HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6083 P 280 smf 83 nAcE25O `T ♦ M U.S.ALS A'24,&O.. THIS INDENTURE, made the 7th day of December, \ Nineteen hundred and sixty-six, between FISHERS ISLAND ..•^ ESTATES, INC., a New York corporation having its principal =e office at 14 East 52nd Street, in the City, County and State ge w of New York, hereinafter called the grantor, party of the first part, and FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a New York corporation having its principal office at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza in the City, County and State of New York, hereinafter called the grantee, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part, in consideration of One Hundred Dollars ($300.00), lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consider- ation paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, FIRST PARCEL ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, situ- ate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and being all of that portion of Fishers Island lying Easterly of the following line, viz.: BEGINNING at the Southeasterly corner of land now or formerly owned by the United States, known as the Fort H. G. Wright Military Reservation, Mount Prospect Tract, on the shore of Block Island Sound or the Atlantic Ocean (as said Tract was constituted prior to the extension thereof by the acquisition of additional lands in condemnation proceedings instituted in 1942) and running thence Northerly following the East boundary of the said treat of land now or formerly of the United States (as same was constituted prior to such extension thereof) to the southerly line of East End Road (sometimes called Oriental Avenue) and which point is the Northeasterly corner of said tract of land now or formerly of the United States (as same was constituted prior to such extension thereof), thence crossing the East End Road and following the same course as the last to the shore of West Harbor or Fishers Island Sound; r ALSO all the right, title and interest of the party of the first part in and to that/mpall island in the Atlantic Ocean lying Easterly of Fishers Island and known as Wicopesseti. , EXCEPTING from the first described tract the follows tracts, pieces or parcels of land: 0KROW PACE I 2 - A. The parcels of land conveyed by the following deeds, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County, as follows: Deed, E. M..and W. Ferguson to United States, dated November 29, 1901, recorded February 7, 1902, in Liber 515 of Deeds, page 303. Deeddguin, Walton Ferguson and wife, to Alfred L. Fers ,Liber967 dated of9DeedsB,pagerecorded 93. June 6, 1918, Deed, Walton Ferguson and wife, to Harry L. Per ,son, dated o9Deed18, d95.JJune 6, 1918inLiber967fs, page Deed, Walton Ferguson and wife, to Helen M. Tilford, dated May 29, 1918, recorded June 6, 1918, in Liber 967 of Deeds, page 196. B. EXCEPTING also from the firstdescribed tract Lot numbered 30, 31, 32, 44, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, 68 and 69 on a certain map entitled Plan of Peninsula at Fishers made Island, owned by Charles W. Hedge and Frances G. Tho by Chandler & Palmer, Engineers, in 1913,'� and filed In said l Clerk's Office on May 11, 1913, file No. 223, being a part of the land conveyed by James H. Lyles, Trustee, to Frances Catherine Hedge, by deed dated May 1, 1877, recorded in said Clerk's Office July 6, 1877 Liber 229 of Deeds, page 204, an re-recorded December 30, 1 61 in Liber 260 of Deeds, page 404 C. EXCEPTING, also, from the first described tract the parcels of land conveyed by Fishers Island Corporation by the following deeds recorded in said Clerk's Office as follow : Date of Date of Liber and Pais Grantee Deed Recording r of Records Elea HOXaey Abbott Jan.27,1928 Feb.1,1928 1. 1133p 0ofll Henry W. Bagley Oct-5,1933. Oot.14,1931 L. 16609 f41 George Pomeroy July 8,1927 Sept.18,1928 L.Deeds,13380p f47 Bartholomew and Marjorie Lovejoy Bartholomew, his wife Helen A. Benedict Nov.4,1927 Nov.29,1927 L. 1318of p22 Clarence F.Bennett July 8,1927 July 26,1927 LBe 1285of and Blanche H. Bennett, his wife Dorothy C. Benton June 1,1927 Aug.3,1927 L. 12286of 495 Edith B. Manske June 25,1929 $"Pt.17,1929 L. 1457.of s.�:..drYaaU- un � 3 - Date of Date of Liber and Pag Grantee Deed Recording of Recording, Ralph H. Bollard Dec.30,1927 July 14,1930 L. 1513 of and Isabelle Deeds, pp. Bullard, his wife 202-205 Irving W. Bonbright June 21,1928 July 25,1928 L. 1363 of Deeds, p.391 Irving W. Bonbright June 21,1928 July 25,1928 L. 1363 of Deeds, p.411 Irving W. Bonbright June 21,1928 July 25,1928 L. 1363 of Deeds, p.419 Irving W. Bonbright June 21, 1928 July 25,1928 L. 1363 of Deeds, p.396 Joseph A. Bower and Sept.24,1928 Oct.19,1928 L. 1387 of Emma A. Bower, his Deeds, p.530 wife Heyward E. Boyce Sept.25,1928 Nov.2,1928 L. 1391 of and C. Prevost Deeds, p.293 Boyce, his wife W. Graham Boyce and May 12,1937 May 22,1937 L. 1922 of Eliza Gillet Boyce, Deeds, pp. his wife 56-58 Flint Brayton Nov. 2,1931 Feb.27,1932 L. 1636 of Deeds, p.24 Andrew H. Brown Sept.20,1928 Sept.29,1928 L. 1383 of and Bertha S. Brown Deeds, p.103 Donaldson Brown Sept.25,1930 Oct.16,1930 L. 1533 of Deeds, p.224 Donaldson Brown Aug.12,1930 Aug.14,1930 L. 1520 of Deeds, p.180 Donaldson Brown Oct.11,1929 Aug.14,1930 L. 1520 of Deeds, p.176 Donaldson Brown Sept.16,1931 Jan. 2,1932 L. 1625 of Deeds, p.282 John Nicholas Brown Jan-5,1937 Jan.8,1937 L. 1901 of Deeds, p.163 Waldo C. Bryant July 8,1927 (said deed never having been recorded, the premises thereby con- veyed being the same premises described In deed made by Ida Bryant and Waldo Gerald Bryant, as Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Waldo C. Bryant, Deceased, and The First National Bank and Trust Company of Bridgeport, Ida Bryant and Waldo Gerald Bryant, as Trustees under the Last Will and Testame t of Waldo C. Bryant, deceased, to Fishers Island Farms, Inc. dated October 27, 1932 and-recorded December 13, 1932 in Liber 1688 of Deeds, page 369, and 116ER URlp3 PR6E C.(l� 4 Grantee Date of Date of Liber and PaEe Deed Recording of Recording being the same premises described as Parcels 11, 12, 13 and 14 in deed made by Fishers Island Corporation to Fishers Island Farms, Inc, dated August 4, 1939 and recorded September 11, 1939 In Liber 2062 of Deeds, page 65,) Agnes deF. C. June 1,1927 Oct.14,1927 L. 1310 of Buckingham Deeds, p,240 Richard B. Bulkeley June 1,1927 July 16,1927 L. 1283 of Deeds, p.196 Irving T. Bush Oct.15,1928 Oct.26,1928 L. 1389 of Deeds, p.390 Walter S. Carpenter,Oct,19,1928 Oct,25,1928 L. 1389 of Jr, and Mary W. Deeds, Carpenter, his wife p•134 Walter S. Carpenter,Aug.1,1930 Dec.3,1930 L. 1543 of Jr, and Mary W. Carpenter, his wife Deeds, p,29 Walter S. Carpenter,Nov.9, 1931 Nov,281 1931 L. 1619 of Jr. and Mary W. Carpenter, his wife Deeds, pp, 205-209 Walter S. Carpenter,Nov.9,1931 Nov.28,1931 L. 1619 of Jr, and Mary W. Deeds, pp, Carpenter, his wife 201-204 Joseph S. Carreau Oct-15,1928 (said deed never having been recorded, the premises thereby conveyed being hereinafter particularly described,) Porter B. Chase June 1,1927 June 17,1927 L. 1276 of Deeds, p,171 Charles Cheney and Aug.22,1927 Sept,3,1927 L. 1292 of Mary Bell Cheney, his wife Deeds, P-357 Philip Cheney May 20,1929 June 4,1929 L. 1435 of Deeds, p,585 Sarah Griffin Oct-11,1927 Oct,25,1927 L. 1312 of Cheney Deeds, p,351 Sarah Griffin Aug.1,1929 Aug.12,1929 L. 1450 of Cheney Deeds, p,46 Chocomount Homes Oct.6,1937 Nov.9,1937 L. 1953 of Inc, Deeds, p,286 Helen Ashton Clark Aug,1,1930 Oct,20,1930 L. 1534 of Deeds, p,103 Francis W. Cola Oct.8,1929 Oct.23,1929 L. 1464 of Deeds, p.367 . .. i� � .... -. �-ter•-r , - - 5 - Date of Date of Liber and Pag Grantee Deed Recording of Recordin Francis W. Cole Aug.11,1930 Aug.15,1930 L. 1520 of Deeds, p. 438 William Ayres Agler June 2,1927 June 15,1927 L. 1277 of Cook Deeds, p.422 Annie Strong Cooke Oct.21,1931 Oct.29,1931 L. 1612 of Deeds, pp. 507-510 Norman P. Cooley Oct.30,1929 Nov.12,1929 L. 1468 of Deeds, p.137 Elisha