 0 Smoke Appliances and Accessories Exhaust Fan 1 0 F.H.P. Wiring and Devices Outlet 10 0 Fixture Fixture 10 0 Incandescent Outlet 22 0 General Purposc Receptacle 12 0 General Purpose Switch 15 0 General Purpose Paddle Fan 2 0 Dimmers 1 0 Receptacle 2 0 GFCI seal 1 of 1 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. NYSDOH ELAP# 11693 LNQ USEPA# NY01273 ISLAND CTDOH# PH -0284 A1HA# 164456 ANALYTICAL NJDOH# N 012 LAWRATMS WC. PADOH#68-2943 1 of 2 pages April 6, 2006 Joe Warner 270 Smith Drive South Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Warner: Enclosed please find the Laboratory Analysis Report(s) for sample(s) received on April 4, 2006. Long Island Analytical Laboratories analyzed the samples on April 6, 2006 for the following: CLIENT ID ANALYSIS Roll of Solder Lead Solder Dermit #29695-Z If you have any questions or require further information, please call at your convenience. Report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. Long Island Analytical Laboratories would like to thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you. Best Regards, Long is/and Analytical Laboratories, inc. 110 Colin Drive • Holbrook, New York 11741 Phone (631) 472-3400 • Fax (631) 472-8505 • Email: LIAL@Iialinc.com 2 of 2 pages Client: Joe Warner Client ID: 270 Smith Drive, Southold Roll of Solder Date received: 4/4/06 Laboratory ID: 1106187 Date extracted: 4/6/06 Matrix: Solder Date analyzed: 4/6/06 ELAP #: 11693 TOTAL LEAD ANALYSIS NIOSH METHOD 7300 Lab ID Client ID MRL Results % 1106187 Roll of Solder 0.01% 0.04 MRL = Minimum Reporting Limit Note limit for lead content is 0.2%. Permit #29695-Z M[ichael orato erector LONG ISLAND ANALYTICAL UUMATMS NC. 110 Colin Drive • Holbrook, New York 11741 'TDwMwiANALYwUsOIU►IONiwwo Phone (631) 472-3400 • Fax (631) 472-8505 9 Email: LIAL@lialinc.com 16 LONG ISLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATOMS WC. 'IOiNONO I ANALY M SOLUDOW 1OW Invoice M 1019574 Date: 4/6/06 PO M Verbal -KP Lab ID M 1106187 Bill To: Joe Warner 270 Smith Drive South Southold, NY 11971 Item Qt . NYSDOH ELAP# 11693 USEPA# NY01273 CTDOH#PH-0284 AIHA# 164456 NJDOH#NY012 PADOH# 68-2943 $70.00 Paid in Full Check #212 To Long Island Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Terms and conditions: All accounts are payable in full within 30 days, outstanding balances will accrue service charges of 1.5% per month. 110 Colin Drive • Holbrook, New York 11741 Phone (631) 472-3400 9 Fax (631) 472-8505 9 Email: LIAL@lialinc.com Description I Unit I Extended 1. 1 Lead Solder including sampling charge $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 Paid in Full Check #212 To Long Island Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Terms and conditions: All accounts are payable in full within 30 days, outstanding balances will accrue service charges of 1.5% per month. 110 Colin Drive • Holbrook, New York 11741 Phone (631) 472-3400 9 Fax (631) 472-8505 9 Email: LIAL@lialinc.com James F. King, President O��QF soV%y Jill M. Doherty, Vice -President lQ Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen G Q John HolzapfelO • �� OOUNT�,Nc� w At BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Route 25 - P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 0095C Date Jan. 20, 2006 THIS CERTIFIES that the second -story addition to dwelling 270 Smith Dr., South, Southold Suffolk County Tax Map # 76-3-34.3 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office Dated 6/18/01 pursuant to which Trustees Permit # 5379 Dated 7/25/01 Was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements and conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is for a second -story addition to dwelling The certificate is issued to W. JOEL WARNER, JR. owner of the aforesaid property. Authorized Signator IAN 31 i FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 31758 Z Permission is hereby granted to: for : Date JANUARY 30, 2006 JOEL W WARNER JR 270 SMITH DRIVE SOUTH SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 2ND STY ADDITION AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING 1 FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. THIS PERMIT REPLACES BP29695. at premises located at 270 SMITH DR S SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 076 Block 0003 Lot No. 034.003 pursuant to application dated JANUARY 30, 2006 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on JULY 30, 2007. Fee $ 150.00 ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 3i7lr8e- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [S ATION [ ] FRAMING/ STRAPPING [;71NAL [ ] FIREPLACE A CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: DATE INSPECTOR] (? 5- 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ]FOUNDATION 1ST [=NSULATION PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLE NY,[ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION RFUARK_ C/4c--� 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST OUGH PLBG. [ ] F UNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ RAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE A CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. 1 NSPECTIO [ ] FOUNTION 1 S[ A OUGH PLBG. [ IF DATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ RAMIN4 { ]FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE A CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: 3i�sk tem . 5 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FO ATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ RAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: Michael A. Richtman R.A., A.I.A. A 1 3 M A R C H I T E C T 282 Baylawn Avenue Copiague, New York 11726 (631) 842-3430 E-mail mricht r@ootonline.net March. 31, 2004 Town of Southold Building Department Southold, New York Re: Second Floor Addition to 270 Smith Drive South; Southold, NY; AKA SCTM # 1000-076-03-34.3 This letter is to certify that strapping and nailing has been installed in accordance with plans approved by the town of Southold and in accordance with the 2000 edition of the Residential Building code of the State of New York. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. I ikk ivwty yr ouuInVi,L BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: 765-1802 Examined ` 3 203 Approved 20� Disapproved a/c e I(%�4 ' 3 _ 2 2M tJ IL,1){NU rhKM11 APPL1CA1lON UHECKL1S `,'11 Do youh�y"rneefte following, before applying - ^ oard of Heal f. • 3� 1 —3 setsoMuilding Plans —Survey PERMIT NO.Qf' �� —Check Septic Form -N.Y.S.D.E.C. 300 .i —Trustees— Contact: TrusteesContact:. Mail torn, T r 1 Z 'PLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS Date 120 a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection through out *the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what -so -ever until a Certificate of Occupan is issued by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffollc.County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant a nt� .w i�T+h alt applw4ljle laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized i ,�ct(rs fit pliemiseiand ttlbuilding for necessary, inspections. _ Z(W '(Signaof applicant or name, if a corporation) TfW'N i''01 -JJ Z70 SMirdO2.S,,5ocrTt4aa,j< / )� (Mailin address of applicant) State whether applicant i owne lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder LJO aR . . Name of owner of premises W, TOEL TR. t ,✓o,eL I40ESrtir (as on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. I [ 01 of l_ /fes Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. `f t3.f- F_ Other Trade's License 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: House Number Street County Tax Map No. 1000 Section _7(o Block 03 Lot 3 V 3 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot (Name) :. Mate existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy 11Fr'Ss/lc�S' b. Intended use and 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work Estimated Cost 3!� OODFee (Description) units (to be paid on filing this application) If dwelling, number of dwelling Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front_ �7 Re S�7 Depth {Lj� Height yc,(� Number of Stories_ / Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front 13— Rear De h_ r� P _� Heighty23 Number of Sto B .1 'im6ij Dimensions of entire new construction: Front1 '� �r `� /0 Rear o� 7 /D Depth7 Height d 3 " A0`r Number of Stories D Size of lot: Front 16o Rear /-Z � Depth -3 30 '0' 0. Date of Purchase qq Name of Former Owner /'7��19Bci AD�iL� Zone or use district in which premises are situated 2. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: A10 3. Will lot be re -graded /VO Will excess fill be removed from premises: YES 4. Names of Owner of premises !A0m91_11Ca&rrU' Address 2705AtimS•fl � Name of Architect M, R A Ash Address one No. "— q_?—V74 Vs6 —�--- Grp (sy _V,hone No�31—�(rtf?— �+/3� Name of Contractor -;f i rtt � Address ��r — 7— Phone No. ,f/6 - 7V -&F,7% 5. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland? *YES ✓ NO • IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES PERMITS MAY BE -REQUIRED 6. