HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6374 P 586 S—d++dN.Y.BF.0 From 8(sw•9#1M—Bnp.,+ed Lk D—i.wshua Cmen "i CC,— a Cayeen m. y � CQltaYLt♦qln LAWa1n 9faOM f10Ma 11U M[TaVNIBIt—TM{MtM111YMf lh10Y1O q seta BY IAWt9f a1aV. ' I MFR6374 mRf586 j THIS DIDF.N URF made the 24th day of June ,nineteen hundred and sixty-eight EEWEEM ONOLEE M. COFFEY, residing at 350 East Palisade Avenue, Englewood, New Jersey, HARRY B. CLARK, residing at 155 Huntington Bay Road, Huntington, New York, and MANUFACTURERS HANOVER TRUST COMPANY, a New York banking corporation having its principal - business office at 350 Park Avenue, New York, New York, as Trustees LL under the Last Will and Testament of Orioles M. McDonell, deceased, party of the first part,and e HENRY LUCE, III, residing at ? J" P> 71 "CM, ll + ryu party of the second part, VA7WESSEfH,that the party of the first part,in ronsidertaion of One hundred ten thousand ($110,000) dollars, 'awful money of the United States, paid by the party of the s nand part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the around part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, those AI!/�M Certain plotepiecrCyr parcelsof land,with the buildings and improvements the ren erected, situate. I>;ng and being310011K on Fishers Island in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, and which are bounded and described as follows, viz.: B+a a' :P �a.•rlrv/.� PARCEL I BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the northerly side of a road 30 feet wide, said monument being 2543 and 20/100 feet east of a point which is 2400 and 48/100 feet north of another monument marking th= U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station East End 2" (which said East End 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill East of East Harbor on Fishers Island, N.Y., and lies South 54 minutes West of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island Sound); and RUNNING THENCE along the Northerly side of said road, North 81 degrees 46 minutes and 50 seconds West 223 and 65/100 feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the left whose radius is 97 and 5/100 feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South 8 degrees 13 minutes and 10 seconds West; THENCE Westwardly, still along the Northerly side of said road (and following the are of said curve), 111 and 89/100 feet to a stake; THENCE North 41 degrees 27 minutes 40 seconds West, 44 and 91/100 feet to the shore of Fishers Island Sound; THENCE, with the meanders of said sound North 40 degrees 25 minutes and 40 seconds East 131 and 89/100 feet, North 26 degrees and 10 seconds East 136 and 85/100 feet, East 113 feet, and South 68 degrees 11 minutes and 10 seconds East 70 and 1/100 feet to a stake; and THENCE South 6 degrees 9 minutes and 10 seconds East 219 and 89/100 feet to the place of BEGINNING. ue¢R6374 Flu 587 PARCEL II BEGINNING at a ston2555 andnument set 64/100 feet eastnoflano0thereet north monument of a point which is -555 "EastnEndh2"U(whichast saiddaEast Endc2" monumentais locatedgulation onthe summit of the highest hill East of East Harbor on Fishers Island, N.Y., and lies South 54 minutes West of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island Sound); and RUNNING THENCE South 60 degrees 44 minutes and 10 seconds West 132 and 97/100 feet to a stake; THENCE South 81 degrees 57 minutes and 20 seconds West 118 and 12/100 feet to a stake; THENCE North 13 degrees and 26 minutes West 105 and 50/100 feet to a stake; THENCE North 41 degrees 27 minutes and 40 seconds West 67 and 98/100 feet to a stake set on the Southeasterly side of a road 30 feet wide; THENCE along the Southeasterly side of said road, North 54 degrees 42 minutes East 78 and 91/100 feet to a stake; THENCE along the southerly side of said road, Southh 8lfeet to degrees 46 minutes and 50 seconds East 231 and 33/1 a stake; THENCE South 6 degrees9 minutes and 10 seconds East 85 and 7/100 feet to the place of BEGINNING. PARCEL III BEGINNING at a stone monument set 2285 and 10/100 feet north of a point which is 2555 and 64/100 feet east of another monument nd Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station marking the U.S. Coast a "East End 2" (which said "East End 2" monument is located on the st Harbor N.Y.. summit of the and lieshSoutht541ll east of minutes Westgof LatimeroReefshers Lightlinand, Fishers Island Sound); and RUNNING THENCE South 23 degrees 34 minutes and 20 seconds East 282 and 58/100 feet to the shore of Block Island Sound; THENCE, with the meanders of said sound, South 52 degrees degreest15 minutes andn100 secondslWest 114 an100 d et 35/100 feethto2 a stake; THENCE North 1 degree 4 minutes and 30 seconds West 307 and 29/100 feet to a stake; THENCE North 81 degreeand mutes and 20 seconds East 118 and 1f OOfto ENorth 60 d place of minutes a.and 10 seconds East 132 and TOGETHER WITH all the right, title and interest of the ofrFishers the sliand Sound and BlocktIslaandland Sound.under the waters