H. Cooper June 29,1931 July 23,1931 L. 1592 of and Margaret M. Deeds, pp. Cooper, his wife 59-62 Alfred W. Dater and Jan.26,1929 Feb.6,1929 L. 1409 of Grace C. Dater, Deeds, p.48 his wife Albert G. Davis Jan.30,1933 Feb-3,1933 L. 1696 of Deeds, p.357 9rancis B. Davis Feb.10,1931 May 13,1931 L. 1576 of Deeds, p.246 John Staige Davis July 8,1927 Nov.25,1930 L. 1541 of and Kathleen Deeds,p.378 Bowdoin Davis Annette P.Dederiek Aug.28,1928 Nov.14,1940 L. 2134 of Deeds, p. 1 Annette P.Dederick Aug.8,1930 Nov.14,1940 L. 2133 of Deeds, p.594 Frederick S. Duncan Oct.22,1929 Au9.1,1933 L. 1727 of Deeds, p. 73 Heroy M.Dyckman Feb.28,1928 Oct-15,1928 L. 1386 of and Barbara B. Deeds, p.363 Dyckman, his wife John S. Dye and Jan.30,1933 Feb.17,1933 L. 1698 of Lucy W. Dye,hls wife Deeds, p.347 Alice S. Farmer July 8,1927 Au€.1,1927 L. 1286 of Deeds, p.232 Alfred L. Ferguson Dee.14,1927 Feb.28,1929 L. 1412 of Deeds, p.500 Alfred L. Ferguson Dee.14,1927 Dec.20,1927 L. 1322 of Deeds, p.142 Charles Vau-han June 1,1927 June 17,1927 L. 1276 of j Fer€uson ani Harriet R. Deeds, p.175 Fer_nason, his wife Charles Vau€han Dec.31,1927 June 29,1928 L. 1357 of ''erguson and Deeds, p.428 ,Iarrlet R. icer€uson, his wife .........:. . . ... li ti 6 - Date of Date of Liber and Pag Grantee Deed Recording of Recordin Dorothy T. Ferguson Sept.4,1931 Sept.26,1931 L. 1605 of Deeds, pp. 549-552 Eleanor M.Ferguson June 1,1927 June 15,1927 L. 1277 of and Emma J. Ferguson Deeds, p.406 Eleanor M.Ferguson Aug. 8,1928 Aug.20,1928 L. 1369 of Deeds, p.337 Helen G. Ferguson Jan.19,1928 Feb.14,1928 L. 1332 of Deeds, p.161 Helen G. Ferguson Jan.20,1928 Feb.14,1928 L.1332 of Deeds, p.165 Henry L. Ferguson Oct.25,1927 Nov.3,1927 L. 1314 of Deeds, p.230 John S. Ferguson May 20,1929 May 24,1929 L. 1434 of Deeds, p.131 John S. Ferguson Dec.16,1931 Jan.19,1932 L. 1628 of Deeds, p.577 Fishers Island Aug.4,1939 Sept.11,1939 L. 2062 of Farms, Inc. Deeds, p.65 Charles P.Franchot Au9.6,1937 Sept.11,1937 L. 1943 of Deeds, pp. 586-587 Charles P.Franchot Aug.6,1937 Sept.11,1937 L. 1943 of Deeds, pp. 594-598 Frances H. French June 1, 1927 June 15,1927 L. 1277 of Deeds, pAO2 Frances H. French Aug.6,1930 Dec.16,1930 L. 1545 of Deeds, p.572 Henry J. Fuller July 8,1927 July 23,1927 L. 1285 of Deeds, p.26 Henry J. Fuller Oct.16,1928 Dec.19,1928 L. 1400 of Deeds, p.207 Nancy Archibald May 26,19-,0 June 19,1930 L. 1508 of Fuller Deeds, p.213 William Shirley July 8,1927 Aug.5,1927 L. 1287 of Fulton Deeds, p.214 William W.Galbraith Nov.4,1927 Nov.22,1927 L. 1317 oi' and Katharine S. Deeds, p.164 Galbraith, his wife Charles A. Goodwin Oct.25,1927 Nov.28,1927 L. 1318 of Dceds, p.12G LIBER6083 1 '286 7 - Date of Date of Liber and Pag Grantee Deed Recording of Recording ' Frank H. Goodyear May 20,1929 June 10,1929 L. 1436 of Deeds, p.573 William M. Hager Dec.31,1934 Jan.22,1935 L. 1799 of and Anna E. Hager, Deeds, p.216 his wife Mary E. Haines July 10,1930 Aug-13,1930 L. 1520 of Deeds, p.114 � A.ynes M. Hanes Feb.7,1933 Mar.29,1933 L. 1705 of Deeds, p.372 George E. Hardy, Dec-31,1927 Apr.13,1928 L. 1342 of Myrtle W. Hardy, Deeds, p.90 D. Whitfield Hardy, Anton G. Hardy, Harold V. Goebert and Howard W.Cowan George E. Hardy, Sept.20,1930 Jan.24,1931 L. 1552 of Myrtie W. Hardy Deeds, p.511 and D. Whitfield Hardy Willis F. Harrington Nov.12,1931 Nov.28,1932 L. 1619 of and Elizabeth F. Deeds, p.172 Harrington, his wife Margaret J.Harrison Dec-19,1939 Jan.2,1940 L. 2080 of Nathalie H. Roberts Deeds, p.355 and John Kearsley Mitchell Harrison George P. Hart Nov.9,1928 Nov.14,1928 L. 1393 of Deeds, p.424 George P. Hart June 29, 1931 July 10,1931 L. 1589 of Deeds, p.198 F. Barton Harvey June 17,1927 July 8,1927 L. 1281 of and Rose Linsey Harvey, his wife Deeds, P-551 Helen V. Hathaway July 19,1935 Aug.15,1935 L. 1824 of Deeds, p.453 Beatrice Hawkins June 1,1927 June 15,1927 L. 1277 of Deeds, P.398 Thomas Hewes July 8,1927 Sept.30,1927 L. 1297 of Deeds, p.426 Chester D. Heywood Aug.22,1927 Sept.7,1927 L. 1293 of Deeds, P.83 Dorothy Doolittle Feb.4,1933 Feb.24,1933 L. 1699 of Holcomb Deeds, p.353 Joseph H. Holmes Aug.1,1930 Aug.20,1930 L. 1521 of Deeds, P. 41 TUBER60S3 PACE401 _ g _ Date of Date of Liber and Page Grantee Deed Recording of Recording Maribel C. Humpstone Sept.17,1930 Oct.28,1930 L. 1535 of Deeds543 Mabel L. Hutchinson June 2,1927 June 14,1927 ll. 1277ds, pof .285 Everett E. Jackson Nov. 16,1931 Dec.8,1931 L. 1621of .119 and Fay Leonard Jackson, his wife H. Arnold Jackson June 11,1927 June 24,1927 L. 1279p 338 and Katherine H. Jackson, his wife John Jacobs Aug.8,1928 (said deed never having been recorded, the premises tha by conveyed ) being hereinafter particularly mentioned Fred I. Kent and May 20,1929 May 28,1929 L. 1434Po425 Warner W. Kent Fred I. Kent Apr.24,1933 Sept.2,1933 L. 174 of Deeds24p 271 Martha Tipton June 12,1928 Nov.11,1931 L. 1615p 142 Kenyon Charles S. King Sept.14,1931 Oct.17,1931 L. 161Oof p 262 Arthur F. LaFrentz Dec.31,1927 July 12,1928 L. 1360 of Deeds, p.383 Lagniappe, Inc. Oct.10,1930 Feb.2,1931 L. 1554 of Deeds, p.149 Lagniappe, Inc. Apr.10,1937 Sept.23,1937 L. 1946 of Deeds, p.103 Lewis G. Lards and July 8, 1927 Aug.8,1927 1. 1287 o24 Anne G. T. Larus, P-5 his wife Charles W.Littlefleld Sept.7,1928 Sept.25,1928 L. 1382 of and Georgie B. Deeds, p.223 Littlefield, his wife Charles W.Littlefield Aug.5,1930 Aug.20,1930 L. 1521po411 and Georgie B. Littlefield, his wife Maurice A.Long and Jan.30,1933 Feb.23,1933 L. 1699 of Anne M. Long, his Deeds, p.160 wife Jesse Robert Lovejoy Aug.22,1927 Oct.17,1927 1. 1310of p 236 and Mary Gould Lovejoy, his wife Robert ggS��. Maslin and Dec.2,1928 Feb.20,1932 L. 1634 of fthell I& Maslin, Deeds, p.597 LKRuuot 1ACE4170 - 9 - Date of Date of Liber and Pa e Grantee Deed Recording of Recordin Erard Adolph June 17,1927 July 14,1927 L. 1300 of Matthiessen Deeds, p.64 Erard Adolph Oct.18,1927 Nov.18,1927 L. 1316 of Matthiessen Deeds, p.500 Alexander A. Mar.26,1928 Apr.2,1928 L. 1339 of McDonnell Deeds, p.469 Hollyday S.Meeds,Jr.Dec.3,1930 Jan.15,1931 L. 1551 of Deeds, p,54 Edith Welles Meyer Nov.18,1937 Nov.22,1937 L. 1995 of Deeds, p.454 Louis deB. Moore July 3, 1930 July 30,1930 L. 1516 of Deeds, p,578 John M. Morehead Dec-31, 1927 Jan.14,1928 L. 1326 of Deeds, p.480 Alexander P.Morgan July 24,1933 Aug.2,1933 L. 1727 of Deeds, p.123 William Osgood June 2,1927 July 7,1927 L. 1281 of Morgan Deeds, p,281 Robert J.Nelden and Oct,11,1927 Oct.20,1927 L. 1311 of , Sarah M.Nelden, his Deeds, p.441 wife, and Jesse L. Terry and Kathleen N. Terry, his wife William H. Nichols, July 8, 1927 Jan.31,1928 L. 1329 of Jr, Deeds, p.567 Francis Tilden Jan.25,1929 Jan,31,1929 L. 1407 of ( Nichols and Central Deeds, p.566 Union Trust Company of New York, as Trustees under the Will of William H. Nichols, Jr, deceased Rose Tilden Nichols,July 15,1931 Aug.6,1931 L. 1595 of widow, and Marian Deeds, p.26 Nichols V11es Alden C. Noble and Oct. 18,1937 Oct.22,1937 L. 1951 of Helen A. Noble, Deeds, p.70 his wife Agnes B. Noyes July 8,1927 Sept.14,1927 L. 1294 of Deeds, p.192 Agnes B.Noyes Aug.1,1927 Sept.14,1927 L. 1294 of Deeds, p.197 Agnes B. Noyes Oct.18,1927 Nov.3,1927 L. 1314 of Deeds, p.18I6 006083 PAGEM _ 10 - Date of Date of Liber and Page Grantee Deed Recording of Recording � A,;nes B. Noyes Aug.8,1928 Nov.2,1928 L. 1391 of Deeds, p.297 Augustus Embury Oct.11,1927 Dec.2,1930 L. 1542 of Palmer and Elizabeth Deeds, p.497 Hepburn Palmer, his wife '' Charles B. Parsons Nov.18,1927 Oct.9,1931 L. 1560 of Deeds, p.266 Alexander C. Jan.31,1928 Feb.8,1928 L. 1331 of ' Pendleton and Martha Deeds, p.189 F. Pendleton, his wife Ralph H. Perry Aug.8,1928 Aug.30,1928 L. 1372 of Deeds, p.21 Winslow S. Pierce Dec.4,1929 Jan.24,1930 L. 1482 of Deeds, 8.13 Maxwell S. Porter Aug.22,1927 Nov.17,1927 L. 1316 of Deeds, p.418 Sherburne Prescott June 2,1927 June 10,1927 L. 1278 of Deeds, p.227 Sherburne Prescott Sept.18,1929 Sept.25,1929 L. 1459 of Deeds, p.138 Corinne G.Rafferty June 17,1927 June 23,1927 L. 1276 of Deeds, p.117 Madeline G. Rafferty Dec.17,1929 Jan.13,1930 L. 1477 of Deeds, 