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 7. If elevation at any point on property is at, 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. TATE OF NEW YORK) SS: 'OUNTY OF v b1K � 0"4 W F; mbeing duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, i)He is the (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) f said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; iat all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be erformed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. wom to before me this day of 2003 Notary Pub N6TAAV$rEPUdL1C sl No, t,w Maw M x0 fel Wy, Cbl t6lori' l:xplra Mey 17, i l ` USignature of A picant Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO.. .9`7.' DATE: July 25, 2001 ISSUED TO ..... ...REV....W. JOEL.....WARNER.,..JR................._...._................. Aut4orizatinn ,Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled ."REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS-,". and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on July ... 25.,.... 2001 and in consideration of the sum of paid by John Fisher on behalf of Rev. W. Joel._ Warne.r.,...Jx......._....... Ronkonkoma, N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit for a second story addition not to exceed existing boundaries of structure to be used as a study and second story deck. Drywells installed to contain roof -run- off. Haybales with silt screen putup during cons r ction all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presenfte� in the originating application. and to be removed after�rogerty i landdsc ed & v etated IN WITNESS WHERE(SF, the saiYBoard o trustees re - by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and thesepresents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of this date. sr+ �n TERMS and CONDITIONS The Permittee residing at 270 Smith Drive South Southold. 1 s "'# **v N. Y., as part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to the fol- lowing: i. That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages, or claims for damages, of sults arising directly or indirectly as a result of any open ation performed pursuant to this permit, and the said Permittee will, at his or her own expense, defend any and all such suits -initiated by third parties, and the said Permittee assumes full liability with respect thereto, to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold 2. That this Permit is valid for a period of 24 mos. which is considered to be the estimated time required to complete the work involved, but should dreumstances warrant, request i for an extension may be made to the Board at a later date. 3. That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to anyone concerned that anth- b orization was originally obtained !i �! 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or 11 its agents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application, may be cause for ' revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. �i 5. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work I herein authorized. 6. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. 7. That if future operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the . work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation, the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without expenses to the Town Of Southold S. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee of the Completion of the work auth- orized. 9. That the Permittee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be required sup- plemental to this permit which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice -President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson July 24. 2003 Mr. John Fisher 47 Ninth Street Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 �o�gUFF014, H 2 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Re: SCTM#76-03-34.3 Rev. W. Joel Warner, Jr. 270 Smith Drive South Southold, NY Dear Mr. Fisher: Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax(631)765-1366 The following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of Trustees Regular Meeting on July 23. 2003. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees grant a One Year Extension to Permit #5379 dated July 25, 2001 for a second story addition not to exceed existing boundaries of structure to be used as a study and second story deck Drywells installed to contain roof run-off — haybales with silt screen put up during construction and to be removed after property is landscaped and vegetated and amend permit to include septic system. However, this determination is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions please contact our office at 765-1892 /�JJ��Siincerelly, 4 Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK: cjc Cc: DEC Building Department NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1-4738-02892/00001 FACILITY/PROGRAM NUMBER(S) PERMIT Under the Environmental Conservation Law EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE(S) October 7, 2007 TYPE OF PERMIT ■ New ❑ Renewal ❑ Modification ❑ Permit to Construct ❑ Permit to Operate ❑ Article 15, Title 5: Protection of Waters ❑ Article 15, Title 15: Water Supply ❑ Article 15, Title 15: Water Transport ❑ Article 15, Title 15: Long Island Wells ❑ Article 15, Title 27: wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers ❑ 6NYCRR 608: Water Quality Certification ❑ Article 17, Titles 7, 8: SPDES ❑ Article 19: Air Pollution Control ❑ Article 23, Title 27: Mined Land Reclamation ❑ Article 24: Freshwater Wetlands ■ Article 25: Tidal Wetlands ❑ Article 27, Title 7; 6NYCRR 360: Solid Waste Management ❑ Article 27, Title 9; 6NYCRR 373: Hazardous Waste Management ❑ Article 34: Coastal Erosion Management ❑ Article 36: Floodplain Management ❑ Articles 1, 3, 17, 19, 27, 37; 6NYCRR 380: Radiation Control PERMIT ISSUED TO ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER Joel Warner AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (917) 390-3571 ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE 270 Smith Drive South, Southold, NY 11971 Page 1 of 4 CONTACT PERSON FOR PERMITTED WORK October 9, 2002 TELEPHONE NUMBER Patricia C. Moore, 51020 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 631 765-4330 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROJECT/FACILITY Warner property, 270 Smith Drive South, Southold, NY 11971 COUNTY TOWN WATERCOURSE I NYTM COORDINATES Suffolk Southold Goose Creek DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY: Construct 32' x 20' second story addition to existing single family dwelling. Abandon existing septic system in accordance with the requirements of the Suffolk County Department of Health. Install new sanitary system. All work must be done in accordance with the attached plan prepared by Michael A. Richtman March 12, 2002 and stamped approved by NYSDEC on October 7, 2002. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, the General Conditions specified (see page 2 & 3) and any Special Conditions included as part of this permit. PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR: ADDRESS George W. Hammarth(SLA)-Region 1 Headquarters, Bldg . #40, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE Page 1 of 4 October 9, 2002 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD W E STREET ' J VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOT i FORMER OWNER N E A SAGE Mc - I <a 1. 40 e,e1Gc, e 4Rby S W TYPE OF BUILDING RES. Z / SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. IND. I CB. MISC. Est. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS ,. .. L CONDI I BELOW , j , �7 ABOVE FRONTAGE ON WATER09 NEW F rm. APer � � � � Value FRONTAGE ON ROAD Ilz�h� (2 143, 67gMcDc09ld Tillabl,-, 1 Dc -I/ i BULKHEAD ,Y Tillable 2 O � 4 - 111 O —Aprt/G( GZr ✓ Zzf Tillable 3 --— / d O �' Woodland Swampland Brushland House Plot Total M. Bldg. Foi,;-:daiion �� Both Extension j Basement Ext. 'walls e PlaceI Porch --- — — Porch '', Floors Extension Extension i Interior Finish Heat Roof Type I Rooms l st Floor Breezeway I Patio Rooms 2nd Floor - Garage Driveway --- Dormer O. B. i �..., i M_ M-7MC169-111,t Extension [[ i� elm Extension p- G Extension PorchhIrli'3 1 p x Breezeway Garage �3Y 2, Patio O. B. Total Bath Foundation Dinette (Basement Floorsn i K. Ext. Walls L 7� � f � ;Fire Place 3 0 jType Roof p o ; n j r Recreation BR. Dormer Rooms 2nd Floor Driveway Bath Dinette Floorsn j�I� K. Interior Finish 1- cA,c LR. Heat /f DR. o ; n j r Rooms 1st Floor BR. Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B. '.1 r jVp4z^H T. TERRY ')"OWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF vITN. STATISnCS NiARRIAGF. OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER (_ .r 7 .1. C•'.,.1 r7. .4 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tnwn Hnll, 53095 MaII, 1 P.O. nr,x 1170 Suutl,old. Nc„ Turk 11, Fix 0161 765.Ig2} Telephone I51GI 76$.Ib THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 24, 1993: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby adopts two (2) new forms to be used under the Flood Damage Prevent regulations of the Code of the Town of Southold: "Floodplain Development Permit Application" (FDP(93)], and "Certificate of Compliance for Development in Special Flood Hazard Area (C/C(93)]. 7 d�eitK Ter om'/�� Southold Town Clerk August 25, 1993 F, APPLICATION a PAGE I of 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION This form is to be filled out in duplicate. SECTION 1• GENERAL, PROVISIONS (APPLICANT to read and sien)' 1. No work may start until a permit is issued. 2. The permit may be revoked if any false statements are made herein. 3. If revoked, all work must cease until permit is re -issued. 4. Development shall not be used or occupied until a Certificate of Compliance is issued. 