HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5655 P 531 r " FORM 173 CONNECTICUT . WARRANTY DEED T,F LIR(RD650 PAGf531 \V' 1A ]uN/e(aw Rini.....esFU/rvMN �r Know 1'C, That I, REV. VACLOVAS PAUL4USKAS, of the Town of Thompson, K fit. County of Windham, State of Connecticut, (St. Stephen's Church, Quinebaug, Connecticut), for the consideration of one dollar and other valuable considerations, received to my full satisfaction of REV. TOHN GRIGONIS. of Cleveland, Ohio, (1227 E. 61st St., Cleveland, Ohio), Rev. VALDEMAR CUKURAS, of the Town of Putnam, County of Windham, State of (St. Mary's Church, 219 Providence St., Putnam, Connecticut), Connecticut,/and REV, ZENON A. SMILGA. of the Town of Middletown, County of Middlesex, State of Connecticut, (155 Washington St., Middletown, Connecticut), do give, grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, my undivided One-fourth (1/4) Interest in or to all those two certain tracts or parcels of land, with the buildings thereon, located at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows:- PARCEL 1 A: Beginning at a stone monument on the northeasterly line of Heathulle Avenue, said,monument being 1817.96 feet north of a point which is 2580.34 feet west of another monument marking the United States Coast and I Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station 'PROS" and thence running along said Avenue line north 65 degrees 14 minutes 40 seconds west 30.19feet; thence north 14 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds west 34.47 feet; thence north 68 degrees 35 minutes east 29.16 feet; thence south 8 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds east 57.30 feet to the point or place of beginning. TRACT 1 B: Beginning at a point on the said northeasterly line of 1 Heathulie Avenue, said point being north 65 degrees 14 minutes 40 seconds west 43.00 feet from the said monument at the point of beginning of Parcel 1 A and thence running north 14 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds west 19.83 feet; thence south 70 degrees 51 minutes 20 seconds west 22.15 feet to said Avenue line; thence along said Avenue line south 65 degrees 14 minutes 40 seconds east 28.51 feet to the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER with a right of way for use as a driveway over a tract of land located between the herein described tracts and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the said northeasterly line of Heathulie Avenue at the southeasterly comer of Parcel 1 B and thence running north 14 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds west 34.83 feet; thence northeasterly about 7feet; thence south 32 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds east 12 feet; thence south 14 degrees IAEA 5655 p,6r 532 29 minutes 40 seconds east 34,47 feet to said Avenue line; thence north 65 degrees 14 minutes 40 seconds west 12.91 feet to the point of beginning. Being all the same premises conveyed to this grantor and grantees by deed from Rev. Anthony Paskevicius, dated May 25, 1961, and recorded in Vol. 4994, Page 28, of the Suffolk County Records.