8.591 James H.Rand, Jr. Apr.29,1931 May 21, 1931 L. 1578 of Deeds, p.181 William T. Reed June 2,1927 June 15,1927 L. 1277 of Deeds, p.410 William T. Reed Sept.26,1930 oct.6,1930 L. 1531 of Deeds, p•287 Edwin Wilbur Rice, Aug.11,1930 Oct.9,1930 L. 1532 of Jr. Deeds, 8.93 Edwin Wilbur Rice, Aug.14,1931 Sept.10,1931 L. 1602 of Jr, Deeds, p.225 L. Martin Richmond June 17,1927 June 29,1927 L. 1279 of Deeds, 8.563 Jesse B.Riggs and Dec.30,1930 Jan.8,1931 L. 1550 of Charlotte S.Riggs, Deeds, p.251 his wife Harold 1nRowe and Aug.22,1927 Feb.1,1934 L. 1750 of Yhai shwrlT a P.Rowe, Deeds, 8.315 LOW MEM Date of Date of Liber and Pa E. Grantee Deed Recording of Recording Dorothy M.Russell Dec.31,1927 Oct.22,1928 L. 1388 of Deeds, p.240 Frederick S. Ruth July 8,1927 Dec. 2,1927 L. 1319 of Deeds, p.l Walter N. Ruth and June 28,1928 July 12,1928 L. 1361 of Mary Nelson Ruth, Deeds, p.490 his wife Annie E. Schultz, May 20,1929 June 22,1929 L. 1439 of Trustee under the Deeds, p.398 Will of L. S. Ellsworth Annie E. Schultz, Aug.1,1930 Aug.19,1930 L. 1521 of Trustee under the Deeds, p.223 Will of L. S. Ellsworth Grant G. Simmons Mar.25,1931 Apr.16,1931 L. 1569 of Deeds, p.41,- Edith .419Edith K. Skinner June 2,1927 June 15,1927 L. 1277 of Deeds, 0.418 Helen Talbott July 8,192/ A,-g.14,1930 L. 1 20 of Stanley Deeds, p.H89 Maurice Stanley and Oct.11,1927 May 10,1928 L. 1947 of Margaret S. Stanley, Deeds, p.184 his wife (re-recorded October 4, 1938 L. 2007 of Deeds, p. 462) Jane H. and Marian Oct-21,1930 Dec.3,1930 L. 1543 of Swords Deeds, p.25 Mary D. Tifft Apr.17,1931 Nov.14,1940 L. 2133 of Deeds, p.590 James Dean Tilford Aug.6,1937 Sept.24,1937 L. 1946 o£ and Helen M.Tilford, Deeds, p.217 his wife James Dean Tilford Dec.31,1927 Jan.12,1928 L. 1326 of and Helen M.Tilford, Deeds, p.206 his wife Elizabeth S. Upp Nov.5,1928 Jan,3,1929 L. 1402 of Deeds, D.210 Cornelia W. Vanderpool July 20,1931 July 28,1931 L. 1593 of Deeds, p.36 Douglass Van Dyke June 1, 1927 June 17,1927 L. 1270 of Deeds, p.481 DoDElass Van Dyke Oct.11,1927 Oct.21,1927 L. 1311 of Deeds LIBER6083 RrcE291 12 _ Date of Date of Liber aid Fag Grantee Deed Recording of Recordin Joseph Van Vleck July 8,1927 July 22,1927 L. 1264 of and Carolyn W. Van Deeds, p.418 Vleck, his wife F. King Wainwright Dec.31,1927 Nov.27,1940 L. 2136 of Deeds, p.183 Henry P. Walker June 17,1927 July 22,1927 L. 1284 of Deeds, p.486 Henry P. Walker Oct.28,1928 Nov.12,1928 L. 1393 of Deeds, p.57 Andrew B. Wallace June 17,1927 June 24,1927 L. 1279 of and Florence W. Deeds, p.244 Wallace, his wife Madera V. Wallace Aug.29,1928 Sept.13,1928 L. 1374 of and Ruth Wallace Deeds, p.500 Demarest Madora V. Wallace Aug.29,1928 Sept.13,1928 L. 1374 of Deeds, p.504 Madera V. Wallace Aug.1,1929 Aug.30,1929 L. 1454 of and Norman Wallace Deeds, p.99 Madora V. Wallace Mar.26,1931 July 9,1931 L. 1589 of Deeds, p.88 Florence S. Warner Nov.18,1936 Nov-30,1936 L. 1894 of Deeds, p.318 J. Cheney Wells Aug.1,1930 Aug.25,1930 L. 1523 of Deeds, p.170 Robert H. White and July 8,1927 NOV.7,1927 L. 1314 of Elsie C. White, Deeds, p.411 his wife William Henry White Dec.31,1927 Jan.30,1928 L. 1329 of Deeds, p.487 Florence C.Whitney Dec.1,1928 Jan.28,1929 L. 1407 of Deeds, p.83 Blair S. Williams July 8,1927 Mar.16,1929 L. 1415 of and Elsie S. Deeds, p.371 Williams, his wife John S. Williams and July 8,1927 July 26,1927 L. 1285 of Sarah McL. Williams, Deeds, P.392 his wife Marjorie Phillip Aug.22,1927 Sept.7,1927 L. 1293 of Williams Deeds, p.l Nina C.D. Williams June 17,1927 July 31,1930 L. 1517 of Deeds, p.194 29 llERardn E - 13 - Date of Date of Liber and Pag Grantee Deed Recording of Recordin Paul T. Wise and Mar.1,1937 Aug,31,1937 L. 1914 of Alice S. Wise, Deeds, p,41 his wife Caroline Lesher Sept.3,1929 Oct.1,1929 L. 1460 of Wright Deeds, p,116 Caroline Lesher Sept.16,1931 Nov-17,1931 L. 1614 of Wright Deeds, p.317 1, Clinton R.Wyckoff Oct.6,1930 Nov-15,1930 L. 1537 of and Emma M.Wyckoff Deeds, p.249 j Eugene A. Yates Aug.6,1937 Sept.11,1937 L. 1943 of Deeds, p.588 Margaret T. Young Oct.8,1928 Oct.24,1928 L. 1389 of Deeds, p,71 Glenfield S. Young Sept,25,1931 Oct.711931 L. 1608 of Deeds, p,279 Efrem Zimbalist Aug.28,1928 Mar.26,1929 L. 1422 of and Alma Gluck ZLmbalist Deeds, p.267 EXCEPTING also from the first described tract the followinc properties heretofore conveyed by Fishers Island Corporation: 1. The property conveyed by deed made by Arthur E. Whitney and his wife to Louise Maxwell Whitney dated October 2g, 1928 and recorded November 2, 1928, in Liber 1391 of Conveyances at page 244. 2. The property conveyed by deed made by Florence C. Whitney to John S. Ferguson dated July 30, 1929, record- ed August 14, 1929, In Liber 1450 of Deeds, page 400. 3. The property conveyed by Fishers Island Corporation to Joseph S. Carreau, by deed dated October 15, 1928, above mentioned, therein described as follows: BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Easterly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being one hundred and ninety and seventy-six hundredths feet South of a point which is thirteen hundred and sixteen and eighty-seven hundredths feet West of another monu- ment marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "East End 2" (which said "East End 2 monument is located on the summit of the highest hill East of East Harbor on Fishers Island, N.Y. and lies South fifty-four minutes West of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence North eighty-nine degrees and twelve minutes East one hundred and thirteen and ninety-four hundredths feet to a stake; thence South fifty-two degrees twelve minutes and ten seconds East one hundred and one and fifty-six hundredth feet to a stake; thence South twelve degrees fifty-two minutes and forty seconds East seventy-eight and . . VEER�CIJ PACE 4�7�1 14 - eighty-seven hundredths feet to a stake set on the Northerly side of another road forty feet wide; thencjand Southwestwardly along the Northerly side of said road (and following the are of a curve to the left whose radius is three hundred and thirty-nine and ninety-tw hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South twenty-four degrees fifty-five minutes and thirty seconds East) one hundred and one ninety-eight hundredths feet to a stake; thence, stilalong the Northerly side of said road, South forty-se degrees fifty-three minutes and ten seconds West thirty- six and fifty-one hundredths feet to a stake markini a point of curve to the right whose radius is two hundred and nine and eighty hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North forty-two degrees six minutes and fifty seconds West; thence Southwestward y, still along the Northerly side of said road (and follow- ing the arc of said curve), ninety-one and sixty-three hundredths feet to a stake; thence, still along the Northerly side of said road, South seventy-two degrees fifty-four minutes and forty seconds West twenty-eight and thirty hundredths feet to a stake markinEla point of curve to the right whose radius is fourteen and sixty- two hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North seventeen degrees five minutes and twenty seconds West; thence Westwardly, still along the Northerly side of said road (and following the arc of said curve), twenty-seven and ninety-four hundredths fee to a stake set at the intersection of said road with the Easterly side of the road first above mentioned; thence, along the Easterly side of said road, North two det_rces twenty-five minutes and ten seconds East one hundred and fifty-one feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the right whose radius is four hundred and six and eight hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South eighty-seven degrees thirty-four minutes and fifty seconds East; and thence Northwardly, still along the Easterly side of said road (and followl the arc of said curve), one hundred and seven and eighty one hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containirg one and four hundredths acres, more or less. 4. The property conveyed by Fishers Island Corporation to John Jacobs, by deed dated August 8, 1928, not racer-- ad, but particularly described in quit-claim deed made by Fishers Island Estates, Inc. to John Jacobs, dated as of December 31, 1940, recorded in said Clerk's Office on May 18, 1953 in Liber 3516 of Deeds at page 455. 