5. The permit will expire if no work is commenced within six months of issuance. 6. Applicant is hereby informed that other permits may be required to fulfill local, state and federal regulatory requirements. 7. Applicant hereby gives cotssent to the Local Administrator or his/her representative. to make reasonable inspections required to verify compliance. 8. I, THE APPLICANT, CERTIFY THAT ALL STATEMENTS HEREIN AND IN ATTACHMENTS TO THIS APPLICATION ARE, TO THE BEST OF MY KNO�VL.EDGE, TRUE AND ACCURATE. (APPLICANTS SIGNATURE) DATE % SECTION 2• PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (To be completed by APPLIC&bM /X\ NAME ADDRESS /'c27J0 S,�i'k�D 0' �OI/TE✓FTLEEPHOcN� N APPLICAT 1. I �0�� Il�C1X�j�1✓ I^ /1/O�l Ido esYi N e 7�J ��D 6 6 -7 BUILDER �jWO� n �t it — ENGINEER F-�C.Tkftmx - yPROJECT LOCATION: To avoid delay in processing the application, please provide enough information to easily identify the project location- Provide the street address, lot number or legal description (attach) and, outside urban areas, the distance to the nearest intersecting road or well-known landmark. A sketch attached to this application sbowing the project location would be helpful. FDP(93) APPLICATION PAGE 2OF4 DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Check all appti ablc boxes): XSTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY STRUCTURE TYPE O New Structure ❑ Residential (1-0 Family) Addition O Residential (More than 4 Family) ❑ Alteration ❑ Non-residential (Floodproormg? O Yes) O Relocation ❑ Combined Use (Residential & Commeraal) ❑ Demolition P 0 Manufactured (Mobile) Home (In Manu- ❑ Replacement factured Home Park? O Yes) ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT S \� B. OTHER DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES: — /J\\ O Fill O Mining O Drilling ❑ Grading Excavation (Except for Structural Development Checked Above) 0 Watercourse Alteration (Including Dredging and Channel Modifications) O Drainage Improvements (Including Culvert Work) ❑ Road, Street or Bridge Construction O Subdivision (New or Expansion) 0 sndmdual Water or Sewer System j2 Otber (Please Specify) 4e After completing SECTION 2, APPLICAIsf should submit form to Local Administrator for review. X SECTION 3- FLOODPLATN DETERMINATION ffo be comoletcd by LOCAL ADMINISTRATORI /\. The proposed development is located on FIRM Panel No,. Dated The Proposed Development: ❑ Is NOT located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (Notify the applicant that the application review is complete and NO FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED). 6 Is locztcd in a Special Flood Hazard ca. FIRM zone designation is A 100 -Year flood elevation at the site is: - Ft. NGVD (MSL) ❑ Unavailable O The proposed development is located in a floodway. FBFM Panel No. Dated ❑ See SSeccuo�n,4 D(or additional io/structioos. DATE. Si 2403 1 APPLICATION # PAGE ] OF 4 SECTION 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED (To be completed by LOCAL ADMINISTRATORI The applicant must submit the documents checked below before the application can be processed: ❑ A site plan showing (be location of all cusling structures, water bodies, adjaccot roads, lot dimensions and proposed development. O Development plans, drawn to scale, and specificatiprts, including where applicable: details for anchoring structures, proposed elevation of lowest floor (including basement), types of water resistant materials used below the first floor, details of Boodproofmg of utilities located below the first Boor and details of enclosures below the fust Boor. `+asu ❑ Subdivision or other development plans (If the subdivision or other development exceeds 50 lots or 5 acres, whichever is the lesser, the applicant must provide too -year flood elevations if they are not otherwise available). O Plans showing the extent of watercourse relocation and/or landform alterations. ❑ Top of new GTI elevation Ft. NGVD (MSL). ❑ FloodprooCmg protection level (non-residential only) Ft: NGVD (MSL). For Boodproofed structures, applicant must attach certification from registered engineer or architect. - ❑ Certification from a registered engineer that the proposed activity in a regulatory Boodway will not result in any increase in the height of the Iib -year flood. A copy of all data and calculations supporting this fording must also be submitted. FBI SE ION 5 PERMIT DETERMINATION fTo be. completed by LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR) I have determined that the proposed activity. A. ❑ Is B. O Is not is conformance with provisions of Local Law d_, 19_ attached to and made part of this permit. SIGNED DATE The permit is issued subject to the conditions if BOX A is checked, the Local Administrator may issue a Development Permit upon payment of designated fee. If BOX B is checked, the Local Administrator will provide a written summary of deficiencies. Applicant may revise and resubmit an appfication to the local Administrator or may request a hearing from the Board of Appeals. ' , 1 , I I • APPLICATION p _ PAGE 4 OF 4 APPEALS: Appealed to Board of Appeals? O Yes O No Hearing dale: Appeals Board Decision --- Approved? O Yes O No SECTION 6 AS BUILT ELEVATIONS (To be submitted by APPLICANT belore Certificate o(_Comoliance is issued) The following information must be provided for project structures. This section must be completed by a registered professional engineer or a licensed land surveyor (or attach a certification to this application). Complete 1 or 2 below. 1. Actual (As -Built) Elevation of the top of the lowest floor, including basement (in Coastal Hieh Hazard Areas, bottom of lowest structural member of the lowest floor, excluding piling and columns) is: Fr. NGVD (MSL). 2 Actual (As -Built) Elevation of floodproofmg protection is FT. NGVD (MSL). NOTE: Any work performed prior to submittal of the above information is at the risk of the Applicant SECTION 7 COMPLIANCE ACTION (To be completed by LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR) The LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR will complete this section as applicable based on inspection of the project to ensure compliance with the community's local law for flood damage prevention. INSPECTIONS: DATE BY DEFICIENCIES? 11 YES O NO DATE BY DEFICIENCIES? O YES O NO DATE BY DEFICIENCIES? ❑ YES O NO SECTION 8 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE(To be completed by LOCAL ADMINIS &IMI -1 , Certificate of Compliance issued: DATE BY:, l Attachment B SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE for Development in a Special Flood Hazard Area TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HA7.ARD AREA (OWNER MUST RETAIN THIS CERTIFICATE) PREMISES LOCATED AT: OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. PERMIT DATE CHECK ONE: 0 NEW BUILDING O EXISTING BUILDING ❑ VACANT LAND THE LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR IS TO COMPLETE A. OR B. BELOW: A. COMPLIANCE IS HEREBY CERTIFIED WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL LAW #_, 19 SIGNED: DATED: B. COMPLIANCE IS HEREBY CERTIFIED WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL LAW # 19_, AS MODIFIED BY VARIANCE # DATED SIGNED: DATED: C/C(93) J 5.3 s7. 7--5- 7"? a 71 539moo w /✓moo• fly �� 0 T lopD� ✓� 39'� n/ !7,6•37' Z oe- Wsrt s2vpj . 9/z///off apFe.ry/.SlFi'cL�v T.1/VnaET3��s2: �er�vtze 4!ees umuj+odzed almration or addino., to jus survey is a Nolaion of Se6M 72pa of Owe NBw Yak Stem Edradon law. Cap" of tfd• away new not bw.. tl the level sutvayas YYtad sW r ambossW ad anal Mbe CNSW*md m be a ealld kna Copy Gurrwsas Ytdop+sd Mapn ownm tun "rpm PMWI lavdwr ro away is PrsWra. aldan Nebrwffbdw tips WEIV ownm snwGorM•i and wMkq kw*om wad Maon rd mdwaUWMdM, dtgkwdkdon- Guamftsm ars net tr mbmbr to add'dwW Msdwdaw Or shOwAs et ovvr L.8 '3aos�.11CCC '�i+J.vi .9oeiL rw, ZOO" WbIAO - AC -d3 -3• REScheck Compliance Certificate New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code REScheckSoftware Version 3.5 Release lc Data filename: C:\Program Files\Check\MECcheck\Warner-Koestline Residence.cck TIME: Proposed Second Floor Addition COUNTY: Suffolk STATE: New York HDD: 5750 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Detached 1 or 2 Family HEATING TYPE: Non -Electric DATE: 08/30/03 DATE OF PLANS: May 25,2003 PROJECT INFORMATION: 270 Smith Drive South South Hold, New York 11971 COMPANY INFORMATION: M.Richtman RA.,AIA. 282 Baylawn Avenue Copiague, New York 11726 COMPLIANCE: Passes Permit Number Checked By/Date Maximum UA = 127 Your Home UA = 103 18.91/o Better Than Code (UA) Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or Door Perimeter R -Value R -Value U -Factor UA Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 573 30.0 0.0 20 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 872 15.0 2.0 55 Window 1: Wood Frame, Double Pane with Low -E 26 0.280 7 Window 2 Metal Frame with Thermal Break:Double Pane with Low -E 33 0.280 9 Window 3: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low -E 32 0.280 9 Window 4: Wood Frame:Double t 12 0.280 3 COMPLIANCE STATEpresented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other cal sublhild rmit application. The proposed systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy C aam `ilor4siammEtig '' de uirements. