HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 4776 P 424 ;• �..r,�,.arw 1776 FAu 424 THIS INDENTURE, made the day of February, Nineteen \ Hundred and Sixty, between THE SCHENECTADY TRUST COMPANY, a New r � York Banking Corporation duly organized and existing under the Laws a m of the State of New York, and having its principal office and plate o u a ¢ of business at No. 320 State Street, in the City and County of Schenectady, New York, as sole surviving Executor under the Last Will and Testament of Edwin Wilbur Rite, Jr., late of the City of Schenectady, County of Schenectady, New York, deceased, party of the first part, and BERNARD RAFFERTY and NATALIE RICE RAFFERTY, his wife, as husband and wife, both residing at No. 1155 Stratford Road, in the City of Schenectady, County of Schenectady, New York, parties of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part by virtue of the power and authority to it given in and by the said Last Will and Testament, and pursuant to the direction of Alice M. Rice, dated the 22nd day of October, 1959, and in consideration of the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($50,000) lawful money of the United States to it paid by the parties of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever, ALL THOSE LOTS OR PARCELS OF LAND, with the buildingsand improvements thereon, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, being a part of that portion of Fishers Island belonging to the grantor(which portion is hereinafter called the -Park-) lying Easterly of the following line, viz: BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of land owned by the United States, known as the Fort H. G. Wright Military Reservation, Mount Prospect Tract, on the shore of Block Island Sound or the Atlantic Ocean and running thence northerly following the East boundary of the said land of the United States to the southerly line of East End Road (sometimes called Oriental Avenue) and which point is the northeasterly corner of land of the United States, thence crossing the East End Road and following the same course as the last to the shore of West Harbor or Fishers Island Sound; Said lots or parcels of land being bounded and described as follows: Homesite No. 1. BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Easterly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being eighty-three hundred =4776 �;, M and eight and eighty-five hundredths feet West of a point which is twenty-six hundred and sixty-two and fifty-four hundredths feet South of another monument marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Chocomount 2" (which said "Chocomount 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N.Y. about two and one-quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty-nine minutes and forty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence, along the Easterly side of said road, North twenty degrees fifty-eight minutes and ten seconds East one hundred and nine and thirty-eight hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the right whose radius is four hundred and thirty-three and fourteen-hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South sixty-nine degrees one minute and fifty seconds East; thence Northwardly, still along the Easterly side of said road (and following the arc of said curve), one hundred and eighty-eight and fiftern-hundredths feet to a stake; thence, still along the Easterly side of said road, North forty-five degrees fifty-one minutes and thirty seconds East three hundred and fifty-sevei and seventy-four hundredths feet to a stake; thence South twenty-nine degrees and twenty-one minutes East three hundred and eleven and twenty-nine hundredths feet to a stake; thence South five degrees and fifty-five minutes West two hundred and fifty-eight and four- hundredths feet to a stake; thence North eighty-five degrees forty- four minutes and ten seconds West one hundred and fifty-one and ninety- nine hundredths feet to a stake; thence South thirty-three degrees fifty-two minutes and thirty seconds West one hundred and seventy-eight and eighty-four hundredths feet to a stone monument; thence North forty-four degrees forty-six minutes and fifty seconds West one hundred and fifty-four and eighty-eight hundredths feet to a stone monument; and thence North seventy-three degrees and forty-one minutes West one hundred and seventy-one and twenty-hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing four and fifty-six hundredths acres, more or less. Lot No. 1 (Not a homesite) BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Northwesterly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being twenty-three hundred and forty-one and seven-hundredths feet South of a point which is eighty- one hundred and fifty-eight and eighty-nine hundredths feet West of another monument marking the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Tri- angulation Station "Chocomount 2" (which said "Chocomount 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island,N.Y. about two and one-quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty-nine minutes and forty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence, along the Northwesterly side of said road, South forty-five degrees fifty-one minutes and thirty seconds West fifty feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the left whose radius is four hundred and seventy-three and fourteen-hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South forty-four degrees eight minutes and thirty seconds East; thence Southwestwardly, still along the Northwesterly side of said road (and following the arc of said curve), twenty-five feet to a stake; thence