5. The property, easements and rights heretofore con- veyed by Fishers Island Corporation to The Fishers Island Electric Corporation and to The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation by deeds dated respectively December 30, 1939 and recorded in said Clerk's Office on November 23, 1940 in Liber 2135 of Deeds, at pages 449 and 433 respectively. TOGETHER with all easements, rights of way and rights and privileges whatsoever reserved by or granted to Fishers Island Corporation contained in instruments of record and in deeds made by it, whether or not recorded, and togethe with all covenants and agreements in favor of said Fishers Island Corporation set forth in deeds made by it, whether or not recorded, and LIBER 608 kdescribed 15TOGETHER with all islands, harbors, coves, inletss, streams and all waters in, upon, adjoining or part of Fishers Island, lying Easterly of the line under the first described tract, and the shores s and the uplands and lands under water thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and also all the estate which Fishers Island Corporation had at the time of its adjudication In bankruptcy in said premises. BEING THE SAME properties and rights and interest in property conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated December 31, 1940, made by James Henry Rambo, as Trustee in Bankruptcy of Fishers Island Corporation, records in said Clerk's Office on March 20, 1941 in Liber 2153 of Deeds, page 364, but EXCEPTING therefrom the following: 1. The parcels of land conveyed by the party of the first part by the following deeds, recorded in said Clerk's Office, as follows: Date of Date of Liber and Page Grantee Deed Recording of Recording Ii, Adolph Ahlgren oct.28,1946 Oct.31,1946 L. 2642 of Deeds, P. 523 ; Adolph Ahlgren Mar.29,1955 Apr.4,1955 L. 3863 of Deeds, P. 318 Adolph Ahlgren Sept.20,1946 Sept.26,1946 L. 2627 of j and Ulla Ahlgren, Deeds, p. 174 his wife Adolph Ahlgren Mar.29,1955 Apr.4,1955 L. 3863 of and Ulla Ahlgren, Deeds, p. 314 his wife Theodore Lawrence Apr.5,1950 Apr.21,1950 L. 3067 of Arasimowicz Deeds, p. 202 Reginald Auchincloss June 30,1954 July 9,1954 L. 3722 of Deeds, p. 148 Bruce Baetjer Sept.19,1951 Oct.8,1951 L. 3274 of Deeds, P. 355 Richard G. Baker Feb.14,1964 Mar.23,1964 L. 5516 of and Patricia M. Deeds, P. 537 Baker, his wife Lawrence S. Jan.19,1945 Mar. .16,1945 L. 2428 of Baldwin and Bertha Deeds, P. 541 W. Baldwin, his wife Lawrence S. Apr.12,1950 May 10,1950 L. 3074 of Baldwin and Bertha Deeds, p. 240 W. Baldwin, his wife John J. Bogert May 1, 1962 June 21,1962 L. 5185 of and Kathryn L.N.Bogert, Deeds, p. 135 his wife LOEH��J PALE G,7� 16 - Date of Date of Liber and Page Grantee Deed Recording of RecordinF Margaret M.Bogert Dec.18,1951 Dec.27,1951 L. 3304 of Deeds, p. 2,8 Walter H.Bohlen Nov.30,1945 Dec-27,1945 L. 2,15 of and Mary E.Bohlen, Deeds, p. ,25 his wife Kenyon Boocock and Apr-5,1949 Apr.25,1949 L. 2942 of Glenn Wlnnett Deeds, p. 403 Boocock, his wife Lily Cushing Boyd June 18,1964 July 7,1964 L. 5572 of Deeds, P. 232 B.Rionda Braga Apr.30,1956 May 10,1956 L. 4110 of and Mary S.B.Braga, Deeds, P. 115 his wife T.Jerrold Bryce June 11,1948 June 22,1948 L. 2840 of and Helen Glenn Deeds, p. 147 Bryce, his wife Walker G.Buckner Aug.18,1964 Sept.22,1964 L. 5619 of and Helen W.Buckner, Deeds, p. 78 his wife Walker G. Buckner May 12,1966 May 24 1966 L. 5962 of and Helen W.Buckner, Deeds, p. 484 his wife Bradford Burnham Sept.25,1953 Oct.14,1953 L. 3595 of Deeds, P. 74 Bradford Burnham Aug.18,1958 Sept.8,1958 L. 4510 of Deeds, p.282 Elbert W. Burr June 13,1949 June 16,1949 L. 2960 of Deeds, p. 215 Elbert W. Burr Jan.10,1952 Feb.8,1952 L. 3319 of Deeds, p. 147 Elbert W. Burr Feb.16,1964 Feb.26,1964 L. 5505 of Deeds, p. 280 Cass Canfield Aug.2,1951 Sept.7,1951 L. 3261 of Deeds, P. 39 Caroline E. Cant Dec.13,1962 Dec.19,1962 L. 5281 of Deeds, P. 523 Leroy Carney and Sept.27,1961 Oct.20,1961 L. 5067 of Mary Carney, his Deeds, p. 467 wife Edmund N. Carpenter,July 5,1955 Dec.16,1955 L. 4040 of 11 Deeds, p. 417 Colby M.Cheater,3rd June 23,1965 July 20 1965 L. 5784 of Deeds, p. 197 LIBER WpJ PACE 2W I - 17 - Date of Date of Liber and Page Grantee Deed Recording of Recording Colby N. Chester, Sept.7,1965 Sept.29,1965 L.5830 of III Deeds, p.489 Allen C. Cook and Nov.16,1956 Jan.9,1957 L. 4240 of Annie Cook, his Deeds, P. 171 wife Robert H. Cowan Feb.7,1962 June 5,1962 L. 5176 of Deeds, p.152 Theodore N. Danforth July 26,1965 Augu",1965 L.5793 of land Isabel B.Danforth,his wife Deeds, p.412 Lammot duPont Sept.14,1950 Oct-18,1950 L. 3140 of Deeds, p,101 Pierre S. duPont, Jan.10,1952 Jan.21,1952 L.3313 of 3rd Deeds, p. 19 Pierre S. duPont Sept.27,1961 Apr.18,1962 L. 5153 of Deeds, P. 509 Pierre S. duPont, Dec.27,1956 Jan-18,1957 L. 4245 of 3rd Deeds, P. 522 Reynolds duPont July 5,1955 Dec.16,1955 L. 4040 of Deeds, p.424 Raymond W. Edwards Aug.27,1954 Sept.21,1954 L. 3760 of and Anna S. Edwards, Deeds, P. 532 his wife Duncan S. Ellsworth Oct-30,1953 Nov.9,1953 L. 3609 of Deeds, p.73 H.Lee Ferguson, Jr. July 12,1962 Sept.17,1962 L. 5231 of land Martha M.Ferguson,his wife Deeds, P. 567 Ella Milbank Foshay Jan.11,1961 Jan.18,1961 L, 4937 of Deeds, p,72 Frances H. French Aug.13,1952 Aug.21,1952 L. 3396 of Deeds, p. 294 Mary R. Gordon Jan.28,1963 Apr,25,1963 L. 5338 of Deeds, p. 189 John W. Hanes Apr.2,1953 May 18,1953 L. 3516 of Deeds, p. 447 John W. Hanes Aug-31,1953 oct.16,1953 L. 3596 of Deeds, P. 79 David F. Harris Oct.1,1964 Dec.18,1964 L. 5672 of Deeds, p, 467 Otis Horn and Sept-15,1958 Nov.16,1958 L. 4541 of Aurelia Horn, Deeds, p,364 his wife William H.Hubbard Nov,12,1941 Dec.12,1941 L. 2206 of and Dorothy W.Hubbard, Deeds, p,314 his wife _ UREA 6083 PAGE 29 1 Date of Date of Liber and Page Grantee Deed Recording of Recording Robert Leeson Dec.4,1950 Dec.12,1950 L. 3163 of Deeds, p. 149 John Leone Feb.22,1945 March 16,1945 L. 2428 of Deeds, p. 531 George deF. Lord June 18,1954 July 26,1954 L. 3730 of and Ruth duPont Deeds, p. 571 Lord, his wife George deF. Lord Feb.24,1963 April 23,1963 L. 5337pof1 land Ruth duPont Lord, his wife Curtis W. McGraw Jan.14,1953 Feb.11,1953 L. 3473 of Deeds, P. 540 Lard A. Matthiessen Nov.17,1960 Nov.29,1960 L. p 4912 2of480 Erard A, Matthiessen Aug.18,1949 Sept.20,1949 L. 2994 of Deeds, P. 547 Peter Matthiessen Nov.17,1960 Nov.29,1960 L. 4912 of Deeds, p. 473 Margot B. Maw Feb.26,1965 Apr-13,1965 L. 5728 of Deeds, p. 470 Alice F. Milliken Apr.20,1964 May 6,1964 L. 5338 of Deeds, p. 493 Comfort P. O'Connor March 31,1965 April 21,1965 L. 5733 of Deeds, p. 9 Bertha E. Olsen Jan.15,1945 March 16,1965 L. 2426 of Deeds, p. 536 Remington Rand, Inc. Sept.20,1948 Sept.24,1948 L. 2876 2876of 4u3 William C.Robinson,Jr. Dec.24,1957 Feb.24,1958 L. 4431 of Deeds, P. 31 Louis Rotar and May 2,1946 May 4,i946 L. 2559 of Dorothy J. Rotar, Deeds, P. 354 his wife Thomas R. Rudel and Au€•25,1948 Oct.7,1748 L. 28E1 of Doris T. Rude1 Deeds, P. 547 Joseph L. Smith Dec.24,1945 Jan.2y,1y46 L. 2524 of and Ruth M.Smith,his wife Deeds, p. 3`7 Warren H. Snow Oct.21,1954 Nov.9,1y54 L. 37S7 of Deeds, P. 523 John Temple Swin Sept.9,1964 Oct,8,1y64 L. 5630 of and Janet Adams wing, Deeds, p. 125 his wife LISER6083 PAGEM - 19 - Date of Date Liber and Page Grantee Deed Recording of Recording Barbara C. Watkins Dec.7,1960 Dec.27,1960 L. 4926 of Deeds, p. 441 John Hay Whitney Oct.29,1948 Nov.8,1948 L. 2892 of Deeds, p. 401 John Hay Whitney Nov.24,1952 Dec-1,1952 L. 3443 of Deeds, p. 460 John Hay Whitney Jan.31,1962 Feb.g,1962 L. 5124 of Deeds, p. 580 David R. Wilmerding Dec-29,1953 Jan-15,1954 L. 3639 of Deeds, p. 402 Glenp Winnett Nov.18,1966 Nov.29,1966 L. 6076 of Boocock Deeds, P. 387 Case Canfield Nov.17,1966 Nov.29,1966 L. 6076 of Deeds, P. 394 Barbara S.Kirkland Nov.12,1966 NOV-17,i966 L. 6071 of Deeds, P. 7 2. The lands and interests in land of the party of the first part taken by the United States of America in an action instituted in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, entitled - "United States of America, Petitioner-Plaintiff versus 94.42 acres of land, more or lees, at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, and Fishers Island Estates, Inc. et al. Defendants," (C.P. No. 13), which lands and Interests in land are particularly described in the Judgment of Condemnation entered in such proceedings in the Office of the Clerk of said Court on November 16, 1943. 