HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 4855 P 35 rleto w,.�9E. ,. .PELF 1>•..et mrt,ave eu.6s,vW re..,,Ove ni vv e,ant ror I Made the 28th day o/ Tuly Nineteen Hundred and I sixty�1•- NOalVptn Beatrice M. Phillipa of Fishers Island, :ounty of �^ Suffolk and State of New York party of the ftrst part, and Gloria Phillipe Rogers � par$' of the second part, l'AJWKAP�II that the party of the f rst part, in consideration of V 1.00 ) lawful money o/ the United Stator, one Dollar paid by the party of the second part, do hereby front and release unto the party of the second part, her heirs and asstfns forever, all that certain tract or p-.rcel of land with the buildings standing thereon, located on Fishers Island ) in the town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New Yor'_c, bounded and described as follows;. BEGINNING at a mereetone with a drill hole in the center loc^ted on the Northwesterly line of Equestrian Avenue at the division line between the herein described land and land of W. B. Allen, said mereetone being 1545.88 feet North and 3409.32 feet 'deet of U.S. Coast and 'Geodetic Triangulation Station 'IROS" and running thence on a course of South 43g 44"20" West 119.45 feet along the Northwesterly line of said Avenue to another mereetone; thence running North 250 26" 40"' West 442.7 feet; thence North 430 44'20" Bast 44.5 feet to the shore of Bay Hz.rbor, the last two lines abutting Southwesterly and Northwesterly on the remaining land of the Estate of Barron Kidd; thence 30uthe- st- erly along the shore of said Harbor 98.3 feet to land of said Allen; thence South 270 12" 40" East 339.75 feet to the place of beginning abutting northeasterly on said Allen land. Containing one acre of land. Bearings in the above description refer to true north. Being the same premises described in a certain deed made by Efrem Zimbalist, Russell W. Davenport, and Washington Dodge, as trustees under the Last dill and Testament of Alma Gluck Zimbalist, dace-^.sed, to Asa P. Phillipe and Beatrice M. Phillipe, his wife, dated September 11, 1945 and recorded in the land Records of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on September 22, 1945, in Liber 2466 of Deeds, page 396.