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page, they area g th�a the b of knowledge, belief, and professional judgment, such plans or specifications are in eompli ce th c«lee ItEScheck Inspection Checklist New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code REScheckSofrware Version 3.5 Release lc DATE: 08/30/03 TITLE: Proposed Second Floor Addition Bldg. Use Ceilings: 1. Ceiling ]:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss, R-30.0 cavity insulation Comments: Above -Grade Walls: 1. Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-15.0 cavity +R-2.0 continuous insulation Comments: Windows: 1. Window 1: Wood Frame, Double Pane with Low -E, U -factor: 0.280 For windows without labeled U -factors, describe features: # Panes_ Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ] Yes [ ] No Comments: 2. Window 2: Metal Frame with Thermal Break:Double Pane with Low -E, U -factor: 0.280 For windows without labeled U -factors, describe features: # Panes_ Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ] Yes [ ] No Comments: 3. Window 3: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low -E, U -factor. 0.280 For windows without labeled U -factors, describe features: # Panes_ Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ] Yes [ ] No Comments: 4. Window 4: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low -E, U -factor: 0.280 For windows without labeled U -factors, describe features: # Panes_ Frame Type Thermal Break? ( ] Yes [ ] No Comments: Air Leakage: Joints, penetrations, and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage must be sealed. Recessed lights must be 1) Type IC rated, or 2) installed inside an appropriate air -tight assembly with a 0.5" clearance from combustible materials. If non -IC rated, the fixture must be installed with a 3" clearance from insulation. Vapor Retarder: Required on the warn -in -winter side of all non -vented framed ceilings, walls, and floors. Materials Identification: Materials and equipment must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can be determined. Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment must be provided. Insulation R -values and glazing U -factors must be clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. Duct Insulation: Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-8. Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-4. [ ) Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to R-8. [ ] Return ducts in unconditioned spaces (except basements) must be insulated to R-2 Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. Duct Construction: All joints, seams, -and connections must be securely fastened with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mastic -plus -embedded -fabric, or tapes. Duct tape is not permitted. Exception: Continuously welded and locking -type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in. w.g. (500 Pa). Ducts shall be supported every 10 feet or in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions Cooling duds with exterior insulation must be covered with a vapor retarder. Air filters are required in the return air system. The HVAC system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: Each dwelling unit has at lesat one thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space temperature set point of the largest zone. Electric Systems: Separate electric meters are required for each dwelling unit Fireplaces: Fireplaces must be installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. Fireplaces must be provided with a source of combustion air, as required by the Fireplace construction provisions of the Building Code of New York State , the Residential Code of New York State or the New York City Building Code , as applicable. Service Water Heating: - Water heaters with vertical pipe risers must have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. Circulating Hot Water Systems Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: [ j All heated swimming pools must have an on/off heater switch and require a cover unless over 201/6 of the beating energy is from non-depletable sources. Pool pumps require a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: [ ] HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105 OF or chilled fluids below 55 OF must be insulated to the I levels in Table 2. Table I: minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes Table 2: ]WinimuminsulafionThicknessforHYACPipes Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range ( F) 2" Runouts 1" and Less 1.25' to 2" 2.5" to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature Low Temperature Steam Condensate (for feed water) Cooling Systems Chilled Water, Refrigerant, and Brine 201-250 1.0 Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Heated Water Non -Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Temperature ( F) Up to 11, Up to 1.25' 1.5" to 2.0" Over 2" 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-150 05 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-130 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: ]WinimuminsulafionThicknessforHYACPipes Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range ( F) 2" Runouts 1" and Less 1.25' to 2" 2.5" to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature Low Temperature Steam Condensate (for feed water) Cooling Systems Chilled Water, Refrigerant, and Brine 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.4 Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD"(Building Department Use Only) r�'KI'�qfIN/o DPiGY= a (� 149T IH(v P11-101.10171019II �IjI 6o KVI RaaM P Ft12IZooP'1 •1�,4r II �vl9,v,I, JAI KI �. P,/ Wi r -Vo 2x Io'. epb2.lolyT !> I(y110G °rJI acv? f, L, 0O R PbA1-) G NOTICE THIS ARCHITECTURAL ANG EN- GINEERING CRANING IS OI YEN IN CONF10ENCE."NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAN SE MADE -_ DVA+ )o171S e�1'IR,(iZ b 13/4 II M,o w 0 LAAIs �xly KI G Brl pj DRoom IIJ (�I f- •t Ma(v AIiD ALI IJ ln//�xl`�i ff°k- NgYJ p�1 5j Pilzlc W•rIT 3' Irk � II RSI-lo.� Pixy( rAwCo�INw, WIN W/�(,p1, P^Y IL 214 Ar.�il lu- D'nlrn 1. 1') 1Ir'J NI �j39^oo'w __ 118.11 3a S 7 a l° 21,4 ate A2��L,r� onll E.x l93 1 A Wel.lc WArtk. -- — -- h ,,>•1� blowfly ii a��s,ie?\`rj" -� 4.a /`i yt <n til l'IV Yi 1 ysea'/ �� V1 z `J 3°I°ao'vl _ I,tcas7 - ,4 '�OOI.n N q.D I"12Gi I-fbK'•�I. I_l: lil° . G i Dai va.• � I,h laf Lv� r11 rT,%I003- 0�3 9 _ ojl'p -F f"�tvluv5 � � li 4 T110— 1JETI.n NG�i '6r �Nt'^1�': \ N 'x-il� ryytt;l.<�/hi �EfTG o -ICJ A� rLA eroEp `%J1' EN'Cr'NS"tIAN'jS \ ?AI`II- ' LE! iliil'14i .�I - INL, q/2a/c T` F�oso Ju G'� I YJ 4r✓EU W_`� A 5.3 w e o,�� 8'DIAz'� o NO CHA GC�S� 3 �F o� , U u IfIl.�9.5 y by 0 111 of I(eE1fn s "Ices a ,�,� •� v�^ I Ioocr� t,. hePTI �1Nk 1 �� If A o � y� 1 oen� 31 �IuLMRn)nl Ro6I e.4 M1cll 5y.o5 tl°1A�n1 1�wyJI� AnAAd rJ �-OoTkl ,L) rIY Imi Z KY,iI14Y'( YAltl�pA �',.yf We Int uc 1l�,t, 200 �i� 1�@-h` -- -- - - 'l(„il%lA1VV.ILS QbZ,YViM4PJY..'t6L I,r1� AJY i� 1,u 0.b 1 „ G10VIA DL 0`1'111 •h1' 'Itl d'I, 11; {i'.» rel MN'i. ir. M'11 11 L('r"`MV' �' (a0” WNY.�ik Qfl+, ow*6� !,�j g LIL. A"j�2� 11 pIJS SIL ��n7�Q- S^0 -, nl''x Or- h G�0 psr'n1�0 Ipl4rrU• �, ffi' 6.15 nlnl.r>.N,r II a U b5 %Jmtlt! ( h ^ 4.1 s Ni�A'oo$ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES �rll?U riRI�G G%,4�.1'jUS�or PERMIT FOR AFPROVAL OFCONSTRUCI'ION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ONLY NtiO. , y DATE lo0o-o'1v-o3 34,3 paaJ. AnPR.fs�,2�o5r11T1k oe.1Vt. �.rl�l APPROVED } r�l'E I' � �'�o� � �zut14oc o, H� y Iloo I 1,0 IIM,J \ FO MAXIMUM OF 3B MS %�Iz�L�Y INFc121AATlor1 pays ED otil t1RIL '2* -SPOT 'PIkmEE SulzJf;Y P2EI'+, ft•En g -1-o Hjt,4v 1 Y k, . �WAr1oW51c1 Lis. k�33[i9V Z EXPIRES YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL EXCAVATION INSPECTION RBpUIp® FOR SANITARY SYSTEM zjl D�DJocL --/ r,- Co - - BY HEALTHDEPAR 1 51tiral f AM : 3o0 � D Ro�ID Q lava Crop i / _Q FL3.2i4 h0 A ENT AREA �e,o�.yi-�13o'I�'112 hf- r _TCo�2 - T, h6r(IG �AJK �� y CoJGjLA i� 4420•Cra �F—6(zqu1L L — 'je1lTkt o¢ 15 j/0°b, 2'A4h W ht'I2° AO rIU:RbL. �/IhyIJGJIDwIi oN%2"R.16' 1 ¢'? ronlr� 111 Tlvv- 0 'All 6-f IL GO Pl�uoao 3r/4 1�r, h�T plooe � Gro VINIL AbIDIN%n 011 \ KrI�T P2frtl V2^ /oIO INS, 6111 - 11 J� 7YJv,K, OH %z" Exl: pul�Iuvo 4gt-a' 1N� 0 I✓F�'rhl� III o o.; NOTICE THIS ARCHITECTURAL ANG EN- GINEERING CRANING IS OI YEN IN CONF10ENCE."NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAN SE MADE -_ DVA+ )o171S e�1'IR,(iZ b 13/4 II M,o w 0 LAAIs �xly KI G Brl pj DRoom IIJ (�I f- •t Ma(v AIiD ALI IJ ln//�xl`�i ff°k- NgYJ p�1 5j Pilzlc W•rIT 3' Irk � II RSI-lo.� Pixy( rAwCo�INw, WIN W/�(,p1, P^Y IL 214 Ar.�il lu- D'nlrn 1. 1') 1Ir'J NI �j39^oo'w __ 118.11 3a S 7 a l° 21,4 ate A2��L,r� onll E.x l93 1 A Wel.lc WArtk. -- — -- h ,,>•1� blowfly ii a��s,ie?\`rj" -� 4.a /`i yt <n til l'IV Yi 1 ysea'/ �� V1 z `J 3°I°ao'vl _ I,tcas7 - ,4 '�OOI.n N q.D I"12Gi I-fbK'•�I. I_l: lil° . G i Dai va.• � I,h laf Lv� r11 rT,%I003- 0�3 9 _ ojl'p -F f"�tvluv5 � � li 4 T110— 1JETI.n NG�i '6r �Nt'^1�': \ N 'x-il� ryytt;l.<�/hi �EfTG o -ICJ A� rLA eroEp `%J1' EN'Cr'NS"tIAN'jS \ ?AI`II- ' LE! iliil'14i .�I - INL, q/2a/c T` F�oso Ju G'� I YJ 4r✓EU W_`� A 5.3 w e o,�� 8'DIAz'� o NO CHA GC�S� 3 �F o� , U u IfIl.�9.5 y by 0 111 of I(eE1fn s "Ices a ,�,� •� v�^ I Ioocr� t,. hePTI �1Nk 1 �� If A o � y� 1 oen� 31 �IuLMRn)nl Ro6I e.4 M1cll 5y.o5 tl°1A�n1 1�wyJI� AnAAd rJ �-OoTkl ,L) rIY Imi Z KY,iI14Y'( YAltl�pA �',.yf We Int uc 1l�,t, 200 �i� 1�@-h` -- -- - - 'l(„il%lA1VV.ILS QbZ,YViM4PJY..'t6L I,r1� AJY i� 1,u 0.b 1 „ G10VIA DL 0`1'111 •h1' 'Itl d'I, 11; {i'.» rel MN'i. ir. M'11 11 L('r"`MV' �' (a0” WNY.