3. The easement for a water main taken by the United States of America in an action instituted in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, entitled "United States of America, Petitioner- Plaintiff, versus 0.16 of an acre of land, more or less, situate in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, and Fishers Island Estates, Inc., Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, The New York Trust Company, Defendants," (C.P. No. 31), which easement and the land burdened thereby are particularly described in the Judgment on the Declaration of Taking No. 7, dated May 27, 1943 and entered in such proceedings In the Office of the Clerk of said Court and which Judgment was recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on June 3, 1943 in Liber 2289 of Deeds, page 596. MRS" quEas 20 - 4. The easement for highway purposes granted by the party of the first part to the Town of Southold by deed of dedication, dated July 8, 1949 and recorded in said Clerk's Office on October 13, 1949 in Liber 3005 of Deeds, page 147. 5. The rights and easements conveyed by the party of the first part by the indenture, dated July 24, 1962, made between Alfred L. Ferguson, Marion B. Ferguson, Fishers Island Estates, Inc, and Fishers Island Development Corp, as the party of the first part thereto and Alfred L. Ferguson, Marion B. Ferguson, Fishers Island Estates, Inc, and Fishers Island Development Corp., as the party of the second part thereto, which indenture was recorded in said Clerk's Office on September 17, 1962 in Liber 5231 of Deeds, page 559. 6. The property, easements and rights heretofore ' conveyed by the party of the first part to Fishers Island Water Works Corporation by deed dated even date herewith and intended to be recorded in said Clerk's Office prior to the recording hereof. 7. The easement for a water line granted by the ' party of the first part to Jahn W. Hanes by deed dated December 10, 1956. 8. The easement for a pipeline for water and conduits for the transmission of electric current for electric and telephone lines granted by the party of the first part to Eileen B. Robbins by deed dated August 13, 1965. TOGETHER, with all easements, rights of way and rights and privileges whatsoever reserved by or granted to the party of the first part contained in instruments of record and in deeds made by it, whether or not recorded, and together with all covenants and agreements in favor of the party of the first part or the party of the first part, its successors or assigns set forth in said instru- ments of record and in deeds made by it, whether or not recorded. SECOND PARCEL All those certain pieces or parcels of land situate lying and being at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, conveyed by Walter Kuelper to the party of the first part by deed, dated October 25, 1950 and recorded in said Clerk's Office on November 8, 1950 in Liber 3148 of Deeds, page 555, said parcels being bounded and described as follows: PARCEL A BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Easterly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being sixteen hundred and thirty and forty-one hundredths feet West of a point which is two hundred and seventy-four and twenty hun- dredths feet North of another monument marking the U.S Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Chocomount 2" (which said "Chocomount 2 monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N.Y. about two and one-quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty-nine EI9ER000J FGE JIiO 21 - minutes and forty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence South forty-six ; degrees and forty-five minutes East two hundred and twenty- eight and twenty-one hundredths feet to a stake; thence South sixty-three degrees fifty-five minutes and thirty ( seconds East one hundred and seventy-one and twenty-three . hundredths feet to a stake; thence South eighteen degrees forty-four minutes and fifty seconds West one hundred and ' sixty-eight and seventeen hundredths feet to a stake set on ithe Northerly side of another road forty feet wide; thence 'Westwardly, along the Northerly side of said road (and follow ging the arc of a curve to the .left whose radius is seven hundred and six and twenty-one hundredths feet and the dir- ection of whose radius at that point is South two degrees two minutes and fifty-four seconds East), one hundred and forty-four and sixty-eight hundredths feet to a staxe; thence, ! still along the Northerly side of said road, South seventy- , six degrees twelve minutes and fifty seconds West forty and forty-one hundredths feet to a stake mrking a point of curve to the right whose radius is eighty-one and sixty-seven hun- dredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North thirteen degrees forty-seven minutes and ten seconds West; thence Westwardly, along the Northerly side of said road (and following the are of said curve), one hundred and , twenty-eight and sixty-one hundredths feet to a stake set at the intersection of said road with the Easterly side of the road first above mentioned; thence, along the Easterly side of said road, North thirteen degrees thirty-three minutes and ten seconds West one hundred and sixty-six and ninety-nine hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the right whose radius is two hundred and eleven and fifty-seven 'hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North seventy-six degrees twenty-six minutes and fifty seconds East; thence Northwardly, along the Easterly side of said road ( and following the are of said curve), two hundred and two and eight hundredths feet to a stake; and thence, still along the Easterly side of said road, North forty-one degrees ten minutes and twenty seconds East eleven and ninety-eight hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing two and twenty-one hundredths acres, more or less. PARCEL B BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Southeasterly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being eleven hundred and twenty-eight eet West of a hundred and seventy-seven£ point enand seventy f urhundredths sen feet North of another monument marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Chocomount 2" (which said Chocomount 2 monument is located on the summit of the highes hill on Fishers Island, N.Y. about two and one-quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty-nine minutes and forty-six second East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence South fifty degrees one minute and twenty seconds East one hundred and seventy-six and fifty-seven hundredths feet to a stake; thence South forty degrees and forty-three minutes West one hundred and two and ninety-six hundredths feet to a stake; thence South eleven degrees sixte n minutes and fifty seconds Nest one hundred and eighty-six and forty hundredths feet to a stake; thane No s..eventy-! ds s fife pitnytte �.tA1�Y.*.