HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5450 P 368 ~\ I .. l .. ,': I .... S<.ndud N.T.II. T.U.For..lOO7o ]..6J..2OM_&rpIa 1OId,. o.l. wid. c..-.-....... GI_", .v-looliridul. c..-....... U. S. I. R. S. h..I1.,J'~N_ CONIUL1' 'RIUR LA..,....... _ "'.-.w .--,_.... _I .---r........... no LA..,.. _Y. 005450 PAG/368 nos INDEN'IlJRE, made the ~1'-ot. cia, of Sept..ber . Diadem hundred aad dxt:y- three ~I~ HAROLD c. MOORE~ r..ldlnc at Stat. Unlvlr.lt, Mariti.. Colle.o, Fort Son1l71er __ York 6S, II. Y., CllRI~OPBBR C. MCORII, residing 8t 607 Vluxhail Street Wat.ttord, Conneoticutl JUR!'B.& TUTHILL, residing at 153 porterlle1d Plaoe, Pr..port, .e. York, and T. C'RL MOORE, residing at Greenport, .e. York - being all of the distribute.. of Tbo..' ~. Moore, d.o....d, ~'... " portyof "" lint part. on<! WALTER ROBINSOII ond M'RG'RIIT ROBINSOII, nio wife, both residing at 19 Delaware Avenue, Pre.port, New York, party of the second part, WfThE'SSETH, that the party of the first part, in oon5ideration of Six tnoullnd eigbt hundred soventy Uve ($6,87S.CO) _ _ _ - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - dol.... lawful money of the Unitm States, "ad by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the ,party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in ~ East Marion, Town at SouthaM, Count:y of Suftolk lUld State of New York, bounded and described as tollows. BEGINNING at a point on the southerll 11ne at a pri~te road leading easterly troll Bay A.venue, l6S.0 teet ealter1.7 alon.. .a1d southerly line troll the easterly 11ne of ~y ,venue, s.1d point at beginning being the northeasterly corner ot land convwy.. by tbe parties at the fir.t part to Pohlill trom .a1d point ot bellADl1i running along s81d southerly 11ne ot aald prl.ate road, J. ~u '3' SO" B. - 37.37 teet to an iron p1pe and land of the Laura Moore Estate; thence along a.id land at Laura Moore BatataJ s. 430 19' ltO. E. _ 180 teet, more or le", to the Ihora at .Ition Lake, tbenee louthwesterly aloDg laid shore at Marion Lake, 60 taet, aore or 1..., to Imd or Rosb; tnenee slong ssid lond ot RUb, II. "30 19' "<)" W. 80 teet, more or1e.l, to Illd land aOIl.eled to Pohl1., tbelloe 11_. sald land of Pob1i., 3 cour.'"t .. followl' (1) II. ..60 16' 10" E. - 2't .17 reot, ttlenoe (~) II. GO 3S' CO. S. - lS.7~ feet; tnenoe (3) II. SOo 08' 10. W. - 9S.38 teet to tne point at be.1mlil1l1.