HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5448 P 558 \ , .,'; ~ -.. : ~ 'I, . . M - -:: - , ~ , . . ~ - , .. . JUI..ue .L~...u..INC.. LAW .LA." I"UU_'''' I IICI...CH.....O:P..."....... ~ .........., u.s,I.R.s.,jH?,;!C1.....- . tEbt~ 3Jnbenturt~''''''1 . Made the ,nd 2V14 sixty-three day 01 October mnetun hundred \ Jiinuetn VICTOR EHRE and ALLISON DeWOLFE EHRE, his wife, residing \1 at 73 Wil!owbrook Drive, Wil1iamsville, New York, as tenants by the I: entirety, pan ies 01 the firat part. II I and PETER P. ROCCHIO and ANGELINA M. ROCCHIO, his wife. residing at 38 Long Drive, Hempstead, Long Island. New York, as tenants by the entirety. parties 0/ the Sftond part, lIlitntl'Sdl), that the part ies of the lint part, in cOlUideration 01 Ten and 00/100-- ($10.00)--------------------------------------------------------- Dollars. lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable considerations paid by the part ies 01 fhf! second part do herf!by grBnt and release unto the part ieso/ tbe second part, I ':1 Ii' their heirs and a_,1U lorev.r, mI that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the north- westerly line of King Street, also known as "Hog Pond Road", at the easterly corner of land conveyed by the party of the first part to Jaconetti, running thence along said land of Jaconetti, N.40 deg. 28' w. -185.25 feet, thence along other land of said party of the first part, N. 49 deg. 32' E. 99.80 feet, thence along land conveyed by said party of the first part to Nagey, S. 40 deg. 28' E.-178.85 feet to said northwest- erly line of King Street, thence along said northwesterly line of King Street, S. 45 deg. 52' W.-IOO.O feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with a right of way over a strip of land ten (10) feet in width at its northeasterly end where it adjoins Harbor Road, and runn- ing about two hundred ten (210) feet southwesterly to a width of fifty (50) feet where it adjoins orient Bay, said right of way beginninq two hundred thirty-six (236) feet northwesterly along sa'id Harbor Road, '. from the northwesterly line of King Street. This conveyance is subject to the following restrictions which run with the 1and:- 1_ 1. ,>.' tIor .-re _' ene o be in "gee.. ~~ a. 2tl -', . No dvaJ;;t~n~ .hali;' ':be erected on any plot. the cost of reproduction of wbiQb .~ll be le88 than $7,500.00 or in any event cost of repro- duction shall be not le.8 than a cost equal in proportion, based on pric.. of materials and labor as they existed on August 15th 1950 or plans and specifications may be submitted for approval to James F. Dougla_. developer and or his agent. 005448 u559 dwelling _hall be erected on any plot and shall not .one family dwelling. 3. No building shall be constructed within thirty (30) feet of the 'property line on Barbor Road, or within 25 Feet of the property line on Douglass Street, Hog' Pond Road, or King Street. 4~,::_.JiUudinq shall be constructed within ten (10) feet of any property line o~r than r,ferred to above on any plot with frontage on Harbor Road and.Within twenty (20) feet of any property boundary line other ~apr.viOU.ly mentioned on any p~ot, including the north bOUndary line of tJ;1o-e plots located at the north side of Harbor Road. '. 5. Garage may be part of the dwelling structure or may be separate .. ~..tUcture with not more than two room. above. 6. No building ahall_be completed on the exterior with other than new materials exclusive of paint. i ! I I , bUSinesi 7. No fowl anq/or animals other than the usual type of household pets are to be kept on any plot. 8. There is to be no manufacturing or sale of merchandise and no of any nature is to be carried on. 9. There shall be no asylwn, hospital or boarding house. 10. ~e shall be no board fences or fences or hedges higher than thirty- six (36) inches. 11. There 'must be no polution of the water table. 12. There shall be no outside toilets of any nature. The premises described herein are part of the same premises conveyed by James F. Douglass and Lillian J. Douglass to Victor Ehre and Allison De~&e Ehre by Deed dated Setpember 25th, 1954 recorded in Suffolk Count~ Clerk's offic~ 9.0 September 27th, 1954 in Liber 3764 ot Deeds at Page 216.