�ik Qfl+, ow*6� !,�j g LIL. A"j�2� 11 pIJS SIL ��n7�Q- S^0 -, nl''x Or- h G�0 psr'n1�0 Ipl4rrU• �, ffi' 6.15 nlnl.r>.N,r II a U b5 %Jmtlt! ( h ^ 4.1 s Ni�A'oo$ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES �rll?U riRI�G G%,4�.1'jUS�or PERMIT FOR AFPROVAL OFCONSTRUCI'ION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ONLY NtiO. , y DATE lo0o-o'1v-o3 34,3 paaJ. AnPR.fs�,2�o5r11T1k oe.1Vt. �.rl�l APPROVED } r�l'E I' � �'�o� � �zut14oc o, H� y Iloo I 1,0 IIM,J \ FO MAXIMUM OF 3B MS %�Iz�L�Y INFc121AATlor1 pays ED otil t1RIL '2* -SPOT 'PIkmEE SulzJf;Y P2EI'+, ft•En g -1-o Hjt,4v 1 Y k, . �WAr1oW51c1 Lis. k�33[i9V Z EXPIRES YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL EXCAVATION INSPECTION RBpUIp® FOR SANITARY SYSTEM zjl D�DJocL --/ r,- Co - - BY HEALTHDEPAR 1 51tiral f AM : 3o0 � D Ro�ID Q lava Crop i / _Q FL3.2i4 h0 A ENT AREA �e,o�.yi-�13o'I�'112 hf- r _TCo�2 - T, h6r(IG �AJK �� y CoJGjLA i� 4420•Cra �F—6(zqu1L L — 'je1lTkt o¢ 15 j/0°b, 2'A4h W ht'I2° AO rIU:RbL. �/IhyIJGJIDwIi oN%2"R.16' 1 ¢'? ronlr� 111 Tlvv- 0 'All 6-f IL GO Pl�uoao 3r/4 1�r, h�T plooe � Gro VINIL AbIDIN%n 011 \ KrI�T P2frtl V2^ /oIO INS, 6111 - 11 J� 7YJv,K, OH %z" Exl: pul�Iuvo 4gt-a' 1N� 0 I✓F�'rhl� III o V2., 3'12''9p Iol e W7111 glelw 17„45 105-.`G IieIL �fe P�,Po6fcD s,ouliloNA�,h;F, Dao rnh rIFvJ TOTAL. �./e.R.v,o1G a�+2v ,o h� �• MIXrLp 7P.Np �1- Lo..M rc /u / D�j Gfi r1T A'R L/k Go/C (zAG� 5. 12 % (te cllAN,�G� - I.S' - 2,6' �Rowrti PAe.•t blj ZeIIN 11Nf- -TV "to. �Ario � # ¢ �hTJ� - n�Fltf-Ic:. I f�1 pA l.t, 12 N�LT oN S/7�"• f.j �1Owll� f+NE i0 p+ -II ,rl &P F1..YInIocD Ski �A TL11N/., 7thT..uoL L�+rno P�I M�DoNACI) GIr�, ex P Iol-oI� Rk-�n,f.k.p B�I�o2 G 10 �,Fq, —. Cw-a IUV NA (l,.asl� 1 N(o (J°LJFe1NE Ir,1051 Vfo1Jj oe_Eq n.-. trU1i� u,'1� PrvS(2x Gl(o Gi1CUlifUZE N IFMA 1 IJG4021^I z, IST E,' II'ip III I? ai*` 2 . c0 X c. povr5 — NSW 12i+0001np,"pP F(/p, ���oN1D � L 0 0 4.DD1'( told To IA, A 2 H � IZ / K0&5�L��� 5117ET�c 2'10 r7M111� D2J�� �OT44 r��pLO T NSW YoeK q11 ex 12 m DbC, I -4?216 -08SM1 cAcI OV*vLAM5 ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE,'COPIAGUE, N.Y. 11726 F- M, IZIGI,fTMArf DATE I'i/t2• 2a DI SCALE '11 ry Fir% 4 TOWNSHIP '1 SHEETSHEE S �I OF 2 IS rpm �� 4 I Mkt R14, 1' i VrF ~�N�r Yw »i Jda �'� 4d tk 'i ra nFBy' h�ST 4'^4 a Ayrgy�!1. w , ,4q1 , �IIV �I �WNRiN' JyMI^rn 1llllr 4F PfY V'j1� 14it, V2., 3'12''9p Iol e W7111 glelw 17„45 105-.`G IieIL �fe P�,Po6fcD s,ouliloNA�,h;F, Dao rnh rIFvJ TOTAL. �./e.R.v,o1G a�+2v ,o h� �• MIXrLp 7P.Np �1- Lo..M rc /u / D�j Gfi r1T A'R L/k Go/C (zAG� 5. 12 % (te cllAN,�G� - I.S' - 2,6' �Rowrti PAe.•t blj ZeIIN 11Nf- -TV "to. �Ario � # ¢ �hTJ� - n�Fltf-Ic:. I f�1 pA l.t, 12 N�LT oN S/7�"• f.j �1Owll� f+NE i0 p+ -II ,rl &P F1..YInIocD Ski �A TL11N/., 7thT..uoL L�+rno P�I M�DoNACI) GIr�, ex P Iol-oI� Rk-�n,f.k.p B�I�o2 G 10 �,Fq, —. Cw-a IUV NA (l,.asl� 1 N(o (J°LJFe1NE Ir,1051 Vfo1Jj oe_Eq n.-. trU1i� u,'1� PrvS(2x Gl(o Gi1CUlifUZE N IFMA 1 IJG4021^I z, IST E,' II'ip III I? ai*` 2 . c0 X c. povr5 — NSW 12i+0001np,"pP F(/p, ���oN1D � L 0 0 4.DD1'( told To IA, A 2 H � IZ / K0&5�L��� 5117ET�c 2'10 r7M111� D2J�� �OT44 r��pLO T NSW YoeK q11 ex 12 m DbC, I -4?216 -08SM1 cAcI OV*vLAM5 ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE,'COPIAGUE, N.Y. 11726 F- M, IZIGI,fTMArf DATE I'i/t2• 2a DI SCALE '11 ry Fir% 4 TOWNSHIP '1 SHEETSHEE S �I OF 2 IS n N W r / / / / O S \00 0 � P IOA.AB °OO N-7 10 sS/° \ 0�3�0 WATE LIN \�� EXISTING DECK, STEPS, -- -- — WALK. AND JACUZZI Fpp 5CDN5 APPROVED SEPTIC TANK \ \ \ 37.5' 57' \SCDHS APPROVED SEPTIC LEACHING FIELD \ EXISTING RI,VEWAY AND PARKING AREA\ SO � / 59.51 / \ 48 / V�v 00 / 00. b 3� 00 of / 00� ' 00 00� � / /\A35 00 0° Ag AOn \�0'/ / 00 h0' % AS �O /1/ O O� BUILT SITE PLAN SITE PLAN DATA BASED UPON SURVEY # G94 PKEPAIKED EY RODE RICK VAN TUYL, P.C.. SEPT. 14, 1983 ZONING DATA 1)15TRICT 1000,5ECTION 076, BLOCK 3. LOT5 26, 29, 30_34 SCALE: I" =301-011 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEIIAR'i A6r-^l, rr,a,t T,--- --�-- APPROVA' OI°f;U::' }REIC'TEb`+di - ,i rU,. A'u`i41GL4- G!'V'!IY F;FEIL) EPoC7i Date DEC 21 2006 !MS. Ref. N"o.-1�o --I The The e5xB99 dispooal and Yt27Er n_'pply fEcDI-,, C' cii' ,-:7;;a };, ,�b.a L^srectcd andlorccmficd by Ciie rgcnr ,j errt;Irvcrsr:ca w;Yiw'm, bosaa_E:ncry FORAI,P ^Tt!nI,U7J, �,,;.3 iiEOitLiL,f°' klvo�"sr dd. Hilml i, r✓l. mor — OJiDo Oft+ti F:gh�uva:8r !'u8a^=:C;;r;'Gfi? NOTICE rNIArcmrecrurWNG15 ENGINEERING NRAWING IS OVEN IN caNFOENATION use OR N155fMINATION MAY BE MADE PRIOR ALL COMMON AWRIGIT R4. AIA ALLCOMM°N ID OTMEKW15E HERBY 5FECNN OTneRwlse ARE neReBYSPecISlcAureESERvfo number date revision EPEDAR,, Q�/GfP �Wd a * '-'N * s T 020682 P y0 F OF NEJ project name PROPOSED MAINTAIN AND LEGALIZE POR REV JOEL WARNER 270 SMITH DRIVE SOUTH 50UTHHOLD, NEW YORK 1 1971 MICHAEL A RICHTMAN R A p A R C H I T E C T°r 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE COPIAGUE, NEW YORK 11726 (631) 842-3430 �� GJULYOG 1 11-19-06 REVISED PER SCDHS COMMENTS g 2 12-05-06 REVISED PER SCDHS COMMENTS AS NOTED project arown�,': MAR gsul� 7"T (ixlh IN(v (,NG�O�:•FiV PD p�oJ11/G N�vJ ��III PLw 0 NIw7G�l II I�ul� fill�T%v �7 A11V IIgoYfof/-�zNwJ MIUW �ih WIN oW5 � 2 v eel<�rll�• FI-K�-rl rT, i - SII q2'• I fZx li+ ?T'F L2 JDI'°1 � 2•IZ �2HD (�1.2 Jn1� r� SIL j/j �G Izoc 1't _4,CIP" - - I -- i - 97 rliFT17 7v 1 2r, D K 00 rS r -v 1 1 -r WVJebuPI.A E,1ss1:.,1,hOtv1D('f �pvlY,t (�Ij.l�xrl �i(i Gi'I Lr>r r/I'”' 151 B rG� V Fl(L L1UVi IICn,� riAl,T IJ c CFJA 9-41�Co f 21,4 -a�,rt11�1 QL„ o ° 21.4 - ARP -C, JR13 `a T° 1 AIz11-;v[t d^lee 82v ym1 o P/- v 3 h ,T1; I}oW rI I -- r - ----- --- IIr7l - --- -- - � L3 4 N 4.3 °ilV1flfI,V, I�'I pp T°P _D�iTo9�oo6 ISo� �jr,4. Ii%il • llf�- L=1�4 p�o TIiNV WETLn MU, V1°,1NiA„--r `z.1 -1V hY /t, 6E'nr_1 4', xvI, 6 I OD,1, Se Pfl �aNK Fav 73 � A � �' _ •�k+E'. 31 HaA1•T ��, r V ,A - J I A � nl -o p a wow V `A �' may./Ir-IAI �0 r;—s.8 JdYI O^.II�'jnnl IcNh,:l kY�� I Y'RI�1p:A II ,',.i WP nILUOn1'1J r- I� _ 3 2CU hPAITF 'Lily Gi - 'IGh11n1vYSAL:2�,ZAll, MEAIt, '2G1 A,ALVItJ OVnUj�- ASPI�AY� 6_ P'�w WAJri� � LX11'. 8 F. fR It N i F. 815 r I IK �IM:IA 1y h i ° CZD 1 'j E P L .a.I_ o Sa-�M +� loro -o7ro -03 - 34,v — P1ZD]. ADDRFir.; 2'10 zH1j Fi D21�/t �J7� r4'( 11511 1,0 11MIIJ 5�R`��Y INFoI<ti'WTIor1 �S�D °til +Y:: --IIS 7.4 V _ gufLJ6Y P2�1/-94hF 1 gY^I-IT 01-10W, LFWArIOWZ KI Ls. 0�3G,-)ca rl -- INIy 5,x.5 IZ IG 14fHAr1 REV. NO. ° 3 17 ADJf4 (-,A r�vl.2Ato I�s\T� . AUTH.BY. NOTICE A0JAc,6NT AP_E,a foEo,iJ -'113°'1,'12, Zf- 0/9I/TI6JA14I- 4 C:X AjT coJr,jLAui, 4420.0 =AP • LG1=r1jIUL°(i PRoPO °J%li ADL) I -TIO WAu h.F, p,0 mI- 3' Dnw �` r4t:O 70TAL' GaaFiR-n�1c 4420 'D hk cou Go GLI•--�„J h<1 rI� c1Lov�iD A HN- t� 0.6' uht �r,: 7�GuourIDWATt'C. - r '/u 9;, 07 !\'k-rAGoI/k�ILA(.•'r- 5• 12 °;/o irlocl-VAr CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CON-% OF THE ARCHITECT. ALLCOMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPY -Z AND OTHERWISE ARE MEREBY SPECIFICALLY RESERVED.jo kllA '�Il 1 1 o -fol” I1MSENT 'la^: NO Y11xRbL. �/IN`I�GilDuyb aNI/2"Ru,ID� 1 2'� roN1v IN�.opl'�VYx OL1 '/2n�xT N (O�. P11 pJDp0 � 1�V h�7 Ftooe 2x�2s Ita:oG� �ilrlpyoH PrIDti (�wovr.<I�-IL:,��11r.�k fs GnONLY T�>IhT I�ILAM 11J Le �IN�L �IDIN/o ON V2" I("U INS, t"H TYJ�K PL.J,vueo yN�A'j�llrl� Ghia, L b �'�• j1 � - rv�" .") r /) � 2r Va.` L:uJj ./ 31h° I•i qvI_-Y7'i FI% Y-(oLl�h IN`s OG�W 245 1U L l�2^12illp"� Gal°i( Zx GL{p GifRV(AJLY, � f�MA1H1 'I 1�1 (!1Jvj'rAI Q. ISTeII"� IL°IZ e:. 1�A. 2 • Cv Y U ppSTi New 12'„t�o'%�1�11�P F Jri "A -A° ��r,oND Loo G1.DDIT IoI-4 Tc, 14E-- A 4(,A Z IL / KoeS,fL- Irie e 210 C:; 110 De=1�E;, f�OV OT44 4200TO0L9 1 NeW yI w11 2+0aI�r✓� SNI �Gr1,f oro _ fo0 a.Tt�JncG S�Lali.�n•Il�, PIta,T.VE Sn,1P>', .d nIT'. I� 71 �-A F1 . 'IIx 13 r^UL0� ./.JT14� �I r-4 'IL' Ljor-r'T Uol_Al t 'F Ir40"I Ve�JI oL Eq 2�4 - III I `No F�� 2y 17 YnI of Z: `I 7 alb �1An(< 3oc �r I, �eovlut 4-cIe- fLUi11 (-1_Dv,l - �' c� x Gr !,. e •s. ;cnl„ — �,_ (LH L) IG — r MIXVf, �HnIO �- LOA�1 �,I,•A,_ nJ k r' �2G•IJRj IP' i 5'�I IL^.°I �-I`� I'- FI "/l �luL 'L) �_)A,'IrK — 2N¢ SIN �ir PJ G41Ip E, 1-2- T 1LAS `aV1I�P4firlN 11 OL �inNl b p,ND RIF'1 +1' E141-1- ,2 T5,4- 141-T2T3,-” H �11GRoL�r Is DeC I -4'725 -02� cxoo 2/ I ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE, COPIAGUE, N.Y, 11726 (516) 842-3430 74 M, IZ IG 14fHAr1 REV. NO. REMARKS DATE REV. NO. . AUTH.BY. NOTICE FI t%D TOWNSHIP SHEET SHEETS lTHIS 3 OF ARCHITECTURAL AND EN -I DRAWING IS GIVENLfd. ��TGINEERING Ptit Dec,IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CON-% OF THE ARCHITECT. ALLCOMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPY -Z AND OTHERWISE ARE MEREBY SPECIFICALLY RESERVED.jo kllA '�Il 1 1 o -fol” I1MSENT 4 EtJRIGHT CO R��, Pow Joh• �1e•L4bm PI, ''°M�c3 Ca 8�tb�o?r N24 rJrl,l c.,oq,Gul�E1n:_.�tB•2y3•MR,$ .") r /) � 2r Va.` L:uJj ./ 31h° I•i qvI_-Y7'i FI% Y-(oLl�h IN`s OG�W 245 1U L l�2^12illp"� Gal°i( Zx GL{p GifRV(AJLY, � f�MA1H1 'I 1�1 (!1Jvj'rAI Q. ISTeII"� IL°IZ e:. 1�A. 2 • Cv Y U ppSTi New 12'„t�o'%�1�11�P F Jri "A -A° ��r,oND Loo G1.DDIT IoI-4 Tc, 14E-- A 4(,A Z IL / KoeS,fL- Irie e 210 C:; 110 De=1�E;, f�OV OT44 4200TO0L9 1 NeW yI w11 2+0aI�r✓� SNI �Gr1,f oro _ fo0 a.Tt�JncG S�Lali.�n•Il�, PIta,T.VE Sn,1P>', .d nIT'. I� 71 �-A F1 . 'IIx 13 r^UL0� ./.JT14� �I r-4 'IL' Ljor-r'T Uol_Al t 'F Ir40"I Ve�JI oL Eq 2�4 - III I `No F�� 2y 17 YnI of Z: `I 7 alb �1An(< 3oc �r I, �eovlut 4-cIe- fLUi11 (-1_Dv,l - �' c� x Gr !,. e •s. ;cnl„ — �,_ (LH L) IG — r MIXVf, �HnIO �- LOA�1 �,I,•A,_ nJ k r' �2G•IJRj IP' i 5'�I IL^.