�,�°� "` �. - — LIBER u10J RICE W1 22 _ hundred and thirty-seven and eighteen hundredths feet to a stake set on the Southeasterly side of said road; thence, along the Southeasterly side of said road, North forty-one degrees ten minutes and twenty seconds East two hundred anti fifty and ninety-three hundredths feet to a stage narking a point of curve to the right whose radius is three r:undyed and seventeen and fifty-five hundredths feet and the directio of whose radius at that point is South forty-eight deL.rees forty-nine minutes and forty seconds East; thence Nortteact- wardly, still along the Southeasterly side of said road (arid following the are of said curve), one hundred and rorty-five and thirty-five hundredths feet to a stake mar;cira a point of curve to the right whose radius is three hundred and seven- teen and fifty-five hundredths feet and the directlon of whos radius at that point is South twenty-two decrees thirty-six minutes and ten seconds East; thence Northeastwardly, still along the Southeasterly side of said road (and following the are of said curve), twenty-three and fifty-five hundredths feet to a stake; and thence, still along the Southeasterly side of said road, North seventy-one degrees thirty-e1l,ht minutes and fifty seconds East five and fifty-five hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing two acres, more or less. PARCEL C BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Southeast- erly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being:, eleven hundred and twenty-eight feet West of a point which is seven hundred and seventy-seven and seventy-four hundredths feet North of another monument marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Checomount 2 ' (which said "Chocomount 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N.Y. about two and one- quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty-nine minutes and forty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence,along the Southeasterly side of said road, North seventy-one degrees thirty-e1Eht minutes and fifty seconds East one hundred and nineteen feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the left whose radius is three hundred and eighty-nine and twenty-nine hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North eighteen degrees twenty-one minutes and ten seconds West; thence Northeastwardly, along the Southeasterly side of said road (and following the arc of said curve), two hundred and forty and eight hundredths feet to a stake; thence, still along the Southeasterly side of said road, North thirty-six degrees eighteen minutes and forty seconds East sixteen feet to a stake; thence South sixty degrees twenty-seven minutes and forty seconds East one hundred and elEhty-six and eighty- nine hundredths feet to a stake; thence South nine degrees thirty minutes and twenty seconds East three hundred and seventy-four and sixty-two hundredths feet to a stare; thence South sixty-seven degrees and fifty-four minutes West one hundred and eighty-six and fifty-seven hundredths feet to a stake; thence North forty-five degrees and six minutes West three hundred and twenty-four and forty-six hundredths feet to a stake; and thence North fifty decrees one minute and twenty seconds West one hundred and seventy-six and fifty- seven hundredths feet to the place of be Einning; containing j three and fifty hundredths acres, more or less. USER WOJ CE302 23 _ PARCEL D I BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Easterly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being eight hundred and forty-seven and eight-hundredths feet West of a point which is one hundred and seventy and sixty-two hundredths feet North of another monument marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Chocomount 2 (which said "Chocomount 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N.Y. about two and one quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty-nine minutes and forty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence North sixty-eight degrees fifty-six minutes and twenty seconds West twenty feet to a stake; thence North twenty-one degrees forty-six minutes and forty seconds East two hundred and seventy-seven and twenty- six hundredths feet to a stake; thence North sixty-seven degrees and fifty-four minutes East one hundred and eighty- six and fifty-seven hundredths feet to a stake; thence South forty-three degrees nine minutes and twenty seconds East one hundred and twenty-eight and fifty-one hundredths feet to a stake; thence South forty-four degrees and forty-eight minutes East one hundred and forty-four and seventy-nine hundredths feet to a stake; thence South fifty-four minutes and forty seconds West two hundred and sixty-eight and eighty three hundredths feet to a stake; thence South eighty-nine degrees thirty-six minutes and twenty seconds West one hundred and sixty-five and sixty-two hundredths feet to a stake; and thence North sixty-four degrees thirty-five minute hundred fifty seconds West three hundred and six and eighty- hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing three and forty-six hundredths acres, more or less. PARCEL E BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Easterly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being eight hundred and forty-seven and eight-hundredths feet West of a point which is one hundred and seventy and sixty-two hundreds s feet North of another monument markingthe U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Chocomount 2" (which said "Chocomount 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N.Y. about two and one- quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty-nine minutes and forty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence South sixty-four degrees thirty-five minutes and fifty seconds East three hundred and six and eighty-hundredths feet to a stake; thence South twenty-four degrees fifty-six minutes and ten seconds West two hundred and sixty-four and twenty-seven hundredths feet to a stake; thence North eighty-six degrees fifty minutes and fifty seconds West two hundred and thirty-one and eighty-hundredths feet to a stake; thence North thirty-nine degrees fifty-three minutes and thirty seconds West one hun- dred and eight and eighty-hundredths feet to a stake set on the Easterly side of said road; thence Northwardly, along the Easterly side of said road (and following the are of a curve to the left whose radius is two hundred and thirty-nine and Potty-eight hundredths feet and the direction of whose -, - radiw at tbOPOlnt le North forty-one degrees nine minutes LAM Pak 24 - and twenty seconds West), one hundred and sixteen and thirtee - hundredths feet to a stake; and thence, still along the East- erly side of said road, North twenty-one degrees three minute and forty seconds East one hundred and ninety-three and seventy-hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing two and seventeen-hundredths acres, more or less. PARCEL F BEGINNING at a stone monument set on the Northerly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being five hundred and sixty-one and thirteen-hundredths feet South of a point which Is eleven hundred and sixteen and twenty-three hundredths feet West of another monument marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "Chocomount 2" (which said "Chocomount 2" monument is located on the summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N.Y. about two and one-quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty-nine minute and forty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence North six degrees twenty- three minutes and thirty seconds East four hundred and ten an forty-hundredths feet to a stake set on the Southerly side of another road forty feet wide; thence Eastwardly, along the Southerly side of said road (and following the are of a curve to the left whose radius is two hundred and thirty-nine and forty-eight hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North sixteen degrees fifty-three minutes an thirty seconds West), twenty feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the left whose radius is two hundred and thirty- nine and forty-eight hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North twenty-one degrees forty minutes and thirty seconds West; thence Eastwardly, still along the Southerly side of said road (and following the arc of said curve), eighty-one and forty-two hundredths feet to a stake; thence South