HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5162 P 326 p09.1�L•r�r.mr—e..e•:,.a COItlILi Ypla MWYN NION I ■ImMa nes N�_risf MiNMM sw a N NN OILY.U. \' \ THIS INDENMM mule the 5th day of May nineteen hundred and sixty-two- as BETWEEN CHARLES F. BADER and ANNA C. BAUBR, his wife, both residing n at Best Marion, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N^-.v York, � o e, �o 4 party of the fiat part,and ROGER V. TABOR and LYNDA J. TABOR, his wife, both residing at Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, party of he second part. WITNESSETH,that the,ren,of the firs Ian.in e..o.ideratloo of - _ _ One ($1.00) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ dolmrs. m„,hd ntone, ,f me C',dced srte.and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the smood part,docs herein grant and n1m,,n.to the pan,of rhe xmnd part tlu,heir,nr mtnw„..(I assigns of the part,of the second part I.....r. ALL that cenam plot,piece or parcel of hutd, pith the huildiags and iwpmcetnmtts there,. carted. slwme, I%l ogand being WOM at Brown's Hills Rsta to s, Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of a 33 foot private road known as "South View Drive” 100 feet westerly along said line from the land conveyed by N. Alfred Luce and Joseph M. Rose to Walter Kluge by deed dated September 16 1948 and filed in the Suffolk Co;my Clerk's office on October 4 1948 in Liber 2879 of Deeds at page 517; running thence along other land now or formerly of N. Alfred Luce and , Joseph M. rose S. 410 49' 30" E. - 158.73 feet; thence along land of jJohn B. Droskoski, two courses, as follows: (1) S. 550 33' 10" 'N. - 62.45 feet; thence (2) S. 600 48' 00" W. - 37.55 feet; thence along ot�er land now or formerly of N. Alfred Luce and Joseph M. Rose N. 41 21' 50t' W. - 163.66 feet to the southerly line of said 33 foot private road; thence along the southerly line of said private road, two courses as follows:- (1) N. 600 50' 001t E. 90.87 feet; thence (2) N. 560 <;0' 00" E. - 9.13 feet to the point of beginning. Together with the right to use, in common with ethers, solely for recreational and not for commercial purposes, the following described parcel of land:- beginning at a po, nt on the northerly line of North View Drive where the same is intersected by the easterly line of other premises of N. Alfred Luce and Joseph M. Rose (and being the south- easterly corner of said premises), and running thence N. 190 30' W. j about 230f get along the easterly line of said other adjacent premises to the ordinary high water mark of long Island Sound, running thence '. easterly along the !.igh water mark of Long Island So-.md a distance of abo t 60 feet to the northwesterly corner of land heretofore conveyed by N. Alfred Luce and Joseph M. Bose to Winning, and now of Magor; running thence along said land of Magor S. 190 30' E. about 230 feet Ito the nort,erlc line of North View Drive; running thence westerly I' along saidnortherly line of North View Drive on a curve to the ].eft having a radius of 236,52 feet, a distance of 60 feet to the point or blase of beginning. Together, also, with the ri€ht, in common with others, to pass l and repass over the roads, streets and avenues of Brown's Hills Estates, Inc., as described (as Parcel I) in a deed from N. Alfred Luce and Josepi M. Hose to Brown's Hills Estates, Inc„ dated Ju'_y 5, 1955 and !' recorded in the Suffol$ County Clerk's officein Liberw516Z Pa327 et •page 165 on the 7th day of July, 1955. 3923 of Deeds Subject, however, to the followings 0 The rights oP the owners of all other lots aeretofore or sub- sequently sold by N. Alfred Luce and Joseph M. Rose out of thelareer Parcel owned by them of which the premises hereinbefore described are a pert, to pass and repass over the land lying in the bed of any street - road or avenue in front of and adjoining 'the premises hereby con,:eyed; +. and -the rights of Brown's Hills Estate; Inc., and others to the use of aseBr 's said ownstreets, HillsEstates, and avenues otherthroughout common lands ethereinnt known including the land hereinabove described the right to the use of which solely fol recreational purposes the parties of the second part are given; and to the rights of public utilities to ley and maintain pipes, conduits', poles, wires, etc,, in, over and across the said streets, roads or avenues, as said rights are more particularly granted and set forth in any recorded easement agreements between N. Alfred Luce and Joseph M. Rose and the Long Island Lighting Company or the New York Telephone Company, and Subject,, further, to- all restrict_ons, reservati-ns, conditions covenants of record, and especially those contained in a certain agreement dated December 14, 1955 between N. Alfred Luce and Joseph M. Rose, and others and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office in Liber 4064 of Deeds at page 32, BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the parties Of the first part by N. Alfred Luce and Joseph M. Rose by deed dated June 15th, 1956 and recorded in the Suffoij: County Clerk's office on July 6th, 1956 in Liber 4139 of deeds zt page 23. SUBJECT to zoning ordinances and regulations of the Town of Southol, Suffolk County, New York.