°I �-I`� I'- FI "/l �luL 'L) �_)A,'IrK — 2N¢ SIN �ir PJ G41Ip E, 1-2- T 1LAS `aV1I�P4firlN 11 OL �inNl b p,ND RIF'1 +1' E141-1- ,2 T5,4- 141-T2T3,-” H �11GRoL�r Is DeC I -4'725 -02� cxoo 2/ I ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE, COPIAGUE, N.Y, 11726 (516) 842-3430 74 M, IZ IG 14fHAr1 DATE HA2. 2o01 SCALE ` FI t%D TOWNSHIP SHEET SHEETS 7,1\-I 3 OF THIS ARCHITECTURAL AND EN- GINEERING DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CON- SENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPY- RIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HE- REBY SPECIFICALLY RESERVED, wIND(DIIuiF—L) r -- �hl�lT6r111J41 F�� 0yD y.9-j'IWi 27oIP,l rIL olL �YH�II In Garlr F_ JDIy 1' I•V•rID-I01�41 ('acv, NAIL r, 3 Jal�i( �a hlw o«,Coll pie 8d Ga1b1oN 3 pj(4VGII`�iTbJolaf(IjoENNIL(-S1/.l� �r�D 6d LoFlhlcnl 2 ANL�I-��TII ¢OJ'ot1_I C' �pl,,c JIJQG -p MI TI 6IL ItAbi* L"t' I{At-f, 41L ILnd G061 P9or-1 hall ai 10 (/ OIL -oLk, I)L/kIt'f6 �I`IV AIL Ilod 60i IF IDN Q ,j Vp 1V h( 1'r PLA -p b 6c"NAco 4 r)t)Y�Lr.V cTI,II% �/wr IrylbL uJ 6:010 IT 'S L ow r iI-Alt5 LL'S °G (�Mti%LA 1, 4 I mt IIlnT CT. f/vr, J/III/ G-lujc-I C-1 G,l (�pni'f, }w i•'/yj� (D [;'O 1r'Irl•1 tc' L /�L GI 'U 1'A I /YILI LI rc JDIc';Yf TO Yf.! -Ttt' 01a1l. Ft .i C" r• IpAOrj ?j lPl*il 7L aifuV 7tc HViIV &-3 �ctllf�ll �i ILII ) l,Ll\Yi OL.1. I'/v I,�A,t'I IL h-I(te •c'I-I'- GOPlrIri 'I 9NI,HLLi'�IaWYa Ir..r I•IF11ii �a'v�41. �I, r'�Arr -�na I�HG r:d ,cllrlrr� I"IbI�AOYi ��A TvD�I'L I�K.Y t`IFVL god GCr4P�IC�-I 2 I v")1(T-0P f rl 24'' c P�Y/' r nlhrl ✓ZoAGoA 32" L1; (,Yr P I-) tA`1I't I -t ��LLi '��' �r"L(✓ �V�c Vrly FAIL Ito �GpnlF lc rl 266 r- r4 c:, Ve-1 `q--,A_•l, GDHf'wi�w 1, i„pIIIDAI,/v'i iOAL If- ��i G Y Vt_•+G �i ''� �,NLnt_4lcr—L) ell t, `�Iw�T L7 ll „1 C I , ,- to Co' �_ c� i-�„-tom Ill flpI OL c- `_ F,HI I` rl- Plr '✓r/ IL L�AI._1� Irci.Ic.li �AF �ni�rl� Ian cr'�I•.c�ilol i Ir�� r, t T # h r- 1-,•P � IT DATE REV. REMARKS UATE REV. RUTH. BY. N0. AUT H.BY. NO. •ph.O !0(j Gj (- 1� NOTICE THIS ARCHITECTURAL AND EN- GINEERING DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CON- SENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPY- RIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HE- REBY SPECIFICALLY RESERVED, wIND(DIIuiF—L) r -- �u 'f-Lov;.L 1 '�v T4iY� L10 �An I (� Ptir/L 't)b 7 AioVTll l- �. yyNt w Y') c--+— I tt a<A1 14,1 f� .A h Iii{F:ttrI I.la, 12 PA`f'If L koUV Iznl �r1� �lkiy CFI SIILIjfk,, I,I �7pq G�LI�=,..,„ I KILL. 4” "YiAlrl. Purl '(Y p III% c ALL Lit1.ir-L' UiGj' ZI �toVlVt GIL'-14.ir,_7''TG �;�GC•rID _rlr l_•, I-nLD Vrkll-ti- _ ALLFUl.V 3. PCov101`% ZIti���nrl PL♦D5 GoPl�l 8+-761, _" p4cCl- u_ I IF f 0 p�F tL rUl� l lI L`Pjln)f-P I `�ILi'�l2JF\nlV hill I� �1FI hx:LD Go(o UYI"s7 Sjtry a evv�-I r -t C) ky-61 �hoo« �o h GorlD F�oct �O p �c,lrl ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 7- , 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE, COPIAGUE, N.Y. 11726 842-3430 - i - BY I-) I- J - SCALE TOWNSHIP SYEET/` SHEETS (e S"I= I Icw - — ------ c.N OE�khE 4a)o I'Ik=' D4I 42410 Pic�7V2E L)I�N�IT Rtr (oLf1`-f7 " 4-00'*,-ILfi TW 210410 Ooclq L*, 4JNt, W/IMS Rtlf COLA -,4, S.GI Sw cl_Ic < 4, ANL�I-��TII ¢OJ'ot1_I C' I�-� P -FO �,� ilCi(VI�C UN�j In��I DAIG/'�G'� FkS PoLFlZ7 400 ter.ITS c 13S GSrh1 VIJ'? W/Me/y_1 Rte' �oL/��S 5,l Sf c�uc c��Jto �u 'f-Lov;.L 1 '�v T4iY� L10 �An I (� Ptir/L 't)b 7 AioVTll l- �. yyNt w Y') c--+— I tt a<A1 14,1 f� .A h Iii{F:ttrI I.la, 12 PA`f'If L koUV Iznl �r1� �lkiy CFI SIILIjfk,, I,I �7pq G�LI�=,..,„ I KILL. 4” "YiAlrl. Purl '(Y p III% c ALL Lit1.ir-L' UiGj' ZI �toVlVt GIL'-14.ir,_7''TG �;�GC•rID _rlr l_•, I-nLD Vrkll-ti- _ ALLFUl.V 3. PCov101`% ZIti���nrl PL♦D5 GoPl�l 8+-761, _" p4cCl- u_ I IF f 0 p�F tL rUl� l lI L`Pjln)f-P I `�ILi'�l2JF\nlV hill I� �1FI hx:LD Go(o UYI"s7 Sjtry a evv�-I r -t C) ky-61 �hoo« �o h GorlD F�oct �O p �c,lrl ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 7- , 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE, COPIAGUE, N.Y. 11726 842-3430 - i - BY I-) I- J - SCALE TOWNSHIP SYEET/` SHEETS ('ixl�l INCv ($NvL•0 i(✓V P01GG ii Arlo! Lhltl�(o 1=Oc1�l �7g17 1Zao 1-1 � 1 4C-.? i C' I G o t P I, A 1--I r --G 1 1 'ter NOTICE THIS ARCHITECTURAL AND EN- GINEERING DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION NAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CON- SENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPY- RIGHT AND OTHERWISE ARE HE- REBY SPECIFICALLY RESERVED. DATE REV- REMARKS TH. BY. NO• L -E.LoI 2 LfaJ IPtrl De'!' c /�P1Lo,/uiPi N� VIr-I ��G qo p.Irtly� `4 eT�lt NDvJ (�I.Da1LJl715( ✓ '� f7ir� ✓o,ll� �'Ih/4.11"t IGI �Arl 0� - _ -- � -J� = - •' —�� Mww � WIN QpW5 $ R 0 a 2x IZ'w 2°F L2JC1=+} i, �, A2w 1212NV (�I.2 �ols{ 1 C I (", n 4 tit �. Ura Lr141Y Glylglll 1+_ r F\LwbLnA �'�• III Jit- I � Iv 0 hGn L� Vim" I -c9" pjGDW_00N ptiovoj c2oj� (O %IP4s fa"rL rte, weEw., PI,AA1rf yl�.,t, -gI, Ems^ ID �'1 All t?(r=nr L" 151 B' 21 V P61L Gjtnh h�"`o . II° lin l {7 V P✓' f' 21,4 a¢�5M11i1 taL,s Gio'Irl lirrll Nj �3g"°0'W _ 198.3'1 ,�a 21.4 UPLA2EA I.Co 3-1 Ac— PL h Oro kw 10-11 �C[ N 0ib a,n v GyJ .` 0 3 IT���Co� ISo� bq 1514 n Locallor t rl .JIi, S In o0 TIJa� 4dgiLn NL -i PicUN1A� " N S,I-Iv `1Y I , /<< EYP'_ -1 CJ A� pLA[�ED VY EN'CeNS✓L'IArJTS \ t� Arll- �E CEF ili 1, I'o I \ >ry LA INIi, 9/24/<I Y; �roclfo TO'41 cl 1 ✓YU Q R1 INV --- -- _ Fid 'L0 IIMIIJ IrIJ x.25 —- INV TIII'�,�a_ ITO ��,tY .o-� p d] \ L4 9 , 5 l I I, .,.D LJEPTI -IA 1-1 ^I �� I soOD hv(T 33 ILcr�HL A ata I-PAAIJ tJ fft 5-+05 2-c r B.B 1{rV tli.'�i)F� Z s r,,ar�p I j IIG�I eol IILt-rP ll'!r,''" u1 ASpd.�1 _, 'II "d {, 6'vIN "Ill 32 Gu n n R vl6f 69 6,61 DRI i oLl Al l_ RJY -IG 61r,76r_ g ' IST r-lhwel a) 5np ., h1 q VY -h G)0 OoY'"D Irl -ILI, �� FF EI 815 l,, X11 n1d'J; N., 11111 'JMil� Df -9 `° t i +4 6 A o 5� M rr 1oro -o'jb .a3 - 34.3 I 7 � L aI- pl,r� noulz�:2-lo srllr F4 oe.I�t so �71� 5v(c.iG'f II�Polut`lATlorJ �sbD ol-I 't.l�ll. �4. 2r�r:�l <jUILJ�Y PiLEI�I^RFIJ �1'A1�1 1-I rk LF4JAI-IOWSICI LAS. It'�J �7 Cs`l Co ,'1,� 1 31 �DJACLLI� �RLA �-ovG2Ato � nr��ilk jof%' CroL I / ,� .y✓ A0JAc_ENT ALFA (o,ec,� -'I IG✓0j.IS 4�p4- y�fllV,TANr- /t F'Xly? cov'r'?_Aut, 4420.0 I_ PfLoPob& 1+D tG 11fo nlav h6, 010 �h (�I;NT klLo {� 'S PooG,L uS(Y Z 31 GOLLnIL ole � �.,ILOUna pIA'�Fn. kL O.5' r-��\1 70TAti 4420 ,o h>Y GLF,r,,.1 NAND Ii E I„ "iGl,rl)Wn1v /o ADS/ GF.IJ� 11=1 /�GoJo(LAo� 5• �2 % i oclaAr tet) x4/' uJ Iz" NO YIbrP(ol /IN`�wIp1NV oN%2" u /oMl V gyp, �. �pDD 2X125 Ito,lo�� �)lh fwA PrIDS (oR oV�IG�u�nulTJ � l� fn �N�'H ONLY{ t�>IhT FIZArI,Y�� �IN�U n�1DIN/v Orl V2" U+'1) INS, oN TYJr%K or^I I/LII F p-�I,Vo0D �u�A71a14 n I✓F-rhl� ' o Br. N0. R0Por-�� p �I,r,oND rLoo z D, Io1� TO 14r, A R H e: R e 2'10 �iMl-(I� Del�/Pi �u11; �wT1�ol p r Hbw l'o2K Ilot II v2.1G'11fG Flg�f./oLAii IN`s Mr1eL w 'L � 2^1271(pIIoL Prlh(Zr(D GLfo oIrCUUfUtG 1D zYMAIr! Or005TTA1F, IsTelll; 1LaNe 1#I N � w 12';. coo Ix IZ "vP �- �:51urr-Jca DD I�-YI�ooL SI�L'A YI-IIII/e PIv.,,VE Su�1(�S:.d rl'1'�12. \/EWT, �IN'1L. 5o-r'T VuhJE km'F rlNsl VFrrj a�Eq _Di:c'rirl %I_a�,l SI,�I(�Ik "41 - 300 cru flkovfo: fotZ '20n I (-t-nr.l - �' n 2 _ ... 3c. (cAC. -- �, I,,• _ 11.1 I'r„ k I,,_. ,I,I (_I n'h ' �,. h If'11 Y _r`, loLp,. PyC(rat'I� ��l�u'C [_. Ico o•AI Df�f�- — -L—.o40 pL�UN.L wAtil-IIhIk: �r bLl�.acr,1� %z°bur- 1 ex 12 lliL en aG 2 -2Y es �I �-�wPyrrl LTP4l�rlrl P�RNG �r1.t Lor III f s+`— f 4_1 "�3� _ 11 �1v'p_oLAMs M DY.C� * I -4--728-o2�Fi2/L�000l ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE, COPIAGUE, N.Y. 11726 (516) 842-3430 74 M, 121CG1-iTHAr4 \TE HA 2. 2001 ;ALE r4oTt;D )WNSHIP �JTJ}oL D iEET SHEETS ^-I OP 3 tij Ulr,lrrn f stl- r}M1tlo:uuM �"I;`- �F A A R H e: R e 2'10 �iMl-(I� Del�/Pi �u11; �wT1�ol p r Hbw l'o2K Ilot II v2.1G'11fG Flg�f./oLAii IN`s Mr1eL w 'L � 2^1271(pIIoL Prlh(Zr(D GLfo oIrCUUfUtG 1D zYMAIr! Or005TTA1F, IsTelll; 1LaNe 1#I N � w 12';. coo Ix IZ "vP �- �:51urr-Jca DD I�-YI�ooL SI�L'A YI-IIII/e PIv.,,VE Su�1(�S:.d rl'1'�12. \/EWT, �IN'1L. 5o-r'T VuhJE km'F rlNsl VFrrj a�Eq _Di:c'rirl %I_a�,l SI,�I(�Ik "41 - 300 cru flkovfo: fotZ '20n I (-t-nr.l - �' n 2 _ ... 3c. (cAC. -- �, I,,• _ 11.1 I'r„ k I,,_. ,I,I (_I n'h ' �,. h If'11 Y _r`, loLp,. PyC(rat'I� ��l�u'C [_. Ico o•AI Df�f�- — -L—.o40 pL�UN.L wAtil-IIhIk: �r bLl�.acr,1� %z°bur- 1 ex 12 lliL en aG 2 -2Y es �I �-�wPyrrl LTP4l�rlrl P�RNG �r1.t Lor III f s+`— f 4_1 "�3� _ 11 �1v'p_oLAMs M DY.C� * I -4--728-o2�Fi2/L�000l ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE, COPIAGUE, N.Y. 11726 (516) 842-3430 74 M, 121CG1-iTHAr4 \TE HA 2. 2001 ;ALE r4oTt;D )WNSHIP �JTJ}oL D iEET SHEETS ^-I OP 3 Pi'l-ih VN(i grIGLOhfyD PO(=L1� LI\IIr,(o W-ool-t IgD Izoo r'I I� moi? � L O O R �Lo.r•I j�ri T-Inr �r p,Z0,1100 How I-I�AJ'(�(iy�� 1 xl Ar4D NAVA)/� e1'�( r �� /fL �/a-f l/jJP Ip�O jCr ep/j� � p1(LIo (b•h11 --.-�7.1 A4r II" ID wm A Pe. - 1 3 13/4 * II RV'I-IO vTi F/xl�t � Mr�EolRmh MINppoW� � ft n IwI/Nkn' 7^`f FYI�l' ICS _ iiT�l�l(I I`I(o � L11o+li 19.9 %o per a Ala q,a °i ZX IOw QDF Ir2JOtyT „ t A2. 10.2N0 FLeJm4,r N I 41- 1. �Ob" �o�mse�neln. MIG fu O LAµq`' pj� D 2 0o I -t PovIrt hltilPhe') lJP4'f 1(0"'2 p�lweElu PI.AT�r sIU, 4' �+A�O � AFkovrp12.(+�a 51�rL ll 15T7h 21 'v FSR r?Urn l 'I GLD�i 7zp r1i: �lnrlijArL`[ �'jenA fihl-7(101; Zl*4- TIOav IJftI,n NDS Aa�NYAri'f AS pl.Alo��D 6Y �N -GoNSVLJANTS INIi, q/24 /ol 21,4 I 7 1 q Ar�y+ 1uR on ILL Aa)SMTT AL i' 0 21.4 AfLri. A2T1-WrL orJ� 62D M To I l q-11 �� G3 ce k I q LOGA1IDI'I p1,tJIaJ x �I a �Y�f Abu htPnr jAN1=h r�nJ� Ftol/vT0 el I b, I, JI(; coo Cas 8G. 5,3 I� p,li.IL Wajf:2 4.6 _ 14 —IT37'00.E -T l5 fJrw 1,9 c I, Ioa� 1 � (ews d9 v«�� s.° Ncj' 2.0 I,aAuuri 33 � 22,1 2'S .I 2Q.1 31 j=,o,JLA 0111�pAAn11J � — " f��we.,,:.; .)e� MleLlr[s 6405 JM�r,I Bx+r✓It-nd �,b \ q 4,5 •8 1{YIMII ptil Z p INY 11411 v Icf III��I kYrl j ,IAILI A 11, .'.�Af Wn lAlfi l�OA)l'J '_ - 3 Zoo Wq4 �;Xti �.r I P I Zl �—.' 4� 4'" ' Lloollar,LVIN`i911 �.2 i ''1 GI Rl MvIS 'j'L, 12102 JY u,M¢A�k2v2ornSCA iL AS qAy. �ITPC tn'^I'='�`I AIiPYC1A NA iMiA1f''C.M1 N� RLB74t NOti 1 (aUC[WNY.(.QQ°P 6WNwAY MP. 1 ♦� PJ �LI�. I'IA-jGL 0h7�_Y— h Sop ;>mr(4 Dr=h Tb pDN,n1.p IN n11A. _ / - �'Ff E! 8.r5 . 1n,p N•� 01 +11 0 'omlp► OI S / r - — I y',rTN uq N 11971 4.1 v N�+'oo'$ i� o.°' +4.5 �JNITI� C%R,I�Fr G?a�l-jl.l5�'r 5�-(M * loro -0'Ib -03 34,3 . hDDfc.f A 2"109rC DYSo,�71� rd ot.o, r-I"y 111111 I `��IZ`X�Y INFoIzr•IATI OI -1 L3.�S 61� o1 -I hii-1L� 'y4. '1Col %L �,O 1 MIIJ guI2J6Y P2�rr.REO �Y•Ar111-i�� (N I.ftJP.l-IoW51cl L�z.li�iyiC6�Co I�� 5105 IOr,;I Gant I =a F 16 L 5 Poo l r'w'o( v_ 31 GGLLA(� 04� �iLouNo WA'TtW- BL °.6' /�LGnJ NANO U5� 4�rt:6'1�(aROUNUWn�L _ '12" N� YIbGR%l. �/IN`I�LJIDIINI/ ON %2" Ry�1Dl INry Il Vv- 01•I '�2n%ixT I all Ironld (op.Pf��oop 1�o ti�� ptooe 1 '- 2x129 Ilo"`G� 2ND' ®If� �N�y�l oNLy�wavGr�Tu�,r� 1,�� __, �y.Ih'j O-ftAMnJa. �/IN�L �IDIN(o Or� 1 n 1 7IY2 K 1op1�1�2y' E=r Pj,ulNloup Ou�Ajlal�m rj�Th1L '�' o 3'12° I�I.IEper��1-I FI% (ALAAGfr Ihwi ADJac.�INT AT2�T �-ov1:(L�� AOJAr.eHi AP&A me.oeyi�1- E�Pc I'll CIO JG (t -A cp { 44 20.0 hf PR-OPO6eP hDDr1DNAVyF, ao rnF r4tiv) 7vTAL c-ovt:,(.lYpfy 4420 ,o hf^' % AV-�ACMle LA44, 15. J?. �/o Cr10 CtAANub) 2>isr (L.Dfff, Zr 10 (Lla YAMS 1b 2 �-� MMre (iLl2i Up"`% BIW 2r oL{o hrcuur�ee N I�MnI� � I-Ib'I�✓�-�A1Pi Is1P+ll�� I(a(Ct.�.�%{,1 2 • Ca r c' PoejS — N er 1 12 coon 12'bp Nfm, � R 0 0 ':p L20 D.DDI'( Iola �10 �AZHEG fL/ K0P,5TLIrJ� 210 C:p 'TI DejI i �OOTJ4 �wTaa a LD r h� �t� Ya I:. K I IR'I I 24-c e ^- re� �_04t PELT 01-1 5/15"�1x1 r"p A-YI'JOAD SI�LAILI II'I�p PIeoj'vE Sji11P�Y', ri .IZ Rr1 r''IIHK 7i'U S�fi'A�S E YJY KH t4L < Ix B Fhsclli �r.�Tle� ./IN'll- SorrT IJuLJEe1nIE� 10 051 UfurJ•( aQ, Eq 2><4' =SII \-NI'A F'�'o UE I(oN F vvJ &0(DL/e_ "nj 30o "'CL) p'40VI°e, focz &AL - F'�L.t h001-1 rlrl- 70 6AV.0 45;-11"30 111'5T�V_ IN Pn1C fol-r;JI-j f —10 dIVO I -rt�T. I r L_re l.0 nTy� �� M v p° N„ (_U �nYOSG• I til—e..� 'II IoI_or, pW(+"e(rr_) 1—.040 oL,�N-1 (�a;r{,Il rl(r i rb L�txo SI L. Qx¢ -.SIN�rat.1 GS I b t� F;.ve e-�( 5tugvy COrrIr�L^T"'�.Poc. I�I��� � n o� PO�IMI P r4ND ep lI I I —6 ;57� DY.c I �i-12S-OggF12/�o01 oLA,fA ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE, COPIAGUE, N.Y. 11726 (516) 842-3430 M. IZI�NTMAN DATE MAP. 2oo1 SCALE TOWNSHIP GOL7T 40I D SHEET SHEET OF 3 ATE REV. DATE REV. AUTH.BY. NO. REMARKS AUTH.BY. NO. NE 3A�U�1THIS ARCHIL AND EN- iL OIGINEERING 'IrnDer+ IS GIVEN C IN CONFIDEUSE ORDISSEMINAT I ti ti BE MADE I1'''HIY"A101.WITHOUT PRITTEN CON- ]SENT OF THITECT. ALLCOMMON ¢[o z �` 4 e LAW OF COPY- e f -J P1f SLLM AA LL( -RIGHT ANO ISE ARE HE- YLESY RESERVED. I�r tr,�: o �M�ne-o Co Re.�,P�2 JoNi'15•cr4f�71 Pt, ''°�I^,Lr.°3 6�&�b,2j Mei }JYI l-,p�Gr, �o Li.��:�cG '6 .2,°y 3•N4'.-•$ 3'12° I�I.IEper��1-I FI% (ALAAGfr Ihwi ADJac.�INT AT2�T �-ov1:(L�� AOJAr.eHi AP&A me.oeyi�1- E�Pc I'll CIO JG (t -A cp { 44 20.0 hf PR-OPO6eP hDDr1DNAVyF, ao rnF r4tiv) 7vTAL c-ovt:,(.lYpfy 4420 ,o hf^' % AV-�ACMle LA44, 15. J?. �/o Cr10 CtAANub) 2>isr (L.Dfff, Zr 10 (Lla YAMS 1b 2 �-� MMre (iLl2i Up"`% BIW 2r oL{o hrcuur�ee N I�MnI� � I-Ib'I�✓�-�A1Pi Is1P+ll�� I(a(Ct.�.�%{,1 2 • Ca r c' PoejS — N er 1 12 coon 12'bp Nfm, � R 0 0 ':p L20 D.DDI'( Iola �10 �AZHEG fL/ K0P,5TLIrJ� 210 C:p 'TI DejI i �OOTJ4 �wTaa a LD r h� �t� Ya I:. K I IR'I I 24-c e ^- re� �_04t PELT 01-1 5/15"�1x1 r"p A-YI'JOAD SI�LAILI II'I�p PIeoj'vE Sji11P�Y', ri .IZ Rr1 r''IIHK 7i'U S�fi'A�S E YJY KH t4L < Ix B Fhsclli �r.�Tle� ./IN'll- SorrT IJuLJEe1nIE� 10 051 UfurJ•( aQ, Eq 2><4' =SII \-NI'A F'�'o UE I(oN F vvJ &0(DL/e_ "nj 30o "'CL) p'40VI°e, focz &AL - F'�L.t h001-1 rlrl- 70 6AV.0 45;-11"30 111'5T�V_ IN Pn1C fol-r;JI-j f —10 dIVO I -rt�T. I r L_re l.0 nTy� �� M v p° N„ (_U �nYOSG• I til—e..� 'II IoI_or, pW(+"e(rr_) 1—.040 oL,�N-1 (�a;r{,Il rl(r i rb L�txo SI L. Qx¢ -.SIN�rat.1 GS I b t� F;.ve e-�( 5tugvy COrrIr�L^T"'�.Poc. I�I��� � n o� PO�IMI P r4ND ep lI I I —6 ;57� DY.c I �i-12S-OggF12/�o01 oLA,fA ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE, COPIAGUE, N.Y. 11726 (516) 842-3430 M. IZI�NTMAN DATE MAP. 2oo1 SCALE TOWNSHIP GOL7T 40I D SHEET SHEET OF 3 E C.00f. l�o-..IA IslD DATE REV. NO. REMARKS OGGUp/1+'L. + - 61oraL4 ¢/1 rV1 R(CSI UE -A �-♦; ' "'j C1,.1rgl• -�'Jp - MA i 1.1 u7 4'.:'1C'I-I T- j-�10 p 2 '�?iuPY mia 0 �ixl�-f Co A'kArp�� 33A, 5¢ "I �Ut U ry, % rULL (�1, U11LI L,li' W/I`I YI�I yUDLL�A, 54- V �"'�LY,�`�r..0 Qr�O 4-t_anfi T 581,954- OS -51At. A'KF,A 9 (�t"F.nM1ITT'r--O �,Ii a IJt�LIMEi� �11�54' :, 0� Lv i 9 A4 -'A Tt." ®'A1 6) N �■ur,, 110 I'4xll IAVV, NOTICE THIS ARCHITECTURAL AND EN- GINEERING DRAWING IS GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE. NO USE OR DISSEMINATION MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CON- SENT OF THE ARCHITECT. ALL COMMON LAW RIGHTS OF COPY- AND OTHERWISE ARE HE- REBY SPECIFICALLY RESERVED. DATE REV. NO. REMARKS GATE REV. NO. AUTH. BY. AUTH. BY. 12M� I f.l.1 MIIJMt DIGK.+E 6KT �N MA i G yGvwht. j-�10 p 2 '�?iuPY mia 0 9 c "I �Ut U ry, % rULL (�1, U11LI L,li' W/I`I YI�I yUDLL�A, 3 V 62woil T i'^"I D L�'"�RIGHT OS 9 od 110 I'4xll IAVV, (MILK.DLAM \ SII WIND h�IhMl(, WLmUtw LLi vR- RNril' IrX'cAy N SHEET IGt y11¢ID f"A'2OF 45 2oM111 G yGvwht. ?y.o° MOOt4'h" eAk '�?iuPY II 9 c 221,5sP ° ' 3 Mfo lA to m'. 19 OS 9 fl� od Lv i 9 A4 -'A Tt." ®'A1 X21' 11 it �4' +M, TT I•�, LIoAi-Iq/l%n AIL -4,2%-' bi �2 N �6 DY 01 4,4 Fnr r It 7 I, r, 10 N D L O O K c DFslvf l �OAD-5 �JGp LE: /r} u s �- a Plea( I'L, 'W/v LIDK, l 4o LC 3o CL �I DL ✓Lo Dt 20 DC '� T O fid oo hrloW 3a �.A �UiLDINo PP'2MIT �i ALL 6fc 7p1TAll��YJ PRIoIz TD T�� hTA�raFANY yIvrev- 2 ALC MATS =1aL�, A�SEM �L1�5, GOH572v� 101 I �C1UI Mw NT �A L Go�rro2h T° -jpj1 , ¢111UDIt4(o6oc& ct-T4 , of r4Y At, ACi Tt:o �AA1,o Ao3 ?71 T4& Uro Hol Paeze�rl Fol �'*LD ��P�z�ISID�I o� GoNSTRuo1'IoN, 4, T4. C.,4Au, C*vtjAjH ALL hlfirl-oF��i I FlrlAl, INsP"OHS, G,O, •t orL G of c- P5 (L6a'0 (,orj f kf,TE ALL PnPrcrtWa K. PR°JW 5 AI.� ��.IGYIIIL A\L L11VN e-ri r �HNl,1J rj �'. 34'{ (J IL JITr �C WI YIIL Sb ,I �,J1L'C]P51 Q �= 1I/4no Lbcu (SI UNIh't O(1 K=W *jt!L)I OI�-C:L+t��Iu i'KOM-r,%itS IC4- Int Nftvnr�, 1-Dvvl5( P{LDVUL'1I''.j.�.I.IAA.IVAL , ALL N-Afi K'� SI- L.L.. IES d± 4'44 41YL 1b IOo JPs1 V r,) Lti�Js SII✓/ �wlLi� NV 1r_, Y to ALL, Woes s�I.,LL P�� (�R-1^o�Mr;G IIJAc.coQ.t�roJrti WIC GLoaO -�12AOI� 1��-Ks�llh,tlllNUy-f�L-Tv'�LtkS_RKuvMM�n1,�F1TIp'I �� AOL) IN W/ -74e QIr�IDtil.�flM, GOI,1,�Tp-jcTvJ hint o{--(� °sjn'fe0{- Ok.LnlYaZK At> AD11fA 1, -r4j- RSI D1✓NLe IN InomDLIAt-ILi W/TF}L WOOD roo5T?-uGTIoN MIWuAl., (.OR. ONti $TvJU FAM!Ly DW4L4..IN/o1, (Wf---M) GUMh11G AHP �oL'U/o2A'P IG DSGi IfpN G�1�F. �Ik r�� G I.dvwb.'D WIND h�IhMl(, WLmUtw FRasT RNril' IrX'cAy N SHEET IGt y11¢ID f"A'2OF 45 2oM111 G yGvwht. ?y.o° MOOt4'h" eAk yumwT "Mo Clt II /p120pOrij� p ✓�c, O0 R ,�DDiTIo 110 low W a Iz HE� fi / k o E hT L I rl e Q'10 ':Z LOgA DizIVE Sou rao o T 4 oLp , M Ew Yo 12 Ic 11 1-1 1 fZC51 D�MGg PR. o P o0e: D �x7r,,H o r,ri G�I F I I'Lu�i FLA a UP � � RI�� yJ/.04-a ALuM �C�#�LI iN�n N S - pM�llcvG �A+7GIA %D IN�/1�I•v�r-IT ILI �F// 11=9 -- - - - ------- -- IN 91 I Fl�t,l vINyVG�IDIN JI � aN KVID IrPi, off I MKT to O� �'iW D ''-• —I 'I- J -I--I :r'(Lr10 F.rI�GI�,IP4•s� �Lv� U P i° Q' 1:v �Vie�,i� R I Dlifi pl,Ay�,j.�o Nr,W R.aoF -,oro PLUM �LAa.IIN� 1�4 ?fclHn PsD _ ivir4\P116 TF.o °NFT f f2o Po�r,D PAR -TIAL I -r-- I- evA-rloN e SGAL•r-, /4114 I_Or A. ICHAEL A. RICHTMAN R.A. A.I.A. ARCHITECT 282 BAYLAWN AVENUE, COPIAGUE, N.Y. 11726 (516) 842-3430 M • R.1 r✓H'� MSL rl DATE MAS. Zool SCALE "b HOTr TOWNSHIP ��MULA M SHEET SHEET f"A'2OF "7\ I �T" E 141 M .. -77 77 17 e' ' A 4, . i I II EH v re ND,r 1 1h{'a , d' COMPLY TH ALL CODES OF AS EQUIREDIAND CONDITIONSDOF - p 21r4 'y f Ror/IfJG N�►1 n�BnrNuP...�JIYI Inl•�I..W a 611DdMtru APPROVED ASNO QD a _� �/A souTllaDTDWNmA �x h�' �nJ"10� ISI yob l _ DATE: SI 0-22— AJ/p - / RY MAIN 2�'— s --SOUrMOLDTOWNPIANMNGSOARD I I �R 6s 1 si�i qf�( 2�vfC poo FEE: BV:� 9/2 S/ i SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES ' ` V ��'u' �' N NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT 76S•1502 SAM TO IPM IORTHElile-- - ------ - - �j AD FOLLOWING BISPECTICIII N.Y.S. DEC -qj.I , > ai °MOP P p 1. FOUNDATION -TWO ASIC UNED WIN pq4J�! g 3 jq(1``�; AC - FOR POURED CONCRIM A(2j1R600 !. PY61.IG l Aj'tR.. It. ROUGH - FRAMING . FL AMA FLOOD ZONE t4E�g) �+ 62o NMNo�'�•R11 4 g 3. INSULATION WW COMPLY WITH CHAPTER "46" 1. FINAL • CONSTRUCTIONFLOO&DAMAGE PREVENTION _ j BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. I' ALL CONSTRUCTION MEET THE y I ' vT rl7(e,: �Nrfn.RY `>fk-AA z a �iq'apV1l- _ 1 I, REQUIREMENTS OF THECObESOFNEW I (0. 14a/t4 P"t(oNkV *pY II.. YORK STATE. NOFRESPo E FOR UNCERWRITERSCERTIFICATE _ %i�IN(II`Vo' JIi&r* w^q% J� ?f' R,,�I PG % C044. __. � o DESIGN OR CONSTRUCT ERRORS. REQUIRED rP rj�— = AIR ql2°k o!e^vTJ�OGO �a 4;o f'T'��'�i RixIIN(p DFiL� 2x10'~ Y 'jGb.G81 if04i-2'154 ° 751Jeu,�j"'� OCCUPANCY � ¢°FI.e.1owT , �2.1G�2HDµaJrn4t � Locaa,TloN 0� � USE IS UNLAWF L r I"'� T101I Wlrt„Nn no�r+r�R r '" ?hNt°� �� �tPnc CERTIFICATION OF N AS pbo[�tp PX ,bH Gops��ANTs j—!), * .r�, q 53 - WITHOUT CERTI KATE NAILING &CONNECTIONS 1 r�4lp INv. q/2a/ol I C Thr Pols'To (EhAC ) r OF OCCUPANC REQUIRED. �o > ,'� y.