thirty-nine degrees fifty-three minutes and thirty seconds East one hundred and eight and eighty- hundredths feet to a stake; thence South eighty-six degrees fifty minutes and fifty seconds East two hundred and thirty- ore and eighty-hundredths feet to a stake; thence North twenty-four degrees fifty-six minutes and ten seconds East seventy five feet to a stake; thence South fifty-four degrees thirty-eight minutes and thirty seconds East six hundred and forty-five and fourteen-hundredths feet to a stake; thence South forty-seven minutes and twenty seconds East one hundred and fifty-six and thirteen-hundredths feet to a stake set on the Northerly side of the road first above mentioned; thence, along the Northerly side of said road, North eighty- four degrees twelve minutes and twenty seconds West nine hundred and seventy-seven and ninety-one hundredths feet to a stake; and thence, still along the Northerly side of said road, North ci2hty-four degrees twelve minutes and twenty seconds Hest twenty-two feet to the place of beginning;; containing eight and six-hundredths acres, more or less. PARCEL G B?GINNING at a stone monument set on the Northerly side of a road forty feet wide, said monument being eleven handred and sixteen and twenty-three hundredths feet West of a point which is five hundred and sixty-one and thirteen- hundredths feet South of another monument marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station 'Chocomount 2" (whicli said "Chocomount 2" monument is located on the ��9FP60�'3 ��E304 i . summit of the highest hill on Fishers Island, N.Y. about two and one-quarter miles West of the Eastern end of Fishers Island and lies South seventy-nine degrees twenty-nine minutes and forty-six seconds East of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); and running thence, along the Northerly side of said road, North eighty-four degrees twelve minutes and twenty seconds West one hundred and sixty-three and ten-hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the right whose radius is five hundred and twenty-three and twenty-five hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North five degrees forty-seven minutes and forty seconds East; thence Westwardly, still along the Northerly side of said road (and following the arc of said curve), two hundred and forty and thirty-four hundredths feet to a stake; thence, still along the Northerly side of said road, North fifty-seven degrees fifty-three minutes and twenty seconds West one hundred and fifty-eight and seven-hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the right whose radius is ninety-one and fifty-hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point Is North thirty-two degrees six minutes and forty seconds East; thence Northeastwardly, still along the Northerly side of said road (and following the are of said curve), one hundred and twenty-nine and fifty-four hundredths feet to a stake set at the intersection of said road with the Southeasterly side of another road forty feet wide; thence Northeastwardly, along the Southeasterly side of said road (and following the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is one hundred and twenty-five and fourteen-hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South sixty-six degrees forty-s x minutes and twenty seconds East), one hundred and fifteen and seventy-three hundredths feet to a stake; thence, along the Southerly side of said road, North seventy-six degrees twelve minutes and fifty seconds East ninety-two and seventy- hundredths feet to a stake marking a point of curve to the right whose radius is six hundred and sixty-six and twenty- one hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South thirteen degrees forty-seven minutes and ten seconds East; thence Eastwardly, still along the Southerl side of said road (and following the are of said curve), one hundred and eighty-seven and forty-three hundredths feet to a stake; thence, still along the Southerly side of said road, South eighty-seven degrees and forty minutes East one hundred and sixty-two and thirty-four hundredths feet to a stake mark ing a point of curve to the left whose radius is two hundred and thirty-nine and forty-eight hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North two degrees and twenty minutes East; thence Eastwardly, still along the Southerly side of said road (and following the are of said curve), eighty and thirty-five hundredths feet to a stake; and thence South six degrees twenty-three minutes and thirty seconds West four hundred and ten and forty-hundredths feet to the place of beginning; containing four and thirty-two hundredths acres, more or less. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part in and to all easements, rights-of- way and rights and privileges whatsoever conveyed in and by said deed or appurtenant to the premises above described. BEING THE SAME PREMISES conveyed to said Walter Kuelper by deed made by Irving Wayland Bonbright, Jr., Eleanor B. Thatcher and Elizabeth M. Bonbrlght, dated PM e troee�$3 PAAM 26 _ January 12, 1949 and recorded in said Clerk's Office on February 11, 1949 in Liber 2921 of Deeds, pate 41 . THIRD PARCEL ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, conveyed by Charles Lockhart to the party of the first part for road purposes by deed dated October 4, 1955 and recorded in said Cle A:ls Office on October 7, 1955 in Liber 3990 of Deeds, pave 41, i being bounded and described, as follows; Beginning at a stone monument on the Southeasterly line of a roadway forty feet in width at the Northeasterly corner of land, now or formerly of Charles Lockhardt, said point being twenty-three hundred sixty-four and sixty-one hundredths feet North of a point which is twenty-two hundred forty-six and fifty-four hundredths feet East of another monument markin§ the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangu- lation Station EAST END 2" (which said "EAST END 2" monu- ment is located on the summit of the highest hill East of East Harbor on Fishers Island, N.Y. and lies South 00 degrees 54 minutes West of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island Sound); and thence running alone said road line South 32 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds West thirty and no hundredth feet; thence North 51 degrees 36 minutes East thirty-six and thirty-seven hundredths feet; and thence North 41 degrees 27 minutes 40 seconds West ten and no hundredths feet to the point of beginning; containing 0.004 acres, more or less. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, FOURTH PARCEL ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, conveyed by Onolee M. McDonell to the party of the first part for road purposes by deed dated September 24, 1955 and recorded in said Clerk's Office on October 7, 1955 in Liber 3990 of Deeds, page 3y, being bounded and described, as follows; Beginning at a stone monument on the Southeasterly line of a roadway forty feet in width at the Northwesterly corner of land, now or formerly of Onolee M. McDonell, said point being twenty-three hundred sixty-four and sixty-one hundredths feet North of a point which is twenty-two hundred forty-six and fifty-four hundredths feet East of another monument marking the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey TrlanEu- lation Station EAST END 2" (which said "EAST END 2" monu- ment is located on the summit of the highest hill East of Eas Harbor on Fishers Island, N.Y. and lies South 00 degrees 54 minutes West of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island Sound); and thence running along said road line North 32 degrees 09 i minutes 50 seconds East eight and eighty-two hundredths feet to a point of curve to the right whose radius is sixty-seven nd five hundredths feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is North 57 degrees "-0 minutes 10 seconds West; thence along said road line on the arc of said curve a distance of seventy-seven and thirty hHhgEedths feet_ .tn..