HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 4912 P 480 w, uw4912 P2480 U.&LAS S 6b THIS INDENTURE made the 11 day of November, Nine- teen hundred and sixty, between FISHERS ISLAND ESTATES, INC., .A, a New York corporation, having its principal office at 14 East n afters treet, in called tCity County pa party of theState firstfNew part,York, andERARin D A. MATTHIESSEN, residing at 811 Riverbank Road, Stamford, Con- necticut, hereinafter called the grantee, party of the second part; WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part, in consideration of One hundred Dollars ($100.00), lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable considera- tion paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, ALL that lot or parcel of land in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, being a part of that portion of Fishers Island belonging to the granter (which portion 1s hereinafter called the Park") lying easterly of the.following line, viz.: BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly owned by the United States, known as the Fort H. G. Wright Military Reservation, Mount Prospect Tract, en the shore of Block Island Sound or the Atlantic Ocean (as said Tract was constituted prior to the extension thereof by the acquisition of additional lands in condemnation pro- ceedings instituted in 1942) and running thence northerly following the East boundary of the said tract of land now or formerly of the United States (as same was constituted prior to such extension thereof) to the southerly line of East End Road (sometimes called Oriental Avenue) and which point 1s the northeasterly corner of said tract of land now or formerly of the United States (as same was consti- tuted prior to such extension thereof), thence crossing the East End Road and following the same course as the last to the shore of West Harbor or Fishers Island Sound; Said lot or parcel of land being bounded and des- cribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly line of a :oad fifty feet in width, said point being two thousand fivc hundred fifty-two and five hundredths feet North of a point which is one thousand twenty-two and ninety-five hundredths feet East of a monument marking the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "NIN" (which said "NIN" monument is located near the Western end of a ridF, overlooking the South shore of Fishers Island and on the highest point between Chocomount and Mount Prespect and lies South forty-five degrees seventeen minutec and twinty- six seconds East of North D: .pling Light 1n Fishers Island Sound); and running thence along the Southerly side cf said road North eighty-seven degrees forty-two minutes f,,rty seconds East one hundred eighty-five and fifty-one hundred- ths feet to a point of curve to the left whose radius is four hundred forty-one and sixty-seven hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North two degrees seventeen minutes twenty seconds West; then.eu fol- lowing along the Southerly side of said road on the a_c or said curve a distance of forty-two and forty-ninc h�mdred- the feet; thence South seven degreen: forty-night minute: r .. Y Lm4912 PAra481 and no seconds East five and no hundredths feet to a point on the shore of Island Pond; thence following the mcandcxc of said shore line (1) Scath nineteen degrees fifteen minutes and no second- West ninety-eight and eighty-eight hundredths feet, (2) South thirty-two degrws twenty-five minutes and no seconds East too h,ndr,;d thirty-seven and ten hundredths feet, (3) Soutl: twelve aecrecs tworty-tw.) minutes and no seconds West one hundred four acd f,:ty hundredths feet, (4) South forty dcgreor. forty-seven minctv. and no seconds East one hundred fi Pty-six aria thirteen I.un- dredths feet, (5) South no degrees twenty-five minut�s and no seconds East eighty-three and sixty hundredths Pct, (i ) South fifty-one degrees thirty-five minutes and no seconds West one hundred forty-one and sixty hunw coth:s feet, and (7) South sixty-seven degrees thirteen minute:: and no see- ends West two hundred thirty-nine and twenty hundredths feet to a stake; thence leaving said shore line North two degrees four minutes and no seconds !?ast five hundred six -aid thirty hundredths feet to a point on the shore of island Pond; thence following the meanders of said shore line (1) North sixty-eight degrees thirteen minuteo and no seconds East one hundred seventeen and eleven hundredti:s Poet; (I North ten degrees seven minutes and no records West thirty- eight and eighty-four hundredths feet, (3) tiorth sixty-four degrees forty-three minutes add no seconds West e1,_hty-seve and seventy-three hundredths feet, (4) ;cith no degrees se- venteen minutes and no seconds East seventy-two end fifty- three hundredths feet, and (5) North sixty-six dcj;rces twenty-one minutes and no seconds West ono hundred twenty- five and forty hundredths feet to a stake; and thenco North two degrees seventeen minutes twenty seconds West thirty- three and no hundredths feet to the point of tegioning; containing three and fifty-seven hundredths acres, more or less.