HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5105 P 475 _e.:� � A75a PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH uaFR5105 Madethe twenty-ninth day of December nineteen hundred ' and Si Xty-one ' �ettntell ''JAYLAND C. BROWN, as surviving tenant by the entirety, a residing at East Marion, New York, • u 0 M a3 Party of the first part, and JEAN SCHNEIDER, residing at 72 l''!illow Street, Brooklyn, New York, Ipart y of the second part, itnegget(, that the part y of the first part,in consideration of - - - - - - - - - - - - - One ($1.00) - - - - - - - - - - - - -Dollars. lawful money of the United States, and other good and Valuable consideration paid by the an y of the second part do as hereby grant and release unto the part y of the second part, f her heirs and assigns forever, 21U that farm or parcels of land, situate at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, described as followst FIRST FARCELs BEGINNI14G at the northeasterly corner of the premises hereby con- veyed, at a point on the southerly side of Main Road, at the northwester y corner of land of ValUlls; running thence South twenty-eight degrees llv minutes forty seconds East (S. 28 51 40" E.) along said land of Valulis One Hundred Thirty-three feet and thirty-five one-hundredths of a foot (133.35); thence North fifty-seven degrees forty-eight minutes ten seconds East (N. 570 481 10" E.) along said land of Va lulls, land of W. King, and land of C. T. Brooks, Two Hundred Ninety-six feet and seventy- two one hundredths of a foot (296.72); thence South twenty-seven degrees thirty-eight minutes twenty seconds East (S. 270 38' 20" E.) along land of C. T. Brooks! One Hundred forty-six feet and thirty one-hundredths if a foot (146,30 to land of G. Arnold) thence South twenty-seven degree twenty-one minutes twenty seconds East (S. 270 211 20" E.) along land of G. Arnold and along other land now or formerly of Gardners Bay Company, Inc., Seven hundred Fifty-three feet and ninety ane-hundredths of a (753.90); thence Sogtth sixty-four degrees twenty-three minutes twentyPo of seconds West (S. 64 23 2011 W.) along other land now or formerly of Gardners Bay Company, Inc. and land heretofore conveyed to James W. Kent and Jean Schneider, Three hundred Eighty-eight feet and thirty-three one-hundredths of a foot (388.33); thence South twenty-five degrees thirty-six minutes forty seconds East (S. 250 361 40" E.), One Hundred Fifty feet (150); thence North sixty-four degrees twenty-three minutes twenty seconds East (N. 640 231 20e E.), Ninety Peet (90), both said last courses and distances being along land of said Kent and Schneider; thpnee South twenty-six degrees fifty-ore minutes East (S. 260 511 E.), u;es7li�J gi476 along other land now or formerly of Gardners Bay Company, Inc, Three "a red Sixty-nine feet and thirty one-hundredths of a foot (3x9,30)• thence South sixty-four degrees five minutes fifty seconds Viest (S. 140 still along other land now or formerl, of Gardners Bay Comps y, Inc., Four Hundred Eighteen Peet and eighty-eight am-hundredths of a Y� foot (418,88) to the easterly line of the right of way hereinafter re_ ferred to and known as "Cedar Lane"- thence North twenty-five degrees sixteen minutes twenty seconds West (N. 250 16' ,20" W,) Four Hundred Six feet and forty-eight ane-hundredths of a foot (406%"Y thence Nort twenty-six degrees five minutes thirty seconds West (N. 268 5' 30" W.), Seven Hundred Forty-three feet and seventyone-hundredths of a foot (743.70)- thence North .sixty degrees m rty minutes thirty seconds East (N. 60 40' 30" E.). Three hundred Sixteen feet and thirty-eight one. hundredths of a foot (316.38)• thence North twenty-six degrees ten minutes ten seconds West (N. J60 10' 10" R',), Three Hundred Thirty-five Peet and ten one-hundredths of a foot (335.10) to the southerly side of Main Road, the last four courses and distances being along the said right of way known as Cedar Lane as it tum s- and thence North fifty- two degrees fifty-five minutes thirty seconds East .(N. 520 55' 30" E.) along the southern side of Main Road, Seventy-three feet and thirty- nine one-hundredths of a foot (73.39) to the point of beginning. Said Parcel containing Seventeen and one hundred seventy-nine thousands acres (17.179), according to a survey made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Licensed Surve-,or, Greenport, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1941• TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to that part of Main Road lying im- mediately in front of and adjacent to said premises to the centre line thereof, SEG:i-Z FA110EL: 1'.LGINNING at the northwesterly corner of the promises hereby con- veyed at the point where the southwesterly corner of land of W. P. Merrill meets the easterl;- line of land of J. Czerepowicz- and running thence North fifty-nine degrees thirty-two minutes thirty seconds East (N. 590 32' 30" E.) along land of said Merrill and of I. M. Rogers, One Hundred thirty-nine feet and seventy-three one-hundredths of afoot (139.73) to the westerly side of the right of way called Cedar Lane, hereinafter referred to; thence South twenty-six degrees five minutes thirty seconds East (S. 260 5' 30" E.)7 Four Hundred Thirty-one feet and thirty-one one-hundredths of a foot (431.31) along the westerly line of said right of way- thence South sixty-nine degrees twenty-five minutes forty seconds Wes (S. 690 25' 40" Y'.) , One Hundred Thirty- eight feet and seventy-nine one-hundredths of a foot (138.79)3•3 thence North twenty-six degrees fifteen minutes twenty seconds 'West lN. 260 15' 20" W.), Four Hundred Seven feet and thirty-four one-hundredths of a foot (407.34) to the point of beginning, the last two courses and distances being along land of said J. Czerepowicz, containing within said bounds, according to said survey, One and three hundred thirty- five thousandths acres (1.335) . TOGETHER with all rights of way and easements over the strip of land known as Cedar Lane, and subject to all covenants, restrictions and obligations as more fully set forth in deed to Wayland C. Brown and Bertha K. Brown dated the 30th day of March 1942, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County in Liber 2225 of Conveyances page 270. THE first parcel being conveyed subject to the right of way granted to James W. Kent and Joan Schneider in a certain deed dated December 3rd, 1937,,,ecorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 1965 of D'-eds, at Page 12, on January 19th, 1938. TOLE"HER with the appurtenanoes and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said promises. LEING AND INTENDLD TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part and Bertha K. Brown, deceased, by Gardiner's Bay Company, Inc., by deed dated March 30th, 1942 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 30th, 1942 in Liber 2225 at page 270• SUBJECT to zoning regulations and ordinances of the Town of Southol Suffolk County, New York. e