�"o LI9fF��J e)l16 PACE 27 _ South 54 degrees 42 minutes East seventy-eight and ninety-one hundredths feet; and thence North 41 degrees 27 minutes 4O seconds West ten and no hundredths feet to the point of 'be,in ning; containing 0.017 acres, more or less. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and riLhts of the party of the first part in and to said premises. FIFTH PARCEL ALL those certain pieces or parcels of land situa Se lying and being at Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, conveyed by Alfred L. Ferguson and Marion B. Ferguson to the party of the first part by deed dated March 5, 1962 and recorded in said Clerk's Office on September 17, 1962 in Liter 5231 of Deeds, pare ;64 being bounded and described, as follows: PARCEL A Beginning at a drill hole in a boulder on the Northerly side of a road said drill hole being twelve hundred sixty and twenty-six hundredths feet South of a point which is twenty-five hundred sixty-five and eighty-two hundredths feet West of a monument marking the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "EAST END 2" (which said EAST END 2" is located on the summit of the highest hill East of East Harbor on Fishers Island, N.Y, and lies South 00 degrees 54 minutes West of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island Sound); and thence running North 17 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds West one hundred one and fifty-nine hundredths feet to a monument; thence North 29 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds East one hundred three and seventy-six hundredths feet; thence South 6 degrees 01 minute 00 seconds West one hundred eighty-seven and ninety-nine hundredths feet to the point of beginning; containing 0.09 acres, more or les PARCEL B Beginning at a monument on the Northeasterly line of land of Fishers Island Estates, Inc., said monument being ten hundred eighty-five and ninety-one hundredths feet South of a point which is twenty-seven hundred ninety-eight and ninety-three hundredths feet West of a monument marking the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station EAST END 2" (which said EAST END 2 ' is located on the summit of the highest hill East of East Harbor on Fishers Island, N.Y. and lies South 00 degrees 54 minutes West of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island Sound); and thence running North 24 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds West thirty-two and fifty-six hundredths feet; thence South 39 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds East one hundred twenty-nine an thirty-four hundredths feet; thence North 44 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds West ninety-eight and two tenths feet to the point of beginning; containing 0.01 acres, more or less. TOGETHER with, in respect of each such parcel, the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. SIXTH PARCEL The easements, rights-of-way and rights and privi- leges whatsoever granted to the party of the first part by the indenture, dated July 24, 1962, made between Alfred L. Ferguson, Marion B. Ferguson, Fishers Island Estates, Inc. and Fishers Island Development Corp. as the party of the ; first part thereto and Alfred L. Ferguson, Marion B. Ferguson Fishers Island Estates, Inc. and Fishers Island Development Corp., as the party of the second part thereto, which indent- ure was recorded in said Clerk's Office on September 17, 1962 in Liber 5231 of Deeds, page 559, the land affected thereby being at Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, and being a twenty foot roadway extending Northwesterly from the Northerly line or side of a private road owned by Fishers Island Estates, Inc. and common ly known as East End Road, the center line of said twenty foot roadway being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line or side of a private road situate on Fishers Island, Town of Southold County of Suffolk and State of New York, said point being twelve hundred sixty and twenty-four hundredths feet South of a point which is twenty-slx hundred five and twenty-two hundredths feet West of a monument marking the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "EAST END 2" (which said "EAST END 2" is located on the summit of the highest hill East of East Harbor on Fishers Island, N.Y. and lies South 00 degrees 54 minutes West of Latimer Reef Light in Fishers Island Sound); and thence running North 46 degrees 09 minutes East one hundred ninety-two and ninety-nine hundredths feet; thence North 41 degrees 45 minutes West eighty-nine and thirty-four hundredths feet; thence North 29 degrees 23 minutes West ninety-six and sixty-nine hundredt s feet; thence North 34 degrees 49 minutes West seventy-nine and twelve hundredths feet; thence North 24 degrees 20 minute West sixty-one and ninety-seven hundredths feet and thence North 18 degrees 34 minutes West one hundred seventy-nine and thirty-one hundredths feet. SEVENTH PARCEL All easements, rights, interests and privileges whatsoever which the party of the first part has or may have in certain lands situate and being in that portion of Fisher Island in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of Ike Yore:, lying Easterly of the line described under the first tract of First Parcel, which lands are particularly described in the followin deeds made by the party of the second part to purchasers, to which the party of the first part has consented in a writing sub-joined to said deeds, and all rights and interests created by the covenants and res'tvictiens contained in said deeds, said deeds being as follows: 1. Deed dated July 22,Office 1965 made to Lucille P. Bolcom, recorded in the Oice of the Clerk of Suffol;: County on August 4, 196j in Liber 5793 of Deeds, page 1 2, 2. Deed dated December 21, 1965 made to Joan 3ryan G:_tcs, recorded in said Clerk's Office on December 24 , 19ol, in Liber 5884 of Deeds, page 24 LIBER{I110F3 WO a if f 29 _ 3, Deed dated January 31, 1966 made to J.HerbcF•t i Ogdenrecorded in said Clerk's Office on February l4, 1966 n Liber 5911of Deeds, page 484 EIGHTH PARCEL All the right, title and interest of the party sof the first part of any and every nature whatsoever in and to all lands situate and being in the portion of rishers Island in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, lying Easterly of the line described under the first tract of First Parcel, excepting only as hereinbefore mentioned, it being intended hereby that the party of the second part shall acquire hereby all property and all estate, and interests in property owned by the party of the first ,part and shall succeed to and become the successor in ' interest and assignee of all such property, estates and jlnterests and of Fishers Island Corporation and Fishers ": Island Estates, Inc., in respect of all rights and interests created by the covenants and restrictions contained in seeds 'imade by Fishers Island Corporation and Fishers Island ( Estates, Inc. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises and the inter- ests, estates and rights herein Granted unto the trantee, , FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, its successors and assigns forever. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the pa:,ty ! of the first part will receive the consideration for this epnveyance and will hold the right to receive such consider- lation as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the sa, e first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before 'Musing any part 0 the total of the same for any other pu�pocc This conveyance is made with the consent of the holders of record of not less than two-thirds of the out- standing shares of capital stock of the party of the firot part entitled to vote thereon, given at a meetin,- Ealy called and held for such purpose and has beer. duly author zed by the Board of Directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first fart has duly executed this deed the day and year fin t above written. FISHERSISLAND ESTATES, INC. ATTEST: By res er.t ss s -an Secretary