Southwest- wardly, still along the Northwesterly side of said road (and follow- ing the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is four hundred and seventy-three and fourteen-hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South forty-seven degrees ten minutes and ten seconds East), one hundred and eighty and fifty-three hundredths feet to a stake; thence, still along the Northwesterly side of said road, South twenty degrees fifty-eight minutes and ten seconds West one hundred and nine and thirty-eight hundredths feet to a stone monument; thence North sixty-nine degrees one minute and fifty seconds West twenty-six feet, to a stone monument; thence North sixty-nine degrees one minute and fifty seconds West seventeen feet to the shore of Fishers Island Sound; thence, with the meanders of said Sound, North twenty-one degrees twenty-eight minutes and thirty seconds East three hundred and forty-seven and sixty-five hundredths feet to a stake; thence South seventy-two degrees twenty-five minutes and fifteen seconds East thirty-six and ten-hundredths feet to a stone monument; and thence South seventy-two degrees twenty-five minutes and fifteen seconds East sixty-nine feet to the place of beginning; containing forty-five hundredths of an acre, more or less; liomesite No. 2 B1.GINNING at a drill hole in a rock situated on the Westerly side of a road forty feet wide, said drill hole being seventy-six hundred and thirty-six and eighty-hundredths feet West of a point which is twenty-six hundred and ninety-four and sixty-four hundredth feet South of a monument marking the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Chocomount 2" (which said "Chocomount 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N.Y. about two and one-quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty- nine minutes and forty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence North eighty-five degrees thirty-eight minutes and ten seconds West one hundred and forty- seven and eighty-four hundredths feet to a stake; thence North five degrees and fifty-five minutes East two hundred and fifty-eight and four-hundredths feet to a stake; thence North twenty-nine degree and twenty-one minutes West three hundred and eleven and twenty-nine hundredths feet to a stake set on the Southeasterly side of another road forty feet wide; thence, along the Southeasterly side of said road, North forty-five degrees fifty-one minutes and thirty seconds hast two hundred and forty-one and eighteen-hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the left whose radius is two hundred and seventy-four and eighty-two hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North forty-four degrees eight minutes and thirty seconds West; thence Northeastwardly, along the Southeasterly side of said road (and following the arc of said curve), eighty-nine and sixty-nine hundredths feet to a stone monu- ment; thence South thirty-seven degrees twenty minutes and forty seconds Fast four hundred and thirty-two and ninety-one hundredths fret to a stone monument; thence South four degrees and forty-one minutes Cast one hundred and fifty and seven-hundredths feet to a drill hole set in a rock situate on the Northerly side of the road first above mentioned; thence Southwestwardly, along the Northerly side of said road (and following the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is one hundred and eighty-three and fifty-three hun- dredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South fifty-one minutes and thirty seconds West), two hundred and nineteen and sixty-two hundredths feet to a stake; and thence South- westwardly, along the Northwesterly side of said road (and follow- ing the arr of a curve to the left whose radius is eleven hundred an fifty-sev(n and fifty-five hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South sixty-seven degrees forty-two minutes and ten seconds East), one hundred and eighty and nineteen-hundredth feet to the place of beginning; containint; four and sixty-seven hundredths art", more or less; Homesite No. .1 BFGINNING at a drill hole in a rock situated on the Westerly side of a road forty feet wide, said drill hole being seventy-six hundred and thirty-six and eighty-hundredths feet West of a point which is twenty-six hundred and ninety-four and sixty-four hundredth feet South of a monument marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Chocomount 2" (which said "Chocomount 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N.Y. about two and one-quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty- nino minutes and forty-six seconds Cast of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence Southwardly, along the HeEe4776 Pm 427 ' Westerly side of said road (and following the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is eleven hundred and fifty-seven and fifty-five hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South seventy-six degrees thirty-seven minutes and eighteen seconds East), two hundred and ninety-seven hundredths feet to a stake; thenc , still along the Westerly side of said road, South three degrees twent - five minutes and fifty seconds West seventy-one and eighty-four hun- dredths feet to a stone monument; thence North eighty-four degrees one minute and twenty seconds West one hundred and thirty-four and twenty-nine hundredths feet to a stone monument; thence South seventy four degrees forty-six minutes and forty seconds West one hundred and sixty-three feet to a stone monument; thence North thirty-eight degre s thirty-four minutes and ten seconds West one hundred and eighty-three and sixty-three hundredths feet to a stone monument; thence North