HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5415 P 166 _~_.__."<..~=--=~j",dn'~] oic:;;;:"-o~at;o". .;rt~'" .h_1 COlfSULT YOUR LAWYD BEFORE SlGlfINC:; nHS i:mTIlU;J!EN"T~~ rN'S73UMENT 5HOUL.;l liE USI::lllY LAWYUlS::;NL.:. _5415 p<Gft6fJ "- :d THIS INDENTURE. mac.e '1-:8- II Jf ~_'_-. .JJ.lJJJ.lJ..JJ.lJ.I...H.IJ.I 131-20 _ 14th Avenue, College Point 56, ~ew pari, c:i the ::rst ;;art. c:;:-;c Edward Ilo.blech and Viola dc:-: ~---' -f'J--.- BETWEEN Edward Iloablech, ,. i sixty-three. residing at York, ~o8blech, his wife, both residing at 131-20 - 14th Avenue, College Point 56, New York, par.y cl Q1e sec:or'd p~, WITNESSETH. thai the pClrty d t~e 'Tsl ;:c::r' ::-. si,i"rr:~ion rr::d by the v;;r!y of ._~ secor.d pert, tl~e heIrs or success"':; ::lllG ::::,.. J:5 D1 J:e ::;;r.;:! ~~_r.- :,"":"rc.I _.: ;:r:r: :UdVdf, ~at~:l~~~~~~d ~:~g :~~:h~r f:j;:"11 ec:i ;~l o~ii; t ~llil~~.~ ':~1 ~[~~th~11 :(-C~~ty' of Smftolk and stat. at New York, bounded and described as tallows: BEGIDDlG at a point on the l!Iautheasterly line ot Dougla.. Street, 200 ~eet eouthwesterly along said south.asterly line tram King Street; tz.. said peiDt of beginniDC running along land of Doug1as., south 40-28' ea.~, 175 ~ee~ to land of Kagey; thence aloae ..i4 land o~ Kagey, and along land ot Ihre, south 49-32' we.~, 100 feet ~o land of Johnson; thenoe along 8aid land o~ IObB.ea, ao~. 40-28' we.~, 175 teet to 8a1d 8outhe..terly line of Dvagl... St~..t; thence alaae .aid southeaaterly line, north 4g-J2' .aat, 100 ~eet to the po1at or place o~ h8c1nD1ng. !OGBfBIR w1~h a right ot way over a strip of land 10 teet in wld~h a~ l~. a~heae~er~ end where it adjaln. Barbor Road, and rwDD~ a_oat 210 feet .aath...terl7 to a width of 50 teet where t t -" . OrleDt Ba,.; _14 right of wllJ begiD:aiDg 23b ~eet Dor~erl1 alone the .oat~e.terl1 liDe at .aid Harbor Road tro. the .art~..terl1 liD. of King Stre.t. DUG ... atlllldad to It. the .... pr.u.e. oOJIYeyed to the party ot tile firat part b7 daft .... 'bJ .l~ 1'. Dollgl... 4a"t.d Jul;J 19, 1~', recarded a 11bu 5'85 ot aOIlY.JaDoe., page 144, on .llll7 24, 1"', 1Jt tll8 Suffolk aOlUlt:7 ol.rk' 8 aftice. SOBJBC'! t:a 8a7 .ut. ot tact. aD acCurat. BUrYey a1g.b.~ show ad to GaY....,., r.a~1Gt1ea., ......:at., agr....nt., reserTat1on8, IIIlll ...iDe r.cuJ.at1.. oZ reo.rd, it 8.D.7. . TOGETHER wtth all riQht. title and Interest, If any, of the party of the flnrt part of, in and to any .nets and mads abuttinq the above-deec:ribed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETh1':R with .. ~ and all the 8IJtote and rights of the first part in and to said pT9mises; TO HA'IE AND TO IfCIU) tt. ~ h..enJtn qn:mted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or sue- maonI and aBBigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the flmt: part covenants that the party 01 the first part has not done or suffered any" tbmq ~ the aaid. ~ hc::rw been encumbIred in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. .IHD .. IiJCIdr ot the fhl part. III ~"-- with Section 13 of the Lten Law. coveno:nts that the -..~ "~......_...... .~. .__...., _ -L.. .__"____.._ - -- --------