HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5616 P 241 I �� 246eave.SG.A/bany,NY US.I.ft 5...........L..., Imow 'blade the day of September in the Fear Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-four, ANNETE P. DEDERICK DAVIS, residing in Loudonville, �• Townoff' olonie, County of Albany, State of New York, (no street address), • w party of the first part, and JOHN TEMPLE SWING and JANET ADAMS SWING, his wife, both residing in the Town of Salisbury, County of Litchfield, State of Connecticut, as tenants by the entirety, Q(fj�y parties of the second part, that the party of the ftret apart, in consideration of ________________________ 0 N E ----------------------------Dollar ($1.00 ) lauifnt money of the United States, and other good valuable consideration, paid by the parties of the Second part, does hereby Pant and release ante the part ies of the Seconal part, their heirs and assifna former, AU that lot or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, being a part of that portion of Fishers Island belonging to Fisher, Island Corporation (which portion is hereinafter called the "Park") lying Easterly of the following line, viz: BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of land owned by the United States, known as the Fort H. G. Wright Military Reservation, Mount Prospect Tract on the shore of Block Island Sound or the Atlantic Ocean and running thence northerly following the East boundary of the said land of the United States to the southerly line of East Fid Road (sometimea called Oriental Avenue) and which point is the northeasterl corner of land of the United States, thence crossing the East End Road and following the same course as the last to the shore of West Harbor or Fishers Island Sound; said lot or parcel of land being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone monumentseton the easterly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being eleven hundred and sixty-one and ninety-one hundredths feet west of a point which is twenty-seven hundred and twelve and forty-one hundredths feet North of another monument marking the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station'Nin (which said Nin" monument is located near the Western end of a ridge overlooking the South shore ofFishersIsland and on the highest point between Chocomount and Mount Prospect and lies South forty-five degrees seventeen minutes and twenty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence South seventy-three degrees and forty-one minutes East one hundred and seventy-one and twenty hundredths feet to a stake; thence South forty-four degrees forty-six minutes and fifty seconds East one hundred and fifty-four and eighty-eight hundredths feat to a stake;. thence south Piety-Ybree degrees forty-three minutes and twenty seconds eq y(eet two hundred and twenty and nineteen hundredths Peet to a stake; t=o youth seventy-eight degrees forty-five minutes and twenty seconds West oro hundred and twenty-seven and four hundredths feet to a stake t set on the Easterly aide of said road; thence Northwardly, along the Baet(,rly side of said road(and following the we of a curve to the rn right whose radius is five hundred and twenty-four and sixty-five hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is (L1 Fo North seventy-seven degrees fifty-one minutes and twenty seconds Bast), three hundred and three and twenty-one hundredths feet to a stake; and thence, still along the Easterly side of said road, North twenty degree fifty-eight minutes and ten seconds East sixteen feet to the place of beginning, containing one and forty-three hundredths acme, more or les . Being the same premises conveyed to Annette P. Dederick by Fisher Island Corporation by deed dated August 28, 1928, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office November 14, 1940, in Liber 2134 of Deeds at Page 01, and said parcel of land is conveyed Subject to the reserva- tions, covenants and agreements contained in said deed, as extended by agreement reoomded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Book 2437 at Page 468, and in also subject to utility company easements granted to Fishers Island Telephone Corporation and Fishers Island Electric Corporation. ALSO, ALL that lot or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, in the Tom of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, being a part of that portion of Fishers Island belonging to Fishers Island Corporation (which portion is hereinafter called the "Park") lying Easterly of the following line, viz: BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of land owned by the United States, known as the Fort H. G. Wright Military Reservation, Mount Prospect Tract, one the shore of Block Island Sound or the Atlantic Ocean and running thence northerly following the East boundary of the said land of the United States to the southerly line of East End Road (sometimes called Oriental Avenue) and which point is the northeasterly corner of land of the United States, thence crossing the East End Road and following the same course as the last to the shore of West Harbor or Fishers Island Sound; said lot OrParcelof land tieing bounded and described as follow: forty feet wide,:said monument beingstwentyttbreeehundrediand off ora ty-oad seven and ninety-two hundredths feet North of a point which is eleven hundred and seventy-seven and seventy hundredths feet West of another monument marking the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Nin" (which said "Nin" monument is located near the Western - end of a ridge overlooking the South shore of Fishers Island and on the highest point between Chocomount and Mount Prospect and lies South forty-five degrees seventeen minutes and twenty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence, along the Easterly aide of Said road, North fourteen degrees thirty-nin minutes and twenty seconds West thirty and three-hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the right whose radius is five hundre and twenty-four and sixty-five hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North seventy-five degrees twenty minutes and forty seconds East; thence Northwardly, along the Easterly aide of aid road(and following the arc of said curve), twenty-three feet to a s :take; thence North seventy-eight degrees forty-five minutes and twenty seconds Rest ane hundred and twenty-seven and four hundredths feet to a :take; thence South thirty-seven degrees eighteen minutes and fifty seconds West forty-five and thirty-one hundredths feet to a stake; and thence South sixty-four degrees and thirty-one minutes West ninety-three and twenty-seven hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing ten hundredtha of an acres, more or less. Being the same premises conveyed to Annette P. Dederick by Fishers Island Corporation by deed dated August 8 , 1930, and recorded in the , Suffolk County Clerk's Office November 14, 1940, in Liber 2133 of Deeds at Page 594, and said parcel of land is conveyed subject to the reserva- tions, covenants and agreements contained in said deed, as extended by agreement recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Book 2437 at Page 468, and is also subject to utility company easements granted to Fishers Island Telephone Corporation and Fishers Island Electric Corporation.