fifty-three degrees forty-three minutes and twenty seconds East fifty feet to a stone monument;thence North thirty-three degrees fifty-two minutes and thirty seconds East one hundred and seventy-eight and eighty-four hundredths feet to a stake; thence South eighty-five degrees forty-four minutes and ten seconds East one hundred and fifty one and ninety-nine hundredths feet to a stake; and thence South eigh y- five degrees thirty-eight minutes and ten seconds East one hundred and forty-seven and eighty-four hundredths feet to the place of be- ginning; containing two and thirty-one hundredths acres, more or less TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the party of the first part in and to the land under the waters of Fisher Island Sound and in and to any land which may lie between the meander lines as set forth in the above description and the actual high water mark Reserving to the Fishers Island Corporation from the grant of land and premises hereby conveyed an easement or right of way for drainage purposes across the lot secondly above described from the road marking the Easternmost boitndary of said lot to the waters of Fishers Island Sound, said easement being ten feet wide and extending for five feet on either side of a line more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on the Northwesterly side of the road above mentioned at a point seventy-five feet Southwesterly from the stone monument marking the beginning point of said lot as above described measuring along the Northwest side of said road; and running thence North seventy degrees thirty minutes and ten seconds West seventy- four and fifty-four hundredths feet, more or less, to the shore of Fishers Island Sound, together with the appurtenances, and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. Being the same premises described in the deed from Fishers Island Corporation to Edwin Wilbur Rice, Jr., dated the llth day of August, 1930, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 9th day of October, 1930, in Liber 1532 of Deeds at Page 93, and subject to the covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements contained in said deed. ALSO, ALL 'CHAT LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND, with the buildings and improvements thereon, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, being a part of that portion of Fishers Island belonging to Fishers Island Corporation (which portion is hereinafter called the "Park") lying Easterly of the following line,viz: BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of land owned by the United States, known as the Fort H. G. Wright Military Reservation, Mount Prospect Tract, on the shore of Block Island Sound or the Atlantic Ocean and running thence northerly following the East boundary of the said land of the United States to the southerly line of East End Road (sometimes called Oriental Avenue) and which point t DBA776 04�;42R is the northeasterly corner of land of the United States, thence crossing the East End Road and following the sake course as the last to the shore of West Harbor or Fishers Island Sound; Said lot or parcel of land being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone monument set on the Northwesterly Side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being seventy-eight hundred and seventy-nine and twenty-hundredths feet West of a point which is two thousand and sixty-nine and fifty-nine hundredths feet South of another monument marking the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Chocomount 2" (which said "Chocomount 2 monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N. Y. about two and one-quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty-nine minutes and forty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence, along the Northwesterly side of said road, South forty-five degrees fifty-one minutes and thirty seconds West three hundred and eighty-nine and seventy-four hundredth feet to a stone monument; thence North seventy-two degrees twenty- five minutes and fifteen seconds West sixty-nine feet to a stone monument; thence North seventy-two degrees twenty-five minutes and fifteen seconds West thirty-six and ten-hundredths feet to the shore of Fishers Island Sound; thence, with the meanders of said Sound, North eleven degrees one minute and thirty seconds East one hundred and forty-Four hundredths feet, and North threedegrees thirty-eight minutes and twenty seconds West two hundred and two and sixty-eight hundredths feet to a stake; thence South eighty-six degrees forty- eight minutes and forty seconds East two hundred and fifty-seven and fifty-one hundredths feet to a stake; and thence South sixty-eight degrees five minutes and twenty seconds East one hundred and twenty- five and forty-eight hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing one and seventy-eight hundredths acres,; more or less, together with the appurtenances, and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. Being the same premises described in the deed from Fishers Island Corporation to Edwin Wilbur Rice, jr., dated the 14th day of August, 1931, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 10th day of September, 1931, in Liber 1602 of Deeds At Page 225, and subject to the covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements contained in said deed. Together with the appurtenances, and ALSO all the estate which the said Testator had at the time of his decease, in said premises, and ALSO the estate therein, which the party of the first part had or has power to convey or dispose of, by virtue of said Will or otherwise . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever.