HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5420 P 352 ~:rF~:<~__ "' ... ~. U8[~,54.20 pr:,~r(l=;') .~_d N.Y.Il.T.U. h"" 8IIoi:"'ii_51~llal"qal"<JDds.:.l_n_wlIloC""_~Q",,,lo>r'."olO_ladIridualorCOll'o"'~""-l.inqJ_oIhMt) ----= COKSULT YOUR U\VYER scrORE SIGNING THIS INlITBUMENT-THI9 Imml.UMENT SHOULD BE usm flY UWYERS ONLY. o. 'N R S J;.;l,...l,..Q.....~ THIS INDENTURE. made Ihe20th day ofSeptember . nineteen hundred and 8ixty-three, BET~NCostas Stars, residing at East Marion, New York, party o! the first part, and Miohael D. Noaika. and Anna BO.1:II:08, his wife, both residing at 30-14 - 46th Street, A8toria, Bew York, c \j) " "'" ,~ party of the second part. WITNESSETH. that the party of fhe first part. In consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable oem- sideration paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of tb8 second part, the heirs or successors cmd asslqns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. w1th the b.dldSn9s and improvemenlB thereon erected. situate,lyinqandbeinqlOtB at Eaat Karion, Town of Southo1d, OOUDty of Suffolk and State of New York, known and de8ignated as aDd by lot number 4 on a certain map entitled, ~Map of Stars Kanor-, whioh 8aid aap W8S filed in the offioe of the Clerk of Suffolk County Septe.ber 19th, 1963, 88 and by tile number 3864. TOGETHER with a right ot way over the extension northerly aDd then weeterly of Stare Road trom the northerly portion thereat as .hOWD on 8aid aap to Cedar Drive. TOGETHER with a right of way over a 50 foot private road froa the eaeterly end ot Aquaview A.enue, easterly about 3'4 teet to the ea8terly boundary ot land now or toraerly of Stare. A1eo with a right of way 35 feet wide fro. said 50 foot private road eoutherly, about 275 teet to Star8 Road. Also with the right to use, in co..on with others, 8 strip of land 40 feet in width, the we.terly liDe of whioh 1. the eaeterl,. boundary at land tor.er1y ot Lens and which runs fro. the north- erly line ot sa1d 50 foot private road northerl,., about 275 teet to Long IslaDd Bound. Aleo with the r1ght to use, in comaon with others. a parc.l at beaoh about 40 teet by 90 teet l,.ing eaeterly fro. the above d..or1bed 40 foot right ot way. SUBJECf to any etate ot faots an aoourate surve,. aight ehow, and to covenanta, restriotiona, eae.aente, agreeaent., re.erT.tioDe, and zoning regulations ot reoord, it aDJ. . SUBJEOT to the tollowing restriotion: no dwelliAg hou. ereoted on the pre.i... herein oonv.,.ed aball oost le.. than '10,000. TOGETHER with all right. title and Interest. U any, of the party of the first part 01. fa. cmd b aDJ' atreelB and roads abutunq the abov&-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGE'J'HfR 1riIl the appurtenances and all the estate and rlqhts of the first part in and to said pnmieee; TO HA. VB AND TO HOLD the premises herein IJTCllIed unto the party of the second. part. the hetra ClI' ...,. cessors and asslqns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first pari cxwenants that the party of the first part bOIl not done ClI' - ".i:! ~ tbinq whereby the said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, 8IDIpI: CIa AND the party of the first part, In compllance with Section 13 of the lJen Law. ~. tbcd tbe party of the flnt part will receive the consideration for th1s conveyance and wiD. held. .. D;bt b receive such CXlIlBlderatlon as a trust fund to be appllecl first for the pUI]XlM of partDq .. coM of .. Improvement and will apply the 8CII11e first to the payment of the CXllSt of the tzn..,.oiw t..... UIIDg any part of the total of the same Jcr any other pwpoee. The wonI"-'-' obaI1bo"""""""",,,,U""'" "_" _tbo_aliblo_ "'.......... '" W1TIIIII8 w.....ot', ... -'" al .... .... _ baa duly ....led .... _ .. doF .... ... _ first cmov. wrltI8D. t:::J:;L- hr --.. Dr. ~~ .. ...l,o.. of' .... 1ar. "