�,,,ro� 4 ioa, PJ' D/a Cr 0 ,Iyr ? o �� L Fwd odo, L, y�pTl rN1s_. -- C, ALL CONSTRUCTIC NSHALL Dra, )oVllfe�fAdL �I pgpp MEET THEREQUIREM NTS OF THE I I /�ht i4o N..o so CODES OF NEW YO K STATE. e z , I 21J I I QAe 2G. R kf e; MIG 33 t r�,.p 5405 MAiNIFtlI i 3 0 a 1 1 1 ° 5 6 RAMI -- II14 T 1 a u .� I OrN`L.� KeJIAI ktiLLy �I NtAaa _WA IJL' N0 J, �, � o GI.O . a, OVII IS�� DIY 11,111 +- t•, t �, °r a ' C 3 Eno hMrIT�� 'Aar• h. -- - �' ; i, — – -- �. 3 a1A IA" ` 7 cflnl rwty, pL, 2mzoMtnI2cz �e/m1i 2 I r$ e 4p� N •4111 32 eROI.«aHs Rl�> NaKer� Ott 1�19LIG ViA OI bTDE*IbucokT µluectA-`AAIAIEOLAi (aor WN�Gk PI!" bWkaR I P LIQ W 7 I/4 II hobs �lykl r 8 glstllFr,' -- -- ' --- - -1 pp140 t, j I MIu(i� b LM'1y - tko h Tllk DR h �D li`11! �O+T1i05 ob0 ,11°111 4.1 w , 'oq'>; — (�ly INGv 171-NT�Ifv G'�ly � ` 4✓Ni1i.} -'.� i�+µ�2t�r�✓f�. '- .�ra��',WS,o,•� �hIG�PI PoRGL} Ivl G ILOOr1 I I G rl m.r�4 I - PI AvDR.a:6b l'2' p pMq (�' Im NC+ -.I ' ' r.{d3 7j4.'3 1 vX.r►,YF. la'r�q'.p.,' exi�7fNoi+O, nl. �(. tlgTl j cd ',' - ' I guTr^�Y INIs+�RMwTIcH 2�r�b oa.1 +t,VQll..,�!h.Zela9 .' r1 � �a0 I Mit,! hgli�FY P'e�'1B+itEG' gti'AN?I%iPMYWI LbIJX+<H©W+�IcILI�i k131?,7[�C. � 1i `NV IIJV � INVJd.. i - •, �� 1 31 D�DJhG D a P'yJO 1�. .Cil, lll+F. O !o 'G vtfak. f-M*1 � raN 4. rn! � _ P w �.OJ 1c ET I Iaf�E a ` 113+ 1.12 +a- of � `iDNA r 2 � ,. _ I ..I 2 s 2 - S co -A2 lott, pq� f rp C#�elArP�' do 40 4t3ao NF- rfFC� �, C Ma NAC. p ah—ra(u�Dti I � ' - f-i1XfD �r•IU +4 i..o/k!-j a F; (�jE171ZoraM WJ(iDleooM GNIvkV owkso girl ,/ rr..M 1 } WDA tit. bol, $� �4ia1, f> JAI +ka%tAIbQRG� 5.12 (nlocobr+.b e.ra i"lPill� "(li'j7M,l �.efw�NC 44� ro ' big I r f�pt" p Ow. 4_ MVj� �P. _, �... �.:c ° f'"�'*0y to at' ,I�-"'� I+�IG tlo�l''1vtt �0•d'�ir� �FA.r'k ��5' �C'P+E `rw/b7J.rv.�Y i AGBA6+% • _.., / �&D N�1.(ri6 C i "M.� Bwa(i �dFl� ,W444.& CWS j� IIAIDOHAfm D, rlk4' 4 �-*rw _ (( I iQc©x' � o L- p Ai•�! p tV� nam >4. ux p IIP" ti t,tr t Te T • I I- r'! -r O U 2 P I. A r) • t . o4Ct:�n iL Iii., : y f F lto r4 — Ix B Fascla TM`'� i,.,., hIGALYi �/�}" '• I�'v" P'�t+p�YIbY.R,irl, VIN`��JQ71CiINiI AW�1°'flyttGJ'rF,..�7 1 11,9 ' N ;1.1 . u daC�Ji41Nb INVrsr Vk.NT o�G4x512 Fido.( �'Tu'd -r6 R•Affi'f�"' .: ,oilliar, Gr/�� I1*A.0N VI 01'i � � 2x{ — A p� oo.Pl1ulooD W',J �fw P��, 0 0AvD PW I �o'IihTli�aoN4�ilUc�gAP o hIw I E ,1 ��.� �Pe .. . (7IW hT JY 21�V WIZ g1V�a �D40a � r4 k 125 IlQ G � ¢z1 IMMGL � 2x 12e 2-2x �S 3 •13,QI•x II 1-/i�l[.R.a L1+IF'�S ,., �JINPhali PrIPy (�P�ov�IvlUetarnUw _ 14 I�" ��� I BEAT 73 D tiI 'i i, (i0 �i'irlC'1y ON�� _ a r (� 2r(y rw rvrworuct NFir� -�� I � �:' 11 I a ,. 7 fes'>ho'j �Rl,MIN4. - 1DM1t%►�1 � �� �, �' I �INy� °jtDIN(o DIS VZ i1 rlGr�.�n,iZ'.I�f�,l.l."�ar�r.'R'&14'' '�=-•c 'r ""�.., ' r 'IF� ' r a r -I OrI o y a I 1 ryl OT IJ�, GX'/A�iG 79'd.`a,1 Q '' ¢ "j,7 4IA AT SPI ��" : .r „ : : _'lar.",: w _ • (. Y1 Jr ' d t 1111 r1� �++Jai - y� a ...,.�. _.__.. .... , - Ile ilf..� r} pr �rioli� II g I : .. _ i, _ ! • &h �L',.r. i�.rl .!„I;. DATE, DATE, V ^ •�. R,^ +r �� „ ,. AT REVS tl�E.l t AUTI�.gY.,NO. REMARKS UTH.Br.'NO. b G', ED ,r,llt r I it✓ t Ai, r lalr4'I' a '�1'OTICE' f R C+ P G> rc9” P µ U400' � '4 r ,d � „ , •„'. � V 4e” y.V �Q � ��4 a 1 ,r{AY+v^'ifVlalf i�"jly''kf 19`TM;,1'f'I w o p 1. �. p 'I:I 3,' MICR ELI RICMTMAN R.A: A.1.A' >> THIA'AR HI JMT0,RAL"A 4'E v - R ,VALE r ''V ��' Ir OlirI:EAI�IC� CRAN1170. C9 CTVEN � ', �,, IZ �.'v, l� O'E'G � i 1 NO USE OR:' - N �5£'�..` # - -, - `� y`� f. .f Y. 4 .r1... 6798EHIHAT�OM:MAk �;'rSEhAOE 'R.. 1111N �' . !'11'1 `,V F P,. tItHCUriPRSCR NRkTTE cox -'0 /I K 020592, Q I r M n, Utkl: A 2 N ( fR 0 oaf "t%' (�... Si t l7�i F Q vo �1► 2e PL, - - ' -, ,,. '.. !, . , .c«.; ,. 'v /j;'1(% uJM,! l� DP:I`v'' r .. " - F NE BAY.CAWIV A'VEIr}Cl�, CQh{�4(3UE' N.Y. 6726,' 1 �" �; "4k a . a' .,'I4 C�CF1(jON:C,AN;R•k4HT;OF,+00 T',r,: 'I4:''�4;p „ 'r �i" I+"�+i ,� N>,N1aleK X11 4 many R .•„ le '- ''J4 r.l t, - ,, ,, ,:; : "'AIL 4 �� � lal OII V/ P - - ----- TI O3Aga Li -2 42u, +1 -trJ 3 7eP 0 � MIUBabAow iv 9 � � osp lbw , .}+ SIL I ^ rJ — �ioao p 74- CD©i� ��n1A„ysls "C.CUPAA,X,y- fAM (reslpEti.it m3' C',1D'naC71.-'llOt-_ f*Agit — IY�G� r Ihc� l -r�� tion 3 36 cb4- f-+rlb'(, Ate? Cf+EST `�c.�?) 1532 s6- 70-1 At- 2113 s¢ FtQt AkkA �k�Tj`J'Fr� f:A �NUMet�p 211354- :,.Dk.. P An,TT Our 3 � 4, 4 p"r ,,r e o p D g e- P / F, o O H P f:, L a O 12 ca DP.?+Y(+`I {.L Pfo, uArt nev, REMARKS DATE RAY. rl r n AUTH',BY "N,O. AUTH.BY'.' NOL fclwOAle turx.a r*r>{aa ! I sati I 1 'THIS ARCHI%CTURAL ARC EN— ���ryiIREOING CR MING IS YEN nrti F 4 i 'aRE"INASNCE NC USE 'de vt- v5t `ClSSEHIRATYCR MAY ITE RACE �4VV } CuMPLInIUG}L, WJNPIAi' G4Yi�” qN}jHGMT PRIpR-NRITT�N'CCNR - ;! MULL V uNTGP THE ARCHITt.. ALL �?flAay III CRTS CF CCPYL 4 A , GuA{o4u4"„ Dlaq d3 d 4. Nl CMT ARC aY�fRW SE AftE HFA- µ �/}, 1 L �$k 9 EfiY SPECIFIC LLY,'.RESIERYE-0. - ' A I 04&A b V4 • I' C u �Y ft , SY�ePrIP�i , �I ,I � k ?,� Abw Mv,TSf4h45, A�aS�ME+Ll�ca< ��'iLT,+�I�rl $a �(QIJI rnd�,MT rca4%+�.LG caNTv T* e,,ju/MP4&-(01a,, p�-74t-,4:f r;, 6f't4Y A-> A07f Tto �pW.cI lo3 � TIJL AV-6)'ItfT 4v Not t+ t H RIMTaINE FQv- �,tk;w mope.,?-viizovr! oF' Cr w,,TFL c 110H, 60YlTrtA(, 0lL C-POALA- CppP'(Al+'} ALL d lN&H-D a �s 5. AI,�aii<-r�, "t'('1 rlir, .4{l�wl �'IA- �}b ivoc�psl 4 tz F 400 C,00 KI ltN*0y OT416*Ab Naiti� 6� *Lt.-f-N=add T -A"$ ?'N -T4t NkflnlJW. F%WfT N-VVL"S A1.L 4-i+wA, Pz� unlf,�n p-I'l 4, 4 p"r ,,r e o p D g e- P / F, o O H P f:, L a O 12 ca DP.?+Y(+`I {.L Pfo, uArt nev, REMARKS DATE RAY. rl r n AUTH',BY "N,O. AUTH.BY'.' NOL fclwOAle turx.a r*r>{aa ! I sati I 1 'THIS ARCHI%CTURAL ARC EN— ���ryiIREOING CR MING IS YEN nrti F 4 i 'aRE"INASNCE NC USE 'de vt- v5t `ClSSEHIRATYCR MAY ITE RACE �4VV } CuMPLInIUG}L, WJNPIAi' G4Yi�” qN}jHGMT PRIpR-NRITT�N'CCNR - ;! MULL V uNTGP THE ARCHITt.. ALL �?flAay III CRTS CF CCPYL 4 A , GuA{o4u4"„ Dlaq d3 d 4. Nl CMT ARC aY�fRW SE AftE HFA- µ �/}, 1 L �$k 9 EfiY SPECIFIC LLY,'.RESIERYE-0. - ' A I 04&A b V4 • I' C u �Y ft , SY�ePrIP�i , �I �. NJU+LDiNIc p�IzM�T y�InLL l3k r?Y%rnlh't '1'? pl2+ok Ta Tl t 45 TA CCK' Norex ?,� Abw Mv,TSf4h45, A�aS�ME+Ll�ca< ��'iLT,+�I�rl $a �(QIJI rnd�,MT rca4%+�.LG caNTv T* e,,ju/MP4&-(01a,, p�-74t-,4:f r;, 6f't4Y A-> A07f Tto �pW.cI lo3 � TIJL AV-6)'ItfT 4v Not t+ t H RIMTaINE FQv- �,tk;w mope.,?-viizovr! oF' Cr w,,TFL c 110H, 60YlTrtA(, 0lL C-POALA- CppP'(Al+'} ALL d lN&H-D a G,O, •QOR G q e AS (�YrGt Gi rU Ge+A{ 14 �'%r$ RALL 5. AI,�aii<-r�, "t'('1 rlir, .4{l�wl �'IA- �}b ivoc�psl 4 tz F 400 C,00 KI ltN*0y OT416*Ab Naiti� 6� *Lt.-f-N=add T -A"$ ?'N -T4t NkflnlJW. F%WfT N-VVL"S A1.L 4-i+wA, Pz� unlf,�n p-I'l orvna. l k'u-w6t� h1*", l Ad,t- W OV-}- v,OA 4 k,+,['tr'�:{"D ,, kii H0A[.(,,OgX)A i4+, _-rA I', , ('�w(Ic.�,utn�W'AusIUK�,I?a,Ro�t>r*'ik'r1�+T4r'�i�, A4.ip iN CaA�ct�Mi l�r''j+lr(� R t t +AL 041013�J PPID $ PIM +a{-`T4,10�4: t 6.hi Yb4f. At,AV*IW . ,fit 11C* awN LnMo 41smf �t, zip 45 I7vNtd c vwp-p', ov 00 MedoaanL a�Ns'''•' it ' l of r--•roorP 'IhL �Fin� �iL�hTlOrl c - U✓GnL P. lion .� l I.pI •1�r}D Piril�' cylW. ��Luf� 60014-V _04V *W. A F L� � IhICi r II><4'j?4tATi - t� �rbrnA azwkt 4w �s DRi ��yW I �� �a,I✓�', j11P=t'� 'r {.$ �"I -- - ---I�y�"I nrv.4rEq�•yt9E,rr•�M',j rT pR,� I�"flif•'�PTi t�-�l— � y 5 s ME '4 Ar�HINOjt pPyl.w LO c2g1i V)!'n1Wilr 23dGn.l W14 I6MM',.t`hMP R of�GItN. 2�4DA411�"iTbJ�tan'I`,'tO6NM6� �nID �d Gaf-Ir~'d�r�► � 2 L044:4.'ino-IT . 1,(O1 3 SOA Joll;�r 1 >(�,�,.'p ,�'air�t�t,�ot;rild��nc>, �tIL lu�l Cat�llwidrl � tickl os, I' P�* o frWrl 6 1694 cotA MpH � DookbG O 4AV97i FA6t- HAt, Ing, commvp iAll C. Oa*Ap lot7IA'ltso f4 t,AIL Ida commma � Icy °c " '�ipi.�r�fhwaa� a�'1a1(Yfr�rJr��i �-I�dori �•ia.t �,ontnno� ` cb1'' At-AO'fitt iCod G"oH I-iorl I(4P°'le, Abop*M �,A', tX Cp41 $tA9k�t IP T MAIL Bd Cor -040H 3 C�GtLInIW�or'-rt` LA(Mja�rlr�(?!Aa'i,�l�ul� '3-It�d nay q,l�rg' GoMr<acn�l aILIr"(o'J'niy{'€'A1AU*;(.' fA` fAcb14tl It,4-lay Gdn�tr,.fv%, f-AyTtL -To 1? j-gi . -roj •t-jp, � eaner�or+ I".P '4� ptz►, snip P6 Fro HAIL 6d Go� Mar -4 2 i wilt, C'o+ ( -a�41 t' ! .I!ost m v',r^i' 24 r. °G Q�Jrfsy V p t"a}t�I�f.&S FJGA�15 oKa3P{�N�e . ,, 20 $ GP Mr✓�orF 02"'''c c 7#,.i� �';(P�C+(Af.'f�t'L� ��t� !t � � `a�r.,rr,.� F �ipt!�j( -TIP; gaLg fiogz,_�,"Ma f wi ', 1t0dGra 2 a =r tt?c ! Ed �,�,�, � ,, A� r .,k � �[✓1� t-7�f�a ~,M , A a I ' a � , , ,n ,• s ' . „ ,' , .. , U 1Tr€; Cr+° o . rw, i P� 'te 'M7fw"I?tN f I,N PO,W IAAIZJC� ", M .(O12, HO M- rK , 'AN PaW 4w 121�✓;,GN� iliela 'Ple�u+a� �Nt�- lr,; mpmrt',"Rt¢• 6a r_ 4t;O'9 RrI'i'F� '!iT1 21'64io,', ooe)G�h, 404e,#, rmow-j, i�w CpWSS. S,SI o5e�lt Psi P+O'b5,f'Icrrt�k .,ur�r�_;W,4MpncT RAS.-G4rn55. s +. E, gra:, - tre=k k hYn ii L.I ;lila N jjj ly I,N PO,W IAAIZJC� ", M .(O12, HO M- rK , 'AN PaW 4w 121�✓;,GN� iliela 'Ple�u+a� �Nt�- lr,; mpmrt',"Rt¢• 6a r_ 4t;O'9 RrI'i'F� '!iT1 21'64io,', ooe)G�h, 404e,#, rmow-j, i�w CpWSS. S,SI o5e�lt Psi P+O'b5,f'Icrrt�k .,ur�r�_;W,4MpncT RAS.-G4rn55. 4 (4A",p't,M4 ImmH l 'A ev'fWt+MtQ �'�A��Gt{ 9rtMI�. y I `!"a�'/w7E' , � p !. '.F.. M . t�inl� , , I„ .. b„cdRi'uniarl �, � 7 � y{yE• �M�t�.,�"�., � t tr, P � � r , NO I I j,i�'Iritl4dhlk "a Mrs I�.Iys� krt ORAVO I e3I�N d� A �WMM L� Rr34,IV BkIf�G ! f I I, ✓ ,I v J l; ;I a falmi%Wo 4*14+UPI *T t�atr. "j0 G4G'riD f�po' D w H I” I ',M'.'fil tN,n�i�. - , i( I 1, 1 J 11 ,I , fJluy /sl'�i1 ®EN i I6 M M mom